• MESO: Nws Weather Prediction Center College Park Md

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 01:33:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210133

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0292
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    932 PM EDT Mon May 20 2024

    Areas affected...far northeast CO...much of NE...far western
    IA...far southeastern SD

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 210130Z - 210730Z

    Summary...Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding are
    likely overnight from repeated rounds of heavy rainfall with rates
    generally 1-2"/hr. Localized totals of 4-7" are possible.

    Discussion...Convection is gradually increasing in coverage across
    portions of the Northern/Central Plains this evening, producing
    localized rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr. A warm and unstable air mass
    is in place across the region, with Tds rising through the 60s
    with SB CAPE of 2000-3000 J/kg. In addition, PWs range from
    0.9-1.5 inches (above the 90th percentile, per LBF/OAX sounding
    climatology) and effective bulk shear of 30-60 kts. Continued
    convective proliferation and organization is anticipated
    overnight, likely evolving into an MCS that propagates rapidly
    east to northeast near/along the surface front. While the speed of
    the MCS should mitigate the extent and intensity of the flash
    flooding overall, the concern is that the ongoing storms prior to
    the arrival of the MCS will contribute substantially to the
    overall rainfall total (particularly across portions of southeast

    Hi-res CAMs have done reasonably well with the depiction of storm
    mode and evolution thus far, and some of the more recent HRRR runs
    are particularly concerning with localized totals through 08z of
    up to 6". This signal has mainly been confined to southeast NE,
    where the 12z HREF indicates the highest chance for localized 3"
    exceedance (per the 40-km neighborhood probabilities of 20-40%).
    This is highly supported by the observational trends, as the
    surface front is located directly across this region with pre-MCS
    localized rainfall totals of 1-3" already (per MRMS estimates).
    Given that the MCS should track right through this area (bringing
    another round of rainfall with more widespread 2-3" totals), this
    should result in localized totals of 4-7". The corresponding 6-hr
    Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) generally ranges from 2.0-4.0",
    suggesting that the FFGs will almost certainly be eclipsed
    locally, likely resulting in isolated to scattered instances of
    flash flooding.=20


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    LAT...LON 43389661 43119554 42079494 41169516 40629609=20
    40189820 40000307 41440326 41870059 42949828=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 02:28:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210228

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0293
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1027 PM EDT Mon May 20 2024

    Areas affected...Southern MN...Northern IA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 210230Z - 210800Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving thunderstorms continue to proliforate with
    strengthening moisture flux to increase rainfall efficiency.=20
    Localized rates of 1.5-1.75"/hr and slow motions may support
    widely scattered 2-3" totals resulting in localized flash flooding
    incidents overnight.

    DISCUSSION...As stronger shortwave continues to exit through the
    Great Lakes, generally flat west-southwesterly flow exists across
    the Upper Mississippi Valley with the approach of stronger
    height-falls emerging from in the Central High Plains. Between, a
    subtle shortwave in the Missouri Valley supports a weak surface to
    boundary layer wave in proximity to NW IA with well defined
    stationary front across N IA toward a wave in SE MN. Moisture and
    instability has pooled along the boundary with 1.25" total PWATs
    and 2000 J/kg of MLCAPE. Localized convergence sparked widely
    scattered cells along the front from near Dodge county to Kossuth
    to Clay and Cherokee counties in IA. Favorable environment with
    upstream back-building (as upstream shortwave approaches) helps to
    replace updrafts just upstream resulting in very slow effective
    cell motions. Given unobstructed south to southeasterly (even
    easterly in SE MN) inflow of this modestly moist and unstable air
    to sustain the updrafts; flow is expected to increase as noted by
    regional VWP already seeing a 5-10 increase across IA/W WI/SE
    MN... to allow for increasing moisture flux and rainfall
    production. Rates of 1.5-1.75" should be expected and with slow
    motions to allow for widely scattered but localized 2-3+" totals
    that would exceed the 3hr lower FFG in the region (generally

    Upstream, the shortwave in the Missouri valley is providing
    further DPVA and strengthened inflow resulting in broader vertical
    ascent across NW IA into SW MN. Cells will continue to strengthen=20
    but are also likely to have increasing forward (east-northeast)
    cell motions as the wave lifts out. Still rates of 1.75-2"/hr are
    possible resulting in streaks of 2-3" as they pass. Additionally,
    this may allow for cell repeating or even merge with downstream
    slower moving cells resulting in the higher localized rainfall
    totals with increased potential for higher run-off and possible
    flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8RnplFHLxmaWf9DZjcYvSxrXzrFeStXHrT5JYhAkWelZVvTTz18kywfkTBy15Maj0btv= lFtLpG8FsKnrY2Mju2aW28g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44739317 44649192 44009142 43669160 43349199=20
    42669339 42059450 42259570 43499639 44019593=20
    44419494 44589436=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 07:04:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210704

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0294
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    303 AM EDT Tue May 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southern & Eastern NEB...Western IA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 210715Z - 211300Z

    SUMMARY...Expected upscale growth of fast moving MCS with
    downstream slowly lifting WAA thunderstorms pose track of training
    of moderate to heavy rainfall through daybreak. Additional 2-4"
    pose scattered incidents of flash flooding.=20

    DISCUSSION...Well defined cyclonic MCV over southwest NEB is
    starting to mature into a favorable environment for upscale growth
    along ahead of a strong mid-level shortwave lifting out of
    Southern CO at this time. Downstream a well defined surface front
    angles a bit WSW to ENE in proximity to the KS/NEB border with a
    surface wave near Goodland extending toward the Omaha metro area
    where surface pattern gets a bit more complicated. Deep layer
    moisture and higher theta-E air is pooled along/south of the
    boundary with upper 60s Tds with solid south-southeasterly
    streamlines over-running strengthening northeasterly flow
    along/north of the Platte River Valley. CIRA LPW and TPW analysis
    also note a wedge of enhanced moisture across Southern and
    Southeastern Nebraska into W IA, with 1.3-1.5" values mainly in
    the the sfc to 700mb layer...providing ample moisture for solid
    flux convergence/efficient rainfall production through the morning

    While the environment is nocturnally stabilizing/capping. A
    narrow ribbon of uncapped MLCAPE also resides along the front with
    1500-2000 J/kg. Even if further stabilization occurs in the warm
    sector, north of the front; solid MUCAPE is available for stronger
    deep isentropic ascent. VWP shows this is stating to begin in
    earnest downstream of the MCV with veering southeasterly/easterly
    flow becoming solidly south and increasing from 15-20kts to 40kts
    over the last few hours; likely in response to the approaching
    DPVA, but also favorable ascent plane though the left exit of an
    anticyclonic turning jet streak across KS providing broad
    divergence for upscale growth. Moisture convergence along the
    850-700mb shear axis has resulted in some fractured downstream
    development already and this is likely to expand.

    Given the flux, ample low level moisture convergence should allow
    for heavy rainfall production with 1.5-2"/hr rates. Only limiting
    factor is likely to be expected forward speed of convection in
    proximity to the MCV, but with some repeating/training with the
    downstream WAA showers/thunderstorms should allow for scattered
    spots of 2-4" to occur resulting in likely scattered incidents of
    flash flooding through early morning. This is of greatest concern
    in proximity to the Omaha Metro and points downstream where spots
    of 2-4" fell earlier tonight. There is some uncertainty to the
    latitude of greatest ascent/training but if this were to occur,
    considerable magnitude flooding may occur given the saturated
    ground conditions...but there is solid uncertainty to this track
    in latitude depending on the strength of the upscale growth
    (stronger further north NE NEB/NW IA; weaker a bit flatter into S
    NEB/SW IA).

    Note: A MPD into IA will be forthcoming for ongoing expansion of
    thunderstorms downstream as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6-yLfa9S-BopUPwJLbkdNZErkEyY0Q7K2KWUm4pqqEBhq2XP6Xd54nZQizmgh9QkE-NQ= rl9dw4i8fEG0s9IN-OBKdnE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42959659 42809582 42209502 41289507 40709567=20
    40489630 40219740 39879917 39840014 40120064=20
    40920065 41519998 42099869 42759747=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 07:45:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210745

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0295
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    344 AM EDT Tue May 21 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Northeast IA...Adj Southeast MN...Adj
    Southwest WI...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 210745Z - 211330Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving warm-advection thunderstorms with potential training/mergers pose localized 2-4" totals and possible flash
    flooding into early morning.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic depicts a shortwave/MCV across
    north-central IA, well ahead of approaching stronger MCV and
    associated synoptic scale height-falls. The wave has strengthened
    by latent heat release from earlier convection but also some
    upper-level increasing diffluent pattern across IA between the
    northern stream jet over the Dakotas and along the northeast edge
    of the sub-tropical stream as it anticyclonically curves southeast
    across the central MS River Valley. At the surface the cold
    front from prior exiting shortwave has stabilized air across much
    of southern WI and northern IL before returning northward across E
    IA and reaching a surface inflection near Ames, IA before dropping
    southwest again into NEB. A broad low-level jet has developed
    with 40-45kts of southerly to south-southwesterly 850mb flow
    across much of the eastern Plains into MO/IA; though a tighter
    core may be responding the aforementioned shortwave/MCV in
    northern IA. As such, GOES-E and RADAR have show a marked
    increase in WAA convection in proximity to the front and
    along/east of the shortwave. Source region ascending parcels
    remain quite unstable with 1500-2000 J/kg of MUCAPE across much of
    central IA, though rapidly diminishes east of the River into WI
    where values drop to be below 500 J/kg east of the Driftless area.

    Moisture is fairly deep with mid to upper 60s Tds south of the
    front and total PWAT values over 1.5"; though per CIRA LPW, these
    values are mainly driven from below 700mb. As such, moisture flux
    should be strong enough for efficient rainfall production in the
    lower layers for intense showers capable of 1.5-1.75"/hr.=20
    Duration will be key for locally intense rainfall, though upstream redevelopment from isentropic ascent may allow for some
    training/mergers to occur particularly from the SW to E quadrants
    of the MCV across central to northeast IA. Spots of 2-4" are
    probable and given 1hr/3hr FFG values of ~1.5"/<2.25"
    respectively, scattered incidents of flash flooding are considered
    possible. The stable air to the east should limit downstream
    potential as well as reducing forward speed/propagation in that

    Additionally, approaching shortwave/MCV may bring another round of thunderstorms from SE NEB into SW IA and the SW edge of this MPD
    increasing risk toward 14-15z. For further information, please
    refer to MPD 294 issued at 0703z and subsequent MPDs issued later
    this morning.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!41RJhE1a1K2CPaus9gUV9GmYibPUxmfKK29TShHQBXhYqH_cgWMYBfKkgDsMh90nx94L= CbMO-29DzdBpx2VeBC0TfZQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43829193 43519104 42859056 42159079 41489212=20
    41119421 41749498 42859477 43779343=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 12:02:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211202

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0296
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    802 AM EDT Tue May 21 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern SD...West Central MN...Far Southeast ND

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211200Z - 211800Z

    SUMMARY...Several hours of heavy and efficient rainfall rates that
    can approach 1"/hr may result in flash flooding this morning,
    especially low lying spots and in areas with sensitive soils.

    DISCUSSION...A potent 500mb trough over eastern CO is taking on a
    negative tilt this morning, resulting in a blossoming baroclinic
    leaf signature over the Midwest on GOES-16 water vapor imagery.
    This is further enhanced by the region lying beneath a dual-jet
    structure at 250mb with the divergent right-entrance region of a
    130kt jet streak over south-central Canada paired with the
    divergent left-exit region of a 110kt jet streak in the southern
    High Plains. Exceptional synoptic scale forcing will work in
    tandem with 925-850mb frontogenesis that is oriented from SW-NE
    from southeast SD to central MN and becoming more and more
    pronounced by the hour according to RAP mesoanalysis.

    The frontogenesis is a byproduct of not only strengthening WAA
    within that layer, but also a quickly strengthening IVT over the
    Nation's Heartland. NAEFS shows IVT values in southern MN and
    eastern SD that are as high as 500 kg/m/s around 12Z this morning.
    By 18Z, the IVT values in central MN will surpass 750 kg/m/s and
    be well above the 99.5 climatological percentile. As the morning
    unfolds, the moisture out ahead of the developing 850mb low will
    eventually wrap around the northern and western flanks of this
    low, eventually leading to a robust deformation axis that will
    envelope most of the highlighted region. Instability will
    generally be elevated and not in abundance given the thick cloud
    cover and the precipitation shield occurring on the opposite side
    of the where the warm sector will be. That being said, model
    soundings from the RAP/HRRR/3kmNAM all suggest warm cloud layers
    will be 9,000ft deep or even deeper in some cases with low-mid
    level RH values >90%. This will support highly efficient rainfall
    rates despite the absence of deep convection this morning and
    through midday.

    The 06Z HREF's 6-hr LPMM between 12-18Z that depicted >2" amounts
    near the border of northeast SD and western MN. Note that for some
    areas, especially the area just referenced, the pivoting axis of
    the deformation zone will likely continue beyond 18Z and may
    require a follow up MPD depending upon how much rainfall will have
    occurred this morning. FFG's may not be surpassed in the 1-hr
    timescale, but 3-hr FFGs in some areas are 1.5-2.0" and hourly
    rainfall rates could range between 0.75-1.00"/hr this morning.
    Storms in central MN have already produced as much as 0.60"/hr
    rainfall rates and the best moisture advection has yet to occur.
    With all that said, there is the potential for flash flooding in
    the more flood prone areas where soils are more sensitive and in
    lower lying areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5aOoYpXZqmg_BZFTEHauF90dxKPGw4Kr0YHgHA6MtUYSVBR0imn_OS49_H--ZbcNalOf= q194aqPTh0854uBe9v8eSQo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46759453 46269378 45679409 45089490 44519578=20
    43539665 43029715 43099811 43769828 45029781=20
    45979676 46609548=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 13:31:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211331

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0297
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    930 AM EDT Tue May 21 2024

    Areas affected...Upper Mississippi River Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211330Z - 211800Z

    SUMMARY...Lines of robust thunderstorm activity will track over
    areas that received heavy rainfall overnight and earlier this
    morning. Flash flooding is possible in areas sporting more
    saturated soils or where rainfall rates up to 1.5"/hr occur.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-16 IR imagery shows clusters of thunderstorms
    tracking E-NE to the north of a stationary front draped W-E over
    the Midwest. Storms are taking advantage of lingering MUCAPE over
    central IA that is >1,000 J/kg. Not only is the instability in
    place, but RAP mesoanalysis shows as much as 50-60kts of effective
    bulk shear in central IA helping to sustain these thunderstorms
    for longer periods of time. As the upper trough in the Central
    Plains amplifies, mean steering flow will direct the line of
    storms in central IA more to the northeast where some locations in
    northeast IA and southwest WI received over 1" of rainfall this
    morning. MUCAPE is being exhausted in these areas this morning but
    with healthy synoptic-scale ascent aloft and the LLJ/strengthening
    IVT still intersecting the stationary front, expect heavy rainfall
    rates as high as 1.5"/hr within these storm to linger through the
    late morning hours. Flash flooding remains possible with northeast
    IA and southwest WI most at risk.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5whX9fy7B5g4DmuacfoOEETuxBYxLPf9dfsYOzYQuYXjDdDNRF1HH_HywCkVcQjlxUms= -i0eAHv_QJluMM5QSiN1DwI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44139126 44078994 43208963 42259051 41609171=20
    41349350 41759403 42869380 43619273=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 18:55:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211855

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0298
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    254 PM EDT Tue May 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southern MN...Northern IA...Western WI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211855Z - 220030Z

    SUMMARY...Blossoming strong thunderstorms containing efficient
    hourly rainfall rates up to 2"/hr may causes areas of flash
    flooding, particularly in areas with sensitive and saturated soils.

    DISCUSSION...A dynamic synoptic scale pattern is fostering
    excellent upper level ascent through two primary methods. The
    first is a negatively tilted 250-500mb trough approaching from the
    Central Plains and the second is the region's placement beneath
    two divergent 250mb quadrants (right entrance region via a jet
    streak in southern Canada, left exit region via a jet streak in
    the southern Plains). At the surface, a strengthening surface low
    and its associated warm front are lifting north through IA and
    heading for southern MN this afternoon. Visible satellite imagery
    showed brief clearing over northern IA and southern MN in wake of
    this morning's rainfall, helping to increase MLCAPE in the region
    by 200-600 J/kg over the past few hours. Meanwhile, the cold front
    swinging east through eastern NE is responsible for sparking
    storms that are quickly tracking northeast.

    Adding to the excessive rainfall threat this afternoon is an
    exceptional IVT topping 750 kg/m/s at 18Z, easily topping the 99.5 climatological percentile according to NAEFS. PWs will surpass
    1.5" this afternoon within the highlighted region through 21Z,
    which is also around the 99.5 climatological percentile. As peak
    heating continues, lifting mechanisms via surface based heating
    and mesoscale triggers (the warm and cold fronts) will ignite
    numerous heavy thunderstorms over northern IA that are forecast to
    race into southeast MN and western WI. Projected soundings via the
    16Z HRRR this afternoon suggest MLCAPE is likely to surpass 500
    J/kg and low-mid level RH values averaging around 90%. In
    addition, warm cloud layers not only feature some of that
    available instability but are also as deep as 10,000ft in most
    cases. These storms are likely to generate exceptional downpours
    with rainfall rates topping out around 2"/hr at their peak.

    One deterring factor for flash flooding is that storm motions
    should be progressive, but the areas that see excessive rainfall
    longest will be closer to the developing triple point this
    afternoon. These areas would receive heavy rainfall closer to the
    warm front initially, then as storms along the cold front approach
    from the southwest. The 12Z HREF depicts moderate chances (40-60%)
    for 3-hr QPF > 3-hr FFGs in central MN between 21-00Z this
    afternoon, which would include the Twin Cities metro area. NASA
    SPoRT-LIS 0-10cm soil moisture is above normal (70-90%) in central
    MN, making those areas particularly susceptible to flash flooding.
    In summary, flash flooding is possible in parts of the Upper
    Mississippi Valley this afternoon and evening with storms likely
    impacting the afternoon rush hour.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9hGiRPMnsx_vtJUM7a6hFw9_7TxbE5mJi1DXbkZTjUVf-cUoPDRWIcxSsjPsl28yAPiQ= TXxIXHGUYpT_kuvW6oZMMyM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46029172 45179115 44349149 42439313 41579503=20
    41879601 42889647 44339584 45749369=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 21 23:24:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 212324

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0299
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    723 PM EDT Tue May 21 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern OK into southern MO/northern AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 212322Z - 220515Z

    SUMMARY...Training thunderstorms with rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr
    (possibly up to 3 in/hr on an isolated basis) are expected to
    impact northeastern OK into southern MO and northern AR late this
    evening into tonight. 2-4 inch totals in 2-3 hours may result in
    areas of flash flooding, especially within the more vulnerable
    terrain of the Ozarks.

    DISCUSSION...23Z radar imagery showed a line of thunderstorms
    extending from central MO into northeastern OK, located just ahead
    of a cold front. According to the 23Z SPC mesoanalysis, the line
    of storms was located within a relatively narrow axis of moderate
    to strong instability (MLCAPE 2500-3500 J/kg) with little to no
    CIN, just ahead of the cold front. Precipitable water (PW) values
    were anomalous with the 20Z SGF sounding sampling 1.3 inches, near
    the 95th percentile for middle to late May, but PW values sampled
    by GPS observations were higher across the upstream Arklatex with
    1.4 to 1.8 inches as of 21Z.

    Farther east, scattered, mostly elevated, thunderstorms were
    located along the central MO/AR border into western AR and the
    Arklatex. These cells were located within a divergent and
    diffluent region ahead of a 110-120 kt upper jet positioned over
    the Southern Plains, but the cells were moving ENE into a region
    of lower instability and greater CIN per SPC mesoanalysis data.

    Forecasts from the RAP show the cold front racing east across the
    Mid-MS Valley but advancing more slowly across OK through 06Z, out
    ahead of a negatively tilted upper level shortwave moving toward
    the Upper MS Valley. Lift out ahead of the upper trough and
    surface cold front is expected to erode a warm nose located
    between 850-700 mb (observed via 20Z SGF sounding), allowing for
    increasing coverage of thunderstorms containing a mixture of
    surface based (near the cold front) and elevated cells (farther
    ahead of the cold front) to affect locations from northeastern OK
    into southern MO and northern AR. Cell alignment is expected to
    transition to more WSW to ENE, following the forecast movement of
    the cold front, supporting areas of training tonight. Rainfall
    rates of 1-2 in/hr will be common, but locally 2-3 in/hr cannot be
    ruled out along with some 2-4 inch totals in 2-3 hours. Areas of
    flash flooding may result, through 05Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7eYY7hJeUN3RmjJ9gHRQcxC497V-EBTxboCeTW7ON4TnJ1IWygePp1spRrBNbmVfvGUR= 6W4iUtQM0UCq6B9gxDXZSxE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37699198 37679047 37099003 36089032 35489168=20
    35229451 35229604 35699627 36319553 36999419=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 22 00:46:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220046

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0300
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    846 PM EDT Tue May 21 2024

    Areas affected...far eastern MN into WI and the U.P. of MI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220044Z - 220500Z

    SUMMARY...Despite an overall progressive nature for many
    locations, Heavy rain with embedded areas of training may produce
    localized 2-3 inch rainfall totals across portions of the Upper
    Midwest tonight. Localized to scattered areas of flash flooding
    may result through 05Z.

    DISCUSSION...GOES East water vapor imagery at 00Z showed a well
    defined, negatively titled shortwave trough over northern IA,
    tracking toward the northeast. Radar imagery and surface
    observations showed a commahead region of mostly stratiform
    rainfall but with embedded convection, producing hourly rainfall
    of 0.5 to 1 inch to the southeast of St. Cloud and St. Paul
    through 0030Z, located within a deformation axis to the N and NW
    of a vorticity max over IA. Weak elevated instability up to 500
    J/kg was seen on the 00Z SPC mesoanalysis over eastern MN into
    northwestern WI. Farther south and east, a line of severe
    thunderstorms was tracking through west-central WI with a
    secondary line over south-central WI.

    Convective activity over WI is expected to continue in a mostly
    progressive manner off toward the northeast with mean storm
    movement of 40-50 kt toward the northeast within MLCAPE of
    1000-2000 J/kg. However, the orientation of heavy rainfall echoes
    will support short term training at times with 1-2 in/hr rainfall
    rates. The majority of this activity should clear WI by about 04Z.
    Back to the west, a pivoting axis of deformation will allow slower
    movement of embedded moderate to heavy rain from far eastern MN
    into northwestern WI and western portions of the U.P. of MI. Here,
    localized 2-3 inch totals with rainfall rates possibly exceeding 1
    in/hr on a localized basis at times within weak instability but a
    strong dynamically forced regime ahead of the upper trough will be
    favored. Anomalous moisture will help to support heavy rain with
    the 00Z sounding from GRB indicating an anomalous precipitable
    water value of 1.53 inches, near the climatological max for mid to
    late May according to the SPC sounding climatology.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9QpiINAUTBZwTLvtLSHE2vXSZqzFN13XpcFFEoxlIa-hWl4hEHZh3sH3IB97xvmWdWaq= ZmgcW_fXfliuxxc8FCLZ4aE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 47718843 47468731 46578652 45658671 44108768=20
    43038857 42858962 43219045 43999102 44529217=20
    44599310 44829361 45469369 46519316 47389171=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 22 11:59:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221159

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0301
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    759 AM EDT Wed May 22 2024

    Areas affected...Oklahoma

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221158Z - 221600Z

    Summary...Expanding showers and thunderstorms will train to the
    northeast across Oklahoma this morning. Rainfall rates in excess
    of 1"/hr are likely, which could result in 1-3" of rainfall. Flash
    flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning shows an area
    of rapidly expanding convection across central and northeast
    Oklahoma. These thunderstorms are blossoming north of a surface
    cold front, but appear to be forming along a remnant outflow
    boundary (OFB) noted in the GOES-E nighttime micro-physics RGB
    curve and within surface observations. This OFB is providing
    sufficient low-level convergence to enhance ascent which is
    already impressive on the synoptic scale due to an approaching
    shortwave from the TX panhandle and at least weakly coupled jet
    streaks: one exiting Kansas and another approaching from the
    Desert Southwest. This large scale lift is working across
    favorable thermodynamics noted by PWs of 1.2 to 1.4 inches,
    nearing the 90th climatological percentile, and a gradient of
    MUCAPE from 1000-3000 J/kg, both of which are being drawn
    northward by the ascending LLJ. Recent radar estimated rain rates
    have eclipsed 1"/hr to the NW of Oklahoma City.

    The high-res CAMs are struggling with this morning development,
    although the ARW and recent HRRR runs are at least capturing the
    evolution, albeit displaced to the south of current activity. This
    is resulting in lower confidence than typical for evolution, but
    large scale ascent persisting for the next few hours should allow
    convection to persist, and possibly intensify before the
    combination of the veering LLJ and eastward translation of the
    shortwave kicks convection to the southeast. Until this occurs,
    rainfall rates of 1+"/hr are likely as reflected by HREF
    neighborhood probabilities and the 15-min HRRR accumulated precip
    fields. With 850-300mb mean flow aligned to the slowly advancing
    OFB, this could result in training from SW to NE, producing
    multiple rounds of this rainfall which could accumulate to 1-3" of

    Much of OK has been dry the past 7 days, but some areas,
    especially north of I-44 have experienced 150-300% of normal
    rainfall leading to 40cm soil moisture that around the 90th
    percentile according to NASA SPoRT. Training across these more
    sensitive soils would have the greatest potential for runoff and
    any associated impacts, but these intense rain rates could also
    become problematic across less-permeable urban areas, leading to
    the potential for at least isolated instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7voS3stW0P3bWg4EMicRGBsnQvY6e1ni0oywE9Mww0DooPvv4siQFLjvrguecPwzAA6c= oTEK1M6uC9xPZrXqG1qmI1I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37039503 36899468 36369460 35859462 35409519=20
    35059635 34849787 34769858 34819898 35089933=20
    35839909 36589764 36909648 36989573=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 22 17:02:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221702

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0302
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    102 PM EDT Wed May 22 2024

    Areas affected...The Ozarks eastward into the Tennessee Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221700Z - 222300Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms blossoming ahead of a cold
    front will expand and train into the evening. Rainfall rates as
    much as 2-3"/hr are likely, which could produce 2-3" of rain with
    local amounts as much as 5". Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E IR imagery this afternoon indicates
    rapidly expanding and intensifying convection noted by cooling
    cloud tops from eastern KY through northern AR. These storms are
    developing along/ahead of a southward advancing cold front
    analyzed by WPC draped from southern IN, through the Bootheel of
    MO, and into eastern OK. This front is moving into favorable
    thermodynamics for heavy rain rates, reflected by GPS measured PWs
    as high as 1.9 inches over AR, near the daily record at LZK, and
    SPC RAP analyzed SBCAPE as high as 4000 J/kg. Into these
    impressive thermodynamics, forcing for ascent is intensifying
    through low-level convergence aided by a convectively enhanced
    shortwave lifting out of OK, and an overlap of thickness and upper
    level diffluence downstream into the TN VLY. Within this robust
    environment, radar-estimated rain rates have already reached 1"/hr.

    As the aftn progresses, it is likely convection will become
    widespread ahead of this front as suggested by many of the
    available high-res CAMs. This is supported by the presence of the
    deep layer ascent acting upon an environment that will become
    increasingly unstable as a pool of higher SBCAPE gets drawn
    northeast ahead of the front. This will likely produce expansion
    and intensification of the thunderstorms, with HREF neighborhood
    probabilities for 2"/hr rain rates reaching 20-30%, and HRRR
    15-min rainfall suggesting brief rates above 3"/hr, especially
    where storm organization can occur in the presence of 30-40 kts of
    bulk shear. Most concerning for the flash flood potential is that
    this convection should train on 850-300mb flow that is progressive
    at 20-25 kts, but aligned parallel to the front. With an intense
    pool of SBCAPE focused over AR, this flow should allow for
    regeneration and training from SW to NE, prolonging these rain
    rates in some areas. This is reflected by HREF probabilities for
    3"/6hrs reaching 25% in some areas, with minimal, but non-zero,
    probabilities for 5" in the next 6 hours also present.

    FFG across the region is generally elevated at around 2.5"/3hrs,
    but pockets of 7-day rainfall which has been above 150% of normal
    according to AHPS has locally reduced FFG. Where the most intense
    rain rates occur, or where training is most prevalent, instances
    of flash flooding are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5BFAZ1iRyzrLti_DdGf3WKU7hPpI0STBniZlmndWmfeIeTgnT5fR3a_CALj2iLG1Jkd9= OmmleAq2zc22QJvloGTqz_0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37378824 37338732 37018609 36418553 35958607=20
    35488722 34828884 34569025 34559142 34579167=20
    34599236 34779309 35109345 35559330 35959240=20
    36609040 37178918=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 22 18:00:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221800

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0303
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    159 PM EDT Wed May 22 2024

    Areas affected...North Texas through the ArkLaTex

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221800Z - 230000Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand in coverage
    through the afternoon while organizing ahead of a cold front.
    Rainfall rates will likely reach 2-3"/hr, with briefly higher
    rates possible, producing 2-4" of rain with locally higher
    amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon indicates
    rapid expansion of reflectivity associated with intensifying
    convection from North Texas through the ArkLaTex and into southern
    AR. This convection is blossoming in a region of extreme
    thermodynamics characterized by PWs of 1.7 to 1.9 inches, and a
    ribbon of MLCAPE exceeding 4000 J/kg. This MLCAPE is being
    produced thanks to a robust EML noted in the 12Z FWD U/A sounding,
    with LIs around -10 further evidence of the intensity of this
    environment. Although the area appears to be in the less-favorable
    RFQ of a jet streak to the north, strong low-level convergence
    along the front, weak PVA ahead of an impulse rotating through the
    flow, and at least modest 850mb convergence on the nose of an
    intensifying surge out of the Gulf of Mexico will likely allow
    showers and thunderstorms to continue to expand and strengthen.
    Rainfall rates of 1-1.5"/hr have already been estimated via KFWS

    During the next several hours, the cold front will waver near the
    Red River Valley of the South as a wave of low pressure moves
    along it to the east. This will produce enhanced lift through
    convergence, which will act upon the extremely unstable
    environment to expand convective coverage, and likely lead to more
    intense rainfall rates. This is reflected by HREF neighborhood
    probabilities for 2"/hr reaching as high as 60%, with the HRRR
    15-min rainfall suggesting brief 4"/hr rates likely, especially
    where storms become most organized in the presence of more than 50
    kts of bulk shear. This will likely lead to supercells and
    clusters, which could grown downstream into a complex over
    southern AR as noted in recent ARW and HRRR runs. While rainfall
    rates may be most intense in any supercells, the organization into
    clusters could prolong the duration of these rainfall rates, and
    this will likely produce more than 3" of rain in many areas as
    noted by HREF probabilities exceeding 70%, with 5" or more
    possible where multiple rounds of storms occur. Training and
    backbuilding upstream into the higher instability across North
    Texas is also expected.

    Recent rainfall, using the 7-day AHPS as proxy, has been well
    below normal across much of this region. This has allowed FFG to
    recover to 3-4"/3hrs which has only a 10-20% chance of exceedance
    according to the recent HREF. Still, the likelihood of intense
    rain rates and storm organization, along with the potential for
    multiple rounds or some upstream training, could still produce
    instances of flash flooding into this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-6bpRnJHPXBh0-hkJxDflU1WRo-atBiwnnEg3km_5JK4u84CjvUaUzUqIun1K8t8KMLm= ZJZQa9d5qvSS9svsu41ZBzE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35039405 34929329 34629266 33989227 33389233=20
    33129273 32669392 32239549 32069716 32079801=20
    32329833 32549843 33089835 33589810 34139737=20
    34459676 34869566=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 22 21:15:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222115

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0304
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    514 PM EDT Wed May 22 2024

    Areas affected...west-central to central TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222113Z - 230215Z

    Summary...Thunderstorm will pose an isolated flash flood threat to
    portions of west-central into central TX through 02Z. Rainfall
    rates with areas of training and merging cells may exceed 2 in/hr,
    producing spotty 3-5 inch totals through 02Z.

    Discussion...Regional radar imagery at 21Z indicated widely
    scattered thunderstorms including supercells just south of a cold
    front and ahead of a dryline over central to west-central TX. The
    environment across this region of TX, which includes the Hill
    Country, was represented by impressive MLCAPE of 3000-5000 J/kg
    with little to no CIN just ahead of the cold front and east of the
    dryline but values of 50+ J/kg near San Antonio and parts of the
    I-35 corridor via the 21Z SPC mesoanalysis. Precipitable water
    values were 1.7 to 2.0 inches per recent GPS data and the 18Z FWD
    sounding with plenty of shear for organized cells. Cell coverage
    was expanding just north of the Colorado River across Coleman and
    Brown into Mills counties with an average movement off toward the
    east at 25-35 kt but with upstream regeneration promoting
    MRMS-derived rainfall rates over 2 in/hr.

    The recent expansion of cells over central TX and the potential
    for cell training and merging of thunderstorms will carry the
    potential for rainfall rates in excess of 2 inches in an hour or
    less time over the next few hours. Little latitudinal movement of
    the front is expected over the next few hours but cold pool
    development and some further upstream convective development
    anticipated in the direction of the triple point combined with the
    general eastward cell movement will favor some isolated locations
    with potential for 3-5 inch totals through 02Z. Flash flooding
    will be possible, especially with overlap of sensitive terrain in
    the Hill Country.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-M228MI78byn3f3aZ0vWcNd-QR7odbXu2Xv4En_hs0trxn_PQLR1gPKjQqt4Zx4yfZ9a= JiUBUziOIXa_8OvSJ3WE6TQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32249880 32029699 30789661 30239796 30170001=20
    30160124 30310223 30990157 31670147 32040059=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 22 23:34:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222334

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0305
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    734 PM EDT Wed May 22 2024

    Areas affected...east-central TX into southern AR/northern LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 222333Z - 230530Z

    Summary...Areas of flash flooding are expected to continue from
    east-central TX into northern LA/southern AR through 05Z. Intense
    rainfall with hourly rainfall in excess of 3 in/hr will be
    possible along with some isolated spots of additional rainfall
    over 5 inches through 05Z.

    Discussion...Radar and infrared satellite imagery from 23Z showed
    two main clusters of convection of note with broadening regions of
    cooling cloud tops over TX. The first was over central TX,
    approaching the I-35 corridor between Temple and Waco with a
    second near the Arklatex. Both regions have been associated with
    gauge reports of ~2 inches of rain in 30 minutes. The environment
    ahead of these storms contained ample shear (0-6 km bulk shear
    over 50 kt), moisture (PWs approaching 2 inches) and instability
    (MLCAPE over 3000 J/kg) to support intense organized convection
    with southerly low level flow feeding storms as seen loops of
    visible satellite imagery. Aloft, flow was rather diffluent aloft,
    located on the southern edge of longwave troughing over the
    western/central U.S.

    Short term forecasts from the RAP showed southerly 925-850 mb mean
    layer flow strengthening across I-45 (between Houston and Dallas)
    through 06Z with speeds in excess of 30 kt at times. Further
    organization is expected with a larger MCS anticipated into the
    early overnight. Mean cell movement generally toward the east and
    organized clusters toward the ESE will favor portions of
    east-central TX into northern LA with the greatest potential for
    heavy rain through 05Z due to repeating rounds with hourly
    rainfall in excess of 3 inches at times. Some locations are
    expected to receive additional rainfall totals over 5 inches with
    areas of flash flooding likely to continue. Portions of this
    region are still recovering from heavy rainfall received earlier
    in the month and may be more susceptible to runoff from additional
    heavy rain tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9w7isHKFP_MAk9wYxe_ugi0dbrDVYq5-hbZg8V4BOlNicuRBeTqydZWa2B4SxrLPYR1O= IQkjaL3e-jxZ85SOetlrPQ0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33239263 33109111 32209083 31199169 30569348=20
    30369484 30469697 31379752 32169728 32549652=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 23 17:17:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231717

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0307
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    116 PM EDT Thu May 23 2024

    Areas affected...Texas Hill Country

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 231716Z - 232016Z

    Summary...A localized area of backbuilding storms has materialized
    across the Texas Hill Country. Additional backbuilding will
    support a localized corridor of flash flooding through the next
    few hours.

    Discussion...Radar continues to track a focused corridor of slow
    moving thunderstorms across the Texas Hill Country between KGRK
    and KDYX. Rainfall rates upwards of 2-3 inches were estimated by
    recent MRMS scans and KGRK, although some hail contamination may
    be present. Over the last 30 minutes, the backbuilding nature of
    these storms combined with intense rainfall rates led to a quick
    uptick in CREST Unit Streamflows upwards of 200-400 cfs/smi.

    The mesoscale environment around this activity will remain quite
    favorable to maintain some backbuilding organized deep convection
    for at least a few more hours. Recent GPS data indicated PWATS
    near the inflow region of these storms were around 1.70-1.9", with
    steep 8 degree mid-level lapse rates available to foster extreme
    instability (3000-4000+ J/kg MUCAPE) for this convection to tap
    into. Effective shear upwards of 50-60 kts across Central Texas
    will also maintain supercellular storm profiles, with slow Bunkers
    storm motions of 10-15 kts noted to enhance longevity of rainfall.

    Through the next several hours, the threat of localized
    backbuilding slow moving storms will continue as aggressive
    destabilization continues upstream and a weak shortwave trough
    approaches the area. CAMS continue to struggle mightily with under
    initializing the ongoing convection and killing it off too
    quickly. However, given the highly moist and unstable environment
    in place with sufficient forcing from the shortwave, dryline, and
    composite outflow the threat of focused flash flooding should
    persist for at least several more hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9id23q_CJ6Fxugk_rE9_KyeeAYB9cMPWLdYczRiMapNZ8lFcIWGa_PJ9Yk-bKad4mK0Z= xdIkzV-2GmgA1NIB3yKmDbc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32059724 31599637 31179627 30959725 31179881=20
    31469933 31979909=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 23 19:07:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231907

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0308
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    307 PM EDT Thu May 23 2024

    Areas affected...TN Valley...Southern Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 231906Z - 240036Z

    Summary...Thunderstorm coverage is increasing across the TN Valley
    and Southern Appalachians. Rainfall rates upwards of 2-2.5"/hr
    with this activity support a scattered flash flooding threat this

    Discussion...Scattered thunderstorms continue to blossom across
    the TN Valley, ahead of an approaching shortwave evident in
    moisture channel imagery over Southeast Missouri. Filtered
    insolation across the region and dewpoints in the mid-upper 60's
    has allowed the airmass to recover across the region in the wake
    of storms earlier today, with 1500-2000 J/kg MLCAPE and 1.5-1.6"
    PWATs (1-1.5 sigma above climatology) estimated over the TN Valley
    from SPC Mesoanalysis. While current effective shear profiles
    around the convection are somewhat weak (20-30 kts), a recent
    hourly rainfall estimate exceeding 2"/hour from KMRX suggests the
    most robust updrafts are realizing the very moist and unstable
    environment for efficient rainfall production.

    Going through the afternoon, additional thunderstorm coverage is
    expected with the approach of the forcing from the west. A
    modifying outflow boundary may act to focus the activity
    initially, although generally coverage will remain scattered
    without a focused low level boundary. CAM guidance has struggled
    all day with initializing convection owing to the more subtle
    nature of the forcing, although the 12Z HREF neighborhood
    probabilities suggest a moderate to high (50-60%) likelihood of at
    least 1 hour rainfall rates continuing through 0Z tonight with
    recent runs of the HRRR suggesting 2-2.5"/hour rates possible.
    This could support scattered instances of flash flooding this
    afternoon, as the region remains vulnerable to heavy rainfall with
    1 HR FFGs as low as 1.5-0.5"/hour noted across the region.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6kipeH9X-QprwqZgvVzMNR6Ufuajlw3aryIClcN37j4C8UemT_zDOh-bQ8_AryeGJ7cM= 5PjwU-6-XgbrthTQ29V38ow$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38188519 37408389 36488142 35138192 35008418=20
    35568651 36438734 37728680=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 23 21:16:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 232116

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0309
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    515 PM EDT Thu May 23 2024

    Areas affected...Northern TX Hill Country through the Piney Woods
    of LA/AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 232114Z - 240300Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms developing in the vicinity of
    a shortwave and within extreme thermodynamics will expand through
    the evening. Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are likely, which in some
    areas could produce 2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts.
    Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E IR imagery this afternoon shows small
    clusters of rapidly cooling cloud tops south of the Dallas-Fort
    Worth metro area associated with strengthening thunderstorms. This
    convection is blossoming in response to a modest shortwave
    embedded within otherwise SW flow downstream of broad trough
    extending from the northern High Plains. Synoptic ascent is
    generally modest away from the shortwave, but any lift is
    sufficient to produce strong updrafts within the extreme
    thermodynamics characterized by PWs of 1.8 to 2 inches and MLCAPE
    of 3000-3500 J/kg. A weak outflow boundary analyzed by WPC and
    noted on radar is providing additional focus for convection, with
    some isentropic upglide also contributing ascent as the 25kt LLJ
    from the south impinges into the OFB as it lifts northward.

    The high-res CAMs are struggling this aftn, so confidence in
    evolution is somewhat limited. The HRRR and NAMNest appear to be
    initializing current activity the best, but continue to squelch
    convection in the next few hours, while the ARWs are too robust
    with the present reflectivity, but continue to expand and
    intensify activity. Something in the middle is probably most
    realistic, especially as 850-700mb moisture flux surges to as high
    as +4 sigma combined with still intense MLCAPE. This suggests that
    storms should continue into the evening, and are unlikely to fall
    apart as suggested by the HRRR/NAMnest, and the HREF probabilities
    may be realistic as a blend approach despite the disagreement in
    individual CAMS. This suggests that thunderstorms will continue to
    develop and ride northward along the slowly increasing LLJ,
    organizing through bulk shear of 40-50 kts, and then expanding to
    the northeast on 0-6km mean winds of 20-30 kts. While individual
    storms may be progressive, organized clusters may repeatedly move
    across the same areas with 1-2"/hr rain rates, producing rainfall
    of 2-4" with locally higher amounts as shown by HREF probabilities
    for 3"/6hrs and 5"/6hrs reaching 25% and 10%, respectively.

    Some of this area has been exceptionally wet recently noted by
    7-day rainfall departures that are more than 300% of normal
    according to AHPS. This has compromised FFG to below 1.5"/3hrs in
    some areas which has a 15-25% of exceedance. Where storms organize
    and train, or if the most intense rates move across any urban
    areas, instances of flash flooding are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7PbED4ArzesJA1WoZvY3OYAReTjXMUn3il8Wl3Qgvoegr6moIkFAQku9UmTgIMywlLTU= PSfdM3Qfggaq9KKTHzSReu4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34039547 33849374 33099165 32359140 31939182=20
    31509300 31099425 30809529 30669655 30739813=20
    31599911 33159857 33929701=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 00:50:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240050

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0311
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    850 PM EDT Thu May 23 2024

    Areas affected...eastern/central Tennessee and much of Kentucky

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 240049Z - 240500Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms developing ahead of a
    shortwave will continue for a few more hours across Tennessee and
    Kentucky. Rain rates exceeding 1"/hr are likely, and where
    repeated rounds of convection occur, additional rainfall of 1-3"
    is possible. This could produce instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this evening shows a
    cluster of thunderstorms moving through eastern TN and KY, with
    secondary scattered development occurring in its wake across
    central TN. This activity is forming in response to subtle PVA and
    height falls downstream of a shortwave ejecting from western KY,
    and a subtly enhanced 850mb LLJ arcing out of the SW at 20-25 kts.
    These local forcing mechanisms are occurring in a region of large
    scale ascent due to upper diffluence in a region of modest, but
    coupled, upper jet streaks. The deep layer ascent is acting upon
    favorable thermodynamics noted by PWs of 1.5-1.6 inches, around
    the 90th percentile for the date according to the SPC sounding
    climatology, with collocated MUCAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg, despite
    substantial decrease in instability the past 3 hours. 12-hr
    rainfall according to MRMS has been 1 to as much as 3 inches
    across the area, priming soils for the rest of the night.

    Although the CAMs are struggling with the ongoing development
    behind the more impressive line, the recent HRRR has started to
    indicate that at least some isolated activity will continue across
    TN/KY. While there is lowered confidence in the exact evolution
    due to a lack of model support, the environment will remain
    favorable for a few more hours before instability wanes or gets
    overturned, which should support additional thunderstorm
    development downstream of the primary shortwave. In the favorable thermodynamics, any storms should be able to support 1"/hr
    rainfall, with locally more intense rainfall possible at times.
    Additionally, these storms will have the potential to train west
    to east as Corfidi vectors become aligned to the mean 0-6km wind,
    and development occurs to the W/SW in the pool of greater
    instability. This could result in streaks of 1-3" of rain as
    progged by 10-20% HREF neighborhood probabilities for 3"/6hrs.
    Loss of instability due to nightfall and overturning with this
    second area of convection, combined with the eastward progression
    of the shortwave, should result in rapid waning of coverage by 05Z.

    Although coverage may be isolated to scattered through the next
    several hours, any additional heavy rain could result in rapid
    runoff as NASA SPoRT 0-10cm RSM is above 80% due to heavy rain
    today adding to 7-day rainfall that has been in some places above
    150% of normal. This has reduced FFG to as low as 1-2"/3hrs in
    many areas, favoring at least isolated instances of flash flooding
    where heavy rain moves across these sensitive soils.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7tsHOkbc_SKcf3bkgfvbqbYEx-J_K3kHg6pJQdh0DKt6pa6raL2oXSfDDp-FvWrQ1Aqt= jyAmDHXZRmQwnOwnERnaPxk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38638435 38288323 37648265 36608260 35318344=20
    35048436 35018503 35108591 35218647 35518691=20
    36288716 36938717 37828664 38468549=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 04:22:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240422

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0312
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1221 AM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...southeast OK and southwest AR into the Ark-La-Tex

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 240430Z - 241030Z

    Summary...Localized flash flooding is possible overnight with
    1-3"/hr rainfall rates, storm totals of 3-5".

    Discussion...Convection is loosely organizing late this evening
    along the Red River of the South, composed of a right-moving
    (eastward) supercell that originated from the dry line and a
    multi-cell cluster of storms (moving northeast with the mean flow)
    downstream of the supercell. In addition, the mesoscale
    environment is supportive of continued growth and organization
    with PWATs of 1.4-1.8 inches (near the 90th percentile, per SHV
    sounding climatology), MUCAPE of 2000-3000 J/kg (increasing by as
    much as 500-1500 J/kg over the past several hours), effective bulk
    shear of 35-55 kts, and moderate to strong low-level moisture
    transport (via a strengthening southerly LLJ).

    The 00z HREF suite has done a good job anticipating convective
    initiation this evening (especially compared to last night in the
    same region), but there is still a considerable amount of spread
    between the individual ensemble members. Most hi-res models
    indicate at least localized totals 3-5", though a couple
    (including the HRRR and ARW) limit totals to 2-3". While the
    observational trends are already more supportive of the more
    aggressive solutions (considering MRMS is estimating localized
    hourly totals of 2-3" already with the multi-cell clusters along
    the Red River), the experimental WoFS also seems to be picking up
    on this (with the latest 0300z and 0330z runs now indicating 90th
    percentile accumulated rainfall of 4-5"). Most of the guidance
    agrees that these totals will most likely occur along and near the
    Red River heading into the Ark-La-Tex, which follows the upwind
    propagation vectors towards the ESE @ ~30 kts. This is notably a
    good bit farther south than the current E-NE storm motion, so cold
    pool development must be sufficient enough to organize and achieve
    this ESE motion (which seems likely with an MCS maintenance
    composite parameter of 90-100). If convection remains more loosely
    organized without a dominate cold pool, then totals may remain
    more limited (with localized flooding possibly more focused from
    southeast OK into southwest AR, which the ARW2 and FV3 are closer
    to depicting).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_vn-uvR7ravr5Yz8-5yTutdvHd4Z1Ej6sOQzhWmamUm_-OKjVbrwmFoGRpcsaoFBFglt= lO0PBWdsjv_toROHErQ8h34$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35729502 34809238 32359330 33179706 34469866=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 06:59:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240659

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0313
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    258 AM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...central and southern WV and some surrounding
    portions of KY/VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 240655Z - 241100Z

    Summary...Hourly accumulations of 1-2" may lead to localized 3-4"
    totals through dawn. Isolated to widely scattered instances of
    flash flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Heavy showers and thunderstorms are increasing in
    coverage late tonight over portions of central WV, concerningly
    orienting linearly from west-to-east in an area of apparent
    localized low-level convergence near Charleston. SPC mesoanalysis
    (06z) does indicate a small pocket of higher surface theta-E over
    the region, which is also apparent in slightly higher low-level
    lapse rates (6deg C/km) and associated SB CAPE (500-1000 J/kg).
    With wet bulb zero heights of ~9k feet, warm rain processes are
    clearly in control with KRLX indicating KDP values of 2-3 deg/km
    (and MRMS indicating localized hourly accumulations of 1-2"). The
    expectation is for this line to gradually lift to the north over
    the next couple of hours, but deep layer mean flow towards the ENE
    does favor some limited training/repeating with the line (along
    with the core of the instability being farther south, allowing
    some new cells to backbuild upstream). This may allow for
    localized totals of 3-4" (as indicated intermittently by hourly
    runs of the HRRR), and the 00z HREF 40-km neighborhood
    probabilities for 3" exceedance are as high as 10% as well
    (despite no real significant signal from any of the individual 00z
    hi-res runs). Given that 3 to 6 hour FFGs generally range from
    2.0-2.5", isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding
    are considered possible (with particular concern for low-lying roadways/crossings, given the terrain channeling, as well as for
    any vulnerable populations within the Charleston metro area).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4sjAkBX7kaxGhKOIrH2pQ8M9ebTtHxrVnKWMBdim3XYRzH6wK-90Yh1h_e6XwBeywi06= aHPpyAKaE82Mve2AQqK9K0g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38728154 38608085 38208067 37688078 37398102=20
    37288189 37278257 37528298 37798313 38228264=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 15:08:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241508

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0315
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1107 AM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Tennessee Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 241506Z - 241900Z

    SUMMARY...Influx of moisture on south-southwesterly flow is
    allowing storms across the Lower Ohio and Tennessee Valleys to
    backbuild. The storms have a history of over 2 inch per hour
    rainfall rates with the most persistent backbuilding. Ongoing and
    new flash flooding will continue into the afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...A line of convection that formed on the leading edge
    of a now dissipated MCS over Arkansas has been backbuilding this
    morning as 30-40 kt south-southwesterly flow at 850 mb injects
    moisture with PWATs over 1.5 inches into the storm complex. While
    individual cells have been moving, backbuilding and training of
    newly formed convection over the same areas has resulted in flash
    flooding over western Tennessee and northeastern Mississippi.
    Isolated pockets of 4 inches storm total rainfall have been
    analyzed by the Memphis radar along the line of storms.

    Backbuilding may continue into the early afternoon hours as the
    flow remains steady and additional moisture advects into the area.
    The influx of moisture into the back edge of the storms supports
    continued backbuilding/training. This is suggested by the latest
    HRRR and CONEST runs, though neither have been performing well
    with the evolution of the storms so far. With differential daytime
    heating, the complex should weaken with time albeit with
    significant disagreement on how long that will take.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!43-0Y6hrfmdR23qOChHa9u1hGEc9Ft5kUw7KOOue-6VDCKku-VrGylkWssTB0uy2iclo= Y2QfzKgkjpb_qHAC15bc5sc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37968846 37518788 36598807 36118779 35548721=20
    34948705 33958701 33868778 34148859 34648881=20
    35278910 35858940 36488975 36969000 37399022=20
    37969020 37948919=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 18:37:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241837

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0316
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    237 PM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern MO...Central IL...Western IN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 241835Z - 242330Z

    SUMMARY...Ongoing moisture advection oriented perpendicular to a
    stalled convergence boundary will likely spawn additional
    thunderstorms for several more hours. Flash flooding is possible
    this afternoon, especially in areas hit with repeated rounds of
    thunderstorm activity.

    DISCUSSION...18Z surface analysis shows a narrow convergence axis
    orient W-E from northern MO and central IL into western IN. At
    850mb an influx of theta-e ensued along with an increasingly
    unstable environment. RAP mesoanalysis shows as much as
    2,000-3,000 J/kg of MLCAPE along the southern periphery of
    thunderstorms that have flared up along the surface trough. RAP
    forecasts suggest that the 850mb flow overrunning this boundary is
    likely to continue for several more hours, while at the same time,
    the flow will overrun the ensuing cold pool that will further
    enhance additional thunderstorm development. The 17Z HRRR shows
    the potential for back-building convection north of St. Louis that
    could result in excessive rainfall rates up to 2"/hr. While
    soundings will also likely contain hail, the environment based on
    effective bulk shear (40-50 kts) and effective SRH (100-200
    m2/s2), suggest mesocyclones could help to enhance precipitation
    rates as well.

    This setup makes it ideal for congealing clusters of storms to
    potential train and/or back-build for several hours. 1-hr FFGs are
    as low as 1.5-2.0", which are within reach for the excessive
    rainfall rates these storms can produce. As a result, flash
    flooding is possible this afternoon with low lying areas and more
    urbanized communities particularly more susceptible to flash


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    LAT...LON 40738745 39548738 38808806 38459020 38649160=20
    39429191 40099186 40509119 40638921=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 22:13:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 242213

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0317
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    612 PM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...Southern MO...Northern AR...Southern IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 242210Z - 250330Z

    SUMMARY...Robust thunderstorm activity flaring up along a
    prefrontal surface trough and an approaching cold front may
    congeal over parts of the highlighted region this afternoon and
    evening. Hourly rainfall rates could top 2"/hr and may result in
    areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Satellite and Doppler Radar depicted healthy and
    severe-warned cells tracking through the heart of Missouri. These
    storms are forming along a surface trough that also has ties to
    the ongoing convection that has caused flash flooding north and
    St. Louis. Meanwhile, a cold front is also triggering
    thunderstorms with the cells marching towards southern MO thanks
    to persistent westerly 850-300mb winds aloft. The environment out
    ahead of the cold front is quite unstable with RAP mesoanalysis
    sporting over 3,000 J/kg of MLCAPE in central MO. Meanwhile, PWs
    are close to 1.5" in southern MO with a steady influx of
    low-level moisture being directed at the Ozarks and along the
    surface convergence zone. RAP mesoanalysis depicts as much as
    30-40 kts of effective bulk shear within the atmosphere which will
    help to sustain these storms into the early evening hours. In
    terms of soundings, the RAP shows warm cloud layers close to
    10,000ft deep, but mean cloud layer winds are at 30 knots which
    should keep storms moving along initially.

    As the two boundaries collide, and outflows from the initial
    storms in central MO drift south, this will give storms the
    opportunity to congeal into an organized cluster of storms. This
    setup will allow for storms to generate excessive rainfall rates
    of 1.5-2"/hr as they track across southern MO. These storms could
    track as far south as the Ozarks of northern AR and across the MS
    River into southern IL based on probabilistic guidance from the
    18Z HREF. Soils in the area are not too saturated or too dry, so
    that will help to limit the areal extent of potential flash
    flooding. That said, segments where storms congeal and persist
    over a given area for 2-3hrs at a time could lead to flash
    flooding in low lying, poor drainage areas.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_HLCQu0FXrp2x7h00ezNeuOEM3g0XQcUc0NOxqc0wtADbj0xL0g143Jhj0BWfeGEHmoe= V-Gx09rMpuG08j0SeNYeSKM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38499153 38208990 37459000 36769090 36339180=20
    36159330 36389435 37369389 38209273=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 23:04:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 242304

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0318
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    704 PM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...ArkLaTex...Northeast TX...Southeast OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 242300Z - 250430Z

    SUMMARY...Approaching strong-to-severe thunderstorms containing
    rainfall rates 2-2.5"/hr may produce flash flooding, particularly
    along the Red River and in the ArkLaTex where soils are overly
    saturated and sensitive.

    DISCUSSION...Severe thunderstorms have surrounded the Dallas-Fort
    Worth metro area this afternoon out ahead of an approaching cold
    front. These storms are taking full advantage of the dearth of
    MLCAPE in place (3,000-4,000 J/kg) and PWs are expected to
    increase to as high as 2" in northeast TX this evening. The
    increase it partly a byproduct of additional 850mb moisture flux
    ahead of the cold front. These storms also have no shortage of
    vertical wind shear at their disposal with RAP mesoanalysis
    showing 50-60 kts of effective bulk shear aloft, which will help
    to sustain these storms as they track towards the ArkLaTex via
    westerly mean 850-300mb flow aloft.

    As the storms head east, they will find themselves over a region
    where soils have grown more sensitive in wake of yesterday's round
    of heavy rainfall. AHPS shows within the blue circle that 7-day
    rainfall totals are now 300-400% of normal for that period of time
    and NASA SPoRT-LIS 0-40cm soil moisture percentiles are topping
    80% for much of the pink highlighted MPD area. The excellent
    vertical wind shear aloft should support supercell thunderstorms
    through the early evening, and given the favorable environment for
    HP supercells, these storms can be highly efficient rainfall
    producers. The sufficient shear and mean westerly steering flow
    should steer the storms into the ArkLaTex over the next couple
    hours, but before then, flash flooding could occur as far west as
    the DFW metro area in the near term. With PWs generally averaging
    1.8-2.0", max rainfall rates around 2.5"/hr cannot be ruled out in
    the most intense and efficient rainfall producing cells.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_O3vW4U5WZYsa1i--w6W9kA4tEqJgQybkc2DUVh2GWHn42fJZpWcWHf6O0SYzL9oNL1u= DnCH1EZcaMC8_PbcoD_cOQ0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34389653 34369463 34009313 33569281 32979296=20
    32209391 31899584 32469800 33779746=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 24 23:35:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 242334

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0319
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    734 PM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern MO...Central IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 242330Z - 250330Z

    SUMMARY...Additional flash flooding is likely in parts of eastern
    MO and central IL that feature highly sensitive soils after as
    much as 2-4" of rainfall have fallen over the last few hours.

    DISCUSSION...The southwesterly low level moisture flux that
    intersected a convergence zone in eastern MO and central IL looks
    to continue for at least a couple more hours as a cold front
    escorting its own round of storms approaches from the west. MRMS
    3-hr QPE shows 2-4" of rainfall has occurred north of St. Louis
    with rain still coming down heaily in parts of the area. PWs are
    between 1.5-1.75" and MLCAPE is still between 1,000-2,000 J/kg
    northwest of St. Louis, just out ahead of the approaching cold
    front. With the cold front as the trigger, and no shortage of
    effective bulk shear to work with (RAP mesoanalysis shows 40-45
    kts of shear present), these storms should continue to pose a
    threat for additional flash flooding through the early evening
    hours. Areas most prone for additional flash flooding remains the
    IL communities north of St. Louis where heavy rainfall has been
    unfolding for several hours. Hourly rainfall rates up peaking as
    high as 2"/hr are possible. Latest radar trends do suggest strong
    storms may track through the St. Louis metro area within the next
    hour or so, possibly resulting in urban street ponding in both low
    lying spots and poor drainage areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5RMr1zzsEPqUKpAwKRvLwo5ys78t1E-56g1xI8Vm3K_hmqiQEMw8DVIQ4oSgW9KNtEGh= Dw5g9SimkWPaUZKu-yeX6F4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39869040 39848931 39438850 38928843 38698864=20
    38558929 38519034 38619167 39039178 39619128=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat May 25 03:46:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 250346

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0320
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1145 PM EDT Fri May 24 2024

    Areas affected...much of AR and surroundings into the Mid-South

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 250345Z - 250945Z

    Summary...Mesoscale convective system (MCS) will continue to
    produce hourly accumulations of 1-2" overnight likely resulting in
    localized totals of 2-5", scattered instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...An MCS has taken shape over central and southern AR
    late this evening, consisting of a complex mix of storm modes with
    embedded supercells, surging bow echos, and backbuilding multicell
    clusters. The most intense component as of late is a northeastward
    rapidly propagating bow echo, possibly the result of an earlier
    storm split (favoring the left-mover vector, as upwind and
    downwind propagation vectors favor a southwesterly propagation).
    Out ahead of this newly propagating bow echo, earlier storms that
    formed and followed a southeasterly motion have produced localized
    totals of 2-4" over portions of the MS Delta/Alluvial Plain. FFGs
    have been diminished as a result of this earlier precipitation,
    generally ranging from 1.5-2.5"(for 3-hr period) over more
    sensitive soils (and a bit higher at 2.0-3.0" over the less
    saturated soils of northeast AR and southwest TN). With expected
    peak hourly accumulations of 1-2", new (or renewed) instances of
    flash flooding should be easily achieved. The mesoscale
    environment clearly will continue to support storms through a good
    portion of the overnight period with instability little diminished
    (ML CAPE ranging from 2000-3000 J/kg), PWATs at near record levels
    for late May (per SPC sounding climatology with a range of
    1.5-1.9"), effective bulk shear of 35-45 kts, and moderate
    moisture transport via a locally strong (25-30 kt) LLJ.

    Fresh 00z HREF guidance is handling the convective activity
    reasonably well, though the HRRR in particular is struggling to
    properly initialize the core of the strongest convection. That
    said, the 40-km neighborhood probability fields for 2" and 3"
    thresholds is rather impressive (through 09z), indicating 20-60%
    and 15-35% maximized probabilities over much of the Mid-South.
    Given the observational trends, highly favorable parameter space,
    and relatively sensitive soils, scattered instances of flash
    flooding are considered likely (with localized totals of 3-5"
    expected over the Mid-South, i.e. the red hatched area, and 1-3"
    localized totals generally expected elsewhere within the MPD).
    Convection is expected to be fading across the area by 10z as
    instability is gradually exhausted.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!58MoSR97_K1oIBf_b3H0M0n5cIILgfdkqQcEPgWSNcUhMk7ZfuQvanLt9tsYlB-3pPY3= w451YfjKYQA5B-QvsrJb6Ho$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37099085 36228874 34288902 33359078 33139161=20
    33069259 33139380 33369431 34079476 35689450=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat May 25 08:05:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 250805

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0321
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    404 AM EDT Sat May 25 2024

    Areas affected...south-central KY into Middle TN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 250800Z - 251300Z

    Summary...Locally heavy rainfall of 1-2"/hr may lead to short
    totals of 2-4". Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding
    are possible.

    Discussion...Convection has been gradually growing upscale into a
    small MCS over portions of central KY into Middle TN early this
    morning, after initial multicell clusters collided and merged into
    a more linear single bow echo near the KY/IN/IL border region
    several hours ago. As convection grows downstream ahead of this
    bow, localized training of 1-2"/hr rates are beginning to occur
    along the southwest flank (just as storms reach more vulnerable
    terrain with 3-hr FFGs of 1.0-2.0"). The mesoscale environment
    ahead of this compact MCS is characterized by MUCAPE of 1000-2000
    J/kg, PWATs of 1.3-1.6" (near the 90th percentile, per BNA
    sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear of 25-35 kts. In
    addition, strengthening of the LLJ (at 850 mb) to 25-35 kts just
    upstream (southwest) of the MCS may favor additional backbuilding
    of convection perpendicular to the bow following the initial
    passage of storms, occurring above the cold pool as warm air
    isentropically ascends (assisted by directional and speed
    convergence of the LLJ, fitting the conceptual model of a 'bow and
    arrow' MCS, which was also apparent with the MCS over AR earlier
    in the night). To boot, the aforementioned downstream growth of
    convection (along an effective warm front aloft preceding the MCS)
    is oriented NNE to SSW, near parallel to the upwind propagation
    vector (directed SSW at 10-20 kts). This may allow for additional
    localized training (from the NNW to SSE, but in a more limited
    fashion) ahead of the main bow echo.=20

    This complex orientation of meso-beta storm structures was finally
    depicted reasonably well by the latest (06z) HRRR, which suggests
    a swath of 1.0-2.5" totals across much of central KY into Middle
    TN (from NW to SE), generally just north and east of the Nashville
    metro (but backbuilding along the western flank may directly
    impact the metro). The orientation of the 06z HRRR QPF also
    matches better with the other 00z HREF members, increasing
    confidence in the general outcome. That said, these totals from
    the HRRR (and HREF PMM for that matter) may be a bit underdone, as
    suggested by 00z HREF 40-km neighborhood probabilities of 20-40%
    and 10-20% for 2" and 3" thresholds, respectively. But even so,
    the short-term totals from the HRRR are enough to meet or possibly
    exceed the aforementioned FFGs locally, suggesting that isolated
    to scattered instances of flash flooding are possible. Should a
    more 'worst case' scenario occur with the backbuilding convection,
    the max totals may end up quite close to the Nashville metro
    itself (as indicated by the HREF 3" exceedance probabilities of
    10-20% located very near the metro), conditionally leading to
    locally significant flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!86WZ-tBYnp7MpacqKh4qLYVqSiqvckhNxzWbfSGlc6UvqwE9IMt1nFv4IZ6_9aRU3vug= sNkcgtXBy3EOCuvjhsR6prU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37438545 36928485 36428452 35788456 35498520=20
    35808641 36578703 37178709 37418653=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat May 25 18:51:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251851

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0322
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    250 PM EDT Sat May 25 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southeast OH...Northern and Eastern WV...Far
    Northwest VA...Western MD...Central and Western PA...Southern NY

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 251850Z - 260050Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing coverage of showers and thunderstorms is
    expected this afternoon and into this evening. Some relatively
    slow-moving cells will be capable of producing locally heavy
    rainfall and an isolated threat for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Satellite and radar imagery already shows a broken
    axis of showers and thunderstorms gradually expanding in coverage
    across western PA and into southern NY. The activity is forming in
    a relatively moist and unstable airmass characterized by MLCAPE
    values that have risen to 1000 to 1500+ J/kg and with PWs locally
    as high as 1.2 to 1.4 inches. The greatest concentration of
    moisture and instability is currently pooled across eastern OH and
    western PA out ahead of an approaching cold front.

    A shortwave trough crossing through the Great Lakes region will be
    responsible for advancing this cold front gradually off to the
    east this afternoon and evening which coupled with the
    thermodynamic environment should favor an additional expansion of
    convection off to the east and south including areas from southern
    NY through central PA and also to the southwest across the MD/WV
    panhandles and adjacent areas of northern WV and southeast OH.

    The early to mid-afternoon visible satellite imagery shows an
    expanding field of moderate CU and some TCU across southeast OH
    and southwest PA and this is suggestive of convective initiation
    soon taking place as additional surface heating/solar insolation
    further destabilizes the boundary layer.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger storms are expected to reach 1.5+
    inches/hour, and with some of the cells tending to be rather
    slow-moving and locally repeating over the same area, some spotty
    storm total amounts of 2 to 3+ inches will be possible.

    This coupled with relatively moist antecedent conditions suggest
    an isolated threat of flash flooding will be possible this
    afternoon and into the evening hours. The more urbanized locations
    will be most susceptible to runoff problems.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6zKjz3tDuL--HsrFj06MVrPa5u1UygrbibaGoTXySrLflYI1MtC1IlSi7HSa_w1fezQO= 7KjCgkeVwAaWJiKpkn7XKI4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42977698 42927614 42667587 42077606 41437628=20
    40187695 39387774 38877876 38748054 38978152=20
    39418176 39938165 40528105 41068006 42387793=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat May 25 20:17:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 252017

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0323
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    416 PM EDT Sat May 25 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of West-Central to Northern TX and
    Southwest OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 252015Z - 260215Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving supercell thunderstorms will be capable of
    producing locally very heavy rainfall totals and may pose a threat
    for flash flooding going into the evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E satellite imagery in conjunction
    with regional dual-pol radar shows multiple supercell
    thunderstorms developing over parts of west-central to northern TX
    to the east of a well-defined dryline. The convection is
    initiating in an uncapped and highly unstable airmass with strong
    shear parameters in place that are conducive for supercell
    thunderstorm development.

    MLCAPE values of 3000 to 4000 J/kg are in place along with high
    effective bulk shear values of locally over 60 kts. Meanwhile,
    there is plenty of boundary layer moisture in place across much
    of central and northern TX with surface dewpoints as high as the
    low to mid 70s.

    This highly unstable and sheared environment will be in place
    through the evening hours which coupled with the arrival of
    stronger deeper layer ascent associated with an ejecting mid-level
    trough from the central Rockies should favor some additional
    development and expansion of supercell thunderstorm activity
    across areas of central and northern TX and gradually into
    southwest OK.

    The last couple of runs of the experimental NSSL-WoFS and the 12Z
    NSSL-MPAS guidance suggests pockets of slow-moving supercell
    thunderstorm activity with some potential for cell-mergers and
    localized repeating cell-activity. However, some of the potential
    cell-merger activity will tend to also support some MCS
    development/evolution with tendencies to perhaps be a bit more
    progressive over time.

    Aside from well-defined severe weather hazards, the rainfall rates
    with these supercells will be quite high and capable of reaching
    2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour, and with the aforementioned cell-motion
    character, some spotty storm totals may reach 4 to 6 inches which
    is suggested by the latest WoFS guidance.

    While the overall coverage of convection may not necessarily be
    that high, some isolated instances of flash flooding will be
    possible where these supercell thunderstorms occur going into the
    evening hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4RuwSZW3V9p3tK-qmyVAlrhVVLsSA4F742fV7aqLkRBv2hzUz0Qq22Z_IcIA0R6de7aj= 4crQ15KK8LLk0alw_KbSkT0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35549931 35539788 34469672 32619696 31459810=20
    31469954 32180047 33260039 34230036 35059996=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun May 26 00:37:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260037

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0324
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    836 PM EDT Sat May 25 2024

    Areas affected...Northern OK...Central/Eastern KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260035Z - 260635Z

    SUMMARY...Clusters of supercell thunderstorms will gradually tend
    to merge and should evolve into pockets of larger scale MCS
    activity overnight. Some isolated to widely scattered instances of
    flash flooding will be possible going through midnight.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar and satellite imagery continues to
    show an increase in supercell thunderstorm activity across the
    central Plains as height falls associated with an approaching
    mid-level trough interacts with a moistening and increasingly
    unstable airmass lifting north.

    Some of the area VWP data shows a southerly low-level jet now on
    the order of 40 to 50 kts nosing up across central and northern OK
    and toward southern KS. The nose of this is promoting a corridor
    of stronger moisture convergence and instability transport which
    is favoring the more concentrated grouping of supercells near and
    to the north Enid, OK, and to the east of Medicine Lodge, KS.

    Given the rapid destabilization of the airmass more regionally
    across central/northern OK and into central and eastern KS, the
    convection should continue to generally grow upscale with multiple
    clusters of supercells that will gradually tend to merge and lead
    to a more organized and regional MCS threat overnight.

    MLCAPE values are on the order of 3500 to 4500 J/kg across areas
    of northern OK, with lesser magnitudes over central and eastern
    KS, but with a nocturnally enhanced low-level jet expected
    overnight ahead of the approaching upstream trough, there should
    be a substantial pool of instability for well-organized convection
    and especially with impressive deep layer shear parameters
    yielding persistently strong updrafts.

    Rainfall rates should increase over the next several hours from
    the enhanced moisture and instability transport, with some of the
    stronger supercells capable of yielding 1.5 to 2.5 inch/hour
    rainfall rates, and especially with any cell-mergers.

    Areas of far northern OK and especially southern KS are likely to
    see the heaviest rainfall totals going through midnight given the
    proximity of stronger moisture convergence/low-level jet forcing,
    and some of these locations may see 3 to 5 inches of rain.
    However, areas farther north across central and eastern KS may see
    other more discretely evolving clusters of strong convection that
    favor locally similar amounts.

    Isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding will be
    possible over the next several hours as this evening's convection
    continues to organize and grow upscale.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8z24_lIkIBv3-D7hEoIOAjuCgi7UoLuHguT9xlmDDDFZOST63AqpwdfHjtv65a8mzoGc= IFAWsDSHv5U88-GTr_km0tA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40099637 39839520 38899464 37509464 36679523=20
    36179618 36029737 36189832 36879867 38279851=20
    39099822 39889748=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun May 26 07:21:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260721

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0325
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    320 AM EDT Sun May 26 2024

    Areas affected...much of MO...northeastern and eastern KS...far
    northern AR...far northeastern OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 260720Z - 261200Z

    Summary...Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding
    becoming more likely through dawn with upscale growth and training
    of convection resulting in 1-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    Discussion...Deep convective activity late tonight remains
    somewhat scattered at this hour across eastern portions of the
    central/southern Plains into the Mid-MS Valley, though there are a
    couple of distinct areas where organized activity is starting to
    take shape: 1) over northeastern KS where semi-discrete cells are
    becoming more numerous in a west-to-east training orientation),
    and 2) with ongoing supercells just to the south, near the
    MO/KS/AR/OK border region, which have tended to remain more
    discrete and separated (thus far). The broader mesoscale
    environment is characterized by MUCAPE of 1500-3000 J/kg (with an
    interesting pocket of more stable air near the KS/MO border),
    PWATs of 1.3-1.6" (between the 90th percentile and max moving
    average, per SPC sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear
    of 30-60 kts. A very strong LLJ (40-60 kts) from the SSW is
    resulting in strong moisture transport/flux into the region, which
    should continue to organize convection due to further
    destabilization amid ongoing height falls from the approaching
    potent shortwave trough.=20

    Taking a look at the hi-res guidance, the activity farther south
    was largely missed by the entire 00z HREF suite, and only the
    latest runs of the HRRR (04z/05z/06z runs) have begun to properly
    assimilate and initialize these storms in the MO/KS/AR/OK border
    region. This has resulted in an altered depiction of QPF through
    early morning, with the 05z/06z HRRR suggesting that short-term
    localized totals will be limited to 1-3" for the northern swath.
    Earlier runs of the HRRR suggested higher amounts (locally 3-5"),
    as do the 00z HREF 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3"
    exceedance (which are as high as 20-40%). But this development
    makes sense, as observational trends support a secondary swath of
    higher QPF to the south in association with upscale growth of
    convection and training of supercells (which have been capable of
    2-3"/hr rainfall rates, compared to only 1-2"/hr with the swath
    farther north). Therefore the preference is towards the 06z HRRR
    as it has caught up with these trends, which suggests localized
    totals of 3-5" with the swath farther south (and is consistent
    with the exceedance probabilities from the HREF, though displaced
    just a bit south). As a result, expect for isolated to scattered
    instances of flash flooding to become more likely through dawn.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6TEwn1me4yqkmAmIsXQ0XiDFQYoWMq2RXfqRqzr303IlYyYQv6Dwn9GV3EDdjK6sz3Ed= aTIskvpPJBuX-7RGA5aTDXE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39929744 39629524 39399318 39259217 38649135=20
    37929091 37618981 36558956 36049027 35859243=20
    35989486 36719629 37989659 38589727 39209783=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun May 26 11:40:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261139

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0326
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    739 AM EDT Sun May 26 2024

    Areas affected...southern Missouri, western Kentucky,
    northern/middle Tennessee, northeastern Arkansas, and far southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261137Z - 261737Z

    Summary...Intense convective complexes will repeat across the
    discussion area this morning, with a couple rounds of at least 1
    inch/hr rainfall rates expected in several areas. Flash flooding
    is likely through 17Z.

    Discussion...A couple of intense convective clusters are ongoing
    across southern Missouri and far northern Arkansas currently. The
    most intense extends along an axis from near FAM (Farmington, MO)
    to near ARG (Walnut Ridge, AR). A second line extends from near
    AIZ (Lake Ozark, MO) to near JLN (Joplin). Each of the bands are
    migrating eastward and are being sustained by strong convergence
    on the northern extent of a ~40 kt low-level jet centered over
    Arkansas. Strong buoyancy and moisture (2000+ J/kg MLCAPE and
    1.7+ inch PW values) will continue to support intense updrafts and
    efficient rain rates with the activity, and a couple rounds of 1-2
    inch/hr rain rates are expected as convection translates eastward
    toward Kentucky and northern portions of Tennessee through midday.

    The complexes are migrating toward areas of gradually more
    sensitive ground conditions from prior rainfall, with FFGs as low
    as 1 inch/hr across Kentucky and Tennessee. The likelihood of
    exceedance of these FFGs should increase with eastward extent.=20
    Furthermore, model guidance sustains both warm advection and
    strong low-level flow ahead of the complexes into at least central Kentucky/western Tennessee where well-above normal precipitation
    has occurred over the past week. Flash flood potential is
    expected to increase through the morning hours, and could become
    especially pronounced where cell mergers and localized training
    boost rates into the 1.5+ inch/hr range.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_eM51r4g9PIG3jDLW-XRbkeMNHvQYShCDWyIo1F1kqLppHACivyE4iEIcMIMV49xyGdV= ucrZkhdMKaynioHC6qktq0g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38209065 37988848 38128625 37748544 36858522=20
    36058588 35628927 35839131 36809405 37839446=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun May 26 15:29:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261529

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0328
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1129 AM EDT Sun May 26 2024

    Areas affected...much of Kentucky, northern/middle Tennessee, West
    Virginia, western Virginia, far southeastern Missouri, far
    southern Illinois

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261528Z - 262128Z

    Summary...Flash flooding remains likely today across the
    discussion area. Eventually, heavier rainfall rates should reach
    portions of the central and southern Appalachians through 21Z.

    Discussion...A couple of intense convective complexes continue to
    migrate west-to-est generally along and north of the
    Kentucky/Tennessee border region. Spots of 2-3 in/hr rain rates
    were noted per MRMS estimates across northern portions of Middle
    Tennessee over the past two hours. Additionally, recent
    intensification of a band in far southeastern Missouri has
    increased rain rates into the 2 inch/hr range, with much of that
    rainfall occurring across areas that received 2-3 inches of
    rainfall with earlier storms.

    The ongoing complexes remain on the northern extent of strong south-southwesterly low-level flow (around 30-40 knots). This
    flow was providing convergence for intense updrafts while also
    aiding in warm/moist advection and maintenance of moderate to
    strong buoyancy (2000-3500 J/kg SBCAPE) along and ahead of the
    complexes. On their current track, an axis of 2-4 inch rainfall
    totals (locally higher) is expected to materialize along an axis
    from Paducah/Tiptonville TN eastward to London, KY. With some of
    these rainfall totals expected to fall in a 1-2 hour period and repeating/training expected, flash flooding remains likely along
    this axis.

    Rainfall totals are a bit less certain downstream across the
    central Appalachians. While the central KY convective complex is
    well organized, weakening low-level wind fields and slightly less moisture/instability with eastward extent may temper rain rates
    somewhat. FFGs are still in the 1 inch/hr range, however (locally
    lower), and flash flooding will remain a distinct possibility -
    especially with any training convective segments that can


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5x9PM4MJajp-hQjqbwKux9yPMt5WAZngYrYCxKBRTKeG684h7tJ1MNwoqpaULd020E-j= bhFDSsbaQRIPseuPs2Z1Ygk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38528094 38458038 38028001 37198032 36668130=20
    36208334 35988797 36158991 37308986 37698872=20
    38168557 38338231=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun May 26 21:15:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 262115

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0330
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    514 PM EDT Sun May 26 2024

    Areas affected...PortIons of the Upper OH Valley and the Central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 262113Z - 270113Z

    SUMMARY...A long-lived QLCS with heavy showers and thunderstorms
    will be crossing through portions of the upper OH Valley and the
    central Appalachians over the next few hours. Given locally wet
    antecedent conditions, the rainfall may be enough to cause some
    instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest satellite and radar imagery shows a
    long-lived and severe QLCS advancing quickly east through portions
    of the upper OH Valley, and this will be reaching into portions of
    the central Appalachians over the next couple of hours. The
    downstream thermodynamic environment across the central
    Appalachians is moderately unstable with MLCAPE values as high as
    1000 to 1500 K/kg across areas of eastern OH/southwest PA and much
    of WV. However, a stronger pool of instability is noted farther
    south over eastern TN involving the broader Cumberland Plateau
    region where some MLCAPE values are as high as 2000 to 3000 J/kg.

    Rainfall rates with the storms are likely to be highest over areas
    of eastern TN and far western NC where the greatest instability
    and concerns for more discrete cell-development ahead of the
    remaining QLCS will occur over the next few hours. Rainfall rates
    here will likely approach or exceed 2"/hour, with some spotty 3 to
    4 inch totals possible.

    Farther north across much of WV and into eastern OH and especially
    southwest PA, the progressive nature of the QLCS will limit
    overall storm totals to 1 to 2 inches, but there may be some
    rainfall rates of up to 1 inch in as little as 30 minutes as the
    initial convective line arrives. The activity should tend to
    maintain some convective vigor given the downstream instability
    environment, and areas even east of the Appalachians may see
    convection survive heading later into the evening hours.

    Large areas of the central Appalachians in general are rather
    moist, and portions of northern WV, southeast OH and southwest PA
    saw heavy rains last evening and overnight which have resulted in
    elevated streamflows. Given this and the locally rugged terrain
    helping to enhance runoff further, some localized areas of flash
    flooding will be possible over the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9w34zgRDznyTwDbPcrz2mfc14JEX84FiwOXk1y3wQgp_avi8QtSHCWEuT6R8KZxC3vk6= AgwRbvO-lGi4euFNZ0f7DbA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41288003 40937901 39867845 38117909 36388086=20
    35688230 35408386 35958475 36838369 37908226=20
    39298163 40338167 41128093=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon May 27 01:46:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270146

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0331
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    945 PM EDT Sun May 26 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the OH Valley into the Mid-South

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 270145Z - 270745Z

    SUMMARY...A strong QLCS evolution is anticipated overnight with
    locally enhanced rainfall totals expected to fall over areas with
    very moist antecedent conditions. Numerous instances of flash
    flooding are likely, with locally significant impacts expected.

    DISCUSSION...The evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    blossoming axis of very cold-top convection stretching across
    areas of southeast MO northeastward through southern IL as
    supercell thunderstorms continue to organize and gradually
    consolidate into a strong forward propagating QLCS. Meanwhile,
    radar imagery has been showing more discrete supercell
    thunderstorm development downwind of the QLCS closer to the OH
    River involving southwest IN and western KY. This activity has
    been related to strong warm air advection interacting with a
    long-lived residual outflow boundary.

    A southwest low-level jet 40 to 50 kts is advancing northeast up
    into the lower OH Valley out ahead of a cold front and wave of low
    pressure that continues to traverse the middle MS Valley. The
    airmass being transported by this low-level jet is very unstable
    and especially from northeast AR through southeast MO where MLCAPE
    values of 3500 to 4500+ J/kg are noted. Areas of southern IL,
    southwest IN and far western KY have MLCAPE values of 2500 to
    3500+ J/kg which is where there has been a significant airmass
    destabilization over the last 3 to 6 hours associated with
    late-day diurnal heating, warm air advection, and a well-defined
    EML which shows up very well in the CIRA-ALPW 700/500mb layer.

    This strongly unstable airmass will continue to advance downstream
    into adjacent areas of the OH Valley overnight with an extension
    of it back down into the Mid-South where the low-level jet will be
    aligned. Strong vertical shear parameters working in tandem with
    the instability will sustain a well-organized QLCS threat deep
    into the night that will advance off to the east and eventually
    southeast once a more organized cold pool evolves.

    Very impressive sub-hourly rainfall rates will be possible in this
    environment where the stronger supercell thunderstorms occur. As
    much as 1.5 to 2 inches of rain in 30 minutes will be possible
    locally, with some spotty 3 inch/hour totals, and especially where
    any cell-mergers occur.

    Overall, the HRRR guidance looks somewhat underdone with the
    rainfall potential overnight given the high rainfall rate
    environment and concerns for cell-mergers and cell-training. Some
    rainfall totals are expected to reach 3 to 5 inches, with isolated
    heavier totals possible. The antecedent conditions are locally
    quite sensitive given the recent heavy rainfall, and especially
    over areas of southeast MO through western/central KY and far
    northern TN. Numerous areas of flash flooding are likely given the
    setup, and some of the flash flooding is expected to be


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9wYEpkXx7CirjfhKOZISvinIBLyc010simGDk7fbdHkeNOzi50WASaNDKNGC3goOAxBF= yj5ia_UEIfnawkHe1OVqbus$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39738522 39558417 38868336 37728345 36878424=20
    36368509 36048607 35848733 35818871 35928996=20
    36429085 37089064 37378973 38158863 39038801=20
    39468730 39718620=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon May 27 09:46:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270946

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0332
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    545 AM EDT Mon May 27 2024

    Areas affected...northern AL...norhtern GA...southern Middle/East
    TN and surrounding portions of NC/SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 270945Z - 271300Z

    Summary...Heavy showers and thunderstorms in association with a
    decaying convective complex may produce additional 1-2"/hr rates
    (with additional localized totals of 1-3")

    Discussion...Remnants of a QLCS (quasi-linear convective system)
    are propagating southeast through portions of the TN Valley into
    the Southeast early this morning, producing hourly accumulations
    of 1-2" from northern AL into southern Middle/East TN and far
    northern GA. The most efficient convection has been ongoing over
    northern AL specifically, as west-to-east training cells were able
    to develop ahead of the primary QLCS propagation (resulting in
    some localized totals of 2-4" over the past 2-3 hours). The
    mesoscale environment is characterized by ML CAPE of 750-2250 J/kg
    (highest over northern AL), PWATs of 1.3-1.8" (near the 90th
    percentile, per SPC sounding climatology), and impressive deep
    layer (0-6 km) shear of 50-60 kts.

    Hi-res CAMs have done a decent job with the evolution of the QLCS
    overnight, but the 00z HREF overall has had a low bias with QPF
    (as the HREF PMM hardly had over an inch of rain depicted across
    northern AL through 09z). More recent runs of the HRRR, however,
    have been picking up on the subtle convective trends much better,
    and the latest 08z run depicts an additional 1-2" (and locally up
    to 3") through 13z. While an approaching cold front will
    eventually bring an end to the showers later this morning, this
    front is still significantly displaced towards the northwest
    (draped near the Mid-South), which will allow for additional
    backbuilding of showers supportive of 1"/hr (and locally higher)
    rates for at least a few more hours (as 25-35 kt LLJ continues to
    usher in moderate moisture transport/flux from the southwest).
    Given the already saturated soils across much of the area,
    additional widely scattered instances of flash flooding are


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-E-Gb0VW-z7EfMGMe-cJ3A1m_H7-8PelEOB8IJl56bXyO0MjvrJvaEF-IIB3K03kgTJI= 07DP0OdFQZk5BpCS_Yudmn8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35588362 34848286 33998409 33508575 33418777=20
    34138808 34788705 35198520=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon May 27 16:08:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 271608

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0333
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1208 PM EDT Mon May 27 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Upstate NY...Eastern PA...Western NJ...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 271615Z - 272200Z

    SUMMARY...A few rounds of heavy rainfall pose spots of 2-3", some
    spots up to 1.75"/hr may induced widely scattered incidents of
    flash flooding through the afternoon into early evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV denotes a potent longwave trof over the
    Great Lakes with a compact upstream kicker to further sharpen the
    wave throughout the day. This timing/orientation is also
    supporting the leading edge of the modified EML to sharpen a
    shortwave trough across the the upper Ohio Valley providing
    strengthening broad scale ascent/DPVA downstream. Additionally,
    this is drawing deeper, more unstable, higher theta-E air off the
    eastern Atlantic becoming increasingly confluent with moisture
    stream emerging out of the Cumberland Plateau through the
    Mid-Atlantic. A subtle southern stream shortwave has lifted
    northward across Northern VA/Central MD, further helping
    height-falls as well as backing and strengthening low level wind
    fields. As such, total PWAT values are inching up to 1.5-1.75"
    across Central PA, Delaware River Valley and leaking into the
    Hudson Valley over the next few hours.

    RAP analysis also notes increasing MUCAPE along/ahead of the
    weakening southern stream warm front currently reaching 750-1000
    J/kg. Further downstream clearing but also steepening lapse rates
    with some eastern edge of the modified EML nosing in, should allow
    for CAPEs to reach 1000-1500 by mid-afternoon across the area of
    concern. Current RADAR shows some increasing congestion across
    the area of greatest ascent, as well as, along the western edge of
    the mid-level stratus in Central PA. Hi-res CAMs remain bullish
    on rapidly intensifying updrafts through this sector. Given
    available moisture, unstable air and flux, expectation is for
    rapid efficient rainfall production with 1.5-1.75"/hr rates likely
    to become frequent in the warm sector line from SE Upstate NY into
    E PA over the next 2 hours. Streaks of 2" in 1-2hrs are possible
    with southern/upstream edge of convective line having best chances
    for back-building short-term training before western cells
    approach. Flash flooding is not necessarily expected with this
    line with the exception of urban centers with hydrophobic ground
    conditions that support high runoff.

    However, upstream, the approaching secondary line should also be
    intensifying through late afternoon. While deeper layer steering
    should allow for faster and more west to east cell motions, and
    additional 1-2" stripes with the intense downdrafts may intersect
    with earlier round and result in widely scattered 2-3" totals in
    3-4hrs resulting in possible widely scattered incidents of flash
    flooding to occur; particularly in complex terrain of NE PA, SE NY
    and NW NJ.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7lA1I83loRXGK7xFQu4bhPS_SHSYQlhubi0smy15dP2FqM3jvG8qMz6A42uNF2n67_0Z= l9poHJ70VyLd_ZE4zk0aUn8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43537427 42977371 41637376 40257473 39797608=20
    40177662 40887676 41937686 42817651=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon May 27 23:54:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 272354

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0334
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    753 PM EDT Mon May 27 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Northern VA...D.C....Central to
    Northeast MD...Southeast PA...Northern DE...Southwest NJ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 272352Z - 280352Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms moving into the
    Washington D.C. and Baltimore metropolitan areas over the next
    couple of hours will support a threat for some flash flooding.
    This may also extend northeast into southeast PA near Philadelphia.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery shows a band of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms organizing across northern VA and through portions
    of central and northern MD. The activity over the last 1 to 2
    hours has been gradually developing along a subtle convergence
    axis in the lee of the Blue Ridge and with the pooling of a
    moderately unstable airmass characterized by MLCAPE values of
    1500+ J/kg. All of this is also being facilitated by the approach
    of a cold front from the west along with a supporting shortwave
    trough crossing through the Lower Great Lakes region and central
    Appalachians which is providing some large-scale ascent/forcing
    for convective organization.

    This activity is likely to advance gradually off to the
    east-northeast and should impact the I-95 urban corridor from
    Washington D.C. through Baltimore and potentially up I-95 into
    northeast MD, northern DE and southeast PA including portions of
    the Philadelphia metropolitan area over the next few hours.

    Some rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour are expected, with some
    isolated 3 inch amounts possible where some brief cell-training
    occurs with this band of convection. Given the sensitivities of
    the densely populated/urbanized I-95 corridor, some flash flooding
    will be possible over the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7PyugNxYe6B3VYUfvwXbDFzKfPyTvnxzypeaLYZnR2EHzgyLaiBEtn7QumVqQukIi9-Q= cyZaDV13ASPXp6OiWyKfeWE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40387522 40247481 39857491 39357553 38937625=20
    38667685 38577742 38807769 39117740 39587666=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 28 01:51:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280151

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0335
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    951 PM EDT Mon May 27 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast AL...Southern GA...FL Panhandle into
    Northeast FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 280150Z - 280750Z

    SUMMARY...Pockets of showers and thunderstorms with very heavy
    rainfall rates of up to 2 to 3"/hour will continue over the next
    several hours across portions of the Southeast and may maintain an
    isolated threat for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a broken
    band of very heavy showers and thunderstorms dropping gradually
    southeastward down across southeast AL and southern GA which will
    be moving into the FL Panhandle region and adjacent areas of the
    FL Big Bend and possible northeast FL over the next few hours.
    Some of the cells over southern GA in particular have been rather
    slow-moving and producing some very heavy hourly rates.

    WV satellite imagery shows a fair amount of shortwave energy
    advancing east toward the region from the central Gulf Coast
    region, and this energy will be interacting with a very moist and
    unstable airmass pooled across the northeast Gulf Coast region and
    areas inland across the FL Panhandle and south-central GA. MLCAPE
    values are locally over 3000 J/kg with PWs close 2 inches.

    The HRRR guidance has been suggesting a continued convective
    threat over the several hours with locally high rainfall rate
    potential. Generally the convective threat will settle down toward
    the Gulf Coast with some outflow boundary evolution facilitating
    this southward advance. Some localized 3 to 4+ inch rainfall
    totals will be possible, and there will be some localized
    repeating of cells potentially over southern GA and for parts of
    the FL Panhandle east into northeast FL that may yield these
    heavier amounts.

    An isolated instance or two of flash flooding will be possible
    where some of these stronger cells and heavier rainfall rates tend
    to repeat over the same area, and generally the more urbanized
    areas will be at greatest risk of runoff problems.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4eg8yrDyDZBjiDRErt6XVasUw4TcY-X-nvQaOT7T-2ByHOqKnSY42RHjEQTK9Ed9lRiU= MSN06gusW3bLAiv2Ri1aeFk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31718454 31718377 31518314 31168196 30798141=20
    30168148 29818203 29758324 29918415 29688499=20
    30168568 30568581 30998571 31468522=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 28 09:03:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280903

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0336
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    502 AM EDT Tue May 28 2024

    Areas affected...southwestern OK into North TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 280900Z - 281500Z

    Summary...Heavy shbowers and thunderstorms will continue to
    produce 1-3"/hr rainfall rates through mid to late morning,
    resulting in localized totals of 3-6". Isolated to scattered flash
    flooding is likely.

    Discussion...Heavy showers and thunderstorms are becoming more
    organized along and near the Red River of the South (TX/OK border
    region) early this morning, following recent backbuilding in the
    vicinity of right-movers that emerged from earlier splitting
    supercells. This has already resulted in some localized totals of
    2-4" in the region, but additional backbuilding and training of
    cells is expected to result in an increase in coverage and
    severity of flash flooding into late morning. The mesoscale
    environment is highly favorable for additional upscale growth of
    convective activity, given ample instability (MUCAPE of 2000-5000
    J/kg), tropospheric moisture (PWATs of 1.2-1.5 inches, near the
    90th percentile per FWD sounding climatology), and shear
    (effective bulk shear of 45-55 kts). This parameter space should
    have no trouble continuing to support rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr.

    While a couple HREF members (ARW and NAM-nest) have a depiction of
    convection in this region this morning, even those members were
    far too slow and weak compared to observational trends (while the
    other members didn't even manage to initiate convection). The HRRR
    has come around in the past couple of runs (06z/07z) after
    insisting on suppressed convection from earlier runs. While the
    coverage and amounts are likely still at least a bit underdone
    (indicating localized totals of 2-3" in a limited area of North TX
    through 15z), the general QPF footprint and storm evolution
    matches that of the HREF PMM, indicating additional upscale growth
    towards the southwest via upwind propagation towards the higher
    instability (and focused along and near a quasi-stationary surface
    boundary). This puts the Dallas-Forth Worth metroplex in the cross
    hairs of this morning activity, increasing concerns for flash
    flooding (given the sensitivitieses of the urbanized terrain and
    higher population centers). Given the highly favorable
    observational trends (and the unreliability of the hi-res
    guidance), isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding are
    likely through late morning (with 3-6 hour FFGS generally 2-4").
    Should these higher totals occur across the DFW metroplex, some
    flash flooding could be locally significant (as 3-hr FFGs locally
    as low as 1.5").


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4fGv1PMubbHOtiPE4V20AMzoLqg_22lG6uuvqBmRvCCIxdD4AIa2-FK7tPYL3Nb59Mhu= tAMQXnl0fy7OFxoajwJAa8c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35279874 34919731 34309630 33329564 32479529=20
    32249650 32729746 33489851 34860025=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 28 09:16:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280916

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0336
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    514 AM EDT Tue May 28 2024

    Areas affected...southwestern OK into North TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 280900Z - 281500Z

    Summary...Heavy showers and thunderstorms will continue to produce
    1-3"/hr rainfall rates through mid to late morning, resulting in
    localized totals of 3-6". Isolated to scattered flash flooding is

    Discussion...Heavy showers and thunderstorms are becoming more
    organized along and near the Red River of the South (TX/OK border
    region) early this morning, following recent backbuilding in the
    vicinity of right-movers that emerged from earlier splitting
    supercells. This has already resulted in some localized totals of
    2-4" in the region, but additional backbuilding and training of
    cells is expected to result in an increase in coverage and
    severity of flash flooding into late morning. The mesoscale
    environment is highly favorable for additional upscale growth of
    convective activity, given ample instability (MUCAPE of 2000-5000
    J/kg), tropospheric moisture (PWATs of 1.2-1.5 inches, near the
    90th percentile per FWD sounding climatology), and shear
    (effective bulk shear of 45-55 kts). This parameter space should
    have no trouble continuing to support rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr.

    While a couple HREF members (ARW and NAM-nest) have a depiction of
    convection in this region this morning, even those members were
    far too slow and weak compared to observational trends (while the
    other members didn't even manage to initiate convection). The HRRR
    has come around in the past couple of runs (06z/07z) after
    insisting on suppressed convection from earlier runs. While the
    coverage and amounts are likely still at least a bit underdone
    (indicating localized totals of 2-3" in a limited area of North TX
    through 15z), the general QPF footprint and storm evolution
    matches that of the HREF PMM, indicating additional upscale growth
    towards the southeast via upwind propagation towards the higher
    instability (and focused along and near a quasi-stationary surface
    boundary). This puts the Dallas-Forth Worth metroplex in the cross
    hairs of this mornings activity, increasing concerns for flash
    flooding (given the sensitivities of the urbanized terrain and
    higher population centers). Given the highly favorable
    observational trends (and the unreliability of the hi-res
    guidance), isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding are
    likely through late morning (with 3-6 hour FFGS generally 2-4").
    Should these higher totals occur across the DFW metroplex, some
    flash flooding could be locally significant (as 3-hr FFGs locally
    as low as 1.5").


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_SGTdwspZMHyWPiSpJWWHU0DNFpugiZmDtl4ANMp2Dx1mVd6y4Qf5PUz0f-pBctA5Bgs= RtJvIj4IfAUUkm6dtKb0LMg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35279874 34919731 34309630 33329564 32479529=20
    32249650 32729746 33489851 34860025=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 28 17:01:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 281701

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0337
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    100 PM EDT Tue May 28 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern hill country of Texas through Southwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 281700Z - 282200Z

    Summary...Clusters of thunderstorms moving across eastern Texas
    will drop towards the Gulf Coast while expanding/intensifying
    through the afternoon. Rainfall rates could reach 2-4"/hr at
    times, resulting in 3-4" of rainfall with locally higher amounts.
    Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible satellite imagery this morning
    shows a complex evolution of convection and associated outflow
    boundaries dropping across eastern Texas. These clusters of
    thunderstorms have persisted since this morning, and are moving
    along a southward advancing cold front analyzed by WPC and ahead
    of a shortwave noted in WV imagery. The regional radar mosaic
    indicates two distinct clusters with accompanying outflows, with
    the trailing cluster just southeast of Dallas accompanied by an
    MCV noted in the local radar. As these clusters continue to move
    south, they will encounter extreme thermodynamics characterized by
    SBCAPE which has rapidly destabilized in clearings to above 6000
    J/kg and a plume of PWs around 1.5-1.7 inches. Although PWs are
    currently only around the 75th percentile due to dry mid-level air
    noted in regional 12Z U/A soundings, 850mb dew point temperatures
    above +20C are at daily record, and as low-level flow off the Gulf
    persists from the SE, it is likely PWs will surge to 1.8-2.0
    inches by this evening.

    850mb inflow is progged to remain modest today at just 10-15 kts
    during the aftn, but this will be sufficient to persist the
    extremely favorable environment for heavy rain. Acting into these
    robust thermodynamics, ascent will increase through convergence
    along the outflow and deep layer synoptic lift through PVA and RRQ
    diffluence aloft. Together, this will support an expansion and
    intensification of thunderstorms, with organization in one or
    multiple MCS likely thanks to bulk shear of 25-40 kts. This will
    allow rain rates to climb to above 2"/hr as reflected by HREF
    neighborhood exceedance probabilities reaching 40%, with brief
    4"/hr rates possible as suggested by HRRR 15-min rainfall
    exceeding 1" in places.

    The CAMs are in generally good agreement in this evolution, and
    the challenge becomes the speed at which thunderstorms will
    traverse southeast. With the extreme CAPE and DCAPE (1200+ J/kg),
    this suggests clusters may continue to forward propagate rapidly
    and shift offshore, which is supported by SE oriented Corfidi
    vectors reaching 20-30 kts, minimizing the duration of heavy
    rainfall. However, there is some potential for storms to slow as
    they interact with the Gulf breeze/onshore flow, allowing
    propagation vectors to collapse and back sufficiently to enhance
    rainfall duration. Should this occur, total rainfall could exceed
    5", but is otherwise forecast to be generally 3-4" as shown by
    HREF 3"/6hrs exceedance probabilities of 40-60%.

    This area remains extremely vulnerable with 40cm soil moisture
    above the 90th% in some areas, and 0-10cm RSM above 60%,
    especially from the Heart of Texas through the southern Piney
    Woods region. Although soil moisture dries towards the coast,
    these intense rain rates moving over any urban areas, especially
    if storms can slow, would still likely result in rapid runoff, and
    thus flash flooding is possible through the evening across much of
    this area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!46DqcO8w3iKxJ1lECJ3so7iSceyf9KdUVpaDUab1lXlhnpxFLMFbu84Y0V_8xteFu3p7= SxUo1thjZuM5qH96iPT5cYw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31879593 31799399 31169222 30449130 29989126=20
    29579177 29639312 29549399 29279461 28929537=20
    28919663 28869761 28999802 29679803 30919745=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue May 28 22:52:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 282252

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0338
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    651 PM EDT Tue May 28 2024

    Areas affected...Lower Pecos Valley...Southern Edwards Plateau
    into South-central Texas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 282250Z - 290400Z

    SUMMARY...Strong thunderstorm cluster continues to grow with
    increasing moisture flux from tongue of enhanced moisture coming
    through the Rio Grande Valley. Localized totals of 2-4" pose
    possible flash flooding=20

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible and EIR depict a broad and strong
    cluster with a few overshooting tops breaking through the
    expanding canopy across the Lower Pecos River Valley. Large
    hail/severe signatures have dominated this cluster, but recent
    trends note a slow transition toward higher rainfall production
    (with continued more numerous hail stones, to help clog
    culverts/drainage areas).

    Recent surface analysis shows dry line continues to retrograde
    under influence of enhanced eastward flow behind the outflow
    boundary from this morning's North to Southeast TX MCS. While this
    has been more of a stabilizing influence a bit to the north in the
    core of the cooler surface air; gaps in the canopy continue to
    show some low level cu from Kerr/Bandera county north of the
    boundary, suggesting some of the higher theta-E air from the
    western Gulf remains and supports moderately unstable air being
    advected toward the complex. Sfc to boundary layer inflow of
    15-25kts with enhanced moisture nearing 1.75" PW through the
    entire depth (though focused mainly in the lowest levels). Also,
    winds appear to be generally confluent to enhanced convergence to
    support maintenance of the complex as it propagates southeastward.

    So with ample unstable air and moisture being fluxed in and
    cluster likely moistening the local environment; rainfall
    efficiency will increase and likely reach sub-hourly rates of
    1-2". WoFS members and HRRR 15-minute rates suggest 1-1.5" in
    short duration. Current orientation of the updrafts also suggest
    potential for short-term repeating, especially as the upstream
    flanking line will try to keep redeveloping with the retrograding
    dry line. As such, tracks of 2-4" of rainfall in 1-2 hours are
    possible. This brings the complex over lower FFG values of the
    Lower Pecos River into Southern Edwards Plateau.

    Confidence remains moderate to moderately-low; as Hi-Res CAMs have
    continued to struggle. However, recent runs of the WoFS do suggest
    means of 2-3" for the mean; while 90th percentiles are reaching at
    or slightly above 4" especially near the Pecos River as the cells
    remain slower moving/propagating in proximity to the dry line
    retrograding. So this adds some confidence to suggest flash
    flooding remaining possible across the area of concern through 04z.

    Also, of note, will be closely monitoring the complex over the
    Serranias del Burro and trends as it emerges into South Texas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!98NKGDA3lcG96GablwlmGo0Hlua-vKO8B9RFXR1N_wodWrtVW4qd_VndtzliAcjavlpl= im3IlLX9bOeHeWkfBKb27Kk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31040126 30820010 30309866 29599828 29079874=20
    29089995 29750118 30030191 30090214 30490255=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 29 01:17:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290117

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0339
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    916 PM EDT Tue May 28 2024

    Areas affected...Rolling Plains into Big Country of Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 290115Z - 290600Z

    SUMMARY...Cell mergers and training along with ample moisture flux
    for up to 2"/hr rates and 2-3+" may pose localized flash flooding
    through early overnight period.=20

    DISCUSSION...RAP analysis and 01z surface map suggest a weak FGEN boundary/pressure trough across Northwest Texas that has a pool of
    enhanced instability along it, with CAPE over 1500 J/kg. Earlier
    cluster of thunderstorms has evolved into a fast moving outflow
    boundary across western OK before angling back southwestward
    across the Rolling Plains into the Big Country intersecting with
    the W-E developing boundary and instability pool. As such, recent
    convective development has sprouted with overshooting tops rapidly
    cooling and congealing to a broad line of sub -60C cloud tops in
    10.3um GOES-E IR. RADAR notes generally chaotic cell motions
    given broad deep layer confluence zone per VWP network and RAP
    analysis fields. Tds in the low 60s with LPW depicting an
    enhanced axis of moisture from sfc to 700 across south-east TX
    toward this area allowing for total PWAT values to be in the 1.4"
    range per GPS network. Given deep layer flux convergence, and
    updraft strength has supported increased rainfall rates up to
    1.5-1.75". Cell mergers and slow motions may allow for some
    localized 2-3" totals in 1-2hrs; and while the area has been
    recently dry, this is still in the range of 1-3hr FFG values.=20

    Hi-Res CAMs have performed poorly this evening with the overall
    evolution. However, recent WoFS runs (a majority of members) have
    maintained some these cells for a few hours likely feeding off the
    local instability maxima noted. As such, mean rainfall totals
    suggest a more reasonable 2-3" totals, though hint at localized
    values of 3- 4" when looking at 90th percentile of the last few
    cycles. This provides some confidence in reaching totals that
    would result in localized flash flooding. As such, flash flooding
    is considered possible through the early overnight period before
    the cluster moves further east into a more stable environment.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5tIqBADA6FXmUJb6ilY8IFqxIfqzcqVkBBxJjOn_O2-suDzdUB9Wb0N3SyGQl8uwcMkL= beaY-izGlMD-TXlhztY4fmc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33610107 33380001 33259922 33049843 32519810=20
    31899846 31809917 32060023 32630132 33310165=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 29 14:49:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291449

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0340
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1048 AM EDT Wed May 29 2024

    Areas affected...Upper OH Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291448Z - 292045Z

    Summary...Slow moving thunderstorms are expected to increase in
    coverage from eastern OH into northern WV and western PA into the
    afternoon. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr with localized totals of
    2-3 inches may result in some localized to scattered areas of
    flash flooding.

    Discussion...GOES East water vapor imagery showed a mid-level
    closed low/vorticity max located over northern OH at 1430Z,
    associated with an area of slow moving showers and embedded
    thunderstorms stretching from north-central OH into western PA.
    Recent reports to the south of Sandusky Bay showed observed
    rainfall rates of 1 to 1.5 in/hr since 11Z along with isolated
    totals over 2 inches with slow movement of heavy rain cores.
    Current instability values are low, represented by the 12Z PIT
    sounding with 191 J/kg, and moisture is rather modest with
    precipitable water values of 0.7 to 1.0 inches across the Upper OH
    Valley, which will limit heavy rainfall potential.

    However, as the mid-level vorticity max over north-central OH
    translates toward the ESE through mid-afternoon, weak 0-6 km mean
    wind of ~5 kt or less will spread across northeastern OH into
    western and northern PA, supporting slow movement of heavy
    rainfall cores. Farther south, across far northern WV into
    southwestern PA, cell motions are expected to be more progressive
    but brief west to east training may still allow for isolated areas
    of 1+ in/hr rainfall rates. While cloud cover will limit
    instability across portions of the region, sufficient moisture and
    instability (MLCAPE forecast up to 750 J/kg) will be present to
    support rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr in a few locations with
    possible totals between 2-3 inches through 21Z. Flash flood
    guidance of 1-2 in/hr suggests some localized to scattered areas
    of flash flooding will be possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8QwhVih4r6AVkHZAcgrs_WPD_qBSO83tVAcW395jcOuD_ItgpA1KIxK4qmp35odBed4u= Kk_r-MF9vXhmhzSx7eBm3sI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42067998 41957878 41677819 40957808 40357827=20
    39957864 39587954 39538065 39738178 40188301=20
    40588355 41158349 41568313 41488250 41618208=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed May 29 19:41:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291941

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0341
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    340 PM EDT Wed May 29 2024

    Areas affected...Northern to Northeast PA...Southern Upstate
    NY...Northern NJ...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291940Z - 300000Z

    SUMMARY...Steepening ascent pattern with colliding features may
    result in short-duration uptick of updrafts with quick downdrafts
    capable of highly focused 1-1.75" totals in less than an hour.=20
    Given lower FFG in complex terrain, an incident or two of flash
    flooding is possible.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV shows a compact inner core to the shortwave
    across SW PA with an elongated shear axis up and downstream across
    NE OH into NE PA/N NJ. As a result, broad SSW return, warm
    advection exists across Northern PA. At the surface an associated
    cold front and low-level CAA is dropping south across central
    Upstate NY. As such, the combination of the two is resulting in
    strengthening FGEN ascent pattern with steepening isentropes for
    greater vertical ascent even with modest lapse rates.=20

    CAPE is around 750-1000 J/kg to support narrow but intense
    updrafts. Given deep layer moisture is modest ~1" , it is
    maximized along the deformation zone and will support 1-1.5"/hr
    though given the broad area of ascent and slow cell
    motions/chaotic interaction some mergers/collisions are possible
    bringing totals toward the 1.5-1.75" range in about 1 hour time.=20
    FFG values are naturally lower across the region and these rates
    would possibly exceed them in these localized intense downdrafts.=20

    Currently the intersection of the deeper layer colliding
    boundaries is best maximized further west into north-central PA,
    but will continue zipper toward the east into the Poconos and
    perhaps southern Catskills and northern NJ terrain toward later
    this evening. Currently this area is more cloud free to allow for
    some increased insolation perhaps resulting in some slightly
    increased instability for broader updrafts; and therefore broader
    areal coverage of those 1-1.5" totals.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5adHVmIXpjU7-jDgOpDDwo-fYbsQ3iCUM9TNqIS1T_3KACX1a6BP-B48GFmK9Qn5MgQ0= xPbxxmUf1GS8PbGE-tMB25E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42187642 42157545 41707468 41247455 40647477=20
    40557550 40737694 40967785 41087820 41217850=20
    41427885 41717877 41937768=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 02:08:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300208

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0342
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1007 PM EDT Wed May 29 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast TX...Southwest LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 300207Z - 300607Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    will tend to persist for a few more hours and will likely result
    in some additional instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...A shortwave trough advancing into the Lower MS Valley
    continues to interact with a quasi-stationary front draped across
    the northwest Gulf Coast region involving southeast TX and
    southwest LA. Ongoing cold-topped convection across the region has
    been showing signs of backbuilding over the last couple of hours
    and remains embedded within a very moist and unstable environment.

    MLCAPE values in vicinity of the front still remain locally as
    high as 2000 to 3000 J/kg with PWs running upwards of 2 inches.
    This coupled with locally focused frontal convergence and
    relatively divergent flow aloft with the shortwave energy has been
    promoting the persistence of some of these cells which have been
    slow-moving and locally repeating over the same area.

    The latest hires model guidance has been handling the ongoing
    areas of convection very poorly, but the latest radar and
    satellite imagery coupled with the environmental conditions
    suggest that there may be some persistence of the convection for a
    few more hours.

    Rainfall rates have already been on the order of 2 to 2.5"/hour,
    and with the slow cell-motions and focus near the front, some
    additional spotty totals of 3 to 5 inches cannot be ruled out.
    Therefore, some additional areas of flash flooding will be likely
    over the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7_SdLW5rYsNlBGBRGsFHfyy94_IUBJywVGSdRMu9nWPc26ohVo-LLKqCDKvbt4TMVvOk= 9M1Gai5DFo8h2lyd8bRepN0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31339448 31199394 30929361 30589349 30409324=20
    30119305 29779313 29739371 29719423 29879495=20
    30149553 30399579 30759588 31039574 31259526=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 09:48:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300948

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0343
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    547 AM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the TX Panhandle into Northwest TX
    and Southwest OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 300945Z - 301545Z

    SUMMARY...Multiple rounds of heavy showers and thunderstorms this
    morning may result in a few instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a couple
    of relatively concentrated MCS clusters traversing the southern
    High Plains from northeast NM into the TX Panhandle, and
    separately down to the southeast over northwest TX and far
    southwest OK. This convection has been generally tending to grow
    in organization over the last couple of hours and is being
    facilitated by the arrival of low-amplitude shortwave energy
    arriving over the High Plains downstream of a broader upper trough
    over the Western U.S.

    This energy though is interacting with a broad warm air advection
    regime with increasingly moist and unstable low-level south to
    southeast flow seen advancing up across much of the southern
    Plains region. With some low-level CIN in place, MLCAPE values are
    on the order of 1500+ J/kg in the vicinity of these convective
    clusters. The activity is also generally aligned north of a warm
    front returning northward across western and central TX.

    Over the next few hours, the aforementioned shortwave energy
    should favor convective sustenance with both convective clusters
    expected to drop generally southeastward into the persistent and
    slowly veering moist/unstable low-level flow. The veering of the
    low-level flow going through the mid-morning hours will be most
    pronounced across areas of northwest TX and the TX Panhandle which
    will be important as this will likely favor some convective
    regeneration and potentially some repeating cell-activity around
    the southern and southwest flanks of each convective cluster.
    Outflow boundaries in time will likely become better defined which
    in itself will also act as a catalyst for renewed convection.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger storms should reach 1 to 2
    inches/hour, and some localized storm totals especially across
    areas of northwest TX may reach 3 to 4 inches this morning since
    portions of this region will likely see impacts from both
    convective clusters. Some spillover of this convection through
    southwest OK will be expected as well and locally heavy totals
    possible here too.

    Some localized 3-hour FFG exceedance is suggested in the 00Z/06Z
    HREF guidance, and with the localized repeating nature of some of
    the cells, a few localized instances of flash flooding will be


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    LAT...LON 35340005 35049898 34559792 33979728 33139748=20
    32869846 33009958 33490100 34040164 34840163=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 14:31:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301431

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0344
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1030 AM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Red River Valley into northern/northwestern TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301430Z - 301900Z

    SUMMARY...Multiple rounds of heavy rain with periods of training
    will be possible into the early afternoon for portions of the Red
    River Valley into northern/northwestern TX. Localized rainfall
    totals of 2-4 inches are expected.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar imagery at 14Z showed an MCS over
    northern TX with a well defined MCV in southwestern OK. This MCS
    was tracking toward the southeast just north of a subtle
    stationary front, enhanced by outflow, draped across the region.
    Infrared satellite imagery showed a gradual warming with cloud
    tops with this lead MCS, indicative of weakening. A second MCS was
    located over the eastern TX Panhandle, also tracking toward the
    southeast, but with motion more south than east. Cloud tops were
    cooling with the second MCS. The 12Z FWD sounding showed steep
    700-500 mb lapse rates (8.1 C/km) and nearly 3000 J/kg MUCAPE with
    weak CIN and drier air in the 850-700 mb layer. Continued
    increases in low level moisture advection to the north, as seen on
    CIRA Layered PW imagery indicates that additional convective
    development will be likely in the vicinity of the DFW Metroplex
    over the next 2-4 hours as CIN weakens, also indicated by recent
    runs of the HRRR.

    Evolution of the two MCSs is uncertain, and despite the cloud top
    cooling observed with the second MCS over the eastern TX
    Panhandle, it will be moving into and overlap at least partially
    with an environment that has been altered by the lead MCS. It
    seems probable that portions of northwestern to northern TX will
    see multiple rounds of heavy rain and possible WSW to ESE training
    over the next few hours with potential for rainfall rates of 1-2
    in/hr and storm totals of 2-4 inches through 19Z. Given
    sensitivity of the region due to recent heavy rainfall, flash
    flooding will be possible.


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    LAT...LON 34049866 33979764 33879684 33429511 32199528=20
    31679639 31969809 32379899 32829953 33179984=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 14:58:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301458

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0345
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1057 AM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Lower MS Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301455Z - 301900Z

    SUMMARY...Localized flash flooding will be possible across the
    Lower MS Valley into the early afternoon with slow moving
    thunderstorms capable of producing 2-3 in/hr rainfall rates. The
    threat is expected to diminish by 20Z.

    DISCUSSION...Radar/satellite imagery across the Lower MS Valley
    showed ongoing convection near a stationary front with an outflow
    boundary analyzed from just south of MCB, HEZ into northeastern
    LA. 14Z SPC mesoanalysis data showed a gradient in MLCAPE with
    500-1000 J/kg just south of the ongoing thunderstorms, in
    association with the front/outflow boundary. In addition to low
    level flow overrunning the relatively cooler air to the north, an
    area of enhanced low level moisture transport was noted in the
    925-850 mb layer over southwestern MS, converging near and south
    of I-20. MRMS indicated peak rainfall rates of 2-3 in/hr over the
    past few hours from southwestern MS into adjacent portions of LA.

    Thunderstorms are expected to continue over the next few hours
    with continued slow movement at times in the vicinity of the low
    level convergence axis. Short term RAP forecasts show weakening of
    the low level moisture transport and convergence axis through 20Z,
    which with the onset of peak heating, should disrupt the ongoing
    area of slow moving convection. However, until that happens,
    additional rainfall totals of 2-4 inches will be possible which
    may result in at least localized flash flooding from intense short
    term rainfall rates.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5fEcMeQoGU8-n7pQkNq-bI3K7F8M6knpOArIcbFgaPKp9kORq5IT6OH7AYEcAreND-Bi= lb_kCb3Bi1cHF5X9wZV1VFY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32579214 32079003 31628865 30818875 30699062=20
    31499316 32419336=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 18:05:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301805

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0346
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    204 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...eastern KS, northeastern OK into far western
    MO/northwestern AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301802Z - 310000Z

    SUMMARY...Localized flash flooding will be possible across
    portions of eastern KS, northeastern OK into far western
    MO/northwestern AR through 00Z. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr will
    be most common but spotty 2 to 3+ in/hr rainfall rates may also

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar mosaic across the Great Plains at
    1745Z showed a number of MCVs tracking ENE across KS and OK, part
    of an elongated shortwave trough embedded within a broader region
    of weak mid to upper-level ridging located between the Great
    Plains and MS Valley. Flow aloft was modestly diffluent near the
    ridge axis. A broken line of strong thunderstorms extended ahead
    of the MCVs from the east-central KS/OK border down into
    southeastern OK but the highest rainfall rates have been tied to
    thunderstorms just south of the KS/OK border near I-35 which have
    shown signs of training and slow movement. MRMS-derived rates with
    this activity have peaked in the 2-3 in/hr range since 16Z. The
    environment ahead of the storms consisted of 500-1500 J/kg MLCAPE
    (higher to south) and a narrow axis of higher moisture comprised
    of 1.4 to 1.7 inches of precipitable water (via 17Z SPC
    mesoanalysis data) extending northward from southeastern OK into
    eastern KS.

    While flow suggests the convective activity, generally oriented
    from north to south, should continue to generally move toward the
    east over the next few hours, there will be periods of slower
    movement and training within the broader activity shifting E/ENE
    ahead of the MCVs/mid-level trough axis. Instability is not
    forecast to increase appreciably through the remainder of the
    afternoon, but continued low level moisture advection should help
    to erode weak CIN estimated across eastern portions of KS/OK.
    Periods of training and slow movement of heavy rain cores is
    expected to produce rainfall rates of 1-3 in/hr, but with rates
    closer to the 3 in/hr range remaining rather localized. Flash
    flooding will be possible over the next 6 hours, but is expected
    to remain localized. Eastward extent of the flash flood threat
    into far western MO/northwestern AR is expected to be limited as
    instability drops off with eastward extent.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8HSBcezowTRVmFv5yNrKNUDnuj9szCEMGeXlc6dmq47K7ycBUvgdIo4UWUQtBgOa7k2D= S3Si0S6AG6h3uolyVDdT9jc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39919608 39819467 38619437 37519415 35779400=20
    35059481 35089615 35789680 36789761 37849715=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 18:24:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301824

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0347
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    223 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast TX...Northwest LA...Southeast OK...Ext
    Southwest AR...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 301820Z - 310015Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving thunderstorms ahead of dual squall lines
    with ample deep layer moisture to support 1.5-2"/hr rates with
    cell mergers/repeating and short-term training elements to support
    spots of 3-4" in short duration maintaining likely environment for
    scattered flash flooding through the late afternoon/evening.=20

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV depicts a broad cirrus shield with
    excellent outflow features/transverse banding along all directions
    denoting the MCS lies at the apex of synoptic scale ridge.=20
    Overshooting cooling/tops break through the canopy along the
    leading eastern edg and southern hemisphere. Regional RADAR
    mosaic highlights the forcing boundaries/effective frontal
    features well with the decaying MCV across central OK. At the
    surface, the effective warm frontal zone extends from convective
    cluster near NOLA bisecting LA into SE OK/NE TX along the Red
    River. Tds south of the Red River are generally 5 degrees warmer
    into the low and mid-70s though a nose of enhanced upper 60s
    exists north into NE OK. The front intersects older outflow NW of
    Paris, TX with a strong 1017mb meso-high near TKI/F00, that
    refocuses the frontal zone near a more defined meso-low near XBI
    before mid-level dry air mixing is allowing the cold front to
    surge southeast out of Northwest TX. As such, a large area of
    unstable (2000-3000 J/kg) of MLCAPE exists across the area of
    concern with solid streamline confluence to maintain active
    squall-line features. Total PWats of 1.75 nearing 2" exist at the
    base of the old outflow boundary. Flux of 5-15kts per VWP through
    the boundary layer will support 2"/hr rates, perhaps slightly
    higher along the strongest isentropic ascent of the bow echo;
    though duration will likely limit overall totals.=20=20=20

    As the OK MCV has been decaying, forward propagation and larger
    scale flow is reducing forward motions and only the stronger dry
    air mixing along the SW backside of the MCV is driving faster cell
    motions. RADAR and GOES-Vis shows warm sector over-turning as
    well with scattered cells developing with higher concentration
    along/south of the effective warm front. This will given an
    opportunity for pre-soaking soils with 1-2" spots and allow for
    cell mergers as bow(s) reach/collide with time across NE TX into
    far NW LA. This will allow for spots of 3-4" and perhaps an
    isolated spot of 5" through the afternoon and into the evening
    hours resulting in scattered incidents of flash flooding.=20

    Upstream bow/meso-low will track again over areas recently flooded
    along and north of the DFW metro, so this area will once again but
    under threat of an additional 1-2" compounding flash flooding
    ongoing through this area as well.

    Southeast Oklahoma...effective occluded front/TROWAL line confluence/convergence but surface based thunderstorms (with
    slightly lower instability) will be very slow moving across the
    area with some inner updrafts/downdraft tracking more northward
    allowing for short-term repeating and enhanced streaks of 2-4"
    totals also enhancning risk for flash flooding and have drawn the
    MPD northward to account for this potential.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4enOFpk3q9EYoN6hoHlyHmXKnxP0GUOQeBJv40jFAWOK-WsUdhPsAY3jd_OyhbW6FxKR= Q3F-9JKgPcOlMcY40ue1goI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35829550 35489482 34149448 33439364 32619325=20
    32049370 31709468 31579572 31609678 31959797=20
    32529835 33009805 33279781 33659688 34139628=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 19:25:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301925

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0348
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    324 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Eaastern Nebraska...Southwest Iowa...Far
    Northwest Missouri...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301925Z - 310030Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving showers with potential for mergers with
    1-1.5"/hr across lower FFG values and possibility for isolated
    incident or two of localized flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR notes a shearing MCV across eastern
    NEB slowly drifting east. The southeast quadrant of the
    circulation is providing an isentropic ascent plane fairly
    orthogonal to 925-850mb south-southeasterly flow. This flow is
    slightly increased as an old MCV from NE KS is lifting northeast
    and pinching on southeast NEB. Air is not incredibly unstable,
    but sufficient with 1000 J/kg of MLCAPE in this confluent flow.=20
    Deep layer moisture is modest and up to 1.5" and should support
    cells capable of 1-1.5"/hr rates. The key is the slow cell
    motions and ability for next pulse of the updraft to back-shear in
    a favorable orientation for repeating or maintaining duration to
    support localized 1.5-2.5" totals. Aloft, updrafts should have
    solid evacuation, as weak diffluence at the top of the synoptic
    ridge (currently over SW IA) to keep updrafts solid for a few
    hours as instability exhausts.

    To complicate the situation, a few cells along the warm advective
    arch of the approaching shortwave from KS may produce some cells
    that may merge/collide and locally increase rates over 1.5"/hr for
    short periods. Given rates of 1.5"/hr and totals up to 2.5" for
    2-3hrs...this aligns with lower FFG values in the area suggesting
    widely scattered exceedance is possible resulting in localized
    flash flooding incident or two over the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8zDRKcouTRfRvuitjL5pQDA7FT7PZjIPIriMSa9RXYr6DrGNDnGjAo8b0u6r_HbviuA9= nvfa1AbpQNAOS4V8WGcIoJc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42199597 42159521 41799476 40919462 40259477=20
    40039517 40029664 40119702 40949726 41959660=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 20:52:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302052

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0349
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    451 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast NM...Texas Panhandle... Oklahoma

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 302050Z - 310205Z

    SUMMARY...Expanding cluster at apex of solid moisture return.=20
    Some cells may cross areas recently affected by heavy rainfall.
    Spots of flash flooding becoming possible through evening.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible imagery shows an expanding cluster of
    thunderstorms over far NE NM into the Western OK and Northwestern
    TX Panhandles. This is at the apex of return moisture axis along
    the outflow reinforced frontal zone that exists along the NM/TX
    boarder. This southerly flow intersecting with a slight dryline
    bulge near the SE Colorado surface low, provided and continues to
    support moisture flux of this enhanced moisture/theta-E
    air....with 1.25 total PWats in place, slowly increasing with
    time. CIRA LPW also denotes an enhanced pocket of modest moisture
    in the 850-700 and 700-500 layer in proximity of the developing
    complex, likely resulting in its further expansion. MLCAPEs are
    uncapped with 2000-2500 J/kg to support stronger updrafts and with
    magnitude of flux convergence should support 1.5"/hr rates perhaps
    slightly higher with storm scale interaction.

    Deep layer steering is weak toward the northeast at 5-10kts, but
    propagation and access to the higher theta-E air will allow for a
    southeastward propagation and further expansion of the cluster
    into a larger complex through the evening. As such, localized
    totals of 3" are possible through the track which is expected
    across the Canadian River Valley of the Texas Panhandle where
    higher FFG values exist. However, further southward expansion
    near the dry line and outflow reinforced cold front may also
    expand in development southward into the Cap Rock where recent
    heavy rainfall has reduced FFG values allowing for similar
    rates/totals to potentially exceed. With southwesterly flow aloft
    and expected slow westward retrograde of the dry line/front,
    flanking line redevelopment and steering flow may allow for
    short-term training/repeating as we have seen in the last few days
    increasing potential for localized FF to be possible this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4zp3pPcT4Mtv0zyFN55KxK0ZS82FDOrby7Op5OtAU9J1WrmX4M6GmOWArxWik54y1An_= 4lF7r3eGrMPCAYov2e-JTB4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36910229 36450103 35409969 33919970 33250117=20
    33820336 35510412 36300344=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu May 30 22:09:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302209

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0350
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    608 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Texas...Southwest Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 302210Z - 310315Z

    SUMMARY...Squall line continues to accelerate but crossing fairly
    saturated soils. Sub-hourly 1-2" totals may pose possible flash
    flooding conditions through this evening.

    DISCUSSION...RADAR and GOES-E Vis/IR denotes a strong/mature
    squall line starting to accelerate across northeast TX into
    eastern TX. Stronger cells exist along the southwest edge of the
    complex and have access to greatest unstable air with solid
    gradient of CAPE across the area of concern with MLCAPE values of
    3000 J/kg along the SW edge to a bit more stable 1500-2000 J/kg
    near the stationary front that bisects LA from SE to NW. Very
    moist environment off the Western Gulf per CIRA LPW shows near 1"
    between surface and 850mb with Tds in the low to mid-70s; and
    totals near 2". This will allow for strong updrafts to maintain on
    the leading edge with HRRR 15 minute rain totals of 1.5"+ forecast
    and up to 2.5"/hr as the line passes.=20

    This alone would not infiltrate into average saturation soils, but
    NASA SPoRT LIS 0-40cm remain in the upper 90th percentile with
    65-75% saturation across much of the area of concern especially
    across Polk county TX to Calcasieu/Beauregard parish...suggesting
    nearly hydrophobic soils with potential of very high runoff and
    localized flash flooding possible this evening. Flash flooding
    would be more likely if the cells were not expected to further
    increase in speed and reach areas a bit more stabilized by this
    morning's activity; still the risk remains


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7IeKR8yVw2mdqLXUQKHHqzNh4kW8wdx87pGkDuJwtqgrgm4fc9xyf-5uvlrUdu4gmZEW= d4QDA1o0y-XJ7UQDhIwY4Pc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32499316 32149243 30949241 30269312 30329472=20
    30699668 31449734 31999503=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 00:18:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310018

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0351
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    817 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest IA...Southeast NEB...Northeast/Eastern
    KS...Western MO...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 310015Z - 310530Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving embedded convection within narrow ridge
    axis. Narrow updrafts with rates of 1-1.5"/hr and highly focused
    localized totals up to 2-2.5" pose possible flash flooding through
    early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite and RADAR mosaic denote a line of
    decaying MCVs from last night's clusters from SW IA across E KS
    toward the stronger shortwave/MCV into S AR. These remain aligned
    directly under the synoptic ridge, resulting in very slow motions
    toward the east. This also aligns with moderately deep layer
    mid-level moisture axis with 1.4 to 1.6" total PWATs. While deep
    layer steering is very slow in the ridge, low level inflow remains
    20-25kts along the leading edge of ongoing convection supporting
    about 5kts of eastward propagation and while instability has been
    waning under the cloud deck the axis remains about 600 to 1000
    J/kg of CAPE (more along and northeast of the strongest inflection
    MCV in NE KS). As such, embedded convective elements remain along
    the axis from the OK/MO/KS intersection northward as well as along
    the down-shear convergence zone north of the MCV in Riley county
    then extending north along the mid-level trough toward the older
    sheared MCV in Crawford county IA. As such, pockets of 1 to
    1.5"/hr rates support localized pockets of 2-2.5" total over a 2-3
    hour period. The rates are not extremely broad given the narrow
    updrafts, but localized flash flooding may still be possible
    through the early overnight period especially if a cell or two set
    up over a metro area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9L3-v0VprOprgk43M980OKXD9z-8lgzTqranf72sshWnel5C6ou5UiUZ0pV7eHp_qwC8= VggUEIPIycMRnqzKEqzQ3WY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42249473 41929400 40689395 38929422 37349405=20
    37149465 37949501 38559554 38969602 39179675=20
    39509716 40559617 42019529=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 00:55:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310055

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0352
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    854 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Central & Southern AR...Northern LA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 310055Z - 310630Z

    SUMMARY...A narrow axis of unstable air downstream of decaying MCV
    in W AR, suggests slow moving efficient showers with potential for
    some stationary cells into overnight hours. Stronger
    thunderstorms capable of 2"/hr rates east and northeast of mature
    MCS entering N LA similarly pose potential for localized 2-3"+
    totals and possible flash flooding incidents.

    DISCUSSION...A highly uncertain potential for highly
    focused/localized flash flooding may occur through the early
    overnight period across the discussion area. A rapidly decaying
    MCV, mid-scale shortwave from last night's MCS continues to
    progress eastward into western AR at this time. Along/ahead of the
    wave through the southern and eastern quadrant, low to mid-level
    highly confluent and moisture rich air continues to wrap back
    toward the MCV with cells along the leading edge of the older
    outflow boundary continuing to slowly advance. Cells have modest
    but sufficient instability up to 1250 J/kg of MLCAPE and 20-25kt
    of moisture flux 1.5-1.75" TPW generally from central AR southward
    into west-central MS and northern LA. Cell motions will continue
    to be very slow as the dying MCV slides southeastward into the
    instability axis. This may allow for small pockets of enhanced
    deep layer convergence to support slow moving but deeper
    convection as suggested by a variety of Hi-Res CAMs including
    recent HRRR runs. This may support SHaRS-type flash flooding
    incident(s) with localized 2-3" totals resulting in possible flash
    flooding, which are difficult to pinpoint and highly dependent on
    some storm-scale interaction with the MCV downshear making
    confidence a bit lower.=20

    However, further south across northern LA and southern row of
    counties of central AR, flow intersects with the more mature
    MCS/MCV racing out of NE TX into NW LA; the effective warm front
    has slightly higher moisture and instability and with stronger
    convergence is supporting rates over 2"/hr. Cells have some
    meager training appearance through this axis in N LA to suggest a
    stripe of 2-3"+ totals are probably resulting in possible
    instances of flash flooding in the near term.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5jpYvtWVy_KGVRrlPK2lPF5wjsrceQXUjwh9LPy24TPn-qfnZXKZ-zwRyBvf-kscA57-= tJvpjXYHDkh-2f_8WEJIQKI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35679303 35309220 33959128 32469112 31849171=20
    32089342 33109342 33669301 34589324 35309347=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 01:40:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310139

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0353
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    939 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Central & Northeast NEB...Southeast SD...Far
    Northwest IA...Southwest MN...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 310140Z - 310730Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing moisture convergence along cold front with
    slow cell motions pose spots of 1.75"/hr and spots of up to 3"
    totals posing possible localized flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...VWP shows a steady increase of southeasterly flow
    converging and veering as it nears the front across central to
    northeast Nebraska. Solid moisture of low 60s Tds and narrow
    unstable axis along the front support 1000-1500 J/kg of MLCAPE.=20
    Recent RADAR and 10.3um GOES-E EIR loop shows strengthening
    updrafts with numerous overshooting tops dotting the front from
    southeast SD across Northeast NEB. An 850mb vorticity center
    exists in central NEB and flow has backed a bit to increase
    convergence and convection there as well. Deep layer moisture is
    modest but pooled along the same instability axis with 1.3-1.4"
    total PWats. As such, the strong flux convergence will allow for
    solid rain rates of of 1.5-1.75"/hr.

    The concern, though, is deep layer flow is generally parallel from
    the southwest along the front and about 10-15kts through the
    steering layer. This may support some short-term training for
    cells that may be in close proximity to each other before slow
    eastward propagation. This should allow for some increased
    duration and potentail for spots of 2-3" totals along the eastern
    periphary of the Sand Hills, espeically where the flow/front
    flattens to the west-east propagation in central NEB. As such,
    lower FFG of 1-1.5/hr and 1.5-2.25"/3hr has the potential for
    being exceeded through the early overnight period given the
    aforemention rates/spotty totals; as such, localized flash flood
    or two may be possible.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6L2sXvUXwRfgbXt4GzMwO1KMZwZnmu1QZnMKOokkGYqo_ZyTFUYPk8-PRGYfrRp7VebO= ECL6W0FrGkM_o8ajQn8aDGM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44459649 44309579 43719562 42829608 41419753=20
    40669906 40510062 41020071 42069863 43199766=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 03:14:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310313

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0354
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1112 PM EDT Thu May 30 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Western and Central TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 310310Z - 310910Z

    SUMMARY...Multiple convective clusters will tend to grow upscale
    overnight. Locally very heavy rainfall rates and some localized
    training of cells may favor scattered instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The 00Z surface analysis shows a quasi-stationary
    front draped generally west to east across western and central TX,
    with GOES-E IR satellite imagery showing multiple cold-topped
    convective clusters focusing along it. The latest RAP analysis
    shows a substantial amount of instability pooled along the
    boundary with MLCAPE values of as much as 2000 to 3000 J/kg, and moist/convergent 850 mb flow of 20 to 30 kts. Meanwhile, a rather
    well-defined outflow boundary is situated south of the front from
    portions of the Edwards Plateau eastward down into the southeast
    TX coastal plain.

    Shortwave energy ejecting out across the southern High Plains will
    be interacting with the original synoptic front and the outflow
    boundary overnight, and with the favorable thermodynamic
    environment, a general increase in the coverage of convection is
    expected. The low-level jet is forecast to have some nocturnal
    enhancement to upwards of 30 to 40+ kts going toward 06Z and
    beyond. Effective bulk shear values of 40 to 50 kts are forecast
    to be in place, and this coupled with the instability should yield
    organized convective clusters near the front with some tendency to
    forward propagate. Some localized training of cells will be
    possible as well.

    PWs downstream of the current convective activity across central
    TX are locally over 1.5 inches which is a solid 2 standard
    deviations above normal, and this moist environment will favor
    high rainfall rates that may locally reach 1.5" to 2.5"/hour
    overnight with the stronger and more organized cells.

    The 00Z HREF guidance is in poor agreement with the details of the
    convective evolution tonight, and is already not handling any of
    the ongoing activity across western/central TX well. However, the
    experimental WoFS does depict a more reasonable depiction of the
    ongoing activity and evolution moving forward near the
    aforementioned boundaries. The expectation is for as much as 3 to
    5 inches of rain locally where any cells tend to repeat or train
    over the same area. Scattered instances of flash flooding will be
    possible where the stronger convective cells/clusters focus.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5R3g3QwkT7Q3zvs23Av32TFLURWzRA1kacMlzUDZDFkXi-Pm9taLfa0PxJrT4KNu2eBT= G0JMQOi6Z3WVv0ibbSOCGwI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33509839 33399725 32989642 32299599 31549630=20
    31169712 31349893 32010054 32470153 32850165=20
    33230091 33479962=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 04:31:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310431

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0356
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1230 AM EDT Fri May 31 2024

    Areas affected...Southern OK...Northern TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 310430Z - 311030Z

    SUMMARY...Additional rounds of showers and thunderstorms overnight
    are expected, and given the generally wet antecedent conditions
    from recent rainfall, scattered instances of flash flooding are

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar imagery shows an MCS gradually
    dropping southeastward across areas of southwest OK and northwest
    TX as shortwave energy/height falls continue to eject out into the
    southern High Plains while interacting more regionally with a
    moist and rather unstable airmass. The latest RAP analysis is
    showing some MUCAPE recovery especially across northern TX to the
    north of a quasi-stationary front draped across the region, and
    this is in response to some modest strengthening of the warm air
    advection regime ahead of the aforementioned MCS and ejecting
    height falls.

    MUCAPE values across areas of northern TX and southern OK are on
    the order of 1500 to 2000 J/kg and the airmass is rather moist
    with PWs of 1.25 to 1.5 inches. Recent GPS-derived analyses and
    the NESDIS Blended TPW product do show a nose of higher PWs edging
    up across northern TX in alignment with the low-level southerly
    return flow across the region.

    Areas of southern OK and especially northern TX have already seen
    multiple rounds of heavy rainfall over the last 24 hours from
    clusters of organized convection advancing across the region from
    west and northwest. The latest hires model guidance suggests
    additional round of heavy rainfall can be expected overnight with
    the arrival of renewed areas of organized MCS activity.

    Expect some rainfall rates to be capable of reaching 1" to 2"/hour
    with the stronger cells, with additional amounts overnight
    reaching as high as 3 to 4 inches with isolated heavier totals.
    Given the wet antecedent conditions, these additional rains are
    likely to cause at least scattered instances of flash flooding.
    Some of the more urbanized location may also be susceptible to
    locally enhanced runoff concerns including Ardmore in southern OK,
    and the corridor from Wichita Falls to the Dallas-Fort Worth
    metroplex in northern TX.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7p4YGHVoXZeJ5dMsvIO1JlPSvUkL7ImpGuTgJ1WYJKg5WayEWtJBmTm_piGdQhLMWeFp= YFDreb5ttruIR6LvRfkn5Ao$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34669834 34569716 34269623 33719540 32929531=20
    32639604 32719762 33199909 33649958 34149944=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 05:33:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310533

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0357
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    132 AM EDT Fri May 31 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Eastern KS and Far Southeast NE

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 310532Z - 311032Z

    SUMMARY...Very concentrated areas of heavy rainfall continue
    across portions of eastern KS and far southeast NE. Additional
    flash flooding is likely overnight.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar imagery continues to show two
    distinct areas of very heavy rainfall impacting portions of
    eastern KS and far southeast NE in association with a compact and
    somewhat elongated 850/700 mb low center that is nearly stationary
    across eastern KS.

    The areas of heavy rainfall are extremely efficient in nature with
    relatively shallow/warm convective tops noted in GOES-E IR
    satellite imagery. An objective look at the RAP/HRRR guidance and
    area VWP data suggests very focused 850/700 mb speed
    convergence/moisture transport into a pair of compact mid-level
    vort centers that are embedded within the relatively elongated
    north/south low center and overall trough axis.

    Generally the instability parameters over eastern KS are quite
    modest with only about 500 to 750 J/kg of MUCAPE, but with a
    persistent 30+ kt southeast low-level jet focused around the
    eastern flank of the low to mid-level low center, there has been a
    very persistent and sustainable degree of forcing that is yielding
    locally enhanced rainfall rates and subsequent totals.

    Rainfall rates of up to 2"/hour are expected to continue in the
    near-term, with perhaps some slight westward retrogression of the
    energy that may shift the focus of heavier rainfall totals a
    little farther west across areas of east-central KS and far
    southeast NE. Some areas of northeast KS may also need to be
    closely watched for some heavy shower development here given the
    degree of moist low-level inflow/forcing coming in across the
    Lower MO Valley.

    Additional rainfall totals overnight of 3 to 5+ inches are
    expected locally. Areas of flash flooding will continue, and some
    of it may be significant where these heavier totals continue to

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_tasKPQP5vbnNSs_1jCLw1gJltITOzcoJMGWvO80hLUugS0HC4JLkRqV2r0kMOvQVb5b= rwUdBozQPtZZkthlG4Kliao$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40379572 40039526 39109511 38149519 37729552=20
    37769627 38249675 39169684 39839661 40299625=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 09:44:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310944

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0358
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    543 AM EDT Fri May 31 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Southeast TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 310942Z - 311442Z

    SUMMARY...A strong forward-propagating QLCS will be sweeping
    through central to southeast TX this morning. Heavy rainfall rates
    and locally wet antecedent conditions may result in some instances
    of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a strong
    cold-topped and forward-propagating MCS accelerating southeastward
    through central TX and very quickly encroaching on the southeast
    TX coastal plain.

