• Another one up for grabs...

    From Atreyu@1:229/426 to All on Tue May 21 18:50:00 2024
    Tandy 2500SX/33.

    - 386SX/16 with upgraded maximum 10mb Ram and 80387 coprocessor.
    - Upgraded and calibrated 3.5" and 5.25" high density floppy drives.
    - Upgraded Fujitsu 1.6gb IDE hard drive with Ontrack Disk manager installed.
    - Upgraded Trident 8900C video card with 1mb VRam.
    - 3Com 509B 10mbps network card with standard 10Base-T, 2 and AUI connectors.
    - Rockwell 28.8kbps internal modem.
    - Tandy 3-voice DAC audio chip.
    - Windows 95B installed with a few games, Telix, 3Com utilities etc.
    - New CMOS battery.

    System was tested, both floppy drives read/write perfectly, hard drive
    has no bad sectors. Talks to my NAS, dialup modem connects to Darkrealms with Telix, specs should run DOS 5/6, Windows 3.x, 95, OS/2 Warp Connect... May
    run older Linux distros?

    The power button on the case needs adjustment, apparently a common problem with the case... which could use a minor cleanup.

    This was a very popular Tandy model just before they got sold out to AST.

    Asking $500CDN.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)