• DAY48SVR: Nws Storm Prediction Center Norman Ok

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 09:06:14 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 210906
    SPC AC 210904

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0404 AM CDT Tue May 21 2024

    Valid 241200Z - 291200Z

    ...Day 4/Fri - Mid MS Valley/Upper Great Lakes vicinity...

    An upper shortwave trough over the northern Plains will pivot
    northeast across the Upper Midwest on Friday. At the surface, low
    pressure will develop northward across MN/WI and a trailing cold
    front will push east, becoming positioned from WI to central OK/MO
    by Saturday morning. Some severe potential is possible ahead of the
    front from the Mid-MS Valley into the Great Lakes vicinity. However,
    ongoing convection early Friday and large-scale ascent lifting
    northeast of the region with time is resulting in uncertainty.
    Severe probabilities will likely be needed in subsequent outlooks as
    mesoscale details become better resolved, but confidence is too low
    to delineate an unconditional 15 percent probability at this time.

    ...Day 5/Sat - Southern Plains to the Ozarks vicinity...

    Low-amplitude west/southwest mid/upper flow is forecast across the
    southern Plains to the Mid-South vicinity for much of the diurnal
    period on Saturday. By 00z, forecast guidance suggests a shortwave
    trough will eject from the southern Rockies into the southern
    Plains, and eventually impinging on the Ozarks/Mid-South area by
    Sunday morning. A very moist and unstable airmass is forecast over
    the southern Plains vicinity ahead of this feature as a surface warm
    front lifts northward through the day. Increasing ascent may not
    arrive until after 00-03z, limiting convective initiation until the
    nighttime hours. If storms can develop during the day across
    portions of OK/TX, all hazards severe potential will exist.
    Otherwise, thunderstorm potential may be more likely during the evening/overnight from north TX into southeast OK and AR as
    large-scale ascent increases and a 65-75 kt 500 mb jet overspreads
    the region. The north and west bounds of severe potential are a bit
    uncertain, so this area may shift in subsequent outlooks.

    ...Day 6/Sun - Ozarks to the Lower OH and TN Valleys...

    An upper shortwave trough will progress across the region on Sunday.
    Forecast guidance depicts a 50-60 kt southwesterly 700 mb jet
    overspreading the region during the day. Meanwhile, a surface low
    will intensify over MO/IL, shifting northeast along the OH River
    through the period. A very moist and unstable airmass is depicted
    ahead of the low and attendant south/southeastward-progressing cold
    front. Intense severe thunderstorms will likely accompany this
    system. Consistency among deterministic guidance, favorable synoptic
    pattern, as well as CSU/NSSL ML output, support introduction of 15
    percent probabilities for Sunday.

    ...Days 7-8/Mon-Tue...

    Spread among forecast guidance increases substantially by the end of
    the forecast period. However, a pattern shift by Day 8/Tue appears
    possible, with an amplified upper ridge potentially building over
    the western half of the CONUS. Overall, predictability is too low to
    delineate areas of severe potential across the eastern half of the

    ..Leitman.. 05/21/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 22 08:57:28 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 220857
    SPC AC 220856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Wed May 22 2024

    Valid 251200Z - 301200Z

    ...Day 4/Sat - Central/Southern Plains to Mid-MS Valley...

    An upper shortwave trough over AZ/NM is forecast to spread eastward
    across the central/southern Plains to the Ozarks vicinity on
    Saturday. As this occurs, southwesterly mid/upper flow will
    increase. Height falls will induce surface cyclogenesis over western
    KS and the OK/TX Panhandles during the daytime. In response, a warm
    front will lift northward across central/eastern OK/KS and much of
    the Mid-MS Valley. A surface dryline will extend south from the
    surface low near the OK/TX border through evening. During the
    nighttime hours, the surface low is forecast to develop
    east/northeast into MO while a cold front overspreads parts of the central/southern Plains by Sunday morning.

    A very moist and unstable airmass will develop over the region as
    the warm front lifts north, allowing for strong destabilization. As
    large-scale ascent and vertical shear increase during the
    afternoon/evening, widespread thunderstorm development is expected.
    Initial supercells appear possible near the dryline and surface low
    over OK/KS. With time, an MCS may develop over part of the region
    and spread east into AR/MO during the evening/overnight hours. All
    severe hazards appear possible at this time, and higher
    probabilities may be needed in subsequent outlooks as mesoscale
    features become better resolved for highlighting any corridors of
    greater severe risk within the broader region.

    ...Day 5/Sun - Ozarks to the Mid-MS/Lower OH/TN Valleys...

    A synoptically concerning pattern is evident on Sunday across a
    broad region of the central U.S. The upper trough from the Day 4/Sat
    period will continue to shift east across the Midwest on Sunday.
    This will allow strong mid/upper southwesterly flow to overspread
    the region as a deepening surface low moves from MO toward Lake
    Michigan. Strong to severe thunderstorms may be ongoing across parts
    of MO/the Ozarks vicinity. Ahead of this activity, a rapidly
    moistening boundary layer with upper 60s to low 70s F dewpoints is
    expected to envelop much of the Mid-MS/OH/TN Valleys. Strong
    destabilization and favorable vertical shear, along with an eastward-progressing cold front will support both supercell storms,
    and possibly a developing QLCS, capable of all hazards. While
    details regarding morning convection and storm mode remain somewhat
    uncertain, higher-end severe potential appears possible with this
    pattern across portions of the region from midday into the nighttime

    ...Days 6-8/Mon-Wed...

    Spread among model guidance increases quite a bit by Monday. Some
    severe potential is possible anywhere from the Southern states to
    the Mid-Atlantic as the upper trough lifts east/northeast. However,
    details regarding storm evolution on Day 5/Sun into early Monday,
    along with differing evolution of the surface pattern by various
    guidance results in low predictability.

    By Tuesday and Wednesday, an upper ridge is expected to move from
    the western U.S. into the Plains. This should mostly shut down
    severe potential west of the MS River.

    ..Leitman.. 05/22/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 09:02:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 240902
    SPC AC 240900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Fri May 24 2024

    Valid 271200Z - 011200Z

    Medium-range models suggest that large-scale flow will become more
    amplified across the northern mid-latitudes of the eastern Pacific
    into North America late this weekend into at least the middle of
    next week. This is forecast to include building mid-level ridging
    inland of the Pacific coast, then across and east of the northern
    Rockies by Wednesday, in advance of inland progressing large-scale
    mid-level troughing. Downstream of this regime, there may be some
    further consolidation of mid-level troughing east of the upper
    Mississippi Valley through the northern and middle Atlantic
    Seaboard, before one embedded perturbation possibly contributes to
    cyclogenesis and an evolving cut-off low offshore of the northern
    Mid Atlantic coast by late next week.

    As a significant initial cyclone migrates northeast of the Upper
    Great Lakes region on Memorial Day, there is some potential for
    moistening, destabilization and increasing shear within its warm
    sector to support at least some risk for severe thunderstorm
    development across parts of the Northeast and Mid Atlantic.
    However, the stabilizing influence of potentially extensive
    convection and convective outflow upstream during preceding days is
    a possible complicating factor, so less than 15 percent
    probabilities will be maintained for now due to low predictability.

    Thereafter, into the middle to latter portion of next week, strong
    potential instability will become confined to the Gulf Coast
    initially, then mainly across the plains immediately to the east of
    the Rockies. While the risk for severe weather may not be
    negligible, it currently appears that this may remain isolated to
    widely scattered in nature.

    ..Kerr.. 05/24/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat May 25 08:44:30 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 250844
    SPC AC 250843

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0343 AM CDT Sat May 25 2024

    Valid 281200Z - 021200Z

    Downstream of initially modestly amplified flow across the northern mid-latitude Pacific into western North America, large-scale
    mid-level troughing across and east of the Mississippi Valley may
    continue to slowly shift eastward through the middle to latter
    portion of next week. Ensemble output suggests that this regime
    will remain progressive, but the evolution of the flow remains
    uncertain, particularly across the Northwest and northern Rockies
    into northern Great Plains.

    In lower latitudes, guidance suggests that ridging may build along
    an axis to the north-northeast of a subtropical high over central
    Mexico, perhaps as far as the southeastern Great Plains and lower
    Mississippi Valley by early next weekend. However, an initial
    perturbation progressing around the crest of the ridging as early as
    Tuesday could contribute strong thunderstorm development across
    parts of eastern New Mexico into western Texas, where the boundary
    layer may remain seasonably moist in the presence of steep lapse

    Low-level moisture return northward into the lee of the northern
    Rockies may remain marginal for severe thunderstorm development, as
    forcing for ascent associated with troughing migrating inland of the
    Pacific coast spreads across and east of the northern Rockies on

    ..Kerr.. 05/25/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun May 26 08:51:08 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 260851
    SPC AC 260849

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0349 AM CDT Sun May 26 2024

    Valid 291200Z - 031200Z

    In general, medium-range models indicate that larger-scale mid/upper
    troughing will slowly progress eastward across and offshore of the
    Atlantic Seaboard through the middle to latter portion of the coming
    work week. As this occurs, flow across the northern mid-latitudes
    of the Pacific into North America may trend less amplified, while
    flow across the southern mid- and subtropical latitudes trends a bit
    more amplified. It appears that this may include modest mid-level
    troughing approaching the California and Baja coast next weekend,
    upstream of building large-scale ridging across the southern Rockies
    through the middle and lower Mississippi Valley. Shorter wavelength developments are substantially more unclear throughout the period
    due to sizable model spread.

    Beneath this regime, moderate to strong potential instability,
    associated with seasonably moist boundary-layer air beneath steep lower/mid-tropospheric lapse rates, may mostly remain confined to
    the higher plains to the lee of the Front Range southward into the
    Pecos Valley. As mid-level heights fall to the south of the
    initially prominent trough slowly progressing to the east of the
    northern Rockies late this week, it is possible that storms
    developing in the late afternoons off the higher terrain could
    evolve into clusters posing at least some severe weather threat
    across the adjacent plains. However, due to generally low
    predictability, severe weather probabilities are being maintained at
    less than 15 percent.

    ..Kerr.. 05/26/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon May 27 08:43:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 270843
    SPC AC 270841

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0341 AM CDT Mon May 27 2024

    Valid 301200Z - 041200Z

    On the leading edge of a slowly progressive regime emanating from
    the northern mid-latitude Pacific, it appears that larger-scale
    mid-level troughing will contribute to the suppression of amplified
    downstream mid-level ridging across the Northwestern Ontario/Upper
    Midwest vicinity late this week. Thereafter, potential flow
    evolution across the eastern Pacific through North America next
    weekend into early next week becomes highly uncertain due to
    continuing sizable spread within/among the various medium-range
    model output.

    Undoubtedly, there will developing areas of sufficient
    destabilization and shear to support at least some risk for
    organized severe weather on a daily basis. However, there is little
    indication at this time that this risk will exceed seasonal norms,
    at least on a regional scale.

    ..Kerr.. 05/27/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon May 27 08:48:16 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 270847
    SPC AC 270846

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook RESENT 1
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0346 AM CDT Mon May 27 2024

    Valid 301200Z - 041200Z

    On the leading edge of a slowly progressive regime emanating from
    the northern mid-latitude Pacific, it appears that larger-scale
    mid-level troughing will contribute to the suppression of amplified
    downstream mid-level ridging across the Northwestern Ontario/Upper
    Midwest vicinity late this week. Thereafter, potential flow
    evolution across the eastern Pacific through North America next
    weekend into early next week becomes highly uncertain due to
    continuing sizable spread within/among the various medium-range
    model output.

    Undoubtedly, there will developing areas of sufficient
    destabilization and shear to support at least some risk for
    organized severe weather on a daily basis. However, there is little
    indication at this time that this risk will exceed seasonal norms,
    at least on a regional scale.

    ..Kerr.. 05/27/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 28 08:54:34 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 280854
    SPC AC 280853

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0353 AM CDT Tue May 28 2024

    Valid 311200Z - 051200Z

    Medium-range guidance indicates that an initially prominent
    mid-level ridge will become increasingly suppressed across the Great
    Lakes region late this week into early next weekend. It appears
    that flow will then trend more zonal along the interior
    Canadian/U.S. border vicinity, but subsequent flow evolution remains
    uncertain due to continuing notable spread within/among the various
    model output. Broad mid-level ridging, within the stronger
    westerlies emanating from the northern mid-latitude Pacific, is
    generally forecast to build inland of the northern Pacific coast
    through the western/central Canadian U.S. border area by the middle
    of next week.

    It is possible that this may be preceded by mid-level troughing
    which may contribute to modest surface cyclogenesis, from the lee of
    the northern Rockies through the middle Missouri Valley and northern
    Great Plains Red River Valley by early next Monday, then across
    northwestern Ontario Tuesday. It might not be out of the question
    that increasing flow and shear, coupled with low-level moisture
    return ahead of a sharpening dryline across the High Plains, could
    contribute to an increase in severe weather potential late Sunday
    afternoon. This could continue along a cold front overtaking the
    dryline across the northern Great Plains into Upper Midwest, and
    along the dryline across the central and southern High Plains, into Monday/Monday night.

    ..Kerr.. 05/28/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 29 08:59:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 290859
    SPC AC 290858

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0358 AM CDT Wed May 29 2024

    Valid 011200Z - 061200Z

    The potential evolution of the mid/upper flow by this weekend into
    next week remains rather uncertain, based on the continuing
    substantial spread evident in the medium-range model output. It
    currently appears most certain that the westerlies may undergo
    substantial amplification across the mid-latitude Pacific into
    western North America by the middle of next week, including broad
    large-scale mid-level ridging building across the eastern Pacific
    through much of the U.S. Intermountain West and Rockies. This may
    be preceded by a period of more zonal flow near the Canadian/U.S.
    border area, with a couple of embedded, progressive short wave

    Models suggest that these waves may be accompanied by surface
    cyclogenesis to the lee of the Canadian/northern U.S. Rockies.
    Initial cyclogenesis to the lee of the northern U.S. Rockies,
    through the middle Missouri and northern Great Plains Red River
    Valley, on Sunday may be modest. However, it appears possible that
    increasing flow/vertical shear, and destabilization associated with
    low-level moisture return, could become sufficient to support at
    least some organized severe thunderstorm potential by Sunday
    afternoon into Sunday night.

    Guidance is suggestive that surface cyclogenesis with the trailing
    wave next Tuesday may be stronger, but it remains unclear whether
    this will be focused to the lee of the northern U.S. Rockies or to
    the lee of the Canadian Rockies into the Canadian Prairies.

    Due to the considerable uncertainties, severe probabilities are
    being maintained at less than 15 percent through this period.
    However, this could change in later outlook updates for this period, particularly in the Sunday through Tuesday time frame.

    ..Kerr.. 05/29/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 09:00:54 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 300900
    SPC AC 300859

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0359 AM CDT Thu May 30 2024

    Valid 021200Z - 071200Z

    Medium-range models continue to indicate that flow across the
    eastern mid-latitude Pacific into North America may undergo
    substantive amplification during the middle to latter portion of
    next week. This is forecast to include building larger-scale
    ridging across much of the U.S. and Canadian Pacific coast through
    the Canadian/northern U.S. Rockies.

    Within an initially zonal regime preceding this evolution, guidance
    continues to suggest that modest surface cyclogenesis may accompany
    the eastward progression of a low-amplitude short wave trough, from
    the lee of the northern Rockies through the middle Missouri and
    northern Great Plains Red River Valley vicinity Sunday through
    Sunday night. Moderately large CAPE may develop beneath a plume of
    elevated mixed-layer air overspreading much of the Great Plains,
    from the developing cyclone southward. Strongest forcing for ascent
    and shear may focus the most substantive convective development from
    near the surface low/dryline across central South Dakota by late
    Sunday afternoon northeastward through central and southern
    Minnesota by late Sunday afternoon and evening. This may include a
    few supercells initially, before convection consolidates and grows
    upscale into an organizing cluster. It currently appears that
    sustained thunderstorm development may be much more isolated
    southward along the dryline through the remainder of the Great

    A considerably stronger short wave trough may dig downstream of the
    amplifying ridge by the early to middle portion of next week. This
    may be accompanied by strong surface cyclogenesis, and perhaps the
    evolution of a broad deep mid-level low centered over the Upper
    Midwest/Great Lakes region by late next week. This might be
    accompanied by a risk for strong to severe storms spreading from
    portions of the northern and central Great Plains as far east as
    portions of the Mid Atlantic and Northeast by late next week.
    However, due to still large model spread, which increases by early
    next week, severe probabilities are being maintained at less than 15
    percent, but this could change in later outlooks for this period.

    ..Kerr.. 05/30/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 08:41:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 310841
    SPC AC 310840

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0340 AM CDT Fri May 31 2024

    Valid 031200Z - 081200Z

    A shortwave trough will likely be moving through far northwestern
    Ontario early Monday morning, with an attendant surface low tracking
    just ahead of the shortwave. An associated cold front is forecast to
    push eastward across the Upper Midwest and Upper Great Lakes. Modest
    buoyancy and shear should limit the severe potential. Thunderstorms
    are also possible farther south into the central Plains and Mid MS
    Valley as low-level moisture advects northward, with the outflow
    from Sunday's storms potentially returning north as a warm front.
    Complexity to this convective evolution limits predictability at
    this range.

    Medium-range guidance is in relatively good agreement that a strong northern-stream shortwave trough will progress through the northern
    Plains and Upper Midwest on D5/Tuesday, accompanied by cold
    mid-level temperatures. Thunderstorms are possible along and ahead
    of this system. Boundary-parallel flow suggested by the ECMWF would
    favor a relatively slow storm motion and limited severe potential,
    while the more progressive GFS has more westerly flow. Some severe
    appears possible, but predictability is too low to introduce any
    areas with this outlook.

    Guidance then shows notable variability on how this wave
    progress/evolves on D6/Wednesday through D8/Friday, with this
    variability keeping predictability low.

    ..Mosier.. 05/31/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 08:29:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 010829
    SPC AC 010828

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0328 AM CDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Valid 041200Z - 091200Z

    Medium-range guidance has come into better agreement with the
    evolution of the northern-stream shortwave trough expected to move
    through the northern Plains and Upper Midwest on D4/Tuesday. Much of
    guidance suite now suggests this wave will mature into a cyclone
    over Manitoba on D5/Wednesday before then tracking southeastward
    over Ontario and the Upper Great Lakes on D6/Thursday and D7/Friday.
    Surface low will be stacked beneath the mid/upper level cyclone by D5/Wednesday, while an associated cold front moves
    eastward/southeastward through the Upper Midwest and Mid MS Valley
    on D4/Tuesday. This initial front will likely weaken on
    D5/Wednesday, before another more substantial frontal push occurs on D6/Thursday, taking the front through much of the central Plains and
    OH Valley.

    Thunderstorms are possible along and ahead of this cold front,
    beginning across the Upper Midwest on D4/Tuesday and continuing
    across the central Plains on D5/Wednesday. Thunderstorms will remain
    possible across the central Plains on D6/Thursday, with storms
    possible across the middle/upper OH Valley as well.

    Uncertainty regarding severe coverage precludes the need for an area
    across the Upper Midwest on D4/Tuesday, while uncertainties
    regarding frontal timing limit predictability on D5/Wednesday and

    The front is not expected to effect much of the southern Plains with
    low-level moisture remaining over the region on D7/Friday and
    D8/Saturday. This suggests some thunderstorms are possible but the
    lack of any large, more synoptic scale features limits

    ..Mosier.. 06/01/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 08:54:04 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 020853
    SPC AC 020852

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0352 AM CDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Valid 051200Z - 101200Z

    A mid-latitude cyclone is forecast to be over southern
    Saskatchewan/Manitoba early D4/Wednesday before a shortwave trough
    moves quickly southeastward through its base and the cyclone shifts
    into the Upper Great Lakes region. Only slow eastward progression of
    this cyclone from the Great Lakes into the Northeast is anticipated
    on D5/Thursday and D6/Friday. A cold front associated with this
    system will likely push eastward across the OH and TN Valleys on
    D4/Wednesday, with another frontal surge possible across these areas
    on D5/Thursday. Thunderstorms are possible ahead of these fronts,
    although uncertainty regarding frontal timing as well as buoyancy
    limits predictability.

    Farther southwest, upper ridging is expected to build over the
    western CONUS on D4/Wednesday through D6/Friday, with northwesterly
    flow persisting across the Plains. Low-level moisture will be
    limited across the central Plains on D4/Wednesday but some moisture
    return is possible D5/Friday, which could promote thunderstorm
    development. Uncertainty regarding this moisture return and
    resultant buoyancy results in low forecast confidence.

    Upper pattern predicted for the medium-range guidance diverges
    notably after D5/Friday, although none of the guidance predicts any
    substantial shortwave troughs. As a result, the severe potential
    each day will likely depend strongly on mesoscale factors, which are
    difficult to forecast at this range.

    ..Mosier.. 06/02/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 08:33:46 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 030833
    SPC AC 030832

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0332 AM CDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Valid 061200Z - 111200Z

    Medium-range guidance continues to vary on the strength and
    evolution of the mid-latitude cyclone forecast to be over the Upper
    Great Lakes/southern Ontario vicinity early D4/Thursday. Even with
    this variance, the overall pattern remains fairly similar with the
    cyclone drifting gradually eastward/southeastward into the Northeast
    from D4/Thursday through D6/Saturday. At the same time, upper
    ridging is forecast to build from the southern Plains into the
    Pacific Northwest/British Columbia. A belt of strong northwesterlies
    is anticipated between these two features, from the Canadian
    Prairies across the Upper Midwest and OH Valley and into the
    Mid-Atlantic, through the weekend.

    The greater low-level moisture and buoyancy will likely remain
    confined to the southern Plains and Southeast on D4/Thursday and
    D5/Friday, before some moisture advection takes it back into the
    central Plains on D6/Saturday and D7/Sunday. No synoptic features
    are forecast to interact with this moisture across the
    southern/central Plains, but daily afternoon thunderstorm
    development along the lee trough across central/southern High Plains
    appears possible. However, predictability of coverage and severity
    is low at this forecast range.

    ..Mosier.. 06/03/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 08:52:30 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 040852
    SPC AC 040850

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0350 AM CDT Tue Jun 04 2024

    Valid 071200Z - 121200Z

    Medium-range guidance is in relatively good agreement that a mature
    cyclone and associated troughing will cover much of the northeast
    CONUS through the weekend. At the same time, ridging will build over
    the western CONUS. This amplified trough/ridge pattern will likely
    remain in place until at least D6/Sunday, but guidance has struggled
    to converge on a solution from D6/Sunday through D8/Tuesday, with
    the guidance showing notable run-to-run variability.

    General expectation is for low-level moisture advection to result in
    moderate to strong buoyancy over the central and southern High
    Plains on D4/Friday and D5/Saturday. No synoptic features are
    forecast to interact with this moisture, but daily afternoon
    thunderstorm development along the lee trough across appears
    possible. Forecast confidence decreases after D5/Saturday, with the
    variability within the guidance resulting in limited predictability.
    There is some chance the pattern remains fairly stagnant, with
    additional days of afternoon southern/central High Plains storms
    possible. However, the 00Z guidance suite has trended towards the
    progression of a strong front across the central and eastern CONUS
    on D6/Sunday and D7/Monday, with thunderstorms possible along the

    ..Mosier.. 06/04/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 5 08:42:10 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 050842
    SPC AC 050840

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0340 AM CDT Wed Jun 05 2024

    Valid 081200Z - 131200Z

    The large upper cyclone that is expected to persist across
    southeastern Canada and the northeastern CONUS throughout the end of
    the week will likely begin breaking down on D4/Saturday, when a
    series of shortwave troughs begin progressing through its southern
    periphery. The evolution of these shortwaves is expected to induce a
    more progressive character to this cyclone while also amplifying the
    troughing across the eastern CONUS on D5/Sunday. This upper
    troughing is then forecast to shift eastward off the East Coast on

    The evolution of this cyclone will encourage a southward push of
    continental air across the central Plains and Mid MS/OH Valleys on
    D4/Saturday, likely continuing southward across the southern Plains
    and much of the Southeast on D5/Sunday. Upslope flow behind the
    front may contribute to thunderstorms across the central High Plains
    on D4/Saturday, with additional storms possible ahead of the front
    over the Ozark Plateau vicinity. Uncertainty regarding frontal
    timing as well as overall severe coverage limits predictability.
    Thunderstorms are possible along the front across the southern
    Plains and Southeast on D5/Sunday, but may trend towards a more
    anafrontal character given the boundary-parallel orientation of the
    deep-layer shear vector.

    Guidance begins to diverge on D6/Monday, resulting significant
    differences in forecast low-level moisture across the Plains and
    Southeast States. These difference lower forecast confidence and
    limit predictability.

    ..Mosier.. 06/05/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 6 09:02:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 060902
    SPC AC 060900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Thu Jun 06 2024

    Valid 091200Z - 141200Z

    Medium-range guidance has trended towards better agreement on the
    upper pattern from D4/Sunday through D6/Tuesday. A series of
    shortwave troughs are expected to progress through the base of a
    parent upper trough over the northeast CONUS and Ontario/Quebec,
    with this parent upper trough gradually shifting eastward. Upper
    ridging is anticipated west of the this troughing, beginning over
    the Plains and Canadian Prairies on D4/Sunday before gradually
    shifting eastward. By early D6/Tuesday, general expectation is that
    the upper trough will extend along the East Coast with ridging to
    its west from the Mid MS Valley through the Upper Great Lakes into central/eastern Ontario and Quebec.