    The airmass downstream of the convective complex involving areas
    of south-central TX through over to the middle TX coast is quite
    unstable with MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2500 J/kg. However, areas
    farther northeast across southeast TX and toward the upper TX
    coast are more stable and on the cool side of a lingering outflow
    boundary laid down from convection earlier last evening.

    A look at the VWP data shows a southeast low-level jet of 30+ kts
    coming in off the Gulf of Mexico which should support some
    instability recovery for southeast TX out ahead of the approaching
    QLCS. The strong kinematics associated with the QLCS itself and
    the downstream moisture/instability environment will favor
    convective sustenance through sunrise with areas of south-central
    to southeast TX being impacted by a largely severe QLCS that will
    also have the capability to produce heavy rainfall totals.

    Rainfall amounts of as much as 1 to 1.5 inches in 30 minutes will
    be possible with the leading edge of the convective bow. However,
    portions of the overall convective mass, and especially the
    southwest flank of it closer to the south-central TX may see the
    line tend to slow its forward propagation with some potential for
    some cell-training. Localized storm totals may reach as much as 2
    to 4 inches for instances where some cell-training occurs going
    through the early morning hours.

    The antecedent conditions across southeast TX are rather
    wet/sensitive, and this area overall will tend to have the
    greatest potential for some instances of flash flooding. This
    includes areas from around Huntsville down to the Houston
    metropolitan area. A more localized and mainly urban flash flood
    threat though will exist farther to the southwest over
    south-central TX including areas around Austin on down to New
    Braunfels and east to the Wharton area given the potential for a
    bit more cell-training and heavier totals overall despite these
    areas being drier.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7h6ZLFRwqDDFxIGZvamXvb_afLBg8yw7ylXXBSW7SlsnwR8TqPGaP9nmfH4c13vBwox_= Rq-0bSPd4dyKbUA9nT4RSeE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32009608 31699449 30929372 29839375 29239451=20
    28709578 28609697 29009820 29439900 29989965=20
    30389996 30799959 30949812 31219734 31889688=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri May 31 16:45:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311645

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0359
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1245 PM EDT Fri May 31 2024

    Areas affected...southern Louisiana, southern/coastal Mississippi

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311644Z - 312244Z

    Summary...Scattered, slow-moving convection will result in several
    areas of 1.5-3 inch/hr rain rates at times through at least 22Z.=20
    Flash flooding is possible in this regime.

    Discussion...Over the past hour, the leading edge of a mature MCS
    has crossed into southwestern Louisiana per radar mosaic imagery.
    The MCS was making modest eastward progress (generally at around
    35 knots or so) while producing spots of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates
    (estimated per MRMS). Additionally over the past hour, additional
    convection has developed along and ahead of this MCS across much
    of southern Louisiana. That newer convection was drifting
    northward while producing additional 1-2 inch/hr rain rates at
    times. The rain rates exhibited by this activity is supported by
    a buoyant, moist airmass characterized by ~2000 J/kg MLCAPE and
    1.5+ inch PW values, respectively.=20

    Both cells and the leading edge of the MCS are likely to support
    local/isolated areas of prolonged rain rates, with potential for 3
    inch/hr rates at times. Additionally, the presence of a low-level
    boundary (subjectively analyzed along the I-10/12 corridor) will
    likely aid in supporting MCS persistence across the southern half
    of Louisiana today.

    The rates are likely to fall in areas that have experienced
    excessive rainfall over the past month. With wet soils and
    local/urban areas susceptible to runoff, at least a few instances
    of flash flooding are expected today. 2-3 inch/hr FFG thresholds
    should be approached on at least a spotty/isolated to scattered
    basis. The MCS will likely reach the Lafayette, LA area through
    1830-1930Z and portions of the Baton Rouge/New Orleans Metro areas
    after 20Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-Re6c4IFdAioO7-VCbZkXmHEzk8OW1VrcbzVJHRxtpA0NaJYjMtJGVF35GEpGs3Mldxf= 3IoIoX7iObzbWufdXxXa7A4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31609011 30668910 29508893 28858946 29059190=20
    29649367 31089346 31469255=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 00:02:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010002

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0361
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    801 PM EDT Fri May 31 2024

    Areas affected...South Central Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 010001Z - 010300Z

    SUMMARY... Persistent supercells capable of 2.5 inch per hour
    rainfall rates may cause flash flooding in portions of south
    central Texas.

    DISCUSSION... A cold front/convergence zone moving southward
    across east Texas is colliding with southerly flow of Gulf
    moisture across the middle/western part of of the state. A small
    area of strong supercells on the boundary is tracking south along
    the front. These cells have a history of causing flash flooding
    with as high as 2.5 inch per hour rates. PWATs increase to the
    south over 1.5 inches, and CAPE values as high as 3,000 J/kg are
    ahead of the supercells. This suggests the cells should continue
    to remain strong as they track south-southeastward. Flash flood
    guidance in this area says that due to recent heavy rainfall, 1.5
    to 2 inch per hour rainfall rates are all that are needed to
    exceed those values.

    More cells forming north and west behind the strongest ones on the
    southern end may move over areas already hard hit by the first
    cells, as they too train along the same boundary.

    CAMs guidance has been poor with these cells so far, but for those
    that are capturing the cells, they suggest they will continue to
    move a bit east of due south over the next few hours. Assuming the
    storms survive to San Antonio and the I-10 corridor east of the
    city, rapidly decreasing instability and much higher FFG values
    will quickly diminish the flash flooding threat. With some
    suggestion that the cells may turn due south, San Antonio proper
    should follow the latest forecasts as the cells approach.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-7a4hmT1ONcWXKgYoyehA1wlD6QGHDG_pqJhSKjkjTvGofRi4glJCjjPmSn2A6wza7M_= AyIkOUQQo4ky9iTS_OQ4k20$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31500023 31129876 30669790 30359750 29969734=20
    29609732 29539777 29299849 29419878 29959910=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 01:39:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010139

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0362
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    939 PM EDT Fri May 31 2024

    Areas affected...North Central Arkansas Into Central Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 010138Z - 010738Z

    SUMMARY... Convection forming along a convergence zone over north
    central Arkansas and south central Missouri will produce rainfall
    rates to 2 inches per hour, with training convection along the
    line will likely cause flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Convection developing along a convergence zone from
    north central Arkansas into southern Missouri has been producing
    heavy rain with rates to 2 inches per hour. While a narrow area,
    this zone is expected to remain nearly stationary or only very
    slowly shift eastward with time, as the nocturnal low-level jet
    strengthens, combating the eastward movement of an upper level low
    trying to drive the rainfall eastward. Instability has been modest
    for much of the day due to cloud cover and intermittent light
    rainfall, but dry air aloft moving over the boundary is helping to
    increase potential instability, adding to the intensity of the

    There has been considerable uncertainty over the last several days
    on where this convergence zone will set up, ranging across much of
    the state of Arkansas. CAMs guidance has been hinting at this
    setup for over a day now, but the development of this convergence
    zone has been delayed from most of the guidance. Now that it has
    formed, the rain zone will be slow to move, resulting in flash
    flooding. The interaction with additional convection tracking
    north towards the convergence zone across southeast Arkansas and
    northeast Mississippi may help to move the zone slowly eastward
    over the next few hours...though the addition of more heavy
    rainfall will likely worsen ongoing flash flooding concerns.

    Into Missouri, heavier and steadier rain through the day has also
    lowered FFGs, and convective activity has lead to widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding. Since the convergence zone convection
    will continue northward into the central part of the state, the
    forcing is stronger with the stronger upper level low, and dry air
    aloft will also move in overhead increasing potential instability,
    additional flash flooding will be likely there as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7XLW1irCdJ26VxStmV8PMBiU64y3gMF_YG6PwCGu0fbYBo-x0rP8bnSVpjX8QpTckDpG= t9MggxXvgWBJiYQAS57jwBI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38949171 38719099 37939029 35939015 34659064=20
    34209107 34149175 34359234 34869256 36049269=20
    37169284 38329321 38929275=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 02:15:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010215

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0363
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1014 PM EDT Fri May 31 2024

    Areas affected...Far Eastern NM into the TX Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 010213Z - 010613Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and locally consolidating supercell
    thunderstorms across far eastern NM and into portions of the TX
    Panhandle will foster a threat for some instances of flash
    flooding over the next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with radar imagery shows several slow-moving supercell
    thunderstorm clusters over areas of far eastern NM and the TX
    Panhandle region which are seen gradually beginning to consolidate
    and merge together.

    Shortwave energy ejecting east out of the southern Rockies will
    continue to interact with a moderate to strongly unstable airmass
    pooled up across the southern High Plains and in vicinity of a
    west/east quasi-stationary front draped across the region. MLCAPE
    values of 1500 to 2500 J/kg are in place and with rather divergent
    flow aloft, and convergence near the front, additional upscale
    growth of convection is expected over the next few hours.

    Cell-merger activity and the instability environment will be
    conducive to producing rainfall rates of up to 2"/hour, and while
    there is quite a bit of large hail noted with these supercells,
    there will be a threat for locally as much as 3 to 4 inches of
    rain where these cells consolidate over the next few hours.

    Generally the latest hires guidance appears to be a bit underdone
    with the overall convective threat in the short-term, and
    gradually an MCS should evolve out of the cell-mergers with a
    forward propagation off to the east.

    Some instances of flash flooding will be possible over the next
    few hours given the slow-moving cells and expected rainfall totals.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-rZ3wSmEYRejV7qO1N8Jk7kA2Dca9CboastDZLRiDaPkcV5_aVKqK3hcDRNEsuUUb6LC= c2yMglfkU5kdQRbIuymHfxk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36300181 36300100 35680052 33850101 33050191=20
    32970288 33180377 33680412 34540365 35350290=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 06:47:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010647

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0364
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    246 AM EDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Areas affected...Southern AL...Western FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 010645Z - 011245Z

    SUMMARY...A potentially high-impact and extreme rainfall event
    will be possible going through Saturday morning across portions of
    southern AL and the western FL Panhandle. Slow-moving showers and
    thunderstorms will be capable of training over the same area with
    extreme rainfall rates. Flash flooding is expected, with concerns
    for locally significant impacts given the setup.

    DISCUSSION...Extremely heavy showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to develop and expand in coverage across areas of
    southern AL and the western FL Panhandle over the next several
    hours as a well-defined shortwave trough and embedded vort center
    crosses the central Gulf Coast region and interacts with an
    extremely favorable environment for slow-moving convection and
    extreme rainfall rates.

    The environment across southern AL and the western FL Panhandle is
    tropical in nature with PWs of 1.8 to 2 inches, and the latest
    CIRA-ALPW products show a substantial concentration of moisture in
    the 850/500 mb layer. Of particular note though is the latest RAP
    analysis which shows a ribbon of moderate instability nosing
    northward off the Gulf of Mexico and inland across the central
    Gulf Coast region out ahead of this slow-moving shortwave energy,
    with MLCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg. Additionally, there is
    increasingly convergent 925/700 mb flow setting up from the
    northern Gulf of Mexico up into areas of southern AL.

    Already there are a few slow-moving clusters of convection that
    have developed, and GOES-E IR satellite imagery does show cooling
    convective tops over parts of southwest AL. Additional expansion
    of cold-topped convection is expected over the next several hours
    as the shortwave energy arriving fosters deeper layer ascent with
    highly divergent flow aloft coinciding with a further uptick in
    very moist and convergent low-level flow in off the northern Gulf
    of Mexico.

    Rainfall rates are forecast to reach 2 to 3 inches/hour with some
    of the more focused convective cores, and the environment will be
    conducive for localized back-building and training of convective
    cells that will foster serious concerns for extremely heavy
    rainfall totals.

    The 00Z HREF guidance is showing some low-end probabilities of
    rainfall exceeding the 100-year ARI in a 6-hour period by 12Z, but
    these probabilities increase to 20 to 30 percent in the 12 to 18Z
    time frame on Saturday. Rainfall amounts may locally reach 3 to 6
    inches by 12Z, with additional excessive rains expected in a very
    concentrated manner after 12Z near the Gulf Coast. Flash flooding
    is expected with concerns for locally significant impacts given
    the extreme rainfall potential. Additional MPDs will be issued
    accordingly throughout the morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5myrmjtLELi46syKdpGiHEbgj58X2TLTdcCbP3vCh4CRjbG7Yaq0HEeQE607BpuRZty7= xUTGZ0-k3ciFG3gooVn7Q4o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32078719 31898674 31628639 31268605 30598582=20
    30238586 30318673 30298705 30228763 30478830=20
    31298842 31818820 32068787=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 12:54:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011254

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0365
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    854 AM EDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Areas affected...central Gulf Coast into southern AL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 011253Z - 011800Z

    SUMMARY...Intense rainfall rates are likely to continue areas of
    flash flooding across the FL Peninsula over the next few hours
    with rainfall rates over 3 in/hr at times. Additional convective
    development farther west toward the southern MS/AL border may also
    produce flash flooding later this morning.

    DISCUSSION...An area of intense rainfall has been ongoing over
    portions of the central Gulf Coast since ~06Z with several
    Wunderground.com reports of 4 to 8+ inches of rain occurring from
    near Mobile Bay into Santa Rosa and Okaloosa counties in the
    western FL Panhandle. 3 hour rainfall has been in the 4 to 7+ inch
    range with rates of 1 to 1.5 inches in 15 minutes (through 12Z).
    Low level flow has been channeled northward between a westward
    moving dry intrusion over the eastern Gulf Coast and an eastward
    advancing mid-level trough extending from MO to the central Gulf
    Coast. The moist airmass (PWATs approaching 2 inches just south of
    the Gulf Coast) has been transported north of an effective front,
    marked by a sharp gradient in MLCAPE located across the FL
    Panhandle. Upper level flow was fairly diffluent ahead of the
    upper level reflection of the trough axis centered over MS at 12Z,
    aiding in strong vertical ascent.

    As the mid-level trough over the central U.S. advances east over
    the next 6 hours and the advection of drier low level air
    continues to push westward across the eastern Gulf, expectations
    are for the low level confluence axis to nudge eastward and for
    some weakening of low level moisture transport over the northern
    Gulf. This should tend to allow the axis of ongoing heavy rain,
    with rainfall rates occasionally peaking above 3 in/hr, to track
    east toward the Apalachicola River with subsequent convective
    development possibly shifting into the northern Gulf of Mexico.
    How long it takes for this to happen is a bit uncertain though,
    with the low level convergence axis possibly holding on a bit
    longer than short term models are indicating, maintaining heavy
    rain for another few hours. This could result in an additional 4-8
    inches of rain for isolated locations within the FL Peninsula
    through 18Z and possibly significant flash flooding.

    Farther to the west, lift ahead of the upper trough axis and
    increasing instability with mostly clear skies over southern MS/AL
    may allow for the redevelopment of thunderstorms by 16-18Z in the
    vicinity of the existing instability gradient. These cells will
    have the potential for high rainfall rates and areas of flash
    flooding with rates of 2 to 3+ in/hr.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!96CqLv2QXh_LJsr7Kv4hNEXpjfxEDdhFGDtv3SR2mHaOLyVJI4oKOvzmcAKSF773lcKv= Dk93kLq4J1--_ZIjO5Sf_rY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32018595 31788534 30738497 29998508 29588530=20
    29538561 29988627 30068730 30018843 30068876=20
    30778902 31408825 31788714=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 16:06:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011606

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0366
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1205 PM EDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Areas affected...middle/upper TX coast into southwestern LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 011602Z - 012200Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing thunderstorm coverage is expected through 22Z
    across the middle/upper TX coast into southwestern LA. Rainfall
    rates of 2 to 3+ in/hr are expected with the slowest moving storms
    but the coverage of these higher end rates is expected to remain
    low, but nonetheless may still result in some areas of flash

    DISCUSSION...A small cluster of thunderstorms was ongoing near
    Matagorda Bay at 1530Z, sparked in part by the southern influence
    of a shortwave centered over northern TX near an effective frontal
    boundary marking the leading edge of very rich low level moisture
    with surface dewpoints in the lower 80s. 15Z SPC mesoanalysis and
    the 12Z CRP sounding indicated a broad area of 3000 J/kg MLCAPE in
    place along and just inland of the Gulf Coast from near Corpus
    Christi Bay into southern LA.

    The ongoing thunderstorm cluster over the middle TX coast is
    expected to continue movement into the Gulf, through some residual
    development on outflow will be possible to its immediate south and
    west. Farther up the coast, visible satellite imagery showed an
    expanding cumulus field with a few developing cells in and around
    Galveston Bay. The advection of low level moisture into the region
    and daytime heating supports little to no CIN area wide, and weak
    convergence along the effective frontal boundary is expected to
    support an increasing coverage of thunderstorms into the early
    afternoon. In addition, a progressive axis of enhanced upper
    diffluence is forecast to shift eastward across LA early this

    Sufficient vertical shear exists for cell organization and
    forecast cell motion vectors show slow movement near 10 kt. While
    0-3 km winds are forecast to remain relatively weak at 10-15 kt or
    less, outflow boundaries and storm mergers are likely to produce
    high rainfall rates. The moist environment should be supportive of
    efficient rainfall production with 2 to 3+ inches of rain in an
    hour or less. While the coverage of these higher end rainfall
    rates is expected to remain low across the broader middle/upper TX
    coast into southwestern LA, a few areas of flash flooding may
    result, especially given overlap with any urban areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6KqwYd7KQKFFlCo8HrvCvMaoxawtykd7zJrwURXzedMfREil101A_nUUt1bbJS6INX3R= 8onmvSemhaANCmGqxbUt5e0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30839448 30719286 30469200 30049177 29579215=20
    29369378 28749513 28199633 27879714 27999768=20
    28439769 28829736 29239699 29829639 30289590=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 18:25:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011825

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0367
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    224 PM EDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Areas affected...southern LA/MS/AL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 011823Z - 012230Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving/training and repeating of cells may generate
    localized flash flooding across portions of the central Gulf Coast
    through 23Z. Peak rainfall rates of 2 to near 3 in/hr will be

    DISCUSSION...Visible satellite and regional radar imagery at 18Z
    showed developing thunderstorms extending from between BTR and
    MSY, eastward into far southern MS. These storms were forming
    within a very moist and unstable environment with PWATs between
    1.7 and 2.0 inches and MLCAPE of 2500-3500 J/kg with little to no
    CIN via the 17Z SPC mesoanalysis. Visible satellite showed a
    distinction between more developed cumulus to the south from less
    concerning fair weather cumulus to the north across LA/MS with the
    transition marked by a west-east oriented effective frontal
    boundary associated with the leading edge of higher surface
    dewpoints (middle-upper 70s) to the south. Aloft, flow was
    modestly diffluent and divergent on the south side of an upper
    level trough, progged to shift east through 00Z.

    Thunderstorms are expected to continue to increase coverage
    through the remainder of the afternoon with low level convergence
    along the leading edge of deeper moisture, slowly edging north.
    There is a relative lull in effective bulk shear across LA into
    southern MS (~30 kt or less) which should limit storm
    organization. However, given mean steering flow from west to east,
    or parallel to the effective frontal boundary, there could be some
    repeating and brief training of cells over the next several hours.
    The environment is supportive of rainfall rates of 2 to 3+ in/hr
    which could result in some areas of localized flash flooding.
    Portions of the region have been wetter than average over the past
    several days which may be a favorable ingredient for flash flood


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-aPIcmTAkqJuxQqY_XTqgwDSNNpZ91ugfczPSy6Dt5UH2bjy3twWVp_ELB_x747GiGvZ= 4fhiYWb94rXtRag7uMZLvec$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31498904 31168784 30068794 29458965 29569113=20
    29869186 30209220 30919206 31149068=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 19:09:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011909

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0368
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    309 PM EDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Areas affected...western Kentucky, far eastern Missouri, southern
    Illinois, western Tennessee, and northeastern Mississippi

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 011906Z - 020106Z

    Summary...Scattered convection was producing an isolated area of
    1+ inch/hr rain rates west of Paducah over the past hour.=20
    Additional areas of brief heavy rain could develop over the next
    3-6 hours that could cause isolated flash flooding.

    Discussion...Scattered convection continues to deepen just ahead
    of a mid-level trough axis extending from Iowa to eastern
    Missouri. These storms were forming within a gradually warming
    airmass just west of a differential heating zone that generally
    extends from central Illinois through western Kentucky and
    portions of Tennessee. Recently, a small convective cluster west
    of Paducah, Kentucky (near Cairo, IL) interacted with this
    boundary, fostering weak mesocyclogenesis in addition to localized
    backbuilding and 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates. Some concern exists
    that this regime could continue across the discussion area over
    the next several hours as convection continues to gradually expand
    in coverage and move eastward toward the zone.

    FFG thresholds in the region are generally in the 1.5+ inch/hr
    range. These thresholds should be threatened on an
    isolated/spotty basis through the early evening hours across the
    discussion area. Convection is expected to be mainly diurnally
    driven, with the bulk of the flash flood threat expected to
    diminish with loss of boundary layer heating. The low-level
    boundary will only slowly shift eastward, and most of the flash
    flood threat will be tied to convection backbuilding near this
    boundary through 00Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8GgrUZueyyqOtk9GcvL9qlZMPKM89hWfqRyYQmEUY97kMY61mKfx4wYa1FzIWCjVpm9k= XqW2vhQRKQaYQtN5U5yEoIo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39738977 39738891 37448794 34868791 34228897=20
    35258948 37668995=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 22:11:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 012211

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0369
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    611 PM EDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Areas affected...east Texas, much of Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 012210Z - 020410Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues as a broad axis of
    slow-moving storms (extending from near Longview to near
    Alexandria, Baton Rouge, and Slidell) continue to produce locally
    heavy rainfall (1-3 inch/hr rates).

    Discussion...Strong thunderstorms continue along a couple of
    axes/outflow boundaries - 1) drifting slowly northward and
    extending from near Lufkin to near Alexandria, Baton Rouge, and
    Slidell and 2) another migrating southeastward across northeast
    Texas from near Longview to near Palestine. Just ahead of the
    storms within the pre-convective environment, strong instability
    (1500-3000 J/kg MLCAPE) and 1.8 inch PW values were sustaining
    intense updrafts with water loading efficient rain rates
    approaching 3 inches/hr (especially in south-central Louisiana).=20
    Meanwhile, west-northwesterly flow aloft (strongest in Texas and
    ranging from 30-50 knots) was promoting modest storm organization.
    Short term trends suggest that the northeast Texas and southern
    Louisiana outflow boundaries should converge in the general
    vicinity of Nagodoches, TX to Natchitoches, LA in the next 1-2
    hours, resulting in an uptick in convective coverage and flash
    flood potential from multiple convective mergers. Meanwhile,
    south-central and south-eastern Louisiana convective will continue
    to drift slowly northward or perhaps move erratically, with
    continued areas of 1-3 inch/hr rain rates probable.

    Eventually, widespread convective overturning should result in a
    decrease in coverage and intensity through sunset. In the
    meantime, typical low spots/sensitive areas will continue to
    experience flash flood potential as storms drift across the
    region. FFG thresholds are generally in the 2.5 inch/hr range
    (locally lower), and will occasionally be threatened where slow
    movement and/or cell mergers are most pronounced.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!601ZuI1YOguLklQxO0md0YfWtiLoIiReccvKURUPyn34zLom4c8NC_mJdogSlbRlWp9d= ifd7UmKHeoggrJSiXhp2tt4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32799463 32309344 31869242 31359120 30768989=20
    29688922 29058905 29069003 29519156 30409359=20
    30899528 31839599 32669545=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 1 22:35:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 012235

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0369
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    634 PM EDT Sat Jun 01 2024

    Areas affected...east Texas, much of Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 012210Z - 020410Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues as a broad axis of
    slow-moving storms (extending from near Longview to near
    Alexandria, Baton Rouge, and Slidell) continue to produce locally
    heavy rainfall (1-3 inch/hr rates).

    Discussion...Strong thunderstorms continue along a couple of
    axes/outflow boundaries - 1) drifting slowly northward and
    extending from near Lufkin to near Alexandria, Baton Rouge, and
    Slidell and 2) another migrating southeastward across northeast
    Texas from near Longview to near Palestine. Just ahead of the
    storms within the pre-convective environment, strong instability
    (1500-3000 J/kg MLCAPE) and 1.8 inch PW values were sustaining
    intense updrafts with water loading efficient rain rates
    approaching 3 inches/hr (especially in south-central Louisiana).=20
    Meanwhile, west-northwesterly flow aloft (strongest in Texas and
    ranging from 30-50 knots) was promoting modest storm organization.
    Short term trends suggest that the northeast Texas and southern
    Louisiana outflow boundaries should converge in the general
    vicinity of Nagodoches, TX to Natchitoches, LA in the next 1-2
    hours, resulting in an uptick in convective coverage and flash
    flood potential from multiple convective mergers. Meanwhile,
    south-central and south-eastern Louisiana convection will continue
    to drift slowly northward or perhaps move erratically, with
    continued areas of 1-3 inch/hr rain rates probable.

    Eventually, widespread convective overturning should result in a
    decrease in coverage and intensity through sunset. In the
    meantime, typical low spots/sensitive areas will continue to
    experience flash flood potential as storms drift across the
    region. FFG thresholds are generally in the 2.5 inch/hr range
    (locally lower), and will occasionally be threatened where slow
    movement and/or cell mergers are most pronounced.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4FCNqfXyhLtGWfD-6VNxGgFuG0EXZpZ7a9BoT1WQjTp3n5QKZeQr4vXv1V4gMciUFSx9= VDZXCUMmstzMZQ-XDZnAj3g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32799463 32309344 31869242 31359120 30768989=20
    29688922 29058905 29069003 29519156 30409359=20
    30899528 31839599 32669545=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 08:54:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 020853

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0370
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    452 AM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Northern AL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 020852Z - 021252Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and locally back-building/training showers
    and thunderstorms are expected to maintain a concern for at least
    localized flash flooding early this morning.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    persistent small-scale west to east band of back-building and
    training showers and thunderstorms impacting portions of northwest
    to north-central AL. The activity is being facilitated by the
    passage of a shortwave trough with a relatively convergent
    low-level warm air advection pattern with MUCAPE values of 500 to
    1000 J/kg seen advancing gradually east into northern AL.

    The emphasis most recently has been on parts of Walker, Marion,
    Fayette and Lamar Counties where some very heavy rainfall rates
    reaching 2.0 to 2.5"/hour have been noted within the band of
    convection. Some GC-MRMS totals are on the order of 3 to 4 inches
    over the last 3-hour period.

    The flow pattern aloft is rather divergent with the aid of
    shortwave energy traversing the broader Mid-South, and with
    instability still pooling in across northern AL from the
    southwest, areas of convection are likely to persist at least over
    the next few hours.

    PWs of 1.5+ inches are currently pooled up across northern AL, and
    this coupled with the instability should continue to yield
    rainfall rates that locally approach or exceed 2"/hour. Some
    additional 2 to 4+ inch rainfall totals will be possible over the
    next few hours where these smaller-sale bands of convection tend
    to focus. This will include especially areas of north-central to
    northeast AL going through 12Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-0DMajQ-XEBIzu3pZnKjRU1-Ha-746txkLTxGs7oijCHBwCave9lP4AW4BFuipzyo2El= 1eYMSsx8SY4H1YRvBfYb7FQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35078611 34968554 34458555 34058583 33788619=20
    33718704 33858771 34118777 34348735 34808670=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 09:29:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 020929

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0371
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    528 AM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NE...Central to Northeast KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 020928Z - 021500Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms across portions of
    eastern NE down into central and northeast KS will continue over
    the next few hours and will maintain a threat for isolated to
    widely scattered instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Convective cloud tops continue to gradually cool
    across areas of eastern NE down through portions of central to
    northeast KS as low-amplitude shortwave energy ejecting east out
    across the central Plains interacts with a moist and unstable 30
    to 40 kt southerly low-level jet.

    MUCAPE values are as high as 1000 to 2000 J/kg, and much of the
    convection has been elevated and aligned in a general north/south
    fashion along the cool side of the instability gradient as warm
    air advection continues to impinge on the region.

    Warm air advection will continue throughout the morning ahead of
    the approaching shortwave energy and this coupled the sustained
    pooling of moisture and instability with the low-level jet should
    maintain a regional threat of heavy shower and thunderstorm
    activity through mid-morning across eastern NE and down into areas
    of central and especially northeast KS with a gradual shift of the
    convective threat off to the east with time.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger storms should be capable of
    reaching 1.5 to 2.0"/hour, and the latest HREF guidance suggests
    that some additional upscale growth/concentration of convection
    will be possible going through the 12Z time frame with some
    localized repeating/back-building of convective cells.

    Some additional rainfall amounts of as much as 3 to 4 inches with
    isolated heavier totals are expected by mid-morning, and this will
    foster concerns for at least isolated to widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4GNFUvtWT-uMaDWPXxAOEv1kRvhIcLryvW-d3SuFlb5ZSC1iD6nRlLX_lMkP6nD977ff= dqx52E1gaYygdUzTDQzhlZg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42449710 42339659 41629593 40169562 39029522=20
    38519533 38259562 38109607 38289670 38949725=20
    40339768 41809813 42319757=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 12:27:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021227

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0372
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    827 AM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Texas Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021225Z - 021600Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and back-building super cells are expected
    to continue drifting south over the eastern Texas Panhandle this
    morning, producing a risk for localized flash flooding until 16Z.

    DISCUSSION...Two supercells depicted from KAMA prior to 12Z have
    morphed into a multi-cell cluster over the eastern TX Panhandle as
    of 1220Z that are drifting south and approaching the I-40
    corridor. Overshooting tops are seen in GOES-EAST IR satellite
    imagery indicating potent development and large hail is expected
    in the highest cores. Past hourly rainfall estimates (slightly
    increased from hail) from KAMA exceed 2" in Roberts, Gray, and
    Wheeler counties, though KPPA reported 1.6" as of 1155Z. This
    activity is shifting south along an instability gradient which is
    counter to the deep layer SWly flow around 20kt from an
    upper-level trough over the Four Corners states. The LLJ with 25kt
    Sly flow and the strong SBCAPE gradient of 1000 J/kg over the
    western Red River valley to 3500 J/kg over the Caprock should
    persist through 14Z per the RAP, so maintenance of this activity
    is likely.

    Recent RAP runs further orient the instability gradient over the
    eastern Panhandle over the next couple hours which should keep
    activity generally in TX, though a new flanking line is over the
    upper Red River which indicates some activity could shift east of
    100W over the next few hours. 1hr FFG is generally over 3" in the
    northeast portion of the Panhandle where activity has been, but is
    generally around 2" from I-40 and south, so the expected
    maintenance of current rates would result in an isolated flash
    flood risk as it approaches the Rolling Plains through the morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6Sx0YpbWux-QAwLEksp9Lp8lzckklcCTCxwBCsduZR_1mEciczqWlhcU9_9enFrD0Pwj= IDl0mnxfgb188GoAseSRh8U$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35600116 35600047 35239981 33869944 33760011=20
    34040100 34870156 35410170=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 13:44:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021344

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0373
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    944 AM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021343Z - 021900Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered heavy thunderstorms over southern Louisiana
    will continue to develop and spread southeast through midday with
    localized flash flooding possible through 18Z.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar indicates thunderstorms continue to
    develop on the eastern extend of a low-level convergence boundary
    that extends from North Texas to the Mouth of the Mississippi
    which is east of an upper-ridge axis over west Texas. Hourly
    rainfall estimates from KHDC has been up to 1.5" in and around
    Baton Rouge. Newer activity to the south/west has become more
    dominant over the past hour, but renewed activity is possible over
    the outlook area. Included in this discussion is the area east of
    Lafayette which saw 4-7" of rain Sunday afternoon, so it is still
    quite sensitive to additional rainfall.

    This area in LA is at the intersection of ample Gulf moisture (PWs
    1.9" per RAP, GPS, and 12Z raobs from KLIX and KLCH) and an
    instability gradient with 500 J/kg MLCAPE in southern Miss and
    2500 J/kg over SW LA. Deep layer WNWly flow around 25kt is over
    the area which should allow activity to expand east as it expands
    into the greater instability to the south.

    Recent HRRRs have struggled to initialize and maintain this
    activity, but given the ingredients mentioned above and continued
    light Sly flow around 10kt maintaining the elevated moisture,
    further heavy thunderstorm development with hourly rainfall of
    1-2" is likely. 1hr FFG is generally 2.5 to 3" outside of
    particularly sensitive areas, so flash flooding should be rather
    localized. Stratiform rain has occurred so far over the New
    Orleans metro, though the forecast instability gradient and mean
    layer flow should raise the risk for heavy rain there through


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4oMZVA08OMv9Rvbz4FHta1g2X0tgF-PaI9I9kg4r8ZQCtHxjdDu1815kGU2CX5Xr4DkE= hp5NciDZc2L1iazBA2vWtWQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31199151 30749094 30479069 30058988 29689038=20
    29719111 30169206 30539248 31169222=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 15:54:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021554

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0374
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1153 AM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest Oklahoma through North Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021552Z - 022145Z

    SUMMARY...Continued development of training supercells is
    anticipated along and ahead of an MCV tracking southeast over the
    SW corner of Oklahoma late this morning. This risk for repeating
    activity is expected to shift southeast through the afternoon,
    eventually crossing the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex. Localized
    flash flooding is possible through at least 21Z.

    DISCUSSION...An MCV is evident in regional radar over the SW
    corner of OK at 1530Z which is a result of the multi-cell cluster
    that came from the eastern TX Panhandle earlier. Cells have
    developed ahead of this MCV over NW TX and are moving north into
    southern OK with activity around the MCV causing repeating heavy
    rain as it tracks southeast. Hourly rainfall is estimated from
    KFDR to be in the 2" range in Jackson Co (though hail was present
    in this back-building supercell). Additional rainfall from the MCV
    activity could lead to 3" in 3 hrs which is above the 3hr FFG
    which is generally around 2.5".

    Southerly 850mb flow of 20 to 25kt per regional VWPs will continue
    to provide moisture as noted by a tongue of 1.6" PW extending
    north over NW TX into SW OK in the RAP mesoanalysis. Ample
    instability is present with MLCAPE of 2000-3000 J/kg with only
    minimal capping. These ingredients should allow this pattern to
    continue as it expands southeast well into or through this
    afternoon despite 12Z CAMs and recent HRRRs having a poor
    depiction of current activity and a general lack of afternoon QPF.
    Given the sensitivity of North Texas which has seen 3 to 6x its
    normal rainfall over the past week, at least a localized flash
    flood risk is anticipated through the afternoon hours.

    Areas over southern OK have seen much less rainfall in the past
    week and have a higher 3hr FFG (generally around 3").
    Extrapolation of the radar mosaic and the RAP forecast for the
    instability gradient to remain over southern OK suggests the
    northern extent of the heavy activity remains just south of the
    OKC metro. However, this track will continue to be evaluated
    through this afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4_YzbF4U3JRRNf3XXiRrDKahjf5luG9Ydtiwi6UnncICinzls2mtCUKt2WUDB4G2Buwu= wCX9ScAmIzaIrSC7JkGSsy0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35229813 34679635 32319614 32409856 33279986=20
    34389997 34879967 35099926=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 18:45:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021845

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0375
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    244 PM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Much Western Oregon and Western Washington

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall

    Valid 021843Z - 030630Z

    SUMMARY...A potent, late-season atmospheric river will bring
    locally heavy and prolonged moderate rainfall to much of Pacific
    Northwest with a focus south from the Seattle metro area through
    western Oregon into tonight. Flooding of creeks and streams and in
    urban areas are possible.

    DISCUSSION...An atmospheric river (AR) with connections across the
    Pacific to Southeast Asia will continue to push into the Pacific
    Northwest into the overnight tonight before tapering off as it
    shifts south early Monday. Precipitable water (PW) values of 1.5"
    have reached the south-central Oregon coast as of 18Z per GPS
    sensors and guidance suggests it may reach 1.7" this afternoon
    which is 3 to 4 standard deviations above normal. Vertically
    integrated water vapor transport (IVT) exceeds 800 kg/ms in
    guidance which is notable for such a late season event. Low level
    flow in this AR is generally WSWly at 40-50kt.

    Prolonged hours with topographically enhanced rainfall of 0.25" to
    0.5" are likely this afternoon and evening over much of the
    coastal and Cascade terrain of southwest WA and northwest OR per
    12Z HREF guidance before shifting south over southwest OR into CA
    and weakening overnight. HREF probability-matched means (a
    reasonable worst case scenario) for 6hr QPF are 1-3" for Coastal
    Ranges and Cascades in southwest WA and the northern half of
    western Oregon 18-00Z and then over much of the terrain in western
    Oregon for the 00Z-06Z with a local PMM for 24hr QPF of 2-5" for
    much of the Pacific Northwest terrain ending 12Z Monday. Urban
    areas south of Seattle and including Portland are generally
    forecast to receive up to 1.5", though localized convective
    elements may result in more over lower terrain/urban areas.

    Rain rates such as these in terrain are likely to cause
    significant rises in main-stem rivers, though drier antecedent
    conditions should preclude main-stem flooding. However, flooding
    of creeks and streams as well as urban areas are possible. Snow
    levels are anticipated to rise to 8000-10,000ft in the core of the
    AR this afternoon which will promote snowpack melting and may
    further exacerbate localized flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8K-7MoeFeL8EA29-4DekNbcivOpwIyRkUb56zbYSOKhfjZillL9OsDXAQF66dcwkctEk= nbhQ6ZzSTB9aGxf7NRJBTZU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 47972120 47722085 45932150 45112155 44382170=20
    43832179 43182203 42512222 42772291 42832362=20
    42272392 42322449 43182477 45402432 47372447=20
    47742372 47382298 47902178=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 21:57:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022157

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0376
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    556 PM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...southern/southeastern Oklahoma, northern Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 022155Z - 030355Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues downstream of an ongoing
    convective complex along the Red River Valley.

    Discussion...Areas of flash flood potential will continue with an
    ongoing convectiove complex (extending from McAlester to Sherman
    to Jacksboro). The convective complex continues to migrate slowly east-southeastward (around 20 knots) while moving toward a
    strongly unstable and moist environment characterized by 3000+
    J/kg MLCAPE and 1.8-2 inch PW values. Individual storm motions
    within the complex have been slow enough to promote areas of 1
    inch/hr rain rates, while localized areas of training and cell
    mergers were also boosting rain rates at times. Furthermore, the
    region has experienced abundant rainfall over the past couple
    weeks, and soil moistures are high - suggestive of runoff
    potential. FFG thresholds are in the 1.5-2 inch/hr range, and
    these thresholds will be approached or exceeded locally.

    Over time, observations/objective analyses suggest that the MCS
    will continue to make more of a southeastward component of motion,
    with propagation more toward a pool of strong to extreme buoyancy
    located from central into southeast Texas (4000+ J/kg MLCAPE).=20
    Additionally, cells out ahead of the main complex will develop,
    move slowly northward, and merge with the ongoing complex (similar
    to what is being observed near Dallas-Fort Worth currently).=20
    These mergers will aid in promoting 2 inch/hr rain rates at times,
    and instances of flash flooding are expected. The MCS should
    begin to impact portions of the DFW Metroplex over the next 1-2
    hours, and migrate southeastward toward the Tyler/Longview areas
    closer to 00Z. Weaker wind fields aloft lend some uncertainty
    with respect to eastward extent/persistence of the MCS, although Texarkana/Shreveport/Lufkin areas may experience flash flood
    potential from this activity in the 03-04Z timeframe.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-sQ0AZh-AKNJAPvoFQ3ubLIZIGDhuARlaL1pwzTUUbx2oIr0ps4flFwmCUJAbQ_2KQJQ= tqBCDQk6m5sVIID-dGAoMAA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35189628 35099467 34369368 32859337 31689388=20
    31549465 31849670 32269773 33409882 33819770=20
    34209705 34879698=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 22:02:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022202

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0376...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    601 PM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Corrected for geographical header

    Areas affected...southern/southeastern Oklahoma, northern Texas,
    northwestern Louisiana, southwestern Arkansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 022200Z - 030400Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues downstream of an ongoing
    convective complex along the Red River Valley.

    Discussion...Areas of flash flood potential will continue with an
    ongoing convective complex (extending from McAlester to Sherman to
    Jacksboro). The convective complex continues to migrate slowly east-southeastward (around 20 knots) while moving toward a
    strongly unstable and moist environment characterized by 3000+
    J/kg MLCAPE and 1.8-2 inch PW values. Individual storm motions
    within the complex have been slow enough to promote areas of 1
    inch/hr rain rates, while localized areas of training and cell
    mergers were also boosting rain rates at times. Furthermore, the
    region has experienced abundant rainfall over the past couple
    weeks, and soil moistures are high - suggestive of runoff
    potential. FFG thresholds are in the 1.5-2 inch/hr range, and
    these thresholds will be approached or exceeded locally.

    Over time, observations/objective analyses suggest that the MCS
    will continue to make more of a southeastward component of motion,
    with propagation more toward a pool of strong to extreme buoyancy
    located from central into southeast Texas (4000+ J/kg MLCAPE).=20
    Additionally, cells out ahead of the main complex will develop,
    move slowly northward, and merge with the ongoing complex (similar
    to what is being observed near Dallas-Fort Worth currently).=20
    These mergers will aid in promoting 2 inch/hr rain rates at times,
    and instances of flash flooding are expected. The MCS should
    begin to impact portions of the DFW Metroplex over the next 1-2
    hours, and migrate southeastward toward the Tyler/Longview areas
    closer to 00Z. Weaker wind fields aloft lend some uncertainty
    with respect to eastward extent/persistence of the MCS, although Texarkana/Shreveport/Lufkin areas may experience flash flood
    potential from this activity in the 03-04Z timeframe.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7XWy6DxORgTggaTLHP5jXO1nbsDU9EnrI-BV9h6Ddrrlnnu_bxtjFcRb2OzMNZqmUJod= 5VCGcwQxePGs1EfIeIWzaoY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35189628 35099467 34369368 32859337 31689388=20
    31549465 31849670 32269773 33409882 33819770=20
    34209705 34879698=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 22:46:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022246

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0377
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    646 PM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern North Dakota, far northwestern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 022245Z - 030445Z

    Summary...Scattered convection is training and producing 2-3 inch
    rain rates in localized areas. This regime should continue for
    another few hours before picking up speed in the early overnight
    hours. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...Areas of convection across central/eastern North
    Dakota have recently begun to backbuild and train east of Bismarck
    (near Cleveland and Jamestown) over the past couple hours. The
    storms are very near and oriented parallel to a weak boundary
    extending from near K96D (Walhalla) southwestward to just east of
    KY19 (Manden), with orientation becoming more parallel to
    west-southwesterly flow aloft and parallel to the aforementioned
    boundary. The airmass ahead of the boundary (characterized by
    2000 J/kg MLCAPE and 1.3 inch PW values) continues to support deep
    convection with efficient rainfall rates. FFGs in the region are
    in the 1.5 inch/hr range, and are being exceeded at times beneath
    the backbuilding complex. This apparent flash flood threat is
    fairly isolated, but persistent and focused beneath the ongoing
    activity and should continue in the near term.

    Over time, both models and observations suggest that convection
    will pickup forward speed to the east mainly due to convective
    overturning and modest upscale growth into more progressive linear
    segments. This process will take a few hours to evolve, however,
    and it is not out of the question for localized flash flood
    potential to eventually reach portions of southeastern North
    Dakota (including Fargo) through 01-02Z.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!45M7UFtgiA4P5ZJxlyB9ATemehFNIqNQliFOiIdi03a6WGESFF2Y-ir7i5QDCx37dt0h= 7IyhaOkzEkSFeEO-uxWdSBk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48929843 48579658 47239596 46319601 46009879=20
    46080112 46840092 47929999=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 2 23:59:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022359

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0378
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    758 PM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...east Texas into southwestern Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 022358Z - 030300Z

    Summary...Robust, slow-moving convection was drifting very slowly
    northward across the discussion area while producing 1-3 inch/hr
    rain rates. Flash flooding is likely on at least an isolated

    Discussion...Scattered thunderstorm activity continues to focus
    along weak, northward-drifting surface boundaries across the
    discussion area. The storms are embedded in very strong
    instability (3000-4000 J/kg MLCAPE) and a moist axis extending
    from north-central Texas through southwestern Louisiana containing
    2 inch PW values. Modest organization was also noted, with weak,
    but veering wind fields with height contributing to occasional
    updraft rotation/persistence at times. This was resulting in
    slow-moving storms along with 1-3 inch/hr rain rates.=20

    The ongoing scenario should continue to support flash flood
    potential over at least the next 2-3 hours. The heavy rainfall is
    occuring atop region that have experienced abundant rainfall over
    the past couple months, with wet soils supporting excessive
    runoff. Low-lying/sensitive areas could also experience excessive

    Eventually, an MCS across north-central Texas should reach the
    area and merge with any lingering convection in the 03-05Z
    timeframe. This represents another opportunity for excessive
    rainfall. Isolated 2-4 inch rainfall totals are possible through
    03Z tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_S9_lXaTDdwxrF-aOifHBaJeDlJbxu5N6nHK7AmyMDDiYgoi7my2LlyA6ghuXTqQ4dRf= kCvZYozJnbxHKi5fP1fuwaU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31999620 31999503 31569308 30889274 30409326=20
    30579481 31389650=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 02:06:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030206

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0379
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1005 PM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern SD...Southeast ND...Much of Central and
    Southern MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 030205Z - 030805Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    will continue over the next several hours across the broader Upper
    MS Valley region. Scattered instances of flash flooding are likely
    to continue.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows several clusters of organized convection
    producing heavy rainfall across southeast ND, eastern SD, and into
    central and southern MN. Additional convective cloud top cooling
    has been noted recently across especially areas of eastern SD, and
    there continues to be a general trend toward these clusters of
    convection merging together and consolidating into what should
    gradually be a larger scale MCS.

    A mid-level trough is advancing gradually east into the Upper MS
    Valley and this is driving surface low pressure across eastern SD
    right now. This is focusing the nose of strongest warm air
    advection from far eastern SD into western MN, and there is a
    moderate to strongly unstable airmass pooled across the region,
    with MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2500 J/kg. Area VWP data shows a
    convergent low-level jet of 40+ kts across this region, and this
    is supporting strong moisture convergence and instability
    transport into a quasi-stationary front that extends from
    northeast SD down through southwest MN.

    Over the next several hours, a combination of cell-mergers and
    additional clusters of convective development out ahead of the
    surface low center will maintain a regional threat of heavy
    rainfall, with rainfall rates that will be capable of reaching
    2"/hour and some storm totals that may reach 3 to 5 inches.

    There is some meaningful spread in the latest CAM guidance, but
    the consensus going through 06Z to 08Z suggests that far eastern
    SD, west-central to southwest MN and eventually northwest IA will
    be the focus for the most organized convective activity and
    heaviest rainfall.

    Areas of flash flooding are already occurring over areas of
    eastern SD, and the additional areas of flash flooding are likely
    over the next several hours as heavy rainfall continues to move
    off to the east and southeast.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8I8mSoAgXvGl7955t90feR8f4c-5YiiGTZSr7Yl1yLwWKJ0pT8VZsCo8gwAQZhfkEDCt= kGrk6UYIbzJIRTHdsMuAwYE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46799602 46699482 46289374 45609282 44539245=20
    43389273 42419405 42089538 42269651 43109755=20
    44019821 44969867 45759861 46209817 46639728=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 03:37:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030337

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0380
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1136 PM EDT Sun Jun 02 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Eastern TX...Western/Central LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 030335Z - 030735Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms will continue for at
    least a few more hours across areas of eastern TX and will move
    back into move into areas of western and central LA. Some
    cell-training concerns are expected to persist in the near-term,
    especially over eastern TX, and this will foster additional
    concerns for some flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery continues to show the advance of a
    long-lived MCS across areas of eastern TX with the heavy shower
    and thunderstorm activity bowing through areas of northwest LA.
    The convection is aligned just north of a pre-existing outflow
    boundary and is interacting with a substantial pool of instability
    along it. MUCAPE values are locally as high 2000 to 3000 J/kg, and
    the environment is quite moist with PWs of 1.75 to 2.0 inches.

    The main concern over the next few hours will tend to be the
    southwest flank of the MCS involving areas of far eastern TX and
    into west-central LA where the convection has become aligned in
    more of a west-to-east training fashion given the orientation of
    the convection with the deeper layer flow. The MCS continues to
    foster some locally very cold convective tops and at least modest
    southwest low-level inflow around the southwest flank of the MCS
    should tend to maintain this activity for at least a few more

    Rainfall rates are quite high with the stronger convective cores,
    and capable of reaching 2.5"/hour. The MCS should weaken after
    06Z, but at least in the short-term, there may be a sufficient
    level of additional cell-training to promote additional 3 to 4+
    inch rainfall totals. Given the very moist antecedent conditions
    over the region from recent rainfall, these additional totals may
    favor some additional instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5EkJ1z_NyhyTPn3Of77g6wOpxKafIJgq56JUBpS24CKXVqL0y3_Gt_KTU30bkbeBppS7= oip46YHz88PdDmLUhb31vso$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32859297 32769227 32309159 31479154 30889203=20
    30809307 31099458 31469566 32009543 32109468=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 04:51:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030451

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0381
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1250 AM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NE...West-Central to Southwest IA...Far
    Northwest MO...North-Central KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 030450Z - 030900Z

    SUMMARY...A localized threat of flash flooding will be possible
    overnight as a complex of heavy showers and thunderstorms advances
    west to east across the region.

    DISCUSSION...Satellite and radar imagery shows a well-organized
    and generally forward-propagating MCS advancing through eastern NE
    and north-central KS. A moist and unstable low-level jet of 30 to
    40 kts is noted our ahead of the convective mass, and the latest
    RAP analysis shows MLCAPE values of as much as 2000 to 2500 J/kg.

    Given the thermodynamic environment and broadly divergent flow
    aloft downstream of shortwave energy advancing east into the High
    Plains, this MCS should tend to have some sustainability as it
    advances farther off to the east. Given the persistence of the
    moist/unstable southerly low-level jet and organized nature of the
    convection, some of the rainfall rates will be capable of reaching
    1.5" to 2.0"/hour.

    In time, areas farther east into far northwest MO and
    west-central/southwest IA will come under the influence of this
    MCS, but the heaviest rains should generally be over eastern NE
    based on the latest satellite and radar trends. Some rainfall
    totals of 2 to 4 inches cannot be ruled out. This will especially
    be the case where some isolated instances of cell-merger activity

    Given some of the locally moist antecedent conditions, and
    especially over eastern NE, some localized instances of flash
    flooding will be possible overnight before the convective complex
    begins to weaken.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_8fWj2CozDkr5-cL86rwCaxkGvsqwYBn64HBS1S8krsoQmujoUG7S3OQ0OlhecL3q5kZ= T-06UVykhj7cHuHBDksh20k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42699608 41959483 40469498 39439591 38999685=20
    38999784 39179822 39619824 40009807 40659758=20
    41169740 42239733=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 06:26:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030626

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0382
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    225 AM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...Pacific Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall

    Valid 030625Z - 031400Z

    SUMMARY...A strong late season atmospheric river will continue to
    bring heavy rainfall into the Pacific Northwest overnight with a
    break in the activity then expected by early Monday morning.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-W Airmass RGB satellite imagery in
    conjunction with CIRA-ALPW and experimental LVT products shows a
    very well-defined and impressive atmospheric river continuing to
    advance inland across the Pacific Northwest as an upper-level
    trough and associated frontal zone prepares to cross the region.

    IVT values are forecast to generally max out over the next 3 to 6
    hours across the coastal ranges of western OR and down into
    northwest CA just ahead of the approaching cold front. IVT
    magnitudes are forecast to reach locally 750 to 1000 kg/m/s and
    this coupled with strong warm air advection aided by a strong deep
    layer trans-Pacific jet will maintain heavy rainfall rates.

    Enhanced upslope flow/orographics will favor these heavier rates
    between now and 12Z occurring over the southwest-facing slopes of
    the southwest OR/northwest CA coastal ranges and into the upslope
    areas of the OR Cascades where they are expected to peak into the
    0.50" to 0.75"/hour range.

    The nose of a strong 110+ kt 250 mb upper-level jet should drive
    this latest atmospheric river well inland by early Monday morning
    along with the passage of a cold front that will regionally allow
    for the rainfall rates to then decrease, but there will continue
    to be post-frontal shower activity lingering through the morning
    hours with the persistence of onshore flow.

    Expect additional rainfall amounts by early Monday morning of 2 to
    3 inches across the coastal ranges of southwest OR/northwest CA
    and into windward slopes of the OR Cascades. This is consistent
    with the 00Z HREF guidance. Meanwhile, additional amounts of 1 to
    2 inches can be expected farther north over the orographically
    favored terrain of western WA.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7pB4D5olmdGkjhOSVYmfAnHWK7BrRRVPoHe6BKrsOCuxRUkBcKBpChmWaOD7e6K_-pax= D9GFXsNJOTz3HaacnVbCW8c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48592186 48102123 46792134 45692146 44352167=20
    43162187 42832192 42452225 42322312 41992315=20
    41692309 41252328 40792357 40792417 41072450=20
    41712464 42502464 43812425 45132410 46252414=20
    47592442 47992415 47972344 47522299 47672248=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 07:19:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030719

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0383
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    317 AM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...West-Central to Southwest KS...Northwest OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 030715Z - 031300Z

    SUMMARY...A localized threat of flash flooding will be possible
    over areas of west-central to southwest KS over the next few hours
    as a small-scale complex of thunderstorms moves gradually down to
    the southeast. This may also reach portions of northwest OK after

    DISCUSSION...Satellite and radar imagery has been showing some
    upscale growth and intensification of a relatively small and
    compact MCS over west-central KS. This convective mass has been
    forming in rather close proximity to a surface low and an
    attendant outflow boundary that was produced by earlier convection
    farther to the north. The airmass over the region is rather
    unstable with MUCAPE values of as much as 1500 to 2000 J/kg, and
    there is a southerly low-level jet of 40+ kts fostering fairly
    strong moisture convergence into the southern flank of the MCS
    based off the most recent VWP data.

    Some forward propagation of this MCS down to the southeast is
    expected over the next few hours, with the low-level jet likely
    favoring some persistence of this activity into the early morning
    hours. The recent runs of the HRRR suggest that this MCS may be
    able to survive a trek through southwest KS and eventually into
    northwest OK.

    Already some of the rainfall rates are on the order of 1 to 2
    inches/hour with the stronger cells, and some storm total amounts
    along the path of the MCS may reach 2 to 4 inches. This should
    promote a localized threat for some flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9S5AK9fpl7dTrxNubPNZpQWOeyTFHAqXbReNz647hkJKj7udCh9VyW79aYLEd98iM8Cs= sn32KhLX11zwYx68h4AeLVo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38670028 38419951 37839855 37109816 36549860=20
    36469974 37070121 37850196 38240156 38640118=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 08:37:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030837

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0384
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    436 AM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Far Northern IA...Central/Southern
    MN...Northwest WI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 030835Z - 031335Z

    SUMMARY...Clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms will
    continue to impact areas of northern IA through central/southern
    MN and into northwest WI going into the early morning hours. Given
    the locally moist antecedent conditions, the rainfall may foster a
    couple instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows multiple clusters of organized
    convection continuing to advance downstream over the Upper
    Midwest, with the strongest activity currently focused over
    south-central MN where the convective tops are as cold as -70C.
    Cold-topped convection is also noted a little farther south over
    far northern IA which is seen gradually lifting into southern MN.

    All of the activity continues to be fostered by a strong warm air
    advection regime in association with a shortwave trough crossing
    the region along with a wave of low pressure. Surface observations
    show a low center over eastern SD getting ready to move into
    southwest MN, and there is a strong and convergent low-level jet
    of 40 to 50 kts out ahead of this which is overrunning a warm
    front draped from southwest MN east-southeast down into northern
    IL. A nose of MLCAPE values of 1500+ J/kg is nosed up across
    southwest MN and this coupled with divergent flow aloft and the
    low-level convergence in vicinity of the warm front should
    maintain multiple clusters of strong convection with heavy
    rainfall going into the early morning hours.

    Rainfall rates especially with the south-central MN activity will
    be capable of reaching 2"/hour, and there may be some brief
    cell-training and cell-merger concerns over the next couple of
    hours when also accounting for the convection lifting northeast
    out of northern IA and into southern MN. Meanwhile, farther off to
    the northeast, strong isentropic ascent and elevated instability
    is also expected to drive areas of heavy rainfall across northwest
    WI which will also be a target eventually for some of the more concentrated/organized cells advancing east out of east-central MN.

    Some additional rainfall totals through early this morning may
    reach 2 to 4 inches, and with locally moist antecedent conditions
    in place, there may be a couple instances of flash flooding. The
    overall most sensitive areas are across south-central MN which
    already have somewhat elevated streamflows from recent rainfall.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_r202N9paiFgfx4G1IEZFSkRU4wJ7CUcUJpAtaCd7DbjXiVozQETSYWY-1LtKGUCAcCo= WaKSsmj-f1hJ93XshSF7E7k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46469150 46389072 45429048 44139170 43229312=20
    42869481 43209558 43839555 44619449 45539328=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 10:11:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031011

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0385
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    610 AM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Southeast KS...Central and
    Eastern OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 031010Z - 031610Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms will be gradually developing
    and expanding in coverage this morning across areas of
    south-central to southeast KS and also central and eastern OK.
    Localized concerns for cell-training along with high rainfall
    rates may lead to scattered instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Low-amplitude shortwave energy including multiple
    small-scale vort centers will work in tandem with a broad warm air
    advection pattern across the central and southern Plains to yield
    multiple clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms this morning.
    There is already an MCS advancing southeast across southwest KS
    which is expected to impact areas of northwest and eventually
    central OK going through the morning hours. However, separate
    regional clusters of convection are expected to develop ahead of
    this MCS, with gradual focus over areas of south-central to
    southeast KS down through northeast and east-central OK.

    A low-level jet of 30 to 40 kts will gradually veer with time and
    maintain a persistent transport of moisture and instability off to
    the northeast ahead of the aforementioned MCS activity. Already
    there is a substantial amount of elevated CAPE (3000 to 4000 J/kg)
    over central OK and nosing up into southern KS which is being
    strongly aided by steep 500/700 mb layer lapse rates and arrival
    of an EML from the west-southwest as suggested in the GOES-E
    mid-level WV band.

    The convection within the overall warm air advection regime will
    largely be elevated in nature at least through this morning over
    southern KS and through central/eastern OK, but will be capable of
    producing heavy rainfall rates that may reach upwards of 1.5" to
    2"/hour with the stronger cells, and there is already a fair
    amount of effective bulk shear (40 to 50 kts) that will support
    organized and sustainable updrafts in time.

    Expect by late morning there to be some localized swaths of as
    much as 3 to 4 inches of rain with isolated heavier totals. This
    will promote a threat for scattered instances of flash flooding,
    with the more urbanized locations the most likely to see concerns
    for runoff problems.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8mOV1CvfSlBj7NywKIQzI9fwezonIG8oKvPBL8aoNPWpevLZZOZ9fHncDF8-cF0GzUpm= qWRv-8YPW8ZW2q_MJBoY6zc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38379611 38319523 37889475 36659464 36009456=20
    35119453 34289477 34089546 34239658 35139854=20
    35909940 36689981 37329966 37919879 38009729=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 16:37:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031637

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0386
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1236 PM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...much of OK...western AR...far southwest MO...far
    southeast KS...portions of far northern TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 031635Z - 032235Z

    Summary...Rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr to continue to be supported
    with additional localized totals of 3-5". Isolated to scattered
    instances of flash flooding are possible (with particular concern
    for more sensitive soils surrounding the Red River of the South).

    Discussion...A mesoscale convective vortex (MCV) and remnant
    surface outflow continue to support new convective development
    across portions of the Southern Plains late this morning. The
    mesoscale environment at 15z was characterized by MU CAPE of
    1000-3000 J/kg, precipitiable water (PWAT) values of 1.4-1.8"
    (between the 90th percentile and max moving average, per SPC
    sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear of 20-40 kts.
    Given the established cold pool and progressing outflow, there is
    an expectation for a mix of surface-based and elevated convective
    development as a southwesterly 20-30 kt low-level jet (LLJ)
    continues to usher in moderate moisture transport. The strongest
    convection is expected to be surface-basd along the advancing
    outflow, where instability and shear are maximized, and resulting
    totals will be dependent on the progression of this outflow and
    the accompanying updrafts.

    Hi-res CAMs are providing a decent depiction of the ongoing
    convection, considering the complexity of modeling an MCV and the
    attendant outflow. The HRRR in particular has done a good job
    since 12z keeping up with the observational trends, which has
    shifted the expection for QPF maxima southward (compared to
    earlier runs and the HREF PMM) with the advancing outflow
    (approaching the more sensitive soils surrounding the Red River of
    South). Despite this modest spatial shift, the guidance remain in
    relatively good agreement regarding coverage and intensity of
    convection going forward, suggesting localized rainfall rates of
    1-3"/hr (which have already been ongoing for much of the morning,
    per MRMS esitmates) with isolated to scattered totals of 3-5" (per
    40-km HREF 3" neighborhood exceedance probabilites of 30-50%).
    Given the relative lack of confidence in prolonged 1-3"/hr
    rainfall rates due to training or repeating (and with FFGs
    generally ranging from 2-4"), isolated to scattered instances of
    flash flooding are considered possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8KS-yPBoKaL03dCegNa0gwDdkF-8zyt36Im_SlOMCpMrV_if9-eJMrgv42UVkrbt8qC6= 5JkrpzREBy3-j9UkrFQj1Co$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37649434 37349370 35459288 34489313 33839352=20
    33469394 33219484 33159630 33289734 33639899=20
    34619976 35389836 35879748 36299689 36859619=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 18:53:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031853

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0387
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    252 PM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...much of southern and eastern WI and some adjacent
    portions of IA/IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 031900Z - 040100Z

    Summary...Scattered showers and thunderstorms are expected to
    produce 1-2"/hr rainfall rates through the evening, resulting in
    localized totals of 2-4". Isolated to scattered flash flooding is
    possible, especially given some already saturated soils.

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms have been ongoing for much
    of the day across portions of the Midwest in association with a
    slowly advancing warm front. Locally rainfall rates have exceeded
    1"/hr at times, but most locations have picked up an inch or less
    of rain with this activity. The concern going forward is for
    backbuilding of convection within the warm sector, as deep layer
    steering flow towards the ENE may result in localized training of
    heavy rainfall. The mesoscale environment is characterized by
    MLCAPE of 500-2000 J/kg (and spreading northeastward with the
    advancing front), precipitable water of 1.2-1.6" (between the 75th
    and 90th percentile, per SPC sounding climatology), and somewhat
    limited effective bulk shear (20-30 kts).

    Hi-res CAMs are in relatively good agreement with the evolution of
    convection this afternoon, suggesting a mixture of discrete and
    multi-cell clusters with scattered coverage. While the shear is
    somewhat lacking, it is more than sufficient to maintain tilted
    updrafts with 1-2"/hr rainfall rates on longevity, as efficient
    warm rain microphysics look to dominate within the updrafts as
    wet-bulb zero heights are around 12k feet (which is interestingly
    near the 90th percentile, notably more anomalous than the
    precipitable water values). Resulting localized totals of 2-4" are
    expected (consistent with HRRR and HREF PMM depictions), and with
    6-hr FFGs (Flash Flood Guidance) generally ranging from 2-3"
    (given some already saturated soils), isolated to scattered flash
    flooding is possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Oicv7SsTeA4Xl-0Z48qWHoZDs67aqU1sWzEOdDzW4z8Cw7JK-AUeN7AHPma_yciLuUZ= BwQj1J3jHNH4eEmH5JQkJlw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45628908 45318788 44518703 43438763 42508846=20
    42188965 42379054 42069143 42519195 44069077=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 20:11:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032010

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0388
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    410 PM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...much of Arkansas, northern Louisiana,
    northeastern Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 032009Z - 040009Z

    Summary...A forward-propagating MCS will continue to pose an
    isolated flash flood threat across the discussion area through 01Z.

    Discussion...Flash flood potential continues on an isolated basis
    despite appreciable forward movement of a linear convective
    complex extending from roughly 30 miles east of Fort Smith, AR to
    near De Queen, AR to Paris, TX. Parts of this line were moving at
    an estimated 60 mph at times. Despite the forward movement, an
    impressive 1.72 inch hourly total was noted at Sallisaw, OK
    earlier with this complex, and a couple of instances of flash
    flooding were reported near Fort Smith. MRMS hourly estimates of
    1-2 inch totals continue particularly across west-central Arkansas
    with this complex, and although FFG thresholds are generally
    higher than the rain rates (around 2-2.5 inch/hr), recent
    observations and models suggest that at least an isolated flash
    flood risk should continue in the short term - especially in low-lying/sensitive and/or urbanized areas.

    Over time, this complex is expected to persist while migrating
    southeastward across Arkansas and northern Louisiana over the next
    3-5 hours. An isolated flash flood risk will continue with this
    activity. Somewhat greater concern could develop on the
    southwestern flank of this activity especially if a
    southward-moving outflow boundary can stall and focus convection
    in a localized area for longer than an hour. This risk is highest
    near the ArkLaTex and portions of northern Louisiana.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5GbJyxlLeLS0BwmsjJJe2GktgHs4u8wTO5kHwuKVQ28YrwGX3kHe5-MjwtyWcOi8OOvG= i2LMs76KOsfsB2xe9dj6NLA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36319180 35939040 34139068 32909124 32449268=20
    32659458 33039515 33639502 34119428 34869362=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 3 23:33:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032332

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0389
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    732 PM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...southern Arkansas, north/northeast Texas,
    northern/central Louisiana, western Mississippi

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 032330Z - 040530Z

    Summary...Rain rates are increasing from the ArkLaTex into
    southern Arkansas, where 2-3 inch/hr rain rates were noted. Flash
    flooding is likely across the discussion area through 05Z.

    Discussion...Convective intensity has increased from northeast
    Texas into southwestern Arkansas over the past couple hours.=20
    Multiple cell mergers and localized training/backbuilding has
    fostered areas of 2-3 inch/hr rain rates especially in far
    southwestern Arkansas. The storms are focused on the leading edge
    of a mature MCS that has made southeastward progress into the
    discussion area and interacted with extreme instability (~4000
    J/kg MLCAPE) and appreciable deep shear for modest organization
    despite storms being mainly outflow dominant. Westerly shear
    aloft was allowing for intense individual cores to migrate
    eastward and train, although southward movement of the outflow was
    allowing for a slow southward translation of the complex toward
    the I-20 corridor in Texas/northern Louisiana. Indications are
    that this line will reach I-20 in the next hour, with continued training/mergers promoting several areas of 2-3 inch/hr rain
    rates. Furthermore, the complex should reach areas of
    east-central Texas and west-central Louisiana that received
    copious rainfall yesterday (2-6 inches from Shreveport southward
    through Lufkin/Natchitoches). Wet soils and lowered FFG
    thresholds (in the 1-2 inch/hr range) should be easily exceeded,
    and flash flooding (perhaps locally significant) should occur
    given the environment and scenario. Although flash flood
    potential exists across the entire discussion area, the greatest
    concern exists in areas from Tyler to Shreveport to Natchitoches
    to Lufkin.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-C2Wg7zru0lKjFcMKtIBjDv_zDRf-tFAHWdjOr3JdLg8r5cte8WcTh4dAbITDb9ga-xy= f0xY0T6Ed010GFaYfZFoNnk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34659194 34249063 33248980 32268990 31379096=20
    30989440 31469624 32789709 33229641 33359529=20
    33699374 34439265=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 00:47:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040046

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0390
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    846 PM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...southern/southeastern Wisconsin, far northern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 040045Z - 040300Z

    Summary...Areas of training/backbuilding storms were observed west
    of Milwaukee Metro area over the past half hour. One-inch per
    hour rain rates were estimated with this activity. Flash flooding
    is possible with this cluster as it reaches more
    urbanized/populated areas through 03Z.

    Discussion..A small cluster of convection was making steady
    progress toward the Milwaukee/Kenosha Metro areas and surrounding
    suburbs. The cluster was embedded within weakly confluent
    southwesterly low-level flow, which was maintaining a moderately
    unstable airmass (~1500 J/kg MLCAPE) on the southwestern flank of
    the cluster. The combination of the cluster and a trailing
    outflow (oriented parallel to low-level flow) was allowing for
    localized backbuilding with this cluster, resulting in a modest
    increase in rain rates to around 1 inch/hr. On its current track,
    this cluster will impact urban areas of southeastern Wisconsin
    (and perhaps far northeastern Illinois) over the next hour or so.

    Downstream, FFG thresholds are generally in the 0.75-1 inch/hr
    range. The cluster will result in areas of heavy rainfall that
    locally exceed these thresholds. Urban-area flash flooding is
    possible in this regime. Eventually the cluster will exit the
    area to the east and emerge over southern Lake of Michigan waters
    - most likely after 0230Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7rc-omFFWcuXjWSjE30ZWeylpNREoYIHUF1O4Pd0Se93E-xEnbin8PPyR3tzGqWpxq5w= hUVy0cLsLoFKnfsymccZGSI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43268831 43248760 42648736 42228755 42088900=20
    42458938 42978885=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 03:06:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040306

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0391
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1104 PM EDT Mon Jun 03 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of South-Central to Southeast WI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 040303Z - 040603Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of flash flooding will continue to be possible in
    the near-term across portions of south-central to southeast WI as
    a broken band of heavy showers and thunderstorms continues to
    persist and locally trains over the same area.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar imagery shows a broken, but
    persistent band of heavy showers and thunderstorms lingering over
    areas of south-central WI. A moist and relatively unstable 20 to
    30 kt low-level jet continues to overrun a surface boundary draped
    across areas of far northern IL, and the isentropic ascent north
    of this front coupled with the instability and some weak
    right-entrance region upper jet dynamics will continue to favor at
    least some convection persisting over the next 2 to 3 hours.

    Rainfall rates with some of the ongoing activity continues to be
    on the order of 1 to 2 inches/hour, and there has been some
    backbuilding and localized cell-training promoting concerns for
    excessive rainfall totals. The 00Z HREF guidance suggests at least
    some small-scale additional rainfall amounts of 2 to 4 inches
    going through 06Z.

    Given some of the earlier rainfall and lower FFG values that are
    in place, the additional rains should continue to foster at least
    small-scale flash flooding concerns for a few more hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_c2t0-ftVasFwoFf0YEZh6Jlu8m0Ji_QXqqPtSXZgYb07byzRwwOHyR0rFSDFkr3rKcJ= FdiCafFBpN0S5ln-y9wLb4k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43618867 43538781 43278779 43128815 43058883=20
    43058965 43179008 43319012 43518966=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 04:47:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040447

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0392
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1246 AM EDT Tue Jun 04 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Central to Southeast OK...Far
    Northeast TX...Southwest AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 040445Z - 041045Z

    SUMMARY...Redeveloping clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    are expected overnight. Notable concerns for cell-training will
    exist, and with the moist/wet antecedent soil conditions, there
    will be a likelihood for areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The larger scale pattern features a mid to
    upper-level low over southeast KS with a trough axis extending
    south-southwest from it down through central OK and northern TX.
    Meanwhile, at the surface, an outflow boundary is noted over
    north-central TX as a result of earlier convection on Monday.

    Over the next several hours, an increase in a nocturnally enhanced
    southwest low-level jet will be surging northeast over this
    outflow boundary and up across areas of central to southeast OK
    which will promote strengthening warm air advection/isentropic
    ascent and into environment that has substantial elevated

    00Z RAOB data from FWD and OUN shows a corridor of strong
    mid-level lapse rates with enhanced elevated CAPE associated with
    an EML. This instability coupled with an increase in ascent from
    the strengthening low-level jet (reaching 40 to 50 kts after 06Z)
    will combine with arrival of weak/subtle vort energy aloft
    embedded within the northwest flow to favor redeveloping
    clusters/bands of convection. The main focus for redevelopment
    should be over southeast OK, but may extend as far west as central
    OK, and also as far south and east as northeast TX and southwest

    Sufficient levels of convective organization are expected after
    06Z that a new cold pool should begin to evolve which will tend to
    allow the convection to eventually lose latitude, but the
    expectation is for a general northwest to southeast orientation of
    the convection which will be oriented nearly parallel to the
    deeper layer steering flow. Therefore, concerns will exist for

    The high instability environment and moist low-level jet will
    easily favor rainfall rates of 1.5 to 2.5"/hour. The 00Z HREF
    consensus, along with recent HRRR runs and the NSSL-MPAS guidance
    suggests locally as much as 3 to 5 inches of rain with isolated
    heavier amounts going through dawn.

    Given these additional rainfall totals, and the moist/wet soil
    conditions from recent heavy rainfall, areas of flash flooding
    will be likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5tO8L3zqR9j9A_7NR2R5oaZrOkjJJp0mbfc9_Dha6jOKWSVx-8wkhJ7Bbu5SsW8bTq4F= GndTo6lEId8vHsu_uqIKU5o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35519639 35249535 34769425 33829318 33259319=20
    33009399 33919632 34599723 35069742 35489707=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 05:31:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040531

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0393
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    131 AM EDT Tue Jun 04 2024

    Areas affected...Oklahoma City Metropolitan Area

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 040530Z - 040830Z

    SUMMARY...Strong and slow-moving thunderstorm activity may become
    locally focused around the Oklahoma City metropolitan area over
    the next 1 to 2 hours. An urban flash flood threat will exist as a

    DISCUSSION...A gradually growing cluster of strong thunderstorms
    just west of Oklahoma City is expected to grow upscale over the
    next 1 to 2 hours and eventually phase in with a more
    regional/elongated axis of convection farther down to the
    southeast over central to southeast OK overnight. Strong
    instability and an increasing low-level jet over the region are
    the dominant factors with the upscale growth of convection
    expected in the near-term.

    Rainfall rates with the approaching activity from Grady, Caddo and
    Canadian Counties are expected to increase to locally over
    2"/hour, and given the cooling cloud top trends in GOES-IR
    satellite imagery, this cluster of convection should attain
    further organization while expanding overall in coverage.

    Concerns will exist over the next couple of hours for the Oklahoma
    City metropolitan area and adjacent suburbs as these slow-moving
    cells advance and also perhaps locally backbuild and train over
    the same area.

    Expect as much as 3 to 4 inches of rain with locally heavier
    totals over the next couple of hours. Flash flooding is likely
    given the urban sensitivities and wet overall antecedent


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7MXxFBNGVO5kPq-kb-NCJqINQTt0fgvpt1GrGyd71M2uPAKSwBXCOTbyxqRdn8cJ790Z= ERgiVyPCnBwT_9xjy8Hu5Jw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35639779 35569709 35439669 35249651 35009661=20
    34999734 35099803 35279840 35579832=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 10:09:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041009

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0394
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    608 AM EDT Tue Jun 04 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Southeast OK into the Arklatex

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041007Z - 041607Z

    SUMMARY...A strong forward-propagating MCS will drop southeast
    this morning across the Arklatex and bring a renewed threat for
    flash flooding given very sensitive/wet antecedent conditions.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows a strong forward-propagating MCS
    advancing into southeast OK, and over the next few hours this
    powerful, but relatively compact MCS should cross through the
    Arklatex region. The airmass across the Red River Valley is
    extremely unstable and especially over areas of northern TX where
    MUCAPE values of 4000 to 5000 J/kg are in place, and this is being
    highly influenced by proximity of a strong EML with enhanced
    500/700 mb lapse rates.

    A moist southwest low-level jet of 30 to 40+ kts continues to
    impinge on the southwest flank of the convective mass, and the MCS
    should track southeast along the very strong instability gradient
    that is in place across the broader Arklatex region.

    A bow-and-arrow structure to the MCS may take place over the next
    few hours which will be characterized by the leading bow portion
    of the MCS advancing through northeast TX, southwest AR and
    eventually into northwest LA, while a more linear
    northwest/southeast oriented axis of convection redevelops in its
    wake across areas of central to southeast OK where the veering,
    moist/unstable low-level jet will be overrunning a strong cold

    Rainfall rates with the leading convective bow may still reach as
    much as 1 to 2"/hour, but the fast forward propagation will tend
    to mitigate the short-term totals. However, closer to the
    comma-head of the MCS where a strong MCV is noted over eastern OK,
    and with any redeveloping linear bands of convection over
    southeast OK in the wake of the bow, there may be sufficient
    persistence of convection for an additional 2 to 4 inches of rain.

    The antecedent conditions across the entire region, including the
    broader Arklatex, are quite sensitive given recent heavy rainfall,
    so these additional totals may result in additional flash flooding
    concerns this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8kggnATIng75mvT0IGqKShVz6dWB2_obmLGA1Y2-xpkJl3UYrZgnJEpKDaLT8N7jfsYP= sdhcAz8zoyBqXQQ1o3RFWsw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35639705 35519600 35209459 34739369 34209303=20
    33359262 32269284 31869409 32149554 33029655=20
    34379724 35259744=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 15:56:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041556

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0395
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1156 AM EDT Tue Jun 04 2024

    Areas affected...Central Eastern TX...Northern & Central LA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041600Z - 042000Z

    SUMMARY...Some lingering potential for redevelopment and repeating
    along the upwind edge of weakening overnight MCS. Rates up to
    2"/hr and spots of 2-3+" over saturated ground conditions pose
    possible scattered incidents of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-WV and Visible imagery suite depicts a trio of
    well defined mid-level circulations across N MO, central AR and NW
    AL; all within a broad area of troughing through the Mississippi
    River Valley. The central AR is the youngest of the trio and
    still has very impressive dynamic appearance with inner core
    center while southern quadrant mature convective complex drops
    through eastern TX into northwestern LA. RADAR and Visible
    imagery note the cold pool has push the outflow boundary well
    eastward though the upwind side still remains in closer proximity
    to ongoing upglide convection along and south of I-20 in E TX.=20
    This upwind edge remains exposed to a tight gradient of higher
    theta-E air and recent VWP and Vis loop depicts this area well
    with increase of 925-850mb southerly (30-35kt) inflow and tracer
    low level flat strato-cu field lifting northeast out of the
    western Gulf. This has increased surface moisture convergence
    with nearly orthogonal ascent with invigorating thunderstorm
    activity in recent hour or so. The air is very moist with 850mb
    Tds approaching 20C with MLCAPE values of 2500-3000 J/kg,
    supportive of further convective activity.

    The balance of cold pool generation and stronger outflow and
    shallower steep isentropic surfaces versus maintaining near
    surface based development at the edge of the outflow boundary
    remains the highest uncertainty. Trends favor the outflow
    boundary winning even outracing cells in Rusk/Panola county,
    leaving lingering elevated cells that can produce 1-2"/hr with
    some training elements; but that would likely be shorter-lived at
    diurnal minimum and expected weakening 850mb LLJ. However, the
    q-axis orthogonal to the instability gradient and cells near
    Henderson/Cherokee county, suggest some flanking line development
    may maintain for the next few hours, as it propagates south.

    Hi-Res CAMs mostly didn't resolve/assimilate the ongoing complex
    and those that did such as the recent HRRR continue to follow
    traditional bias of convective weakening at this time of day.=20
    While this is expected, there does remain a short-window of time
    that storm scale interaction/wind flows should maintain a heavy
    rainfall risk along and downstream of the upwind edge of the
    complex across the Piney Woods into western LA. Unfortunately,
    this also aligns with fully saturated ground/soil conditions and
    flooded rivers to suggest high run-off potential for these cells
    producing 1.5-2"/hr which may result in possible localized flash
    flooding through the early afternoon hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5XjvwgJ-N6z4qsMbqVTJyuxrFCqnRiDgpubOIen0-u8cueguFN8OY3q9hRDwwJfnJQ1F= NzoxRf4GjwWf6Ey9KsXZd44$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32729449 32639319 32419246 31999216 31249211=20
    30709267 30599367 30799468 31229527 31849558=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 4 17:53:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041753

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0396
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    152 PM EDT Tue Jun 04 2024

    Areas affected...Red River Valley of Northwestern Minnesota & Adj
    North Dakota...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041755Z - 042100Z

    SUMMARY...Short-term window for northward training/repeating of
    developing thunderstorms capable of 1.5-1.75"/hr rates. Scattered
    spots up to 3" in 1-2 hours pose localized flash flooding concern
    before front presses eastward more rapidly.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts an anomalously deep (2-2.5
    std. dev) closed low across southern Canada with a strong
    110-120kt Pacific jet diving south across the northern High
    Plains supporting a secondary shortwave across central SDAK. A
    short 90kt jet south to north jet streak across NDAK supports dual
    dynamic strengthening of the lower levels with DPVA and right
    entrance ascent over the Red River Valley. A strong surface wave
    is analyzed along the SD/ND/MN boarder with a slow moving front
    connected up to the triple point low along the Canadian boarder
    (with the warm front across the northern MN toward Lake enhanced
    front near DLH. Isallobaric backing 925-850mb flow within the
    warm sector is providing moisture flux convergence along the
    stalled/slow moving front through the Red River Valley. As such,
    convective overturning has begun. MLCAPE to 1500 J/kg support
    strong updrafts; though that confluent low level flux north of the
    inflection helps to pool moisture to near 1.5" TPW with mid to
    upper 60s Tds. This should support hourly rates of 1.5-1.75"/hr,
    though updrafts/downdrafts may be narrow.=20

    Deep layer steering is fairly parallel to the boundary and the
    500-1000 thickness suggest propagation vectors to be generally
    aligned at the front. This will be short-lived as the shortwave
    continues to progress and forward progression of the front will
    begin in earnest over the next few hours. This may allow for a
    window of 1-3 hours of training cores in proximity of the front
    and through the naturally lower FFG values near the River Valley.
    As such, spots of 2-3" are possible which may result in a spot or
    two of possible flash flooding conditions. Thereafter, updrafts
    should broaden/strengthen but forward (eastward) propagation may
    limit totals to 1.5-2" mainly in a sub-hourly to hourly nature,
    this will move into higher FFG and risk of flash flooding should
    likewise decrease into the north woods of MN.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!40Nk7aeQUdQDGl3VxQJTamRPhitHIAmG1POI0Br0gA5ABMIi5CV7px70kuIjdt10jymX= 4vON_RzJz8dZgfR-sQoItmw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49489513 48999453 48109463 47219507 46249567=20
    46089696 46509711 47609685 48969607 49079540=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 5 01:23:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050123

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0397
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    922 PM EDT Tue Jun 04 2024

    Areas affected...much of OK...southeast KS...far southwest
    MO...far western AR...adjacent portions of far northern TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 050120Z - 050720Z

    Summary...Clusters of thunderstorms will continue to initiate and
    organize into the early overnight hours, with the strongest
    updrafts/storms producing rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr. This should
    result in localized totals of 2-4" with scattered to numerous
    instances of flash flooding likely (particularly given sensitive
    soils across the region, but especially over southeast OK and

    Discussion...Convection over central KS is gradually gaining
    organization this evening, supported by a upper-level shortwave
    sinking slowly southeast (providing a source of lift via vorticity
    advection). Meanwhile, deep layer moisture flux convergence is
    currently maximized just to the south (over central OK), where
    convection is beginning to initiate in the vicinity of OK City.
    Continued upscale growth of convection is expected to organize
    into an MCS through late evening, as the broader mesoscale
    environment downstream of the established and initiating storms is characterized by ML CAPE of 1500-4000 J/kg, PWATs of 1.4-1.8"
    (between the 90th percentile and max moving average, per SPC
    sounding climatology), and deep layer shear of 25-35 kts. While
    thunderstorm clusters are organizing to the north (over southeast
    KS) currently, the initiating southern cells (over central OK) are
    expected to eventually take over (as this is where instability and
    moisture flux convergence are maximzed).

    Hi-res CAMs are in reasonably good agreement with the convective
    evolution through ~07z, indicating that convection will become
    rather progressive (partially due storms becoming cold pool
    dominate, but likely more so due to the progression of the
    aforementioned shortwave and an accompanying cold front). Given
    the favorable environment for organized convection, rainfall rates
    will be on the order of 1-3"/hr, which should result in localized
    totals of 2-4". These totals may have greater coverage over
    portions of OK (should the MCS fully organize as expected, per the
    12z HREF EAS, ensemble agreement scale, depiction), but there is
    some question to whether convection is able to proliferate as
    efficiently as it has over southeast KS thus far (as indicated by
    more recent runs of the HRRR). While this initially seems a bit counterintuitive with the better instability to the south, but the
    main reason convection is struggling to initiate is due to the
    much stronger mid-level capping to the south. This cap will
    eventually erode with the approach of the shortwave, but it is
    possible that it is too little too late, allowing the farther
    north MCS to become established (which would likely result in the
    2-4" localized totals being most likely in the vicinity of
    MO/KS/AR/OK border region, rather than over the most saturated
    soils across southeast OK into adjacent portions of TX and AR).

    While short-term rainfall totals on the order of 2-4" across this
    region of the Southern Plains would normally constitute a fairly
    modest flash flood threat, the situation is complicated by the
    fact that soils are extremely saturated across much of southeast
    OK and surroundings. This is indicated by 3-hr FFGs (Flash Flood
    Guidance) generally ranging from 1-2" (or less). This makes this
    area particularly vulnerable to (yet another) MCS, but soils are
    also rather saturated farther north as well (with FFGs generally
    ranging from 2-3" across southeast KS into northeast OK). Given
    these hydrologic considerations, scattered to numerous instances
    of flash flooding are considered likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!79iSeCMx8T-nzM7NhwRAhFfM1OGv_rTsHQhLvCemZJlMmN_kv9Y_B0Vtiu0ivUAdvlPY= 0GOlK8fkhYklZidjPuHeTjg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38369505 38279393 37969331 36679391 36079393=20
    35379361 34769352 34229357 33699368 33119440=20
    33269643 33799811 35069846 36339812 37639741=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 5 06:21:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050621

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0398
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    220 AM EDT Wed Jun 05 2024

    Areas affected...Red River Valley of the South...Arklatex

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 050620Z - 051220Z

    SUMMARY...A strong MCS dropping southeast once again down into the
    Red River Valley of the South and the Arklatex region will favor
    heavy rainfall and a renewed threat of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...A very-cold topped MCS continues to advance
    southeastward down across central and southeast OK and is quickly
    advancing into north-central to northeast TX. The convective mass
    is riding down along the eastern flank of a strong instability
    gradient, with the activity being strongly supported by a moist
    and very unstable southwest low-level jet of 30 to 40 kts which is
    overrunning a warm front across north-central TX.

    MLCAPE values across north-central TX just ahead of the Red River
    Valley convective bow are on the order of 4000 to 5000 J/kg and
    indicative of an extremely unstable airmass pooled up across the
    region. This instability coupled with PWs of 1.5 to 1.75 inches
    will favor very heavy rainfall rates which may reach as high as
    1.5 inches in 30 minutes.

    Generally the rather rapid forward propagation of the MCS should
    tend to mitigate the overall storm potential somewhat, but there
    are additional embedded showers and thunderstorms with heavy
    rainfall rates in behind the initial convective bow, and this will
    support locally excessive totals. The 00Z HREF guidance supports a
    general swath of 2 to 4 inch rainfall potential dropping down
    through southeast OK and into portions of north-central to
    northeast TX going through 12Z. However, recent runs of the HRRR
    guidance are a tad wetter, and support isolated 5 inch amounts
    over parts of north-central TX which is also a little west of the
    00Z HREF consensus.

    Given the wet/saturated soil conditions and elevated streamflows
    across the region from multiple days of repeating heavy rainfall
    events, these additional MCS-driven rains overnight and into the
    early morning hours will support areas of flash flooding. The
    flash flood threat will likely tend extend into areas of
    west-central to southwest AR and far northwest LA later this
    morning, but in the near-term should be maximized in south-central
    to southeast OK and north-central to northeast TX.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7_jnQ_vMaU3xGdhW4zna-_LOZS_iXD6HMqVbBV5xn3lrPLJB-r3GtVmiOn5fcchocfYG= cAO5Tyb874AX46mFR9J9lV4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36499416 35739310 33589276 32029361 31499546=20
    31899732 32759803 33759817 34439788 35109704=20
    35499625 35949521=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 5 12:08:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051207

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0399
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    807 AM EDT Wed Jun 05 2024

    Areas affected...Heart of Texas into Southeast Texas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 051215Z - 051730Z

    SUMMARY...Rapidly weakening MCS with a few lingering over-running
    thunderstorms capable of very intense rain rates and sub-hourly
    rain totals of 1-3". Incidents of flash flooding are becoming
    less likely with exception of urban areas and expansion/
    reinundation of already flooded areas.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic and GOES-E 10.3um IR loop shows
    a very broad decaying MCS with rapidly accelerating outflow
    boundary bisecting LA from NE to WSW extending into southeast TX.
    However, a few areas of remaining cold tops exist along the upwind
    edge. This aligns with deeper moisture flux coming off the
    Western Gulf coastal confluence axis that continues to stream
    northward on 20-25kts of 925-850mb flow. Surface Tds are very
    rich with mid to upper 70s dotted with an spot 80F dewpoint but
    the q-axis remains from South Padre Island north through Victoria
    into the upwind edge with 1.7" total PWats while further east are
    sub 1.5". The instability axis is also further west of the q-axis
    but still shows a greater intersection with the upwind edge; with
    MLCAPE values of 3000+ J/kg. As such, the over-running and deep
    moisture convergence in proximity to mature thunderstorms and
    their associated cold pools aid toward maintenance of the
    convective lines.

    The lead line does appear to be slowing likely due to a shallowing
    of the cold pool and increasing distance from the leading outflow
    edge, and is probable to merge with the stronger wave over the
    next few hours in the vicinity of Limestone/Falls to Houston
    counties. Flux convergence will likely continue to support 2"+/hr
    rates, though minus the timing of the merger, is likely to be
    limited to a sub-hourly rain total and spots of 1.5-2.5" are more
    likely the range of expected totals as the outflows/convergence
    continues to surge southward into the moisture/instability axis
    and eventually Gulf of Mexico. While these are quick hitters, that
    will result in limited infiltration and increased run-off for
    potential for flash flooding, especially in urban centers and
    locations further north and east in eastern and southeastern TX
    where grounds are already saturated/flooded.=20=20=20

    Deeper layer steering of the deeper cells is becoming more west to
    east in further distance from the MCV in AR, this may allow for
    some increased duration too for repeating before the propagation
    vectors dominate to the south, additionally supporting localized
    maxima up to 2-3" in spots more likely over the next 1-3 hours.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6Vqnht7p7M9GtflP7CPmy6r9c_RvY5BAsENa9C0AbTn84sCglHP37mGUwJHL4DwrT8rC= 2kIMdRvJYcYWXNuAOCd57Bo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32139658 32059595 31629499 31099427 30549382=20
    29899393 29549447 29209518 29009578 29089679=20
    29339731 29859779 30449799 31049800 31429783=20
    31769756 31959731=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 5 16:31:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051631

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0400
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1231 PM EDT Wed Jun 05 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern KY...Far Southern OH...Southwest WV...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 051630Z - 052130Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered developing cells capable of 1.75"/hr rates
    crossing complex terrain with similar 1hr FFG suggests scattered
    incidents of localized flash flooding may be possible this

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts subtle shortwave/old MCVs
    moving through the southeast quadrant of the approaching larger
    scale trough. The leading tighter wave is crossing N WV while a
    more elongated/sheared (NNW to SSE) wave is along the central
    TN/KY border lifting east-northeast; providing subtle but
    sufficient DPVA for broad scale ascent downstream across the area
    of concern. Subsidence in the wake of the prior has also led to
    prolonged insolation to support increased low level temperatures
    and building of SBCAPE, especially as anomalous moisture has
    remained along the Cumberland Plateau with Tds even into the low
    70s in spots. As mentioned, SBCAPEs to 2500 J/kg and total deep
    layer moisture to 1.75" Pwats and the weak forcing from the
    approaching waves has seen widely scattered showers recently
    strengthen in intensity and coverage across E KY.

    Given parameters 1.5-1.75"/hr rates can be expected, though mean
    cell motions are moving at 20-25kts, so more is needed to allow
    for excessive totals. This comes in the form of that favorable
    orientation to the deep mean layer steering flow with upstream
    inflow at 850mb of 25-30kts while residing in a col of 500-1000
    thickness suggesting weak propagation vectors. This is likely to
    come in the form of back-building for cells upstream allowing for
    some repeating/training to increase duration of rainfall. As such
    scattered streaks of 1.5-2.5" totals may be possible in the area
    of concern. Given the complex terrain and harder ground
    conditions/limited soil, FFG values of 1-2"/hr and 1.5-2.5"/3hr
    exist in the area of concern suggesting localized widely scattered
    incidents of flash flooding may become increasingly possible as
    cells continue to develop expand through the afternoon.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6f8kZYKx25J-FZz1bsXWXCXQsY0cN_ObUkdWynKTEtjxUrKVKRWoasao0K_GtAehxncp= et8IdJk2UzLqzbuwEKRKbwo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39308139 39058079 38218082 37708156 37228260=20
    36638412 37278478 37898511 38478471 38858360=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 6 00:53:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060053

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0402
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    853 PM EDT Wed Jun 05 2024

    Areas affected...northern portions of MD...much of
    DE...southeastern PA...surrounding portions of NJ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 060050Z - 060500Z

    Summary...Rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr to continue for several more
    hours, shifting northeast from the Baltimore metro to the Philly
    metro. Localized instances of flash flooding are likely to
    continue (and some may be locally significant). Additional
    localized totals of 2-4" are possible.

    Discussion...A large cluster of showers and thunderstorms is
    progressing slowly northeastward across northern portions of MD,
    into DE, southeastern PA, and surrounding portions of NJ. This
    activity includes some embedded supercells along the southwestern
    flank of the cluster of storms, and these embedded supercells are
    producing rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr. The mesoscale environment is
    characterized by SB CAPE of 750-1250 J/kg, precipitable water
    values of 1.8-2.0" (near record values, per SPC sounding
    climatology), and effective bulk shear of 20-30 kts.

    Convection will continue to track generally towards the northeast
    with the mean low- to mid-level flow (though embedded supercells
    will favor a more easterly track), producing additional localized
    totals of 1-3". This will likely support localized instances of
    flash flooding across metropolitan areas along I-95, with the
    greatest concerns for metro areas where locally significant flash
    flooding is possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!70tqsrFNCdFTliLT3lPy994g15mb-30fgkyhiCIbXXFgozLCjStwsq7qjfSukSGHK0dj= 766F59Ud4hLk8nlSfM0BuFI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40927558 40777500 40237443 39617480 39417523=20
    39167615 39037650 39327678 39867687 40547664=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 6 02:19:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060219

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0403
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1019 PM EDT Wed Jun 05 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania,
    northern West Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 060216Z - 060616Z

    Summary...Deep convection was oriented favorably for localized
    training/cell mergers, resulting in estimated 1-1.5 inch/hr rain
    rates in spots. Flash flooding is possible as storms translate
    eastward across the southern half of Ohio through 04-05Z, with
    convection potentially reaching western Pennsylvania/northern West
    Virginia around/after that timeframe.

    Discussion...Broad low-level confluence both along and ahead of a
    surface front in Indiana was providing enough lift for scattered
    to numerous thunderstorms across central Ohio recently. The
    storms were organized as a series of both cells and small linear
    segments, with a focused axis of training/cell mergers noted
    near/north of Columbus. The storms were in an moist and
    sufficiently unstable environment for deep updrafts with efficient
    rainfall rates, which exceeded 1 inch/hr beneath the more
    persistently training storms in the area. These rain rates were
    approaching FFG thresholds of 1.5 inch/hr across the region,
    suggesting a continued, and at least isolated, flash flood threat
    in the short term.

    These cells will continue to shift eastward at approximately 15-25
    mph, with slow movement and 1.7 inch PW values continuing to
    support efficient rainfall. Over time, some degree of boundary
    layer cooling is expected, although upper 60s to 70F dewpoints
    should maintain some degree of buoyancy to support deep convection
    over at least the next 3-4 hours. Potential exists for this
    activity to reach more sensitive ground conditions in eastern
    Ohio/western Pennsylvania beginning after 04Z or so. The flash
    flood scenario will be re-evaluated for any potential eastward
    persistence after 05Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_eThnZ0laldU1_Sl7QtUL1Q1mPs7dq2QnbwvhVBANtqNfC25epDt9ILY6GTnPrK39iM-= se3VfdG8qvxnP1wM3cYLZ8g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41108089 40708013 39998031 39298159 38938353=20
    39928410 40588308=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 6 15:45:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061545

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0404
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1144 AM EDT Thu Jun 06 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern Upstate New York...Far
    Northeast PA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061545Z - 062130Z

    Summary...Deep convection was oriented favorably for localized
    training/cell mergers, resulting in estimated 1-1.5 inch/hr rain
    rates in spots. Flash flooding is possible as storms translate
    eastward across the southern half of Ohio through 04-05Z, with
    convection potentially reaching western Pennsylvania/northern West
    Virginia around/after that timeframe.

    Discussion...Broad low-level confluence both along and ahead of a
    surface front in Indiana was providing enough lift for scattered
    to numerous thunderstorms across central Ohio recently. The
    storms were organized as a series of both cells and small linear
    segments, with a focused axis of training/cell mergers noted
    near/north of Columbus. The storms were in an moist and
    sufficiently unstable environment for deep updrafts with efficient
    rainfall rates, which exceeded 1 inch/hr beneath the more
    persistently training storms in the area. These rain rates were
    approaching FFG thresholds of 1.5 inch/hr across the region,
    suggesting a continued, and at least isolated, flash flood threat
    in the short term.

    These cells will continue to shift eastward at approximately 15-25
    mph, with slow movement and 1.7 inch PW values continuing to
    support efficient rainfall. Over time, some degree of boundary
    layer cooling is expected, although upper 60s to 70F dewpoints
    should maintain some degree of buoyancy to support deep convection
    over at least the next 3-4 hours. Potential exists for this
    activity to reach more sensitive ground conditions in eastern
    Ohio/western Pennsylvania beginning after 04Z or so. The flash
    flood scenario will be re-evaluated for any potential eastward
    persistence after 05Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5e6HRwuvWscvpYk3P_kkP6uSRUpn-XuWD0YwvtooHygwgh6sfKxzyv64i8ALI4QKDSs4= DyAjzM6Jp7XVv_GZGqZ55Nw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45017500 44837398 43557381 42217354 41617433=20
    41517562 41967661 42327725 42897723 43377691=20
    43627642 44187634=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 6 15:52:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061552

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0404...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1152 AM EDT Thu Jun 06 2024


    Areas affected...Central and Eastern Upstate New York...Far
    Northeast PA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061545Z - 062130Z

    SUMMARY...Deep moisture flux convergence along/ahead of frontal
    zone and mid-level wave should allow for efficient rainfall
    production. Places of localized back-building/cell hanging up may
    result in spotty 2-3" totals and possible flash flooding through
    late afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts very strong negatively tilted
    long wave trough across the Great Lakes with well defined warm
    conveyor belt well east near effective triple point low/complex in
    the New York Bight. However, the broadness of the trough and
    influence of easterly component winds over the last few days has
    resulted in a residual secondary moisture plume axis across the
    eastern Great Lakes/NY as main vorticity center drives eastward
    through Lake Huron. Additionally, upper-level diffluent part of
    the highly cyclonically curved 90-100kt polar jet over S Ontario
    leaves much of the area of concern within large scale ascent
    pattern and favorable environment to maintain/strengthen 500-700mb inflection/wave currently seen along the central PA/NY border
    pressing east. Given the DPVA, low level flow as backed slightly
    with 15-20kts, deep layer moisture has pooled to over 1.75" along
    and northeast of the inflection across Eastern Lake Ontario into
    SE Ontario/SW Quebec.

    Modest clearing is providing good insolation to support building
    instability axis along and east of the deep moisture confluence
    axis. MLCAPES have already climbed into the 750-1000 J/kg and
    likely to increase to 1250 J/kg. The combination of deep layer
    convergence, enhanced downshear of the MCV will allow for
    increased convection over the next few hours. A few cells may
    even break through capping in the warmer air along the increasing
    terrain slopes north of the Mohawk valley into the Adirondack
    Mountains. Given flux convergence, moisture availability, rates of
    1.5-1.75" will becoming increasingly frequent and if cells are
    slow to move initially could pose spots of 2-3". Additionally,
    favorable north-northeast cell motions along the deformation zone
    into southern Canada may support some short-term repeating for
    isolated spots of 2-3", as well.

    Slowly, with some mid-level steepening of lapse rates along/south
    of the shortwave in NE PA, deeper, more intense thunderstorms may
    evolve with rates over 2"/hr...though forward propagation may
    mitigate overall totals, sub-hourly rates/totals may induce some
    low end flash flooding concerns in the lower FFG/complex terrain
    of the Poconos/Catskills, and so has been included in this area of
    concern through late afternoon.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7J7pel-MJe0eF6z7RpmHSCbaHRhFERV9Fs4DBo_sL0f5Xcmn2OT6HHM9haRWZv-VWbrX= JYZcKfz5zPvZM6qfY8piTUE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45017500 44837398 43557381 42217354 41617433=20
    41517562 41967661 42327725 42897723 43377691=20
    43627642 44187634=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 7 23:09:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 072309

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0405
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    708 PM EDT Fri Jun 07 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central Nebraska through northeast Kansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 072308Z - 080500Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms, including supercells, are expected to
    increase in coverage and coalesce into an MCS into this evening.
    Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr will accompany the strongest convection,
    which could result in 2-4" of rainfall with locally higher
    amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E IR satellite imagery this evening is
    showing clusters of rapidly cooling cloud tops to nearly -70C
    associated with supercells moving across central NE. This
    convection is blossoming in response to ascent produced via a
    shortwave rotating E/SE through the mid-level flow impinging upon
    low-level convergence along a stationary front analyzed by WPC.
    South of this boundary, the environment is extremely favorable for
    heavy-rain producing thunderstorms characterized by a plume of PWs
    around 1.7 inches over KS, near the daily record according to the
    SPC sounding climatology, overlapping MLCAPE of 1500-2500 J/kg.
    There is also pronounced bulk shear noted via the SPC RAP of 50-65
    kts, which has supported supercells near the Sand Hills of NE,
    within which MRMS rainfall has been measured at 2.5-3" within 1

    As the evening progresses, it is likely these cells over NE, as
    well as some developing in northern KS, will continue to expand
    southeast and merge into a more broad cluster or MCS. This is
    supported by a pronounced instability gradient aligned NW to SE
    which should support the southeast motion of thunderstorms, which
    will be enhanced by an increasingly robust LLJ out of the S/SW.
    The intensifying LLJ will not only tighten the instability
    gradient, but should also resupply moisture downstream of
    expanding convection, with SREF 850-700mb moisture flux progged to
    exceed 2.5 sigma this evening as the LLJ peaks around 40 kts.

    The high-res CAMs are struggling to match the current radar
    initialization, but despite that, they are all in agreement that
    thunderstorms should expand and congeal within the robust
    thermodynamics and impressive bulk shear. Rainfall rates within
    thunderstorms could exceed 3"/hr at times as reflected by the
    15-min HRRR precip accumulation fields, and 20-25% chance of 2"/hr
    rates noted in the HREF. Although elevated mean winds and some
    forward propagation may limit the duration of these rates, short
    term training is possible embedded within the clusters, and the
    HREF neighborhood probabilities indicate a 20-30% chance of at
    least 3", and 10-15% for 5", focused near the KS/NE border.

    0-10cm RSM from NASA SPoRT is modest across NE/KS, but is locally
    higher due to 7-day rainfall of 100-150% in southeast NE and
    northeast KS. This is where the FFG is relatively compromised, and
    HREF exceedance probabilities for 3-hr FFG is as high as 20-30%.
    This further reflects the increasing risk for isolated to
    scattered flash flooding through this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-gkwrgdjpYmNWE_RfV_MFyX2orSz8H-IoVuF2dNlrSUU7MNPeFZAseKnDOjStHZx6Zlk= yFNu0IhXvHxT6jvzAlfLVfI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41920045 41819886 41529733 40839543 39799473=20
    38609519 38349694 38469812 38979930 39950004=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 8 05:22:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080522

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0406
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    122 AM EDT Sat Jun 08 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Kansas, western Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 080521Z - 080921Z

    Summary...Widespread convection (and several cell mergers) were
    resulting in areas of 1+ inch/hr rain rates despite relatively
    fast cell movement. Isolated flash flood potential is possible
    through at least 09Z.

    Discussion...Robust convection continues to move quickly
    east/southeastward across eastern Kansas currently. The storms
    are at least slightly elevated, but organized along a couple of forward-propagating linear segments while leveraging steep lapse
    rates aloft (~8C/km). Strong southwesterly 850mb flow was also
    likely aiding in sufficient convergence for strong updrafts. The
    convection continues to migrate southeastward along NNW/SSE
    oriented instability gradient located just east of the KS/MO
    border. Multiple cell mergers were encouraging spotty 1-1.5
    inch/hr rain rates at times in a few areas - particularly in
    northeastern Kansas. These rates were just shy of FFG thresholds
    (generally in the 1.5-2 inch/hr range), suggesting only an
    isolated flash flood threat in low-lying and/or urban areas in the
    short term.

    The ongoing flash flood scenario should continue for a few more
    hours. Convection should persist as long as propagating
    cells/linear segments maintain southeastward motion and leverage
    steep lapse rates along the eastern extent of a central Plains
    EML. Instability wanes with eastward extent, and the expectation
    is that convection should also weaken especially east of a line
    generally from Sedalia to Springfield.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-q2NWdRXGq5M7yw9z4eSG-7VbXZdVkE76mbJgkyXVVoJoae84Z_lNTwv-XMQUaVksxvD= zRCZvK7NXsP_5SLU6vDCRjY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40029472 39349344 38119301 37509297 37349348=20
    37309586 38239666 39879640=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 8 07:33:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080733

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0407
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    332 AM EDT Sat Jun 08 2024

    Areas affected...southern Missouri, far northern Arkansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 080731Z - 081131Z

    Summary...Intense convective complex is making quick southeast
    progress toward the discussion area. Rain rates of 1-1.5 inch/hr
    are continuing with stronger convection near the MCS. Flash
    flooding is likely - especially as the band reaches hillier
    terrain of the Ozarks.

    Discussion...An intense MCS continues to migrate southeastward
    across southeast Kansas/western Missouri and continues to be aided
    by 1) strong mid-level lapse rated (7.5+ C/km) and 2) strong
    southwesterly low-level flow providing ascent/convergence on the
    MCS's western/southern flanks. The end result has been areas of
    1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates at times, which have threatened areal FFG
    thresholds (1.5-2 inch/hr). The MCS was making quick
    southeastward progress toward the Missouri Ozarks, where hillier
    terrain and slightly more sensitive ground conditions should
    prompt an increased flash flood risk. Additionally, convection
    has formed out ahead of the line of storms on the southern extent
    of the complex (near the Pittsburg, KS vicinity). Cell mergers
    and the orientation of this line (favoring localized training) may
    boost rain rates into the 2 inch/hr range on at least a spotty
    basis, with 1-1.5 inch/hr rates becoming widespread especially
    across southwestern Missouri.

    Each of these factors suggest an increasing flash flood risk
    across the Ozarks through 11Z. It is also probable that the
    complex (and associated flash flood threat) will approach northern
    Arkansas around/after 1030Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5GQ11jq9FMg-qM-e-Q4yhWdtCsuUksnmrShDtixBYZUndb5rLN2AVRKpVrsK3yMjHlIz= uTv-Qv8RFPQAsxQoKh_5W0U$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39269390 38929256 38069136 36989087 36239093=20
    36029163 35969292 36529428 37519525 39179470=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 8 19:59:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081959

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0408
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    358 PM EDT Sat Jun 08 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Central High Plains

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 081957Z - 090000Z

    Summary...Organizing showers and thunderstorms will move east into
    the Central High Plains through this evening. Rainfall rates of
    more than 2"/hr are likely, which through short-term training
    could produce 2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash
    flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E clean IR imagery this afternoon shows
    expanding cloud tops that are cooling rapidly to nearly -60C
    across eastern and central Colorado. These thunderstorms are
    blossoming within favorable thermodynamics characterized by PWs of
    0.8-1.0 inches and a ribbon of SBCAPE exceeding 2500 J/kg. These
    thermodynamics are being acted upon by increasing ascent as a
    potent shortwave noted in the WV imagery dropping out of Idaho
    approaches from the west, driving downstream height falls and
    divergence, which is overlapping increased upslope flow as
    easterly winds advect atop a stationary front and lift into the
    terrain. Together this is resulting in the expanding thunderstorm
    coverage, and recent radar-estimated rain rates have already
    reached 1.5"/hr according to KFTG WSR-88D.

    During the next few hours, convection is expected to expand and
    intensify as forcing for ascent increases and moisture/instability
    continues to surge on the E/SE flow out of the Plains. This is
    evident in simulated reflectivity from the available high-res
    members, which is additionally supported by nearly 100%
    probabilities in the SPC HREF for widespread coverage of >40dbZ
    reflectivity shifting east through this evening. Additionally,
    0-6km bulk shear values rise steadily to the east, reaching 40-50
    kts into the northeast High Plains of CO, which will support more
    rapid storm organization, and there is high confidence in MCS
    development this evening. The combination of storm organization
    and persistently robust thermodynamics will support rainfall rates
    that have a 20-30% chance of exceeding 2"/hr according to the HREF
    neighborhood probabilities. Despite propagation vectors that are
    generally 30 kts to the east, some training is likely as these are
    aligned to the 850-300mb mean winds, supporting the accumulation
    of 2-3" of rainfall with locally higher amounts progged by HREF
    3"/6hr probabilities reaching 10-20%.

    Soils are generally dry across the Central High Plains at this
    time, with 0-10cm RSM from NASA SPoRT being just 20-30% due to
    7-day rainfall that has been only 25-50% of normal. This is
    resulting in generally elevated FFG, but there still exist pockets
    as low as 1-1.5"/3hrs which has a 10-20% chance of exceedance.
    While the greater flash flood risk appears to be focused later
    this evening and farther east, for the next several hours any
    training or more intense rainfall rates could produce isolated
    instances of runoff and flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-sRFgOeQsr6oqSi1_-xhGL5CxYiEF0KAG15E5W6dy0X4XF9VRf3nzRscAkCkqOxWTi49= WsORYdzX_-Yi2KJBY4ChRfk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41610460 41480357 40990217 40910206 40430155=20
    39770142 39100171 38760230 38760299 38830360=20
    39230434 39730473 40640530 40890544 41500537=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 8 23:19:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082319

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0409
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    718 PM EDT Sat Jun 08 2024

    Areas affected...far Southeast Kansas through Southern Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 082317Z - 090500Z

    Summary...Widespread showers and thunderstorms with rain rates
    eclipsing 2"/hr will train across parts of far Eastern Kansas into
    Southern Missouri this evening. Where the most pronounced training
    occurs, more than 5" of rainfall is possible, and this will likely
    result in flash flooding.

    Discussion...Bubbling TCu with some Cb noted in the GOES-E visible
    imagery near SW Missouri appears to be the first signal for what
    could be a significant heavy rainfall and flash flood event
    tonight. This convection is blossoming ahead of a southward
    sinking cold front, aided by modest fgen in the RRQ of a distant
    upper jet streak, and increasing low-level convergence as 850mb
    inflow begins to surge from the SW at 15-25 kts. This ascent is
    impinging into extreme thermodynamics to support heavy rainfall,
    noted by PWs measured by GPS of around 1.7 inches, near the record
    daily max according to the SPC sounding climatology, and SPC RAP
    analyzed MLCAPE of more than 4000 J/kg. Ascent acting upon this
    extreme environment should support explosive growth of convection,
    with bulk shear suggesting organization into clusters or an MCS
    during the next few hours as well.

    The guidance is in good agreement that thunderstorms will rapidly
    intensify and expand in the next few hours, with the surge of the
    LLJ drawing the most impressive moisture and instability northward
    to intersect the slow southward advance of the cold front. With a
    broad ridge to the south and trough to the north, the area will
    remain pinched in W/NW flow, and 850-300mb mean flow responds by
    remaining generally from the W through the evening. As storms
    develop, this indicates they will track along the front, and then
    even more impressively parallel to the nose of the LLJ as it
    intensifies. This has a two-pronged affect of intensifying
    moisture flux (SREF 850-700mb flux to +3 sigma) while also driving
    intense convergence for ascent. The slow veer of the LLJ will also
    result in Corfidi vectors becoming increasingly aligned against
    the mean flow later tonight, indicating a high potential for
    backbuilding and enhanced training.

    In the robust environment, rain rates have a 40% chance of
    exceeding 2"/hr according to HREF neighborhood probabilities, and
    it seems plausible that brief 3"/hr rates could occur, especially
    in more organized clusters. Where these rates train/backbuild,
    locally more than 5" of rainfall is possible as noted by HREF
    probabilities reaching 25% for 5"/6hrs.

    The setup appears extremely favorable for flash flooding, made
    even more supportive by antecedent soils that are somewhat
    compromised from 24-hr MRMS rainfall as much as 2" in SW MO, and
    7-day rainfall from AHPS that is in some places above 150% of
    normal. This has lowered FFG to 1.5-2"/3hrs, which has a higher
    than 40% chance of exceedance in a broad area. This further
    supports the likelihood of flash flooding, and with additional
    rainfall possible even after 05Z, this first round could prime the
    region for more significant impacts overnight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5Ow5ryy2YLsA6jRnYFKqunXMA_0A8bKLcW8u65qAlf-Qt3Q5VX3J7YoQZ6EKUJUqsY1C= EHAfifU9SFMAkOW1jJBI4n4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38479379 38359214 37759041 37269001 36659005=20
    36429050 36409130 36589259 37089457 37619546=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 9 00:07:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090007

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0410
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    806 PM EDT Sat Jun 08 2024

    Areas affected...far Eastern Colorado, much of Kansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 090004Z - 090600Z

    Summary...Widespread thunderstorms in eastern Colorado will likely
    merge into an MCS this evening and move west to east across
    Kansas. Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr are likely, which could produce
    2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon shows
    widespread thunderstorms moving across eastern Colorado with
    embedded supercells containing radar-estimated rain rates of 1.5
    to 2 inches per hour. These thunderstorms are expanding in a
    region of ascent forced via easterly upslope flow and through
    low-level convergence along a stationary front. A convectively
    enhanced shortwave racing through the flow from the west is also
    contributing ascent to the area. This resulting impressive lift is
    occurring into robust thermodynamics to support heavy rainfall,
    with PWs reaching 1.3 to 1.5 inches, overlapping a ribbon of
    MLCAPE of 2000-3000 J/kg. The greatest instability and moisture is
    currently pooled over central/eastern KS, but persistent E/SE flow
    between 925-850mb will draw these more elevated thermodynamics to
    the west to support intensification and expansion of thunderstorms
    as they emerge from CO.

    As convection pushes east this evening, it will encounter bulk
    shear above 50 kts, supporting MCS development as storms move
    across Kansas. There is good model and ingredient support for this
    evolution, so confidence is high in this progression, and rainfall
    rates within this MCS will likely (40-60% chance) exceed 2"/hr,
    with short term rates of 3+"/hr possible. This MCS may become
    forward propagating as it tracks to the east, so rainfall duration
    may be somewhat muted. However, downstream of this MCS an
    increasing LLJ reaching 25-30 kts from the S/SW will efficiently
    merge into a convergence axis along the nose draped west to east
    across KS. With this LLJ resupplying ample moisture and
    instability into the region, additional thunderstorm development
    along this axis and ahead of the MCS is likely as shown by most
    available high res CAMs. Thunderstorms that develop along the LLJ
    will feature repeating rounds, and with rain rates here also
    likely reaching 1-2"/hr, where this convection overlaps with the
    MCS sweeping through later in the evening, some areas may receive
    2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts.

    Parts of KS have received more than 200% of rainfall the past 7
    days according to AHPS, and although the coverage is variable,
    this has reduced FFG to below 2"/3hrs in many areas. The HREF 3-hr
    FFG exceedance probabilities peak above 40%, highest across areas
    that get both LLJ thunderstorms and the MCS, but 0-10cm RSM from
    NASA SPoRT is only 25-35%. This could limit the FF risk at least
    somewhat, so it appears instances are possible, but additional
    MPDs may be needed to address a greater FF risk later tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9vl7z4ANGD0pYk5JY_MJELJLZYVxk89gpPldupQ8h8-qcQHTK6EA-ky8hcsLQ2q1CsUM= OhNHlgK9eVYCHQoG6dlOwBE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39670153 39300028 38919855 38799696 38359569=20
    38049549 37789553 37559560 37299599 37179681=20
    37109824 37080013 37230163 37720245 38960311=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 9 04:52:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090452

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0411
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1252 AM EDT Sun Jun 09 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern Kansas, southern Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090451Z - 091051Z

    Summary...Flash flooding remains likely across the discussion area
    through 11Z. Significant impacts are expected especially across
    southwestern Missouri.

    Discussion...Flash flood potential continues across the discussion
    area. The areas of potential foci for heavy rainfall risk exist
    with 1) a rapidly evolving MCS from near Dodge City
    east-northeastward to Salina, where torrential rain and occasional
    cell mergers/slow movement have resulted in 2 inch/hr estimates at
    times and 2) with lingering convection across southwestern
    Missouri near Springfield and just north of Joplin. The
    pre-convective environment is plenty moist/unstable, with both
    3000+ J/kg MLCAPE and 1.7-2.1 inch PW values focused along and
    just north of a stationary boundary near the KS/OK border.=20
    Low-level convergence (on the northern extent of 25-40 kt
    south-southwesterly 850mb flow over Oklahoma) continues to provide
    a focus for convective development - especially from near Salina
    to near Springfield, MO - out ahead of an intense southwestern KS

    The overall regime for ascent/convection from central KS to
    southwestern Missouri is not expected to change much over the next
    6 hours. Areas of heavier rainfall are expected to train in these
    areas and produce potential for multiple hours of 1-2 inch/hr rain
    rates. Furthermore, ground conditions are sensitive in
    southwestern Missouri/eastern Kansas where 1-3 inch/hr totals were
    observed yesterday night and additional 2-3 inch amounts were
    observed in southwestern Missouri today. These areas could
    experience significant flash flooding, with long-duration
    thunderstorm risk potentially resulting in an additional 3-6 inch
    totals before the southwestern KS MCS moves through later tonight.

    Farther upstream, the southwestern KS MCS was maturing and surging
    to the east due to upscale growth and increasing mid-level
    organization. Areas of 2 inch/hr rain rates were
    observed/estimated along portions of the MCS that have resulted in
    flash flood impacts in/near Garden City. More isolated flash
    flood potential exists due to the forward-propagating nature of
    the storms, although local cell mergers and training could
    continue to promote 2 inch/hr rain rates at times.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_8Jxb6GguU9PDFoBsOCwYyOd8bgzE-l8Czlpf7hzdJgu4Dui11E50wDSbmhUM81TMQQE= i2WjR5k1ERZN9eboE3Rgz2o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38889631 38129252 36879116 36359127 36289212=20
    36539413 37069733 37039989 37550063 38280020=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 9 09:43:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090943

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0412
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    542 AM EDT Sun Jun 09 2024

    Areas affected...southern Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, far
    southeastern Kansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090942Z - 091500Z

    Summary...Another 2-4 inches of rainfall is expected through 15Z
    across southern Missouri this morning. Areas of flash flooding
    (locally significant) remain likely.

    Discussion...A mature MCS continues to make its way through the
    discussion are this morning. Scattered to numerous thunderstorms
    continue with a warm-advection regime downstream of a surging
    linear segment near Pittsburg, Kansas, with heavy rain and areas
    of 2 inch/hr rain rates noted from Nevada to Bolivar to West
    Plains. The aforementioned axis was oriented favorably for
    training while embedded in a steep-lapse-rate (~7-7.5 C/km)
    environment with abundant moisture (2+ inch PW values).=20
    Convergence on the nose of 30-kt westerly 850mb flow also
    continues to support ongoing activity, and multiple cell mergers
    were noted per radar mosaic imagery over the past hour or so.

    Models/observations continue to support a west-to-east translation
    of ongoing convection over the next few hours, with heavy rainfall
    (and local 2+ inch/hr rain rates continuing). 2-4 inch totals are
    also likely through 15Z with this activity. There is a risk of
    training convection eventually making it to southeast Missouri/far
    northeastern Arkansas during this timeframe as well. The back end
    of the heavier rainfall will likely approach the region from the
    west in tandem with a convectively induced mid-level shortwave
    trough currently centered near Hutchinson. On its current trek,
    the trough should clear most of the discussion area, reaching
    theJefferson City area by mid-morning (around 15Z).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_PkwunbaigdZwQx1Nsp50HfwZzNyI9xI8ViG5IltRpj5aihX4swIkTqwun1tf1aYfBxc= US0pSWyA09Nrl5JzLFoxiqw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38479386 37909072 36928961 36118978 35689065=20
    36679316 37149549 37469615 38069609 38469545=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 9 20:45:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 092044

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0413
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    444 PM EDT Sun Jun 09 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast High Plains of NM through the northern
    TX Hill Country

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 092043Z - 100200Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand across portions of
    the Southern High Plains through this evening with clusters moving
    very slowly across the area. Rain rates are expected to reach
    2-3"/hr, which through slow storm motions could produce 1-3" of
    rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E IR imagery this afternoon indicates two
    distinct areas of cooling cloud tops and increased lightning
    frequency associated with deepening convection. The first is
    across far southeast NM along an inverted surface trough analyzed
    by WPC behind a cold front, with secondary blossoming occurring
    along a weak 700mb deformation axis draped across the Permian
    Basin and into the northern Hill Country. These forcing mechanisms
    are driving strong lift into favorable thermodynamics
    characterized by PWs of 1 to 1.5 inches, highest east, and
    accompanying MLCape of 1500-3000 J/kg. A weak shortwave ejecting
    out of southern NM will traverse northeast through the evening as
    well, contributing additional lift, and this will result in
    widespread thunderstorm coverage across the region. Rainfall rates
    have already been estimated around 1.5"/hr via local radars, and
    these rates should increase as available moisture continues to
    increase on post-frontal easterly flow.

    The high res is admittedly struggling with the current activity,
    leading to some lower confidence in the evolution the next several
    hours, although the recent HRRR and FV3 are most accurately
    depicting the current radar. As forcing persists and
    thermodynamics subtly enhance on the easterly flow, the
    ingredients suggest storms should become more widespread, lending
    credence to the HRRR/FV3 solutions. Thunderstorms should generally
    initialize along the surface trough and mid-level deformation
    axis, but with minimal weak shear, pulse convection is anticipated
    to be the primary storm mode which will result in additional
    development along outflows and mergers. This will lead to
    widespread coverage into the evening, with rain rates of 1-2"/hr
    common, possibly pulsing to briefly 2-3"/hr through storm
    interactions. Mean 850-300mb winds will remain light at just 5-10
    kts, and collapsed Corfidi vectors at also just around 5 kts will
    remain nearly anti-parallel to this weak mean flow. This suggests
    that storms will move chaotically and could train/repeat in many
    areas, lengthening the duration of heavy rain to produce 1-3" of
    rainfall with locally higher amounts.

    0-40cm soil moisture according to NASA SPoRT is generally near to
    below normal, but spots reaching the 70th-80th percentiles also
    exist. In these areas, FFG is still elevated, but somewhat lower
    than the surrounding soils, falling to 1.5-2.5"/1hr, which could
    be exceeded as reflected by HREF exceedance probabilities of
    10-15%. This suggests that at least isolated instances of flash
    flooding are possible through the evening, focused primarily where
    repeating storms can occur or across any more sensitive terrain


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8J_5YlLOmLR_vAwCmOrx8aBqO6rqnE0q56O0iAziUJcYFF7YdoUHCEMDwsexP8XLMt-9= AOt9Lu29Wo2gepUVmNxOpP8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35470365 35160275 34770250 34340218 33250199=20
    32180090 31609983 31079891 30469874 30109958=20
    30140130 30300222 30780319 31410403 32310451=20
    33740516 34780540 35380470=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 9 22:38:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 092238

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0414
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    637 PM EDT Sun Jun 09 2024

    Areas affected...central Colorado into northern New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 092237Z - 100401Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will become increasingly
    widespread through the evening and move slowly across the Front
    Range and Sangre de Cristos into the High Plains of CO/NM.
    Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are expected, which could result in 1-2"
    of rain with isolated higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic the past hour or two has
    shown a rapid expansion of higher reflectivity comprising more
    widespread showers and thunderstorms. The focus of this activity
    has been generally across the higher terrain of the Front Range,
    Sangre de Cristos, and Jemez Mountains where SBCAPE has climbed
    above 2000 J/kg according to the SPC RAP analysis. This
    instability is combining with PWs of 0.7 to 0.9 inches, around the
    90th percentile for the date, to produce an environment easily
    supporting this intensifying convection. Low-level moist advection
    on post-frontal easterly flow is resupplying moisture and
    upsloping into the terrain to further support the environment for
    heavy rainfall producing convection.

    As the afternoon progresses, the high-res CAMs, although currently
    underplaying the coverage of convection, suggest thunderstorms
    will expand even further and intensify, with the HREF indicating
    the probabilities for 1"/hr rain rates reaching above 50% by this
    evening. These storms will continue to form in a pulse environment characterized by minimal bulk shear, so lifespans should be
    generally short except where immediately adjacent development
    occurs on terrain features, outflow boundaries, or storm
    collisions. Additionally, mean cloud layer winds are extremely
    weak at just around 5 kts, so storm motions will remain slow and
    chaotic. These slow storm motions will support rainfall that could
    exceed (40-50% chance) 2 inches in a few locations. Where these
    intense rates linger, where multiple rounds occur, or if a storm
    moves across a sensitive terrain feature, burn scar, or urban
    area, instances of flash flooding could result.

    Eventually, convection is expected to congeal and move east off
    the terrain this evening. Depending on how this evolves into
    tonight, additional MPDs may be needed to address that threat as


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5ylk5rP49MYyiGSMsLFcW-dJlTdUttu9uI440c9lC1QLlHtXde9QjYHdVYY32ixTRYeX= lEFiYfvGH1gP_V28K-eSVK0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39500496 39220431 38130378 37070377 35780442=20
    35350501 35260616 35630677 36100658 36600626=20
    37240605 37720604 39170628=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 10 01:10:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100110

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0415
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    909 PM EDT Sun Jun 09 2024

    Areas affected...High Plains of NM through the southern Panhandle
    of TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 100109Z - 100600Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will become increasingly
    widespread this evening across the southern Panhandle of Texas and
    into eastern New Mexico. Rainfall rates will likely eclipse 2"/hr,
    which through slow storm motions and repeated clusters could
    produce 2-3" of rain with local amounts to 5". Instances of flash
    flooding are likely.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic has become quite impressive
    this evening, with widespread convection and heavy rain developing
    from the Hill Country of TX through the Cap Rock and into the High
    Plains of NM. These storms are generally unfocused and
    disorganized pulse in a region of very weak shear, but are
    widespread thanks to significant forcing. A warm front analyzed by
    WPC is wavering across the region, while a convectively enhanced
    shortwave emerges from NM. At the same time, moisture confluence
    is intensifying along the warm front, providing a focus for
    convergence and ascent into a ribbon of MLCAPE exceeding 2000 J/kg
    overlapped with 1.4 to 1.6 inch PWs. Despite the weak shear, this
    intensifying ascent into the robust thermodynamics is driving
    rapid convective growth primarily along the warm front, but also
    along residual outflow boundaries and within any storm
    collisions/mergers. Rainfall rates have been estimated above 2"/hr
    according to KLBB WSR-88D, which has already produced some
    instances of flash flooding despite modest residence times of
    these rates.

    The high res continues to under-forecast the current coverage, but
    the overall evolution of the recent HRRR runs appears reasonable.
    The northeast advance of the shortwave out of NM combined with a
    subtle surge of 850mb inflow from the south to advance the warm
    front back to the north should cause additional thunderstorm
    development into tonight. Mean 0-6km winds of just 5-10 kts
    suggests convection will drift north/northeast, while Corfidi
    vectors aligned back to the SE at 10-15 kts indicate some training
    potential. Additionally, the lack of meaningful shear suggests
    storms will continue to pulse up with the accompanying outflows
    driving secondary ascent, while storms lifting off the terrain in
    NM could congeal and drop into the High Plains, providing
    additional focus for heavy rainfall.

    This will likely result in some areas receiving a long duration,
    or multiple rounds, of heavy rainfall with rates exceeding 2"/hr
    as forecast by HREF hourly rain probabilities for 2 inches
    reaching 20-25%. Where this occurs, amounts of 2-3" with up to 5"
    are possible as reflected by the HREF. This will be falling atop
    soils that are generally dry according to NASA SPoRT, but still
    feature some 3-hr FFG as low as 1.5-2.5". This has a 40%-50%
    chance of exceedance tonight, suggesting instances of flash
    flooding are likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5J4r6QEKDeibWEQDqnR9JnkPfMpVcsPu2t3T8bOZ2kjV08_HEkXRq14hV31lJfzpM6bG= aumsr1d9tPz_6Ok0y7ePoCo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36830442 36390345 35990274 35120159 34550008=20
    34379964 33989871 33069875 32730011 32740185=20
    33150312 33910418 34620468 35330505 36060505=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 10 04:05:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100405

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0416
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1204 AM EDT Mon Jun 10 2024

    Areas affected...southern/eastern Colorado, far northeastern New

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 100404Z - 100804Z

    Summary...Slow-moving downpours continue to produce 1-2 inch/hr
    rain rates at times. An attendant flash flood risk should exist
    with this activity through at least 07Z.

    Discussion...Low-level upslope across eastern Colorado continues
    to support deep convective development along and east of the I-25
    corridor across the discussion area. The upslope regime has
    fostered convective development that has formed nearly stationary
    cold pools to focus heavy rainfall for multiple hours at times.=20
    The cells are in a marginally unstable, but moist environment
    (~500 J/kg SBCAPE and 1.1 inch PW values). Additionally,
    mid-level flow was weak/negligible, resulting in slow cell
    movement governed mainly by propagation and development of cold
    pools on the mesoscale. Rain rates of 1-1.5 inch/hr have been
    noted with the most persistent activity, which has locally
    exceeded FFG thresholds at times and contributed to excessive
    runoff especially near Pueblo this evening.

    The ongoing scenario for flash flooding should continue for at
    least a few hours, although duration beyond about 07Z is a bit
    uncertain. Widespread convective overturning may result in a
    gradual decrease in opportunity for surface-based convection
    through the night, but low-level southeasterly flow (around 20
    knots at 850mb) should continue to aid in forcing convective
    development especially along north-south oriented outflow
    boundaries through the night. Some degree of surface-based
    buoyancy may also persist ahead of the convection as well given
    low-level trajectories. Flash flooding should remain possible
    through at least 07Z in this regime.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4jI8wlTsbe4gqnhPvspIPkM5BB7QKRHOW-e4PMMQPm2Lo2F1w1t2qgRJk9loLo92Jg3n= 1U-vvZ2778_XBtlG6pBbaeA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39240469 39110340 37970280 36710324 36500471=20
    37620535 38960507=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 10 06:20:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100620

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0417
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    219 AM EDT Mon Jun 10 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Texas Panhandle, Texas South
    Plains, and north Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 100618Z - 101118Z

    Summary...Flash flooding remains likely through at least 11Z as
    areas of deep convection continue to develop and move slowly along
    an axis from Amarillo to Wichita Falls to near Abilene.

    Discussion...Flash flood potential continues. Recent radar mosaic
    imagery denote continued deep convective development across
    portions of the Panhandle east-southeastward through western North
    Texas. A weak surface boundary and robust difluence aloft
    downstream of mid/upper disturbance across the southern Rockies
    continues to promote ascent of a weakly to moderately unstable
    airmass across the region (with instability strongest across north
    Texas that have not yet been convectively overturned).=20
    Additionally, weak low-level easterly flow continues to aid in
    advection and maintenance of a very moist airmass (upper 60s to
    70F dewpoints and 1.8 inch PW values) toward areas of ongoing deep
    convection. Weak steering flow aloft continues to result in slow
    movement of individual cells, with 2-3 inch/hr rain rates
    estimated per MRMS. This axis of precipitation has been fairly
    active despite widespread convective overturning/stabilization
    earlier across large portions of the Texas South Plains.

    The ongoing scenario will continue to evolve slowly and pose a
    flash flood risk across the discussion area through at least 11Z.
    Low-level stabilization is gradually resulting in more limited
    opportunity for heavier rainfall to materialize, although this
    process will take time to unfold and eliminate flash flood
    potential on a widespread basis (per models/00Z HREF). FFG
    thresholds (ranging from 1 inch/hr in the Panhandle to 2.5
    inches/hr across western north Texas) are being exceeded
    occasionally - further suggestive of flash flood potential for the
    next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Zi_8DVvIZ5tZJxSmPV9FcsFB5iUGUzqaHT2Ijx6ixsHf_Lfxkv-Ikhl8RA0AE40WVFg= 2S6ZhKaJH2pLkDaYlxF8jUY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36070211 35450020 34409803 33609715 32749694=20
    32419824 32700036 33840163 34240242 34750314=20
    35520345 35960291=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 10 06:26:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100626

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0417
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    225 AM EDT Mon Jun 10 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Texas Panhandle, Texas South
    Plains, and north Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 100618Z - 101118Z

    Summary...Flash flooding remains likely through at least 11Z as
    areas of deep convection continue to develop and move slowly along
    an axis from Amarillo to Wichita Falls to near Abilene.

    Discussion...Flash flood potential continues. Recent radar mosaic
    imagery denotes continued deep convective development across
    portions of the Panhandle east-southeastward through western North
    Texas. A weak surface boundary and robust difluence aloft
    downstream of mid/upper disturbance across the southern Rockies
    continues to promote ascent of a weakly to moderately unstable
    airmass across the region (with instability strongest across areas
    of north Texas that have not yet been convectively overturned).=20 Additionally, weak low-level easterly flow continues to aid in
    advection and maintenance of a very moist airmass (upper 60s to
    70F dewpoints and 1.8 inch PW values) toward areas of ongoing deep
    convection. Weak steering flow aloft continues to result in slow
    movement of individual cells, with 2-3 inch/hr rain rates
    estimated per MRMS. This axis of precipitation has been fairly
    active despite widespread convective overturning/stabilization
    earlier across large portions of the Texas South Plains.

    The ongoing scenario will continue to evolve slowly and pose a
    flash flood risk across the discussion area through at least 11Z.
    Low-level stabilization is gradually resulting in more limited
    opportunity for heavier rainfall to materialize, although this
    process will take time to unfold and eliminate flash flood
    potential on a widespread basis (per models/00Z HREF). FFG
    thresholds (ranging from 1 inch/hr in the Panhandle to 2.5
    inches/hr across western north Texas) are being exceeded
    occasionally - further suggestive of flash flood potential for the
    next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5ig7cTTayAhY6l4YSBMRMvAavqIUSgPu8vM7fMXg9K53xXpDjHRARw1Fhrskint3i2hJ= 4I4B0A6VECSKmHkaSTenP7I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36070211 35450020 34409803 33609715 32749694=20
    32419824 32700036 33840163 34240242 34750314=20
    35520345 35960291=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 10 22:29:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 102229

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0419
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    629 PM EDT Mon Jun 10 2024

    Areas affected...Cap Rock into Rolling Plains of Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 102230Z - 110400Z

    SUMMARY...Deepening more efficient cells with slower cell motions
    in proximity to the upper low likely to develop into a forward
    propagating line with 1.75"/hr rates crossing lower FFG/recently
    saturated soil conditions; pose possible scattered flash flooding
    into this evening.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E satellite imagery suite depicts well defined
    fairly symmetric closed low over central Eastern NM. Recent RADAR
    and Visible loop shows solid convective initiation with recent
    uptick/rapidly cooling in the eastern quadrant of the low. Solid
    insolation and increased southeasterly low level inflow of
    15-20kts has provided sufficient convergence of increased pocket
    of 1500 J/kg of MLCAPE air at the nose of enhanced moisture q-axis
    that lays out through the Red River Valley (and south) with 1.5"
    TPW starting to reach west of 100W. As such, rainfall efficiency
    will start to increase from 1.5"/hr to 1.75" over the next few
    hours. Initially, cell motions will be dominated by weak steering
    near the upper-low allowing for increased duration. Eventually,
    weak cold pools and southeast propagation from veering low level
    inflow will increase cell motions to the south-southeast.

    Still spots of 2-3" are probable over areas that received heavy
    rainfall last evening into this morning. As such NASA SPoRT LIS
    0-40 relative soil moisture values are dotted above 60% through
    the CAP Rock into Northwest Texas. FFG values of 1-1.5/1hr and
    1.5-2"/3hr have a modestly high probability to be exceeded with
    the stronger cells, though forward cell motions will reduced
    totals to 1-2" as they approach the most compromised soil
    conditions along and east of 100W. As such, confidence of flash
    flooding is not very high but enough to suggest possible scattered
    instances through the late evening into early overnight period.=20=20
    Points further south into the northern Permian Basin are not as
    saturated but may have stronger perhaps rotating cells capable of
    more intense short-term rates, but still may not exceed the higher


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    LAT...LON 34660260 34660136 34249976 33319928 32589968=20
    32360055 32500185 32910264 33570300 34360296=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 11 08:29:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 110828

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0420
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    428 AM EDT Tue Jun 11 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 110828Z - 111428Z

    Summary...Locally heavy rainfall is expected to develop across
    portions of the southwest to west-central Florida Peninsula this
    morning. Hourly rain totals 2-3"+ and localized totals between
    4-6" will be possible, which may lead to flooding.

    Discussion...The deep plume of tropical moisture is advancing
    north/northeast early this morning, beginning to overspread the
    western and southwestern portions of the Florida Peninsula. The
    latest blended TPW products show values above 2.25", which is in
    excess of 2 std above normal (near +3 in places). Meanwhile, the
    combination of troughing over the Southeast U.S. and a lingering
    surface boundary in the area is helping to focus showers and
    thunderstorms into the southwest/western FL Peninsula. Current
    radar has clusters of storms beginning to organize just offshore
    Bradenton and Sarasota, with a slow drift north.

    Toward daybreak, the expectation is for more widespread showers
    and thunderstorms to develop further to the south/southwest and
    move across much of Southwest Florida. This activity will be
    focusing into several repeating training bands as the low level
    convergence increases and narrows. Expect hourly totals to pick up
    with this activity, likely between 2-3" at times based on the 00Z
    HREF probabilities (30-50 percent probs). The 6-hr HREF
    probabilities have moderate probabilities for at least 5 inches
    and even a signal for 8" totals (10-15 percent) through late

    Despite the relative soil dryness and higher flash flood guidance,
    the potential intensity of rainfall and total amounts may be
    enough to overcome that and result in instances of flooding,
    particularly for the more vulnerable and sensitive locations
    including urban areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!50hOImjRHbg5Nh94oFOP5U7O8o14EukkT_3IowsUApNTIbRuqf0M6KWBt2paNyvJKGro= r7mJ89jBepkNn_1izG6qqjM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27478255 27458229 27358210 27138197 26758175=20
    26218146 25868096 25518108 25528137 25988194=20
    26408225 26978259 27258285=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 11 09:03:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 110903

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0421
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    503 AM EDT Tue Jun 11 2024

    Areas affected...Texas Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 110902Z - 111332Z

    Summary...Intense rain rates of near 1-2"/hr and localized
    rainfall totals of 2-4" will be possible this morning as slower
    moving thunderstorms track across the area. This may lead to flash
    flooding, especially over areas that are more saturated due to
    recent heavy rainfall.

    Discussion...A lingering shortwave trough across the Texas
    Panhandle is noted in the latest water vapor imagery. This feature
    is expected to slowly move eastward over the next 3-6 hours,
    reaching northern Texas later today. This will provide an ehnanced
    zone of forcing for ascent, which is already manifesting into a
    line or two of deep convection early this morning. This activity
    is within a zone of higher moisture, characterized by PWs around
    1.5". In addition, there is roughly about 1000-1500 J/kg of MUCAPE
    available based on the latest mesoanalysis.

    There is pretty good agreement in the last few runs of the HRRR
    and other hi-res guidance that this activity will continue to move
    east and hold its intensity through at least mid to late morning
    with the upscale growth eventually leading to a more organized MCS
    before weakening toward 17-18Z. Until then, the robust deep
    convection in the increeasingly more moist environment will
    support hourly rain totals as high as 2" based on the latest HREF probabilities. Over the next 6 hours, isolated totals of 2-4" will
    be possible. Some of this rainfall will fall near/over areas that
    already saw recent heavy rainfall and have much lower flash flood
    guidance (1-hr as low as 1-1.5") and the expected motion/track and
    rainfall amounts could easiily overcome these values.

    As a result, some localized instances of flash flooding will be
    possible through the morning hours with the potential of intense
    rain rates and higher rainfall totals of 2-4".


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7BRlWGTz799IP6ROycDL9VM-XzCgeV7Z4jYBGq2H0M2BQFmws8OTV1qcSND9sTU-Zt41= 8CYIN7Wj8GK8XY7k_yXbsR4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34440025 34149908 33459896 32909920 32589955=20
    32590019 32860088 33250171 33750147 34180121=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 11 15:57:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 111557

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0422
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1155 AM EDT Tue Jun 11 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Florida Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 111554Z - 112200Z

    Summary...Continued advection of deep moisture across the southern
    Florida Peninsula will maintain additional rounds of heavy
    rainfall through the afternoon hours. Rainfall rates of 1.5 to
    2.5 inches per hour with the strongest convection, especially over
    areas with saturated grounds, could lead to additional instances
    of flooding.

    Discussion...After a brief weakening trend from the heavier
    rainfall earlier this morning, convection is growing over the
    nearshore waters of the southwestern Florida coast in an
    environment with anomalous PWS on the order of 2.25-2.50+ inches.=20
    This is slowly moving in a general northeasterly direction, and
    will result in higher rainfall rates from Sarasota to Marco
    Island. The ongoing stratiform rain for this region will once
    again become more convective in nature as the next surge of deep
    tropical moisture moves in, supported by a 500mb vort max.=20
    Widespread 1-2 inch totals have already been observed so far today.

    There is also the potential for some episodes of convective
    training across the metro areas of Palm Beach, Broward, and
    Miami-Dade counties, although the potential for excessive rainfall
    here is generally lower than for the metro areas near the
    southwestern coast. There have been some instances of convective
    training just off the eastern coast, and these could cause some
    flooding issues if they develop over the urban areas of South
    Florida this afternoon.

