• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 1749

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 20:03:54 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 302003
    SPC MCD 302003=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 1749
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0303 PM CDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Areas affected...North and South Dakota

    Concerning...Severe potential...Watch possible=20

    Valid 302003Z - 302200Z

    Probability of Watch Issuance...60 percent

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorm development is anticipated in the next 1-2
    hours across the western Dakotas. Storms are expected to intensify
    as they migrate east into central North and South Dakota. Watch
    issuance is possible later this afternoon/evening as the severe
    threat becomes more prominent.

    DISCUSSION...Recent GOES visible imagery shows a gradual increase in
    cumulus along a surface trough and within the Black Hills in western
    SD. Mid to upper-level cirrus overspreading the region from the west
    is indicative of gradually increasing synoptic-scale ascent ahead of
    a mid-level shortwave trough over ID/MT. Thunderstorm development
    appears likely in the coming hours as ascent continues to increase
    and continued daytime heating erodes any lingering MLCIN.=20

    Initial thunderstorms across the western Dakotas will develop within
    a relatively dry/well-mixed environment with LCL heights between 3.0
    to 3.5 km. This environment will favor strong downdraft
    accelerations and rapid cold pool development/expansion with an
    attendant severe wind risk. Convection is expected to intensify as
    it moves east through the evening hours and encounters a reservoir
    of richer low-level moisture (well-sampled by a recent 19 UTC ABR
    sounding). Adequate deep-layer wind shear (around 30-35 knots)
    should support organized convection. Storm coverage remains somewhat
    uncertain given weak forcing for ascent. While the environment may
    support a supercell or two this evening, clustering of initial cells
    is possible and may promote upscale growth and a more robust wind
    threat. Trends will be monitored and watch issuance may be needed
    later this afternoon or evening to address this concern.

    ..Moore/Gleason.. 07/30/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!7xy2YeWp6JQv1r-d4J5oYlFePwSd0bcYfnSnXpobE3EZk0f6tHWuEbKRpKEdnpyq44Ier2-mv= 7dir961d-xIeMAn5EE$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 44930049 44030188 43840218 43790254 43850287 44170313
    44510327 44810330 46100323 46540311 46740298 47060283
    47900222 48380147 48400078 48060016 47429973 46649967
    46039979 45490003 44930049=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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