    This evolution would place much of the stronger mid-level flow to
    the north and east of the better low-level moisture, which is
    expected to gradually shift south as a cold front moves through the
    OH/TN Valleys and central Plains on D4/Sunday. The front will likely
    continue into the Southeast on D5/Monday, while stalling across TX. Thunderstorms are possible along this front, but given the stronger
    flow will be displaced north, any severe will likely be dictated by
    less predictable mesoscale factors.

    Moderate low-level moisture is expected to be in place over the High
    Plains from D4/Sunday and D5/Monday. Thunderstorms are possible over
    this region both of these days, but notable uncertainty regarding
    storm coverage and intensity exists across the southern and central
    High Plains. Greater coverage is expected across the northern High
    Plains on D5/Monday when a northern-stream shortwave trough is
    expected to progress through the region. Uncertain timing of this
    wave and its associated cold front as well as uncertainty regarding
    the moisture quality within the warm sector limit predictability.
    Similar uncertainties exist on D6/Tuesday across the central Plains
    and Mid/Lower MO Valley as the shortwave trough and associated front
    continue eastward/southeastward.

    Upper ridging will likely move into the Plains in the wake of this northern-stream shortwave trough, with some potential for troughing
    to enter the Plains during the latter half of the week. Guidance
    differs with the strength and timing of these features, limiting
    forecast confidence.

    ..Mosier.. 06/06/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 7 08:51:28 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 070851
    SPC AC 070850

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0350 AM CDT Fri Jun 07 2024

    Valid 101200Z - 151200Z

    ...Monday/Day 4 to Wednesday/Day 6...
    From Monday to Wednesday, model forecast spreads are unusually
    large, suggesting that uncertainty is considerable. The ECMWF is
    forecasting a shortwave trough to move through the northern High
    Plains on Monday. If this trough materializes, then strong storms
    would be possible in the Dakotas during the late afternoon and early
    evening. This potential for strong storms appears to shift southward
    into the southern Plains Tuesday, where the ECMWF has northwest flow
    and moderate instability. On Wednesday, a severe threat could
    develop in parts of the northern Plains once again, as low-level
    moisture returns ahead of another shortwave trough. Due to the large
    model spreads, confidence in any one scenario during the early to
    mid week is quite low.

    ...Thursday/Day 7 and Friday/Day 8...
    Large model spreads concerning potential outcomes continues on
    Thursday and Friday. The ECMWF solution suggests that the greatest
    potential for severe storms could be in the central Plains each day,
    within the northern part of a moist and unstable airmass. The ECMWF
    solution suggests that any potential for severe storms could remain
    unfocused due to a lack of forcing within west-northwest mid-level
    flow. Late in the Day 4 to 8 period, the large spread in model
    solutions suggests that predictability remains unusually low.

    ..Broyles.. 06/07/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 8 08:55:40 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 080855
    SPC AC 080854

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0354 AM CDT Sat Jun 08 2024

    Valid 111200Z - 161200Z

    ...Tuesday/Day 4 to Thursday/Day 6...
    Over the last few runs, medium-range model forecasts have become in
    much better agreement during the mid-week. A shortwave trough is
    forecast to move across the north-central U.S. on Tuesday, as
    another trough moves eastward across the southern Plains. The models
    suggest that there will be potential for strong thunderstorms
    Tuesday afternoon in parts of Texas and Oklahoma. This potential for
    strong thunderstorms moves eastward into the Ark-La-Tex on
    Wednesday. A more appreciable severe threat could develop in parts
    of the eastern Dakotas and upper Mississippi Valley on Wednesday, as
    a mid-level jet translates eastward through the region. A 15 percent
    contour has been added from western Minnesota and eastern North
    Dakota southward into north-central Nebraska, where model consensus
    suggests the environment will be most favorable for severe storms
    during the late afternoon and early evening on Wednesday.

    Uncertainty related to the most favorable area for severe weather
    increases on Thursday. The ECMWF suggests that the greatest threat
    will be in the upper Mississippi Valley. Other solutions suggest the
    potential threat area could be further southwest into the lower to
    mid Missouri Valley. The plan is to give the models a few more runs
    before adding a 15 percent contour, so that confidence can be higher
    concerning the severe threat positioning.

    ...Friday/Day 7 and Saturday/Day 8...
    On Friday and Saturday, an upper-level ridge is forecast to move
    eastward across the central and northern U.S. A moist and unstable
    airmass may be located beneath the ridge across much of the Great
    Plains and Missouri Valley. Thunderstorm development will be
    possible each day, mostly concentrated near outflow boundaries and
    in areas that heat up the most. The details concerning these factors
    remains very uncertain at this extended range.

    ..Broyles.. 06/08/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 9 09:01:52 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 090901
    SPC AC 090900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Sun Jun 09 2024

    Valid 121200Z - 171200Z

    ...Wednesday/Day 4 and Thursday/Day 5...
    A low amplitude shortwave ridge is forecast to move across the
    northern Plains on Wednesday, where a moist and unstable airmass
    will likely be in place. Scattered thunderstorms will be possible
    Wednesday afternoon across parts of this airmass from eastern South
    Dakota and southwestern Minnesota southward into the mid Missouri
    Valley. The medium-range models are in reasonable agreement, with
    moderate deep-layer shear in place across much of the region. This
    would be favorable for organized storms, with a severe threat
    possible during the late afternoon and early evening.

    On Thursday, a cold front is forecast to move southward into the mid
    Missouri and mid Mississippi Valleys. A moist and unstable airmass
    is forecast to the south of the front. Most models develop moderate
    instability near and to the south of the front by afternoon, and
    show potential for convective development. Model forecasts suggest
    that moderate deep-layer shear will be in place across much of the
    moist airmass, resulting a chance for organized thunderstorms from
    late afternoon into the evening.

    ...Friday/Day 6 to Sunday/Day 8...
    From Friday to Sunday, an upper-level ridge is forecast to move from
    the north-central U.S. into the Great Lakes, as an upper-level
    trough approaches the northern Plains. Ahead of the trough, isolated
    to scattered strong to severe storms will be possible each day
    across the north-central U.S. Based on the latest runs, the greatest
    potential for severe would be on Sunday in the northern Plains, as
    the upper-level trough approaches. However, model spread is large
    during this three day time span, suggesting that severe threat
    predictability is low.

    ..Broyles.. 06/09/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 10 08:58:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 100858
    SPC AC 100856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Mon Jun 10 2024

    Valid 131200Z - 181200Z

    ...Thursday/Day 4 to Saturday/Day 6...
    On Thursday, an upper-level trough is forecast to move into the
    Great Lakes region, as a cold front advances southward across the
    Central Plains and mid to upper Mississippi Valley. Moderate
    instability is forecast south of the front by afternoon, where the
    models suggest that scattered thunderstorm development will take
    place. In addition, a mid-level jet is forecast to move eastward
    across the north-central U.S. on Thursday. Moderate deep-layer shear
    is forecast along the southern edge of this broad mid-level jet,
    which should support a severe threat during the late afternoon and
    early evening.

    On Friday, an upper-level ridge is forecast to move across the
    north-central U.S. Some models suggest that an axis of maximized
    low-level moisture will setup beneath the ridge over the central
    states. If this scenario pans out, then severe storms would be
    possible Friday afternoon and evening across parts of the central
    Plains. The presence of the ridge and the lack of large-scale ascent
    casts doubt on any particular scenario.

    On Saturday, a shortwave trough is forecast to move into the
    southern High Plains, as the upper-level ridge moves into the upper
    Mississippi Valley. In the wake of the ridge, a pocket of moderate
    instability could be in place across the Dakotas and Minnesota, as
    is suggested by the ECMWF. This area would be favored for severe
    storm development. However, uncertainty is still substantial at this
    range, especially due to significant spread among the model

    ...Sunday/Day 7 and Monday/Day 8...
    On Sunday and Monday, model forecasts suggest that a moist and
    unstable airmass will be in place across much of the north-central
    U.S., as multiple short troughs move northeastward through the
    region. Scattered severe storms will be possible each day ahead of
    these features in areas that destabilize the most, with the greatest
    potential likely from Nebraska northward into the Dakotas. However,
    model spread continues to be large late in the Day 4 to 8 period.
    Once the model solutions become in better agreement, a 15 percent
    contour may need to be added in parts of the north-central states
    for either Sunday or Monday.

    ..Broyles.. 06/10/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 11 08:53:40 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 110853
    SPC AC 110852

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0352 AM CDT Tue Jun 11 2024

    Valid 141200Z - 191200Z

    ...Friday/Day 4 to Sunday/Day 6...
    From Friday to Sunday, an upper-level ridge is forecast to move
    eastward from the Great Plains to the northeast, as a shortwave
    trough moves northeastward from the Four Corners to the upper
    Mississippi Valley. A somewhat narrow corridor of instability,
    oriented from southeast to northwest, is forecast ahead of the
    trough on Friday and Saturday. As the trough moves out into the
    central High Plains, isolated to scattered thunderstorms appear
    likely to develop across parts the instability corridor, with the
    greatest convective coverage likely in the evening and overnight
    period when the airmass is less likely to be capped. A severe threat
    could be associated with the stronger cells within the clusters that
    form near areas of moderate to strong instability. The main
    uncertainty involves the position of the instability axis relative
    the approaching trough. Some models suggest that the two will be far
    removed from each other, which introduces a lot of uncertainty
    concerning any potential scenario.

    On Sunday, the shortwave trough is forecast to move into the upper
    Mississippi Valley, and out-run the stronger instability located in
    the mid Missouri Valley. Strong to potentially severe storms may
    still develop in association with the trough, but the forecast
    position of the warm sector relative to the trough introduces
    uncertainty into the forecast.

    ...Monday/Day 7 and Tuesday/Day 8...
    On Monday, an upper-level trough is forecast to move into the
    western U.S., as southwest mid-level flow remains over much of the
    central U.S. It appears that a moist and unstable airmass will be
    located from the central Plains into the upper Mississippi Valley,
    where isolated to scattered strong to severe storms will be possible
    each day. However, model spread is large concerning the timing of
    shortwave features and the positioning of instability. For this
    reason, uncertainty is considerable for Monday and Tuesday.

    ..Broyles.. 06/11/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 12 09:01:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 120901
    SPC AC 120900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Wed Jun 12 2024

    Valid 151200Z - 201200Z

    ...Saturday/Day 4 to Saturday/Day 5...
    On Saturday, an upper-level trough is forecast to move northeastward
    across the southern and central High Plains. An axis of instability
    is forecast to be further to the northwest across the western
    Dakotas. As a mid-level jet passes northeastward across the northern
    Rockies, large-scale ascent and deep-layer shear should be strong
    enough for an isolated severe thunderstorms in parts of the northern
    High Plains. Large hail and severe wind gusts will be possible, but
    uncertainty exists concerning the spatial distribution of the

    The trough in the central Plains is forecast to move into the upper
    Mississippi Valley on Sunday, with a large pocket of instability
    located in its wake across the central Plains. Although large-scale
    ascent within this unstable airmass is expected to be weak, isolated
    severe storms could develop in the late afternoon and early evening.

    Further to the northwest, model forecasts show potential for storm
    development in parts of the northern High Plains Sunday evening. If
    this were to occur, MCS development, and an isolated severe threat,
    could occur across parts of the northern Plains Sunday night.

    ...Monday/Day 6 to Wednesday/Day 8...
    On Monday, a mid-level jet is forecast to move northeastward into
    the northern Plains, as a moist and unstable airmass remains in
    place across the Upper Midwest. Severe thunderstorms may develop
    across parts of the region during the afternoon and evening, in
    association with any shortwave trough that can translate through the
    flow. The models suggest there is enough potential on Monday for a
    more widespread severe threat, to add a 15 percent contour in parts
    of the eastern Dakotas and Minnesota.

    On Tuesday, an upper-level trough is forecast to move across the
    northern Plains. Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms would be
    possible ahead of the trough in parts of the upper Mississippi
    Valley. As the trough moves through southeastern Canada on
    Wednesday, severe storms would be possible in parts of the
    Northeast. However, uncertainty is considerable at this range in the
    forecast period.

    ..Broyles.. 06/12/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 13 07:16:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 130716
    SPC AC 130714

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0214 AM CDT Thu Jun 13 2024

    Valid 161200Z - 211200Z

    ...Day 5/Monday -- Eastern Dakotas/Minnesota...

    A southwesterly midlevel jet is forecast to overspread a seasonally moist/unstable environment on Monday. Large-scale ascent will remain
    somewhat nebulous as the more apparent synoptic upper trough remains
    over the northern Rockies. However, forecast guidance suggests a
    lead shortwave impulse may migrate through southwesterly mid/upper
    flow. Favorable vertical shear will support organized severe storms,
    though coverage and convective evolution remains uncertain.

    ...Days 6-8/Tue-Thu...

    Beyond Day 5/Monday, forecast guidance generally shows an overall
    slower trend with eastward progress of a western upper trough.
    Severe potential may increase across portions of the
    northern/central Plains around Day 6/Tue or Day 7/Wed if the trough
    ejects east/northeast. If this occurs, enhanced deep-layer
    southwesterly flow would overspread a seasonally moist and unstable
    environment ahead of a southeastward-advancing cold front. This
    overall pattern would support some severe potential somewhere from
    the northern into central Plains. The GFS suite of guidance is more
    progressive and favors this scenario. However, the ECMWF maintains a
    stronger eastern upper ridge with little eastward progression of the
    western upper trough through mid-week. Nevertheless, a broad area
    of enhanced deep-layer southwesterly flow will impinge on the
    northern Plains vicinity, and some severe potential seems probable,
    but location and timing is too uncertain to include probabilities.

    ..Leitman.. 06/13/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 14 08:25:02 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 140824
    SPC AC 140823

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0323 AM CDT Fri Jun 14 2024

    Valid 171200Z - 221200Z

    Models indicate a strong upper ridge over much of the East and mean
    troughing over the western states for much of the period. While
    moderate southwest flow aloft will persist over parts of the
    northern Rockies and Plains, timing of the emerging features is
    uncertain. At this time, it appears a shortwave trough may move into
    the northern Plains on Tue/D5 as opposed to Mon/D4. Further,
    significant areas of early day convection appear possible on Mon/D4
    and Tue/D5, which reduces predictability further. However, air mass
    recovery is likely over parts of the northern Plains/Upper MS Valley
    on Mon/D4, with clusters of storms producing areas of damaging wind
    and locally severe hail. As such, will maintain the ongoing 15% area
    for Mon/D4. Additional areas of severe hail/wind will be possible
    on Tuesday/D5, but predictability is low given the tendency for the
    eastern ridge to hold.

    ..Jewell.. 06/14/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 15 08:57:44 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 150857
    SPC AC 150856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Sat Jun 15 2024

    Valid 181200Z - 231200Z

    For the period, a strong upper ridge is forecast to remain over the
    East. An upper trough will move into the northern Plains on
    Tuesday/D4 and Wednesday/D5, with most of the energy moving into
    eastern Canada thereafter. To the west, only a weak upper trough is

    Thunderstorms will be possible from MN southwestward into the
    central Plains on Tuesday/D4 along a cold front, and some severe
    threat appears likely as the stronger midlevel southwesterlies
    extend from MN into NE. Instability will begin to be limited by
    warming temperatures aloft, but ample low-level moisture will remain
    ahead off the cold front with mid to upper 60s F dewpoints common. Front-parallel flow and a progressive cold front will likely yield
    areas of damaging wind potential, and a 15% area has been introduced
    near the surface low over northern Minnesota.

    Severe storms chances are forecast to lessen by Wednesday/D5 over
    the Plains/Upper MS Valley as the stronger winds aloft shift out of
    the area.

    ..Jewell.. 06/15/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 16 08:43:28 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 160843
    SPC AC 160841

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0341 AM CDT Sun Jun 16 2024

    Valid 191200Z - 241200Z

    From Wednesday/D4 into Thursday/D5, an upper trough will move from
    Manitoba toward Hudson Bay, with the base of the trough shifting out
    of ND/MN. This wave will continue east/northeast into Quebec,
    flattening the ridge over the northeastern states. Meanwhile, upper
    troughing will exist over the Great Basin, with moderately cool
    temperatures aloft. Scattered storms will be likely along the
    trailing front from the central Plains into the upper Great Lakes,
    with perhaps a marginal severe risk given weaker shear and

    Models indicate this western trough may emerge into the northern
    Plains Friday/D6 into Saturday/D7, providing perhaps 40 kt midlevel
    westerly winds and modest cooling aloft. Such a system may support
    areas of strong storms, but overall the threat does not appear
    particularly high. However, pockets of stronger instability could
    support scattered hail and wind.

    ..Jewell.. 06/16/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 09:00:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 170900
    SPC AC 170859

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0359 AM CDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Valid 201200Z - 251200Z

    Models are in good agreement showing minimal severe potential for
    much of the period, with generally weak winds aloft across the CONUS
    and an upper high over much of the East. There is some indication
    that the northern-stream may become more active along the US/CA
    border starting around Saturday/D6 or Sunday/D7, mainly from the
    upper MS Valley across the Great Lakes. Instability would appear to
    be weak to moderate, and at least a low threat of severe storms may
    materialize from MN to MI. Should such a trough occur, a strong
    storm threat could extend into the Northeast as well toward
    Monday/D8. Otherwise, the weak winds aloft and generally high
    heights should preclude much potential across the remainder of the
    CONUS through the period.

    ..Jewell.. 06/17/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 18 07:33:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 180733
    SPC AC 180732

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0232 AM CDT Tue Jun 18 2024

    Valid 211200Z - 261200Z

    For Friday/D4 into Saturday/D5, models indicate potential for a
    shortwave trough to move out of the western US and across the
    northern Plains and upper MS Valley. However, predictability is
    already low by this time, with little run-to-run consistency
    regarding the strength of the trough. While thunderstorms appear
    likely across the region during the time frame, the degree of severe
    potential remains in question. The ECMWF appears to be trending
    toward a stronger trough solution in recent runs.

    If this trough develops, it is expected to continue across the Great
    Lakes and Northeast for the Sunday/D6 to Monday/D7 period.
    Increasing flow fields with such a trough would likely result in
    increased severe potential, conditional on sufficient instability
    developing. Details aside, the primary message for the D4-8 period
    is a breakdown of the upper ridge in the East, with a somewhat
    progressive northern-stream storm track along the northern border
    states, with at least low-end severe areas likely in later outlooks
    as predictability increases.

    ..Jewell.. 06/18/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 08:20:30 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 190820
    SPC AC 190818

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0318 AM CDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Valid 221200Z - 271200Z

    Models indicate a shortwave trough and possible lead wave over the
    northern Plains on Saturday/D4 will move east/southeast toward the
    Great Lakes and then into the Northeast through Sunday/D5. There is
    quite a bit of variability with this setup, and as a result
    predictability is low. However, at least a low-end risk of severe
    storms may occur over the upper MS Valley/Upper Great Lakes on
    Saturday/D4. Instability looks to get weaker as the trough shifts
    into the Northeast on Sunday/D5, but any of the stronger trough
    solutions could pose at least a marginal risk for severe weather at
    that time.

    From Monday/D6 and beyond, it appears the stronger flow aloft will
    be relegated to the US/CN border, with generally low severe
    potential across the CONUS.

    ..Jewell.. 06/19/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 20 07:46:12 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 200746
    SPC AC 200744

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0244 AM CDT Thu Jun 20 2024

    Valid 231200Z - 281200Z

    On Monday/D5, and upper trough is forecast to move across the Great
    Lakes and into the Northeast. The primary surface low will be well
    to the north in Quebec, but a cold front will extend south and
    likely interaction with a moist and marginally unstable air mass
    with at least 1000 J/kg MUCAPE. This may yield areas of strong
    storms over the region, and the trough progression will need to be
    monitored in upcoming outlooks.

    For Tuesday/D6 through Thursday/D8 period, a strong upper ridge is
    forecast over the Four Corners states, with strong northwest flow
    possibly developing from the northern Plains, upper MS Valley and
    Great Lakes. This type of setup could result in a severe MCS pattern
    over parts of the northern Plains to Midwest with damaging wind
    potential, possibly beginning as early as late Monday/D5 over the
    northern Plains and upper MS Valley. Predictability of the potential
    severe corridors is low at this time, but severe areas could be
    introduced in later outlooks.

    ..Jewell.. 06/20/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 08:48:34 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 210848
    SPC AC 210846

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0346 AM CDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Valid 241200Z - 291200Z

    ...D4/Monday: Northern Plains into the upper MS Valley/Great
    A mid/upper-level shortwave trough and deepening surface low are
    forecast to move across parts of SK/MB on Monday. A surface trough
    will extend southward from the low into the northern Great Plains,
    with secondary surface low development possible across the Dakotas.
    A warm front will move northeastward somewhere from the eastern
    Dakotas into the upper MS Valley. Strong buoyancy is forecast to
    develop near and to the south/west of the warm front, with favorable
    deep-layer shear providing a conditionally favorable environment for
    severe thunderstorms.

    While some severe potential appears likely to evolve somewhere from
    the northern Plains into the upper MS Valley and/or upper Great
    Lakes, guidance varies regarding the position of the warm front, and
    also the southern extent of height falls and large-scale ascent
    attendant to the SK/MB shortwave trough. Much of the warm sector
    will likely remain capped, but severe storm development will be
    possible in closer proximity to the warm front and secondary surface
    low, which could potentially grow upscale and move southeastward
    along the instability gradient. Severe probabilities will likely be
    needed once confidence increases regarding the placement of the
    primary surface features.

    ...D5/Tuesday: Upper Midwest into the central/southern Plains...
    The shortwave trough that moves across parts of SK/MB on Monday is
    generally forecast to move east-southeastward on Tuesday across
    parts of ON and the upper Great Lakes. Model spread regarding the
    timing and track of this shortwave continues to increase at this
    time range, and the potential for MCS development on D4/Monday
    further reduces predictability regarding the severe threat on
    Tuesday. However, some severe-thunderstorm potential may evolve
    along a southeastward moving cold front from the Great Lakes/upper
    Midwest into parts of the central/southern Great Plains.

    ...D6/Wednesday - D8/Friday...
    Some threat for strong to severe thunderstorms could continue to
    accompany a southeastward-moving cold front on D6/Wednesday from the
    southern Plains into the Ohio Valley and Northeast, though
    predictability remains low regarding the details at this time range.

    By D7/Thursday into D8/Friday, extended-range guidance generally
    suggests the potential for a mid/upper-level shortwave trough to
    move across the northern Rockies toward the northern High Plains.
    However, model spread remains rather high regarding the evolution of
    moisture return and any increasing severe potential in association
    with this system.

    ..Dean.. 06/21/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 08:13:34 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 220813
    SPC AC 220812

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0312 AM CDT Sat Jun 22 2024

    Valid 251200Z - 301200Z

    ...D4/Tuesday: Central Great Plains into the upper Midwest...
    Some severe-thunderstorm potential may evolve from the central Great
    Plains into the upper Midwest on Tuesday, along/ahead of a
    southward-moving cold front. Uncertainty remains regarding storm
    evolution leading into this period from D3/Monday, with some
    potential for the cold front to become increasingly displaced from
    stronger flow aloft. However, moderate to strong buoyancy and at
    least modest deep-layer shear could support strong to severe storms
    Tuesday afternoon/evening.

    ...D5/Wednesday: Central/southern Great Plains into the OH Valley
    and Northeast...
    Some threat for strong to severe storms will again be possible near
    the cold front Wednesday afternoon and evening, which is generally
    forecast to be draped from the south-central Great Plains
    northeastward across the OH Valley into parts of the Northeast.
    There is some potential for a stronger mid/upper-level shortwave
    trough to interact with the front across the Northeast, though
    instability may remain somewhat limited. Farther southwest into the
    Plains, pre-frontal instability will be greater, but deep-layer
    shear is expected to remain rather weak.

    ...D6/Thursday - D8/Saturday...
    Extended-range guidance generally supports potential for a
    mid/upper-level shortwave trough to amplify and move across the
    northern CONUS by the end of next week, though there is considerable
    spread regarding the timing of any such shortwave. While
    predictability is too low to introduce probabilities at this time,
    there is potential for an organized severe-thunderstorm threat to
    evolve somewhere from the northern Plains into the Great Lakes and
    Northeast, during the Thursday to Saturday time frame.

    ..Dean.. 06/22/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 23 08:16:42 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 230816
    SPC AC 230815

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0315 AM CDT Sun Jun 23 2024

    Valid 261200Z - 011200Z

    Some threat for strong to severe storms may evolve from the OH
    Valley into the Ozarks vicinity, in association with a
    southeastward-moving cold front. However, the uncertain effects of
    antecedent convection and a tendency for the front to become
    displaced from stronger flow aloft render both the placement and
    magnitude of the severe threat uncertain. Some severe threat could
    also develop across parts of the Northeast, with a mid/upper-level
    shortwave trough expected to move through the region in conjunction
    with the cold front, but uncertainty remains regarding the potential
    for moisture return and destabilization in advance of the front.

    ...D5/Thursday to D7/Saturday...
    Extended-range guidance generally agrees that a rather amplified mid/upper-level shortwave trough will move across the northern
    CONUS, sometime during the Thursday to Saturday time frame. Some
    important differences remain, however, regarding the timing of the
    shortwave and the evolution of the surface pattern and moisture
    return. In general, some organized severe-thunderstorm potential may
    spread across parts of the northern/central Plains, upper
    Midwest/Great Lakes, and potentially the Northeast late this week
    into the weekend.