    The latest high-res model guidance suite continues to depict 3-6
    inch QPF maxima in the general vicinity of Punta Gorda/Fort
    Myers/Naples through about 6pm local time, with the latest HRRR
    guidance likely overdone with the extent of these higher totals.=20
    The guidance generally depicts 1 to locally 2 inches for the
    eastern portions of the MPD area. Instances of flooding will be
    possible where higher rainfall rates persist over any given area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-3pknS8Uhk8-_D6c8yRdsf4nV3SmxFzCn5_P4lGDEsNnZ87zLi5gY-Pjlxu3MvHy9J1G= bHdGKUd8WQPfPhgiXtxq9lI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27568251 27458210 27168185 27018162 26758121=20
    26708085 26698071 26728059 26748047 26838022=20
    26757998 26227999 25738006 25328018 25068053=20
    25088105 25188127 25488145 25808172 26168197=20
    26418219 26788244 27258266=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 11 19:54:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 111954

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0423
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    353 PM EDT Tue Jun 11 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Central TX including the Hill Country

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 111952Z - 120152Z

    SUMMARY...Some uptick in the coverage of showers and thunderstorms
    can be expected over the next few hours heading into the evening
    time frame. A localized and mainly urban flash flood threat will
    exist from heavy rainfall rates.

    DISCUSSION...The mid-afternoon GOES-E visible satellite imagery
    shows a well-defined MCV over north-central TX which continues to
    facilitate the southeast advance of a long-lived outflow boundary
    down toward the TX Hill Country. The southern flank of the outflow
    boundary is expected to become increasingly aligned west to east
    in nature over the next few hours while still gradually losing
    latitude with time. There is a rather substantial amount of
    moisture and instability in place over south-central TX that will
    be pooled up along this boundary going into the evening hours.

    MLCAPE values have risen locally to as high as 1500 J/kg, and some
    additional short-term uptick in instability is expected with the
    full diurnal heating cycle. The low levels of the column are very
    moist with dewpoints in the low to mid 70s, and PWs overall are
    close to 1.75 inches based off the latest NESDIS Blended-TPW and
    GPS-derived data.

    Forcing along the outflow boundary will be somewhat modest, but
    there is about 30 to 40 kts worth of effective bulk shear with at
    least a somewhat diffluent flow pattern aloft around the southeast
    flank of the aforementioned MCV. The 12Z HREF guidance suggests
    some increase in convective coverage over the next few hours, and
    sufficiently high enough rainfall rates for some localized 1-hour
    and 3-hour FFG exceedances.

    Rainfall rates are expected to increase to as much as 2.0 to 2.5
    inches/hour, and with rather slow cell-motions and some potential
    for repeating cell-activity, some spotty storm totals may reach 3
    to 4 inches. In time, the overall convective threat should tend to
    bow farther down to the south and east, and this will favor more
    areas of the TX Hill Country including areas around the San
    Antonio and Austin area to see a threat for heavy rainfall.

    Any flash flooding threat should tend to be localized, but this
    will include an urban flash flood threat should these locally very
    heavy rainfall rates make it into the more urbanized locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6NBAPJceM369bWxIJnYJpMCeoDPkDQMFIDYoHx66OBi9uLo7llXhqZGZFFdzH_OmKvdl= TU5Wfs7NdPFoj4uxHMCmnjY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31769651 31469604 30249603 29339662 28919759=20
    28789862 29099970 29850020 30490000 30779938=20
    30979794 31669705=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 11 20:41:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 112041

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0424
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    440 PM EDT Tue Jun 11 2024

    Areas affected...South Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 112040Z - 120240Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and locally training showers and
    thunderstorms with extreme rainfall rates will continue going into
    the evening hours. Flash flooding is ongoing across parts of south
    FL and this threat will continue into the evening hours with some
    expansion of the threat along the I-95 corridor from Miami to Fort
    Lauderdale expected.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery in
    conjunction with dual-pol radar imagery shows numerous clusters of
    cold-topped convection with extreme rainfall rates impacting south
    FL, and especially the I-95 corridor of southeast FL around the
    Miami metropolitan area. The convection is focusing along a
    southwest/northeast orientation trough axis with a deep tropical
    airmass characterized by 2.5+ inch PWs and a tally skinny CAPE
    environment with MLCAPE values of 1500 J/kg.

    Rainfall rates with the ongoing activity have been extremely high
    and as high as 2 to 4 inches/hour with an extremely efficient
    environment favored by very high WBZ heights (over 15,000 feet)
    and persistent deep layer ascent that is also being supported by a
    30 kt southwest low-level jet coming in off the southeast Gulf of

    Given the latest satellite and radar trends, and output from the
    HRRR guidance, additional rainfall totals across south FL going
    through the mid-evening hours may reach 4 to 8 inches, with
    isolated storm totals potentially approaching or exceeding 10

    The urban corridor along I-95 from Miami to Fort Lauderdale will
    be at risk for locally significant and potentially
    life-threatening urban flash flooding given the extremely high
    rainfall rates and persistence of these training clusters/bands of
    showers and thunderstorms.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!54saN3Qp95rDRet6O6Oc_-vkXhB0v2oR8ScE1EAWhbRxi0vHxobywkL8S8UQqegie1AL= c2XvMwm9k8H0RjiVSNOMWmQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27088005 26367985 25717999 25178042 25118067=20
    25198118 25528136 25748166 25948174 26298109=20
    26648069 26968045=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 11 22:26:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 112226

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0425
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    625 PM EDT Tue Jun 11 2024

    Areas affected...West-Central FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 112224Z - 120224Z

    SUMMARY...Extremely heavy rainfall associated a nearly stationary
    low center just southwest of Tampa Bay is expected to pose a
    short-term urban flash flood threat from Bradenton down to

    DISCUSSION...Late-day GOES-E visible satellite imagery along with
    dual-pol radar shows a nearly stationary low center southwest of
    Tampa Bay over the far eastern Gulf of Mexico. Rather strong
    moisture convergence focused in around the southeast flank of the
    low center along with a moderately unstable airmass with MLCAPE
    values of 1500 to 2000 J/kg has been resulting in a persistent and
    concentrated band of very strong convection with extremely heavy
    rainfall rates.

    The cloud top temperatures with the convection have been as cold
    as -70 to -75C, and with a highly tropical environment with PWs
    pushing 2.25+ inches, some of the rainfall rates have been
    reaching 3 to 4 inches/hour over the last hour. Part of the
    convective band is offshore, but part of it over the last hour has
    edged onshore and is impacting the urban corridor from near
    Bradenton southward down through Sarasota.

    Recent radar trends suggest some northward advance of the
    convective band with the low center also showing some evidence of
    deepening somewhat which suggests the ongoing convective
    organization, albeit it sheared, over the southeast part of the
    low center may maintain itself in response to stronger low-level convergence/forcing.

    This suggests at least in the near-term that extremely heavy
    rainfall rates within this convective band may continue to edge
    farther inland and persist, with impacts in particular along the
    Bradenton to Sarosota urban corridor.

    Given extremely high rainfall rates of 3 to 4 inches/hour, some
    storm totals over the next 2 to 3 hours may locally approach or
    exceed 6 to 8 inches. Urban flash flooding is considered likely
    given the set-up, and this situation will need to be closely
    monitored going into the evening hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-yHY2B93DaDCEoujQR1mTa5uXko3GWH9Nwrj1hUWwl_fTcyNVN4F10fsdFYqZGACOI0w= R1A7_lOixWQX8prbozBdusk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27928261 27718218 27388201 27078202 26988235=20
    27258266 27718280=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 12 05:12:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120512

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0426
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    112 AM EDT Wed Jun 12 2024

    Areas affected...Tampa Metropolitan and surrounding areas of the
    west-central Florida Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 120511Z - 121000Z

    Summary...A couple bands of heavy rainfall have materialized along
    the eastern edge of a weak low approximately 30 miles west of
    Tampa. Heavy rainfall could persist for several hours, causing
    urban/localized flash flooding.

    Discussion...Persistent convection has materialized along focused
    low-level confluence from Tampa southward to Northport over the
    past 1-2 hours. The cells are also focused just east of a weak
    surface low offshore over the far eastern Gulf of Mexico. The
    cells are in a very moist airmass (2+ inch PW values), with strong
    instability located both offshore and along and along the
    confluence axis. Cells were not moving very quickly, and radar
    estimates were already beginning to exceed 2 inches/hr beneath
    heavier cells as the airmass supporting the activity was also
    fostering efficient rain rates.

    Some concern exists that the convection over Tampa could persist
    for several hours. The weak low west of Tampa is expected to move
    very little tonight, and nearby confluence should persist as
    stronger buoyancy remains oriented along/just west of the
    coastline. 1-2 inch/hr rain rates should continue, and 4-6 inch
    totals are possible through 10Z especially if convection remains
    as focused as current observations suggest. These totals should
    exceed FFG thresholds across the discussion area (generally in the 3-inch/3-hour range), and with hydrophobic/urbanized land surfaces
    beneath the ongoing convection, flash flood potential is expected
    to increase.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4XYjosX_2bedSpiiAEo6-GY6fDogNRMc6Y56wd0y454ifKJDVgWADeCjbE2HB2SSQ6Uj= 0sGQFKgqHmGkv54_EaGjxeA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28648280 28568211 28108134 26818094 26308142=20
    26248295 27228357=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 12 12:16:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121216

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0427
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    815 AM EDT Wed Jun 12 2024

    Areas affected...western (Gulf) coast of central and southern FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121215Z - 121800Z

    Summary...Localized rainfall rates on the order of 2-4"/hr may
    support additional localized totals of 6"+ with sufficient
    training/repeating of cells. Localized instances of flash flooding
    are likely, given the increased sensitivity from recent heavy

    Discussion...Heavy shower activity is once again building over the
    warm waters of the southeast Gulf of Mexico, following a relative
    lull this morning in convective activity along the western coast
    of central FL. A 25-35 kt low-level jet (LLJ) is situated just
    downstream (with the maxima near the eastern central coast of FL),
    resulting in a localized enhancement of lift (via DPVA with
    minimal influence from upper-level dynamics). The mesoscale
    environment is reminiscent of the tropics, as PWATs of 2.0-2.5"
    are near record levels (per TBW sounding climatology) with dew
    points in the upper 70s to near 80deg F, ML CAPE of 1000-1500
    J/kg, and effective bulk shear near 20 kts. While deep convection
    may be able to tap into more significant instability (as indicated
    by 3000-5000 MU CAPE just offshore), relatively shallow heavy showers/thunderstorms will easily produce 1-2"/hr rates (with more
    intense convection capable of 2-4"/hr rates, particularly if
    additional training/repeating occurs).

    Hi-res CAMs paint a rather concerning picture this morning,
    suggesting additional localized totals of 6"+ are possible through
    18z. This is indicated by both the 06z HREF probability matched
    mean (PMM) QPF and 40-km neighborhood exceedance probabilities
    (40-70% for 5" exceedance), as well as by hourly runs of the HRRR
    since 06z. That said, not every HREF member or every run of the
    HRRR indicates such totals, as this threat is conditionally
    dependent on a training/repeating axis to set up along the coast.
    This could occur anywhere from Sarasota to Naples, though the Fort
    Myers/Punta Gorda region looks most favored (per the observational
    trends matching up quite well with guidance). Given that average
    totals over the past 24 hours commonly range from 3-5" (with
    localized totals remarkably as high as 6-12", per MRMS
    esitimates), isolated instances of flash flooding appear to be
    likely (with locally significant impacts possible in poor
    drainage, urbanized terrain).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9DGr-rcTHsNUL3P7Mz5yy3WlnhtTL-wKr_zWQGEJ8rjtaCwcO0E2zamEbRSZRm-BX0wI= RTkh3PS6183pTnfzc_OOleQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28188232 27958105 26628083 25558114 25978226=20
    27288306 27968304=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 12 17:51:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121751

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0428
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    151 PM EDT Wed Jun 12 2024

    Areas affected...South FL into the Upper FL Keys

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121750Z - 122330Z

    Summary...Rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr to continue across already
    soaked regions of South FL, producing additional localized totals
    of 5"+. Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding likely
    (some locally significant).

    Discussion...A convective complex has gradually organized over the
    past several hours over South FL, most evidently identified via
    GOES-East with the emergence and expansion of very cold IR cloud
    tops (reaching -80deg C). This deep convective activity (with 30
    dBZ echo tops indicated to be as high as 50k ft with the strongest
    updrafts) has produced impressive estimated hourly totals of 3-4"
    (per MRMS), though the highest totals are likely closer to 3"
    (given that MRMS has demonstrated a bit of a high bias over the
    past several hours, compared to local gauges). Even still,
    convection is expected to remain organized given ample instability
    (1000-3000 J/kg of ML CAPE), highly anomalous tropospheric
    moisture (with PWATs 2.4-2.8", near all-time records at the top of
    the range), and impressive effective bulk shear of 25-35 kts (near
    the 90th percentile, per MFL sounding climatology). Strong
    low-level moisture transport and convergence from the southwest
    should allow for continued convective development and maintenance
    with training/repeating of 1-3"/hr rates most favored from near
    Naples eastward along Alligator Alley/Tamiami Trail to the greater
    Miami metro.

    Hi-res CAMs have done reasonably well over the past 6 hours, given
    that estimated totals reached 6"+ over portions of South FL
    (though a bit farther inland than many CAMs anticipated, a result
    of deep convective activity growing into a more organized
    complex). Concerns for the next 6 hours exist across many of the
    same metro areas along the southwest FL coast, but increasingly
    concerns are also growing over southeast FL (i.e. greater Miami
    metro area), as some of the most impressive convection is poised
    to propagate towards the SSE (following the upwind propagation
    vector, eventually shifting into the Upper FL Keys as well). The
    CAM signals for additional significant accumulations remain
    strong, with the 12z HREF probability matched mean (PMM)
    indicating localized totals of 6"+, and 40-km neighborhood
    probabilities for 5" exceedance of 30-60%. Additional isolated to
    scattered instances of flash flooding are likely (especially given
    relatively widespread prior 24-hr totals of 3-7"). Some instances
    of flash flooding (particularly in poor drainage, urbanized
    terrain) may be locally significant.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9cAqsPj9h2wwgcuDu5BZhiQaubhR2d2gQrqoW6H4gicmKuVZ7i2tZDNAfHmL21mtYFie= SlPz0IRF19h-4bFvd1nINKY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27418054 27017986 26057975 25078029 25008118=20
    25628197 26808239=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 12 21:27:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 122127

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0429
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    525 PM EDT Wed Jun 12 2024

    Areas affected...South Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 122125Z - 130325Z

    SUMMARY...Catastrophic and life-threatening flash flooding is
    expected to continue into the evening hours across south Florida
    with an emphasis on the highly urbanized and densely populated
    I-95 corridor from Fort Lauderdale south through Miami and

    DISCUSSION...An extremely high-impact flash flood event is ongoing
    across south Florida with a particular focus on the highly
    urbanized I-95 corridor of southeast Florida involving Broward and
    Miami-Dade County, with also significant flooding concerns noted
    farther west back into parts of Collier and Monroe County where
    there continues to an elongated west-southwest to east-northeast
    band of very strong convection with extremely high and
    life-threatening rainfall rates.

    Dual-pol radar in conjunction with local gauges continue to show
    rainfall rates reaching well into 3 to 5 inch/hour range, and
    while the higher end of these rates has tended to be over the
    Everglades over the last few hours, these extreme rates have been
    continuing to train over the same area and have also been
    advancing through the densely populated and highly sensitive urban
    corridor from Fort Lauderdale south down through Miami.

    GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows very cold convective tops
    persisting with this training band of convection with multiple
    overshooting tops reaching on the order of -75 to -80C. An
    elongated axis of very strong moisture convergence working in
    tandem with deep tropical moisture and instability is expected to
    maintain extreme rainfall rates potential over the next few hours.

    PWs are locally over 2.5 inches with MLCAPE values of 2000 to 3000
    J/kg are seen pooled up over far south Florida. However, there is
    also 30 to 40+ kts of effective bulk shear in place, and the
    combination of all of these ingredients suggests a persistence to
    the well-organized nature of the convective band.

    Gradually a southeastward advance of the convection, albeit slow,
    is expected over the next few hours. Unfortunately, this means a
    persistence of extreme rainfall rates over the highly urbanized
    areas of southeast Florida. Widespread flash flooding, with
    catastrophic impacts are ongoing from near Fort Lauderdale down
    through Hollywood, but the situation is expected to worsen for
    areas farther south involving Miami and eventually even Homestead
    farther down the I-95 corridor.

    An additional 4 to 8 inches of rain with isolated 10+ inch amounts
    will be possible going through the early to mid-evening hours. For
    some locations, this will bring multi-day storm totals upwards of
    15 to 20+ inches. Significant and life-threatening flash flooding
    is ongoing and is expected to continue as a result over the next
    several hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5QobA_0w9xjXKoj_34DysT0CYD7x4bTfXIefUx2WXVGy5K2KvQ3fyJymSNf3ZMnJUPy4= YjxNaveNYtD-CFk67j3ljQk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 26438020 26167981 25358018 25108088 25548140=20
    25828183 25898181 26058123 26238069=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 13 09:36:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 130936

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0430
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    536 AM EDT Thu Jun 13 2024

    Areas affected...south-central FL Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 130935Z - 131535Z

    SUMMARY...Locally heavy rainfall is expected over portions of the
    south-central FL Peninsula through 15Z. While the coverage of
    heavy rainfall is not expected to be widespread, flash flooding
    from rainfall rates of over 1 inch in 15 minutes and/or over 3
    in/hr will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...Local radar imagery from KTBW and GOES East infrared
    satellite imagery showed locally heavy rain occurring via warm
    topped showers in the vicinity of Tampa Bay at 09Z. These showers
    were focused ahead of a weak mesolow to the southwest of SRQ,
    steadily approaching the coast where uninhibited instability of
    ~1500 J/kg MLCAPE was present via the 09Z SPC mesoanalysis.
    Convective inhibition increased with inland extent from the Sun
    Coast, especially to the north and south which may act to inhibit
    farther spreading of heavy rainfall activity in the short term.

    A tropical airmass was in place over central to southern FL with
    precipitable water values that ranged from 1.8 inches near Tampa
    Bay to 2.5 inches over the FL Keys (per satellite derived TPW
    imagery). Due to the dominance of warm rain processes, efficient
    rainfall production will be capable of high rainfall rates with
    1-2 in/hr likely but even greater subhourly rates rainfall of 1+
    inches in 15 minutes possible. As the mesolow continues toward the
    NE, a short term flash flood threat will exist with increasing
    showers and locally intense rainfall rates.

    Farther south, an increase in showers and thunderstorms is
    expected to occur later this morning, to the southwest of a
    broader 850 mb low estimated to be near 30N 80W via LPW imagery.
    An axis of low level convergence (which extends up through 850 mb)
    was located south of the broader cyclonic circulation east of the
    northern FL Peninsula into the eastern Gulf of Mexico. This low
    level convergence axis, aided by increasing 825 mb winds per RAP
    forecasts, is likely to become a focus for the development of
    locally heavy rain into the mid-morning hours, beginning between
    11-13Z with increased surface heating. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr
    but with subhourly rainfall of 1+ inches in 15 minutes will be
    possible atop very wet antecedent conditions due to 4 to 10+
    inches of rain which impacted the south-central FL Peninsula over
    the past 48 hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-LIZDqcB27GHOImQPIYQDFWUwyYXIs3hFGsbXMQ9HVKESpCz5-hGAtdlcKkQeU2HAqoW= JB3upep4OAR1gIIZQW38FQk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28298069 27998035 27608014 26897988 26558023=20
    26038140 26108212 26628252 27318301 27768301=20
    28028283 28128232 28168174=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 13 14:59:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131459

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0431
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1057 AM EDT Thu Jun 13 2024

    Areas affected...South FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 131500Z - 132100Z

    Summary...Renewed flash flooding is likely over areas that already
    received 5-10"+ of rainfall over the past 24 hours. Significant
    flash flooding is expected over urban corridors, and localized
    catastrophic flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...Skies are partly cloudy this morning across South FL,
    after tremendous rainfall over the past 24 hours (widespread
    totals of 5-10"+, per gauge corrected QPE via NSSL). Unfortunately
    this lull looks to be short-lived, as convective coverage is
    already expanding upstream over the Florida Shelf/Bay side Gulf
    waters of the FL Keys. The environment is remarkably similar to
    yesterday, with plenty of instability (ML CAPE already 1000-2000
    J/kg), near record tropospheric moisture (PWATs 2.2-2.5"), and
    effective bulk shear of 20-30 kts (largely from the influence of a
    500 mb trough over the central Gulf). This environment is likely
    to result in deep convective activity again today, and there is
    potential for another organized convective complex (should
    convective grow sufficiently upscale). The deep warm layer
    (freezing levels ~16-17k ft) will support highly efficient warm
    rain processes (i.e. tropical) with rainfall rates of 2-4"/hr.

    Hi-res guidance is in fairly good agreement, though the exact
    convective evolution is still rather uncertain (as it typically is
    with complex events in this region). Taking a look at the hi-res
    ensembles (both the 06z HREF suite and the experimental 00z REFS
    suite) suggests relatively widespread totals of 2-5" from near
    Fort Myers/Naples eastward (across Alligator Alley/Tamiami Trail)
    to the greater Miami metro region (per the mean QPF fields and
    relatively high ensemble agreement scale, EAS, probabilities).
    When taking into account higher localized totals, there is also
    good agreement on the potential for 5-10" totals (per the
    probability matched mean, PMM, and local probability matched mean,
    LPMM, QPF depictions). 06z HREF 40-km neighborhood exceedance
    probabilities for 5" through 21z are between 40-50%, and the
    experimental REFS probabilities are even higher (50-70%). These
    depictions are consistent with a scenario where deep convective
    activity is realized, possibly organizing into a complex to result
    in more widespread 4-5" totals. Conversely, the 12z HRRR
    represents a more "best case" scenario, where the convective line
    remains relatively narrow and shallow (which still suggests
    relatively widespread 2-3" totals with localized 3-6" amounts).
    Should convection not organize into a complex, this may also
    result in a later arrival of the line to the Miami metro (possibly
    delaying the heaviest rainfall until after 21z).

    Given the aforementioned antecedent conditions (5-10"+ totals over
    the past 24 hours alone), numerous to widespread instances of
    flash flooding are considered to be likely (particulary across the
    urban corridors, where all the water has yet to even drain).
    Isolated to scattered instances of significant flash flooding are
    also considered likely, and localized catastrophic flash flooding
    is possible (conditionally dependent on the highest totals
    overlapping some of the already hardest hit areas of the Miami


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_NaFd6R48MOEWjJC9iooHVjK3EhGqlFl0h9hKcT7GmPpESjcBJc3CMgCE0xBt3wWuaaJ= bwZdJoj3rDXrTV21OToNTUE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27258052 26968000 26137995 25378035 25398146=20
    25748189 26718251 27158179=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 13 20:51:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 132051

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0432
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    450 PM EDT Thu Jun 13 2024

    Areas affected...South Florida and the Florida Keys

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 132050Z - 140200Z

    SUMMARY...A significant and locally life-threatening concern for
    flash flooding will continue across South Florida going into the
    evening hours as slow-moving showers and thunderstorms with
    extreme rainfall rates gradually cross the region.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery coupled with
    dual-pol radar shows an elongated band of deep convection with
    extremely heavy rainfall rates once again gradually settling
    southeastward across southern Florida. The coldest cloud tops
    within the convective band are still generally offshore over the
    southeast Gulf of Mexico where the stronger instability and
    moisture convergence has been focused, but some convective tops to
    about -65C have been occasionally occurring with the stronger
    convective cells that are seen crossing through the Florida
    Everglades, and also where MRMS data has been showing some
    rainfall rates of 1 to 3 inches/hour over the last couple of hours.

    MLCAPE values over southern Florida have risen to 1500 to 2500
    J/kg, with a convergent southwest low-level jet of 20 to 30 kts in
    place. This is evidenced by the special 18Z MFL RAOB which also
    showed a PW of 2.41 inches and a very deep warm/moist column with
    the WBZ level up near 550mb or about 510 dm in height.

    The thermodynamic environment through the vertical column over
    southern Florida is highly conducive for extreme rainfall rates
    given the depth of tropical moisture and degree of instability,
    and the convective band settling southeast over the next few hours
    will be capable of producing 1 to 3 inch/hour rates, with isolated
    heavier rates perhaps to around 4 inches/hour with the strongest
    of cells. This is supported by the 12Z HREF guidance.

    Additional rainfall totals over the next few hours are expected to
    reach 4 to 6 inches with isolated heavier amounts not out of the
    question as the approaching convective band crosses the region,
    including the I-95 urban corridor from Boca Raton and Fort
    Lauderdale down through Miami. The convection will also gradually
    make it into far southeast Florida (i.e. Homestead) and into the
    Florida Keys by mid-evening impacting places such as Marathon and
    Key West with similar rainfall amounts expected.

    This evening's axis of heavy rainfall overall should tend to be a
    bit more progressive compared to yesterday's extreme rainfall
    event, but given such high sensitivities on the ground and
    lingering impacts from multiple days of extreme rainfall with
    multi-day totals over southern Florida locally of 15 to 25 inches,
    the additional rains heading through early this evening are very
    likely to exacerbate ongoing flooding/runoff problems and promote
    additional significant urban flash flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_8ClDU5OpRFx_Q4hb25SYHKCg_fgk_p4aGflbvmtnb1a2nqdUBxsxdChc_VfavLfJHTv= _0h3xmRkTS9icOAeUkuB7PI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 26548048 26477996 25548009 24738069 24388171=20
    24558205 24868132 25048120 25218119 25538124=20
    25738135 25938128 26258097=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 13 22:21:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 132221

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0433
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    620 PM EDT Thu Jun 13 2024

    Areas affected...Northern MO...Southeast IA...Central IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 132220Z - 140420Z

    SUMMARY...Expanding clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    with some periodic cell-training this evening may result in some
    scattered instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB satellite
    imagery shows multiple expanding supercell convective clusters
    across portions of northeast MO and southeast IA which should
    continue to grow upscale and extend gradually across central IL
    going into the evening hours. The activity is developing just
    south of a cold front and in close proximity to a wave of low
    pressure advancing east along it. The environment is very unstable
    and rather strongly sheared with MLCAPE values of 2500 to 3500
    J/kg and 0-6 km effective bulk shear values of 30 to 50 kts.

    Stronger low-level convergence and the focused pooling of
    instability near and just ahead of the surface low center is
    expected to drive a west to east corridor of well-organized
    convection over the next several hours which will likely tend to
    be maximized by mid to late-evening over areas of central IL.

    The 18Z HREF guidance and recent HRRR runs suggest that areas of
    northeast MO through especially central IL will tend to have the
    heaviest rainfall potential from supercell thunderstorm clusters,
    with some periodic instances of cell-training. The PWs in the
    pre-convective environment are generally on the order of 1.3 to
    1.5 inches, and these values should increase this evening with the
    aid of a gradually veering southwest to westerly low-level jet of
    30 to 40 kts and overall expansion of deep convection.

    Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour are likely with the stronger
    and more organized cells, and with some considerations of
    occasional cell-training, some localized storm totals of 3 to 4
    inches will be possible. The 18Z HREF guidance indicates rather
    elevated probabilities (40 to 70 percent) of seeing the 3-hour FFG
    values exceeded over central IL in the 00Z to 03Z time frame with
    lesser probabilities noted farther west over southeast IA and
    northern MO.

    Scattered instances of flash flooding will be possible going
    through the evening hours as a result as these areas of heavy
    showers and thunderstorms continue to organize and expand in


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4GM_AmInUiOrpXVqqQszi9bv6_8zIzBH7rEBwTyc8EaBQ5PKYdrHFf8JbFRKOQt7wV6k= mDCL9fKoRlY7PD10n3tQcjM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41448874 41208765 40388762 39898840 39479017=20
    39129302 39209466 39779514 40229456 40709299=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 14 00:46:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 140046

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0434
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    846 PM EDT Thu Jun 13 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern KS...West-Central MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 140045Z - 140500Z

    SUMMARY...Strong and relatively slow-moving clusters of convection
    over central KS will likely expand east over the next few hours
    into eastern KS and west-central MO. Isolated to widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery in
    conjunction with dual-pol radar shows strong convection continuing
    to expand gradually in coverage across central KS as very strong
    instability and an uptick in moisture convergence focuses along a
    cold front. Recent surface observations suggest a wave of low
    pressure in close proximity to Russell, KS, and this is helping to
    locally enhance the low-level forcing for a more organized and
    expansive convective footprint.

    MLCAPE values along the front over central to eastern KS are on
    the order of 3000 to 4000+ J/kg, and the environment remains
    sheared in the vertical column with 0-6 km effective bulk shear
    values of 30 to 40 kts.

    Over the next few hours, areas of northeast KS in particular are
    likely to be the focus for the greatest instability, and with a
    low-level jet becoming nocturnally enhanced and veering with time
    on the order of 30 to 40+ kts, the active areas of convection over
    central KS should have a tendency to develop further and expand in
    coverage off to the east-northeast along the aforementioned front.
    The surface wave of low pressure traversing the boundary will be
    another key factor in promoting an expansion of convection and
    locally heavy rainfall potential.

    Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour are likely, and with slow
    cell-motions and some cell-merger activity associated with the
    evolving supercell clusters, some localized storm totals may reach
    3 to 4 inches. Any flash flood threat across this region is
    expected to be isolated to widely scattered in nature. However,
    there will be greater sensitivities to the more urbanized
    locations. The Kansas City metropolitan area later this evening in
    particular may become a target for some of the stronger convective
    clusters and heavier rainfall potential, and this was being
    suggested by the 12Z experimental NSSL-MPAS guidance.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5C3DcAcD0ImPCoy669qxduGZSPlnAOMqxGq9SunEvxca39-y8Y8VylWa8IWRdpwyyOgF= AeUn_eWnTh7k3tD6U058t7s$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39919446 39729379 39109348 38549426 38239530=20
    37979679 38069806 38399858 38839854 39149804=20
    39499676 39719571=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 14 15:23:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141523

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0436
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1123 AM EDT Fri Jun 14 2024

    Areas affected...South Florida and the Florida Keys

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 141522Z - 142100Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are expected to redevelop
    across South Florida and train to the east through the afternoon.
    Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr are expected, producing 1-3" of
    additional rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning indicates
    widespread showers and thunderstorms bracketing the southern
    Florida Peninsula, but so far activity has struggled to develop
    onshore. During the past hour, a few showers have begun to shift
    northeast onto the southern Lee Island Coast and the Everglades in
    response to increasing instability over the land. Recent local
    VWPs indicate a subtle veering to the 850mb winds, and although
    wind speeds remain light, this is sufficient to draw the higher
    instability and moisture northward to erode the morning CIN.
    Rainfall rates offshore have been estimated via local radars to be
    1.5-2.5"/hr. This convection is developing within the increasing
    thermodynamics thanks to strengthening ascent through modest
    low-level convergence along a trough extending from a wave of low
    pressure off the NC coast, enhanced by convergence at the nose of
    this modest LLJ and modest upper level diffluence.

    The morning U/A soundings from both KEY and MFL had PWs that were
    much lower than 24-hrs ago, primarily due to drier air noted above
    700mb, but still above the 90th percentile for the date.
    Additionally, freezing levels and warm cloud depths were still
    around 16,000 ft and 14,000 ft, respectively, supporting efficient
    warm-rain collision processes. This will support heavy rainfall
    rates in any convection that develops today, for which HREF
    neighborhood probabilities indicate a 40-50% chance for exceeding
    2"/hr, and the 15-min HRRR accumulations support 3"/hr at times.
    Although there remains uncertainty in the coverage of
    thunderstorms this aftn, the CAMs are in relatively good agreement
    in a stripe of heavier rainfall from SW FL through Biscayne Bay
    and points south, where 1-3" of rainfall is likely and the HREF
    neighborhood probabilities indicate a 10-30% chance for an
    additional 5 inches in some areas. These higher rainfall amounts
    appear most likely in portions of SW FL where propagation vectors
    align anti-parallel to the mean wind and collapse to less than 5
    kts, suggesting more prolonged backbuilding into the higher
    instability just offshore.

    The greatest risk of these higher rainfall totals appear to focus
    in SW FL and across the Everglades, somewhat limiting the flash
    flood risk, despite soils that are fully saturated from recent
    heavy rainfall. The NASA SPoRT 0-10cm RSM is above 80% across this
    region, producing an environment more susceptible to rapid runoff
    due to limited infiltration potential. Where any of these
    impressive rates can train, especially atop the most sensitive
    soils or in any urban areas, renewed instances of flash flooding
    will be possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_G3E9X5IAlwjsdY5XmzkAdCJsCGUfnfKxmFFgGF_ugldLhU6CVWlRhdQWinlbMfPEFB2= gEECsdvf8A1HY0ZpY3P0li8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 26348053 26348007 26008014 25768011 25428017=20
    25078033 24838062 24578122 24468162 24448198=20
    24468219 24518231 24658208 24758173 24938147=20
    25078135 25198130 25498133 25728154 25848171=20
    25998166 26188123=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 14 19:26:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141926

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0437
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    325 PM EDT Fri Jun 14 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Northern Mid-Atlantic...Southeast
    NY...Far Southern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 141925Z - 150125Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms advancing across central PA
    should gradually expand in coverage over the next couple of hours
    and should impact portions of the I-95 corridor with heavy rain
    heading into the early evening hours. An isolated and mainly urban
    concern for flash flooding will exist.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E WV suites depicts a shortwave
    trough crossing the northern Mid-Atlantic currently which will be
    interacting with a relatively moist and unstable boundary layer
    pooled up across the coastal plain from the Delmarva northward
    through southeast PA, NJ and into southeast NY.

    SBCAPE values with the aid of strong diurnal heating have risen to
    1000 to 1500 J/kg, and surface dewpoints across the MPD are
    generally in the mid to upper 60s. Overall, the PWs are on the
    order of 1.4 to 1.6 inches.

    Over the next couple of hours, some additional uptick in boundary
    layer instability and some modest increase in convergent low-level
    flow will combined with the arrival of the shortwave energy to
    foster the further development and expansion of shower and
    thunderstorm activity. Already there is a fairly organized cluster
    of stronger thunderstorms crossing through central PA where
    stronger vort energy with the shortwave trough is noted, and this
    convective cluster will continue to advance generally off to the
    east as new storms ahead of it also begin to develop.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger storms heading into this evening
    may reach into the 1 to 2 inch/hour range, and the 12Z HREF
    guidance suggests that some areas of the northern Mid-Atlantic and
    especially areas along and east of the I-95 corridor may see some
    of the convection get locally concentrated with some periodic
    cell-merger and cell-training concerns.

    This may result in a few spotty 2 to 4 inch rainfall totals with
    areas of southeast PA, central and northern NJ, and perhaps far
    southeast NY including the New York City metropolitan area at
    greatest risk for these heavier totals. An isolated and mainly
    urban flash flood concern may evolve where these heavier totals
    materialize heading into the early evening hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8kt0EqDT3a3ZmxQ-STvzk8rHZItPq1wZmP45RJyrdRKZSIrS5IDNfA19aI-5cxSp9DEC= s33YtdA8EugINqhHtq5EjjU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42267228 41667211 40537330 39847393 39377462=20
    38967566 39157666 39717682 40527604 41037536=20
    41537461 42207332=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 14 20:24:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 142024

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0438
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    423 PM EDT Fri Jun 14 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Central and Southern High
    Plains...including the Front Range

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 142022Z - 150222Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms will continue to organize and
    expand in coverage over the next several hours across portions of
    the central and southern High Plains, including the Front Range.
    Isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding will be

    DISCUSSION...The GOES WV satellite imagery shows a well-defined
    and rather strong mid-level shortwave trough and associated closed
    low ejecting northeast out of the Southwest and into the central
    Rockies. This energy is fostering strong upper-level divergence
    downstream across portions of the central and southern High Plains
    which is also encouraging a strengthening of low-level southerly
    flow and the pooling of a more concentrated north/south axis of
    instability and moisture convergence.

    MLCAPE of 1500 to 2000 J/kg are pooled up across the High Plains
    in a north/south fashion from southeast WY down through much of
    eastern CO and northeast NM. A southerly low-level jet of 20 to 30
    kts is in place and there is also proximity of a quasi-stationary
    front draped from near the OK Panhandle northwestward through
    southeast CO and then north up along the Front Range.

    Already there are numerous clusters of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms developing near the Sangre De Cristo Mountains and
    adjacent areas of northeast NM and southeast CO, with additional
    clusters of convection noted farther north near the Front Range
    and out across parts of southeast WY and southwest NE.

    As the stronger shortwave energy/height falls upstream begin to
    overspread the region, there should be a more organized and
    expansive threat of convection across the High Plains heading
    through the evening hours. This will be characterized by supercell
    convection evolving and locally consolidating into multiple MCS
    clusters before then advancing off to the east.

    Expecting rainfall rates with the stronger storms to reach 1 to 2
    inches/hour, with some localized storm totals reaching 2 to 4+
    inches where any cell-mergers and repeating cell-activity occurs.
    This may result in some isolated to widely scattered instances of
    flash flooding heading into the evening hours.


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    LAT...LON 41890329 41610118 40410042 37960068 35110214=20
    34420366 34820538 35420578 36360575 37590547=20
    39500534 40500527 41280472=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 14 21:06:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 142106

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0439
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    505 PM EDT Fri Jun 14 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast OH...Southwest PA...Northern WV...Far
    Western MD

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 142105Z - 150305Z

    SUMMARY...A localized concern for some flash flooding may evolve
    over the next few hours from some occasional training of showers
    and thunderstorms.

    DISCUSSION...A cold front continues to gradually settled southeast
    through the OH Valley and will be crossing into the central
    Appalachians this evening as a broader upper-level trough arrives
    from the Great Lakes region. This front coupled with a weak wave
    of low pressure riding along it will facilitate at least a few
    broken bands of showers and thunderstorms over the next several
    hours for areas of southeast OH, southwest PA, northern WV and far
    western MD.

    GOES-E visible satellite imagery along with dual-pol radar already
    shows the development of some shower and thunderstorm activity,
    and an additional expansion and organization of this convection is
    expected over the next couple of hours. The latest RAP analysis
    shows a moderately unstable airmass with MLCAPE values around 1500
    J/kg pooled up along and just ahead of the cold front, and there
    are favorable shear parameters with as much as 30 to 40 kts
    supporting organized and sustainable updrafts.

    Some of the convection is already taking on a somewhat linear
    orientation over far northern WV near the southwest PA border, and
    the concern at least locally heading into the evening hours will
    be some of these convective bands potentially training over the
    same area as they advancing gradually into the central

    The PWs are about 1.3 to 1.5 inches, and with the instability and
    shear, the rainfall rated with these cells will be capable of
    reaching 1.5 inches/hour. Given some considerations for occasional cell-training, some spotty storm totals of 2 to 3 inches with
    isolated heavier amounts will be possible. This will support a
    threat for localized instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4-t-ChBx_HKo54kDGeng8npvd1Z5-L2R0C7Lu6UPSygYixNctJXcAoUWtW4V4xft-vwI= -AopTvCmp9QL1MI2ekz-PO8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40347953 40347846 39727827 39007900 38998099=20
    39468275 40158273 40198190 40238094=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 15 01:16:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150116

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0440
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    915 PM EDT Fri Jun 14 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NM into the TX Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 150115Z - 150715Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving clusters of very heavy showers and
    thunderstorms will continue to focus over areas of eastern NM and
    the TX Panhandle going into portions of the overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    broken cold-topped MCS impacting areas of eastern NM and the TX
    Panhandle. The convection has maintained a fair degree of
    organization over the last couple of hours in response to ejecting
    height falls/shortwave energy advancing through the
    central/southern Rockies while interacting with a moderately
    unstable airmass pooled across the southern High Plains. MLCAPE
    values of 1000 to 1500 J/kg are currently in place over the TX
    Panhandle region.

    Notably divergent flow aloft associated with the approaching
    upstream upper-level trough and related DPVA will continue to
    interact with a relatively moist and unstable southeasterly
    low-level jet going into the overnight hours, and the expectation
    is that there will be a corridor of persistent low-level
    convergence around especially the southern flank of the convective
    mass to promote a general southwest to northeast axis of
    persistent convection.

    The thermodynamic environment coupled with the level of deeper
    layer ascent should favor pockets of 1.5 inch/hour rainfall rates
    continuing over the next few hours. Given the persistence of these
    rates, some additional storm totals going through 06Z may reach 3
    to 4 inches with isolated heavier totals not out of the question
    if any kind of southwest to northeast oriented convective
    cell-training occurs.

    Some pockets of flash flooding cannot be ruled out and especially
    on an isolated basis given the expected rainfall totals.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5hDoQC45ghQENyTdYp0L8P4j4IMNziR2_mwnZMJgq13RNrlXPHS9uSWPJ-s27_aHGToV= _R5E_-uwr7_zfIwmIEpVD3o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35670193 35550147 35250125 34690132 33990189=20
    33480289 33440397 33750447 34190457 34740423=20
    35260346 35630253=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 15 02:13:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150213

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0441
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1012 PM EDT Fri Jun 14 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest to South-Central NE...Central and
    Northern KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 150210Z - 150810Z

    SUMMARY...Organized areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms will
    continue overnight across the central Plains. Isolated instances
    of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...Strong MCS activity ejecting east out across the
    central Plains involving western KS and southwest NE will continue
    to advance off to the east going into the overnight hours. The
    airmass downstream over areas of central and northern KS and
    nosing into areas of south-central NE is quite unstable, with
    MLCAPE values of 2500 to 3500 J/kg.

    The MCS activity in part is being strongly influenced by the
    gradual arrival of shortwave energy over the High Plains
    associated with an upper-level trough crossing through the central
    and southern Rockies. This forcing should continue to help sustain
    the ongoing convective mass and especially over north-central KS
    and southwest to south-central NE over the next several hours.

    Moist and convergent low-level east-southeast flow and the
    aforementioned instability pooled over the region will be a key
    factor in supporting rather high rainfall rates as this MCS
    continues to advance off to the east. Rainfall rates up to 2
    inches/hour can be expected, and some storm totals of 3 to 4
    inches with isolated heavier amounts will be possible.

    The 18Z HREF guidance suggests some 20 to 30 percent probabilities
    of 3-hour FFG exceedance going through 06Z over southwest to
    south-central NE, and since there has already been some flash
    flooding concerns over southwest NE with heavier rainfall totals
    over the last few hours, the expectation is that some additional
    isolated instances of flash flooding will be possible heading into
    the overnight hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9dtykfvBvLXgoQBEh5pR5ZasC6TKLzcpk4tiq2wTWjgT97sS10Ep2NB2V-JUPsrFASYr= 1UKQLlxum_Kr2gAf-b8AUZs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41580017 41589827 41329694 40679630 39609654=20
    39119752 38989915 39170011 39870087 40560129=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 15 08:39:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150839

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0442
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    438 AM EDT Sat Jun 15 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern KS, southeastern NE, southwestern
    IA, northwestern MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 150837Z - 151435Z

    SUMMARY...The potential for training and 1-2 in/hr rates may
    produce localized flash flooding across portions of the middle
    Missouri River Valley through the morning hours. Rainfall maxima
    of 2-4 inches will be possible through 15Z.

    DISCUSSION...08Z radar and infrared satellite imagery showed a
    trailing stratiform MCS tracking east along the KS/NE border with
    a forward motion between 25-30 kt, though some recent slowing has
    occurred along the southern flank of the leading edge into
    northern KS over the past 1-2 hours. Cloud tops across northern NE
    have been warming due to a lack of instability but farther south,
    a reservoir of moderately strong instability resided over eastern
    KS with 2000 to 3000 J/kg MLCAPE via the 08Z SPC mesoanalysis. The
    MCS was located out ahead of a mid-level shortwave over the
    central High Plains with the downstream upper level ridge axis
    centered over eastern NE/KS, providing enhanced diffluence aloft.

    Shear and instability parameters appear to be favorable for
    maintaining the MCS as it tracks toward the east over the next 3-6
    hours, and a 20-30 kt 850 mb jet is forecast by the RAP to
    maintain over eastern KS through 15Z (slight weakening from
    current values per VAD wind data). 850 mb winds are forecast to
    become fairly aligned with the 850-300 mb mean layer wind
    supporting weak to backward propagating Corfidi vectors. Should
    the southern flank of the squall line continue to slow its
    eastward progress, the potential for training and possible back
    building of thunderstorms will pose a threat for flash flooding
    given the available instability to the south. 1-2 in/hr rainfall
    rates will be possible along with localized maxima of 2-4 inches
    through 14 or 15Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7w10vMIrWhdppTwxLlxkFT_fHrzfxW0PKiwnJ1CUMab4c6mzdzZlO0wnOnOVrrTtO0im= _dWC7KBLLvVuQ94o1JON9kg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42119615 41769517 41049444 40459408 39979402=20
    39189434 38779498 38659641 39059715 40539663=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 15 21:32:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 152132

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0443
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    531 PM EDT Sat Jun 15 2024

    Areas affected...far northeast KS, eastern NE, western IA, far
    southeast SD

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 152130Z - 160300Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will increase along a
    northward advancing warm front through the evening. Rainfall rates
    within developing convection could reach 2"/hr at times, which
    through short-term training could produce 2-3" of rain with
    locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E IR imagery this afternoon indicates
    expansion of rapidly cooling cloud tops associated with deepening
    convection from central KS through eastern NE. These thunderstorms
    are developing immediately ahead of a warm front which is slowly
    lifting northward, with significant additional ascent provided via
    an impressive shortwave ejecting out of KS noted on the GOES-E WV
    imagery, and within the RRQ of a modest jet streak pivoting into
    IA. This deep layer lift is occurring into intensifying
    thermodynamics as the atmosphere recovers from this mornings
    outflow boundary as reflected by increasing mid-level lapse rates
    noted by the SPC 3-hr lapse rate change, with PWs reaching 1.5 to
    1.8 inches overlapping a ribbon of MLCAPE as high as 3000 J/kg
    according to the SPC RAP analysis.

    As the warm front gradually lifts north and the shortwave pivots
    into the region, ascent is forecast to intensify into the evening
    while thermodynamics become even more impressive noted by PWs
    progged to reach 2 inches, which would be a daily record for the
    area, combined with the strong MLCAPE. Together these should
    result in a rapid expansion of convective development, especially
    where low-level convergence and isentropic ascent merge in the
    vicinity of the warm front. Additionally, the isentropic lift atop
    the warm front should rapidly intensify as the 850mb LLJ surges to
    around 40 kts, reaching nearly double the mean 0-6km wind to
    produce intense moisture convergence into eastern NE and western
    IA this evening. This surging LLJ will also drive a veering of the
    propagation vectors to become increasingly aligned to the right of
    the mean wind, indicating a higher training potential in the next
    few hours. With HREF neighborhood probabilities indicating a
    40-50% chance of 1"/hr rates (and 10-20% for 2"/hr), where
    training or multiple rounds of heavy rain occur, total rainfall
    will likely reach 2-3", and there is a low potential (5-10%) for
    isolated amounts reaching 5".

    FFG across this region is generally 1.5-2"/3 hrs, although 0-40cm
    soil moisture from NASA SPoRT is generally around normal. This
    could have at least a somewhat moderating effect on the flash
    flood potential, but the HREF 3-hr FFG exceedance probabilities
    still reach 20-30%. This suggests an increasing flash flood
    potential into the evening, with the greatest risk likely beneath
    any training to enhance the duration of these rain rates.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6EzazLkPZukjMEPRNYEixRdj0wzIM5SErfPbIhjS5SFf4uXomIySUoSLPAkrSMED8e5-= 6UCi_nJe-DBq9Dcs6wLu_LU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43769653 43659545 42849479 41459451 39759528=20
    39249622 39129731 39359796 40049853 42149825=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 16 01:07:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160107

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0444
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    906 PM EDT Sat Jun 15 2024

    Areas affected...southern Minnesota through western Iowa

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160105Z - 160700Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will gradually expand in
    coverage ahead of a warm front through early tonight. Rainfall
    rates of 1-2"/hr are likely, which through multiple rounds could
    produce 2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding
    is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic early this evening depicts
    increasing coverage of showers and isolated thunderstorms from
    western Iowa into much of southern Minnesota. These storms are
    firing in response to increasing ascent along a surface trough
    analyzed by WPC resulting in increased low-level convergence, and
    in an area of modest but sufficient upper level diffluence. This
    ascent is acting upon favorable thermodynamics, with the core of
    the most intense environment impinging into the surface trough
    thanks to advection on an 850mb LLJ that is arcing out of the S/SW
    at 30-40 kts according to regional VWPs. This is helping to draw
    northward PWs that are over 1.75 inches, collocated with MLCAPE
    above 2000 J/kg, resupplying the environment to enhance rainfall
    coverage and intensity. Recent radar-estimated rainfall rates are
    still modest at 0.5-1"/hr, but the coverage of these has steadily
    increased in the past 1-2 hours.

    As the evening progresses, the impressive LLJ is progged via the
    RAP to reach 40-50 kts, which when combined with a ribbon of PWs
    surging northward towards 2 inches, will result in 850-700mb
    moisture flux that could exceed +4 sigma into northern IA and
    southern MN. Wind speeds within this LLJ will be 1.5-2 times the
    mean 0-6km wind as well, suggesting even further enhancement of
    ascent, and where this collision occurs in the vicinity of the
    surface trough, repeated development of thunderstorms is likely as
    supported by simulated reflectivity from the recent CAMs. Not only
    will thunderstorms regenerate and repeatedly lift northeast, but
    the strong ascent into the enhanced PW/instability will drive
    rainfall rates which have a 10-20% chance of exceeding 2"/hr
    according to the HREF neighborhood probabilities. The greatest
    potential for the intense rates will be south of this surface
    front where instability is greater, but more modest rates may be
    more persistent to the north through regeneration. Although cells
    may move quickly to the northeast on the 25-35 kts 0-6km mean
    wind, the increasing and slowly veering LLJ will cause Corfidi
    vectors to veer and collapse to around 10 kts, further supporting
    the idea of regenerating and repeating cells. Where this occurs,
    more than 3 inches of rain is possible (20-30% chance) with
    locally higher amounts.

    FFG across the region is as low as 1.5"/3hrs in southern MN where
    7-day rainfall has been more than 100% of normal in some areas.
    Otherwise, FFG is generally 2-2.5"/3hrs due to a relative lack of
    recent rainfall. This is reflected additionally by NASA SPoRT
    0-40cm soil moisture that is near normal in IA, but around the
    80th percentile into MN. Despite these differences, the HREF FFG
    exceedance probabilities are uniformly around 20-25%, suggesting
    instances of flash flooding are possible anywhere within the area
    into tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7PeSA7Pl8U1DGtjctwnF0LMgMBI_Y89a61fDyq0cKh5ZrFkp5UUFZOVivb7W44j2-Qqo= jDLkx5DoY-DSlCOFqf_LkoQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45669382 45629275 45049250 43889236 42599254=20
    41659313 41019375 40699453 41239516 42379598=20
    43389617 43989612 45049542=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 16 05:00:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160500

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0445
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1259 AM EDT Sun Jun 16 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160458Z - 160845Z

    Summary...Repeating and training of thunderstorms over
    northeastern KS may produce localized flash flooding over the next
    2-4 hours. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr will be possible, although
    the duration of the flash flood threat remains uncertain.

    Discussion...0430Z radar imagery over northeastern KS showed a
    small cluster of thunderstorms, located primarily north of I-70
    with MRMS-derived peak rates of 1.00 to 1.75 in/hr. These
    thunderstorms were elevated, occurring north of an outflow
    boundary that extended through northeastern KS into northwestern
    MO with ~1000 to 2000 J/kg MUCAPE available via the 04Z SPC
    mesoanalysis. VAD wind plots showed 850 mb winds were from the SSW
    at 35-40 kt with winds veered more to the SW above 850 mb. These
    low level winds were overrunning the rain-cooled outflow boundary
    with deeper-layer mean winds pushing individual cells off toward
    the E or NE between 20-25 kt. Aloft, the region was situated
    between an eastward moving upper level shortwave over far eastern
    KS but ahead of an upstream shortwave near the KS/CO border with
    near neutral height advection in between.

    The stronger low level flow is forecast by the RAP to remain
    through at least the next 3-4 hours with possible weakening to the
    east and possible strengthening to the west. A focused fetch of
    moisture, represented by PWATs of 1.4 to 1.7 inches over
    east-central KS (SPC mesoanalysis) is likely to maintain some
    degree of elevated convection over northeastern KS for another few
    hours with relatively steep 700-500 mb lapse rates of 7 C/km
    maintaining instability across the region. Some expansion toward
    the Missouri River is possible in the short term, but some minor
    backbuilding toward the west into central/north-central KS may
    also occur given modified propagation vectors.

    Recent hires models do not have a good handle on current placement
    of storms so confidence is reduced beyond 1-2 hours. However, at
    least a localized flash flood threat appears probable over the
    region for at least the next 2 hours, with uncertainty increasing
    beyond that time frame toward 09Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!76SgRE1YgUql2PZK3EFWLMSRkqWXlJ5g3MPl83jiUIAkY0x1aUlA1iA3vGrKSw2EKSep= _pJp68L_BA9V2vgIrj8qP7A$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40089810 40089667 39979535 39219540 38559668=20
    38639823 39099889 39669893 40029866=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 16 08:12:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160812

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0447
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    412 AM EDT Sun Jun 16 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern KS into northwestern MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160811Z - 161300Z

    Summary...Repeating and training of thunderstorms are likely to
    maintain a flash flood threat from northeastern KS into
    northwestern MO, including the Kansas City metro through 13Z.
    Localized rainfall rates over 2 in/hr may occur.

    Discussion...Regional radar imagery at 0745Z showed a small
    cluster of convection in northeastern KS, with an apparent MCV
    about 10-20 miles northeast of MHK, tracking toward the ENE. VAD
    wind data from KTWX showed 850 mb winds near 35 kt from the SW,
    which continued to overrun an outflow boundary immediately south
    of the ongoing convection. Peak observed rainfall rates per MRMS
    were near 3 in/hr over southern Washington County earlier in the
    event and a recent Wunderground.com report showed 0.5 inches in 15
    minutes in northwestern Pottawatomie County.

    A general eastward motion has been observed with the small MCS but
    Trends in radar have shown some backbuilding along its
    southwestern flank near I-70. The backbuilding has been a result
    of Corfidi vectors oriented opposite to the low level wind due to
    relatively weak 850-300 mb mean winds of 20-25 kt. 850 mb winds
    are forecast to weaken to about 20-25 kt along the northern KS/MO
    border through 12Z but also become perfectly aligned in direction
    to 850-300 mb steering flow, maintaining weak Corfidi vector
    orientation into the low level inflow, favoring a threat for
    training and backbuilding of thunderstorms. The threat is expected
    to translate east over the next 3-5 hours, possibly impacting the
    Kansas City metro later this morning. Peak rainfall rates within
    areas of training may surpass 2 in/hr locally. Flash flooding will
    remain possible from northeastern KS into far northwestern MO
    through about 13Z, at which point diurnal weakening of the MCS may
    diminish the flash flood threat.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6YCRBfzhkUYa3iVKQ9eYxQI2csxSGfssMUxi_attupGVI2g6KpF694drKJKNX-jL_B6b= 2vrC_jbKeoijnL_WAO8xN98$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39929526 39809411 39329374 38629432 38489544=20
    38539708 38849746 39329723 39619684 39869625=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 16 07:31:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160731

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0446
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    330 AM EDT Sun Jun 16 2024

    Areas affected...IA into southeastern MN/western WI, far
    northwestern IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160729Z - 161320Z

    Summary...Localized flash flooding will remain possible for
    portions of the Upper Mississippi Valley through 13Z. Training of
    heavy rain may allow for rainfall rates as high as 3 in/hr but 1-2
    in/hr rates should be most common. Additional rainfall of 2-4
    inches is expected over the next 6 hours, but with much of that
    falling within a 3 hour period or less.

    Discussion...A combination of satellite and radar imagery showed
    two primary MCVs over the Upper Mississippi Valley with active
    areas of showers and thunderstorms nearby as of 07Z. The first was
    over IA, roughly 70 miles northeast of DSM, with slower moving and
    a few repeating cells to the west of the MCV. The second MCV was
    over western WI, about 70 miles east-northeast of MSP while a
    third, smaller MCV, was identified about 10 miles northwest of
    MSP. Recent thunderstorm development was noted over southern
    MN...between the MCV centers...within a strong warm advection
    pattern, where 40 to 50+ kt south-southwesterly 850 mb winds were
    overrunning a pair of warm fronts as depicted on the 06Z WPC
    surface analysis. SPC mesoanalysis data showed precipitable water
    values of 1.6 to 1.8 inches across the region (near the
    climatological max PW for mid-June at MPX) and MUCAPE of ~500 to
    1000 J/kg. However, instability weakened with northeastern extent
    into WI, limiting rainfall intensity east of the Mississippi River.

    A general northeastward motion is expected with the MCVs over the
    next 3-6 hours and continued warm advection with 850 mb jet speeds
    peaking near 50 kt from the western half of IA into southeastern
    MN is forecast by the RAP through 12Z. Some increase in
    instability is anticipated toward the northeast with continued low
    level moisture transport, and given the anomalous moisture present
    and modest upper level diffluence over the region, maintenance of
    localized heavy rain is expected through the morning. Where cells
    align within the steering flow, training will allow for rainfall
    rates of 1-2 in/hr, but localized rates near 3 in/hr cannot be
    ruled out. An additional but localized 2-4 inches of rain is
    expected across portions of the Upper Mississippi Valley through
    13Z which may result in flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7D25BYQuA0aNKBBM3yu4X4nkXW9381QGiUXEoFf2xGKVDbBGjmYutIRDme9wGNNd_DnL= ozdkuNKHWM_zX8a2n7LsDvs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46069261 46049062 45019007 43758965 42838926=20
    41988927 41498998 41359139 41479340 41999492=20
    43289487 44509445=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 16 20:54:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 162054

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0448
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    454 PM EDT Sun Jun 16 2024

    Areas affected...TN Valley east through the Blue Ridge into
    Upstate SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 162053Z - 170230Z

    Summary...Slow moving thunderstorms with rain rates nearing 2"/hr
    at times will expand in coverage through the afternoon. This could
    result in locally more than 3" of rainfall and isolated instances
    of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon depicts a
    rapid expansion of showers and thunderstorms from central TN
    eastward through northern GA and into Upstate SC. These storms are
    developing around the periphery of an intensifying mid-level
    ridge, and in the vicinity of a stationary front/warm front
    analyzed by WPC to be waving around the southern Appalachians.
    Thermodynamics across the region are impressive with PWs measured
    by GPS of 1.5 to 1.7 inches, around the 90th percentile for the
    date, overlapping extreme instability analyzed by the SPC RAP to
    be 3000-4000 J/kg. Into these thermodynamics, weak ascent created
    via modest upper diffluence, a weak impulse lifting northward, and
    some upslope flow/isentropic ascent on the 10-15 kts low-level
    flow is helping to create the ongoing convection. It is likely the
    environment will remain favorable for additional development
    through loss of heating several hours from now.

    The CAMs are generally under-producing the current coverage of
    convection, so confidence in the exact evolution is modest.
    However, the robust thermodynamics and weak southerly flow are
    progged to persist into the evening, and the ingredients suggest
    that this will support additional convective development until
    convective overturning or nocturnal stabilization occurs.
    Thunderstorms will likely remain scattered and pulse in the
    presence of weak shear, with outflow boundaries and storm mergers
    contributing to additional development, and these storms have a
    40-60% chance (10-20%) for 1+"/hr (2+"/hr) rain rates according to
    the HREF neighborhood probabilities. These intense rates will also
    be very slow moving as noted by propagation vectors that are
    collapsed to just around 5 kts in the presence of weak flow, and
    it is likely that terrain influences may also cause periods of nearly-stationary cells. Limiting the flash flood risk is that
    storm lifespans should be modest due the pulse nature, but where
    storms can repeat or lock in place, even briefly, isolated amounts
    of 3" or more are possible (20-40% chance) according to the HREF.

    This area has been generally dry as noted by 7-day AHPS anomalies
    that are less than 50% resulting in 0-10cm RSM from NASA SPoRT
    that is only 30-50%. However, there are some wetter soils across
    TN and in the vicinity of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Although the
    risk for rapid runoff and flash flooding may be a bit higher in
    the more saturated soils, or across any urban areas and sensitive
    terrain features, the slow movement of these intense rates could
    produce isolated instances of flash flooding anywhere across the
    region through the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_h9ppVJ0HvWsg3tIhYPDORy0QpdVAHnEY6fbGXqILQRgFgRT2LlvRJDQCvsve5bPfxO9= hVUATbixT9jO7_lZPf4Au9Q$ for graphic product...

    ATTN...WFO...BMX...FFC...GSP...HUN...JKL...LMK...MEG...MRX... OHX...PAH...RNK...


    LAT...LON 37238507 37048360 36708256 36498205 36338159=20
    35768145 35068154 34518229 34208347 34298446=20
    34568587 35258766 35908824 36688796 37058706=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 01:48:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170148

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0449
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    948 PM EDT Sun Jun 16 2024

    Areas affected...eastern NE, southeast SD, far northwest IA, far
    southwest MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 170147Z - 170600Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will slowly increase in
    coverage through the evening across Nebraska, and then expand into
    South Dakota late. Rainfall rates will steadily intensify to
    1-2"/hr, which through training could produce 1-3" of rain. Flash
    flooding is possible.

    Discussion...A cold front analyzed by WPC draped from
    south-central MN southwest into southern NE is becoming a focus
    for convective development as noted via cooling cloud tops on the
    GOES-E IR imagery. Ascent along this front is being forced by
    low-level convergence and isentropic ascent as the 850mb winds
    from the south impinge into the front at 20-25kts. This ascent is
    occurring into favorable thermodynamics as reflected by SPC RAP
    analyzed MLCAPE as high as 4000 J/kg south of the front with a
    very sharp instability gradient along it, overlapped with PWs
    ranging from 1.1 inches north of the front to as high as 1.8
    inches to the south. At the same time, a shortwave is ejecting out
    of western NE, while a jet streak lifting northeast into Manitoba
    and Ontario will more favorably place the diffluent RRQ over the
    region to additionally enhance ascent.

    The next few hours remain uncertain, but the past few runs of the
    HRRR have become increasingly aggressive with development along
    the cold front, which appears to be trending in the right
    direction based on current satellite. With synoptic ascent
    continuing to increase, and the LLJ surging to as high as 30-40
    kts from the south, the overlap of ascent and thermodynamics
    should become even more robust resulting in widespread development
    across NE. Additionally, as the LLJ strengthens and veers subtly
    more to the SW, this will cause Corfidi vectors to locally back to
    cause some backbuilding along the front, resulting in slower cells
    with longer duration training as the 0-6km mean winds track
    parallel to the front. The HREF indicates rainfall rates have a
    40-50% chance of exceeding 1"/hr, which through training should
    produce stripes of 1-3" of rainfall, with locally higher amounts
    possible, along the front.

    Farther to the north, the intensifying LLJ will help draw the
    higher moisture northward, and SREF 850-700mb moisture flux
    anomalies are progged to reach as high as +4 sigma into NE by 06Z.
    This will result in intense convergence of the moisture transport
    vectors along the nose of this LLJ, resulting in a secondary axis
    of elevated thunderstorm development. This axis is likely to
    become the primary mechanism for heavy rainfall and flash flooding
    overnight, but some development and training until 06Z could
    result in isolated flash flooding along this boundary before that
    time as well. In general, this will be a priming event across
    SD/MN with more significant flash flood potential occurring


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    LAT...LON 44379629 44009498 43449406 42739383 42299464=20
    41929562 41289763 40569949 40200041 40210098=20
    40690115 41360055 41959983 42449944 42870018=20
    43230109 43860055 44229885=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 05:59:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170559

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0450
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    159 AM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern NE into southeastern SD,
    northwestern IA and southwestern MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 170558Z - 171030Z

    Summary...Training of thunderstorms is likely to produce areas of
    flash flooding from near/north of the eastern SD/NE border into
    southwestern MN and northwestern IA through 10Z. 1 to 2+ in/hr
    rainfall rates are expected along with additional totals of at
    least 2 to 4 inches.

    Discussion...A WSW to ENE axis of thunderstorms was observed on
    regional radar imagery at 0530Z from the central NE/SD border into
    southeastern SD. MRMS-derived peak hourly rainfall has been in the
    2.0 to 2.5 inch range over southern Tripp and Gregory counties in
    southern SD over the past 2 hours with 3-hr estimates of 4 to 5+
    inches as steering flow oriented parallel to the thunderstorm axis
    has allowed for training. The thunderstorm axis was elevated to
    the north of a slow moving front that extended SW to NE from
    southwestern NE into southern MN at 05Z, located at the nose of
    stronger 850-700 mb winds averaging 30-50 kt from the south. SPC
    mesoanalysis data from 05Z showed the elevated convergence axis
    and thunderstorms along a CAPE gradient containing 1000-2500 J/kg
    MUCAPE. Aloft, lift was being enhanced by placement within the
    right-entrance region of a 100 kt jet near 200 mb (sampled by GOES
    East DMVs).

    The strong elevated convergence axis is expected to translate ENE
    along the elevated frontal boundary, reaching southwestern MN by
    10Z out ahead of an advancing 700-500 mb shortwave currently over
    the central High Plains. The axis of low level forcing should lift
    north gradually as the surface front edges north later this
    morning but some southward propagation of convection will be
    possible into the inflow. The RAP is forecasting the upper level
    jet max to strengthen through 12Z, reaching 120 kt by 12Z from
    eastern ND into northern MN, allowing a region of strong
    divergence and diffluence to set up over the Missouri and Big
    Sioux River Valleys. While mean steering flow is not forecast to
    perfectly align with the axis of convergence throughout the next 4
    hours, there will likely continue to be areas of training from WSW
    to ENE with rainfall rates of at least 1-2 in/hr. Additional
    rainfall totals of at least 2 to 4 inches are expected for
    portions of the eastern SD/NE border into southwestern
    MN/northwestern IA as the flash flood threats expands through the


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8egKa1tRIZdF_Z9pEBEvHO7rbmYDRKGLBTlkFtlgwcQjg_EAsKbDzAHadQFoxgjN_B8U= 72eZN0Z4cAY0gzqogcmT_4E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44579428 44159356 43359377 42599492 42229721=20
    42669864 42680014 42920086 43470055 44289693=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 07:10:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170710

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0451
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    309 AM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...southern portions of Lower Michigan

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 170708Z - 171300Z

    Summary...Localized flash flooding from training and 2-4 inch
    rainfall totals will be possible across southern portions of Lower
    Michigan through 13Z.

    Discussion...A long-lived MCV was noted to be tracking east across
    southern portions of Lower Michigan at 0635Z. The MCV was centered
    about 30 miles WSW of Lansing, although an additional circulation
    was noted ~30 miles ESE of Lansing via KDTX radar imagery. SPC
    mesoanalysis data showed that an area of ~500 to 1000 J/kg MUCAPE
    has been moving east with the circulation over the past 2-4 hours
    with WSW low level flow allowing for advection of higher moisture
    into the region along with training of cells at times within the
    ongoing small complex of thunderstorms, supporting peak rainfall
    rates between 1-2 in/hr.

    The MCV is expected to maintain an east or east-northeast track
    over the next 3-6 hours toward Ontario. Thermodynamic and
    kinematic parameters appear to remain steady state or favorable
    for repeating/training of heavy rain at times across southern
    Michigan. While likely to remain isolated, the addition of 2-4
    inches of rain may cause flash flooding, especially if heavy
    rainfall can maintain into the Detroit metropolitan region where
    the urban landscape will have greater susceptibility to runoff
    from heavy rain.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9cOt8a6fS2cLZZe3uAeBzlvG1UwDJPBn7H3Ii3Xh-GJzBXcvp9mqepyOPvcqEbrCnBcc= O2z5jh-8GaOwbBuODwytN4Y$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43348274 42998254 42448268 41838348 41818527=20
    42388559 42858538 43228447=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 10:15:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171015

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0452
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    614 AM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...eastern NE/southeastern SD into IA, southern
    MN/western WI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171014Z - 171430Z

    Summary...Occasional areas of training will continue a threat for
    flash flooding across portions of eastern NE/southeastern SD into
    IA, southern MN and far western WI this morning. Rainfall rates of
    1 to 2+ in/hr will be possible with additional totals of 2-4

    Discussion...A broad MCS over portions of the Central Plains/Upper
    Midwest has undergone a complex evolution over the past few hours
    with a leading convective line extending from southeastern MN into
    northwestern IA and eastern NE. Movement of the leading line has
    been toward the east (northern portions) and southeast (southern
    portions). Upstream re-development continued as well, with cloud
    top cooling over northern NE, but appearance on radar imagery has
    been somewhat fragmented. The entire system was post-frontal,
    driven in part by a moderately strong low level jet of 35 to 60 kt
    (highest over KS/NE) overrunning the slow moving front. 09Z SPC
    mesoanalysis data showed MUCAPE of 500 to 2000+ J/kg in place from
    the SD/NE border into southern MN and western WI. Aloft, flow was
    strongly divergent and diffluent within the right entrance region
    of a 130 kt centered over northern MN.

    An overall eastward motion is expected to continue with the
    convective complex over the next 3-4 hours but the greatest
    potential for training will be from northeastern NE into portions
    of IA and perhaps southern MN. It is here where mean eastward
    motion of cells will have the best possibility of intercepting
    subsequent development immediately downstream given placement of
    the low level jet core. RAP guidance is forecasting weakening of
    850 mb winds between 13-15Z along with weakening
    divergence/diffluence aloft as the upper jet max translates into
    southern Canada. Through ~14Z, a localized flash flood threat will
    remain across eastern portions of the Central Plains into the
    Upper Midwest.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8KG93sDaXKLUOCCG6yzfPsXUMt7Av0letO-es9Euv9flnQZdQ3s9GGDDwrSsQ_woP9wA= jEfGEj6HxkcDi_tP7j2GtXI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44429201 44279109 43789097 42699164 41809311=20
    41289468 41179615 41489760 41569792 42069848=20
    42309901 42619964 42780023 43030041 43469986=20
    43559764 43719606 44369321=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 17:08:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171708

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0453
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    107 PM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Southeast LA...Far Southwest MS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171705Z - 172305Z

    SUMMARY...Locally slow-moving and occasional back-building of
    showers and thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall rates may
    result in some flash flooding concerns going through the afternoon

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows an area of convection generally tending
    to grow in coverage across areas of south-central to southeast LA,
    and far southwest MS. The activity is being facilitated by
    increasing low-level convergence along the leading edge of an
    inverted surface trough crossing the central Gulf Coast region.

    This coupled with increasing boundary layer instability and very
    moist southeast flow coming in off the Gulf of Mexico will likely
    further encourage an expansion of convection over the next few
    hours. Additionally, the upper-level flow pattern is becoming
    increasingly diffluent aloft in connection with the area of
    disturbed weather over the central and southern Gulf of Mexico.

    MLCAPE values of 1500+ J/kg with PWs of 2.0 to 2.25 inches will
    drive very heavy rainfall rates with the organizing clusters of
    convection. Rainfall rates with the stronger storms are forecast
    to locally reach 2 to 2.5 inches/hour, and with a set-up that is
    conducive for back-building and repeating convective cells, some
    localized storm totals going through late this afternoon may reach
    3 to 5 inches, and this is consistent with the 12Z HREF guidance.

    Some isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding will
    be possible, and this will include a localized urban flash flood


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-mLAf-EvNbBuxUvTCMXMsfcpPdlFi5Hm0F_XeXIwpkIJrzJeVW9qdTQgbli1YnFtxrbJ= N6C7EGBJqWh7_JRo65s_rw4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31889179 31819089 31168957 30488929 29958943=20
    29738967 29519063 29739180 30219264 30899278=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 17:38:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171738

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0454
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    137 PM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Mid-South into the Lower OH

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171735Z - 172335Z

    SUMMARY...Occasional training of showers and thunderstorms may
    result in some localized areas of flash flooding heading through
    the afternoon and early evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...A mid-level vort center advancing northward around
    the western periphery of the subtropical ridge over the Eastern
    U.S. will be impacting portions of the Mid-South and Lower OH
    Valley going through the afternoon and early evening hours with at
    least broken coverage of heavy showers and thunderstorms.

    GOES-E IR satellite imagery along with radar has been already
    showing expansion of convection across areas of central to
    northeast AR and through the MO Bootheel as stronger diurnal
    heating/boundary layer destabilization occurs in concert with some
    uptick in low-level moisture convergence near the mid-level vort
    center. Over the next few hours, expect more areas of southeast MO
    and potentially as far northeast as southern IL and western KY to
    get into the coverage of broken areas of convection.

    MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2500 J/kg are in place, and with PWs of
    locally over 2 inches which will favor high rainfall rate
    potential. The CIRA-ALPW shows notably concentrated moisture in
    the 850/500 mb layer which should help yield enhanced rainfall
    efficiency for locally extreme rainfall rates given some of the
    forcing and instability situated near the vort center.

    Some rainfall rates may reach 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour and there
    will be some localized concerns for cell-training with potentially
    some north/south oriented bands of convection. Radar does
    currently show evidence of this across areas of central AR.

    The latest HRRR guidance suggests some isolated rainfall totals
    potentially reach 3 to 5+ inches going through early this evening,
    and this should favor at least localized concerns for flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9HkWULemOGEo7xIRkBN7Uz4Ht7H_enp-UYOx8Wh5W08jM6Y0g67qZ7z0ojxa86BGPCCg= jgKspp_Mve1vtI97Raed7oI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38148913 37848811 36998810 35608940 34219041=20
    34049127 34429218 35289235 36449184 37199119=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 17 23:27:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 172327

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0455
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    727 PM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Lower to Mid Mississippi Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 172326Z - 180400Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will continue to develop and
    lift northward into a surface trough through the evening. Rainfall
    rates within thunderstorms may peak above 2"/hr at times, creating
    rainfall of 1-3" with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon depicts
    widespread showers and thunderstorms within an exceptionally moist
    airmass across much of the lower to mid Mississippi Valley. These
    storms are developing in response to ample fuel in the form of PWs
    elevated to around 2.2 inches, above the daily record according to
    the SPC sounding climatology, and MLCAPE above 1500 J/kg. This
    warm/unstable airmass is further characterized by freezing levels
    rising to around 14,000 ft and mid-level lapse rates that are
    generally moist-adiabatic (6-7C/km) suggesting efficient warm rain
    processes are dominating. Synoptic ascent is modest on the western
    periphery of the building upper ridge, but weak shortwaves
    embedded within the flow, some subtle low-to-mid level
    convergence, and a surface trough analyzed from western TN into
    northern LA are providing sufficient lift into the robust
    environment to support the convection with heavy rainfall. Recent
    radar estimated rainfall rates have been as high as 1-1.5"/hr, and
    these are likely to continue through nightfall.

    Although storm organization is likely to be minimal due to a lack
    of bulk shear, the robust thermodynamics and sufficient ascent
    should result in continued development of convection through and
    even beyond sunset. This is reflected by most available CAMs,
    although many, including the HRRR, appear to be under-doing the
    convective coverage. Storms should continue to develop near the
    Gulf Coast/Lower Mississippi Valley and then lift northward on
    mean winds of 10-20 kts and within intensifying 850mb flow which
    may reach 25-30 kts early tonight. The 850mb wind exceeding the
    mean wind additionally suggests coverage will remain widespread
    through the evening, and although cells will be moving quickly,
    repeated rounds are possible in some areas. The greatest risk for
    repeating rounds or training will be along the surface trough
    where the most impressive moisture flux will focus, resulting in
    enhanced lift for regenerating or merging cells. With rain rates
    progged by the HREF to be 1-2"/hr, this could result in rainfall
    locally exceeding 3 inches.

    7-day rainfall across this portion of the MS Valley has been
    minimal as noted via AHPS rainfall departures that are just around
    10% of normal, which has resulted in 0-10cm RSM from NASA SPoRT
    that is just around 30%. However, heavy rainfall today has
    accumulated to 1-3" in some areas according to MRMS. While most of
    the soils should be able to handle progressive heavy rain rates,
    where training can occur, especially in the vicinity of the
    surface trough, or over urban areas or soils moistened by today's
    rain, isolated instances of flash flooding are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9OMkLf70D8cfJBWG2bjoUmTAdG0mLL0CRNdUG2-T8DJqYgKyEsd6qhZ9znKNtI7PPM50= IL4lxCvK_nKQ7eYQWLmWPZQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36818899 36568800 35788811 34528848 33638864=20
    32718869 31758872 31628911 31668973 31869055=20
    32309122 32419134 33399175 34459145 35839071=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 18 00:20:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180020

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0456
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    820 PM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Minnesota, eastern South Dakota

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 180019Z - 180600Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will increase in coverage this
    evening and begin to train along a surging warm front. Rainfall
    rates in excess of 2"/hr are likely at times, which could produce
    2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms are expanding across
    portions of MN this evening as reflected by rapidly cooling cloud
    tops in the GOES-E IR imagery collocated with strengthening
    reflectivity via the regional radar mosaic. This activity is
    building in response to pronounced ascent due to the favorable
    positioning of the RRQ of an upper jet streak, a shortwave noted
    lifting out of SD, and increasing isentropic upglide atop a
    surface warm front analyzed by WPC from northern NE through
    western WI. Together these are producing strong lift into a
    favorable thermodynamic environment characterized by PWs of around
    1.7-1.8 inches, and a sharp SBCAPE gradient to as high as 4000
    J/kg over northern NE. Rainfall rates within ongoing convection
    are already estimated to be 1-1.5"/hr.

    The CAMS are struggling to initialize the current activity, as the
    latest reflectivity is much more widespread than the models
    indicate it should be. This reflects how potent the environment is
    for thunderstorm development, and the ingredients based approach
    indicates thunderstorms will continue to develop through the
    evening as the front begins to lift northward. The setup supports
    widespread development along and north of the warm front, with
    activity becoming more intense as the 850mb LLJ rises to 50-60 kts
    from the south, pegged above +6 sigma from the SREF, surging
    extreme moisture flux into the region. This will reinvigorate
    convection generally along the warm front where lift is most
    intense, while the additional synoptic lift results in widespread
    thunderstorms across the discussion area. Additionally, this
    surging LLJ will result in veering and collapsing Corfidi vectors
    in the next few hours, and signals are strong for back-building
    convection to the SW along the warm front, with cells then
    training N/NE at 15-25 kts. The lack of model support for the
    current activity indicates that the HREF probabilities are likely
    too low, but even they already suggest rain rates will eclipse
    2"/hr at times, and where backbuilding/training occurs this has a
    10-20% chance for as much as 5" of rainfall in the next 6 hours.

    Despite the uncertainty in the model output, the ingredients
    suggest instances of flash flooding are likely due to the heavy
    rates and training potential. Additionally, soils across this
    region are saturated from recent rainfall that has been 2-4" in
    the last 24 hours, and around 300% of normal the last 7 days. This
    has compromised FFG to 0.75-1.5"/3hrs, which will likely be
    exceeded, causing at least scattered instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8ndoR2N_rW7sQHXd7-jKwUas10PK60WPxOrHm5dfuk2oM0vTkMxAFAlVHdQTubzNY-t4= MJ5cEbPTK5G8tkTG4Ek0c-o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45939554 45909406 45469317 44849275 44259297=20
    43769420 43379537 43169668 43239804 43759887=20
    44179886 44539855 45119790 45669678=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 18 01:59:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180159

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0457
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    958 PM EDT Mon Jun 17 2024

    Areas affected...northern South Dakota, central/eastern North

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180157Z - 180730Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms moving across western ND will
    expand in coverage to the east while intensifying tonight.
    Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are likely, which through training could
    produce 2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding
    is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this evening depicts
    widespread showers moving out of western ND, and in the past 1-2
    hours an intensification of reflectivity has been noted. This area
    of precipitation is being driven by forcing ahead of a potent
    shortwave embedded within an approaching trough axis, with height
    falls and upper diffluence in the RRQ of a departing jet streak
    contributing to the impressive synoptic ascent. At the same time a
    stationary front is draped across ND, with an intense overlap of
    PWs of 1.2-1.4 inches and MUCAPE nearing 1000 J/kg aligned south
    of this boundary. Regional VWPs indicate the 850mb LLJ has begun
    to intensify, reaching 40 kts from the SSW, which is impinging
    favorably into the front for additional ascent, while also drawing
    the more robust thermodynamics northward.

    Activity is blossoming more rapidly than the high res CAMS
    suggest, but the overall trend in the models is still supported.
    During the next few hours, the 850mb LLJ is progged to reach an
    incredible 50-60 kts across NE/SD, above the all-time max
    climatological percentile according to NAEFS. This will surge
    low-level moisture flux to above +5 sigma, resulting in an extreme
    convergence of moisture transport vectors into eastern ND. With
    increasing MUCAPE also occurring across that area, it is extremely
    likely that convective coverage will expand and intensify, with
    both the HREF and REFS probabilities suggesting a 50-70% chance of
    rainfall rates reaching 1-2"/hr. Mean 0-6km winds will continue to
    be elevated at 30-40 kts, but aligned Corfidi vectors to the
    stationary front and the mean wind indicates that training is
    expected, with some additional development S/SW into the greater
    instability supporting even more prolonged training even as the
    entire cluster pivots east. This could produce stripes of 2-4" of
    rain with locally higher amounts.

    7-day rainfall according to AHPS has been well below normal across
    much of the area, although exceptions exist, especially in
    northern ND, generally north of the front. Fortunately, the
    heaviest rainfall footprint from the CAMS, which is supported by
    the ingredients, is generally expected to fall across drier soils
    where FFG is 2-3"/3hrs. The intensity of the rainfall could still
    produce rapid runoff across these areas however, so instances of
    flash flooding are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5WiEAYdW2p7_jXIvOxfoYcGMe-1AEYfbkRNQOfYEtVto1Dw82ndDOfND2Ouv3OQqAAwJ= MDUdsY-7Q7NSKoz0NB5kcQA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48369853 48349741 48119717 47559696 46799704=20
    46389769 45599978 45240059 44900132 44730195=20
    44930247 46720156 47800038=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 18 07:35:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180735

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0458
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    334 AM EDT Tue Jun 18 2024

    Areas affected...central SD into eastern ND and northern MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180730Z - 181330Z

    Summary...Areas of heavy rain will continue to advance through the
    Dakotas into MN through sunrise. Peak rainfall rates of 1 to 2
    in/hr, locally higher, are expected to produce additional but
    localized 2-4 inch totals through about 13Z, which may result in
    isolated to widely scattered coverage of flash flooding.

    Discussion...Regional radar imagery at 07Z showed a nearly
    continuous line of thunderstorms extending from eastern ND into
    west-central SD. The line has generally progressing toward the
    east at a steady enough pace to limit flash flood concerns but
    short term areas of training have supported rainfall rates of 1-2
    in/hr, locally higher, since 04Z according to MRMS. The higher
    rates have primarily been focused over SD where eastward
    progression of the convective line has been slower. The axis of
    convection was largely elevated, positioned north of a warm front
    over eastern SD within a zone of strong elevated convergence
    located between 850 and 700 mb. Precipitable water values were
    anomalous across the northern Plains, with 00Z area soundings
    showing values near the 90th percentile but since 00Z, low level
    moisture advection via a 60-70 kt 850 mb jet has further increased
    moisture along with CAPE values. 07Z SPC mesoanalysis data showed
    MUCAPE values ranged from 1500 J/kg over northern MN to an
    impressive 4000 J/kg over northeastern SD.

    As a mid-level trough over MT and western WY continues to advance
    east this morning, the NE to SW oriented axis of thunderstorms
    will advance through the Dakotas into MN, maintaining the threat
    for 1 to 2+ in/hr rainfall rates. Synoptic scale lift in the form
    of enhanced divergence and diffluence aloft will be maximized over
    eastern ND into northern MN within the right entrance region of an
    upper level jet max over southern Manitoba which will support
    increased ascent but eastward progression of thunderstorms may
    limit heavy rainfall duration. RAP guidance supports weakening of
    the elevated convergence axis as an 850 mb low organizes over the
    Dakotas through 12Z, with the surface and 850 mb warm front
    lifting north toward the Canadian border. Through 13Z, there will
    be the potential for SW to NE training where mean steering flow
    aligns with the orientation of convection, perhaps better focused
    across southern areas where eastward progression will be slower
    compared to northern locations. These instances of training are
    expected to remain short lived, but could still support short term
    rainfall of 2-4 inches along with isolated to widely scattered
    areas of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5XWcKgBDpeDAMgR9LHgfvuIrZbvwJFLWmqXthfVR4VApyeHKUeeyrGjZ-TyzGVEZ-fi2= SNFu9Qw3xnI5-7Cp4ujfNCU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49439524 49419467 48999350 48729223 48019116=20
    46899227 45119559 44219801 43780049 43710170=20
    43810236 44040249 44460233 45570060 46509950=20
    47609805 48339708 48799640 49229589=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 18 17:46:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181746

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0459
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    145 PM EDT Tue Jun 18 2024

    Areas affected...Upper OH Valley...Central Appalachians...Northern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181745Z - 182345Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to develop this afternoon and continue into the early
    evening hours. High rainfall rates and relatively slow
    cell-motions may foster some isolated instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...A moist and unstable airmass is in place across much
    of the Upper OH Valley through the northern Mid-Atlantic region
    characterized by midday MLCAPE values that are on the order of
    1500 to 2500 J/kg and PWs of 1.5 to 1.75 inches. The boundary
    layer in particular is quite moist with surface dewpoints in the
    low 70s across large areas of eastern OH through western and
    northern PA, and also across southern NY.

    Additional strong diurnal heating going through mid-afternoon will
    only contribute to a further destabilization of the boundary layer
    and should set the stage for scattered areas of showers and
    thunderstorms to develop. A combination of localized differential
    heating boundaries and orographics involving the higher terrain of
    the Appalachians will be key drivers of this.

    However, a rather strong subtropical ridge is currently centered
    over the Mid-Atlantic states and will be strengthening a bit
    further this afternoon. This suggests poor mid-level lapse rates,
    and with a lack of shear, the convective mode going through the
    afternoon hours should generally be pulse in nature. However, as
    smaller-scale convection develops, there may be sufficient outflow
    boundary activity to promote additional convective growth/activity.

    Areas also farther west across northeast OH, northwest PA and
    southwest NY in close proximity to Lake Erie will have the
    consideration of a lake-breeze boundary which will help to provide
    some low-level forcing/convergence for convective initiation this
    afternoon. Can't rule out some locally focused areas of convection
    across these areas with slow cell-motions in the vicinity of this

    The 12Z HREF guidance suggests rainfall rates should easily reach
    1 to 2 inches/hour with the stronger storms, with the potential
    for a lot of this to fall in as little as 30 minutes given the
    high CAPE environment. Some localized storm totals of 2 to 3+
    inches will be possible, and this may result in some isolated
    instances of flash flooding. This will include potentially some
    urban impacts as well for locations such as Pittsburgh and


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6np9apdjjF_I3Ivjg_gCrsMfxmD_cqSlJAzijuTOOJFom9smUdsDLdCWpw9E_IxYAU74= v9-OmlcP2o9BKPZ-LNYzaYQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42757731 42427483 41877418 41377449 40947537=20
    40877657 40537795 39767864 38488014 38828100=20
    39938126 40918246 41638226 42088089 42687898=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 18 18:45:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181845

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0460
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    243 PM EDT Tue Jun 18 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Upper Midwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181843Z - 190043Z

    SUMMARY...Redeveloping bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    are expected through the afternoon and early evening hours. Some
    training of this activity may result in runoff problems and
    concerns for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Surface observations show a wave of low pressure over
    northeast SD which will be lifting across west-central to
    northeast MN this afternoon as an upper-level trough gradually
    ejects east across the northern High Plains. A strong low-level
    jet reaching 40 to 50+ kts out ahead of this low pressure system
    will be interacting with a warm front across central to northeast
    MN to drive a renewed threat of rather organized showers and
    thunderstorms going through the afternoon and early evening hours.

    In the wake of earlier convection, the latest visible satellite
    imagery shows some clearing taking place over areas of central and
    southern MN, and already the MLCAPE values have recovered to 2000
    to 3000 J/kg. An additional uptick in instability is expected over
    the next few hours with more diurnal heating, and with increasing
    convergence along the warm front along with enhanced isentropic
    ascent and frontogenetical forcing, there should be an uptick and
    expansion of convection for areas along and north of the warm
    front. Areas of central to northeast MN in particular will likely
    see concerns for rather well-organized and locally training bands
    of convection given this set-up and with convection aligned
    parallel to the deeper layer steering flow.

    However, as warm-sector boundary layer destabilization continues
    in conjunction with relatively strong shear parameters, there will
    eventually be the development of surface-based convection along
    and just ahead of the approaching upstream cold front.

    The 12Z HREF guidance supports rainfall rates that are quite high,
    and capable of reaching 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour. The latest
    CIRA-ALPW data shows a pronounced area of enhanced moisture
    concentrated in the 850/700mb layer with strong LVT magnitudes.
    Therefore the stronger convective cells are expected to be quite
    efficient in producing high rainfall rates.

    Additional rainfall totals by 00Z (7pm CDT) this evening will be
    capable of reaching 3 to 6 inches with much of this connected to
    the training convection threat north of the warm front. However,
    warm-sector areas of southern MN may also see locally as much as 2
    to 4 inches of rain as convection here organizes later in the
    afternoon ahead of the cold front.

    Given the locally wet antecedent conditions and additional totals,
    some runoff problems and concerns for flash flooding will exist.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8wgnNO1TWtilQ-b-c2Nk_yaT2uxmI1Ofd5gKWmleOZUdqV57W3l9dXX9aCwp72_2xeBu= OShVWuwo5uPrQ4yf60uHaxU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48529091 47918980 46969050 46219132 45169218=20
    43659372 43619558 44129618 44949646 45619679=20
    46529665 47429552 48019423 48469287=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 00:37:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190037

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0462
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    837 PM EDT Tue Jun 18 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest Kansas...Oklahoma Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 190036Z - 190606Z

    Summary...A semi-discrete line of supercell thunderstorms
    continues to evolve along the triple-point in Southwest Kansas.
    Training combined with slow storm motions of 5-15 kts may lead to
    locally very heavy rainfall upwards of 5-6" through 6z.

    Discussion...Radar across Southwest Kansas shows a broken line of
    semi-discrete supercells which emerged from an initially linear
    slab of convection along a slow moving cold front. Recently, the
    orientation of these supercells has started to align along a more
    west-east axis, and are exhibiting a training and backbuilding
    signal along the KS-OK border near the Liberal, KS area as new
    deep convection forms along a now retreating dryline and stalled
    cold front.

    Recent mesoanalysis estimates depict a very unstable environment
    upstream of the convection, including 3000-4000 J/kg MUCAPE and
    1.4-1.6" PWATS. Effective shear values are a bit on the weak side
    (20-25 kts), although storm-relative anvil layer flow to the
    northeast may alleviate the lack of overall shear as storms move
    eastward along the Bunkers RM vector. Combined with strong
    low-level theta-e advection and increasing 1000-850 mb moisture
    convergence, the concern is for backbuilding and training on the
    southwest flank of the ongoing activity to continue going into

    The HREF continues to be quite aggressive going into tonight with
    this current activity, and shows very high (60-70%) probabilities
    of 6 HR QPF exceeding 3" through 6Z over Southwest Kansas, with an
    appreciable (30-35%) chance of 100 year ARI exceedence noted
    there. While antecedent conditions are generally dry across the
    region (according to NASA SPORT soil moisture percentiles), this
    focused corridor of very heavy rainfall will likely drive a risk
    of flash flooding through 6Z, some of which may be locally


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_Plf0SQd9RsKA89tIA1qvVPyJCE2nHmD-q0auQmA3JvACYqEJxXq0gRhVFjC9XkyJ_y8= Q_NifmLSbGn5wEY8UJPqumU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37620029 37529966 37219959 36999976 36800022=20
    36680073 36620119 36690167 36970183 37330175=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 01:25:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190125

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0463
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    925 PM EDT Tue Jun 18 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Upper Midwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 190124Z - 190602Z

    Summary...Training bands of efficient showers and thunderstorms
    continue this evening across parts of the Upper Midwest.
    Additional flash flooding is expected as east-southeastward
    through 6z.

    Discussion...Radar across the Upper Midwest continues to track
    southwest to northeast oriented bands of training showers and
    thunderstorms which were slowly translating southeastward ahead of
    a frontal wave. Rainfall production within this activity remains
    quite prolific, with recent estimates out of KLDH highlighting
    hourly rainfall rates of 2"/hr within the most intense convective
    bands. This very efficient training activity led to numerous
    reports of flash flooding across the region this afternoon, and
    maximum ARI exceedences upwards of 200 years in parts of MN per

    Recent SPC mesoanalysis estimates highlight a very favorable
    environment for the maintenance and development of additional
    convective bands. 2000-3000 J/KG of MUCAPE and PWATs of 1.9-2.0"
    are noted within the warm sector, which will be fairly slow to
    erode even as heating wanes given the very impressive southerly
    moisture transport vectors in the 925-850 mb layer. The ejection
    of the upper-trough across the Northern Tier will also maintain
    plenty of divergent and diffluent flow aloft to maintain and
    develop convective bands ahead of the front.

    Accordingly, through 6Z continued training segments with a slow
    southeastward translation are expected continue the flash flooding
    threat across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. This is reflected in
    the 18z HREF EAS neighborhood probabilities, which maintain high
    (40-50%) probabilities of exceeding an inch of rainfall through 6Z
    along and ahead of the front, where local rainfall could eclipse
    2-3". This will support additional instances of flash flooding in
    light of saturated conditions from earlier and ongoing activity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5AxXMXWX_LwpbQp5IgKtsbjvr2YBwCvWY4FLQNzzzO_wN1f0JSXlAbRZJ3uOwMNM7qqK= _3nHC0KSeNB3cBDLprbhsKE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48499015 47978920 47058905 46278932 45299035=20
    43799152 43559289 44079377 45329382 46929321=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 04:18:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190418

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0464
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1217 AM EDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern KS into the MO River Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 190415Z - 190800Z

    Summary...Areas of training are expected to maintain a flash flood
    threat, at least locally, from portions of central/eastern KS into
    the MO River Valley through 08Z. Additional 1-3 inch totals will
    be possible, but locally higher values over 3 inches may occur
    over southern portions of KS to the west of I-35.

    Discussion...04Z radar imagery and surface observations showed
    that a broken line of thunderstorms has moved out ahead of a slow
    moving cold front over KS, preceded by a leading composite outflow
    boundary extending from southwestern KS into northeastern KS and
    southern IA. SPC mesoanalysis data from 04Z showed 1000-2000 J/kg
    MUCAPE remained across KS out ahead of the cold front along with
    anomalous precipitable water values of 1.5 to 1.9 inches.
    Southerly flow at 850 mb of 35-40 kt was overrunning the
    rain-cooled air, maintaining scattered to numerous thunderstorms
    moving toward the south and east over KS.

    While convective overturning has moderated lapse rates a bit from
    earlier in the evening, steep lapse rates remained over portions
    of the region, especially near the western and central OK/KS
    border which likely still contained 8+ C/km in the 700-500 mb
    layer as sampled by 00Z soundings from DDC, OUN and AMA. These
    steeper lapse rates should continue to support thunderstorms into
    the night despite weakening trends in CAPE and 850 mb flow through
    the remainder of the night for most areas.

    Flash flooding will remain possible across a broad section of
    central to eastern KS into portions of the Missouri River Valley
    through 08Z where alignment of convection matches mean steering
    flow from the southwest, allowing 1-2 in/hr rain rates. However,
    overall weakening is expected for convection in the vicinity of
    the Missouri Valley with a relative min in forcing for ascent and
    as agreed upon by a majority of recent hires guidance. Farther
    south, stronger convection is likely to maintain vigor for at
    least the next 2-4 hours which could support additional rainfall
    over 3 inches over portions of southern KS to the west of I-35 due
    to training.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9J56ZS6bQH6t7xqrDbPC9gsEUCt_GJzV9QRc_uG5G4OCnvoa9qCcSdcAmOJDbHaF0Vou= 3mq1T64mzEdEZTmM6A26VV0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40709534 40689453 40189430 39079450 37909574=20
    37159743 36979861 36979970 37499989 38169941=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 06:29:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190629

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0465
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    228 AM EDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Areas affected...OK Panhandle and immediate vicinity

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 190627Z - 191030Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of considerable flash flooding area likely to
    continue for The OK Panhandle and surrounding locations, some of
    which could bring severe to life threatening impacts. A slow
    moving area of heavy rain will continue to produce 2 to 3+ in/hr
    rainfall rates for another few hours with an additional 4-8 inches
    possible through 10Z.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery at over the southern High Plains at 06Z
    showed a slow moving axis of thunderstorms entering the northern
    TX Panhandle from the north. Movement of heavy rain has averaged
    5-10 kt to the south over the past 4 hours but movement appears to
    have slowed over the past hour and some upstream development has
    continued to manifest into far northeastern NM as a dryline
    retreats westward through eastern NM. 40-50 kt of southerly flow
    at 850 mb was overrunning a quasi-stationary front and convective
    outflow, with the outflow boundary located just south of ongoing
    convection in the northern TX Panhandle. Highly anomalous moisture
    near the climatological max for this region of the country and
    1000-2000 J/kg MUCAPE (per SPC mesoanalysis data) was fueling
    observed rainfall rates of 2-3 in/hr with 3 to 8 inches of rain
    estimated via MRMS over the past 7 hours from Stevens and Seward
    counties in southwestern KS into Texas and Beaver counties in the
    OK Panhandle.

    With an established cold pool located just south of the ongoing
    convection (located within the southern portion of the
    northernmost row of counties in the northern TX Panhandle) only
    edging slowly to the south, low level southerly flow will continue
    to overrun the boundary allowing for continued thunderstorm
    development, despite 5-10 kt of forecast weakening through 10Z.
    Infrared satellite trends have shown new updrafts propagating
    toward the WSW and these trends are expected to continue over the
    next 1-2 hours but with slow to stationary movement of heavy
    rainfall echoes in the OK Panhandle. Additional elevated
    development of convection will also be possible farther north into
    southwestern KS toward 12Z, along a strengthening convergence axis
    aloft, although this additional development is not certain.
    Localized rainfall rates of 2 to 3+ in/hr are expected to continue
    in the short term with an additional 4 to 8 inches of rain
    possible through 10Z over the OK Panhandle and adjacent locations.
    These rains will continue to have significant flash flood impacts
    for the region with life-threatening flash flooding possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_SMt47vnH_s6KsCz4g6otOfoSGdweZ71aO6hKdOrXdLq7-zZEmXCglVLZnViXM4PbN8G= 529tv8BPbdntTLxyYpIt1U8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37810224 37799908 37219808 36489831 36109891=20
    35900049 35920238 36040346 36530382 37230356=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 10:20:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191019

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0466
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    619 AM EDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Areas affected...northern TX/OK Panhandles into adjacent High

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 191018Z - 191430Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding is likely to continue for the next 1-2
    hours from the northern TX Panhandle into portions of northwestern
    OK but decreasing rainfall rates should allow the flash flood
    threat to wane through 14 to 15Z.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery from KAMA at 10Z continued to show a
    slow moving line of thunderstorms, slowly advancing south across
    the northern TX Panhandle. Peak MRMS-derived rainfall rates have
    averaged 1-3 in/hr over the past 2-3 hours, but the coverage of
    the higher end of that range has been waning along with a
    significant warming on infrared satellite imagery. Trends in VAD
    wind data from KAMA showed 850 mb winds weakening from ~45 kt
    earlier in the night down to ~25 kt at 10Z.

    The reduced lift across the rain-cooled outflow boundary along
    with weakening divergence/diffluence aloft should allow for a
    continued reduction in the rainfall intensity across the TX/OK
    Panhandles and adjacent locations within the High Plains over the
    next few hours. However, lingering MLCAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg was
    estimated over northeastern NM into the northwestern TX Panhandle
    via the 10Z SPC mesoanalysis which will likely continue to support
    localized training with rainfall rates up to 3 in/hr for perhaps
    another 60-90 minutes. Additional short term training will likely
    maintain a flash flood threat into the remainder of the TX
    Panhandle and possibly northwestern OK for the next 1-2 hours but
    by 14-15Z, the flash flood threat is likely to be over due to this
    system. Additional rainfall totals of 2-4 inches are expected for
    the region, much of that falling early on, prior to an expected
    dissipation of the MCS.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7uwV2uKThcRQES_8AAXbvQDYDVK2ZxPdA3ncVbsTsDC8wM1-7Tj7vhp4ST76C83NcMpc= I1bHoX6u6bUkaYiYgT-y6sU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37209931 37119864 36619818 35609861 35309988=20
    35530184 35520292 35640350 36160368 36670317=20
    37000229 37130151 37170000=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 12:51:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191251

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0467
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    850 AM EDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Southeast TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191250Z - 191850Z

    SUMMARY...The broken outer rainbands associated with Potential
    Tropical Cyclone One will be arriving this morning across
    south-central to southeast TX. Heavy rainfall rates and eventually
    some concerns for training convection will support a gradually
    increasing threat for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Potential Tropical Cyclone One remains situated down
    over the southern Gulf of Mexico early this morning, but the
    broken outer rainbands around the northwest flank of the system's
    circulation are approaching the middle and lower TX coastlines and
    will begin to move inland over the next several hours.

    Cloud top temperatures in the GOES-E IR satellite imagery have
    been tending to cool a bit overall over the last couple of hours
    with the offshore activity, and this is largely be driven by
    increasing low-level moisture flux convergence and instability
    transport focusing along inverted surface trough. MLCAPE values
    offshore over the western Gulf of Mexico are on the order of 1500
    to 2500 J/kg, and with notable low-level speed convergence and
    even frictional convergence near the coast, there will likely be
    an increased level of convection becoming concentrated very close
    to the coast and also just inland over the next several hours.

    The environment is extremely moist around the northwest quadrant
    of the system circulation, with PWs that are on the order of 2.4
    to 2.6 inches based on early-morning GPS-derived data and the
    latest CIRA-ALPW data shows highly concentrated moisture all the
    way through the top of the vertical column. The very deep warm
    cloud layer environment coupled with the instability transport and strengthening vertical ascent along the coast will support these
    bands of convection producing extremely high rainfall rates that
    should easily reach into the 2 to 3 inch/hour range, and may
    approach 4 inches/hour for some of the stronger convective cells
    by midday that will likely arrive once stronger instability begins
    to overspread the coast.

    Dry antecedent conditions will initially cut down on the flash
    flooding risk, but over time, the arrival of heavier rainfall
    rates and eventually cell-training concerns, should elevate the
    flash flood threat. As depicted by the 06Z HREF consensus,
    rainfall amounts going through early afternoon may reach 3 to 6
    inches, and this will at a minimum support an urban flash flood
    threat. Trends will be closely monitored over the next several
    hours, and additional MPDs will be issued this afternoon


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!81u1J4vMvee_lrKRgGY2wKGtO453-R7fj0gUQrLsSeTnD5AFPS9JpRDapYDwEt291mCG= sTQaOgUPJPnSR5ZtjwegmG0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29459553 28979521 28499599 27799680 26799716=20
    25779721 25699802 25969846 26839867 27859840=20
    28639783 29289677=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 18:51:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191851

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0468
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    250 PM EDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Areas affected...South Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 191850Z - 200050Z

    SUMMARY...Bands of locally training showers and thunderstorms
    associated with the outer circulation of Tropical Storm Alberto
    will continue to cross through South Texas this afternoon and
    evening. Areas of flash flooding will be likely.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with regional dual-pol radars and surface observations shows bands
    of heavy showers and thunderstorms focusing across South Texas as
    the cyclonic circulation around the northwest flank of T.S.
    Alberto overspreads the region.

    An easterly low-level jet of 40 to 50 kts off the Gulf of Mexico
    continues to drive strong low-level moisture flux convergence and
    forcing in vicinity of an inverted trough. This coupled with a
    substantial pool of offshore instability with MLCAPE values of
    1500 to 2500 J/kg should sustain these convective bands along and
    inland of the coast over the next several hours, with potentially
    some uptick in intensity given some threat for the low-level jet
    to increase a bit further in strength.

    The environment remains deeply tropical with extremely high PWs
    that are near or at a daily record. The 12Z RAOBs from CRP and BRO
    depicted PWs of 2.64 and 2.66 inches respectfully. The very deep
    warm cloud layer environment coupled with the sustained
    instability transport and level of forcing for some of these
    linear convective bands will continue to favor extremely high
    rainfall rates that should easily reach into the 2 to 3 inch/hour
    range. The 12Z HREF guidance suggests some spotty hourly totals
    could reach 4+ inches with the stronger and more organized bands.

    The 12Z HREF consensus and recent HRRR runs support an additional
    3 to 6 inches of rain locally across South Texas going through the
    early evening hours. Much of South Texas had been quite dry ahead
    of T.S. Alberto's rainfall, but with the locally extreme rainfall
    rate potential and the additional totals, there will likely be
    expanding areas of flash flooding over the next several hours.

    In fact, areas around Rockport, TX on the coast have already seen
    5+ inches of rain for the event, and are seeing flash flooding
    now. Thus, with the additional rainfall today, a few instances of
    considerable to severe flash flooding cannot be ruled out.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9sEsEtbIaptTYB8fM0U2Mw-ScgStPHLTiwNNNYmoetQq7jgQfQD2L98mZ9vX8nP3wIbL= H_cMCedOTVx7yaun72S79WU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29389694 29109603 28639584 27999668 27139711=20
    26239704 25809711 25779792 26109866 26689934=20
    27459950 27889989 28809918 29319818=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 19 20:10:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192010

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0469
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    409 PM EDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 192009Z - 200104Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms are beginning to form atop the terrain in
    South-Central New Mexico. A few instances of flash flooding will
    remain possible this afternoon as slow-moving thunderstorm
    coverage increases over the next few hours.

    Discussion...Recent GOES Day Cloud Phase RGB and GLM data suggest
    convective initiation is underway across portions of South-Central
    New Mexico, with increasing glaciation and lightning activity
    noted along the Sandia Manzano and Sacramento Mountains. A recent
    storm in Southern Lincoln county with rainfall rates upwards of
    .5"/hr prompted a Flash Flood Warning as the cell was nearly
    stationary. This uptick in activity is in response to persistent
    diurnal heating, combined with strong easterly upslope flow,
    ushering in a very moist airmass with tropical origins from TS
    Alberto to the south.

    Owing to the strong heating and continued moistening across the
    region, recent mesoanalysis and GPS estimates depict 1500 J/kg of
    MLCAPE and 0.8-1.0" PWAT values just downstream from the
    convection--around the 90th percentile for the region. 30-40 kts
    of effective shear organized in a veering profile are noted just
    downstream of the activity as well, which will support some
    multicells and even supercells with very slow forecast storm
    motions (varying from 5-15 kts).

    As additional slow-moving storms form over the next several hours,
    the 12Z HREF neighborhood probabilities suggest an increasing
    chance of 5-10 year ARI exceedences within the highlighted area
    (50% and 35%, respectively) through 0Z. This translates to
    localized rainfall amounts of 2-3" where convection sits the
    longest, which could continue the risk for scattered flash
    flooding risk as a result.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-PU0HiAwbt3jZb4-g3GxiFbpEUYryVZEFJINVQsBAX3kAl_n0eXzHt0bCp64jxbi16vC= S_jyInbPlASeYG-WsvDTPaY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35750564 35510430 34350428 33790446 32300505=20
    32310578 33510607 34880628=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 20 01:13:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 200113

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0470
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    912 PM EDT Wed Jun 19 2024

    Areas affected...South Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 200111Z - 200601Z

    Summary...Convective rainbands along the outer periphery of
    Tropical Storm Alberto continue to stream into South Texas.
    Rainfall amounts of 2-5" could lead to some instances of flash
    flooding through 6z.

    Discussion...Radar continues to track several bands of tropical
    convection entering South Texas as Tropical Storm Alberto
    continues a westward track into northeast Mexico. Recent banded
    convection close to the Texas coastline exhibited cooling cloud
    tops accompanied by an uptick in radar estimated rain rates to
    1.5-2"/hr per MRMS and KCRP. This confined area of enhanced
    convection likely remains tied to an inverted trough along the
    coastline, with plenty of low-level convergence and 2000 J/kg of
    MLCAPE within a tall and skinny profile (NCAPE around .1).
    Moreover, effective SRH upwards of 200 m2/s2 will support shallow
    supercell structures to dynamically enhance rainfall rates (see
    SPC MD 1336 for more on the severe weather threat), with 2.6-2.7"
    PWATS noted in the inflow region of these cells.

    Over the next several hours, the inverted trough is expected to
    migrate inland, advecting 1000-1500 J/kg MLCAPE across South
    Texas. This will allow for the more efficient bands containing
    2-2.5"/hour rainfall rates to move across South Texas. Where the
    most organized bands persist, rainfall of 2-5" could fall through
    6z. Generally, the overall impacts with this activity will likely
    depend on if any bands can train over areas which saw heavy
    rainfall earlier today along the coastline, where 5-9" of rainfall
    is estimated over the last 12 hours. Further inland across South
    Texas, some flash flood issues also remain possible through 6z, as
    the HREF suggests an appreciable (30-40%) chance of 10 year ARI
    exceedence, with some signal (10-15%) for 100 year ARI exceedences
    also noted.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4rI0r8jo2b2vkz_XS4kMnFTdMpz3dFmHhFB9OW_D5seB2YD2uPFT1m0dGN6zNLcPYMnX= 8ovtqFhkDlcd_oLRrRvEVzg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28839698 28659664 28229656 27369721 26679722=20
    26019712 25799736 25909811 26269896 26659928=20
    27119958 27639992 28099981 28369892 28679782=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 20 05:39:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 200539

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0471
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    139 AM EDT Thu Jun 20 2024

    Areas affected...South Texas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 200340Z - 200900Z

    SUMMARY...Outer band of T.S Alberto may train across sensitive
    areas with additional spots of 2-4" possible resulting in
    potential reaggravation of flash flooding across S TX.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic depicts a subtle
    shortwave/mid-level vorticity center moving eastward into the Rio
    Grande Valley near Laredo, Texas. This feature appears to be at
    the north-northwest edge of the inverted low to mid-level trough
    of the outer circulation of T.S. Alberto. Aloft, the feature is
    enhanced by upper-level evacuation support at the diffluent
    portion of the 3H jet that becomes further defined by the
    transverse banding in the arched cirrus pattern across central to
    northwest TX. This feature continues to influence low level
    confluence into a trailing surface to boundary layer outer band
    across South Texas from the wave across from Duval to Neuces and
    back out across the western Gulf. Ample deep layer moisture to
    2.75" and unstable air mass off the coast into the western Gulf
    with 3000-3500 J/kg of SBCAPE will continue to support efficient
    rainfall production for thunderstorms that can develop.

    Maintaining convergence will be the biggest uncertainty for
    maintaining the band, but given the northern influence of low
    level flow backing subtly, along with fairly solid consistency in
    hi-res CAMs and RAP forecasts. Cells are likely to be maintained
    even as winds decrease about 5-10kts over the next few hours
    through the 925-850mb layer. Frictional convergence is likely to
    be the best factor for thunderstorm redevelopment and given it is
    fairly orthogonal to the coast (enhanced by local effects near bays/islets/peninsulas) the risk for retaining the band seems
    highly likely, though may waver/vary north-south through time to
    likely limit any particular area receiving 2-3"/hr rates for long
    periods. As such, streaks within the band of 2-3" are likely,
    with some spots of 4" remaining possible. Given area has become
    saturated, especially near Corpus Christi area where FFG values
    are below .5" at all time periods, ongoing flooding is likely to
    continue through early morning hours. However, for the bulk of the
    area of concern, flash flooding is considered possible.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_Md72v_CA1W5wqDMFJRHtIrUEe5TyV4_fie2siUACDyBL1smNpt-P9_K7mgBsKl9T1rM= JRN0UWcpMPSHdGtTqTuEpNA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28389835 28269756 28279684 28069681 27829703=20
    27529721 27339740 27389856 27479909 27889952=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 20 17:31:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201731

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0472
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    130 PM EDT Thu Jun 20 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Far Northern PA...Much of NY...New

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201730Z - 202330Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered showers and thunderstorms will be developing
    this afternoon across portions of northern PA, much of NY, and
    across New England. High rainfall rates with the stronger storms
    may result in a few instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E visible satellite imagery shows a
    well-defined MCV exiting Lake Ontario and starting to cross
    northern NY. This energy coupled more broadly with a very moist
    and unstable airmass pooling ahead of a cold front approaching
    from southeast Canada will set the stage for scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon.

    MLCAPE values are currently already on the order of 1500 to 2500
    J/kg across eastern NY, NH, VT and southern ME, and with aid from
    strong solar insolation and surface dewpoints in the low 70s. Some
    additional uptick in instability is expected over the next couple
    of hours, and this coupled with modest effective bulk shear of 20
    to 25 kts, and the arriving MCV energy along with areal
    orographics involving the northern Appalachians should favor pulse
    and multicell convective development.

    Convective initiation is well underway right now near Lake
    Champlain and also farther south over south-central NY where
    highly agitated CU/TCU fields are expanding in coverage.
    Additional areas of far southern Quebec and approaching the higher
    terrain of western ME show notable areas of CU

    The PWs are rather high with magnitudes locally over 1.75 inches,
    and these are also as much as 2 to 3 standard deviations above
    normal. This moisture coupled with the strong instability
    parameters should yield thunderstorms with enhanced rainfall rates
    with some rainfall rates that may reach 1.0 to 1.5 inches in as
    little as 30 minutes.

    Some of the 12Z HREF guidance suggests some localized 2 to 4 inch
    rainfall totals, with the heaviest rains likely to focused near
    the Champlain Valley and portions of the Green and White
    Mountains. However, locally heavy showers and thunderstorms should
    extend as far southwest as southern NY and far northern PA, and
    locally heavy totals can be expected across these areas as well. A
    few instances of flash flooding will be possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5SjJAp9MQdaccaUP1VUWJAzHGo5ZzNIz3h6b1pRNHZHYnZmChpW5tafRKbntB8tACWgj= QmDHtlxp3yP8Plomp2fT3PE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45317066 45166980 44886922 44406909 43836946=20
    43047091 42357215 41947365 41747525 41677645=20
    41637832 41767910 42167929 42557797 42927665=20
    43397584 44107524 44737471 44927394 45037296=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 20 19:18:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201918

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0473
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    316 PM EDT Thu Jun 20 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern SD...Far Northwest
    IA...Southwest MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201915Z - 210115Z

    SUMMARY...A general increase in the concentration of showers and
    thunderstorms can be expected this afternoon and evening. Heavy
    rainfall coupled with increasingly moist antecedent conditions may
    result in some areas of flash flooding by this evening.

    DISCUSSION...A gradual strengthening of warm air advection through
    the afternoon and evening hours coupled with the stronger
    transport of moisture and instability in an elevated fashion along
    and north of a warm front should encourage additional areas of
    showers and thunderstorms to develop. GOES-E IR satellite imagery
    already shows broken areas of cold-topped convection across areas
    of southern and eastern SD, with some pockets of repeating

    MUCAPE values of locally 500 to 1000 J/kg are currently in place
    near the active areas of convection, with positive 3-hourly MUCAPE differentials continuing to increase with time. A southerly
    low-level jet of 20 to 30 kts is nosing up across northern NE
    toward southern SD, but this should increase in strength this
    afternoon and especially early this evening to as much as 30 to
    40+ kts.

    PWs are forecast to increase to locally over 2 standard deviations
    above normal with values reaching well over 1.5 inches by early
    this evening across central and eastern SD along with adjacent
    areas of northwest IA and southwest MN.

    Subtle shortwave energy ejecting out of the High Plains will be
    crossing the region over the next several hours and this will
    interact with the increasingly favorable thermodynamic environment
    associated with the strengthening warm air advection regime to
    yield more expansive areas of convection that will also be
    conducive for heavier rainfall rates.

    The 12Z HREF supports rainfall rates reaching as high as 1.5
    inches/hour, with some additional storm totals through 00Z (7pm
    CDT) of 2 to 4 inches. Given the increasingly moist antecedent
    conditions, there may be some areas of flash flooding by this
    evening. A much more organized threat of heavy rain from strong
    convection is expected late this evening and the overnight period,
    and thus additional MPDs will be issued accordingly.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7VkBm4oOyXSpP8utisy44boUH0cdzhThwL3T_turquMZEgAJWT2OxyG1J7vN1NIgPbP-= vn3_3bWWeytOvvuW0Xu7a_I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45349764 45209561 44529426 43619417 43029550=20
    42839731 42969873 43360030 44070095 44580067=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 01:00:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210100

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0474
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    859 PM EDT Thu Jun 20 2024

    Areas affected...northern NE...southern SD...surrounding portions
    of MN/IA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 210100Z - 210700Z

    Summary...Additional rainfall of 1-3" expected with localized
    totals of 4-6" possible. Given the sensitive conditions over
    southeastern SD (and surroundings), scattered to numerous
    instances of flash flooding are likely (with localized significant
    flash flooding possible).

    Discussion...A complicated evolution of convection is ongoing
    across portions of the Northern/Central Plains this evening,
    primarily in the vicinity of a warm front slowly lifting north
    from NE into SD. The most organized convection is located over the
    Sand Hills of NE, where earlier discrete cells have rapidly grown
    upscale and organized into an MCS (mesoscale convective system)
    with a distinct bow echo. Farther downstream, a prolific supercell
    has been anchored near the warm front (nearby Ainsworth, NE), and
    both surface-based (and elevated) convection is firing around (and
    north) of this storm. Continued upscale growth of convection is
    expected through the evening hours, as the mesoscale environment
    is characterized by ML CAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg
    (increasing/advecting towards the northeast), precipitable water
    values of 1.4-1.8 inches (between the 90th percentile and max
    moving average, per SPC sounding climatology), and effective bulk
    shear 35-55 kts.

    While the primary flash flood threat as of late has come from the aforementioned supercell (which produced very impressive rainfall
    rates of 2-4"/hr at its peak, per MRMS estimates), the main threat
    going forward will come from training/repeating of relatively high
    rainfall rates (1-2"/hr) along and north of the warm front. This
    is quite problematic, as the most concerning antecedent conditions
    exist across southeastern SD (and some of the immediate
    surroundings of MN, IA, and NE). Much of this region has had 1-3"
    (and locally 4-5") of rainfall over just the past 6-12 hours (and
    anywhere from 200-600% of normal over the past 7 days). Additional
    totals of 1-3" are expected (and will happen relatively quickly)
    in association with the expanding MCS/bow echo, and localized
    totals may reach 4-6" along the northern periphery of the MCS
    where training/repeating of cells occur. Given the sensitive
    conditions (with a large area of Flash Flood Guidance values of
    1.5" or less), scattered to numerous instances of flash flooding
    are likely (with localized significant flash flooding possible).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7ZXJPZpz-J0Kx7Bofl98PSMHMs72MIdmCSMdTw5wM93F_m650zTo7XvGe-FiKGUgnDIO= 1L-6QrzQQqFXB43OcUSeJM8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44779814 44329632 43249601 41699649 41929938=20
    41150136 41050193 41220245 42090261 43020243=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 02:23:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210223

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0475
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1023 PM EDT Thu Jun 20 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Arizona...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 210225Z - 210700Z

    SUMMARY...Developing thunderstorms with ample moisture flux may
    pose quick 1-2" totals and localized possible flash flooding
    conditions over the next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...Surface analysis depicts strong moisture surge
    continues through the desert southwest ahead of the tropical
    wave/gyre associated with former Alberto. Strong 20-25kt surface
    flow from the east-southeast across SW NM into SE AZ has reached a
    north-south barrier from upslope flow coming out of the Sonoran
    Desert upslope, resulting in strong moisture flux convergence.=20
    Modest mid-level lapse rates support some 1000-1500 J/kg of CAPE
    across the region to support/maintain stronger updrafts at the
    collision region. While moisture at the surface is in the 50s, it
    is the 850-700mb layer with .6-.75" along with the stronger winds
    that place the moisture flux at the 99th to maximum percentile
    with respect to time of year for the CIRA ALPW suite; while totals
    are in the 1.25-1.4 range. There will be obvious sub-cloud
    evaporative loss with some upslope mixing of drier air, rates of
    1.5"/hr are probable given the moisture flux and updraft strength.

    Duration will be key for any potential localized flash flooding
    and given 20kts of south to north mean cell motions, this will
    increase duration to allow for localized 1-2". Effective bulk
    shear is above 30kts and should provide some longevity to the
    cells as well; and given orientation of steering flow to the
    north-south convergence line there is a low to moderate potential
    for some cells to cross similar paths. As such, an isolated spot
    of 2"+ remains possible before the pocket of instability wanes.=20
    As such, a spot or two of localized flash flooding is considered
    possible through the early overnight period.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_fXVRYcILOzcefCJyf01yKvoiUUXSuK08fS_fWAZeDoWuOJ-rrrhutRHO34FORonqMS9= JMbtSrGQcJH-4FejxJYhu3k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34851035 34710951 34370910 33770910 33040940=20
    32230990 31481017 31431073 32381118 33841146=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 02:55:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210255

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0476
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1055 PM EDT Thu Jun 20 2024

    Areas affected...Four Corners of UT, CO, NM, AZ...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 210255Z - 210845Z

    SUMMARY...Increased convective activity with near record low level
    moisture flux pose potential for efficient rainfall producing
    thunderstorms across complex terrain with spots of 1.5-2.5" totals
    resulting in possible localized scattered incidents of flash

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite and 00z RAOB analysis denote two
    subtle shortwaves moving north-northeastward along the western
    edge of the larger scale ridge nosing across the Southern Plains.
    The lead wave is crossing western CO with a favorable anticyclonic
    arch of cirrus with transverse banding across WY demarcating solid
    divergence aloft and favorable sloped ascent pattern across the
    central Rockies. The second wave is starting to lift north
    through the eastern San Francisco Plateau of northeast AZ. This
    shortwave is providing solid DPVA and isallobaric increased wind
    response of 850-500mb flow. CIRA ALPW denotes strong moisture
    flux into an axis of enhanced moisture across Western NM into a
    deeper overlapped axis from west-central AZ to the four-corners
    with 1.25-1" total PWat values with the axis. CIRA ALPW 850-700mb
    flux percentiles are at the maximum range/percentile for this time
    of year indicating the anomalous nature to the rainfall potential.

    RADAR and GOES-E EIR along with GLM lightning loops suggest a few
    convergence zones along and downstream of the shortwave; a SW to
    NE axis from N Cibola/SE McKinley to Los Alamos appears to be
    feeding upon best orthogonal convergence from the responding low
    level flow. A few cells appear to be anchored near along favored
    terrain delaying forward propagation and likely to result in
    increased rainfall totals. Given the deep moisture of .75"
    through rugged terrain and strong flux and axis of slowly eroding
    instability up to 1000 J/kg of MUCAPE should support rates of
    1.0-1.25"/hr and spots of 2" are possible (perhaps higher if
    terrain locked).=20

    Further west into the Plateau, stronger thunderstorms appear to be
    aligned parallel and downstream of the DPVA lifting northeastward,
    suggesting short-term training/repeating could be a problem...so
    with similar 1"+/hr rates and 1-2 hours duration spots of 2-2.5"
    totals may be possible with risk area slowly drifting
    northeastward into CO providing some instability advection into SW
    CO through the overnight period. As such, scattered incidents of
    flash flooding are considered possible.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-SKWkva-IhtKs7hJRm6qZTEWxIn0CyvVFKfcp9pkmbLGz8GpE2imnzQi0i77tPLgPdz2= ibQr8-aHXDPfPT2P1HQFsAM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38480814 38390642 36870546 35760584 35080772=20
    34650893 35151028 35821066 36441056 37170991=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 05:24:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210524

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0477
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    123 AM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest SD...Southwest & South-Central
    MN...Northwest IA...Ext Northeast NEB...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 210525Z - 211115Z

    SUMMARY...Prolonged moderate rainfall within WAA with occasional
    embedded bursts up to 2"/hr. Additional 3-4" Totals across
    saturated soils likely to continue broad area of flash flooding
    conditions through early morning.

    DISCUSSION...05z surface map depicts a meso-low along the leading
    outflow boundary in proximity of the Missouri River Valley along
    the NEB/SD line; a weakening outflow boundary extends southwest
    across central NEB. Eastward the warm/stationary front extends
    nearly due east to SUX-EBS-MIW-VTI-MXO, which generally delineates
    70+ Tds to the south. Surface map also denotes a well defined
    surface pressure trof that extends northeast across SE SD into SW
    MN up to RWF-MIC/MGG; and generally appears to be a reflection of
    the best mid to upper level divergence ascent pocket along the
    southern entrance to the polar jet where ageostrophic winds are
    increased for favorable evacuation. As such, the MCV/shortwave
    continues to track eastward into that axis and the LLJ seems to be
    veering in response to it. This is reducing the deep layer
    convergence along the effective cold front/outflow boundary but
    increasing orthogonal convergence to the frontal boundary within
    increasing warm advective isentropic ascent. Instability north
    into MN had been slow to increase but with this veering MUCAPE
    values are increasing back toward the 500-1000 J/kg range. This
    should support broken/scattered embedded convective elements
    within the WAA isentropic ascent.=20

    Given the LLJ is 30+kts and orienting through the Missouri Valley
    where the Q-Axis resides allowing for upstream 1.75" total PWats
    to replenish the 1.75-2" values between the pressure trof and
    frontal zone downshear of the MCV into SW MN. This will allow for
    a broad long area of 1-1.5"/hr moderate rain-rates and where convergence/instability maximize embedded thunderstorms capable of
    2"/hr rates will occur. The deep layer steering flow should allow
    for an long west to east WAA axis for longer duration of this
    moderate rainfall...mainly across SW MN with 3-4" totals in a
    county wide swath. Broader 1-3" totals surround for a surrounding
    counties in south-central MN and Northwest IA.

    This intersects saturated grounds where AHPS 7day anomalies are
    300-400% between Sioux Falls and Minneapolis and 0-40cm saturation
    ratios are 70-85% and well into the 80th-90th percentile; and this
    is not to account for areas of SE SDAK/NW IA that had 2-4" earlier
    today where FFG values remain below .5" at all time periods. So
    with limited capacity and these totals, a broad axis of flash
    flooding is likely to occur through the remainder of the overnight


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Naw1UmXNFbFuUX87vcFG87ob_Z0r1psGOEVGIeXhHArpL4kaIEqUwFeSysqTpKJlin_= KAiN2bTj_Q8xPGSFkC8hLgA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45189401 44989312 44369296 43459363 42619484=20
    42279618 42539784 43239835 43849771 44509633=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 09:49:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210949

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0478
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    549 AM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Minnesota...Northern Iowa...Western

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 210950Z - 211400Z

    SUMMARY...Favorable training across above average soil
    saturation/low FFG suggest flash flooding risk to expand eastward
    through late morning as complex weakens

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um EIR loop shows overall convective
    canopy continues to warm as it shifts across south central MN and
    northern IA with a few narrower overshooting tops denoting smaller
    areas of cloud top cooling to -50C. RADAR mosaic paints a similar
    picture but fractured showers/thunderstorms still show strong warm
    advection nature to the formation and continue to orient favorably
    for training/repeat rainfall. 09z surface analysis notes the
    surfac wave is currently in NW IA near SPW with warm front
    extending eastward along the MN/IA state line before dropping
    south across NE IA toward central IL. Low level flow is weakening
    at 5-10kts but still generally confluent with upper 60s to low 70s
    Tds while near the boundary layer flow continues to veer more
    southwest and slow from 20-25kts at 850mb. The LLJ still is
    advecting modestly unstable air with MUCAPEs of 1000-1500 J/kg
    continuing to rise downstream into W WI with recent hourly trends
    of 100-200 J/kg noted. Higher theta-E air through depth continues
    to be at or just below 2" total PWat to allow for efficient
    showers. Though with the rate of flux reducing, very intense
    rates are diminishing and starting to be between 1-1.5"/hr.

    Still, deep layer steering will support east-northeast cell
    motion, with southeast propagation vectors suggesting eastward training/repeating to continue to the early morning. As such,
    spots of 2-3" are likely across southern MN and northern IA. NASA
    SPoRT LIS 0-40cm soil saturation ratios are improving further east
    into W WI, though central MN still are in upper 60 to 75% which
    remains in the 90th percentile and FFG values remain about 1.5/hr
    and about 2-2.25"/3hrs, especially over south-central MN where
    they remain most saturated. Given rainfall totals due to
    training, flash flooding is considered possible as there will be
    some spots exceeding these FFG values, though rates may be light
    enough that flashy conditions may support slower rises and
    inundation conditions especially in typically prone and urban


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    LAT...LON 44719172 44469089 43939046 43339068 43039152=20
    42799317 42699443 42819552 43749525 44129471=20
    44389384 44659285=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 15:06:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211506

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0479
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1105 AM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...Northern NE...South-Central to Southeast
    SD...Northwest IA...Southern MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 211505Z - 212105Z

    SUMMARY...Redeveloping bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    are expected going through the early to mid-afternoon hours. These
    rains are expected to largely fall over areas that have seen very
    heavy rainfall recently, and are therefore extremely sensitive to
    additional rains. Given the wet/saturated conditions on the
    ground, instances of renewed flash flooding are likely heading
    into the afternoon hours.

    DISCUSSION...A wavy quasi-stationary front remains draped across
    the region from central NE through northern IA with multiple waves
    of low pressure riding east along it. In the wake of overnight
    convection, there has been a relative lull in activity over the
    last couple of hours, but the latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery
    and dual-pol radar data does show a couple of new linear bands of
    elevated convection beginning to focus across northern NE and also
    southeast SD, far northwest IA, and southwest MN.

    Some additional expansion of elevated convection north of the
    front is expected going through mid-afternoon as shortwave energy
    gradually ejects east out across the High Plains and helps
    facilitate some larger scale ascent/divergent flow aloft along
    with a persistent southerly to southwest low-level jet of 20 to 30
    kts overrunning the front and yielding isentropic ascent and
    frontogenetical forcing.

    MUCAPE values in vicinity of the regenerating rounds of convection
    are on the order of 500 to 1000 J/kg, with a very moist
    environment (PWs around 1.75 inches) in place that is supportive
    of efficiently heavy rainfall rates. Going through the
    mid-afternoon hours, some of the stronger elevated storms may
    drive rainfall rates upwards of 1.5 to 2 inches/hour. Some
    cell-training is expected given the orientation of the convection
    with the deeper layer west-southwest mean layer flow.

    The new 12Z HREF guidance is suggesting the potential for as much
    as an additional 2 to 4 inches of rain with isolated heavier
    amounts going through mid-afternoon. Given the wet/saturated soil
    conditions, elevated streamflows, and lingering impacts from heavy
    rainfall last night, these additional rains over the next several
    hours are highly likely to renew areas of flash flooding. This
    will especially be the case along portions of the I-90 corridor
    from southeast SD through southern MN including the Sioux Falls


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    LAT...LON 44799457 44699254 44239183 43699208 43249344=20
    42919612 42399845 42170010 42340135 42930149=20
    43490063 44019907 44469696=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 16:13:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211613
    FFGMPD MAZ000-NHZ000-RIZ000-VTZ000-CTZ000-NYZ000-NJZ000-PAZ000-WVZ000-OHZ000-21221=

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0480
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1212 PM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Upper Ohio Valey...Northern
    Mid-Atlantic...New York...Southern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211611Z - 212211Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered to broken areas of showers and thunderstorms
    are expected this afternoon across areas of the Upper Ohio Valley,
    northern Mid-Atlantic, New York and New England. Heavy rainfall
    rates and potentially some localized instances of cell-training
    may support some instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E visible satellite imagery is showing rapidly
    expanding areas of CU/TCU across large areas of northwest PA
    through NY state. The airmass is already moderately unstable with
    a belt of MLCAPE values of 1500+ J/kg across much of northwest to
    north-central PA through southern NY, and with this nose of
    instability also becoming increasingly focused across southern New
    England to the south of a west/east oriented frontal zone.

    Differential heating boundaries in close proximity this front
    along with some terrain-induced circulations/forcing involving
    areas of higher terrain will support increasing coverage of
    showers and thunderstorms this afternoon as additional strong
    solar insolation/boundary layer destabilization occurs.

    The low-level wind fields are also generally rather convergent and
    especially across south-central NY through southern New England,
    and there will be some modest effective bulk shear traversing this
    corridor for some locally organization swaths of multi-cell
    convection. More separately farther to the west, areas away from
    Lake Erie involving northeast OH and northwest PA may have focus
    for convection from not only close proximity of the front, but
    some lake-breeze convergence/interactions.

    The 12Z HREF guidance favors some of the heaviest rainfall
    potential across areas of southern New England where some of the
    higher PWs and better overall forcing will be in place. PWs across
    these areas are already locally over 1.75 inches which is a solid
    2+ standard deviations above normal. Also, there are
    considerations of a separate lee-side trough axis noted over
    southern New England down near CT/RI which should tend to provide
    additional small-scale forcing.

    Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour are expected with the
    stronger storms, and with some localized potential for
    repeating/training convective cells, there may be some pockets of
    2 to 4 inch rainfall totals. Some instances of flash flooding will
    be possible as a result of this.


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    LAT...LON 43737405 43377368 42927322 42957238 42737170=20
    42367126 41957101 41517132 41307274 40877385=20
    40717462 40887673 40797911 40228136 40398251=20
    41018276 41398239 41798151 42218011 42567925=20
    42837823 42997731 43007645 43237554 43697478=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 17:39:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211739

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0481
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    138 PM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 211738Z - 212338Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected this
    afternoon across New Mexico. The area burn scars, and especially
    involving those in the Lincoln National Forest will be
    particularly susceptible to debris flow and flash flooding

    DISCUSSION...A gradual increase in shower and thunderstorm
    activity is expected this afternoon over areas of south-central to north-central NM where there will be potential overlap with some
    notable burn scar areas. This will include the active Blue-2,
    South Fork and Salt burn scar areas in the Lincoln National

    Some shower activity is ongoing locally across these areas, but
    over the next several hours, a gradual increase in boundary layer
    instability along with locally convergent low to mid-level flow
    over the higher terrain is expected to foster an environment
    conducive for increase in coverage of heavier showers and
    thunderstorms. MUCAPE values currently on the order of 500 to 750
    J/kg should tend to increase a bit further with additional solar

    The PW environment is very moist with magnitudes running in the
    95th+ percentile of climatology. Deep tropical moisture transport
    is in place across the region and is being driven by deep layer
    southerly flow around the western periphery of the subtropical
    ridge that has nosed westward across the southern Plains.
    Additionally, much of the mid and high-level moisture has a
    connection to former Tropical Storm Alberto that recently crossed
    into Mexico.

    Poleward transport of this moisture this afternoon coupled with
    the instability and upslope flow over the higher terrain will
    facilitate convection that may be capable of producing rainfall
    rates reaching 1 to 1.5 inches/hour. The 12Z HREF guidance shows a
    40 to 70 percent chance of rainfall rates exceeding 1 inch/hour in
    the 19Z to 22Z time frame over the Lincoln National Forest. Some
    storm totals by late-afternoon here may reach 2 to 4 inches. This
    region will be notably suceptible to runoff concerns and flash

    Additional focus of convection will also be noted farther north
    into areas of the Sangre De Cristo mountains where the Hermits
    Peak and Cooks Peak burn scars from 2022 are located. Farther west
    in north-central NM, there is also the Cerro Pelado burn scar from
    2022 and the recent Indios burn scar involving parts of the Sante
    Fe National Forest. These locations may also see sufficiently
    heavy enough rainfall rates/totals this afternoon for at least
    localized debris flow and flash flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6-x-VP2WP8AICu7RWr0CQvyFmrN2YgqNYbN0oiL7UIOIQWySyqffhHmvcm-hykdx12rG= s81Uh47O8X_QxJhouRgxv4c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36930559 36660486 35880479 33940492 32370475=20
    32070495 32150586 33700659 34980685 35970681=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 18:36:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211836

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0482
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    235 PM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Southeast UT...West-Central to
    Southwest CO...Northeast AZ...Northwest NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211835Z - 220035Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing coverage of showers and thunderstorms can be
    expected going through the afternoon hours. Given the expectation
    of heavier rainfall rates to materialize, some isolated to widely
    scattered instances of flash flooding will be possible and
    especially for the more sensitive slot canyons and dry washes.

    DISCUSSION...Strong diabatic heating across much of central to
    southeast UT, southwest CO, northeast AZ and northwest NM is
    favoring a steady destabilization of the boundary layer, and this
    coupled with the poleward transport of anomalously deep
    moisture/high PWs will yield increasing coverage of showers and
    thunderstorms throughout the afternoon hours.

    MLCAPE values are already on the order of 1000 to 1500+ J/kg with
    the greatest instability currently situated over areas of central
    and southern UT. Coinciding with this is very moist deep layer
    southerly flow around the western periphery of the subtropical
    ridge that has nosed westward across the southern Plains. The mid
    and upper levels of the vertical column in particular show a
    well-defined connection to the moisture associated with former
    Tropical Storm Alberto that recently crossed into Mexico.

    Over the next few hours, there should be the development and
    expansion of orographically initiated convection that will be
    capable of producing very heavy rainfall rates. The CIRA-ALPW data
    shows strong concentrations of moisture that are in the 500/700mb
    layer and this will support highly efficient rainfall processes
    for enhanced rainfall rates.

    Some rainfall rates are expected to reach 1 to 2 inches/hour, and
    with cell-motions that could be relatively slow and anchored close
    to the terrain, there may be some spotty totals of 2 to 3+ inches
    by later this afternoon.

    Given localized slot canyon and dry wash sensitivities, these
    rains may foster isolated to widely scattered flash flooding


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_nvyaMD-i_-DqWPdCrU5cWGe_MzJ8gWUuIDr1Ou5CMMZNmscM2xwy0bJS77Xl2c7sN1t= M8RS6rTWgWI7-jItU1JS7jA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40410956 40180848 39560762 38720700 37550666=20
    36900677 35630705 34500711 33910753 33870858=20
    34851013 35871234 36891286 38441254 39861131=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 21 20:54:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 212053

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0483
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    452 PM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...southern SD...northern NE...southern
    MN...northern IA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 212100Z - 220300Z

    Summary...Numerous to widespread instances of flash flooding are
    likely with localized totals of 3-5" expected over soils that are
    already very saturated. Significant, life threatening flash
    flooding is also possible (particularly where the wettest
    antecedent conditions overlap with the strongest rainfall signal,
    indicated by where the pink and red areas overlap in the graphic).

    Discussion...Organized convection is set to proliferate once again
    this evening over portions of the Northern/Central Plains and into
    the Midwest, as a frontal zone remains draped across areas that
    have already been soaked by days of heavy rains. The wettest
    antecedent conditions (with corresponding Flash Flood Guidance of
    1.5" or less) are across southeastern SD into northwestern IA and
    southern MN (denoted by the pink outlined area in the graphic),
    uncomfortably close to (and partially overlapping) a
    quasi-stationary surface front (analyzed by WPC). Meanwhile, a
    mid-level shortwave trough is evident (via GOES-East water vapor
    imagery) just upstream (over western NE/KS and northeastern CO),
    which should help to provide large scale lift for convection via
    differential positive vorticity advection (DPVA). In addition, the right-entrance region of a strong (100+ kt) jet streak should
    provide additional large scale lift via upper-level divergence.
    The parameter space is also quite impressive, as indicated by SPC
    RAP analysis with The mesoscale environment is characterized by
    ample instability (MUCAPE of 500-3000 J/kg), near record
    tropospheric moisture (precipitable water values of 1.7-1.9
    inches, around the max moving average per SPC sounding
    climatology), and effective bulk shear of 35-55 kts.

    Hi-res model guidance is (overall) in remarkably good agreement,
    as the 12z HREF signal (probability matched mean QPF and 40-km
    neighborhood exceedance probabilities) lines up well with hourly
    HRRR runs (which in and of themselves have been quite consistent
    in depicting the highest QPF near/along the analyzed surface
    front). This swath of the highest potential QPF (denoted by the
    red outlined are in the graphic) is likely to see areal average
    QPF of 1-2" with localized totals of 3-5". Unfortunately there is
    a fair amount of overlap with this QPF guidance and the very wet
    antecedent conditions (including a limited area in the SD/MN/IA
    border region that has seen 6"+ of rainfall over the past 24
    hours), raising concerns for numerous to widespread flash flooding
    impacts (including localized significant life threatening flash
    flooding). That said, the trend in the hi-res guidance (prior to
    the 12z cycle) has been to shift the highest QPF south, and if
    this axis verifies even farther south than currently depicted
    (which is not all that uncommon, as CAMs tend to have a northeast
    bias in QPF in association with MCSs) then this would limit the
    flash flood threat somewhat (both in terms of coverage and
    intensity). The latest HRRR runs give some indication of a
    potential southward shift in the highest QPF, depicting merging
    cells that become cold pool dominate and propagate southward. Even
    so, this propagation effect may be too little too late, as the
    strongest cells are expected to be capable of 2-3"/hr rainfall
    rates (which would only require a couple hours of residence time
    to lead to the expected localized 3-5" totals). Should cells NOT
    become cold pool dominate and result in longer-term
    training/repeating over sensitive areas (which is NOT currently
    indicated by the hi-res guidance), then widespread impacts would
    be a distinct possibility (with scattered instances of significant
    to catastrophic flash flooding).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4V5ITFbew5I0DiaWr1AjaK9XOUId6i7Fpbon8mcqKi8DjBHbzrp04FvjHIIGESkm29W8= QCo2JFIDVcey_xkd7A8kN5k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44619100 43879103 42799100 42709196 42569313=20
    42329513 41729708 42099971 43250022 44239835=20
    44599618 44459337 44609175=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 01:44:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220143

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0484
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    943 PM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...much of northwestern NM and surrounding portions
    of AZ/CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 220140Z - 220740Z

    Summary...Localized rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr (with as much as 1"
    of rainfall in 15-min) will continue into the evening/overnight
    hours. Widely scattered coverage of flash flooding will gradually
    become isolated/localized with the loss of daytime heating.
    Locally significant impacts are possible (particularly over burn

    Discussion...Highly anomolous tropospheric moisture from the
    broad, deep circulation of former Tropical Storm Alberto will
    contribute to continued localized flash flooding across much of
    northern NM this evening. The mesoscale environment is
    characterized by MUCAPE of 500-2000 J/kg, precipitable water
    values of 0.9-1.2 inches (between the 90th percentile and max
    moving average, per ABQ sounding climatology), and effective bulk
    shear of 20-40 kts (between the 75th percentile and max moving
    average). Lacking a distinct forcing mechanism, convective is
    expected to remain relatively disorganized, though established
    cells will continue to take advantage of a rather favorable
    parameter space, as anomalous shear provides the necessary tilt to
    updrafts for storm longevity. Increasing CIN with the loss of
    daytime heating should gradually result in a decrease of coverage
    (currently widely scattered, becoming isolated/localized), but in
    the meantime locally significant impacts are possible due to peak
    rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr (with 15-min accumulations as high as
    1"). This is especially the case over burn scars, many of which
    are located within the terrain (where convection tends to focus
    and anchor).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5C5EVq5e1cIMo0ZPCfk1TzKViaXGHVtowUxoaNHNc6nZVqkkTT7K3j2UjHXslLM-fkQF= tsO8GkuTaFKlDCGoHgHRP7M$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37720489 36280444 35550514 34730691 34240879=20
    35150992 36080904 36600819 37310688 37690590=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 02:54:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220254

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0485
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1053 PM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast SDAK...Southern MN...Northern
    IA...Western Wi...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 220255Z - 220845Z

    SUMMARY...Considerable flash flooding event likely to broaden in
    coverage (S MN/N IA) through overnight periods. Embedded within
    locally signficant, life-threatening flash flooding likely across
    portions of southeast SDAK/northwest IA. Additional 3-6" totals
    are expected.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um EIR already show a developing MCS with
    broadening canopy over SE SDAK/SW MN/NW IA with tops cooling below
    -65C indicative of the unstable air over 2000 J/kg MLCAPE. The
    synoptic environment continues to support further strengthening as
    well as slow eastward advancement with impressive dual jet ascent
    outflow channels to spur strengthening surface and low level wind
    flow/flux into the developing MCS. This is strengthening a
    surface low in far northeast NEB along a stubborn west-east
    stationary front that extends north of LRJ-CAV-OLZ to the WI/IL
    border. Surface to 850mb flow is nearly southerly, orthogonal to
    the boundary with VWP 35-40kts of LLJ extending nearly the width
    of Iowa. This is transporting high theta-E air with surface Tds
    in the low to upper 70s that remains in the 60s though
    850mb...allowing for AoA 2" total PWats and solid flux to support
    2"/hr rain rates, occasionally increasing to 2.5-3"/hr with storm scale/isallobaric convergence centers over the coming hours.

