• Re: Usenet

    From Havok@VERT/ANARCHY to MRO on Sun Feb 12 19:45:17 2023
    Re: Re: Usenet
    By: MRO to Havok on Wed Feb 01 2023 09:20 am

    no i mean we never change how we do things. we are always separate in our little fishbowls. we never came together and that's probably part of the reason the internet took over so quickly and caused such harm to bbses.

    Oh I agree, but I do not miss the slow speeds of a modem from back in the
    day but I do miss the people. I remember rushing home to see how many
    people logged on so far that day. Even then I think in 92 I had two message
    networks lots of doors and they were played a lot by people that on one of
    the two 9200 to 14400 modems, the first one being 9200.

    But I guess you live with what you had and what you got now.

    Thanks for the reply!


    þ Synchronet þ Anarchy BBS - The Villages,FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Havok on Mon Feb 13 17:48:29 2023
    Re: Re: Usenet
    By: Havok to MRO on Sun Feb 12 2023 07:45 pm

    people logged on so far that day. Even then I think in 92 I had two message
    networks lots of doors and they were played a lot by people that on one of
    the two 9200 to 14400 modems, the first one being 9200.

    But I guess you live with what you had and what you got now.

    well those days are gone and you can't even compare the 2.
    what we are doing is not the same thing. There's people saying that now it's booming and things are great. that just goes to show you how delusional people can be. recently i switched my bbs to private. i'll open it back up when we have users again.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Gamgee@VERT/PALANT to MRO on Mon Feb 13 20:46:00 2023
    MRO wrote to Havok <=-

    people logged on so far that day. Even then I think in 92 I had two message
    networks lots of doors and they were played a lot by people that on one of
    the two 9200 to 14400 modems, the first one being 9200.

    well those days are gone and you can't even compare the 2.
    what we are doing is not the same thing. There's people saying
    that now it's booming and things are great. that just goes to
    show you how delusional people can be. recently i switched my bbs
    to private. i'll open it back up when we have users again.

    Ummmm.... quick question.

    How will you get users again when .... your BBS is private?

    LOL, you can't make this kind of clown show up!

    ... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Gamgee on Mon Feb 13 21:20:18 2023
    Re: Re: Usenet
    By: Gamgee to MRO on Mon Feb 13 2023 08:46 pm

    to private. i'll open it back up when we have users again.

    Ummmm.... quick question.

    How will you get users again when .... your BBS is private?

    LOL, you can't make this kind of clown show up!

    I think my brain is broken.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Havok@VERT/ANARCHY to MRO on Tue Feb 14 06:38:15 2023
    Re: Re: Usenet
    By: MRO to Havok on Mon Feb 13 2023 05:48 pm

    well those days are gone and you can't even compare the 2.
    what we are doing is not the same thing. There's people saying that now it's booming and things are great. that just goes to show you how delusional people can be. recently i switched my bbs to private. i'll open it back up when we have users again.

    Sad to say your right on the topic points.

    But it is still hard for me to understand why, I guess being the Internet
    you can surf all over and never throw a name in like you do with a bulletin
    board. I have to laugh though being if the Internet ever went down and a
    sysop has a modem or modem bank then things would look much different.

    But being it is a hobby I'll just live with what we have, still the good
    old days shine bright in my mind.


    þ Synchronet þ Anarchy BBS - The Villages,FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Havok on Tue Feb 14 07:48:00 2023
    Re: Re: Usenet
    By: Havok to MRO on Tue Feb 14 2023 06:38 am

    you can surf all over and never throw a name in like you do with a bulletin
    board. I have to laugh though being if the Internet ever went down and a
    sysop has a modem or modem bank then things would look much different.

    well a lot of phones are now voip. i'm with spectrum aka charter and it's all voip.

    if the internet went down we wouldn't have anything.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Havok@VERT/ANARCHY to MRO on Tue Feb 14 13:31:07 2023
    Re: Re: Usenet
    By: MRO to Havok on Tue Feb 14 2023 07:48 am

    well a lot of phones are now voip. i'm with spectrum aka charter and it's all voip.

    Where I'm one day going to move to I would be it is not, but also I have
    been reading their are ways aorund that also. But it is true talk about

    I remember about 5 years ago when they did the big 1 gig rollout I did
    a search on Japan rolling out 5 gig for 49.00 a month while here it was
    rolling out 1 gig for some where around 79 to 99.00 a month talk about


    þ Synchronet þ Anarchy BBS - The Villages,FL