    ..Dean.. 06/23/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 24 08:54:14 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 240854
    SPC AC 240852

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0352 AM CDT Mon Jun 24 2024

    Valid 271200Z - 021200Z

    ...D4/Thursday: Northern High Plains...
    A rather amplified mid/upper-level shortwave trough is forecast to
    move from the Northwest toward the northern Rockies on Thursday,
    reaching the northern High Plains later Thursday night. A surface
    low is forecast to deepen across eastern MT during the day, and then
    move eastward across the Dakotas Thursday night.

    Some uncertainty remains regarding the magnitude and placement of
    organized severe-thunderstorm potential, due to the relatively late
    shortwave arrival and a tendency for stronger mid/upper-level flow
    to be displaced from the warm sector. However, modest low-level
    moisture return will support potential for moderate destabilization,
    in conjunction with some increase in deep-layer flow/shear. Some
    potential for strong to severe storms is evident from eastern MT
    into the western and possibly central Dakotas, and probabilities
    will likely be needed in subsequent outlooks.

    ...D5/Friday: Northern/central Plains into the upper Midwest...
    The shortwave trough and related surface low that affect the
    northern High Plains on Thursday will move eastward on Friday, as a
    trailing cold front moves across parts of the central Plains. A warm
    front will move northward in advance of the surface low across parts
    of MN/WI. Details regarding the northward extent of stronger
    destabilization remain uncertain, with some potential for rather
    extensive early-day convection within a warm-advection regime.
    However, an organized severe-thunderstorm threat could eventually
    evolve in conjunction with the surface low and warm front across
    MN/WI, and also potentially along the cold front into parts of Iowa
    and the central Plains.

    ...D6/Saturday - D8/Monday...
    Predictability begins to wane by D6/Saturday regarding evolution of
    the upper pattern and surface features across the CONUS. The cold
    front that moves across parts of the Great Plains and Midwest on
    Friday is generally forecast to move across parts of the Great Lakes
    and Northeast on Saturday. Guidance varies regarding the extent of
    prefrontal destabilization and strength of deep-layer flow, but
    strong to potentially severe storms could develop along the front by
    Saturday afternoon/evening.

    Another mid/upper-level trough may move from the Northwest across
    the northern Rockies and High Plains Sunday into Monday, though
    considerable uncertainty remains regarding the amplitude/timing of
    this trough and any related severe potential into early next week.

    ..Dean.. 06/24/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 08:40:04 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 260840
    SPC AC 260838

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0338 AM CDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Valid 291200Z - 041200Z

    ...D4/Saturday: Central/southern Plains into the Midwest/OH
    A mid/upper-level trough is forecast to move from the upper Great
    Lakes across parts of Ontario and Quebec on D4/Saturday, in
    conjunction with a surface cyclone. A belt of relatively strong
    mid/upper-level flow will move eastward along the southern periphery
    of this trough. The extent to which the stronger flow overlaps the
    warm sector of the cyclone is somewhat uncertain, but a corridor of
    organized severe-thunderstorm potential could evolve across parts of
    the Midwest/OH Valley into parts of the Northeast.

    Farther southwest, a cold front moving across the Ozarks vicinity
    and central/southern Plains will tend to be displaced from stronger
    flow aloft. However, potentially strong instability could support
    some severe threat in association with the front from parts of
    southern KS and OK into northern AR and southern MO.

    ...D5/Sunday: Mid Atlantic into the Northeast...
    Timing of the cold front that moves across parts of the Great Lakes
    on Saturday becomes increasingly uncertain by Sunday. However, a
    slower frontal progression would allow development of strong to
    potentially severe thunderstorms from parts of the Mid Atlantic into
    the Northeast.

    ...D5/Sunday: Central/northern High Plains...
    A mid/upper-level trough is generally forecast to move from the
    Northwest across the northern Rockies on Sunday. Some low-level
    moisture return is expected to the east of a developing surface low
    across WY/MT. Depending on the timing of the trough and magnitude of
    moisture return, strong to severe thunderstorms will be possible
    across parts of the northern/central High Plains Sunday

    ...D6/Monday into D7/Tuesday: Parts of the central/northern Great
    Plains into the Midwest...
    The mid/upper-level trough that moves across the northern Rockies on
    Sunday is forecast to continue eastward into the northern/central
    Great Plains on Monday, as a surface low moves northeastward across
    the Dakotas in conjunction with a warm front. The corridor of
    favorable instability may be relatively confined due to the
    influence of a surface ridge covering much of the eastern CONUS, but
    some severe-thunderstorm potential could evolve from parts of the
    Dakotas southward into KS/NE, and potentially farther east into

    Depending on the extent of moisture return and destabilization, some
    severe potential could spread into a larger part of the Midwest on
    D7/Tuesday, as the mid/upper-level trough continues eastward.

    ..Dean.. 06/26/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 27 09:02:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 270902
    SPC AC 270900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Thu Jun 27 2024

    Valid 301200Z - 051200Z

    ...D4/Sunday: Eastern MT into western ND...
    A mid/upper-level trough will move eastward from the Northwest
    toward the northern Rockies on Sunday, with some influence of this
    trough reaching the northern High Plains by late afternoon into
    early evening. Low-level moisture return north of a surface low
    across WY will support moderate destabilization across parts of
    eastern MT. Scattered storm development will be possible by early
    evening as the mid/upper trough approaches. Increasing midlevel flow
    will support initial supercell development, with a threat of large
    hail. A strengthening nocturnal low-level jet will aid in potential
    MCS development, which may spread some severe-wind potential into at
    least western ND Sunday night.

    ...D4/Sunday: Southern New England into the Mid Atlantic...
    Depending on the influence of early-day convection and timing of a
    cold front, some modest destabilization may occur from southern New
    England into the Mid Atlantic Sunday afternoon. Deep-layer shear
    would support some storm organization, and strong to locally severe
    storms will be possible.

    ...D5/Monday: Central/northern Great Plains...
    The mid/upper-level trough that moves across the northern Rockies on
    Sunday is forecast to emerge over the northern/central Great Plains
    on Sunday. Moderate to locally strong destabilization will be
    possible near and west of a warm front that is forecast to lift
    northeastward through the day. Deep-layer shear will increase as
    midlevel height falls overspread the warm sector, and scattered
    strong to severe storms may develop in the vicinity of a trailing
    surface trough/cold front. Supercells will be possible with initial development, with a potential tendency for some clustering/upscale
    growth with time.

    A 15% probability area has been included across parts of SD/NE,
    where confidence is currently greatest in severe-storm development.
    Some severe threat could also evolve across parts of ND, but there
    is greater uncertainty with northward extent due to the potential
    for an early-day MCS. Farther east, guidance varies regarding the
    potential for destabilization into parts of MN/IA.

    ...D6/Tuesday: East-central Plains into the upper Midwest...
    Some severe threat could spread eastward into parts of the
    east-central Plains and Midwest on Tuesday, in conjunction with the eastward-moving mid/upper-level trough and attendant cold front.
    However, predictability is currently too low to include
    probabilities, due to uncertainty regarding trough evolution and the
    influence of antecedent convection.

    ..Dean.. 06/27/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 28 09:02:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 280902
    SPC AC 280900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Fri Jun 28 2024

    Valid 011200Z - 061200Z

    ...D4/Monday: Central/northern Great Plains...
    A mid/upper-level trough with multiple embedded vorticity maxima is
    forecast to move eastward across the northern/central Great Plains
    on Monday. A surface low is forecast to deepen over the Dakotas,
    along a surface trough. A warm front will lift northward across the central/northern Plains through the day, with very rich low-level
    moisture in place along/west of the warm front, and east of a weak
    cold front that will move into the western Dakotas.

    Some uncertainty remains regarding the potential for morning
    convection to limit destabilization with eastward and northward
    extent. However, moderate to strong buoyancy is forecast to develop
    from parts of the Dakotas into Nebraska, with increasing low-level
    and deep-layer shear supporting the potential for organized
    convection. Scattered thunderstorm development will be possible in
    the vicinity of the various surface boundaries across the region as
    midlevel height falls overspread the region. Initial storms may
    evolve into supercells, with a threat for all severe hazards. Some
    upscale growth is possible into the evening as storms spread
    eastward, with a continued severe risk potentially reaching parts of
    western MN/IA by Monday night.

    ...D5/Tuesday: East-central Plains into the Upper Midwest...
    Some severe threat could develop on Tuesday from parts of the
    east-central Plains into the upper Midwest, in conjunction with the eastward-moving mid/upper-level trough and attendant cold front.
    Deep-layer shear will remain favorable for organized convection,
    with potential for strong destabilization across areas where
    stronger diurnal heating occurs.

    However, uncertainty remains rather high regarding the favored
    corridor for severe thunderstorm development, given model
    differences in handling of the upper trough, and the potential for
    extensive antecedent convection. Severe probabilities will likely be
    needed at some point for parts of the region in subsequent outlooks.

    ...D6/Wednesday - D8/Friday...
    Predictability begins to wane regarding the evolution of the surface
    and upper patterns by mid to late next week. Some severe threat may
    evolve across the Midwest on Wednesday in association with a cold
    front. A developing northwesterly flow regime could result in
    increasing severe potential across the Great Plains by Thursday into
    Friday, but uncertainty remains high regarding the details.

    ..Dean.. 06/28/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 29 08:58:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 290858
    SPC AC 290856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Valid 021200Z - 071200Z

    ...Day 4/Tuesday for Corn Belt/Upper Midwest...
    An amplifying shortwave trough and eastward-shifting strong early
    summertime speed max will continue to influence the region on
    Tuesday. Lingering convection/outflow from Monday night will likely
    be a factor as far as spatial details, but it currently appears that
    a very moist/unstable warm sector will focus across Iowa into
    Tuesday afternoon and evening, ahead of a southeastward-moving cold
    front. Seasonally strong winds would likely support potentially
    intense and sustained storms including supercells. Have introduced
    15 percent severe probabilities for this scenario, although spatial
    adjustments and refinements will be needed in future outlooks.

    ...Day 5/Wednesday...
    At least some severe-weather potential will likely exist across
    parts of the Midwest and Ohio Valley within the moist/unstable
    environment ahead of the advancing cold front. However, deep-layer
    shear atop the warm sector will likely be weaker as compared to
    prior days. Additional severe storms may occur near/north of the
    synoptic front across the central Plains. Limited predictability and risk-magnitude uncertainties currently precludes 15+ percent
    severe-weather probability delineations for these scenarios.

    ...Days 6-8 Thursday-Saturday...
    Predictability wanes into this time frame, although corridors of at
    least some severe storms can be expected daily, generally spanning
    the northern/central Plains to the Ohio Valley and potentially parts
    of the East.

    ..Guyer.. 06/29/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 09:00:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 300900
    SPC AC 300859

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0359 AM CDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Valid 031200Z - 081200Z

    ...Day 4/Wednesday...
    At least some severe-weather potential will likely exist across
    parts of the Midwest and south-central Plains within the
    moist/unstable environment ahead of the advancing cold front and
    reinforcing outflows. This severe potential could include a corridor
    from Ohio/Indiana/Illinois southwestward across the Ozarks into
    Kansas and northern Oklahoma. Deep-layer shear atop the warm sector
    will likely be weaker as compared to prior days. Additional severe
    storms may occur near/north of the synoptic front across the
    north-central High Plains. Risk-magnitude uncertainties still
    preclude 15+ percent severe-weather probability delineations for
    these scenarios.

    ...Day 5/Thursday Midwest including Iowa/Missouri...
    Guidance is in relatively good agreement that a shortwave trough,
    and strong jet in its base, will overspread the north-central Great
    Plains toward the Upper Midwest on Thursday. Ahead of this
    mid/upper-level trough, very favorable ingredients, including ample
    instability and rather strong deep-layer shear for the season, may
    set up across the southern half of Iowa, northern half of Missouri,
    and possibly nearby parts of southeast Nebraska/northeast Kansas and
    western Illinois. However, the potential impacts of convection
    Wednesday night remain a key uncertainty regionally, and will thus
    defer to future outlooks for an introduction of 15+ percent severe probabilities.

    ...Days 6-8 Friday-Sunday...
    Predictability diminishes into this time frame, although corridors
    of at least some severe storms can be expected daily, generally
    spanning the northern/central Plains to the Ohio Valley and
    potentially parts of the East. For instance, on Day 6/Friday,
    related to the east-northeastward progression of the upper trough,
    an area of interest includes parts of the Ohio Valley toward the
    Lake Erie vicinity.

    ..Guyer.. 06/30/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 09:07:58 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 010907
    SPC AC 010906

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0406 AM CDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Valid 041200Z - 091200Z

    ...Day 4/Thursday Central Plains and Lower/Middle MO Valley...
    Guidance remains in relatively good agreement that a shortwave
    trough, and strong jet in its base, will overspread the
    north-central Great Plains toward the Upper Midwest Thursday. Ahead
    of this mid/upper-level trough, very favorable ingredients,
    including ample instability and rather strong deep-layer shear for
    the season, should set up across Missouri, southern Iowa, and
    southeast Nebraska/northeast Kansas. The potential impacts of
    convection lingering from Wednesday night remain a key uncertainty
    regionally regarding the north-northeast extent of the more
    appreciable severe risk, but the aforementioned areas seemingly have
    the highest severe potential.

    ...Day 5/Friday Midwest...
    While modest predictability precludes a 15+ percent severe risk at
    this juncture, it seems probable that severe potential will be
    focused within a moist and unstable air mass near/ahead of an east/southeastward-moving cold front. This may be most focused
    across the Ohio Valley and other parts of the Midwest/Lake Erie
    vicinity, with damaging winds expected to be the most common severe

    ...Days 6-8 Saturday-Monday...
    Predictability diminishes into this time frame, although corridors
    of at least some severe storms can be expected daily, generally
    spanning the northern/central Plains to the Ohio Valley, and
    probably parts of the Mid-Atlantic/Northeast States on Day

    ..Guyer.. 07/01/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 09:03:40 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 020903
    SPC AC 020902

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0402 AM CDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Valid 051200Z - 101200Z

    ...Day 4/Friday Midwest and Ohio Valley...
    While modest predictability continues to preclude a 15+ percent
    severe risk at this juncture, it seems probable that severe
    thunderstorm potential will be focused within a moist and unstable
    air mass near and ahead of an east/southeastward-moving cold front.
    This is most probable across the Ohio Valley and other parts of the Midwest/Lake Erie vicinity including states such as Kentucky and
    Ohio. Damaging winds are expected to be the most common severe

    ...Day 5/Saturday...
    Severe-thunderstorm potential should spread eastward into the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic States in relation to the low-amplitude
    shortwave trough and eastward-moving cold front. Other at least
    isolated severe storms may occur across the northern Plains/Upper
    Midwest, generally related to an amplifying shortwave trough and
    weak front. Risk magnitude uncertainties preclude 15+ percent severe
    risk areas.

    ...Days 6-8 Sunday-Tuesday...
    Daily severe-weather potential can be expected, although specific predictability is limited into this time frame, as is typical for
    this season. Early estimates are that severe-storm potential could
    increase across the south-central Plains to Upper Midwest on Day

    ..Guyer.. 07/02/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 3 08:40:50 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 030840
    SPC AC 030839

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0339 AM CDT Wed Jul 03 2024

    Valid 061200Z - 111200Z

    For Saturday, severe thunderstorms are possible for parts of the
    Mid-Atlantic as the upper-level trough moves northeastward through
    the northern portion of the region. A cold front/surface trough
    pendant to the surface low in southeastern Canada will be the focus
    for convection by the afternoon. Models differ in the
    strength/position of the surface low as well as the degree of
    destabilization due to cloud cover.

    ...Central/southern High Plains...
    With the broad trough to the north, the surface boundary is expected
    to generally stall within the southern Plains and arc northwest into
    the central/southern High Plains vicinity. Northwest flow aloft, on
    Saturday and becoming stronger on Sunday, will promote some
    potential for severe thunderstorm development. Both the GFS and
    ECMWF hint at possible MCS development both days, but differ fairly substantially on the details. Sunday would appear to have greater
    potential given that the upper trough will dig into the southern
    High Plains.

    ...South Texas...
    As TC Beryl continues north-northwestward, an increase in severe
    weather potential may accompany its circulation as it eventually
    impacts parts of South Texas. Per latest NHC forecasts, this could
    occur as soon as this Sunday. However, uncertainty on the exact
    positioning and strength of this activity is too high at this time
    for highlights.

    ..Wendt.. 07/03/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 08:51:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 040851
    SPC AC 040850

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0350 AM CDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Valid 071200Z - 121200Z

    The upper-level trough will dig slightly farther south into Oklahoma
    before lifting northeastward on Monday. For portions of the
    central/southern Plains, both the ECMWF and GFS suggest that
    convection will develop along the intersection of the cold and warm
    front within a weak surface low. Similar to Saturday, moisture will
    not be overly rich, but northward moisture return will be in
    progress. Convection is forecast to grow upscale into an MCS and
    move southward into the greater buoyancy. With differences in the
    position and intensity of the surface low, as well as possible
    impacts from convection on Saturday, predictability remains too low
    for the introduction of 15% total severe probabilities.

    TC Beryl continues to move towards the Yucatan Peninsula and is
    expected to reach the Mexican coast south of Brownsville, TX on
    Sunday per latest NHC forecasts. Some tornado risk is possible for
    parts of South Texas, but magnitude and spatial extent of this risk
    will depend on how much the TC restrengthens after interacting with
    the Peninsula and where the system will actually track late this
    weekend into early next week.

    ...D5/Monday and beyond...
    The upper-level trough will slowly make progress into the Midwest
    and eventually into the Ohio Valley and Northeast. While some severe
    risk is possible ahead of this trough, questions regarding
    destabilization and general lack of robust surface features during
    the upcoming week keep confidence too low for highlights at this

    ..Wendt.. 07/04/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 08:42:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 050842
    SPC AC 050841

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0341 AM CDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Valid 081200Z - 131200Z

    An upper-level trough will begin to lift northeastward out of the
    southern Plains early next week. This feature will generally lose
    amplitude slowly with time. The surface pattern will be nebulous
    across the eastern half of the CONUS. By the middle of the week, the
    mid-level jet may intensify in the Northeast and a surface low will
    develop and move out of the CONUS by next Thursday. Given this
    pattern, severe potential ahead of the upper trough appears rather

    In addition to the upper-trough, the remnants of TC Beryl are
    currently forecast to turn eastward through Texas and into the
    Mid-South early to late next week. While some severe potential could
    develop ahead of this feature, predictability remains low at this

    ..Wendt.. 07/05/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 08:24:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 060824
    SPC AC 060822

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0322 AM CDT Sat Jul 06 2024

    Valid 091200Z - 141200Z

    Predictability will remain low during the extended period. There may
    be some increase in severe potential associated with the remnants of
    TC Beryl mid to late next week. With some uncertainty in the track
    and overall strength of the low-level wind fields, confidence in an
    organized severe threat is low. Upper-level ridging is also expected
    to expand eastward out of the West and encompass much of the CONUS
    by late next week. The strongest flow aloft will be pushed northward
    along the Canadian border. There are weak model signals for
    convection within parts of the northern Plains late next week, but
    confidence in the magnitude of risk is too low this far in advance.

    ..Wendt.. 07/06/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 08:30:04 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 080829
    SPC AC 080828

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0328 AM CDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Valid 111200Z - 161200Z

    Guidance consensus shows a mid-level trough de-amplifying over the
    Northeast toward the end of the week as a pronounced mid-level ridge
    builds over the CONUS this weekend into early next week. While
    vertical wind profiles will remain weak overall across most of the
    CONUS, strong mid-level flow associated with an embedded impulse
    will pivot around the ridge and traverse the north-central CONUS
    this weekend. Preceding this impulse will be a fetch of rich
    low-level moisture beneath a plume of steep mid-level lapse rates
    driven by the approach of an EML. Medium-range guidance agrees that
    strong to extreme instability will develop ahead of the mid-level
    impulse over the Upper MS Valley into the Great Lakes region.
    However, substantial differences exist between the placement and
    timing of the mid-level impulse and associated key surface features
    (i.e. trough and boundaries). Given strong capping with the EML,
    mesoscale forcing along low-level boundaries will likely be key to
    initiating convection and supporting a severe threat.

    With considerable uncertainty this far in advance, no severe
    probabilities have been introduced. However, climatology suggests
    that the aforementioned synoptic setup could support an appreciable
    severe threat, including damaging-wind producing bow-echo MCSs. As
    such, 15 percent probabilities may be introduced in future outlooks
    for the upcoming weekend across portions of the Northern Plains into
    the Great Lakes, if better model agreement in the timing of the
    mid-level impulse, and associate surface boundaries, can be

    ..Squitieri.. 07/08/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 9 09:00:42 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 090900
    SPC AC 090859

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0359 AM CDT Tue Jul 09 2024

    Valid 121200Z - 171200Z

    Deterministic and ensemble guidance offers a strong consensus on a
    general pattern shift involving deamplification of cyclonic flow
    over the Great Lakes, Ohio Valley and northeast on day 4 (12th-13th)
    through day 6 (14th-15th), but with a weaker version of the longwave
    trough lingering in that region through the remainder of the outlook
    period. Meanwhile, the Great Basin anticyclone is progged to expand
    and shift eastward toward the central Rockies day 4 through day 6,
    then deamplify over the central Plains. This process should
    reinforce an EML over the western plateaus and expand it eastward
    across the central Plains. As that occurs, west-northwesterly flow
    aloft should set up between the northern Plains and Great Lakes,
    mostly (but not entirely) north of a mean low-level frontal zone
    occupying a corridor from the north-central High Plains to the lower Missouri/Ohio Valleys.

    Strong lapse rates related to the EML, atop an enlarging area of
    upper 60s to mid 70s F surface dewpoints (from both advection and evapotranspiration), will yield a high-CAPE parameter space near the
    front. Provided it is not too far removed from that large buoyancy,
    the northeastern rim of the stronger EML capping, aligned parallel
    to the frontal instability gradient, may provide a favorable
    corridor for development/propagation of organized,
    severe-wind-producing MCS activity on at least one or two of those
    days, from the weekend into early next week. Activity may be
    supported by subtle shortwave troughs embedded in the largely
    front-parallel flow. Confidence in shortwave details, and in which
    day the cap is more likely to weaken enough to support suitable
    initiation and upscale growth, currently is too low to assign
    probabilities to a particular day in the series of somewhat similar
    ones, pattern-wise.

    ..Edwards.. 07/09/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 10 08:52:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 100852
    SPC AC 100850

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0350 AM CDT Wed Jul 10 2024

    Valid 131200Z - 181200Z

    An upper-level ridge will gradually shunt eastward from the southern
    Rockies into the southern Plains and Lower MS Valley areas this
    weekend into the middle of next week. Multiple pronounced mid-level
    shortwave troughs and associated 500 mb speed maxima will pivot
    around the upper ridge and traverse the Upper MS Valley into the
    Northeast this weekend through early to mid next week. With adequate
    low-level moisture and overall instability preceding the mid-level
    troughs, severe thunderstorms are possible from the Upper MS Valley
    to the Northeast at least this weekend, possibly into early next

    ...Days 4-5 (Saturday-Sunday) - Upper MS Valley...
    A 500 mb speed max will traverse the U.S./Canada border on Day 4
    (Saturday) as surface lee troughing advects dewpoints well into the
    70s F across the northern Plains into the Upper MS Valley. An EML
    will also precede the mid-level speed max and overspread the rich
    low-level moisture, contributing to 4000+ J/kg MUCAPE per latest
    medium-range guidance consensus. Forcing for ascent will be modest
    and capping will be present, though the approach of the speed max
    may support convective initiation across the northern Plains into
    the Great Lakes region. At the moment, too much disagreement exists
    between medium-range guidance members regarding the placement of
    convection to support the addition of severe probabilities for

    Despite some timing issues, medium-range guidance is in better
    agreement in depicting a mid-level impulse and accompanying wave of
    deep-moist convection traversing the Upper MS Valley area on Day 5
    (Sunday). There is some concern that preceding convection from Day 4
    could promote stability over portions of the Upper MS Valley into
    the Great Lakes. Nonetheless, both the ECMWF and GFS agree that the
    EML will continue regenerate from the southwest, focusing strong to
    potentially extreme instability into portions of this region. At the
    moment, it appears the best chance for severe convection (including
    the possibility of an organized, sustained MCS) would be over
    central MN into WI Sunday afternoon or evening, warranting the
    introduction of 15 percent severe probabilities. However, these
    probabilities may need to be considerably adjusted based on
    timing/placement changes of key mesoscale features, or to account
    for any impacts from preceding convection in later outlooks.

    ...Days 6-8 (Monday-Wednesday) - Northern Plains to the Northeast...

    The first mid-level impulse will eject into the Northeast on Day 6
    (Monday). Some instability will precede this impulse, and
    medium-range guidance suggests that convective precipitation is
    possible. However, given limited deep-layer shear and ascent,
    confidence is too low to provide severe probabilities. Meanwhile,
    medium-range guidance consensus hints at convective development over
    parts of the northern Plains toward the Great Lakes on Monday as a
    second mid-level impulse impinges on the region. Though guidance
    consensus shows adequate overlapping shear and instability to
    support severe storms, relatively weak forcing for ascent and
    convective signals in the guidance preclude severe probabilities. By
    Days 7-8 (Tuesday-Wednesday), the second approaching mid-level
    trough will amplify while overspreading the Great Lakes, supporting
    a southward-surging cold front from the MS Valley into the
    northeast. Forcing for ascent and accompanying buoyancy suggests
    severe thunderstorms are possible from the MS Valley to New England.
    However, details on frontal timing and placement this far in advance
    are too nebulous for severe probabilities at this time.