    Though there is a subtle dual jet feature in the upper-jet to
    support the stronger divergence, the main steering flow becomes
    fairly unidirectional through 700-300mb just a bit north of due
    east to allow for a prolonged length of training convection.=20
    While the flow should allow for 25-30kts of eastward motions this
    will allow for hours of training with 3-6" totals likely to occur
    across S MN/Northern IA. This area, especially over far SE SDAK,
    and of the Iowa border is nearly fully saturated with NASA SPoRT
    0-40cm saturation ratios of 80-90+%, so nearly all this will be
    run-off or support rapid inundation, this will likely lead to a
    broad area of considerable flash flooding with probable embedded
    areas of locally significant, life threatening flash flooding
    throughout the overnight period. Areas in north-central Iowa and
    southeast MN will see saturation values rise and coverage of flash
    flooding incidents are likely to increase, but be a bit less in coverage/magnitude that points further west.

    Of note, but of lower certainty and toward the end of the valid
    period (06-09z) The larger scale synoptic trough is exiting the
    northern Central High Plains into W SDak, this will once again
    bring mid to upper level height-falls and result in some backing
    of the low level flow and eastward propagation of the surface low
    and frontal zone. While current convection is exhausting the bulk
    of instability, backed flow as well as steepening lapse rates may
    maintain instability to generate upstream thunderstorm development
    across south-central to south-east SDAK, or more likely allow for
    cells to persist/back-build in the vicinity of the surface low/MCV
    increasing duration of moderate precipitation over these already
    considerably flooded areas; so local trends will need to be
    closely monitored for this potential uptick that may result in
    further 1-3"+, but again, remains highly conditional/uncertain.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9W2XWbe0_R51tQUFYX8jWmI7OUj9B9MUexXfQjc0zfxVaLq5x9-9ctankvbNCfjTjLWo= oWuHjTuPoymMAwp2mNm91mg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44569479 44529242 44069068 42799066 42649262=20
    42269534 42709680 43089777 43629793 44279664=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 03:17:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220317

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0486
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1116 PM EDT Fri Jun 21 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Central Eastern Nebraska...Central
    Western Iowa...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 220315Z - 220800Z

    SUMMARY...Flanking cold front thunderstorms may train with spots
    of 2-4" resulting in likely scattered incidents of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR depicts a line of stronger
    thunderstorms along the effective cold front to the strengthening
    surface wave and MCS to the north. Very strong southerly, fairly
    orthogonal surface flow at 20-25kts and located along a narrow
    stripe of enhanced surface moisture with Tds in the mid to upper
    60s is driving the very strong vertical ascent. Overshooting tops
    break through the canopy of -65 to -70C with spots reaching -80C.=20 Instability is modest and starting to cap a bit, but the strength
    of the flux convergence is overcoming this capping to release the
    1500-2000 J/kg of SBCAPEs likely driven by those higher Tds.=20
    Additionally, the area remains in a favorable location for
    peripheral divergence/outflow to the north of the larger synoptic
    polar jet. As such, the cluster is maintaining and appears to
    have some short-term (3-4hr) longevity before LLJ veers and
    flattens to the orientation of the convective line.=20

    Given total moisture of 1.75" and strength of flux, rates of 2"/hr
    are likely with occasional short duration upticks to 2.5-3"
    possible. The concern remains in the potential for training as
    deep layer steering is a bit north of parallel to the line
    orientation but strength of inflow may counter act this with
    southern component of propagation. As such, a streak of 2-4" is
    likely with a spot of 5" not completely ruled out over the next
    3-4hrs across central to east-central NEB and perhaps into far
    western IA, but that is much less certain. Given spots of 2-3"
    have already fallen, flash flooding is considered likely for the
    next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-S-yJTOVvPucgOp9di5VVinX246oKLglhTdSOdoZHtFk69r82ezvQjWlLiT7isVsfXo5= rMSTAL0TTUcdVZQhqcgO75M$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42439588 42409476 41849457 41299514 40699714=20
    40419951 40640009 41259985 41819810=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 07:24:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220723

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0487
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    323 AM EDT Sat Jun 22 2024

    Areas affected...North-central & Northeast IA...Central & Southern
    WI...Far Southeast MN...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220730Z - 221300Z

    SUMMARY...Broad area of moderate rainfall with embedded stronger
    cells will start to align more favorably for southwest to
    northeast training through early morning. Spots of 2-3" may
    result in possible scattered incidents of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...07z surface analysis depicts a surface low across
    north-central IA with a warm front that is starting to bow
    northeasterly across northeastern IA into far SW WI before
    dropping south across northeast IL. Persistent southerly flow
    within the warm sector has been starting to veer slowly and is
    likely to continue over the next few hours becoming southwesterly
    at 850mb. This should reduce eastward propagation of the remaining
    stronger thunderstorms across and smaller overshooting tops seen
    downshear of the surface wave. This will shift focus toward more
    elevated thunderstorm activity on strengthening WAA/isentropic
    ascent; though some speed convergence upstream along should
    maintain some active convective embedded cores capable of 1.5"/hr;
    though broader shield precip will likely remain above .5"/hr; so
    totals will slowly reach 2-3" with more intense cores potentially
    triggering localized flashy/rapid rise flooding through the
    morning...with highest probability of totals across northeast IA,
    far southeast MN, into southwest WI.=20

    Larger scale synoptic forcing with approach of the shortwave will
    focus the low level 850-700mb cyclone slowly eastward perhaps
    pivoting in proximity to Minneapolis-St.Paul or toward Eau Claire,
    WI. This will allow for increased speed convergence at 850-700mb
    across western to east-central WI through mid-morning with
    potential showers/thunderstorms slowing/merging across the
    elevated warm front in this region. Cells along this elevated
    boundary may slow with some discrete cell rotation relative to
    the boundary allowing for increased duration and spots of 1.5"/hr
    rates. However, there remains some uncertainty to the LFC axis;
    if activation of the LFC by steeper isentropes and moisture
    convergence further south the axis may be across Baraboo to Fond
    du Lac (and so the eastern portion of the MPD is expanded to
    account for such uncertainty.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6G0lwu4agnxajctwKqRdrd9_SkLwKJyCAe--pfMSGOg9_R-wS9C0_H5Xufd4z572jnie= pVNuAFUqJBaOEt5S9Dc13oo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45079123 44969012 44758920 44248799 43918745=20
    43198745 42708834 42969012 42669207 42319290=20
    41879435 42069493 42599481 43529292 44189224=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 16:51:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221651

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0488
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1250 PM EDT Sat Jun 22 2024

    Areas affected...North-Central to Northeast PA...Northern
    NJ...South-Central to Southeast NY...Long Island...Southern New

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221650Z - 222250Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms with locally very heavy
    rainfall rates are expected this afternoon and into the early
    evening hours. Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding
    will be possible, including some urban flash flooding concerns.

    DISCUSSION...The latest surface analysis shows a quasi-stationary
    front draped in a general west-northwest to east-southeast fashion
    from central NY down through eastern CT/RI and far southeast MA.
    Meanwhile, there is a weak wave of low pressure traversing the
    front which coupled with some subtle mid-level vort energy aloft
    appears to be driving the cluster of showers and thunderstorms
    focused to the west and north of Albany, NY.

    Strong boundary layer heating is already yielding a moderately
    buoyant airmass across north-central PA through south-central NY
    and stretching east into areas of western MA, with MLCAPE values
    locally of 1000 to 2000 J/kg. A very moist environment is in place
    with high PWs of 1.8 to 2.0 inches. The 12Z RAOBs from ALB and OKX
    this morning depicted 1.94 and 1.91 inch PWs respectfully, and
    there are surface dewpoints locally in the low to mid 70s helping
    to contribute to the elevated CAPE values.

    Satellite imagery already shows an expanding CU/TCU field across
    areas northern PA and southern NY, with some spotty hints of CI
    taking place. Differential heating boundaries coupled with
    convergent low-level flow near and south of the front, and also
    near a lee-side trough over southern New England will facilitate
    the development and expansion of convection over the next few
    hours. This will especially be the case over areas of southern New
    England as the aforementioned surface wave and supporting energy
    aloft begins to arrive while combining with the very moist and
    increasingly unstable boundary layer.

    Rainfall rates are expected to be locally very high and capable of
    reaching 2.5 inches/hour with the stronger storms given the high
    PW/CAPE environment. It should be noted too that there is a belt
    of stronger mid-level flow over the region with locally 30+ kts of
    effective bulk shear that will help to favor some regionally
    organized clusters of convection later this afternoon and some of
    these higher rainfall rates.

    The 12Z HREF guidance supports the heaviest rainfall totals
    occurring over southern New England where convection should be
    more organized/focused. As much as 2 to 4 inches of rain will be
    possible across parts of CT/RI and MA, but at least scattered
    areas of showers and thunderstorms are expected farther west
    across northern NJ, north-central to northeast PA and
    south-central to southeast NY where isolated 1 to 3 inch amounts
    may occur with the stronger storms.

    Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding will be
    possible, and this will include some urban flash flooding concerns
    potentially near and north of New York City through Hartford and


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8nlMM01K5yZRmIw-QLZQL6OfkyzfMl-L4wfZ4AZZmcHtKXBlK353ct7M5Mw2Z8z98v0z= JwByBIPU_uSV2QJ0Am1RaDY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42907282 42607139 42087084 41457119 40997252=20
    40127361 40027456 40387527 41377660 41697802=20
    42467814 42887736 42717544 42647418=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 18:02:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221802

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0489
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    200 PM EDT Sat Jun 22 2024

    Areas affected...Northern and Eastern IA...Southern MN...Southern
    WI...Northern IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 221800Z - 230000Z

    SUMMARY...Additional rounds of heavy showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to develop and expand in coverage this afternoon and
    going into the evening hours. Sensitive antecedent conditions with
    high streamflows and wet/saturated soils will favor a likelihood
    of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite shows a strong shortwave trough
    advancing off to the east across the northern Plains which will
    proceed downstream toward the Upper Midwest this afternoon.
    Favorable DPVA associated with this coupled with interaction with
    a quasi-stationary front draped from far eastern NE through
    northern IA and southwest WI will set the stage for additional
    rounds of heavy showers and thunderstorms going through the
    afternoon hours.

    Radar imagery already depicts a broken area of elevated showers
    and thunderstorms advancing into southwest MN, and as the
    approaching energy begins to interact with an increasingly
    unstable airmass reloading along the front just down to the south
    and east, there will be the initiation of new rounds of convection.

    MLCAPE values across northern IA in close proximity to the front
    have risen to 1500+ J/kg over the last couple of hours, and
    additional boundary layer destabilization is expected with more
    diabatic heating over the next few hours. This coupled with a belt
    of stronger effective bulk shear values of 40 to 50 kts and
    southwest low-level flow overrunning the front should help to
    initiate new rounds of convection in a general west to east
    fashion through the mid to late-afternoon hours across northern IA
    and eventually spreading into southern WI and northern IL.
    Proximity of a pre-existing outflow boundary over northeast IA
    through northern IL may also act as a catalyst for convection to
    initiate and focus by late this afternoon.

    High PWs of 1.75 to locally a little over 2 inches are pooled
    across the region based on the latest GPS-derived data, and the
    CIRA-ALPW data shows highly concentrated moisture in the warm
    850/500 mb portion of the cloud-bearing layer. This will yield
    very efficient rainfall processes as convection initiates and
    expands in coverage with rainfall rates that may reach 2.5+

    The 12Z HREF guidance suggests as much as 3 to 5 inches of rain
    may focus by early this evening across areas of northeast IA into
    southwest WI where there will also be concerns for some
    cell-training. Given the high rainfall rates, isolated heavier
    totals cannot be ruled out. Lesser amounts should generally be
    noted across southern MN, but with the elevated convection here,
    some localized additional 1 to 3 inch amounts will be possible.

    Given the sensitive wet/saturated soil conditions and high
    streamflows in general, these additional rains are likely to
    result in areas of flash flooding. Urban flash flooding will also
    become a concern by this evening at least locally.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!74e-RTBH1oUwswJVe8LBrd3D7trhYcBtR6vDOWwbzC5t1MPN6ZR11fV0tNFVBNUzp8QX= b0dubUUarIveSQax18_oyWw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45319425 45169288 44729158 44309041 43798817=20
    43118740 42168753 41738823 41568977 41729136=20
    42219341 43249504 44739534=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 18:52:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221852

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0490
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    250 PM EDT Sat Jun 22 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221850Z - 230050Z

    SUMMARY...An increase in the coverage of showers and thunderstorms
    this afternoon capable of producing high rainfall rates will once
    again pose concerns for areas of flash flooding. Any localized
    slot canyons, burn scars, and the normally dry washes will be the
    most susceptible to see runoff and flash flooding concerns.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES visible satellite imagery shows a
    substantial cloud deck extending from central and southern AZ
    northeastward across northern and central NM in connection with a
    deep plume of lingering tropical moisture formerly connected to
    Tropical Storm Alberto which previously came across Mexico.
    However, there is a fair amount of boundary layer heating taking
    place, and especially over areas of southeast AZ into west-central
    NM where there are some areas of showers and thunderstorms

    SBCAPE values are on the order of 500 to 1000+ J/kg locally, but
    these magnitudes are expected to increase over the next few hours
    as additional solar insolation takes place. Meanwhile, the PWs are
    anomalously very high for this time of the year and as high as 3
    to 5+ standard deviations above normal and above the 95th
    percentile from southern AZ through central NM.

    An additional uptick in the coverage of showers and thunderstorms
    can be expected through the afternoon hours that will be capable
    of producing very heavy rainfall rates that may approach or
    locally exceed 2 inches/hour from areas of southern AZ through
    central NM where the CIRA-ALPW data confirms the aforementioned
    tropical moisture plume extending well into the 500/300 mb layer.
    Areas adjacent to this across northern AZ and southern UT should
    have less efficiency where there is drier air near the top of the
    column, and thus convection here that does initiate near the
    terrain will tend to have relatively lower rainfall rates.

    The 12Z HREF guidance overall suggests the Mogollon Rim area and
    portions of southeast AZ should have the heaviest rainfall
    potential given a combination of deeper moisture, instability and
    orographics. Some rainfall totals of 2 to 3 inches, with isolated
    heavier amounts will be possible.

    Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding will once again
    be possible given the thermodynamic environment and orographic
    focus of much of the convection this afternoon. The localized slot
    canyons, areas near burn scars, and the normally dry washes will
    be particularly sensitive to the high rainfall rate potential and
    thus at greatest risk for flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-fyrzSKc9zthaZCqtjnfkVII1jMNNd-EW6S8AgB7zaRFcZsjljmBcGHLK3ieltulSBCk= 8X9uFuwp464yPSjYqCx50mQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38541133 36711084 36320918 36750695 36950571=20
    36790460 36210402 35240394 34290452 32980518=20
    32510620 32520779 32200860 31420937 31291082=20
    31361155 31731256 32381296 33961259 35221312=20
    36551325 38511241=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 22 23:55:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222355

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0491
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    753 PM EDT Sat Jun 22 2024

    Areas affected...southern WI...eastern IA...north-central IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 230000Z - 230600Z

    Summary...Hourly accumulations of 1-3" likely to lead to numerous
    instances of flash flooding, localized totals of 3-6". Some
    significant, life threatening flash flooding is possible,
    particularly in southern WI and surrounding portions of IA/IL
    (where the greatest coverage of flash flooding is expected).

    Discussion...A mesoscale convective system (MCS) is gaining
    organization and intensity over southwest WI and northeast IA late
    this afternoon. There has been a notable decrease in cloud top
    temperatures (via GOES-East longwave infrared imagery) over the
    past couple of hours, as overshooting tops have cooled an
    additional -10deg C (from -65deg C to -75deg C). In tandem, MRMS
    instantaneous rates have increased to the 4-6"/hr range, resulting
    in hourly estimated totals of 1-2" (as convection is quite
    progressive, reducing the residence time of these extreme
    instantaneous rates). The mesoscale environment ahead of the
    intensifying MCS is characterized by SBCAPE of 1000-3000 J/kg,
    preciptiable water values of 1.9-2.2" (at or above the max moving
    average and rivaling daily record values at DVN, per SPC sounding
    climatology), and effective bulk shear of 35-45 kts (aided by the right-entrance region of a 100 kt jet streak @ 250 mbs over Lake
    Michigan, providing large scale lift as well). This highly
    favorable environment for deep, organized convection should
    continue to support the MCS into the evening/overnight hours
    (further supported by MCS maintenance probabilities of 60-80% and
    derecho composite parameter values of 2-6).

    While the progressive nature of the MCS should largely limit the
    residence time of 1-3"/hr accumulations (as the 850-300 mb mean
    flow is 40+ kts), the concern is that a 2-4 hour period of
    training/repeating along the southwest flank of the MCS (where a
    strong southwesterly low-level jet is providing strong moisture transport/convergence for backbuilding) will result in localized
    totals of 3-6" (as indicated by both the HREF PMM/neighborhood
    exceedance probabilities and subsequent hourly runs of the HRRR).
    While there is relatively good agreement between the CAMs in the
    resultant QPF amounts, there is not as good agreement in the
    placement of those amounts (anywhere from southeastern WI through
    north-central IL and southwestern IA). Some recent HRRR runs (with
    the 21z run being the best example) depict the highest swath
    across southeastern WI, and this seems to be the most realistic
    scenario based on the latest observational trends (largley due
    easterly moiton with the deep layer wind). That said, the HRRR
    seems to be underdoing the overall intensity and coverage of the
    convection, and a stronger, more consolidated cold pool would
    likely allow for more significant upwind propagation (which would
    result in a southerly component in the storm motion, bringing a
    greater threat to northern IL). In addition, the upwind
    propagation vector favors a slower storm motion (near 20 kts),
    which combined with backbuilding could result in a more
    significant flash flood scenario (more likely to achieve the
    high-end 6" localized totals). Even without the
    backbuilding/training, Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) mostly ranges
    from 1-2" (over a 1-3 hour period), suggesting that numerous
    instances of flash flooding are likely (with some localized
    significant flash flooding possible).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-K_EgliTXZWv2-LCqaRQ1VWLSUgrFuQ5fBvM_k_CWI20xplsmV7ifL9MiSBEHSy22JGL= Lr4-4YfVZstj8FYipWnq8WY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43768840 43388752 41388765 40588865 40228987=20
    40469175 41029274 41979341 43089133 43458992=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 23 17:33:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231733

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0492
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    130 PM EDT Sun Jun 23 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Central/Eastern NY into New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 231730Z - 232330Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered to broken areas of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms this afternoon, including some supercells, may pose
    a localized threat for some flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...A rather strong upper-level trough crossing through
    the Great Lakes region continues to drive a cold front steadily
    eastward toward the Northeast U.S. Strong diurnal heating and a
    moist boundary layer out ahead of it has allowed for warm-sector
    MLCAPE values to reach locally over 1500 J/kg across central and
    eastern NY. This coupled with strong effective bulk shear
    magnitudes of 40 to 50+ kts will be fostering the development of
    well-organized convection, including supercells heading through
    the afternoon hours across areas of eastern NY through VT/NH and
    possibly into southwest ME.

    While the dominant hazard attached to the convection will be
    severe in nature (see latest SPC products), there is likely to be
    a sufficient level of convective organization in conjunction with
    anomalously high PWs for rainfall rates to be quite elevated with
    the stronger convective cores, and especially any of the supercell
    activity that does materialize over the next few hours.

    The PW in the 12Z RAOB sounding from ALY was 1.89 inches, and
    recent GPS-derived data continues to show PWs regionally on the
    order of 1.75 to 1.90 inches, and these values are on the order of
    2 to 3 standard deviations above normal.

    The 12Z HREF guidance supports rainfall rates reaching locally as
    high as 2 inches/hour with the stronger cells this afternoon, and
    there is a threat for some more concentrated and repeated
    convection over areas of VT/NH and possibly southwest ME where
    there is also proximity of a warm front attempting to lift
    northeastward ahead of the approaching upstream trough and
    associated cold front. Generally this region is where the guidance
    is the wettest with some spotty 2 to 4 inch rainfall amounts

    Given the elevated rainfall rate potential with this afternoon's
    stronger and more organized convection, a few instances of flash
    flooding cannot be ruled out. For some locations this may also
    fall over areas that saw some locally heavy rain this morning
    which will may help focus some runoff problems.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7oWi1u1sWopaqNUQirintvY_DV-QorG4jRNUSXDVwwnMC3x5UYPRM437XoxYuztFY0Sf= DNMoBEq02IFza8stDHCgPVI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45197136 45027021 44536948 43946953 43517010=20
    43167123 42817251 42897422 43337549 43907570=20
    44247498 44397393 44777313 45047229=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 23 18:26:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231826

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0493
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    225 PM EDT Sun Jun 23 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 231825Z - 240025Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered showers and thunderstorms this afternoon will
    be capable of producing high rainfall rates once again that will
    be capable of causing localized/small-scale areas of flash
    flooding. Any localized slot canyons, burn scars, and the normally
    dry washes will be the most vulnerable to enhanced runoff concerns.

    DISCUSSION...A substantial amount of moisture with tropical
    origins remains in place across a large area of the Southwest
    U.S., and this moisture coupled with the diurnal heating cycle
    will favor the development and expansion of at least scattered
    showers and thunderstorms going through the afternoon hours that
    will be capable of producing locally very heavy rainfall rates.

    Already the midday GOES visible satellite imagery shows areas of
    orographically focused shower and thunderstorm activity beginning
    to initiate across the higher terrain of southern UT, the Mogollon
    Rim of AZ, and also farther east across areas of central NM
    including the Sacramento Mountains and portions of the Sangre De
    Cristo range farther to the north.

    SBCAPE values are on the order of 1000 to 1500+ J/kg locally, but
    these magnitudes are expected to increase over the next few hours
    as additional solar insolation takes place. Meanwhile, the PWs are
    anomalously very high for this time of the year and as high as 3
    to 5+ standard deviations above normal across central/southern AZ
    and above the 95th percentile of climatology here. Elsewhere
    across central NM and for areas of northern AZ and southern UT,
    they are as high as 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal.

    Expect additional expansion of orographically enhanced showers and thunderstorms over the next few hours with rainfall rates that
    will be capable of reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour, and especially
    with the stronger and locally terrain-anchored storms.

    Proximity of a weak MCV across west-central AZ also may act as a
    focus for locally more concentrated areas of convection and the
    12Z HREF guidance overall suggests the Mogollon Rim area and
    portions of south-central AZ should have the heaviest rainfall
    potential given a combination of deeper moisture, instability and
    overall forcing. Some rainfall totals of 2 to 3 inches, with
    isolated heavier amounts will be possible.

    Isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding will once
    again be possible given the thermodynamic and orographic set-up
    for convection. The area slot canyons, burn scar areas, and the
    normally dry washes/arroyos will be particularly sensitive to the
    runoff concerns and flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7hXI6wMVzh5ab0qxVmM3wRvjVOGtIyhO3jG3pB4FQD0AiIz2PbgQkiOYJOLCMsG_HpBA= KD9wbwCyfwDS-emptW9a15o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39061115 38210964 36640894 36090802 36120691=20
    36630472 36270360 35050371 33850447 32770499=20
    32450577 32640668 32740876 31730981 31341061=20
    31631221 32391278 33371349 34121430 35331476=20
    36841398 38691265=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jun 24 17:39:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241739

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0494
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    138 PM EDT Mon Jun 24 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 241737Z - 242337Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered showers and thunderstorms will be capable of
    producing high rainfall rates again today, which may result in a
    few areas of localized and small scale flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Recent visible satellite imagery indicates convection
    is beginning to develop across the higher terrain of central AZ
    into western NM. Compared to yesterday, CAPE and PW values are
    equal or even a bit higher in spots today across this region. The
    convective QPF signal in the HREF is also slightly higher today,
    especially across central AZ into west central NM. HREF EAS
    probabilities of exceeding 0.25" in 6 hrs were only 5-10%
    yesterday, but are ~15-40% today. These higher EAS probabilities
    are indicative of greater convective coverage in the HREF today
    compared to yesterday. Observational trends noted above tend to
    support this outcome as well.

    There were a few flood advisories and flash flood warnings that
    resulted from convection yesterday, and given the similar to
    slightly better environment today, would expect a similar outcome.
    As convective coverage and intensity increases with daytime
    heating a localized flash flood risk should evolve. Like the past
    couple days, slot canyons, burn scar areas and the normally dry
    washes will be most susceptible to isolated flash flooding.

    There is more cloud cover over southeast AZ today which may delay
    convective initiation there. However the remnant MCV that is
    visible on satellite imagery over this area should eventually help
    aid in convective development. The threat is more conditional over
    south central AZ. The best overlap in instability and PWs are
    forecast here, but the trigger for convective development is a
    question. However if any cells do form they will be capable of
    intense rainfall rates. And while probably after the valid time of
    this MPD, there is some signal that convection may eventually
    organize along the terrain of central AZ and push south towards
    the Phoenix to Tuscon corridor tonight. This could eventually push
    an isolated flash flood risk into these areas, and so will
    continue to monitor trends.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5ALs9cYOlfdaDh8K7mqFH87K0sA6ZM6qRv5kG6qgCyO6rbqRcQrvHyedoD55M6fFriTQ= 4gLGquDy1tnrIPmDrKKtxrE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38681158 38451131 37981135 37171193 36341193=20
    35261092 34950947 35240874 35260793 34970702=20
    34600601 34290543 33710514 33040532 32690572=20
    32940617 33210644 33440675 33330737 33130814=20
    32750870 32050918 31550926 31200972 31261044=20
    31241104 31381162 31781233 32241270 32861264=20
    33711283 34311332 34491363 34851413 35841424=20
    37001415 37731405 38001341 38121303 38141260=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jun 25 20:53:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 252053

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0495
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    448 PM EDT Tue Jun 25 2024

    Areas affected...Northern Arizona and Southern Utah

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 252047Z - 260245Z


    Slow-moving thunderstorms have developed along the Mogollon Rim
    into southern Utah associated with the thermal low. Flash flooding
    will be likely as these storms move over flood-sensitive areas.


    Slow-moving thunderstorms across the Mogollon Rim region are
    tapping into well above normal atmospheric moisture to produce
    storms capable of rainfall rates to 1.5 inches per hour. PWATs of
    1 to 1.5 inches per hour are 3-4 sigma above normal for this time
    of year. Thus, the storms have plenty of moisture to work with as
    they form along the upslope areas of the Mogollon Rim in weak
    south to southwesterly flow. Due to the weak steering flow, the
    storms are very slow-moving, giving them ample time to cause
    locally considerable flash flooding.

    Flood sensitive areas such as any slot-canyons, arroyos, urban
    areas, will be particularly vulnerable to rapid-onset flash
    flooding. Note that areas downstream of the storms are likely to
    see flash flooding, even if it's not raining in that area directly
    overhead, as canyons rout a lot of the rainwater into small
    spaces, resulting in rapid rises.

    Note: While still recovering from the recent data outage, the
    accompanying graphic is missing current weather data.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5fGT6_-xbSd6mhzm8xDm9unH8Ee2kyxeiMqNbgcXvl9yIUHNe9CpvuykgxbzxCV8n_TY= iTQLXRCr1nNtrsK9XAdbiZg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38221340 38191115 37811090 37221101 34781073=20
    34140971 33680907 32990918 32990996 33511106=20
    34181211 34691322 35521506 36631561=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 00:19:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260019

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0496
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    814 PM EDT Tue Jun 25 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Mid-Mississippi Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260013Z - 260600Z

    SUMMARY...Cell mergers, training, and backbuilding thunderstorm
    cells may cause localized possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Multiple areas of storms...one over central and
    southern Iowa, and another over east central Missouri are causing
    numerous interactions between the cellular storms as outflow
    boundaries and cells interact with terrain over Missouri and with
    each other. As a result, where the storms interact, there have
    been localized areas where multiple storms have moved overhead,
    resulting in long periods of time, occasionally as long as a
    couple hours, of heavy rain. Thus, while resultant flash flooding
    has been localized, the complexity and frequency of those cell
    mergers along with the forecast of additional storm development
    suggests the flash flooding threat in this area has increased.

    CAMs guidance suggests that both areas of storms will begin to
    push southeastward with time. This scenario would keep the storms
    over east-central Missouri moving down the Mississippi River into
    areas that have at or below average soil moisture for this time of
    year...thus keeping the flooding threat relatively low. However,
    the potential for the storms over Iowa to not only eventually move
    over the areas being hit now in Missouri later on tonight, but
    additional convection to form in between near the IA/MO/IL
    tripoint region suggests that additional flash flooding will be
    possible through the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5j2151w6vq4PR9ji7kyTP-IHDvul20yuA-Lj5Ogrd6p4GbSoN9MbD1RnJHxZZnalrMle= -d34LEgVps9OZUcmGu8DCa8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42299206 42128991 41628970 40758922 39699022=20
    38698999 38018988 37689018 37339024 37549145=20
    37989198 39269307 40369376 41199397 41859396=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 01:50:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260150

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0497
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    946 PM EDT Tue Jun 25 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NEB...Southwest IA...Northwest
    MO...Northeast KS...Far Southeast SDAK...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 260145Z - 260700Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, perhaps retrograding cells may merge before consolidating into a larger complex picking up forward speed.=20
    High moisture availability will allow for efficient rainfall
    production with 2"/hr rates possible and spots of 2-4" across
    saturated/flooded grounds likely to induce spotty flash flooding

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible to SWIR 3.9um imagery depicted a milky
    agitated area in/south of the frontal zone cross the Great Lakes
    back acorss S IA and to a surface wave exists in central NEB. A
    broader mid-level trough/shortwave is dropping southwest out of
    SDAK allowing for backed low to mid-level flow combined with full
    solar heating on saturated grounds resulting in deep moisture up
    to 2" angled back across the Missouri River Valley. That heating
    and high theta-E air continues to be very unstable with MLCAPE of
    3500-4500 J/kg across the northern Sand Hills into SW IA. Deep
    layer convergence, likely responding to the weak DPVA/approaching
    shortwave has trigger scattered destabilization and convective
    activity over the last few hours.

    Deep layer steering has been weak with 15-20kts of west to east
    flow, but 500-1000 mb thickness pattern suggests continued
    favorable back-building across NE NEB into NW IA allowing for
    cells to take up slower motions/residency for localize intense
    rainfall. Rates of 1.5"/hr have been slowly up-ticking toward 2"
    as cells moisten the small pockets of mid-level dry air in the
    region. Still spots of 2-4" are likely to occur across along and
    north of the frontal zone in the MPD area of concern. This is
    also an area of significantly saturated ground conditions with
    ongoing major river flooding, so any additional rainfall is likely
    to induce localized flash flooding conditions or compound ongoing
    flooding if falling near the middle range rivers/streams in the

    While there is some uncertainty, the overall coverage is expected
    to continue and cells will likely merge and start to grow upscale
    with greater DPVA/upper-level influences...combined with growing
    cold pools. As a complex develops into a potential bow, cells
    will move past the 500-1000mb thickness ridge and combined with
    cool pool acceleration will reduce duration with forward
    propagation speeds. However, this will result in stronger
    moisture flux convergence along the leading edge and 2-3" totals
    may occur in shorter duration as the complex moves south into N
    MO. This will move into areas of higher FFG and drier ground
    conditions, so potential for flash flooding will reduce and focus
    on sensitive urban settings, but still remain possible through the
    overnight period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!58EsB2nc32BjwxzLaBMvtj9-zGD2v9V0PKqbpoj63bOWVLSoeZz1ByQShveItcTzD-k5= feRpoaCbrftxOHN7qaGulBA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43229871 43199746 42959606 42629476 42029358=20
    41449290 40669245 39579277 39069382 39159527=20
    40069689 40949761 42259869 42829908=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 02:22:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260222

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0498
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1017 PM EDT Tue Jun 25 2024

    Areas affected...Western & Southern AZ...Far Eastern CA...Ext
    Southern tip of NV...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260230Z - 260730Z

    SUMMARY...Risk for scattered clusters of thunderstorms along/ahead
    of outflow boundary may produce 1-2" localized totals and possible
    flash flooding incidents through early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...Western AZ...
    Favorable upper-level conditions continue to support ongoing
    convective clusters. Western AZ remains within entrance to broad
    southwesterly jet along the northwest quadrant of synoptic ridge.=20
    In the lower levels, confluence and gentle upslope is responding
    with southerly to southeasterly flow drawing higher
    moisture/theta-E air northward on about 10kts of inflow and given
    fairly orthogonal intersection with older outflow is likely to
    spur further development across W AZ, perhaps into far E CA and S
    NV, though instability is a bit weaker given reduced lapse rates.=20
    Still, given deep moisture is over 1.75 to 2" through depth and
    flux convergence should allow for clusters to reform. These
    updrafts will have slow/weak northward drift allowing for
    increased duration up to 1-2 hrs resulting in spots of 1-2" across
    hard pan, perhaps even rugged sloped terrain that may enhance
    run-off for possible localized flash flooding conditions through
    the early overnight period.

    Southeast AZ...
    A complex along leading edge of diurnal wave is once again moving
    across northern Chihuahua into NE Sonora state in MX. Higher
    unstable air has pooled in proximity to the wave and is starting
    to filter through Cochise and Santa Cruz county. Goes-E 10.3um
    and 3.9um imagery shows some scattered developing Tcu and CBs
    along this leading impulse. Surface winds across E Pima county
    appear to be weakly responding and increasing moisture flux up
    through the lower valley/Sonoran Desert. As such, additional
    convective development may expand W and NW with time with similar
    1-2" localized totals and possible localized flash flooding as


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7x3L3_6S6T2tAQwXtDieapJPF0g0TVQvGKB6DJ79_pZClDYYy4vzwjsM_BIK0mdQ2H81= 4ExHEu6113OchNkAdAiwXQQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36061483 36041411 35401331 34021212 33111088=20
    32021024 31371102 32471352 33491462 34431517=20
    35251539 35701525=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 03:50:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260350

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0499
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1145 PM EDT Tue Jun 25 2024

    Areas affected...Southeaset MO...Southern IL...Southwest
    IND...Western KY...Far Northwest TN...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260345Z - 260900Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving convection with capability of 1.5-2"/hr and
    spots of 2-4" as it slides eastward pose possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um and Regional RADAR mosaic depict a
    cluster of cooling thunderstorms near the confluence of the Ohio
    and Mississippi River. The weak MCV across S IL is starting to
    slide eastward into the western edge of the larger scale positive
    tilt trough across the Ohio Valley. This has reduced forward
    progression to the south, though meso-high/cold-pool across SE MO
    is sharpening the moisture convergence along the western upstream
    edge to bring back some increased vigor to the cells over the last
    hour or so. Cell mergers are resulting in spots of 2"/hr+ before
    reducing to a more average 1.5"/hr along the length of the line.

    While the area is stabilizing slightly and the outflow boundary is
    starting to push, the overall environment will remain weakly
    supportive of convection with southerly flow continuing to support
    some moisture flux up the MS and TN Valleys with 2500-4000 J/kg
    of available weakly capped MUCAPE. 850-700mb layer is starting to
    veer and become more west to east, parallel to the convective bow
    and supporting 15-20kts of steering to allow for training profile,
    while having 20-25kts of LLJ entering the upstream edge for some
    favorable back-building. This should support a few hours of west
    to east training. To make matters even further favorable, the
    complex is moving into a divergent 500-1000 thickness pattern
    reducing propagation vectors to 0-5kts through W KY, and as the
    cold pool weakens...southward propagation should diminish. While
    training and limited southerly inflow at cloud base and
    stabilizing lower atmosphere likely will reduce convective
    coverage with time...spots of 2-4" are still possible through the
    middle of the night, next 3-4 hours.

    While the area, has been relatively dry; there is a narrow axis of
    average to slightly above average soil saturation across SE MO
    into W KY where relative soil moisture ratios are above 50%, and
    therefore FFG values are within reach locally with 3hr values of
    2-3" to be potentially exceeded over the next 3-5hrs. As such,
    flash flooding is considered possible through 09z, slowly
    expanding eastward into SW IND.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4Q6sqWRvPOVA6sT8twkvzHch5sUOfqf7-Esf9hh1IQ1s2bQ7uf9Xx7tp3Z2oj_rAd7oZ= hGWH1p8fGqcI0mdzALSajw0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38378761 38178643 37198667 36678723 36248817=20
    36078901 36149010 36679102 37069089 37399058=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 05:31:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260530

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0500
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    126 AM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast NEB...Northeast KS...Much of MO...Ext

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260530Z - 261130Z

    SUMMARY...Merging clusters, into larger faster moving complex.=20
    Warm advective clusters in MO may merge/train; while upstream
    cells will enhance with strong moisture flux convergence and
    efficient short-term rates. Higher soil capacity and faster cell
    motions may limit spot totals to 3.5". As such, widely scattered
    to scattered incidents of possible flash flooding may be possible
    through morning.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a rather muddled/complex
    convective pattern across the Mid-Mississippi/Lower Missouri River
    Valley tonight; with numerous clusters of thunderstorms dotted
    from central NEB, northern MO and into northeast/eastern MO. WV
    also notes a sharpening upstream shortwave across SD/central NEB
    pushing the upstream cluster across the Sand Hills into the south-central/southeast NEB. Ahead of it remains a very warm and
    conditionally unstable warm sector across far NE KS and nearly all
    of MO; with broad 20-30kt 850mb southwesterly LLJ crossing
    orthogonally along/ahead of the wave.

    Clusters that developed/along ahead of the cold front in the
    Mississippi Valley are turning south and southwest into the LLJ
    and remaining unstable environment. Given the persistent
    orthogonal ascent over the resultant outflow boundaries and
    increasingly northwesterly mid to upper level flow (within
    increasingly diffluent pattern into SE MO/S IL), should allow for
    slower downstream clusters to wait while upstream WAA clusters
    expand and train along the NW to SE boundary. These intermittent
    mergers will bring short-term rates up to 2-2.25"/hr though
    streaks/pockets of 2-3.5" totals may occur. Duration/training is
    no likely to remain stationary as propagation vectors will turn
    southerly and southwesterly over MO bring much of central to
    southwestern MO under the risk of these pockets of enhanced

    However, it may take the upstream, caboose cluster with greatest
    moisture flux convergence to bring the rates back up to result in
    localized flash flooding conditions with rates back up to 2"/hr
    with 15-30 minute totals of 1-1.5" possible. While FFG values are
    much lower across SE NEB/NW MO (1.5"/hr; 2-2.5/3hr) making
    potential for exceedance higher; those multiple rounds followed by
    that quick intense burst over the drier soil conditions and higher
    FFG (2-2.5"/hr; 3-4"/3hr) over the Ozarks and adjacent portions of
    SE KS later into the morning. All considered widely scattered to
    scattered localized flash flooding may be possible through 12z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5ICkhAgzOPotKB1xtwf78bs62yynW36tztV0ksVjNVmarOseit7fKGJD9I5RN73TfuYw= t920zwziQoQ61RKcNVAD3dU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41179690 40709445 40129238 39129075 38149032=20
    37199106 36659256 36769397 37309508 38049614=20
    39699761 40579830 41149796=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 08:08:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260807

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0501
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    403 AM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Kansas...Northeast Oklahoma...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260800Z - 261200Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, potentially training elevated thunderstorms
    ahead of main line may pre-soak grounds (1.5-2.5") before main
    line adds additional 1-2" for spots of 2-3.5" and possible
    localized flash flooding before morning

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um loop shows a zone of scattered TCu
    building to scattered CBs with tops already reaching -55C with
    increasing trend in GLM/NLDN lightning indicating increasing vigor
    to the updrafts. The agitated cells are aligned north-south on an
    enhanced theta-E boundary generally in the 354-360K range,
    resulting in an extension of the larger unstable air mass; but
    slightly differentiated the main warm sector (2500-3000 J/kg of
    CAPE). VWP shows slow veering in the 925-850mb layer with
    40-45kts increasing orthogonal deep layer convergence along this
    axis. The gradient of slightly drier air to the WSW, is
    steepening isentropic plane for greater vertical ascent to break
    these pre-cursory cells out. Deep layer moisture is at or just
    below 2" and given flux into the updrafts, there will be some
    capability for efficient rainfall production and moisture mass
    loading for rates of 2"/hr along with some hail production. Given
    KDP ratios, likely small enough to add to flooding risk with
    clogged culverts, rather than robbing moisture with larger more
    wide spread stones.

    Cell motions are going to be slowed by approach of stronger
    high-falls and pressure-fall influences further north and with
    southward propagation vectors, scattered cells may repeat/train
    locally as they increase in number. The combination of slow
    motions and rates, may allow for localized 2-3" totals to occur
    pre-cursory to the main squall line. Dry ground conditions with
    higher FFG over 2.5-3"/hr and 3-4"/3hr the probability of
    exceedance is going to be low, especially into Northeast OK where
    relative soil moisture is in the 30-40% range, with 40-55% a bit
    further north. Still, these cells could pre-soak the ground and
    reduce infiltration for the stronger/heavy and more intense burst
    expected with the main squal line later this morning. As such,
    flash flooding is only considered possible and widely scattered
    through 12z.=20=20=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4VvBTC0_O6WmPyP-o4Mxoo_l_nAdtagmRkTd3xpT39PqOZLObMQqAxCT-MbEEVePuH0j= SOsQjKko-WMlZwXEmATnqzU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38719532 38269482 36879445 35829442 35489539=20
    35859617 36819631 37549626 38229613 38539600=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 17:03:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261703

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0502...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1258 PM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Corrected for TYPO IN GRAPHIC

    Areas affected...Northeastern IN...Northern OH...Northwestern PA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261540Z - 262040Z

    SUMMARY...Training storms are expected to continue to develop over
    the region, with the threat for locally heavy amounts and possible
    flash flooding increasing during the afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...Mesoanalysis shows a shortwave trough associated with
    overnight convection moving east from the mid Mississippi Valley
    as a northern stream trough and its associated cold front move
    across the upper Great Lakes. Ahead of these features, low level west-southwesterly flow is supporting an increase in moisture in
    an area of enhanced ascent generated in part by right-entrance
    region upper jet dynamics. Radar shows convection beginning to
    train from northeastern Indiana into northwestern Ohio, with rates
    increasing along with an uptick in instability. Guidance is
    showing a good signal for sustained moisture advection (PWs
    increasing to around 1.75 inches) and ascent across northern Ohio,
    expanding into northwest Pennsylvania -- supporting training
    storms and the threat for locally heavy amounts ahead of the
    front. HREF neighborhood probabilities indicate that localized
    amounts of 2 inches or more are likely over the next few hours.=20
    Localized rainfall amounts exceeding 3-hour flash flood guidance
    values can be expected, especially over northeastern Ohio into
    northwestern Pennsylvania.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!43rUYrcGlo7xFAOhKjVABlMhWFkfpNYKrtoR2hHj4XQFSNTC5H2MUrNSv8i02aI-zzvT= 7_OM3Ol7wL-oOGpjCrA0C08$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42098017 42077934 41637930 41108099 40978304=20
    41108458 41248618 41738395 41498242 41608167=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 19:38:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261938

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0503
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    336 PM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Areas affected...Northern Pennsylvania

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261936Z - 270000Z

    SUMMARY...Backbuilding convection running into a slow-moving warm
    front that is near the PA/NY State Line may cause flash flooding
    into this evening.

    DISCUSSION...A strong front draped along the PA/NY state line is
    causing strong lift along and south of the boundary this
    afternoon. Numerous backbuilding thunderstorms have developed,
    being fed by plentiful moisture and instability in the air mass
    south of the front. SPC mesoananalysis shows SBCAPE values of up
    to 3,000 J/kg across north central PA, being advected into the
    front on southwesterly winds. PWATs in the air mass south of the
    front are as high as 1.7 inches in northeast Ohio, whereas just
    north of the front in the Finger Lakes region, PWATs drop to
    around 1.1 inches. This tight gradient highlights the strength of
    the front. FFGs going into this rainfall event across northern
    Pennsylvania are between 2-2.5 inches/hr and 2.5-3 inches/3-hours.
    These will drop with multiple rounds of heavy rain due to the
    storms, so exceedance appears probable.

    CAMs guidance going forward suggests the storms running into the
    front will become a bit more progressive in their movement towards
    the east, but also train along the front as they do so. This will
    support a continued threat for flash flooding. There is good
    agreement on this convective evolution playing out across
    north-central Pennsylvania. By around 00Z this evening, the storms
    across northeast Pennsylvania should consolidate more into a
    north-south oriented line that tracks east into the Hudson Valley
    as the trailing cold front over Canada (not shown) sweeps the
    convection off to the east. By this point there should be minimal
    training, so the flood threat should diminish into the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8YFuixAVVr_L7wmKsCbKkaOv86SlxaHZUWPHVg1y0iHPfjVLl0x-TP5qy27gCMH3Fo-C= s-B31uizTMPoz16l8mIgfr0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42268002 42197934 42227946 42037905 42027773=20
    41937667 41757613 41087629 40917685 41147886=20
    41278049 41578089 41988091=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 22:39:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 262239

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0503...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    638 PM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Corrected for Graphic

    Areas affected...Northern Pennsylvania

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261936Z - 270000Z




    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7DRfXYxxtj817Fu6Vmpds3grMcpGqBOAmw8v-_gjle1DTWv3J1r14K5tMYKCR9ky00Ep= b7hXcXqfZ0TyhbJYdgkiRXk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42268002 42227946 42037905 42027773 41937667=20
    41757613 41087629 40917685 41147886 41278049=20
    41578089 41988091=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 23:06:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 262306

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0504
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    705 PM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Areas affected...Central Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 262304Z - 270500Z

    SUMMARY...An area of thunderstorms with training embedded cells
    ahead of an advancing cold front may cause flash flooding through
    this evening.

    DISCUSSION...An area of training storms (Round 1) that has
    developed on the upslope side of the central Appalachians across
    much of eastern West Virginia has embedded cells with rates
    approaching 2 inches per hour. This area of convection is over
    parts of West Virginia where FFGs are as low as 1.5 inches per
    hour. Thus, localized areas are seeing FFGs exceeded with the
    stronger storms. SBCape values in eastern West Virginia are up to
    1,500 J/kg with PWATs to 1.7 inches according to SPC Mesoanalysis.
    This is enough instability and available moisture to sustain
    storms capable of producing flash flooding given the multiple
    sources of forcing for the storms.

    The cold front off to the north and west (Round 2) is producing
    storms with rates to 1.5 inches per hour across eastern Ohio. As
    the front moves into West Virginia over the next few hours,
    upslope flow off the terrain due to the northwesterly flow
    associated with the front and the cooler, drier air mass behind it
    will cause additional uplift along the terrain prior to the front
    moving through. This is expected to locally enhance rainfall rates
    over the same areas being hit with convection presently. Thus,
    localized flash flooding is possible, both with the current
    convection's stronger cells along with any training, as well as
    with expected convection associated with the cold frontal passage
    late this evening.

    The cold front should be through the area by 05Z (1am), ending the
    flash flooding threat.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_VPWndjNMLrUwt8FWsQ4zo3f9Yi3Jkgh8xgLgeRQZCAMHSRJsiG1xXb0VOmBspNJ1XtR= lxjjqqJ-5oYYJTnyB2-V3NQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40538026 40517940 40387899 39987832 38977849=20
    37498009 37178144 37438275 38108228 39468122=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jun 26 23:13:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 262313

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0503...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    712 PM EDT Wed Jun 26 2024

    Corrected for Graphic and Discussion

    Areas affected...Northern Pennsylvania

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261936Z - 270000Z

    SUMMARY...Backbuilding convection running into a slow-moving warm
    front that is near the PA/NY State Line may cause flash flooding
    into this evening.

    DISCUSSION...A strong front draped along the PA/NY state line is
    causing strong lift along and south of the boundary this
    afternoon. Numerous backbuilding thunderstorms have developed,
    being fed by plentiful moisture and instability in the air mass
    south of the front. SPC mesoananalysis shows SBCAPE values of up
    to 3,000 J/kg across north central PA, being advected into the
    front on southwesterly winds. PWATs in the air mass south of the
    front are as high as 1.7 inches in northeast Ohio, whereas just
    north of the front in the Finger Lakes region, PWATs drop to
    around 1.1 inches. This tight gradient highlights the strength of
    the front. FFGs going into this rainfall event across northern
    Pennsylvania are between 2-2.5 inches/hr and 2.5-3 inches/3-hours.
    These will drop with multiple rounds of heavy rain due to the
    storms, so exceedance appears probable.

    CAMs guidance going forward suggests the storms running into the
    front will become a bit more progressive in their movement towards
    the east, but also train along the front as they do so. This will
    support a continued threat for flash flooding. There is good
    agreement on this convective evolution playing out across
    north-central Pennsylvania. By around 00Z this evening, the storms
    across northeast Pennsylvania should consolidate more into a
    north-south oriented line that tracks east into the Hudson Valley
    as the trailing cold front over Canada (not shown) sweeps the
    convection off to the east. By this point there should be minimal
    training, so the flood threat should diminish into the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_uga-L_kxan_-ha1cyY61RDD0HtoTCskIaa8tkXM60-NhgrQX9PrnYx9ZL82dCsmt_-A= NBVPBq8V-becH4xmPU0ptiI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42268002 42227946 42037905 42027773 41937667=20
    41757613 41087629 40917685 41147886 41278049=20
    41578089 41988091=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 27 17:02:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 271702

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0505
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    101 PM EDT Thu Jun 27 2024

    Areas affected...Northern and eastern AZ...Southern UT...Western NM...Southwestern CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 271700Z - 272300Z

    SUMMARY...With anomalous moisture remaining in place, another day
    of showers and storms, with the potential for locally heavy
    amounts and areas of flash flooding, can be expected.

    DISCUSSION...Morning upper air soundings from across the region
    showed PWs at or near their daily maxes across the region. With
    this moisture in place, increasing instability west of the cloud
    cover associated with overnight activity is supporting the
    development of isolated to scattered showers and storms across
    portions of eastern Arizona. With daytime heating likely to
    increase storm coverage, the general consensus of the hi-res
    guidance shows storms spreading initially over the high terrain of
    eastern Arizona into western New Mexico. Neighborhood
    probabilities from the 12Z HREF indicate localized accumulations
    of an inch or more are likely across this area during the
    afternoon. Storms are also forecast to quickly blossom further to
    the north through northern Arizona into southern Utah.=20
    Southwesterly flow ahead of an upper trough and its associated
    cold front will fortify the deeper moisture already in place
    across southern Utah and western Colorado. In addition to
    orographic effects, modest upper jet dynamics are forecast to
    foster ascent across this region. With the increase in upper
    level winds, storm motions throughout much of the region are
    expected to be faster than previous days, however ample moisture
    will likely support heavy rates, with repeating storms raising the
    threat for heavy accumulations and flash flooding. Areas most
    susceptible to flash flooding include burn scars and areas of
    complex terrain.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_Sl258xxMPFMLrp64git0txzcELAPyDjhywd_uRqzGhE8DL2pmLUznxrXQjB8ial9LrK= H8Uzx6w1mCfxjGt64TeF-MU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39501038 39321001 38690966 38370884 37900881=20
    37580921 37110946 36610892 36060812 35370779=20
    34900741 34120702 33550750 32650766 32910866=20
    33420920 34231031 34601124 35301203 36011214=20
    36361251 37151252 37671275 38831178 39421094=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 27 20:17:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 272017

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0506
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    416 PM EDT Thu Jun 27 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Western Colorado & Northwest New

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 272015Z - 280215Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding likely as strong forcing coupled with
    record atmospheric moisture fuels storms capable of heavy rain
    rates to 2 inches per hour.

    DISCUSSION...Numerous showers and thunderstorms have developed
    across Utah, Arizona, and far western New Mexico this afternoon. A
    strong shortwave trough moving east over the northern Rockies is
    invigorating the atmosphere over the Four Corners. Storms capable
    of rainfall rates as high as 2 inches per hour have developed, and
    will continue to redevelop and form over western Colorado and
    Northwest New Mexico into the afternoon. A major contributing
    factor to the unusual nature of convection in this region are
    record to near record precipitable water values from the 12Z
    soundings this morning based on SPC Sounding Climatology in
    Albuquerque, Grand Junction, and Salt Lake City. Thus, the storms
    have unusually high amounts of moisture to work with, and the
    shortwave trough will help those storms to organize as they
    interact with the high terrain. Further, SBCAPE values of 1,000 to
    2,000 J/kg already in place will continue to support strong
    thunderstorm development through the afternoon and early evening.

    The entire Four Corners region has above to well above normal soil
    moisture from recent days of rain, so the organized and stronger
    nature of the storms developing will combine with already higher
    than normal river levels to result in scattered instances of flash
    flooding. The storms that develop over local burn scars will cause
    locally considerable and significant flash flooding over and
    immediately downstream of the burn scars.

    CAMs guidance shows portions of western Colorado will be targeted
    by the convection currently over Utah as they move into Colorado
    through this afternoon. The storms may be a bit faster moving this
    afternoon as compared with previous days, but favorable dynamics
    for training/backbuilding and the aforementioned wet soil
    conditions as well as interaction with terrain will all support
    flash flooding development.

    Storms capable of causing flash flooding are likely to be ongoing
    beyond the time of this MPD, so an updated MPD is expected around
    02Z/8pm MDT.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9yyJ4bmhusLpTV4jNJqauSMjISKZDDxmQfvmIOMVn525_9Uyj0eCTXnpaJ8gOT64BUDA= 3xigbq4CLOv4iGSbVyQzxp0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40170736 39890669 39520649 38500623 37750574=20
    36500559 35490588 35160755 36090805 36860913=20
    37210943 38010869 38520904 38790961 39360996=20
    39571033 39690969 39930856=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jun 27 22:20:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 272220

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0507
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    619 PM EDT Thu Jun 27 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern New Mexico & Portions of the
    Southern Plains

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 272218Z - 280215Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding possible as storms that are forming along
    the dry line in eastern New Mexico train along that line into
    flood sensitive areas.

    DISCUSSION...Storms developing along the dry line from the
    southeastern corner of Colorado southwestward into central New
    Mexico are training along the dry line this afternoon. While so
    far rates have largely stayed at or below 1 inch per hour with the
    storms, as they slowly move over more flood sensitive areas,
    particularly in northeastern New Mexico due to recent rainfall,
    flash flooding will be possible. In addition, any storms that move
    over burn scars in the area may also pose a flash flooding threat.
    Southerly flow of 15-25 kts at 850 mb will continue to feed
    moisture and instability into the storms as local maxima of SBCAPE
    as high as 2,000 J/kg analyzed by SPC Mesoanalysis advects
    northward into the storms.

    Similar flash flooding sensitivity due to the Sacramento Mountains
    and burn scars in and around those mountains may also pose a flash
    flooding threat into this evening as storms continue to form and
    only very slowly move into the area across southern New Mexico.

    FFGs across the flood sensitive portions of northeast New Mexico
    are between 1 and 1.5 inches per hour, a rate that is probable
    with the stronger storms.

    CAMs guidance suggests the storms will continue consolidating into
    linear segments with localized higher rainfall rates to 1.5 inches
    per hour through this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_Oay3zJDwdAdxhKO55lIZ6aufl8vmV5Hj3pS6On0mU3rms3Oi0VxzXcrmMrXbsymhxL1= DXvtaRdiDNU_K-68xsLBJRg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37660218 37590158 37310118 36480168 35120301=20
    33600429 32710543 32980644 33170749 33830716=20
    34220696 34960736 35070687 35180581 35260561=20
    36130482 37390261=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 28 01:03:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280103

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0509
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    902 PM EDT Thu Jun 27 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast AZ & Southwest NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 280101Z - 280500Z

    SUMMARY... Ongoing convection associated with a thermal low along
    with near record PWATs may cause possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...SPC Mesoanalysis shows a tongue of instability
    persists in southeast AZ and southwest NM this evening. Ongoing
    convection thriving on PWATs at or near record levels for the day
    suggests that the storms have the ingredients needed to persist in
    this area for several more hours. PWATs around 1.3 inches, SBCAPE
    above 2,000 J/kg and the continued forcing from the nearby thermal
    low are all working to keep scattered showers and thunderstorms
    ongoing. Cooling cloud tops in the area also suggest strengthening thunderstorms capable of heavy rainfall.

    FFGs are very low in portions of the area, at less than 1 inch per
    hour. The storms when they flare up have been producing rainfall
    rates to 1.5 inches per hour. Thus flash flooding is possible
    especially in flood sensitive areas, arroyos, and burn scars.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_qMKjxFQSMe1pxU2x5sznkiuZUTGScBq9j4a6Cd_-KY0bLhN6C-h0E8OYRblsdWdjdGf= IQuBCVVi3fhrQ1BqCWI0WJQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32760940 32520844 32340827 31780818 31310840=20
    31331094 31411135 31901122 32421076=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jun 28 23:54:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 282354

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0510
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    753 PM EDT Fri Jun 28 2024

    Areas affected...Northern Colorado

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 282352Z - 290300Z

    SUMMARY...Training storms may cause localized flash flooding in
    the terrain across Northern Colorado into this evening.

    DISCUSSION... Training storms have developed across northern
    Colorado in response to a strong shortwave tracking across
    Wyoming. Unidirectional westerly flow, the strong shortwave, the
    right entrance region of the jet, and still above normal levels of
    atmospheric moisture with PWATs between 3/4 and 1 inch all are
    supporting the storms. While the heaviest rains have been
    sporadic, this has likely been due to the interaction with the
    terrain. Soil moisture levels have been similarly sporadic based
    on NASA sport soil moisture imagery, but several spots where the
    training storms have set up have seen heavy rain in recent days.
    SPC Mesoanalysis shows SBCape values between 1,000 and 2,000 J/kg,
    which will support the continuation of the storms. A front draped
    to the north of the storms over far southern Wyoming is acting as
    a very effective northern gradient for the convection, as there's
    a sharp gradient to the north of the front with much lower
    atmospheric moisture and almost no instability. This front may be
    helping to focus the convection across this corridor of northern

    The storms are expected to continue for the next few hours, with
    gradually decreasing strength and coverage over this region
    following sunset, which should result in decreasing instability as
    well as departing forcing. HRRR guidance shows the storms will
    significantly diminish in coverage after 03Z/9pm MDT.

    Flash flooding should remain widely scattered since the storm
    coverage is also widely scattered, and is most likely in areas
    where redeveloping and training cells result in multiple rounds of
    heavy rain over flood sensitive areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_gHsqm7IkD_GsCVodJe_j619E5pGORJrsN-6X5yXLl-zJy5t9AAPV1uvGCwHD2cVlmJ1= WRYA9oEgIVcmwyfJyeU27T8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40830432 40330397 40160493 39720588 39000644=20
    38490796 38970838 39610858 40270855 40650752=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 29 01:23:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290123

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0511
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    921 PM EDT Fri Jun 28 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Kansas & Western Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 290120Z - 290700Z

    SUMMARY...Extreme levels of moisture and instability are
    supporting storms capable of rainfall rates exceeding 3 inches per
    hour. This will likely cause additional flash flooding into

    DISCUSSION...The combination of multiple ingredients that are
    present in extreme levels is increasing concerns for flash
    flooding across eastern Kansas and western Missouri this evening.
    SBCAPE values of over 5,000 J/kg are present over southeast Kansas
    according to SPC Mesoanalysis. Further, PWATs have increased to
    2.2 inches...which is almost 3 sigma above normal and above the
    95th percentile compared to climatology for this time of year.
    Finally that very moisture-and-instability-rich air mass is being
    advected northeastward on a strengthening low-level jet. This has
    resulted in a few very strong supercells developing over eastern
    Kansas, that have been very slow-moving, especially the one to the
    north and west on this radar imagery. That cell has produced
    rainfall rates exceeding 3 inches per hour as it barely moves to
    the west of Topeka right along I-70. Meanwhile the cell to its
    south and east has been quickly intensifying as its northern edge
    approaches Topeka, while also moving very slowly towards the
    northeast. FFGs in Topeka, Kansas City, and the surrounding areas
    are around 2 inches per hour, a rate that is easily being exceeded
    by the storms that have formed so far.

    Unfortunately, CAMs guidance has been poor with the behavior of
    these storms so far. Of those that have realized these storms at
    all, they generally have been too fast with moving them south and
    east. Thus, certainty on the flash flooding threat for southeast
    Kansas and southwest Missouri is low. Further, whether the storms
    continue slowly drifting east and impacting Kansas City or if the
    strongest storms turn a bit to the south and largely miss the
    metro is also uncertain. Storms developing further north along the
    line into far northeastern Kansas and northwestern Missouri have
    been weaker, but FFGs in the area are considerably lower due to
    recent rainfall, and thus the flash flooding threat is
    considerable in that area as well even if the heaviest rains are
    likely to miss areas around St. Joseph.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4BoTnygq9VpKRiOWRYhiBvv4cgvALCZSoxvryx6sm1xz1bGg5TZ94EiDacM5NTDfcC6z= 3PPkdKTvJpR5UDldawaLzyc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39999506 39799426 39609416 39359403 39119362=20
    38899313 38589285 38039268 37489324 37229450=20
    37089562 37509624 38509667 38869675 39409631=20
    39409627 39969579=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 29 18:58:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291858

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0512
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    258 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Areas affected...Southern and Eastern OH...Northern WV...Western
    MD...Western and Central PA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 291857Z - 300057Z

    SUMMARY...Broken bands of showers and thunderstorms with very
    heavy rainfall rates will likely result in scattered instances of
    flash flooding later this afternoon and into the evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...An anomalously moist and moderately unstable airmass
    is pooled up across the Upper OH Valley and the northern
    Mid-Atlantic region as deeper layer southwest flow continues well
    ahead of an upper-level trough and associated cold front over the
    Upper Midwest and Upper Great Lakes region. MLCAPE values across
    areas of southern and eastern OH, northern WV and far western PA
    have increased to 1500 to 2500 J/kg, and the latest RAP analysis
    shows effective bulk shear values of about 30 to 40 kts.

    GOES-E Airmass RGB satellite imagery suggests some weak vort
    energy aloft also transiting the OH Valley as a belt of stronger
    mid-level winds arrives ahead of the aforementioned upper-level
    trough. This energy coupled with the favorable thermodynamic and
    kinematic environment will favor broken bands of convection over
    the next several hours spanning the remainder of the afternoon and
    the evening time frame. The areas that should see the greatest
    impacts will be across much of southern and eastern OH, northern
    WV, western MD, and much of central and western PA.

    The latest NESDIS Blended TPW product shows very high PWs over the
    OH Valley that are stretching well across northern WV and western
    PA. PWs of 2.0 to 2.25 inches are noted across the region, and the
    CIRA-ALPW data confirms a highly anomalous and deep level of
    tropical moisture in place. This will set the stage for convection
    to be produce very high rainfall rates this afternoon and evening
    as storms organize and grow in intensity.

    Rainfall rates of 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour are expected with the
    stronger storms, and the latest hires model CAMs suggest
    eventually some localized concerns for cell-training and possible
    cell-merger activity. As a result, going through early this
    evening, some rainfall totals may locally reach 3 to 4+ inches.

    Given the rainfall potential and added consideration of some of
    these heavier rates and totals impacting multiple urban
    environments, scattered instances of flash flooding are likely to


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8k-_Da3T_WY3nc7wd9MuQ2vTSEyGbfRhQ_XR4iwoNAT7FKSctLFu4aP7WOW-UPIhMMl4= tugd1lxz5H2uspQvspSPpiI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41647714 41467599 40397620 39207937 38598290=20
    38918441 39428444 39668383 40518122 41267861=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 29 19:44:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291944

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0513
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    343 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 291943Z - 300143Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing coverage of showers and thunderstorms with
    locally enhanced rainfall rates will likely result in at least
    scattered instances of flash flooding this afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E visible satellite imagery shows a
    fair amount of cloud cover over areas of east-central AZ in
    connection to a slow-moving MCV that is seen lifting north around
    the western periphery of the subtropical ridge over the southern
    Plains. However, convection is beginning to initiate with the aid
    of differential heating boundaries and orographic ascent. As
    additional boundary layer destabilization ensues via strong
    diurnal heating, there will be increasing coverage of showers and
    thunderstorms over the next several hours.

    Already the airmass is quite unstable across areas of eastern NM
    which is expected to drive concerns for more focused convective
    activity by later today across the Sacramento Mountains and
    especially the Sangre De Cristo Mountains farther to the north.
    SBCAPE values the eastern flanks of the terrain here are already
    as high as 2000 to 3000 J/kg and with rather moist upslope flow.
    Areas of north-central to northeast NM in particular have added
    concerns today of a cold front arriving down from the north and
    northeast. Convergence along the front and moist post-frontal flow
    into the terrain will be conducive for convection eventually that
    is relatively focused and potentially anchored close to the

    SBCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg are seen currently over areas
    of central AZ in close proximity to the aforementioned MCV, and
    this instability will further drive an uptick in locally
    slow-moving and rather efficient thunderstorms capable of
    producing high rainfall rates. The PW anomalies over the Southwest
    are greatest from southern AZ northeastward through north-central
    NM, and are locally 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal.

    Rainfall rates will likely reach 1 to 2 inches/hour with the
    stronger storms, and with slow cell-motions and locally focused
    convection near some of the higher terrain in general, there may
    be some storm totals that reach 2 to 4 inches. This will likely
    result in at least scattered instances of flash flooding going
    through the afternoon hours. The normally dry washes and areas
    that are near and adjacent to burn scars will be the most
    susceptible to enhanced impacts and flash flooding which may
    include debris flow activity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6FnATFv592BmcF4m9ErU-s7ybqp3X0RXy73IETsJA_c-riD3PJNmDoB7V_3uwyhCno7Y= WhWSB8s8pNA6le4CSt8P8Ic$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37310558 37130433 36260410 34960501 33500538=20
    32330573 32000742 32770943 33421093 34771207=20
    35821170 36491053 36880861 36900714=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jun 29 23:24:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 292323

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0514
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    722 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Areas affected...North-Central to Northeast OK...Southeast KS...Central/Southern MO...Far Northern AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 292322Z - 300522Z

    SUMMARY...Locally slow-moving clusters of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms will organize and tend to expand in coverage going
    into the evening hours. Isolated to widely scattered instances of
    flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows strong
    cold-topped convection developing and gradually expanding in
    coverage across areas of southeast KS and into central MO. The
    activity is forming along and just south of a cold front as
    multiple waves of low pressure advance east-northeast along it.

    A moist and very unstable airmass is in place with MLCAPE values
    of 3500 to 4500 J/kg and PWs locally over 2 inches, and this
    coupled with at least modest shear and favorable low-level
    convergence along the front should yield additional expansion of
    convective clusters heading into the evening hours. Initially the
    main focus will be on areas of southeast KS and central/southern
    MO, but portions of north-central to northeast OK and eventually
    far northern AR will likely see the arrival of convection since
    the overall southward advance of the cold front coupled with some
    localized cold pool activity should allow the convection to lose
    some latitude with time.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger storms are expected to reach 2 to
    2.5 inches/hour, and with slow cell-motions overall, this may
    allow for some short-term totals to reach as high as 3 to 5
    inches. The 12Z/18Z HREF guidance supports these totals locally,
    and suggest some low probabilities (20 to 40 percent) of seeing
    3-hour FFG exceedances. Therefore, some isolated to widely
    scattered instances of flash flooding may materialize heading into
    the evening hours as this convection continues to organize and
    expand in coverage.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7fkPaDCZsGD7khpoBdA_1uMheEp-kHTo37r7punkUhUW5aNxLcXdnNYVNPc3pmvEreEO= 95GxIbkNbf2rYOCq0H_Bwj8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38839132 38539048 37378989 36199044 36179412=20
    35679638 35739826 36349854 37429652 37749563=20
    38069406 38449270=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 00:31:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300031

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0515
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    830 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southeast AL...Southwest GA...FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 300030Z - 300500Z

    SUMMARY...Additional slow-moving showers and thunderstorms are
    expected over the next few hours. This coupled with very heavy
    rainfall rates may foster a few more instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery continues to show some slow-moving
    clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms across areas of
    southeast AL and southwest GA with some recent tendencies for the
    activity to initiate a little bit farther south into the FL
    Panhandle as well.

    MLCAPE values remain on the order of 1500 to 2500 J/kg and the PWs
    are very high with values of 2.2 to 2.4 inches based on the latest
    GPS-derived data, and this is facilitating very high rainfall
    rates that are locally on the order of 2 to 3 inches/hour.

    The flow aloft is also rather diffluent given proximity of the
    subtropical ridge axis just to the north, and this coupled with
    the lingering early evening instability and relatively convergent
    low-level flow should maintain the ongoing areas of convection for
    a while longer. Some cell-merger activity has been occurring
    locally, and this coupled with the slow cell-motions overall may
    yield some additional rainfall totals of 3 to 5 inches going
    through midnight. This has been advertised by some of the recent
    HRRR guidance and seems reasonable based on the latest satellite
    and radar trends.

    A few additional instances of flash flooding may occur given the
    high rainfall rates and additional storm totals before the
    convection weakens later this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7XNWWDFRxotHME5LAQF5siPLV31OQTFix7NeMAUnVzh_CTmG4aSxWErJU5lQ6RE2ceIA= 171ll-33__B5VnjRl33LSp0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31608423 31538345 31198269 30668275 30458341=20
    30468435 30738525 31128541 31438499=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 01:22:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300121

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0516
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    920 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southern OH...Northeast KY...Much of WV

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 300120Z - 300720Z

    SUMMARY...New bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to develop this evening which may drive isolated to
    widely scattered instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...An anomalously moist and moderately unstable airmass
    remains in place this evening across the Upper OH Valley and into
    the central Appalachians. A couple of broken bands of convection
    are currently noted over northeast KY, far southern OH and parts
    of northern WV, and surface observations show much of the focus of
    this along an elongated surface trough which is at least partially
    a result of convective outflow from earlier convection.

    MLCAPE values across areas of the region remains as high as 1500
    to 2500 J/kg, and there continues to be a fair amount of shear
    with the latest RAP analysis showing effective bulk shear values
    of about 30 to 40 kts. This environment will be largely in place
    through the remainder of the evening hours with a slow decrease in
    boundary layer instability given the loss of solar insolation.

    However, the arrival of a modest MCV which is currently situated
    over southern OH along with some uptick in southwest low-level
    flow ahead of a cold front approaching the Upper OH Valley is
    expected to help generate some new bands of heavy shower and
    thunderstorm activity later this evening and into a portion of the
    overnight period.

    The greatest instability pool coupled with placement of the
    aforementioned surface trough would suggest areas of northeast KY
    through central WV would tend to the primary corridor for renewed
    convection going into the overnight hours.

    PWs across the region remain anomalously high with values of 2.0
    to 2.25 inches and with the CIRA-ALPW data confirming a deep
    entrenchment of this moisture through the vertical column.
    Rainfall rates with the additional storms may reach 2 inches/hour,
    and some localized repeating of storms over the same area may
    result in some rainfall amounts locally going through 06Z of 3 to
    4 inches.

    Given the heavier rainfall rates, and locally rugged terrain of
    the central Appalachians, there may be some isolated to widely
    scattered instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7ukpcSdxO3o6Uyk7yoNN3eahAJOURLPrZNgyN8O4FZxFrJIB47D5rl-tquSbfWyzi1t7= bt45Fh2H1mUoYmX328Owoco$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39628051 39397931 38547942 37588102 37328274=20
    37508403 38148444 38808393 39458233=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 01:59:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300159

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0517
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    958 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Southeast CO...Central and
    Northern NM...Far Southwest KS...Portions of the OK/TX Panhandles

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 300158Z - 300758Z

    SUMMARY...Broken clusters of showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to continue into the overnight hours, with locally
    concentrated areas of heavy rainfall and flash flooding potential.

    DISCUSSION...The early evening GOES-E Proxy Visible satellite
    imagery in conjunction with dual-pol radar shows broken areas of
    showers and thunderstorms ongoing right now across large areas of
    central and northern NM and into southern CO. Moisture and
    instability remain firmly entrenched across the region, and this
    coupled with the arrival of shortwave energy/MCVs along with
    upslope flow into the east and south facing slopes of the high
    terrain is expected to maintain a rather well-organized threat for
    convection and heavy rainfall heading into the overnight hours.

    SBCAPE values remain on the order of 1500 to 2500 J/kg locally
    with the greatest instability currently over southeast CO and
    areas of northern NM including the OK/TX Panhandles. Meanwhile,
    the PWs across the region remain anomalously high with PWs that
    are a solid 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal. This moisture
    and instability is also pooling up along a quasi-stationary front
    draped over the southern Rockies, with moist and convergent
    low-level flow along it and with transport of this into the higher
    terrain of especially the Sangre De Cristo Mountains.

    The latest hires model CAMs support convection overnight becoming
    locally focused over upslope areas of southeast CO and down into
    northeast NM with rainfall rates that will be capable of reaching
    1.5 to 2 inches/hour. Slow-moving cells which may locally be
    anchored near the higher terrain before then moving out over the
    open High Plains may help to yield some storm totals overnight of
    3 to 5 inches.

    These rainfall rates and storm totals going into the overnight
    period are likely to result in areas of flash flooding. Any burn
    scar locations, and especially in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains
    will be particularly susceptible to enhanced impacts and flash
    flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4N2v9MqH7ReyTfZUC2P6Nj5C3W4vxvvWommKTKa-Ee3Wuk0Fb1NLY_rVtzal9PlhDfrC= 56LjzeRVWZjwL0bVupbJUOs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39260317 38230198 37400136 36370118 35600222=20
    35250301 34650388 33650521 33350666 34030769=20
    35020820 36020785 37080633 38170540 39170450=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 02:31:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300230

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0518
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1029 PM EDT Sat Jun 29 2024

    Areas affected...northern MD and DE into surrounding portions of

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 300230Z - 300830Z

    Summary...Hourly totals of 1-2" may locally train/repeat across
    vulnerable urbanized terrain. Isolated instances of flash flooding
    are possible.

    Discussion...A relatively small line of thunderstorms has gained
    organization over portions of western MD into adjacent portions of
    WV/VA, taking on a training orientation in the past hour or so
    with hourly totals up to ~2" (per MRMS estimates). The mesoscale
    environment is highly favorable for continued heavy rainfall, with
    ample instability (SB CAPE 1500-2000 J/kg), highly anomalous
    tropospheric moisture (PWATs 2.0-2.3", near or above the max
    moving average per IAD sounding climatology), and impressive
    effective bulk shear (30-40 kts) for convective organization.
    Along with moderate low-level (925-850mb) southerly moisture
    transport and frontogenesis (moist pronounced at 1000-925 mb)
    indicated by RAP mesoanalysis, upwind propagation vectors of only
    10-15 kts towards the southeast should allow for some backbuilding
    and training/repeating along the southwestern flank of the
    organizing cluster of storms, increasing concerns for short term
    accumulations of 2-4" (and possible subsequent flash flooding,
    particularly in more vulnerable urban areas).

    While the 12z/18z hi-res CAMs haven't done a great job handling
    the convective evolution (and particularly so with more recent
    runs of the HRR), there is still a meaningful signal (10-20%) for
    3" exceedance (per 40-km neighborhood probabilities of exceedance
    from the 18z HREF) though 09z, favoring portions of the populated
    I-70/95 corridor (encompasing the Baltimore and Wilmington metro
    areas, and possibly getting as far south as Washington D.C. and
    surroundings). While Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) is as high as 4-5"
    for much of the area, more vulnerable urbanized terrain has FFGs
    of 3" or less. As a result, localized/isolated instances of flash
    flooding are possible (and could be quite impactful for low-lying,
    vulnerable localities).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7fhxtsUfs9gFwLbU-w52ohCmwg4EYqtJ1NZF1vy-Qdw6lNjsb4EjgDNCzbO4LPkfycNJ= Xtsvu2ia7zJ8jsDS1f4OSfA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39877579 39617552 39277581 38937636 38807712=20
    39027822 39337799 39577747 39767674=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 08:02:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300802

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0519
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    400 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...much of southern KS into portions of northern OK,
    southeast CO, and northeast NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 300800Z - 301400Z

    Summary...Rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr likely to result in localized
    totals of 3-5". Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding
    are likely.

    Discussion...Convection has proliferated over the past couple of
    hours across much of southern KS and surrounding portions of
    OK/CO, just upstream of more active, deep convective activity over
    northeast NM. This initiation and proliferation is in response to
    warm air advection (WAA) and moisture transport situated in the
    low levels (most focused around 850 mb), which has resulted in a
    rapid increase in elevated instability (+200-600 J/kg of MUCAPE in
    the past 3 hours, resulting in total values of 1000-2000 J/kg).
    Deep layer moisture is increasing in tandem, as depicted by a
    gradient of precipitable water values of 1.6-2.3 inches (near or
    above record levels, per DDC sounding climatology). Even effective
    bulk shear is quite impressive, ranging from 30-50 kts. This
    environment is quite supportive of heavy rainfall, and deep layer
    (850-300 mb) mean winds of only 5-10 kts suggests that storm
    motions will remain quite slow until sufficient organization
    occurs for propagation (or until storms exhaust available
    instability, which looks less likely given fresh moisture
    transport and sufficient shear). In addition, a
    shortwave/mesoscale convective vortex (MCV) in association with
    the aforementioned deep convection over northeast NM may provide
    an additional source of broad lift/shear for upscale growth (and
    this feature is quite apparent via GOES-East water vapor imagery).

    While the HRRR and FV3 struggle to initiate/maintain convection,
    most of the other hi-res CAMs from the 00z cycle (i.e. ARW,
    ARW2/NSSL, and NAM-nest) have a more realistic depiction of QPF
    through 14z (though still too slowly based on observational
    trends). For this reason have favored the HREF probability matched
    mean depiction, which suggests localized totals of 3-5" over
    southeast KS (and somewhat lower 1-3" totals for surroundings).
    Expressed in terms of exceedance probabilities (using a 40-km
    neighborhood method), the HREF suggests 20-40% odds of exceeding
    3" through 15z. Associated Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) generally
    ranges from 2.0-4.0" (over a 3-6 hour period), but shorter-term
    hourly totals of up to 2-3" (due to both the slow storm motions
    and potential for training) will more easily exceed associated
    (1-hr) FFG of 1.5-2.0". As a result, isolated to scattered
    instances of flash flooding are considered likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8wuhVQrorn74vidupmQPO-a8TGd1AlLfZ_Sq3GjGpzpOa1hzl5rUwzead7ld5pGBM0qM= aTTL55xnwHYRKeWxmPe7SA4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38810202 38739987 38329810 37419633 36459675=20
    36219782 36559889 36650038 36580231 36330307=20
    35420405 35540558 36540571 37460495 38320357=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 13:49:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301349

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0520
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    948 AM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...southwestern Kansas, northern Oklahoma

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 301348Z - 301600Z

    Summary...A slow-moving MCS continues to produce 1-3 inch/hr rain
    rates along an axis from near Dodge City, KS to Alva, OK. Flash
    flooding remains likely, although a gradual lessening of rain
    rates is expected through 16-17Z.

    Discussion...The combination of mid-level organization and a
    mature cold pool associated with a nearly-stationary convective
    complex has enabled substantial longevity of a cold pool well
    beyond model depictions over the past few hours. Convergence
    along the western flank of this MCS (from 15-20 kt 850 flow)
    continues to aid in robust updraft redevelopment while maintaining
    1000 J/kg MUCAPE within the pre-convective environment. Radar
    estimates of 1-6 inch rain totals have occurred with the complex
    over the past 3 hours, and 1-3 inch/hr rain rates continue to be
    estimated per MRMS especially near/south of Dodge City.

    Convective trends suggest persistence of this MCS for at least the
    next 1-2 hours, with support by newer updrafts (evident in radar
    and visible satellite) feeding into the complex from the south.=20
    Over time, weakening and backing of low-level flow across the
    TX/OK panhandles will probably cause an overall weakening and
    eventual dissipation of the complex. There is some lingering
    uncertainty with regard to temporal longevity of the complex,
    however. Trends will be evaluated for any lingering flash flood
    risk beyond 16Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4lbZkQrXbtp7svCWzG4D-smHFW7yAKcBPYCHSHc_R-rDuURvHpk84UpvWuAKQD5S2m5C= cZmBrzYF8hyzs46DnoXHR0Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38390007 38159883 37699770 37109678 36269680=20
    35679772 35959946 37180192 38140164 38350097=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 17:45:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301745

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0521
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    145 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...southern New England, southern New York State,
    eastern Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301744Z - 302344Z

    Summary...Bands of scattered thunderstorm activity were moving
    quickly to the east, but also merging/training locally to produce
    spots of 1+ inch/hr rain rates at times. These rates could cause
    flash flood potential to increase through the early evening.

    Discussion...Storms have deepened and expanded in coverage within
    a strongly unstable airmass across the discussion area over the
    past hour. The storms are aligned along and just ahead of a
    surface cold front across central PA/southern New York and were
    embedded in deep westerly flow, promoting 30-40 kt storm motions.
    Of particular concern, however, is the alignment of convection
    across Connecticut and southern New York favoring training, which
    has boosted rain rates into the 1-1.5 inch/hr range, threatening
    local FFG thresholds.

    Models/observations are in general agreement that storms will
    continue to train/expand eastward while propagating
    southward/eastward toward more populated locales (including New
    York/northern New Jersey, Providence RI, and Boston). Not only
    are FFGs locally lower in some of these areas, but
    urban/hydrophobic surface may promote a local flash flood risk
    especially where rain rates exceed 1 inch/hr. Flash flooding is
    possible given the aforementioned scenario.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5uZeC-ZqnzsKT0nPv9h9v4eG7K6aciVWLtlP4XRqPp4stlr0DaENakRTCJBWzpGWy_s5= ccDIdaF1slfzMXr6yKiIzqw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42537089 41527023 40757201 40067396 40017598=20
    40717693 41537625 41837532 42327351 42467238=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 18:43:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301843

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0522
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    242 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...Lower Delmarva...Southeast VA...Northeast NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301841Z - 010041Z

    SUMMARY...An increase in the coverage of very heavy showers and
    thunderstorms can be expected over the next few hours across areas
    of the lower Delmarva down through southeast VA including the
    Hampton Roads vicinity, and also northeast NC. Locally extreme
    rainfall rates coupled with some urban sensitivities will foster a
    threat for flash flooding going into the early evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...A look at the latest GOES-E visible satellite imagery
    along with radar shows gradually increasing coverage of heavy
    shower and thunderstorm activity across areas of southeast VA and
    northeast NC. Visible satellite trends show an increasingly
    expansive CU/TCU field across these areas out ahead of the current
    activity, and the boundary layer is very unstable with MLCAPE
    values of 3000 J/kg in place. Microwave data and morning RAOB
    soundings confirm a deeply tropical airmass with high PWS reaching
    as high as 2.25 inches.

    Increasingly convergent low-level flow over the next few hours is
    expected across northeast NC through especially southeast VA
    including the Hampton Roads area. This combined with the very
    strong thermodynamic environment and some modest shear aloft
    should favor a notable expansion of convection over the next few
    hours, with concerns locally for cell-mergers and some
    cell-training given the orientation of the convection with the
    deeper layer southwest flow aloft.

    Rainfall rates are likely to reach 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour with the
    stronger cells, and the 12Z HREF consensus support some potential
    for rainfall amounts to reach 3 to 5 inches going through 00Z (8pm
    EDT). The heaviest rains are likely to be over southeast VA where
    the multi-model hires consensus supports the strongest low-level
    moisture convergence. However, adjacent areas of northeast NC and
    the lower Delmarva may also seem locally heavy totals.

    Some flash flooding will be possible given the high rainfall rates
    and also notable concerns for impacts to the urban areas,
    including the I-64 corridor from Williamsburg down through Norfolk
    and Virginia Beach.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7zHtltCGHQerspEn3fdD0l9uiyGu1-ebeR8XVKt__f1gHc86eh3rxACxAplisQZu-9OA= 36cDSy-uRU3_Q0OzpEwFlKI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37977577 37837536 37397557 36787572 36287587=20
    35667633 35207727 35137815 35417871 36207823=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 18:43:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301843

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0523
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    243 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern Kentucky, far western Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301842Z - 010042Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorm activity was producing estimated
    1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates in a few spots just south-southeast of
    Louisville across central Kentucky. Additional convection
    downstream of that activity will promote opportunities for
    training/repeating that could cause localized flash flooding at
    times through 00Z.

    Discussion...Scattered convection has developed in earnest across
    the discussion area over the past 1-2 hours. Of particular
    concern is a localized cluster producing 1-1.5 inch/hr
    south-southeast of Louisville. This complex, and associated cell
    mergers with convection extending eastward through the Pikeville
    vicinity and into portions of western Virginia should enable spots
    of 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates to continue to develop at times over
    the next several hours. The storms remain on the southern extent
    of stronger mid-level flow aloft across the Great Lakes, and are
    in an environment characterized by 3500 J/kg SBCAPE and 2 inch PW
    values, supporting robust updrafts and efficient rain rates.

    Convection will continue to develop/spread southeastward while
    merging/locally training through 00Z. FFG thresholds are in the
    1-3 inch/hr range, but are lowest across southern/southeastern
    Kentucky vicinity where 1-1.5 inch/hr thresholds are more common.
    Flash flood potential should remain isolated and tied to the
    extent of 1+ inch/hr rain rates through the evening, although the
    threat should locally maximize where storms (and especially
    mergers) occur across more locally sensitive locales.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-BzaN9n55EPpta-8PuVhfabuRQaOeT0_CX8i8mB4EzOJKth650J6nG8qWPFnCMaDxGmq= eCOJter2G2JuZ4FyhpPeEoc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38108363 37908256 37438084 36858065 36458187=20
    36638445 36798614 37168643 37948491=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 19:40:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301940

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0524
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    338 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Central and Northern Mid-Atlantic

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301938Z - 010138Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall rates
    are expected to gradually threaten the I-95 corridor and adjacent
    suburbia from Trenton and Philadelphia down through eventually
    Baltimore and Washington D.C. heading through the evening hours.
    An urban flash flood threat is expected across these areas.

    DISCUSSION...A broken band of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    crossing through areas of eastern PA and into southern New England
    is expected to gradually expand in coverage and focus farther
    south in time heading through the late afternoon and evening
    hours. Facilitating the increasing convective threat farther south
    is an increasingly convergent and very moist/unstable boundary
    layer along the I-95 corridor from central NJ and southeast PA
    down through central MD and far northern VA as shortwave energy
    and a cold front approaches.

    A well-defined leeside trough is also focused near the I-95
    corridor, and the latest RAP guidance along with other CAMs
    support some strengthening of the low-level moisture convergence
    along this trough axis heading toward the evening hours. This
    should strongly aid the development and expansion of convection
    farther down to the south, and all of this will be occurring as
    the aforementioned cold front begins to cross the region.

    A very moist airmass characterized by PWs of 2.0 to 2.25 inches is
    in place based off the 12Z RAOB data and the latest NESDIS Blended
    TPW output. This combined with MLCAPE values of 2000 to 3000 J/kg,
    and some favorable 30 to 40 kt effective bulk shear parameters
    should yield some organized convective cells with enhanced
    rainfall rates that could reach 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour.

    Some localized potential for cell-mergers and cell-training will
    exist heading into the evening hours, and a combination of the 12Z
    HREF guidance along with recent HRRR runs suggest some storm
    totals going through 00Z may reach 2 to 4 inches. Isolated heavier
    totals cannot be ruled out given the very moist and unstable

    The metropolitan areas from Trenton and Philadelphia down through
    eventually Baltimore and Washington D.C. may see some notable
    concerns for urban flash flooding given the set-up. This will
    include the adjacent suburbs along the I-95 corridor of the
    northern and central Mid-Atlantic.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8rhjMf9Gf7_mT3pWkOnos-UojMilxphqFbBCO3RixSiTLeHhzyXcH8aQ6WMNVS81p11B= WMoNCSNjzHlxiaRNq_T1l2c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40347572 40317425 39737404 38917483 38387616=20
    38497726 38867775 39707745=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 20:13:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302013

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0525
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    412 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...Far West TX...Central and Southern NM...Central
    to Southeast AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 302012Z - 010212Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of showers and thunderstorms will be
    developing and expanding in coverage once again this afternoon and
    evening. Some areas of flash flooding are likely given the
    sensitivities involving the normally dry washes and area burn

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E satellite imagery shows convective
    initiation taking place once again as monsoonal moisture rounding
    the western periphery of the subtropical ridge advances north and
    west up across areas of central and western NM through central and
    southern AZ. Some areas of southern AZ in particular have some
    very high PW anomalies that are in the 95th to 99th percentile of
    climatology and the latest CIRA-ALPW data confirms the deep layer
    nature of the monsoonal moisture environment.

    SBCAPE values are already on the order of 1500 to 2500 J/kg across
    areas of south-central NM westward into southeast AZ. And
    satellite imagery shows an MCV lurking over far northwest Mexico
    just to the south of the AZ border. Around the eastern flank of
    this MCV is a corridor of stronger 850/700mb moisture flux=20
    magnitudes impacting far southwest NM and through much of
    southeast AZ. The combination of stronger moisture transport
    parameters and the moderate to strong surface-based instability
    from daytime heating will couple with orographic ascent/upslope
    flow to favor increasing coverage of showers and thunderstorms
    over the next several hours.

    Given the anomalously high PW environment and level of
    thermodynamic support, the rainfall rates are expected to again be
    quite heavy and capable of reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour. The 12Z
    HREF guidance suggests some potential for some loosely organized
    bands of convection to eventually evolve, and some of the modest
    shear parameters overhead around the western flank of the ridge
    axis supports this. There may be some localized training of these
    cells given the orientation to the deeper layer steering flow, and
    thus some localized storm totals may reach 2 to 4 inches as
    convection evolves.

    Given the high rainfall rates and sensitivities on the ground with
    the normally dry washes and area burn scar locations, additional
    areas of flash flooding are likely to occur over the next several


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6SL9sGDM4rIbvIaZbWdiQkMx2kV2ouunBNMGwrlt8qk82yuwycRVSZmonqLue7CprFMk= ZerkVYIMMM-__OcSuzUdQWQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36161089 35150919 35010773 34650622 33920551=20
    32810498 31100373 30510434 30820563 31440704=20
    31290909 31421025 32361103 33661178 34651281=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jun 30 20:52:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302052

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0526
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    451 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...Northern AZ...Northwest NM...South-Central and
    Southeast UT...Western CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 302050Z - 010250Z

    SUMMARY...Deep monsoonal moisture pooling up across the
    Intermountain West will drive scattered areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms capable of producing very heavy rainfall rates.
    Areas of flash flooding are likely, and especially given the
    sensitive slot canyons and localized burn scar locations.

    DISCUSSION...Convective initiation is well underway across areas
    of northern AZ and will begin soon for areas of south-central to
    southeast UT, northwest NM, and through western CO. Monsoonal
    moisture continues to advance up across the region with deep layer
    southerly flow focused around the western periphery of the
    subtropical ridge over the southern Plains.

    PW anomalies are on the order of 2 to 3+ standard deviations above
    normal currently over northern AZ through southern UT and into
    western CO. The deeper layer influx of moisture coupled with
    orographics and increasing boundary layer instability will drive a
    notable increase in the coverage of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms over the next several hours.

    SBCAPE values are greatest across central to northeast AZ,
    northwest NM, southeast UT and into western CO, with magnitudes of
    1000 to 2000 J/kg in place. Meanwhile, there is a belt of stronger
    shear parameters focused over areas of southeast UT and western
    CO, and these areas coupled with locally stronger moisture
    convergence and presence of more differential heating boundaries
    may allow for convection to be a little more focused and capable
    of producing heavier totals heading into the evening hours.

    Rainfall rates should reach 1 to 2 inches/hour with the more
    organized cells, and any anchoring of convection near some of the
    higher terrain may help drive some storm totals of as much as 2 to
    4 inches. These higher rainfall rates and totals are likely to
    result in some areas of flash flooding, with the greater concerns
    once again focused on the sensitive slot canyons and burn scar


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-mP8EOPON066fYiVowUXubRyMvxuqXU7ACrF6yzdDdxQ0tUHdnq9mkJbZBTDiIvLCuXx= AwkO0nN0yaKE4x-oJsTP2A8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39810714 39330620 38280602 36640648 35160757=20
    35240920 36131072 36341225 37551202 38841080=20
    39470941 39780827=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 00:50:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010050

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0527
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    850 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southern NJ...Delmarva...Southern
    MD...Central to Southeast VA...North-Central to Northeast NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 010050Z - 010650Z

    SUMMARY...Renewed rounds of very heavy showers and thunderstorms
    are expected heading into the evening hours. Given the rains
    locally earlier in the day, and the additional high rainfall rate
    potential along with urban impact considerations, areas of
    additional flash flooding are likely going through the evening

    DISCUSSION...A cold front continues to gradually settle southeast
    into the Mid-Atlantic coastal plain as a very moist and unstable
    airmass remains pooled out ahead of it across the coastal plain
    from southern NJ and the Delmarva Peninsula down through much of
    central to southeast VA and north-central to northeast NC.

    Despite locally multiple rounds of convection that have already
    occurred, there continues to be as much as 1500 to 2500+ J/kg of
    MLCAPE in place which is being aided by surface dewpoints in the
    mid to upper 70s. A deeply tropical airmass is entrenched ahead of
    the approaching cold front, with PWs across the Mid-Atlantic
    coastal plain of locally as high as 2.25 to 2.5 inches.

    Additional areas of convection are expected going through the
    evening hours as multiple small-scale outflow boundary collisions
    and generally convergent boundary layer flow persists ahead of the
    upstream cold front. The airmass should remain very moist and
    sufficiently unstable to support convection capable of still
    producing rainfall rates upwards of 2 inches/hour. And there is
    also still as much as 30 to 40 kts of effective bulk shear to
    support stronger and more organized updrafts that will help favor
    convective sustenance going well through the evening hours.

    Additional rainfall totals based on the 18Z HREF and the
    experimental 12Z NSSL-MPAS guidance may reach 2 to 4 inches with
    isolated heavier amounts through 06Z, and this is also reflective
    of some cell-training and cell-merger concerns that should still
    persist this evening.

    Given these additional rains falling on top of areas that were hit
    locally earlier today, and with concerns for additional urban
    impacts including the I-64 corridor from near Richmond down
    through the Norfolk/VA Beach vicinity, more areas of flash
    flooding are likely to occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9bmYA1STNZ0tcmmrhNXjOp81VXmzQlqmFau0klZ7XEQTF4HYz-PiVSsP87bqWz7QpKVc= NhYdI7qioSiP6Jphe8-hzgY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39707511 39657444 39307442 38687489 38097514=20
    37117569 36537560 35787599 35407767 35457885=20
    35917947 36547916 37097852 37767778 38277718=20
    38877656 39507587=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 01:40:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010140

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0528
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    940 PM EDT Sun Jun 30 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 010140Z - 010740Z

    SUMMARY...Broken clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms will
    continue through the evening hours. Additional areas of flash
    flooding are likely, and especially with ongoing sensitivities
    over multiple wash locations and burn scar areas that have already
    seen flash flooding today.

    DISCUSSION...The early evening GOES-E satellite imagery shows
    broken coverage of cold-topped convection over large areas of
    southern and western NM through central and eastern AZ and
    northeastward up into far southeast UT and southwest CO. The
    latest RAP analysis still shows as much as 1000 to 2000 J/kg of
    MLCAPE lingering over southern NM and central/southern AZ.
    Separately there is also a pocket of MLCAPE reaching 1500 J/kg
    over southwest CO.

    Despite the ongoing convective overturning process, sufficient
    instability and moisture transport around the western periphery of
    the subtropical ridge should favor convection linger well through
    the evening hours. Proximity of some weak embedded vort energy and
    shear should favor some of the convection also remaining somewhat
    organized with some multicell convective clusters.

    The PW environment remains very high and basically unchanged from
    earlier in the day with values that are 2 to 3+ standard
    deviations above normal. This combined with the instability and
    influence from orographics/upslope flow over the terrain should
    continue to favor rainfall rates reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour.

    Additional storm totals of 2 to 4 inches of rain cannot be ruled
    out locally, and the additional rains this evening will continue
    to favor areas of flash flooding which may occur over some areas
    that have already been hit this afternoon and early this evening.

    The burn scar locations and normally dry washes will continue to
    be the main focus for enhanced impacts and flash flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-vqy9cTkuupIPijfKyOdwRmUg4umEAL00HUrLNZoICTh5YxPqGvKECzR6nL6ugIVMp-Q= zU8ud88m1lHSi6spNLCFBhY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38450773 38280610 37140624 35850612 34720568=20
    33590500 32210482 31250579 31250827 31051064=20
    31561244 32731309 33651364 34461325 35711140=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 08:01:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010801

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0529
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    400 AM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...southern NE...northern KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 010800Z - 011400Z

    Summary...Heavy rainfall with hourly rates of 1-2"/hr expected to
    result in short-term (2-3 hour) localized totals of 2-3". Some
    isolated instances of flash flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Convection has broken out and begun to proliferate
    across portions of the Central Plains early this morning, in
    response to a veering and strengthening low-level jet (becoming
    35-45 kts from the south to southwest at 850 mb). The associated
    warm air advection and moisture flux transport is significant,
    driving an impressive surge in elevated instability (indicated by
    MU CAPE 3-hr increases of 600-1000 J/kg) with precipitable water
    values of 1.6-1.9 inches (between the 90th percentile and max
    moving average, per DDC and TOP sounding climatology). Effective
    bulk shear of 30-50 kts will help to sustain/organize convection,
    but 850-300 mb mean flow of 15-25 kts should keep storms moving at
    a decent pace. Should more significant organization into an
    mesoscale convective system occur, upwind/downwind propagation
    vectors favor a much quicker storm moition (30-50 kts).

    While there is some potential for localized/isolated flash
    flooding due to the anomolous tropospheric moisture content and
    accompanying kinematic and thermodynamic forcing (driving rainfall
    rates of 1-2"/hr), the limited residence time and rather dry
    antecedent conditions (per NASA SPoRT-LIS 0-1m soil moisture as
    low as the 10th-30th percentile) should act to restrict the
    coverage and intensity of said flash flooding. While the 00z HREF
    probability matched mean (PMM) depicts short term (2-3 hr) totals
    of 2-3" (near or just above associated Flash Flood Guidance), the
    40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3" are surprisingly high at
    15-35%. This appears to be primarily due to some of the
    time-lagged (prior 12z) members of the ensemble (ARW2/NSSL and
    FV3, specifically) which had more extreme QPF depictions of 4-5".
    The 00z members have moved entirely away from these higher
    amounts, and the shape and orientation of the QPF depiction makes
    a lot more sense as well (less strongly clustered, and more spread
    out and shifted eastward with the atmospheric flow, as
    observational trends are bearing out). The end result is a
    discounting of these outlier time-lagged members, and an
    expectation for only isolated instances of flash flooding
    (primarily for more sensitive localities and low-lying areas).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8wk2pO3FOrcuEUjWx23mnNZ3WZyeW_2Zw6CKPdteUq1_C80i138edtkwMYk6AELFmux4= FB8qHoQAMRW8IW_IeiTyYdQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40979981 40909709 40099554 38689513 38269767=20
    38769920 38860067 39020166 39610207 40510143=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 08:06:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010806

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0529
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    405 AM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...southern NE...northern KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 010800Z - 011400Z

    Summary...Heavy rainfall with rates of 1-2"/hr expected to result
    in short-term (2-3 hour) localized totals of 2-3". Some isolated
    instances of flash flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Convection has broken out and begun to proliferate
    across portions of the Central Plains early this morning, in
    response to a veering and strengthening low-level jet (becoming
    35-45 kts from the south to southwest at 850 mb). The associated
    warm air advection and moisture flux transport is significant,
    driving an impressive surge in elevated instability (indicated by
    MU CAPE 3-hr increases of 600-1000 J/kg) with precipitable water
    values of 1.6-1.9 inches (between the 90th percentile and max
    moving average, per DDC and TOP sounding climatology). Effective
    bulk shear of 30-50 kts will help to sustain/organize convection,
    but 850-300 mb mean flow of 15-25 kts should keep storms moving at
    a decent pace. Should more significant organization into an MCS
    (mesoscale convective system) occur, upwind/downwind propagation
    vectors favor a much quicker storm motion (30-50 kts).

    While there is some potential for localized/isolated flash
    flooding due to the anomalous tropospheric moisture content and
    accompanying kinematic and thermodynamic forcing (driving rainfall
    rates of 1-2"/hr), the limited residence time and rather dry
    antecedent conditions (per NASA SPoRT-LIS 0-1m soil moisture as
    low as the 10th-30th percentile) should act to restrict the
    coverage and intensity of said flash flooding. While the 00z HREF
    probability matched mean (PMM) depicts short term (2-3 hr) totals
    of 2-3" (near or just above associated Flash Flood Guidance), the
    40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3" are surprisingly high at
    15-35%. This appears to be primarily due to some of the
    time-lagged (prior 12z) members of the ensemble (ARW2/NSSL and
    FV3, specifically) which had more extreme QPF depictions of 4-5".
    The 00z members have moved entirely away from these higher
    amounts, and the shape and orientation of the QPF depiction makes
    a lot more sense as well (less strongly clustered, and more spread
    out and shifted eastward with the atmospheric flow, as
    observational trends are bearing out). The end result is a
    discounting of these outlier time-lagged members, and an
    expectation for only isolated instances of flash flooding
    (primarily for more sensitive localities and low-lying areas).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!626YAsdGY1xN1IIlLngu41TgIPu3xASpbd83vlX_JJkwRzBkY16AnFgMVYfhA3QxDw4a= tqRkbl3TEwnDA1spl7McJ4Y$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40979981 40909709 40099554 38689513 38269767=20
    38769920 38860067 39020166 39610207 40510143=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 13:29:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011329

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0531
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    928 AM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...Northeastern Kansas...Parts of Adj. Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 011330Z - 011700Z

    SUMMARY...Stronger, efficient rainfall producing cells are on a
    downward trend, but spots of 2-3" quick totals may occur over the
    next few hours before fully dissipating. As such, a spot or two
    of localized flash flooding are possible, especially if cells
    track through urban centers.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR depicts a broad area of warm advective
    showers and widely scattered embedded thunderstorms across eastern
    Nebraska into northeast Kansas, sliding into SW IA, W MO. There
    appeared to be two waves, a well elevated and boundary layer
    elevated band of cells, but as lapse rates and distance from
    deeper theta-E/moisture pool over the central Plains rapidly
    reduces across IA/MO; so have the cells... with the first wave
    already becoming very stratiform in nature.=20

    However, the upwind wave still has solid 20-25kts of southwesterly
    850-700mb ascent per TWX/EAX/MCI VWP orthogonal to remaining
    instability gradient and deep moisture axis across the region. As
    such, upstream convergence has been strong enough to maintain or
    even develop a few cells in the last few hours across NE KS. The
    southern most with significant rainfall rates (over 4"/hr in N
    Lyon county) and latent heat release has formed a weak MCV and is
    aiding flux convergence to the related cells to maintain 2-2.5"/hr rates...given deep layer pool of 2.25" TPW, which is near record
    for the date/time. While rates are likely to decrease with
    reducing WAA flow and distance from instability axis, spots of
    2-3" will remain possible for the next few hours, especially with
    favorable back-building, flanking line development in a weakening
    inflow environment; but will be widely scattered to those
    remaining deeper convective elements from Marshall, to Jackson to
    Douglas county. If these cells intersect with urban centers,
    especially between Topeka and Kansas City metro, a localized
    incident or two of flash flooding will still be possible through


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!87_an-nvqcCunG6tmKnB4B380yJ4-D54FIkjfP-Zd5MoymRaadlaD6gnUXE75_MVCd73= utf8znwWs58DPvBq08O9Vck$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39979580 39889498 39459420 38889390 38469421=20
    38349474 38559548 39009603 39279637 39859688=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 18:10:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011810

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0533
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    210 PM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal Georgia and South Carolina...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 011810Z - 020000Z

    SUMMARY...Very deep moisture and slow thunderstorms along the
    coast to produce 2.5"/hr, spots of 3-5", and possible rapid
    inundation flooding through the evening.

    DISCUSSION...18z surface analysis depicts a slowly sagging cold
    front across the NC/SC border connecting to a weak surface
    wave/inverted trough across West-central GA just west of Macon.=20
    South of the boundary, very high theta-E air with mid to upper 70s
    Tds and temperatures starting to near the mid to upper 80s, spots
    of 90+F. Total moisture through depth ranges from 2.1 to 2.5" and
    SBCAPEs of 2500-3500 J/kg from CHS into S GA. Deep warm layer
    between 14-15Kft and given parameters will allow for efficient
    rainfall production/tropical showers capable of 2.5"+/hr.=20=20

    Aloft, GOES-E WV shows the split in upper-level flow in the col
    along the eastern edge of the large scale ridge across the central
    Gulf states. This is weakening mid-level steering flow to allow
    for very slow cell motions and propagation vectors to near zero at
    or along the GA/SC coastline. Yet, effective bulk shear given
    directional shear should support some minor organization to
    convective cells allowing for increased duration for multiple
    up/down convective cycles before forward propagation would occur.=20
    As such, a weak low to mid-level circulation is spinning up in
    across S central GA, leading to streamline convergence across SE
    GA as well.

    Frictional convergence and onshore flow/moisture flux may further
    lock convection to coastal regions to support increased rainfall
    duration. As such, spots of 3-5" are becoming more likely
    particularly further north along the central SC coast (proximity
    to the front) and northeast GA. This is supported by recent HRRR
    solutions as well as 17z WoFS; with 50th percentile around 3.5"
    and 90th percentile over 6". As such, there is increasing
    confidence of 3-5" totals along the coast which may result in
    spots of possible rapid inundation flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4qDW_3ClI4EuEVDtavh7rZuR92MSgaClKBYYgAXIXTvwg_oInoshbapey-47Oo8DxTLu= 2DJ8iOes66lvPDy_d-ihldw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33607902 33407895 32937934 31878086 30918145=20
    30668251 31058264 31818204 32678138 33078076=20
    33268021 33507975 33587949=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 18:04:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011804

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0532
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    204 PM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 011803Z - 020003Z

    SUMMARY...Monsoonal shower and thunderstorm activity will be
    developing soon over areas the Southwest U.S. with notable
    concerns for more flash flooding expected over the normally dry
    washes and the area burn scar locations. This is especially the
    case for the burn scar complex involving the Sacramento Mountains
    in central NM and the Lincoln National Forest.

    DISCUSSION...Monsoonal moisture remains deeply entrenched over the
    Southwest U.S. again today and visible satellite imagery shows an
    elongated axis of MCV energy stretching from central AZ through
    northwest NM which is leftover energy from last evening's
    convective activity.

    PWs over the region remain anomalously high with values that are
    locally 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal, and especially
    from southern AZ through northwest NM. Strong diurnal heating has
    already resulted in SBCAPE values as high as 1500 to 2500 J/kg.
    Convective initiation is in the early stages of occurring over the
    higher terrain of the Mogollon Rim in AZ and the higher terrain of
    central through western NM as differential heating boundaries and
    localized upslope flow into the terrain focuses convective growth.

    The Sacramento Mountains in central NM with a focus on the Lincoln
    National Forest continue to be extremely sensitive to heavy shower
    and thunderstorm activity given the burn scar complex involving
    the Blue-2, South Fork and McBride burn areas. This region this
    afternoon and evening is expected to see additional heavy rainfall
    from monsoonal convection and thus will be susceptible again to
    enhanced runoff impacts and flash flooding including debris flow

    Elsewhere across much of central and eastern AZ through western
    and northern NM. Monsoonal convection is expected to initiate and
    gradually expand in coverage in a scattered to broken fashion.=20
    The proximity of the MCV energy will also gradually help focus
    expanding areas of convection. Given the level of moisture and
    instability, rainfall rates throughout the Southwest are expected
    to be capable of reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour, with some isolated
    storm totals by this evening of 2 to 4 inches. Some spotty heavier
    totals will be possible where any cells become anchored near the
    higher terrain.

    The normally dry washes and area burn scars again will be
    particularly vulnerable to flash flooding impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4auIrS807WRHnHLYxBJyCIz5jvUD_im3_0doJ21xnvzi9rwwEbZtGeDLWytVy13pTplB= L1uuv0an41mgxTsXOUDUmIE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36800678 36650548 35900474 34800435 33380457=20
    32350526 31720645 31300851 31171047 31501213=20
    32731281 34171266 35371310 36481212 36691075=20
    36610945 36580824=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 21:26:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 012126

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0534
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    525 PM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...Central ND...Central/Southwest SD...Far Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 012125Z - 020325Z

    SUMMARY...Developing and expanding clusters of strong convection
    with high rainfall rates going into the evening hours may pose a
    few instances of flash flooding where any cell-mergers or
    cell-training activity occurs.

    DISCUSSION...Radar and satellite imagery show rapidly developing
    and expanding clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms across
    portions south-central ND down through central SD and into
    northwest NE. The activity is organizing in response to a strong
    shortwave trough and associated frontal zone ejecting east out
    across the northern Plains while interacting with a very moist and
    unstable airmass lifting north through the central and northern

    A north/south axis of MLCAPE values reaching 1500 to 2500 J/kg are
    focused along the frontal occlusion and especially the cold front
    extending south-southwest of a wave of low pressure situated east
    of Hettinger, ND. The instability is being aided by a southerly
    low-level jet of 30 to 40 kts and this strong warm air advection
    and moisture transport is also combining with as much as 40 to 50
    kts of effective bulk shear for organized convective line segments
    and some supercell activity.

    Over the next few hours, convection should continue to grow
    further in coverage and organization as height falls/forcing
    associated with the shortwave trough ejects farther east out
    across the northern Plains and interacts with the moist/unstable
    low-level jet. The PWs are running quite high with magnitudes of
    1.5 to 1.75 inches which are a solid 1.5 to 2 standard deviations
    above normal. This will support some of the stronger convective
    cells attaining rainfall rates that could reach 2 inches/hour
    which is supported by the 18Z HREF guidance.

    Some localized concerns for some cell-merger and cell-training
    activity will exist, and the 18Z HREF does favor some potential
    for isolated 3 to 4+ inch totals going through the late evening
    hours. A few instances of flash flooding cannot be ruled out as a
    result where these heavier totals materialize.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7hK-cezdOwHDOCwWrcl8O4opa-phywmPwtFn8XK2vKLXs7DK2abp0bz1po21doPXgZtz= avgh3mzRD18S5Ilzg_mSjG8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48889986 48799842 47899805 46409829 45009902=20
    43500034 42830154 42700295 43300330 45120194=20
    46820146 47890136 48540074=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 1 22:06:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 012206

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0535
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    605 PM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southeast AL...Southern GA...Portions of the
    FL Panhandle/Big Bend

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 012205Z - 020230Z

    SUMMARY...Locally slow-moving showers and thunderstorms with very
    heavy rainfall rates will continue to pose concerns for some areas
    of flash flooding heading into the evening hours across areas of
    far southeast AL, southern GA and into portions of the FL
    Panhandle/Big Bend area.

    DISCUSSION...Very moist and convergent low-level flow in vicinity
    of a weak area of low pressure and associated surface trough
    combined with a very unstable boundary layer and some modest
    northeasterly shear overhead should continue to favor clusters of
    heavy showers and thunderstorms heading into the evening hours
    across areas of far southeast AL, southern GA and into adjacent
    areas of the FL Panhandle/Big Bend region.

    MLCAPE values of 2500 to 3500 J/kg are focused over the region
    with a deep tropical airmass characterized by PWs of locally near
    2.5 inches. There is also about 30 kts of effective bulk shear out
    of the northeast. This will yield convective cells with very high
    rainfall rates that could easily approach or exceed 2.5
    inches/hour with some of the more organized cells.

    The 18Z HREF guidance and recent HRRR runs favor some localized 3
    to 5 inch rainfall totals with some of the more slow-moving cells,
    and the mean steering flow should remain rather light this evening
    to promote some of these heavier totals. A few instances of flash
    flooding may occur as a result heading into the evening hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!93nUzpB8PC4cprhdFSc5VPt-_8Ddrfa80yfinIg2LQ802t-fmF42MRUJu6qU9mbNIEd0= JRPc0bwGRO05IgGRxf_Rwmo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31708478 31548291 30838185 29588182 29148251=20
    29498330 29808399 29708517 30148628 31168609=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 00:22:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 020021

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0536
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    821 PM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern AZ...Western/Central NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 020020Z - 020620Z

    SUMMARY...Monsoonal shower and thunderstorm activity will continue
    through the evening hours over especially areas of eastern AZ
    through western and central NM. Areas of heavy rainfall will
    likely result in additional areas of flash flooding will notable
    concerns for the area dry washes and burn scar locations.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows
    numerous clusters of cold-topped convection over eastern AZ
    through western and central NM as the diurnal heating cycle in
    conjunction with deep monsoonal moisture and orographics=20
    continues to foster a favorable environment for redeveloping and
    sustainable areas of heavy shower and thunderstorm activity.

    MLCAPE values are still locally on the order of 1000 to 1500+
    J/kg, with the greatest instability generally over western NM and
    southeast AZ. Multiple outflow/mesoscale boundary collisions are
    also occurring with the ongoing activity which is helping to
    generate new areas of convection while gradually working to
    stabilize the boundary layer.

    PWs over the region remain anomalously high with values that are
    locally 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal, and with the
    lingering instability and influence of orographic forcing, the
    rainfall rates at least going through the evening hours will still
    be capable of reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour with the stronger
    storms. Some spotty additional totals where storms locally remain terrain-focused may reach 2 to 4 inches.

    Later in the evening as daytime instability is increasingly
    exhausted, the convection should gradually weaken. However, for at
    the next several hours, the additional areas of heavy rainfall are
    likely to result in more areas of flash flooding with the area dry
    washes and burn scars remaining vulnerable to enhanced impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8t2S1eBWD3EIjyM7kuMjhaL7gp2E4a_ZhvidvBWzmLppf4HTQG40sIuCg3FrJw0RRAVt= DQjllhIpJhWT6ZaN_t0eNBM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36650571 36440516 36050460 35160415 33790446=20
    32600525 31670653 31230787 31260944 32191097=20
    33251138 34291084 35200907 35850825 36260739=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 00:56:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 020056

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0537
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    855 PM EDT Mon Jul 01 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Eastern NE...Western IA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 020055Z - 020655Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy rainfall from training bands of showers and
    thunderstorms is expected going into the overnight hours across
    south-central to eastern NE and eventually western IA. At least
    scattered instances of flash flooding are likely to occur.

    DISCUSSION...Organizing bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    are currently seen growing gradually upscale across areas of
    central and southern NE as a strengthening southwest low-level jet
    focuses a significant pool of moisture and instability out ahead
    of a wave of low pressure developing along a front over northwest

    MUCAPE values of 2000 to 3000 J/kg are noted in close proximity to
    a warm front that is extending east from this area of low pressure
    along the KS/NE border, and the low-level jet overnight
    overrunning this boundary is forecast by the latest hires model
    consensus to reach 50+ kts. Strong warm air advection/isentropic
    ascent and frontogenetic forcing combined with the elevated
    instability pool should favor strong convection with heavy
    rainfall potential considering the anomalously high PW environment
    that is also in place.

    PWs across eastern NE are on the order of 1.75 to 2.0 inches, and
    the 00Z OAX sounding had a PW of 1.86 inches. These PWs are on the
    order of 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal, and with the
    elevated CAPE parameters and a strongly sheared environment
    conducive for strong/organized updrafts, the rainfall rates may
    reach as high as 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour.

    Eventually the convection overnight should become more linearly
    aligned with the deeper layer steering flow from the southwest,
    and this will encourage there being eventually areas of training
    convection and potentially some backbuilding cells around the
    southern and southwest flanks of the convection. This may result
    in some rainfall totals going through 06Z of as much as 3 to 5
    inches with isolated heavier amounts possible.

    At least scattered instances of flash flooding are likely to
    materialize in time, and this will include impacts to the more
    urbanized locations as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!69EEZo8Uo4Uf7gRhGnVvDnQJtxnx6XWgO-Dk2NFTRSqSJRMJylDPXNWUCfsJczyGax4L= KpN_ahphqnMurw7GrH677BY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42309629 42159489 41439462 40609535 40029687=20
    39979886 40519940 41239896 41889776=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 07:06:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 020706

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0538
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    305 AM EDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Areas affected...southwest IA...southeast NE...adjacent portions
    of far northwest MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 020705Z - 021200Z

    Summary...Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr will persist with elements of backbuilding/training supporting additional localized totals of
    2-5". Numrous instances of flash flooding are likely.

    Discussion...A large, disjointed mesoscale convective system (MCS)
    continues to bring heavy rainfall to portions of the Upper Midwest
    and Central Plains late tonight. While the primary area of
    thunderstorms (and resulting significant flash flooding) has
    occurred along the I-80 corridor in southeast NE, a secondary area
    of storms has also manifested farther northeast (over northeast
    IA, southeast MN, and adjacent portions of WI). All of this
    activity (with a large area of stratiform precipitation in
    between) is being driven by a strong low-level jet (LLJ) ushering
    in warm air advection/moisture transport and subsequent
    destabilization (with 3-hr MU CAPE increases of 400-1000 J/kg)
    across a broad area from the Southern/Central Plains to the Upper
    Midwest. The strongest convection (being rooted closer to the
    surface) continues to trail behind in southeast NE and southwest
    IA, and recent backbuilding to the west (towards the most Theta E
    rich air at the surface) has resulted in repeating of 1-2"/hr
    rainfall rates (with MRMS estimating localized totals of 2-4" over
    a 2-3 hour period in the vicinity of the Lincoln and Omaha metro
    areas). This is in stark contrast to the aforementioned secondary
    area of heavy rainfall farther northeast, which remains quite
    progressive with hourly rates capped closer to 1.5" (and
    importantly without training/backbuilding elements).

    Going forward, hi-res guidance is actually in better spatial
    agreement (per HREF ensemble agreement scale, EAS, neighborhood
    probability fields) with the secondary area of heavy rainfall,
    suggesting higher confidence in 1-2" accumulations in this area.
    That said, when focusing on higher-end amounts (additional
    accumulations of 3"+), the 40-km neighborhood exceedance
    probabilities are much higher (20-40%) along and downstream of the
    hard hit Lincoln/Omaha metro areas. The 00z HREF probability
    matched mean QPF depicts 2-5" totals in this region (primarily in
    southwest IA going foward), and this is driven by the ARW,
    ARW2/NSSL, and HRRR members (with subsequent runs of the HRRR
    remaining fairly consistent with 2-5" depictions through 12z,
    though notably too far north). Given the observational trends,
    consistent model guidance, and impressive parameter space (MU CAPE
    1000-2000 J/kg, PWATs 1.8-2.2", and effective bulk shear of 30-50
    kts) in this region, numerous instances of flash flooding are
    likely (and will likely continue in already hard-hit areas).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!64O0Cm816C44cdDi1mjvwT8OvfrggdSB7Bh7jAfw0UbiNowuVJVkXfdaF41wJTzJkmOT= pFZJflW_LRCpqVgruRaqR58$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41959347 40939349 40279591 40769746 41679621=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 13:06:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021306

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0539
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    905 AM EDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021305Z - 021600Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding is possible as very slow moving
    thunderstorms over southeast Georgia are locally producing
    incredible rainfall rates to 5 inches per hour.

    DISCUSSION...A stationary front over southeast Georgia is acting
    as a focus for thunderstorms that have been producing incredible
    rainfall rates to 5 inches per hour this morning. Fortunately, up
    to this point the heaviest rainfall rates have been over
    unpoplated coastal marshes...however some of the inland cells have
    been producing rates to 2.5 inches per hour, which could cause
    flash flooding if they move over more urban areas, potentially
    including Savannah.

    CAMs guidance has not been handling the evolution of these cells
    well. Most of the guidance suggests they will dissipate soon, but
    the latest radar trends show the cells have been maintaining their
    strength, if not intensifying in some areas. The cells are very
    slow-moving, but have been crawling northward towards more
    populated areas, including Savannah. 1 hour FFGs are around 2-2.5
    inches and 3-hour FFGs are between 2.5-3 inches for Savannah, with
    an area of extreme southern SC near I-95 much lower due to recent
    heavy rainfall. Given the aforementioned rates the cells are
    producing, flash flooding is possible where the cells are most


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_b30Hg9fwVvMgOjnhQIk3Ix_pfBOBsfyxnzbk6Aku3LkmU9KULytpq5C4Xn4VGECXoPk= doziI_jVZv_MGvGK813GO2c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32788182 32788153 32458110 32278090 32008082=20
    31628114 31698127 31838151 31978166 32248188=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 18:10:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021810

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0540
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    209 PM EDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Arizona...Western New Mexico...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 021810Z - 030000Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving monsoon thunderstorms. Spots of 1-2" over
    areas with well above normal rainfall over last few weeks, will
    pose scattered but localized flash flooding incidents.

    DISCUSSION...A broad longwave trough continues to slide through
    the central Rockies of WY/CO resulting in gap in return flow
    across NW Mexico into the Southwest, generally centered along the
    AZ/NM border before angling northeast across north-central NM.=20=20
    The leaves much of NE AZ, N NM within favorable right entrance
    divergence outflow channel. CIRA LPW also notes a wave of 700-500
    over the Sun Valley lifting northeast highlighted by enhanced
    moisture along downstream confluence streamlines with eastern
    deformation zone across the SE San Francisco Plateau, while deeper
    850-500 moisture lifts north out of central Sonora into SE AZ and
    across the Mogollon, Black, Gallo and Gallina Mtns. While deep
    layer moisture totals generally overlap through this axis the
    range is a tad lower than the last few days with 1-1.25" total
    PWats, still more will filter through the terrain with some 1.5"
    values expected across Cochise county coming out of the Sea of
    Cortez. Full sun has allowed for solid instability to build with
    localized pockets of SBCAPEs start to reach 2000-2500 J/kg where
    valley Tds are in the low 60s in SE AZ/SW NM, though average
    values of 1500 J/kg even up into the Plateau should feed stronger
    thunderstorms later into the afternoon.

    Initial convection appears to be developing along favored upslope
    ridge lines across the deep moisture axis. Initial thunderstorms
    are likely to support .25-.5"/hr rates as the mid-levels fully
    saturate. However, deep layer steering is very weak at the
    periphery of that outflow channel to the north; this supports
    effective bulk shear of 20-25kts across the central border of
    AZ/NM, so there may be slightly better organization to support
    multiple up/down draft cycles. Deep layer steering is weak at
    5-10kts with south-southeast propagation at 0-5kts, so slow
    motions should allow for increased duration. As the afternoon
    goes, the stronger heating and therefore updrafts that are spurred
    on by outflow boundary collisions by the first few rounds may
    support rates of 1-1.5"/hr and spots of 1-2" totals. Coverage
    should be scattered to numerous in nature today, though equal
    areas are likely to miss out given the expected small to middle
    size updraft widths.

    NASA SPoRT 0-40cm soil saturation ratios are in the 90th
    percentile plus across the area of concern. However, areas of
    Catron, W Sacorro, central Cibola and S Apache county have seen
    well above average moisture as soil saturation values are well
    above that percentile with ratios over 55% and spots of 75-80%
    suggesting limited further infiltration in areas of deeper soil,
    but also rain should fall on barren rock areas as well, so give
    this, there will likely be multiple incidents of flash flooding
    though highly localized in nature through 00z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5cj9I6mcwTQocpjS-zWFpJaJt-WX8XJbmhenVSW9FBXYxx7tiTCSCil-DlxKlCTP9Bgp= K0B3e1Iv7Zcb5ZYPp1c3Chg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36670690 36110600 35160640 34130671 33100711=20
    32010782 31240815 31200955 31261131 31851174=20
    33551160 34901213 35571074=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 18:37:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021837

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0541
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    236 PM EDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Areas affected...Iowa

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 021836Z - 030000Z

    SUMMARY...Training convection expected to develop along a warm
    front ahead of a developing low will cause storms to develop with
    rates up to 3 inches per hour. Given recent heavy rainfall, flash
    flooding is likely.

    DISCUSSION...Broad, nearly unidirectional WSW flow across Iowa has
    developed ahead of a developing low and right entrance region of a southwesterly upper level jet streak. Showers and thunderstorms
    continue to develop along this warm frontal boundary, which the
    surface low will track along through the afternoon. The air mass
    south of the warm front is anomalously moist, with PWATs over 2
    inches across southwest Iowa from SPC Mesoanalysis. MUCAPE values
    are over 4,000 J/kg in the northwest corner of Missouri, so the
    atmosphere is well-primed for the development of strong convection
    through the afternoon. Much of Iowa has seen 200 to 300% of their
    normal rainfall over the past 2 weeks, so soils are nearly
    saturated and many rivers in the area are above flood stage

    The storms are expected to be fast moving in the unidirectional
    flow, which will certainly help to hold down rainfall totals in
    any one area, however due to the high likelihood of training
    storms as well as rainfall rates up to 3 inches per hour,
    additional flash flooding from the storms is likely where the
    strongest training storms are the most persistent. This is most
    likely to occur over central Iowa. WoFS guidance highlights the
    corridor from the southwest corner of Iowa to the southwest corner
    of Wisconsin through the east side of Des Moines as the most
    likely corridor for 2 inch per hour rates with some 3 inch per
    hour rates possible through Des Moines. By the time the storms
    reach eastern Iowa towards 00Z, much of the CAMs guidance is in
    agreement that the storms will have bowed out into an intense
    squall line, which will greatly limit the potential for flash
    flooding. However, due to ongoing major river flooding along the
    Mississippi River, the additional rainfall from the line could
    cause localized nuisance flash flooding due to poor drainage from
    adjacent land areas.

    Additional training convection may form this evening, so updates
    along and south of this MPD area are likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4VJuLLqBP_Q4M39ml2Pn1aOSTVJ8AitP8Rc45vC4obxzU6GwI_nS7VMc1QOi8-gF6-TF= -iTLkE8LV3NMITAiRflMVEQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43249100 43119042 42849025 41658985 41139117=20
    40219450 40229579 41449574 42159539 42479482=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 23:03:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022303

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0542
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    702 PM EDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast KS...Northern MO...Southeast
    IA...Nortwest IL...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 022300Z - 030430Z

    SUMMARY...Upstream development across recently saturated soils in
    NE KS with rates of 2-3"/hr and potential axes of training pose
    likely flash flooding conditions over the later evening.=20
    Downstream maturing squall line to continue to track
    east-southeast with similar 2-3"/hr rates and localized 3-5"
    totals through 03z.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depict mid to upper level warming
    across central NEB with a subtle anti-cyclonic arched cirrus
    banding indicative of a subtle upper-level jet streak across SE
    NEB into SW IA; both suggestive of increased digging of the polar
    shortwave providing DPVA and right entrance ascent across Eastern
    KS and downstream. 22z surface analysis denotes this response
    with an amplifying wave lifting through central KS northeastward
    and backing surface winds across NE KS. Additionally, this has
    backed the LLJ just a bit with 30-35kts of increasing confluent
    flow across the Lower Missouri Valley. Deep moisture pooling has
    increased total PWat values into the 2.25" range and the
    combination of factors has seen recent convective initiation
    across NE KS (and a bowing line across south-central KS). Expect
    further convective development/expansion along the frontal zone
    with some back-building of the upwind portion of the squall line
    across N MO. This will provide an area of favorable deep layer
    unidirectional flow parallel to the convergence axis to support
    short term training. Given the parameters, of 2500-3000 J/kg
    across N MO and adj. KS; rates of 2-3"/hr are probable and with
    training streaks of 3-5" are possible before cold pools and
    upstream shortwave support forward propagation generally after
    01-02z. Recent heavy rainfall over the region, has resulted in
    lowered FFG values of 1-1.5"/hr and below 2.5"/3hr which are
    likely to be exceeded resulting in broad axes of flash flooding
    conditions perhaps in and around the Kansas City Metro area
    (though more probable to the north and east given current trends).

    Further east into the Mississippi Valley...
    Regional RADAR and visible imagery depict a mature squall line
    extending from north-central MO/south-central IA starting to march
    into E IA and far SW WI. The warm front has surged northward
    along the southern edge of the eroding clouds in S WI. However, a
    pre-frontal surface wave developed downstream of the southern
    stream shortwave across central IA, but that wave is starting to
    accelerate northeastward and height-falls is starting to bow the
    QLCS out across SE IA. This will intersect and become more
    parallel to the 925-850mb moisture flux convergence channel and
    with upstream warm advection/backing influence from approaching
    polar shortwave; better moisture flux convergence will exist from
    the nose of the bowing segment in SE IA/N IL back southwest into
    northern MO. As noted, higher instability into the 3000 J/kg
    range, total Pwat to 2.25-2.4" and 25-30kts of inflow should
    support highly efficient rainfall production with 3"/hr rates
    likely. Training will become a bit less likely given strength of
    southeasterly propagation, but spots of 3-5" are likely across NE
    MO/SE IA/far NW IL. Recent WoFS solutions continue to shift this
    bulls-eye south and east with each run, but there is a consistency
    of of the mean values in this range, though 90th percentile values
    are in the 7-8" maximum ranges at the nose of pressing bow with
    spots of 4-5" across northern MO. This is further south of the
    12z/18z Hi-res guidance, but given the trends, there is increasing
    confidence that portions of this area will see considerable
    rainfall totals and flash flooding conditions, even though soils
    have been drier they are still at 40-55% of capacity through 40cm.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_2qkcUjv-Rtl5GTS-BSlDJaXxFTVnMCGoaHiIHg4EyXECwGrBS9h6yVDh2PmQjv_fUAZ= J7VHQvJTx0-luUOSuyqOWL0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42389008 42368897 41868852 40848891 39479109=20
    38549368 38109619 38829697 39639600 40029499=20
    40509344 41169201=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 2 23:28:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022328

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0543
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    728 PM EDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Wisconsin...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 022330Z - 030330Z

    SUMMARY...Quick moving but relatively efficient warm advection
    showers crossing saturated/low FFG soils pose possible low-end
    flash flooding over the next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...23z surface analysis denotes a pre-frontal surface
    low along the QLCS crossing eastern IA. The larger synoptic
    triple-point remains further upstream across north-central IA with
    the warm front crossing northeast IA into southern WI; generally
    driven northward by clearing skies and strengthening 10-15kts of south-southeasterly flow. Temps have rebounded into the upper
    70s/lower 80s with mid to upper 60s Tds in the vicinity of the
    warm front, but not much to support surface based CAPE. Still,
    there is a modest 500-1000 J/kg of MUCAPE to maintain/develop a
    few elevated thunderstorms north of the pre-frontal surface wave.=20
    These cells have some overshooting tops and cooling to -60C and
    with the low level moisture flux though 850mb should be supportive
    of 1.5-2"/hr rates. Forward speed is likely to limit overall
    duration, given the orientation of the southwesterly steering
    there is a bit of cross-tracks for the elevated cells to support
    1-1.5 hours of heavy rainfall resulting a streak or two of
    1.5-2.5" totals across southern Wisconsin in the next few hours.

    This would normally be of little concern, but a recently wet
    period has saturated the upper soil column with broad areas of
    60-65+% ratios and 200-300% of normal over the last 7-14 days per
    AHPS. As such, hourly FFG values are below 1.5" and <2"/3hrs
    across much of the MPD area. Given the rates and totals,
    localized flash flooding is considered possible through the
    evening hours as the line passes.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5uY9-JsRnk3TWpV1K7XABgMNG1CHp8sN_pUYpHTpf46Yb9Fuk2kbVRM06dxYftuGOZfw= o14tTYfLqOGNwVZi0HhhQcE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44538803 44268749 43378774 42838763 42518792=20
    42538998 42639058 43339045 43988947=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 3 00:06:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030006

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0544
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    805 PM EDT Tue Jul 02 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast AZ...Southwest to East-Central NM...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 030005Z - 030515Z

    SUMMARY...Larger clusters of monsoon convection continue to
    propagate/seek out remaining unstable pockets. Cell
    mergers/collisions resulting in quick 1-2" totals likely to result
    in widely scattered and localized flash flooding conditions
    through early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E satellite loops shows broad area of monsoon
    activity across Southeast AZ into central NM and downstream into
    the southern High Plains. Earlier instability maxima near central
    Catron county has diminished but producing clusters of convection
    along its periphery, generally concentrated along the southern and
    eastern edges. Proximity to the distant right entrance to the 3H
    50-70kt jet streak over CO and latent heat release has supported a
    weak mid-level wave development across this area while supporting
    solid evacuation of cells for moderately organized monsoonal
    clusters. There remain some pockets of untapped instability
    across SE AZ, SW NM and portions of eastern NM, outflow from the
    clusters will congeal/collide and result in a few more clusters to
    develop. Deep moisture of 1.25-1.5" along the southern boarder
    should make rainfall rates a tad higher across these areas at
    1-1.5"/hr resulting in spots of of 1-2" totals.

    Areas into the high plains will see stronger moisture flux
    convergence in proximity to sagging frontal zone across the TX
    panhandle, given 15-20kts of sfc to 700mb confluence. This may
    result in convergence and similar 1-1.5"/hr rates even though
    moisture is slightly reduced through depth in E NM. Additionally,
    this confluence will cross the lower FFG areas in San
    Miguel/Torrance and Guadalupe counties locally increasing
    potential for spotty flash flooding there as well. All
    considered. Flash flooding incidents are still considered possible
    though overall coverage should diminish to more widely scattered
    than earlier this afternoon to evening and near zero a hour or so
    after sunset and remaining pockets of unstable air, start to


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    LAT...LON 35690544 35690450 35530360 35080307 34430340=20
    33980399 33430486 32740537 32290609 31450781=20
    31210901 31191018 31391097 32331142 33320998=20
    34140897 35050814 35470705=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 3 04:57:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030456

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0545
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1255 AM EDT Wed Jul 03 2024

    Areas affected...much of central and northern MO...adjacent
    portions of west-central IL and far northeast KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 030455Z - 031055Z

    Summary...Additional isolated to scattered instances of flash
    flooding are possible as MCS slowly wanes/progresses. Some flash
    flooding may be locally significant (particularly if convection
    backbuilds further in northern MO).

    Discussion...A mature squall line has gradually transitioned into
    a more consolidated MCS (mesoscale convective system) over the
    past several hours, as surface based instability has been
    completely exhausted over portions of the Upper Midwest (from
    southeast IA into northwest IL). While some elevated instability
    (500-1000 J/kg of MU CAPE) remains across this region, the much
    more favored locations going forward are to the south and west (central/northern MO and downstream portions of west-central IL),
    where rich surface ThetaE air (350K+) is resulting in SB/ML CAPE
    of 1500-2500 J/kg (despite relatively mediocre low-level and
    mid-level lapse rates of 5.5-6.0 degC/km). The most impressive
    deep tropospheric moisture is also centered over central and
    northern MO, with precipitable water values of 2.2-2.5 inches
    (well above the max moving average of SGF sounding climatology,
    remarkable given the site nearly 200 miles south). But perhaps the
    most concerning development is the backbuilding of convection
    occurring over northwest MO (much closer to a surface cold front
    which significantly trails the bulk of the convection to the
    east), as a 30-35 kt low-level jet (LLJ) provides ample moisture
    transport and convergence. And while the aforementioned lapse
    rates are rather lacking for upper-level thermodynamic support,
    the combination of an MCV (mesoscale convective vortex, which
    originated from convection near the OK/KS border earlier today)
    and strong diffluence/divergence aloft (via the right-entrance
    region of a 100 kt jet streak over northern WI/MI) is supporting
    convection in this crucial upstream region.

    The latest hi-res guidance is a bit messy, given the complicated
    mesoscale evolution of convection that has taken place. Overall,
    the HREF signal is clearly displaced too far northeast with the
    QPF maxima (given the observational trends), but the more recent
    runs of the HRRR have done a good job assimilating and reflecting
    a southwest shift. When accounting for this southwest shift (as
    well as a reduction in the QPF magnitude from prior cycles of the
    HREF, which may be a bias due to the assimilation struggles),
    additional localized totals of 2-4" are expected across the
    region. These amounts would clearly be most problematic across the
    northern tier of the outlooked region (i.e. across portions of
    northern MO), but this is also where the forecast is most
    uncertain (as it is dependent on continued backbuilding of
    convection into an area that is relatively worked over with 3-hr
    ML CAPE reductions of 1000-1400 J/kg). Should convection continue
    to backbuild due to the many other favorable factors, then
    localized significant instances of flash flooding may occur (over
    these areas that have already received 2-4" over the past 3-6
    hours). Farther south (where the heaviest rainfall and expected
    2-4" localized totals are most likely), antecedent conditions are
    much drier (with 3-6 hour FFGs generally ranging from 2-3"). As a
    result, isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding are
    possible (and only conditionally likely farther north).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4nQGZL2LUCO4udRpc7Qne1YY28EO7DafJx6EIkMwB6AmUpAcSA9ESh-Dp6Q1PwlND5xN= dozf6i8noXH8ZdoG1tIGtD0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40429142 40359071 40039035 38979041 38189138=20
    37989287 38789461 39599540 40269374 40419249=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 3 18:31:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031831

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0546
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    231 PM EDT Wed Jul 03 2024

    Areas affected...Southeastern AZ...Southwest & Western NM...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 031830Z - 040000Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving monsoon thunderstorms capable of .75-1"/hr
    rates and spots of 1-1.5" may pose possible widely scattered
    incidents of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Overall meteorological conditions continue to
    downtrend relative to prior days; however, lingering above average
    low level moisture, full insolation and favorable mid to upper
    level orientation within the gap between two ridges and modest
    outflow channel to the northeast across NM should spur widely
    scattered thunderstorms in the next few hours. GOES-E satellite
    suite shows an old MCV across northwest Chihuahua with downstream
    deformation zone providing solid cloud cover diminishing
    insolation there. To the west, peripheral enhanced moisture still
    resides in SE AZ in the upper 50s to low 60s Tds and total PWats
    near 1.25" especially along/the southern most counties of SE AZ/SW
    NM. RAP analysis shows a trough of cooler temps at 5H across NE
    to east-central AZ, aiding cooling aloft and steepening lapse
    rates. This is also supporting northwesterly flow aiding
    convergence with southerly/southwesterly flow across SE AZ toward
    the Black Mountain range. As such, instability is increasing with
    pockets of up to 2000 J/kg of SBCAPE along the northwest edge of
    the mid-level cloud cover. Upslope mountain flow is starting to
    result in increased convective development on the peaks;
    eventually this will expand off peak and reach deeper moisture
    inflow to support .75-1"/hr rates toward peak heating in 2-3

    Steering flow is weak in the larger scale mid-level trough, but
    with limited organization; pulse convection is likely the main
    mode and should result in some spots of 1-1.5" through 00z; but in
    a widely scattered to scattered nature. Given the grounds are
    saturated (where it isn't barren rock), run-off should be above
    average, especially over SE AZ where precipitation anomalies are
    400-600% of normal and soil conditions are in the upper 5th
    percentiles. Though with more conditional organization to cells,
    slightly reduced moisture (and localized flux) than prior days,
    flash flooding is considered possible in that widely scatter-shot
    distribution along and northwest in the MPD area of concern.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-tp9IpV6pbGaOzr1S1ve4PWhL5EK1lRuWUunSlQcywCHvNr4SWehFBXkxNuGAp5QDL5M= QdFRJrMNru5twbrOE2QEO0U$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34390764 33640728 32750763 31420823 31260950=20
    31251094 31521171 31971165 32541108 32941067=20
    33450997 34000967 34070878=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 3 20:45:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032045

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0547
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    444 PM EDT Wed Jul 03 2024

    Areas affected...South-central & Southeastern MO into Lower Ohio
    River Valley...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 032045Z - 040200Z

    SUMMARY...Intense rates of to 2.5"/hr and favorable deep layer
    flow for potential training may overcome ground/soil conditions
    resulting in some possible localized flash flooding prior to
    higher potential into the overnight period.=20

    DISCUSSION...20z surface analysis denotes cold front sagged across
    central IL into central MO and into southeastern KS; however, a
    pre-frontal trough/outflow boundary from last evening
    intersects/parallels the boundary from south-central MO across SE
    MO into the Ohio River Valley and through SW to central OH. Solid
    cloud cover has strengthened frontogensis across the area with a
    20-25 degree gradient from central MO to S MO/N AR where temps are
    in the low 90s though surface Tds remain in the mid to upper 70s
    throughout he zone. Full insolation has resulted in a strong
    instability gradient that orients to the outflow boundary
    favorably. MLCAPE of 2500-3500 J/kg exist across S-SE MO and into
    W KY but remain in close proximity to the deeper q-axis that
    exists in/just along the southern boundary of the cloud line.=20
    Total PWat values of 2-2.25" are well above normal and with some
    weak northerly flux and combination with low level high moisture
    values in the area, should allow for high flux convergence to
    support 2.5"/hr rates with perhaps an occasional 3" value, though
    inflow is still weak at 5-10kts.

