• From 840 221/6SD«»XP@3:712/1321 to All on Fri Mar 22 20:50:10 2024
    559@REPLY: <smb_getmsgidx msg 602 not found>@PID: Synchronet 3.19c-Linux master/cb76b1463 Feb 20 2022 GCC 7.5.0@TID: SBBSecho 3.14-Linux master/cb76b1463 Feb 20 2022 GCC 7.5.0@BBSID: CAPCITY2@CHRS: ASCII 1Was USB support added by the time that Windows 98 SE was released, or was
    that feature not included until ME was released
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Falzon@3:712/1321 to ivula on Fri Mar 22 21:21:20 2024
    vula wrote to All <=-

    @MSGID: <629AAF96.296.fidowindows@bbs.mozysswamp.org>
    Hi All.

    Not bad for a windows computer:

    \\zpo has been up for: 500 day(s), 22 hour(s), 46 minute(s), 10


    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: - rbb.fidonet.fi - Finland - (2:221/360)

    ... DalekDOS v(overflow): (I)Obey (V)ision impaired (E)
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)