• 2024 FTSC Standing Member Election - Time Frame

    From Andrew Leary@1:320/219 to All on Sun Feb 18 00:59:34 2024
    * Originally in Z1_SYSOP
    * Crossposted in Z1C
    * Crossposted in Z1REGCON
    * Crossposted in R16ADMIN

    2024 FTSC standing member election, time frame

    Submission of nominations:
    Sunday, 11 Feb 2024, 20:00 UTC - Sunday, 03 Mar 2024, 20:00 UTC

    Acceptance of nominations by candidates:
    Right after nomination - Sunday, 10 Mar 2024, 20:00 UTC

    Candidates MUST accept by posting a message in FTSC_PUBLIC in order
    to qualify, with the exception of self nominees. The message must
    originate from a node number that has the candidate listed as SysOp
    in NODELIST.040 as issued by the candidate's ZC.

    Candidates MAY campaign in FTSC_PUBLIC right after accepting their
    nomination. Everyone may challenge the candidates.

    Submission of votes:
    Sunday, 10 Mar 2024, 20:00 UTC - Sunday, 31 Mar 2024, 20:00 UTC

    Contesting of votes:
    Sunday, 31 Mar 2024, 20:00 UTC - Sunday, 07 Apr 2024, 20:00 UTC

    If no contest: installation of new members:
    Monday 08 Apr 2024.

    Andrew Leary
    FTSC Election Coordinator

    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20230826
    * Origin: Phoenix BBS * phoenix.bnbbbs.net (1:320/219)