    Favorable right entrance divergence will be increasing through the
    late evening providing broader scale ascent and sufficient outflow
    to maintain stronger updrafts; however, it is the orientation of
    the mean flow that may allow for cell repeating/training in the
    evening and incidents of 3-4" in 1-3hrs. Hydrologically, high
    rates of this magnitude usually overcome most ground conditions;
    however, there are some moderately dry conditions and naturally
    higher FFG values in the region that even 3-4" total may be at the
    limit of the FFG values. Still, drier than normal conditions, may
    make for harder grounds and limit infiltration. So scattered
    incidents of flash flooding are possible, especially if low level
    flow strengthens and propagation vectors support back-building, at
    worst, these rainfall totals will set the stage for the next round
    later into tomorrow morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-kJW4WpQW6ZAwWVH7cySMtqfAKm5N8_z644KyXejt7eJOmQa-r8HpzhkXX7ocrNd3XYR= P0U3QJbjsbG7b9_nNUzYVEM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38638988 38638901 38338790 37778755 37198804=20
    36838951 36579121 36649333 37489359 38219205=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 3 21:30:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032130

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0548
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    529 PM EDT Wed Jul 03 2024

    Areas affected...Southern IND...Northern KY...Southwest OH...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 032130Z - 040230Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing moisture flux should support 2"/hr rates and
    enough west to east cross-over tracks may allow for some localized
    2-3"+ totals in 1-3hrs resulting in possible localized flash
    flooding over the next few hours; particularly in/around the
    steeper bluffs and urban centers of the Ohio River Valley.

    DISCUSSION...RAP analysis suggest an elongated mid-level shortwave
    is currently crossing central OH into east-central IND at the
    distant periphery of right-entrance/anticyclonically curved
    portion of the 3H jet across the Great Lakes. This has maintained
    low to mid-level confluence along the shear axis from NE OH across
    S IL with CIRA LPW the narrow but vertically aligned plume from
    KS/OK all the way through to IND/OH with 2" total PWat values
    along/south of the shear axis. Additionally, a pre-frontal trough
    that was reinforced by last night's convection/outflow has
    provided sufficent surface to boundary layer convergence while
    boundary layer to 700mb confluent flow through the Ohio Valley
    adds to the flux convergence, particularly upstream across S IND.=20

    Solid insolation prior to the boundary has seen temps into the
    upper 80s, low 90s with low to mid 70s Tds, resulting in a very
    unstable environment with 1500-2500 MLCAPE values along and south
    of the boundary to feed stronger updrafts. Recent convective
    development has cooled rapidly along the line with overshooting
    tops below -60C dotting the line, continuing to expand...and will
    likely support 2"/hr rates over the next few hours.=20

    Recently dry soil conditions have resulted in higher than normal
    FFG values and these rates alone, minus a few steep river bluffs
    and urban centers across the area these rates alone are not likely
    to be exceeded, especially with modest 25-30kts of forward speed.=20
    This will require repeating/training cells to result in 2-3"
    totals and increase the risk. Given the placement of the
    elongated shortwave, the northern portion of the line should
    become progressive enough across central OH and limit flooding
    risk until the lower slopes of the Appalachian Plateau. However,
    further southwest, the exiting shortwave and flatter 500-1000mb
    thickness gradient suggest greater potential for a more west to
    east orientation to cell motions and possible training.

    This is conditional on cold pool generation that may increase
    southward propagation and limit this potential. Yet, given the
    shear intensity of the cells, broadening updrafts seen in spots
    there is a low-end potential for streaks of 2-3" across the middle
    Ohio River Valley and therefore flash flooding is considered
    possible through evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-h7pvqnuiDvtlikpd3l9ZN1cLWARMkddl75F6jAkyobiw8HgH5hsMTevlcvmxTbc3aDF= PsURuCVwM2n8b2T8xfNv7YA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39438441 39358298 38918217 38148257 37838402=20
    37788518 37788571 37888682 38008735 38298764=20
    38598727 38798664 39068586=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 3 23:41:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032341

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0549
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    741 PM EDT Wed Jul 03 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest to south-central NEB...Northwest to
    north-central KS...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 032340Z - 040400Z

    SUMMARY...Cell mergers and training/repeating may occur along
    intersection of colliding convective lines across the nose of
    enhanced moisture flux convergence. Rates of 2"/hr and spots of
    2-3" totals pose possible flash flooding conditions

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic and GOES-Visible loop depict a
    fairly rapidly moving squall line across the Sand Hills of
    Nebraska, though the southwest flank is reducing in forward speed
    at the southern edge of deeper mid to upper-level flow. This is
    orienting favorably for cores of the cells to repeat through the
    South Platte Valley. Additionally, downstream, an isolated cell
    developed near the Lincoln/Frontier county line in an advanced
    area of enhanced low to mid-level moisture. Though there have
    been a few left splits, the cell has remained stationary with
    solid hail signature, though has some modest heavy rainfall core
    building. Fairly soon, the lines will merge and present an issue
    for rapid 1.5-2" in sub-hourly duration to add to the 1-2" that
    have fallen.

    Additionally, the cell resided within a SE to NW nose of enhanced
    moisture and untapped instability that remained west of the deeper
    cloud cover in E KS. Strengthening 15kt at surface and 25-30kts
    at 850-700mb are backing to intersect orthogonal to the
    approaching line. This will allow for increased forward
    propagation to the southeast, but will also increase moisture flux
    convergence that should rapidly result in a quick burst of very
    intense rainfall rates. Totals of 1.5-2" should fall in less than
    15-30 minutes with an additional .5-1" in the trailing moderate
    shield and a swath of 2-3" totals may be possible over the next
    few hours.=20

    While current location in SW Nebraska has deep sandy soils that
    could infiltrate much of that, the line will move further
    southeast into less favorable infiltration and naturally lower FFG
    values across north-central KS/south-central NEB; where 1hr FFG is
    AoA 1.5" and 3hr are between 1.5-2.5". As such, localized flash
    flooding may become an issue in the next few hours.

    Additionally, the line of scattered cells in E CO is tracking a
    bit north of due east may also intersect the best
    moisture/instability axis at a similar time as the southeast
    propagating line. Mergers with this line may further up-tick
    short-term output further compounding localized flooding concerns
    through the early overnight period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!__6-Mn-9dyGNT9Y60kU7OLzvECThTcoDaMzvKLuqiQT7pp0OdnoGHfrIqij9X1TXdeM_= xLOFL7DP5W1A_zz5mZ8DiBo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41410000 40519845 40159809 39709814 39269861=20
    39170002 39480103 40210184 40930191 41170086=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 04:21:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040421

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0551
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1220 AM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...North-Central to Eastern KS...West-Central MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 040420Z - 041020Z

    SUMMARY...Expanding coverage of heavy showers and thunderstorms is
    expected heading through the overnight hours. There is an
    expectation for areas of cell-training, which coupled with high
    rainfall rates will likely result in areas of flash flooding. This
    will especially be the case for areas of eastern KS and
    west-central MO heading into the predawn hours.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar is showing an expanding axis of rather
    well-organized convection across areas north-central KS as an
    upstream shortwave trough continues to eject east out into the
    broader central Plains region. Overall, cloud tops have been
    tending to cool over the last hour, and the area VWP data is
    showing a gradual increase in a southwesterly low-level jet across
    areas of central and eastern KS. Coinciding with this subsequent
    increase in warm air advection/isentropic ascent has been the
    development over the last hour of additional broken bands of
    convection farther off to the east from near Concordia southward
    to near Salina and well off to the east including areas adjacent
    to Topeka.

    The low-level jet should increase further overnight and reach as
    high as 40 to 50 kts which will be a result of the approaching
    shortwave energy/DPVA aloft and nocturnal enhancement. Much of the
    convection over north-central and eastern KS right now is elevated
    in nature given proximity of a warm front well to the south, but
    the latest 00Z HREF guidance favors a rather strong nose of
    elevated moisture and instability transport aiming up across
    central and eastern KS, and eventually west-central MO heading
    through the remainder of the night.

    MUCAPE values are on the order of 2000 to 3000 J/kg across
    southern KS currently, and this instability coupled with the
    low-level jet and deeper layer ascent will yield a further
    expansion of convection off to the east over the next several
    hours. The convection is likely to attain some orientation that
    will be nearly parallel to the deeper layer steering flow,
    especially over eastern KS and west-central MO later tonight, and
    this will favor strong concerns for cell-training.

    PWs over eastern KS and western MO are quite high with values of
    1.75 to 2 inches, and this combined with the level of instability
    and moisture transport should yield rainfall rates capable of
    reaching 2+ inches/hour with the stronger storms. Given the
    cell-training concerns, it will be possible for some areas to see
    as much as 3 to 5 inches of rain by dawn across especially eastern
    KS and west-central MO.

    Areas of flash flooding are likely to materialize, and multiple
    metropolitan areas including Topeka and Kansas City may see a
    notable concern for urban flash flooding later in the night.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4HDsFG6hH8zG5vgADyYBgLAa3bRJ_ZJqS1Y1mATcNeJQruKGzYim30o6TW031n4lkfZy= sQNgDr5JrlNsHUQCH2psba4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40149703 39839459 39139326 38289304 37939387=20
    38109592 38659800 38979895 39459905 39839853=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 07:12:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040712

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0552
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    310 AM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 040710Z - 041045Z

    SUMMARY...Locally training showers and thunderstorms across
    portions of central and eastern MO will be posing an increasing
    threat of flash flooding in the predawn hours.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery is showing a band of loosely organized
    convection beginning to locally train in a west to east fashion
    across portions of central and eastern MO. The convection is
    focusing along an elevated instability gradient and is being
    facilitated by an increasing southwest low-level jet. The VWP data
    from KSGF validates this and shows a nose of 30+ kt winds at 850mb
    nosing up toward areas of central and eastern MO with as much as
    1000 to 2000 J/kg of MUCAPE noted near and just south of the
    overall axis of convection.

    Over the next few hours, additional expansion of more linearly
    oriented convection is expected for areas of central and eastern
    MO as the low-level jet further strengthens and thus facilitates
    stronger speed convergence and warm air advection/isentropic
    ascent within the elevated instability axis.

    PWs across the region are on the order of 1.75 to 2.0 inches and
    will be supportive of heavy rainfall rates that may reach 2
    inches/hour. Given the increasing concerns of cell-training, some
    totals going through the predawn hours may reach 3 to 4 inches.

    Given that these rains will likely be falling over areas that have
    seen heavy rainfall over the last 24 hours, and with locally
    elevated streamflows already occurring, these additional rains are
    likely to cause areas of flash flooding.

    Additional heavy rains upstream over eastern KS and west-central
    MO associated with more organized and stronger convection will
    also be approaching toward dawn and into the early to mid-morning
    hours. Thus the flash flood threat is likely to only increase with


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4ot8-6WU4BRfWD78xJXxQk2vjrNkN2vTp_ElbSLAWwgEpTknWNwyd18oU2YcwStLQXSW= kH5k0a0MaoYG8SqernLkm7k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39269230 39229138 39079047 38609009 38219040=20
    38089089 38059248 38449367 39139336=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 09:13:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040913

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0553
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    512 AM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...Far Eastern KS...Central and Eastern
    MO...South-Central IL...Southwest IN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 040912Z - 041512Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall rates
    will continue to spread off to the east this morning. Substantial
    cell-training is expected to occur and additional flash flooding
    is likely across central and eastern MO, with the threat also
    spreading east across south-central IL. Locally severe urban flash
    flooding is a strong possibility along a corridor extending from
    Kansas City east through Columbia and down to St. Louis.

    DISCUSSION...A significant band of training convection has been
    aligning itself in a west to east fashion across areas of far
    eastern KS and extending east across central and eastern MO.
    Multiple major metropolitan areas are under a threat for severe
    urban flash flooding as a result, including Kansas City, Columbia
    and St. Louis.

    The convection continues to organize and focus in response to an
    approaching shortwave trough crossing the central Plains with
    strong warm air advection out ahead of it. A southwest low-level
    jet on the order of 30 to 40+ kts continues to nose up across
    southwest to central MO and is focusing a corridor of robust
    moisture convergence and elevated instability transport. Much of
    the convection is embedded within an axis of MUCAPE values that
    are on the order of 1000 to 2000 J/kg.

    Going through the morning hours, the ongoing west to east band of
    training convection should continue to propagate off to the east
    and will be impacting more areas of especially eastern MO from
    Columbia down through St. Louis, and also increasingly into areas
    of south-central IL as the stronger axis of warm air advection and
    forcing shifts off to the east across these areas. Eventually
    areas of southwest IN may also get into some of this activity.

    The rainfall rates should continue to be quite high, and capable
    of reaching 2 to 3 inches/hour with the stronger storms given the
    persistence of the low-level jet, high PW environment and degree
    of instability that is in place.

    Overall, the HRRR guidance looks notably underdone with its QPF
    based on the latest radar and satellite trends, with the 00Z/06Z
    HREF consensus appearing more realistic. Additional rainfall
    totals going through mid-morning may locally reach 4 to 6 inches,
    and with already sensitive conditions with moist soils and
    elevated streamflows, flash flooding is highly likely over the
    next several hours. As mentioned, there will be a threat for
    severe urban flash flooding from Kansas City east through Columbia
    and down into the St. Louis metropolitan area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9ojYCxuvUIy_fjIwtZYocI-GxI_0zUcWO3j9yvuRPmAa2iPOiggHwU_0nQv4TOt3O5KT= yIGgbsRHHQkRSqS8_xWyqdM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39789352 39739052 39508860 39128725 38408653=20
    37808705 37698974 38089370 38639492 39359487=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 09:20:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040920

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0553
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    519 AM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...Far Eastern KS...Central and Eastern
    MO...South-Central IL...Southwest IN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 040918Z - 041518Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall rates
    will continue to spread off to the east this morning. Substantial
    cell-training is expected to occur and additional flash flooding
    is likely across central and eastern MO, with the threat also
    spreading east across south-central IL. Locally severe urban flash
    flooding is a strong possibility along a corridor extending from
    Kansas City east through Columbia and down to St. Louis.

    DISCUSSION...A significant band of training convection has been
    aligning itself in a west to east fashion across areas of far
    eastern KS and extending east across central and eastern MO.
    Multiple major metropolitan areas are under a threat for severe
    urban flash flooding as a result, including Kansas City, Columbia
    and St. Louis.

    The convection continues to organize and focus in response to an
    approaching shortwave trough crossing the central Plains with
    strong warm air advection out ahead of it. A southwest low-level
    jet on the order of 30 to 40+ kts continues to nose up across
    southwest to central MO and is focusing a corridor of robust
    moisture convergence and elevated instability transport. Much of
    the convection is embedded within an axis of MUCAPE values that
    are on the order of 1000 to 2000 J/kg.

    Going through the morning hours, the ongoing west to east band of
    training convection should continue to propagate off to the east
    and will be impacting more areas of especially eastern MO from
    Columbia down through St. Louis, and also increasingly into areas
    of south-central IL as the stronger axis of warm air advection and
    forcing shifts off to the east across these areas. Eventually
    areas of southwest IN may also get into some of this activity.

    The rainfall rates should continue to be quite high, and capable
    of reaching 2 to 3 inches/hour with the stronger storms given the
    persistence of the low-level jet, high PW environment and degree
    of instability that is in place.

    Overall, the HRRR guidance looks notably underdone with its QPF
    based on the latest radar and satellite trends, with the 00Z/06Z
    HREF consensus appearing more realistic. Additional rainfall
    totals going through mid-morning may locally reach 4 to 6 inches,
    and with already sensitive conditions with moist soils and
    elevated streamflows, flash flooding is highly likely over the
    next several hours. As mentioned, there will be a threat for
    severe urban flash flooding from Kansas City east through Columbia
    and down into the St. Louis metropolitan area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5Oo0587hIOvrYTdmwnLiJXVs_cVFDofk-1SeHZezyzjG7E0YSW9y36VbkTiE7r5cg5Jq= 8sA2fj73HGSPSeMlu6ZQSzg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39789352 39739052 39508860 39128725 38408653=20
    37808705 37698974 38089370 38639492 39359487=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 14:58:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041458

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0555
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1057 AM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Ohio River Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041456Z - 042000Z

    Summary...MCS continues this morning across portions of the Ohio
    River Valley. Periods of training storms with 2"/hr rainfall rates
    will maintain a threat of some flash flooding this morning as the
    complex moves east.

    Discussion...IR and regional radar this morning depicts a
    northeast-southwest oriented arc of thunderstorms exhibiting some
    training characteristics as the complex lifts east-northeast.
    Recent radar and MRMS hourly rainfall estimates suggest 2"/hr
    rainfall rates have materialized within the most intense cores of
    this activity over portions of southeast IL and IN.

    This maintenance of this complex remains tied to a focused
    low-level jet providing plenty of convergence and theta-e
    advection atop a well defined (but balanced) cold-pool, with 40-50
    kts of 850 mb inflow evident on KLSX and KVWX VWPs ahead of an
    emerging MCV. An anticyclonically curved jet streak is also noted
    to the north over the Upper Midwest, which will likely contribute
    additional forcing for ascent. Within the inflow region of this
    complex, recent mesoanalysis and GPS estimates denote 1000-2000
    J/kg MUCAPE and PWATS upwards of 2.2-2.4" -- which is well above
    the 90th percentile and near the daily record max for some
    sounding sites in the region. When combined with warm cloud layers
    around 13000 feet, the environment will remain highly conducive
    for efficient warm rain production this morning as the environment
    spreads east.

    Over the next several hours, the concern remains for periods of
    this efficient training to persist across the Ohio Valley.
    Overnight CAMS in the HREF suite have struggled with the placement
    and orientation of QPF through the morning hours, likely in part
    due to issues initializing the MCV. However, recent runs of the
    HRRR seem to have a somewhat better handle on the mesoscale
    environment surrounding the MCS--including both the MCV location
    and subsequent uptick in low-level inflow. Where echo training can
    occur, rainfall amounts of 2-4" in a fairly short amount of time
    will be possible through 19-20Z. This could lead to scattered
    instances of flash flooding as FFGs in the region are quite low,
    around 1-2"/hour.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_rwED249iFNbjGEYKX8IFaHHq_EhSifoGOf2jTJ2p_uamX_omocbMxf6qhiFW2nEiy_S= a6njjDJ1UlRQUMHkIUGD0fo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39978491 39868423 39298301 37978254 37468336=20
    37838570 37148796 37778853 38948765 39768642=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 15:10:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041510

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0554...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1109 AM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Corrected for MPD Number

    Areas affected...Portions of the Ohio River Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041456Z - 042000Z

    Summary...MCS continues this morning across portions of the Ohio
    River Valley. Periods of training storms with 2"/hr rainfall rates
    will maintain a threat of some flash flooding this morning as the
    complex moves east.

    Discussion...IR and regional radar this morning depicts a
    northeast-southwest oriented arc of thunderstorms exhibiting some
    training characteristics as the complex lifts east-northeast.
    Recent radar and MRMS hourly rainfall estimates suggest 2"/hr
    rainfall rates have materialized within the most intense cores of
    this activity over portions of southeast IL and IN.

    This maintenance of this complex remains tied to a focused
    low-level jet providing plenty of convergence and theta-e
    advection atop a well defined (but balanced) cold-pool, with 40-50
    kts of 850 mb inflow evident on KLSX and KVWX VWPs ahead of an
    emerging MCV. An anticyclonically curved jet streak is also noted
    to the north over the Upper Midwest, which will likely contribute
    additional forcing for ascent. Within the inflow region of this
    complex, recent mesoanalysis and GPS estimates denote 1000-2000
    J/kg MUCAPE and PWATS upwards of 2.2-2.4" -- which is well above
    the 90th percentile and near the daily record max for some
    sounding sites in the region. When combined with warm cloud layers
    around 13000 feet, the environment will remain highly conducive
    for efficient warm rain production this morning as the environment
    spreads east.

    Over the next several hours, the concern remains for periods of
    this efficient training to persist across the Ohio Valley.
    Overnight CAMS in the HREF suite have struggled with the placement
    and orientation of QPF through the morning hours, likely in part
    due to issues initializing the MCV. However, recent runs of the
    HRRR seem to have a somewhat better handle on the mesoscale
    environment surrounding the MCS--including both the MCV location
    and subsequent uptick in low-level inflow. Where echo training can
    occur, rainfall amounts of 2-4" in a fairly short amount of time
    will be possible through 19-20Z. This could lead to scattered
    instances of flash flooding as FFGs in the region are quite low,
    around 1-2"/hour.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-0PuYUJzLIf41gvg0ClSZVdo_Q9wtN2ZarUYxlYCzkZdbky3t6PBI52NNO1r9to5hRRD= 70mxZwU0cM8FPs4nC-X2DpM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39978491 39868423 39298301 37978254 37468336=20
    37838570 37148796 37778853 38948765 39768642=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 17:04:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041704

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0555...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    104 PM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Corrected for MPD Number

    Areas affected...Northern Plains...Upper Midwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 041658Z - 042258Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms continue to
    develop across portions of the Northern Plains and Upper Midwest.
    Slow storm motions (10-15 kts) combined with 1.5-2" rainfall rates
    in the most prolific cells may lead to some flash flooding this

    Discussion...Surface and VWP data helped place a vertically
    stacked low center between KABR and KMVX on the cyclonic side of a
    curved mid-level jet streak entering the region. As this low
    becomes increasingly defined, recent cellular activity late this
    morning has exhibited an uptick in lightning density and estimated
    rainfall rates of 1-1.5"/hr at times, generally along a KABR to
    KFSD line.

    This uptick in activity can likely be attributed to persistent
    differential advection across the region (CAA aloft with
    strengthening low level southerly flow) in the presence of very
    divergent and diffluent upper-level pattern. Current mesoanalysis
    and GPS estimates suggest 1000-2000 J/kg of MLCAPE and 1.2-1.4"
    PWATS (around the 90th percentile) available to foster efficient
    rainfall production, generally in a "tall-skinny" profile. Several
    embedded mesoscale circulations are also noted within the larger
    precipitation shield, which will locally enhance rainfall rates.

    Through this afternoon, the main concern is for these efficient
    showers and thunderstorms to move slowly (10-15 kts) and
    regenerate near the closed low center as it meanders eastward. The
    12z HREF suite remains quite aggressive with rainfall totals
    (2-4") through at least 22z as the ongoing activity expands and
    develops more. This is likely to result in scattered instances of
    flash flooding, as much of the region is highly saturated in light
    of earlier rainfall events this month. NASA SPoRT 0-100 cm soil
    moisture percentiles depict soils nearly at capacity across the
    region, while numerous gauges at the the West Fork Des Moines and
    Mississippi River show Minor to Moderate observed flood stages. As
    such, flash flooding is considered likely going into this


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4Tbcw8j3cDBONMDai4ztVaMGYc-CNFEAYnGWMndv7QKtgz-Yh3unTzi7lPgBstNg-rOZ= trEckM41N2ReA96qBHbE8_I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46609634 45459240 43769145 42839276 43259530=20
    44009642 44979846 46169858=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 18:32:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041832

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0556
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    231 PM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...West Virginia...Portions of Adj. OH, PA, VA, & KY

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041830Z - 042300Z

    SUMMARY...Strengthening thunderstorms with very deep moisture
    crossing complex terrain. Signs of upstream redevelopment suggest
    localized spots of 1.5-3" are possible resulting in widely
    scattered and localized possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible/10.3um EIR and regional RADAR mosaic
    has seen a recent strengthening of thunderstorms with a arching
    presentation at the lead edge of surge of deeper moisture and
    unstable conditions. EIR temps show numerous bubbling
    overshooting tops reaching -70C intermittently. Given highly
    unstable (2000 J/kg of MLCAPE) and highly anomalous moisture (low
    to mid 70s Tds) with increased deep layer moisture flux with this
    line is resulting in very strong over-turning convective cells.
    Given total PWats over 2" (even in elevated terrain), cells will
    be capable of 2"/hr rates; though currently strong mid-level
    flow/outflow surging has aided by forward propagation limiting
    duration and therefore totals to 1-1.5", though in sub-hourly
    (15-30 min.) manner. This alone may trigger some localized flash
    flooding given 1hr FFG are in the same general range across much
    of the state and into SW PA.=20

    Of further concern, though, is the upstream environment appears to
    be recovering fairly quickly with clearing skies and westerly
    moist advecting flow. This suggests additional upstream
    redevelopment is probable over the next few hours. Given the
    overall coverage of the initial round and probable scattered
    nature with the upcoming round(s), multiple locations may receive
    an additional round with a similar 2"/hr rate with sub-hourly
    totals in the same 1-1.5" range; resulting in spots of 2-3"
    possible through the evening hours, once again at the FFG limit of 1.5-2.5"/3hr, suggesting scattered localized incidents of flash
    flooding are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!78uwkUkO8ZG_B3ocE2HxUfYysSl83f8VJLgAts-xaMFKHFXQgKMAGggxOdGDo4n4fs2_= GwCXORwk45MPLQw5eeMsAgw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40118004 39897960 39407953 38817958 38207992=20
    37418033 37088080 37018159 37158218 37778256=20
    38438271 39178248 39698146 39948076=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 4 21:18:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 042118

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0557
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    518 PM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...Southeastern MN...Northeastern IA...Southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 042120Z - 050300Z

    SUMMARY...Solid moisture flux and instability to support 1.5-2"/hr
    rates and localized 2-3" with potential repeating cells in the
    vicinity of the warm front and recently saturated soils suggests
    an incident or two of flash flooding may be possible through

    DISCUSSION...GOES-WV suite depicts strong dynamic environment with
    a strong closed/occluding low across Southern MN slowly drifting
    eastward. Visible imagery and 21z surface analysis clearly shows
    a warm front draped eastward across SE MN and S WI with scattered
    thunderstorms developing along it in WI; wile advancing strong
    cold front with 15-20kts of westerly CAA is providing strong
    convergence for broader overall thunderstorms in proximity of the
    triple point near KJYG and southward along the front across
    north-central IA. Strong diffluence in left exit of 90+kt 3H jet
    rounding the based of the deeper low along with strong DPVA ahead
    of the mid-level wave will further deepen the low and
    strengthen/back low level flow in the warm sector while
    strengthening moisture flux into the developing cells. Deep
    layer moisture is a bit limited with 1.3-1.5" total PWats and
    surface Tds in the mid to upper 60s suggest rainfall
    production/efficiency will be much less than what has been
    experienced over the last few weeks; that have saturated the upper
    soil profiles which remain between 60-75% per NASA SPoRT LIS
    0-40cm product.

    Pooled instability along/south of the warm frontal zone remains
    modest with 1000-1500 J/kg. Though with stronger convergence
    thunderstorm updrafts are starting to cool below -50C and expand
    in coverage. Rates of 1-1.5"/hr will become more common with some
    isolated 1.75" for any slower, rotating cells that may
    isallobarically enhance moisture flux convergence into the
    updrafts...mainly in proximity to the warm front. Cell motion is
    likely to diminish overall totals given 30-40kts of mean steering
    flow; again with exception of slowed rotating cells which may be
    in the 20-25kt range per Bunkers right moving vectors. FFG values
    are lowered due to saturated soils at 1-1.5"/hr and 1.5-2"/3hrs;
    so it is likely more critical for cells to be repeating or
    training along/in proximity to the warm front to generate those
    spots of 2-3" that are possible to result in flash flooding
    conditions. So, best potential will reside across SE MN, far NE
    IA into S WI this evening.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4lFpIdJLfHU8IiyeanWIiDD1IEjV9W7EN2kK6FQVzmrJOgCZCCVKXNrrBPVnxfNVLjss= d6d2BVnFlZz8lVm6Eq1MzXo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44779329 44719138 44609026 44468938 44278855=20
    43898777 43338777 42638795 42528877 42538962=20
    42569119 42519220 42639361 42949414 43899355=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 00:48:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050048

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0558
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    847 PM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast & Eastern OK...Southwest MO...Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050045Z - 050545Z

    SUMMARY...Weakly organized convection within very rich moisture
    field may produce locally intense rainfall that may produce a few
    incidents of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Current regional RADAR mosaic depicts scattered
    thunderstorms across eastern OK that have developed in very weak
    low level flow environment. While environment has been very
    unstable with 3500-4000 J/kg of CAPE, inflow at cloud base has
    been limited to less than 10kts and 7H wind field has shown
    divergence across the area to limit organization in the near term;
    with new development sprouting on older outflow. Still, moisture
    rich environment with over 2-2.25" total PWats result in quick 2"
    in about an hour, before collapsing. This alone is not going to
    exceed the very high FFG values, but with soil saturation below
    15% across much of eastern OK, this hard ground may not allow much
    infiltration given these intense sub-hourly rates and may result
    in very high run off. Given the broader up/downdrafts, these may
    cross multiple smaller watersheds (or urban centers) resulting in
    lower-end localized flash flooding conditions.

    As night falls, surface analysis and RAP trends show the cold
    front is starting to press southward across SE KS given stronger
    height-falls as the mid-level trough starts digging and the jet
    streak starts to expand right entrance region divergence
    downstream across SW MO/NW AR. While slightly drier, there
    remains a shallow moisture pool post front, so with strengthening
    15-25kts of west to northwest flow counter to the 5-10kts of
    southwest/south flow, moisture convergence will increased in
    proximity the boundary and overall convective coverage will
    increase from scattered to numerous. Divergence/outflow and DPVA
    may aid overall organization of convection with some repeating
    elements crossing over to SW MO/NW AR after nightfall. Similar
    2-2.5"/hr rates will result in spots of 2-3"; this may be most
    concerning for the lowered FFG across S MO where there has been
    recent rainfall, but again; sub-hourly intensity across harder
    ground conditions further south in AR may also result in possible
    spotty incidents of flash flooding.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8aW-Vl-GPtSRHA2Ca8Gqr_wUKtEQGDMLksOfrbucD8IMXrYHh55ZsVtyyGoEGoJcnt_0= Po4wm_TWVSQuGeA3AX8V_dY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37979268 37659167 36899128 35909162 35379242=20
    34959405 34789548 35219656 36199669 36719618=20
    36989505 37499407=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 03:48:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050348

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0559
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1148 PM EDT Thu Jul 04 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern OH...Northern WV Panhandle...Western PA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050347Z - 050800Z

    SUMMARY...Pockets of slow-moving showers and thunderstorms
    overnight with heavy rainfall rates may result in a few instances
    of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The late evening WPC surface analysis depicts a wave
    of low pressure advancing gradually off to the east across central
    OH with a quasi-stationary front extending east from here across
    western and central PA. A trailing cold front extends southwest of
    the low down along the OH River.

    There is a corridor of moderate moisture flux convergence noted
    across eastern OH out ahead of the surface wave in close proximity
    to the front, and the latest RAP analysis does show a nose of
    instability aiming up across this region with the aid of a 20 to
    30 kt southwest low-level jet. MLCAPE values of 1000 to 1500 J/kg
    are seen oriented from southern OH up into southwest PA, and this
    has been helping to facilitate a few broken bands of heavy showers
    and thunderstorms.

    PWs across the region are anomalously high in vicinity of the
    front, with values locally as high as 2.0 to 2.25 inches which is
    a solid 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal. This is helping
    to drive locally very heavy rainfall rates with some of the
    stronger storms given a rather efficiently deep layer of tropical

    Over the next few hours, this wave of low pressure should edge
    gradually toward western PA and should allow for convection over
    eastern OH to also move back into areas of western PA where there
    has already been locally some heavy rainfall earlier in the
    evening. The convection also is rather slow-moving and some of the
    cells may tend to locally repeat over the same area. Portions of
    the panhandle of northern WV may also possibly see some of this

    The 00Z HREF guidance favors rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour
    with the stronger cells, and suggests that at least locally an
    additional 2 to 4 inches of rain may occur over the next few
    hours. This may yield a few instances of flash flooding which will
    include at least some urban flash flooding concerns locally.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6fxuwszYhOv027rX9XH-qZ8utvKjbk4if318hQL8mJYHeqEM9OST7wc45_eMgWLLLhxY= zeF3c-S42_IyjBPkNPt5Ohw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41528000 41497881 40847834 40227887 40028043=20
    39978192 40078277 40468279 40898139=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 04:42:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050441

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0560
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1241 AM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Far Northern AR...South-Central and Southeast MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050440Z - 050900Z

    SUMMARY...Clusters of showers and thunderstorms impacting portions
    of far northern AR and into south-central and southeast MO over
    the next few hours are expected to maintain a threat of flash
    flooding given very heavy rainfall rates.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows clusters
    of very cold-topped convection (-70 to -75C) over far northern AR
    and southern MO gradually lifting off to the northeast as a wave
    of low pressure advances northeast up along a quasi-stationary
    front. A substantial pool of instability is noted along and just
    to the southeast of this front with as much as 1500 to 2500 J/kg
    of MLCAPE in place.

    Moisture flux convergence magnitudes are rather strong in close
    proximity to the low center and this has been a major reason for
    the level of convective organization currently seen in both radar
    and satellite imagery. Right-entrance region upper-jet dynamics
    overhead are also facilitating deeper layer ascent, and this
    coupled with the favorable pool of thermodynamics along the front
    should help sustain a southwest to northeast focus of convection
    overnight that will continue to impact areas of south-central to
    southeast MO in particular.

    Rainfall rates with some of the stronger storms have already been
    observed in the 2.0 to 2.5 inch/hour range, and with relatively
    slow cell-motions and some occasional instances of cell-training,
    some storm totals overnight may reach 3 to 4 inches.

    Additional areas of flash flooding will be possible with these
    clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms, and especially if
    these cells can overlap with any areas that have seen a moistening
    of soil conditions due to recent heavy rainfall.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9eF_rXSZ_5--BvozTVkWqd_ultjdis_Pi8Qum8q5W44ddH6uDOsRAe1hAv95V00gmavX= 1G5s7Pv5Zrjc6O862pG4mns$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38269129 38179018 37598955 36758983 36259096=20
    36329280 37229320 37899273=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 05:57:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050556

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0561
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    155 AM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Eastern NM and the TX Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050555Z - 051155Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms may
    continue to grow a bit more in coverage over the next few hours.
    Given slow cell-motions and heavy rainfall rates, some instances
    of flash flooding will be possible overnight.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows areas of
    heavy showers and thunderstorms developing across portions of
    eastern NM to the north of a quasi-stationary front.

    The activity is developing in response to strengthening easterly
    low-level flow which is yielding stronger moisture convergence and
    localized upslope flow near some of the higher terrain. A narrow
    corridor of instability is also seen north of the front with
    MLCAPE values of as much as 1500 J/kg.

    Over the next few hours, a combination of relatively divergent
    flow aloft and the pool of moisture and instability transport may
    yield some expansion of the convection off to the north and east.
    This may include some portions of the east-facing slopes of the
    Sangre De Cristo mountains and eventually could include areas of
    the TX Panhandle north of the front where convection over eastern
    NM may organize enough to propagate east into the moist/unstable
    low-level flow over the open southern High Plains.

    Rainfall rates with some of the stronger storms may reach 1 to 2
    inches/hour, and given slow cell-motions in general with the
    activity, some storm totals by dawn may reach 2 to 4 inches with
    isolated heavier amounts possible. Thus, some instances of flash
    flooding may occur with these areas of heavy showers and


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!78z4HrunpQ8L24M2K0vB58rcKd59eScTPNMEgok9clI-LtknGY6LQA5-gW05qojx98pl= L5-qzGJowh-OgZkNdef6pKk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36500391 36350297 35500137 34320150 33910246=20
    34170445 34310511 34680552 35180554 35850526=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 07:56:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050756

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0562
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    355 AM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Eastern MO and South-Central IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050755Z - 051155Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms with some localized
    cell-training concerns may result in some areas of flash flooding
    going through dawn this morning.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery shows a band of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms impacting portions of eastern MO just to the
    southwest of the St. Louis metropolitan area. This activity is
    associated with a broader complex of convection that is impacting
    the middle MS Valley as a wave of low pressure advances northeast
    along a quasi-stationary front.

    There continues to be a fair amount of instability pooled along
    the front with MLCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg nosed up across
    southeast MO and far southern IL. A relatively strong corridor of
    moisture convergence is noted along the front and just ahead of
    the wave of low pressure, and this coupled with the instability
    and proximity of right-entrance region upper-jet forcing should
    still favor some convective sustenance over the next few hours
    going through dawn.

    This should allow for some bands of convection near and just
    southwest of St. Louis to continue to advance off to the northeast
    and gradually get into areas of south-central IL. Rainfall rates
    with the stronger storms may reach as high as 1.5 to 2
    inches/hour, and some additional totals going through dawn may
    reach 2 to 4 inches given some cell-training occurs.

    Some of these rains will be falling over areas that already have moist/sensitive soil conditions and elevated streamflows from
    heavy rainfall over the last 24 hours, and thus these additional
    rains may cause some areas of flash flooding over the next few
    hours. This will include some urban flash flooding concerns as
    well around the St. Louis vicinity and especially the adjacent
    southern and eastern suburbs.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8RvdWJM1L9G0uhGnDE_K3Eo2sd8-Fu8897WJfeGCQFO9HeXN6ZFtkPdY2gWtmqdEtvFu= pMffIJxwy39hoi-l3T8oiKA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39358922 39228845 38798839 38388901 38059022=20
    38189111 38689095=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 09:07:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050907

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0563
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    506 AM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...TX Panhandle into West-Central and Southwest OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050905Z - 051505Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered to broken areas of convection will continue
    this morning across areas of the TX Panhandle down into
    west-central and southwest OK. Sufficiently high enough rainfall
    rates coupled with slow cell-motions may foster at least localized
    areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows broken areas of
    cold-topped convection over areas of the TX Panhandle with the
    activity tending to expand further in coverage off to the east
    into areas of west-central to southwest OK.

    The activity is focused along an instability gradient north of a
    stationary front focused across areas of western and northern TX.
    MUCAPE values of 500 to 1000+ J/kg are in place and there is=20
    relatively divergent flow aloft working in tandem with a corridor
    of stronger low-level moisture convergence to help facilitate the
    development and expansion of the convection.

    Some additional increase in the concentration of convection may
    occur from the TX Panhandle down into southwest OK going through
    the mid-morning hours, and the cell-motions are expected to be
    rather slow which will favor some potential for locally excessive
    rainfall totals.

    The PWs are running about 2 standard deviations above normal over
    the region, and rainfall rates are expected to locally reach 1 to
    2 inches/hour with the stronger storms. The 00Z/06Z HREF guidance
    favors some spotty totals going through mid-morning of 2 to 4
    inches and this may result in a localized concerns for some flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!51j4lHgbsNusoVeIz7_d3kf5YWAkWSXmoHCTdJw1RT4IPFpa7Zi2UCAt5ij0dfoPj-Bf= G_4SDtbL3Eq7qst6cGrOrzE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36380063 36199964 35599819 34699799 34239887=20
    34430077 34880216 35380274 35810283 36370216=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 17:33:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051733

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0564
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    132 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast WI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 051732Z - 052302Z

    Summary...Locally significant flash flooding is underway across
    portions of Waupaca County in northeast Wisconsin. Additional slow
    moving cells with 2-2.5"/hr rainfall rates will likely lead to
    additional instances of isolated flash flooding through the
    afternoon, some of which could be significant.

    Discussion...Radar and IR imagery continue to track an area of low
    topped and efficient showers and thunderstorms beneath a
    vertically stacked low center. Earlier, a small but slow moving
    groups of cells over Manawa, WI with 2-3"/hr rain rates exhibited
    backbuilding and produced an estimated 5-6" of rain, prompting
    numerous water rescues and a Flash Flood Emergency for the town.
    While that cluster has since moved east, additional cellular
    development downstream of the initial activity was producing
    1.5-2"/hr rainfall rates and elevated CREST Streamflow responses
    east of Manawa.

    This uptick in activity likely remains tied to increased forcing
    for ascent as a well-defined vorticity max rounds the base of the
    larger closed low, in the presence of focused frontal convergence
    and strong surface heating. Recent mesoanalysis estimates show
    upwards of 1000 J/kg of MUCAPE (oriented in a skinny profile with
    .1 NCAPE) and 1.3" PWATS (above the 75th percentile) in the
    vicinity of the convection. Combined with 5-10 kts of steering
    flow beneath the close low, efficient slow moving cells are likely
    to continue through this afternoon with 2-2.5"/hr rainfall rates
    possible per recent HREF guidance.

    Through this afternoon, localized rainfall amounts of 2-4" remain
    possible where these clusters reside the longest. This will likely
    lead to additional isolated instances of flash flooding as 1 HR
    FFGs are quite low in the region in light of recent heavy rainfall
    (.75-1"/hr). Additional localized significant flash flooding over
    more vulnerable urban areas including Green Bay can not be ruled


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6imnR0dvKWybQqRf0Ya2OHPLmmk8e33IETbnm-j3VHHQ801o5_eqHNJZOJWpYK-sPt0k= CBxp9YAwXX_wk6bf4QzQ2B0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45258878 44868781 44268761 43768782 43578824=20
    43758957 44239008 44878988=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 19:38:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051938

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0565
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    337 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 051936Z - 060036Z

    Summary...Convection initiation is underway along portions of the
    Sacramento Mountains in New Mexico. Slow storm motions (5-10 kts)
    and rainfall rates upwards of 1-2"/hr could lead to burn scar
    flooding this afternoon--some of which could be significant near
    the Blue 2, South Fork, and Salt burn scars.

    Discussion...Day Cloud Phase RGB and experimental LightningCast
    data highlight developing thunderstorms atop portions of the
    Sacramento and Sangre De Cristo Mountains over the last hour.=20
    While the developing storms are somewhat isolated for now, strong
    surface heating combined with persistent post-frontal upslope flow
    and a weak shortwave to the northwest are expected to yield
    additional thunderstorms over the next several hours along the
    terrain. Current mesoanalysis estimates already depict a favorable
    environment for thunderstorm development in the presence of the
    aforementioned forcing, including 2000-3000 J/kg of uncapped
    SBCAPE and 0.9-1" PWATS nosing into the terrain. Shear profiles
    are currently weak, but the approach of the shortwave will
    strengthen effective shear profiles briefly to 20-30 kts over the
    next several hours to support some convective organization and
    longevity. However, dry air noted on the low-level moisture
    channel imagery may limit more robust rainfall potential as storms
    could develop strong cold pools and forward propagate.=20=20

    Even so, as these storms mature rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr and
    initial storm motions around 10 kts could support some isolated
    instances of flash flooding with 1 hour FFGs around .75-1"/hr. The
    threat for significant flash flooding impacts will remain confined
    to vulnerable burn scars in the region, including the Blue 2,
    South Fork, and Salt burn scars in the Sacramento mountains.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5KO4WkKI4S79j5A2-_3NvE4fCPM_ioA6GReQll6Pj6XWrqoKYJkmmjVwHWzX_9iyS9de= muGn6iiQ69wGRWg8aWCnCAg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36860423 35830390 33910435 32820448 32330495=20
    32330542 32490592 33200598 34680554 35920550=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 20:17:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052017

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0566
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    416 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Western Virginia and North Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 052016Z - 060000Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding is likely as pre-frontal and slow-moving
    storms produce rates to 3 inches per hour. Isolated instances of
    significant flash flooding are possible.

    DISCUSSION...Pre-frontal convection that has developed across the
    Piedmont of Virginia and North Carolina has been producing
    rainfall rates to 3 inches per hour over the areas they have been
    forming. The storms that have formed over the mountain communities
    of NC have a history of causing street flooding in poor drainage
    areas. PWATs are up around 2 inches in the area, indicating an air
    mass with plentiful moisture. The atmosphere is uncapped, with
    CAPE values up to 2,000 J/kg in place. Given the local
    sensitivities to flash flooding, these parameters, while far from off-the-charts, have been enough to produce flooding producing
    rainfall. With little in the path of these storms that would
    suggest meaningful weakening of the storms as they progress
    eastward into the Piedmont, expect continued widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding with isolated significant flash
    flooding possible.

    CAMs guidance has been very poor with the convective evolution so
    far. Much of the guidance, if there is convection at all, shows it
    as a line that quickly crosses the area with only isolated
    convection out ahead of the main line. However, the evolution of
    the convection so far has been much more widespread, indicating
    much better ability for the storms to develop and produce heavy
    rainfall. Thus, much of the guidance has been discounted, in favor
    of a continuity approach into the evening suggesting continued
    convective development out ahead of the line. The front has been a
    clear demarcation of the ending of any significant rainfall, and
    expect that to continue to be the case as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8QSW1h9iRPq0miPDRxyBtE8j0SEOdatBSHrt2C4_BsQ1pD_hUPjEEKRsqnIC-_FEpSqr= aBTxuYYQdlOXVxXR04blug8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38997922 38457851 37517858 36487883 35447970=20
    34848093 34998251 35738239 36878155 38198078=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 21:13:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052113

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0567
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    512 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Mississippi & Alabama & Eastern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 052111Z - 060200Z

    SUMMARY...Storms that have developed ahead of a cold front are
    nearly stationary, and have been producing rain rates over 3
    inches per hour. Flash flooding possible.

    DISCUSSION...Several areas of storms that have developed this
    afternoon across the central Gulf Coast have been merging into
    larger complexes. These storms have a history of producing
    rainfall rates over 3 inches per hour, due to abundant atmospheric
    moisture with PWATs over 2.5 inches from SPC mesoanalysis. SBCAPE
    values are peaking near 5,000 J/kg over coastal Mississippi. These
    very favorable atmospheric conditions suggest continued
    maintenance of the ongoing convection. Since this main complex of
    storms is well out ahead of a southward moving cold front
    approaching the LA/AR border, they will have plenty of time to
    remain in place and potentially cause flash flooding over the
    impacted areas. FFGs in this area are very high, generally at or
    above 3 inches per hour and 4 inches per 3-hours. Thus, only the
    strongest and most stationary storms will be strong enough to
    produce flash flooding. However, given the aforementioned near
    record atmospheric moisture in place for these storms to feed
    on...these rates of rainfall are possible. Thus, flash flooding is

    CAMs guidance has been handling the convective evolution in this
    area fairly well, and suggests that the storms generally along the
    line that follows the east-west-oriented LA/MS border will
    gradually creep southward, and may impact Mobile and New Orleans
    over the coming hours. Significant flash flooding would be
    possible should 3 inch per hour rates occur over those respective
    metros. Additional storms associated with the cold front may form
    in areas hit with the current convection north of the primary line
    over south-central MS and northern LA, which may also result in an
    isolated flash flooding threat. With loss of daytime heating this
    evening, the convective coverage and intensity should wane,
    resulting in a lessening threat for flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5N2bJ8_eWvK3u_SoEGVC59uAcv-BB-Ae0E71s1ClOPXTSmi1Xg6xnuBR7XJUUVTlQdSS= 3W2NJkcEjCt1rPKxfcewx0w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32379243 32179014 32188880 31978810 31868751=20
    31398731 30618759 30438854 29859005 29979140=20
    30369272 31449277=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 21:57:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052157

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0568
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    556 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Western WV

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 052156Z - 060056Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding likely as storms that have a history of
    producing 3 inch/hour rainfall rates move over a portion of
    western West Virginia with FFGs as low as 1.5 in/hour.

    DISCUSSION...A small but very potent slow moving line of storms
    has developed along the Ohio River between Ohio and West Virginia
    ahead of an upper level shortwave, evident on water vapor imagery.
    The storms have been growing upscale but will be moving into an
    area hit by some storms as recently as yesterday. PWATs ahead of
    the storms are as high as 2 inches with SBCAPE as high as 2,500
    J/kg. Thus, all of the ingredients are in place for the storms to
    remain strong as they track northeast up the Ohio River.

    While CAMs seem to have the storms resolved in the right place,
    they are not doing well with the storm motion...as recent radar
    imagery shows they're generally moving northeast along the Ohio
    River, rather than east into West Virginia as most of the CAMs
    guidance shows. Expect they will maintain themselves for the next
    few hours as all the ingredients necessary for the storms'
    maintenance remain in place along their track. Later this evening,
    loss of daytime heating should result in the storms' weakening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8ehYyHTWCd2h603J-7IFWd_18sI7r9d4MzoeMYBJSPFk_oBzDwFvCBSMBWdfrpW5d70D= o36cNYK2Asrd1yUAdM5hyrU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39918083 39538063 39108099 38498164 38538236=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 22:01:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052201

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0568...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    601 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Corrected for Headline- Areas Affected

    Areas affected...Western West Virginia & Southeast Ohio

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 052159Z - 060100Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding likely as storms that have a history of
    producing 3 inch/hour rainfall rates move over a portion of
    western West Virginia with FFGs as low as 1.5 in/hour.

    DISCUSSION...A small but very potent slow moving line of storms
    has developed along the Ohio River between Ohio and West Virginia
    ahead of an upper level shortwave, evident on water vapor imagery.
    The storms have been growing upscale but will be moving into an
    area hit by some storms as recently as yesterday. PWATs ahead of
    the storms are as high as 2 inches with SBCAPE as high as 2,500
    J/kg. Thus, all of the ingredients are in place for the storms to
    remain strong as they track northeast up the Ohio River.

    While CAMs seem to have the storms resolved in the right place,
    they are not doing well with the storm motion...as recent radar
    imagery shows they're generally moving northeast along the Ohio
    River, rather than east into West Virginia as most of the CAMs
    guidance shows. Expect they will maintain themselves for the next
    few hours as all the ingredients necessary for the storms'
    maintenance remain in place along their track. Later this evening,
    loss of daytime heating should result in the storms' weakening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9PS_Zyq6BD8wSirlsZWOEDQKnrzFdy-ok8TAdt7STElI_mBlzpH6bM7LDrA_3qUpu5RQ= KdmFjV4zex7YKJU7_WEJ8jo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39918083 39538063 39108099 38498164 38538236=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 5 23:51:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052351

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0569
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    750 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Southern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 052350Z - 060300Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving storms that have developed over portions of
    southern New England are producing rainfall rates approaching 3
    inches per hour. Flash flooding possible.

    DISCUSSION...Slow-moving storms have developed along a
    trough/dying front located over central Massachusetts this
    evening. With south to southwesterly flow advecting plentiful
    atmospheric moisture into southern New England, the storms are
    expected to maintain their intensity over the next few hours.
    PWATs over 2 inches and SBCAPE values around 2,000 J/kg over
    Massachusetts are over 2.5 sigma above normal for this time of
    year for PWATs and over the 90th percentile in the climatology.
    The storms further south into western Connecticut have also been
    slow moving and could pose a flash flooding threat with rates over
    2 inches per hour noted by both the Boston and Upton radars. This
    is nearing the hourly FFG of 2-2.5 inches across Litchfield

    CAMs guidance suggests the storms currently moving over the New
    York City metro will overtake the storms in western Connecticut as
    they move towards the northeast along the trough. This should
    allow overall movement of the heaviest rainfall rates to begin
    over the next hour or 2. However, the boundary the storms across
    Massachusetts have formed along is very slow-moving and is not
    expected to move much over the next few hours. This could allow
    training convection to develop as noted in the 22Z HRRR.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9w54OUhYdGrsM2vr2VhS19cwns94jb3bVDrZp1EiLu23R-qyTJZa0P_Ha2o55vpZEbHS= z4vEjfMBguWtA9NXDCZ6gYA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43267075 42747087 42167138 41637202 41287316=20
    41407407 41887356 42227284 42627227 42877182=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 00:37:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060037

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0570
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    836 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern New Mexico and Far West Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 060036Z - 060500Z

    SUMMARY...Isolated flash flooding threat continues across eastern
    New Mexico and far west Texas as storms redevelop along the dry

    DISCUSSION...Widely scattered thunderstorms causing rainfall rates
    as high as 2 inches per hour continue to redevelop across eastern
    New Mexico and far west Texas this evening. The storms have
    largely produced flash flooding through the afternoon where they
    happened to form or move over preexisting burn scars. With
    instability across New Mexico exceeding 2,000 J/kg in some places
    with PWATs around 1 inch, the storms have proven capable of those
    very high rainfall rates considering the desert environment of
    eastern New Mexico.

    CAMs guidance that depicts some of the convection (though none
    show the much more scattered nature of the storms as much as are
    ongoing at the present time) suggest the storms will begin to
    merge with each other, particularly the cluster over east central
    NM over the next few hours. Cell mergers could very well prolong
    the heavy rainfall rates over the area where the storms merge,
    resulting in a localized flash flooding threat, which may be
    significant depending on the land characteristics under the
    storms. Elsewhere, the storms continue to threaten recent burn
    scars which alone greatly increase the potential for flash
    flooding locally. The guidance has a poor handling on the storms
    in far west Texas just east of El Paso, but with rates in the
    stronger cells approaching 1.5 inches per hour, and FFGs in
    southern Hudspeth County around that level, continued southward
    movement of the stronger storms could pose a flash flooding threat
    near the Rio Grande and I-10 in that area as well over the next
    few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4aGekqsaoUNKC-Ll78avVyiRx2GVckvpMgO7CRa5Z0NUhNSk-PI075sVID6UVoc-Q5pJ= kh6-R6XipFMM4tc-lWMjShE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37250438 37170358 36270334 35050340 33160398=20
    32070452 31290520 31020557 31690640 32080629=20
    32230619 32400592 33470558 34880543 36220501=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 01:43:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060143

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0571
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    942 PM EDT Fri Jul 05 2024

    Areas affected...Much of Louisiana and Southwest Mississippi

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 060141Z - 060600Z

    SUMMARY...Local rainfall rates to 3 inches per hour continue
    across much of Louisiana into this evening. Flash flooding is
    possible, particularly in urban areas.

    DISCUSSION...Numerous cells of convection are ongoing across much
    of Louisiana and southwest Mississippi this evening. PWATs remain
    incredibly high...with SPC Mesoanalysis showing PWATs of 2.6
    inches over Alexandria and 2.5 inches across much of the rest of
    central Louisiana. Instability thus also remains high with SBCAPE
    values in the pre-convective environment in southwest Louisiana
    above 3,000 J/kg. Thus, with plenty of moisture and instability
    available as well as an approaching cold front moving across
    northern Louisiana...all the primary ingredients for continued
    storm maintenance, despite the rapid loss of diurnal heating,
    remain present. 850 mb flow is meager, less than 10 kt, as is the
    surface southerly flow of moisture off the Gulf. Thus, there's
    nothing either adding or removing moisture from the thunderstorms. Regardless...given the near record amounts of atmospheric moisture
    present for the storms to work with...most of the strongest ones
    don't need an additional supply.

    The storms have been moving generally southward...if
    chaotically...over the past few hours. This is likely in response
    to them "following the instability". However, the storms to the
    north which would otherwise be cut off from the best instability
    are maintaining themselves, especially during cell mergers...with
    local rates across northern Louisiana still reaching up to 3
    inches per hour. Thus, expect continued slow motion of the
    heaviest convection to the south towards the Gulf, which is well
    depicted in much of the CAMs guidance. FFGs are very high,
    generally above 3 inches per hour, so flash flooding remains
    possible as despite the locally high rainfall rates, their
    occurrences have been very widely scattered.

    Convection should begin dissipating from north to south as the
    storms both exhaust the available atmospheric moisture and the
    cold front dries everything out. All but widely scattered
    convection should remain by around 06Z/1am CDT based on the latest
    CAMs guidance.

    The greatest threat for flash flooding continues to be where local
    FFGs are lowered...i.e. urban areas. Thus, areas such as New
    Orleans, Baton Rouge, Alexandria, and eventually Lake Charles may
    have a locally increased flash flooding threat.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!58-logYKDLr7cVXc_Npq-_jbAT16C13RyhorxNcFg263dEw0GJoiNvhbS4NMy47r1GMD= n2xJ-7vtg2UcWN0IyMsuvTY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32089336 32079210 31959160 31609056 30519030=20
    30348980 30028957 29379029 29819388 30899418=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 06:21:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060621

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0572
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    220 AM EDT Sat Jul 06 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 060620Z - 061030Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered showers and thunderstorms redeveloping over
    portions of northeast NM may pose a localized threat for some
    additional flash flooding concerns overnight.

    DISCUSSION...Locally slow-moving showers and thunderstorms have
    been tending to redevelop and expand in coverage parts of
    northeast NM over the last hour, and some additional increase in
    the coverage of convection is expected over the next few hours.

    Moist and convergent low-level southeast flow into northeast NM
    and including the favored upslope areas of the Sangre De Cristo
    mountains will combine with as much as 500 to 1000 J/kg of MLCAPE
    to foster this threat. Additionally, there is some subtle evidence
    of weak vort energy aloft in the mid to upper-level northwest flow
    over the region which may also provide some modest deeper layer

    Expect rainfall rates to locally reach 1 to 2 inches/hour with the
    stronger storms, and with slow cell-motions and some of the
    convection tending to be anchored close to the higher terrain,
    there may be a couple of spotty 2 to 4 inch rainfall totals over
    the next few hours. Overall the convection is expected to
    gradually expand a bit more in coverage off to the south and east
    based on the 00Z HREF guidance.

    Given the higher rainfall rates and potential for heavier totals,
    there may be a localized threat for flash flooding, and this may
    include some of the burn scar locations in the Sangre De Cristo


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6Iw84aVkZpelb_aKYfI2UC23fkEfYGF1IsuyDmdRDdJBh7WdTAFIHlIKykhFHmVDv4-e= 8zWusl9CjhskA3CsOdxNP_4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37150388 36610299 35490315 34920380 34900476=20
    35210525 35720533 36370507 36920463=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 08:08:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060808

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0573
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    406 AM EDT Sat Jul 06 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast PA...Northern NJ...Southeast
    NY...Southern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 060805Z - 061300Z

    SUMMARY...A cluster of heavy showers and thunderstorms expanding
    in coverage over northeast PA may pose some localized flash
    flooding concerns early this morning as this activity advances off
    to the northeast across southeast NY, northern NJ and eventually
    areas of southern New England.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    cluster of cooling convective tops associated with expanding areas
    of showers and thunderstorms across northeast PA. This is being
    facilitated by the arrival of a weak MCV crossing the northern
    Mid-Atlantic region and interaction with a very moist and
    moderately unstable airmass.

    Generally the greatest instability is situated over southeast PA,
    but there is a nose of MUCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg nosed up
    across northeast PA and into southeast NY and adjacent areas of
    southern New England. Meanwhile, PWs are on the order of 1.8 to
    2.2 inches based on some of the recent GPS-derived PW data and the
    NESDIS Blended TPW product.

    A combination of subtle vort energy/forcing with the MCV along
    with some modest orographic ascent/upslope flow in vicinity of the
    Poconos and the corridor of moderately strong thermodynamics will
    likely favor the current cluster of convection maintaining itself
    as it advances off to the northeast over the next few hours.
    Gradually some of this convection will cross through areas of
    southeast NY and some portions of southern New England going
    through the early morning hours.

    Rainfall rates may reach upwards of 1.5"/hour and there may be
    some localized storm totals of 2 to 3 inches where any of the
    cells repeat over the same area. A localized concern for some
    flash flooding will exist as these storms cross the region early
    this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5QZPeMz9nsj2otI6WOgJW7rShnuRCSGM6UlqRuL9J3MxdIZ3lP2Bz48bMHkATsz65v0E= jVfmFGnMMUMMf-tnxw5M0zI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42687359 42557279 42047254 41297346 40857464=20
    40987545 41457565 42127490=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 17:12:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061711

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0574
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    111 PM EDT Sat Jul 06 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Interior Northeast...New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061710Z - 062259Z

    Summary...Recent satellite imagery depicts scattered linear
    thunderstorm segments redeveloping ahead of a diffuse cold front
    and lee-trough in New England. Repeating and localized training of
    this activity may support isolated flash flooding through the next
    several hours.

    Discussion...17Z surface analysis shows a diffuse cold front and
    lee-side trough advancing into New England on the leading edge of
    a mid-level vorticity max over Southern Ontario. Ahead of these
    features, signs of new cellular development are underway per
    recent regional radar and visible satellite trends. The
    environment across the region remains extremely moist (1.6-1.9"
    PWATS), with modest instability (approaching 1000-2000 J/kg) noted
    amid low-level southerly flow and scattered insolation. This round
    of cells have been slow to develop, likely due to poor lapse-rates
    and weak convergence along the surface boundaries.

    However, with time an anticyclonically curved jet-streak is
    forecast to strengthen over Quebec which will encourage more
    development along the slow moving front and lee-trough with
    additional heating. Given unidirectional effective shear profiles
    oriented parallel to a portion of the front, storms will exhibit
    periods of training and repeating with 1-1.75"/hr rainfall rates
    possible. This supports a risk of isolated flash flooding as 1-3
    hr FFGs are quite low in the region, in the 1-1.5" range. Portions
    of northern Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine will be more
    susceptible to additional isolated impacts this afternoon in light
    of the moderate to heavy rainfall earlier this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6Fw-Q4PRQpBqkH6wxiSXF7xfM3T40Da2uf4dGG-qgAjPMHdTT25ibwedDOMAKFAgRPY1= _cMNJwkJVVBZxjbT_7BluNs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 47496923 47116799 45546823 44067070 42107253=20
    42527407 44217358 44977271 45707075=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 18:41:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061840

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0576
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    240 PM EDT Sat Jul 06 2024

    Areas affected...Central AL...Central GA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061839Z - 070039Z

    Summary...Thunderstorm coverage is rapidly expanding along and
    behind a weak cold front across the Southeast. Very slow storm
    motions (5-10 kts) combined with 2-3"/hr rainfall rates in the
    most intense cells along the front will support some flash
    flooding this afternoon.

    Discussion...Radar and IR imagery depict a focused corridor of
    rapid thunderstorm development along a weak cold front which has
    stalled across the Southeast. The most intense of these cells were
    nearly stationary halfway between a KBMX to KFFC line, with
    dual-pol and MRMS hourly rainfall estimates highlighting 2-2.5"/hr
    rainfall rates with this activity.

    The mesoscale environment in the vicinity of the front remains
    very conducive for heavy rainfall, with 2.2-2.4" PWATs, 3000-4000
    J/kg MUCAPE, and 5-10 kts of southwesterly 850-300 mb mean flow
    noted per recent GPS and mesoanalysis trends. With the front
    forecast to remain stalled and steering flow parallel to the
    boundary, these slow moving and training cells will continue
    through the afternoon. The 12z HREF maintains high (50-60%)
    probabilities of rainfall exceeding 3 inches along the front
    through 0Z tonight, with individual members showing 5-6". Although
    soil saturation percentiles are near normal and FFGs are high
    across the region, a few instances of flash flooding appear
    possible given the overall efficiency and prolonged residence
    times of these cells.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7zzGbcTjjwxLJBu_b071zRdWk7AOuAVl2iVNmYPz5plLsq3HDCs-BAodAfgGqQCEsC1I= Fdnuin9QOJKe0t736I_vWMQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34768295 34168252 32808342 32138532 31808737=20
    32118849 33078741 33738590 34088410=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 19:48:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061947

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0577
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    347 PM EDT Sat Jul 06 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Georgia, South Carolina, and South
    Central North Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061947Z - 070130Z

    SUMMARY...Convection developing across the Carolinas and Georgia
    may cause flash flooding as rainfall rates approach 3 inches per

    DISCUSSION...An approaching slow-moving cold front with some
    meager right entrance region support from a jet streak over the
    Ohio Valley is providing the forcing for widespread convective
    initiation across the Southeast this afternoon. The strongest
    storms just south and southeast of Columbia, SC have produced
    rainfall rates to 2.5 inches per hour. SPC mesoanalysis shows
    PWATs as high as 2.4 inches across east central Georgia, with
    SBCAPE values over 4,000 J/kg across coastal Georgia and far
    southern South Carolina. Southwesterly flow ahead of the cold
    front is drawing that abundant moisture and instability northeast
    into the front...albeit slowly. The result has been storms all
    across the Southeast that have been easily able to exceed 2 inches
    per hour rates, while also moving, merging, and organizing very slowly...lengthening the amount of time any one area is subject to
    heavy rainfall.

    Soil moisture conditions have been very dry across this area in
    recent weeks, with very low river levels. While this is certainly
    better than the alternative...areas where there are more clay
    soils become more hydrophobic when they're very dry, which
    initially supports increased runoff from the heavier rains.
    Thus...urban and small stream flooding are the primary threats
    today across this area...whereas those communities that see
    lighter rainfall will be largely very beneficial. Thus...flash
    flooding appears only possible in the areas that see extended
    heavy rainfall.

    CAMs guidance has certainly been slow with developing the
    convection, with none of them having a good handle on what has
    developed so far. With the continued advance of the cold front
    towards the southeast...the front will become increasingly
    important for helping the storms organize into a line where
    training and backbuilding become increasingly common. While this
    is more likely in northern and western portions of the highlighted
    area (NC/SC)...storms capable of heavy rainfall are expected to
    continue area-wide through the afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6SqrWHeM1afdgyW4tQ7atJ2yFbXhC8IogPpleuuGmfymEaSoO4Eq0JEgj-ewiVxQtrB7= -RXW_Siq3CkyuyUS6wLy9ps$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35718002 35657942 35227866 33837970 32878058=20
    31638144 30988248 31408297 31748294 31948324=20
    32008345 32338347 33158291 34338230 35398082=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 6 23:05:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 062305

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0578
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    704 PM EDT Sat Jul 06 2024

    Areas affected...Central Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 062304Z - 070300Z

    SUMMARY...Clashing gust fronts associated with 2 separate areas of
    convection may cause flash flooding as rates approach 3 inches per
    hour at times.

    DISCUSSION...Gust fronts associated with 2 separate areas of
    convection...one in central Texas, and the other moving WSW
    parallel to the coast are likely to clash over the next hour or 2.
    With PWATs in the area still above 2 inches and SBCAPE values
    between 2,000 and 3,000 J/kg, expect additional convection to
    interact around and east of San Antonio into the evening hours.
    The convection with both areas of storms have had peak rainfall
    rates exceed 3 inches per hour...though most of the convection has
    supported radar estimated rates between 1 and 2 inches per hour.
    The clashing gust fronts may make for an area of slow-moving or
    stationary convection...which may gradually drift west with time
    as T.S. Beryl's increasing influence supports the storms moving
    west down I-10 towards San Antonio.

    While soil moisture analyses from NASA Sport indicated soils
    around Austin and San Antonio and points east have been dry
    lately, with about average soil moisture levels for this time of
    year...the prevalence of highly efficient warm rain processes
    within the ongoing convection may exceed local FFGs, resulting in
    isolated to widely scattered flash flooding. Any convection that
    impacts San Antonio proper may cause urban flash flooding, while
    outside of the cities, small stream and minor flash flooding is
    possible into the evening hours.

    CAMs guidance suggest the storms will maintain themselves as they
    collide through about 03Z/10pm CDT, with the most likely area of
    flash flooding expected between the 2 areas of storms generally
    between I-10 and I-35 south and east of Austin and San Antonio.
    Ongoing individual cell interactions within the broader areas of
    storms will continue to cause localized flash flooding north and
    west of San Antonio towards San Angelo.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8mkVg11yq00QuHg4jEEIM6PHPDtxrQWK4QC2Gr1XVw1s5L6bw9JoeVu3kvkF44kVnP0D= 2QOyAjDsnTUwewxHCwf7ePQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31199834 30989731 30339667 28829675 28959855=20
    29669992 30840001=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 7 04:04:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 070404

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0580
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1203 AM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest KS...Far Northwest OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 070403Z - 071003Z

    SUMMARY...Localized training and backbuilding of heavy showers and thunderstorms will continue overnight across portions of southwest
    KS which could eventually edge into far northwest OK toward dawn.
    Some additional areas of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The late-evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery along
    with dual-pol radar shows areas of locally training and
    backbuilding showers and thunderstorms across portions of
    southwest KS. Occasional overshooting top activity and cloud top
    temperatures to about -65C have been witnessed over the last
    couple of hours as the overall convective mass tends to lose some
    additional latitude with an outflow boundary settling farther
    south ahead of the convection.

    There is a rather strong southerly low-level jet of 40+ kts
    overrunning the outflow boundary, and the transport of relatively
    moist and unstable air up over top of the cold pool is favoring
    the persistence of the broken northwest to southeast oriented
    bands of convection. MUCAPE values are on the order of about 500
    to 1000 J/kg, but there is rather strong level of kinematic energy
    aloft with enhanced shear helping to favor stronger and persistent
    updrafts despite the relatively modest instability parameters.

    GOES-E IR/WV imagery shows a shortwave trough dropping southeast
    toward the central Rockies and High Plains which should favor the
    arrival of some stronger upper-level jet dynamics overnight, and
    this coupled with proximity of a wave of low pressure and a
    frontal zone also should favor areas of convection that will tend
    to redevelop and continue to locally backbuild and train over the
    same area. The low-level jet also will likely tend to increase a
    bit more over top of the existing cold pool and may reach as high
    as 50 kts by 06Z. All of this will favor convection that should
    remain fairly well organized and capable of producing heavy
    rainfall rates.

    The PWs are locally near 1.25 inches, and the rainfall rates
    should continue to reach 1 to 2 inches/hour with the stronger
    storms. This is supported by the 00Z HREF guidance, and some
    additional storm totals by later tonight may reach 3 to 4 inches.

    Generally the heaviest rains should focus over southwest KS, but
    it is possible that the cold pool may tend to focus far enough
    south to bring convection into far northwest OK toward dawn. Some
    additional areas of flash flooding will be possible where these
    heavier rains focus.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_Pd4C1Mlfn5T9X47ocp7UXlTavne4d1hdFyXjwF_83Wc7VaaUoKK5iLDhykjQAMzwgi4= 043hjr-FmIkPIbCcSWL-hFY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38670083 38439996 37759865 37139843 36829886=20
    36789967 37050088 37600161 38190172 38570149=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 7 08:49:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 070849

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0581
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    448 AM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest KS...Northwest to Central OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 070845Z - 071400Z

    SUMMARY...Ongoing areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms will
    continue to locally backbuild and train over the same area going
    into the early morning hours. Some additional expansion and
    increase in the threat of flash flooding is expected over the next
    few hours, with the greatest concerns continuing over southwest
    KS, but with the threat increasing over northwest OK.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery continues to show multiple bands of
    locally backbuilding and training showers and thunderstorms, with
    the activity impacting southwest KS down through northwest OK. The
    leading edge of the convection has been tending to bow off to the
    southeast in a more progressive nature and is beginning to edge
    into central OK. However, with exception of this leading
    convective bow situated in between KEND and KJWG, much of the
    trailing convection is elevated and has been concentrated in a northwest/southeast fashion over top of a well-defined cold pool
    with a strong low-level jet interacting with it.

    This southerly low-level jet is locally on the order of 40 to 50
    kts and is favoring enhanced isentropic ascent along with rather
    strong moisture transport. MUCAPE values remain relatively modest
    with values of 500 to 1000+ J/kg in vicinity of the cold pool, but
    there continues to be the arrival of shortwave energy from the
    central Rockies which is yielding deeper layer ascent/forcing to
    help compensate for the lack of stronger thermodynamics.

    Additional backbuilding and training of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms can be expected going into the early morning hours,
    and rainfall rates with the stronger storms will continue to be on
    the order of 1 to 2 inches/hour. Some additional storm totals
    going through the early morning will be 2 to 4 inches with
    isolated heavier amounts.

    This will be on top of some areas that have already seen locally a
    few inches of rain and corresponding flash flooding overnight.
    Therefore, areas of flash flooding will be likely going through
    the early morning hours, and especially over southwest KS.
    However, the threat may expand and increase over areas of
    northwest OK as cell-training concerns eventually shift from
    southwest KS into northwest OK over the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7WtsQWirFrio45gL99IST4oH0Cf093DFaH6p8r5Uuiv6hzYSzSVyGPqg_2W68lPkIk9B= zFcn3Kz0HuoIL46-yU4ngA8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38370107 38300032 38059980 37419895 36969809=20
    36589740 36109704 35509745 35549868 36140005=20
    36470065 36790118 37250177 37850188=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 7 14:20:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 071420

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0582
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1020 AM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Central OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 071419Z - 071749Z

    Summary...Training portion of an MCS continues over Central OK
    this morning. The flash flood threat will continue with periods of
    cell training containing rates upwards of 2-2.5"/hr.

    Discussion...Radar across Central OK depicts a training band of
    thunderstorms south and east of the OKC Metro containing dual-pol
    estimated rainfall rates upwards of 2-2.3"/hr. This activity
    remains forced by a weakening--but still sufficient 15-25 kt
    southerly low-level jet ascending a well defined cold pool on the
    southern fringe of the MCS, alongside a shortwave over
    West-Central OK. The 12z sounding out of OUN highlights plenty of
    instability and moisture available to support efficient
    convection, including 2000 J/kg MUCAPE, 1.83" PWATS, and highly
    saturated profiles through ~600 mb. Ahead of the training
    convection, recent mesoanalysis also shows slow Corfidi vectors
    (10-15 kts) within a region of diffluent thickness, which suggests
    lengthened residence times of these cells. Thus, this training
    activity is expected to continue in the short term before the
    shortwave passage and weakening LLJ diminish the activity and
    allow for more forward propagation.

    CAM guidance continues to initialize the ongoing activity poorly,
    generally being too slow, displaced to the northeast, and
    underdone with coverage. However, given the overall efficiency and
    periods of training, additional rainfall amounts of 2-3" appear
    reasonable through 17z across Central OK. This will continue to
    support a threat of scattered flash flooding through at least the
    next 3-4 hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7gYGau_xIw4VxBp3VBmB2XVTVL4WfmZJmbf3M_4NkBigVeu3raD79AN9dgtQM69oGv-q= dx-31MZYw5MYnbRHmK5AEtI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36589718 36439639 35699610 34839678 34759761=20
    35039807 35529817 36159788=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 7 18:32:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 071832

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0583
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    232 PM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Mid-Atlantic...Southeast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 071831Z - 080031Z

    Summary...Slow moving thunderstorms are expanding in coverage and
    intensity across portions of the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast ahead
    of a weak cold front. Slow storm motions and 2-3"/hr rainfall
    could lead to a few instances of flash flooding, particularly with
    any localized training/repeating.

    Discussion...Surface analysis highlights a weak wavy cold front,
    and lee troughing across portions of the Mid-Atlantic and
    Southeast. Along and ahead of the front, recent IR and radar
    imagery depict expanding coverage and intensity of slow moving
    thunderstorms with 5-10 kt storm motions estimated from RAX VWP.
    Locally, a storm west of Raleigh with rapidly cooling cloud tops
    briefly maintained 3"/hr rainfall rates per RAX earlier, leading
    to elevated CREST Streamflows of 200-300 cfs/smi before weakening.

    Unsurprisingly, the warm sector ahead of the front remains
    supportive for periods of very heavy rainfall, as mesoanalysis
    estimates show upwards of 3000 J/kg MUCAPE and 2.1-2.4" PWATS
    entrenched across the region. Through the afternoon, weak
    low-level convergence along the front will continue to drive slow
    moving pulse thunderstorms with periods of 2-3"/hour rainfall
    rates at times. Although the weak forcing and shear profiles will
    ensure the heavy rainfall footprint is spotty in nature, the 12Z
    HREF neighborhood probabilities show a high (45-60%) chance of 10
    year ARI exceedences by 0Z tonight across the region, with some
    signal (15-20%) of 100 year ARI exceedences noted. This suggests
    locally very heavy rainfall (4-5") of rainfall is possible where
    cells can locally train and repeat along the synoptic front,
    future outflows, and the sea-breeze closer the coast. This could
    lead to a few instances of flash flooding, with 1-3 HR FFGs of
    2-4" noted across the region. Urban zones, and locations in
    complex terrain along the Appalachians have a locally greater
    chance of isolated flash flooding issues this afternoon.=20


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    LAT...LON 36948153 36668046 36437882 36517755 36657631=20
    36007581 35117681 34848013 33908249 33918384=20
    34228465 35158440 35828368 36358264=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 7 21:18:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 072118

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0584
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    518 PM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Southwestern Oklahoma

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 072117Z - 080100Z

    SUMMARY...Training storms along I-40 in west central Oklahoma are
    producing local rates approaching 3 inches per hour. Flash
    flooding is likely.

    DISCUSSION...Training storms have developed along a stationary
    boundary across west central Oklahoma this afternoon. Drier air
    moving southward north of the front is colliding with much more
    moist and unstable air streaming northward out of Texas. The
    result is a stationary boundary where the 2 air masses are
    clashing...resulting in training thunderstorms roughly right along
    I-40 west of Oklahoma City.

    While the storms are drifting eastward with time, CAMs guidance
    despite poorly handling the ongoing convection suggest that the
    storms will gradually shift southward with time, which is why
    portions of southwest Oklahoma are included in the threat area.
    Certainly short-term the threat is along I-40 from Elk City to
    Oklahoma City, but expect the typical way storms evolve in this
    environment is to "follow the instability, so they should
    gradually begin to drift south with time. Further, the drier air
    to the north should also begin to shift the frontal boundary south.

    Urban and small stream flash flooding is the primary threat with
    these storms, with the urban threat increasing should stronger
    storms make their way into the Oklahoma City metro.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5smoaKGMIOljWnD8tztRBYizAc1LvHutXY17E8LhlJfCEkJzjHYVGOxQkevhrqBHieId= HZEQd6FEliyKSV3Ru7XSjLE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35719726 35629696 35339685 34729692 34409801=20
    34499938 34989979 35669957 35699809=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 00:43:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080043

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0586
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    842 PM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Midde to Upper Texas Coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 080041Z - 080630Z

    SUMMARY...Significant flash flooding likely as the northern
    eyewall bands of T.S. Beryl begin to move ashore. Expect
    consistent 2 to 4 inch per hour rainfall rates to begin shortly
    along the coast, gradually spreading inland.

    DISCUSSION...Tropical Storm Beryl is approaching the Middle to
    Upper Texas Coast this evening. The intensifying cyclone has been
    organizing its rainbands around the developing eye over the past
    few hours as it contends with dry air entrainment. The remnant dry
    air adds a bit of uncertainty as to rainfall amounts across this
    area through the first half of the overnight, as the latest 4pm
    CDT NHC forecast discussion suggests rapid intensification is
    still possible prior to landfall. Rapid intensification would
    entail intensifying rainbands associated with Beryl, and
    increasing rainfall rates.

    Prior to now, any rainfall associated with Beryl's outer rain
    bands have been heavy at times, but the bands have subsequently
    fallen apart as they move onshore and were fast enough moving over
    an area with relatively dry soils that flash flooding has not been
    a major concern. Going forward however, steady and increasingly
    heavy rainfall is expected along the coast as the center of Beryl
    approaches. Thus, the flash flooding threat will rapidly increase
    with each successive hour of heavy rainfall.

    A portion of the area around and south of Houston was hit with
    heavy rainfall yesterday, resulting in a subsequent lowering of
    FFGs...with hourly FFGs between 2 and 2.5 inches where normally
    they're between 3 and 3.5 inches. This lowering will make flash
    flooding occur more quickly once the rainfall becomes steady.

    With both heavy rainfall and hurricane force winds likely along
    and near the coast, flash flooding impacts will also quickly
    increase with time both due to prior rainfall and debris clogging
    local storm drains. Locally significant flash flooding is likely
    and catastrophic flash flooding is possible through the evening
    along the coast. For the Houston metro, expect increasingly
    frequent heavy rainfall with some chance of the heavy rain
    becoming steady by the end of the period, though the worst
    conditions in Houston are likely to hold off until after the valid
    time of this MPD.

    An updated MPD will be issued by 0630Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7w2BRdpKNrFnnTuP7a5Chm4B29tBgfJsm492iYl03kfXnH8cbNDSyWmeV0kPX50ySCml= PpnMqvPSgj4yYFDn0Bif0QI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30019619 29939518 29679479 29499459 29379466=20
    28799546 28209661 27789707 28679731 29549697=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 7 23:51:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 072351

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0585
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    751 PM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Western South Carolina and Eastern Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 072350Z - 080530Z

    SUMMARY...Storms colliding in an atmosphere with abundant moisture
    and instability are likely to cause flash flooding, especially in
    areas hard hit by storms yesterday. Locally significant flash
    flooding possible.

    DISCUSSION...Flash flooding is likely this evening across South
    Carolina and Georgia as 2 areas of storms...one moving north over
    south Georgia, and the other moving southeast over northwest South
    Carolina collide somewhere near the I-20 corridor. This area was
    hard hit with storms just yesterday, so many areas, especially in
    and around Augusta have yet to recover from the heavy rainfall
    last evening. Thus...FFGs are lower in these hard-hit areas.
    Further, the storms are in an environment highly favorable for
    efficient warm-rain processes. PWATs are between 2.3 and 2.5
    inches based on SPC Mesoanalysis, and CAPE values are between
    2,000 and 3,000 J/kg. These variables will help support the storms
    producing heavy rainfall. Rates with the storms over northwestern
    South Carolina have locally approached 3 inches per hour.

    The collision of the 2 areas of storms and their respective
    outflow boundaries will further enhance the lift by increasing the
    forcing in this area. Given inflow of additional moisture from the
    Atlantic, this will not only support long-lived heavy rain
    producing storms, but also further enhance the rates the strongest
    storms may achieve. Thus, rates to 4 inches per hour are possible
    with the strongest storms this evening. 18Z HREF neighborhood
    probability guidance shows a corridor of 70-80% chance of
    exceeding 3 inches of rain in 6 hours along the I-20 corridor from
    Augusta through Columbia, a 50-60% chance of exceeding 10-year
    ARIs in 6 hours, and a 50-60% chance of exceeding 3-hour FFGs
    between 00Z and 03Z.

    CAMs guidance over the next few hours shows the storms moving SE
    largely overtaking the ones moving N as they follow the
    instability southeastward towards the coast...but with some
    potential slowing of their forward speed as the outflow boundaries
    between the 2 sets of storms collide.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7iqS6mI24AV-otDkUFG2GyVy2q3Jp5RHC8r-V4BNpxoE3hCUbFWFE4omJZnFNOnoWAND= g4vTmJjB_0r2sa1gEXRSTA0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34908095 34627981 33578014 32618104 32398211=20
    32748348 34088339 34168247 34888144=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 01:35:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080135

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0587
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    935 PM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Central Iowa

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 080134Z - 080600Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding possible as storms move across portions
    of Iowa with saturated soils. Rates to 2.5 inches per hour

    DISCUSSION...A potent positively tilted shortwave in the
    subtropical jet has provided the forcing for scattered showers and thunderstorms to develop over portions of western Iowa this
    evening. While decently fast-moving, the storms are moving over
    much of Iowa that has been hard-hit with heavy rainfall over the
    past couple weeks. Thus, FFGs across the central part of the state
    are low enough that while conditions for heavy rainfall are
    somewhat less than ideal, cell mergers and outflow boundary
    collisions are locally slowing the motion of the storms as they
    follow the enhanced forcings. Thus, expect with continued
    development of the storms east across Iowa, additional instances
    of flash flooding are possible.

    PWATs across Iowa are around 1.3 to 1.4 inches with MUCAPE values
    around 2,000 J/kg. These values will support additional storm
    development over the next few hours.

    CAMs guidance suggests the storms forming now over the
    northwestern part of the state will gradually coalesce into a
    small MCS, which will then weaken as it gets to the eastern part
    of the state in a few hours due to rapidly decreasing instability
    along the Mississippi River where ongoing rainfall is itself
    weakening for the same reason. HREF guidance shows about a 30%
    chance of exceeding FFGs across portions of the area for both 3
    and 6 hour FFGs.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8nUE4ucGUQMnTYs4UDZRa9BFjVnmAsPRpUXqT4rbQTiWxRDVMrvxkD7i5K3OpsuUKs4k= WJu1kZPPufw0KSnL7S_i9OA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43489301 43459282 42679163 41369227 41169347=20
    41199471 41859507 42539488 43179433 43459369=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 03:12:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080312

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0588
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1110 PM EDT Sun Jul 07 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast CO...Far Southeast KS...Northeast
    NM...TX/OK Panhandles

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 080310Z - 080910Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms will continue into the
    overnight hours and should be sufficiently organized and heavy
    enough to support some additional isolated to widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery continues to
    show the development and expansion of heavy shower and
    thunderstorm activity over southeast CO and into portions of
    northeast NM. The convection is being facilitated by the arrival
    of a cold front and supporting shortwave energy aloft along with a
    moderately buoyant airmass characterized by MLCAPE values of 1000
    to 1500 J/kg.

    Over the last couple of hours, the convection has become a bit
    more concentrated especially over southeast CO where low-level
    upslope flow and frontal convergence along the eastern slopes of
    the Sangre De Cristo mountains has yielded a stronger orographic
    component to the convective evolution. Some cloud tops have been
    as cool as -60 to -65C with some of the stronger updrafts.

    A consolidation of convective clusters can be expected over the
    next few hours, with convection taking on a more organized MCS
    evolution that should propagate down to the southeast overnight
    and gradually advance more out into the open High Plains.

    The latest 00Z HREF guidance supports convection becoming a bit
    focused over the next few hours over areas of far southeast CO and
    also into portions of northeast NM, with an expectation of locally
    heavier rainfall rates that will likely reach 1 to 2 inches/hour.
    This activity may brush areas of far southwest KS, but will likely
    advance in a forward propagating manner eventually into the TX/OK

    Some localized storm totals of 3 to 4 inches will be possible
    where some of these cells locally train over the same area, and
    these rains may foster some isolated to widely scattered instances
    of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8mDPfMVUzcPFebpnfyxCJByYj_q5FxD-7NWIGSYIS6ib3lZAUKke8KvPMbLxS7N7SE8M= MzXUYufDPh3XB22x9pWentU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38320342 37710174 36650093 35620087 34930149=20
    34770261 35230370 36350471 37460497 38140458=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 06:26:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080626

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0589
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    224 AM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 080625Z - 081130Z

    SUMMARY...Hurricane Beryl continues to approach the middle Texas
    coast as heavy rainbands move onshore. Very heavy rainfall rates
    associated these rainbands and the gradual arrival of Beryl's
    inner core/central convection will support increasing coverage of
    flash flooding which will eventually become significant toward

    DISCUSSION...Hurricane Beryl as of 06Z (1AM CDT) was positioned
    near 28.2N 95.9W or about 30 miles miles south-southeast of
    Matagorda, TX and is moving north-northwest at 10 mph. GOES-E
    satellite imagery has been showing better convective organization
    over the last few hours, with occasional brief hints of an eye
    showing up in both IR and Proxy Visible satellite images. Cold
    convective tops in particular are noted around the northern
    semicircle of the cyclone, and this will set the stage for very
    heavy rainfall to wrap northwestward and inland across southeast
    TX over the next several hours as Beryl prepares for landfall.

    Already there have been heavy outer rainbands ahead of Beryl
    moving inland across portions of Matagorda and Brazoria counties
    where increasingly strong and convergent low-level flow coupled
    with enhanced moisture and instability transport has been yielding
    an increasingly organized character to the convective banding.

    MLCAPE values of near 1500 J/kg have noted with the stronger
    bands, and there has been a notable increase in 0-3 km shear
    profiles which will encourage there being stronger and more
    organized updrafts including some supercell/mesocyclone structures
    that will be conducive to enhanced rainfall rates.

    Given the extremely moist environment and improving thermodynamic
    and kinematic profiles, the rainfall rates within the stronger and
    more organized convective bands will easily reach 2 to 3
    inches/hour, and this is very strongly supported by the 00Z HREF
    guidance. The latest satellite and radar trends coupled with the
    00Z HREF guidance supports the idea of heavy convective bands in
    particular impacting Matagorda and Brazoria counties over the next
    few hours along with gradual arrival of central core convection
    leading up to dawn. Meanwhile, impacts will be on the increase
    farther up the coast into Galveston County, and inland across
    Harris, Fort Bend and Wharton counties.

    As Beryl's inner core/eyewall convection arrives toward dawn,
    extreme rainfall impacts should ensue, and given the expectation
    of as much 4 to 6+ inches of rain by dawn (especially over
    Matagorda and Brazoria counties), numerous to widespread areas of
    flash flooding should commence, with considerable/severe impacts
    likely to be underway or soon beginning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_2mpKXEBeB9T2pU7ujyF9BL5QLi7wkouezaIklJ17n5BlpGdXHz0RqBZdC5L6QG7vsKP= HcutRBmjana33g4Bh1A2lks$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30069576 29919494 29449456 28899520 28709560=20
    28489623 29019666 29799637=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 08:47:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080847

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0590
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    445 AM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Central and Eastern MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 080845Z - 081245Z

    SUMMARY...A linear band of heavy showers and thunderstorms across
    portions of central and eastern MO will continue to pose a threat
    of flash flooding going into the early morning hours.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar imagery shows a west to east
    oriented band of heavy showers and thunderstorms across portions
    of central and eastern MO. The activity is focused along and north
    of a surface trough and ahead of a cold front approaching from the

    MUCAPE values are locally on the order of 500 to 1000 J/kg with
    moist and relatively convergent low-level flow advancing north up
    across the region. There is evidence in GOES-E IR satellite
    imagery of a weak vort center slowly transiting the region and
    this coupled with the existing thermodynamic environment may allow
    for the ongoing axis of convection to persist at least into the
    early morning hours.

    PWs are generally on the order of 1.6 to 1.8 inches and the
    available instability should still be able to generate some
    rainfall rates of 1.5 to 2 inches/hour. The latest radar and
    satellite trends and the 06Z HREF guidance suggest that some
    additional rainfall totals of 3 to 4 inches may occur through
    early this morning.

    Much of this will be tied into the slow cell-motions and training
    of convective cells in a general west to east fashion. Gradually
    this activity should weaken later this morning, but at least for
    the next few hours, there will continue to be a threat for at
    least localized flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9zW8uw-ZFJjDHXCw_NI4g6ikx7NTExZ3Nk_dwTtDaYQ1H-2ZmdNJh8lPuKTEWRaI2CCs= aRyAlZTQaOQ6p3yR391H1jY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39539147 39419076 39009069 38669212 38459329=20
    38829366 39199320=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 09:27:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080927

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0591
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    526 AM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast to East-Central NM...TX Panhandle into
    Northwest TX...Southwest OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 080925Z - 081525Z

    SUMMARY...Locally redeveloping and persistent areas of heavy
    showers and thunderstorms this morning will likely favor concerns
    for instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The GOES-E IR satellite imagery is showing some rapid
    cloud-top cooling across areas of northeast to east-central NM in
    association with slow-moving areas of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms. Additional areas of convection are also seen
    developing over parts of the TX Panhanlde.

    This convection is largely being driven by the persistence of a
    moderately buoyant airmass characterized by MUCAPE values of 1000
    to 1500 J/kg, and with aid of steep mid-level lapse rates.
    Furthermore the convection is in close proximity to a surface
    front that has been settling gradually southward overnight.
    Shortwave energy/forcing aloft digging down across the region and
    also an axis of favorable low-level moisture convergence are
    further supporting the convective activity and its localized

    Some of the convection has been tending to take on some linear
    modes with training concerns while other areas of convection are
    characterized by slow cell-motions and concerns for cell-mergers.
    The MRMS data and dual-pol radar suggest there may be a fair
    amount of hail in some of these storms, but the environment is
    conducive for rainfall rates to still reach as high as 1.5

    Given some of the slow cell-motions and training considerations,
    some rainfall totals may reach 3 to 4+ inches going through the
    early morning hours as this activity generally moves off to the
    east-southeast. Impacted areas should continue to be portions of
    northeast to east-central NM, the TX Panhandle, far northwest TX,
    and possibly some portions of southwest OK in time. Isolated to
    widely scattered instances of flash flooding are likely over the
    next several hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!57pM6fvx5HnA1lFxXxMg0IF7soYhwhshu-joc5u5FyVh3ER7QEnMfOnzsVcqiyECfzvB= 0NKl0OtojfZn5na1UhRsvqI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36400410 35810196 35550023 35459810 34619766=20
    33999821 33659951 33590164 33970350 34780471=20
    35410518 36120502=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 10:16:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081016

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0592
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    615 AM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...Middle and Upper TX Coast into Eastern TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 081015Z - 081615Z

    SUMMARY...Hurricane Beryl makes landfall near Matagorda, TX and is
    moving inland over southeast TX. Extremely heavy rainfall will
    move northward this morning with areas of flash flooding likely.
    This will include areas of considerable to severe urban flash
    flooding with locally life-threatening impacts expected.

    DISCUSSION...Hurricane Beryl as of 10Z (5AM CDT) was positioned
    near 28.8N 96.0W, or about 15 miles north of Matagorda, TX, and is
    moving north at 12 mph. Dual-pol radar and GOES-E satellite
    imagery show the eye of Hurricane Beryl crossing the middle TX and
    now moving inland across southeast TX with intense inner
    core/eyewall convection producing extremely heavy rainfall rates.

    Very heavy rainfall associated with Beryl's central convection
    will lift steadily north through midday, and more areas of eastern
    TX in general will come under the influence of heavier rainfall
    rates and potentially some locally strong/organized convective
    bands that may wrap around the eastern and northern flanks of the
    storm. This will be connected to the very convergent and
    moist/unstable low-level flow that will be advancing inland off
    the northwest Gulf of Mexico.

    A substantial pool of instability is situated around the northeast
    quadrant of Beryl's circulation with MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2500
    J/kg noted, and the 00Z/06Z HREF guidance supports the gradual
    development of some strong convective bands that will be capable
    of training in a south to north fashion over areas of the upper TX
    coast and inland areas of southeast and eastern TX.

    Extreme rainfall rates of 2 to 4 inches/hour are expected with the
    inner eyewall convection and any of these stronger and more
    organized convective bands that set up over the next several hours
    to the east of the center. Expectations are for additional
    rainfall totals through midday of as much as 4 to 8 inches and
    this is supported by the 00Z/06Z HREF guidance.

    Numerous to widespread areas of flash flooding can be expected,
    and this will include areas of considerable to severe urban flash
    flooding with life-threatening impacts expected. Some of the major
    metropolitan areas including the Houston/Galveston vicinity will
    be at particular risk over the next several hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7BRlEH1ImrYZjfgatxdnqFQKE4aHdN0DEzV7OpQbIvATrOXtpdywXpk03FZPBVihrtY0= 28N4Wnn6PwEqvj3_5Pq4Okk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30859564 30799488 30459441 29709436 29189477=20
    28749557 28569599 28649647 29229674 30059672=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 19:09:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081908

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0594
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    308 PM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Ozarks

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 081907Z - 090107Z

    Summary...Convection is filling in along an emerging deformation
    zone northeast of Tropical Storm Beryl. Periods of training with
    efficient rainfall rates upwards of 2-2.5"/hr will cause widely
    scattered instances of flash flooding this afternoon.

    Discussion...Radar and GLM trends highlight expanding thunderstorm
    coverage across portions of the Ozarks, along and ahead of a deformation/convergence zone and strengthening jet streak evident
    in LPW and moisture channel imagery. Recent estimates from MRMS
    and dual-pol across the region suggest increased rainfall
    efficiency within these cells, with some 2-2.5"/hr rates noted.
    Where these cells have persisted, fairly quick responses in the
    CREST Unit Streamflow are noted.

    While persistent cloud cover has hampered insolation, widespread
    moistening from the approach of Beryl has allowed for 1.6-2.2"
    PWATS and 1500-2000 J/kg MLCAPE to develop around the convection.
    Combined with the low-level convergence and increasing upper-jet
    dynamics, the environment is very supportive for efficient periods
    of training convection as the mean-wind is oriented parallel to
    the forcing. In the short term, portions of the northeast Ozarks
    may may have a locally higher threat of training and backbuilding
    as the low-level inflow is at or near the mean wind per

    The 12z HREF LPMM maintains a strong signal for this activity
    through the evening, and suggests rainfall amounts of 3-4" are
    possible where the convection can train the longest. This is
    expected to lead to at least scattered instances of flash flooding
    tonight ahead of Beryl.=20

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!604MeZg5PG8KRtle_-k3sBC_jP3P1NNp0HkfiEsrbauLKn-oU83BXdLlIh07s-Wue9Lq= 24sWcqqpvmKqtTF2Yl-iy4Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38249046 37848879 36788825 35928975 35129329=20
    33339601 33249707 34099726 35949569 37579333=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 19:33:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081933

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0595
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    332 PM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...northeast FL...southeast GA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 081930Z - 090130Z

    Summary...Extreme rainfall rates of 2-4"/hr may result in
    localized totals of 5"+. Isolated to scattered instances of flash
    flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Deep convection is firing along the sea breeze
    circulation this afternoon over southeast GA and northeast FL,
    evident via GOES-East infrared imagery with impressively cold
    cloud tops of -80deg C. Given near record levels of tropospheric
    moisture content (precipitable water values of 2.3-2.6 inches)
    with very slow storm motions (850-300 mb mean wind of 5 kts or
    less), extreme rainfall rates of 2-4"/hr are being realized with
    the strongest updrafts. While effective bulk shear of less than 20
    kts should generally prevent meaningful organization and limit
    storm longevity, a tropical upper-tropospheric trough (TUTT) to
    the east is allowing for some upper-level divergence on the
    western periphery of a ~70 kt sub-tropical jet streak. This subtle
    feature (combined with the aforementioned tropical-like
    tropospheric moisture) could allow for some repeating and
    backbuilding of these impressive rates. This is also evidenced by
    HREF 40-km neighborhood exceedance probabilities of 30-50% for the
    5" threshold, which is near or above the corresponding (6-hr)
    Flash Flood guidance (generally 4.0-5.0"). As a result, isolated
    to scattered instances of flash flooding are possible (with
    particular concern for low-lying, urbanized terrain).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Ws33gjZahT_gk5DdMBm5rlIIyvRLvTbbSzjryDoSE4817Sw7RiGAIvROEzaK-RB8w-D= 7q3ah6XR7kZ4UwhRlUGeCKo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32198133 31748099 30898133 29838146 30218282=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 8 22:05:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082205

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0596
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    603 PM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...Ark-La-Tex into western/central LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 082200Z - 090400Z

    Summary...Numerous to widespread instances of flash flooding
    expected to continue in association with Tropical Storm Beryl.

    Discussion...While Tropical Storm Beryl continues to gradually
    weaken as it moves farther inland this evening, the flash flood
    threat continues unabated as extratropical transition bolsters
    heavy rainfall to the north and east/southeast of the circulation
    (from the core of the tropical moisture and from a persistent
    feeder band, respectively). Precipitable water values of 2.2-2.6
    inches (near record levels, per SPC sounding climatology) are
    supporting hourly accumulations of 1-3" (per MRMS estimates), and
    continued training/repeating of these rates will result in
    additional totals of 3-6" through 04z (with the greatest coverage
    in association with the core of the tropical moisture through the
    Ark-La-Tex, and more localized in a narrow corridor from the
    feeder band across western/central LA). Given the latest
    observational trends and accompanying hi-res model guidance,
    numerous to widespread instances of flash flooding are expected to
    continue in association with Tropical Storm Beryl (particularly
    across the Ark-La-Tex, where up to 3-6" of rainfall has already
    fallen, and more localized/confined across western/central LA
    where little rainfall has fallen thus far). Impacts are expected
    to be most significant over hydrophobic urbanized terrain and
    flood-prone low-lying areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_VBwDOyGd4BUBWnecfEkGf5WUUkEJpsOSZ0yd7bHGdzoWDGNR7pOJjl2pNNmj8Kj7_pQ= QWXeKLj7vliDOa8fwHEIOVo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34679332 33719238 32309207 30769210 29479293=20
    29569396 30739361 31709367 31719475 31889562=20
    32329603 34069546=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 9 03:27:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090327

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0597
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1125 PM EDT Mon Jul 08 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Lower MS Valley into the

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090325Z - 090925Z

    SUMMARY...Tropical Depression Beryl will continue to focus heavy
    rainfall and areas of flash flooding heading through the overnight
    hours across portions of the Lower MS Valley and the Mid-South.

    DISCUSSION...The late evening GOES-E IR and Proxy Visible
    satellite imagery shows T.D. Beryl continuing to lose convective
    organization as it advances north-northeast across northeast TX
    and takes on an increasingly assymetric appearance.

    However, there remains a rather concentrated area of convection
    just northeast of the center that is moving into southwest AR, and
    there is a well-defined convective band even farther to the north
    and east of the center that is oriented from central to southeast
    AR. This band of convection is associated with a persistent
    corridor of stronger low-level moisture convergence and proximity
    of moderate to strong instability that continues to lift north
    around the eastern flank of the cyclone's circulation.

    MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2500 J/kg are noted across central and
    northern MS and into southeast AR, with a convergent and
    strengthening south-southeast low-level jet noted as Beryl
    continues to advance off to the north-northeast.

    The 00Z HREF guidance suggests very heavy rainfall will still be
    likely along and to the right of Beryl's track overnight, but as
    the storm takes on an increasingly baroclinic/extratropical
    character, there will be some moderate to heavy rain also shifting
    around to the northwest of the center where stronger frontogenetic
    forcing and a developing mid-level deformation zone will set up.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger convective banding northeast of
    Beryl's center may still be capable of reaching 2 to 3
    inches/hour. Some training of this activity over the same area,
    along with the arrival of Beryl's remnant inner core convection,
    should still favor some areas receiving an additional 3 to 6
    inches of rain overnight.

    These additional rains will continue to support areas of flash
    flooding, and this will include some locally significant urban
    flash flooding concerns. Areas overnight that may see notable
    urban impacts will include the Little Rock metropolitan area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7jzVLN_SSBaUUHgxrmBnz7lfQYBijDcq63-umKjtY-XHiCBCOx81qxas8Glyg6Jn7Yb5= EP0ZMi49YUijT9QHqw3OcLQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36679010 36288914 35718890 35298907 34878951=20
    34599029 34209145 33799264 33289343 33209408=20
    33839456 34539440 35389388 36159290 36639142=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 9 04:16:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090416

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0598
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1215 AM EDT Tue Jul 09 2024

    Areas affected...Far Northeast AL...Northern GA...Far Southeast TN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 090415Z - 090800Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving areas of very heavy showers and
    thunderstorms may continue for a few more hours across areas of
    far northeast AL, northern GA and far southeast TN.

    DISCUSSION...Radar and satellite imagery shows a broken cluster of
    showers and thunderstorms still tending to linger over areas of
    far northeast AL, northern GA and far southeast TN. The convection
    which has been locally anchored near some of the higher terrain of
    the southern Appalachians over the last couple of hours has been
    producing some very high rainfall rates that have been upwards of
    1.5 to 2+ inches/hour.

    The convection has been aided by proximity of a quasi-stationary
    front draped across the region and MLCAPE values of 1000+ J/kg
    still remain pooled along it. This coupled with localized
    orographics/upslope flow near the terrain and at least modest
    low-level convergence should promote the convection lingering for
    a few more hours before then weakening as instability is further

    The 00Z HREF guidance along with the latest radar and satellite
    trends suggest an additional 2 to 4 inches of rain cannot be ruled
    out locally. This will especially be the case over northern GA
    where convective cloud tops remain rather cold and suggestive of
    stronger lingering updrafts. Therefore, some additional pockets of
    flash flooding will be possible over the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_prI4QhsOb6M40LhIgT8LRZ8XRv21PtYSwcAEd0658mbOxCaL6syw3cQwHsTLNOwfyZz= 4921Z7sMPge2a5XsEIp3juc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35388434 35298376 35108332 34688327 34458397=20
    34468542 34748592 35138569 35358499=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 9 09:06:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090906

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0599
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    505 AM EDT Tue Jul 09 2024

    Areas affected...Northern AR...Southeast MO...Northwest
    TN...Western KY...Southern IL...Southwest IN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090905Z - 091505Z

    SUMMARY...Tropical Depression Beryl continues to weaken and lift
    off to the north-northeast, but will continue to focus additional
    areas of heavy rainfall and flash flooding heading through the
    morning hours.

    DISCUSSION...The very early morning GOES-E GeoColor satellite
    imagery shows a generally exposed low-level center that makes up a
    weakening T.D. Beryl over far southwest AR just to the
    north-northeast of Texarkana. Much of the remaining convection is
    situated well off to the northeast of the center in a very
    asymmetric manner that is characteristic of a system that is
    increasingly becoming extratropical.

    Regardless, there continues to be heavy rainfall and flash
    flooding concerns, as broken bands of strong convection with heavy
    rainfall rates stretch out from central AR northeastward through
    northwest TN, western KY and southeast MO. Gradually this activity
    will impact more areas of the Lower OH Valley going through the
    morning hours including southern IL and southwest IN as Beryl
    advances steadily off to the northeast.

    MUCAPE values pooled around the eastern flank of Beryl's
    circulation center remain on the order of 500 to 1000 J/kg, with a
    30 to 40 kt southerly low-level jet overrunning a warm front that
    is gradually lifting north through the Mid-South ahead of Beryl's
    track. This is resulting in a well-defined southwest to northeast
    axis of focused isentropic ascent with moderate to heavy rain and
    embedded stronger elevated convective elements. Some of these
    convective elements though are focused and show organization given
    the level of effective bulk shear (40 to 50+ kts) and updraft
    helicity that remains in place.

    The 06Z HREF and recent runs of the HRRR guidance suggest
    additional heavy rains continuing well through the morning hours
    ahead of Beryl, with the dominant focus along and increasingly to
    the left of the storm track as Beryl continues to progress to a baroclinic/extratropical system.

    Some rainfall rates with the persistent areas of stronger elevated
    convection will continue to be on the order of 1 to 2 inches/hour.
    Additional storm totals more regionally going through late this
    morning should reach as high as 3 to 5 inches. These additional
    rains will continue to favor areas of flash flooding, including
    locally more significant urban impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9enATCcxwjEqNPH-4zGig4Y9zxZIBzjRSzY3AuFVtiykpzmOExn8eWQlwQkTqnABIziy= _XQx-I2Xkj3gh1nA1da6gt4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38608793 38248689 37718648 36928667 36378771=20
    35878915 35449037 34779178 34589295 34969380=20
    35499395 36089368 36739316 37369232 38049095=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 9 21:57:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 092157

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0600
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    556 PM EDT Tue Jul 09 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Ohio Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 092155Z - 100300Z

    Summary...Training/repeating rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr may lead to
    localized totals of 3-5". Isolated to scattered instances of flash
    flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Post-tropical cyclone Beryl is tracking northeast at
    24 mph across the MS/OH Valleys this afternoon, and convection has
    become focused primarily east of the center (both along the warm
    front and across the warm sector (post-frontal). Discrete
    supercells have become the most efficient rainfall producers, with
    rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr. Otherwise, convection is generally
    producing rates of 1"/hr or less (with stratiform rainfall north
    of the center generally producing 0.5"/hr or less). Along and
    ahead of the warm front, the mesoscale environment is
    characterized by ML CAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg, precipitable water
    values of 2.0-2.3 inches (near record values, per SPC sounding
    climatology from surrounding sites), and ample effective bulk
    shear of 45-55 kts.

    With convection is remaining rather progressive due to the strong
    dynamics of this post-tropical system, there is a distinct risk of
    localized training/repeating of heavy rainfall rates (1-2"/hr) in
    and around the aforementioned warm front (stretching from southern
    IL across the IN/KY border region). The 18z HREF probability
    matched mean QPF depicts localized totals of 3-5" (with
    corresponding 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3" exceedance
    of 20-30%). A much broader region to the north and east of the
    cyclone has relatively high odds of localized 2" exceedance (per
    40-km neighborhood probabilities of 40-70%), and corresponding
    Flash Flood Guidance (3-6 hr) generally ranges from 2-3". As a
    result, isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding are
    possible (with the greatest risk over southeast IN and adjacent
    portions of IL/KY).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9MMTSkQmwRYEk4G7-Caxl9It7OSO5cxD9Lfh0LMo3bX3HhI0TC7ByuWm_9tGAjAJ5a7q= D-7Q6DGRIjv3hM8tAfvBKjc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40708771 40468699 40008630 39578588 38888511=20
    37718531 36608585 36338744 36668815 37898853=20
    39648992 40328948 40648867=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 10 03:36:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100336

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0601
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1135 PM EDT Tue Jul 09 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern IL...Central/Northern IN...Western
    OH...Southern Lower MI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 100335Z - 100935Z

    SUMMARY...Post-T.C. Beryl will continue off to the northeast
    overnight, bringing heavy rain and a threat of flooding to the OH
    Valley and Lower Great Lakes region.

    DISCUSSION...The late evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows
    Post-T.C. Beryl continuing to advance off to the northeast across
    the OH Valley. An axis of moderate to heavy rain continues to
    focus north of the storm track in association with a well-defined
    mid-level deformation zone and coincidence with an axis of strong
    frontogenetic forcing. This is being facilitated by a deep layer
    TROWAL associated with the deeper layer and very warm/moist
    southerly flow advecting north ahead of Beryl's track.

    The heaviest rains within the deformation zone are generally
    focused across east-central to northeast IL through northern IN
    and into southern Lower MI. To the southeast of this corridor,
    there are areas of heavy rain that include some stronger elevated
    convective elements, and this is generally noted across central IN
    through western OH. A nose of stronger instability associated with
    a convergent southerly low-level jet of 40 to 50 kts continues to
    lift north and over a warm front that extends east of Beryl's
    circulation, and MUCAPE values of 500 to 1000 J/kg are noted
    across central IN through western OH. Greater instability
    meanwhile is situated closer to the OH River over southern IN
    through southern OH where MUCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg are

    Rainfall rates with the stronger convective elements closer to the
    warm front have recently been on the order of 1" to 2"/hour, with
    rates back into the deformation zone persistently in the 0.50" to
    0.75"/hour range. The PW environment remains quite tropical over
    the OH Valley with values of 1.8 to 2.2 inches based on a
    combination of 00Z RAOB and GPS-derived information, and this
    environment should continue to favor efficient rainfall processes
    for locally enhanced rainfall rates overnight.

    Additional rainfall totals overnight will likely reach as high as
    2 to 4 inches with isolated heavier totals not out of the question
    where any stronger convective cells persist. These rains will
    promote a threat for additional flooding overnight, including some
    localized urban flash flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6LII46CyGu-BweKbVkSLcxZk0Xscj_skCE85wArDp2Mr8SH7kChCCjywaBg9m3daQHak= Q4iyFkPh_33mBV5yAS1zKDs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42748504 42588330 41488254 40268284 39078399=20
    39158502 40028564 40198608 40208713 40138782=20
    40438843 41108830 41838748 42368634=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 10 17:31:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 101731

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0602
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    130 PM EDT Wed Jul 10 2024

    Areas affected...Southern New Mexico, including the Sacramento

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 101730Z - 102330Z

    Summary...Scattered showers and thunderstorms will develop and
    move slowly across New Mexico this afternoon. Rainfall rates at
    times will likely exceed 1"/hr, which could produce locally as
    much as 3 inches of rain. This will result in rapid runoff, with
    instances of flash flooding possible across sensitive terrain and
    burn scars.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible imagery this afternoon indicates
    rapid Cu and TCu development over the Sacramento Mountains of NM,
    coincident with a rapid increase of instability noted by 3-hr
    SBCAPE change from the SPC RAP of 600-1000 J/kg. This surging
    instability is primarily due to warming beneath full sunshine on
    the periphery of an upper ridge centered across the Desert
    Southwest, with subtly lowered heights and a weak embedded impulse
    aiding in ascent over NM. At the same time, low-level flow is
    lifting out of the Gulf of Mexico and up the Rio Grande Valley,
    driving PWs to as high as 1.1 inches, which is above the 75th
    percentile according to the SPC sounding climatology. The 12Z U/A
    sounding out of KEPZ indicated freezing levels above 12,000 ft and
    mid-level lapse rates near moist-adiabatic levels, indicating the
    potential for efficient warm rain processes as storms rapidly
    blossom through the afternoon.

    During the next few hours, it is likely that convection will
    expand across southern New Mexico within these favorable
    thermodynamics, with intensification occurring as SBCAPE climbs
    above 1000 J/kg. This suggests storms will fire initially along
    higher terrain features, and then drift slowly southward due to
    0-6km mean winds that are just around 5 kts. Limited bulk shear
    suggests storms will generally be of the pulse variety, but storm
    collisions and brief terrain-tying could enhance and increase
    heavy rainfall residence times in some areas. Both the HREF and
    REFS indicate a high (above 60%) probability for 1"/hr rain rates,
    while the sub-hourly HRRR suggests locally 0.25-0.5" of rain in 15
    minutes. Any location that receives multiple rounds of these heavy
    rain rates, or where any storm/terrain interaction can result in
    longer residence times, locally as much as 3" of rain is possible
    as reflected by HREF 3"/6hr probabilities as high as 10%.

    Both the HREF and REFS probabilities favor the greatest risk for
    heavy rainfall to be across the Sacramento Mountains where FFG is
    only around 1.5"/3hrs, and likely even lower across the multiple
    vulnerable burn scars in that region. Instances of flash flooding
    this afternoon should be isolated due to the scattered nature of
    the convection, but if any storm lingers in the sensitive terrain,
    especially atop recent burn scars, flash flooding would be likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-cudrv_zfpJS1Xik7OW6paan2jgfZshRLYQ94pcN9GWfcifXrjSB2hnbjxZY91tJbYQl= ZmF4fB-CKA0-Y1X4dUmWCiU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34920548 34770508 34090492 33370497 33070495=20
    32750461 32310447 31800462 31750534 31860597=20
    32470649 33460659 34400637 34810607=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 10 18:39:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 101839

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0603
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    239 PM EDT Wed Jul 10 2024

    Areas affected...Upstate New York, Vermont

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 101837Z - 110030Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand and train to the
    northeast through this evening. Rainfall rates of 2"/hr or more
    will be common, which through training could produce 2-4" of rain
    with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon indicates
    widespread showers and thunderstorms expanding downstream of post
    tropical cyclone Beryl which is located over southern Michigan. A
    warm front extending east from this system draped across Upstate
    NY and into northern New England is providing a focus for ascent
    within extreme thermodynamics. PWs as measured by GPS are 2-2.25
    inches across Upstate NY, daily records for both BUF and ALY, with
    accompanying SBCAPE peaking above 3000 J/kg south of the warm
    front into PA. Within the warm sector, 850mb inflow is reaching
    25-35 kts, drawing these impressive thermodynamics northward, and isentropically ascending the warm front to enhance ascent. At the
    same time, modest RRQ upper diffluence is providing additional
    synoptic forcing, with mesoscale convergence along the nose of the
    surging 850mb winds also resulting in enhanced lift. A pre-frontal
    surface trough is pivoting across PA and driving additional
    ascent, along which supercells are lifting northward within the
    warm sector, and rainfall rates within these supercells and in
    convection just north of the warm front have been estimated via
    local radars above 1.5"/hr already today.

    During the next few hours, there is good agreement that the warm
    front will pivot northward to approach the Canadian border while
    the surface trough lifts east. Together these will compress the
    warm sector leading to enhanced thermodynamic transport northward
    to fuel even more intense and widespread convection. Storms
    developing south of the warm front will likely transit northward
    rapidly on NE 850-300mb winds of 30-40 kts, with additional
    development occurring along and just north of the boundary. The
    overlap of intense thermodynamics and ascent will result in
    rainfall rates for which the HREF and REFS both indicate will
    exceed 2"/hr, and the HRRR suggests short-term 4"/hr rates are
    possible as reflected by 15-min accumulations reaching 1". Storm
    organization through bulk shear of 40-60 kts is also expected,
    which will prolong and enhance rain rates, and the environment
    supports training of echoes to the E/NE, especially where the
    greatest confluence of moisture transport vectors occurs. This
    could result in 2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts as
    reflected by HREF probabilities for 3"/6hrs reaching 10-20%.

    These intense rain rates could produce instances of flash flooding
    across any urban areas of sensitive terrain features through this
    evening. However, the greatest risk for flash flooding will be
    where any training occurs across locally compromised FFG which is
    as low as 1.5-2"/3hrs, where the HREF indicates a 50-70% chance of
    FFG exceedance. While instances of flash flooding are possible the
    next several hours, the concern may increase later this evening as
    primed soils from this afternoon's rainfall get impacted by
    multiple rounds of heavy rain, and additional MPD issuances may be


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6iYYdzOtIH9psJtzp_DgqIG1l7B8Z72LEsq7nFRXLtmT8S4lsxVssD_A7sgHd1TD8uuW= DtNjpFfB4jFCDgEZMCHNIjQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45337295 45287213 45057194 44677228 44387246=20
    43897315 43437386 43197514 42917628 42767703=20
    42707771 42827802 43097806 43597738 43947687=20
    44127659 45057552 45267457=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 10 23:49:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 102349

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0604
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    747 PM EDT Wed Jul 10 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Northeast/northern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 110000Z - 110600Z

    Summary...Tropical moisture associated with the remnants of
    post-tropical Beryl to continue to fuel extreme hourly 1-3"
    totals. This is expected to result in additional totals of 3-5".
    Numerous to widespread flash floods are likely, including some
    significant, life threatening flash flooding.

    Discussion...The remnants of post-tropical Beryl and the base of
    an associated upper-level longwave trough are gradually shifting
    northeast, currently located over eastern MI and Lakes Huron and
    Erie. Strong to severe thunderstorms have been concentrated along
    a warm front and associated secondary low pressure center, which
    extend northeastward from the main cyclone triple-point (located
    over western NY). The mesoscale environment in the vicinty of the
    secondary low pressure center and associated warm front is
    characterized by ML CAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg, precipitable water
    values of 2.1-2.4 inches (near all time record values, per ALB
    sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear of 45-65 kts. In
    addition, a broad 30 kt low-level jet (LLJ) at 850mb is progged to
    narrow and intensify to 35-45 kts this evening (per the 21z RAP
    forecast), driving ample moisture transport/flux convergence. This
    strong low-level convergence is also being complemented by even
    more significant divergence aloft (~250 mb), via the
    right-entrance region of a 110+ kt jet streak over southern

    Hi-res guidance paints an especially concerning picture through
    evening, as localized hourly totals of 1.5-2.5" (per MRMS
    estimates) are expected to continue in association with
    semi-discrete supercell/multicell clusters (with instantaneous
    rainfall rates of 4"/hr resulting in as much as 1" of rainfall in
    15-min). While these hourly totals have remained somewhat
    localized thus far, the increasing coverage of cells (as the
    aforementioned dynamic aspects of the system continue to improve
    this evening) is already resulting in numerous to widespread
    coverage along and ahead of the warm front. This should result in
    a swath of 3-5" of rainfall from northern NY through northern
    VT/NH, with very good agreement among the hi-res guidance (18z
    HREF members and more recently hourly runs of the HRRR). A narrow
    swath of these totals has already occurred across portions of
    northern NY, which suggests that locally higher amounts (6"+) are
    rather likely as well (which is depicted by the most extreme HREF
    members, as well as the 90th percentile of the experimental WoFS
    system). Perhaps the most telling piece of statistical guidance is
    the HREF neighborhood (40-km) probability for 100 year Annual
    Recurrence Interval (ARI) exceedance, which ranges from 30-50%
    (outlined by the pink hatched area in the graphic). Given this
    totality of data, numerous to widespread instances of flash
    flooding are likely (and locally significant, life threatening
    flash flooding is also likely, particularly over vulnerable
    low-lying areas in the vicinity of 6"+ totals).=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6kve7kHLh1qZSd5c-CpJFnQ3OsdNTYDy7lhibGEavILiO9FoIoWuyUulJApmddR3OdMC= 3ZfEA2A6XeUqAbZix-YEOoY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46297009 45636965 44157111 43277346 42767532=20
    43347614 44667455 45447270 45937133=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 11 04:58:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 110458

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0605
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1257 AM EDT Thu Jul 11 2024

    Areas affected...Vermont, New Hampshire, and portions of Maine

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 110456Z - 110956Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential should continue for at least a few
    more hours as heavy rainfall trains along a warm front.

    Discussion...Flash flood potential should continue across the
    discussion area for at least the next 2-3 hours. So far,
    convection has aligned along a west-southwest to east-northeast
    warm front extending generally from Burlington, VT to roughly 50
    miles north of Bangor, ME. Convection continues to focus along
    this axis, which also coincides with peak 850mb speed convergence
    while also aligning parallel to flow aloft. Rain rates are
    peaking in the 1-1.5 inch/hr range, which is threatening FFG
    thresholds across the region (~1.5 inch/hr) while also repeating
    along the aforementioned convergence axis.

    The ongoing scenario supporting heavy rain/flash flooding should
    continue due to the slow evolution of meso-to-synoptic scale
    features and abundant moisture in place across the discussion
    area. One potential negating factor for higher rain rates is
    waning instability, which was hovering at around 500 J/kg MUCAPE
    per recent SPC mesoanalyses along the convergence zone. It is
    uncertain whether instability profiles will continue to support
    strong-enough updrafts for continued heavy rainfall, although it
    appears that at least 1 inch/hr rain rates should continue through
    07-08Z this morning near the front. Flash flooding remains likely
    in this scenario.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4_x_24xbb8knRl9KzWePRuV7j-5Hgopp7ZTCVfLQrKwScWKxRv4jbSjfpQkmqYDcAJuI= B_4fiHroRgfXDoRh-LaF6j4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46016782 45316751 43937074 43697290 43997339=20
    44437278 45007192 45867000=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 11 13:27:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 111327

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0606
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    926 AM EDT Thu Jul 11 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal Plain of North Carolina, Northeast South
    Carolina, Southeast Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 111325Z - 111800Z

    Summary...Nearly stationary showers and thunderstorms will persist
    this morning along a slow moving cold front. Rainfall rates of
    2-3"/hr are expected, which through this slow movement could
    produce 2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding
    is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning shows a line
    of thunderstorms from the southern DelMarVa through the coastal
    plain of North Carolina and into far northeast South Carolina near
    the Grand Strand. This line is occurring along a cold front which
    has stalled in response to impeding flow from the east, and this
    front may waver back to the west through the afternoon. The
    environment across the eastern Carolinas and into southern
    Virginia is extremely supportive to heavy rain noted via the KMHX
    12Z U/A sounding which featured 2.32" PWs, a daily record, and
    freezing levels above 17,000 ft. This will support efficient
    warm-rain processes, and radar-estimated rain rates have been as
    high as 3"/hr, fueling some ongoing flash flood warnings and
    mesonet reported rainfall as much as 2-4" already this morning.

    As the day progresses, this cold front will waver and is progged
    to retrograde slightly to the west in response to increasing
    easterly flow merged with the sea breeze pushing west. The RAP
    suggests PWs may go as high as 2.5", combined with SBCAPE reaching
    2000-3000 J/kg to produce extreme thermodynamics through the day.
    With both synoptic and mesoscale ascent plentiful through the day,
    this will support rainfall rates which the REFS and HREF both
    suggest have a higher than 40% chance of exceeding 2"/hr, and it
    is likely short term rates will reach 3-4"/hr at times. With very
    weak winds through 300mb in place, mean 850-300mb winds will
    remain just 5-10 kts, which in the presence of minimal shear
    suggests pulse type storms which will move very slowly, possibly
    becoming stationary at times as noted by Corfidi vectors becoming
    less than 5 kts with chaotic direction. This should result in
    overturning of the instability along the front, but continued
    resupply of the extreme thermodynamics into the front will drive
    regeneration, and in some places this will result in 2-4" of rain,
    with local amounts above 5" possible.

    The coastal plain has been dry, noted by AHPS 7-day rainfall that
    is generally less than 25% of normal and associated 0-40cm soil
    moisture from NASA SPoRT that is below the 30th percentile in many
    areas. This has raised FFG to 3-4"/3hrs, but HREF exceedance
    probabilities reach above 40% in some areas, further reflecting
    that the intensity of the rainfall today can overcome the
    antecedent dryness. The greatest risk is expected across urban
    areas, but anywhere these intense rates can linger could drive
    rapid runoff to produce instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!81xlQ-UKEk7QnQT18p7sjCXL_VK9NSIstOdgy1WZPXZ3XFa9UWVr-qaGdi4QJm8SJWhh= nOXfmBXR470QVLqpwxxwP4Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37117670 36977614 36637587 36417569 36117557=20
    35477592 34527671 33947774 33677830 33527877=20
    33587904 33747905 34037897 34367886 34917845=20
    35337822 36847717=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 11 17:44:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 111744

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0607
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    143 PM EDT Thu Jul 11 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal Plain from far southeast VA through
    northeast SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 111743Z - 112300Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms will continue to
    regenerate and begin to drift westward through the afternoon.
    Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr are expected, which could produce 2-3"
    of rain with locally up to 5". Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible satellite imagery this afternoon
    shows a very unique setup across the coastal plain from southeast
    VA through northeast SC. In this area, convective Cu is
    continuously regenerating along a hybrid cold front/outflow
    boundary, with high-level convective debris shifting west into the
    Piedmont. Storms are regenerating along this axis due to modest
    easterly low-level flow impinging into the boundary to drive
    ascent, while concurrently drawing extreme thermodynamics
    characterized by near-record PWs above 2.3 inches and SBCAPE above
    3000 J/kg westward into the boundary. The persistent ascent into
    these thermodynamics has fueled a narrow corridor of nearly
    stationary storms this morning, which have resulted in
    radar-estimated rainfall rates above 3"/hr, and MRMS measured
    rainfall as much as 7" in parts of eastern NC.

    Confidence in evolution the next few hours is somewhat limited due
    to variable CAM solutions, but the ingredients will continue to
    support a heavy rain threat through the evening. A mid-level wave
    of low pressure off the NC coast will begin to retrograde
    westward, shedding weak impulses onshore coincident with an
    increase in moist advection/IVT. This should finally begin to push
    the cold front westward, aided by the sea breeze circulation,
    while still continuing to be a focus for locally enhanced ascent
    through convergence. With PWs remaining at near record values, and
    higher SBCAPE spreading westward behind the front, the environment
    will remain supportive of rainfall rates exceeding 2"/hr as
    reflected by HREF and REFS probabilities reaching 30-50%. At the
    same time, the Corfidi vectors are progged to remain nearly
    anti-parallel to the mean 0-6km winds, suggesting storms will
    continue to backbuild along the front as it advects west,
    resulting in a longer duration of these rates. The focus is not
    expected to be as narrow as it has so far today since the
    instability gradient will weaken as the front pivots towards the
    Piedmont, but the HREF probabilities and HREF/REFS 6-hr PMM still
    suggest additional rainfall of 2-4" with locally higher amounts in
    some areas.

    Rainfall today has already been 2-3" with locally much higher
    amounts, and this has saturated the soils in a narrow corridor.
    While this region will be most sensitive to additional heavy rain
    leading to instances of flash flooding, the slow movement of these
    intense rain rates have a 15-35% chance of exceeding 3-hr FFG
    according to the HREF as far west as I-95 through this evening.
    This indicates the continued potential for flash flooding anywhere
    across the coastal plain, but the greatest risk will continue to
    be in urban areas or atop already saturated soils.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5wMvwm-e8PLhjhVCC8B-t988uwtJvkMKL8eihLbN5KM5foXHL5PkmGOTXPPw4hO3NIjf= VQyvdS2CREHwmm2R-m7Dy-4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36987643 36957594 36537573 36007612 35257664=20
    34677684 34137734 33777801 33627853 33417901=20
    33357923 33477931 34077907 34757897 35627877=20
    36537817 36847727=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 12 06:30:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120629

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0608
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    229 AM EDT Fri Jul 12 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern Kansas, far western Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 120627Z - 121227Z

    Summary...Slow moving thunderstorms are producing spots of 1-2
    inch/hr rain rates (estimated per MRMS). These rates pose an
    isolated flash flood risk over the next few hours.

    Discussion...A focused, slow-moving band of deep convection has
    materialized across portions of southeastern Kansas over the past
    hour or so (near Chanute and Pittsburg). The storms are very slow
    moving due to weak northwesterly steering flow (at around 10
    knots). The storms are focused on the nose of 25-30 kt
    southwesterly flow at 850mb and are in an environment
    characterized by modestly steep lapse rates aloft (~7C/km) atop
    70s F surface dewpoints, yielding 2000-2500 J/kg SBCAPE. The slow
    movement and 1.5 inch PW values have fostered areas of 1-2 inch/hr
    rain rates to materialize. These rates were slightly lower than
    local FFG thresholds across southeastern Kansas (in the 2.5
    inch/hr range) - suggesting only isolated flash flood potential in
    low-lying spots and/or areas that can experience more than one
    hour of the heavier rates.

    A cold pool/weak wave aloft was aiding in convective development
    as well, and will be migrating slowly southward across the
    discussion area through the early morning hours. Additional
    convective bands may materialize, and a higher (but still
    isolated) flash flood risk may unfold if cells can produce heavier
    rainfall in Missouri where FFG thresholds are a bit lower (around
    1.5 inch/hr). This threat is uncertain, however. The more
    certain scenario is for storms to continue to focus on the nose of
    stronger low-level flow in southeastern Kansas through the early
    morning. This flow will eventually veer to westerly and weaken
    some, with an attendant decrease in convective potential expected
    through 12Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-pALQf-KG_nWuI9Rh4obs6D_IGob-6vjnBDFVHkJIYuRKw06bJMo-7CKjS0gfHGR1WuZ= 2ynOq2kDHr5dGq5kyKQluQI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39259506 38629406 37459387 36749390 36919526=20
    37369614 38869603=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 12 09:36:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120936

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0609
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    535 AM EDT Fri Jul 12 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Carolinas and Mid-Atlantic

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 120934Z - 121534Z

    Summary...Scattered heavy downpours are likely to traverse the
    discussion area from southeast to northwest for most of the
    morning. Brief heavy rainfall (with rates exceeding 2 inches/hr)
    could cause a few spots of flash flooding over time.

    Discussion...The combination of low-level warm/moist advection
    across the discussion area, an upslope component to that flow, and
    weakness in geopotential height fields aloft along the East Coast
    has fostered scattered shower and thunderstorm development across
    the discussion area this morning. The warm advection regime has
    maintained an abundantly moist, unstable airmass (characterized by
    2.3 inch PW values and 1000-1500 J/kg MLCAPE) to support efficient
    rainfall rates. Slow northwestward movement of cells within the
    warm advection regime has supported areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain
    rates at times on an isolated basis. These rain rates were
    materializing over areas of relatively high FFG thresholds in most
    areas (2-2.5 inch/hr), although localized spots and urban areas
    (i.e., Norfolk/Richmond through northeastern NC and the Piedmont)
    have locally lower FFGs around 1 inch/hr that have supported a
    locally higher flash flood threat.

    The ongoing scenario is likely to continue through the mid-morning
    hours as deep southeasterly flow supports additional heavy
    rainfall. Models depict an uptick in convective coverage after
    sunrise, which isn't surprising given the already unstable and
    uncapped airmass in place. Areas of 2-3 inch/hr rain rates are
    likely to materialize on at least an isolated basis, which could
    result in flash flooding especially across aforementioned
    sensitive areas. Although uncertain, there is some concern for
    development of a more focused axis of localized banding or
    training of cells. The greatest risk of this development will
    exist across southeastern Virginia into eastern North Carolina -
    especially after 12-13Z or so.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9_S4DJ7NHqi3x-y2NHlYhxc-d3B9mA-V63Wy5ZF_VeRC9x-g1asy6xSteDlG5ltnR47Y= IuLEDvskJrUm2JD7ImZ4Tds$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38777555 38337517 36887575 35787560 35297578=20
    34527732 33897825 34618026 35228055 36347996=20
    38327782 38757644=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 12 15:39:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121539

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0611
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1138 AM EDT Fri Jul 12 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast South Carolina through the DelMarVa

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 121536Z - 122100Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand in coverage and
    intensify through the afternoon. Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr are
    possible, which through training will likely result in 2-3" of
    rain, with narrow corridors of up to 5" possible. This could cause
    instances of flash flooding, especially in urban areas.

    Discussion...GOES_E WV imagery this morning clearly indicates the
    favorable setup for heavy rainfall today. An extremely moist
    ribbon of air draped from SC through the Mid-Atlantic continues to
    stream northward, while shortwave impulses over the Atlantic
    spread north/northwest. PWs as measured by GPS are as high as
    2.25", coincident with SPC RAP analyzed MLCAPE of 3000 J/kg,
    highest from the Grand Strand to the Outer Banks. Low-level S/SE
    flow of 15-25 kts at 850mb is drawing this moisture/instability
    overlap northward to supply impressive thermodynamics into a
    stationary front analyzed by WPC. The overlap of isentropic ascent
    atop this boundary, with convergence along the front, and
    additional convergence where the 850mb winds decrease and veer
    north of the associated trough will continue to drive pronounced
    ascent through the aftn. Rainfall rates estimated by local
    WSR-88Ds have already reached 1.5-2"/hr, and it is expected these
    will continue to intensify through the day.

    The stationary front is progged to waver back to the west as the
    most impressive advection of moisture (IVT nearing 500 kg/m/s)
    pushes into NC/VA. Not only will this continue to support near
    record PWs, but will also push the best thermodynamics westward
    towards the Piedmont. This suggests that convection will become
    more widespread, which is indicated by the available CAMs as well,
    leading to expansive coverage of rainfall rates which have a 20%
    (40%) chance of exceeding 2"/hr on the HREF (REFS). Mean cloud
    layer winds of 10-15 kts suggest storms will generally move to the
    north and along the boundary, with anti-parallel Corfidi vectors
    suggesting enhanced backbuilding and training as well. Where the
    most significant training can occur, which is likely to be in the
    immediate vicinity of this stationary front, total rainfall of
    2-3" is likely, with a 20-30% chance of more than 5" also present
    in both ensemble systems (HREF/REFS). Although there is some
    spread in the CAM output, there appears to be a region of slightly
    higher potential for this maximum rainfall along and just west of
    I-95 across NC and into the Middle-Neck of VA where HREF EAS
    probabilities are greatest.

    While much of the Mid-Atlantic has been very dry noted by 7-day
    AHPS rainfall departures less than 50% of normal yielding elevated
    3-hr FFG of 2.5-3.5", training of these intense rain rates can
    still overwhelm soils to produce runoff and flash flooding. The
    most likely areas for any flash flooding would be where the
    intense rates move across urban areas, but anywhere significant
    training occurs could cause instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!61cz0OYwMN1F0TylNYbCKX7aSfBlIVSc6hD0bHB-8FNYaU74DVqPRpAVRd_a8o2PA27P= gBrBa95JtcpHqswNCkRwL3Y$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38437637 38437604 38377581 38047578 37367581=20
    36267605 35527626 34847658 34247751 33957848=20
    33777922 33777972 33878010 34038023 34548032=20
    35987953 38147708 38377672=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 12 19:37:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121937

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0612
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    335 PM EDT Fri Jul 12 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal NJ...Coastal Delmarva Peninsula...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121935Z - 130030Z

    SUMMARY...Strong storms with ample deep moisture flux convergence
    supportive of 2"/hr rates likely to cross over areas already
    experiencing 2-5" totals this morning with ongoing flooding.=20=20
    Additional 2-3" over the next few hours likely to reaggravate
    flooding conditions locally.=20=20

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E and KDOX RADAR show a mature cluster of
    thunderstorms lifting through the Delmarva into S Delaware with a
    few scattered thunderstorms trailing through the Virginia portion
    of the peninsula. These cells continue to feed on remaining
    modestly unstable air with 3-5 degrees spread in
    temperature/dewpoints but still in the upper to mid 70s and nearly
    moist adiabatic lapse rates; suggests some MLCAPE values of
    1000-1500 J/kg hugging the coastal zone through central NJ. The
    moisture axis remains just west of the active convective line, but
    stronger 25-30kts of confluent 925-850mb flow will continue to
    provide the moisture flux convergence to maintain convection. Mid
    to upper level right enhance ascent/outflow are waning a bit, but
    should maintain activity for a few more hours. Given the core of
    the moisture axis is at or above 2.25"; the instability axis
    aligns along the gradient, but well within the 2" total PWats and
    while oblique, the convergence will provide efficient rainfall
    production especially given fairly high (15Kft) freezing levels to
    generate a mode of tropical showers with limited energy loss to
    ice production/melting. As such, rates of 2-2.5"/hr are likely
    the norm. As such spots of additional 2-3" are possible,
    especially if convergence remains strong along the upwind side
    further south along the southern peninsula.

    Surface and RADAR analysis also note earlier outflow boundary
    across S NJ from some weak cold pool, that may be more orthogonal
    to the low level ascent pattern allowing for additional dynamic
    ascent to maintain risk even as local environment starts to
    stabilize. So there is some concern, cell motions/tracks may
    favor propagation along or just off-shore, but there is enough
    uncertainty in motions that any potential overlap with earlier
    rounds of heavy rainfall would likely result in reaggravation of
    flooding conditions bit it rapid inundation or flashy/quick moving
    in nature over the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!52Wypm3cOKyZabnaGRqZGtuugPD6SI-CMkBXVW5ayoMYKtcoNemItbIgfJ6JxIudq4gM= NPmZUWQQ-bwfaCOcUt62TBQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40127421 39967401 39427431 38957467 37987518=20
    37127581 37347604 38177609 39137557 39667505=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 12 20:40:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 122040

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0613
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    438 PM EDT Fri Jul 12 2024

    Areas affected...Piedmont and Coastal Plain of Virginia, North
    Carolina and Northeast South Carolina...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 122040Z - 130230Z

    SUMMARY...Reducing coverage and longevity is expected given
    weakening convergence/instability parameters. However, remaining
    pockets of unstable air within a highly saturated environment will
    continue to produce scattered intense rain showers capable of
    inducing flash flooding given rates of 2-3"/hr, resulting in spots
    of 2-4" totals in short-duration (<3hrs). Scattered incidents of
    flash flooding remain likely through evening.=20

    DISCUSSION...An extremely amplified or nearly laminar flow regime
    continues to hug the Carolina coast into the northeast. Favorable
    jet divergence is starting to wane as polar jet lifts further away
    across the Great Lakes while southerly branch off the coast
    continues to weaken in favor of return flow around the larger
    sub-tropical high out near 70W. As such, the trapped mid-level
    shortwave in coastal South Carolina continues to shear/elongate
    through the I-95 corridor; while the associated 850-700 wave
    retrograded toward near Charlotte and is lifting northward at the
    tail end of the favored jet divergence pattern. This has driven
    the 850 front further west and breaks in the cirrus deck, allowed
    for filtered insolation. Deeper moisture to the west and ample
    low level moisture in place made for very unstable airmass to
    develop. Low level flow backed and fluxed the higher moisture
    into the 850-700mb frontal/deformation zone and thunderstorms have
    subsequently developed. Deep layer flow is weak or slightly
    northeast and so cells near the Fall Line have become capable of
    2-3"/hr with similar scattered totals. This will continue to
    expand northward into central VA; but is likely to diminish into
    late evening as temperatures fall with loss of insolation, though
    surge of moisture/convergence (as seen by arched band of
    convection across south central to Middle Neck of VA) may allow
    for some lingering organization after 00z.

    Across Coastal Carolinas...
    A short respite in activity has occurred along/east of the frontal
    zone from Florence, SC up along I-95 toward northeast NC. As the
    850-700mb wave continues to lift northeastward with the
    upper-level forcing, the onshore flow has continued and will be
    strengthening back to 20-25kts at 850mb. This is recharging the
    environment of E NC, where there is some increasing
    temperature/dewpoint spread and therefore increasing CAPE.=20
    Current activity to the west is probable to enhance low level
    eastward outflow and further sharpen the surface boundary. This
    will increase convective activity though the evening and with some
    speed convergence (25kts reducing to 15kts) and some isentropic
    ascent, should result in increasing convective activity and
    coverage. Total moisture values of 2.25-2.5" with 25kts of flux
    will allow for highly efficient rainfall production with rates of
    2-3"/hr at times. However, stronger inflow will allow for a slow
    eastward propagation into higher unstable environment, so
    coverage/potential for mergers will increase. Additionally, south
    to north cell motions will further the potential for some
    localized training. As such, pockets of 2-4" totals through 03z
    are becoming more likely. HRRR and recent WoFS output show
    similar evolution and output providing some increased confidence
    toward these totals, including WoFS suggesting 6" totals are not
    completely out of the picture in NE NC, given 90th percentile
    output (50th is about 3.25"). All in all, this is likely to
    produce localized pockets of flash flooding through the early
    overnight hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_SOKFOcwosFsMiwmMi6CtEm5kUdQnLa32Norj-ilFP6kjnfor8GEhrqb8xOxloAW3FGf= 1R9OGqpYjyzullZlO7QTyoU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38627767 38347731 37917627 37177623 36757602=20
    35657632 34767709 33987827 33827892 33807992=20
    34178055 35058069 35778044 36737996 38057907=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 13 11:22:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131122

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0614
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    722 AM EDT Sat Jul 13 2024

    Areas affected...Southern and Central Missouri, far eastern Kansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131121Z - 131630Z

    Summary...Rapid growth of thunderstorms associated with a
    shortwave will produce heavy rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr through
    late morning. Some slow movement of these cells could result in
    1-3" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic early this morning shows
    rapidly expanding thunderstorms from eastern Kansas into
    west-central Missouri. These thunderstorms are developing near the
    edge of a stationary front that is slowly lifting northward, and
    downstream of a shortwave noted on GOES-E WV imagery pivoting
    across eastern KS. Forcing across MO is being aided as well by a
    modest LLJ of 20-30 kts out of the SW, and a weak but diffluent
    RRQ of a modest jet streak dropping south into the Central Plains.
    The LLJ is also helping to draw higher PW air northward into the
    region, with the recent SPC RAP analysis indicating a bubble of
    1.5-1.75 inch PWs in the vicinity of the convection, which is
    overlapping favorable MUCAPE of around 2000 J/kg.

    The evolution this morning is challenging due to a lack of support
    from high-res CAMs, but at least the 06Z HRRR and the 06Z NAMNest
    have some indication of development, although both are either too
    weak or displaced. However, the 00Z RRFS members, including the
    operational p1 and experimental p2, p3, and p4 are initializing
    much better to current radar, and suggest continued upscale growth
    of this activity through late morning. The ingredients support
    this evolution until the LLJ veers and weakens after around 16Z,
    so the RRFS is used heavily for this MPD. The anomalous PWs and
    warm cloud depths will continue to support efficient warm-rain
    processes, and rainfall rates have a 30-50% chance of exceeding
    1"/hr, with short-duration 2+"/hr rates also possible. Corfidi
    vectors angled strongly to the right of the mean flow suggest
    backbuilding of convection will occur ahead of the shortwave, and
    this will lower net storm motions to just around 10 kts resulting
    in 1-3" of rainfall with locally higher amounts in some areas.