    ..Squitieri.. 07/10/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 11 08:51:30 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 110851
    SPC AC 110850

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0350 AM CDT Thu Jul 11 2024

    Valid 141200Z - 191200Z

    An upper-level ridge will remain in place over much of the western
    and central CONUS through at least early next week. Multiple
    mid-level impulses are expected to traverse the anticyclonic flow
    over the northern CONUS through at least Days 4-5 (Sunday-Monday).
    These impulses may be accompanied by multiple rounds of strong to
    severe thunderstorms given continued low-level WAA/moisture
    advection along the eastern periphery of a regenerating EML. By days
    6-7 (Tuesday-Wednesday), a mid-level trough will amplify over the
    Great Lakes, with a surface cold front expected to sweep southward
    across the northern Plains into the Northeast, promoting showers and thunderstorms (perhaps strong to severe), but also clearing out the
    low-level moisture, EML, and associated buoyancy in the process.

    ...Days 4-5 (Sunday-Monday)...
    Medium-range guidance consensus shows a mid-level impulse
    approaching the Great Lakes region from the northern Plains on
    Sunday (albeit later than earlier model runs). While both the latest
    ECMWF and GFS agree on the mid-level impulse overspreading the nose
    of the WAA (and associated 3000-4000 J/kg MUCAPE) over the Upper MS
    Valley on Sunday, the later arrival of the mid-level impulse past
    peak afternoon heating results in a complex forecast. The GFS
    depicts potential convection over the northern Great Lakes by late afternoon/early evening while the ECMWF develops precipitation over central/southern MN that rapidly progress to the WI/IL border. While
    it is unclear which scenario will unfold, both regimes involve
    organized convection traversing an axis of strong to extreme
    instability amid adequate deep-layer shear to support a severe
    threat. This includes the possibility of a severe-wind producing
    MCS, warranting a broad 15 percent area. Substantial modifications
    may be needed to this highlight in later outlooks as mesoscale
    details and associated placement of key baroclinic boundaries
    becomes evident.

    The latest ECMWF and GFS depicts a more pronounced mid-level trough
    traversing the Upper MS Valley by afternoon peak heating on Day 5
    (Monday). Continued low-level moisture advection from the south,
    beneath a regenerating plume of steep mid-level lapse rates from the
    west, will support another day of strong to extreme instability
    overspreading the Upper Midwest. This time, stronger deep-layer
    shear with the better-timed mid-level impulse will coincide with the instability axis, fostering an environment favorable for severe
    storms. Given impacts from Day 4 (Sunday) convection, it is unclear
    how and where mesoscale low-level boundaries will become established
    over the Midwest, and these will be key to supporting a severe
    threat (including the possibility of severe wind-producing bow-echo
    MCSs). 15 percent highlights have been added over the general area
    where both the GFS and ECMWF agree on precipitation occurring with
    overlapping favorable vertical wind shear and strong/extreme
    instability. Like Sunday though, the highlights provided for Monday
    will likely need substantial modification based on later-known
    placement of important mesoscale meteorological features.

    ...Days 6-7 (Tuesday-Wednesday)...
    ECMWF and GFS are in general agreement in thunderstorms initiating
    along and ahead of a surface cold front, anywhere from the northern
    Plains to the Northeast states in the Days 6-7 (Tuesday-Wednesday)
    time frame. These storms would traverse a buoyancy axis, possibly
    becoming strong or even severe in the process. However, great
    uncertainty exists on precisely where and when the greatest severe
    threat would materialize, since there is more disagreement among
    medium-range guidance members compared to earlier days. Furthermore,
    details on severe placement and timing still hinge on the evolution
    of earlier thunderstorm events (i.e. where baroclinic boundaries are
    left behind). When taking into account both model disagreements and uncertainties of preceding convective influences, severe
    probabilities have been withheld this outlook.

    ..Squitieri.. 07/11/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 12 08:48:24 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 120848
    SPC AC 120846

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0346 AM CDT Fri Jul 12 2024

    Valid 151200Z - 201200Z

    Western CONUS upper ridging is forecast to persist through at least
    the middle of next week, with notable amplification anticipated on
    D5/Tuesday and D6/Wednesday. Subtropical ridging will likely persist
    across the Southeast states during this time frame as well, while
    broadly cyclonic flow continues north of this subtropical ridging
    from the northern Plains to the Northeast.

    Medium-range guidance is in relatively good agreement that a
    shortwave trough will progress through the cyclonic flow across the north-central/northeast CONUS, moving from the Upper Midwest through
    the Upper Great Lakes on D4/Monday. Thunderstorms may be ongoing
    early D4/Monday across the Upper Midwest ahead of this shortwave,
    with some potential for these storms to continue progressing
    southeastward into the strong buoyancy expected downstream. Severe
    gusts could occur with the resulting convective line if this
    scenario is realized, and 15% severe probabilities were maintained
    for this outlook. The outlook area was shifted slightly northward to
    account for changes within the most recent guidance.

    Aforementioned shortwave trough is forecast to continue eastward
    through the Ohio Valley and Northeast on D5/Tuesday. Thunderstorms
    are possible along this front, but shear will be modest and the severe-thunderstorm coverage is currently expected to be low.

    The cold front will likely continue southward/eastward on
    D6/Wednesday and D7/Thursday, but model guidance differs on the
    speed of its southward/eastward progression. Some limited severe
    potential may linger across the Northeast on D6/Wednesday if the
    slower frontal progression is realized. By D7/Thursday, the front
    will likely extend from northern southern Plains through the Mid MS
    and TN Valleys, and into the Mid-Atlantic, becoming displaced from
    the stronger westerly flow aloft.

    ..Mosier.. 07/12/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 13 08:20:04 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 130819
    SPC AC 130818

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0318 AM CDT Sat Jul 13 2024

    Valid 161200Z - 211200Z

    Western CONUS upper ridging is expected to build throughout much of
    the week, with this expansive ridging likely extending into much of
    western Canada by the end of the week. Modest upper troughing is
    anticipated over much of the central and eastern CONUS. A series of
    shortwave troughs will likely move through this upper troughing,
    helping to push a cold front gradually southward/eastward from
    D4/Tuesday through D7/Friday.

    Thunderstorms are anticipated along the front, with strong buoyancy
    and moderate shear potentially supporting strong to severe storms
    from the OH Valley into the Northeast on D4/Tuesday. Some severe
    potential may linger across the Northeast on D5/Wednesday before the
    front clears the region. After D5/Wednesday, progression of the
    front will displace the better low-level moisture south of the
    stronger flow aloft, limiting the severe-storm potential across much
    of the central and eastern CONUS from D6/Thursday through
    D8/Saturday. The only exception is across the High Plains, where
    modest low-level moisture beneath vertically veering wind profiles
    could support a few strong to severe storms.

    ..Mosier.. 07/13/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 14 08:27:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 140827
    SPC AC 140826

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0326 AM CDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Valid 171200Z - 221200Z

    Expansive upper ridging is expected to be in place across much of
    western North America on D4/Wednesday, with this ridging expected to
    persist through the weekend. Upper troughing will likely extend from
    northern Quebec through Ontario, the Upper Great Lakes, and the Mid
    MS Valley early D4/Wednesday. Primary portion of this upper trough
    is forecast to gradually shift eastward across the remainder of
    Ontario and the Upper Great Lakes on D4/Wednesday and the Northeast
    on D5/Thursday, but modest upper troughing is expected to remain in
    place over much of the eastern CONUS into the weekend.

    At the same time, a cold front will gradually push
    southward/southeastward across the central Plains, OH Valley, and
    Northeast on D4/Wednesday and northern part of the southern Plains,
    Mid-South, and TN Valley on D5/Thursday. Some limited severe
    potential may exist across the Northeast on D4/Wednesday before the
    front clears the region. After D4/Wednesday, progression of the
    front will displace the better low-level moisture south of the
    stronger flow aloft, limiting the severe-storm potential across much
    of the central and eastern CONUS through the weekend. The only
    exception is across the High Plains, where modest low-level moisture
    beneath vertically veering wind profiles could support a few strong
    to severe storms each afternoon.

    ..Mosier.. 07/14/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 15 08:53:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 150853
    SPC AC 150852

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0352 AM CDT Mon Jul 15 2024

    Valid 181200Z - 231200Z

    Medium-range guidance continues to show that the upper ridging
    expected to be in place across the western CONUS early D4/Thursday
    will persist through the weekend and into early next week while also
    building into western Canada. Upper troughing is expected to persist
    across the central and eastern CONUS through the weekend as well.
    Flow aloft within these features will be modest, but some moderate northwesterly flow aloft is anticipated between these two features
    across the High Plains.

    A cold front will likely stretch from the Mid-Atlantic through north
    Texas. This front is expected to become increasingly diffuse on
    D4/Thursday and D5/Friday as it moves only slightly southward.
    Thunderstorms are possible along this boundary on each day, but weak
    vertical shear should keep the severe potential low.

    Aforementioned northwesterly flow aloft will help support some
    severe potential across the High Plains, where modest low-level
    moisture beneath vertically veering wind profiles could support a
    few strong to severe storms each afternoon on D4/Thursday through
    D6/Saturday. After D6/Saturday, the upper ridge may shift westward,
    placing the northwesterly flow over the higher terrain and likely
    limited the severe potential.

    ..Mosier.. 07/15/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 08:34:42 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 160834
    SPC AC 160833

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0333 AM CDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Valid 191200Z - 241200Z

    The extensive upper ridging expected to be in place from the
    Southwest into western Canada early D4/Friday is forecast to persist
    through the weekend and into early next week. Modest downstream
    upper troughing across the central and eastern CONUS is expected to
    persist as well, resulting in little change in the overall upper
    pattern across the CONUS from D4/Friday into D8/Tuesday.

    Moderate northwesterly flow aloft is expected between these two
    features, extending across the northern and central High Plains on
    D4/Friday and D5/Saturday before then shifting westward as the
    overall upper pattern shifts slightly westward. This northwesterly
    flow aloft could support some severe potential across the northern
    and central High Plains, where modest low-level moisture beneath
    vertically veering wind profiles could support a few strong to
    severe storms on D4/Friday and D5/Saturday.

    ..Mosier.. 07/16/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 08:27:24 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 170827
    SPC AC 170825

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0325 AM CDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Valid 201200Z - 251200Z

    Extensive upper ridging is expected to extend from the Southwest
    into western Canada on D4/Saturday morning. This upper ridging is
    forecast to persist throughout the weekend and into early next week,
    shifting gradually westward during this period. Modest downstream
    upper troughing across the central and eastern CONUS is expected to
    persist through the weekend and into next week as well, with some
    westward shift of this troughing also possible. In general, no
    substantial changes to the upper pattern are currently anticipated
    from D4/Saturday to D8/Wednesday.

    Moderate northwesterly flow aloft is expected between these two
    features, extending across the northern and central High Plains on
    D4/Saturday before then shifting westward. Current guidance suggests
    a low-amplitude, convectively augmented shortwave trough may move
    through this northwesterly flow across central Plains.
    Predictability of these types of shortwaves is low at this forecast
    range, but it would provide the lift needed for storm development if
    realized. Lift attendant to this shortwave and/or low-level
    convergence along the lee trough could support thunderstorms across
    the northern and central High Plains and adjacent Plains. Modest
    low-level moisture beneath vertically veering wind profiles could
    result in some strong to severe thunderstorms.

    The severe risk is expected to be lower from D5/Sunday into
    D8/Wednesday, as the northwesterly flow aloft shifts westward and
    weak upper flow prevails across much of the central and eastern

    ..Mosier.. 07/17/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 08:43:02 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 180842
    SPC AC 180841

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0341 AM CDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Valid 211200Z - 261200Z

    Extensive upper ridging is expected to extend from the Southwest
    into western Canada on D4/Sunday morning. This upper ridging is
    forecast to persist into the middle of next week, while gradually
    shifting westward over time. Modest downstream upper troughing
    across the central and eastern CONUS is expected to persist through
    into the middle of next week as well, with some westward shift of
    this troughing also possible. In general, no substantial changes to
    the upper pattern are currently anticipated from D4/Sunday to

    Westward shift in the upper pattern will likely place the stronger northwesterly flow aloft between the ridging and troughing over the
    higher terrain of the western CONUS, limiting the severe potential.
    Farther east, a belt of enhanced mid-level southwesterly flow aloft
    may strengthen from D5/Monday through D7/Wednesday as subtropical
    ridging building into the southeast CONUS along on the southeastern
    periphery of the upper trough. Low-level moisture will gradually
    build northward, allowing for some overlap between the enhanced
    southwesterlies and modest buoyancy. However, even with this
    overlap, the severe potential appears low, with both buoyancy and
    vertical shear forecast to remain modest.

    ..Mosier.. 07/18/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 08:51:08 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 190851
    SPC AC 190849

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0349 AM CDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Valid 221200Z - 271200Z

    The overall pattern will not change much during the Day 4-8 period.
    An upper ridge over the western states will gradually shift east
    into the Plains around Days 7-8/Thu-Fri. Meanwhile, a mean upper
    trough will persist across the eastern U.S., with some eastward
    progression of an embedded shortwave trough from the upper Great
    Lakes toward the Northeast around mid to late week. Mid/upper flow
    will remain modest. Given an overall stagnant upper pattern, a
    somewhat nondescript surface pattern lacking any appreciable
    cyclogenesis is forecast. While a typically moist and unstable
    summertime airmass will be in place east of the Rockies,
    severe-thunderstorm chances appear low.

    ..Leitman.. 07/19/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 08:43:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 200843
    SPC AC 200841

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0341 AM CDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Valid 231200Z - 281200Z

    An upper ridge will persist over the western U.S. through the middle
    of the week before slowly shifting east into the Plains around Day 6
    or 7/Thu or Fri. Meanwhile, upper troughing will prevail over the
    eastern CONUS throughout the Day 4-8 period. While a moist airmass
    typical of summertime will prevail over much of the CONUS east of
    the Rockies, weak mid/upper flow will likely limit organized severe thunderstorm potential, especially given a lack of any stronger
    surface cyclogenesis and upper shortwave impulses.

    ..Leitman.. 07/20/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 08:29:28 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 210829
    SPC AC 210827

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0327 AM CDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Valid 241200Z - 291200Z

    A somewhat more progressive upper-level pattern will emerge during
    the Day 4-8/Wed-Sun period. The upper trough over the Great
    Lakes/Midwest early in the period will shift east across the
    Northeast and Mid-Atlantic through Day 6/Fri. As this occurs, the
    western upper ridge will overspread the central portion of the CONUS
    while a series of upper shortwave troughs move across the northern
    Rockies and Pacific Northwest.

    The Great Lakes upper trough will deepen on Day 4/Wed, and a cold
    front will sag south/southeast across Lower MI and northern
    IL/IN/OH. This could focus a corridor of strong thunderstorm
    potential, but vertical shear will remain modest and training
    thunderstorm activity may favor heavy rain rather than organized
    severe. As the upper trough migrates east toward the Northeast Days 5-6/Thu-Fri, a surface cold front will spread across the Midwest
    into the Mid-Atlantic and New England. Deep-layer flow is not
    forecast to be very strong, but a very moist airmass will be in
    place, and some potential for strong thunderstorms is possible near
    the end of the work week from VA northward into southern New

    Overall, organized severe potential appears low during the Day 4-8

    ..Leitman.. 07/21/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 08:01:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 220801
    SPC AC 220800

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0300 AM CDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Valid 251200Z - 301200Z

    An upper trough will move over the Northeast on Day 4/Thu and
    persist, albeit weakening with time, for much of the Day 4-8 period.
    Surface high pressure will build in the wake of a cold front moving
    across the Northeast on Thursday, and also persist into early next
    week. Some severe thunderstorm potential could develop over the
    Northeast states on Thursday as the cold front pushes east. However,
    timing of the front may be unfavorable with the diurnal cycle, and
    confidence is too low to include severe probabilities.

    Meanwhile, an upper ridge will overspread much of the Plains, while
    a series of upper shortwave troughs move across the Pacific
    Northwest vicinity. Boundary layer moisture will increase beneath
    the upper ridge over the Plains. With the upper trough and surface
    high over the Midwest/Northeast blocking progression of the upper
    ridge over the Plains, daily surface trough/weak low development is
    expected over the northern/central High Plains vicinity. However,
    under the influence of an amplified upper ridge, thunderstorm
    development each day is uncertain given a lack of large-scale ascent
    and likely capping concerns.

    Overall, severe thunderstorm potential appears low during the Day
    4-8 period.

    ..Leitman.. 07/22/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 08:48:04 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 230847
    SPC AC 230846

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0346 AM CDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Valid 261200Z - 311200Z

    Upper ridging will spread across parts of the Plains and eastern
    states, while the subtropical high develops westward over the
    southern tier of the U.S. during the Day 4-8/Fri-Tue period. This
    will suppress severe thunderstorm potential for much of the CONUS.
    The exception will be a potentially more active period for parts of
    the northern Plains into the Upper Midwest due to a series of upper
    shortwave troughs migrating across the Canadian Prairies and parts
    of the northern Plains/Upper Midwest through the forecast period.

    Surface high pressure over the Great Lakes and periodic surface low
    development over the northern High Plains will maintain a baroclinic
    zone over the Upper Midwest. As a result, southerly low-level flow
    will keep a seasonally moist airmass in place across the eastern
    Dakotas and Mid-MO Valley east to the Mid/Upper MS Valley. Some
    severe thunderstorm potential could develop around Day 4 Fri as the
    first upper shortwave trough moves across the Canadian Prairies.
    However, stronger vertical shear and large scale ascent will be
    focused north of the international border. Another weaker, but
    further south shortwave trough will traverse the northern Plains
    vicinity on Day 6/Sun before a somewhat stronger wave migrates
    through westerly flow toward Day 8/Tue.

    While various forecast guidance generally depicts this more
    progressive northern stream pattern, details in timing of each wave,
    as well as differences in the strength of the central U.S. upper ridge/subtropical high vary greatly. As a result, confidence is too
    low to include 15 percent probabilities at this time.

    ..Leitman.. 07/23/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 24 08:30:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 240830
    SPC AC 240828

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0328 AM CDT Wed Jul 24 2024

    Valid 271200Z - 011200Z

    The beginning of the Day 4-8 period will see the central U.S. upper
    ridge shunted east over the eastern third of the CONUS. A weak upper
    shortwave trough within broader westerly flow will develop northeast
    from the Ozarks toward the Great Lakes/Midwest through Day 5/Sun.
    The remainder of the period will be characterized by a building
    upper ridge over the Rockies and shifting east over the Plains Days 6-8/Mon-Wed. The late period upper ridge will be flanked by
    shortwave troughs over the Pacific Northwest and the lower Great Lakes/Northeast. Overall, deep-layer flow will remain weak in this

    However, a reservoir of rich boundary layer moisture will persist
    from eastern portions of the Plains to the MS Valley. Large-scale
    ascent will remain nebulous, and capping beneath the upper ridge may
    ultimate limit severe potential. However, mesoscale features not
    well resolved at long time scales may support some risk of severe
    thunderstorms across the warm sector given rich boundary layer
    moisture and large instability in a northwesterly flow regime on the
    eastern periphery of the upper ridge Day 6/Mon-Day 8/Wed. Confidence
    is too low to introduce 15 percent probabilities at this time.

    ..Leitman.. 07/24/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 08:36:24 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 250836
    SPC AC 250834

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0334 AM CDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Valid 281200Z - 021200Z

    A weak upper trough will migrate across the Midwest early in the
    forecast period. However, weak deep-layer flow and relatively modest large-scale ascent may limit severe potential. Generally
    low-amplitude upper troughing will then prevail across the eastern
    third of the CONUS through much of the work week.

    Meanwhile, an expansive upper ridge centered over the Rockies/High
    Plains vicinity will persist for much of the Day 4-8 period. Some
    severe potential is possible in a northwesterly flow regime over the
    Mid-MO to Mid-MS Valley around Days 5-6/Mon-Tue, but this risk would
    largely be driven by mesoscale factors not well resolved at longer
    time periods.

    Late in the period, forecast guidance suggests a shortwave trough
    may develop eastward atop the upper ridge in the vicinity of the
    northern Plains. This break down of the upper ridge amid a very
    moist and unstable boundary layer would be a favorable pattern for
    potential MCS development around Day 7 or 8/Wed or Thu. Confidence
    in this scenario remains too low to include probabilities at this
    time, but may become necessary in subsequent outlooks.

    ..Leitman.. 07/25/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 27 08:46:00 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 270845
    SPC AC 270844

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0344 AM CDT Sat Jul 27 2024

    Valid 301200Z - 041200Z

    A ridge over the central CONUS will break down toward the middle of
    next week which will likely result in some severe weather from the
    northern Plains to the Ohio Valley D4/Tuesday and D5/Wednesday.
    Toward the end of the week and into next weekend, a strong
    upper-level ridge will build across the western CONUS with somewhat
    lower severe weather concerns across the CONUS.

    ...Day4/Tue - Northern Plains to the Midwest...
    A broad reservoir of 70F dewpoints are expected to exist from the
    Canadian border into the Midwest and Ohio Valley on Tuesday. This
    will result in an extended corridor of very unstable conditions
    along and south of a frontal zone. Some moderate (30-35 knot)
    mid-level northwesterly flow is expected along this frontal zone.
    This pattern may support one or more severe MCSs on Tuesday.
    However, a lack of a focused/strong low-level jet and weak,
    mesoscale, mid-level shortwave troughs make predictability
    challenging at this range. Therefore, no probabilities are warranted
    at this time.

    ...D5/Wed - Midwest to the Ohio Valley and central Appalachians...
    A diffuse frontal zone with strong instability will likely exist
    from the Midwest to Ohio Valley and central Appalachians on
    Wednesday. Some threat for severe MCS development will be likely
    across this corridor, but the lack of a clear forcing mechanism
    precludes probabilities at this time. The upper-level ridge centered
    across the central CONUS will start to break down Wednesday night.
    This should result in moderate forcing for ascent amid a very
    unstable airmass. Therefore, some overnight severe weather threat
    may exist in the Upper Midwest, particularly across southern
    Minnesota where there is moderate agreement between the GFS and
    ECMWF for the best upper-level forcing. If this ridge break down can
    occur 6-12 hours earlier and the stronger forcing could coincide
    with peak heating, a greater severe weather threat may evolve across
    portions of the Upper Midwest.

    ..Bentley.. 07/27/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 28 09:02:24 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 280902
    SPC AC 280900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Sun Jul 28 2024

    Valid 311200Z - 051200Z

    A broad, low-amplitude mid-level ridge is expected to break down on Day4/Wednesday and Day5/Thursday. This may result in some severe
    weather across portions of the Midwest. Late this week and into the
    weekend, ridging will amplify across the western CONUS. Depending on
    the exact evolution of the building upper-level trough, some severe
    weather threat may persist across the northern Plains. However, an
    area of high pressure is expected to move south out of Canada over
    the weekend and scour the higher quality moisture which should
    result in less instability than early this week.

    ...D4/Wednesday and D5/Thursday - Midwest...
    Uncertainties remain in the exact evolution of the upper-level ridge
    breakdown on Wednesday and Thursday which may significantly impact
    the location and intensity of any severe weather threat. A reservoir
    of strong instability and steep lapse rates is expected in the
    Midwest/Upper Midwest with increasing mid-level flow across the
    region. Where storms develop within this environment, severe weather
    is likely. However, aforementioned uncertainties preclude the need
    for severe weather probabilities at this time.

    ..Bentley.. 07/28/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 29 08:28:02 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 290827
    SPC AC 290826

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0326 AM CDT Mon Jul 29 2024

    Valid 011200Z - 061200Z

    A mid-level trough, likely near the Upper Midwest Thursday morning,
    will slowly move east through the end of this week and the weekend
    as a large amplitude ridge builds over the western CONUS. This slow
    moving trough will be the primary feature associated with potential
    severe weather during the extended forecast period.

    On D4/Thu, a large cluster of storms will likely be ongoing in the
    western Great Lakes in response to the forcing from the mid-level
    trough and moderately strong isentropic ascent. A very moist airmass
    (mid 70s dewpoints) will likely remain on the southern/southwest
    extent of any ongoing convection. This will likely be the focus for
    potential severe weather threat across Illinois/Indiana/Ohio on
    Thursday. Strong instability will be present, however shear will be
    somewhat weak, except for portions of Illinois where mid-level flow
    will strengthen during the late afternoon/evening. There is still
    uncertainty regarding the timing and amplitude of this mid-level
    trough. Therefore, no severe weather probabilities will be added at
    this time.

    As the mid-level trough continues east on D5/Fri and into the
    weekend, moisture quality, and thus instability, is forecast to
    weaken. In addition, the slowing/deamplifying nature of the
    mid-level trough will result in weakening mid-level flow. Therefore,
    while some isolated/widely scattered severe weather threat may occur
    across portions of the eastern CONUS, a more organized severe
    weather threat appears unlikely.

    ..Bentley.. 07/29/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 08:56:16 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 300856
    SPC AC 300854

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0354 AM CDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Valid 021200Z - 071200Z

    On Friday and into the weekend, a mid-level trough will slow and
    eventually stall across the eastern CONUS. Given remnant moisture,
    expect widespread thunderstorm activity. However, severe weather
    should be limited by weak shear in the region.