    Although confidence in evolution is modest, the favorable
    ingredients, RRFS support, and FFG that is compromised in some
    areas to just 1.5"/3hrs from recent rainfall suggests at least
    isolated instances of flash flooding are possible during the next
    several hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!49_uPBPtLXI5Ki5HGi6Eu568OpL04pt36n0XN0I9gQ973cIRiD-1dXJ9dfr_ZOt7cGQN= nFpILiqQIqg1K9dmTNePFHA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39179311 39169243 38929127 38459062 37759050=20
    37279091 36799233 36739291 36839404 37079489=20
    37359553 37589559 37919545 38389510 39039415=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 13 22:14:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 132213

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0615
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    613 PM EDT Sat Jul 13 2024

    Areas affected...Southern WI...Southeast MN...Northeast IA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 132215Z - 140315Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing moisture flux may support short-term rates of
    2-2.5"/hr; though flanking line of cells has some potential for
    longer term training and slower cell motions to allow for
    increased totals of 2-4" and result in possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV depicts a potent shortwave crossing Lake
    Superior that has resulted in deeper layer convergence along the
    leading edge of height-falls across central WI. Deep layer flow
    along has aligned with rear-inflow jet resulting in increasing
    forward propagation and deep bulk shear. As a result, recent high
    moisture flux into a developing rotating updraft supported 2.5-3"
    of rain in an hour near Wausau, WI; though this is likely to be
    the abnormality due to that burst of isallobaric inflow.=20

    Still, the environment remains very favorable for deep layer
    moisture flux from southerly to south-southwesterly surface to
    boundary layer flow with Tds in the low to mid 70s; while deeper
    mid-level moisture is being advected on strengthening
    southwesterly 850mb flow where Tds are in the low to mid 60s and
    winds are 20kts. Total moisture is about 1.8" slow increasing.=20
    So rates of 2-2.5"/hr are likely to become more common and given
    FFG values of 1.5-2"/hr in the region may be enough for spotty
    low-end flash flooding incidents even with faster forward

    Further west, stronger low level capping is in place across
    NW/north-central IA and SW MN; but high theta-E air across the
    area has made the region highly unstable with CAPE values over
    4000 J/kg. The gradient is tight across SE MN though values of
    2500-3500 J/kg exist at the interface of the cooling influence of
    the shortwave aloft. Combined with isentropic ascent along an
    effective low level boundary from the initial convection in the
    Mississippi River Valley, the flanking line is starting to develop
    discrete cells that will have the potential for consolidating.=20
    With supportive WAA of 15-20kts orthogonal to the southeasterly
    low level flow near the flanking line; stronger moisture flux
    convergence should support cells capable of similar rates. Unlike
    cells further east, the orientation of the line is fairly parallel
    to the deep layer flow and may support repeating/training across
    SE MN, into NE IA/SW WI over the next few hours. Spots of 2-3,
    isolated 4" are possible and may result in a broader areal extent
    of possible flash flooding (relative to further east).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5qs48ng0WMjyirWfYfKfE1aQoHX0NO4vVhVC5mdpbMscY6CmYPtZwKIlDsQzkC3CssiP= 9-w338IZmmhGsIkeI1H6-ts$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45178880 45138802 44368754 43768755 42988811=20
    42698907 42809088 43139224 43699338 44199421=20
    44619437 44969392 44729338 44609278 44579173=20
    44649080 44918995=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 14 05:12:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 140512

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0617
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    111 AM EDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern Minnesota, western Wisconsin

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 140510Z - 140910Z

    Summary...Training convection extending from near Saint Cloud to
    near Saint Paul will pose a risk of flash flooding for the next
    few hours - particularly in the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Metro areas.

    Discussion...A quickly moving segment/cluster of storms was
    migrating southeastward across central Minnesota and has reached
    areas near Saint Cloud. Additionally, robust cellular development
    has developed from that cluster southeastward through Saint Paul
    and near Eau Claire, WI over the past half hour or so. The newer
    development was occurring along and just north of a subtle
    confluence axis/old outflow, with buoyancy values on the warm side
    of this axis exceeding 4000 J/kg MLCAPE. Additionally, the axis
    was oriented parallel to west-northwesterly flow aloft, allowing
    for training and increasing rain rates into the 1-2 inch/hr range
    (estimated per MRMS). These rates were heaviest across areas of
    relatively high FFG thresholds (2+ inch/hr), but were moving
    toward Minneapolis/Saint Paul where FFGs drop considerably to less
    than 1 inch/hr.

    As these storms continue their southeastward trek, they will
    likely cause at least isolated/urbanized flash flood potential
    in/near Minneapolis through 07Z. They are also likely to result
    in areas of 2-3 inch rainfall totals from Minneapolis
    southeastward into western Wisconsin, where FFG thresholds were
    generally in the 1.5 inch/hr range. Flash flood potential is
    expected to increase as these storms mature.

    Over time, some upscale growth of cells into lines/bowing segments
    will likely result in a few areas of training/cell mergers that
    could still keep rain rates above 1 inch/hr in spots. The degree
    of upscale growth/propagation may mitigate the extent of flash
    flood potential due to faster cell movement, although it is a bit
    uncertain how quickly the upscale growth will evolve.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-DksSXAI5rQaJXTLSexLujZOnh5hj_Jo5Ap_DWueRmwB2xqdmHq_eIIk-k5wtzjC5gTC= hYoPKn5d770p4EV90l43SoM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46009449 45729215 44468991 43859021 43479087=20
    43699214 44379327 45079465=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 14 09:20:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 140920

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0618
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    519 AM EDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Areas affected...far southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 140918Z - 141400Z

    Summary...An MCS near LaCrosse, WI remains strong while
    propagating southeastward toward northern Illinois, where heavy
    rain fell a few hours ago. Flash flooding remains possible, and
    ongoing runoff concerns could be exacerbated where 2-7 inch
    rainfall amounts occurred overnight.

    Discussion... A convective complex continues to propagate
    southward along the Mississippi River near LaCrosse, WI currently.
    The complex has maintained its intensity and organization (per
    recent water vapor imagery) while migrating southeastward along
    the leading edge of steep (7.5-8C/km) lapse rates over Iowa and
    southern Minnesota. Meanwhile, portions of the discussion area
    are in the immediate wake of a complex that produced 2-7 inch
    rainfall totals (peak near Rockford, IL) along with numerous
    instances of excessive runoff and locally significant flash flood

    The ongoing MCS near LaCrosse was migrating southeastward toward
    the aforementioned, impacted areas at roughly 315/35. Despite
    appreciable forward speed, areas of 1 inch/hr rain rates were
    occurring in parts of the MCS. These rates will likely exacerbate
    excessive runoff/lingering flash flooding - especially if they
    fall on prior impacted areas from overnight. On its current path,
    the MCS should reach the WI/IL border by around 11Z and it appears
    plausible that recharging lapse rates across northern Illinois
    could aid in the complex maintaining most (if not all) of its
    intensity during that timeframe. Appreciable flash flood
    potential is expected as another 0.5-1.5 inches of rain affects
    previously impacted areas especially from near Rockford to Chicago.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8-Zlf1vSasNAU9VmKHmALAXUMnkR8ZPChU4Df1_Wz9kqXlmC2BrBzCSzHU67gRXQnDdC= qKnWDxMBBh4xJ9pfRq3xLiE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44349130 44078978 43348900 42478787 41878766=20
    41428760 41188796 41218886 41789005 42909110=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 14 23:21:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 142321

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0619
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    721 PM EDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Areas affected...Southern WI...Northern IL...Eastern IA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 142320Z - 150430Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing convective development in proximity to
    mid-level shortwave, deep moisture and highly unstable airmass,
    supportive of intense, efficient rainfall production with rates of
    2-2.5"/hr along leading edge of MCS. Combined with areas of
    recently saturated soil conditions across S WI, NE IL; flash
    flooding will become increasingly likely into the overnight hours.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV denotes a shortwave trough across WI
    centered in the vicinity of LaCrosse moving east, generally
    over-topping the northeast side of the synoptic ridge axis moving
    into greater diffluent flow. This has spurred a surface wave to
    develop along the SW WI/NE IA border with an effective warm front
    extending east and then southeast parallel to the SW Lake Michigan
    coast toward Chicago with broad southwesterly flow behind it with
    increasing Tds from low 70s at the front back to low to even some
    mid-80s Tds along a trailing pre-frontal convergence trough that
    bisects Iowa from SW to NE. CIRA LPW denotes this slug of
    enhanced sfc to 850mb moisture overlapping some modest moisture
    values generally associated with the mid-level trof through 500mb
    resulting in totals of 1.75 to 2" from central IA into S WI.=20
    Strong surface heating and the moisture and strong capping has
    lead to very high CAPE values with MLCAPE reaching as high at 4500
    J/kg in the capped region further southwest though values over
    3000 J/kg will support strong updrafts.

    Given the upper-level DPVA and increasing diffluence; convective
    initiation has started in earnest in proximity to the convergence
    along the pre-frontal trough into and downstream of the core of
    the upper-level low. Expectation is from rapid development and
    increased moisture flux into the cells. Combined with
    strengthening LLJ toward dusk of 25-30kts of southwest flow;
    upscale growth into an organized MCS is expected (See SPC MCDs for
    additional details on severe concerns). Strong convergence along
    the leading edge will maintain this flux and support very high
    instantaneous rain rates with 2-2.5"/hr totals perhaps falling in
    as short as 30 minutes with the strongest convergence.

    These rates/totals alone are likely to result in localized flash
    flooding conditions given most of the area of concern has 1hr FFG
    values between 1-1.5". Recent heavy rainfall last evening from
    two systems, resulted in swaths of 2-5" totals from W WI to
    south-central WI to north-central/northeast IL reducing longer 3hr
    FFG values to below 2" given 0-40cm soil saturation over 70% per
    NASA SPoRT LIS product; further increasing the likelihood of flash
    flooding across these areas. Urban centers of Madison, Rockville
    and the Chicagoland area will also be at increased risk given this
    overlap and flash flooding is considered likely given if overall
    totals remain more in the 2-3" range with widely scattered 4"

    Further west into eastern Iowa...
    The grounds are less saturated and 3hr FFG is between 2-2.5", so
    still prone, but perhaps not rising to the higher risk/certainty
    level. Additionally, the line (discrete cells) may be more
    scattered in nature due to stronger capping. Cell motion will
    mitigate extreme totals, but if cell rotation is enhanced...so
    will flux and reduce forward propagation (especially in the apex
    of the 500-1000 thickness ridge), more localized totals up to 3-4"
    may be possible; and so flash flooding may be more
    localized/scattered in nature.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-U4Sc1OlR0vuPwynRT_KUixgr8SkyXBuKbV8x-U_l0PHE61K2LmSvUKJTk24YfP6d5kr= aZx52lgBo5PE38RXRY-xAbQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43959048 43688914 43178800 42688774 41918743=20
    41408700 40908720 40468799 40508971 40929117=20
    41739298 42059329 42449338 42919299 43449171=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 15 00:20:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150020

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0619...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    819 PM EDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Corrected for Geography in paragraph 3

    Areas affected...Southern WI...Northern IL...Eastern IA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 142320Z - 150430Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing convective development in proximity to
    mid-level shortwave, deep moisture and highly unstable airmass,
    supportive of intense, efficient rainfall production with rates of
    2-2.5"/hr along leading edge of MCS. Combined with areas of
    recently saturated soil conditions across S WI, NE IL; flash
    flooding will become increasingly likely into the overnight hours.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV denotes a shortwave trough across WI
    centered in the vicinity of LaCrosse moving east, generally
    over-topping the northeast side of the synoptic ridge axis moving
    into greater diffluent flow. This has spurred a surface wave to
    develop along the SW WI/NE IA border with an effective warm front
    extending east and then southeast parallel to the SW Lake Michigan
    coast toward Chicago with broad southwesterly flow behind it with
    increasing Tds from low 70s at the front back to low to even some
    mid-80s Tds along a trailing pre-frontal convergence trough that
    bisects Iowa from SW to NE. CIRA LPW denotes this slug of
    enhanced sfc to 850mb moisture overlapping some modest moisture
    values generally associated with the mid-level trof through 500mb
    resulting in totals of 1.75 to 2" from central IA into S WI.=20
    Strong surface heating and the moisture and strong capping has
    lead to very high CAPE values with MLCAPE reaching as high at 4500
    J/kg in the capped region further southwest though values over
    3000 J/kg will support strong updrafts.

    Given the upper-level DPVA and increasing diffluence; convective
    initiation has started in earnest in proximity to the convergence
    along the pre-frontal trough into and downstream of the core of
    the upper-level low. Expectation is from rapid development and
    increased moisture flux into the cells. Combined with
    strengthening LLJ toward dusk of 25-30kts of southwest flow;
    upscale growth into an organized MCS is expected (See SPC MCDs for
    additional details on severe concerns). Strong convergence along
    the leading edge will maintain this flux and support very high
    instantaneous rain rates with 2-2.5"/hr totals perhaps falling in
    as short as 30 minutes with the strongest convergence.

    These rates/totals alone are likely to result in localized flash
    flooding conditions given most of the area of concern has 1hr FFG
    values between 1-1.5". Recent heavy rainfall last evening from
    two systems, resulted in swaths of 2-5" totals from W WI to
    south-central WI to north-central/northeast IL reducing longer 3hr
    FFG values to below 2" given 0-40cm soil saturation over 70% per
    NASA SPoRT LIS product; further increasing the likelihood of flash
    flooding across these areas. Urban centers of Madison, Rockford
    and the Chicagoland area will also be at increased risk given this
    overlap and flash flooding is considered likely given if overall
    totals remain more in the 2-3" range with widely scattered 4"

    Further west into eastern Iowa...
    The grounds are less saturated and 3hr FFG is between 2-2.5", so
    still prone, but perhaps not rising to the higher risk/certainty
    level. Additionally, the line (discrete cells) may be more
    scattered in nature due to stronger capping. Cell motion will
    mitigate extreme totals, but if cell rotation is enhanced...so
    will flux and reduce forward propagation (especially in the apex
    of the 500-1000 thickness ridge), more localized totals up to 3-4"
    may be possible; and so flash flooding may be more
    localized/scattered in nature.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6HMJSXZzgs9uub0akWS2mqyPYR-5dqpQFgRd6znL9AsuZd_PBpbTR6aJ5uOSEX-8x4IA= WqYoN0hLx6Yga5Yt_49cLO8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43959048 43688914 43178800 42688774 41918743=20
    41408700 40908720 40468799 40508971 40929117=20
    41739298 42059329 42449338 42919299 43449171=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 15 02:29:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150229

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0620
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1028 PM EDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Areas affected...central/southern Arizona

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 150227Z - 150727Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorm activity continues to propagate
    westward from higher terrain in central/southeastern Arizona. The
    storms are moving toward a moist airmass and could increase in
    coverage through 05Z. Flash flood potential continues.

    Discussion...A couple of clusters of thunderstorm activity have
    developed along higher terrain in central/southeastern AZ today
    and have drifted westward through the early evening. These storms
    are embedded in a favorable easterly-flow pattern aloft for
    westward propagation and upscale growth. Furthermore, the cells
    were moving toward a gradually more moist airmass, with 1.5 inch
    PW values noted per SPC Mesoanalyses from Phoenix metro southward
    and westward. Spots of 1 inch/hr rain rates were estimated per
    MRMS with this activity. These rain rates are likely to
    contribute to isolated flash flood potential in the short term.

    As typical for this time of year, thunderstorm clusters were
    growing upscale while migrating westward toward the moisture and
    instability in place downstream. Models (particularly the HRRR)
    and observations both support an uptick in convective activity
    with merging, westward-moving cold pools. A westward expansion in
    coverage of heavier rain rates (exceeding 1 inch/hr) are expected.
    These rates are likely to cause at least isolated flash flooding
    especially in low spots and sensitive locales. Most of this
    thunderstorm activity is diurnally driven an dshould persist for
    at least another 2-3 hours, with a gradual decrease in convective
    coverage expected into the night.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-YR2-bVJbkxVAZt4RoEgtJaNHJjnbCQvowcFz5wFFKqwdzKLdaQniYQ1cYu5gmHdUv1S= oiLZ4uojy90ypYkgnzXTa0U$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35751219 34530979 32710946 31811063 31881216=20
    32521406 33641438 35741384=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 15 02:30:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150230

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0620
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1029 PM EDT Sun Jul 14 2024

    Areas affected...central/southern Arizona

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 150227Z - 150727Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorm activity continues to propagate
    westward from higher terrain in central/southeastern Arizona. The
    storms are moving toward a moist airmass and could increase in
    coverage through 05Z. Flash flood potential continues.

    Discussion...A couple of clusters of thunderstorm activity have
    developed along higher terrain in central/southeastern AZ today
    and have drifted westward through the early evening. These storms
    are embedded in a favorable easterly-flow pattern aloft for
    westward propagation and upscale growth. Furthermore, the cells
    were moving toward a gradually more moist airmass, with 1.5 inch
    PW values noted per SPC Mesoanalyses from Phoenix metro southward
    and westward. Spots of 1 inch/hr rain rates were estimated per
    MRMS with this activity. These rain rates are likely to
    contribute to isolated flash flood potential in the short term.

    As typical for this time of year, thunderstorm clusters were
    growing upscale while migrating westward toward the moisture and
    instability in place downstream. Models (particularly the HRRR)
    and observations both support an uptick in convective activity
    with merging, westward-moving cold pools. A westward expansion in
    coverage of heavier rain rates (exceeding 1 inch/hr) are expected.
    These rates are likely to cause at least isolated flash flooding
    especially in low spots and sensitive locales. Most of this
    thunderstorm activity is diurnally driven and should persist for
    at least another 2-3 hours, with a gradual decrease in convective
    coverage expected into the night.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4ApvMFS27CkWrxJtYgIJ4wX8KsW1bwS4c-XO0Ti3dm5sjqsDHtks6i7O7t_wnon4V1ea= 55n_wnEDaAmBiOTlSlrE4-4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35751219 34530979 32710946 31811063 31881216=20
    32521406 33641438 35741384=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 15 20:29:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 152029

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0621
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    428 PM EDT Mon Jul 15 2024

    Areas affected...Central & Eastern IA...Southwest WI...Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 152030Z - 160230Z

    SUMMARY...Another MCS traversing saturated ground conditions with
    rates of 2-2.5"/hr and 3-5" totals pose likely flash flooding,
    especially over E IA/S WI/N IL where rounds have overlapped the
    most over the last few days.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV shows a broad longer wave cyclonic trough
    over the Upper Great Lakes and Western Ontario, another strong jet
    streak moving through central MN into the U.P. of Michigan with
    core around 90-100kts at 250mb. This places the area of concern
    within broad diffluent flow south of the jet core, but also with
    increasing divergence as the right entrance focuses across S MN
    into WI over the next few hours. In the low levels, a pre-frontal
    surface wave continues to deepen across west-central IA near
    CIN/FOD. A trailing pressure trough into SE NEB is acting as an
    effective cold front/surface convergence boundary...while a
    similar effective warm front exists east toward ALO to CWI and
    north of BMI/CMI and south of LAF. Winds are backed along this
    boundary and the pooling moisture (in the upper 70s to low 80s)
    and ample insolation has resulted in an enhanced cu field. MLCAPE
    of 4000-4500 J/kg is analyzed along the boundary with slowly
    eroding capping. Similarly, deep layer moisture/TPW values are
    pooling too at or just above 2" through depth.

    Stronger low level convergence near the low and upper-level jet
    ascent is resulting in convective initiation upstream near the
    front. Cells will be capable of 2-2.5"/hr rates, though initial
    deep layer steering flow is likely to result in fast forward
    propagation to mitigate higher totals in the short-term. However,
    as CAPE continues to increase downstream, southwesterly LLJ will
    increase from 15-20kts to 25-30kts increasing convergence and
    resulting in cells further down the effective warm front
    developing. Initially slower, these stage setting cells, will
    remain orientated parallel to the deeper layer flow as
    organization and upscale growth occurs into a stronger MCS/squall
    line. As such, spots of 2-3" with a secondary 2" in a sub-hourly
    manner should result in spots of 3-5" across E IA into NW IL.

    Additionally, as the LLJ strengthens from the southwest, this is
    more orthogonal to the effective front and spots where boundary
    layer/surface based pre-cursory cells do not develop, should
    isentropically ascend resulting in elevated speed convergence and
    convective initiation across NE IA/SW WI, expanding the areas of
    intense rainfall. Given these areas also have seen recent heavy
    rainfall; grounds are 65-80% saturated through 40cm per NASA SPoRT
    LIS products and FFGs are below 2.5"/3hrs (even lower across the S
    WI/N IL two rows of border counties). As a result, flash flooding
    is considered likely (especially after 00z) with some considerable
    flash flooding possible, especially in/near urban centers like
    Rockford, IL, Dubuque, IA, the Quad Cities and Madison, WI and
    eventually the NW Suburbs of Chicago in the early overnight


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_zKR9cECaINb0_grsHuFI4PSFymHYuYMY8b2Y46EdUdlho9MQdtgd_Y36mg9aJNmtjtQ= _z4BlMn1A9436-rEx4LeU0k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43679009 43458890 42408826 41268832 40568925=20
    40699083 41099279 41479415 41759496 42449509=20
    43099333 43579150=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 15 21:10:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 152110

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0622
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    509 PM EDT Mon Jul 15 2024

    Areas affected...Peninsular and Eastern Transverse Ranges of
    Southern California...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 152105Z - 160130Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving thunderstorms with modest moisture/flux
    convergence may result in spots of 1-1.5" in 1-2 hours resulting
    in possible localized flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-W Visible imagery shows the first cycling
    updrafts along the peaks of the Peninsular Range, eastern San
    Bernandino, Little Bernandino and Pinto Ranges. Very high
    moisture resides within the Imperial Valley into the Coachella
    Valley with surface Tds in 60s and low 70s from Thermal, CA south
    to the Salton Sea. GPS and RAP analysis suggest total PWATs of
    1.25" as far north as DAG, with the average of 1.5" in the lower
    valley. With high theta-E airmass in the valley, CAPEs have
    reached 2500 J/kg looking for the upslope ascent forcing. Winds
    have increased recently with 5-10kts of upslope flow from both the moist/unstable Gulf of California air and from upslope off the
    cooler Pacific. Deeper layer flow though provides the 850-700mb
    weak but sufficient convergent ascent before turning slightly
    northward along the spine of the ridge. This should provide
    sufficient moisture flux to eventually support .5"-1"/hr rates
    after these first few up/downdraft cycles moisten the drier low
    level profile.

    Steering is weak but eventually bends back toward the NW edge of
    the ridge with weak westerly diffluence support from 30-35kt 3H
    jet streak off the California Bight. As such, slow cell motions
    may allow for an hour or so of residence in and east of the ridge
    lines. Given barren rock and recent heavy rainfall in similar
    locations, enhanced runoff may result in localized flash flooding
    conditions over the next few hours before instability fully wanes.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-90-LI0LaVUoEVABRr_nvXL7Xt17irBNbd9DtPitWUFovRLzSfFD2hIO0ao7ReH044si= vFwyvv60ETFX-lomjY25x-w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35171681 34911608 33801532 33581614 32571577=20
    32451642 33831685 34301729 34911722=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 15 21:35:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 152135

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0623
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    534 PM EDT Mon Jul 15 2024

    Areas affected...East-central and Southeast Arizona...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 152135Z - 160300Z

    SUMMARY...Strong upslope moisture flux convergence and unstable
    environment should support strong updrafts capable of intense
    rainfall rates and localized 1-2" totals resulting in possible
    localized flash flooding through evening.

    DISCUSSION...RAP analysis fields depict a very unstable
    environment along the eastern Mogollon Rim toward the White Mtns
    extending south into southeast Arizona across into the ranges of
    Cochise county. MLCAPEs in excess of 2000 J/kg suggest very
    buoyant environment exists, supporting strong updrafts and
    localized moisture flux enhancement. This is likely a result of
    solid lapse rates along/above the a pool of 700mb moisture with
    Tds in the 5-8 degree C range, while solid 10-15kts of low level
    upslope flow from the Sonoran Desert valley is rapidly moistening
    the lower profile; while also providing strong convergence into
    the terrain. As a result, numerous thunderstorms have been
    initiating along the ridge lines of S Apache/Navajo counties as
    well as into SE Cochise and Santa Cruz counties. Deep layer
    steering along the southern edge of the deeper layer ridge, will
    enhance moisture flux convergence and further moisten the drier
    lower profiles. Given Tds in the 60s, Pwats are nearing 1.3-1.5"
    across much of the area of concern, supporting short term rates up
    to .75"/hr but will increase to 1-1.5"/hr as the evening
    progresses into deeper moisture and evaporation loss is nearly
    eliminated. Organized clusters and storm interactions may be
    sufficient for localized hang-ups, mergers and upticks that may
    result in some even locally higher values up to 2". As a result,
    localized flash flooding is possible across the area of concern
    especially southward toward the Mexican border where moisture is
    just that bit higher.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!81Fxdl9q31FOZCm1bKd9Bflx2v3KWhnHRfyzC6lmiQTwfLFFj1cgRVJw41B15rTP9app= 3NTql-9K2de5LXz8oQkhn0I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34461128 34411063 33350927 32690938 31610913=20
    31210933 31190995 31201073 31321136 31451191=20
    31881189 32201107 32621087 32981094 33981145=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 01:02:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160102

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0624
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    902 PM EDT Mon Jul 15 2024

    Areas affected...Southern WI...Northern IL...Northwest
    IND...Southwest Lower MI...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 160100Z - 160600Z

    SUMMARY...Considerable flash flooding possible along warm
    advective portion of the maturing MCS. Training heavy rainfall
    capped off with very intense sub-hourly totals of 1.5-2"/30min.
    Given recent rainfall broad area of likely flash flooding
    conditions expected through early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR depicts a maturing QLCS that is quite
    broad in width crossing out of E IA into far southern WI, N & NW
    IL. 00z surface analysis denotes warm front continues to lift
    north and is near/just north of I-90 in N IL before sagging south
    a bit across NW IND aligning with reduced convergent line of cu
    seen in fading visible imagery... this seems to demarcate very
    high surface Tds in the upper 70s and lower 80s from lower 70s and
    even 60s in north of a secondary boundary across southern Lower
    MI. South of the warm front highly unstable air with 5000+ J/kg
    of MLCAPE. Strengthening LLJ continues to be slightly confluent
    just along/ahead of the main squall line now reaching over 2"
    total PWats through depth advecting on 25-30kts per VWP sites
    across N IL. This is ascending over the boundary and breaking out
    elevated convection downstream of the main line across the
    southern row of counties in WI with overshooting tops now starting
    to cool below -65C indicating strengthening updrafts and moisture
    flux capable of 2-2.5"/hr rates.

    The intersection of the squall line and warm front in proximity to
    Freeport to Rockford, will continue to experience very strong to
    extreme moisture flux convergence and will support instantaneous
    rates over 4"/hr though ample downdraft CAPE and deep layer
    steering has been progressing to reduce duration to about 30-45
    minutes given the broader than normal width of the squall itself.=20
    This will result in 1.5-2" in 30minute period. As such, as the
    trailing intersection trains across the southern counties of
    WI/far northern counties of WI. Spots of 2-3" maybe locally
    higher may be laid down prior to the arrival of the additional 2"
    in such short-duration. As such, local 4"+ totals may be

    This alone would result in likely flash flooding along the axis of
    training; however, recent heavy rainfall over the last few days
    with prior MCS passages, have saturated the area with 0-40cm
    ratios over 75%, so infiltration may be difficult especially at
    those rates. As such, grounds may act as hydrophobic resulting in
    a majority of the rainfall as runoff; combined with increasing
    urban coverage into SE WI/NE IL, only adds to the potential
    concern for considerable, life-threatening flash flooding

    As the line crosses Lake Michigan, the warm front is starting to=20
    advect higher theta-E air into NW IND, but is a bit slow to reach
    SW MI. So while there will be sufficient downstream isentropical
    convergence for isolated convection, it should be an order of magnitude/coverage lower than in WI/IL...though that is still
    likely to result in stronger pre-cursory elevated cells from
    strong isentropic ascent/convergence. Rates of 2"/hr and spots of
    2-3" are likely and given recent wetter ground conditions flash
    flooding is likely across SW Lower MI and far NW IND.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-3fohWUXPTSiVf35iInnAqlOif25efQ5SqkCF0l_m3qPfcKRRZhKPkffI7ehfkJB9Ca5= m5-p3XN30ntD2jdYqzMO7Vg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43048901 42878666 42848620 42688535 42248455=20
    41878439 41378468 41158526 41248692 41358785=20
    41728926 42178984 42748975=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 04:09:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160409

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0625
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1208 AM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...much of central Illinois, west-central Indiana,
    and surrounding areas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 160407Z - 161007Z

    Summary...Robust redevelopment of convection upstream of an MCS
    over Indiana/central Illinois will pose a flash flood risk over
    the next 6 hours (through 10Z).

    Discussion...An intense, well-organized convective complex has
    spread an appreciable amount of rainfall across much of northern
    and central Illinois so far today, with widespread 0.5-2 inch
    rainfall amounts noted. That convective complex has now spread
    into Indiana, although a strong cold pool extends westward through
    Springfield, IL, then northwestward through Quincy, IL.=20
    Meanwhile, strong southwesterly flow at 850mb continues to
    maintain strongly unstable air into and above the cold pool,
    resulting in renewed, robust convective development from Peoria
    westward to near Burlington, IA. This convective development was
    oriented parallel to steering flow aloft, favoring training and
    areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates on grounds that already received
    copious rainfall from the lead MCS in Indiana. This regime is
    already prompting excessive runoff across parts of west-central

    This overall regime is expected to remain in place through the
    next 4-6 hours, with areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates continuing to
    materialize across the discussion area where convective bands are
    most persistent. The dominant band over/west of Peoria should
    persist for at least another couple hours and perhaps shift slowly
    southward. Another one or two convective bands may also
    materialize given the favorable thermodynamic environment and
    multiple sources for ascent. 3-5 inch totals through 10Z cannot
    be completely ruled out. These rates should readily exceed FFG
    thresholds, which may be lower than the 1.5 inch/hr rain rates
    given the recent rainfall and wet soils. Flash flooding is likely
    in this scenario.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7lAv3pf1SP2teGX1CMgxlXmvFrtKA2DHV9RZFTKnLVreUu0xh31_uSwwk8BO2l8yD2K7= oMArcSk9w33XsrSK9bNLLcg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41428969 41058750 40138634 39518611 38808745=20
    38579029 39659143 41289109=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 04:35:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160435

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0626
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1234 AM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...southern/southeastern Michigan

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160434Z - 160834Z

    Summary...Heavy rainfall will continue to develop in tandem with a
    convective complex currently over Indiana and southwestern
    Michigan. 1-2.5+ inch/hr rain rates are expected, which could
    prompt isolated flash flooding especially in urbanized/sensitive

    Discussion...A mature MCS continues to spread heavy rainfall
    across a broad part of the Midwest. Of particular concern is an
    east-to-west oriented band of storms across southwestern Michigan
    that has prompted high rain rates (2 inches/hr measured, 2.5
    inches/hr estimated per radar). These storms continue to be fed
    by moist, strongly unstable air across central/eastern Indiana
    (3000+ J/kg MLCAPE, 1.5+ PW values) and are supported by focused=20
    low-level convergence along and just ahead of the complex.

    Models/observations indicate that heavy rainfall (and at least 1+
    inch/hr rain rates) should continue to spread eastward in tandem
    with the convective complex through 08Z. This should result in
    potential flash flood concerns in urbanized and sensitive areas
    along and south of the I-94 corridor, with heavier rainfall
    eventually reaching the Detroit Metro area through the 07Z
    timeframe. FFG thresholds outside of the metro areas are above 2
    inch/hr thresholds, suggesting that flash flood potential should
    remain isolated and tied to the urbanized and/or flood prone areas
    with most persistent rainfall.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8oVASAfx-wAwCJ2DD_HBINqwTQuPkAdxhdsgUEv3iF8VKs8pobhR-_xtLHb9XCeK-K6q= vKCfl-spHkfb5Av3FdKJ2Lc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42878466 42768329 42278266 41818271 41648410=20
    41588591 41858612 42708569=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 08:31:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160831

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0627
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    430 AM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...central/southern Illinois, southwestern Indiana,
    a small part of western Kentucky

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160829Z - 161429Z

    Summary...Expansive convective band over central Illinois will
    continue to propagate southward, causing 1-2 inch/hr rain rates
    that prompt a few areas of flash flooding. This risk will
    continue through the 12-14Z timeframe.

    Discussion...Mature, yet elevated convective complex continues to
    migrate southward slowly across central Illinois and generally
    extends from near Bloomington, IN to near Quincy, IL. While
    southward translation has increased over the past couple hours,
    individual cells were developing and moving east-southeastward
    within the convective band, resulting in localized training and
    persistent areas of ~1.5 inch/hr rain rates. The elevated
    updrafts were still being fostered by steep upstream lapse rates
    (around 7.5C/km in the mid-levels) and convergent inflow at 850mb
    at around 30-35 knots or so.=20

    The upstream instability/kinematic combo is likely to remain in
    place for several more hours despite a gradual weakening of 850mb
    flow. This lends more confidence in the convective band actually
    reaching (or perhaps persisting slightly south of) the Ohio River
    through the 12-14Z timeframe. Areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates
    should continue and threaten FFG thresholds across the region
    (generally in the 1.5-2 inch/hr range). Flash flooding remains a
    distinct possibility with this activity. Some uncertainty remains
    with respect to the intensity of convection after 12Z, with a
    gradual decrease in intensity becoming possible as indicated by
    several CAMs.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7s-pKOr1bo28NzaaTkOsA8YFuPlNcEezF76Pcgsp10jZ-svC73H6MEsRKCA-hXLtNiRm= Po7byTsi44ll5TUmKwwIujQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40139041 40058906 39738755 39078659 38248640=20
    37528686 37198855 37738963 39059057 40009119=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 10:41:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161041

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0628
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    640 AM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast KS...North-Central MO...West-Central IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 161040Z - 161600Z

    SUMMARY...Multiple rounds of convection with high rainfall rates
    will be a problem through the mid to late morning hours from
    eastern Kansas to west-central Illinois. Training convection may
    lead to some instances of flooding through 11 am local time with
    rainfall rates exceeding 2 inches per hour at times.

    DISCUSSION...Latest radar and infrared satellite imagery depict
    two separate areas of concern. The first is a back-building MCS
    over west-central Illinois with a new line of nearly stationary
    convection centered near Route 36 in northern Missouri. The
    second is a slightly more progressive but very intense MCS
    crossing northeast Kansas, currently tracking along and just north
    of the Interstate 70 corridor.

    There is strong boundary layer moisture convergence just ahead of
    an incoming cold front, and lift is also being provided by a
    shortwave trough passing by to the north of this region. Model
    forecast soundings indicate ample instability feeding into both of
    these complexes from the south, with convection likely to increase
    in coverage over the next few hours. Additionally, the latest CAM
    guidance has been struggling to accurately depict the overall
    evolution of this convection, but the latest ARW seems to have the
    best overall depiction based on what is currently happening on
    radar. Some instances of flash flooding will be possible with the
    strongest and most persistent convection.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-0nmeH9rsimaNR4FGL-0qLDCxuhNJI4V7MwFD5I7Kr6ypboRLME9Q2NPLXKn-Sx2ZiFO= _a16TB6o2YlDNE_79rL0bbM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40079472 40079346 39919127 39648978 39028917=20
    38118982 38279124 38489255 38559523 38399653=20
    38599724 38849757 39239761 39789701=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 14:28:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161428

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0629
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1026 AM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...Central MO...Southern IL...Southwest IN...Western

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 161426Z - 162000Z

    SUMMARY...The heavy rainfall threat from slow moving clusters of
    storms will continue going into the early afternoon hours.=20
    Rainfall rates reaching 2+ inches per hour are expected to result
    in additional instances of flash flooding, especially across areas
    that have saturated soils from earlier rain this morning.

    DISCUSSION...Latest radar and infrared satellite imagery depict
    two separate mesoscale convective systems, with a progressive MCS
    approaching from eastern Kansas, and a much slower one over
    southern Illinois that has indicated hours of back-building
    convection. Additional slow moving showers and storms have
    recently developed between these two areas, with potential for
    additional backbuilding.

    There is strong boundary layer moisture convergence just ahead of
    an incoming cold front, in an environment of PWs between 2.0 to
    2.3 inches based on the latest SPC mesoanalysis. Model forecast
    soundings indicate ample instability feeding into both of these
    complexes from the southwest, with convection likely to increase
    in coverage over the next few hours.

    The latest CAM guidance has improved some since earlier this
    morning in the depiction of ongoing convection. The 13Z HRRR
    seems to have a decent initialization of what is currently
    happening, and this model depicts a few more hours of training
    convection before the MCS bows out and becomes more progressive.=20
    The potential exists for patchy maxima of 3-6 inches through 3 pm
    CDT. Some instances of flash flooding are likely with the
    strongest and most persistent convection.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-6oUXy0Ge-Nrxgl-RmV8OL6zzf0_tiUVsUwTiK10-QYxIsf8uDGc2f_im8aFwYZ71fW-= U3Z-hEdxhhm5ZYiGs4rWWMQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39599038 39478981 39178861 38788803 38348771=20
    37908749 37538725 36748726 36388800 36358943=20
    37079232 37309325 37599378 38019379 38379334=20
    38499278 38499243 38589200 38729161 38909151=20
    39219138 39589099=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 18:36:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161836

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0630
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    235 PM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central CO...Western NM...Eastern
    AZ...Southeast UT

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 161834Z - 170000Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms are forecast to
    gradually increase in coverage across the Four Corners region
    through the afternoon hours. Isolated instances of flash flooding
    will be possible where storms become more anchored to the terrain,
    and also across vulnerable burn scar areas.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES 16 visible satellite imagery has
    shown an increase in convective development over the past couple
    of hours, and this is also becoming evident in regional Doppler
    radar. CIRA layered PWs indicate increasing moisture flux around
    the western and northern periphery of a 300-500mb upper ridge
    centered over southern New Mexico, with overall storm motions
    towards the northeast. The latest SPC mesoanalysis has PWs
    between 0.75 and 1.00 inch extending into southern Utah, so the
    storms that develop will be more efficient rainfall producers.

    The latest CAM guidance suite is likely underdone with forecast
    QPF totals through 00Z, and there is the potential for isolated
    1-2 inch rainfall totals with some of the strongest storms that
    develop, with much of that falling within a 90-minute time period.
    Parts of northern New Mexico have already received copious
    rainfall over the past couple of weeks, and this would make that
    region more susceptible to potential flooding. Although the
    threat will likely remain isolated, heavy rain could lead to
    impactful flooding concerns if it happens over burn scar areas or
    slot canyons.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-OlRoN-aT40liuUklPRGybFUdoTTccyaYnZonnNu7BQTAwiMJrapbqTJlhM7loFZhMeN= YrwzMgfF1FLIXklf1b0VueI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39101089 38601023 38100963 37890859 38110689=20
    37980578 37610503 37150459 36220478 35330535=20
    34940638 35260693 34950744 33600737 32900779=20
    32810860 32970934 33591002 34491015 35710997=20
    36281023 36521086 36271167 35931251 35931305=20
    36231376 36861397 37541373 37951321 38161280=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 16 18:50:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161850

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0631
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    250 PM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Interior Northeast...New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 161849Z - 170000Z

    Summary...Convection across western New York is intensifying and
    expanding ahead of an MCV and associated surface low. Efficient
    warm rainfall production with this activity could lead to hourly
    rainfall rates of 2-2.5"/hr, which could cause a few instances of
    flash flooding in spite of generally progressive storm motions.

    Discussion...Recent radar and IR imagery show an intensifying
    convective complex across western New York as a well defined MCV
    migrates eastward. Single source and MRMS hourly rainfall
    estimates within the most intense activity 2"/hr rainfall rates
    noted downwind of Lake Ontario. While bowing segments within this
    complex resulted in quick forward propagation of 30-40 kts,
    scattered CREST Unit Streamflows of 200-300 cfs/smi were noted in
    the wake of this activity owing to the high rainfall rates.=20

    The most intense rainfall rates are occurring within a notable
    PWAT max (1.8-2" per TPW and objective analysis estimates) which
    overlap with a highly sheared and unstable airmass (50 kts 0-6 km
    shear and 1500-2000 J/kg MLCAPE) immediately downstream of the
    MCV. Ahead of the MCV, TPW shows widespread moistening downstream
    of the ongoing activity. With RAP point soundings showing warm
    cloud depths of 12-14,000 feet in the inflow region of these
    storms, efficient rainfall rates of 2-2.5"/hr are expected within
    the most intense cells this afternoon.

    While the fast storm motions and generally dry antecedent
    conditions preclude a more robust flash flood threat, 1-3 HR FFGs
    across portions of the region are fairly low (varying from
    1-2.5"). Given the potential for high rainfall rates, HREF
    neighborhood probabilities show high chances (40-60%) of 1-3 HR
    FFG exceedence through the afternoon. This suggests a few
    instances of flash flooding are possible as this activity
    continues, with areal rainfall totals of 2-3" possible through 0Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Rb-J0B0WvIG1RTH45rpMnyXwgApHRnrAKR7IuHIQLCmdoZz1hAeJqlX0Lql2wZX8fes= SN15tNuudffQT4BGTFdJIJQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45157309 44687206 43577229 43037329 42907477=20
    41927628 42577668 43757653 44497592 45087508=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 00:25:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170025

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0632
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    824 PM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...Ozarks...Western TN Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 170023Z - 170353Z

    Summary...Slow-moving cells over northern AR are intensifying and
    expanding as forcing increases along a stationary outflow
    boundary. Flash flood threat will continue through the next
    several hours given slow cell movement and 2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    Discussion...Trends in IR imagery highlight an expanding area of
    cooling cloud tops associated with a corridor of very slow moving
    cells positioned over northern AR. While this activity was
    bubbling along the boundary as convective temperatures were
    breached, the rapid uptick in intensity and coverage can likely be
    attributed to 1) the approach of a well-defined MCV, and 2)
    increasing low-level inflow ascending the cold-pool reinforced
    boundary. Although some hail contamination is possible, recent
    MRMS precipitation estimates suggest very efficient rainfall rates
    of 2-3"/hr are possible beneath the coldest cloud tops north of

    The mesoscale environment in the vicinity of this activity remains
    very favorable for heavy rainfall, as recent GPS and mesoanalysis
    estimates highlight PWATs around 2", 3500-4500 J/kg of MLCAPE, and
    warm cloud depths around 13,000 feet near these cells. The
    subjectively modified VWP profile from SGF reveals a westerly
    mean-wind profile of 15-20 kts which will continue to favor cell
    training given the boundary orientation and increasing 850 mb
    inflow approaching the magnitude of the mean wind.

    While high-resolution guidance has struggled with this activity,
    the very moist and unstable thermodynamic environment combined
    with increased forcing will continue to favor instances of flash
    flooding through this evening. Additional MPD issuances may be
    needed to address any downstream convection along the boundary as
    suggested by the HREF and recent runs of the HRRR.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-8zenCi26g839lx9MK3qICZ1DsRljkroejPVV_upwdcJ2oCp5iSHHTapcJOj9SxmxIBG= EBOnLJw9B6rivhDbGJCszgU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37139051 36748981 36179003 35789074 35579173=20
    35559283 36089320 36559290 37029171=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 01:58:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170157

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0633
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    957 PM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

    Areas affected...Southern High Plains

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 170156Z - 170730Z

    Summary...An MCS is emerging from the Southern High Plains this
    evening. Periods of repeating cells and increasing rainfall
    efficiency to support 2-3"/hr rates at times could lead to some
    flash flooding tonight.

    Discussion...Radar and IR imagery depict an organized forward
    propagating MCS generally translating east-southeastward out of
    the Southern High Plains, with an independent area of cellular
    development downstream across the OK/TX Panhandle associated with
    various outflow boundary collisions. Although some hail
    contamination may be present, 1.5-2"/hr rates are noted along the
    leading edge of the MCS, and within the more intense cells over
    the Panhandle per MRMS.

    Estimates from recent objective analysis suggest the environment
    downstream of the ongoing complex will support increasing rainfall
    efficiency as it migrates eastward tonight, with 1.5-1.8" PWATs
    and 3500-5000 J/kg of MUCAPE noted. Accordingly, recent runs of
    the HRRR depict an uptick in hourly rainfall rates to 2-3"/hr at
    times as the complex treks through the Panhandle region and merges
    with the downstream cells over the next several hours. This could
    locally breach 1 HR FFGs in the region (generally in the 1.5-3"/hr
    range), particularly in spots which are currently seeing rainfall
    ahead of the MCS.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7v8pgm6nRaq6Lc1TP4lzk-vmw8E3LO7FdYg9fTwKSkQff1piU91SI-oqhrd3iX_P7Q27= n0pK6RLuS_660k2fGWvlcoc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38560112 37259884 36029856 35149977 35720235=20
    37110190 38330223=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 04:23:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170423

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0634
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1222 AM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...northern Arkansas, far southern Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 170422Z - 171022Z

    Summary...A slow-moving cluster of storms continues to persist
    across northern Arkansas near Clinton and Heber Springs. Periods
    of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates are likely to continue, and areas of 3-6
    inch totals in 3 hours have also been estimated. Flash flooding
    is likely.

    Discussion...Flash flood potential continues across the discussion
    area. Over the past 1-2 hours, vigorous thunderstorm development
    has occurred beneath a remnant MCS from morning convection near
    the Arkansas/Missouri border. Additionally, cells on the western
    periphery of the convective cluster are ingesting pre-convective
    air characterized by 3000+ J/kg MLCAPE and 2 inch PW values. This
    environment is continuing to foster extremely heavy rainfall, with
    radar estimates of 3-6 inches of rainfall in the past 3 hour per

    Models and observations both hint at continued redevelopment of
    the convective cluster especially on its western flank. This will
    ultimately result in a slow westward or southwestward movement of
    the complex, with slow eastward movement of individual cells that
    develop along the periphery of the expanding near-surface cold
    pool beneath the storms. Both the 00Z high-resolution NAM and
    recent HRRR runs hint at this behavior. With relatively high FFG
    thresholds across the region (3 inch/hr, 4 inch/3-hr) it appears
    that 1) sensitive/low-lying areas and/or 2) areas that experience
    prolonged heavy rainfall (for longer than one hour) are most
    likely to experience impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_OHnLrtofmnBOv7zxIkPLbvtecr-7W2mPgpS6ZuBXg-8h7nYwst5G1rT8nI0gGzsafum= zhhHLQo4eVpHGpWy5uIt9_s$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37029260 36869096 35679107 35079273 35409402=20
    35879427 36799399=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 04:43:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170443

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0635
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1242 AM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...much of Kentucky, far southern Illinois, far
    southeastern Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 170442Z - 171042Z

    Summary...Deep convection is focused along a remnant
    outflow/differential heating zone extending from near Carbondale,
    IL to near Owensboro, KY. Storms are slow-moving and 1-2.5
    inch/hr rain rates are beginning to materialize. Flash flooding
    is likely.

    Discussion...Over the past hour, convection has deepened rapidly
    along a remnant outflow/differential heating zone across far
    northern Kentucky and far southern Illinois. Nearly 2000 J/kg
    MLCAPE was present on the warm side of this boundary along with 2
    inch PW values. Furthermore, the boundary was located parallel to
    very weak westerly steering flow aloft (at around 10-20 knots),
    allowing for both slow storm motions and a focused corridor for
    training cells. Given the environment and favorable kinematics,
    areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates (estimated per MRMS) have
    materialized along much of the outflow, at times exceeding local
    FFG thresholds that were generally in the 1.5-2 inch/hr range
    across the area.

    This regime is likely to persist and cause areas of flash flooding
    for a few hours overnight. Over time, storms may begin to
    forward-propagate as small linear segments as cold pools mature
    beneath the convection and upscale growth occurs. In either
    scenario, flash flooding appears likely given the slow storm
    motions and abundantly moist environment. This threat is likely
    to persist through 1030Z and possibly beyond.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9e-6dIONsVsTX7difG-F1-U1Ewn5PULVPCf9YnUM-WwAwh9xa-JflzJMxg1-WCCenSit= F2Z24hi1cQVTilXBcdJGY1o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38578426 38338325 37758287 36908466 36748735=20
    36648919 36939083 38279069 38268935 38128744=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 05:19:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170519

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0636
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    118 AM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...northern Oklahoma, southern Kansas, far
    southwestern Missouri, far northwestern Arkansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 170517Z - 171117Z

    Summary...Convection is expected to expand in coverage along a
    front across the discussion area through 11Z. Flash flooding is
    likely in a few areas given expected slow storm motions and
    abundant moisture/instability.

    Discussion...An ongoing, mature MCS was located across
    northwestern Oklahoma near Alva. This complex was
    forward-propagating to the east at around 30 knots. Ahead of this
    complex, more scattered activity was developing along and south
    of a front extending from west to east along the OK/KS border.=20
    The storms were forming within an airmass characterized by weak
    westerly wind fields aloft (around 10-15 knots), 1.9 inch PW
    values, and 3000-3500 J/kg MLCAPE especially near the front.=20
    These parameters are likely to support increasing rain rates
    through the night with any sustained activity near the front.=20
    MRMS indicated spots of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates (estimated)
    beneath the deeper convection.

    Over time, convection is expected to gradually develop and migrate
    eastward as suggested by CAMs and observations. Weak radar echoes
    were already beginning to appear in Osage County, further
    suggestive of an expansion in convective coverage overnight.=20
    Continued 1-3 inch/hr rain rates are expected, which may exceed
    hourly FFG thresholds especially near urban areas (i.e., Tulsa,
    Oklahoma City, Wichita, etc.) and from north-central OK into
    Kansas and southwestern Missouri where locally lower FFGs (around
    2 inches/hr) exist. Flash flooding is possible in this scenario -
    especially in the event that clusters of persistent storms (with
    rain rates lasting beyond an hour) materializes as depicted by
    both the high-resolution Nam and HRRR.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5TiYBpejLiq9DY1QjnWyMKS5bLELXS56APn-pTKwddf0A4gS5Pw3FTZ9HTgO9jcv-SmW= Pqs1BRGaj2YmpS5THZuttpg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38019813 37759501 37079386 36169379 35569455=20
    35249698 35719840 36529908 37849941=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 09:26:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170926

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0637
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    525 AM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...southwestern Missouri, northwestern Arkansas,
    northeastern Oklahoma, southeastern Kansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 170925Z - 171425Z

    Summary...Multiple cell mergers and slow overall storm speeds will
    result in a continued flash flood threat through at least 13Z this

    Discussion...Recent radar mosaic imagery shows a substantial
    increase in convective coverage across the discussion area in
    tandem with a couple of convective complexes - one propagating
    westward across northern Arkansas and another migrating slowly
    eastward across northeastern Oklahoma. As earlier anticipated,
    convective cells have developed along and south of a surface
    boundary near the Kansas/Oklahoma border. Storms are still
    benefiting from 2000 J/kg MLCAPE, minimal CIN, and 2 inch PW
    values within the pre-convective airmass near the front. Weak
    steering flow aloft has allowed for slow and at times erratic
    movement driven by local mesoscale processes. Slow
    movement/propagation and mergers along with abundant moisture and
    instability have enabled development of multiple areas of 1-3
    inch/hr rain rates especially southeast of Branson and
    north/northeast of Tulsa. These rates have occasionally exceeded
    local FFG thresholds (in the neighborhood of 2 inches/hr - lowest
    across Missouri and north-central Arkansas).

    Ongoing convective trends (with multiple cell mergers and heavy
    rain rates) will likely continue for at least another couple of
    hours. With weak low-level advection and multiple areas of
    convective overturning, however, cells are expected to undergo a
    weakening trend eventually (after 13Z or so) as available
    surface-based instability is exhausted. Again, this process will
    take a few hours to unfold. Flash flooding remains likely where
    heavy rainfall is most persistent and 1+ hours of rainfall have
    occurred. Mid-level forcing associated with a weak vortex aloft
    over northern Arkansas may aid in prolonging heavy rain potential
    beyond 13Z, although this potential is currently unclear.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4NmV-rvhCdC5Ucx3fD6JKxZmWlkc5vCUD-wXi_ViRTpR637S62zdERau2UNXkAk-aMB8= T30ypFr2owVJTZ5lhT6fqP4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38149542 38149358 37739170 36979092 36059081=20
    35259149 35169361 35279600 36829722 37849662=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 14:30:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171430

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0638
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1027 AM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central AR...Northwest MS...Western
    TN...Southern MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171426Z - 171900Z

    Summary...The heavy rainfall threat from the ongoing MCS across
    southern MO and central AR will continue through 2 pm local time,
    with additional instances of flash flooding possible where storms
    train over the same general areas.

    Discussion...Recent infrared and visible satellite imagery still
    indicates an expansive MCS centered over north-central Arkansas
    this morning, although the event has likely peaked in intensity
    and a slow weakening trend has begun based on a gradually warming
    anvil canopy. Regional Doppler radars show new convection firing
    on the southern edge of the complex near the Interstate 40
    corridor, and also across southern Missouri, with moderate to
    heavy stratiform rain ongoing over the Ozarks of northern

    Portions of north-central Arkansas have already picke up in excess
    of six inches of rainfall overnight, and therefore flash flood
    guidance values are severely reduced over those areas. Even
    moderate to heavy stratiform rainfall could cause additional
    flooding issues for those areas. The most recent HRRR seems to
    have a reasonably good depiction of ongoing radar trends, but it
    appears likely to be underdone with 6-QPF through the early
    afternoon, particularly for areas in the general vicinity of
    Little Rock and points south and west.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-Y_wAL_G4iX4JE49Bryb40OUGM9KiZk7ke3xGwnEjHFLRFXWv1sIuA0-QmHx3Xa3lwdE= c6ddVgs2wJPW3NN1KoGTaQ0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37249017 37038949 36248903 35048952 34129063=20
    33449230 33389342 33479391 33899425 34589362=20
    35289321 35739314 36409359 36909312 37139215=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 16:48:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171648

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0639
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1247 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern OH...Western PA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171646Z - 172200Z

    Summary...Showers and storms increasing in coverage and intensity
    through the early to mid afternoon hours may train over some
    areas, leading to multiple rounds of heavy rainfall that may lead
    to some instances of flooding though 6 pm local time with rainfall
    rates of 1-2 inches per hour with the strongest storms.

    Discussion...Regional Doppler radars are indicating a rapid
    increase in convection along and ahead of a cold front from
    eastern Ohio into eastern and central Pennsylvania. The latest
    SPC mesoanalysis depicts PWs rising into the 1.75 to 2.00 inch
    range, with nearly uni-directional flow from the WSW in the
    300-850 mb layer. In tandem with mixed layer CAPE on the order of
    750-1250 J/kg and lower 70s F surface dewpoints, the overall
    environment is becoming more conducive for storms with high
    rainfall rates.

    The latest CAM guidance has a reasonable overall depiction of the
    ongoing convection evolution across the region, including the most
    recent HRRR runs. The guidance suggests the potential for
    scattered 2-3 inch maxima, with much of this falling within a two
    hour time period for any given location. A few instances of
    flooding will be possible through this afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_Jgo_w7CZ8OSTqNeROzWeLhNMBbsbDVyE8mYOeoXREPpzxOLRuw2e3pRJl0M4_SF-aoX= VkgvXKOuE7Vl-ipN3dwF1m8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42097783 41797719 41157744 40417870 39957980=20
    39808098 39938211 40088261 40488269 40738252=20
    41008207 41138158 41358083 41528018 41737971=20
    41927920 42077868=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 18:43:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171843

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0640
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    242 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...Northern NM...Southern CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171840Z - 180030Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms are forecast to
    gradually increase in coverage across northern New Mexico and
    south-central Colorado through the afternoon hours. Isolated
    instances of flash flooding will be possible through 630 pm local
    time where storms become more anchored to the terrain, and also
    across vulnerable burn scar areas.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES 16 visible satellite imagery has
    shown an increase in convective development over the past couple
    of hours, and this is also becoming evident in regional Doppler
    radar. CIRA layered PWs indicate increasing moisture flux around
    the northern periphery of a 300-500mb upper ridge centered over
    southwestern New Mexico, with overall storm motions towards the
    southeast across the outlook area. The latest SPC mesoanalysis
    has PWs approaching 1 inch across eastern New Mexico, so the
    storms that develop will be more efficient rainfall producers.
    There is also a general easterly flow at the low levels, and thus
    aiding lift across the terrain.

    The latest CAM guidance suite is portraying the potential for some
    sattered 2 inch rainfall totals with some of the strongest storms
    that develop, with much of that falling within a 1 to 2 hour time
    period. The guidance has the best signal for this along and just
    east of the Sangre De Cristo Range. Parts of northern New Mexico
    have already received copious rainfall over the past couple of
    weeks, and thus more susceptible to flooding.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!52LMiQlMtAUFY0uH4Bxs3CntOkQOSlCAKgc78fS6DtW7NZ7W4heCrJ17zXgIwPxqreSj= 23YCKGVdmM4U0XFbGEMeCDI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37940674 37410630 37100608 37090564 37220547=20
    37710526 37790477 37640414 37000349 35900351=20
    35020407 34530451 34310503 34200564 34370613=20
    34560641 34940658 35340665 35920686 36580709=20
    37010731 37390741 37850727=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 18:57:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171857

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0641
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    254 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...Northern PA...Northern NJ...Southern
    NY...Southern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171850Z - 180030Z

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorms in a highly unstable environment and
    tapping into anomalous moisture aloft will be capable of producing
    2"/hr rainfall rates. Flash flooding is possible, especially in
    more urbanized communities and poor drainage areas.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-16 satellite imagery and Doppler Radar show
    thunderstorms tracking through portions of the Northeast this
    afternoon. Storms are firing along a pre-frontal trough from
    eastern PA and southern NY to central New England. Farther west, a
    more congealed cluster of storms are approaching from northern PA,
    which is more closely associated with the encroaching cold front
    and stronger upper level divergence to the west. Storms are
    tapping into PWs that are generally ranging between 1.8-2.0" and
    MLCAPE that will rise to as high as 1,000-1,500 J/kg. Dew points
    are in the upper 60s and low 70s, while RAP soundings show warm
    cloud layers as deep as 10kft.

    The biggest deterrent for a larger flash flooding threat is storm
    motions as 850-300mb wind speeds are at a progressive 25-30kts.
    While this is the case, soils are a little more saturated in parts
    of central NY and over both the Berkshires and Green Mountains.
    This is depicted on NASA SPoRT-LIS 0-10cm soil moisture
    percentiles which in some cases are above 95%. The flash flood
    potential comes mainly due to repeating rounds of storms across
    the region as some areas in the Catskills, Hudson Valley, and
    northern NJ first deal with storms from the pre-frontal trough,
    then as soils saturate, the second round of storms closer to the
    cold front arrive later this evening. More urbanized communities,
    poor drainage areas, and nearby creeks and streams are most
    susceptible to flooding. The threat should remain localized given
    the faster storm motions, but the potential for some communities
    to be hit multiple times by storms capable of producing >2"/hr
    rainfall rates does support the chance for flash flooding this
    afternoon and evening. With storms also moving through during the
    afternoon rush hour, motorists should exercise extra caution due
    to potential standing water in poor drainage areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6d7Ls1IvqGtBpMDftZ4c-7SNgRhmfBAAhwy5r1BzSjprRunpC2jvzVU3-RvvaQnsGYGs= a0Itzt080CX-HgQJVRhHoks$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42957293 42807203 42017189 41377313 40847451=20
    40697555 40737635 41167719 41637727 42197671=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 20:03:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 172003

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0642
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    402 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast OK...Northwest TX...Western
    AR...Northwest LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 172000Z - 180130Z

    SUMMARY...Vigorous line of storms over northeast TX is the
    precursor to an active afternoon and evening of vigorous
    thunderstorms. Anomalous moisture aloft and no shortage of
    instability will support rainfall rates up to 2.5"/hr. Flash
    flooding is possible within slower moving segments of storms.

    DISCUSSION...A remnant MCV approaching from central OK is also
    accompanying a strong cold front that has crossed the Red River
    this afternoon. Doppler Radar shows thunderstorms have erupted
    along a pre-frontal trough located over northeast TX. These storms
    have formed in an area with 2.0-2.1" PWs and MLCAPE as high as
    3,000 J/kg. As the cloud cover over central AR lessens, additional
    surface based heating will lead to an increase in instability,
    while at the same time a cold front to the north gradually
    advances south. This is the case in southern AR where a cumulus
    field is gradually building along a surface trough to the south of
    Texarkana. With both a strong mid-level feature approaching, and a
    series of surface boundaries acting as triggers, storms should
    continue to develop throughout the ArkLaTex region over the next
    several hours.

    As storms fire, the environment features winds that are more
    convergent with weaker upper level winds aloft. As a result,
    850-300mb winds are topping out not much higher than 10 knots or
    so. There is also little in the way of effective bulk wind shear,
    so while storms will be potent as they develop, they may pack a
    punch but quickly produce an outflow boundary and gradually
    weaken. This is an environment ripe for explosive and slow moving
    storms that, given the available instability and moisture aloft,
    would support as high as 2.5"/hr rainfall rates. The 12Z HREF
    showed low probabilities (10-30%) for 3-hr rainfall rates > 3-hr
    FFGs in western and southern AR. While the torrential rainfall
    rates with slow moving storms in are anticipated, the region
    sports relatively high FFGs (3hr FFGs > 4" in most cases). This
    should help keep the flash flood threat more localized rather than
    widespread. Still, the available instability and moisture
    parameters, as well as sufficient forcing both aloft and at the
    surface provide some support for potential localized flooding.
    Urbanized communities and low lying, poor drainage areas are most
    prone to potential flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5vqNyKuTmJgrHBespsIftnP7RPZaKe9m2v5ErriWJaa8u-ndIemVR3j4fGT2VgAW_DQj= vW2JoJCUkEMmpSuhaHD8CwY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35039452 34859323 33909253 33199268 32399382=20
    31819610 31799692 32169729 32499694 33089624=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 21:16:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 172116

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0643
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    515 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...Northern MD...Northern DelMarVa...Southeast
    PA...Central NJ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 172115Z - 180300Z

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorms along a pair of surface convergence zones
    will pose a flash flood threat this evening, as will approaching
    storms from the west. Urbanized communities and areas hit hardest
    by thunderstorms yesterday are most at-risk to potential flash

    DISCUSSION...GOES-16 satellite imagery and 20Z surface
    observations show two distinct convergence lines over parts of
    northern MD and eastern PA this afternoon. One convergence area
    lies along Parr's Ridge in northern MD that then extends northeast
    into the Lower Susquehanna Valley, while the other is nearly
    parallel to the I-95 corridor between Baltimore and Philadelphia.
    As the upper trough to the west approaches, synoptic scale lift
    will increase while atmospheric moisture content also rises. RAP
    guidance shows 2-2.2" PWs are forecast to engulf the highlighted
    region, while at the same time, dew points in the low 70s and
    MLCAPE >1,000 J/kg will be at these storms disposal for at least
    several more hours.

    With these boundaries in place, the concern becomes storms
    containing rainfall rates >2"/hr tracking over a more densely
    populated region of northeast MD, southeast PA, and central NJ.
    While storm motions are progressive with 850-300mb steering winds
    as strong as 30 knots, the orientation of the mean 850-300mb wind
    pattern is parallel to these boundaries. This is depicted on the
    20Z WoFS as clusters of storms originating near Baltimore that
    propagate northeast toward the Philadelphia metro area and central
    NJ along these boundaries. The 20Z WoFS does show low chances
    (20-30%) for rainfall totals >3" in and around the Philadelphia
    suburbs, indicative of the potential for totals that would pose a
    flash flood threat. Portions of northeast MD and southeast PA have
    also received 1-2" of rain from last night's storms, allowing for
    1-hr FFGs to drop to as low as 1.5"/hr in some areas. Farther
    north, one of the convergence lines extends as far north as
    west-central NJ, where these storms may link up with additional
    storms approaching from central PA later this evening.

    Flash flooding is possible this evening in these areas,
    particularly in the more heavily urbanized areas where a greater
    concentration of hydrophobic surfaces exist. The other areas at
    risk are in portions of southeast PA and northeast MD where soils
    are a little more saturated following yesterday's heavy rainfall.
    Note the flash flood threat may continue into this evening as
    storms along the cold front approach from southwest PA.


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    LAT...LON 41047494 40897460 40487454 39887499 39407573=20
    39137653 39487709 39827702 40427620 40967530=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 17 22:52:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 172252

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0644
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    652 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...Central Plains

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 172250Z - 180400Z

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorms capable of producing >1.5"/hr rainfall
    rates will continue for much of the evening. Additional localized
    flash flooding is possible.

    DISCUSSION...Widespread thunderstorms have enveloped much of the
    Central Plains thanks to a stalled frontal boundary draped in a
    NW-SE fashion and a weak upper level disturbance emerging out of
    western WY. RAP mesoanalysis shows as much as 1,000-1,500 J/kg of
    MLCAPE and >1.0" PWs to the east of the Front Range. Surface winds
    over southern NE and western KS remain out of the east, bringing
    about additional moisture advection and an upslope component into
    eastern CO, far western KS, western NE, and southeast WY. As
    initial storms dissipate, colliding outflow boundaries will prompt
    the development of new storms. Mean winds within the 850-300mb
    layer are generally around 10 knots and out of the west, but the
    ongoing convergence along the stalled front via low level easterly
    flow will keep storms from being overly progressive. This will
    allow for storms to produce excessive rainfall rates of
    1.0-1.5"/hr (in some cases >1.5"/hr) for much of the evening.

    Latest 18Z HREF shows low chances (10-30%) for 3-hr QPF exceeding
    3-hr FFGs in eastern CO. Storms in western KS may also pose a
    flash flood threat for a little while longer given the reservoir
    of mid-level moisture and slower storm motions. As daytime heating
    ends, storms should gradually decrease in coverage beyond 03Z. But
    until then, potent thunderstorms will stick around this evening
    and could cause additional flash flooding. Rugged, complex terrain
    along the Front Range and low lying areas are most prone to flash


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    LAT...LON 42120487 42060331 40830276 39760194 38690164=20
    37860316 37930450 38430506 39080520 40010535=20
    40630576 41370594 41770600=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 00:44:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180044

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0645
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    843 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180040Z - 180600Z

    SUMMARY...The flash flood threat continues this evening in
    portions of New Mexico where soils are overly saturated, along
    complex terrain, and within or near burn scars. Portions of
    eastern New Mexico may also be at risk for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-16 and Doppler Radar depict a stormy scene
    across New Mexico this evening. PWs have been steadily increasing
    from east to west as persistent easterly 700mb flow continues to
    direct 700mb moisture flux at the state. PWs according to the
    latest RAP will increase to >1.0" in central NM, while eastern New
    Mexico may approach 1.5" PW values within the next few hours. In
    addition, there is still sufficient instability in the form of
    1,000-1,500 J/kg of MUCAPE. Instability is highest near and north
    of Roswell where dew points are closer to 60F. Eastern New Mexico
    is also on the doorstep of the approaching cold front, which is
    helping to set off more and more storms over the past hour. The
    cold front combined with outflow boundaries emanating from ongoing
    convection will continue to promote storms capable of producing
    rainfall rates as high as 1.5"/hr in the most intense cells.

    Farther west, the ongoing easterly 700mb flow will continue to
    cause upslope enhancement along topographically-favored slopes of
    the Southern Rockies. While instability is not as high as it is in
    eastern New Mexico, the region features some notable burn scars
    and complex terrain that is not as adept to handle such excessive
    rainfall rates. 18Z HREF 1-hr LPMM shows convection may stick
    around shortly after midnight. This is not only due to the
    prolonged upslope flow, but also 25-30 kts of effective bulk shear
    helping to sustain ongoing thunderstorm activity. Given these
    factors, the flash flood threat will persist into this evening
    before finally tapering shortly after midnight. Localized flash
    flooding is possible with burn scars and complex terrain most at


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9QFfajmEtbk6JleoeomwlgFr-JGaMxQxL_5CKpEMCQZ07fJ8w_EWQUczsPHugMykNapl= 2-rZdJvnfgdGugCgA__PVLM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36470486 35790352 34720350 33810391 33240442=20
    33510589 33710663 34430731 35190729 35940631=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 03:28:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180328

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0646
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1128 PM EDT Wed Jul 17 2024

    Areas affected...far southern VA, northern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180327Z - 180800Z

    Summary...Regenerating thunderstorms along an outflow boundary
    will persist for several more hours before waning overnight.
    Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are likely, which could produce 2-3" of
    rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this evening shows
    thunderstorms blossoming along an outflow boundary (OFB) aligned
    across parts of northeast NC into southeast VA. This outflow will
    continue to dive slowly southward, interacting with increasing
    850mb inflow from the S/SW at 20-30 kts. This low-level inflow
    will resupply elevated PWs as high as 2.3 inches northward, and
    also draw some higher MUCAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg into the area.
    These thermodynamics will allow for a continuation of intense
    thunderstorms despite nocturnal overturning of the surface based
    instability, with ascent into this environment aided by a
    shortwave approaching from the west and isentropic ascent of the
    850mb winds atop the OFB. Local radars across the area are
    estimating rainfall rates as much as 1.5"/hr, and a few flash
    flood warnings are already in effect.

    The high-res CAMs are struggling with the ongoing activity, and
    really do not reflect well the potential evolution through the
    next few hours. However, the presence of the multiple mechanisms
    for ascent within the persistently favorable thermodynamics,
    combined with evaluation of recent radar trends, suggests this
    setup will support continued heavy rainfall into the overnight.
    Mean 0-6km winds are generally aligned to the OFB, but Corfidi
    vectors are becoming increasingly aligned anti-parallel to the
    mean wind on the veering LLJ. This indicates a greater potential
    for backbuilding and regenerating storms, which is already present
    via the KRAX WSR-88D. With rain rates likely (50-70% from the
    HREF) reaching 1-2"/hr at times, the enhanced training that will
    result from backbuilding cells moving along the OFB could result
    in 2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts above 4" possible.

    7-day rainfall in this area has been slightly above normal
    according to AHPS, but 0-10cm RSM from NASA SPoRT is still only
    30-40% from recent dryness. This has allowed FFG to generally
    remain elevated at 2.5-3"/3hrs, which only has a 10-20% of
    exceedance according to the HREF. However, CAMs are struggling,
    and the environment supports training of intense rain rates which
    could overwhelm the soils, especially in urban areas. This could
    result in instances of flash flooding through the next several


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    LAT...LON 37077844 36907695 36687620 36387575 36057559=20
    35617557 35547603 35557671 35567824 35567918=20
    35708000 36018058 36458059 36877993=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 09:35:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180935

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0647
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    534 AM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...Hill Country of Texas east through the Piney

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180934Z - 181400Z

    Summary...A corridor of thunderstorms with heavy rainfall will
    continue to drop southward through the morning along a nearly
    stationary front. These thunderstorms will contain rainfall rates
    of 2-3"/hr, which could produce locally more than 4" of rain.
    Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic early this morning
    indicates an expanding line of thunderstorms from far western
    Louisiana through central Texas. These storms are developing along
    a stationary front which should sag slowly southward as a weak
    cold front later this morning. North of this boundary, a potent
    shortwave noted in WV imagery and in SPC RAP Differential
    Vorticity fields is spinning southward, enhancing lift in a region
    already favorable through isentropic upglide of a modest LLJ and
    beneath a subtle mid-level deformation axis. Thermodynamics across
    Texas remain supportive of heavy rainfall, with PWs measured by
    GPS of 1.9 to 2.1 inches collocated with MUCAPE exceeding 2000
    J/kg. The overlap of ascent into this airmass is providing the
    favorable conditions for increasing thunderstorm development, and
    recent radar-estimated rain rates from KGRK WSR-88D have been as
    high as 2.5"/hr.

    The CAMs this morning all offer differing solutions to the
    evolution of this convection, but while spatial coverage and
    footprint vary, the intensity is well aligned among the various
    models which increases confidence in a heavy rain event. The 850mb
    LLJ is already beginning to slowly veer as noted in regional VWPs,
    and is expected to become westerly by late morning. This will
    limit the isentropic ascent and slowly reduce moisture transport
    northward, but will also then become more aligned to the advancing
    front, helping to turn the mean cloud-layer 0-6km winds parallel
    to the front as well. Additionally, the propagation vectors will
    become increasingly anti-parallel to the mean flow as the LLJ
    veers, suggesting continued backbuilding of echoes to the SW and
    along the front into the greater instability. With both HREF and
    REFS probabilities for 2"/1hr accumulations reaching 40%, this
    could result in 2-3" of rain along the boundary, with locally 4+"
    possible as noted by the neighborhood probabilities. The
    discussion area was drawn to somewhat emulate the EAS
    probabilities which are highest across the Hill Country, Balcones
    Escarpment, and along portions of I-35.

    Recent rainfall across this region has generally been below normal
    the last 7 days according to AHPS, but locally, NASA SPoRT 0-10cm
    RSM is above 70%. This indicates that some infiltration of heavy
    rain is likely, which is reflected by the higher FFG and
    corresponding 3-hr FFG exceedance probabilities peaking at just
    10-20%. However, the favorable setup for training of 2-3"/hr rain
    rates could still overwhelm soils, especially in urban areas or
    the across any more sensitivesoils, leading to rapid runoff and
    instances of flash flooding.


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    LAT...LON 31969389 31959322 31719285 30559369 30129502=20
    29899686 29939839 30429957 30880043 31290077=20
    31570017 31709930 31719830 31789713 31819532=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 15:02:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181502

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0648
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1101 AM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Virginia and Northeast North Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181500Z - 182100Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms are expected to begin developing around
    midday and into the early afternoon. These storms may move slowly
    and train over the same areas, leading to an increasing risk of
    flash flooding. Rain rates could approach or even exceed 3 inches
    per hour. The area of greatest concern is in far southeast
    Virginia, near Norfolk, and in far northeast North Carolina, but
    the potential for flash flooding will extend along much of the
    VA-NC border region into the afternoon.

    Discussion...A concentrated area of organized convection is
    expected to initiate and expand in coverage and intensity in the
    next few hours. Some hi-res models take a longer time to ramp up
    convective coverage, but 12Z soundings from WAL and MHX both
    already indicated strong instability with limited CINH, so the
    expectation is that an earlier onset in the 16-18Z time frame is
    more likely. Between 18Z and 21Z, HREF probabilities of exceeding
    flash flood guidance and 2-3 inch per hour rain rates increase
    markedly. The potential for extreme rain rates approaching or
    exceeding 3 inches per hour seems well supported by observational
    evidence. In particular, the combination of CAPE in excess of 2000
    j/kg and PWs well in excess of 2 inches usually yields very high
    instantaneous rain rates, and the mean flow is weak enough today
    to support greater persistence of convection in any one location.
    The PWs in far SE VA and far NE NC are generally above the 95th
    percentile, even for mid-July, and melting level and WBZ heights
    are also generally above the 90th percentile for this time of
    year. Abundant moisture and deep warm cloud layers would tend to
    support more efficient rainfall production as well.

    The area of greatest concern seems to be in the Tidewater region
    of far southeast Virginia and far northeast North Carolina,
    including the greater Norfolk area and the area around Albermarle
    Sound. Flash flood guidance is a little lower in these areas, but
    perhaps more importantly this is also the area with the strongest
    instability and highest PW values, thereby also generally favoring
    the highest rain rates. Most 12Z hi-res guidance suggests a
    progressive line of storms eventually pushing across the area
    between 21Z and 00Z, but the primary concern for flash flooding
    would be convection that can initiate and organize ahead of that.
    The hi-res guidance seems to favor areas along and near the sounds
    of the region, and likely enhanced convergence along any sound
    breezes that may develop in the early afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_5wybJyERsbMngPwHlFD4s2iu-S757jwof5O3TlaquME7e1Ofbp9bAToMvg0SSmhKEJn= XzT-gaadAxL8LXgXNfpsoPo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37397838 37357725 37297606 36027559 35577603=20
    35467693 35807775 35887882 35848017 36648029=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 18:22:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181822

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0649
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    221 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...in and near southeast LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181821Z - 182251Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms should increase in coverage across the
    area during the next several hours. Hourly rain totals to 3" with
    local amounts to 5" are possible.

    Discussion...An MCV in the Piney Woods of eastern TX has helped
    spur convection, with a short squall line moving across the Baton
    Rouge area at this time. Precipitable water values are just above
    2" per GPS data. Effective bulk shear near 25 kts is helping to
    organize convection. Thunderstorms appear efficient from a heavy
    rain perspective at 850 hPa inflow is rather weak, a typical warm
    core low environment. Radar imagery suggests hourly rain totals
    to 2" as of late.

    The concern is that a combination of organized and disorganized
    convection across the region could merge or train, amping up
    rainfall totals. Mesoscale guidance suggests a broadening of the
    heavy rain signal over time, eventually overspreading the ML CAPE
    pool of 2000-3000 J/kg. Hourly totals to 3", with local amounts
    to 5", should be possible in this enivornment. This would be
    especially problematic in urban environments.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Cjnto70mJxNIIVUiU_aUxhsm9coyL17OnPhCyucC6ddTGBE-yKGBQHk60m60U__8M27= qkH2mWkT5ViXUXNViRPMbJI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31149129 31008972 30208922 29108907 28978990=20
    29089169 29869115=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 18:41:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181841

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0650
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    240 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the UT and AZ terrain

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181839Z - 182339Z

    Summary...Daytime heating with sufficient moisture is expected to
    lead to hourly rain totals up to 2". This would be a problem in
    arroyos, areas of steep terrain, and burn scars.

    Discussion...Satellite and radar imagery show showers and
    thunderstorms building across portions of the UT terrain east of
    an upper level shortwave moving across NV. Precipitable water
    values of 0.7-1.1" lie across the region. SPC mesoanalyses show
    ML CAPE rising to over 500 J/kg in pockets and CIN eroding.

    Light southwest flow should keep convection generally constrained
    to the mountains, though there could be a little creep downhill to
    the west and southwest, towards areas of developing instability in
    the valleys. The available moisture and instability could lead to
    rain totals to 2" an hour, which would be most problematic in
    arroyos/dry washes, areas of steep terrain, and burn scars.=20
    Issues are expected to continue through the afternoon hours.


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    LAT...LON 41121127 40740903 38781032 37711102 36621156=20
    35301136 33920898 33981049 34841194 36141304=20
    37361308 39641210=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 19:27:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181927

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0652
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    326 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...in and near southern & central MS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181925Z - 190125Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms are developing along a pre-frontal trough
    across MS within a moist and unstable air mass. Hourly rain
    totals to 3" with local amounts to 5" are possible.

    Discussion...A mesoscale low appears to have formed on the
    northern end of a squall line moving across southeast LA, and in
    the warm air advection pattern ahead of it along a pre-frontal
    trough, new activity has formed across southwest MS with more
    isolated storms noted across central MS and west-central AL. The
    thunderstorms are forming out ahead of a positively-tilted upper
    level shortwave stretching from central KS through western TN and
    across central AR, as seen on water vapor imagery. Precipitable
    water values of 2"+ are noted in this area per VAD wind profiles
    and very short term RAP forecasts. A pool of 2000-3000 ML CAPE
    lies across central MS per SPC mesoanalyses, which is likely to
    build another 500 J/kg or so this afternoon. Effective bulk shear
    appears to be under 25 kts, but appears sufficient for some level
    of organization per radar imagery.

    The mesoscale guidance suggests that the mesoscale low should
    build somewhat up in scale and become an MCV with time, which
    could increase effective bulk shear regionally up to 25 kts and
    increase convective organization further. The mass of convection
    and related mesocyclone should migrate east-northeast to northeast
    with time, preferring to propagate into the region of best
    instability. The main causes for heavy rainfall appear to be cell
    training and cell mergers. Given the above, hourly rain totals to
    3" and local amounts to 5" are possible, which would be especially
    problematic in urban areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!91vKg7046JrG_pbSXM36_a_bW3fb8sFzaKsa54DykHvQhcEW6dIKLFGFS_Kzz2wCvwcK= PV7IfPg4VR5xIYEM0uFCvK4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33238865 32838802 31328820 30368922 30289024=20
    30939087 31379130 32758998=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 18:56:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181856

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0651
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    255 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...portions of CO and NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181854Z - 190054Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are forming across the terrain
    of CO and NM which are expected to drift somewhat eastward into
    the High Plains with time. Hourly rain totals to 2.5" with local
    amounts to 4" are possible due to slow cell motion and cell

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms are developing under a
    general upper level high as CIN erodes across the terrain of CO
    and NM in the vicinity of a 700 hPa trough noted in area VAD wind
    profiles. Moisture values are high considering the elevation of
    the region, with precipitable water values in the 0.7-1.3" range
    due to upslope flow into south-central NM. ML CAPE has risen into
    the 500-1000 J/kg range.

    Effective bulk shear regionally is near 25 kts, which could
    organize convection. There should be a tendency for thunderstorms
    to migrate off the terrain into the instability pool building
    across the High Plains more into the axis of the 700 hPa trough,
    which is depicted by the mesoscale guidance. Hourly rain totals
    to 2.5" with local amounts to 4" are possible, which would be
    problematic in areas of steep terrain, arroyos/dry washes, and
    burn scars. Slow cell motion and cell mergers are expected to be
    the main cause for the heavier rain totals.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4vwa1-Rpe8YeTF4KyUDDWK9MaM8wwHIhKj5HZbUwcaQ4VsNyf03d1MWaDjESsZxsiVCF= Qnw9XsdzKLnfEa0PDMMSoHE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40190589 39880497 38960408 36380325 33030495=20
    32180554 32390618 32720625 35980631 37560807=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 19:59:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181959

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0653
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    358 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...in and near southern NV

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181957Z - 190027Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall in and near southern
    NV have occasionally shown some convective organization. Hourly
    rain totals to 1.5" are possible over the next several hours due
    to either slow motion, cell mergers, or cell training.

    Discussion...Inflow at 700 hPa of ~15 kt up the Colorado River has
    imported precipitable water values of ~1.1" into far southern NV.=20
    CIN has eroded and thunderstorms are starting to broaden somewhat
    in coverage in and near Las Vegas. ML CAPE has risen into the
    500-1000 J/kg range. Effective bulk shear of 25 kts not far to
    the northwest led to a brief appearance of SSE-NNW training with
    convection, which has since faded. Other thunderstorms in and
    near southern NV aren't showing much movement. A shortwave
    moving through western NV appears to be the source of difluence

    ML CAPE could rise another 500-1000 J/kg as convective coverage
    tries to increase. The mesoscale guidance is showing its typical
    struggle with convection in the Desert Southwest, but there is a
    signal just to the east for heavy rainfall as late at 00z. In the
    meantime, short training bands are possible as instability
    increases further this afternoon. Hourly rain totals to 1.5"
    should be possible in areas where thunderstorms show slow motion,
    merge, or train. This degree of heavy rainfall would be most
    problematic in urban areas and dry washes/arroyos.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4EsYtzSJ4lfq3pmn68X3TRjkhJ-ccBjV9BjzH_lLvp1cOfW9J_DEkjI8pxq5j1SilMr-= y7k69IPBEnSU1Cfh4oPxMwo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38051488 37951352 36941380 36181381 36061380=20
    35191380 35241487 35811578 36091600 37041613=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 20:25:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 182025

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0654
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    424 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...near the eastern border of NC/VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 182023Z - 190223Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall are moving eastward
    near the eastern NC/VA border and broadening in coverage. Hourly
    rain totals to 3" with local amounts to 6" are expected due to
    cell training, occasional mesocyclone formation, and cell mergers.

    Discussion...A longwave trough across the Great Lakes is pushing a
    cold front eastward across the region. Thunderstorms formed near
    the front earlier but have pushed out ahead of the synoptic scale
    boundary, driven forward by cold pools. Precipitable water values
    of 2" or so lie here per GPS data and short term RAP forecasts.=20
    Effective bulk shear of 30-40 kts lies across the area, leading to
    organized convection. Hourly rain totals thus far per radar
    estimates have occasionally peaked in the 2.5-3" range.

    While the cold pool appears to be driving the convective forward
    to some degree, the trailing end of the outflow is stalling across
    central NC, which could lead to renewed heavy rainfall for places
    farther west until the synoptic cold front passes by. The 12z
    HREF probabilities of 5"+ in the 18-06z period peak across
    northeast NC at 60%, with 8" probabilities as high as 30%. With
    cell coverage increasing, the stage is set for periods of cell
    training, cell mergers, and occasional mesocyclones potentially
    leading to heavy rainfall. For now, think hourly totals to 3" and
    local amounts to 6" are most likely, but can't rule out higher
    amounts in very isolated spots. Considering recent heavy rainfall
    across portions of this area, flash flooding is considered likely
    over the next several hours, with the highest impacts in urban


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5AnCCaa0SsDEVviMwcRsClM1xdQwvJkgIz-e9wS2-8Ov3hD2aTRZB58cJqfQXHLTRcb9= 8SK0PleRB5k6Iul_pC66KSM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36997598 36347571 35917537 35447536 35167552=20
    34837614 34557654 34507693 34517715 34607763=20
    35107909 35567975 35807991 35937945 36207837=20
    36477782 36747737 36947674=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 21:11:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 182111

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0655
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    510 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...near the northern shared border of TX/LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 182108Z - 190308Z

    Summary...Small pockets of heavy rainfall have occurred in the
    vicinity of a deep layer cyclone in far eastern TX. Hourly rain
    totals to 3" and local amounts of 5" are possible in isolated to
    widely scattered spots.

    Discussion...Very efficient rainfall has been noted across western
    portions of Desoto and northern portions of Caddo parish
    associated with a deep layer low, whose surface center is between
    Tyler and Lufkin TX and upper level centers across far northeast
    TX and east of Nacogdoches TX. Precipitable water values are
    ~2.3" which is helping to lead to the efficiency, along with ML
    CAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg. There have been occasional hints of
    backbuilding in the convection before the recent pockets died or
    shifted. Effective bulk shear is under 25 kts, so organization
    has been limited and convection has shown pulse-like character.

    The 12z and 18z HREF hint that this limited but efficient
    convective development should continue into the evening hours.=20
    Hourly rain totals to 3" with local amounts of 5" are possible --
    as was seen in southern Desoto parish -- on an isolated to widely
    scattered basis. Such rainfall would be most problematic if it
    impacts urban areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8c3792OG4jynx1ZT3d919i8fR2LsdM8elDBd9MQdcclmXTfW81NS8neiCDmgTTHshFBg= 2JBGNOf2jGrosCFbdIHryuE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33199372 32949284 32419247 31689269 31399343=20
    31809465 32089496 32699500 33129450=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 22:49:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 182249

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0656
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    648 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...central SC & southeast NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 182247Z - 190147Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms are trying to align across portions of SC
    and southeast NC. Hourly rain totals to 3", with local amounts of
    5", are possible over the next few hours.

    Discussion...Thunderstorms are forming along a wavy mesoscale
    boundary across the Carolinas, with new development across SC
    beginning to align with cell motion, increasing the chances for
    heavier rainfall/flash flooding in the short term. Precipitable
    water values are near or above 2", effective bulk shear of 25 kts
    is trying to organize the activity into a band, and ML CAPE is
    1500-2500 J/kg.=20

    Across southeast NC, other thunderstorms could see mergers with
    upstream activity closer to the synoptic cold front. Given the
    above, over the next few hours, hourly rain totals to 3" and local
    amounts to 5" appear possible. The expectation is for this
    activity to become outflow dominant and arc/bow out at some point
    after sunset.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9CfI41eyV984tJJ4ypciWpsWFQvwKadePxFbVy1UScWFrSbacK2rE48h49iNg_EU1lvw= n2c1Yy-ID5JMDTO2BZPw2rw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35157891 34597833 33877888 33468132 33508272=20
    33928233 34178129 34808074 35038012=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 18 23:32:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 182332

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0657
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    731 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...portions of central and southeast AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 182331Z - 190431Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are progressing out of the
    topography towards the lower elevations of southern AZ. Hourly
    rain totals to 2" are possible where cells merge or attempt to

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms continue to percolate near
    the Mogollon Rim in central AZ and are growing in coverage across
    southeast AZ as outflow boundaries from previous activity push
    westward towards the lower elevations, guided by the light
    easterly winds at 700 hPa. Aloft, this region is under an upper
    level high. Precipitable water values in the mountains are in the
    1-1.25" range while they are closer to 1.5" at lower elevations of
    southern AZ.=20

    The expectation is for this activity to keep pushing westward and
    fade once they move into a region with persistent CIN across
    southwest and south-central AZ -- likely maintained by warm 700
    hPa temperatures -- and existing CIN should increase in magnitude
    after sunset. Until then, where cells merge and/or have short
    bouts of training, hourly rain totals up to 2" are possible.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8sSJg5gSEzdAImgyEn81e08liHKPzA1r5UigyB8OCSN10d12n3t-9tQDH_IMCDfdVbFG= 5zMqWraFQ0Xg02QyD8M96Zg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36151323 35361090 35801063 35971005 35110833=20
    34730810 32860850 31360843 31201003 31481168=20
    32551171 34271283 35391390=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 00:25:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190025

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0658
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    824 PM EDT Thu Jul 18 2024

    Areas affected...portions of CO and NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 190023Z - 190553Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are expected to fade as they
    move to the south over the next several hours across CO and NM.=20
    Until then, hourly rain totals up to 2" remain possible.

    Discussion...Scattered showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain
    remain across portions of CO and NM. Precipitable water values in
    the terrain are 0.8-1.2" per GPS data. Effective bulk shear is
    around 30 kts, allowing for some convective organization. The
    area remains under the eastern periphery of an upper high, as a
    shortwave trough in the Plains moves farther afield through
    eastern KS and OK, with the storms moving southward due to the
    northerly flow aloft. SPC mesoanalyses indicate that CIN is
    developing; convective coverage isn't quite as concentrated as it
    was earlier this afternoon. MU CAPE is in the 1000-2000 J/kg

    Likely due to increasing CIN, the guidance shows a slow fade to
    convective coverage through 06z, generally from north to south.=20
    Until thunderstorms significantly thin in coverage, hourly rain
    totals to 2" remain possible where cells merge or attempt to train.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-ZVBq0K-os8YwpKQfEx7rWsHOxOHIZ-JZiQ-PLhWEigckgId_lI5H7SzIKo5ESFatgPq= VvJmxzZmiH5c1f-d1fCccWk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39770418 38470314 36520329 34370309 32700336=20
    32510409 33200595 35080801 37160895 38690762=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 09:13:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190913

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0659
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    513 AM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Texas, much of western and central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 190912Z - 191400Z

    Summary...Slow moving thunderstorms with 1-3"/hr rain rates will
    expand and continue through the morning. These storms could
    produce 2-3" of rainfall with locally higher amounts near 5"
    possible. This may create instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar imagery early this morning shows a
    slow expansion of showers and thunderstorms developing from the
    Upper Texas Coast and parts of eastern Texas through much of
    central and northern Louisiana. These storms are moving very
    slowly in the vicinity of a wave of low pressure, with a vorticity
    maxima clearly evident on GOES-E WV imagery. An upper level trough
    axis positioned nearly overhead is resulting in dual, but modest,
    jet streaks in a favorably coupled position, helping to enhance
    ascent into robust thermodynamics characterized by PWs of 2-2.2
    inches overlapped with a tongue of MUCAPE exceeding 1000 J/kg.
    Rain rates within this convection have been estimated by KPOE
    WSR-88D to be as high as 2"/hr, despite generally modest
    reflectivity. This is suggestive of efficient warm rain processes,
    which are also supported by model soundings depicting 14,000 ft of
    warm cloud depths with near moist-adiabatic lapse rates throughout.

    The CAMs are in modest agreement for the next several hours, but
    appear to be under-doing the current convective coverage, and may
    be too fast to erode activity. Modest inflow off the Gulf of
    Mexico noted by 850mb winds of just 10-15 kts will be sufficient
    to continue to draw the more impressive thermodynamics northward
    to support continued convection, especially within the axis of
    strongest ascent in the vicinity of the mid-level impulse and
    along the surface low/front. In the weak flow, mean 850-300mb
    winds are just 5-10 kts, with direction varying depending on
    position relative to the surface low. Mean propagation vectors are
    additionally very weak at just 5-10 kts, and with minimal bulk
    shear, this suggests generally pulse-type convection with very
    slow storm motions. Although storm lifespans may be modest except
    along any local convergent boundaries (front, cell mergers), the
    environment will support rainfall rates which both the HREF and
    REFS indicate have a 15-25% chance of exceeding 2"/hr, further
    reflected by HRRR 15-min rainfall accumulations reaching 0.75" in
    a few locations. The slow drift of these rain rates despite the
    pulse nature could produce rainfall of 2-3", with isolated totals
    up to 5" possible.

    Most of this region has been dry the past 7 days noted by AHPS
    rainfall that is just 25-50% of normal, allowing FFG to be
    elevated at 3"/3hrs. Despite that, the very slow storm motions and
    efficient rainfall rates could still overwhelm these soils, and
    HREF 3-hr FFG exceedance probabilities reach 15%. This indicates
    at least an isolated flash flooding risk through the morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8hKBsBteHir1qwEetL0wrzguFB9sHDl-XurImgEHAwXNxrV_GHx8HLow8jAEwO0OjBpD= GmVwauSJPE8eqIADBbJoJDg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32939099 32409069 32009076 31049121 29709222=20
    29359266 29369348 29399415 29489487 29719542=20
    30179571 30669544 31639426 32529258 32829176=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 12:27:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191227

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0660
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    827 AM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Central Gulf Coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191226Z - 191730Z

    Summary...Efficient thunderstorms with rainfall rates upwards of
    3"/hr at times are expected to persist this morning. Repeating of
    these storms may lead to some flash flooding.

    Discussion...Radar and IR imagery across the Central Gulf Coast
    continue to track an axis of showers and thunderstorms lifting
    northeastward at around 10-15 kts. A particularly efficient
    cluster of thunderstorms southwest of Mobile, AL contained
    estimated rainfall rates approaching 3"/hr earlier as individual
    cells merged near the coastline recently.

    This corridor of activity is likely forced by 1) an approaching
    shortwave to the west and 2) a diffuse northeast to southwest
    oriented offshore convergence axis, which is aligned with the mean
    wind vector. Amid the forcing from this low-level boundary, the
    RAP suggests a very moist and unstable airmass will continue to
    push inland along a tight gradient to maintain efficient rainfall
    rates, with 2.1-2.25" PWATS and 2000-2500 J/kg of MUCAPE expected
    along the coastline over the next few hours.

    While the rainfall footprint with this activity will be somewhat
    "popcorn" owing to a lack of appreciable vertical shear, the very
    efficient rainfall production will support some flash flooding
    risk this morning as cells repeat along the lingering convergence
    axis. CAM guidance is a bit all over the place with initializing
    the ongoing storms, although several pieces of high-res guidance
    (11Z HRRR, ARWs, FV3, and RRFS) are quite wet and suggest rainfall
    amounts of 3-5" are possible through this morning. While 1-3 HR
    FFGs are quite high in the area (2.5-4"), repeating instances of
    these efficient storms could realize these higher end amounts on a
    localized basis, indicating some flash flood threat through this


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9vpvJp0EKuQr-4LzO7x3mcQfUpi7wlMvPfGwfEDfgPYyH6_oTz6OlBBmT9nuRcEkgHyA= qnA5JDPvqlC7j0OWY-SyC3g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30978818 30878667 30148686 29398840 28818930=20
    29049008 29509009 30308934=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 16:39:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191639

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0661
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1239 PM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Northern Plains

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 191638Z - 192008Z

    Summary...An axis of locally training convection has emerged
    within an MCS in the Northern Plains. The threat of flash flooding
    is expected to continue in the short term as an MCV and enhanced
    low-level WAA drive regenerating cells.

    Discussion...A focused axis of training cells has emerged between
    MHE in South Dakota and LCG in Nebraska within a larger scale MCS
    embedded within northwest flow. MRMS and dual-pol estimates
    suggest this training band has been extremely efficient, with
    3-4"/hr rainfall rates noted at times--although some hail
    contamination is possible. Accordingly, a narrow corridor of CREST
    Streamflow responses from 300-500 cfs/smi is noted.

    This focused band of activity is tied to an MCV embedded within
    the MCS supporting regenerating cells as a wing of low-level WAA
    ascends the cold pool parallel to the deep-layer shear vector. The
    slow net movement of this band of cells between MHE and LCG is
    supported by a corridor of weak Corfidi vectors in the
    region--around 5-10 kts. Within the inflow region of these cells,
    recent mesoanalysis estimates suggest 1000-2000 J/kg of MUCAPE and
    1.4-1.5" PWATS to support continued deep convection in the
    presence of the large scale forcing.

    Guidance has generally not handled the MCS well, although recent
    runs of the HRRR suggest the threat of training will persist
    through the next several hours. This will likely maintain the
    threat of short-term flash flooding given ongoing impacts along
    the South Dakota-Nebraska border as additional localized rainfall
    amounts of 1-3" occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!57psA2E5Cw0talw23tgwPBYIr17vxgoDpSkyNev6YWZa_hT-f91_iSZ6dxjabgHI2jF_= rwtGfR8s8KAOBKGyp7muTf0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44249848 43829738 42959655 41929703 42609799=20
    43279946 44049951=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 18:05:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191805

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0662
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    204 PM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Mid-Atlantic

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191804Z - 192359Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are expanding across the
    Southern Mid-Atlantic. Slow storm motions around 10 kts combined
    with rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr within the most intense cells could
    cause some flash flooding this afternoon as storms intensify.

    Discussion...Recent Day Cloud Phase RGB and LightningCast data
    depict an uptick in glaciating cloud tops and lightning
    probabilities along a weak stationary front in the Southern
    Mid-Atlantic. This more robust vertical development is likely in
    response to filtered insolation ahead of an approaching shortwave
    from the west, with little to no CIN across the region. Along the
    front, mesoanalysis estimates suggest positive SBCAPE
    differentials of 600-1000 J/kg over the last 3 hours, with 2-2.1"
    PWATs noted along the front.

    As these cells develop this afternoon, weak vertical wind profiles
    will ensure storms are quite slow as 850-300 mb mean winds
    forecast hover in the 10-15 kt range. This also suggests cells
    should remain quite disorganized this afternoon, with new cell
    propogation focused along outflow boundaries and the sea-breeze.
    Where convection can focus, however, the very moist and
    increasingly unstable environment should support some localized
    heavy rainfall totals locally around 3-5".

    Accordingly, the these totals could easily topple the 1-3 HR FFGs
    across the region, which generally hover in the 1-3" range. Aside
    from the usual urban sensitivies to the heavy rain, the eastern
    Carolinas could be more vulnerable to runoff issues as 2-5" of
    rainfall fell over the last 24 hours. By 21Z this afternoon, the
    12Z HREF neighborhood probabilities show increasing chances of 1-3
    HR FFG exceedence (35-50%), which suggests the threat of isolated
    to scattered flash flooding should increase.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_UMKOcVFKDagHDfUzEFSTsGklRBMiqX4QXIydIoiDkMPULXAoxUE42HnyNEL86QuAKsc= 4rvgugLlIEpjL0J3D0au0vc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37158160 37068097 36157921 36777626 36427550=20
    35527561 34757641 34357740 33837957 34038193=20
    34648354 35438375 36768270=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 19:22:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191922

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0663
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    322 PM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Georgia...Southwest South Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191921Z - 200121Z

    Summary...A band of intensifying convection continues to focus
    along an outflow boundary in southern Georgia. As additional cells
    form this afternoon, a combination of cell mergers and repeating
    of 2-3"/hr rainfall rates could drive a flash flood threat this

    Discussion...Radar and surface observations depict an axis of
    intensifying convection filling in along a composite outflow
    boundary across southern Georgia. Within the most intense cells,
    dual-pol and MRMS estimates suggest rainfall rates of 2-2.5" are
    being realized.

    The 0 hour RAP forecast suggest this activity is likely being
    enhanced by the entrance region of a 50-60 kt anticyclonically
    curved jet streak in the TN Valley. Unsurprisingly, the region
    also remains very moist and unstable to support efficient rainfall
    rates of 2-3"/hr, with 3000 J/kg of MUCAPE and 2.3-2.4" PWATs
    noted in the inflow region of the convection.

    Going through the afternoon, the concern is for the low-level
    boundary to interact with the enhanced synoptic forcing and
    unstable inflow from the Gulf to support continued repeating of
    cells. Additional development east of the main axis of storms
    along an emerging sea breeze could further enhance the heavy rain
    potential as cells could merge with one another. While morning CAM
    guidance has not performed well with this activity, the HRRR has
    initialized the storms better over the last several runs and
    suggests rainfall totals locally of 3-5" are possible through 1z
    tonight. In spite of generally dry antecedent conditions in the
    area, these efficient storms could locally breach 1-3HR FFGs in
    the 2.5-4" range.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!76ThM3GzgcLDPA_QdyATC4ehWFKfbe86HJeQPBsNNBQXI3QWJIkJqdPqah1WN7LhrSN-= MrnF7pKS4eatnRCLFG0Ui7c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33888092 33827947 33577910 33097926 32668008=20
    31348155 30448313 30758485 33008366 33718203=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 19:44:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191944

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0664
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    344 PM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Much of New Mexico...Eastern and Southeastern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191945Z - 200100Z

    SUMMARY...Monsoonal thunderstorms generally at 90th percentile of
    moisture and modestly unstable environment will pose slightly
    above average coverage and intensity for a few to widely scattered
    incidents of flash flooding this evening, particularly near fresh
    burn scars.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible imagery shows the incipient TCu with
    occasionally successful CBs across the elevated terrain of New
    Mexico into eastern and southeastern Arizona. This includes a few
    congestus and starting anvil clouds in proximity of the Bule 2,
    South Fork and Salt burn scars in the Sacramento Range that have
    been highly susceptible to even .5" rainfall totals to induce
    flash flooding and that appears highly plausible again this
    evening, though hitting specific watersheds/channels will come
    down to storm scale interaction. Similarly, cells in the southern
    Sangre de Cristo Range are starting to blossom with potential of
    crossing the Hermits Peak scar.

    Overall, the eastern edge of the large scale upper-ridge has been
    granted above average deep layer moisture along the periphery.
    Total PWats of 1.5" along the AZ/Mexico border up to 1.25" into
    the eastern Mogollon Rim/Gila, Black Range before further
    shallowing out to .8-1" up across northern NM. Overall, this is
    about 85-90th percentile of moisture, but the 12z profiles do show
    fairly moist mid-levels and the inverted-V low levels appear below
    average in depth and dewpoint depressions. Full sun, has built a
    favorable 1500 J/kg instability axis across the area of concern.=20
    It is not the most severe of values but given the ample moisture,
    stronger widely scattered to scattered monsoonal thunderstorms
    will develop and the inflow from those stronger updrafts will
    support .5-1"/hr rates. Spotty 1-2" totals are possible given
    deep layer steering along the eastern edge of the ridge is very
    weak at 5 kts. As such, spotty widely scattered flash flooding
    will be possible (though more likely at those aforementioned burn
    scars, having much lower thresholds with hydrophobic, limited infiltation).=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!83ReWNpudG-j56BiIamqJ0A0pdOoIMgAJpGDPltKLNIa9O8fmjRhQBvj8QjE2ERu_4YZ= Ai0Zbul9wFayzvy9MeIWzPw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36980480 36740406 35970351 34680439 33040495=20
    32470516 32330543 32420578 33190614 33360676=20
    33000736 32530772 32300843 31690868 31330906=20
    31261011 31441090 32091104 32761041 33461014=20
    34031024 34130942 34740907 35540885 35450804=20
    35680714 36210700 36660703 36930614=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 21:31:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192131

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0665
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    531 PM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Central Mississippi...Central Alabama...Northern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 192130Z - 200300Z

    SUMMARY...Slowing/merging cells along deep layer deformation
    zone/instability axis may produce localized intense rates over
    2"/hr and spots of 3-4" and possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts large scale positive-tilt
    polar trof across the Missouri Bootheel with height-falls across
    much of Arkansas. The mature/well-defined MCV/southern stream
    shortwave continues to lift slowly out of SW MS through
    southwesterly flow across the South. A broad right entrance
    region to 70kt 3H jet across the Ohio Valley provides broad scale
    divergence across much of N AL/NW GA back into eastern MS. At the
    surface, a low just downstream of the MCV near KJAN is the center
    of 850mb low and slow but deeply convergent low-level moist and
    unstable air mass, that further pools along the surface to 850mb deformation/FGEN zone across east-central MS, AL into Northern GA.
    Total PWats to 2-2.25" and MLCAPE axis of 1500-2250 J/kg exists
    along and north of the boundary. The convergence into the surface
    to 850mb axis will result in localized enhancements to break out
    scattered clusters of thunderstorms. Cell motions will be slow
    and to the northeast, but further slow into the deformation zone.=20
    As a result, efficient warm cloud processes will support 2-2.5"/hr
    rates and given some potential for mergers in proximity of the
    boundary and surface low(s), spots of 2-4" are possible.=20

    Ground conditions remain fairly dry, though hourly FFG of
    1.5-2.5"/hr and 3hr FFG of 2-3.5" are within range of the rainfall
    rates and these scattered totals. As such, focused widely
    scattered incidents of flash flooding will be possible through the
    remainder of the evening into the early night period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!43yQJ7C5werg1PMOm0QsvxMdnK78h_Gt3HOAgD87PPsAMPNQhW3rGw3yyGVH8lv3FsLW= zBQEtgpbvihiF_VzeV2rcdc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34758435 34368361 33568344 32668647 31778828=20
    31908949 32088978 32289013 32649027 33259020=20
    33698917 34428680=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 19 23:29:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192329

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0666
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    728 PM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast GA...Upstate & Central SC...Southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 192330Z - 200500Z

    SUMMARY...A few more hours of flash flooding potential as new
    cells seek out remaining pockets of unstable air. High moisture
    content, slow cell motions and mergers will pose localized totals
    of 2-4".

    DISCUSSION...23z surface analysis depicts the stationary front
    extending across the south into a low just north of ATL; the
    boundary then slides through the Upstate of SC to a surface low
    near Hickory, NC before it waves toward the east into the upper
    Outer Banks. A secondary surface convergence boundary that has
    been enhanced by earlier outflow exists from near Clemson, SC
    south of Charlotte toward New Bern, NC. Here, unstable air
    remains maximized with MLCAPE values of 1000-2000 J/kg throughout
    the area of concern even with waning solar input. Additionally,
    with outflow from the north, there is still some remaining lapse
    rates to maintain some higher MUCAPE north of the convergence
    boundary to be utilized. However, stable/mixed air across
    central/southern GA is pressing outflow boundaries and some
    pre-cursory air into the convergence axis; enhancing moisture flux
    convergence for any cells/outflow boundaries seeking out those
    remaining unstable pockets.=20

    Moisture pooled along and south of the boundary, remains well
    above average (above 95th percentile) with 2.25" total PWats and
    Tds in the mid 70s. As such, that flux will support highly
    efficient warm cloud process rainfall with rates of 2-2.5"/hr
    likely. Deep layer steering remains weak and generally along the convergence/frontal zone allowing for cell mergers or colliding
    outflows for broader up/downdrafts for maybe 1 or 2 cells through
    the remainder of the evening into the early overnight period. As
    the remaining unstable air is exhausted, cells/coverage will
    diminish and with it the threat of flash flooding. Still, there
    remains sufficient model/observational agreement for confidence in
    some localized 2-4" totals through 05z resulting in possible flash
    flooding conditions.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!75TImSfO69oCjvv8p2vAX-jW-mnmRuXmzoiyZDQ0qXBk_whmdgy7jcuCpeY17FHfpRKl= 0OsjX5yx6Ei2EPg4E6XJr5Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35587976 35457805 35177698 34747667 34207733=20
    33837843 33607963 33478077 33538173 33558249=20
    33608331 34108377 34538343 34808284 35458122=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 00:34:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 200034

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0667
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    833 PM EDT Fri Jul 19 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast NM...Far Southeast CO...Adj OK/TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 200030Z - 200500Z

    SUMMARY...Initially terrain locked/slow moving cells should move
    off terrain and potentially grow into a cluster with increased
    moisture flux and enhanced rainfall rates. Scattered flash
    flooding may be possible given 1-1.25"/hr, especially near
    terrain/steep terrain.

    DISCUSSION...Strong northern stream jet streaking down the front
    range of the Colorado Rockies into increasingly diffluent flow
    across the eastern side of retrograding ridge over the Southwest
    is providing increased DPVA across SE CO into NE NM. VWP depict
    stronger down-sloping winds intersecting with southerly return
    flow out of the southern High Plains resulting in a convergent
    850-700mb low in NE NM with enhanced convergence. Moisture has
    slowly increased to the low to mid 50s in NM though slightly
    higher nearing 60F off TX/OK panhandles at slightly lower
    elevation. Total PWats have pooled with 1-1.25" values in the
    vicinity of the low. Deep layer flow supports back-building,
    upslope components for the next few hours across the southern
    Sangre de Cristo and Nacimiento Ranges; with GOES-E visible
    showing numerous overshooting tops breaking through the lower
    status. With return moisture/higher theta-E air returning to NE
    NM, instability is increasing as well supporting values of
    1500-2000 J/kg allowing for stronger updrafts over the coming
    hours and maintaining moisture flux. As the shortwave/jet streak
    overtops the region, forward propagation should increase across
    the NM High Plains limiting duration. Hourly totals will be
    within range of the hourly FFG values of 1-1.5" so a few incidents
    of flash flooding may still occur.

    Hi-Res CAMs have been very poor in assimilating the forward speed
    of the approaching jet streak/shortwave features; generally 1-2
    hours too slow. Accounting for this and a generally more
    favorable upper-level diffluence pattern, and RADAR/satellite
    trends, as shift westward toward the terrain for higher totals may
    be more likely but will continue to monitor convective trends for
    the OK/TX Panhandles for any further eastward expansion of
    potential flash flooding risk, but as expected in such a poor
    short-term diagnosis, confidence is reduced.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4B_BNlxf9j1wLfvXO_Xza0Ty4T1Fymm3tfpBEv_xP8WESFBjyzaoe9aL-baWzS5u0Ucz= a8fUY11AUf88YF20PohGr_A$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37710340 37170252 36130240 34580284 33940381=20
    33920518 34350617 34840644 35470631 35930579=20
    36740488 37360453=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 06:58:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 200657

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0668
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    257 AM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...Upper and Middle Texas Coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 200656Z - 201200Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms will expand and
    drift near the Texas Coast through morning. Rainfall rates of
    2-3"/hr are likely, which could produce 3-4" of rain with locally
    higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...A narrow corridor of PWs above 1.9" measured via GPS
    is aligned south of a stationary front analyzed by WPC to help
    fuel an expansion of convection noted on the KHGX WSR-88D this
    morning. These thunderstorms are expanding slowly to the west
    along and south of this boundary, aided by a ribbon of MUCAPE
    above 2000 J/kg, which remains surface based just off the coast
    into the Gulf of Mexico, and an associated ridge of high theta-e
    air advecting slowly northward. The GOES-E IR imagery at this hour
    shows rapid cloud top cooling from Galveston Bay westward, and
    recent rainfall rates have been estimated to be as high as 3"/hr.
    Storm motions across this area have been quite weak and chaotic,
    and model forecast soundings indicate extremely light and variable
    winds from the surface through 400mb, indicating that storm speeds
    will remain slow into the morning. Where cells have lingered, as
    much as 2-3" of rain has fallen according to local mesonets.

    The CAMs are struggling with the exact placement and evolution of
    activity so far, but have the general idea of a continuation and
    expansion westward for the next several hours. This includes the
    recent 3kmNAM, ARW, and RRFSp1. Although moist inflow from the
    Gulf at 850mb will remain modest at just around 10 kts, this will
    be sufficient to draw the best thermodynamics into the front, and
    is also greater and opposite to the mean cloud-layer winds
    suggesting some enhanced convergence for ascent. This combined
    with some frictional convergence along the coast, a weak shortwave
    moving into east Texas, and at least subtle upper level jet
    diffluence, should allow for convection to expand and intensify
    through the overnight hours. This is reflected by increasing 2"/hr
    rain rate probabilities on both the HREF and REFS, with the slow
    storm motions contributing to 3"/6hr probabilities reaching 40-60%
    on both ensemble systems. This indicates some areas could receive
    3-4" of rain with locally higher amounts.

    The most likely location for rapid runoff resulting in flash
    flooding will be in urban areas. However, relatively moist soils
    noted by NASA SPoRT 0-40cm percentiles reaching above 90%, and
    HREF 3-hr FFG exceedance peaking at 30%, suggest instances of
    flash flooding are possible anywhere any storm mergers or
    repeating rounds of these slow moving heavy rain rates occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!--rJ49NFL88k3j7RFqB47ij73igJZbsY7LK5i52ngFD8CZzLPCNSnOr6iu3Wn4kku9b-= e29_FLN6WumAANvmxjVkP68$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30029446 30029366 29789348 29339376 29029447=20
    28799508 28559575 28329630 28149676 28189711=20
    28569743 29039734 29499683 29769620 29909516=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 12:00:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201200

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0669
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    800 AM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...much of central/southern VA...far northern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201200Z - 201800Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers producing rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr
    may result in localized totals of 3-5" through morning. Isolated
    to scattered flash flooding is possible (with a locally
    significant event or two possible).

    Discussion...Low-topped, highly efficient showers are percolating
    around and north of a weak stationary boundary draped near the
    VA/NC border region this morning. Some of these showers have
    already been capable of 2-3"/hr rainfall rates (per MRMS
    estimates), embedded within stratiform rainfall and moving very
    slowly (as 850-700 mb flow ranges from only 5-10 kts). While
    forcing is not very significant, a weak shortwave trough is
    evident via GOES-East water vapor imagery and RAP analysis just
    upstream (over TN/NC border region), and this looks to contribute
    to additional development through the morning. In addition, the
    current activity is moving into a more favorable area of
    instability (SB CAPE 500-1000 J/kg), and instability will only
    increase with the increase in solar insolation. Precipitable water
    levels are quite high (1.8-2.1", between the 90th percentile and
    max moving average per GSO and WAL sounding climatology), and warm
    rain processes (collision and coalescence) will continue to
    dominate with freezing levels between 14-15k feet (and a
    significant cap above 700 mb, particularly closer to the coast

    While hi-res guidance is not very excited about overall rainfall
    coverage, there are indications of locally significant rainfall
    accumulations. While some hourly HRRR runs depict isolated to
    widely scattered 3-5" totals, the 06z HREF also has a meaningful
    signal for localized 3" exceedance (per 40-km neighborhood
    probabilities of 20-40%, and a small bullseye of 70% near/north of Williamsburg, VA). These exceedance probabilities correspond with
    5-10 year ARI exceedance, which are also very near the Flash Flood
    Guidance (for 6-hr period). Given the observational trends and
    available guidance, isolated to scattered flash flooding is
    considered possible (with a locally significant event also
    possible, particularly over far eastern VA where the experimental
    RRFS guidance also indicates a strong signal for 3" exceedance).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-Tel-upw_38y8NHnQRxpvMZ5Mh78dRY8U9CAGj6rvY33IFTxoIfPy_AkjUK1KvkOnoh_= 0ZUT75oiubM2X0Lv7HNYrcI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37817816 37787596 37317553 36587690 36297871=20
    36108065 36488153 37268077 37587971=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 17:38:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201738

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0670
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    137 PM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...much of NM...southeast AZ...far south-central CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201800Z - 210000Z

    Summary...Widely scattered instances of flash flooding are
    possible with localized rainfall rates up to 1-2"/hr.

    Discussion...Convective inhibition across the Southern Rockies and
    into the Desert Southwest has eroded, as cumulus congestus has
    become apparent (via GOES-East visible imagery) over the higher
    elevations (in the vicinity of particularly sensitive, recent burn
    scars) and echos already appearing on local radar. The environment
    is generally characterized by SB CAPE of 500-1000 J/kg and
    precipitable water values of 0.7-1.0 inches (near the daily
    mean/75th percentile, per ABQ sounding climatology), though
    southeast AZ is characterized by slightly higher instability and
    moisture (though still near comparable climatological levels, per
    TUS sounding climatology).

    The expectation for convective intensity and coverage is similar
    to yesterday (and perhaps a bit higher), as hi-res guidance
    indicates localized rainfall rates of up to 1-2"/hr. Coverage of
    any flash flooding impacts should be widely scattered (at best),
    given the lack of shear and organizing force for convection (i.e.
    typical pulse storm mode). Weak low-level flow rounding the ridge
    to the west will generally drive storms to the southeast to
    southwest, at relatively slow motions of 10-20 kts. One of the
    most skillful indicators for flash flood impacts across the
    Southwest are 2" exceedance values via the HREF 40-km neighborhood
    method, which are indicated to be as high as 20-40% (and are
    generally clustered around the terrain, in the vicinity of the
    burn scars, and farther southwest into southeast AZ where the
    greatest coverage of convection may materialize). As a result,
    widely scattered instances of flash flooding are considered
    possible (with potentially high-end impacts limited to the most
    sensitive burn scar localities).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_jxG3bKo6rMcD6vRDuHsVx6do5qLAzKwiTMdwebFAfss6Sm4fOJ3w00HGHGeuL4n_xka= i8C5TTM4pvsA5xYT-iQH0IA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38670628 38630567 38480513 38010461 37410423=20
    36840387 36040358 35490384 34480471 32720492=20
    32370553 32700742 32600780 32180834 31660875=20
    31290938 31311123 31641223 32201224 32721168=20
    33191126 33701068 34071030 34490956 34230855=20
    34690788 35670752 37220735 38020717=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 18:22:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201822

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0671
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    221 PM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Virginia...Southern Delmarva
    Peninsula...Northeast North Carolina...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201820Z - 210000Z

    SUMMARY...Continued flash flooding risk for slow moving, efficient
    warm-cloud process tropical showers/thunderstorms. Proximity to
    earlier morning flooding increases the potential for possible
    flash flooding again this afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...A very moist, modestly unstable environment remains
    across the coastal plain of southeast VA/northeast NC. Total
    PWats remain 2-2.25" along a speed convergence axis across SE VA
    into the southern Delmarva, with 15kts slowing and backing toward
    cyclonic enhancement near a weak surface to boundary layer wave
    near OFP/FCI. Aloft a shearing southern stream shortwave exists
    across south-central VA, further shearing toward the northeast.=20
    This feature is demarcated well by shallow convection/curved arcs
    noted in GOES-E visible imagery and RADAR mosaic.=20

    RAP analysis supports 1000-1500 MLCAPE which is fairly robust
    given the deep moisture profiles/moist adiabatic lapse rates.=20
    Deep warm cloud layer up through 13-14Kft will support efficient
    rainfall production with the 15-20kts of southwesterly flow
    increased by local updraft strength. Best forced cells have been
    along/just downstream of the DPVA, but still remain weak though
    parameters appear sufficient; so localized enhancement may not
    take much to reach those 2"/hr rates that are possible given the
    CAPE/moisture. Further downstream, local frictional convergence
    along bays/inlets appear to be effective on stronger cells with
    slow/zero cell motions...due to the maintained/stationary low
    level convergence, and can be an additional potential method for
    localized heavy rainfall totals contributing to flash flooding.=20=20

    Cell motions may allow for additional localized 2-3" totals, the
    proximity to urban centers across the lower Neck and Norfolk metro
    area will pose a higher probability for increased runoff as well
    as, areas that were affected earlier this morning, though soil
    conditions. Localized flash flooding may still be possible even
    with the trailing edge of the upper-level shortwave may align for
    short-term repeating into the evening hours across northeast NC.=20
    Here, recent rains have brought soil saturation to slightly above
    average at 55-60% per NASA SPoRT LIS products.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_meZIOFqG3Q9hDh1cJd21wBfqdy-fKpbAAogIohNdjSelEjbO-JecDDOxPKXCNqwYcsN= NdPIHx-iEJpmFLkXgVyoR2s$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38137519 37627544 36917575 35957574 35477833=20
    35517930 35947937 36557855 36927828 37857765=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 19:01:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201901

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0672
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    300 PM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast LA...Southern MS...Southern
    AL...Central GA...Ext Southwest SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201900Z - 210030Z

    SUMMARY...Stronger WAA thunderstorms orienting for potential for
    localized repeating; though ample moisture and modest flux may
    result in 2-2.5"/hr totals. Upstream, slower moving thunderstorms
    across the Central Gulf may allow for similar 2-4" localized
    totals and possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts an elongating/shearing
    shortwave over north-central AL into northeast AL; along the
    western left entrance of a strengthening jet streak across N GA
    into the Cumberland Plateau. Favorable right entrance ascent is
    locally strengthening low to mid-level flow out of the eastern
    Gulf across E AL/GA providing warm-advective ascent and speed
    convergence across E AL/central GA. GOES-E 10.3um shows numerous
    thunderstorms breaking out along this warm advective edge with
    tops cooling to below -65C; utilizing the axis of enhanced MLCAPE
    along/north older convective outflow over S AL with values of
    2000-2500 J/kg. This also aligns with the western gradient of
    enhanced deep layer moisture with 2-2.25" total PWats extending
    along the central Gulf Coast through the AL/GA border into central
    SC. While flux is modest on that 15-20kt inflow, the available
    moisture and vertical convergence and deeper warm cloud (13Kft),
    the ability for localized 2-2.5"/hr rates are possible.

    Current axis of best rainfall totals appears to be just south of
    the axis of most saturated ground conditions with 95th percentile
    0-40cm saturation ratios drop to the 50th-75th percentile and
    ratios at or below 40%; suggesting the higher FFG is reasonable at
    3-4"; though that is reduced to 2-3"/3hrs along the northern edge.
    Given the closeness and potential for some repeating to reach
    2-4", localized flash flooding is considered possible across AL
    into SC.

    Upstream across LA/S MS/SW AL...
    As the shortwave exits to the northeast, there is limited
    height-falls (maybe even slight height-rises) prior to the larger
    scale trough digging in from the Mid to lower MS Valley. As such,
    the trailing sfc to mid-level boundary are aligned across SE LA
    into S AL. Moisture over 2-2.25" and solid 1500-2500 J/kg of
    instability will allow for stronger thunderstorms. Deep layer
    steering of 15-20kts is nearly parallel to the low level
    confluence boundary and therefore may allow for training cells.=20
    As such, similar 2-2.5"/hr rates and spots of 3+" are probable,
    though, sandier soils may allow for better infiltration but is a
    low end probabilities of 3-5" (15-25%) dotted along the axis that
    pose enough of a possible flash flooding risk to include into this discussion.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4-u4YIvH32xhwHsyKLMBH1k2CHkHqv956ysOGjFZGhqW6rCXVMoRC-w0lEIHM_Dr7l9E= K3Tw2LIeVOk-2DH-2puEgDM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33888249 33628147 33248100 32768099 32268129=20
    31988251 31438547 30748760 30418835 29898999=20
    29849109 30509106 30899034 31988823 32108803=20
    33128670 33818409=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 20:05:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 202005

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0673
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    405 PM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...Southern UT...Northern AZ...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 202005Z - 210130Z

    SUMMARY...Above average moisture and instability across
    susceptible higher plateau terrain/slot canyons pose spots of
    .5"/hr and totals up to 1" and possible localized flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...CIRA LPW denotes enhanced moisture across S UT toward
    the Four Corners in the 7-5H layer (.5") along/just downstream of
    subtle embedded shortwave across S UT. This moisture extends to
    the surface in the 850-700mb layer along and just east of the Slot
    Canyons and spine north into the Tushar and Pavani Range extending
    toward the Sevier Valley and points east. This brings totals over
    1". RAP analysis and AMVs from GOES-E/W suggest 30-35kt upper
    level jet streak across E UT/S CO, with some weak right entrance
    divergence across SW UT toward the area of concern. However,
    recent RAP analysis suggest above average instability with 1000
    J/kg centered over E Garfield and Kane counties...which tends to
    be the driver of excessive rainfall in the region.

    Combined with aforementioned above average moisture and
    thunderstorms will be capable of .5"/hr rates, maybe slightly
    higher and highly localized totals up to 1" are possible. HREF
    probabilities reach 25-30% for these magnitudes; and while not
    extreme for the region, this has been above potential for the last
    few weeks. GOES-E Visible imagery indicates congested Tcu and
    scattered CBs with moderate lightning dotted across the higher
    terrain where mountain circulation convergence was maximized.=20
    While tops have not been cooler than -30C. Would expect a few
    stronger updrafts over the next few hours capable of those .5-1"
    totals. Given weak 5+ kt inflow at cloud base, it is improbable
    that multiple updraft cycles are going to be the mode; though
    outflow should propagate to newer development.

    Given the susceptible area where even less than .5"/hr rates are
    problematic, would considered flash flooding possible though
    coverage is not likely to be above average or even 'normal' for an
    'active' monsoonal day in S UT/N AZ.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8JOafacIyctBnE8zxqHaPLxtacuQqBLa3D5eX-jMZSDoBJtycxoMN_9xgsRiRDFJsoPq= IgPi55cfUvNmh-noVRQHdGc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39001144 38831082 38471005 38020929 37590942=20
    36851013 35760932 35210935 35151037 35701092=20
    36231099 36411104 36951133 37051163 36741183=20
    36221193 36261252 37121312 37701305 38241276=20
    38791238 38961198=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 20 23:45:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 202345

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0674
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    745 PM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern & Southeastern AZ...Central to
    Southwestern NM...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 202345Z - 210545Z

    SUMMARY...Multiple bands of monsoon activity rounding the
    southeast edge of the large scale ridge will continue to pose
    scattered localized flash flooding risk.=20

    DISCUSSION...The large scale ridge continues to elongate NNW to
    SSE centered in the Lower Colorado Valley, while a stronger
    (50-60kt) upper-level jet passes to the northeast providing
    diffluent flow along the anticyclonic rotor across much of SE AZ
    into S NM through the late evening into the overnight period.=20
    This should maintain organized clusters by providing sufficient
    outflow. Ongoing clusters/linear features can be seen in RADAR
    mosaic and GOES-E Visible across the Eastern Mogollon Rim into SW
    NM, as well as, further north across north-central NM, remaining
    in the core of deeper level moisture. CIRA LPW shows the core of
    mid-level moisture along the AZ/NW NM border starting to encroach
    on the diffluent flow, while surface to 850mb continues to turn
    eastward upslope out of the Sonoran Desert toward SE AZ; weaker
    return flow across the West Texas Panhandle has slowly increased
    total PWATs to 1-1.25" across the Rio Grande Valley and into the
    Sacramento Range to further feed/maintain moisture flux for
    cells/line moving in from the north.=20

    While there are pockets of overturned/stabilizing air between the
    lines, enhanced SBCAPEs exist (especially across the upslope area
    out of the Sonoran Desert from Gila to Pima/Santa Cruz) to feed
    forward propagation into the upslope flow. With deeper moisture,
    rates may reach higher instantaneous rates but duration may limit
    totals to 1-2" resulting localized flash flooding concerns.=20
    Further west into SW and south-central NM...instability will be a
    bit less than further west, but should be sufficient (1000+ J/kg)
    to provide stronger updrafts to support similar 1-1.5" totals.=20
    Incidents of flash flooding are going to be likely, but should be
    scattered and highly localized in areal coverage per

    High res CAMs have been bullish on some upscale enhancement of the
    clusters coming out of Santa Fe county and tracking toward the
    Sacramento Range and the highly sensitive burn scars that had
    already seen considerable flooding this evening, Salt Fork, Blue
    2, etc. An additional 1-1.5" is possible though 06z. Tracking
    through these scars precisely is difficult to confirm this far out
    in time; however, there remains a solid potential (25-30% per
    HREF) between 03-06z after sunset when flood waters are that much
    more dangerous.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6nDt1T_0zwlevqiJV9PEOsNwgUfyKHVt1hfrYhi8-Xw48BTnLJ9H9sZYsX3Fv3aaSPYC= 2XrFbZURfHYKpYwyKuSr3RA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35710707 35660619 35380538 34870474 34000464=20
    33320478 32700504 32500549 32650595 33020625=20
    32750652 31860653 31510752 31280832 31311089=20
    31541211 31851252 32421229 32751169 33331140=20
    34241195 34591172 34501056 35021046 35300959=20
    34970837 35400749=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 00:59:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210059

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0675
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    859 PM EDT Sat Jul 20 2024

    Areas affected...Southern and Eastern NC...North-central SC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 210100Z - 210630Z

    SUMMARY...Spotty totals of 2-4" due to repeating, effcient, though
    fast moving convection may result in a spot or two of low-end
    flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Large scale broad southwesterly trough will remain
    fairly persistent has embedded southern stream shortwaves/impulses
    slide through the mid-level trough in proximity to the stationary
    front. Right entance ascent will also support modest outflow and
    provide divergence for these embedded pulses to develop new bouts
    of convection through the early to mid overnight period.

    Currently, a strong cluster (cooling below -65C) has developed
    along convergent outflow boundaries just east of I-95 between
    Rocky Mount and Goldsboro; deep layer steering remains 25-30kts
    for cell motions, but ample pool of unstable and very moist low
    level environment (warm cloud up to 14Kft) is supportive of strong
    moisture flux convergence and rainfall rates of 2-2.5"/hr. Totals
    have been limited to about that range, though cell
    mergers/expansion of the cluster moving into the sandier soils of
    the coastal Plain may not be as favorable as normal given recent
    300-400% of normal rainfall across the area. Further west, the
    slack between two shearing shortwaves has flattened the deep layer
    flow, but the frontal boundary/surface convergence axis is
    oriented favorably parallel to the steering flow while low level
    inflow is orthogonal enough to maintain sufficient convergence
    near the Charlotte Metro area. As such, rates of 2"/hr and one to
    two hours of training suggest spots of 2-4" may be possible.

    Slow southward drift of the boundary/surface convergence axis may
    help to mitigate some locations from higher totals and likely to
    result in a more spotty areal coverage of those higher totals
    across E NC and adjacent portions of SC. As such, possible
    incident or two of flash flooding is possible through the
    overnight period particularly if intersecting with
    urban/hydrophobic ground conditions that cannot withstand the
    highly efficient rates.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6zf173YTkJ6MSDtA9BO0DcFQBwCAU1Y8ndyEuAWYxttrKFAxnBelnSUkteDbvG7kDKbU= P1KOBtXYrpVEXpZUY5bE3F4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36237634 36037565 35327534 34407645 34187914=20
    34378057 34678144 35338153 35547995 35647949=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 06:07:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210607

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0677
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    206 AM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern Oklahoma

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 210606Z - 211200Z

    Summary...Slow moving thunderstorms with 2-3"/hr rates will
    increase across Oklahoma overnight. This will produce 2-4" of rain
    with locally higher amounts above 5" possible. Instances of flash
    flooding are likely.

    Discussion...The GOES-E WV imagery tonight shows a complex
    structure evolving across the middle of the country. A prominent
    closed low is rotating over Iowa, while a weak vorticity impulse
    embedded within the flow pivots into Oklahoma. The accompanying
    longwave trough is amplifying across the Plains, bringing subtle
    height falls into Oklahoma, which is combining with modest PVA and
    a weakly diffluent upper level jet pattern to produce large scale
    synoptic ascent. In the lower levels, regional VWPs indicate the
    850mb SW LLJ is beginning to ramp up, angling atop a weak surface
    trough to provide additional convergent ascent. This deep layer
    lift is occurring into robust thermodynamics noted by a ribbon of
    PWs measured by GPS of 1.6 to 1.8 inches, around the 90th
    percentile for the date, and MUCAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg. Recent
    reflectivity from the regional radar mosaic has blossomed quickly,
    indicating that the best ascent is beginning to impinge into the
    more impressive environment.

    The recent CAMs are in pretty good agreement both temporally and
    spatially with the evolution through the morning. This produces
    some higher confidence in the flash flood potential. As the LLJ
    begins to intensify in tandem with better height falls/PVA
    drifting southward, convective development should expand and
    intensify, especially for portions of eastern and central OK.
    Here, both the HREF and REFS 2"/1hr rain rate probabilities reach
    around 30%, and the HRRR 15-min rainfall accumulations peak around
    0.75", suggesting at least short-duration 3"/hr rates can be
    expected. This will be fueled by the LLJ surging PWs to over 2"
    while MUCAPE remains above 1000 J/kg. As the LLJ increases,
    Corfidi vectors will veer to become increasingly angled to the
    right of the mean wind, indicating that as cells redevelop along
    the low-level convergent boundary they will train to the E/SE to
    lengthen the duration of heavy rain rates. This could result in
    corridors of 2-4" of rainfall, with locally higher amounts above
    5" possible as reflected by 5"/6hr HREF probabilities of 20-30%
    and the REFS PMM peaking at 5.5", highest in the vicinity of Tulsa
    in the northeast part of the state.

    Soils across Oklahoma are generally below normal as reflected by
    0-40cm soil moisture that is only around the 30th percentile
    according to NASA SPoRT. This will somewhat inhibit the flash
    flood risk initially due to water infiltration into these drier
    soils. However, intense rates of 2-3"/hr will likely still cause
    instances of rapid runoff, especially in urban areas, almost
    immediately, and where these rates can train/linger even the drier
    soils could be overwhelmed. The setup appears favorable, and the
    agreement of the guidance combined with the strong forcing
    suggests flash flooding is likely through the overnight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8A5j4bmMs3U6jL_DC6IBrEtBvbRtN_DSh2__IeYPEGvmpj41pw_cfVsxwdmCG76ZqHFN= lWjPzLJkpGnxRPRQA_cg-eU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37419571 37269478 36849448 36319439 35619456=20
    35089485 34829531 34609585 34179630 33919691=20
    33979750 34219830 34339854 34639867 35109864=20
    35729841 36399790 37309682=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 09:39:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210939

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0678
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    539 AM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...Upper Texas Coast, Southern Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 210938Z - 211500Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will increase over the Gulf of
    Mexico and lift northward onshore Louisiana and the Upper Texas
    Coast this morning. Rainfall rates of 2-3"/h are likely, which
    through slow storm motions could produce 2-4" of rain with locally
    higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning shows showers
    and thunderstorms slowly expanding across southern Louisiana,
    while the GOES-E IR imagery indicates cooling cloud tops
    indicative of additional convection of the northern Gulf of
    Mexico. These thunderstorms are expanding in response to a
    shortwave lifting northward from the Gulf, which is providing
    additional lift to an area already beneath a mid-level weakness
    and tail of an upper jet streak. A modest 10-15 kt 850mb LLJ
    measured via regional VWPs is lifting northward, drawing PWs over
    over 2 inches and MLCAPE of 2000-3090 J/kg onshore and into a
    stationary front analyzed by WPC. The overlap of ascent into these
    robust thermodynamics is driving the expanding convection this
    morning, while warm cloud depths above 14,000 ft and a deep layer
    of moist-adiabatic lapse rates support the efficient warm rain
    processes driving radar-estimated rain rates of 1.5"/hr.

    Although thunderstorms are likely to remain scattered through the
    late morning as reflected by recent CAMs including the HRRR,
    RRFSp1, and experimental RRFSp3/p4, there is good agreement in an
    expansion in coverage, especially along the immediate coast. This
    will be driven by persistent moisture advection into the
    frictional convergence boundary along the coast, and aided by the
    shortwave lifting northward. While there is some uncertainty as to
    how far inland the convection can track through the morning due to
    modest instability over land, both the HREF and REFS ensembles
    indicate 2"/hr rainfall rate probabilities rising to 30-40%,
    suggesting locally 3"/hr rates are possible. These rates
    themselves could overwhelm soils, even in locations that are
    typically less susceptible due to swampy soils and higher FFG.
    However, the setup is conducive to backbuilding and training as
    Corfidi vectors increasingly veer to the SW and collapse. This
    indicates that cells will regenerate over the Gulf into the better
    instability and lift northeast, producing effective cell motions
    of less than 5 kts in some areas. Where this net motion results in
    longer duration training, 2-4" of rain with locally 5" is possible
    as reflected by HREF and REFS probabilities for 3" (5") of 30-50%
    (10-20%). Additionally, the 6-hr PMM from both ensembles indicates
    locally 4-6" of rainfall near the coast.

    While this portion of the Gulf Coast, especially outside of urban
    areas, can generally handle heavy rain, some parts of the coast
    have experienced well above normal rainfall of 150-300% in the
    last 7 days according to AHPS. This has resulted in high soil
    moisture anomalies, leading to slightly more favorable conditions
    for rapid runoff and flash flooding. While instances of flash
    flooding will be more likely should convection train across urban
    areas, anywhere that experiences training of these intense rain
    rates could have at least isolated impacts this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9GaNdeCHC1QCWpDbfRJFdaXoIYsiy_LXZJVFnd6mNoQDQZYd4-akFeGATz57rxZfJFsz= PTrTT8flu6P0hMKPvDDM818$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30449335 30439200 30379105 30249030 30068951=20
    29808901 29358887 28968905 28828976 28949052=20
    29219138 29339227 29429309 29339389 29129446=20
    29069492 29269524 29779509 30209440=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 18:32:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211832

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0679
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    231 PM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...Central AL...Central & Southern GA...Eastern FL Panhandle...Southwest SC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211830Z - 220000Z

    SUMMARY...Large scale over-turning at peak heating with very deep
    moisture profile to support efficient rainfall. Deep layer
    steering may allow for scattered incidents of training/repeating
    bringing widely scattered spots of 2-4" and possible flash
    flooding this afternoon into evening.

    DISCUSSION...A similar weakly forced, deep moisture and unstable
    environment exists across the Southeast again today. Deep layer
    positive tilt trough is being reinforced upstream across the Missouri/Mid-Mississippi Valleys, which has left the southern
    stream in similar orientation with small embedded shortwaves to
    locally force pockets of thunderstorms. 18z surface analysis
    shows a surface wave in NE MS connected to a stationary front
    across much of TN and back into N LA. Deep layer moisture axis
    extends from the Upper TX coast across S AL/GA; placing the total
    PWat gradient across central MS, AL into N GA and is reflected in
    weak pressure trough. Nearing convective temperatures, slight
    convergence along the trough was sufficient for scattered
    thunderstorms that have continued to expand/propagate along
    initial outflow boundaries. Given proximity to 2-2.25" total
    PWats (over 1" in sfc/850mb layer per CIRA LPW) and deeper warm
    cloud layer will allow for 2-2.5"/hr rates. Cell motions are slow
    enough and recent heavier rainfall across central AL/GA has
    lowered FFG into that range. Howver, training/repeating is likely
    to be required to reach 3-4" totals for flash flooding to occur in
    all but urban locations. Profiles and recent visible/RADAR trends
    suggest some low level moisture is supporting weak outflow
    boundaries to the south, which may limit that training propagating
    to the south.

    Interaction with approaching cells from the Panhandle ahead of a
    broader meso-high/convective outflow from early morning central
    may rebuff this propagation and even support mergers across south
    central GA by 21-22z. A north-south arch of outflow has been
    converging the highly unstable air across SE AL/SW GA/central FL
    Panhandle increasing convective coverage, further strengthening
    the outflow boundary. Deeper southwesterly flow and orientation
    of cloud streamers off the Eastern Gulf Coast will align for some
    short-term training as well, so similar to last evening, spots of
    2-4" totals may occur inducing flash flooding, though the greatest
    potential will exist as the two areas merge into the later
    evening... in a similar axis to last evening's heavy rainfall an
    saturated ground conditions. Still the magnitude of rainfall is
    not likely to be very high given cell residency, so overall
    coverage/incidents of flash flooding are likely to be widely
    scattered an considered possible these evening.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9cLvrs3YwGMZ3tZ7b4KoI617YpAEkDfuWJiK4sFNyUSGgQ6vjW28uXzAm4GAdW_zzp29= PGu4Vzqd1o2Od-vLJtba91o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34338367 34338283 34148146 33768088 33048102=20
    32308150 30858294 30138445 30308544 31378575=20
    31708625 31738775 31828823 32328842 32778816=20
    33298697 33628613 34218424=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 18:46:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211846

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0680
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    243 PM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Southern Rockies into the

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 211845Z - 220045Z

    Summary...Greater coverage and intensity of monsoonal convection
    expected today, resulting in localized 1-3" totals (mainly focused
    in higher terrain, but also spreading to lower elevations).
    Scattered flash flooding is likely (with some significant flooding
    possible, particularly over sensitive burn scars in NM).

    Discussion...Another active day of monsoonal convection is
    anticipated across much of the Southern Rockies and into the
    Southwest, initially impacting higher terrain and spreading into
    lower elevations in the deserts (with the deep layer mean wind and
    upwind propagation vectors generally steering storms to the SE-S,
    as the deep layer mean ridge is situated just to the
    west/northwest). While convection is taking a bit longer to get
    going today due to lingering convective inhibition from leftover
    cloud debris from overnight, this is quickly changing as lingering
    stratus from this morning has eroded and convection is firing
    strongly along the Mogollon Mountains/Rim (from south-central AZ
    to southwest NM). The mesoscale environment is generally
    characterized by SB CAPE of 750-1500 J/kg (and locally higher
    farther south, mainly off the terrain), precipitable water values
    of 0.8-1.2 inches (near the 90th percentile to max moving average,
    per ABQ/TUS sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear as
    high as 20-25 kts. The elevated shear in particular (relative to
    yesterday) is a bit concerning, given that should improve storm
    organization and longevity.

    Given the details of the above environment, hi-res guidance (the
    12z HREF) indicates both higher coverage and intensity of storms
    today (per increases in the HREF EAS, ensemble agreement scale,
    guidance and 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 2" exceedance,
    respectively). The skillful 2" exceedance guidance, in particular,
    indicates relatively high coverage (mainly focused near high
    terrain) of 30-40% odds (and as high as 40-70% over northeast NM).
    Given the observational and model trends, scattered instances of
    flash flooding are considered likely (with particular concern for
    the more sensitive burn scars in NM, where significant to extreme
    flash flood impacts are possible).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8GphBvVzm70YZZC6mUUxqfszW1_ivnlU1tft658GlC_bLa-XFey2lMKG2TGUvdXULeQK= G7wC35BckU551VH-pabbNJg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38180585 38060427 37540313 36180288 35080292=20
    34340305 33550313 32850339 32230370 31960439=20
    31990610 31600696 31520778 31270827 31310921=20
    31281095 32081098 32961122 33691214 34581309=20
    35421329 35981302 35591191 34941107 34621068=20
    34290998 34260849 34990727 36330701 37500654=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 19:16:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211915

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0681
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    315 PM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southern LA...Southern MS...Southwest AL...Far
    Southast TX...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211915Z - 220045Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, efficient cells likely merging into a
    common axis across the area of concern with a favorable training
    profile, to locally enhanced rainfall totals. Spots of 3-4" may
    result in localized flash flooding through evening.

    DISCUSSION...19z surface analysis denotes a strong stationary
    front from central TN across NE MS to central LA and hugging the
    Upper Texas Gulf Coast; southeast of which and deep rich moisture
    pool exists through depth with 2-2.25" values. Though northern AL
    is split slightly that the surface boundary is north and the
    moisture is a tad shallower, there is a weak pressure reflection
    of the moisture gradient and active convection has already
    developed along it (please see MPD 679 for details). The based of
    the larger scale positive tilt trough exists over central AR and
    is driving this slight split while further aloft, 3H winds
    accelerate around the base providing right entrance ascent to this
    50-60kt jet as far back as central LA.

    However, in the low levels winds are weak to modest (less than
    15kts) and not highly convergent from a synoptic position.=20
    However, surface convergence along the boundary and peak heating
    have been sufficient for breaking out some thunderstorms along the
    front, particularly near Jackson, MS where the intersection of the
    pressure trough exists. Morning convection along/just offshore
    has helped tighten an insolation/heating gradient as well as
    providing outflow for a northward propagation of weaker updraft
    cells (though still highly efficient given that 2-2.25" total
    moisture through depth). As such an axis of unstable air
    (1500-2500 J/kg MLCAPE) exists between the two boundaries across
    SE TX, south-central LA, southern MS. Hi-Res CAMs have been
    consistent in developing convection across this unstable axis and
    the mergers/confluence aligns favorably with deep layer steering
    of 5-15kts from the southwest. A 500-1000 thickness trough also
    exists through the axis, so weak propagation vectors will also
    support slow moving, slightly converging and potentially training
    cells through the axis. Cells upstream will have less areal
    coverage/narrower axis across SE TX, so potential for maintaining
    cells longer is less likely but spots of 2-4" are likely and may
    induce localized flash flooding/rapid inundation issues through
    evening. Downstream, broader unstable air mass will slowly
    converge across SE MS/SW AL with greater potential for
    spots/coverage of 2-4" and maybe an isolated 5" total by late
    evening. The area has better infiltration than lower FFG further
    north, so all considered, scattered incidents are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7VKvaYeLvX7riH-MPwkkiWXQU_5rkyuMzoYMVq1yGP2SWkk5tVLO3uLWFmhJfVvSc7AN= fCzwbDyhh9FsxiLKFOXVFiQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33058822 32838769 32098745 31068763 30518825=20
    30118940 29719012 29459087 29399174 29489253=20
    29679346 29489406 28719565 28849606 29279588=20
    30019481 31149324 31869187 32609033 32948917=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 19:51:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211951

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0682
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    350 PM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southern WV...Southwest VA...Western
    NC...Northeast TN...Southeast KY...Northern Upstate SC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211950Z - 220130Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing convection along spines of Cumberland Plateau
    and Central Appalachians with increasing moisture flux convergence
    will support rates of 1.5"/hr and spots of 2-3" over the next few
    hours over steep/complex terrain resulting in possible scattered
    flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Aloft a broad positive-tilt synoptic trough exists
    over the Ohio Valley back southwest to Arkansas resulting in broad southwesterly flow across the South and through the spine of the
    Appalachians. While a wave exited yesterday and scoured very deep
    moisture east of the Appalachians, supporting some weak damming
    across the VA Blue Ridge, low level moisture has been returning
    along upslope flow across NC into SW VA with mid to upper 60s and
    isolated 70/71F in the foothills. West of the terrain, moisture
    from the south has banked up through the Cumberland Plateau as the
    stationary front crosses in the vicinity of the Cumberland Gap and
    Tds are in the upper 60s/low 70s on that side. Aloft, a 700mb
    wave is lifting through with enhanced moisture per 700-500 CIRA
    LPW and RAP analysis centered over teh area of concern.

    Given a weak circulation in place though depth, there is solid
    moisture convergence along most directions through SW VA/E TN/W
    NC; and total PWats have trickled back above 1.5-1.7" in the lower
    slopes with 1.25-1.5" at the peaks. Solid insolation has provided
    ample heating to the lower profiles to support 1500 J/kg of MLCAPE
    west of the spine and starting to creep up to 1000 J/kg east of it
    as far north as VA. Solid outflow aloft and
    strengthening/maintaining upslope flow (especially along the
    eastern slopes) should allow for slow cell motions and increasing
    rain rates up to 1.5"/hr.

    Initially slow moving cells may have an hour or two of residency
    for enhanced localized totals of 1.5-2.5" possibly inducing flash
    flooding in complex terrain. Eventually cells will organize into
    stronger clusters/linear features and move off the terrain to the
    east, rates and totals are likely to increase to support 2-3"
    totals but may move into areas of higher FFG and less slope. As
    such, scattered incidents of flash flooding are considered
    possible through this evening, with greater potential further
    south nearer deeper moist inflow.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9x234eITlurdch4bTmdLFXB0UO7demd0QhRojudFQj230N_Y62nNpafgI7enwlhFC3JX= wNlJRB5_sDGqw2Z5p0NlAkg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38438049 38127973 37677978 36878020 36268049=20
    35648065 35058108 34878241 35188340 35608380=20
    36018390 36298448 36768420 37268328 37718224=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 21 23:38:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 212338

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0683
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    738 PM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast GA...Central/Upstate SC...Central
    NC...Far South-central VA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 212340Z - 220530Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing convection with surge of enhanced moisture,
    unstable air across Piedmont of the Carolinas. Favorable
    orientation for short-term training and cell mergers pose
    localized spots of 2-4" in short duration for possible incidents
    of flash flooding into the early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...Low level flow per VWP network has swung around to
    more southerly across E GA/SC with further backing toward SSE
    across North Carolina with 850mb winds starting to increase to
    15kts in response to passing jet streak, subtle southern stream
    wave within fairly unidirectional positively-tilted trough that
    has been dominating the eastern third of the U.S. Additionally, a
    convectively induced wave/line of thunderstorms is moving off the
    mid-slopes of the central Appalachians; combining in the vicinity
    of the stalled surface front which is generally oriented across S
    VA. Scattered convection with tops breaking through broken cirrus
    can be seen from W NC into the lower foothills of west-central NC. Additionally, confluence of Gulf and Atlantic streams are
    providing some enhanced convergence across the Fall-line of
    central SC. Surge of higher theta-E with the warm-advection will
    increase deep layer moisture back above 2" to 2.25" and maintain
    unstable air mass AoA 2000-2500 J/kg in MLCAPE even as daytime
    heating wanes.

    As such, convergence to the surface wave exiting the higher
    terrain and in proximity to the boundary will increase convergence
    and coverage of thunderstorms with strongest cells capable of
    2-2.5"/hr. Cells lifting north along the confluence trough across
    the Piedmont/Fall-line may have the opportunity to train for short
    duration as deep layer steering will be more south-southwest to
    south; eventually merging from cells moving out of the foothills
    of NC/SC. Hourly rates may exceed FFG values given lower values
    in the Piedmont (generally less than 2"...some as low as 1.5"),
    though widely scattered to scattered spots of mergers/training may
    reach 3-4" totals in 1-3hrs and be more likely to induce possible
    flash flooding.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7KW8j4LHi1ZE-eLFMF77C60NjxospJCFKrg-sdKpiC2EBzelnpw3S6Mj0ZrSy5hZxL3E= vhF73zpqsE12DWXUpKk-nKs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37067929 36537874 35807870 34627921 33808035=20
    33258135 32758282 33198343 33868298 35158227=20
    36158151 36878041=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 00:14:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220013

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0684
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    813 PM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...Southern TN...Northern AL...Far Northwest GA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 220015Z - 220515Z

    SUMMARY...Continued back-building relative stationary cell motions
    on the upwind side of outflow; as well as training profile on the
    southeast side continue to pose flash flooding risk into early
    overnight period. Scattered spots of 3-4" are likely to continue
    localized flash flooding conditions.

    DISCUSSION...Earlier convection in proximity to the stationary
    front draped across Middle Tennessee has kicked out an outflow
    boundary toward the west and south reinforcing the FGEN across
    south-central TN. Weak southwesterly 850mb isentropic ascent will
    help to maintain/back-build storms along the western side of the
    outflow boundary. Cell motions appear to be nearing equal and
    opposite to the propagation to allow for localized stationary
    cells. Given surface Tds to 70F and deep layer moisture in the
    1.75" range, rates of 1.5-2"/hr are probable and so spots of 3-4"
    will be possible before cold pool dominates and propagation to the
    southwest occurs or stabilizing local environment stops the next
    cycle given winds provide weak convergence/isentropic ascent over
    cold pool to overcome increasing capping. There is mixed signals
    in guidance, providing low confidence, but any cells that do
    maintain will pose that higher risk potential for flash flooding
    given the slow motions.

    Further southeast across SE TN/NW GA/N AL, stronger updrafts
    continue to break through the cirrus with cooling tops below -60C
    across Limestone/Madison county,AL, as well as, the more
    persistent cells near Meigs/Hamilton county, TN. Weak low to
    mid-level flow and back-building forcing, has brough effective
    cell motions to be less than 5kts, but also remain oriented
    favorably to the deep layer flow. Outflow/reinforced stationary
    front FGEN forcing is weak as it is parallel to the mean flow, but
    any cold pools generated by the ongoing convection will support
    similar back-building/over-running conditions expected across
    Western TN/into NW AL. Spots of focused 3-4" totals are likely to
    continue to produce flash flooding conditions through the next few
    hours in to the early overnight period, when low light visibility
    increases the potential for deadly consequences of crossing
    flooded roads.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4lsn-5sP9waNju_dlK2-iZgZAN_020-tvzu39qJ1hya_n2g7o_cuDhvKr4_xqD2SSS5C= whtK_jMg-WWJo_0pqeDWyVI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36328468 35868404 35308417 34708519 34378637=20
    34358768 34498839 34708879 35208900 35858882=20
    35938849 35598816 35408774 35428656 36208545=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 00:50:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220049

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0685
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    849 PM EDT Sun Jul 21 2024

    Areas affected...New Mexico...Adjacent Portions of Cap Rock in

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220050Z - 220615Z

    SUMMARY...Strong up/downdrafts along leading edge of stronger
    outflow will continue to pose highly localized sub-hourly intense
    rainfall capable of isolated 1-2" and possible flash flooding

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV depicts a shortwave diving south along the
    south-central CO Rockies Front Range toward northeast NM and the
    OK/TX panhandles providing strong DPVA across northern NM into the
    TX panhandle. Increasingly diffluent downstream flow is providing
    a very strong divergence signal across E central NM and may allow
    for further cyclonic strengthening of the shortwave though reduce
    its forward speed into the early overnight period. Regional RADAR
    and GOES-E Visible/EIR channels show the arched band of stronger
    thunderstorms from Deaf Smith/Parmer counties in TX to
    Guadalupe/Torrance back northwest to McKinley county NM. Cells
    are moving into a slightly more unstable environment as upslope
    flow off the Cap Rock and Pecos River Valley continues to provide
    modest unstable air and slightly above average deep moisture with
    total PWat values of 1 to 1.3" noted in ABQ RAOB and GPS near
    Clovis, respectively. Given remaining modestly unstable air and
    strong leading edge moisture convergence, low level moisture
    loading should maintain the potential for intense rain-rates
    (especially further east with deeper moisture), sub-hourly rates
    of 1.5"+ may allow for spots of 1-2" to quickly accumulate across
    central NM and may result in localized flash flooding in prone

    Stabilizing environment is expected to increase after night-fall
    especially across southeast NM, but lingering instability and
    convergence from ongoing upslope out of the Sonoran Desert, may
    reach southwest NM prolonging scattered cells through 04-05z.=20
    Additionally, this moisture/instability will remain across SW NM
    into the mid-Rio Grande Valley; this may maintain stronger
    activity along the leading edge of height-falls/DPVA described
    above, allowing the convective cluster to drop through the valley
    with 1-1.5" spotty totals after 06z. While potential reduces with
    loss of heating, localized flash flooding will remain possible
    while convection seeks out the remaining unstable pockets.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-yv9eVBRzxt24cTwxs3xR27LfGzN0CyS7DvtZQEq30fZizzD0jbwPLULblJalFji933R= OY2Xopey-D1k0Je2qnx1eyU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35960603 35660554 35500484 35910373 34860252=20
    34420208 33700231 33610301 33640471 32860623=20
    32160652 31810666 31830713 32270866 34400874=20
    35310783 35740691 35940638=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 05:18:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220518

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0688
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    117 AM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Midlands and Upstate SC through the Piedmont of
    southern VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220516Z - 221000Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will continue to develop and
    track northeast overnight. Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr are likely at
    times, which could produce an additional 1-3" of rain with locally
    higher amounts. This rain falling atop saturated soils could
    produce flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning shows a
    cluster of thunderstorms from the Midlands of SC northward along
    the Piedmont of NC. These storms are lifting northward in response
    to a convectively enhanced shortwave, with a secondary impulse
    noted in GOES-E WV lifting out of GA. Aloft, a modest 70kt jet
    streak is draped across PA, leaving the favorable diffluent
    RRQ/tail over the Carolinas, while a warm front is analyzed
    lifting into central VA. Additionally, 850mb winds feature
    confluence into the Piedmont, as both Gulf and Atlantic moisture
    streams surge into the region. The accompanying LLJ is helping to
    enhance ascent through confluence, but also is drawing impressive thermodynamics characterized by PWs of 2-2.2 inches and MUCAPE of
    around 2000 J/kg northward. The result of all this has been
    rainfall rates estimated via local radars as high as 2.5"/hr,
    leading to MRMS FLASH unit streamflow of 100-300 cfs/smi.

    The most recent CAMs are generally struggling with the current
    activity, with both the HRRR and RRFSp1 suggesting convection will
    rapidly erode in the next few hours. Although RAP 3-hr MUCAPE
    change suggests convective overturning is stabilizing the
    environment, it is likely that the continued moisture surge and
    thermodynamic resupply on the LLJ will enable the upper impulses
    to maintain and potentially even expand convection overnight. This
    suggests that the ARW/ARW2 solutions may be more reasonable, which
    depict a slow northward advance of thunderstorms with additional
    development beginning across SC. The favorable environment will
    support heavy rainfall rates in any thunderstorms that do develop,
    as reflected by 30% HREF probabilities for 2"/hr rates. Locally
    higher rates are probable as well, as warm cloud depths of
    12000-14000 ft combine with deep moist adiabatic lapse rates
    present in the 00Z GSO/FFC soundings to promote efficient warm
    rain processes. Although mean cloud layer winds should be
    progressive at 15-25 kts, the subtle impulses aloft acting upon
    the favorable thermodynamics will support multiple rounds of
    convection which could produce 1-3" of rain, with a 20-30% chance
    of more than 3 inches in some areas.

    This additional heavy rain will be falling atop soils that are
    sensitive due to recent rain that has been more than 300% of
    normal the past 7 days according to AHPS, compromising FFG to as
    low 2-2.5"/3hrs. The HREF indicates a 20-40% chance of exceedance
    of this FFG, so if any of these heavy rates fall atop the more
    vulnerable soils, or if any location experiences multiple rounds
    of convection, flash flooding could be the result.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6qgBdgauwgdt-Rhfrbtc33NzGeC-XxSGtAutsFpM3NK1g704wvTFJj1Lcd1CTeL7ErkW= etegTJVk_otWunQIvQfnKB4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37667881 37367782 37017767 36047737 35147789=20
    34547878 34207980 34048091 34128168 34338223=20
    34778245 35188213 35498146 36198064 37488007=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 06:00:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220600

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0689
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    159 AM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Northern Tennessee and much of Kentucky

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220600Z - 221200Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will regenerate along a
    convergence boundary and move slowly through the overnight hours.
    Rainfall rates may exceed 2"/hr at times, leading to 2-3" of rain
    with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic late tonight shows an
    expansion of thunderstorms across portions of northern TN and into
    southern KY. This convection is developing along a convergent
    boundary that appears to be a remnant outflow boundary (OFB) from
    earlier Sunday's convection, and downstream of a shortwave moving
    out of northern MS/western TN. Forcing for ascent is also being
    provided through the RRQ of an upper jet streak lifting into the
    Mid-Atlantic, while locally backed 850mb flow noted in VWPs and
    via the SPC RAP analysis is converging into the region. This LLJ,
    although modest at just 10-15 kts, is drawing elevated PWs of
    1.75-1.9 inches and MLCAPE of 1000 J/kg northward to support heavy
    rainfall, and recent radar-estimated rain rates have eclipsed
    1.5"/hr on the northern edge of the accompanying theta-e ridge.

    The recent runs of the HRRR have been playing catch up to the
    current activity noted on radar, but currently is initializing
    quite well, and appears to be the most reasonable solution of the
    available CAMs. This indicates that convection will continue to
    develop overnight, especially along this convergence axis and
    downstream of the shortwave where ascent will be maximized in the
    favorable thermodynamic environment. HREF neighborhood
    probabilities for 1"/hr (2"/hr) rainfall rates reach 40% (10%),
    and storm motions could effectively be near zero at times along
    this boundary. Since many of the CAMs outside of the HRRR are
    struggling with the current activity, the HREF probabilities of
    just 10-15% for 3"/6hrs are probably a bit low, and where these
    intense rates drift along the boundary, rainfall could exceed 3"
    in places, especially from north of Nashville, TN and into the
    Pennyroyal Plateau. Additional convective development is possible
    anywhere in the discussion area as forcing and thermodynamics
    align, and repeating rounds of thunderstorms are possible, but the
    heaviest rainfall should occur along this remnant OFB.

    FFG is compromised across much of this region, falling to as low
    as 2"/3hrs in central KY, and just 1-1.5"/3hrs in eastern KY. This
    is due to 7-day rainfall that according to AHPS has been more than
    150% of normal in many areas, leading to soils that are more
    sensitive to runoff and flash flooding. Although HREF FFG
    exceedance probabilities are modest, due at least in part to the
    non-HRRR CAMs struggling, it is possible that any slow moving or
    repeating storms with heavy rainfall could cause instances of
    flash flooding through the early morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!94apY-sAbTG2u48sRss6Z1L99OQ0JG2_Pp2vg522wv17jtAN5ncoU6rtx4vm8n2WVbP8= FEMfgMEjjTW9snanWRaCLKo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38128466 38058328 37888265 37628235 37018262=20
    36588381 36308501 36068602 35978694 35988771=20
    36138834 36708857 37238813 37638747 37998629=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 06:36:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220636

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0690
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    235 AM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220635Z - 221100Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms across Southwest New Mexico will continue
    a few more hours before exiting south into Mexico. Brief rainfall
    rates in excess of 1"/hr could cause instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms continue across portions of
    Southwest New Mexico tonight as noted in the regional radar
    mosaic. There are generally two ongoing clusters of convection: 1)
    directly downstream of a shortwave and accompanying outflow
    boundary (OFB) from earlier convection, and 2) within moist and
    upslope flow out of the Rio Grande Valley and into the Sonoran
    Desert. The environment across all of the region is favorable for
    additional development. Forcing remains sufficient in a region of
    enhanced mid-level diffluence downstream of the most significant
    PVA, which could expand convection as this drops southward, and
    this is acting upon robust thermodynamics noted by MLCAPE of
    500-1000 J/kg according to the SPC RAP analysis overlapping PWs of
    1.1 to 1.3 inches as measured by GPS.

    The outflow boundary is tracking southward rapidly, and
    time-of-arrival estimates suggest it will reach the border with
    Mexico in 2-3 hours. The associated convection should help
    overturn the environment, and recent 3-hr MUCAPE changes have been
    falling behind this boundary. However, the accompanying ascent
    will move into an even more favorable environment as E/SE flow
    enhances the theta-e ridge near the Mexico/US border, which will
    support not only additional thunderstorm development downstream of
    the OFB, but could also act to intensify thunderstorms along the
    OFB as it moves south. Bulk shear is minimal, but storm mergers
    and boundary collisions could additionally enhance rainfall rates,
    which are progged by the HREF to have a 30% chance of exceed
    1"/hr. Although convection along the OFB will be progressive,
    storms that fire ahead of it will likely be slow moving as Corfidi
    vectors aligned back into the 850mb inflow become increasingly
    anti-parallel to the mean winds which are slow at just 5-10 kts.
    Where pre-OFB thunderstorms move slowly with the intense rain
    rates, followed by any convection along the advancing boundary,
    rainfall could reach 1-2" in a short period of time, with HREF 3"
    probabilities indicating a low chance (10-20%) for isolated
    amounts to 3".

    These rainfall rates themselves could result in rapid runoff and
    instances of flash flooding, but flash flooding will be most
    likely where any slow moving storms ahead of the OFB cause a
    lengthening of these rates to increase rainfall amounts, or should
    an intense cell move across the most sensitive terrain features or
    burn scars.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6UW0MQ42l6yYiQ7HFq5MTpkeQWHqf1Jzlr8ht_HOryiREmty3DMkBiCmpb7JnvST8n-E= 39GrspsbJY2Cm9D-TGB0Nxk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34470799 34350703 34010607 33340599 32780623=20
    32340656 31920679 31580719 31260796 31230846=20
    31260891 31660923 32960919 34420894=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 06:45:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220645

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0690...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    244 AM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Corrected for Edited Graphic

    Areas affected...Southwest New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220635Z - 221100Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms across Southwest New Mexico will continue
    a few more hours before exiting south into Mexico. Brief rainfall
    rates in excess of 1"/hr could cause instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms continue across portions of
    Southwest New Mexico tonight as noted in the regional radar
    mosaic. There are generally two ongoing clusters of convection: 1)
    directly downstream of a shortwave and accompanying outflow
    boundary (OFB) from earlier convection, and 2) within moist and
    upslope flow out of the Rio Grande Valley and into the Sonoran
    Desert. The environment across all of the region is favorable for
    additional development. Forcing remains sufficient in a region of
    enhanced mid-level diffluence downstream of the most significant
    PVA, which could expand convection as this drops southward, and
    this is acting upon robust thermodynamics noted by MLCAPE of
    500-1000 J/kg according to the SPC RAP analysis overlapping PWs of
    1.1 to 1.3 inches as measured by GPS.

    The outflow boundary is tracking southward rapidly, and
    time-of-arrival estimates suggest it will reach the border with
    Mexico in 2-3 hours. The associated convection should help
    overturn the environment, and recent 3-hr MUCAPE changes have been
    falling behind this boundary. However, the accompanying ascent
    will move into an even more favorable environment as E/SE flow
    enhances the theta-e ridge near the Mexico/US border, which will
    support not only additional thunderstorm development downstream of
    the OFB, but could also act to intensify thunderstorms along the
    OFB as it moves south. Bulk shear is minimal, but storm mergers
    and boundary collisions could additionally enhance rainfall rates,
    which are progged by the HREF to have a 30% chance of exceed
    1"/hr. Although convection along the OFB will be progressive,
    storms that fire ahead of it will likely be slow moving as Corfidi
    vectors aligned back into the 850mb inflow become increasingly
    anti-parallel to the mean winds which are slow at just 5-10 kts.
    Where pre-OFB thunderstorms move slowly with the intense rain
    rates, followed by any convection along the advancing boundary,
    rainfall could reach 1-2" in a short period of time, with HREF 3"
    probabilities indicating a low chance (10-20%) for isolated
    amounts to 3".

    These rainfall rates themselves could result in rapid runoff and
    instances of flash flooding, but flash flooding will be most
    likely where any slow moving storms ahead of the OFB cause a
    lengthening of these rates to increase rainfall amounts, or should
    an intense cell move across the most sensitive terrain features or
    burn scars.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7W3qOLuwCh1zpEaCnaL_R_ZGKuGbMs1pCkq0PsY5dmCMc4dNhe3UYYVfgEVpYR8Q5M9Q= 9HwoALC36n0QqjebSZTkgCI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34470799 34350703 34040604 33510596 32590597=20
    31940596 31580607 31300662 31140743 31150824=20
    31330900 31660923 32960919 34420894=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 16:48:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221648

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0692
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1248 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern Maryland, Washington DC,
    Delaware, and southern/central Pennsylvania

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221647Z - 222247Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flood potential is becoming apparent
    across the discussion area, with the greatest risk across urban
    areas of Washington/Baltimore and Wilmington, DE through 22Z.

    Discussion...Over the past half hour, radar mosaic imagery has
    depicted a general increase in convective activity near the
    Chesapeake Bay, These cells were drifting slowly
    northward/northwestward toward the Washington/Baltimore corridor.
    Additional cells were located over central Pennsylvania near
    Harrisburg. These cells were in a moist, destabilizing
    environment characterized by 1.7-2 inch PW values and SBCAPE
    values approaching 2000 J/kg. The cells were also likely being
    influenced by both 1) weak/subtle surface convergence just west of
    the Chesapeake Bay and 2) weak ascent associated with subtle
    mid-level shortwave troughs over Virginia. Wind fields aloft are
    weak (generally below 30 knots from the low to mid-levels), which
    are allowing slow-moving cells to produce spots of rain rates
    approaching 1 inch/hr per MRMS. Antecedent conditions across the
    region are relatively dry, with FFGs peaking at around 3 inches/hr
    outside of more densely populated areas, and around 1-1.5
    inches/hr across urban areas. These factors suggest an isolated,
    primarily urbanized flash flood threat in the short term.

    Over time, additional development of showers and a few
    thunderstorms will continue to produce areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain
    rates - especially as 1) the airmass across the region continues
    to destabilize and 2) spots of repeating/training become more
    likely over time. Additional thunderstorm activity across higher
    terrain of western Pennsylvania/West Virginia could also pose a
    flash flood risk as it migrates eastward toward areas of higher
    moisture content across the discussion area. Isolated flash flood
    potential is expected to continue through most of the afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8gMkT0c6yhnJ0zwN0-8EoShevgvSsClsWsZPu2S_fYVQmtwnlvFjGxrRcWQiaru2H61h= hDPYSJiah2uU-C6jni9O_Yo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41407641 41077539 40397519 39167514 38297529=20
    37897621 38107693 39437760 40817787 41327733=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 17:55:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221755

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0693
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    154 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...much of southern, central, and eastern Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221753Z - 222353Z

    Summary...Widespread/numerous cell mergers are expected to produce
    brief heavy rain rates sufficient for flash flood potential
    through 00Z this evening.

    Discussion...With the onset of surface heating/destabilization,
    scattered to numerous shower and thunderstorm activity has
    materialized across the discussion area especially along and south
    of a surface boundary extending from near Shreveport westward to
    near Dryden (Terrell County), TX. Parts of this boundary have
    been augmented by convective activity that has grown upscale into
    small linear segments across west-central Texas. Additionally,
    deep convection has materialize across most of the Texas Coast
    within a weak warm-advection regime. Each of the storms are
    supported by mid to upper 70s F dewpoints and insolation, allowing
    for 1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE to develop amid 1.9-2.2 inch PW values.=20
    Weak steering flow aloft has allowed for slow and at times erratic
    cell movement, with loose organization along a couple outflow
    boundaries in west Texas and along the aforementioned front in
    central/east Texas. 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates have also been noted
    per MRMS this morning.

    The ongoing scenario should continue through the early evening,
    with widespread thunderstorm development continuing. Multiple
    cell mergers are expected to prolong rain rates and contribute to
    spots of 2-3 inch hourly amounts at times. These rates are likely
    to cause excessive runoff in some areas - especially where FFG
    thresholds are less than 3 inches/hr and in urban areas.=20=20
    Scattered thunderstorm activity is expected to persist until
    eventually most of the surface-based buoyancy is diminished due to
    convective overturning and loss of insolation. This process will
    take several hours to unfold, however, and may not completely
    unfold until after 00Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7YWxLp97i_ggvretUD5aXU7pTijZfmn2jMzu0EtqRXqHd-HgzmO72wCIEkY3XB6HCQlk= k444PYM_i3lH1WeIFMJE51A$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32399498 32029391 30999355 30069385 29309493=20
    28609688 28369949 28750056 29500113 30460117=20
    31110020 32019738=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 18:29:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221829

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0694
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    229 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Northern NJ...Southern Upstate NY...Northern &
    Northeast PA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221830Z - 222247Z

    SUMMARY...Overlap of insolation and gradient of deepening moisture
    has become unstable, moist enough to generate scattered
    thunderstorms capable of 1.5"/hr rates and potential for cell
    mergers/repeating that may allow for widely scattered 2-3" totals
    and possible localized flash flooding through evening.

    DISCUSSION...Broad right ascent region of strengthening 90-100 kt
    3H jet and mid-level west to east trough and enhanced DPVA
    crossing out of PA is providing sizable large scale ascent
    along/north of the main surge of deeper tropical moisture. Warm
    front is slowly lifting through the Poconos toward Long Island
    where 70+F Tds are lifting north, but isentropic/slant-wise ascent
    through depth is providing solid low to mid-level moistening in
    advance of the front. Solid to loosely filtered insolation
    through downstream increasing cirrus has been sufficient to warm
    surface into low-mid 80s with average 60s surface Tds to support a
    sufficiently unstable environment to generate stronger updrafts
    downstream of stronger more tropical showers across the
    Mid-Atlantic. Total PWats are increasing at leading nose of
    15-20kts 850mb flow providing solid moisture flux to support
    1.5"/hr rates.

    Stronger shortwave back in E PA and short-wave ridging across the
    area has resulted in changing (SSW to WSW) becoming increasingly
    convergent steering flow across the NY/PA line, though cells in N
    NJ still remain more south to north. Overall, this may allow for
    cell mergers or repeat cells given upstream development and
    tracking through of cells currently across SE PA (see MPD 692 for
    more details). As such, spots of 2-3" are possible through the
    late afternoon into evening into an increasingly less favorable
    ground condition, with hourly FFG values of 1-2"/hr and <2.5"/3hr.
    Given rates or spotty totals up to those values; widely scattered
    incidents of flash flooding are possible (particularly in urban
    centers with hydrophobic ground types)


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9sT5oPpUh62wNC4GLGAFaFqv0jzuW9CubeXa7gCAtwb21WFEeK5huoNlo-yFG8D2RC4s= 2B0K88ilqv_X3kWKCPpGW1g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43197526 43157422 42687347 42117325 41077369=20
    40237461 40267504 40637539 41047575 41677719=20
    42447718 42987647=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 19:05:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221905

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0695
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    305 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Southern Appalachian Mountains and
    Eastern Foothills...NE

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221905Z - 230030Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, efficient mountain thunderstorms capable of
    1.75"/hr rates and spots of 2-3" (especially in PA/S NY) in 2-3hrs
    across complex terrain pose possible spots of flash flooding
    through evening.

    DISCUSSION...A strong northern stream shortwave over southern
    Lower Michigan with baroclinic leaf/arc back under the high
    cirrus into E OH/SW PA and has shifted east to tighten the broad
    southwesterly flow across the Appalachians. An embedded southern
    stream wave can be seen amplifying over E KY as noted in GOES-E WV
    suite with sublt baroclinic leaf in upper-levels of cirrus. This
    has resulted in a strengthening surface low across the Upper Ohio
    Valley into W PA; with nicely backed low level flow along/east of
    the spine. This continues to advect low level moisture into the
    central Appalachians. The elongated positive tilt trof back into
    the TN Valley; also continues to support backed low level up-slope
    flow into the central Appalachians as well. As such deep level
    moisture continues to be above average (1.5-2 Std. Dev) and up to
    1.75" even through some of the middle level peaks in SW PA/WV and
    SW VA. Filtered sunlight has warmed the area and ample
    instability has built. Given upslope and 850-700mb confluence in
    the vicinity of the terrain, convection will continue to
    proliferate along the spine of the terrain, becoming more
    scattered further south where convergence splits a bit more in the
    base of the trough.

    Stronger moisture flux convergence near the surface to 850mb wave
    in SE PA is resulting in increased coverage and updraft strength;
    the increased low level flow to 20kts will offset some of the
    reduced overall moisture compared to cells to the south, so
    similar 1.5-1.75" rainfall rates can be expected. However, with
    increased coverage also comes with potential for cell mergers,
    short-term repeating across W PA. As such, HREF signals for
    2"/3hrs are higher further north up to 20-30% though 1"/3hr
    probabilities are 50-75% along the entire area of concern. As
    such, flash flooding is considered possible throughout the line,
    though more probable further north through the late evening with
    spots of 2-3".


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!43YvD6pGEURymq_eg2bHUaNLZj0_ejuBIO5ftMaLYIJGBXgyF1XUEkZ77FcKT9-J-Qqm= iEnH_LhC2X8gU1YFFbymiI8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42487788 41977774 41347733 39317776 37597878=20
    36658009 35588113 35328261 36058289 36258357=20
    36468437 36938405 37598240 39158056 40247965=20
    41287949 42157926=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 19:30:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221930

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0696
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    329 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast VA...Central NC...Central to
    North-central SC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 221930Z - 230130Z

    SUMMARY...Highly efficient thunderstorms in deep moisture axis
    capable of 2-2.5"/hr rates have potential to merge into a line of
    training cells across Coastal Plains. Spots of 2-4" and flash
    flooding is possible this evening.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible imagery denotes convective development
    occurring across portions of the Coastal Plains in a few clusters,
    including cells along the outflow from initial sea-breeze
    development. Once again the core of the deep moisture axis
    resides through coastal NC into SE VA with 2.25-2.4" total PWats
    in an overlap/confluence of the tail end of return Gulf moisture
    plume as well as an Atlantic sourced plume off the Sargasso Sea
    off the GA/SC coast. This axis, per usual, is displaced slightly
    east of the main instability axis that has formed from the eastern
    Piedmont to about I-95; with solid heating into the mid to upper
    80s (further south), adjustments result in an axis of 2000-3000
    J/kg MLCAPE. Convective lines are propagating toward each other
    into the instability axis, so increasing convective converge is
    expected over the next few hours.=20

    The moisture and flux should support 2-2.5"/hr, but storm scale
    interaction (outflow collisions) may even induce short-term rates
    to 3"+. Deep layer steering is fairly parallel to the
    moisture/instability and confluence axis to promote potential for
    SSW to NNE training. Propagation vectors are likely too weak
    given the 500-1000 thickness pattern to help deviate the training
    axis too much. As such, spots of 3-5" are likely to induce flash
    flooding though the evening, including Norfolk and SE VA urban
    centers and S NC (Chesterfield to Johnston Counties), that have
    seen recently heavy rainfall and saturated soil conditions.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8WCdVE20L1ce8XSRoqfvLvwA8gC-Gz4BsEjqiF8mIQGqfiaqdwMT6yNI2S1u79PjJjbw= 0Cn0ZY1jvZePM0eoUrlZJ7I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37937618 37487554 36847579 36337642 34867827=20
    33807960 33518082 34228136 35538064 36667952=20
    37497836 37907707=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 20:22:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222022

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0697
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    421 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Central Spine of New Mexico Mountains...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222020Z - 230200Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding possible with monsoon/mountain
    thunderstorms in proximity to burn scars. Spots of 1-1.5" are

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible imagery shows scattered
    upslope/mountain thunderstorms across the Sangre de Cristo, San
    Juan Range and Southern Sacramento Range, where recent burn scars
    remain prone to debris flows even with less than .5" of rainfall.
    CIRA LPW denotes an enhanced area of 5-7H layer moisture along the
    Rockies spine, through the Manzano to the Sacramento Range before
    reaching the core along the NM/Mexico/W TX border. In the lower
    levels, animated flux shows slightly above average values from the
    Southern High Plains banking up with up to .5" in the 850-700mb
    layer as well and surface Tds remain in the low 50s and even low
    60s across southeast NM. Easterly upslope flow is weak but with
    deeper layer north to south flow parallel to the ranges, the
    potential for repeating storms increases from north to south
    through the afternoon/evening hours.=20

    RAP analysis suggest the moisture and clear skies is supporting
    1000-1500 J/kg SBCAPEs, which is on the lower end of values noted
    in monsoonal flash flooding cases, but have been noted in that
    case studies, given moisture flux convergence in stronger updrafts
    can support 1"/hr rates (on average .5"-.75"/hr rates). As such,
    spots of 1-1.5" totals remain possible along the spine of the
    terrain in central NM suggesting spotty flash flooding remains
    possible through evening.

    Current trends show favorable northeasterly upslope flow across
    the most sensitive burn scars in the Sacramento Range; with some north-northwest mid to upper-level flow bringing mid-cloud back
    over the southern range. Any backing of the lower level flow
    (perhaps later this evening as a subtle/weak impulse drops south)
    winds may come around to more easterly an increase the potential
    for convergence upstream of the scars. So another round of flash
    flooding remains possible through Ruidoso and Eagle Creek Valleys.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5FjLLdgB3rx4EqaaIvNr39bUeOvz7byz7Q-D-7xp9Es6miWyrtj_mse6CgPpZ6hUZWi4= zHtP8HY6UmbT30igsNvhzAA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36870667 36750594 36490546 36060505 35430489=20
    34670504 34010510 32690522 31950552 31980607=20
    32810633 33460639 34650656 35970731 36640723=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 22:22:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222221

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0698
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    621 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast TX...Northern LA...Southern
    AR...Northern MS...Shear

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222220Z - 230400Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, colliding outflow boundaries within very
    unstable, moisture rich environment to support numerous but
    scattered thunderstorms capable of 2-2.5"/hr rates. Isolated
    spots of 2-4" due to collisions pose possible incidents of flash
    flooding through early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a fairly flat intersection
    between return sub-tropical jet streak across N MX into southern
    TX and the base of the digging but broad positive tilt northern
    stream trough across the Southern Plains. As a result, high
    theta-E air from the Gulf has lifted north and aligned with low to
    mid-level subtropical moisture feed from the Pacific/Northwest
    Mexico monsoonal flow. The polar jet continues to enhance into
    the confluent flow across the lower TN valley with a 70kt jet
    streak over AR, as seen by pock-marked, transverse-banded cirro-cu
    from OK to W TN. This is providing broad scale ascent ahead of a
    weak shortwave in NE TX and backing low level flow across SE TX
    into central LA becoming convergent on the lingering stationary
    front that extends from central TN across N MS into S AR/NE TX.=20
    VWP and RAP analysis suggest an 850mb wave is co-located with the
    surface wave over NE TX near Corsicana. As such, strengthening
    downstream moisture convergence has been breaking out
    thunderstorms in the modestly narrow, skinny profiles supporting
    2000-2500 J/kg of MLCAPE along and south of the frontal zone
    across N LA into MS.=20=20

    Moisture over 2-2.25" and speed/directional convergence of
    5-15kts, will support strong moisture flux into thunderstorms
    developing along older outflows or the stationary front. Strong
    updrafts will support 2-2.5"/hr rates, perhaps a tad stronger as
    outflow boundaries collide and broaden widths of updrafts and
    subsequent downdrafts. Cell motions are slow at 15-20kts
    generally parallel to the boundary resulting in possible
    short-term training, but some dry air appears to be supporting
    stronger outflow boundaries, which have been the drivers of
    effective cell motions and propagation over the last few hours.=20
    As such, the intense rates and spots of 2-4" totals may spur
    scattered incidents of flash flooding through the evening,
    currently north near the low in northeast TX across to N LA/S AR
    before expanding downstream into MS later this evening.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6Ttj7JEcFMVZmuz2oHTv8bqaqx79vFf9AUpa9iX3gfL8FKcLebk9tImDN_p1Hda1YGF1= mxdvgeXmOyMfD6GtUtYSQns$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34899035 34288930 33648875 32558872 32098993=20
    31769248 32299455 31749715 31719783 32459784=20
    33759478 34749171=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 23:47:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222347

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0700
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    747 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Texas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222345Z - 230530Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered flash flooding remains possible across
    portions of southern Texas where remaining unstable air and
    sufficient convergence can support cells capable of 2-2.5"/hr and
    spots of 2-4" into the early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E waning visible imagery shows a few convective cells/clusters developing at the intersection of outflow
    boundaries at the edge of the debris/cirrus canopies from prior
    convective clusters generally in the vicinity of the I-10
    corridor. Strong moisture convergence from outflow from the north
    intersected unstable air near the northern Houston Metro, with
    tail end of the outflow influence resulting in more scattered
    cells out toward Travis county. Very deep moisture with over 75F
    Tds and 2000-2500 J/kg of MLCAPE and the convergence of 10-15kts
    through the boundary layer has been sufficient for deep warm cloud
    process within the 2-2.25" TPW moist air mass. This is supporting
    2-2.5"/hr rates and with slow cell motions toward the east at
    5-10kts, an hour or two result in localized 2-4" totals.

    Further west of GYB, the sea-breeze is stronger at 20-25kts and is
    undercutting the unstable air mass resulting in similar strong
    overturning with cooling tops below -65C fairly rapidly; this band
    is arched back toward the SW toward UVA and FTN. Similar
    undisturbed unstable air at the fringe of earlier convective
    canopy is likely to unzip as the convergence/intersection from
    weak northerly winds under the cirrus. Similar unstable 2000-2500
    J/kg air exists here as well, but steering is a bit more toward
    the southeast and may be closer to stationary allowing for more
    localized but more intense areas reaching 3-4" in 1-2hrs before
    exhausting the remaining unstable air. Similarly scattered
    incidents of flash flooding will be possible into the early
    overnight period along the axis.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!41JyAYFNixZgdD2qWl_jgn3Rw-HDiyhdD8kWhwAhC0ck805m_YFyWPWZCSIgXqx25Dyi= MxNQ0QYlXJekacEdWgi3G64$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30919691 30859584 30849455 30579388 29879406=20
    29609519 29359743 28889844 28169929 27739974=20
    28330048 29400086 30569870=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 22 23:13:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222313

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0699
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    713 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...South-central Upstate NY...Central PA...Far
    Northwest MD...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222310Z - 230300Z

    SUMMARY...A few more hours of stronger thunderstorms in proximity
    to the shortwave/surface low and downstream frontal zone where
    instability remains. Additional 1.5-2.5" totals and an isolated
    incident of flash flood may still be possible.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts shortwave over southeast LP
    of MI continues to slide eastward with effective trough extending
    toward a triple point with wave lifting north out of the southern
    stream across the Allegheny Plateau of W PA. Dense high cirrus
    continues to show strong divergence over central PA into S NY in
    the right entrance to 90-100kt 3H jet over Interior New England.=20
    Strong low to mid-level cyclogenesis continues to provide strong
    dynamical moisture flux convergence along and near the surface
    wave near DSV to UNV, with strong directional convergence and
    moisture in the upper 60s-low 70s wrt Tds. However, active
    convection has nearly exhausted instability with excpetion of
    southward along the cold front into north-central MD, and northern
    VA. This 500-1000 J/kg of CAPE remaining should maintain stronger
    cells that are moving well along/ahead of the cold front. Rates
    of 1.5-2"/hr remain possible with those cells given deep moisture
    up to 2" of TPW, but will diminish with diurnal heating loss.=20
    Nearer the center, remaining weak convective cells are going to be
    driven by weak (250-500 J/kg) of instability and strong dynamic ascent/convergence. moisture flux on 15-20kts especially
    along/near the E-W stationary front where isentropic ascent can be
    maximized in Central NY may still support spots of 1-1.5"/hr rates
    and with some repeating up to 2" rainfall totals. Flash flooding
    may give way to more nuisance, longer term flooding and urban
    issues through dusk/early overnight periods, but this is also near
    areas of the lowest FFG, so an isolated spot or two may see
    possible low-end flash flooding through 03z.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_2XQH20ZJCqdQwWm_CrSckzR9_EgJValDvc-DjlZKjaWfBew_i4YocdKE0adWGDYw9s5= Gk5TFmSAYEjU2cOR69EdfDA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43127489 42787397 42067404 41717509 41127586=20
    40657645 39977655 39417707 39477799 39877836=20
    40817839 41447810 42057769 42617718 42987626=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 01:22:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 230122

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0701
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    922 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...NC/SC Coastal Plains...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 230120Z - 230600Z

    SUMMARY...A few more hours of slow/stationary clusters of
    efficient rainfall with rates of 2-3"/hr and localized spots of
    add'l 4+" will continue localized flash flooding threat.=20

    DISCUSSION...As MPD 696 expires in a few minutes, the set-up for
    intense heavy rainfall continues with the ongoing clusters and
    potentially some upstream Tcu noted in 3.9um SWIR. Currently,
    -65C topped clusters exist near Pitt/Beaufort county, NC;
    Sampson/Duplin county, NC and Florence/Sumter counties, SC; with
    the TCu across Lexington/Richmond counties, SC. Clusters remain
    along the confluence axis between Gulf and Atlantic streams and
    deep layer q-axis with 2.25-2.5" of TPW. Additionally, 500-1000
    thickness pattern continues to support zero to slightly upwind
    propagation vectors as inflow winds slacken from 15 to 10 kts at
    the boundary layer. Instability has begun to increase along the
    coast with temps still in the low 80s and Tds in the upper 70s
    supporting 2000-2500 J/kg for any updrafts that can maintain in
    the weakening flow. RADAR rates of 2-3" have been observed and
    confirmed with backyard observations south of Florence and near
    Pitt county with 5-6" and 4-5", respectively. While sandy soils
    can absorb much of this in the coastal Plain, MRMS Flash still
    indicate pockets of 200-400 cfs/sq.mi, generally indicative of at
    least low end flash flooding.=20

    Hi-res CAMs are suggestive that convergence weakens at or just
    after 05z, but those generally have a quick bias to weaken. As
    such, additional 3-5" is possible which may result in some of
    those locations to near 6-8"+ further increasing flash flooding


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9R56PbPCuTt2I1zWHZyWdz14nQ2x5kZBnUC4TrEL8xGDxxgHZlvPX1qqGzo4z49uNWF-= 3Ctez2JjTr1O8Ao96DY9o3o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36447657 36417610 35747631 34617814 33877948=20
    33378094 33708123 34098092 34817957 35157891=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 02:20:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 230220

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0702
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1020 PM EDT Mon Jul 22 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the low and high deserts of NV, CA,
    and AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 230219Z - 230800Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms will drift
    southward into the overnight hours. Rainfall rates of 0.5"-1"/hr
    are possible in the stronger thunderstorms, which could produce
    instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The GOES-W WV imagery tonight indicates a weak
    mid-level shortwave trough diving southward from the southern
    Great Basin into the High Deserts near Las Vegas, NV. This is
    manifesting with increasing coverage of slow moving convection
    across the region, as this ascent acts into favorable
    thermodynamics. Regional PWs as measured by GPS are 1.1-1.3
    inches, and measured at 1.18 inches at KVEF on the 00Z U/A
    sounding, above the 90th percentile for the date. This moist
    column is accompanied by a ribbon of elevated SBCAPE reaching 1500
    J/kg. Together, these are fueling thunderstorms which have radar
    estimated rain rates of more than 2"/hr from KESX WSR-88D.

    As the mid-level trough continues to dig southward, it will likely
    drive additional convective development for several more hours
    until nocturnal overturning can stabilize the environment.
    Although the recent HRRR is very scattered with its coverage, its
    evolution of a few rounds of thunderstorms dropping southward
    seems reasonable. This is especially true as modest 20kts of bulk
    shear may help organize a few storms beyond pulse-type, but even
    where convection remains of the pulse variety, outflows and storm
    mergers will likely induce additional development as weak
    southerly 850mb inflow maintains elevated thermodynamics across
    the High and Low deserts. Mean cloud layer wind of just around 5
    kts will support generally slow motions, with rain rates above
    0.5"/hr, and while any organized clusters may become more outflow
    dominated and move slightly faster to the south, these could also
    contain heavier rain rates approaching 1"/hr as reflected by low
    HREF neighborhood probabilities. The scattered coverage in the
    CAMs is limiting HREF probabilities for total rainfall, but a few
    areas could reach 0.5-1" of rainfall, with isolated higher totals

    These intense rain rates will move across areas with low 1-hr FFG
    of only 0.5-1", and although rainfall exceeding these amounts is
    likely to be isolated in coverage, the rates could still lead to
    rapid runoff in the sensitive soil types. This suggests at least
    isolated instances of flash flooding are possible tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7UYCB81vZA-uetgR7hTGo5Uvw60Pdh7317biN2cRDBE6s4mXpbgyvv4xTxYGvypw3-rg= d7iUyplrFb-ok5bZA8Ejlvk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36851522 36721455 36301373 35711330 34531301=20
    33921310 33411378 33291452 33461518 33931599=20
    34641641 35221638 36151626 36791570=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 05:14:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 230513

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0703
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    113 AM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 230513Z - 231000Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand and train across
    the Southern Appalachians overnight. Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are
    likely, which could produce 1-3" of rain and instances of flash

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic tonight shows reflectivity
    associated with strengthening convection expanding from northern
    AL into Upstate SC and western NC. This activity is forming within
    continued robust thermodynamics, and recent PWs as measured by GPS
    are 1.7-2.0 inches, overlapping a ribbon of MUCAPE of 1000-2000
    J/kg. Forcing for ascent into this environment is being provided
    through the LFQ of a subtle jet streak arcing out of AR, PVA
    downstream of a weak mid-level perturbation noted in WV imagery
    lifting across TN, and low-level upslope/convergence on locally
    backed 850mb winds. Together, these features have resulted in a
    rapid expansion of the convective coverage, with radar-estimated
    rain rates rising to 1-1.5"/hr on KGSP and KHTX.

    The HRRR is slowly catching on to the expanded convective
    coverage, but the 00Z NAMNest seems to be initializing the best,
    with some support from the ARW2 as well. These models suggest that
    convection will continue to expand until the low-level flow veers
    again more to the WSW around 08Z-09Z. Before that time, the
    slightly backed flow will transport more substantial instability
    and PWs northward into the region, with more favorable upslope
    flow also occurring, to support additional convective development
    with rainfall rates reaching 1-2"/hr as progged by modest HREF
    probabilities. Additionally, mean 0-6km winds that are generally
    aligned to weak (5-10 kts) propagation vectors indicate the
    likelihood for training, and possibly some slower storm motions
    where terrain can influence updrafts. Where this occurs, total
    rainfall of 1-3" is likely, with locally higher amounts possible.

    This region has been wet recently as noted in AHPS 7-day rainfall
    that is 200-400% of normal. This has lowered FFG to 2-2.5"/3hrs
    across areas that are already generally more sensitive due to
    terrain. Although HREF FFG exceedance probabilities are minimal,
    likely due in part to a lack of model agreement and
    under-forecasting the current activity, anywhere the more intense
    rain rates train could result rapid runoff and flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5QNYTvS9bW_19LrTx5jviMScMe6CCZDq9t5uj27rPeVPhcfFLx_uYXI7ZoS3rixoikDm= n38HpZLEcOd5vcGtTUoFIcY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36838234 36768180 36568159 35868156 35078192=20
    34648265 34468346 34398448 34358556 34428626=20
    34658667 35058640 35668511 36198413 36708330=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 06:13:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 230613

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0704
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    212 AM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...Big Bend through east-central Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 230612Z - 231200Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand in coverage along
    and north of a stationary front overnight. Rainfall rates may
    reach 3"/hr at times, which through training could produce 2-4" of
    rain with locally up to 6" in some areas. Flash flooding is likely.

    Discussion...Reflectivity associated with showers and
    thunderstorms across portions of Texas tonight has begun to expand
    in both coverage and intensity on the latest regional radar
    mosaic. This convection is blossoming across an area with
    plentiful ascent and in a very favorable environment for heavy
    rainfall. PWs as measured by GPS are 1.8 to 2.2 inches, and the
    00Z U/A sounding out of KDRT measured 2.1 inches. This is
    collocated with a plume of MUCAPE above 1000 J/kg, aided by an EML
    noted in the KDRT sounding above 850mb which has likely advected
    off the Mexican Plateau. Within these impressive thermodynamics,
    forcing for ascent is increasing as the LLJ has locally backed to
    the S/SE and increased to 15-20 kts according to area VWPs, which
    is leading to enhanced isentropic upglide atop a stationary front
    lying from the Serranias del Burro northeast through the eastern
    Hill Country. Convergence along the nose of this jet combined with
    the aforementioned isentropic lift has resulted in an expansion of
    warm-air advection driven showers, although rain rates have
    generally remained modest at 0.5-1"/hr so far.

    The setup is becoming increasingly favorable for training of heavy
    rainfall leading to flash flooding. As the LLJ continues to
    intensify to 20-30 kts, it will draw even more robust
    thermodynamics northward and provide more intense mesoscale
    ascent. This should result in a rapid expansion of coverage, and
    many of the CAMs feature widespread activity in the simulated
    reflectivity, generally along and north of the front. As
    convection expands, propagation vectors will become increasingly
    aligned anti-parallel to the mean wind in the vicinity of the
    front, indicating backbuilding and regenerating cells within this
    WAA regime. At the same time, mean 850-300mb winds converge into
    the boundary, suggesting that as cells redevelop they will train
    repeatedly to the east/northeast. With HREF neighborhood rain rate probabilities reaching 30-40% for 2"/hr, this suggests that
    locally heavier rain rates of 3"/hr are possible, which through
    training could produce 2-4" of rain in many areas. Where training
    is most pronounced, 5-6" of rain is possible as reflected by HREF
    5"/6hr probabilities reaching 20-25%, with the best chance
    according to EAS probabilities being across the southern Hill
    Country and southern Edwards Plateau.

    Although there is model uncertainty into the exact evolution and
    placement of heaviest rainfall, this region is vulnerable to flash
    flooding. 7-day rainfall according to AHPS has been in some places
    above 300% of normal leading FFG as low as 0.75-1"/1hr, especially
    north and east of the Big Bend into the typically vulnerable Hill
    Country. While that area is most susceptible and features the
    highest HREF FFG exceedance probabilities, anywhere within the
    discussion area that receives training of these intense rainfall
    rates overnight will likely experience instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!82ovdim3VBEt0MtqQPIn5kMf6eI1DxGb8e11CiScrnTRtMzB3UjgNbgacugpRKlNmgJD= 9b6Iz-RphEOjxXVB9xhpThw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31349974 31339849 31149732 30719652 30609644=20
    29859659 29459716 28899920 28820033 29070131=20
    29040134 29470182 29780269 30250251 30900155=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 12:37:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231237

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0706
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    835 AM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Southern and Eastern Maine...Southern
    New Hampshire

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 231235Z - 231735Z

    SUMMARY...Bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms will continue
    to impact areas of southern and eastern Maine, and possibly
    southern New Hampshire going through midday. Heavy rainfall rates
    of 1 to 2 inches/hour may result in some additional concerns for
    flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar and satellite imagery show a rather
    expansive area of showers and thunderstorms across areas of
    southern New Hampshire through southern and eastern Maine,
    including some cells that are producing rather heavy rainfall
    rates that are upwards of 1 to 2 inches/hour.

    The convection this morning is being driven by the arrival of an
    mid-level shortwave trough across the Northeast which is showing
    up very well in the GOES-E WV suite. This energy is interacting
    with a weakly buoyant, but moist airmass characterized by MUCAPE
    values of around 500 J/kg and PWs that are near 1.75 inches.

    There is a corridor of stronger low-level moisture convergence
    noted along and just inland of the coast of Maine, with the
    stronger parameters generally noted over Downeast Maine ahead of
    the main axis of convection. This should support areas of heavy
    rain overspreading these areas, while also continuing locally
    farther to the southwest near and inland of the Maine coast. Radar
    imagery shows the southwest tail of the overall band of shower and
    thunderstorm activity still lingering a bit of southern New
    Hampshire as well, and this is suggestive of a band of lingering
    low-level convergence across these areas.

    Given the very moist and rather efficient environment through the
    vertical column for elevated rainfall rates, some additional
    rainfall totals of 2 to 3+ inches will be possible going through
    midday, and this may result in additional concerns for runoff
    problems and flash flooding. The recent hires model CAMs support
    conditions improving though early this afternoon as the
    upper-level shortwave trough begins to exit the region.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7XEJysVYsEMQvXvFebdte83Xwzd9W69lKbC363BhQgbJpXlVcdmRuVl5Jrq4H5zCd2Ga= wocKOa2ljvYsSj4frWd14A8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45536795 45426718 44796719 43876891 43207053=20
    43157155 43527212 43797159 44207054 44846893=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 17:02:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231702

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0707
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    100 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Southeast TX...Western LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 231700Z - 232300Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered instances of flash flooding will be likely
    from pockets of heavy showers and thunderstorms going through the
    afternoon and early evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows a pockets of relatively slow-moving and
    heavy showers and thunderstorms across south-central TX (including
    the TX Hill Country) and stretching well off to the east-northeast
    in a somewhat disorganized fashion across the southeast TX coastal
    plain and western LA. Multiple outflow boundaries/cold pools are
    already evolving across the region which is locally helping to
    focus renewed convective development.

    Facilitating the convective threat over the next several hours
    will be the strong diurnal heating cycle with a build-up of a
    moderately buoyant airmass characterized by MLCAPE values
    increasing to 1500 to 2000 J/kg. A very moist boundary layer will
    be a key contributor to this, and the overall depth of moisture
    with PWs reaching 2.0 to 2.25 inches will support convective cells
    capable of producing enhanced rainfall rates that may reach 2 to 3

    Proximity of a stationary front and the aforementioned outflow
    boundaries will support the idea of there still be locally focused
    areas of convection with slow cell-motions. Additionally, there
    continues to be influence over the region from a mid-level trough
    digging southeast into the southern Plains region which is
    yielding some deeper layer ascent to further promote convective
    activity redeveloping and locally expanding in coverage.

    The 12Z HREF guidance supports localized clusters of rainfall
    totals reaching 2 to 4 inches going through early this evening.
    Given the high moisture environment and overall depth of the warm
    cloud layer, some isolated 5+ inch amounts cannot be ruled out and
    especially with the slow cell-motions and potential for

    Portions of south-central TX involving the Hill Country remain
    quite sensitive due to recent and/or ongoing areas of heavy rain,
    and will tend to be most susceptible to additional flash flooding
    concerns in the near-term. However, areas farther east into the
    southeast TX coastal plain that are drier by comparison will also
    eventually see convection with sufficiently high rates that
    scattered instances of flash flooding (especially within the urban
    corridors) will become a concern.

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-Foh_G3LDCIRvZZ4MXG0888kuhWJNxXkkrgoljsRsP84W_0-_82wBwUMHokNaAXhJtuJ= JWr3SPmTQYzOUONHUhCNzJc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32689543 32149373 31329308 30539308 29599390=20
    28869554 28219664 27469723 27419794 28399866=20
    29079979 29230078 29780105 30300043 30799936=20
    31609806 32279721 32649644=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 18:02:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231802

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0708
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    201 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Mid-Atlantic into portions of the

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 231800Z - 240000Z

    SUMMARY...Isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding will
    be likely this afternoon and into at least the early evening hours
    as showers and thunderstorms with very heavy rainfall rates
    develop and expand in coverage.

    DISCUSSION...The early afternoon GOES-E visible satellite imagery
    shows an expanding CU/TCU field across much of central and
    southern VA down through a large chunk of central and northern NC.
    Strong diurnal heating continues across this region, and this
    coupled with a moisture-rich boundary layer is already fostering
    MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2500 J/kg.

    Over the next several hours, showers and thunderstorms will be
    developing and expanding in coverage, and the activity especially
    across areas of south-central to southeast VA and possibly
    north-central NC may become locally focused given a corridor of
    stronger low-level convergence coinciding with greater boundary
    layer instability. The region more broadly is also under some
    influence of weak right-entrance region upper-level jet dynamics
    which will tend to favor at least some weak deeper layer ascent.

    Areas farther west across western NC, southwest VA and southeast
    WV will also be in an environment conducive for scattered
    convection with the aid of differential heating boundaries and
    related nearby orographics associated with the higher terrain of
    the Appalachians and especially the Blue Ridge. Already, the
    latest radar imagery shows convective initiation underway across
    these areas.

    Given PWs that are on the order of 1.75 to 2 inches from the
    Piedmont eastward into the coastal plain (and more regionally
    running as much as 2 standard deviations above normal), the
    convection that evolves this afternoon and early this evening will
    be capable of producing rainfall rates reaching up to 2.5

    Relatively slow cell-motions coupled with eventually a threat for
    some cell-mergers may allow for some storm totals by early this
    evening to reach upwards of 2 to 4 inches with some spotty 5+ inch
    amounts possible. The 12Z HREF guidance favors areas of
    north-central NC and especially south-central to southeast VA
    including the Hampton Roads vicinity seeing the heaviest rainfall

    Given the rainfall potential and overall moist to locally wet
    antecedent conditions, isolated to scattered instances of flash
    flooding are generally likely. Urban flash flooding may become a
    notable concern again for the I-64 urban corridor from Richmond on
    down through the Norfolk/VA Beach vicinity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7UWNzePVSy2f1vXxIErV2EJ43X5HN8nx0UnHsejBHPnbBjCRvosW60kIsWACIpWZ_LFP= 8XltrDEgrpmeKPf5CnC-_dc$ for graphic product...

    ATTN...WFO...AKQ...CAE...GSP...ILM...JKL...LWX...MHX...MRX... RAH...RLX...RNK...


    LAT...LON 38708014 38707858 38257726 38117602 37667540=20
    36917549 35807615 35047732 34767942 35238203=20
    36148279 37348240 38218147=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 18:26:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231826

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0709
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    225 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...northern/central Alabama, northern Georgia,
    southeastern Tennessee

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 231824Z - 240024Z

    Summary...Scattered showers and thunderstorms are migrating
    east-northeastward across the discussion area while producing
    spots of 1 inch/hr rain rates. The repeating nature of these
    downpours and cell mergers may prompt isolated instances of flash
    flooding through 00Z - especially across urbanized/sensitive areas.

    Discussion...Deep convection was embedded in west-southwesterly
    flow aloft across the discussion area, with a mix of cells and
    clusters noted per radar mosaic imagery. Despite appreciable
    forward movement (at around 20 knots), cells were oriented
    favorably for repeating and a few spots of 1 inch/hr rain rates
    were beginning to emerge south of Huntsville over the past half
    hour or so. Additional cells were developing upstream in
    northeastern Mississippi. The overall pattern suggests potential
    for some locales to experience multiple rounds of heavy rainfall,
    with totals exceeding 2.5 inches in spots through 00Z. These
    rates will occur in areas containing 1.5-2.5 inch/hr FFG
    thresholds (locally lower in Birmingham Metro and portions the
    southern Appalachians/northern Georgia). Weak low-level shear
    will foster areas of congealing as cells/clusters through the
    afternoon, with mergers and local training potentially resulting
    in spots of 2 inch/hr rain rates. This is also supported by the
    abundantly moist/unstable environment (2+ inch PW values, 1500
    J/kg MLCAPE) supporting ongoing storms.

    The overall scenario is likely to continue through 00Z and
    potentially just beyond sunset. Areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates
    are expected to remain likely during that time. Additional
    convection from central Mississippi/southern Alabama will also
    merge with ongoing storms later in the afternoon (per 12Z HREF
    guidance), continuing flash flood potential especially across
    southwestern portions of the discussion area. The storms (and
    attendant flash flood threat) should be primarily diurnally
    driven, with a decrease in overall risk expected at some point
    after sunset.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!91wIA_5wWeXU2N5Nb5wsssEBw1gxyMuWs6RGTwsoRKpZfLOnwdZEbgE92PQwNazVF9Id= OGSynK_9vzXdOVhdwD0IUGI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35638375 34938294 34338281 33918310 33398385=20
    32698527 32698688 32778802 33548841 34818807=20
    35238658 35588502=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 18:47:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 231847

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0710
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    245 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Southern Sierra Nevada into
    Southern/Eastern CA...Southern NV...Central to Northwest
    AZ...Central/Southwest UT

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 231845Z - 240045Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms will be initiating and
    expanding in coverage over portions of the central and southern
    Sierra Nevada and down through southern CA, northern AZ and into central/southwest UT. Isolated widely scattered instances of flash
    flooding are likely.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-W Day Cloud Phase satellite imagery shows the
    early stages of convective initiation beginning to take place over
    the orographically favored higher terrain of the Southwest, and
    over the next several hours there will be an expansion of this
    convection that will include some of the interior deserts. Very
    strong diurnal heating continues across the region with SBCAPE
    values now on the order of 1000 to 2000 J/kg across some of the
    interior deserts of southern/eastern CA and along some of the
    foothills/lower elevations adjacent to the Sierra Nevada.

    The airmass across much of the region is seasonably moist and
    consistent with a well-established monsoon regime. The PWs though
    are locally running as much as 2+ standard deviations above normal
    and the latest CIRA-ALPW data shows elevated moisture
    concentrations in the 700/500 mb and 500/300 mb layers. Some of
    the greatest concentration of this moisture is actually noted over
    far southern NV and adjacent areas of eastern CA where there is
    also proximity of a weak MCV. This MCV is a convective remnant
    from last night's monsoonal convection.

    Convection overall should be scattered in nature going through the
    afternoon hours, but will also be locally terrain-anchored. The
    proximity of differential heating boundaries near the terrain, and
    also in close proximity to the MCV where some pre-existing cloud
    cover exists, will facilitate the idea of seeing these locally anchored/terrain-focused cells that will then gradually advance
    off the terrain into the open deserts.

    Given the strong thermodynamic environment overall, and aid from
    orographics, the rainfall rates may reach 1 to 2 inches/hour with
    the stronger cells. Some spotty storm totals by late this
    afternoon may reach 2 to 4 inches. This will likely result in
    isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding. Again,
    the overall coverage of convection should be scattered in nature,
    but each cell is expected to be potentially quite impactful given
    the elevated rates and aforementioned slow movement.

    Burn scar areas along with localized slot canyons and the normally
    dry washes will again be most susceptible to impacts and this will
    include areas well removed and downstream from where the heaviest
    rainfall occurs.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8fAqFQZltQ-rUbIXbkPLWSpe65gWwgvojzA6ajHBXnAPNYRmOg9yLzYLo-cDJjiA8tZ1= lWV28PNnYBWugiLofCxYfe4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38991160 38121114 36381147 34741051 34071104=20
    34801393 34141529 32791555 32521626 32851670=20
    34081713 34361794 35141867 36191859 38031997=20
    38681938 37181665 36901543 37301419 38941259=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 23:44:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 232344

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0712
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    743 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...much of Virginia, western through central North

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 232342Z - 240442Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flood potential continues through the
    early overnight hours.

    Discussion...Scattered to numerous thunderstorm activity has moved
    through the discussion area, producing 1-3 inch rainfall totals in
    several areas over the past 6 hours or so. These storms were (and
    continue to be) embedded in deep southwesterly flow, with local
    areas of training continuing to result in 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates
    in a few spots. Widespread convective overturning has resulted in
    low-level stabilization across central North Carolina and eastern
    Virginia, although 2-2.2 inch PW values remain and will continue
    to support efficient rain rates beneath the heavier, locally
    training thunderstorm cores.

    The overall (and already isolated) flash flood threat should begin
    to wane through the early overnight hours. Prior convective
    overturning has stabilized much of the region, and additional
    stabilization should occur in tandem with nocturnal low-level
    cooling and continued thunderstorm development within pockets of
    lingering buoyancy. It is worth noting that 3000 J/kg MLCAPE
    remains across eastern North Carolina, which could sustain
    convection in that area on its trek toward southeastern Virginia
    and vicinity through 02Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6nbdNTmZhyw_3e2cOXZVjJ-zFH6sNo1xxDn39LhYdGMMlcbjJqws2YxmRCMmGEulxU-1= q2TzSMLJ2dynyEDzJo-LMK0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38507709 37987604 36617590 35907628 35147721=20
    34577859 35068098 35508312 36418163 37577984=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 23 23:08:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 232308

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0711
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    708 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southeast Texas and western Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 232307Z - 240507Z

    Summary...Slow-moving convection persists within a very
    moist/unstable environment primed for heavy rainfall. Continued
    1-3 inch/hr local rain rates should continue to pose a flash flood
    risk through at least 03Z.

    Discussion...Deep convection continues to focus along a low-level
    confluence zone extending from near Victoria to north of Houston
    to Alexandria, LA. Abundant moisture and sufficient instability
    exists on both sides of this zone, with 2-2.4 inch PW values
    supporting efficient rainfall rates within the convection.=20
    Additionally, only modest propagation of this axis was observed,
    with areas of 1-3 inch/hr rain rates occurring due to slow storm
    motions. 2-3 inch/hr FFG thresholds were also being exceeded on a
    localized basis as well.

    The overall scenario is expected to continue for the next few
    hours despite a loss of insolation after 00Z. Widespread
    convective overturning has occurred north of the confluence zone,
    partially contributing to only a slow southward movement of this
    convective band over the next 3-6 hours. Showers/storms from the
    Gulf of Mexico (south of the confluence) will slowly drift
    northward toward the confluence zone, also contributing to flash
    flood potential through the evening. At least a few instances of
    flash flooding are likely in this regime. Persistence of
    convection beyond sunset is also probable given the moist/unstable
    airmass in place and only slow boundary layer cooling south of the
    confluence zone after dark.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8rP5mQXviyIYAuuKHyzypdVXNDNZiJUV7MtM-vLGXLkoyo--e2DO7YwiLljkjE9ggKYw= 1EkDflq6OcDIsnZVNHSV0uk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31929270 31399236 30709253 30269333 29659404=20
    27759717 27709808 28659837 29599802 30929593=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 24 00:54:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240054

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0713
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    853 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...western Arizona, eastern California, and southern
    through western Nevada

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 240053Z - 240453Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues, although a decreasing
    trend in this potential is expected through 04Z.

    Discussion...Isolated to scattered convection continues to migrate
    slowly westward around a mid-level ridge centered over Nevada.=20
    Storms are slow moving due to weak wind fields aloft, but are in a
    favorable environment for heavy rainfall given areas of 1-1.5 inch
    PW values (along the eastern extent of the Sierra Nevada and Lower
    Colorado Valley) and steep mid-level lapse rates fostering
    500-1000 J/kg SBCAPE. These parameters have supported brief,
    localized 1 inch/hr rain rates in a few spots that have exceeded
    FFG thresholds (0.5-0.75 inch/hr) across the region. Isolated
    spots of flash flood impacts have also been reported across
    eastern California this afternoon.

    The ongoing scenario supporting flash flooding should continue for
    a few more hours. Models/observations suggest that a downward
    trend in this risk is expected to commence after around 03Z as
    loss of insolation results in boundary layer cooling and
    stabilization. Storm coverage is probably at peak currently, and
    will lessen in tandem with low-level stabilization.


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    LAT...LON 40131909 39701761 38281586 37921400 37301268=20
    35981151 34741141 33401310 33351453 34571736=20
    36001898 38321978 39821973=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 24 03:43:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240343

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0714
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1143 PM EDT Tue Jul 23 2024

    Areas affected...West-Central Georgia northeast into the Piedmont
    of North Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 240342Z - 240800Z

    Summary...Training of showers and thunderstorms will persist
    overnight. Rainfall rates within this convection may reach 2"/hr
    at times, resulting in a corridor of 2-4" of rain and localized
    flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic shows a line of expanding
    thunderstorms from near Columbus, GA northeast towards Raleigh,
    NC. This convection is firing along a surface trough draped along
    the Piedmont, leading to enhanced localized convergence. A weak
    mid-level perturbation lifting across GA is additionally providing
    ascent along this trough, while aloft some weak jet level
    divergence is positioned overhead. Together this is providing
    ample ascent into a corridor of 2000 J/kg MUCAPE and high PWs of
    1.9-2.2 inches, above the 90th percentile for the date according
    to the SPC sounding climatology. The 00Z U/A sounding out of KFFC
    indicated steep lapse rates below 800mb, with a saturated column
    and freezing levels around 14,000 ft. This will support a hybrid
    Bergeron/warm rain process to drive rainfall rates that have been
    estimated above 1.5"/hr in ongoing convection.

    The high-res CAMs are struggling with the current activity, and
    only the FV3 has any real indication of the ongoing coverage. Even
    that is underdone, however, so the HREF probabilities are being
    negatively influenced by this lack of model support. The flash
    flooding concerns then are supported primarily by an ingredients
    based approach, with high PWs and persistent thermodynamic
    advection being supported by 850mb SW inflow of 15-25 kts along
    the periphery of a low-level theta-e ridge. With the Piedmont
    trough remaining in place through the evening, and the weak
    impulse lifting out of GA, this should allow for a continuation
    and even expansion of thunderstorms with 1-2"/hr rates. Although
    storm motions should remain progressive on 850-300mb mean winds
    around 20 kts, these winds parallel to the trough suggest an
    enhanced training risk as cells traverse continually to the
    northeast through the next several hours. Where coverage is most
    widespread and cells are most intense, likely downstream of the
    upper impulse, this could result in 2-4" of rain with locally
    higher amounts.

    Some of this area has been excessively wet the past 7 days as
    reflected by AHPS rainfall departures that are 300+% of normal.
    This has caused local reduction in FFG, especially along and west
    of the Fall Line, to be 1.5-2.5"/3hrs, which could be exceeded by
    these training storms. Otherwise, flash flooding is expected to be
    primarily isolated and in urban areas tonight, but anywhere these
    intense rain rates can train most effectively, flash flooding may


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    LAT...LON 36557731 36337707 35887731 35437766 34647878=20
    33937988 33428075 32838189 32368298 32208409=20
    32248437 32558441 33508368 34418203 35258085=20
    35628020 36077952 36347907 36527831=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 24 07:08:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240708

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0715
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    308 AM EDT Wed Jul 24 2024

    Areas affected...Middle Texas Coast through Southwest Louisiana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 240707Z - 241230Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms blossoming over the Northwest
    Gulf of Mexico will spread onshore through the morning.
    Backbuilding of 2-4"/hr rates will result in 3-5" of rain with
    locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is likely.

    Discussion...The GOES-E WV imagery early this morning clearly
    portrays the extreme environment setting up across the Texas and
    Louisiana coasts this morning. An upper low is positioned over
    Tamaulipas, Mexico, while a secondary vorticity impulse spins
    across the NW Gulf of Mexico (GoM). This is helping to advect
    copious low-level moisture, noted via the SFC-850mb ALPW,
    northward into the western Gulf Coast. At the same time, a stream
    of high level moisture emerging from the eastern Pacific is
    traversing northeast in the 500-300mb ALPW fields to intersect
    this same region. This is manifesting as deeply saturated 00Z U/A
    soundings at KCRP and KLCH with measured PWs of 2.35 and 2.27
    inches, respectively, nearing the daily record at both sites. This
    is combining with slowly increasing MLCAPE of 1000 J/kg (more than
    2000 J/kg over the source region in the GoM) to yield extremely
    favorable thermodynamics for heavy rainfall. Into these
    thermodynamics, ascent is slowly increasing through the approach
    of the broad mid-level trough axis to the NW, a surface trough
    approaching from the GoM, weak mid-level impulses shedding through
    the flow, and strengthening frictional/moisture convergence.

    The regional radar mosaic shows a few convective cells beginning
    to propagate onshore as even more widespread activity blossoms
    over the GoM. Regional VWPs indicate that 850mb inflow out of the
    S/SW has increased to 15-20 kts, drawing the more robust
    thermodynamics northward, and as this persists thunderstorm
    development onshore should rapidly increase. This is progged by
    nearly all of the recent high-res CAMs simulated reflectivity,
    leading to higher confidence in the evolution the next few hours.
    As thunderstorms expand and intensify, rainfall rates will almost
    certainly (>70% chance on the HREF and REFS) exceed 2"/hr, and at
    times may reach 4"/hr as shown by HRRR 15-min accumulations of 1".

    Most concerning about these rain rates is that the Corfidi vectors
    will become increasingly aligned anti-parallel to the mean 0-6km
    wind and collapse to just 5 kts, suggesting storms will backbuild
    into the higher instability over the GoM and may exhibit near-zero
    net motion at times along the frictional convergence boundary.
    Where this occurs, rainfall of 3-5" is likely, and the HREF has a
    40-60% chance for more than 5 inches from Galveston Bay to Lake
    Charles, LA. This area is also favored for the heaviest rain by
    the REFS PMM of more than 5 inches, and the experimental OU-CAPS
    SAM which aligns closely with the HREF EAS probabilities, further
    increasing the confidence that this will be the hardest hit region
    through the morning. Farther southwest, training of cells could
    still produce 2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts as far as
    Oso Bay, but confidence is somewhat less as to whether the
    heaviest rain will stay offshore in this area of the Middle Texas

    14-day rainfall across the Gulf Coast has generally been above
    normal, although a subtle axis of below normal rain does exist
    along the Upper TX Coast into LA. However, recent rainfall has
    saturated the the top soils as noted by NASA SPoRT 0-10cm RSM that
    is 70-90% across the entire area. Regardless of soil conditions,
    slow movement and repeating rounds of these intense rain rates
    will likely cause flash flooding across much of the region this


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    LAT...LON 30559378 30549312 30349272 29989258 29729273=20
    29659315 29419384 29359428 29169462 28899513=20
    28659565 28439617 28149664 27849693 27579715=20
    27409739 27499756 27759765 28209726 28789667=20
    29249599 29789545 30229506 30519436=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 24 12:46:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241246

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0716
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    845 AM EDT Wed Jul 24 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southeast TX...Central to Southwest LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 241245Z - 241845Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving bands of locally training showers and
    thunderstorms will be capable of producing extremely heavy
    rainfall rates and excessive totals going through midday. At least
    scattered instances of flash flooding, including urban impacts,
    are likely to materialize.

    DISCUSSION...The early morning GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    loosely organized complex of convection focused near the Upper TX
    coast and overspreading adjacent areas of far southeast TX and
    into southwest LA. The convection is associated with a weak
    mid-level shortwave perturbation and an associated low-level
    trough while interacting while also interacting with a very moist
    and moderately unstable airmass that is pooling north from the
    Gulf of Mexico.

    MLCAPE values around the southeast flank of the vort energy and
    adjacent to some of the convective bands is on the order of 1000
    to 1500 J/kg, with the main axis of this noted from near the Upper
    TX coast northeastward into far southwest LA. The low-level flow
    is rather confluent in general over the northwest Gulf of Mexico
    with about 20 to 25 kts of southwesterly 850 mb flow aiming into
    southwest LA.

    This low-level flow is forecast by the RAP guidance to increase
    over the next few hours to as much as 30+ kts which will favor a
    general uptick in not only moisture transport, but also speed
    convergence. This should favor a persistence and localized
    expansion of the ongoing convective activity, with a tendency for
    this to become locally more concentrated over southwest to central
    LA, while also lingering potentially farther back to the southwest
    over the Upper TX coast where low-level convergence near a surface
    trough will be well-established.

    Some of the most recent hires model guidance and surface
    observations suggest a wave of low pressure may be attempting to
    form over southeast TX in association with this energy, and this
    may help to maintain a semi-organized convective threat going into
    the afternoon hours.

    PWs over the region are deeply tropical in nature, with values of
    2.25 to 2.5 inches, and this coupled with the level of instability
    and forcing should promote rainfall rates reaching 2 to 3
    inches/hour with the stronger cells. There will be concerns for
    cell-training with these slow-moving linearly oriented bands of
    convection, and some rainfall totals through midday may reach as
    high as 4 to 6 inches where this occurs. Given the rainfall
    potential and increasingly wet/sensitive antecedent conditions,
    there will likely be at least scattered instances of flash
    flooding. This will include impact concerns to the more urban
    corridors which will include areas from Port Arthur, TX over to
    Lake Charles, LA.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4hCoLWH5Dlr0apQcPoretcVZw8bMGmsnjzOezv4Y7nutBLwKKUaMmlRArthx53nwN4Kl= qZgNHqtgMrSSvjyo0VI3Cvc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31639308 31459209 30469195 29689231 29699309=20
    29619367 29549402 29379448 29539458 29729452=20
    30179407 30979376=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 24 18:42:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241842

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0718
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    241 PM EDT Wed Jul 24 2024

    Areas affected...Southern California

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 241840Z - 250040Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms will be initiating and
    expanding in coverage over the higher terrain of southern
    California including portions of the San Bernadino and San Gabriel
    mountains and adjacent areas of the Peninsular Range. There will
    be concerns today for slow-moving and locally terrain-anchored
    convection that may produce heavy rainfall amounts and some flash

    DISCUSSION...GOES-W Day Cloud Phase RGB satellite imagery is
    showing the early stages of convective initiation taking place
    over the higher terrain of southern California and convection is
    expected to develop and locally expand in coverage over the next
    several hours as strong diurnal heating/boundary layer instability
    works in tandem with orographically enhanced differential heating
    boundaries and related mesoscale circulations.

    SBCAPE values have risen already to locally 1500 to 2500 J/kg,
    with areas east of the Peninsular Range including the interior
    deserts of southern CA seeing the greatest magnitudes currently.
    Much like areas farther north in the Sierra Nevada, the airmass is
    quite moist with CIRA-ALPW data showing a rather deep column of
    elevated moisture content, and the PWs are locally reaching 2+
    standard deviations above normal.

    A combination of this moisture and instability near and adjacent
    to the terrain along with a favorable set-up for small-scale
    terrain-induced circulations should yield slow-moving pockets of
    showers and thunderstorms capable of producing heavy rainfall
    rates that may reach 1 to 2 inches/hour. The latest hires CAMs are
    very likely underdone with the rainfall potential, but some spotty
    2 to 3 inch rainfall totals are generally expected where these
    slow-moving and locally focused pockets of convection set up.

    Isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding will be
    possible over the higher terrain of southern CA including the San
    Gabriel and San Bernadino mountains and the adjacent areas of the
    Peninsular Range. Some of the interior deserts where stronger
    instability is noted may also see some of this convection occur.
    Any burn scar locations in particular will be most susceptible to
    enhanced runoff concerns and flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_16zA9SZMci7QWbB-CsXlc6yOSgIkhxbebOkT_c31U4wPTF_aeV5XmRbHOayZ8lYylos= OZIdjwV_qapyBJcIzotJSaE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35441712 35011640 33301548 32691556 32491608=20
    32631658 33311703 33911783 34331886 34741928=20
    34951908 34941810 35321766=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 24 19:36:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241936

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0719
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    335 PM EDT Wed Jul 24 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 241935Z - 250135Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of monsoonal showers and thunderstorms
    are expected to develop today across the Southwest, including much
    of southern and western AZ, far eastern CA, southern NV and
    southwest UT. Some localized concerns for flash flooding will
    exist over any burn scar areas along with localized slot canyons
    and the normally dry washes.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-W Day Cloud Phase RGB satellite
    imagery shows the remnants of an MCV situated over southern NV,
    along with cloud cover and some weak vort energy stretched out
    across northwest AZ. Strong diurnal heating continues across the
    region, and gradually the uptick in boundary layer instability
    coupled with some of the cloud-induced differential heating
    boundaries should encourage at least scattered areas of showers
    and thunderstorms to develop. Additional orographic ascent/forcing
    near the higher terrain will also contribute to a gradually
    expanding threat of monsoonal convection over the next several

    SBCAPE values have increased to 1000 to 2000 J/kg locally and an
    additional uptick in diurnally-driven instability is expected over
    the next several hours. Convection that initiates along the
    Mogollon Rim is expected to be in a position to move off the
    terrain down to southwest by later this afternoon, and with a
    rather strong degree of surface-based instability, some of this
    convection may attain at least some organization and especially
    into areas of south-central AZ where somewhat stronger mid-level
    shear is noted.

    Some rainfall rates with the stronger convective cells today may
    reach 1 to 2 inches/hour, and some localized 2 to 4 inch rainfall
    totals may be possible where any of these cells tend to become
    more focused. Some isolated to widely scattered instances of flash
    flooding will be possible as convective initiates and gradually
    expands in coverage. The normally dry washes, any burn scar
    locations, and the localized slot canyons locations will again be
    the more vulnerable areas for flash flooding impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8qMHnB-qy5j4GA7UT_QxRc_j7VfaBjzfr6sFST8P39HcGRBxDgkQ7E-wA6yvoGdm9F8W= _84-cu0plyD4nQmigru-gFE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38761316 37891186 35911134 35021057 33660889=20
    31960901 31311083 31901293 33261373 34081435=20
    34931554 37071633 38371526=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 02:11:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 250211

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0721
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1010 PM EDT Wed Jul 24 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southern AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 250210Z - 250610Z

    Summary...Localized hourly totals of 1-2" (with 15-min totals up
    to 0.75") may continue for several more hours. Isolated flash
    flooding is possible.

    Discussion...Scattered thunderstorms have propagated to the
    southwest off the Mogollon Rim late this afternoon, and this
    activity may persist for a few more hours into the evening. These
    storms are moving into a mesoscale environment characterized by ML
    CAPE of 1000-3000 J/kg, precipitable water values of 1.2-1.8"
    (near the max moving average, per TUS sounding climatology), and
    effective bulk shear near 20 kts. The convection propagating into
    greater instability and moisture may allow for localized 1-2" hour
    totals to continue (with as much as 0.75" in 15-min), but
    increasing convective inhibition (wth the loss of daytime heating)
    and lessening shear will act to suppress and diminish the coverage
    and intensity. In the meantime, localized instances of flash
    flooding will be possible (affecting normally dry washes and
    urbanized terrain most significantly).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!413nCP-JRFU09Ht9hQRfm8BYcoc8DsVOdOhwM-TJ4pTnDa5KTF6VStWuTtpqt5XDLmCE= x9er7kofdpY0CqkBcQACm7w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34251216 33641085 32590969 31391063 31451223=20
    32371383 33951368=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 02:57:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 250257

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0722
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1056 PM EDT Wed Jul 24 2024

    Areas affected...Western & Northern NC...Ext Southeast VA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 250255Z - 250830Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing convection along outflow boundary aligning
    favorably for some potential short-term training and spots of
    2.5-3.5" totals over saturated soils pose possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um EIR shows a decaying convective cluster
    over S VA that was driven by a subtle southern stream shortwave
    that has started to exit the Chesapeake Bay region resulting in a
    flattening mid-level confluence axis once again across the Middle
    Appalachians into VA/NC. Regional RADAR and 02z observations
    denoted an outflow boundary pressing south across far northeast
    NC; reinforcing the deformation zone across the area of concern.=20
    Oblique warm air advection of 20-25kts of remaining pool of
    unstable air with MLCAPE of 1500-2000 J/kg extending back into
    western NC is utilizing this boundary/steepening from the outflow
    to break out new convection from Guilford to Northhampton county
    in NC connecting up with convection that had developed by
    approaching DPVA from next shortwave leaving the Southern
    Appalachians... from Henderson to Davie county. Though western
    cells are a bit shallower due to slightly low available
    instability, cells are likely to further expand through the line
    over the next few hours.=20

    Given the narrow, skinny saturated profiles and 2.25"+ total
    PWats, updrafts will become increasingly capable of 2-2.5"/hr
    rates with the updrafts; though weaker inflow may inhibit some
    efficiency; local pressure falls/isallobaric response may aid
    others. Deep layer steering is likely to be the greater
    contributing factor, as orientation of the line is expected to
    remain fairly parallel to 15-20kt cell motion vectors. As such, a
    hour or two of repeating may result in spots of 3-4" totals in
    1-3hours. Given entire area over the last 7-10 days has seen
    200-400% of normal and soil saturation above 70% through 0-40cm,
    spots of flash flooding are considered possible through the early
    overnight period.=20


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    LAT...LON 37027696 36817598 36157582 35847621 35657755=20
    35517865 35228040 35138143 35348232 35818212=20
    36238116 36777923=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 07:40:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 250740

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0723
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    340 AM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...Texas Coastal Plain...Southwest LA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 250740Z - 251340Z

    SUMMARY...Strong ccyclogenesis at base of tropical moisture axis.=20
    Slow moving, efficient tropical showers with rates up to 3"/hr and
    spots of 5" by 12z. Scattered to broad incidents of rapid
    inundation flooding are likely, particularly near Matagorda Bay.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um SWIR loop shows depicts larger clusters
    of intense thunderstorms in northeast Tamaulipas state in Mexico
    bleeding into far SE Texas, as well as offshore of southern South
    Padre Island. These clusters are located on the moisture
    convergence axis at the tail end of a deep layer laminar
    sheet/sub-tropical shear axis from deep south Texas across the
    Mid-Texas Coast into the Piney Woods of TX. GOES-WV shows compact
    shortwave in northern stream shearing southwest as energy rounds
    the base of the polar trough with jet streak starting to
    strengthen/expand across NE TX. This orientation and the
    northward moving southern stream shortwave associated with the
    convective clusters will support strong deep layer cyclogenesis in
    proximity of Oso Bay to Matagorda Bay over the next few hours in
    the strong divergence aloft in the right entrance to the
    aforementioned jet.

    The vorticity roll up through the low levels will back surface to
    700mb flow orthogonal to the coast and the early morning surface
    to boundary layer surface ridge from VCT to BPT. Steeper
    isentropes with strengthening high theta-E air mass will expand
    convection. 3.9um SWIR loop shows the incipient towers from near
    CRP (and the closed 1016mb surface low) to the strongest moisture
    flux convergence signals near Matagorda Bay, including some
    offshore cells. These will start to expand in coverage as time
    reaches diurnal maxima of ocean heat release off the warm Gulf
    adding total moisture from values of 2.25 to over 2.5"; and SBCAPE
    to 2000-2500 J/kg within near moist adiabatic narrow/skinny
    profile. Winds increasing to 20-25kts through depth and some directional/isallobaric turning should increase moisture flux into
    developing convection eventually reaching 3"/hr rate potential
    with HREF probabilities of these rates in the 09-12z hours.=20=20
    Given very slow northward migration of the deeper cyclone, cells
    may be fairly stationary with these rates and likely to result in
    scattered locations of 3-5" along the entire TX coastal plain,
    with decreasing potential into SW LA; where southerly warm
    advection/frictional convergence should spark more scattered
    cells. Probability of 3" by 12z is greater than 60% from CRP to
    LCH along the coast; while 5" probability of 50%+ exists near
    Matagorda Bay. Best scenario may see convection build enough of a
    cold pool initially and push convergence axis just off-shore...but proximity/risk suggests when all is considered, flash
    flooding/rapid inundation flooding is likely.=20

    Further south in Deep South Texas coast, thunderstorms have a
    solid potential of training from SSW to NNE along the effective
    'cold' front trailing convergence axis. Deep layer convergence
    will be more parallel to perhaps reduce rainfall flux, but still
    should be supportive of excessive rates and training to produce
    3"+ totals and rapid inundation flooding here as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5nerWnwn1m9Z7lxjIhQy_dNkcKvJb11IyrZPaeDpTOAJFBgGoXYMKY-OlkGMXkPAWIYe= YOGNLUANMWx2sASHhtTK_M8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30629386 30529301 29799301 29669358 29499431=20
    29099497 28479609 28019686 27239729 26419718=20
    25989711 25829737 25929772 26019815 26169834=20
    26629821 27349776 28209759 28909735 29279710=20
    29549688 30149586 30399511 30579452=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 16:26:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251626

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0724
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1225 PM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Northeast TX...Northern LA...Southern AR...Northwest MS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 251625Z - 252225Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected to
    increase somewhat in coverage over the next several hours heading
    through late afternoon. Rather slow cell-motions and intense
    rainfall rates will support concerns for areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows an
    expansive cloud-top canopy over much of southeast TX, western LA
    and up through southern AR and northwest MS in connection with a
    deep layer tropical moisture plume with embedded shortwave energy.

    Closer inspection of this satellite imagery along with surface
    data reveals a weak low center and related mid-level vort over
    southwest to south-central AR in particular. This energy is
    focusing an axis of relatively stronger moisture convergence
    across areas of northeast TX through northwest LA and into
    southern AR which then tails off somewhat farther off the
    northeast into northwest MS. Meanwhile, MLCAPE values locally
    across this region have increased to 1000 to 1500 J/kg. Moisture
    is plentiful with PWs deeply tropical in nature with magnitudes of
    1.75 to 2.25 inches based on the latest NESDIS Blended TPW data.

    Given expectations of additional boundary layer destabilization
    with the diurnal heating cycle, the combination of deep moisture
    and instability along with at least modest low to mid-level
    forcing near the aforementioned low center/vort energy should
    favor a gradual increase in heavy shower and thunderstorm activity
    going through the mid to late afternoon hours. Radar imagery
    already shows scattered to locally broken areas of convection
    impacting portions of the region.

    The 12Z HREF guidance shows elevated probabilities (40 to 70
    percent) of seeing 3"+ rainfall totals within a 6-hour period in a
    southwest to northeast axis across far northeast TX, northwest LA
    and southwest to south-central AR going through the late afternoon
    hours. These probabilities then tail off a bit farther off to the
    northeast into northwest MS, and likewise to the southwest going
    closer to areas of central TX. Key drivers though overall to the
    heavy rainfall potential will be impressive rainfall rates capable
    of reaching 2.0" to 2.5"/hour rainfall rates and slow convective

    Some localized storm total amounts of 3 to 5 inches are expected.
    As a result, some areas of flash flooding are generally likely to
    materialize at least in a scattered fashion, and the more
    urbanized areas will be most vulnerable to this threat.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9AUP0l3U7PhEkftArL6jh-BIbTjoM_QOz4rA1ZEZ3ENsvdf3aSzgGtAYYoelKlw0s1uO= xxFBXHcTlXRJMPWJwzzFkac$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34938901 34458843 33818869 32899062 32349215=20
    31489455 30389661 30459761 31159788 32049712=20
    32889561 33929290 34549156 34909030=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 17:01:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251701

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0725
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    101 PM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...Central/Eastern NC...Far Southeast VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 251700Z - 252300Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms will be increasing in
    coverage going through the late afternoon and early evening hours.
    High rainfall rates and some localized training of convective
    cells will likely promote some areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E visible satellite imagery is
    showing filtered sunshine across much of central and eastern NC
    which has been allowing for boundary layer destabilization to
    occur. MLCAPE values of locally over 1500 J/kg are already focused
    across especially eastern NC, and the latest radar imagery shows a
    band of heavy showers and thunderstorms tending to increase in
    coverage from central NC east-northeastward into far southeast VA
    along the leading edge of a weak surface trough.

    Additional expansion of convection is expected with the diurnal
    heating cycle over the next several hours, and areas of central
    and eastern NC in particular are likely to see heavy rainfall with
    some of the stronger convective cells producing rainfall rates of
    2.0" to 2.5"/hour given the deeply tropical airmass that is in
    place in conjunction with the increasing boundary layer
    instability. Some locally enhanced surface moisture convergence,
    especially over northeast NC, is expected to help concentrate
    these areas of convection over the next few hours.

    The 12Z HREF guidance supports some localized storm totals amounts
    by early this evening of 3 to 5 inches, with the greater
    probabilities of seeing this situated across north-central to
    northeast NC, and to some extent farther south over eastern NC
    inland of the coast where some seabreeze convergence may help to
    provide an additional focus for some slower-moving convection this

    These high rainfall rates and storm total potential should
    generally favor areas of flash flooding, and especially with
    rather moist antecedent conditions in place. Some of the urbanized
    areas such as around the Raleigh-Durham area and up toward
    Elizabeth City may see some enhanced runoff concerns as these
    heavier showers and thunderstorms cross the region.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7aJjAoAVffSuVoe5vjilZHDvJdBUCmVWxRGL7bVnQTUwLdn0hd76R21Kj08jRIRuGRbJ= Yte1a49MPW2tZJ4106bm-0w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36747634 36497581 35807565 35067640 34147784=20
    33847859 34087928 34877906 35408043 36028057=20
    36367960 36457760=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 17:57:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251757

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0726
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    155 PM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...Southern UT...Much of AZ...Far Western NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 251755Z - 252355Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered monsoonal convection will be developing soon
    across the Southwest. Areas of southern UT, far western NM and a
    relatively large area of AZ should see scattered areas of showers
    and thunderstorms that will again be capable of producing heavy
    rainfall and mainly isolated areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-W Day Cloud Convection RGB satellite imagery
    along with the ML-driven LightningCast product suggests CI will be
    occurring very soon over areas of southern UT and down through at
    least central AZ as strong boundary layer heating/destabilization
    continues and couples with orographic ascent/forcing for scattered
    showers and thunderstorms.

    SBCAPE values are locally already on the order of 1000 to 2000
    J/kg, and these values will increase over the next few hours which
    coupled with a seasonably moist monsoonal moisture regime should
    favor expanding areas of at least scattered convection with heavy
    rainfall rates.

    The convection should generally be pulse in nature given the lack
    of shear underneath the deep layer subtropical ridge that is
    overhead, but the thermodynamic environment should favor some
    rainfall rates reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour with the stronger
    cells. In some cases, as much as 1 inch of rain may fall in as
    little as 20 to 30 minutes.

    Initially the activity should have a terrain-focused
    concentration, but eventually the convection will move off the
    terrain and into the open desert areas where boundary layer
    instability will be greater. This will especially be the case
    across areas of central and southern AZ away from the Mogollon Rim.

    The 12Z HREF guidance again appears largely underdone with the
    localized rainfall potential given the concentrations of mid-level
    moisture that remain in place. The expectation is for some spotty
    2 to 3 inch rainfall totals with the stronger storms and
    especially where any cells tend to remain focused or anchored near
    the terrain.

    Some isolated areas of flash flooding will be possible where these
    stronger pulse cells evolve today. Once again the areal slot
    canyons, burn scar locations over the high terrain, and normally
    dry washes/arroyos away from the terrain will be most susceptible
    to seeing flash flooding impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6whL0BtxIFQ0SKTzJ8TXVbV59RHP-DVVnjTHxNaJMaT_YxzProdTD2PZciQxrYbegcwR= GMUEUNe2OvDXAHnOImmABsY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38941179 38341072 37391035 36190911 35070885=20
    33470819 32850840 32050942 31361017 31241126=20
    31421201 32101281 33651299 35031375 36511329=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 18:25:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251825

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0727
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    225 PM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...northern/central Alabama, northwestern Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 251824Z - 260024Z

    Summary...An outflow/differential heating zone across Alabama
    could aid in focusing heavier rainfall along an axis from north of
    Columbus, MS through Birmingham, AL to near Carrollton, GA. A few
    instances of flash flooding are possible along this axis through

    Discussion...Scattered shower/thunderstorm development has
    persisted across northern Alabama (along and just north of I-20)
    for much of the morning. South of this axis, abundant sunshine
    has encouraged development of a distinct differential heating
    zone. Recent radar/satellite has indicated an uptick of
    convection along this differential heating zone over the past
    hour. Additionally, objective analyses indicate present of a weak
    mid-level shortwave trough over Mississippi approaching the
    discussion area from the west. Enhanced low-level flow at 850mb
    (around 20 knots) was also impinging on the western end of this
    differential heating zone, with speed convergence also noted
    across western Alabama. The aforementioned mesoscale features
    appear to be contributing to a focus of thunderstorm activity
    along an axis from north of Columbus, MS through Birmingham Metro
    eastward to near/just north of Carrollton, GA that should persist
    for the next couple hours. The focus for thunderstorm activity
    along with slow eastward storm motions could enable for a few
    spots of 1.5 inch/hr rain rates that approach/threaten FFG
    thresholds across the area. A few instances of flash flooding
    appear possible in the next 2-3 hours given the aforementioned

    Beyond 21Z, the potential of focused convective development is a
    bit unclear and will depend on the extent of convective
    development north of the differential heating boundary and any
    subsequent northward or southward shifts in the location of the
    boundary. It is plausible that locations currently experiencing
    the heavy rainfall could still be experiencing rainfall in the
    21-00Z timeframe. At least a couple instance of flash flooding
    are possible in this regime.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7HFlZwiuYwwbr8Oqu-AdBMr3S7gd63G0n7UTGu19y_M7qSwBNdnCJL95kHKO7ZgAPLBm= CtxxIjMATKbBpnXpZ8MGw8o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34478748 34438522 33968423 33328424 32978496=20
    32908661 33358849 34268851=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 23:00:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 252300

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0728
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    659 PM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...eastern North Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 252258Z - 260258Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential will exist for another 2-3 hours
    (through 02-03Z) on an isolated basis.

    Discussion...Over the past couple hours, deep convection has
    congealed into an extensive band extending from near Elizabeth
    City southwestward to near Fayetteville. The storms continue in
    an abundantly moist environment (characterized by 2-2.4 inch PW
    values), and downstream instability (1000-1500 J/kg MLCAPE) should
    continue to support robust updrafts that merge with this evolving
    complex over the next 2-3 hours. Storms are progressively moving
    toward areas of less susceptibility to excessive runoff as
    evidenced by higher FFG thresholds (generally in the 2-4 inch/hr
    range). Nevertheless, the orientation of the band (parallel to
    deep southwesterly flow aloft) and abundantly moist airmass
    continues to support spots of 2-3 inch/hr rain rates that could
    overwhelm sensitive/urban spots across the discussion area for the
    next 2-3 hours.

    After 03Z, storms are expected to reach the North Carolina
    coastline and eventually open waters of the Gulf Stream. As this
    occurs, the flash flood risk with this activity will decrease,
    with heavy rainfall potential lessening significantly over land.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9heUglddLyvTL5XULYtYOnbNnsu0bGAyl5Y6v805AnwzO_ACLyfilkIUNn5wv8F7J2Ur= _QVcqmibm3OwChZi7SNQkyg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36597568 35777489 34307703 33727825 34227900=20
    34817950 35327862 36297705=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Jul 25 23:57:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 252357

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0729
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    756 PM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...much of Arizona, southern Utah, western/central
    New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 252356Z - 260556Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorms continue to drift slowly while
    producing local 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates across the discussion
    area. These rates are expected to produce flash flooding in a few
    areas while persisting through 05Z.

    Discussion...Deep convection has materialized across much of the
    discussion area through the early afternoon. Spots of 1-1.5
    inch/hr rain rates have been observed and estimated per MRMS.=20
    Additionally, cells have began to propagate and demonstrate modest
    upscale growth into forward-propagating clusters especially across
    Arizona. Wind fields are weak, but widespread areas of 1+ inch PW
    values will continue to support locally heavy rainfall that
    promote excessive runoff - especially in low-lying spots and near
    burn scars.

    Much of the convection across the discussion area will be
    diurnally driven, with coverage decreasing after sunset. A few
    areas will still have heavy rainfall potential through the
    overnight hours, however - especially with local linear segments
    and clusters that can continue to maintain strong updrafts near
    mature cold pools. Another area of concern resides across
    central/southern Arizona, where 1.5+ inch PW values and higher
    instability values (1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE) will likely promote
    stronger updrafts and locally heavy rain rates into the overnight
    hours. 2 inch/hr rain rates cannot be ruled out in these areas
    (potentially doubling or tripling FFG thresholds across the


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4LQ8JhHf0bp1Uql_S_Xs_DSeIpdrqHRnYivIgwyTAqZQeqKSky_NQccEtedqsdLruWhy= rwkgmfuNKol41yvEWFea6Os$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39581036 39000877 38020818 36930757 35790641=20
    35080609 34570626 34340678 34490790 34320889=20
    33560883 32770918 32001012 31331140 32341441=20
    33471456 34931424 36951398 38691361 39441210=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 01:12:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260112

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0730
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    911 PM EDT Thu Jul 25 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Georgia through central South Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260111Z - 260411Z

    Summary...Well organized clusters of thunderstorms are migrating
    toward locally sensitive ground conditions across the discussion
    area (particularly along the I-20 corridor). A localized, yet
    appreciable flash flood threat may emerge from this activity
    through 03Z.

    Discussion...Well organized clusters of strong convection continue
    to propagate east-southeastward across the discussion area.=20
    Additionally, local cell mergers have prolonged and enhanced
    rainfall rates on a localized basis, with estimates of 1-3 inch/hr
    rates noted per MRMS. These rates are not surprising given 2-2.4
    inch PW values immediately downstream of the persistent clusters
    along with slow overall cell movement.

    On their east-southeastward track, these cells are expected to
    impact the I-20 corridor from Columbia to Augusta through 03Z.=20
    These areas are relatively sensitive to excessive rainfall, with
    FFG thresholds generally less than 1.5 inch/hr along the corridor
    (locally lower in the urban/populated areas). Should this
    convection hold together and continue producing excessive
    rainfall, a locally significant flash flood threat could unfold.=20
    The organized nature of the cells and lingering areas of 1500 J/kg
    MLCAPE immediately downstream of the convection suggests fairly
    strong potential for heavier rainfall to reach sensitive areas
    across the discussion area through 03Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9YMOJerTX7epAM5l7vWSVRu95tfWMdKiSalsGPXzV3_xSlRpTEKEOgx_Klw2gMp6Zl0U= r5PQhvHfkIp-fqH6FUeD5oY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34838057 34427952 33618009 33008154 32898236=20
    33278300 33728284 34488171=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 06:02:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260602

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0731
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    202 AM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260600Z - 261100Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing convective coverage and potential for training/back-building in deep moisture axis. Scattered flash
    flooding may be possible.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a downstream anticyclonically
    curved cirrus pattern indicative of broader upper-level right
    entrance region aiding ascent and cyclonic development across the
    Sabine River Region. SWIR 3.9um loop notes the mid-level wave
    continues to elongate and slide northeast through this ascent
    region; while pulling isentropic/slant-wise ascent through the
    furthest extent of the jet's influence. VWP and surface winds
    suggest east-southeast flow reaches the coast near Galveston Bay
    and turns/convergence into a more southerly isentropic lift.=20
    Higher theta-E air is transported through this
    confluence/convergence axis for shallow/slanted convection across
    SE TX from Liberty to Angelina county (well into/above stable air
    mass in the Piney Woods region). High Tds in the upper 70s and
    narrow skinny/nearly saturated profiles support total PWats over
    2.25" the 850-700mb confluence axis parallel to the 5H elongated
    shear axis/trough between the polar and subtropical return

    Instability has been lacking due to nearly moist adiabatic lapse
    rates, but the early morning warm Gulf release of near sea-surface heat/moisture combined with sfc to boundary layer convergence and
    favorable slant-wise ascent channel are expected to proliferate
    convective elevated convective coverage over the next few hours
    before capping along the frictional convergence zone nearer the
    coast erodes toward/just prior to daybreak. Still ample moisture
    even shallow/slanted convection have warm cloud rainfall
    generation processes to support 1.5-2"/hr rates, perhaps up to
    2.5" if elements align for short periods for greater vertical
    ascent. Still, given the steering/convergent low level pattern training/back-building of even the lighter rates may allow for
    spots of 2-4" totals across areas that have recently seen above
    average rainfall and lowered FFG. So in the near-term, and few
    incidents of flash flooding may be possible; though Hi-res CAM
    guidance signals increase after 12z.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_2y83h8BJ_9c-LTlSrPIoT3Cd7VcYGfpwue3M7lZE5BhBGGtWKYp77GhdQ61ZgOQna1U= PDRGO2oXw8mf8SRyUeCzpf4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31899480 31889405 31319371 30469397 29969439=20
    29349521 29219604 29629653 30529616 31419535=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 13:54:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261353

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0734
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    953 AM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Southeast NC...North-Central to
    Northeast SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261352Z - 261852Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and very efficient convection with high
    rainfall rates will be impacting areas of south-central NC into
    north-central and northeast SC going through midday. Eventually
    areas of southeast NC will also get into some of this activity
    this afternoon. Some flash flooding is possible.

    DISCUSSION...A very small-scale low-level circulation and
    associated vort center is situated near the NC/SC border region
    which is yielding some low-topped and extremely efficient
    convection across areas of south-central NC and especially areas
    of north-central SC. There is also evidence of a surface trough
    axis extending eastward ahead of the weak low down across
    northeast SC and some adjacent areas of southeast NC.

    At least modest, but persistent moisture convergence along this
    trough axis ahead of the low center along with a gradual increase
    in boundary layer instability via the diurnal heating cycle should
    facilitate a persistence and localized expansion of convection
    going through the early afternoon hours. There is already a bit of
    an instability gradient oriented in close proximity to this trough
    from northeast SC into southeast NC where MLCAPE values are as
    high as 1000+ J/kg.

    The 12Z RAOB data from CHS and ILM show a deep tropical
    environment with tall/skinny CAPE profiles. This will strongly
    support a highly efficient warm rain set-up for very heavy
    rainfall rates that will be capable of reaching 2 to 3 inches/hour.

    Outside of the recent HRRR guidance, the early morning guidance is
    not exactly handling the ongoing activity particularly well.
    However, with the current radar and satellite trends, and slow cell-motions/efficient rainfall set-up, some localized storm
    totals reaching 3 to 5 inches will be possible going through early
    this afternoon.

    Some areas of flash flooding will be possible as a result, and
    especially with some areas already seeing moist antecedent


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    LAT...LON 35207976 35067890 34547870 34237946 34268042=20
    34588086 34908083 35118045=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 17:23:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261723

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0736
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    122 PM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of South-Central to Southeast TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261721Z - 262321Z

    SUMMARY...Some isolated pockets of flash flooding possible with
    slow-moving thunderstorms going through the early evening hours
    across south-central to southeast TX.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E visible satellite imagery in
    conjunction with radar imagery continues to show broken areas of
    heavy rainfall associated with rather slow-moving showers and
    thunderstorms across portions of south-central to southeast TX.
    All of this activity continues to be oriented along a low to
    mid-level trough axis with multiple vort centers noted along it in
    a southwest to northeast fashion.

    Much of the coastal region of southeast TX has stabilized with the
    widespread morning convection, but areas farther back to the west
    and in closer proximity to a wave of low pressure, there is
    stronger instability in place with MLCAPE values of as much as
    1000 to 1500 J/kg. More notable boundary layer heating over the
    next few hours will tend to further destabilize this region, and
    with low-level moisture convergence aligned near the surface
    trough/low center, there will likely be some additional uptick in
    the coverage of convection going through the afternoon hours. Some right-entrance region upper jet dynamics overhead will also be a
    facilitator of the convective threat.

    Some of the additional convective clusters will be capable of
    producing some 1 to 2 inch/hour rainfall rates, and with concerns
    over slow cell-motions, some additional rainfall totals of 2 to 4
    inches may be possible. This coupled with locally sensitive
    antecedent conditions will support a threat for at least isolated
    areas of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-HkSVl8kohmaX4gUfLQeixQDz3zsIZmRSiFBriq03QdbqBTM0M0y461wvcUJ8zIYE7IW= lRIiGnUkXyQ_UwtclJLSRj0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30809640 30709590 30299584 29719614 28819714=20
    28449818 28649875 29239870 29889754 30169717=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 18:11:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261811

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0737
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    210 PM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...Southern and Eastern AZ...Southeast UT...Southern
    CO...Central and Western NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261810Z - 270010Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered to broken coverage of heavy monsoon showers
    and thunderstorms can be expected today. Areas of flash flooding,
    some of which may be locally significant, are expected to occur.
    This will include concerns for burn scar impacts and localized
    debris flow activity, along with dry wash/arroyo flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB in conjunction
    with visible imagery and the ML-driven LightningCast product
    suggests CI is imminent across areas of southern CO and northern
    NM including the Sangre De Cristo mountains. Additional areas of
    CI are imminent also across the higher terrain of eastern AZ. In
    all of these areas, there is close proximity to some weak MCV
    energy, and this coupled with the proximity of multiple
    differential heating boundaries will allow for the rapid
    development and expansion of heavy shower and thunderstorm
    activity over the next several hours.

    SBCAPE values with the strong diurnal heating cycle have already
    risen to as much as 1000 to 1500 J/kg across northern NM, with
    areas of eastern and southern AZ seeing values upwards locally of
    1500 to 2000 J/kg. This instability should further increase, and
    with a seasonably moisture-rich column, the monsoonal convection
    this afternoon will be capable of producing 1 to 2 inch/hour
    rainfall rates. Relatively slow cell-motions and
    terrain-focused/orographically enhanced convection may foster some
    storm totals of 2 to 4 inches by late this afternoon.

    The 12Z HREF guidance shows a rather widespread threat of
    scattered to broken coverage of convection, and thus there will
    tend to be a regional threat for areas of flash flooding. The
    higher terrain will be the area of heaviest rainfall potential,
    and as is common with heavy monsoonal convection, the area burn
    scar locations and normally dry wash/arroyos will be most
    susceptible to seeing flash flooding impacts including possible
    debris flow activity. Given the expected rainfall rates/totals
    today, some locally significant impacts may occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!81804lbu51r0NsZ6qB69UMA24hhON0G_Fjo7VgZDeMj1iZgr8uC4XFO6DdrdHlJ7TzWp= 1C21yUPPf2gtnGO-iSMf5ns$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38300665 38160576 37650493 36670442 35170431=20
    33410481 32620565 32490689 32230780 31780841=20
    31290949 31491174 32911235 34341243 35261217=20
    35611169 35791090 36441022 37270978 38020876=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 16:36:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261636

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0735
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1235 PM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...Much of South-Central to Southeast LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261635Z - 262235Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms will be developing and
    expanding in coverage this afternoon across south-central to
    southeast LA. High rainfall rates and relatively slow cell-motions
    will likely favor some areas of flash flooding and especially
    around the more urbanized locations including the New Orleans
    metropolitan area.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E visible satellite imagery is
    showing an expanding CU/TCU field across south-central to
    southeast LA to the east of the ongoing convective mass that has
    been impacting southwest LA. Some shower and thunderstorm activity
    has begun to develop locally and an expansion of convection is
    likely over the next several hours as much stronger boundary layer destabilization occurs with a very moist airmass.

    The activity over south-central to southeast LA is expected to be
    heavily influenced by multiple mesoscale boundary collisions that
    will include convective outflow arriving from the west and
    smaller-scale seabreeze/lake-influenced boundaries over southeast
    LA from a combination of the Gulf of Mexico and Lake
    Pontchartrain. MLCAPE values over much of southern LA are already
    on the order of 1500 to 2000 J/kg, with PWs locally near 2.25
    inches, and some very modest mid-level shear overhead.
    Additionally, the low-level flow off the Gulf of Mexico is rather
    convergent and this will complement the regional development and
    expansion of convection.

    Very heavy rainfall rates are expected given the environment and
    the 12Z RAOB from LIX is extremely supportive of highly efficient
    rainfall processes given the depth of the warm cloud layer. Some
    rainfall rates may reach 3 inches/hour, and the 12Z HREF guidance
    does support this going through the afternoon hours as stronger
    convective cores materialize.

    Some localized 4 to 6 inch rainfall amounts will be possible given
    the expectation of rather slow cell-motions overall and the high
    rainfall rates. Despite rather high FFG values, these rainfall
    rates and totals should tend to favor at least some areas of flash
    flooding and especially around the more urbanized locations
    including the New Orleans metropolitan area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_W9phYyF1Z739pZXRCUowy5ogZNU0K12OcEi1ozMStu23KGlYSc1ApkWtqteegko9E8Z= ra5Jp3T-V-3MTy-y-o5HiNU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30979041 30678976 30028956 29578982 29379047=20
    29629145 29619225 29829296 30269289 30619197=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 18:40:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261840

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0738
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    239 PM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Northern CO...Southeast WY

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261839Z - 270039Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    this afternoon will promote an isolated threat for some areas of
    flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Showers and thunderstorms are developing and
    expanding in coverage across the CO High Country as a rather
    well-defined shortwave trough ejects eastward across the terrain
    and interacts with a moderately unstable airmass characterized by
    MUCAPE values of 1000 J/kg. The airmass across the region is also
    rather moist with PWs near 1.5 standard deviations above normal,
    but also reflective of the broader monsoon pattern more regionally
    that is in place.

    A combination of orographics with differential heating boundaries
    and the interaction of ejecting shortwave energy with the
    thermodynamics will favor a further expansion of convection
    throughout the afternoon. This will especially be the case across
    central and northern CO, with some of the convection making it to
    the Front Range of CO and also across southeast WY.

    Some rainfall rates may reach 1 to 1.5 inches/hour with the
    stronger storms, and especially over central CO where somewhat
    better pooling of monsoonal moisture will be focused. Some spotty
    2 to 3 inch rainfall amounts will be possible by late afternoon,
    and this may result in at least an isolated threat for flash
    flooding. This will especially be the case over some of the more
    rugged terrain and near burn scar locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8aN3ks3bKjtpYe1VN4OWbwImj-fE-oSWEYcBMWTQ0BGX66Jj9Xn-W5l7u1jaJrl-_O8U= dQ9Li_yfwnp5NnRElkh8PX0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42570530 42270417 41290405 39880450 38400481=20
    37700480 38260592 38440722 38770739 39200721=20
    40020721 40750713 41380686 42020634=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 19:02:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261855

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0739
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    255 PM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...southern North Carolina, eastern South Carolina,
    and coastal regions

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261854Z - 270054Z

    Summary...Slow-moving thunderstorms continue to produce 2-3
    inch/hr rain rates in spots, locally exceeding areas FFG
    thresholds. Flash flooding remains possible for another 4-6 hours
    or so.

    Discussion...A slow-moving cluster of storms has persisted along
    the NC/SC border region over the past 4-6 hours and is currently
    near the Lumberton, NC area. Storm motions with this cluster are
    slow owing to weak wind fields aloft (generally less than 20 knots
    from 500mb down to the surface). Additionally, the storms remain
    embedded in a very moist/unstable airmass, with 2.2 inch PW values
    and 1500 J/kg MLCAPE continuing to support very efficient rainfall
    rates eclipsing 2.5 inches/hr at times per MRMS. Additional
    thunderstorms were developing along and just inland from the coast
    near a slowly advancing sea breeze boundary. These storms were
    also capable of 2+ inch/hr rain rates given slow movement and are
    also setting up increasing potential for prolonged heavy rainfall
    via cell mergers with the incoming convective cluster from the
    west. These rain rates are occurring in areas of 2 inch/hr FFG
    thresholds, suggestive of at least an isolated flash flood risk in
    the near term.

    This flash flood risk will persist for as long as the Lumberton
    convective cluster remains inland. Slow eastward propagation of
    this cluster will eventually enable it to reach the coastline in
    the 00-02Z timeframe (extrapolating eastward motions at 20 kts).=20
    Upstream stabilization behind the complex should result in a
    decreasing heavy rainfall threat from west to east during that


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    LAT...LON 35397747 35137641 34507654 33697791 33127928=20
    33308028 34378063 34797990 35237872=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Jul 26 21:00:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 262059

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0740
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    459 PM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...central/southern Mississippi into southern
    Louisiana and southwestern Alabama

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 262057Z - 270257Z

    Summary...Slow-moving convective clusters continue to drift
    northward while producing spots of 2-3 inch/hr rain rates on an
    isolated basis. Flash flooding is possible as storms drift toward
    I-20 in central Mississippi over the next 2-4 hours.

    Discussion...Scattered to numerous thunderstorms continue to drift
    northward ahead of a weak mid-level disturbance centered over
    Texas. These storms were initially focused across southeastern
    Louisiana, but have spread northward while locally congealing into forward-propagating clusters extending from southwestern
    Mississippi through southeastern Louisiana southeastern
    Mississippi. The storms are embedded within weak southwesterly
    flow aloft (around 15 knots) and are also benefiting from
    abundantly moist/unstable pre-convective air characterized by
    2-2.4 inch PW values and 1500 J/kg MLCAPE. Slow movement and
    mergers have allowed for spots of 2-3.5 inch/hr rain rates to
    materialize especially west of Brookhaven, MS and near Baton
    Rouge, LA. These rates are only exceeding FFG thresholds (in the
    2.5-3 inch/hr range) on an isolated basis, suggestive of an
    isolated flash flood threat focused in locally sensitive/low-lying

    The ongoing scenario should persist for another 2-4 hours, with
    storms drifting northward toward the I-20 corridor in Mississippi
    over the next 1-3 hours. Sufficient moisture/instability exists
    north of I-20 for storms to persist for much of the afternoon
    before a combination of widespread convective overturning and
    sunset results in a gradual lessening of convective coverage
    toward sunset. This process will take several hours to play out,
    however. Flash flooding is possible through at least 02Z or so.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4xBLNaQpGhw128C9hkaFlRZZogJiXEL_jKrTz3RhBSC6x9zyJcVwIHMcnqk81f-mUO5s= hs6ai7hsInSb9IGCpAIzn0A$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33799015 33278832 31998775 31028758 30278891=20
    29588990 29679114 30809189 31889190 33689112=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 27 00:24:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270023

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0741
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    822 PM EDT Fri Jul 26 2024

    Areas affected...portions of east-central AZ and west-central NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 270002Z - 270602Z

    Summary...Monsoon-related flash flood potential will continue
    through 05Z or so.

    Discussion...Isolated to scattered thunderstorm activity has
    developed in earnest across several areas from central Arizona
    into central New Mexico though the afternoon. The storms are
    migrating around the periphery of mid/upper ridging across Baja
    California, but with modest/weak wind fields aloft (less than 20
    knots), 10-15 mph storm motions have been prevalent with most
    activity. Isolated instances of 0.5-1.0 inch/hr rain rates have
    been noted, which isn't surprising given the slow storm motions
    and 1 inch PW values (highest across southern Arizona). The
    overall regime supports isolated flash flood potential -
    especially where heavier downpours can fall over burn scars and in
    low spots/sensitive terrain.

    The ongoing scenario is diurnally driven, and a gradual downtick
    in convective activity is expected through sunset as nocturnal
    stabilization occurs. Some concern also exists that upscale
    growth of convection into forward-propagating linear segment(s)
    could occur across southern Arizona, which could pose a locally
    enhanced flash flood threat given higher PW values and potentially
    higher thunderstorm coverage in that vicinity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6J6V5cV7A3GOY-A50RqtuQOmyA1PN5tNrAIRRaDiT981a4C0Jj_Xgynz0va84EYBUYqO= 7tMZPiBKhup-_1Whz-xtKlI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36830835 36770585 35200485 34160482 33050530=20
    32330733 31680847 31520987 31661167 34251317=20
    35991307 36541112=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 27 06:00:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270600

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0742
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    200 AM EDT Sat Jul 27 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest Minnesota...Eastern North Dakota...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 270600Z - 271100Z

    SUMMARY...Continuing upstream redevelopment along favorable
    training profile/track to allow for localized rainfall totals of
    3-4" and possible incidents of flash flooding through the
    overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um EIR loop along with regional RADAR has
    shown cycling clusters of thunderstorms across northwest MN for
    the last few hours. Convection has been aligned along a low-level
    convergence zone/stationary front from the Northwest Angle back
    toward Grand Forks. However, GOES-E WV suite shows shortwave/MCV
    from earlier convective cluster is moving out of western SD into
    the region and starting to provide further mid to upper level
    ascent forcing via DPVA and increasing exposure to the right
    entrance region of the northern stream jet streak over
    south-central Canada. Additionally, deep layer moisture pooling
    has reached total PWat values in the 1.75" range but with 30kts of
    slightly veering/convergence streamlines have maintained solid
    flux into the parallel frontal zone. As such, rain rates have
    steadily increased with rates of 1.5-2"/hr seen across NW MN.

    RAP analysis shows fairly unstable air feeding with that low level
    flow and while capped, the forcing/convergence into the boundary
    is sufficient for the 2000 J/kg of MLCAPE to maintain stronger
    thunderstorms across the area. There is reduction of instability
    forecast with time, but should be sufficient (1000-1500 J/kg) to
    further enhance/maintain upstream convection across central NDak
    into the low level stationary frontal zone. As such, a profile
    for further convective training is expected to maintain over the
    next few hours. A few spots of 2"+ values have been observed and
    so additional 2-3" and expanding spots of 2-5" and should overcome
    naturally higher FFG values in the region. So all considered,
    flash flooding is possible across NW MN and may even intersect
    with urban locales around Grand Forks over the next few hours as
    the shortwave/MCV moves through.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8J8YRNNsTlehXvbOSKQvE5Z-3pcGcDHkd-lWYlWZviQ6UFEjzQHhBQ7jPjrZsu0GZi9E= Lkh3NmqX9NASNa_61p19HwM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48979550 48939468 48429450 47969537 47319734=20
    47269802 47569840 47899823 48319759 48529706=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 27 07:55:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270755

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0743
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    354 AM EDT Sat Jul 27 2024

    Areas affected...Central Texas Coast...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 270755Z - 271345Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, back-building highly efficient tropical
    showers capable of 2-3"/hr rates and localized possible totals up
    5", likely to result in localized flash flooding conditions
    through early daybreak.

    DISCUSSION...Another early morning outbreak of highly efficient
    tropical showers along the Texas coast given very slow moving
    larger scale forcing features. Today, the maturity of the
    mid-level trough is a bit broader and more wound up further north
    across the OK/KS/AR/MO corner with a trailing confluent/shear axis
    extending southward across NE TX toward a lower scale vorticity
    center in the southern part of the TX Triangle. This continues to
    support deep tropical moisture along the eastern side of the
    circulation with 2.25-2.5" total PWats centered at an area of
    return easterly trades rotating northward into the Western Gulf
    northward jet this morning. At the surface, the coastal ridge is
    a bit depressed compared to the last few days; though stronger
    convergence exists from Oso Bay toward Port Lavaca. SBCAPEs have
    increased to 2500-3000 J/kg at this convergence point. Given
    deeper layer convergence to enhance into a more south to north
    850-700mb stream will support continuing stronger thunderstorms
    over the next few hours.

    Currently, a few deeper thunderstorms are starting to break out in
    those lower layer convergence axes from Refugio to Dewitt county.=20
    Initially rates of 2"/hr should increase with some better flux
    toward 2.5 and occasional 3"/hr rates. Slow veering, should help
    to expand frictional convergence zone further north and east
    toward Galveston Bay eventually supporting similar thunderstorm
    development through early morning. Unidirectional flow of
    15-20kts but with 15kts of inflow nearly in the opposite direction
    may allow for back-building redevelopment in proximity to the
    coastal area. As such, relative stationary to weakly slow
    northward repeating could result in spots of 3-5" in 1-3hrs.=20
    Given recent heavy rainfall, this would result in rapid
    inundation/flash flooding. The only limiting factor may be best
    convergence setting up just offshore with greatest totals there as
    opposed to just onshore; but it remains too close to not be
    concerned within the MPD area over the=20


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    LAT...LON 29739682 29499585 29699490 29359468 29129496=20
    28479608 28129659 27719692 27469711 27429745=20
    27819750 28629753 29439736=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Jul 27 18:06:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 271806

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0744
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    205 PM EDT Sat Jul 27 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Southern/Eastern AZ...Central and
    Western NM...Southern CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 271805Z - 280005Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered monsoonal shower and thunderstorm activity
    will be developing over the next several hours as the diurnal
    heating cycle continues. Locally heavy rainfall amounts will
    foster localized concerns for flash flooding impacts.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E visible satellite imagery shows strong diurnal
    heating taking place across large areas of the Southwest, with
    some early hints of CU development over some of the higher terrain
    including the Sangre De Cristo Range and the Sacramento Mountains.
    Gradually today there will be the development of monsoonal showers
    and thunderstorms across the high terrain of southern CO down
    through central NM. Meanwhile, areas of southern through eastern
    AZ and into western NM will also eventually see the development of
    scattered areas of convection.

    The higher and more anomalous PW environment today is situated
    across southern AZ where there is a bit better depth of moisture
    extending up through the mid and upper levels of the vertical
    column. This is depicted rather nicely in the CIRA-ALPW data, and
    the PWs here are running about 1.5 to 2 standard deviations above
    normal. Meanwhile, SBCAPE values are already on the order of 1500
    to 2500 J/kg across southern AZ, with magnitudes of 1000 to 1500
    J/kg seen over parts of eastern AZ into central NM.

    Strong diurnal heating and a corresponding increase in
    surface-based instability along with better defined differential
    heating boundaries in close proximity to the higher terrain will
    help facilitate convective initiation early this afternoon. This
    convection will then locally expand off the terrain into open
    desert locations through the late afternoon hours.

    Locally heavy rainfall is expected with today's monsoonal
    convection, with the latest hires model consensus generally
    favoring the Sangre De Cristo Range with one corridor of
    relatively heavier totals, and also areas of south-central to
    southeast AZ and western NM with another general axis of heavier
    amounts. Some rainfall rates with the storms may reach 1 to 2
    inches/hour, with some spotty isolated storm totals of 2 to 3+
    inches possible by late afternoon.

    These rains will favor a localized concern for flash flooding
    impacts which will again be largely relegated to the area burn
    scar locations and the normally dry washes.


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    LAT...LON 37790606 37710474 36830368 35260366 33520413=20
    32520498 32350590 32640702 32290785 31580869=20
    31240981 31311153 31951284 33151126 34771068=20
    35460840 37190713=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 28 00:09:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280009

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0745
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    808 PM EDT Sat Jul 27 2024

    Areas affected...much of NM...southeast AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 280005Z - 280605Z

    Summary...Localized instances of flash flooding will likely
    continue into the evening with isolated hourly accumulations of
    1-2" (and as much as 1" in as little as 15-min).

    Discussion...Monsoonal convection is peaking across portions of
    the Southern Rockies and Southwest this afternoon, with the
    greatest coverage, highest intensity showers and thunderstorms
    concentrated in the vicinity of the Mogollon Mountains and
    adjacent lower elevation deserts (from southwest NM into southeast
    AZ). Convection is a bit more limited over the Mogollon Rim into central/northern NM, where instability and moisture are lower (and
    less anomolous). Over southern portions of the MPD area, the
    mesoscale environment is characterized by SB CAPE of 1000-3000
    J/kg (with pockets of inhibition due to storms becoming outflow
    dominate), PWATs of 1.0-1.6 inches (near the max moving average,
    per TUS sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear near 20
    kts. Farther north, SB CAPE ranges from 1000-1500 J/kg (with fewer
    pockets of inhibition), PWATs of 0.7-1.0 inches (near the 90th
    percentile, per ABQ sounding climatology), and effective bulk
    shear of 10-30 kts (higher farther north, in the vicinity of the
    right exit region of ~70 kt jet streak).

    Localized instances of flash flooding will likely continue for
    several more hours this evening, as outflow dominate convection
    with weak steering flow results in somewhat chaotic storm motions
    and propagation. While deep layer flow generally favors south to
    southeast storm motions (especially over eastern portions of the
    MPD), very weak low-level flow is resulting in upwind propagation
    vectors in nearly all direction (particularly over southeast AZ).
    These slow storm motions are resulting in hourly accumulations as
    high as 1-2", and as much as 1" of rain is occurring in as little
    as 15-min (per MRMS estimates). Convection should mostly come to
    an end over the next few hours in NM, but may continue for longer
    into southeast AZ (where environmental factors are the best). As
    usual, concerns are highest for sensitive burn scar areas, though
    urbanized terrain and normally dry washes could see localized
    flash flood impacts as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7lZJhbzaDIdcr0-t54DifFquvUEj9OkN93FrOeZnsYoe2bd5mq_Pw-WFtiw3UcGuy9Ms= 5S_m-HZ7-ZFKwNvXVQP-RS4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36940474 36580388 34800380 33380540 32770741=20
    31450805 31300912 31311085 31741233 32471210=20
    33351118 34570952 35080797 36010645 36780586=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 28 08:40:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280840

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0746
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    440 AM EDT Sun Jul 28 2024

    Areas affected...Middle Texas Coastal Plain...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 280840Z - 281400Z

    SUMMARY...Saturated coastal zone and another round of highly
    efficient early morning tropical showers pose likely spots of
    rapid inundation/flash flooding again this morning.

    DISCUSSION...This morning's orientation at the base of SW to NE
    mid-level trough continues to remain favorable for morning surge
    of western Gulf low level jet to ascend over weak surface ridging
    from Matagorda Bay east to provide solid surface to 850mb
    convergence to break out scattered shallow topped tropical showers
    once again. However, this morning LPW from CIRA shows slightly
    enhanced moisture up to 1.15" in the surface to 850mb layer along
    the leading edge of the convergence with about 3-5 degrees
    increase in sfc Tds noted from Matagorda Bay toward Corpus Christi
    (at or near 80F). VWP shows solid 20-25kts at the 850-700mb
    layers with some weak veering supporting that WAA and deeper layer
    convergence to allow for efficient moisture loading.

    RAP analysis suggests slightly higher unstable air along the coast
    with MLCAPE over 2500 J/kg (though SBCAPEs of 5000 J/kg show
    further confirm that higher theta-E air). As such, as scattered
    shallow cells grow in coverage/local intensity tapping that higher
    vertical ascent, rates of 2-2.5"/hr once again remain possible.=20
    Cell motions to the NNE will deflect slightly east in the 500-1000
    thickness trough with propagation. So residency over the coastal
    plain should allow for some higher local totals again this
    morning... 3-5" locally. Given the consistency of this pattern,
    even the sandier soils are near capacity in the shallow soil, with
    NASA SPoRT LIS 0-40cm saturation ratios all over 70% across the
    area of concern but over 75-85% northeast of Matagorda Bay to
    Galveston Bay. As such, rapid inundation/flash flooding becomes
    likely as even 6hr FFG values are below 3" with even lower spots
    about 1-1.5".


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-_xE4vQwWKsXOaWcIQKK-0JCrtAs_sGNuFEx8kJ7WT5WFC-un2zqb5DteiHYNeh5xwqk= udbYDG9yRXxGUcdC0iwrgvM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29799571 29679527 29429501 29039509 28569586=20
    28309635 28229653 27829703 27359733 27549774=20
    28139775 28969740 29369704 29699650=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 28 16:50:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 281649

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0748
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1249 PM EDT Sun Jul 28 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Appalachians into the Piedmont of

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 281647Z - 282230Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms expanding within a
    destabilizing environment will become widespread through the
    afternoon. Rainfall rates in the most intense convection will
    likely reach 2-3"/hr, which through slow storm motions could
    result in 2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding
    is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon reflects an
    expansion of showers and thunderstorms across much of northern
    Georgia beneath increasingly agitated Cu and TCu noted in the
    GOES-E visible imagery. Radar-estimated rainfall rates within this
    blossoming convection have exceeded 1"/hr via KFFC WSR-88D, and
    storm motions are only around 5 kts to the E/NE. This activity is
    being fueled by robust thermodynamics characterized by PWs
    measured by the 12Z FFC U/A sounding of 2.13 inches, well above
    the 90th percentile for the date, with 14,000 ft freezing levels
    and almost 1500 J/kg of SBCAPE through a deep layer of weak, moist
    adiabatic lapse rates favoring efficient warm-rain processes. Into
    this environment, forcing for ascent is being provided by moist
    isentropic ascent as 850mb flow veers out of the south to lift
    atop a warm front and wedge centered to the east, aided by upslope
    flow into the higher terrain. Additionally, an upper jet streak
    intensifying beneath a synoptic trough over MO will gradually
    impinge into the area this afternoon increasing upper level

    The recent runs of the HRRR and RRFSp1 both indicate that this
    region will experience multiple rounds of convection through the
    evening. Initially, pulse-type thunderstorms are expected to
    develop within the weak bulk-shear but favorable overlap of ascent/thermodynamics. These should expand across N GA and then
    lift slowly N/NE on weak 0-6km mean winds of just 5-10 kts and
    along an impressive CAPE gradient west of the wedge of high
    pressure. With elevated PWs persisting and even increasing,
    rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr are possible as reflected by HREF
    probabilities for 2"/1hr reaching 30-40%, and 15-min HRRR
    accumulations approaching 0.75". Multiple rounds of these slow
    moving thunderstorms could produce 2-3" of rain in some areas as
    shown by HREF 6-hr neighborhood probabilities. Additionally,
    convection blossoming to the west this afternoon is progged to
    push eastward this evening, and while this should be more
    progressive owing to the increase and veer of the low-level winds,
    it could add additional rainfall leading to event-total rainfall
    as much as 5" in some areas.

    The Southern Appalachians and surrounding Piedmont of GA have been
    wet recently which has yielded NASA SPoRT 0-10cm RSM of around 60%
    and accompanying compromised FFG as low as 1.5"/1hr and
    2-2.5"/3hrs. Both the NWM ROFs probabilities and HREF 3-hr FFG
    exceedance probabilities suggest instances of flash flooding are
    possible due to these rounds of heavy rain through this evening,
    but are most likely across any urban areas or most sensitive
    terrain features.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_zULQVvfSx87UFIgITJ63nrgEaZDMGxClnvRrLJQE_Myc4eeg4l8r99Yx_adurr6_LU0= MApAckJDM3zhkFVftEq5qmg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36268381 35908317 35248275 34788294 34308316=20
    33518317 33178341 32998442 33338549 34228624=20
    34898570 35778500 36238455=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 28 18:23:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 281823

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0749
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    222 PM EDT Sun Jul 28 2024

    Areas affected...Florida Big Bend through the Central Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 281821Z - 290000Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will rapidly increase in
    coverage through the afternoon. Rainfall rates may reach as high
    as 4"/hr for brief periods, resulting in pockets of 3-5" of rain
    with isolated higher amounts possible. This could result in flash

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon shows
    thunderstorms beginning to expand across the northern Florida
    Peninsula, with additional development occurring on sea breeze
    boundaries along the Atlantic coast, as well as the eastern
    Panhandle. These storms are developing in the vicinity of a
    stationary front wavering across northeast FL, with all low-level
    convergent boundaries driving sufficient ascent for convective
    initiation. The thermodynamics across the state are extreme,
    characterized by PWs of 2.25-2.5 inches, and SBCAPE of 3000-4000
    J/kg. The morning soundings from JAX and TBW indicates deep
    saturation within the column from the surface to 200mb, with
    freezing levels nearing 16,000 ft to support efficient warm rain
    processes, and this is already materializing as radar-estimated
    rain rates above 2"/hr according to KJAX WSR-88D.

    As the afternoon progresses, the high-res CAMs are in good
    agreement that convection will rapidly expand south of the
    stationary front and along sea breeze boundaries. 0-6km bulk shear
    will remain minimal at least than 20 kts, which suggests storm
    mode will be pulse through the evening. However, with PWs near
    2.5", SBCAPE potentially exceeding 4000 J/kg, and storm motions of
    just 5 kts, any storm collisions or boundary interactions will
    result in additional development of thunderstorms. Rainfall rates
    within this convection have a 70-80% chance of exceeding 2"/hr
    according to HREF neighborhood probabilities, while the 15-min
    HRRR accumulations exceed 1" in some areas suggesting that
    short-duration rain rates above 4"/hr are possible. Although each
    cell may have a short temporal duration in the pulse environment,
    these rates could still produce 1-3" in less than an hour, and any
    location that receives multiple storms has a 30-50% chance of
    accumulating more than 5" of rain through this evening.

    FFG remains high across the state at 3-4"/3hrs, but impressively
    the HREF exceedance probabilities peak above 50% for this
    threshold. This further reflects the intensity of the rainfall
    this afternoon. Additionally, much of the Panhandle and northern
    half of the Peninsula has received more than 150% of normal
    rainfall the last 7 days, further increasing the vulnerability of
    the soils to rapid runoff. Where any of these intense rain rates
    occur across urban areas, or where multiple rounds can occur
    across the more sensitive areas, instances of flash flooding could


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    LAT...LON 30738385 30698288 30538208 29958129 29148076=20
    28008046 27538037 27318050 27248077 27298106=20
    27528136 28148178 28668229 29088283 29538332=20
    29988405 30078456 30108502 30128534 30368543=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Jul 28 18:42:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 281842

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0750
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    241 PM EDT Sun Jul 28 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southeast and south-central
    AZ...southwest and south-central NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 281840Z - 290040Z

    Summary...Localized instances of flash flooding possible with
    significant short term rainfall accumulations (as much as 1" in as
    little as 15-min with 2-3" localized totals).

    Discussion...Monsoonal convection is beginning to fire across
    portions of the Southwest (southwest and south-central NM into
    southeast and south-central AZ), primarily in the vicinity of
    higher terrain (including the Mogollon Mountains/Rim, the
    Sacramento Mountains, and the Huachuca Mountains). The mesoscale
    environment is characterized by SB CAPE of 500-3500 J/kg (lowest
    over the Mogollon Rim/Mountains and the Sacramento Mountains),
    precipitable water values of 0.9-1.6 inches (near the daily mean
    and 75th percentile, per EPZ and TUS sounding climatology), and
    limited effective bulk shear of ~15 kts. While there is a distinct
    lack of forcing, the parameter space is sufficient continued
    convection initiation and propagation, and weak deep layer
    steering flow (5-10 kts) will result in significant short term
    accumulations (with up to 1" in as little as 15-min, and HREF
    40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3-hr, 2" exceedance of
    10-30%). Localized instances of flash flooding are possible, and
    concerns are greatest for the most at-risk terrain, including burn
    scars, hydrophobic urbanized terrain, and normally dry washes.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5VmaabHJMyE5zRb7b-inIej-ONDyLjSwzMBBdQnylGgLw1K7r7tZqxpjWn5R74Ud6qO8= O_ck07JqmqSmL2oKjxGqzbQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34630963 34620858 34390770 34340763 34140728=20
    33700650 33580595 33670554 33300527 32590540=20
    32570591 33120599 32930658 32880750 32430764=20
    32220789 31100810 31020997 31271219 31851299=20
    32971279 33441176 33721035=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 29 01:26:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290126

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0751
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    925 PM EDT Sun Jul 28 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southern and central MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 290125Z - 290725Z

    Summary...Continued 1-2"/hr rainfall rates with localized
    repeating may allow for isolated to scattered instances of flash

    Discussion...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms have
    proliferated across portions of southern MN this evening,
    encompassed within a broad warm sector (with a quasi-stationary
    front analyzed over the Dakotas to the west). The mesoscale
    environment is characterized by SB CAPE of 1500-2500 J/kg,
    precipitable water values of 1.5-1.7 inches (near or above the
    90th percentile, per MPX sounding climatology), and little to no
    effective bulk shear (15 kts or less).

    While the lack of shear will likely result in limited storm
    longevity and organization (as evidenced by the larger complex of
    storms that quickly fell apart to the northeast), slow storm
    motions may compensate (from a flash flood perspective) as 1-2"/hr
    rainfall rates locally repeat over the same areas. A bit of
    low-level flow (10-15 kts at 925-850 mb from the SSW) could help
    to sustain new updraft formation with slow propagation (upwind
    propagation vectors ~5 kts), as evidenced by 40-km HREF (18z)
    probabilities for 3" exceedance of 30-40% (corresponding with
    10-yr ARI and 6-hr FFG exceedance quite well). In addition, soils
    appear rather saturated already (per NASA SPoRT-LIS 0-1m anomalies
    in the 80-90th percentile), increasing the risk for excessive
    runoff. As a result, isolated to scattered instances of flash
    flooding are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!--LbIhwe_kb5TUeaj68XR0vWnLpNJj2AcQT-J8Kt1uHypbIy2GG07VVmICQz3zSCBfLl= WHJugaX2lMoexlqR8UCnGeE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46709393 46149387 45819337 45609251 45199262=20
    44689393 44239577 44839659 46039599 46529510=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 29 03:22:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290322

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0752
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1121 PM EDT Sun Jul 28 2024

    Areas affected...Central & Southeastern Iowa... Adj. NW IL & NE

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 290320Z - 290900Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing isentropic ascent for backbuilding
    thunderstorms that may repeat/train behind initial bowing segment.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic denotes a mature accelerating
    bow echo across central IA moving east with a well defined MCV in
    Franklin county. While the bow is progressive, the strong
    moisture flux and supported sub-hourly 1"+ totals in/along its
    path. Spots near the northern bookend may have a bit longer
    residency for up to 1.5" but still at or slightly below the hourly
    FFG values, but it is wetting the grounds for trailing convection.

    GOES-E WV suite notes that the MCV is aligned with the parent
    mid-level shortwave which continues to drift eastward into a broad
    col in the mid to upper-level flow. This is providing some
    upper-level divergence to maintain the strength of the MCV, as
    well as strengthen low level wind response. And that is the key
    for further upstream development over the next few hours. 03z
    surface analysis denotes the wake anticyclonic rotor to the bow
    echo has placed a WNW to ESE outflow boundary from just east of
    SUX to CIN to DSM. VWP suite upstream shows strengthening LLJ
    response with broad 25-40kts across E NEB/NW MO at 850; orthogonal
    to the outflow boundary. The air over SW IA through E IA remains
    conditionally unstable with MUCAPE values of 2000-2500 J/kg. Deep
    moisture has pooled near the MCV/shortwave through depth
    supporting enhanced pocket of deep layer moisture up to 1.75-1.9"
    but CIRA LPW and RAP analysis show upstream moisture tongue
    through the Missouri Valley is angling northward with the LLJ and
    so moisture flux values are increasing to sizable values.