    A large-amplitude mid-level ridge which is forecast to build across
    the western CONUS on Thursday and Friday will start to deamplify
    over the weekend as a series of mid-level shortwave troughs traverse
    British Columbia and Alberta. The exact evolution of the pattern
    over the weekend and beyond remains uncertain. There is consensus
    for multiple mid-level troughs to move through the northern CONUS
    with at least some lee troughing across the northern Plains. Some
    severe weather is possible with any of these passing impulses.
    However, uncertainty remains too high at this time for severe
    weather probabilities.

    ..Bentley.. 07/30/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 09:02:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 310902
    SPC AC 310901

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0401 AM CDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Valid 031200Z - 081200Z

    The extended period will begin with a large amplitude upper-level
    ridge across the western CONUS. This ridge will gradually breakdown
    on Sunday and Monday with more of a flat ridge by the middle of next
    week. Persistent northwesterly flow across the Northern Plains/Upper
    Midwest during the extended forecast period may result in some
    isolated severe weather threat. However, moisture in the Northern
    Plains will lack a Gulf of Mexico connection and thus, will likely
    be somewhat low quality, at least initially.

    Early next week, as lee troughing returns to the Plains and the
    low-level jet strengthens, the severe weather threat may increase
    somewhat. Overall, upper-level ridging and no clear strong troughs
    during the extended period, suggests any severe weather threat that materializes will likely remain somewhat localized this weekend and
    early next week.

    ..Bentley.. 07/31/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 1 08:49:54 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 010849
    SPC AC 010848

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0348 AM CDT Thu Aug 01 2024

    Valid 041200Z - 091200Z

    The extended forecast period will feature an upper-level ridge
    centered near the Continental Divide with northwesterly flow aloft
    from the northern Plains to the East Coast. Severe weather may be
    possible any day within this corridor within a pocket of remnant
    moisture along/near the frontal zone across the region, and shear
    which would support organized severe weather. However, the pocket of instability is relatively narrow given a drier, more continental
    airmass so the south of this frontal zone with persistent northerly
    flow and a lack of a consistent Gulf moisture feed. In addition, any
    mid-level shortwave troughs embedded within the northwesterly flow
    will be mesoscale in nature and thus, the details cannot be resolved
    at this range.

    In addition, the Gulf Coast, Florida, and the Georgia/south Carolina
    coast will need to be monitored for potential impacts from a
    tropical wave which according to the National Hurricane Center,
    could develop into a tropical cyclone late this weekend or early
    next week. If an organized tropical system does develop, some
    severe-weather threat may materialize.

    ..Bentley.. 08/01/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 08:46:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 020846
    SPC AC 020844

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0344 AM CDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Valid 051200Z - 101200Z

    Medium-range models indicate that mid-level flow across the northern mid-latitudes may trend less amplified by the middle of next week,
    as a mid-level low over northern Quebec weakens/redevelops eastward
    into the northwestern Atlantic and a prominent high over
    northwestern Canada becomes suppressed. As this occurs, it appears
    that low-level cooling and drying may advance southward toward the
    Southeast and lower Mississippi Valley, beneath generally weak flow
    associated with mid/upper ridging.

    Developments across the West remain more uncertain, but it does
    appear that persistent mid-upper ridging will become suppressed.
    While it is possible that large-scale mid-level troughing may evolve
    across the Pacific Northwest and Canadian/northern U.S. Rockies
    vicinity, it is not clear that this will be accompanied by potential
    for more than isolated strong to severe thunderstorm development
    across the northern Intermountain region into northern U.S. Rockies.

    ..Kerr.. 08/02/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 09:02:08 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 030902
    SPC AC 030900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Valid 061200Z - 111200Z

    Models suggest that seasonably high moisture content will linger in
    a plume along/east of a weak mid-level trough/shear axis, offshore
    of the northern Atlantic coast into the southern Atlantic coast
    vicinity, as northerly flow leads to continued general drying
    elsewhere to the east of the Rockies. It appears possible that a
    lingering tropical cyclone, initially centered near/offshore of the
    southern Atlantic coast at the outset of the period, remains the
    primary potential focus for severe weather, and even this may remain
    rather limited. Within weak steering flow, the forecast motion of
    this system remains somewhat uncertain. Guidance suggests that a
    continuing tropical storm may shift back inland across the Carolinas
    by Wednesday or Thursday, before tending to migrate
    north-northeastward. While it is possible that this may be
    accompanied by at least some continuing tornado potential, this risk
    seems likely to remain generally low. Severe probabilities are
    being maintained at less than 15 percent through this period.

    ..Kerr.. 08/03/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 09:00:46 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 040900
    SPC AC 040859

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0359 AM CDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Valid 071200Z - 121200Z

    Medium-range guidance suggests that fairly prominent mid-level
    ridging will be maintained through this period across much of the
    Southwest and southern Rockies through the southern Great Plains.
    Upstream, it appears that mid-level troughing may become established
    near the U.S. Pacific coast by next weekend. Otherwise, the
    evolution of troughing downstream of a prominent mid-level high
    initially shifting across the Canadian Northwest Territories is more
    unclear. Some amplification may eventually contribute to the
    northeastward acceleration of the remnants of Debby, near/ahead of a southeastward advancing cold front, after the lingering low-level
    circulation center likely shifts back inland across coastal areas
    into the southern South Carolina vicinity by Thursday. If this were
    to occur, it probably would be accompanied by at least some risk for
    convection capable of producing tornadoes into the Mid Atlantic
    coast vicinity. However, it is not clear that this potential will
    support more than low severe probabilities, and severe weather
    elsewhere across the U.S. still appears likely to remain limited
    through this period.

    ..Kerr.. 08/04/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 09:00:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 060900
    SPC AC 060859

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0359 AM CDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Valid 091200Z - 141200Z

    Medium-range guidance indicates that a significant mid-level trough
    and embedded cyclonic circulation, evolving near the Upper
    Midwest/Great Lakes region by the beginning of the period, will
    progress eastward across much of the Northeast by late this weekend.
    As this occurs, it appears that the remnants of Debby will
    accelerate into and northeast of the northern Mid Atlantic region on

    Although the degree of interaction between these features remains
    unclear, significant strengthening of southerly
    lower/mid-tropospheric flow appears possible within a plume of
    tropical moisture advecting northward in advance of deepening
    surface troughing, across the northern Mid Atlantic and
    Hudson/Champlain Valleys through New England Saturday through
    Saturday night. Warm mid-levels likely will limit deep-layer
    instability; but low-level buoyancy, forcing for ascent and shear
    might become conducive to organizing low-topped convection. In the
    presence of mean cloud-bearing layer flow possibly on the order of
    40-50+ kt, and boundary-layer dew points in the lower/mid 70s,
    damaging wind gusts and perhaps a few tornadoes will be possible if
    this scenario unfolds. Due to lingering uncertainties, severe
    probabilities are being maintained at less than 15 percent. But
    this could change in later outlooks for this coming Saturday.

    ..Kerr.. 08/06/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 7 09:02:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 070902
    SPC AC 070900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Valid 101200Z - 151200Z

    Medium-range guidance indicates that the initially prominent
    higher-latitude mid-level ridging emerging from the Canadian
    Northwest Territories will gradually become suppressed through this
    period. Although there is notable spread concerning the downstream acceleration of the initially significant mid-level low to its
    southeast, it appears that larger-scale mid-level troughing will
    slowly shift eastward in positively tilted fashion, through the St.
    Lawrence Valley and lower Great Lakes region by late this coming
    weekend, through the Northeast and Canadian Maritimes by the middle
    of next week.

    In advance of the troughing, Debby's remnant surface low may
    interact with a surface cold front advancing to the east of the
    lower Great Lakes/upper Ohio Valley, before perhaps merging into the
    primary surface cyclone across southern Quebec by Saturday. Models
    have varied concerning these developments, but tropical pre-frontal
    moistening in the presence of intensifying deep-layer southerly wind
    fields might be accompanied by an evolving low-topped convective
    band with potential to produce damaging wind gusts near/east of the Hudson/Champlain Valleys through New England. Due to lingering
    uncertainties severe probabilities are begin maintained at less than
    15 percent, but this could change in later outlooks for Saturday.

    Otherwise, the potential for severe weather elsewhere across the
    U.S. late this coming weekend into the middle of next week appears
    likely to be remain limited by the lack of stronger boundary-layer destabilization.

    ..Kerr.. 08/07/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 08:58:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 080858
    SPC AC 080856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Valid 111200Z - 161200Z

    Medium-range model output exhibits considerable spread concerning
    short wave developments within the evolving mid/upper flow through
    this period. In general, though, it appears that an initially
    significant, positively tilted mid-level trough will become
    increasingly sheared while progressing through a confluent regime
    across and east of the North Atlantic Seaboard late this coming
    weekend into early next week. In its wake, generally weak zonal
    flow across the U.S. may undergo some amplification by the middle to
    later portion of next week, including rising mid-level heights to
    the lee of the Rockies, downstream of digging mid-level troughing
    near the Pacific coast.

    As this regime evolves, boundary-layer dew points are likely to
    gradually increase beneath the mid-level ridge, probably back into
    the 70s F across parts of the lower through middle Missouri Valley.
    Across the middle Missouri Valley, perhaps into lower Missouri
    Valley, it appears that this may occur beneath an east-southeastward
    advecting plume of warm elevated mixed-layer air, which may
    contribute to increasing probabilities for mixed-layer CAPE in
    excess of 2000 J/kg by next Wednesday or Thursday.

    While there may be some potential for strong thunderstorm activity,
    initiating to the lee of the northern Rockies and Front Range, to
    grow upscale and organize while progressing into this environment,
    this likely will hinge on forcing accompanying sub-synoptic
    perturbations progressing around the ridge. Given the
    low-predictability of these features at this extended time frame,
    severe probabilities still appear generally low through this period.

    ..Kerr.. 08/08/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 08:20:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 090820
    SPC AC 090819

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0319 AM CDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Valid 121200Z - 171200Z

    In mid/upper levels, a zonally elongated anticyclone will build
    laterally from the southern Plains into the Southwest and Gulf Coast
    region through much of the day-4-8 period. A general weakness in
    heights should persist over parts of CA and the lower Colorado River
    Valley region -- intermittently connected to northern-stream
    troughing over the Pacific Northwest and western Canada, and to the
    subtropical easterlies over MX. Low-amplitude mean ridging should
    build northward across the Rockies to the northern Rockies/northern
    High Plains region, but based on deterministic GFS/ECMWF and their
    ensembles, not intense enough to preclude penetration by a series of
    mostly low-amplitude/low-predictability shortwaves emanating from
    the Northwest troughing.

    Downstream, zonal to northwesterly and largely difluent flow will
    prevail over much of the northern Plains, Midwest, Great Lakes, and
    Ohio Valley. Even after the southeastern Canada/northeastern CONUS
    synoptic trough departs the region day-4, the preceding frontal zone
    will remain well-removed to the south, across the southeastern CONUS
    to Missouri Valley, as a series of trailing shortwaves reinforce
    somewhat lower-amplitude troughing in the Great Lakes and Northeast.
    Especially from about day 5 onward, gradual return of favorable
    moisture is likely beneath the southwestern rim of the stronger
    associated flow -- from the north-central High Plains to the lower
    Missouri and Tennessee Valley regions. This general pattern
    conditionally supports some MCS potential, evolving from activity
    forming over the Plains and heading southeastward along or just to
    the cool side of the sensible baroclinic zone. However, day-to-day
    shortwave, low-level boundary and MCV predictability is too low to
    assign unconditional probabilities to any given day.

    ..Edwards.. 08/09/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 10 08:35:40 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 100835
    SPC AC 100834

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0334 AM CDT Sat Aug 10 2024

    Valid 131200Z - 181200Z

    Upper ridging should generally prevail over parts of the Rockies
    into the Plains through much of the extended forecast period.
    Periodic suppression of the upper ridge should occur as multiple
    weak mid-level perturbations move eastward across the
    northern/central portions of the CONUS. Isolated strong to severe
    thunderstorm potential may exist across parts of the
    northern/central Plains into the mid MS Valley and Midwest with any
    of these low-amplitude shortwave troughs. For Day 4/Tuesday, the
    best severe potential may focus over the northern/central High
    Plains along/east of a weak surface trough. However, both
    instability and shear appear too limited to include a 15% severe
    area. Details on convective evolution become less clear from midweek
    onward. But, there are some indications that a shortwave trough may
    move across parts of the Plains into the Midwest/mid MS Valley. Even
    so, both predictability and forecast strength/amplitude of this
    feature remain far too low for any severe probabilities.

    ..Gleason.. 08/10/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 11 08:50:16 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 110850
    SPC AC 110848

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0348 AM CDT Sun Aug 11 2024

    Valid 141200Z - 191200Z

    Multiple mid-level perturbations should move eastward across the northern/central CONUS from the middle of this week through next
    weekend. This should generally act to suppress upper ridging to the
    southern states through at least Day 5/Thursday. Low predictability
    for organized severe potential remains apparent in this flow regime
    given the low-amplitude nature of relevant features. But,
    medium-range guidance shows a tendency for a more amplified pattern
    by late week into the upcoming weekend as an upper trough/low
    potentially develops across the western states, ridging builds over
    the central CONUS, and a separate upper trough/low remains over the
    eastern CONUS. Regardless of these developments, isolated severe
    potential may exist on Day 4/Wednesday across parts of the
    northern/central Plains and perhaps Upper Midwest in association
    with one of the mid-level perturbations. Some threat for organized
    severe thunderstorms will probably continue each day through the
    extended forecast period across parts of the Plains into the Midwest
    and vicinity, although delineating regions of greater potential
    remains highly uncertain.

    ..Gleason.. 08/11/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 08:47:46 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 120847
    SPC AC 120845

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0345 AM CDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Valid 151200Z - 201200Z

    Medium-range guidance is in reasonably good agreement that another
    weak mid-level shortwave trough will move eastward across the
    northern/central Plains to the Upper Midwest on Day 4/Thursday. Some
    severe potential may accompany this feature, but forecast deep-layer
    shear should tend to remain rather marginal. Differences also exist
    in where a greater severe threat may develop across these regions,
    so a 15% severe area has not been included. Gradual amplification of
    the upper pattern should occur late this week into the upcoming
    weekend, with a trough/low developing over the eastern Pacific,
    ridging building over much of the western states into the
    Rockies/Plains, and troughing over the East. This pattern may
    support isolated severe potential each day from Day 5/Friday through
    early next week across parts of the central/eastern CONUS, generally along/south of a weak front and in a northwesterly mid-level flow
    regime between the upper ridge and eastern states upper trough.
    However, predictability of potential MCS corridors and greater
    severe potential remain low at this extended time frame.

    ..Gleason.. 08/12/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 08:46:16 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 130845
    SPC AC 130844

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0344 AM CDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Valid 161200Z - 211200Z

    Upper ridging over the southern tier of the CONUS should be
    suppressed by a slow moving upper trough/low over the Upper Midwest
    and Great Lakes on Day 4/Friday. Moderate to locally strong
    instability should once again be in place along/ahead of a weak
    front. Sufficient mid-level flow and related deep-layer shear should
    exist to support at least an isolated severe threat across parts of
    the OH Valley/Midwest into the mid MS Valley and southern/central
    Plains. However, the presence of prior convection and only weak
    low-level convergence along the front lend low confidence in
    delineating a corridor of greater severe potential across these
    regions Friday afternoon/evening. Have therefore not included a 15%
    severe area at this time.

    For this weekend into early next week, an upper low should develop
    and remain over the eastern Pacific, off the Northwest Coast. Upper
    ridging is forecast to build over much of the West and
    Rockies/Plains, with upper troughing persisting over the eastern
    states. Some severe threat may continue each day across parts of the
    Plains into the Southeast and eastern states, along and south/east
    of a weak front. But, the overall synoptic pattern suggests limited predictability in highlighting focused areas of greater severe

    ..Gleason.. 08/13/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 14 08:58:08 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 140858
    SPC AC 140856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Wed Aug 14 2024

    Valid 171200Z - 221200Z

    Medium-range guidance remains in good agreement that upper ridging
    will remain prominent, and probably further amplify, over much of
    the Rockies/Plains this weekend into early next week. An upper
    trough should progress slowly eastward from the Midwest/OH Valley to
    the eastern states on Day 4/Saturday. While an isolated severe risk
    may exist across parts of the Mid-Atlantic into the Southeast ahead
    of a weak front, the overall environment currently appears too
    marginal given modest deep-layer shear to warrant inclusion of a 15%
    severe area for Saturday. Otherwise, an upper trough/low should
    mostly remain off the coast of the Pacific Northwest through at
    least early next week, before possibly advancing inland towards the
    end of the forecast period (around Day 8/Wednesday). There is a fair
    amount of uncertainty regarding potential suppression of the upper
    ridge early next week. Regardless, the severe threat across the
    CONUS may tend to remain fairly isolated in this time frame, with
    the exception of potential MCS development from parts of the Plains
    into the Midwest/OH Valley in a northwesterly mid-level flow regime.
    But, predictability remains far too low to include any areas early
    next week.

    ..Gleason.. 08/14/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 15 08:58:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 150858
    SPC AC 150856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Thu Aug 15 2024

    Valid 181200Z - 231200Z

    As an upper trough moves slowly eastward over the eastern CONUS, an
    isolated severe threat may continue on Day 4/Sunday across parts of
    the Mid-Atlantic into the Southeast along/ahead of a cold front.
    However, the potential stabilizing effects of prior convection,
    along with generally modest deep-layer shear, render low confidence
    in a more organized severe/damaging wind threat on Sunday. Lower
    severe potential is anticipated across the eastern states on Day
    5/Monday as the upper trough progresses eastward and the cold front
    moves mostly offshore. Upper ridging will likely remain prominent
    across much of the Rockies and Plains through at least early next
    week, while an upper trough/low generally remains centered off the
    coast of the Pacific Northwest. Some chance for severe thunderstorms
    may exist over interior portions of the Northwest into parts of the
    northern Rockies/Plains and perhaps Upper Midwest next week. But, predictability of various mid-level perturbations that may encourage
    robust thunderstorms remains low at this extended time frame.

    ..Gleason.. 08/15/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 16 08:46:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 160845
    SPC AC 160844

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0344 AM CDT Fri Aug 16 2024

    Valid 191200Z - 241200Z

    ...Monday/Day 4 to Wednesday/Day 6...
    An upper-level ridge is forecast to remain over the High Plains from
    early to mid week, as an upper-level trough moves slowly eastward
    across the eastern U.S. Surface high pressure, associated with the
    trough is forecast to move from the middle to upper Mississippi
    Valley on Monday to the middle and upper Atlantic Seaboard by
    Wednesday. Due to this high, the airmass across much of the eastern
    third of the U.S. will likely become drier and less unstable from
    Monday to Wednesday, making conditions less favorable for severe

    Further to the west, a south-to-north corridor of moderate
    instability is forecast to develop each day, remaining in a similar
    position across the central and northern Plains. Thunderstorms will
    be possible each afternoon and evening to the east of the ridge near
    the axis of instability. It appears that deep-layer shear will be
    relatively weak near instability axis, which will favor less storm organization. Still, a marginal severe threat will be possible due
    to the strong instability.

    ...Thursday/Day 7 and Friday/Day 8...
    The upper-level ridge in the north-central U.S. is forecast to move
    eastward from the northern Plains on Thursday into the western Great
    Lakes region by Friday. An axis of moderate to strong instability is
    forecast to remain over the central and northern Plains.
    Thunderstorms that form each afternoon close the instability axis
    will have a chance be severe. Although there is a lot of uncertainty
    this far out in the forecast cycle, the subsidence and weaker
    deep-layer shear associated with the upper-level ridge, should
    negatively impact severe potential. However, instability could be
    strong enough for a marginal severe threat, mainly during the
    afternoon and evening on Thursday and Friday.

    ..Broyles.. 08/16/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 17 09:02:10 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 170902
    SPC AC 170900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Sat Aug 17 2024

    Valid 201200Z - 251200Z

    ...Tuesday/Day 4 to Thursday/Day 6...
    A shortwave ridge over the eastern part of the northern Plains is
    forecast to deamplify on Tuesday. Further west, the large-scale
    upper-level ridge is forecast to move eastward across the northern
    Plains on Tuesday and into the upper Mississippi Valley from
    Wednesday into Thursday. This feature will move away from a moist
    axis in the northern Plains, where moderate instability is forecast
    each afternoon. Thunderstorm development, some with potential for
    isolated large hail and severe wind gusts, will be possible each
    day. The greatest severe threat during the mid-week is expected on
    Wednesday in the Dakotas, where southwest mid-level flow and strong
    instability is forecast in the wake of the upper-level ridge.

    ...Friday/Day 7 and Saturday/Day 8...
    On Friday, some model solutions deepen an upper-level trough over
    the Intermountain West. In response, the north-central U.S
    upper-level ridge would move eastward toward the western Great
    Lakes. Isolated thunderstorms, possibly associated with a severe
    threat, would be possible within a moist airmass located further to
    the west from Nebraska into the Dakotas. However, some solutions are
    slow to move the upper-level trough into the western U.S. This would
    keep the upper-level ridge further west, negatively impacting the
    severe potential across the northern Plains. Under this scenario,
    storm coverage would be more isolated and the severe threat would
    not be as great.

    ..Broyles.. 08/17/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 08:51:50 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 180851
    SPC AC 180850

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0350 AM CDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Valid 211200Z - 261200Z

    ...Wednesday/Day 4 to Friday/Day 6...
    An upper-level ridge is forecast to gradually deamplify, moving from
    the northern Plains on Wednesday to the Great Lakes on Friday. An
    axis of instability will likely remain in the central and northern
    Plains from mid to late week, where isolated to scattered
    thunderstorms are expected to develop each afternoon and evening.
    The strongest instability is forecast over the Dakotas on Wednesday,
    with the ECMWF having SBCAPE peak above 4000 J/kg along the
    instability axis. This, combined with 0-6 km shear in the 30 to 40
    knot range, would support isolated supercell development. Large hail
    and severe wind gusts would be the primary threats. However, some
    solutions suggest that the upper-level ridge will be slower to move
    eastward, which would keep convection more isolated on Wednesday.
    For this reason, will not add a threat area for Wednesday. A similar
    setup is forecast on Thursday and Friday, which would support a
    marginal severe threat across the northern Plains each afternoon and

    ...Saturday/Day 7 and Sunday/Day 8...
    On Saturday, some of the medium-range models have an upper-level
    trough moving through the northern Rockies and Intermountain West. Southwesterly flow would be in place across much of the
    north-central U.S. Ahead of this feature, scattered thunderstorm
    would be possible across parts of the northern High Plains and
    Dakotas. Under this scenario, which is favored by the ECMWF, severe
    storms would be possible in parts of the northern Plains extending south-southeastward along the instability axis into the mid Missouri
    Valley. The severe threat would be shifted eastward into the parts
    of the upper Mississippi Valley on Sunday. For the weekend, other
    models are considerably slower with the progression of the western
    U.S. upper-level trough, which adds a lot of forecast uncertainty.

    ..Broyles.. 08/18/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 19 08:53:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 190853
    SPC AC 190851

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0351 AM CDT Mon Aug 19 2024

    Valid 221200Z - 271200Z

    ...Thursday/Day 4 to Saturday/Day 6...
    An upper-level ridge is forecast to gradually build over the Great
    Plains from Thursday to Saturday. During this time period, an axis
    of low-level moisture and instability is forecast to remain over the
    central and northern Plains. As surface temperatures warm each day,
    isolated thunderstorms are expected to develop over parts of the
    moist airmass. Moderate deep-layer shear and steep lapse rates
    should be favorable for a severe threat, with large hail and severe
    wind gusts possible. However, large-scale ascent and the resultant
    convective coverage is forecast to be limited, which should reduce
    the overall severe threat coverage.

    ...Sunday/Day7 and Monday/Day 8...
    An upper-level low over the Desert Southwest is forecast by the
    ECMWF to move quickly northeastward across the Intermountain West on
    Sunday, and into the northern Plains on Monday. Ahead of this
    feature, the medium range models suggest that a broad corridor of
    strong instability will be in place. Although convective coverage
    may remain relatively isolated on Sunday and Monday, the strong
    instability should be favorable for a severe threat. Large hail and
    isolated severe wind gusts would be possible in the northern Plains
    on Sunday, and in the upper Mississippi Valley on Monday. However,
    there is a wide dispersion of solutions concerning the timing of the upper-level trough. This suggest that uncertainty is substantial
    from Sunday into Monday. Once the models become in better agreement,
    a threat area may need to be considered early next week if it
    appears that convective coverage over the warm sector will be

    ..Broyles.. 08/19/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 20 08:39:42 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 200839
    SPC AC 200838

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0338 AM CDT Tue Aug 20 2024

    Valid 231200Z - 281200Z

    ...Friday/Day 4 to Sunday/Day 6...
    Heights within the persistent central U.S. upper-level ridge are
    forecast to rise from Friday to Sunday, as a mid-level trough moves
    through the western U.S. An axis of maximized low-level moisture and instability is forecast to remain over the central and northern
    Plains extending south-southeastward into the mid Missouri Valley.
    Thunderstorm development, with a potential severe threat, will be
    possible across parts of this unstable airmass each afternoon and
    evening. Subsidence associated with the upper-level ridge will be a
    negative factor, which is expected to keep the severe threat
    isolated and marginal through the weekend.

    ...Monday/Day 7 and Tuesday/Day 8...
    The medium-range models are finally in agreement concerning the
    timing of an upper-level trough, which is forecast to move through
    the northern Plains on Monday. Ahead of this trough, a moist and
    unstable airmass is forecast from the mid Missouri Valley
    northeastward into the western Great Lakes. Thunderstorms are
    expected to develop ahead of the trough over parts of the Minnesota
    and Wisconsin, with more isolated convection southward into Iowa.
    Strong instability and moderate deep-layer shear should be favorable
    for a severe threat, with the most likely area in the upper
    Mississippi Valley Monday afternoon and evening. However, there is
    still uncertainty concerning the timing of the trough, and location
    of the instability axis on Monday. In addition, part of the airmass
    could remain capped. At this point, will not outlook a threat area.
    The potential severe threat is forecast to shift eastward into the
    central Great Lakes region on Tuesday, but could be isolated due to
    the presence of a northeastern U.S. upper-level ridge.

    ..Broyles.. 08/20/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 21 08:56:52 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 210856
    SPC AC 210855

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0355 AM CDT Wed Aug 21 2024

    Valid 241200Z - 291200Z

    ...Saturday/Day 4 to Monday/Day 6...
    Heights within an upper-level ridge are forecast to rise across the
    central and northern U.S over the weekend, as an upper-level trough
    moves across the western U.S. Isolated severe-thunderstorm
    development will be possible across the Dakotas in the afternoon and
    evening both Saturday and Sunday. The best chance for severe storms
    would be on Sunday as large-scale ascent and deep-layer shear both
    increase across the northern Plains due to the approach of the

    The severe threat is forecast to shift eastward into the upper
    Mississippi Valley on Monday, as the upper-level trough and its
    associated cold front advance eastward from the northern Plains into
    the upper Mississippi Valley.

    ...Tuesday/Day 7 and Wednesday/Day 8...
    On Tuesday and Wednesday, the upper-level trough is forecast to
    deamplify as it moves through the Great Lakes region. Another
    upper-level trough is forecast to move through the western U.S on
    Tuesday and Wednesday. The best chance for severe storm development
    would be on Wednesday afternoon along an instability axis, most
    likely in either eastern parts of the northern Plains or in the
    upper Mississippi Valley. At this range, large model spread
    concerning the timing of the trough and distribution of instability
    suggests uncertainty is substantial.

    ..Broyles.. 08/21/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 09:01:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 220901
    SPC AC 220900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Valid 251200Z - 301200Z

    ...Sunday/Day 4 to Tuesday/Day 6...
    Heights within an upper-level ridge over the Mississippi Valley will
    continue to rise on Sunday, as an upper-level trough moves through
    the western U.S. The ridge is forecast to move into the western
    Great Lakes from Monday into Tuesday, as the upper-level trough
    moves across the north-central U.S. Ahead of the approaching trough, thunderstorm development will be possible each day, from the
    northern Plains into the upper Mississippi Valley. For the three
    days, the greatest chance of severe storms appears to be in the
    Dakotas on Sunday and in the upper Mississippi Valley on Monday.
    Strong instability and moderate deep-layer shear, combined with
    increasing large-scale ascent, should result in a severe threat each
    afternoon and evening. Large hail and severe gusts will likely be
    the primary threats.

    ...Wednesday/Day 7 and Thursday/Day 8...
    On Wednesday and Thursday, the upper-level trough is forecast to
    move across the upper Mississippi Valley and into southern Canada,
    as a second trough moves through the northern Plains. At the
    surface, a moist airmass is forecast to remain in place over the
    Great Lakes region and Upper Midwest. Scattered to widely scattered thunderstorms will be possible across much of this moist airmass on
    both days. Although an isolated severe threat will be possible each
    afternoon and evening, the threat is expected to remain marginal due
    to a large area of mid-level high pressure that is forecast to be in
    place over much of the eastern half of the nation.

    ..Broyles.. 08/22/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 23 09:02:28 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 230902
    SPC AC 230901

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0401 AM CDT Fri Aug 23 2024

    Valid 261200Z - 311200Z

    Models continue to suggest potential for severe weather across parts
    of the Upper Mississippi Valley area Day4/Monday, as a mid-level
    short-wave trough is shunted northeastward across this region by the
    persistent central U.S. ridge. Timing of the advance of this
    feature differs between the GFS and ECMWF, casting some uncertainty,
    but enough agreement exists to maintain a 15% probability area
    across this region.

    One other area of interest Day 4/Monday is across portions of the
    southern New England/Mid-Atlantic vicinity within a northwesterly
    flow regime on the southwestern side of New England/Canadian
    Maritimes upper low. Enhanced northwesterlies aloft would be
    sufficient to produce rather fast-moving bands of storms, but degree
    of instability remains a substantial question at this time. With
    intensity of the convection thus still uncertain, will refrain at
    this time from introducing a risk area.

    As the north-central U.S. mid-level feature moves into/across
    Ontario Day 5, a decrease in severe risk is expected despite a weak
    frontal advance southeastward across the Great Lakes into the Ohio

    Beyond Day 5, models begin to deviate substantially, particularly
    with respect to their handling of the next trough expected to
    progress eastward across the Canadian Prairie and
    northwestern/north-central CONUS. While some severe potential could
    accompany this feature, particularly if an evolution that resembles
    the stronger ECMWF solution plays out, uncertainty precludes any
    reasonable assessment of severe potential.

    ..Goss.. 08/23/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 24 08:55:40 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 240855
    SPC AC 240854

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0354 AM CDT Sat Aug 24 2024

    Valid 271200Z - 011200Z

    Within the faster belt of upper flow across the northern U.S.,
    substantial differences in timing of the disturbances in the flow
    are manifest from the very start of the medium-range period. On
    Tuesday/Day 4, an energetic short-wave trough should be crossing the north-central U.S., headed toward the Upper Mississippi
    Valley/southern Ontario, while an upstream trough crosses western
    Canada and the Pacific Northwest, and a downstream one crosses
    northern Quebec. However, noted differences in both timing and
    orientation of these features is immediately apparent. The
    north-central U.S. feature -- the one associated with Day-4 severe
    risk over the Great Lakes region -- is roughly 12 hours slower, and
    evolves to a more negatively tilted configuration in the ECMWF, as
    compared to the GFS. This results in fairly substantial differences
    in the surface pattern as well, prohibiting any forecast of the
    specifics regarding the severe-weather potential on Tuesday. Still, severe-weather risk is apparent despite east-west geographical
    uncertainties. Thus, will introduce an elongated 15% area across
    the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes region, given likelihood for
    existence of a favorably unstable/amply sheared environment in the
    vicinity of a surface front likely to stretch east-northeastward to west-southwestward across this region. Damaging winds and hail
    would likely be the primary risks.

    By Day 5, differences continue to amplify. Risk for severe weather
    may evolve across portions of the Northeast (favored by the GFS),
    and/or parts of the Midwest/Ohio Valley (favored by the ECMWF).
    However, the differences are substantial enough amongst the models
    to preclude an areal highlight at this time. Meanwhile farther
    west, an upper low/trough is forecast to be moving across the
    northwestern U.S. and Canadian Prairie early in the day, but
    location/timing, and intensity differences with this feature are
    pronounced. While some severe risk may evolve across parts of the north-central U.S. ahead of this feature and an associated cold
    front, the differences preclude any areal outlines at this time.

    Predictability issues persist through the remainder of the period,
    with model solutions diverging steadily through the upcoming Labor
    Day weekend.

    ..Goss.. 08/24/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 25 09:00:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 250900
    SPC AC 250859

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0359 AM CDT Sun Aug 25 2024

    Valid 281200Z - 021200Z

    Potential for severe weather may spread across parts of the
    Northeast/New England Day 4/Wednesday. However non-trivial
    uncertainty is evident -- regarding both details with respect to how
    the short-wave trough crossing Ontario interacts with the more
    pronounced trough shifting eastward across Quebec into the Canadian
    Maritimes, as well as evolution/progression of ongoing Day-3
    convection. Therefore, despite potential for severe weather that is
    evident in a broad/general sense, no areas will be highlighted at
    this time.

    Upstream, models forecast the advance of an upper low across the
    Canadian Prairie, with troughing south of the low to cross the
    northern Intermountain Region and eventually reach the northern
    Plains. As this system advances, a cold front is progged to move
    into/across the Dakotas and western Nebraska diurnally. Amply
    strong flow should accompany this trough, along with the likelihood
    for sufficient warm-sector destabilization to support storm
    development. This suggests some potential for severe weather across
    portions of the northern Plains, but -- similar to the potential for
    severe weather over the Northeast -- will refrain from any areal
    highlights at this time.

    Beyond Day 4/Wednesday, model differences steadily increase with
    respect to the large-scale features, and thus will refrain from
    attempts to assess risk through the remainder of the medium-range

    ..Goss.. 08/25/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 26 08:46:10 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 260845
    SPC AC 260844

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0344 AM CDT Mon Aug 26 2024

    Valid 291200Z - 031200Z

    An upper low is forecast to move across the Canadian Prairie and
    north-central U.S. through the first half of the Day 4/Thursday
    period, before being shunted a bit northeastward into Ontario due to
    pronounced downstream ridging. Timing differences amongst the
    medium-range global models with the advance of this feature,
    similarly result in positional differences with the surface front.
    Thus, while some severe risk may manifest during the
    afternoon/evening hours across the Upper Midwest region given a likely-to-be-sufficient kinematic and thermodynamic environment
    ahead of the front, no risk areas will be highlighted at this time.

    Similarly on Day 5/Friday, timing differences are evident as upper
    troughing and the associated surface front shift across the Upper
    Great Lakes/Midwest region. While some severe risk would again be
    possible within this general region, too much positional uncertainty
    exists for areal outlines.

    Beyond Day 5, a gradual expansion of cyclonic flow aloft is forecast
    across roughly the eastern half of the country -- though to
    different degrees in the various models. As this occurs, the more
    favorably moist low-level airmass will gradually be suppressed
    southward, south of the faster belt of flow aloft, and thus a
    general decrease in severe risk is expected across the U.S. overall.
    This trend should continue through the end of the period, as a
    pronounced intrusion of Canadian air gradually spreads across the
    eastern two-thirds of the country through Labor Day and beyond.

    ..Goss.. 08/26/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 27 09:04:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 270904
    SPC AC 270902

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0402 AM CDT Tue Aug 27 2024

    Valid 301200Z - 041200Z

    Latest runs of the global models suggest that the general pattern
    evolution over the U.S. through the medium range will be
    characterized by a slowly progressive upper flow field, trending
    toward amplification of troughing over the eastern U.S. and ridging
    over the West. Late in the period, as the pattern continues to
    progress, a Pacific trough is progged to approach and then move into
    the western states, while the western U.S. ridge shifts gradually
    toward the central states. Still farther upstream, the eastern U.S.
    trough will likewise continue shifting eastward, into/across New
    England and the Canadian Maritimes.

    Through the first half of the period, as the upper trough moves
    across the Great Lakes region and adjacent Ontario and is then
    reinforced by a second feature digging southeastward out of Canada,
    a series of surface cold fronts will shift eastward/southeastward
    across the central and eastern CONUS.

    On Day 4/Friday, at least some severe threat will likely evolve over
    the Upper Great Lakes/Midwest, ahead of the initial cold front. By
    Day 5/Saturday, convection -- and possibly limited severe risk --
    may spread across the Lower Lakes and Ohio Valley area. A
    continued, eastward shift should persist through Day6/Sunday, as the
    next front accelerates eastward across the Great Lakes/Midwest, with
    most substantial strong convective potential evolving from New
    England into the Mid-Atlantic region. Overall however, with
    low-level moisture begin suppressed gradually southward by Canadian
    frontal intrusions, and the surface baroclinic zone settling south
    of the stronger flow aloft, overall risk should remain limited, and
    gradually decreasing through the period. As such, no risk areas are
    being included in the medium-range outlook at this time.

    ..Goss.. 08/27/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 08:58:04 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 280857
    SPC AC 280856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Valid 311200Z - 051200Z

    Medium-range global models continue to suggest limited severe
    potential Days 4-5 (Saturday and Sunday) largely within the
    northeastern quarter of the country, followed by several days of
    what appears likely to be minimal severe risk through the remainder
    of the period.

    Day 4/Saturday, upper-level height falls are progged to shift across
    the Great Lakes/Midwest/Northeast, as a strengthening upper trough
    advances east-southeastward across Ontario and the Upper Great Lakes
    region. A weak cold front will cross the Lower Great
    Lakes/Appalachians, with likelihood for showers and thunderstorms
    accompanying this front. However, with stronger flow aloft limited
    to areas from Pennsylvania northward, where instability should
    remain limited, overall severe risk appears at this time to remain
    too low to warrant inclusion of a risk area associated with this
    frontal passage.

    Limited severe potential may also exist for a few hours in the
    afternoon and early evening over the Upper Mississippi Valley area,
    as a stronger/reinforcing cold front surges southeastward out of
    Canada across the Upper Mississippi Valley and Great Lakes region
    and into central Plains and Upper Midwest overnight. Though only
    modest moisture -- and thus weak afternoon pre-frontal
    destabilization -- is expected, low-topped convection is expected
    during the afternoon across parts of Upper Michigan/Wisconsin and
    perhaps Minnesota. Strong northwesterly flow aloft would support
    fast-moving storms, and possibly a risk for damaging winds locally.
    Again though, this potential appears too limited/uncertain to
    include a risk area at this time.

    Day 5, the surging cold front is forecast to shift southeastward
    into the Northeast/New England, and southward across the Ohio Valley
    area. Similar to Day 4 potential for low-topped storms farther
    northwest, convection will likely develop along the front through
    the afternoon -- particularly across the New England vicinity.
    However, given the frontal passage the prior day, questions with
    respect to available moisture -- and thus destabilization potential
    -- exist at this time. As such, despite the strong front and strong
    flow aloft, severe risk again appears limited and uncertain,
    precluding introduction of a risk area for now.

    The cold front is expected to have moved offshore of New England and
    the Mid-Atlantic region by the start of Day 6, becoming
    quasistationary in a west-to-east manner across the Southeast and
    Mid South, on the southern fringe of a Canadian High settling into
    the northeastern quarter of the country. While convection will
    likely occur near and south of this front where moist Gulf air will
    remain in place, this region will remain well south of the enhanced
    flow aloft. Therefore, severe risk appears minimal -- and should
    remain so through the end of the period.

    ..Goss.. 08/28/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 09:02:12 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 290902
    SPC AC 290900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Valid 011200Z - 061200Z

    Medium-range/global models are in reasonably good agreement with
    respect to synoptic-scale features across the U.S. through about Day
    6/Tuesday. Late in the period, models begin deviating with respect
    to their handling of an upper low, which through the first half of
    the period is progged to be moving in a slow, anticyclonic arc
    around northern fringes of a western and central U.S. ridge. As
    this feature crests the ridge, moving across the northern
    Intermountain region Day 7/Wednesday, model solutions begin to
    diverge with respect to progression of the system, with divergence
    continuing through Day8. Therefore, while some severe risk may
    accompany the advance of this feature toward/into the north-central
    U.S. late in the period, uncertainty precludes any further
    assessment of this potential.

    Meanwhile early in the period, an upper trough will shift across the northeastern quarter of the country Day 4/Sunday. An associated
    cold front is progged to advance across the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic
    region, but with preceding low-level moisture likely already swept
    off the New England Coast by a prior frontal passage. As such, it
    appears that only a limited potential for stronger storms will exist
    along trailing portions of the front farther south (from the
    Mid-Atlantic vicinity westward into the Tennessee Valley area) with
    stronger flow aloft remaining farther to the north.

    Days 5-6 and beyond, the front will continue sagging southward
    across the Southeast and Gulf Coast States, as a Canadian surface
    high settles southeastward into the Plains/Great Lakes/Midwest.
    While convection can be expected near and south of this boundary,
    stronger flow aloft will remain well north of this region, thus
    precluding organized severe potential.

    ..Goss.. 08/29/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 08:37:24 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 300837
    SPC AC 300835

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0335 AM CDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Valid 021200Z - 071200Z

    Global models appear to be in reasonable agreement through the
    medium range, with a long-wave upper trough crossing the eastern
    U.S. Day 4/Monday, and then shifting into the Canadian Maritimes and
    western Atlantic Day 5/Tuesday. Weak/low-amplitude flow aloft will
    prevail across the U.S. Day 5 and into Day 6/Wednesday, before the
    pattern begins to amplify again through Days 7-8 (Thursday and
    Friday, Sept. 5-6). This amplification anticipated late in the
    period will result in an eastern trough/western ridge configuration,
    with a cold front to progress across the eastern half of the country
    through the second half of the period.

    However, with the prior (Day 3) frontal advance across the southern
    U.S., and persistence of Canadian surface high pressure in its wake,
    rich/Gulf moisture is expected to remain confined to southern
    portions of the country. This should limit severe potential with
    the late-period system as it crosses the CONUS. As such, no
    severe-weather risk areas are being included in the forecast, as
    overall potential appears likely at this time to remain low through
    the end of the upcoming week.

    ..Goss.. 08/30/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 08:35:06 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 310834
    SPC AC 310833

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0333 AM CDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Valid 031200Z - 081200Z

    Global models are in reasonable agreement with handling of
    large-scale features through about Day 5/Wednesday, after which
    divergent tendencies become apparent -- particularly with the
    handling of a weak short-wave feature moving across the northwestern
    U.S. early in the period. Models depict this feature partially
    phasing with a more substantial trough moving across western Canada
    within the faster belt of westerlies to the north Day 4/Tuesday, and
    then emerging into the north-central U.S. Day 5. Afterward,
    evolution of this trough begins to differ substantially amongst the
    models. The GFS depicts this trough evolving into cut-off low over
    the Upper Mississippi Valley/Upper Great Lakes region Day
    6/Thursday, which then lingers in place through Day 8 and beyond.
    Meanwhile, the ECMWF remains slowly progressive with the trough into
    eastern North America through the period. Given these substantial
    differences, convective/severe potential cannot be reasonably
    assessed beyond Day 5.

    In the Day 4-5 time frame, a cold-frontal advance out of the western
    U.S. into the northern Plains -- and eventually the Great Lakes
    region -- is expected, in tandem with the progression of the
    aforementioned upper trough. However, with a surface high still
    firmly in place from the eastern U.S. westward into the
    central/southern Plains, Gulf moisture will remain suppressed, and
    thus the likelihood for only meager destabilization across the
    pre-frontal warm sector. Therefore, severe risk is expected to
    remain limited, thus not requiring a 15% areal outline associated
    with this system through Day 5.

    ..Goss.. 08/31/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 08:50:42 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 010850
    SPC AC 010849

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0349 AM CDT Sun Sep 01 2024

    Valid 041200Z - 091200Z

    Similar to 24 hours prior, global model solutions with respect to
    the large-scale pattern evolution over the U.S. begin substantial
    divergence relatively early in the medium-range period. This
    deviation in solutions becomes readily apparent by Friday (Day 6),
    and the differences preclude any meaningful assessment of severe
    risk beyond Thursday (Day 5).

    Through Day 5, severe-weather risk appears likely to remain minimal.
    Though a cold front is forecast to cross the northern Plains
    Wednesday (Day 4) and the Upper Mississippi Valley/Upper Great Lakes
    region Thursday (Day 5), low-level moisture -- and thus potential
    for destabilization -- is forecast to remain limited ahead of the
    front. As such, appreciable severe risk appears unlikely at this

    ..Goss.. 09/01/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 09:01:52 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 020901
    SPC AC 020900

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0400 AM CDT Mon Sep 02 2024

    Valid 051200Z - 101200Z

    Global models have come into a bit better agreement with each other,
    through late next week, with respect to their handling of the
    large-scale features. Day 4 (Thursday), the upper trough crossing
    central portions of Canada and the north-central U.S. is progged to
    continue digging southeastward -- reaching a roughly upper
    Mississippi Valley to Mid-Missouri Valley position by Friday
    morning. As this occurs, a corresponding eastward/southward advance
    of a surface cold front will occur, crossing the Upper Great
    Lakes/Upper Midwest and drifting as far south as the central Plains
    overnight. Preceding the front, limited low-level moisture is
    expected, with Gulf moisture remaining restricted to the
    southern-tier states. Thus, while a few strong/severe storms may
    evolve within a southern Upper Great Lakes to central Plains
    corridor, potential for a more widespread severe event appears
    limited at this time.

    Day 5 (Friday), a continued southeastward advance/amplification of
    the upper trough is anticipated, shifting across the Great Lakes and
    Midwest through the day, and with cyclonic flow surrounding the
    trough to encompass the entire eastern half of the country by
    Saturday morning. The associated cold front -- crossing the central
    U.S. through the day, is expected to reach a Lower Great Lakes to
    Lower Mississippi Valley to Texas position overnight. Meanwhile,
    the height falls associated with this trough into the southeastern
    U.S. may support frontal wave development along the remnant
    baroclinic zone likely to be lingering over the northern Gulf/Gulf
    Coast area. While still uncertain, this low may shift across the
    Southeast Friday, reaching the eastern Carolinas vicinity by Sunday
    morning. While it is not out of the question that -- with this
    front/low marking the northward extent of tropical low-level air,
    that low-end severe risk could evolve overnight. However, this
    scenario is uncertain, and would seem likely to remain limited in
    terms of significance.

    Day 6, some negative tilt of the upper trough is expected as it
    advances across the Midwest and Lower Great Lakes area, with models
    suggesting evolution into a closed low over the eastern Ontario
    vicinity with time. Meanwhile, the advancing cold front is progged
    to begin to overtake the remnant baroclinic zone and frontal wave,
    with the combined front to linger near -- and eventually move off --
    the Atlantic Seaboard as the frontal low moves toward/into southern
    New England overnight. Again, some severe potential may manifest
    ahead of the consolidating surface front, but at this time, models
    suggest that destabilization will remain largely just offshore.

    By Sunday (Day 7) and continuing through the end of the period,
    model divergence increases -- with evolution/positioning of the
    deepening closed low over eastern NOAM, and -- as a result, the
    upstream flow pattern over the western half of the country. Overall
    severe risk would appear to be low overall however, with general
    ridging likely over the western half of the country.

    ..Goss.. 09/02/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 08:25:00 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 030824
    SPC AC 030823

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0323 AM CDT Tue Sep 03 2024

    Valid 061200Z - 111200Z

    On D4/Friday, on upper-level trough is forecast to amplify as it
    digs southeastward across the Great Lakes region. In response, a
    surface low is forecast to deepen in the vicinity of the lower Great
    Lakes, though the timing and intensity of cyclogenesis continues to
    vary among extended-range guidance. Depending on the timing of the
    upper-level trough and attendant cold front, strong storms could
    develop across parts of the Ohio Valley during the afternoon and
    evening as low/midlevel flow strengthens, though generally weak
    instability could tend to limit severe potential.

    Uncertainty regarding the synoptic evolution on D4/Friday continues
    into D5/Saturday. However, there will be some potential for
    low-level moisture to be drawn northward into parts of the Mid
    Atlantic and Northeast, in advance of the cold front. Instability
    may remain quite weak, but rather strong flow could support
    convection with gusty-wind potential, if adequate prefrontal
    buoyancy can develop.

    For D6/Sunday and beyond, most guidance keeps richer low-level
    moisture confined near the Gulf Coast, which could generally limit
    severe potential across much of the CONUS. One possible exception is
    the High Plains vicinity, where modest low-level moisture return
    could support some increase in convective potential, especially if a northwesterly flow regime can be maintained between the deep eastern
    trough and an upper ridge that may become reestablished near the
    Four Corners region. However, predictability regarding synoptic
    details begins to substantially wane into early next week.

    ..Dean.. 09/03/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 08:11:38 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 040811
    SPC AC 040810

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0310 AM CDT Wed Sep 04 2024

    Valid 071200Z - 121200Z

    ...D4/Saturday - D5/Sunday: Northeast/Mid Atlantic...
    An amplifying trough is forecast to evolve into a rather deep
    mid/upper-level cyclone over parts of Ontario into the eastern Great
    Lakes region on Saturday, and then begin moving eastward on Sunday.
    Uncertainty remains regarding the intensity/location of related
    surface cyclogenesis, and the timing of an attendant cold front into
    parts of the Northeast and Mid Atlantic. There will be some
    potential for low-level moisture to be drawn northward in advance of
    the cold front, though instability will likely remain weak. If
    adequate buoyancy can develop, then increasing flow fields could
    support some increase in severe potential across parts of the Mid
    Atlantic and Northeast on D4/Saturday. Uncertainty regarding frontal
    position increases into D5/Sunday, though some guidance suggests
    potential for frontal convection to develop across parts of New
    England before moving offshore.

    ...D6/Monday - D8/Wednesday...
    The deep trough over the eastern CONUS is generally forecast to
    weaken and move offshore early next week. Farther west, an upper
    ridge is forecast to amplify over the Southwest, while an upper
    trough deepens over the eastern Pacific and eventually begins to
    impinge upon the Pacific Coast. A persistent surface ridge over the
    East is expected to keep richer low-level moisture confined to near
    the Gulf Coast, which will tend to limit moisture return and severe-thunderstorm potential across much of the CONUS.

    ..Dean.. 09/04/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 5 08:15:22 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 050815
    SPC AC 050813

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0313 AM CDT Thu Sep 05 2024

    Valid 081200Z - 131200Z

    A deep upper-level trough initially over the eastern CONUS on
    D4/Sunday is forecast to move offshore early next week. In the wake
    of this trough and its attendant cold front, a surface ridge is
    expected to persist over much of the eastern CONUS through mid week.
    This ridge will likely prevent the northward return of richer
    low-level moisture for most of the extended-range period, which
    should tend to limit organized severe-thunderstorm potential across
    much of the CONUS.

    There is some potential for the influence of the eastern surface
    ridge to wane by D7/Wednesday into D8/Thursday, while some guidance
    suggests a mid/upper-level trough will approach the central/northern
    High Plains during this time frame. Should this occur, there could
    be some increase in severe potential, though predictability remains
    rather low at this forecast range.

    ..Dean.. 09/05/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 08:54:12 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 060853
    SPC AC 060852

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0352 AM CDT Fri Sep 06 2024

    Valid 091200Z - 141200Z

    ...Monday/Day 4 to Wednesday/Day 6...
    An upper-level trough is forecast to move from the Northeast into
    the Atlantic early in the week, as a shortwave ridge moves through
    the Great Lakes. Another shortwave trough is forecast to move
    through the north-central U.S. At the surface, a large area of high
    pressure is forecast to remain over the eastern third of the U.S.
    This will likely impede moisture return over the southern U.S.
    through midweek. While thunderstorms will be possible near the Gulf
    Coast each day, deep-layer shear is forecast to be too weak for
    severe storms. Isolated thunderstorms may also develop each
    afternoon in parts of the north-central states, but limited
    large-scale ascent and relatively weak deep-layer shear should be
    unfavorable for organized storms.

    ...Thursday/Day 7 and Friday/Day 8...
    Low-level moisture is forecast to return northward into the Arklatex
    on Thursday, as a shortwave trough moves through the south-central
    U.S. Thunderstorm development, with some potentially severe, will be
    possible within the moist airmass from the southern Plains eastward
    into the lower to mid Mississippi Valley. There is considerable
    uncertainty concerning the timing of the shortwave trough and
    instability. For this reason, the area with the greatest threat is
    unclear at this time. On Friday, moisture advection is forecast to
    continue across the central U.S. as the western U.S. upper-level
    trough approaches the central and northern Plains. Isolated severe thunderstorms will be possible ahead of the trough in the
    north-central states. Uncertainty on Friday is again substantial due
    to the relatively wide dispersion among the model solutions.

    ..Broyles.. 09/06/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 7 08:54:32 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 070854
    SPC AC 070853

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0353 AM CDT Sat Sep 07 2024

    Valid 101200Z - 151200Z

    ...Tuesday/Day 4 to Thursday/Day 6...
    A shortwave ridge is forecast to move eastward across the Great
    Lakes region on Tuesday and into the Northeast on Wednesday. Another
    shortwave ridge is forecast to move through the north-central U.S.
    on Wednesday as an upper-level trough amplifies across the western
    U.S. Due to the presence of instability in the northern Plains,
    thunderstorm development will be possible each afternoon. However,
    large-scale ascent is expected to be limited and deep-layer shear
    relatively weak, suggesting that storms should remain isolated and
    unorganized. Additional storms will be possible near the Gulf Coast
    each day.

    ...Friday/Day 7 and Saturday/Day 8...
    The western U.S. upper-level trough is forecast to move through the
    Rockies and into the north-central states from Friday into Saturday.
    As the trough moves out, large-scale ascent is forecast to
    overspread a moist and unstable airmass in the northern and central
    Plains. Although some severe threat will be possible ahead of the
    trough, deep-layer shear is forecast to be relatively weak. This
    suggests that any severe threat that develops during the afternoon
    and evening should remain isolated.

    ..Broyles.. 09/07/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 8 08:52:08 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 080852
    SPC AC 080850

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0350 AM CDT Sun Sep 08 2024

    Valid 111200Z - 161200Z

    ...Wednesday/Day 4 to Friday/Day 6...
    An upper-level ridge is forecast to move across the north-central
    U.S. on Wednesday, as a trough develops in the western U.S. An
    upper-level low is forecast to move across the northwestern states
    from Wednesday to Friday. Ahead of the trough, thunderstorms will be
    possible each day from the Intermountain west eastward into the
    central and northern Plains. At this time, the potential for severe
    may be limited by instability, which is generally forecast to remain
    weak across most of the western and central U.S.

    In the Gulf Coast region, some model forecasts have a tropical
    system becoming organized in the northern Gulf from Wednesday to
    Friday. If this system materializes and can move onshore, the day
    with the greatest potential to impact the central Gulf Coast would
    be Thursday. A tornado threat could materialize as the system moves
    inland, depending upon its overall strength.

    ...Saturday/Day 7 and Sunday/Day 8...
    A shortwave trough is forecast to move eastward across the
    north-central U.S. on Saturday, as an upper-level low moves across
    the Ohio Valley and into the Great Lakes from Saturday into Sunday.
    Although the potential for severe storms over the weekend appears to
    be low at this time, substantial uncertainty exists at this extended

    ..Broyles.. 09/08/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 9 08:52:42 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 090852
    SPC AC 090851

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0351 AM CDT Mon Sep 09 2024

    Valid 121200Z - 171200Z

    ...Thursday/Day 4 to Saturday/Day 6...
    A tropical cyclone is forecast to move slowly northward through the
    lower to mid Mississippi Valley from Thursday to Saturday. A tornado
    threat will be possible to the east of the center across much of the
    central Gulf Coast region on Thursday. Model forecasts suggest that
    the tornado threat could shift northward into the Tennessee Valley
    on Friday. On Saturday, uncertainty is considerable concerning the
    location of any tropical cyclone remnants. If current solutions are
    reasonably close, then a tornado threat would be possible in the
    Southeast, potentially from the southern Appalachians into the

    ...Sunday/Day 7 and Monday/Day 8...
    Mid-level flow is forecast to be relatively weak across the central
    and eastern U.S. on Sunday and Monday. The diffuse pattern and weak
    deep-layer shear across most of the U.S. suggests that the severe
    potential will remain low.

    ..Broyles.. 09/09/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 08:36:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 100836
    SPC AC 100834

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0334 AM CDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Valid 131200Z - 181200Z

    Severe potential appears low through the period. Primary concern for
    D4/Friday is any lingering tornado threat associated with the
    remnants of TC Francine. It is forecast by NHC to drift into the
    Mid-South/MS Valley to Lower OH Valley vicinity. Latest guidance
    indicates further weakening of low-level wind fields on Friday,
    likely becoming inadequate to sustain a synoptically evident TC
    tornado threat.

    Beyond this time frame, a quiescent pattern for severe is expected
    this weekend into early next week. Towards mid-week, majority of
    ensemble guidance suggests potential large-scale amplification of an
    upper trough into the West. This may yield an increase of
    low-probability severe around D8 and beyond over parts of the Great
    Plains, where many preceding days of above-normal temps will occur.

    ..Grams.. 09/10/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 11 08:45:54 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 110845
    SPC AC 110844

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0344 AM CDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Valid 141200Z - 191200Z

    Severe potential appears low during much of the period, with an area
    of interest on D7/Tuesday in the northern Great Plains vicinity.
    Guidance consensus suggests a large-scale trough should approach the
    West Coast by about D5/Sunday. An embedded shortwave impulse is
    generally projected to move northeast across the central Rockies
    into the northern High Plains early next week. This may yield at
    least a low-probability severe threat, seemingly centered on
    D7/Tuesday, in parts of the Dakotas to eastern MT. Typical spread
    for this time frame and only modest run-to-run continuity suggest predictability is too low for a 15 percent severe area.

    ..Grams.. 09/11/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 08:30:30 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 120830
    SPC AC 120829

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0329 AM CDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Valid 151200Z - 201200Z

    Severe potential appears low during much of the period, but a
    low-probability threat may evolve around D6/Tuesday in the
    northern/central High/Great Plains vicinity. With weak flow and a
    blocking pattern in the East, a large-scale trough should reach the
    West Coast by D4/Sunday. Guidance consensus continues to indicate an
    embedded shortwave trough ejecting east-northeast over parts of the
    West, before pivoting more north-northeastward towards mid-week.
    However, run-to-run oscillation persists with both its spatial
    evolution and amplitude of an attendant mid-level jet. Today's 00Z
    runs suggest a more marginal setup for a 15 percent highlight.

    ..Grams.. 09/12/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 08:43:08 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 130843
    SPC AC 130841

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0341 AM CDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Valid 161200Z - 211200Z

    Guidance has trended increasingly consistent with the evolution of a
    closed mid/upper low initially over northern/central CA at 12Z
    Monday. This low should become an open wave as it pivots northeast
    towards the northern High Plains by late Tuesday, likely inducing
    surface cyclogenesis in the eastern MT vicinity. Despite increasing
    agreement in track/timing, the consensus trend is for a weakening
    mid-level jet ejection, in the meridional flow regime ahead of the
    trough. As such, the amplitude of the severe-storm risk is still
    uncertain, but an area of interest for a future 15 percent highlight
    remains evident across the northern High Plains.

    This shortwave trough should dampen and slow as it encroaches on the
    persistent blocking pattern in the East. In the wake of this wave,
    the next in a series of shortwave impulses should amplify along the
    Pacific Coast mid-week. Thereafter, predictability drops
    considerably by late week.

    ..Grams.. 09/13/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 08:44:12 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 140844
    SPC AC 140842

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0342 AM CDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Valid 171200Z - 221200Z

    Severe potential may be maximized on D4/Tuesday, but persistent
    predictability concerns preclude a 15 percent highlight.

    A mid-level low centered the ID/NV/UT border area at 12Z Tuesday
    should advance north-northeast towards the MT/AB/SK border area by
    12Z Wednesday. Guidance has improved consistency with this track.
    But models remain inconsistent with the amplitude of the meridional
    mid-level jet to the east of the low, and spatial/temporal spread
    appears to have increased with evolution of surface cyclogenesis
    over the northern High Plains. It is plausible that a meso-alpha
    scale corridor of 15 percent severe probabilities may be warranted
    in later outlooks, somewhere in the eastern MT/WY to western Dakotas

    The large spread in guidance with the development of a near-coastal subtropical/tropical cyclone on D3 renders minimal predictability
    for D4 severe potential in NC and the Lower Mid-Atlantic region.

    Latest guidance has trended towards a slower, positive-tilt
    large-scale trough evolution over the West, as the next upstream
    shortwave impulse digs back into the Southwest. A moderate mid-level southwesterly flow regime and persistent moderate to well-above
    normal temperatures may yield daily bouts of low-probability severe
    from the south-central High Plains to the Upper Midwest. Despite
    typical predictability concerns in this time frame, overall setup
    appears unlikely to support a synoptically evident severe episode.

    ..Grams.. 09/14/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 08:35:46 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 150835
    SPC AC 150834

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0334 AM CDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Valid 181200Z - 231200Z

    A shortwave trough near the northern High Plains at 12Z Wednesday
    should slow as it largely progresses across the southern Prairie
    Provinces. A belt of enhanced mid-level southwesterlies should
    linger over the northern Great Plains through Thursday, and aid in a
    recharging and downstream advection of steep mid-level lapse rates
    over the Dakotas and NE. The low-level moisture plume near the edge
    of the EML should be confined, as dry conditions persist in the
    Great Lakes region, on the backside of the low-amplitude mid-level
    trough over the East. Low-probability severe may occur along a
    portion of a weak cold front on Thursday in the north-central

    The next shortwave trough that amplifies into the Southwest should
    remain positive tilt and slow moving, until around next weekend when
    guidance consensus suggests it accelerates northeastward as another
    shortwave trough digs into the Northwest. This pattern should yield
    more muted mid-level lapse rates over most of the Great Plains,
    especially into next weekend. As such, severe probabilities may
    remain low through the period.

    ..Grams.. 09/15/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 08:55:24 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 160854
    SPC AC 160853

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0353 AM CDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Valid 191200Z - 241200Z

    ...D4/Upper Midwest...
    Lower-end severe potential remains evident on Thursday afternoon to
    evening across a focused portion of the Upper Midwest, centered on
    the eastern Dakotas to western MN per latest guidance. A shortwave
    trough over the southern Prairie Provinces into the northern Great
    Plains should gradually move east. An attendant north/south-oriented
    cold front should similarly progress across the Dakotas towards
    western MN. In the mid-levels, a plume of steep lapse rates should
    be coincident with a belt of enhanced west-southwesterly flow. The
    warm-moist sector ahead of the front will likely be confined with
    decreasing boundary-layer moisture along/east of the Upper MS
    Valley. As such, the overall threat area will probably be fairly
    narrow and predictability is too low for a 15 percent highlight.

    ...D6-7/Southern High Plains to Mid-MO Valley...
    The next shortwave trough that amplifies into the Southwest should
    remain positive tilt and slow moving, until the weekend when
    guidance consensus suggests it accelerates northeastward. The
    attendant belt of enhanced mid-level flow around this trough appears
    spatially confined, as a ridge dominates from the Lower Rio Grande
    Valley to southeast Canada. Coupled with muted mid-level lapse rates
    over most of the Great Plains, severe potential appears marginal.

    ..Grams.. 09/16/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 08:57:00 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 170856
    SPC AC 170855

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0355 AM CDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Valid 201200Z - 251200Z

    A shortwave trough that amplifies into the Southwest should remain
    positive tilt and slow moving into this weekend. Guidance has
    trended towards greater consistency with the evolution of its
    attendant belt of enhanced mid-level flow ahead of the trough. Based
    on current timing, a focused corridor of severe potential may
    develop on D5/Saturday afternoon in the southern High Plains. With a
    stout mid-level anticyclone anchored over south TX and 500-mb
    temperatures warmer than -2 C across roughly the southeast
    two-thirds of TX, a potential corridor of 15 percent probabilities
    would likely be confined to the mesoscale. Predictability is too low
    to confidently highlight such a corridor at this temporal scale.
    After D5, predictability on the synoptic scale wanes considerably.
    Guidance spread becomes large with the evolution of northern-stream
    shortwave troughs and their influence on this southern-stream wave.

    ..Grams.. 09/17/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 18 08:56:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 180856
    SPC AC 180854

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0354 AM CDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Valid 211200Z - 261200Z

    Lower-end severe potential should return on D4/Saturday in advance
    of a southern-stream shortwave trough over the Southwest. A
    mid-level jetlet, with 500-mb winds from 50-60 kts, is progged to
    eject across NM as the shortwave trough reaches the Four Corners
    area. A mesoscale corridor of severe storms might develop Saturday
    afternoon across a part of eastern NM or Far West TX. The expected
    buoyancy plume should be modest in amplitude and rather confined
    spatially owing to mid-level temperatures warmer than -3 C at 500 mb
    across much of TX.

    This shortwave trough may weaken slightly as it progresses towards
    the central Great Plains on D5/Sunday. But moderate mid-level
    southwesterlies may overspread a plume of rich low-level moisture
    arcing to the west-northwest from the Mid/Lower MS Valley. A
    mesoscale corridor of focused severe potential could develop in
    parts of KS/NE to western MO.

    Predictability for each scenario on D4-5 remains too low to
    confidently delineate a 15 percent area at these spatiotemporal
    scales. Larger-scale pattern predictability becomes too low into
    early next week.

    ..Grams.. 09/18/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 08:57:44 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 190857
    SPC AC 190856

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0356 AM CDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Valid 221200Z - 271200Z

    Some severe potential is evident on both D4/Sunday and D5/Monday.
    But both regimes appear to be focused on the mesoscale, rendering
    insufficient predictability at this time frame for a 15 percent
    highlight. A combination of both low predictability and potential is
    apparent mid-week next week.

    A southern-stream shortwave trough is expected to progress from the
    Southwest into the central Great Plains on D4. A confined belt of
    enhanced mid-level southwesterlies overspreading a corridor of rich boundary-layer moisture just ahead of an attendant weak surface
    cyclone may yield a severe-storm threat on Sunday afternoon. Per
    consensus of latest guidance, the most favored area could be
    centered around the Lower MO Valley. This shortwave trough may
    continue northeastward towards the Upper MS Valley into D5. Guidance
    spread increases with the degree of forward speed, along with
    potential weakening of the flow fields surrounding the trough.
    Still, a similar setup may occur on Monday in parts of the Midwest,
    centered on the southwest Great Lakes region. Mid-level lapse rates
    on both days are uniformly depicted to be weak, suggestive of
    lower-end severe potential.

    ..Grams.. 09/19/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 20 07:33:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 200733
    SPC AC 200731

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0231 AM CDT Fri Sep 20 2024

    Valid 231200Z - 281200Z

    Th latest suite of forecast guidance continues to show large spread
    during the Day 4-8/Mon-Fri period. While the evolution of a central
    U.S. upper trough is uncertain, it seems likely general troughing
    across the eastern half of the U.S. will develop. Some severe
    potential could develop around Days 4-5/Mon-Tue from the Midwest to
    the Mid-Atlantic as a surface cold front advances east into a
    seasonally moist airmass amid moderately enhanced mid/upper flow.
    Severe potential should decrease late in the forecast period as the
    surface trough moves offshore the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and
    surface high pressure builds across the Midwest.

    ..Leitman.. 09/20/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 21 07:54:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 210754
    SPC AC 210752

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0252 AM CDT Sat Sep 21 2024

    Valid 241200Z - 291200Z

    Forecast confidence is low during the Day 4-8 period as large spread
    is evident across medium range forecast guidance. Some low-end
    severe potential (sub-15 percent) may continue into Day 4/Tuesday
    over parts of the OH/TN Valleys and adjacent Appalachians as a
    surface cold front continue to progress east amid modest mid/upper
    level southwesterly flow. Thereafter, guidance suggests a cut-off
    upper low will develop over some part of the central section of the
    CONUS, though confidence is the evolution of this feature is low.
    Despite this uncertainty, severe potential appears low beyond Day
    4/Tuesday given prior cold frontal passage and limited Gulf return

    ..Leitman.. 09/21/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 22 08:36:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 220836
    SPC AC 220835

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0335 AM CDT Sun Sep 22 2024

    Valid 251200Z - 301200Z

    Large spread among guidance is apparent during the Day 4-8 period.
    Most guidance develops an upper cyclone over the central or eastern
    U.S. for much of the period, while an upper ridge persists over the
    western states. However, the GFS suite of guidance is much more
    progressive with the central/eastern upper trough/low compared to
    the ECMWF, and eventually develops a broad upper ridge over much of
    the CONUS late in the period. Given vastly different forecast
    solutions, confidence in any severe potential developing during the
    forecast period is low.

    ..Leitman.. 09/22/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 23 08:43:40 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 230843
    SPC AC 230842

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0342 AM CDT Mon Sep 23 2024

    Valid 261200Z - 011200Z

    Some severe potential may develop over parts of the South/Southeast
    on Day 4/Thu in relation to the potential tropical cyclone currently
    over the western Caribbean. Uncertainty in the evolution/track of
    this system precludes severe probabilities at this time. Beyond Day
    4/Thu, increasing spread among forecast guidance and a somewhat
    anomalous mid/upper level pattern lends to low predictability.
    However, while uncertainty exists regarding the overall evolution of
    an eastern upper trough/cut-off cyclone, severe potential in general
    appears low given potential for widespread rainfall along with poor
    lapse rates/instability.

    ..Leitman.. 09/23/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 07:40:00 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 250739
    SPC AC 250738

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0238 AM CDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Valid 281200Z - 031200Z

    Severe potential is expected to remain low during the Day 4-8
    period. The upper cyclone over the Mid-South on Day 4/Sat slowly
    weaken an meander east/northeast through Day 5/Sun. General upper
    troughing over the eastern third of the CONUS will then be
    reinforced by a shortwave trough developing east from the northern
    Plains to the Northeast Days 6-8/Mon-Wed. As this shortwave trough
    shifts east early next week, a surface cold front will sweep across
    the Midwest. However, severe potential associated with this system
    will be mitigated by weak instability and poor alignment of stronger
    vertical shear. Meanwhile, an upper ridge will persist over the
    Great Basin and portions of the Plains, with generally weak
    deep-layer flow expected across these areas.

    ..Leitman.. 09/25/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 08:17:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 260817
    SPC AC 260816

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0316 AM CDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Valid 291200Z - 041200Z

    The upper low over the OH Valley will weaken and become an open wave
    early next week. Meanwhile, upper troughing across the east will be
    reinforced through midweek by a shortwave trough developing
    east/southeast across the Great Lakes. A surface cold front will
    develop east/southeast across much of the Plains and Midwest through
    Day 6/Tue. However stronger deep-layer flow will remain displaced
    well to the north and behind the front. Meanwhile, low-amplitude
    upper ridging will prevail across the Southwest/Four Corner, while a
    series of shortwave troughs migrate through more progressive
    northern stream flow near the international border in the vicinity
    of the Pacific Northwest and northern Rockies. Overall severe
    thunderstorm potential appears low during the Day 4-8 period.

    ..Leitman.. 09/26/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 08:17:02 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 270816
    SPC AC 270815

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0315 AM CDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Valid 301200Z - 051200Z

    Early next week, the upper low in the Tennessee/lower Ohio Valleys
    will become an open wave and progress offshore by Wednesday, losing
    amplitude with time. Upper-level troughing will shift out of the
    northern Plains and into the Great Lakes early to mid next week. A
    very weak surface pattern will exist ahead of the initial shortwave
    trough in the vicinity of the Carolinas Monday/Tuesday. Though
    modest mid-level flow enhancement will remain over the region, these
    strong winds will generally be behind the main frontal zone likely
    near and just offshore. Further uncertainty is introduced due to
    precipitation and cloud cover. Elsewhere, cooler and more stable
    conditions will move in behind the second, stronger shortwave
    trough. By late next week, upper-level flow is expected to become
    more zonal and the strongest flow will be near the Canadian border.
    Potential for severe weather continues to appear low through the end
    of next week.

    ..Wendt.. 09/27/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 28 08:23:44 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 280823
    SPC AC 280822

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0322 AM CDT Sat Sep 28 2024

    Valid 011200Z - 061200Z

    By the middle of next week, upper-level flow across the CONUS is
    expected to become more zonal and the jet stream will be generally
    located along the Canadian border. The more pronounced troughs in
    the northern CONUS will help to push cooler drier air into much of
    the country. A modestly moist airmass will be limited to portions of
    the Southeast. Broadly stable conditions will limit severe
    thunderstorm potential at least through the end of the week. Model
    guidance shows some potential for flow aloft to amplify next
    weekend. This could encourage moisture return northward. However,
    the quality of this moisture as well as the timing of upper-level
    troughs is highly uncertain this far in advance.

    ..Wendt.. 09/28/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 29 08:41:20 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 290841
    SPC AC 290839

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0339 AM CDT Sun Sep 29 2024

    Valid 021200Z - 071200Z

    Zonal flow aloft is expected to persist into late next week across
    the CONUS. The upper-level jet will be displaced northward to near
    and along the Canadian border. As successive shortwave troughs move
    through that zone of stronger flow, cooler/drier air will move
    southward into much of the Plains and parts of the
    Midwest/Northeast. By next weekend, there is some potential for some upper-level flow amplification with a ridge developing in the West
    and shortwave troughs moving into the eastern third of the CONUS.
    However, models remain rather divergent in their exact depiction of
    this evolution (the ECMWF deterministic/ensemble is more amplified
    than its GFS counterparts). Further increasing uncertainty, the
    degree of moisture return ahead of any potential shortwave trough is questionable given the expected frontal progression to along/near
    the Gulf Coast.

    ..Wendt.. 09/29/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 30 08:41:00 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 300840
    SPC AC 300839

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0339 AM CDT Mon Sep 30 2024

    Valid 031200Z - 081200Z

    Potential for severe weather continues to appear limited on Thursday
    and Friday as upper-level flow will remain primarily zonal across
    the CONUS along with a surface pattern that will not promote
    northward advection of moisture. By the weekend, the predictability
    of the upper-level pattern begins to decrease quickly. Both the GFS
    and ECMWF show flow trying to amplify in the northern half of the
    CONUS. However, the wave pattern between the two models is out of
    phase. The ECMWF would suggest at least some low potential for
    severe weather, given a greater southward advancement of an upper
    trough this weekend into early next week. Even if this evolution is
    to verify, this severe potential would be conditional on the
    magnitude and quality of moisture return after another front moves
    into the Gulf Coast region late next week.

    ..Wendt.. 09/30/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Oct 1 08:21:14 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 010821
    SPC AC 010819

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0319 AM CDT Tue Oct 01 2024

    Valid 041200Z - 091200Z

    Recent model guidance has come into better agreement with regard to
    the upper-level pattern this weekend into early next week. As zonal
    flow begins to break down this Friday, an upper-level trough will
    dig southeastward and strengthen. Though conditional and uncertain,
    some severe threat could develop in association with this trough.
    After this trough exits the East Coast, ridging aloft and at the
    surface is expected to develop in its wake.

    On Saturday, a cold front will move through the Upper Midwest. Some
    moisture return is possible on the western flank of the surface
    ridge, but the quality of this moisture is highly uncertain. Wind
    fields would support organized storms in parts of the upper
    Mississippi Valley, but predictability remains quite low.

    For Sunday, the upper-level trough will continue southeastward with
    some intensification expected, especially towards Monday morning. A
    similar setup to Saturday will occur in parts of the upper Ohio
    Valley region. The strongest shear will likely be post-frontal, but
    some stronger storms could develop along the front during the
    afternoon. Moisture return ahead of the boundary remains a question
    and will be the key to severe potential.

    A strong mid-level jet will dig into the Mid-Atlantic Monday
    morning. Given the misaligned timing of the trough with diurnal
    heating, it is not clear that sufficient buoyancy will be present
    for an organized severe threat.

    ..Wendt.. 10/01/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 2 08:33:56 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 020833
    SPC AC 020832

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0332 AM CDT Wed Oct 02 2024

    Valid 051200Z - 101200Z

    A strong upper trough will move through the Northern Plains and into
    the upper Great Lakes region on Saturday. An attendant cold front
    will move eastward along with the trough. This system will then move
    into the lower Great Lakes/Ohio Valley on Sunday before digging
    southeastward into the Mid-Atlantic on Monday. Thereafter, models
    forecast upper ridging to build in across much of the CONUS by the
    middle of next week, broadly reducing severe weather potential in
    the process.

    ...Upper Mississippi Valley...
    Forcing from the upper-level trough will be strong on Saturday.
    Storms could develop along the cold front and wind shear would be
    sufficient for organized storms. Uncertainty remains rather high as
    the quality of moisture return along the western flank of the
    anticyclone to the east will be key to overall magnitude of severe
    potential, should any materialize.

    ...Upper Ohio Valley...
    As the upper trough and cold front continue eastward, some
    destabilization could occur ahead of the front on Sunday afternoon.
    As with Saturday, moisture quality ahead of the front remains a
    major question. Severe potential remains uncertain.

    ..Wendt.. 10/02/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Oct 3 08:41:34 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 030841
    SPC AC 030839

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0339 AM CDT Thu Oct 03 2024

    Valid 061200Z - 111200Z

    A strong upper trough will broaden across the Upper Midwest into
    parts of the Northeast on Sunday. An associated cold front will move
    through the upper Ohio Valley on Sunday and off the Mid-Atlantic
    Coast early to mid morning on Monday. Thereafter, broad troughing
    will remain in the Northeast until late in the week as an expansive
    upper ridge envelops much of the CONUS.

    ...Upper-Ohio Valley Vicinity...
    The cold front will continue eastward on Sunday, moving through Ohio
    during the mid/late afternoon. Moisture return ahead of the front
    will be the main source of uncertainty in terms of how much severe
    threat there could be. Mid-level forcing will be sufficient, but
    low-level veering ahead of the front suggests uncertain storm
    coverage. A conditional threat for damaging winds exists during the
    late afternoon.

    ..Wendt.. 10/03/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Oct 4 08:36:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 040836
    SPC AC 040834

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0334 AM CDT Fri Oct 04 2024

    Valid 071200Z - 121200Z

    Medium-range guidance continues to show cyclonic flow aloft
    persisting over the northeast CONUS from D4/Monday into D6/Wednesday
    before extensive upper ridging over the western and central CONUS
    builds eastward and displaces the cyclone. Even with this cyclonic
    flow persisting early next week, much of the low-level moisture will
    likely be off the Northeast coast by early D4/Monday. Modest
    low-level moisture will likely linger across much of the Southeast
    and Gulf Coast for much of the week, with some thunderstorm threat
    persisting, predominately across the FL Peninsula.

    Dry and stable conditions are currently expected elsewhere across
    the CONUS as upper ridging builds eastward and the continental
    airmass remains in place.

    ..Mosier.. 10/04/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 5 08:45:06 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 050845
    SPC AC 050843

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0343 AM CDT Sat Oct 05 2024

    Valid 081200Z - 131200Z

    A mature mid-latitude cyclone is forecast to gradually shift
    eastward across southern Quebec on D4/Tuesday and D5/Wednesday as a
    series of shortwave troughs rotate through the enhanced mid-level
    flow throughout its base. At the same time, expansive upper ridging
    will build eastward. By early D6/Thursday, this ridging is expected
    to extend from the Southwest northward across the Plains and Upper
    MS Valley into Ontario. Further eastward progression/expansion of
    this ridging is anticipated on D7/Friday, although some dampening is
    possible along its northern periphery over the Canadian Prairies.
    This pattern evolution will maintain a stable airmass across the
    majority of the CONUS.

    The only exception is across FL, where a tropical airmass will
    remain in place throughout the period. Additionally, medium-range
    guidance continues to suggest tropical cyclone development could
    occur over the Gulf of Mexico, with potential impacts across the FL
    Peninsula on D4/Tuesday and D5/Wednesday.

    ..Mosier.. 10/05/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Oct 6 08:35:44 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 060835
    SPC AC 060833

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0333 AM CDT Sun Oct 06 2024

    Valid 091200Z - 141200Z

    The National Hurricane Center is forecasting Tropical Cyclone Milton
    to move across the Florida Peninsula on Wednesday/Day 4. A tornado
    threat, associated with Milton, will likely affect parts of the
    Florida Peninsula throughout much of the day, and possibly into the
    night period. The magnitude of Milton as it crosses the Florida
    Peninsula, and any associated severe threat, is highly uncertain at
    this time. It seems probable that Milton will be in the western
    Atlantic by Thursday morning, which would push the tornado threat
    away from the Florida Peninsula. From Friday to Sunday, a
    quasi-stationary front is forecast to remain in the vicinity of the
    Gulf Coast, with the moist airmass to the south of the front
    forecast to remain mostly offshore across the Gulf of Mexico.
    Although some thunderstorms could occur over parts of the Florida
    Peninsula from Thursday to Sunday, instability is forecast to be too
    week for a severe threat.

    ..Broyles.. 10/06/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Oct 7 08:32:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 070832
    SPC AC 070830

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0330 AM CDT Mon Oct 07 2024

    Valid 101200Z - 151200Z

    Current forecast track from the National Hurricane Center places
    Hurricane Milton just off the east-central FL Coast early
    D4/Thursday morning. This system is expected to interact with a
    larger scale upper trough moving across the eastern CONUS throughout
    the day on D4/Thursday, causing it to eject quickly northeastward
    into the Atlantic. Upper ridging will likely be in place from the
    Southwest into the Upper Great Lakes on D4/Thursday, and this
    ridging is expected to shift eastward in the wake of the eastern
    CONUS troughing. Some dampening of this ridge is possible on
    D4/Thursday and D5/Friday as a shortwave trough progresses
    throughout its northern periphery across central Canada and
    Ontario/Upper Great Lakes. The northern stream is expected to stay
    fairly active during the weekend, with another shortwave trough
    likely dropping from the Canadian Prairies and Great Lakes on

    Any stronger mid-level flow will be displaced north of the better
    low-level moisture on D4/Thursday and D5/Friday. Some moisture
    return into the Mid MS and OH Valleys is possible on D6/Saturday and
    D7/Sunday, ahead of a potential cold front that is currently
    expected to move through on D7/Sunday. Current guidance suggest the
    moisture return will be limited, tempering the overall buoyancy and
    keeping the severe potential low.

    ..Mosier.. 10/07/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Oct 8 08:18:36 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 080818
    SPC AC 080816

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0316 AM CDT Tue Oct 08 2024

    Valid 111200Z - 161200Z

    A pair of fast-moving, low-amplitude shortwave troughs are expected
    to progress through the enhanced westerly flow over southern Canada
    throughout the period. The first shortwave is forecast to move from
    Ontario through the St. Lawrence Valley and New England on
    D4/Friday. The second shortwave will follow quickly in the wake of
    the first, progressing from the Canadian Prairies through the Upper
    Midwest and Upper Great Lakes on D5/Saturday. Beginning late
    D5/Saturday or early D6/Sunday, this second shortwave may further
    mature into a cyclone over eastern Ontario. This cyclone is then
    forecast to drift eastward early next week, with upper troughing
    associated with this system expanding over the central and eastern

    Some modest moisture return is possible into the Mid MS and OH
    Valleys on D5/Saturday and D6/Sunday, ahead of a potential cold
    front that is currently expected to move through on D6/Sunday.
    Current guidance suggest the moisture return, and associated
    buoyancy, will be limited, tempering the overall buoyancy and
    keeping the severe potential low. A dry continental airmass will
    build in behind the front, promoting stable conditions the majority
    of the central and eastern CONUS early next week.

    ..Mosier.. 10/08/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 9 08:32:14 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 090832
    SPC AC 090830

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0330 AM CDT Wed Oct 09 2024

    Valid 121200Z - 171200Z

    Overall upper pattern across the central and eastern CONUS is
    expected to undergo significant amplification from D4/Saturday into
    D7/Tuesday as a series of shortwave troughs move through
    progressively deeper troughing. By early D7/Tuesday, upper troughing
    is expected to extend from the primary cyclone over the Canadian
    Maritimes into the central Plains.

    A cold front is expected to accompany the first shortwave trough,
    moving across the eastern CONUS on D4/Saturday and D5/Sunday.
    Limited buoyancy should keep the thunderstorm potential along this
    front low. Strong ridging will follow in the wake of this front,
    with dry and stable conditions precluding thunderstorms across the
    majority of the CONUS. The only exception is along the Gulf
    Coast/Florida, where enough low-level moisture may be in place to
    support some thunderstorms.

    ..Mosier.. 10/09/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Oct 10 08:32:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 100832
    SPC AC 100831

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0331 AM CDT Thu Oct 10 2024

    Valid 131200Z - 181200Z

    Upper troughing is expected to deepen across the central and eastern
    CONUS from D4/Sunday through at least D6/Tuesday. At the same time,
    ridging will build across the western CONUS. This overall pattern
    will likely shift eastward by D7/Wednesday as another upper trough
    approaches the West Coast. As a result, an amplified
    trough/ridge/trough pattern will likely extend across the CONUS by
    early D7/Wednesday.

    Stable conditions are expected to prevail across the majority of the
    CONUS from D5/Monday through D8/Thursday. A few thunderstorms do
    appear possible from the middle to upper OH Valley into Upstate NY
    and central PA on D4/Sunday as a shortwave trough and associated
    surface low/cold front move through the region. Strong large-scale
    ascent is anticipated ahead of the shortwave, with robust mid-level
    flow moving across the region as well. However, the better low-level
    moisture and associated buoyancy will be displaced south, likely
    keeping the overall severe threat low.

    ..Mosier.. 10/10/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Oct 11 08:42:18 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 110842
    SPC AC 110840

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0340 AM CDT Fri Oct 11 2024

    Valid 141200Z - 191200Z

    Medium-range guidance indicates that there will be substantive
    further amplification of large-scale mid-level troughing to the east
    of the Mississippi Valley early next week. Peak amplitude may occur
    near/east of the Atlantic Seaboard early Wednesday, when cool
    surface ridging may encompass much of the interior U.S. into areas
    offshore of the Gulf and southern Atlantic coasts.

    Although another vigorous digging short wave impulse may reinforce
    the larger-scale mid-level troughing near the northern Atlantic
    Seaboard into late week, a southerly return flow may develop across
    the southern Great Plains toward the Upper Midwest, ahead of
    significant mid-level troughing emerging from the mid-latitude
    Pacific. It is possible that this could be accompanied by at least
    some increase in thunderstorm development ahead of an associated
    cold front Thursday through Friday. However, it is not yet clear
    that low-level moistening will contribute to sufficient
    destabilization to support more than low probabilities for severe thunderstorms.

    ..Kerr.. 10/11/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 12 08:50:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 120850
    SPC AC 120849

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0349 AM CDT Sat Oct 12 2024

    Valid 151200Z - 201200Z

    It still appears that an evolving large-scale eastern U.S. upper
    trough will reach peak amplitude near the Atlantic Seaboard around
    the middle of next week, when cool surface ridging may encompass
    much of the interior U.S. into areas offshore of the Gulf and south
    Atlantic coasts. Thereafter, even as the mid-level troughing
    progresses into the Atlantic and loses amplitude, medium-range
    guidance indicates that surface ridging will be maintained across
    the northwestern Gulf coast vicinity, on the southwestern flank of a
    retreating surface high.

    There appears greater spread within the model output concerning
    possible subsequent significant surface cyclogenesis from the lee of
    the Canadian/northern U.S. Rockies through the interior higher
    latitudes of Canada, in response to forcing associated with a short
    wave trough emerging from the mid-latitude Pacific during the middle
    to latter portion of next week. Even though this may initially
    include the development of fairly deep surface troughing from the
    lee of the northern U.S. Rockies into the Great Plains, it appears
    that low-level Gulf moisture return will be limited. While there
    may be some increase in thunderstorm activity across parts of the
    Great Plains by next Thursday and Friday, the lack of widespread
    appreciable destabilization will probably tend to minimize the risk
    for severe thunderstorms.

    ..Kerr.. 10/12/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Oct 13 08:47:06 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 130847
    SPC AC 130845

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0345 AM CDT Sun Oct 13 2024

    Valid 161200Z - 211200Z

    Initially amplified mid-level troughing near the Atlantic Seaboard
    is forecast to shift offshore and lose amplitude across the western
    Atlantic during the middle to latter portion of the coming work
    week. In its wake, medium-range guidance indicates at least a
    couple of significant short wave perturbations will emerge from a
    somewhat more progressive regime across the mid-latitude latitude

    It still appears that the lead perturbation may provide support for
    strong surface cyclogenesis to the lee of the Canadian and northern
    U.S. Rockies during the latter portion of this week. While there is
    variance among the models concerning early evolution south of the
    international border, primary cyclone development is appearing most
    probable across the Canadian Prairies into higher latitudes of
    interior Canada. As this occurs, a trailing cold front may overtake
    modestly deep surface troughing across the northern into central
    U.S. Great Plains Thursday into Friday. This could become a focus
    for a corridor of increasing thunderstorm development. However, it
    still appears that rather modest to weak low-level moisture return,
    in the wake of a prior cool/dry intrusion as far south as the
    northern Gulf of Mexico, will tend to limit destabilization and
    minimize the risk for severe storms.

    Models indicate that the second impulse, quickly progressing inland
    behind the lead wave, will tend to split off toward the southern
    mid-latitudes. However, the differences between the ECENS/ECMWF and
    GEFS/GFS remain quite large concerning the amplification and
    progressiveness of this perturbation across the central/southern
    U.S. late this week into next weekend. Even so, with low-level
    moisture return off the Gulf of Mexico initially limited, and then
    perhaps impeded by the progression of the lead system, it is not
    clear whether these differences will have much impact on the overall
    convective potential.

    ..Kerr.. 10/13/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Oct 15 08:47:56 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 150847
    SPC AC 150846

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0346 AM CDT Tue Oct 15 2024

    Valid 181200Z - 231200Z

    Medium-range guidance indicates that a closed low will form within
    an amplifying short wave trough digging southeast of the southern
    Great Basin/lower Colorado Valley by early Friday. It appears
    probable that this will become cut off from the westerlies, with the
    center of the modestly broad circulation lingering near or southwest
    of the Four Corners into early Sunday, as low-amplitude ridging
    passes by to the north, near the western through central
    Canadian/U.S. border area. Sunday into Monday, models suggest that
    it may come under the influence of strengthening westerly mean flow, transitioning to an open wave and accelerating northeastward into
    the central Great Plains, before continuing to migrate around the
    northeastern periphery of building mid-level ridging centered over
    the subtropics.

    Models continue to indicate that this is unlikely to become
    accompanied by significant surface cyclogenesis to the lee of the
    southern Rockies. And low-level moisture return in the wake of
    weakening cold surface ridging across the northwest Gulf Coast
    region may remain modest to weak. While modestly steep lapse rates
    may contribute to isolated to widely scattered strong diurnal
    thunderstorm development near surface troughing to the lee of the
    Front Range, Sangre de Cristo and Sacramento Mountains Friday
    through Sunday, the overall severe weather potential still appears
    generally low.

    ..Kerr.. 10/15/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 16 08:24:08 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 160824
    SPC AC 160822

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0322 AM CDT Wed Oct 16 2024

    Valid 191200Z - 241200Z

    Latest medium-range guidance is not much different that prior runs
    for this period. A fairly significant lower/mid-tropospheric
    cyclone may remain centered near the Four Corners, cut off from the
    westerlies, before beginning to slowly accelerate eastward on
    Sunday. As the southern/southwestern flank of cool surface ridging
    is generally maintained across the northern Gulf of Mexico into
    northwestern Gulf coast vicinity, and impedes low-level moistening
    across the southern Great Plains, the potential for severe
    thunderstorm development appears likely to remain rather limited.

    As the remnant perturbation progresses more rapidly east of the
    southern Rockies through the interior U.S., around the northeastern
    periphery of building mid-level ridging centered over the
    subtropics, models continue to indicate little in the way of
    appreciable surface cyclogenesis and moistening southerly return
    flow. As a result, the potential for severe thunderstorm
    development is expected to remain generally low through the early to
    middle portion of next week.

    ..Kerr.. 10/16/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Oct 17 08:38:48 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 170838
    SPC AC 170837

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0337 AM CDT Thu Oct 17 2024

    Valid 201200Z - 251200Z

    An initially evolving mid-level low is still forecast to emerge from
    the Four Corners vicinity late this weekend, before accelerating
    east of the southern Rockies and across the remainder of the
    interior U.S., generally around the northern/northeastern periphery
    of ridging centered over the subtropics. As this occurs, models
    indicate similar pattern developments upstream, but over the
    southern mid-latitude Pacific, with another notable mid-level low
    evolving to the northwest of 30N/140W early next week, before
    accelerating toward the U.S. Pacific coast by the end of the period.

    While there appears at least some risk for a couple of strong storms
    across the Texas/Oklahoma Panhandle vicinity into the lower central
    Great Plains Sunday into Monday, the lack of a substantive return
    flow of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico is still expected to
    minimize the overall convective potential. Models indicate that
    weak surface ridging may linger across the Gulf Coast vicinity
    through much of the period, impeding the development of a moistening
    southerly inland return flow and maintaining generally low risk for
    severe thunderstorm activity.

    ..Kerr.. 10/17/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Oct 18 08:34:34 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 180834
    SPC AC 180833

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0333 AM CDT Fri Oct 18 2024

    Valid 211200Z - 261200Z

    For this coming Monday, a shortwave trough is forecast to move into
    the central Plains. Models indicate that a narrow, and increasingly
    limited, band of moisture will be present ahead of the trough and
    associated surface front. Though thunderstorms are possible in parts
    of eastern Kansas with this activity, severe weather potential
    appears low at this time.

    As the central Plains trough moves east, it is expected to lose
    amplitude and eventually phase with a stronger, broader upper trough
    moving through the Upper Midwest and Ohio Valley region around the
    middle of next week. While models begin to diverge on the
    upper-level pattern at that time, the general consensus is for a
    cold font to push into parts of the southern Plains as well as to
    near the Gulf Coast and off the Atlantic Coast. With moisture ahead
    of the front still looking limited, severe thunderstorms do not
    appear probable along the boundary. Thereafter, surface ridging in
    the eastern third of the CONUS, along with another upper ridge over
    the Divide, will keep severe weather potential low through at least
    the end of next week and possibly into next weekend.

    ..Wendt.. 10/18/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 19 08:49:44 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 190849
    SPC AC 190848

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0348 AM CDT Sat Oct 19 2024

    Valid 221200Z - 271200Z

    A shortwave trough is expected to move into the Midwest before
    phasing with a broader upper-level trough in the Great Lakes region
    by the middle of next week. Access to Gulf moisture will become more
    restricted as this feature moves eastward. Across parts of the West
    and Plains, an upper-level ridge will develop and shift east through
    the remainder of the week into the weekend. The upper-level pattern
    becomes less certain during the weekend, but at least a brief period
    of quasi-zonal flow aloft is currently expected. With another
    cold-frontal intrusion into the Gulf expected to occur late this
    week, moisture availability/quality for any shortwave troughs moving
    through the westerlies is highly uncertain. Severe weather potential
    continues to appear low through next weekend.

    ..Wendt.. 10/19/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Oct 21 13:02:10 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 211302
    SPC AC 211300

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0800 AM CDT Mon Oct 21 2024

    Valid 241200Z - 291200Z

    A mid-level trough will cross the central and eastern CONUS on
    D4/Thursday and D5/Friday with a surface front advancing east
    through the period. Moisture will remain limited ahead of this front
    and thus, severe weather is not expected. In the wake of this front,
    high pressure will build into the Midwest on D6/Saturday and move
    into the Mid-Atlantic by D7/Sunday. This will result in tranquil
    weather through the weekend. Extended range guidance does suggest
    the potential for some return moisture flow by early next week, but
    there is considerable uncertainty in the upper-level pattern and any
    potential severe weather threat would likely be after Monday/D8.

    ..Bentley.. 10/21/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Oct 22 08:43:46 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 220843
    SPC AC 220842

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0342 AM CDT Tue Oct 22 2024

    Valid 251200Z - 301200Z

    Severe weather concerns will be minimal D4/Friday to D7/Monday as a
    mid-level trough amplifies across the Northeast and a strong surface
    high pressure center moves across the eastern CONUS in its wake. By
    late in the weekend to early next week, lee troughing will return to
    the Plains as a trough traverses the western CONUS. There is still
    considerable uncertainty regarding the timing and evolution of this
    trough, but in general, there is a consistent signal for a strong
    trough to eject out of the western CONUS in the early to middle part
    of next week.

    Dry air has infiltrated the northern Gulf of Mexico this week with
    consistent east-northeasterly flow reinforcing this more continental
    airmass through the weekend. Richer low-level moisture is not
    forecast to return to the entire Gulf Basin until Tuesday/D8. This
    may result in limited inland moisture and instability Monday/D7 and
    Tuesday D8, particularly if the trough follows some of the more
    progressive guidance. However, if return flow continues for a longer
    period before the primary trough ejects, a greater severe weather
    threat is possible, but it would likely be beyond Tuesday/D8.

    ..Bentley.. 10/22/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 23 08:59:26 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 230859
    SPC AC 230857

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0357 AM CDT Wed Oct 23 2024

    Valid 261200Z - 311200Z

    Severe weather concerns will be minimal D4/Saturday to D6/Monday as
    a mid-level trough amplifies across the Northeast and a strong
    surface high pressure center moves across the eastern CONUS in its
    wake. By late in the weekend to early next week, lee troughing will
    return to the Plains as a trough traverses the western CONUS. There
    is still considerable uncertainty regarding the timing and evolution
    of this trough, but in general, there is a consistent signal for a
    strong trough to eject out of the western CONUS in the early to
    middle part of next week.

    Dry air has infiltrated the northern Gulf of Mexico this week with
    consistent east-northeasterly flow reinforcing this more continental
    airmass through the weekend. Richer low-level moisture is not
    forecast to return to the entire Gulf Basin until Tuesday/D7.
    Limited moisture may surge northward on Tuesday/D7 and Wednesday/D8
    with some thunderstorms possible. However, there is no clear signal
    for severe weather at this time.

    ..Bentley.. 10/23/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Oct 24 08:49:30 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 240849
    SPC AC 240847

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0347 AM CDT Thu Oct 24 2024

    Valid 271200Z - 011200Z

    High pressure will dominate the surface pattern across the eastern
    CONUS on Sunday. Strong lee troughing will begin across the central
    CONUS early next week as a large mid-level trough shifts across the
    western CONUS. There is consistency among extended range guidance
    for a strong ridge to build across the eastern CONUS which will
    result in a positively tilted mid-level trough with multiple
    embedded shortwave troughs. As these advect through the flow,
    several surface lows will move from the Plains to the Upper
    Midwest/Great Lakes next week. Initially, surface moisture will be
    lacking across the Plains, but by the middle of the week
    Day7/Wednesday, the continued southerly flow will result in better
    low-level moisture with 60sF dewpoints potentially as far north as
    the Midwest with mid 60s dewpoints into the southern Plains. Once
    more robust low-level moisture moves inland and interacts with the
    sharp surface front/trough, thunderstorms will be possible. Once
    this moisture is in place, severe weather will become more possible
    from Day7/Wednesday and beyond. At this time it is unclear how the
    evolution of these individual shortwave troughs will occur which
    will impact severe weather potential.

    ..Bentley.. 10/24/2024

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Oct 25 07:02:12 2024
    ACUS48 KWNS 250702
    SPC AC 250700

    Day 4-8 Convective Outlook
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0200 AM CDT Fri Oct 25 2024

    Valid 281200Z - 021200Z

    A mid/upper trough will progress eastward from the western U.S. to
    the Upper Midwest Days 4-7/Mon-Thu. As this occurs, a belt of strong
    mid/upper southwesterly flow will overspread portions of the
    southern/central Plains to the upper MS Valley on Day 5/Tue, and
    much of the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes vicinity on Day 6/Wed. In
    response, a series of surface lows will migrate across the central
    Plains to the upper Great Lakes on Days 5-6/Tue-Wed. Increasing
    southerly low-level flow will transport 50s to possibly low 60s F
    dewpoints northward across the central/southern Plains to the
    Mid/Upper MS Valley during this time. Thunderstorm potential will
    increase on Day 5/Tue in this warm advection regime ahead of the
    trough, and into Day 6/Wed as a cold front is forecast to progress
    eastward over the central CONUS. Given strong deep-layer
    southwesterly flow and increasing boundary-layer moisture to aid in destabilization, some strong to severe thunderstorms are possible.
    However, capping may preclude a greater severe risk on Day 5/Tue as
    midlevel temperatures are forecast to be fairly warm. By Day 6/Wed,
    strong large-scale ascent may be lifting into the Great Lakes/Canada
    and out of phase with better low-level moisture and modest
    instability. Given uncertainty, will not introduce any 15 percent
    delineations at this time, but outlook areas may be needed in
    subsequent outlooks for parts of the central Plains to Upper Midwest
    vicinity around Days 5-6/Tue-Wed.

    Toward the end of the period, another upper shortwave trough may
    eject from the western U.S. into the Plains. However, large spread
    in timing and position of this feature is resulting in low
    predictability from Day 7/Thu and beyond.

    ..Leitman.. 10/25/2024

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