    The leading edges of the LLJ have ascended to develop
    thunderstorms along the 'arrow' portion of the mid-level
    rear-inflow jet upstream of the 'bow' of the MCS. Deep layer flow
    in the wake of the MCV is fairly parallel to the orthogonal LLJ
    ascent providing 850-700mb convergence while also supporting
    parallel cell motion vectors. As the main core of the LLJ
    reaches the outflow boundary, expect convection to increasing in
    coverage and intensity with 1.75-2"/hr rates. As such, a swath of
    an additional 2-4" is becoming increasingly possible across the
    area of concern across central to SE IA. While southwest IA
    remains relatively dry; central to southeast IA is a bit wetter
    through depth with 0-40cm soil saturation ratios in the upper 40s
    to mid 50s percent per NASA SPoRT and generally match the FFG
    where 1.5-2"/hr or 2-3"/3hr align with the area of concern. Given
    this, flash flooding is considered possible tonight.=20

    A bit of uncertainty remains in the placement of the training
    axis, dependent on the LFC; greater surface rooting would place
    the axis further south and west but with also greater moisture
    flux and depth for more intense rates maybe even spots of 4"+.=20
    However, this evolution is not well known and will be contingent
    on the next few hours. There are some hints this may becoming
    more of reality based on recent agitated low level cu field and
    arched status noted in SWIR 3.9um across south-central IA into N
    MO. However, there is limited guidance to support that evolution
    with the exception of the FV3CAM. HRRR/ARW solutions remained a
    bit more capped over north-central MO until the MCS is in full
    maturity later into the morning. Will be watching the evolution
    closely, in case an area to the south does convect a bit earlier.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5a0E-DfkoL5aAVqlCLrnLciRqUXpcNlADXNq-UPGBhmdd1O8ySoSSqbzbU4Xhq1jo99f= oPb9JueUg7GWZxYa_1fV2Ys$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42989456 42659223 42449097 42009010 41049051=20
    40409111 40329232 40669340 41599466 42279541=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 29 07:59:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290759

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0753
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    358 AM EDT Mon Jul 29 2024

    Areas affected...South-central & Southeast IA...Western & Central IL...Northeast MO...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 290800Z - 291400Z

    SUMMARY...Mature MCS with embedded training elements may continue
    to pose a risk of 2-4" in the training axis and possible flash
    flooding through the early morning.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um EIR and regional RADAR mosaic show a maturing/consolidating training line from south-central IA into
    southeast IA. Currently, peak orthogonal ascent over the NW to SE
    outflow boundary is providing solid deep moisture convergence. RAP
    analysis appears to have a good assimilation/analysis of a stable
    air pocket over northern and northeastern IL building into an
    increasing gradient toward the west, though MUCIN continues to be
    very strong across NW MO with strong clearing/subsidence warming
    noted in EIR and WV suite respectively in that area. As such,
    convection is likely to remain oriented favorably with limited
    southwest propagation, favoring downstream propagation as the LLJ
    continues to veer more parallel to the convective line. Apex of
    500-1000mb thickness ridge appears to be along just southwest of
    the IA/MO/IL intersection, so further southward propagation and
    increased orthogonality from westerly LLJ may help expansion of
    the line along through the Mississippi River Valley, but current
    trends suggest best probabilities remain from Wapello to Lee
    county in IA into McDonough county, IL. Moisture of 1.75-2"
    convergent on 30-35kts should support increasing rainfall rates up
    to 2"/hr. Spots of 2-4" are probable; through early morning. The
    far northeastern corner of MO, may see a chance for the training
    axis as well.

    As the mature MCS moves east into northern and central IL,
    increased divergent flow in the mid to upper levels will broaden
    cell motions. Increasing reverse inflow jet aloft, may also
    support forward acceleration of the leading bow echo and generally
    reduce rainfall efficiency. Only near the cyclonic bookend of the
    circulation likely to track along/north of I-80 may increase
    duration and potential for a spot or two of 2-3", combined with
    generally wetter ground conditions and lower FFG, the potential
    for a widely scattered incident north of the upstream training
    axis of thunderstorms still may be possible and so the area of
    concern was broadened to account for this potential across
    north-central IL.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4gDDzathQG-xiAo3otc2YNwlmNRsnvPWlXQJZmr4YrHy1iFkHU634xcKOTfqqqTNd51J= oof0MK4hR8BpKE0BEWkDCYs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41828919 41168838 40088834 39348864 38788955=20
    38719076 39669207 40289280 41179374 41569347=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 29 16:56:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291656

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0754
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1256 PM EDT Mon Jul 29 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Appalachians into the Piedmont

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291655Z - 292255Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms should rapidly develop and
    intensify downstream of a shortwave this afternoon. Rainfall rates
    of 2-3"/hr are likely, which through repeated rounds could cause
    2-4" of rainfall with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible satellite imagery this afternoon
    indicates that cloud cover associated with morning rainfall is
    advecting into the Coastal Plain of the Carolinas, leaving clear
    skies in its wake. Upstream of this clearing, a shortwave is noted
    on WV imagery pivoting into eastern TN while at the same time the
    Piedmont Trough becomes established across the region. The
    combination of ascent downstream of this shortwave, convergence
    along the surface trough, and modest thickness diffluence noted in
    700-500mb RAP fields suggests ascent will steadily increase the
    next several hours. This ascent will work into a region primed for
    heavy rain producing thunderstorms due to thermodynamics
    characterized by PWs of around 2 inches and SBCAPE that has
    climbed approximately 1000 J/kg in the last 3 hours to be
    1500-2500 J/kg.

    Deepening Cu already noted in the clear areas is collocated with a
    slow rise in Lightning-cast probabilities, further indicative of
    the intensifying updrafts. This is also noted in recent radar
    returns from KGSP, and although rain rates are currently modest,
    both the HREF and REFS neighborhood probabilities reach 30-50% for
    2"/hr in the next few hours. Additionally, the HRRR 15-min
    rainfall accumulations peak around 1" in parts of the area,
    suggesting brief rainfall rates of up to 4"/hr are possible. These
    intense rain rates will offset the anticipated generally
    progressive motions of cells today as 0-6km mean winds remain out
    of the west at 15-20kts. Corfidi vectors are a bit slower and
    aligned to the mean wind, so short duration training is possible,
    but in general the flash flood risk appears driven primarily by
    the potential for multiple rounds of storms in many areas. This is
    due to the anticipated expansion in coverage progged by many
    high-res CAMs simulated reflectivity, which is supported by the
    persistent ascent into the favorable thermodynamics. Where several
    rounds of intense rainfall do occur, some locations could receive
    2-4" of rainfall, and the HREF indicates a 10-20% chance for
    locally as much as 5".

    The Southern Appalachians and surrounding Piedmont have
    experienced significant rain recently, noted by AHPS 7-day
    rainfall departures that are generally 150-300% of normal. This
    has caused a reduction in FFG to around 2-2.5"/3hrs, and even as
    low as just 1"/3hrs in eastern TN. HREF FFG exceedance
    probabilities peak above 30%, providing additional confidence to
    scattered flash flood instances today. While the greatest risk
    should be focused atop sensitive terrain features or urban areas,
    any location that receives several rounds of heavy rainfall this
    aftn could experience flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7zA_zmffMK-MaYA7MxeaDsLKDm46Yyo5_CVnLw5B2e2f0RWLPVoa7yP7-2CeYarVKBCF= rVybX6TgFCVglpMOjlNU0r4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36878164 36808046 36738001 36477920 35377916=20
    34777966 34458147 34108216 33588265 33328292=20
    33348349 33578387 34008408 34618432 35218437=20
    36018397 36418343 36768271=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Jul 29 17:35:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291735

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0755
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    134 PM EDT Mon Jul 29 2024

    Areas affected...Lower Colorado River Basin into southern New

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291734Z - 292330Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will gradually blossom across
    portions of the Southwest this afternoon. These storms will be
    slow moving, and may have rainfall rates exceeding 1"/hr at times.
    Locally this could result in 1-2" of rainfall and scattered
    instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB imagery late this
    morning shows the initial phases of cloud glaciation occurring in
    far southeast Arizona and southern New Mexico. This is reflective
    of strengthening updrafts and deepening Cu/TCu, further evidenced
    by the GOES-E lightning cast product already exceeding 50% in the
    Sacramento Mountains. This convective cloud coverage is expanding
    within favorable thermodynamics noted by PWs measured by GPS of
    1-1.5", above +1 standard deviations from the climatological mean,
    and SBCAPE as high as 1500-2000 J/kg.

    Although forcing is modest across the region, there is sufficient
    overlap of ascent and thermodynamics that convective coverage
    should expand through peak heating. A weak shortwave over the
    Sonoran Desert and at least subtle RRQ diffluence aloft should aid
    lift that will otherwise be confined to terrain or boundary
    interactions. The greatest coverage of storms is likely over
    southeast AZ which is supported by the high-res CAMs, and short
    duration rainfall rates in the deeper cells could exceed 1"/hr as
    shown by the HREF neighborhood probabilities, leading to 1-hr
    rainfall of 0.75-1.5" as noted by the UA WRF. Bulk shear will
    remain quite weak at less than 20 kts, indicating generally pulse thunderstorms, and mean cloud layer winds of just around 5 kts
    suggest storms will be very slow moving. Cells that form along
    higher terrain features or through any outflow collisions could
    exhibit nearly stationary motion at times, leading to slightly
    enhanced rainfall in these areas.

    With FFG across the region as low as 0.5-0.75"/1hr, and 0-10cm RSM
    from NASA SPoRT generally 50-70%, it is possible that any cell
    could quickly cause runoff leading to flash flooding. The most
    likely areas will be over any sensitive terrain and burn scars,
    but scattered impacts due to flash flooding are possible anywhere
    across the area through the afternoon, with additional potential
    continuing well into the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9aEWASQnRCcB8CBWDTHZK1K_cAb1kjZQAQgblQzPJzLChpfDzlCPueISuwr6ty9hfjsi= VTalig8c2xp1BJLvU-NVEcI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34340798 34050761 33730717 33640663 33720620=20
    33930598 34140585 34280545 33780514 32830520=20
    32240561 31720605 31470662 31160776 31050977=20
    31151119 31241164 31891297 32581283 32901213=20
    32921155 33241082 33750996 34270901=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 00:42:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300042

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0756
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    839 PM EDT Mon Jul 29 2024

    Areas affected...southern IN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 300100Z - 300700Z

    Summary...A favorable environment for organized convection should
    yield thunderstorms capable of 1-3"/hr rainfall rates. Localized
    totals of 3-5" are expected. Scattered instances of flash flooding
    are likely (with some locally significant over potions of southern
    IN and surroundings).

    Discussion...Convection is beginning to manifest over portions of
    the Midwest/Ohio Valley, in the vicinity of a warm front with an
    attendant weak surface low pressure located near Chicago. An
    upper-level trough (at 500 mb) trails just upstream (near a
    corresponding surface cold front), which should provide the
    trigger for deeper convective initiation. Ample instability
    (2000-4000 J/kg) and effective bulk shear (30-40 kts) should act
    to quickly organize convection, which should eventually allow for
    upwind propagation towards the south (likely as an MCS). In the
    meantime, single cell and multi-cell clusters will favor a more
    west-to-east motion (following the deep layer mean wind), which
    could favor localized training/repeating initially. With PWATs of
    1.7-2.0 inches (between the 90th percentile and max moving
    average, per ILN sounding climatology), storms will be capable of
    very heavy rainfall (1-3"/hr rainfall rates).

    Hi-res model guidance has consistently depicted an organized heavy
    rainfall signal since the 12z HREF suite, though the 18z NAM-nest
    and more recent HRRR runs have backed off on the magnitude of the
    signal some (as indicated by a downward trend in the 40-km
    neighborhood exceedance probabilities of the 18z HREF). Even
    still, the probabilities for 5" exceedance are impressive, peaking
    between 15-25% over southern IN and adjacent portions of KY. This
    corresponds with high odds of 10-yr ARI exceedance (30-60%) and
    appreciable odds for 100-yr ARI exceedance (10-20%). While the
    HRRR has consistently depicted a less intense solution (with
    localized totals of only 2-3", and overall less organized), other
    HREF members depict a more realistic depiction of organized
    convection, suggesting localized totals of 3-5". Given the
    impressive environment, scattered instances of flash flooding are
    considered likely (and may be locally significant over southern IN
    and surroundings, especially if 5"+ totals occur).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6M02UoCeX8DLb5hn8eVcDBR-iXT9gpalAubtoX7H6YjYvHTGOgQSofUH-Ch7hxqnHjHD= BnvdsBUKllIBcZ4Wof-5p8U$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40838753 40548572 39738402 38738381 37688423=20
    37138526 37348715 38068938 39709113 40079111=20
    40068996 40338884=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 05:42:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300542

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0757
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    141 AM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern VT...Northern NH...Northwest ME...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 300540Z - 301100Z

    SUMMARY...Stronger thunderstorms directly under upper low will
    limit cell motions with some potential for further development in
    proximity and additional potential for flash flooding over the
    next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic denotes a band of thunderstorms
    has developed within the northern Connecticut River Valley.=20
    Highly anomalous and fairly symmetric mid-level closed low has
    wobbled through Northern New England but appears to be slipping
    eastward. This has brought the core of colder air aloft overhead
    steepening the lapse rates; concurrently RAP analysis supported by
    regional VWP suite has shown a backing of low-level flow with
    15-20kts of 850-700mb southwesterly flow angling through the
    Connecticut River Valley both providing some low level warm
    advection, further enhancing unstable environment but also
    moisture flux as noted by the CIRA LPW sfc-850 and 850-700mb
    layers with values of .75 and .4-.5" in each layer respectively.=20

    Thunderstorms in the northern valley have utilized the enhanced
    unstable air and with the flux have generated a few observations
    of 2"/hr, which in complex terrain is producing MRMS FLASH signals
    of 250-500 cfs/smi, quite indicative of ongoing flash flooding.

    As the closed low continues to lift north-northeast, low-level
    advection should maintain ample moisture/unstable air given 1000
    J/kg of upstream CAPEs, while cell motions will be less than 5kts,
    eventually turning more northeastward across central NH into NW
    ME, with increasing southwesterly flow increasing with the
    north-northeastward exiting upper low. Winds will increase from
    20-25kts in the low levels with some increasingly unidirectional
    850-500mb flow to support potential repeating/cross tracks of
    thunderstorms with 1.5"/hr rates in short terms across S VT,
    central NH into NW ME.

    Closer to the upper-low across NE VT/N NH, cells will remain
    fairly stationary (~5kts). It is uncertain, if low-level winds are
    southerly enough to replenish instability/moisture flux to
    maintain more than a few more updraft cycles, but an additional
    hour or so is likely to maintain rates over 1.5"/hr and continue
    to produce likely flash flooding in the near term.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5kczedfpVbEz1Xly1GG8cfSv6PD6u0PMERGX4JB9tl7-2UwYIVSuE29BvJ7Ki6Qwi-iT= eATPiRIEi814KHd-kQ3n5mA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45527018 45396983 45026970 44507004 43887063=20
    43267120 43267229 43497260 44237262 44897225=20
    45217154 45497093=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 12:11:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301211

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0758
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    809 AM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Areas affected...Far southeast South Dakota, western and central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301208Z - 301700Z

    Summary...Training and showers and thunderstorms will move
    southeast through the morning. Rainfall rates may exceed 2"/hr at
    times, leading to a corridor of 2-3" of rainfall with locally
    higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic early this morning
    indicates an expansion of convection from from NW IA back into
    central SD. These thunderstorms are forming along the convergent
    nose of a LLJ which is observed via regional VWPs to be out of the
    S/SW at 25-30 kts, drawing higher MUCAPE of 2000-3000 J/kg
    northward. At the same time, a weak mid-level impulse noted in WV
    imagery is pivoting eastward across SD to work in tandem with the
    LFQ of a modest upper jet streak to drive additional ascent. PWs
    across the area as measured by GPS are around 1.1-1.3 inches,
    around the 75th percentile for the date, which when combined with
    the elevated MUCAPE is providing a favorable environment for heavy
    rain rates. Convection has expanded rapidly in the past hour
    across SD, with some backbuilding of radar-estimated rain rates
    over 1"/hr.

    The CAMs are struggling to initialize the current activity, and
    feature a wide variety of solutions through the morning. This is
    lowering confidence in the evolution the activity today, but the
    ingredients suggest an increasing flash flood risk the next
    several hours. As the LLJ only slowly veers more to the W/SW, it
    will continue to surge elevated instability northward into the
    region of greatest ascent. Mean 0-6km winds of 15-20 kts suggest
    progressive storms which will limit the duration of heavy rates
    within any cell, but Corfidi vectors becoming increasingly right
    of this mean wind suggest an enhanced training potential as cells
    build back into SD and then train into IA. The HREF neighborhood
    probabilities suggest a 30-40% (5-10%) chance for 1"/hr (2"/hr)
    rates, which through training could produce 2-3" of rain with
    locally higher amounts. Exactly where the heaviest rain axis sets
    up is still very uncertain, but the ingredients suggest it will
    occur somewhere in the vicinity of the convergence of the LLJ,
    which is supported primarily by the ARW2 and RRFSp1 members.

    NASA SPoRT 0-40cm soil moisture percentiles are above 80-90% from
    far eastern SD into much of IA due to recent rain, and this is
    reflected by locally compromised 3-hr FFG as low as 1.5-2"/hr. Due
    to the spread of the CAMs, the HREF exceedance probabilities are
    modest at just 10-20%, but it is still possible that any enhanced
    training of these intense rain rates could result in isolated
    instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-zMK30NEbzIr4GDWwB4hYN5IXspnxItl4BOga2EOmnLc9lB32qQvJ9-kM2smRDyR8GQP= GekAnh550D8MRJFgAm9v-BI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43749740 43619624 43369547 43009425 42429280=20
    41819220 41309197 40829226 40729287 40709428=20
    40999533 41849623 42679699 43229774 43519770=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 17:44:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301744

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0759
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    143 PM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Areas affected...Kentucky, Tennessee

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301742Z - 302330Z

    Summary...A combination of increasing diurnal thunderstorms and a
    fast moving MCS will produce axes of heavy rain through the
    afternoon. Rainfall rates of 1-3"/hr are possible, which could
    produce rainfall of 2-3" with locally higher amounts. Instances of
    flash flooding may result.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon indicates an
    MCS downstream of a convectively enhanced shortwave diving rapidly
    across southern IN into western KY. Rainfall rates immediately
    downstream of this MCS have been estimated via KLVX as high as
    1.5"/hr, but motion has been progressive. Farther downstream,
    additional convective development has begun as far east as the
    Cumberland Plateau. This more typical diurnal development is
    occurring in a favorable pre-convective environment characterized
    by PWs of 1.7 to 2.0 inches overlapping MLCAPE of 2000-3000 J/kg.
    850mb inflow of around 20 kts measured by regional VWPs is locally
    backing in response to the incoming shortwave, but is generally
    originating from the higher CAPE/PW to advect even greater
    thermodynamics into the region.

    The high-res CAMs are really struggling to resolve ongoing
    activity due to poor handling of the multiple convective
    shortwaves embedded within the otherwise broad NW flow. The ARW is
    at least suggesting the potential increase in convective coverage,
    but is missing the MCS, while the other high res models have very
    little semblance of the current activity. This creates a
    lower-than-typical confidence forecast. However, with robust
    thermodynamic advection persisting, the environment is likely to
    remain primed to support intense thunderstorms, and despite the
    model disagreement, both HREF and REFS 2"/hr rain rate
    probabilities reach 10-20%, with locally higher rain rates
    possible as forecast by isolated HRRR 15-min rainfall
    accumulations as high as 0.75". Storms should remain progressive
    on 0-6km mean winds of 20-30 kts, limiting the duration of these
    heavy rain rates, but plentiful 0-6km bulk shear will help
    organize convection (or maintain the ongoing MCS) to support
    either repeating rounds or brief training of cells. More
    importantly, convection increasing downstream of the MCS will help
    prime the soils with heavy rain before the MCS sweeps through,
    resulting in locally as much as 3+" of rain, enhancing the flash
    flood risk.

    The antecedent conditions across KY and TN are vulnerable to rapid
    runoff, increasing the otherwise modest flash flood risk. 7-day
    rainfall according to AHPS has been as much as 300% of normal
    (highest in TN) leading to 3-hr FFG as low as 1-1.5". While any
    individual fast moving cell probably won't result in flash
    flooding, where multiple rounds can occur across the more
    sensitive soils or terrain features, instances of flash flooding
    could result.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!82UuumEVEVhb71pViQtGauc5Xjpj0WOcfeYzcxYBMgMGVHd7KGKBgJlr5AL3XnBGbHUK= Q6npYwN5S1XJY9ohX0pwjxA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38138671 38028577 37518421 36618223 36188208=20
    35678249 35428302 35288378 35218403 35548575=20
    36718719 37458773 37928844 38108767=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 20:32:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302032

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0760
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    431 PM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Areas affected...Southern IA...Northeast MO...West Central IL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 302030Z - 310200Z

    Summary...Showers and storms increasing in coverage this afternoon
    and into the early evening hours may result in some instances of
    flooding, mainly where storms train and also across areas that
    have picked up heavy rain earlier today.

    Discussion...Regional Doppler radars and GOES 16 infrared
    satellite imagery indicate a growing complex of training storms
    situated across south-central Iowa, producing 1-2 inch per hour
    rainfall rates. Parts of this region have already received over
    1.5 inches since daybreak from earlier convection, and this
    additional rainfall on saturated soils will increase the potential
    for flash flooding. A second area of concern exists across east
    central Missouri where another complex of storms with multiple
    rounds of heavy rainfall has recently developed.

    The latest CAM guidance suite appears to be underdone with
    forecast QPF across the region when compared to ongoing radar
    trends, including the HRRR which is not handling this complex of
    storms well at all. The potential exists for localized 2-3 inch
    rainfall totals through 9 pm local time, with much of this likely
    to fall within a 90-minute time period for any given location.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_6FtsTkawWu6kZNiT5p4GgJqQwywekq7JNdmJvMH7Z8uCk9c74gy_R-r_VRdYMfHIa4u= 289ZD7H2nLc3_96K84HhpVY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41919325 41709271 41259139 40709028 40078897=20
    39418842 38368855 37568924 37799084 38279243=20
    38969313 39519302 40209251 40969329 41359398=20
    41579401 41899387=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 21:29:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302129

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0761
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    527 PM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Areas affected...Central PA...Central NY...Northern VT...Northern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 302127Z - 310200Z

    Summary...Showers and storms are expected to persist through the
    evening hours. Multiple rounds of heavy rainfall are expected for
    portions of the outlook area, and some instances of flash flooding
    will be possible where high rainfall rates persist over any given
    area through 10 pm local time.

    Discussion...Regional Doppler radars are indicating an increase in multi-cellular convection across northern New York, and a separate
    area of training convection across portions of south-central PA.=20
    The overall environment is becoming conducive for heavy rainfall,
    with PWs increasing to near 1.7 to 2.0 inches per recent SPC
    mesoanalysis, along with mixed layer CAPE on the order of 1500 to
    2000 J/kg. A moist 850 mb flow of 20-30 mph from the southwest is
    advecting copious moisture into the region, and the potential
    exists for some back-building convection that could result in some
    1-2 inch per hour rainfall rates.

    The latest CAM guidance has some scattered enhanced QPF maxima
    north of the Interstate 90 corridor in Upstate New York, and also
    across portions of central PA, with the NAM conest, FV3, and to a
    lesser extent the HRRR picking up on this potential. Portions of
    northern Vermont and New Hampshore that were hammered with
    torrential rainfall last night will be more susceptible to
    flooding issues if slow moving storms develop across that area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9YhzLh5B8FvxCfrQ2WUNcdpw-XxLCsI_JdjcmRccjgDf3CbZpcJjtlkW5bKpy-kHvUxG= N_C-r0RJMwkHOS_R1Y-msQ4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45047296 45037201 44877100 44177118 43617162=20
    43467251 43537358 43187452 42577524 41997564=20
    41237615 40037698 39537769 39547839 40017845=20
    40597794 41197827 41667817 42407722 43257631=20
    44207613 44937495 45037401=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Jul 30 23:37:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302337

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0762
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    736 PM EDT Tue Jul 30 2024

    Areas affected...Southern IL...Southern IN...Western
    KY...Southeast MO...Central TN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 302336Z - 310500Z

    Summary...Showers and storms increasing in coverage this evening
    in association with an MCS may result in some additional instances
    of flash flooding, mainly where storms train and also across areas
    that have picked up heavy rain earlier today.

    Discussion...Regional Doppler radars and GOES 16 infrared
    satellite imagery indicate a developing MCS across southern
    Illinois and into adjacent portions of southern Indiana and
    eastern Missouri, with a slow overall movement towards the
    southeast. Parts of this region have already received over 2
    inches of rain over the past 24 hours, and this additional
    rainfall on saturated soils will increase the potential for flash

    The overall atmospheric set-up remains favorable for training
    convection. The latest SPC mesoanalysis depicts anomalous PWs on
    the order of 2.0-2.3 inches, mixed layer CAPE approaching 3500
    J/kg, and modest convergence of 850 mb flow across the region.=20
    Outflow boundaries from the previous MCS that passed through will
    also serve as lifting mechanisms in this very unstable environment.

    The CAM guidance suite varies in its overall depiction of the MCS
    and its evolution/track, but it appears the ARW and the WRF have a
    decent overall solution, and the HRRR also shows this but probably
    underdone some with QPF totals. The potential exists for localized
    2-3 inch rainfall amounts through 5Z, with much of this likely to
    fall within a two hour time period for any given location.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6KsetvWKrU-HTPiuEnbTDTBztgJhqV9SfkhOBmfsLsVOCuc6cO8KyV_JjPwub0bHQLJT= CwNnLgdWCZaGVZPlC1Smqwk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38718742 38698662 38168546 37158460 36188465=20
    35508631 36258809 36488905 36989055 37659090=20
    37958975 38468856=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 06:40:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310640

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0763
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    240 AM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...Much of Southern IA...Northeast MO...Far
    Northwest IL...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 310640Z - 311230Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing convective activity with increasing rates of
    potential of repeating/training and spots of 2-4" crossing
    recently wetted ground conditions resulting in possible flash
    flooding through daybreak.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a quick moving shortwave
    along the SD/NEB border moving into W IA currently at the apex of
    the larger mid-level ridge scale ridge. At the surface a pair of
    weaker surface waves can be seen along the central KS/NEB border
    with a bowed warm front peaking in latitude near OLU to OMA before
    the sharpened theta-E gradient defines the stationary front across
    SW IA, north-central MO into SE MO. Given the movement of the
    shortwave, low-level jet has responded with slightly veering but
    accelerating to 25-35kts per VWP across SE NEB enhancing nearly
    orthogonal isentropic ascent/convergence with the frontal boundary
    across SW IA. CIRA LPW in the sfc-850mb layer (given low to mid
    70s Tds at the surface) has risen to .85" in the layer and
    moisture flux values are nearing 200 kg/m/s which places those
    ranks in the 95th to 99th percentiles; this continues into the
    850-700mb layer, but the 700mb moisture axis is a tad narrower,
    but focused over SW IA within the southeast quadrant of the
    shortwave. Total PWat values are starting increasing from 1.75 to
    near 2".

    RAP analysis shows highly conditionally unstable environment with
    CAPE values over 4000 J/kg but remain strongly capped generally
    west of the Missouri River. This weakens a bit to the east and
    give the deep layer moisture flux convergence, convective activity
    has perked up with numerous updrafts starting to congeal into a
    more traditional looking WAA convective arc. Deep layer flow is
    not as ideally unidirectional through the steering layer to be
    parallel to the boundary, but should be sufficient for
    training/repeat elements particularly concerning for upstream
    redevelopment near/along the frontal zone as the LLJ veers more
    westerly with time. This places west-central to
    central/south-central IA broadening across E/SE Iowa into
    Northeast MO in greatest potential for 2"/hr cells with training.
    Cell motions should be fast too, limiting any given cell's
    residency. So potential is greater for 2.5-3.5" totals but an
    isolated 4"+ is still at a lower probability but not to be
    unexpected through the early morning hours.

    Flash flooding is considered likely given current trends, looks
    like areas that have seen recent heavier rainfall and increased
    soil saturation from Dallas/Warren to Wapello, Des Monies counties
    have another higher potential, further increasing potential for
    limited infiltration and increased run-off. NASA SPoRT 0-40cm
    saturation ratios are in the mid 60s to upper 70%; and so FFG
    values of less than 1.5"/hr and less than 2"/3hrs. Drier grounds
    to the south and west, should be able to handle increased rainfall
    up to 2.5"/hr and 3.5"/3hrs, so if cells become more surface
    rooted near the front, better training and higher rainfall
    generation potential (deeper cloud depth) still could pose a risk
    for some spots of flash flooding and have been included in the
    area contingent on further south and west development near the
    surface front.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5uiAnc6ibMoA3wKFp4LkKt0H7Dp1-RIzM1DJOjgI4_oPg4Dj_LUlPhitpHd2DlwKdhOb= XR8ay27huKGVEZYkOJjRERY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42379338 42209197 41839107 41209026 40319031=20
    39779107 39729194 39899274 40699402 41109476=20
    41329540 41769572 42219518=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 12:23:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311222

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0764
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    822 AM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Kentcuky, eastern Tennessee

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311221Z - 311730Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms developing ahead of a
    vorticity maxima will expand into eastern KY and TN this morning.
    Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are likely, which may produce spots of
    1-3" of rainfall leading to instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning depicts a
    rapid expansion of convective activity from far southern Ohio
    southward through Kentucky and into northern Tennessee. This
    convection is blossoming immediately downstream of a compact but
    potent vorticity maxima analyzed by the RAP and noted in the
    GOES-E WV imagery embedded within the broad NW flow. The
    accompanying PVA and subtle height falls are combining with weak
    LFQ diffluence to produce locally enhanced ascent. This lift is
    impinging into impressive thermodynamics as W/NW 850mb flow surges
    MUCAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg eastward to combine with PWs of 1.5 to
    1.8 inches to produce an environment favorable for heavy rain

    The guidance is struggling to resolve any of the ongoing activity,
    and it appears the high-res CAMs are generally missing the
    accompanying vorticity impulse responsible for this convection.
    The ARW and ARW2 are really the only two that suggest this morning
    activity should be occurring, so the evolution the next few hours
    is significantly dependent on an ingredients based approach and
    these two outputs. As bulk shear increases to 25-35 kts in the
    presence of the mid-level impulse, and the more robust
    thermodynamics get advected eastward, this should result in an
    expansion of convection with some organization into clusters
    through the late morning. Despite the lack of model agreement, the
    HREF neighborhood probabilities suggest rainfall rates have a
    20-40% chance of exceeding 1"/hr, supported by the elevated CAPE
    and PWs. Although mean 0-6km winds are progressive at 15-20 kts,
    aligned propagation vectors to the long-axis of the developing
    convection could result in at least short-term training from NW to
    SE, resulting in corridors of 1-3" of rainfall.

    This region has been extremely wet recently with 7-day AHPS
    rainfall anomalies reaching 150-300% of normal in southern KY and
    much of eastern TN. This has caused a lowering of 3-hr FFG to less
    than 1.5" in many places, for which the HREF forecasts a 20-25%
    chance of exceedance despite a lack of model agreement.
    Additionally, MRMS 24-hr rainfall has been 2-4", which resulted in
    some instances of flash flooding yesterday. While flash flooding
    is not expected to be widespread, any heavy rain rates falling
    atop urban areas or sensitive soils could cause impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8VCfEBUZEh8XqRipiSpTxJqZYxRMcJo9kil67GHlc5rnAcJroYYJgmi84ELQWY_UXwWT= Paa8ETEULxWv1D6elRebG44$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39378478 38968373 37848276 36888248 36058253=20
    35548268 34988353 34838420 34898480 35558561=20
    37088602 38528558=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 13:06:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311306

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0765
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    905 AM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...southeast Iowa, northeast Missouri, central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311305Z - 311800Z

    Summary...Convection continuing in the vicinity of an MCV moving
    into Illinois will train to the east through the morning. Rainfall
    rates of 1-3"/hr are likely, which could result in 2-3" of rain
    with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...A localized spin noted in the regional radar mosaic
    over west-central Illinois is associated with a
    convectively-enhanced MCV which has spun out of an overnight MCS
    tracking across Iowa. Although the general organization of this
    MCS has weakened a bit with the veering of the LLJ, a southward
    advancing outflow boundary (OFB) west of the MCV is continuing to
    be a focus for additional convection. The thunderstorms blossoming
    along this axis are responding to convergent moist flow as 15-20
    kts of 850mb wind converges into the OFB. This is producing
    enhanced ascent through convergence and isentropic lift, into an
    environment favorable for heavy rain rates due to PWs of nearly 2
    inches and MLCAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg. Radar estimated rain rates
    from KDVN have been around 1.5"/hr in the training convection,
    leading to FLASH responses of 250 cfs/smi unit streamflow beneath
    ongoing flash flood warnings.

    The high-res CAMs are in general agreement that this MCS will
    persist for a few more hours before decaying, but there is quite a
    bit of variability in placement and intensity which is reflected
    by low qpf EAS probabilities. The HRRR and ARWs are a bit
    suppressed with the axis of heavier rainfall, in general, which is
    reasonable and supported by the ingredients and placement of the
    OFB which should be the primary focus for additional redevelopment
    this morning. Regardless, rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are likely,
    with the HRRR 15-min rainfall accumulation forecasting up to 0.75"
    in some areas, suggesting short-duration 3"/hr rates are possible.
    With thermodynamics continuously being drawn into the OFB and mean
    850-300mb winds aligned to that boundary, training of echoes is
    supported as storms regenerate and advect to the E/SE, following
    the instability gradient around the periphery of a ridge to the
    west. Where the most prolonged training of the most intense rates
    occurs, 2-3" of rain is possible with locally higher amounts.

    Far southeast Iowa through much of Illinois has been wet in the
    past 7 days, with rainfall as much as 300% of normal leading to
    0-40cm soil moisture from NASA SPoRT that is above the 95th
    percentile. This suggests that any heavy rain will quickly
    overwhelm soils leading to rapid runoff, and where training takes
    place could result in instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6WQ4B9u6px0XAWs1msPnSdHQSxnW9vRSAxQ2x0eXk-DwKDgnw5R2ty6fvqc7EYDg3Zyc= q1BUSTcNGBdzSGUTYhgB2Bk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41469188 41319027 41108931 40698826 40028769=20
    39308760 38838805 38668869 38798963 39349110=20
    39919240 40309323 40869332 41149310 41409266=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 16:23:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311623

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0766
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1223 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Upstate New York into central and
    northern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311630Z - 312230Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand in coverage and
    lift northward through the evening. Rainfall rates of 1-2+"/hr are
    likely, which through repeated rounds could produce 2-3" of rain
    with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon shows a
    rapid expansion of convective development blossoming across New
    England and Upstate New York. These thunderstorms are developing
    within favorable thermodynamics characterized by PWs measured by
    GPS and morning U/A soundings of 1.75 to 2 inches, nearing the
    daily record according to the SPC sounding climatology, and MLCAPE
    that has climbed to around 1000 J/kg. Into this environment,
    forcing for ascent is impinging from the south and west through
    weak vorticity maxima embedded within the flow and the broad
    mid-level trough axis approaching from PA to drive height falls.
    Additionally, a jet streak positioned to the northeast is leaving
    its favorable RRQ over New England to additionally enhance deep
    layer lift. Rainfall rates within this fresh convection have
    generally remained around 1"/hr, but increasing glaciation noted
    in the GOES-E day cloud phase imagery collocated with increasing
    lightning cast probabilities indicates updrafts are strengthening
    and rainfall rates should quickly follow.

    The CAMs are in good agreement that convection will expand,
    although the exact placement of what will be primarily scattered
    cells or multi-cells through 20-25 kts of bulk shear is uncertain.
    This is reflected by modest 1"/6hrs EAS probabilities, but
    high(>80%) and moderate(>30%) neighborhood probabilities for 1"
    and 3", respectively, in 6 hours. There is high confidence that
    convection will expand as thermodynamic advection continues from
    the south pushing PWs to broadly over 2" and SBCAPE to nearly 2000
    J/kg in much of New England and Upstate NY. These cells will
    generally lift northward progressively on 0-6km mean winds of
    15-20 kts, but the widespread coverage should result in multiple
    rounds in many areas. Additionally, nearly unidirectional flow
    noted in morning soundings suggests brief training is possible
    along narrow N-S corridors. Rain rates will likely reach 1-2"/hr
    in most of these cells, and the HRRR 15-min accumulation product
    suggests locally 0.75"+ of rain is possible this evening which
    indicates brief intense rates to 3"/hr are possible. These axes of
    enhanced training are where the heaviest rainfall is expected, and
    this is most likely from far eastern Upstate NY into much of VT
    where 2-3" of rain is possible.

    FFG across the region has been compromised from recent heavy
    rainfall, and there are some local minimums of less than 1.5"/3hrs
    in the Green Mountains and Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. This area
    is generally sensitive anyway due the terrain features supporting
    rapid runoff when rates become intense, but the antecedent rain
    has made the area even more vulnerable. The generally progressive
    nature will be somewhat inhibiting to impacts, but where any
    short-duration training or repeated rounds can occur, instances of
    flash flooding will be possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Gx4JBLyxXCis3QuuHXeomwH4hmjj6jdaPxirNCDGefoFs_UGPqbPDL0o1Pc-gFlCX_W= AAqN205drZZYstTbaasdrkI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45357189 45257096 45107019 44617028 44087068=20
    43527152 43257207 42827239 42437277 42207338=20
    42577393 43267425 44157421 45147397=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 17:08:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311708

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0767
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    107 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...southeast Iowa, northeast Missouri, central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311706Z - 312100Z

    Summary...An MCS ongoing this afternoon will continue to drive
    training convection from NW to SE with rainfall rates of 2"/hr.
    This could produce an axis of 2-3" of additional rainfall with
    locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...Persistent MCS noted on the regional radar mosaic is
    continuing to drive training of cells with heavy rain rates across
    southern IA and into western IL. Although the primary MCV has
    shifted east well away from the area, the lingering convergent
    boundary to its W/SW continues to be an impetus convective
    development. This is due in part to 15-20 kts SW 850mb winds
    driving WAA into the region, with persistent thermodynamic
    advection of elevated PWs and CAPE accompanying this flow. This is
    also lifting isentropically above a stationary front analyzed by
    WPC over Missouri, and converging efficiently into axis of
    convection. Extremely steep lapse rates between 850-500mb, an EML,
    was measured on the 12Z U/A soundings out of LBF and OAX, which is
    also being advected downstream to allow convection to continuously
    regnerate. Rainfall rates of 1-2"+/hr have resulted in a narrow
    corridor of 1-4+" of rain this morning, and flash flood warnings
    are currently in effect.

    The high-res CAMs are really struggling with the activity today,
    and in reality none of them models are analyzing the current
    activity correctly. This causes lower than typical confidence in
    the evolution, but the ingredients and observations suggest the
    flash flood threat will persist for a few more hours. 850mb winds
    are progged to remain out of the SW, which will continue to
    originate from a plume of 8C/km mid-level lapse rates to resupply
    impressive thermodynamics northward. With little change in the
    environment, mean 0-6km winds and nearly aligned propagation
    vectors to this convergent axis suggests storms will repeatedly
    develop along the outflow boundary and then advect southeast. Rain
    rates should continue at 1-2"/hr, which through training could
    produce an additional 2-3" of rainfall.

    One concern about the next several hours is the outflow boundary
    which has appeared on the GOES-E visible imagery recently, and is
    beginning to shift southeast a bit faster to outrun the
    convection. While this boundary could serve as a continued focus
    for convergent ascent, if it outraces the most intense instability
    gradient or moves farther south into less saturated antecedent
    soils, it could cause a wane in the flash flood risk. While it is
    probable this will slowly occur in the next few hours, until that
    time, any training of these intense rates across sensitive soils
    could cause additional flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Iedc3BnZxtEjlKZDIeWAI0u4JkV9beIBTf2oG2ZxX7iv9gc2qVt0L7vUmlaUR4LuhBn= Q8qvOG9XAXlN7HyiiWM91nc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41359202 40848982 39558799 39028805 38718916=20
    39149129 39789289 40509363 41109364=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 17:39:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311739

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0768
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    138 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...southern Arizona, southern New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311738Z - 312330Z

    Summary...Destabilizing atmosphere will support a slow expansion
    of showers and thunderstorms through the afternoon. Rainfall rates
    may reach as high as 1"/hr in the deeper convection, which through
    slow motion could result in 0.75-1.5" of rain in a short period.
    Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E day cloud phase RGB product and
    accompanying lightning cast probabilities indicate that updrafts
    are strengthening within a destabilizing atmosphere across
    portions of the Southwest. This is concurrently reflected by
    increasing Cu/TCu noted in the visible imagery. At the same time,
    a shortwave lifting out of Chihuahua is evident as a weak spin in
    reflectivity moving towards far SW New Mexico. Downstream of this
    impulse, MLCAPE as measured by the SPC RAP has surged to 1000-1500
    J/kg in far southern NM and AZ, collocated with PWs as measured by
    GPS as high as 1.1 to 1.3 inches, nearing the 90th percentile for
    the date. A few showers have already developed in southern NM, and
    it is likely coverage will continue to expand impressively in the
    next few hours.

    Although low-level inflow on 850-700mb winds are just 10 kts, this
    is sufficient to surge moisture flux above +1.5 sigma into
    southern AZ since PWs are anomalous. This will occur in tandem
    with a slow but steady rise in MLCAPE which may reach 2000 J/kg in
    southern AZ by late this aftn, and still around 1000 J/kg farther
    east into NM. This robust environment will become increasingly
    impinged upon by the shortwave lifting northwest, and this will
    result in rapidly increasing coverage and intensity of convection
    over southern Arizona. This is reflected both by high-res CAMs and
    the UA WRF, with rain rates progged by the HREF potentially
    reaching above 1"/hr at times, leading to accumulations of
    0.75-1.5" just 1-2 hours according to the UA WRF precipitation
    product. Additionally, a slow increase of 0-6km bulk shear will
    allow for some storm organization northwest of the shortwave,
    potentially leading to clusters of storms with a longer duration
    of these heavy rain rates. This could result in several instances
    of flash flooding across southern AZ this aftn into this evening
    despite storm motions that may reach 10-15 kts.

    Farther to the east over southern NM, the iteration of the
    shortwave is likely to be less robust as it just grazes the
    region, but slower storm motions and a more favorably placed RRQ
    of an upper jet streak could result in very slow moving storms of
    just around 5 kts with equally impressive rain rates. This could
    cause isolated instances of flash flooding, but impacts will be
    most likely across any urban areas or sensitive burn scars.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_jgmsjJ8_bn7Ox6sPcPLLQ9YnbADuz3ATJGqGrfhMCaY_YyL7rpeWb7oR6GRFoRkzSHI= daZlnaOJpSqDXRTfOcbBHl4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34350930 34340819 34010774 33710717 33580639=20
    33600576 33380528 32950511 32550521 32520610=20
    32630689 32640765 32360809 31930820 31520816=20
    31190829 30980938 31241119 31541210 32341219=20
    32761174 33161125 33541087 33961032=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 18:27:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311827

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0769
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    226 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern ND...Northeast SD...Central MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311825Z - 010000Z

    SUMMARY...A slow moving line of intense convection from an MCS
    over the Red River Valley will likely have rainfall rates
    exceeding 1 inch/30 minutes as it passes through, which may lead
    to some instances of flooding through 7 pm CDT.

    DISCUSSION...Regional Doppler radars are indicating a healthy MCS
    with robust convection near the ND/MN line, and some additional
    convection trying to develop behind it across portions of
    northeast SD. Some bookend vortices within the main convective
    line may result in some instances of convective training that
    could lead to some 2-3+ inch rainfall totals over a 2-hour time
    period. There is good overall agreement in the CAM guidance suite
    for this scenario, with patchy QPF maxima of 2-4 inches through 7
    pm local time.

    Meteorological parameters are conducive for this event to continue
    into the afternoon hours. The latest SPC mesoanalysis depicts PWs
    on the order of 1.5 to 1.75 inches, in combination with impressive
    instability given mixed layer CAPE of 3000-4000 J/kg ahead of an
    incoming surface cold front. Additionally, lift is also being
    aided by modest right entrance region dynamics from a 250 mb jet
    max over southwest Ontario, and a convergent 850 mb flow just
    south of the main convective complex, along with outflow
    boundaries from earlier storms. Therefore, some instances of
    flash flooding will be possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7if-IaLJkD3nmcdxxw_pwPrYarGtjEir2nc0AeQRgIIXF3H76FmYyhHUyzHKd3w8wBCh= XZmag8z-K-n8JcPjRW_GpSg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48159570 48119495 47899362 47479258 46779237=20
    45789290 44829405 44839674 45079837 45639889=20
    46419775 47349730 47809702 48069654=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 18:46:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311846

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0770
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    245 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...southern Indiana, central Kentucky, eastern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 311844Z - 010030Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will increase ahead of a
    shortwave and train to the southeast into this evening. Rainfall
    rates of at least 2"/hr are likely at times, resulting in
    additional rainfall of 2-3" with locally higher amounts. Flash
    flooding is likely.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible satellite imagery this afternoon
    shows rapidly deepening Cu/TCu aligned NW to SE from far southeast
    IN into southeast KY. This is reflective of deepening convection
    ahead of a residual convective MCV noted in radar and satellite
    dropping into southern IN, and the regional radar mosaic shows a
    rapid expanse in reflectivity showing that these updrafts are
    rapidly transitioning into showers and thunderstorms. The
    environment downstream of the MCV is quite impressive and
    favorable for thunderstorms, with PWs of 1.7-2.0 inches collocated
    with MLCAPE as high as 3000 J/kg. There exists a tight instability
    gradient from SW to NE as well, suggesting that convection will
    dive along this boundary to the southeast as it organizes into
    multicells or another MCS in response to 30-35 kts of bulk shear.

    Rainfall rates so far have been somewhat limited to less than
    1"/hr in current activity, but this is more a response to just
    being in the early stages of development rather than being within
    a limited environment. The HREF neighborhood probabilities suggest
    a 15-20% chance for 2"/hr rates this evening, while the HRRR
    15-min rainfall product indicates brief 3-4"/hr rates are
    possible. A recent polar orbiter pass and NUCAPS sounding over
    central KY indicates an impressive pre-MCS environment with PWs
    around 1.7 inches and freezing levels of 14,000 ft with modest
    mid-level lapse rates to support efficient warm-rain processes, so
    these rainfall rate predictions seem reasonable. Mean 850-300mb
    winds are forecast to be progressive at 15-25 kts to the
    southeast, but aligned and collapsed Corfidi vectors suggest cells
    will likely regenerate and train, at least until the MCS organizes
    and sweeps through to the southeast. Areas that receive an overlap
    of slow moving pre-MCS storms, and the MCS, could see 2-3" of rain
    with locally higher amounts as shown by HREF 3"/6hr neighborhood
    probabilities of 15-25%.

    Most concerning about this setup is that these heavy rain rates,
    even from individual cells, will be falling atop pre-conditioned
    soils. MRMS 24-hr rainfall has been as high as 4 inches (highest
    in southern KY and northeast TN), with 7-day rainfall from AHPS
    generally 150-300% of normal. This has compromised FFG across most
    of this area, with sensitive terrain features also increasing the
    potential for rapid runoff. Any cells moving through this area,
    especially where they occur multiple times to repeat heavy bouts
    of rainfall, will likely result in instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!84C-8txXyZTnut81cPU8qwYm_ekB96DQ4ZzEWiEeJMhg0ilW0z9wM_tnYoc_VHlJAIXq= oeeflnCTYSLem7m7xNIr1kg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39738720 39648611 39238495 38678428 37478362=20
    36478331 35728335 35278376 35268447 35518544=20
    35948582 36708592 37278633 38268770 38628820=20
    39028809 39338781=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 22:41:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 312241

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0771
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    640 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast NY...Central VT...Central NH...Western

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 312239Z - 010200Z

    Summary...Numerous showers and some thunderstorms are likely to
    continue across northern New England through about 10 pm local
    time. Given the multiple rounds of heavy rainfall, combined with
    very wet antecedent conditions in some areas, flash flooding
    remains a possibility with the heaviest convection.

    Discussion...Regional radars indicate convection has been slow to
    diminish early this evening, with numerous slow moving heavy
    showers with rainfall rates still approaching an inch per hour.
    The overall atmospheric environment remains conducive for
    additional heavy rainfall over the next few hours, with a steady
    low level southwesterly inflow advecting anomalous PWs near or
    slightly above 2 inches across the region. Large scale ascent is
    also being provided by an incoming 850-500 mb shortwave trough to
    the northwest. There should be a gradual weakening trend with
    loss of daytime heating later this evening.

    The latest CAM guidance suite still indicates the potential for
    some additional 1-2 inch totals across the region over the next
    several hours, and this looks reasonable based on ongoing radar
    trends. This could easily exceed flash flood guidance across
    areas that have been hammered by recent downpours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7k0vczXt0ILGAp3HkfIYdvCGN7oPIU1UIlqEL0pjcEoV_1Zekk3pZEHTQBjwWZu8ShSq= LRwZNfsxDds75z0XiF8O8AU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 47506923 47406872 46656894 45646937 44616991=20
    43967024 43517076 43267134 43217217 43167308=20
    43527351 43977525 44917526 45037381 45087289=20
    45107196 45217141 45487089 45877050 46267036=20
    46717013 47116967=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Jul 31 23:46:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 312346

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0772
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    745 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...Southern AZ...Southeast CA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 312344Z - 010400Z

    Summary...Slow moving thunderstorms across southern Arizona will
    continue to produce locally heavy downpours that could result in
    some instances of flooding through 4Z.

    Discussion...Regional Doppler radars and GOES 16 infrared
    satellite imagery continue to indicate a complex of slow moving
    storms across the southern Arizona deserts, mainly south of the
    Interstate 8 corridor. There is a 500 mb vortmax that is passing
    through the region, and this will help to sustain this activity
    through the next several hours as it tracks closer to the Colorado
    River. There is still ample CAPE and anomalous PWs across this
    region with deep monsoonal moisture in place, supporting the
    potential for storms with locally high rainfall rates exceeding an
    inch per hour. The latest CAM guidance suite still has some
    patchy 1-2 inch rainfall maxima through about 4Z, after which the
    convection should start to wane with loss of daytime heating. As
    a result, some instances of flooding will be possible with the
    strongest and most persistent convection.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4_KxbSICQWwtBKCOr_x3HMpU9SjomKQM8QTQfXaNmb7Y4NvTDl2OEov5qe6C6pr_ou7o= 24OzjD9CldytvUW7K4nvFpY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34161427 33971332 33711188 33451108 33091042=20
    32461014 31751021 31301045 31321115 31821281=20
    32151390 32401450 32761523 33831506=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 1 01:08:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010108

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0773
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    906 PM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern SD...Southern MN...Southwest
    WI...Northern IA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 010105Z - 010700Z

    SUMMARY...Multiple clusters of intense thunderstorms increasing in
    coverage through the late evening and early overnight hours may
    lead to some instances of flash flooding, especially across areas
    where storms convectively train and where rainfall rates exceed 1
    inch/30 minutes.

    DISCUSSION...Regional Doppler radars are indicating two separate
    MCS clusters across the outlook area, with robust convection near
    the SD/MN line, and additional strong convection south of the Twin
    Cities. These two clusters are likely to merge and form a single
    larger MCS over the next several hours, with multiple back
    building cells expected.=20

    An outflow boundary currently situated across southern Minnesota
    is intercepting a southerly flow of 15-25 mph at 850 mb. The
    latest SPC mesoanalysis depicts PWs on the order of 1.5 to 1.8
    inches, in combination with impressive instability given mixed
    layer CAPE of 2500-4000 J/kg south of the outflow boundary.=20
    Additionally, lift is also being aided by modest left exit region
    dynamics from a 250 mb jet max overhead, along with outflow
    boundaries from earlier storms.=20

    The latest CAM guidance depicts a corridor of 1-3 inch rainfall
    totals across much of the region, with isolated 4 inch maxima
    possible. The HRRR and ARW appeared to depict things best with
    the highest QPF centered over southern Minnesota, whereas the NAM
    conest and FV3 are probably too far north with their QPF.
    Therefore, some instances of flash flooding will be possible
    through 2 am local time.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9WhSuU3SmcH90A_BhVLn49Jw0nb8me7wc2oBrvd8vMpFqcd1i-__IW6BDNZl2o9ScKYF= cem0YIhco_tZOB3GUmb3b9c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45769449 45429304 44859195 44119016 43429020=20
    42799088 42769237 42839354 42959466 42879721=20
    43139794 43579816 44499784 45329720 45709609=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 1 09:05:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010905

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0774
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    504 AM EDT Thu Aug 01 2024

    Areas affected...portions of central and eastern KY...surrounding
    portions of IN/TN/VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 010900Z - 011500Z

    Summary...Expected localized rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr may lead to
    localized totals of 2-4". Isolated to scattered instances of flash
    flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Moisture and instability are steadily increasing
    early this morning across much of central/eastern KY and
    surroundings, mainly due to low-level flow (925-850 mb) increasing
    with the noctural enhancement of the low-level jet (LLJ). Most
    evidently, 3-hr changes of 100 mb mean mixing ratio +1-2 g/kg and
    ML CAPE of +200-600+ J/kg have occured (per 08z SPC mesoanalysis),
    and precipitaible water values range from 1.5-1.9 inches (between
    the 75th and 90th percentile, per BNA/ILN sounding climatology).
    With effective bulk shear of 30-40 kts, any convective initiaton
    that is able to occur is capable of organization/longevity (as a
    recent persistent isolated storm near Livingstone/Jamestown, TN
    made quite clear, producing 2-3"/hr rainfall rates for a time).

    While the robustness and coverage of convection are somewhat in
    question, there is enough of a hi-res model signal to indicate
    that isolated to scattered instances of flash flooding will be
    possible this morning (with 2" and 3" exceedance probabilities
    from the 00z HREF 40-km neighborhood method indicating 20-30% and
    ~10% odds, respectively, corresponding with average 6-hr Flash
    Flood Guidance thresholds). While individual HREF members are
    inconsistent with their depictions of convection, more recent HRRR
    runs have suggested that localized 2-3" are possible (with rates
    mostly peaking between 1-2"/hr with ESE storm motions indicated to
    be near 15 kts with little to no training expected).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7BFhICd-waGIpbM9ShC69k5E5xur_DlNH1C0DG0HWQDsEwykpF7xxpRZ_-oVfBEbSEzZ= 11GaTw-1MIoD-U51IjM-59w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38738407 37518262 36278277 36068403 36658567=20
    37198699 38618640=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 1 19:22:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 011922

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0775
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    321 PM EDT Thu Aug 01 2024

    Areas affected...Central Wisconsin

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 011920Z - 020120Z

    Summary...Expanding slow moving convection may result in isolated
    to scattered flash flooding over the next several hours across
    portions of Wisconsin.

    Discussion...Convection is expected to continue to increase in
    coverage over central WI over the next few hours as a well defined
    mid level low moves into the area. Already seeing slow moving
    convection near a stationary front, and the approaching mid level
    low should only increase forcing over this region. The stationary
    front over the area will act as a persistent low level forcing
    mechanism, which combined with relatively weak deep layer mean
    flow, supports slow moving and repeat convection. PWs across this
    axis are around 1.7" and MLCAPE around 1500 j/kg...both supportive
    of heavy rainfall rates. IR imagery indicates the ongoing
    convection is not all that deep...with the more shallow nature of
    convection likely indicative of some warm rain processes
    increasing rainfall efficiency. As the mid level low approaches
    convection will probably grow more vertically with colder cloud
    tops...which may decrease rainfall efficiency a tad, although
    still would expect heavy rainfall rates. The favorable
    thermodynamic environment for heavy rates combined with the slow
    storm motions suggests at least an isolated to scattered flash
    flood risk will exist over the next few hours.

    The 12z HREF neighborhood probabilities of 3" are 30-60%, and
    localized 3"+ totals are supported by recent HRRR runs as well.
    The one limiting factor is the general lack of deep layer shear to organize/maintain convection. Without this ingredient convection
    will probably pulse up and down in intensity and likely limit the
    upper bound of rainfall totals. This is also indicated by the
    significant drop in 5" exceedance probabilities from the HREF
    compared to 3". Overall expect convection to be capable of
    localized ~2"/hr rainfall, with totals over the next 6 hours
    locally getting into the 2-4" range. This is expected to result in
    at least a few instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8-FfiamONE4aKc3fGbodS7iYlqdPwpLZmWXM9Is0lKbPSUOYqcaEeCG-0N9mfWd-ugTm= Mkg6xgI7V3MPv3SNWoP8Zf8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46129002 46128961 46028925 45878904 45368893=20
    44918877 44378823 43838811 43258819 42808848=20
    42778922 43239000 43829045 44259073 44939102=20
    45499104 45839091 46069059=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 1 20:34:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 012034

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0777
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    434 PM EDT Thu Aug 01 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 012033Z - 020233Z

    Summary...Expanding convective coverage and increasing intensity
    suggests at least some flash flood threat likely exists this
    afternoon into evening over portions of northeast NM.

    Discussion...Convection is expanding in coverage and intensity
    across northeast NM over the past couple hours. Easterly post
    frontal upslope flow into the terrain is helping with convective
    initiation across this region. Meanwhile in the upper levels there
    is at least some upper level divergence over northeast NM within
    the right entrance region of a 300mb jet that is over CO and KS.
    Over the past 3 hours SBCAPE has increased by ~600 j/kg, with
    values now between 1500-2500 j/kg. Effective deep layer shear is
    around 20 kts, which may be just enough to help sustain some multi
    cell structure of convection through the afternoon hours.

    Given the favorable environment and recent uptick in convective
    growth per radar and satellite imagery, isolated to scattered
    instances of flash flooding appear probable through the afternoon
    hours. Expect this convection will be capable of locally dropping
    1-2" of rain within an hour and expect to see an increasing flash
    flood threat over the next several hours. The increasing
    convective coverage suggests some of the more sensitive burn scars
    in the region may be impacted, which could result in locally
    significant flood impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4LbRe6PGvvyrgVQc0l5YnH3aZdrCRzrsRGrzohX88VcA6R87gBqdBxEDzlkZy2xk-A0P= IUVZw5XRwfutAfQL7X0nVwk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37040432 37020365 36970312 36700300 35780303=20
    34970406 34640555 34810661 35130684 36320716=20
    36700700 36960602=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 1 21:26:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 012126

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0778
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    526 PM EDT Thu Aug 01 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Indiana and Ohio

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 012125Z - 020325Z

    Summary...Increasing convective coverage and intensity will result
    in isolated to scattered flash flood concerns over portions of
    Indiana and Ohio into this evening.

    Discussion...Convection is beginning to increase in coverage and
    intensity across portions of central IN, and this trend is
    expected to continue into this evening. Over the past 3 hours
    MLCAPE has increased by around 500 j/kg over this corridor, with
    values currently within the 2000-3000 j/kg range. PWs are on the
    increase as well, with values around 2" expected to generally
    cover the area. This environment will be conducive for heavy
    rainfall rates. The improving thermodynamic environment combined
    with an approaching mid level shortwave suggests convective
    coverage will continue to increase over the next few hours.
    Individual cell motions will likely stay rather quick, generally a
    limiting factor for flash flooding. However note a broad southwest
    to northeast oriented convergence axis across IN and OH...which
    should act as a focus for convective development. Given storm
    motions will generally be parallel to this convergence axis, some
    convective training can be expected. In addition, effective bulk
    shear of ~30 kts supports some multi cell organization to
    convection, another factor in locally extending rainfall duration.

    Given these factors, expect an isolated to scattered flash flood
    threat to evolve into the evening hours across portions of central
    IN into OH. The 18z HREF probabilities of exceeding 3 hr FFG get
    as high as 40-70% over portions of the area. HREF 3" neighborhood
    exceedance probabilities are over 40%, but 5" exceedance drops to
    near zero. Recent runs of the HRRR support similar QPF
    amounts...with pockets of 2-4" appearing likely. This portion of
    IN and OH have not been as wet of late, and thus soil saturation
    is actually below average, and streamflows are near to below
    average as well. Thus initially this area should be able to take
    some of the heavy rainfall without impacts. However as convective
    coverage increases and local training occurs, do expect we will
    see an isolated to scattered flash flood risk materialize across
    the region.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6_xWd5D7ase9DzcQVuD8iLe2bWdhingcB-Cl3lP-6FRukfDu92J4Qw8KMUA4cZFxuXFp= 8jmfOmgICWV-knH0oq102KY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41208296 41178240 40938199 40368230 39688298=20
    39378359 39158432 39118482 39108592 39538659=20
    39808671 40068636 40628508 41088349=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 15:50:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021550

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0779
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1150 AM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern Michigan through western Ohio

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021549Z - 022149Z

    Summary...Slow-moving downpours will gradually increase in
    coverage, resulting in several spots of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates
    through 22Z today. Flash flooding is possible - especially in
    urban/low-lying areas.

    Discussion...Recent radar/satellite imagery depicts deepening
    convection across far southeastern Ontario just east of the
    Detroit Metro area. These cores were rather slow-moving due to
    weak wind fields aloft, but were being supported by 1) forcing
    ahead of a mid-level wave over Indiana, 2)
    insolation/destabilization resulting in ~2000 J/kg SBCAPE in the
    pre-convective environment, and 3) weak confluence near a surface
    low over southern Michigan and a weak front extending through the
    area. Additional, yet more isolated areas of deepening convection
    were being depicted via satellite imagery across southern
    Michigan, Indiana, and far northwestern Ohio. Models and
    observations both suggest that convection will become more
    widespread with destabilization and cooling aloft/ascent
    overspreading the region through peak heating hours. Slow storm
    movement and 1.5-1.8 inch PW values should result in areas of
    efficient rainfall rates (exceeding 1 inch/hr at times).

    As convective coverage continues to expand, the rainfall will
    occur across areas of sensitive ground conditions in/near urban
    areas and across portions of Ohio that have experienced 1-4 inch
    rainfall totals (estimated per MRMS) near/north of I-70 in
    Indiana/Ohio. FFG thresholds are the lowest in these areas
    (around 1-1.5 inch/hr), and could be easily exceeded as cells
    materialize across that area this afternoon. Another area of
    concern is near Detroit, where similar FFG thresholds exist amid
    urbanized ground surfaces. Slightly higher FFGs exist across
    northwestern Ohio, which may mitigate a larger-scale flash flood
    threat this afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6MKWrXc_E7vQ8OnNdBtlYjViGIfiWsjyC9sdpbF8fuNddCEideDIQiIj9du8WHELxLp9= M1qpICyxY8Od7YQoXHEfSj4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43108246 41948242 41398224 40698183 39948217=20
    39608324 39708486 41048564 42828499 43098338=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 16:41:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021641

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0780
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1241 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...New Jersey/eastern Pennsylvania into southern New
    York State

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021640Z - 022240Z

    Summary...With progression through the afternoon hours, increasing
    convective coverage and cell mergers/local training should promote
    at least a few areas of excessive runoff. Flash flooding is
    possible through 23Z.

    Discussion...Recent radar/satellite indicates a mature convective
    complex advancing eastward through central Pennsylvania currently.
    Abundant sunshine was occurring ahead of this complex, leading to surface-based destabilization. Additionally, newer convection
    over central New Jersey appeared to be focused along an east-west
    oriented boundary in that vicinity, with a weak wind shift also
    noted via surface obs in the area. Southerly low-level flow was
    maintaining an abundantly moist and destabilizing airmass across
    much of the discussion area, with 1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE and 1.75-2
    inch PW values noted per 16Z SPC Mesoanalyses.

    Both observations and model guidance depict gradually increasing
    convective coverage along and ahead of the eastward-moving central
    PA MCS through the afternoon. Convection forming out ahead of
    this MCS will likely foster a scenario favoring scattered to
    numerous cell mergers, which should locally prolong rain rates and
    result in occasional 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates in a few locales.=20
    Some concern also exists that cell mergers could become focused
    near the aforementioned low-level boundary (currently extending
    from Allentown to New York City) as it lifts slowly northward
    during the afternoon. This area happens to be located near
    relatively low FFG thresholds (in the 1-1.5 inch/hr range),
    suggestive of isolated to scattered flash flood potential. A
    secondary area of concern exists across south-central New York
    State where similarly low FFG thresholds exist and heavier
    downpours should overspread the region in the next 2-3 hours.

    Given the aforementioned scenario, flash flood potential exists
    and is locally highest from northern New Jersey/northeastern
    Pennsylvania northeastward into southwestern New England.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-5cujT23Rp8IcrgnMl1uzxucGRUZIqGxX_vJwehwj2Bs8hT2X2vDx2h2FdvuVpJDAsBI= UkFDvBj6sTWU8mOYIO089Cc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43007325 42827220 42417197 41877207 41537256=20
    40867309 40327406 40067520 40157631 40797661=20
    41607699 42137707 42667623 42987411=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 16:46:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021646

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0780
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1246 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...New Jersey/eastern Pennsylvania into southern New
    York State and southwestern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021642Z - 022242Z

    Summary...With progression through the afternoon hours, increasing
    convective coverage and cell mergers/local training should promote
    at least a few areas of excessive runoff. Flash flooding is
    possible through 23Z.

    Discussion...Recent radar/satellite indicates a mature convective
    complex advancing eastward through central Pennsylvania currently.
    Abundant sunshine was occurring ahead of this complex, leading to surface-based destabilization. Additionally, newer convection
    over central New Jersey appeared to be focused along an east-west
    oriented boundary in that vicinity, with a weak wind shift also
    noted via surface obs in the area. Southerly low-level flow was
    maintaining an abundantly moist and destabilizing airmass across
    much of the discussion area, with 1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE and 1.75-2
    inch PW values noted per 16Z SPC Mesoanalyses.

    Both observations and model guidance depict gradually increasing
    convective coverage along and ahead of the eastward-moving central
    PA MCS through the afternoon. Convection forming out ahead of
    this MCS will likely foster a scenario favoring scattered to
    numerous cell mergers, which should locally prolong rain rates and
    result in occasional 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates in a few locales.=20
    Some concern also exists that cell mergers could become focused
    near the aforementioned low-level boundary (currently extending
    from Allentown to New York City) as it lifts slowly northward
    during the afternoon. This area happens to be located near
    relatively low FFG thresholds (in the 1-1.5 inch/hr range),
    suggestive of isolated to scattered flash flood potential. A
    secondary area of concern exists across south-central New York
    State where similarly low FFG thresholds exist and heavier
    downpours should overspread the region in the next 2-3 hours.

    Given the aforementioned scenario, flash flood potential exists
    and is locally highest from northern New Jersey/northeastern
    Pennsylvania northeastward into southwestern New England.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6pDKiR6_f2AN_8wM8g8Rw-6ce8Kfs0S4_wa8S205LiWknWuYxDb55isPoy0FxYBT9Uuf= L4Vkcz_gObQp5G7fA4yKpeU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43007325 42827220 42417197 41877207 41537256=20
    40867309 40327406 40067520 40157631 40797661=20
    41607699 42137707 42667623 42987411=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 18:28:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021828

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0781
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    228 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern AZ...Much of NM...Far
    Southern CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 021827Z - 030027Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of monsoonal shower and thunderstorm
    activity can be expected today. Given locally heavy rainfall
    rates, isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding
    will be possible. This will include notable concerns once again
    for the area dry washes and especially some of the very sensitive
    burn scar locations.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB satellite
    imagery in conjunction with the latest AI-driven LightningCast
    output indicates CI is imminent across portions of the Sangre De
    Cristo Range of southern CO and north-central NM, and is likely to
    occur soon over areas of the Sacramento Mountains farther south
    over south-central NM.

    SBCAPE values have risen to 1000 to 2000 J/kg across northeast NM
    in close proximity to the higher terrain, and there is some weak
    low-level upslope flow which coupled with localized differential
    heating boundaries should foster the development and expansion of
    scattered areas of convection over the next several hours.
    Meanwhile, locally even higher levels of instability are noted
    across areas of central and eastern AZ, with SBCAPE values up to
    near 2500 J/kg, and convection here will likely initiate within
    the next couple of hours as well over some of the higher terrain
    before then edging off into the open desert locations.

    The steering flow across the region is quite weak, and the cells
    should be rather slow-moving and capable of producing locally
    excessive rainfall totals. The PW environment is seasonably moist
    for this time of the year and consistent with a typical monsoon
    regime. Given the available moisture and instability, plus added
    influence from terrain, some rainfall rates may reach 1.5" to
    2"/hour with the stronger storms as the convection evolves and
    locally expands in coverage heading through the afternoon hours.
    By late afternoon, some spotty 2 to 3+ inch rainfall amounts will
    be possible.

    Multiple very sensitive burn areas including the Hermit's
    Peak/Calf Canyon scar in the Sangre De Cristo Range, and the
    Blue-2, South Fork, Salt, and McBride burn scar complex in the
    Sacramento Mountains will be at risk of locally significant
    impacts should these heavier showers and thunderstorms impact
    these locations which will include flash flooding and debris flow
    concerns. More regionally, there will also be a threat for
    arroyo/dry wash flooding including for areas well away from where
    the heaviest rains occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-DU3HJieg4PAQ7FGgwzH6dsmGbgIGwe9EHTUy8jjE6ag24NUrMSX_IUQNslK9XxH0TkH= ZTYCKGoWUrzmGisa2GcAnPM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38140548 37990474 36920407 35690376 34510384=20
    33500416 32650473 32310544 32440598 33200634=20
    33170703 32490781 31350989 31671204 33331289=20
    34931300 35611247 35781147 35871028 36070890=20
    36610787 37240712 37860622=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 18:45:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021845

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0781...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    243 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Corrected for MPD Graphic and Summary Language

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern AZ...Much of NM...Far
    Southern CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 021827Z - 030027Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of monsoonal shower and thunderstorm
    activity can be expected today. Given locally heavy rainfall
    rates, isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding
    will be likely. This will include notable concerns once again for
    the area dry washes and especially some of the very sensitive burn
    scar locations.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB satellite
    imagery in conjunction with the latest AI-driven LightningCast
    output indicates CI is imminent across portions of the Sangre De
    Cristo Range of southern CO and north-central NM, and is likely to
    occur soon over areas of the Sacramento Mountains farther south
    over south-central NM.

    SBCAPE values have risen to 1000 to 2000 J/kg across northeast NM
    in close proximity to the higher terrain, and there is some weak
    low-level upslope flow which coupled with localized differential
    heating boundaries should foster the development and expansion of
    scattered areas of convection over the next several hours.
    Meanwhile, locally even higher levels of instability are noted
    across areas of central and eastern AZ, with SBCAPE values up to
    near 2500 J/kg, and convection here will likely initiate within
    the next couple of hours as well over some of the higher terrain
    before then edging off into the open desert locations.

    The steering flow across the region is quite weak, and the cells
    should be rather slow-moving and capable of producing locally
    excessive rainfall totals. The PW environment is seasonably moist
    for this time of the year and consistent with a typical monsoon
    regime. Given the available moisture and instability, plus added
    influence from terrain, some rainfall rates may reach 1.5" to
    2"/hour with the stronger storms as the convection evolves and
    locally expands in coverage heading through the afternoon hours.
    By late afternoon, some spotty 2 to 3+ inch rainfall amounts will
    be possible.

    Multiple very sensitive burn areas including the Hermit's
    Peak/Calf Canyon scar in the Sangre De Cristo Range, and the
    Blue-2, South Fork, Salt, and McBride burn scar complex in the
    Sacramento Mountains will be at risk of locally significant
    impacts should these heavier showers and thunderstorms impact
    these locations which will include flash flooding and debris flow
    concerns. More regionally, there will also be a threat for
    arroyo/dry wash flooding including for areas well away from where
    the heaviest rains occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Ju1jL9wI8NWVsHjmY4eW-n5Hf7II83bOSjPu4plkany4Xv7zTpiOr4wfWS6g5OknIn5= HDhBsakIosGWxm_EmIMrWMg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38140548 37990474 36920407 35690376 34510384=20
    33500416 32650473 32310544 32440598 33200634=20
    33170703 32490781 31350989 31671204 33331289=20
    34931300 35611247 35781147 35871028 36070890=20
    36610787 37240712 37860622=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 18:24:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021824

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0782
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    223 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Tennessee, eastern Kentucky,
    southern/southwestern Virginia, much of North Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021822Z - 030022Z

    Summary...Clusters of thunderstorms will continue migrating
    eastward across the discussion area while moving into a gradually
    more moist airmass across central North Carolina and vicinity.=20
    Flash flooding is possible in this regime.

    Discussion...Scattered thunderstorms along the southern/central
    Appalachians are being forced by mid-level thermal/shortwave
    trough over eastern Kentucky. These storms were located in a warming/destabilizing airmass characterized by 1.5 inch PW values
    (lowest along the central Appalachians) and 2000 J/kg MLCAPE.=20
    Additionally, storms have been embedded in 30 kt
    west-southwesterly flow aloft, allowing for appreciable movement
    and propagation that has largely limited rain rates. Only in
    localized spots of training/backbuilding have 1-2 inch/hr rain
    rates have materialized. Cells across the Appalachians are
    expected to move toward a gradually more moist airmass downstream
    across central North Carolina and Virginia, with PWs nearing 2
    inches and fostering somewhat higher potential for high rain rates
    especially near training/repeating cells. With ~2 inch/hr FFW
    thresholds located across much of North Carolina (locally lower),
    flash flood potential should increase downstream of ongoing
    activity over the next 3-6 hours.

    An additional developing cluster of storms were developing in a
    similar regime across southeastern Kentucky. Recent MRMS data
    suggests spots of 1 inch/hr rain rates with this activity, but
    with prior rainfall across that area and adjacent areas of
    Tennessee, FFGs are hovering near ~1 inch/hr. Flash flood
    potential is a bit greater in these areas given more sensitive
    ground conditions and increasing thunderstorm potential through
    the afternoon.

    In summary, areas of convective clusters should migrate eastward
    across the discussion area through the next 6 hours, with areas of
    flash flooding expected especially where local training can


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7tiDDfcnV1FCd9R3RUlge4DkWnBKjTXBXxMVFcM3JHgEPw7ECiu-FCFhofEWPdIDFU-s= a7dgYSWbNQuAE05_2nlfXvM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37537883 36797819 35937837 35177899 34898015=20
    35148168 35028357 35148462 36268493 37328415=20
    37468348 37448208 37428008=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 19:56:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021956

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0783
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    354 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Central and Southern Sierra
    Nevada down into Southern CA...Southern NV...Western AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021953Z - 030153Z

    SUMMARY...Locally slow-moving and heavy showers and thunderstorms
    are expected over portions of the central and southern Sierra
    Nevada and down into southern CA, southern NV and western AZ going
    through the afternoon hours. Isolated instances of flash flooding
    will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-W visible satellite imagery in
    conjunction with regional dual-pol radar and LightningCast data
    shows CI underway across the higher terrain of southern CA with a
    specific focus on portions of some of the Transverse Ranges.
    SBCAPE values are already on the order of 1000 to 2000 J/kg over
    southern CA adjacent to the higher terrain as strong diurnal
    heating continues and couples with proximity of multiple
    differential heating boundaries for convection to develop.

    An increasingly favorable thermodynamic environment coupled with
    the favorable orographics and proximity of a well-defined
    mid-level low/trough over southern CA should favor an additional
    expansion of convective activity over the next several hours.
    Slow-moving and locally anchored areas of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms can be expected, and with PWs that are running as
    much as 2 to 3 standard deviations above normal, there will be
    concerns for the stronger convective cells to be highly efficient.

    Some rainfall rates with the stronger storms are likely to
    approach or even locally exceed 2"/hour, and where any storms tend
    to hang up over the higher terrain, some spotty rainfall totals
    may reach 3 to 4 inches. The convection over the next few hours
    will have a tendency to be focused over the higher terrain of the
    Transverse Ranges where stronger forcing/proximity to the
    mid-level low center/trough will be noted along with favorable
    differential heating. However, in time, there should be areas of
    locally heavy showers and thunderstorms that develop over portions
    of the central and southern Sierra Nevada adn potentially some of
    the adjacent deserts south and east into eastern CA and southern

    Expect some generally isolated instances of flash flooding to be
    possible going through the afternoon hours, and especially where
    any of these storms impact any burn scar locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7nUgcdcLXuB_n0_zM0Hd-PRyTiZJHA9MXUxUkOoeAmoaJPsHBlH8hS9GBHyFROvhZyQW= oTad5ddpFe6v_CDTiptrnO0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38411939 37971826 37011710 36691577 36241425=20
    35621286 34681310 33891322 33601459 33531586=20
    33621666 34031747 34291821 34421922 34741963=20
    35101966 36061910 37131937 37961990=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 22:57:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022257

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0785
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    656 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Southeast VA...Central and
    Northern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 022255Z - 030355Z

    SUMMARY...A couple of bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms may
    occasionally train over the same area over the next few hours.
    This coupled with the potential for a few cell-mergers may result
    in a few instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The early-evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    couple of broken bands of cold-topped convection advancing
    gradually off to the east across central and northern NC and
    through south-central VA. The activity has become at least loosely
    organized over the last 1 to 2 hours with cooling cloud tops noted
    and with a downstream environment that is quite unstable. This is
    especially the case across south-central to southeast VA and
    northeast NC where MLCAPE values are locally on the order of 2500
    to 3500 J/kg.

    Despite weak shear profiles, the high degree of late-day
    instability downstream suggests that the current activity should
    be able to sustain itself as it advances off to the east over the
    next few hours. A couple of smaller-scale clusters of convection
    along the VA/NC border that are lifting northeastward will likely
    merge in with the more organized convection just to the north and

    A very moist environment is in place with PWs of locally 2.0 to
    2.25 inches. This coupled with the instability will favor some of
    the stronger convective cells producing rainfall rates of as much
    as 1.5 inches in 30 minutes, and with some localized episodic
    instances of cell-training and cell-mergers, some localized storm
    total amounts over the next few hours may reach 2 to 4 inches.
    This may cause some exceedances of the 3-hour FFG values.

    A few instances of flash flooding may be possible as a result, and
    this will especially be the case if any of these rains manage to
    make it into the more urbanized locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-DCyaYM46Q-sBmJMeH-QVLiXrEiiYswymSsvZchdyZS9k2WuYI-mgiQG9cOozoi6qFfe= CWs13yUJVnOK6wuXmgJVOwo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37517670 37417613 36997577 36467615 35947766=20
    35617889 35697971 36267961 36877872 37357747=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 22:06:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022206

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0784
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    605 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Lower Great Lakes and Upper OH

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 022205Z - 030405Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered to broken areas of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms will promote a threat for isolated to widely
    scattered instances of flash flooding going through the evening

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E GeoColor satellite imagery in
    conjunction with dual-pol radar shows scattered to broken areas of
    showers and thunderstorms impacting areas of southeast MI down
    through eastern IN and western OH. The activity continues to be
    influenced by a deep layer low pressure system that is gradually
    settling east-southeast into the OH Valley. DPVA ahead of the low
    center and interaction with a moist/unstable airmass across the
    upper OH Valley region should favor a regional threat of locally
    heavy showers and thunderstorms going well into the evening hours.

    MLCAPE values remain on the order of 1500 to 2000 J/kg across much
    of central and western OH, with somewhat lesser values seen
    farther off to the east into northern WV and western PA.
    Meanwhile, PWs across the region are locally around 1.75 inches,
    and these magnitudes are somewhat anomalous (1.5+ SD above normal)
    for this time of the year.

    Rainfall rates with the areas of convection this evening are
    expected to be as high as 1 to 2 inches/hour. Gradually by later
    this evening as boundary layer instability becomes increasingly
    exhausted, the rainfall rates and general coverage of convection
    should begin to subside. However, going through at least the
    mid-evening hours, the storms will be sustainable and will also be
    rather slow-moving. The slow cell-motions and heavier rates will
    foster a threat for some localized 2 to 4 inch rainfall totals.

    The 12Z/18Z HREF guidance generally supports this potential and
    does reflect some low-end probabilities of seeing the 1-hour and
    3-hour FFG values exceeded as this evening's convection advances
    east across the upper OH Valley. This will include much of central
    and eastern OH, northern WV and far western PA in time. Thus, the
    expectation is that some isolated to widely scattered instances of
    flash flooding will be possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8jKmFZZ00F8GO9hGhsucdGVrER7Xh5t6ba3AXHLkh2Z9tIERgBdK0EfyGnq8mqPg3ybk= SszxHU21rd5nvV6YQRrPnjE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41778496 41538338 41438204 41498091 41597995=20
    41007940 40137941 39048014 38368179 38428361=20
    38978488 39868554 40838581 41508566=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 2 23:29:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 022329

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0786
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    728 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...Far Northern VA...Central to Northeast MD

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 022328Z - 030228Z

    SUMMARY...A few instances of mainly urban flash flooding may be
    possible over the next few hours from locally training bands of
    heavy showers and thunderstorms.

    DISCUSSION...Early-evening visible satellite imagery along with
    dual-pol radar shows multiple outflow boundaries facilitating a
    general west to east axis of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    across portions of far northern VA through central and northern
    MD, including the greater Baltimore metropolitan area.

    Given the locally focused convergence along these outflow
    boundaries and proximity of strong instability near the Chesapeake
    Bay with MLCAPE values of 2000 to 3000 J/kg, the convection should
    persist for at least the next 2 to 3 hours.

    Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour are expected with these
    storms going through mid-evening given the high PW environment and
    level of instability that is focused across the region. There are
    at least some localized training concerns that may persist in the
    short-term, and this will pose at least some concerns for flash
    flooding and especially within the urban corridors near I-95 and
    Baltimore in particular.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-Fg2HNMN1NjHIcT0hTLSZcH7VVyS6VJGgQ-l7Div73iYN9-UkwCqVVvexMnLv_RkkJ8X= JRcFYas1CoxI9zC4tEdsncM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39717670 39657585 39387577 39077596 39007636=20
    38977705 39107765 39387782 39577768 39657715=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 00:55:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030055

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0787
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    854 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of AZ and NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 030053Z - 030500Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of monsoonal shower and thunderstorm
    activity will continue into the evening hours. Some additional
    instances of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows
    scattered clusters of cold-topped convection still percolating
    over areas of AZ and NM with still some relative focus near some
    of the higher terrain. There are still some pockets of SBCAPE
    values on the order of 1500 to 2500 J/kg, and with colliding
    outflow boundaries still occurring, the ongoing pockets of
    convection that are occurring should still have some persistence
    over the next few hours.

    Overall, the steering flow is rather weak, and there will continue
    to be some localized concerns for excessive rainfall totals where
    some of the cells become locally concentrated or focused. Rainfall
    rates should still be capable of reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour with
    the stronger storms, and some additional totals of 2 to 3 inches
    may be possible.

    Additional isolated instances of flash flooding will continue to
    be possible heading into this evening, and especially if any
    additional rains impact the more sensitive burn scar locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7mzFfo19NzMnAOMQqmsxvOqD2397Ud8Y_E6cTEZvbVANvUyXEO5kQaY7PytgG2gQgtMX= 80KneMpVMllgWgA9a2IRpDs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36931180 36841088 36560959 36520847 36430669=20
    35980496 35490385 34760333 34100338 33490381=20
    33040513 32920631 32620738 32260806 31350989=20
    31671204 32691271 33891306 35271366 36171350=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 02:18:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030218

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0788
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1016 PM EDT Fri Aug 02 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Northeast MD...Northern DE...Southeast PA...Southern NJ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 030215Z - 030615Z

    SUMMARY...Locally training showers and thunderstorms with very
    heavy rainfall will continue to impact portions of the central
    Mid-Atlantic region, including the I-95 corridor from Baltimore to Philadelphia. Additional areas of urban flash flooding are likely
    over the next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar imagery in conjunction with GOES-E
    IR satellite imagery shows a west-southwest to east-northeast band
    of very heavy showers and thunderstorms impacting portions of
    central to northeast MD through northern DE, far southeast PA and
    adjacent areas of southern NJ. This includes the Baltimore and
    Philadelphia metropolitan areas.

    Some cloud-top cooling has been noted over the last hour, and this
    suggests at least a continuation of the current activity in the
    short-term as convection tends to locally train over the same
    area. The convection is focused near and a bit north of a
    slow-moving, but well-defined outflow boundary. Supporting the
    convective sustenance is also proximity of a moderately unstable
    boundary layer with MLCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg across much
    of northeast MD, northern DE and into adjacent areas of southern
    NJ in close proximity to the outflow boundary.

    Rainfall rates have recently been peaking as high as 2 to 3
    inches/hour with the stronger storms near Baltimore, and with some
    additional concerns for cell-training, it is possible that
    additional isolated totals could reach 3 to 4 inches.

    Additional areas of urban flash flooding are likely over the next
    few hours involving the I-95 corridor from Baltimore to
    Philadelphia, including some of the adjacent suburbs as these
    storms continue to persist. However, with the waning instability
    in the boundary layer, the convection should begin to gradually
    weaken after midnight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-oXZ1UpAfNLi1FBvgHPSMoITKZguxnswdOYHRAer1Apm5kw6r7WNtYIaa2NuEeiEKd6-= N7RD38Z2WjOesnpR6pioyz4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40177464 40107407 39807420 39327524 39097597=20
    39017664 39077728 39317770 39537764 39647730=20
    39747669 39867603 40027528=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 14:57:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031457

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0789
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1057 AM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and northern West

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 031456Z - 032056Z

    Summary...Scattered showers and thunderstorms will produce
    occasional instances of 1 inch/hr rain rates across the discussion
    area today. Isolated instances of flash flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Modest surface heating and forcing aloft associated
    with an upper wave has supported an uptick in convective activity
    from northeastern Ohio (near Canton) eastward to near Bradford,
    Pennsylvania. Slow storm motions (with modest flow aloft beneath
    the wave) and 1.5-1.7 inch PW values near the activity was
    supporting efficient rain rates (approaching 1 inch/hr via MRMS
    estimates) These rain rates were falling shy of FFG thresholds
    across the area (generally in the 1-1.5 inch/hr range), suggesting
    that only isolated runoff issues are expected in the near term.

    Visible satellite imagery depicts breaks in the clouds south of
    ongoing convection, indicative of destabilization. Eventually,
    more widespread development of convection will occur with
    progression through peak heating hours, with greater opportunities
    for local cell mergers and small-scale training to foster locally
    enhanced rainfall rates (reaching 1.5 inch/hr at times). This
    will coincide with a somewhat greater opportunity for isolated
    instances of flash flooding across the entire discussion area -
    especially if the heavier rain rates can materialize in low spots
    and/or urban areas. This increased potential is most likely to
    materialize after around 18Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6T3FfYIGL_86MPqwghz7H06jpwqICTpVbscsRagiJ5rkcNqqVynz82OOW79S94i5napL= SUmm3-by-_nwgDuabfy-dpc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42247918 42237763 41737687 40897687 40017761=20
    39347966 39108076 40068228 41208229 41778071=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 17:06:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031706

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0790
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    106 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Pennsylvania, southern New York state,
    New Jersey, northern Delaware, much of Maryland

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 031705Z - 032305Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorms will continue to overspread the
    area from west to east through 23Z, causing spots of flash
    flooding. The areas of greatest concern for possible impacts
    extend from Baltimore/Philadelphia northeastward to Newark and
    across northeastern Pennsylvania.

    Discussion...Deepening convection continues in earnest primarily
    across central and eastern Pennsylvania currently. The storms are
    embedded in appreciable (30 kt) southwesterly flow aloft while
    being aided by 1) ascent from an approaching mid-level wave over
    northwestern Pennsylvania and 2) a moist, destabilizing airmass
    characterized by 1.5-1.9 inch PW values and MLCAPE values now
    approaching 2000 J/kg. Mainly cellular convective modes have been
    observed via radar mosaic imagery, although localized backbuilding
    has been noted in a few spots, increasing rain rates to around 3
    inches/hr on an isolated basis. These storms are expected to
    continue developing eastward through the discussion area over the
    next 6 hours while exhibiting modest upscale growth into clusters
    and linear segments. Local training/backbuilding will continue to
    promote local areas of 2-3 inch/hr rain rates at times on an
    isolated to scattered basis.

    Some parts of the discussion area are more susceptible to flooding
    than others. The areas of greatest concern will extend from the
    urban corridor of I-95 from Baltimore/Philadelphia northward
    toward western suburbs of New York City along with portions of
    northeastern Pennsylvania. Many flood-prone, hydrophobic surface
    are located in the urban areas. Meanwhile, a few spots received
    1-3 inches of rainfall across these areas and wet soils are likely
    contributing to lowered FFG thresholds (around 1 inch/hr in a few
    areas). Antecedent flash drought has affected some portions of
    south-central Pennsylvania and western Maryland, suggestive of a
    slightly lower flash flood risk and higher rain rates needed for
    potential impacts. Storms are expected to develop/overspread the
    eastern half of the discussion area (NY through northeastern MD) a
    bit later in the day (after around 18Z-20Z or so).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_jgdsv_K_IRgzqYKS5RgxrErvGbX1cMaOPrcArGqqT7BBdHNwtiwQw9rkJbKZnikC8Yu= 5K86nRhY41Expe1X-ScUAUo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42257416 41217369 40067393 39247478 38777588=20
    38887678 39147741 39777793 40597715 41707624=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 17:58:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031757

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0791
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    157 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...portions of North Carolina, South Carolina, and

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 031756Z - 032356Z

    Summary...Strengthening thunderstorms were noted along and ahead
    of a front located across the Piedmont/southern Appalachians
    recently. As the storms expand in coverage and intensity, flash
    flood potential is expected to increase.

    Discussion...Scattered thunderstorm activity was increasing in
    coverage along and ahead of a front extending from near the WV/VA
    border (near Petersburg, WV) south-southwestward to just east of
    Atlanta, GA. Just ahead of this front, a moist/unstable axis was
    focused from central SC into central NC, where 2000-3500 J/kg
    MLCAPE and 1.75-2 inch PW values were noted. Additionally, subtle
    ascent from mid-level shortwave troughs over the Appalachians were
    migrating eastward atop the warm/moist axis, while appreciable
    850mb confluence was noted, further promoting thunderstorm

    These storms were also maturing within an kinematic environment
    characterized by deep southwesterly flow aloft averaging about 30
    knots or so. This flow was parallel to both the front and
    instability axis, suggesting that as storms continue to mature,
    areas of localized training can be expected. Spots of 1-1.5
    inch/hr rain rates were already being observed just south of
    Greensboro, NC, and a further expansion of these rain rates can be
    expected especially where storms backbuild, train, and congeal
    into linear segments through the afternoon.

    The rainfall is expected to develop atop locally sensitive ground
    conditions along with susceptible urban areas such as Raleigh and
    Columbia metros. FFGs in these regions are 1.5 inch/hr range
    (locally lower west of the I-95 corridor in western North
    Carolina) and should be readily exceeded at times given the
    abundantly moist/unstable thermodynamic profiles and favorable
    kinematic setup for training/backbuilding.

    The flash flood threat is expected to persists at least through
    00Z and should only increase through peak heating hours. It is
    possible that lingering convection could persist after 00Z,
    although widespread convective overturning and loss of diurnal
    heating could mitigate some of the flash flood threat by that time.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8cZ3S2vVQZvgYBUXo_3N5JQd44P_hwrKCXO4TbTWbFbefCNWUAa26i6xMQ1zFdXUJdcL= 7O4RGmPq6gObexf9qBRVKBg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38817839 38697730 37847676 36847656 35677766=20
    34937855 34008044 33408173 34358267 34898196=20
    35808101 36618069 37847974=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 18:09:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031809

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0792
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    208 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southern CO...Much of NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 031808Z - 040008Z

    SUMMARY...Monsoonal convection will be initiating very soon and
    will become scattered in nature across ares of southern CO down
    through central and western NM. Isolated instances of flash
    flooding will be possible and especially near any arroyos close to
    thunderstorm activity and over the sensitive burn scar areas.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E visible satellite imagery shows CU
    development across the higher terrain of the Sangre De Cristo
    Range of southern CO and northern NM, with signs of CI becoming
    likely within the next hour or so. This is also being supported by
    a combination of LightningCast data and the Day Cloud Phase RGB
    satellite imagery. Strong diurnal heating and the evolution of
    differential heating boundaries will be key factors with the
    expected development and expansion of scattered areas of monsoonal
    showers and thunderstorms today.

    SBCAPE values across areas of east-central NM are already on the
    order of 2000 to 3000 J/kg, and there is also presence of weak,
    but moist upslope flow extending from eastern NM into the adjacent
    higher terrain of the Sangre De Cristo Range and also the
    Sacramento Mountains farther south. Areas around the Sacramento
    Mountains are dealing with some cloudiness that is currently
    keeping the instability somewhat subdued, but this will help
    facilitate differential heating boundaries and thus a low-level
    forcing mechanism/focus for convection to initiate on going
    through the afternoon hours.

    PWs are near seasonal norms for this time of the year and are
    consistent again with a rather typical monsoonal pattern.
    Scattered showers and thunderstorms will developing and be rather
    slow-moving given the placement of the deeper layer ridge near the
    Four Corners region and weak steering currents. However, the
    convection should again tend to move off the terrain and out into
    the open desert locations where eventually a combination of
    greater instability and low-level outflow boundary collisions will
    act to promote additional convective development heading through
    the late afternoon time frame.

    Rainfall rates of up to 1 to 2 inches/hour are expected, and some
    spotty 2 to 3 inch rainfall totals are expected. Some isolated
    instances of flash flooding will be possible, and especially
    around any of the area burn scar locations. Arroyo flooding will
    also be possible near and away from the base of the stronger
    thunderstorms where the heaviest rains set up.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_eGpL8EYgQrMGtNUPlRpqxTrWapMjdyDNltqdEVgLWDcwrgNUffJFVUvIBxisuf-PC7Q= twHmQvYR5AaFAGMXnjJg7kw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37750459 36840393 35480393 33910373 32730403=20
    32210562 32450773 33090887 34230916 35260863=20
    35910755 36600659 37730556=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 18:41:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031841

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0793
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    240 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...Much of AZ into Central and Southern UT

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 031840Z - 040040Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of monsoonal shower and thunderstorm
    activity can be expected today across much of AZ and up across
    central and southern UT today. Isolated to widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding will be likely given concerns of
    intense rainfall rates and slow cell-motions. The area burn scar
    locations, dry washes and slot canyons will be most susceptible to

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB satellite
    imagery shows CI underway across some of the high terrain of the
    Mogollon Rim in AZ and also some of the higher terrain of southern
    UT. Strong diurnal heating has led to SBCAPE values reaching
    locally 1000 to 2000+ J/kg already, and a further destabilization
    of the boundary layer is expected over the next several hours as
    strong surface-based heating continues. The airmass is quite
    moist, with PWs locally 1 to 2 standard deviations above normal.
    The greater PW anomalies are noted up across central and southern
    UT where the latest CIRA-ALPW data shows a fair amount of moisture
    extending up through the 500/300 mb layer.

    Over the next several hours, there will be a further expansion of
    at least scattered areas of showers and thunderstorms given the
    increasing instability and evolution of differential heating
    boundaries and orographic forcing. And while the storms will be
    most prevalent over the higher terrain, the convection will expand
    out away from the terrain in time into some of the open desert

    The presence of relatively anomalous moisture across these areas
    and already rather elevated instability parameters suggests
    rainfall rates will be locally quite intense, and capable of
    approaching 2"/hour. Cell-motions will be rather slow too, and
    with some localized concerns for the convection to be anchored
    close to some of the higher terrain, there may be some storm
    totals amounts by later this afternoon that reach 2 to 4 inches.

    Isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding are
    likely to materialize given the high rainfall rates, and the area
    burn scar locations, dry washes and slot canyons will be most
    susceptible to impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5DPU0bWmxqZEIrAp91kvYUlisJiQ9k_XYFGiCzIPqrPCIHwYJHWH_lXxLveqRk2oRbQw= YqIiJxnb3tsTfTqnIIx9rsw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38981256 38951138 37841055 36991019 36080971=20
    34980914 34120888 33200883 31870943 31491014=20
    31731189 33201263 34611343 36171385 38081347=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 19:04:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031903

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0794
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    303 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...central/southern Georgia and southeastern Alabama

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 031901Z - 040101Z

    Summary...Recent convective development has focused along a cold
    front extending from near Andalusia in south-central Alabama to
    near Macon, GA. Environmental parameters suggest an isolated
    flash flood threat with this activity through the early evening.

    Discussion...Radar mosaic/satellite imagery indicates robust
    convective development from south-central Alabama to northeastern
    Georgia over the past hour or so. These storms are in a very
    moist/unstable environment, with 2 inch PW values and 3000 J/kg
    MLCAPE supporting robust updrafts and efficient rainfall rates.
    Furthermore, 15-20 knot southwesterly mean flow parallel to the
    front should support at least a limited opportunity for
    training/repeating, though weak low-level shear also suggests that outflow-dominant storms with multiple mergers and upscale growth
    into loosely organized clusters appear likely. These storms will
    be capable of areas of 2 inch/hr rain rates at times and in local
    areas given the aforementioned parameters and convective mode.

    Convection is likely to be diurnally driven, with a gradual
    weakening likely toward sunset in tandem with a loss of diurnal
    heating and potentially widespread convective overturning. These
    downpours will also be occurring across areas of 2-2.5 inch/hr FFG
    thresholds areawide (though locally lower near urbanized/populated
    areas). These FFGs will be threatened on an isolated basis as
    cells continue to mature/evolve. Isolated instances of flash
    flooding are possible in this regime. Convection will gradually
    propagate eastward/southeastward into areas of southern/eastern
    Georgia through afternoon, although isolated to scattered
    open-warm-sector development is also probable well ahead of the


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4dkOePw2OvhKutl2QoVg_oKnBaUCeNE5DuGmsWTbNSvfVPTk-juYcen1qKF-OmOgfMY0= GpqA0-zLeFZypyTVRYu9Y-g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33718313 33428195 32798145 31458210 30978343=20
    30918549 30948667 31638689 32788524=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 21:16:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032116
    FFGMPD MAZ000-RIZ000-CTZ000-NYZ000-NJZ000-PAZ000-DEZ000-MDZ000-VAZ000-DCZ000-04031=

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0795
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    515 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Central Mid-Atlantic up into
    Southern New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 032115Z - 040315Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected well into
    the evening hours across portions of the central and northern
    Mid-Atlantic region into parts of southern New England. Some
    cell-training concerns coupled with high rainfall rates will
    likely result in scattered to locally numerous areas of flash
    flooding going into the evening hours. Some locally significant
    urban flash flooding will be possible along the I-95 corridor.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction with
    dual-pol radar shows multiple broken bands of well-organized
    shower and thunderstorm activity traversing the interior of the
    Mid-Atlantic and some adjacent areas of southeast NY and southern
    New England. This encompasses a large area focused on northern VA
    through central MD, and then up across much of eastern PA,
    northern NJ, southeast NY and southwest CT.

    The activity continues to organize within a very moist and
    unstable environment east of the Appalachians and in close
    proximity to a quasi-stationary front with multiple areas of low
    pressure lifting northeast up along it. Meanwhile, there is a
    rather elongated, but fairly sharp mid-level trough advancing
    slowly into the central Appalachians. MLCAPE values along and east
    of this front are on the order of 1500 to 2500 J/kg, with even
    greater magnitudes closer to 3000 J/kg down closer to the
    Chesapeake Bay and Delmarva region. Meanwhile, PWs are rather high
    and close to 2 inches.

    Multiple convergence zones are seen in local observations from
    near Washington D.C up through central to northeast MD and across
    southeast PA and northern NJ in connection to multiple outflow
    boundaries and pre-frontal troughs/mesoscale boundaries. All of
    this coupled with at least modest ascent/shear ahead of the
    central Appalachians trough and plentiful instability over the
    coastal plain should favor multiple bands of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms evolving well into the evening hours. This will
    include areas of southeast NY and adjacent areas of southern New
    England where the convective threat will be influenced by
    proximity of the aforementioned frontal zone and surface low

    Expecting rainfall rates with the bands of convection this evening
    to reach as high as 2 to 3 inches/hour with the stronger cells,
    and given the threat for some cell-training or at least multiple
    rounds of heavy rainfall, some storm totals of 3 to 5 inches
    cannot be ruled out locally.

    Scattered to locally numerous areas of flash flooding are likely
    and the I-95 corridor from Washington D.C up through Philadelphia,
    New York City, and New Haven will need to closely monitor these
    storms as there are concerns for locally significant urban flash
    flooding this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5-HYFCPJcxNEXHgs3TJKaiKx68sv-TGCH6k8Vgcp6_Bshg_v4GsJS5VUv6NFcBy5Syfn= 1Iy-48KrGer2E1XMHwh12RU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42057236 41937148 41467139 40927244 40327357=20
    39577424 38407578 38317707 38627751 39057755=20
    39407697 40187597 41187504 41807402=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 3 23:26:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032326

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0796
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    725 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest NV...Northeast CA...Central and
    Southern OR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 032325Z - 040525Z

    SUMMARY...Some additional increase in the coverage of locally
    heavy showers and thunderstorms can be expected over the next few
    hours across areas of northeast CA, northwest NV and into
    central/southern OR. This will drive a threat for isolated areas
    of flash flooding going through this evening which will include
    potential burn scar impacts.

    DISCUSSION...The late afternoon GOES-W visible satellite imagery
    shows an increasingly agitated and expansive CU/TCU field across
    northeast CA, northwest NV and up to areas of south-central to
    southeast OR. Scattered areas of showers and thunderstorms have
    already initiated, with some of the stronger cells seen currently
    over far northern Washoe County in northwest NV. The convection
    across the region is being strongly influenced by the presence of
    an elongated but well-defined mid-level circulation/vort center
    over the central and northern Sierra Nevada with energy from this
    extending well north over areas of central and southern OR.

    Mid-level forcing associated with this energy coupled with diurnal heating/surface-based instability and orographics has been leading
    to the development and gradual expansion of convection over the
    last 1 to 2 hours, and with the latest satellite and radar trends,
    an additional expansion of at least scattered to locally broken
    areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms can be expected.

    The PWs across the region are quite anomalous, especially over
    central and southern OR where they are near the 99th percentile of
    climatology and over 3 standard deviations above normal. These
    high PWs are confirmed in the latest CIRA-ALPW plots with a fairly
    strong concentration of monsoonal moisture seen in the 700/500 mb
    and 500/300 mb layers. The moisture environment coupled with the
    uptick in late-day instability should set the stage for areas of
    efficient convection that will be capable of producing 1.5 to 2
    inch/hour rainfall rates.

    Relatively slow cell-motions and a threat locally for some of the
    convection to become focused near areas of high terrain may
    support some spotty rainfall totals of 2 to 4 inches going through
    the evening hours. These rains will foster at least an isolated
    threat for flash flooding, and some of these concerns will involve
    multiple burn scar locations where impacts may be significant.
    This includes active fire areas in particular across portions of
    central and eastern OR.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9gxihXeVespsyNF0RabLETkDR8kl7pXPEq1u7tKNd99k0s6RmJBBWCQxo7xNDvGhsHDx= Hpp0OvJsDszHGzELDuwytAA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44752018 44391853 43791761 42681716 42001758=20
    41601872 40871976 40822074 41812207 43022254=20
    44232218 44642133=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 00:16:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040016

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0797
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    815 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest SC...Western NC...Southwest to
    South-Central VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 040015Z - 040615Z

    SUMMARY...Locally focused areas of renewed shower and thunderstorm
    activity may develop this evening and parts of the overnight
    period across portions of northwest SC into western NC. Ongoing
    activity over southwest to south-central VA will persist for a
    couple more hours. High rainfall rates and slow cell-motions may
    foster some additional flash flooding concerns going through the
    evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E WV suite shows a mid-level trough
    digging gradually east-southeast into the central and southern
    Appalachians as a quasi-stationary front remains situated in a
    southwest to northeast fashion across northeast GA through western
    NC and into southwest VA. Earlier convection farther east has
    helped to stabilize the boundary layer near portions of the
    Piedmont, but there remains a corridor of moderate instability
    near the front with MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2000+ J/kg. The
    environment also remains quite moist with PWs close to 1.75
    inches. There remains at least some active ongoing areas of
    convection across areas of southwest to south-central VA which
    should persist for a couple more hours.

    However, going through the remainder of the evening hours and a
    portion of the overnight period, the front should remain
    effectively stalled out across the region, and may become an
    active focus for some relatively small-scale areas of renewed
    shower and thunderstorm activity over northwest SC and western NC.
    Facilitating this threat will be the arrival of shortwave energy
    across the southern Appalachians with the aforementioned mid-level
    trough. This energy is likely to interact with a corridor of
    sufficient low-level moisture convergence/forcing and instability
    along the front to drive at least some scattered clusters of new
    convection which should be rather slow-moving.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger storms may reach 2 inches/hour,
    and the latest HRRR guidance suggests some storm totals through
    midnight may reach 3 to 4+ inches. Confidence is quite low with
    the overall evolution of this potential this evening and
    overnight, but there will be at least some concerns for additional
    flash flooding heading through the evening and parts of the
    overnight period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-OotRt7IyttDBI681Dxhg4noCuglbD4armxSAAdsUgidi2yFqQnEO62cmxOo-O6DSPqi= XhGEkYvlGI1x6O1bXlQrMck$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37957884 37527863 36597931 35548023 34788149=20
    34548251 34908294 35468243 35788192 36488103=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 00:37:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040037

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0798
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    836 PM EDT Sat Aug 03 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Southern UT...Much of AZ...Western
    and Central NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 040035Z - 040500Z

    SUMMARY...Some localized persistence of heavy monsoonal showers
    and thunderstorms into the evening hours may result in some
    additional isolated concerns for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows the
    gradual tail-end of the diurnal convective cycle across the
    Southwest with scattered clusters of locally heavy monsoonal
    showers and thunderstorms continuing to evolve around the deeper
    layer subtropical ridge that is centered over the Four Corners

    SBCAPE values remain locally on the order of 1500 to 2500 J/kg
    with some of the greatest remaining instability noted over
    northwest and far southern AZ. Additional boundary layer outflow
    collisions from ongoing convection and the remaining instability
    coupled with orographics should maintain a threat for scattered to
    locally broken areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms for a few
    more hours heading into the evening.

    Some additional spotty 1 to 2 inch rainfall amounts will be
    possible with much of this rain falling in less than one hour.
    This may result in a few more isolated instances of flash flooding
    before the convection weakens and gradually dissipates heading
    into the overnight hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7PbhNXrx18K5SkD5-laFIpNL4XwEtWUFwb25J-NzqiJC2n1Z1GqCcWaCPssCzv8eeEXp= 73pNRupmGN1NpufhXXUb_C8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38651209 37201103 36740931 36680761 36100631=20
    35300557 33930556 32820635 31530916 31531179=20
    32021318 32751402 34421431 36041429 37271423=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 12:09:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041209

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0799
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    808 AM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...portions of New England, eastern New York state

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041207Z - 041607Z

    Summary...A band of convection was training and producing local
    hourly rain rates exceeding 1.5 inches/hr in spots.=20
    Isolated/spotty flash flood potential exists through 16Z with this

    Discussion...A west-southwest to east-northeast oriented band of
    deep convection has materialized along a line from just north of
    Albany, NY to near Portsmouth, ME. These storms are focused along
    an axis of subtle 850mb/surface confluence and are being aided by
    1) a weak mid-level shortwave trough advancing eastward across New
    York state, 2) marginal convective inhibition, 3) ~1000 J/kg
    SBCAPE, and 4) nearly 2 inch PW values, supporting efficient
    rainfall processes. The band and associated confluence zone was
    also oriented parallel to steering flow aloft, supporting
    localized training and local rain rates approaching 2-2.5
    inches/hr (estimated per MRMS) just west of Portsmouth. These
    rain rates were threatening local FFG thresholds (in the 1.5-3
    inch/hr range), suggestive of at least an isolated flash flood
    threat in the next 1-2 hours with this activity.

    Convective evolution beyond 14Z is a bit uncertain. The axis of
    confluence supporting this activity is progged by models to shift
    slowly southward, resulting in potential training of convection
    across portions of southern New Hampshire and perhaps northern
    Massachusetts through the late morning hours. Convective coverage
    is a bit uncertain given the modest forcing for ascent across the
    area. The overall scenario suggests at least isolated potential
    for flash flooding where training/repeating cells can materialize,
    however. Trends will monitored for the potential of another MPD
    highlighting flash flood potential sometime after 15Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-vA5ZXdY6FB00TmC6jx7WFZzMvOq0oiHPcxcB7-PLi7NL04omruD9QyW8TeWtQTGpIAB= p5oVQ9Zz6WqP-lIOhnnq5ng$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44117021 44066928 43546926 43356991 42607089=20
    42197256 42037392 42537435 43117403 43387326=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 12:13:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041213

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0799...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    813 AM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Corrected for Portland, ME geographical reference

    Areas affected...portions of New England, eastern New York state

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041207Z - 041607Z

    Summary...A band of convection was training and producing local
    hourly rain rates exceeding 1.5 inches/hr in spots.=20
    Isolated/spotty flash flood potential exists through 16Z with this

    Discussion...A west-southwest to east-northeast oriented band of
    deep convection has materialized along a line from just north of
    Albany, NY to near Portland, ME. These storms are focused along
    an axis of subtle 850mb/surface confluence and are being aided by
    1) a weak mid-level shortwave trough advancing eastward across New
    York state, 2) marginal convective inhibition, 3) ~1000 J/kg
    SBCAPE, and 4) nearly 2 inch PW values, supporting efficient
    rainfall processes. The band and associated confluence zone was
    also oriented parallel to steering flow aloft, supporting
    localized training and local rain rates approaching 2-2.5
    inches/hr (estimated per MRMS) just west of Portland. These rain
    rates were threatening local FFG thresholds (in the 1.5-3 inch/hr
    range), suggestive of at least an isolated flash flood threat in
    the next 1-2 hours with this activity.

    Convective evolution beyond 14Z is a bit uncertain. The axis of
    confluence supporting this activity is progged by models to shift
    slowly southward, resulting in potential training of convection
    across portions of southern New Hampshire and perhaps northern
    Massachusetts through the late morning hours. Convective coverage
    is a bit uncertain given the modest forcing for ascent across the
    area. The overall scenario suggests at least isolated potential
    for flash flooding where training/repeating cells can materialize,
    however. Trends will monitored for the potential of another MPD
    highlighting flash flood potential sometime after 15Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!74QJokfFgLghw3yxn7_f31Ck9RP2wttmqEHp3p5I4SqSilKg4djvTHS8RpyRgaaxhe_6= qBqlD8V4bP1ZiCOK3YgJfLU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44117021 44066928 43546926 43356991 42607089=20
    42197256 42037392 42537435 43117403 43387326=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 12:53:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041253

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0800
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    852 AM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the western Florida Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 041251Z - 041851Z

    Summary...Rain bands associated with Tropical Storm Debby are
    beginning to produce areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates along west
    coastal Florida areas near Naples. Convective bands are expected
    to persist most of the day, resulting in an increasing flash flood

    Discussion...For most of the morning, Tropical Storm Debby has
    remained over the eastern Gulf of Mexico but maintained robust
    convection within its eastern semicircle. Over the past 1-2
    hours, these rain bands have managed to align along the southwest
    Florida coastline, with MRMS-estimated rain rates now approaching
    2 inches/hr from Naples to Ft. Myers. The airmass supporting this
    convection is abundantly moist/unstable (1500 J/kg MLCAPE and 2.6
    inch PW values), further supporting efficient rain rates with the
    activity. Furthermore, individual cells within these bands are
    streaming quickly north-northwestward, resulting in training and
    little overall translation of the band off its current heavy
    rainfall axis. So far, this has resulted in approximately 1-3
    inches of rainfall over the past 3 hours in the aforementioned

    Models and observations are both in agreement that rain bands will
    align mainly parallel to the western Florida coast for much of the
    day today within a similar environment supporting heavy rainfall.=20
    These bands were beginning to affect southern suburbs of Tampa and
    should overspread the immediate metro area over the next hour.=20
    Areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates (locally higher) are expected to
    impact much of the region over the next 6 hours, and 3-5 inch
    rainfall totals through 19Z are not completely out of the
    question. Locally higher amounts would depend on the persistence
    of developing convective bands in any one location. These rain
    rates should result in a few instances of flash flooding
    especially in sensitive/low-lying areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9chluN5Y2XWIXAWFyWCd6Gz7n6VYrRZqczjx04DYYoVXwdUqdBE2w-GL5554huyA4y-p= LHVVWn9Ep_SDOZo68peCY8c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29248302 29228254 28668210 27548160 26488115=20
    25788096 25548146 26388229 27608283 28518279=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 16:16:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041616

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0801
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1216 PM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...portions of New England, southeastern New York
    State, and northern New Jersey

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041615Z - 042215Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flood potential will continue as a band
    of convection develops/expands southward and eastward through
    21-22Z (5-6pm Eastern Daylight Time).

    Discussion...Convection continues to move slowly
    east-northeastward along an axis extending from near Hudson, NY to
    near Concord, NH. The storms remain focused along a weak
    confluence zone as ascent associated with weak mid-level waves
    across New York state and Pennsylvania continue to support
    updrafts. Storms also remain in a very moist environment (1.8-2
    inch PW values), and insolation/destabilization has suported a
    slight expansion in convective coverage in the past hour. A few
    of the cells are training, and spots of 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates
    continue to be estimated per MRMS data. With FFGs in the 1.5-2
    inch/hr range, flash flooding remains possible beneath prolonged
    heavier rainfall.

    Convective coverage is expected to continue expanding as the
    primary confluence axis sags southward across the discussion area
    through the afternoon. As this occurs, a greater opportunity for
    local cell mergers/training will allow for an expansion in
    coverage of 1+ inch/hr rates. Models also suggest development
    southwestward across New York/New Jersey (near/south of the
    Catskills) where a similar atmospheric environment exists but FFGs
    are considerably lower (less than 1 inch/hr in spots). Isolated
    flash flood potential will continue through 21-22Z and may become
    focused in urban/sensitive areas where training/mergers can occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9B2c_EygdelA8p2sGPlH-Ko12nwMc_btRdpq5nwewvT7tY4lbYechwKHpRtMn0GHq1Jz= KT3h0hkz4vlviBeGivHFGGA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43427175 43327095 43007067 42487066 42027110=20
    41757185 41357250 40857367 40697436 40837492=20
    41767495 42157438 42627354 43067260=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 18:15:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041815

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0802
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    215 PM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...western Florida Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 041813Z - 050013Z

    Summary...Tropical Storm Debby continues to organize and spread
    robust convection into the western Florida Panhandle. Flash flood
    potential continues.

    Discussion...Debby has exhibited strengthening across the eastern
    Gulf of Mexico today. Additionally, a fetch of robust convection
    within its eastern semicircle has expanded eastward to cover much
    of the Florida Peninsula roughly from Gainesville south through
    Naples and the western Keys. Several areas of 2-4 inch rainfall
    totals have been observed, with the highest totals occurring from
    Naples north to Fort Myers and Punta Gorda. Radar mosaic imagery
    depicts many embedded convective elements streaming northward/north-northwestward within the overall fetch of
    convection, promoting areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates (locally
    higher) at times.

    The ongoing scenario is expected to continue through the evening
    and beyond. Not only is the dominant convective band (located
    from near Tampa to Naples) continuing to be maintained with an
    abundantly moist/unstable airmass, but additional strong
    convection located within confluent low-level flow extending from
    the Keys to roughly 70 miles west of Fort Myers will likely stream
    into the region from the south and west. Areas of 1-2 inch/hr
    rain rates are likely to continue, and another 2-4 inches of
    rainfall can be expected across much of the discussion area.=20
    Locally higher amounts remain possible where convective banding is
    most focused and somewhat stationary through 00Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6XKUwCKunhqTtUYsZrKu7ICON1I38U_8lsXyMdU4mZ-C4az05-g_8sU2blXaNxL3h_Gu= Tl_CihTBxJ3HEkoZWZXGXSI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29928372 29858284 29178181 28018121 26798079=20
    25688090 25378122 25818167 26468218 27048239=20
    27518266 27838283 28498273 28928291 29378328=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 18:22:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041822

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0803
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    221 PM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...Western NM...Much of AZ...Central and Southern UT

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041820Z - 050020Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered monsoonal showers and thunderstorms are
    expected today which will be capable of locally heavy rainfall
    amounts and some isolated instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E Day Cloud Phase RGB satellite
    imagery shows convection initiating and beginning to gradually
    expand in coverage across the higher terrain of western NM through
    central AZ and northward up into southern and central UT.

    This corridor is where there is still a rather decent
    concentration of deeper layer monsoonal moisture which is
    supporting PW anomalies of 1 to 2 standard deviations above
    normal. A look at the latest CIRA-ALPW data shows the best
    concentrations of this moisture pooled up over northern AZ through
    southern and central UT around the western flank of the deeper
    layer subtropical ridge centered over southern CO. Meanwhile,
    SBCAPE values are locally as high as 1000 to 1500 J/kg, and strong
    diurnal heating will contribute to a further increase in
    surface-based instability over the next several hours heading
    through the afternoon hours.

    The favorable thermodynamic environment coupled with differential
    heating boundaries and orographics/upslope flow around the higher
    terrain will favor a further increase in the coverage of showers
    and thunderstorms, and locally very heavy rainfall rates are
    expected once again. Some of the stronger storms may result in
    some hourly 1 to 2 inch totals, much of which may fall in as
    little as 30 to 45 minutes. Some localized persistence of these
    storms given rather slow cell-motions may yield potentially some
    storm totals as high as 2 to 3+ inches.

    Isolated areas of flash flooding will be possible given the
    heavier rainfall rates, and this may cause impacts in particular
    to some of the area slot canyons, burn scar locations and the
    normally dry washes.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!54D8yVG9D9kxfmLTo5GennN5jH4_LcP7fxr0zNUI8M_AGwRpWxERnfI4USlwtfoOZmvR= py8VmvlbyMWNNG0ewxQbVXQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39971006 39340893 37080879 36070844 35380789=20
    34350735 33030739 32290791 31120958 31171138=20
    31811221 33821278 34821406 36351412 37681364=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 18:39:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041839

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0804
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    238 PM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern New York state, northern Vermont,
    northern New Hampshire, and portions of Maine

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 041837Z - 050037Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorms are producing brief heavy
    rainfall and areas of 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates at times. These
    rates are falling on sensitive ground conditions and are likely to
    result in instances of flash flooding through the early evening.

    Discussion...Scattered thunderstorms have developed across the
    discussion area amid a destabilizing airmass (characterized by
    2000-2500 J/kg MLCAPE) and weak forcing for ascent aloft
    associated mid-level waves over New York. The storms are embedded
    in appreciably high PW air (characterized by 1.5 inch PW values)
    and only modest westerly steering flow aloft, supporting slow
    storm motions (around 10-20 knots). These cores were falling on
    locally sensitive ground conditions from prior rainfall over the
    past week (particularly near St. Johnsbury and vicinity), and FFG
    thresholds (generally in the 1-1.5 inch/hr range) were being
    locally exceeded as slow-moving thunderstorms were progressing
    through the region.

    Much of the flash flood threat across the region should be
    diurnally driven, although a lingering threat after dark should
    exist with any persistent cells or clusters. Some of the ongoing
    convection should gradually merge/grow upscale into
    forward-propagating clusters, although the process of
    merging/localized training could further bump rain rates into the
    1.5-2 inch/hr range at times. Flash flood potential is likely to
    persist through at least 23Z this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8E6c9bvdZqMm44PyqQoefVewRmkQd0rrj3vEiI2FoS_4wC8FAbskgh7l0TrP37NTPZgY= ZMyFDaXAVnAJfNMVYJcL_1E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46726886 46546812 45916789 45266826 44696958=20
    43937245 43717431 44387477 44927436 45017357=20
    45177239 45527127 46007044 46526986=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 4 19:54:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041954

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0805
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    353 PM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast VA...Central/Eastern NC...Much of
    SC...Eastern GA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041953Z - 050153Z

    SUMMARY...Multiple clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    will continue to evolve this afternoon and early this evening
    across the coastal plain of the southern Mid-Atlantic and
    Southeast. Some isolated to widely scattered instances of flash
    flooding will be possible, including sensitives locally to the
    urban centers.

    DISCUSSION...The mid-afternoon GOES-E GeoColor satellite imagery
    in conjunction with dual-pol radar shows an elongated and broken
    axis of heavy showers and thunderstorms oriented in a southwest to
    northeast fashion across areas of eastern GA and central SC up
    through central and eastern NC and into some portions of southeast

    Strong diurnal heating has contributed to MLCAPE values of 1500 to
    2500 J/kg, and the region is very moist/tropical in nature with
    PWs of 2.0 to 2.25 inches in place based off the latest NESDIS
    Blended-TPW data. This moisture and instability meanwhile is seen
    focusing along an elongated surface trough across the interior of
    the Southeast, which will provide a general focus for additional
    expansion of heavy shower and thunderstorm activity going through
    the afternoon and early evening hours.

    There is also proximity of a weak mid-level shear axis over the
    Southeast and southern Mid-Atlantic region which is helping to
    yield as much as 30 kts of effective bulk shear. This coupled with
    the instability may favor some locally stronger and persistent
    updrafts for more organized convection.

    Rainfall rates will be likely reaching 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour with
    the stronger storms, and the cell-motions are expected to be
    relatively slow-moving which will potentially favor some scattered
    storm totals of 3 to 4+ inches.

    Isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding will be
    possible where these heavier rains focus, and this will include
    the more urbanized locations such as Columbia, SC and the
    Raleigh-Durham, NC vicinity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4Ihhkc2QKnIvY6edfiVlNj_DEQYaa603q0hGCtULT4Q5wmjkkOesPwZwY32Gn3AQspWe= dEEr9RicKNMs295DKw82rlI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37937695 37897612 37177581 36107615 35027714=20
    34157866 33567985 32818169 32618318 33238391=20
    34278338 35128166 36247943=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 00:33:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050033

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0806
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    832 PM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...Western FL Peninsula through Northern FL
    including the Big Bend

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 050030Z - 050630Z

    SUMMARY...Tropical Storm Debby continues to strengthen and should
    become a hurricane later this evening as it gradually approaches
    the Big Bend of FL. Meanwhile, very heavy rainfall bands continue
    to impact the western FL Peninsula while spreading farther north
    toward adjacent areas of northern FL. Flash flooding will continue
    to be likely heading into the overnight hours with locally
    severe/considerable urban flash flooding impacts.

    DISCUSSION...As of 8PM EDT, Tropical Storm Debby was centered near
    28.1N 84.1W, or about 90 miles southwest of Cedar Key, FL. The
    storm is moving to the north at 12 mph. The late-day GOES-E IR
    satellite imagery continues to show improving convective
    organization with the storm as very cold convective cloud tops
    (-75 to -80 C) continue to become concentrated around the center.
    Coinciding with this is a rather well-defined and closed eyewall
    signature seen in the KTBW dual-pol radar.

    Meanwhile, impressive convective bands with very cold cloud tops
    and extremely heavy rainfall rates continue around the eastern
    semicircle of Debby's circulation with significant impacts ongoing
    across portions of the western FL Peninsula. Some areas from
    Sarasota northward through Tampa and Tarpon Springs have already
    seen 4 to 8 inches of rain.

    Additional very heavy rainfall will continue to impact portions of
    the western FL Peninsula with heavy convective rains also becoming
    more focused with time farther north across the Big Bend of Fl and
    adjacent areas of northern FL. A moderately buoyant airmass with
    MLCAPE values near 1500 J/kg coupled with strengthening low to
    mid-level moisture flux convergence and low-level shear will favor
    organized convective bands capable of producing rainfall rates of
    2 to 3 inches/hour.

    This coupled with notable cell-training concerns will support
    additional rainfall amounts associated with Debby reaching 3 to 6
    inches going through 2AM EDT. This accounts for the latest radar
    and satellite trends which suggest Debby may be tracking just a
    tad to the right of the earlier forecast heading, and thus
    yielding somewhat heavier rainfall potential for the near-term
    across the western FL Peninsula and into the Big Bend of FL.

    Areas of flash flooding will continue in association with Debby,
    and locally severe/considerable urban flash flooding impacts are


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    LAT...LON 30688287 30398200 29648161 28658162 27798191=20
    27208228 27268265 27868291 28688286 29358318=20
    30078390 30548379=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 00:56:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050056

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0807
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    855 PM EDT Sun Aug 04 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Southern AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050055Z - 050500Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered to locally broken areas of monsoonal
    convection will continue to foster an isolated threat for flash
    flooding heading into the evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows
    scattered to locally broken areas of cold-topped convection
    impacting much of AZ, with some of the stronger storms generally
    noted across central and southern AZ where instability is still a
    bit better established.

    SBCAPE values across these areas are still as much as 1000 to 2000
    J/kg, and with locally colliding outflow boundaries, and localized
    influence from orographics, there should be a persistence of
    convective activity going into the evening hours.

    The environment remains quite moist with a fair amount of
    monsoonal moisture in place, and the rainfall rates with the
    stronger storms may still reach 1 to 2 inches/hour.

    This may result in some additional isolated flash flooding
    concerns, with some spotty totals upwards of 2.5 inches where any
    localized persistence of these cells occur. A gradual weakening of
    the convection is expected by later this evening as the loss of
    daytime heating and convective overturning helps to stabilize the
    boundary layer.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9XxEjc7etqa0q4tX-NmVvuQbyJTvwlV2a3Vc1Kr-bBdY7oZMaS7h5tHaB709VF7JUuQV= UwpY6jolxEKuK6KJ_O1XkxE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34901269 34781091 33690951 32160906 31460953=20
    31291068 31681246 32571346 34051362=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 07:35:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050735

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0808...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    333 AM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Corrected for areas affected

    Areas affected...FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 050615Z - 051215Z

    Summary...Hurricane Debby nearing landfall, bringing heavy rains
    with 6-hour totals of 3-5" expected (locally 6-8"), resulting in
    numerous to widespread instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...Hurricane Debby is inching closer to landfall along
    the Big Bend of FL early this morning, lashing much of
    west-central FL with repeated tropical rainbands/showers. These
    downpours have been capable of 1-3" hour accumulations (per MRMS
    estimates), and the greatest producers (2-3" amounts) have been
    clustered along and near the coastline from Port Charlotte to
    Tampa. This populated stretch of the FL Gulf Coast will continue
    to be of prime concern for new and renewed instances of flash
    flooding through the morning hours, as relatively slow movement of
    the tropical cyclone northeastward will bring continued impacts
    from rainbands into the same areas that have already received as
    much as 6-10" of rainfall locally overnight. Heavy rains (1-2"/hr accumulations) from the inner-core of Debby will also begin to
    more directly impact less populated portions of the Big Bend
    (mainly from Cedar Key to Steinhatchee/Perry).

    Hi-res guidance (00z HREF and more recent HRRR runs) support
    expected 6-hour accumulations (through 12z) of 3-5" along and near
    a portion of the FL Gulf Coast, from near Sarasota to Perry.
    Locally totals are expected to reach 6-8", and possibly even
    higher locally (with some of the HRRR runs in particular
    suggesting some 10"+ amounts where rainbands are able to
    efficiently train/repeat in the vicinity of SRQ/TPA). There is
    significance to exceeding the 5" threshold, as this corresponds
    closely with the 100-yr ARI (average recurrence interval) of 5-7".
    When using the 00z HREF QPF with a 40-km neighborhood method, odds
    of exceeding the 100-yr AR is between 10-20%, indicating the
    high-end potential for this event. Numerous to widespread
    instances of flash flooding are considered likely, and locally
    significant to catastrophic instances are possible (particularly
    if 5"+ totals occur over more vulnerable, populated areas).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7vbBDs2tpaSFdXe7M_RlLxs_TP-KI7l6oP496PYPchD_FsztMhv5pt9rGRdAYSgYC5t4= 9m5wiCRaZxE2ibKLgPJYk1U$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30688364 30628272 30308209 29588162 28368163=20
    27228203 26838252 28058311 29288353 29608481=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 12:18:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051218

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0809
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    817 AM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Areas affected...Florida, southeast Georgia, far southeast South

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 051216Z - 051800Z

    Summary...Heavy rain associated with Hurricane Debby will continue
    to pivot northward across Florida, Georgia, and into South
    Carolina through the afternoon. Rainfall rates in excess of 3"/hr
    are likely at times, which through pronounced training could
    produce 4-8" of rain with locally more in the most persistent
    bands. Flash flooding, some of which could be significant to
    locally catastrophic, is expected.

    Discussion...Hurricane Debby made landfall this morning near
    Steinhatchee, Florida according to the National Hurricane Center,
    and continues to move northward near the Big Bend of Florida.
    Rainfall associated with Debby has already reached 5-10" with
    locally higher amounts according to local mesonet observations in
    portions of the northern and central peninsula, and multiple flash
    flood warnings are in effect. PWs as measured by GPS in the
    vicinity of Debby are around 2.5-2.7 inches, above daily records
    for the region, which combined with warm cloud depths near 17,000
    ft and tall-skinny CAPE of 500-1000 J/kg supports tremendously
    efficient tropical rain rates which have been estimated at

    Through the afternoon, the high-res CAMs are actually in good
    agreement that heavy rain will continue to push north within the
    central dense overcast (CDO), and within spiral rain bands lifting
    northward from the Gulf of Mexico. Both HREF and REFS
    probabilities for rain rates within the CDO are high for 2"/hr,
    while rain rates in spiral rain bands and within the greater
    instability could reach 3-4"/hr are progged by HRRR 15-min
    rainfall accumulations. Mean 0-6km winds will remain strong at
    40-50 kts, but propagation vectors aligned anti-parallel to this
    mean wind combined with generally unidirectional flow at any
    location around the hurricane will result in pronounced training
    of cells to extend the duration of these intense rain rates.
    Additionally, mean 850mb winds of 50-60 kts are around 1.5x the
    mean wind, which will lead to additionally enhanced ascent across
    the northern peninsula and into GA. The continuous rainfall and
    spiral bands will cause 4-8" of rain with locally higher amounts
    nearing 10" as reflected by both HREF and REFS 6-hr PMM. This will
    cause widespread significant flash flooding, with locally
    catastrophic impacts possible where the heaviest rain occurs
    across any urban areas or soils already saturated.

    Farther north into eastern GA and southeast SC, increasing onshore
    flow will gradually spread higher moisture and instability
    northward to support an expansion of heavy rain showers.
    Impressive rain rates of 2"/hr are likely within these expanding
    cells, which through training could result in 2-4" of rain,
    especially in the vicinity of Savannah, GA, where isolated flash
    flooding is possible through this afternoon. However, there will
    likely be far greater impacts and much heavier rainfall
    necessitating additional MPDs after this initial discussion period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9FpkR9sC_bUPXSSF2V0IGlGIumLYj9ItO8VP0pEEoR9414qzUqSzCWeQiULy9nQnoFQp= fRjIQHQoirjvMU2QccpSBtM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32538111 32508040 32288034 32118053 31648095=20
    31198122 30638133 30068125 29628115 29078099=20
    28638097 28198113 27848136 27558169 27298198=20
    27208237 27298270 27578294 28048304 28588296=20
    29098311 29678355 30038428 30658401 31398340=20
    32048250 32408176=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 14:17:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051417

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0810
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1016 AM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Areas affected...southeast ND, northeast SD, central MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 051415Z - 052000Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will regenerate through the
    afternoon along a convergence axis and ahead of a shortwave.
    Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are likely, which through training could
    cause 2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning shows a narrow
    corridor of showers and thunderstorms aligned NW to SE from near
    Minneapolis, MN back into far southeastern ND. This convection is
    regenerating along the nose of an 850mb LLJ analyzed by the SPC
    RAP to be 25-35 kts surging into a surface stationary front
    positioned across southern SD. This LLJ is then rising
    isentropically into central MN, drawing PWs as high as 1.5-1.8
    inches, and elevated MUCAPE of 500-1000 J/kg, northward. The 12Z
    U/A sounding out of KMPX indicated a steep EML above 800mb
    reflective of the elevated convection, with tall skinny CAPE and
    moist adiabatic lapse rates above 700mb. This warm/moist
    environment will continue to support warm rain processes, and
    convection is progged to expand in coverage and intensity the next
    several hours as a shortwave over ND moves eastward to produce
    downstream ascent overlapped with modest diffluence in the RRQ of
    a jet streak moving across Ontario, Canada.

    The CAMs may be somewhat under-doing the current activity along
    the LLJ nose, but confidence is still high that convection will
    expand and train into the afternoon. The LLJ will likely try to
    veer more to the W than S over the next few hours in the typical
    diurnal cycle, but as this occurs the shortwave impinging from the
    west should help offset that with local backing of the flow,
    leading to a generally continued S/SW LLJ ascending the surface
    front into the area. This will result in showers and thunderstorms
    regenerating along this elevated boundary, and both the HREF and
    REFS neighborhood probabilities suggest rain rates of 1-2"/hr
    becoming common. This is also supported by HRRR 15-min rainfall
    accumulations reaching 0.25-0.5 inches at times. With mean 0-6km
    winds forecast to be generally from the west and aligned to the
    front, this indicates a strong likelihood for training as storms
    regenerate and expand ahead of the shortwave and then move to the
    E/SE. Where training is most pronounced, 2-3" of rain is possible
    with locally higher amounts.

    This area has been extremely wet recently as reflected by AHPS
    7-day rainfall departures as much as 300-400% of normal leading to
    elevated 0-10cm soil moisture and compromised FFG as low as
    1.5"/3hrs. The HREF exceedance probabilities are modest, likely
    due to the models struggling with current activity, but the setup
    should support FFG exceedance leading to instances of flash
    flooding through the afternoon. The greatest risk appears to be
    over urban areas or the most sensitive soils this afternoon, and
    additional heavy rainfall is possible this evening which could
    necessitate additional MPDs across these same areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9QAvUlIuNM6O-hzhWOX_HVRBvcqC851hB6D_sS6Y2s24AxMQpoFDMckAY3smMmuYvswx= vl0L9M_DZRsoXBasH1muTB4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46889655 46229377 45999312 45559243 44669203=20
    44329278 44609436 44969645 45119863 45189936=20
    45499979 46019967 46729845=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 17:45:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051745

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0811
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    144 PM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Areas affected...Far Northern FL through the Coastal Plains of GA
    and SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 051743Z - 052300Z

    Summary...Continued heavy rain ahead of Tropical Storm Debby will
    expand slowly northward from northern Florida into northeast South
    Carolina. Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr will be common, which could
    produce 3-6" of rain with locally higher amounts to near 8"
    possible. Flash flooding is likely.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic is quite impressive this
    afternoon surrounding Tropical Storm Debby. The center of T.S.
    Debby is clearly evident near Live Oak, FL, and is lifting slowly
    northeast around 8mph according to the 11am NHC advisory. Along
    and ahead of this center, rainfall has gradually expanded and
    intensified as far north as the Horry County, SC coast, with
    widespread 0.5-1"/hr radar-estimated rain rates spreading
    northward, with embedded convective cells of 2"/hr. The central
    dense overcast (CDO) is clearly evident E/NE of the center, and
    within this region persistent rainfall rates nearing 3"/hr are
    being measured which has resulted in a recent Flash Flood
    Emergency where more than 10 inches of rain has already fallen.
    These intense and efficient rain rates will continue into the
    evening as the environment remains exceptionally favorable noted
    by a record PW measured on the 12Z U/A sounding out of KJAX of
    2.85 inches within a deep warm cloud depth of above 17,000 ft.

    As T.S. Debby continues to pivot slowly northeast this afternoon,
    it is likely that rainfall will continue to spread along the
    coastal plain of Georgia and South Carolina where an impressive
    theta-e ridge will advect northwestward. This theta-e surge will
    occur thanks to cyclonic flow around Debby reaching 40-50 kts to
    converge onshore into a surface trough analyzed by WPC. The
    accompanying isentropic lift of this flow will additionally
    enhance ascent and increase MLCAPE onshore, resulting in more
    widespread heavy rain rates which have a 20-25% of exceeding 2"/hr
    according to the HREF neighborhood probabilities. With Corfidi
    vectors aligned exactly anti-parallel to the mean wind, training
    of these rates will become increasingly common, resulting in
    repeating rounds of intense rainfall from southeast GA to
    northeast SC. At the same time, the CDO will gradually pivot
    northeast as well, interacting with the surface trough and lifting
    theta-e ridge to even more impressively enhance rain rates. The
    heaviest rainfall is likely where this CDO drifts overhead due to
    the nearly continuous 2-3"/hr rain rates embedded within it. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities across this region reach 60-90% for 3"
    and as high as 60% for 5" in the next 6 hours, and it is possible
    some locations that experience the CDO could accumulate up to 8"
    of rainfall into this evening as reflected by both the HREF and

    This excessive rain will likely result in widespread flash
    flooding, some of which could be significant to locally
    catastrophic. The most likely areas to receive catastrophic flash
    flooding will be underneath the CDO, but as persistent heavy rain
    spreads onshore into the coastal plains of GA and SC, the
    significant flash flood risk will increase in these areas as well,
    especially over any urban centers.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-hOU_B7of1o-9pOElmK0Dv0aIyUt6DRDNefsB1HANiS63F4ay-qLsM7MBEKNa7gVambz= Hur77-ZVWjHsc98a7XDpC1Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33927995 33847927 33597894 33167914 32837962=20
    32198046 31638087 30708122 30108125 29908184=20
    29878242 30048293 30388350 30698395 31078421=20
    31598417 32458280 33338138=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 20:06:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052006

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0812
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    405 PM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast AZ...Central and Eastern UT...Central
    and Western CO...Northern NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 052005Z - 060205Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered monsoonal showers and thunderstorms will
    produce heavy rainfall rates heading through the afternoon and
    early evening hours. Isolated instances of flash flooding will be
    possible where cells become locally anchored over the higher

    DISCUSSION..The early afternoon GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows
    cooling convective tops over the higher terrain of northeast AZ
    and northern NM up across areas of central and eastern UT through
    central and western CO. Strong diurnal heating has already led to
    SBCAPE values of as much as 1000 to 2000 J/kg with some of the
    higher instability parameters situated over eastern UT to the
    south of the Uinta Range. Monsoonal moisture is rather firmly
    entrenched across the region and especially across eastern UT
    through central and northern CO which is generally around the
    northwest flank of the deeper layer subtropical ridge situated
    near the Four Corners region.

    Additional surface-based heating/instability coupled with
    differential heating boundaries and gradually some outflow
    boundary collisions going through the afternoon hours will
    facilitate additional convective development, with some of the
    stronger cells becoming locally anchored near some of the high

    Given the increasing instability, and PWs that are locally 1 to 2
    standard deviations above normal, some of the stronger pulse
    convective cells may be capable of producing rainfall rates of 1.0
    to 1.5 inches/hour. Some localized persistence of these cells,
    especially over central and western CO, may yield a few spotty
    totals of 2 to 3 inches.

    This may result in at least a few instances of flash flooding, and
    especially over any burn scar locations or slot canyon locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-Zs0LAjKiDpGusyNEkLNOjzAOr5OR5MZvU-AybRjHR-1RtS7vXaRNl8KgBq9YB_Oqhhg= 53sXVw2tUndxyLi3_iTlEb8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40780982 40400868 40530717 40400564 39530503=20
    38690490 37170472 35350537 34580674 34630873=20
    35511031 36371123 37221273 37911297 38661265=20
    39501172 40371121 40761067=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 21:52:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052152

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0813
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    551 PM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Areas affected...Northern and Western PA....Central and Southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 052150Z - 060300Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms with
    rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour may result in some isolated
    areas of flash flooding going into the early evening hours.

    DISCUSSION...Late afternoon GOES-E IR satellite imagery and
    dual-pol radar shows scattered areas of fairly progressive shower
    and thunderstorm activity across areas of central and southern NY
    down into northern PA. The convection is generally focused near
    and south of a frontal zone where MLCAPE values are on the order
    of 1500 to 2500 J/kg and in an environment of more favorable
    kinematics that are conducive for locally organized convection.
    Effective bulk shear of 30 to 40 kts is in place, and somewhat
    stronger shear magnitudes are approaching the region from the west
    which may yield somewhat greater convective coverage and
    organization over the next few hours.

    PWs are on the order of 1.5 to 1.75 inches and this coupled with
    the instability and stronger shear-enhanced updrafts may yield
    rainfall rates with the stronger storms of up to 1 to 2

    Despite the progressive cell-motions overall, some localized
    cell-training may occur such that some storm totals could reach up
    into the 2 to 3 inch range by early this evening. Given relatively
    moist antecedent conditions and lower FFG values across southern
    NY and northern PA in particular, there may be sufficient rainfall
    amounts to promote some isolated instances of flash flooding
    heading into the early evening hours. This will also include some
    localized urban flash flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4GEs1LSKmgAzLqixw2_6NH9hgh3ZP4rRGq79adZ55hq5GJiKbEmayMAOmEJmTEuXKhBv= U5iu_S3E1OmAiYVELdLm9gg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43387545 43087431 42477393 41837385 41417442=20
    41287531 41107770 40547940 40618068 41438059=20
    42027966 42617895 43247823 43277713=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 5 23:10:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 052310

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0814
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    710 PM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast FL...Southeast GA...SC Lowcountry

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 052310Z - 060510Z

    SUMMARY...T.S. Debby continues to slow down as it moves off to the
    northeast and begins to advance into southeast GA.
    Life-threatening flash flooding will continue through the evening
    hours along the path of Debby from slow-moving and extremely heavy
    showers and thunderstorms.

    DISCUSSION...The late-day GOES-E IR satellite imagery, dual-pol
    radar and surface observations show T.S. Debby continuing to
    weaken while also slowing down as it begins to advance
    northeastward into southeast GA. Cloud top temperatures have
    continued to generally warm around what is left of Debby's inner
    core convection, but there continues to be sufficient levels of
    convective organization for some very heavy rainfall rates of 1.5
    to 2.5 inches/hour based on MRMS data.

    Low-level instability around the immediate center of Debby is
    rather limited and this is certainly helping to yield a gradual
    decrease in the rainfall rates with Debby's inner core convection.
    However, this is juxtaposed against a corridor of increasingly
    unstable and very convergent low-level flow offshore of the GA
    coastal plain. In fact, the latest RAP analysis shows MLCAPE
    values of 1500 to 2500 J/kg oriented in a southeast to northwest
    fashion nosing toward coastal areas of eastern GA from the
    Atlantic Ocean.

    Going through the evening hours, there will still likely be a
    continuation of some locally intense inner core
    convection/rainfall with Debby. However, farther to the northeast
    ahead of Debby's track, there will likely be some highly focused
    bands of strong convection where the aforementioned instability
    axis and corridor of strong moisture flux convergence sets up for
    areas of eastern GA and gradually adjacent areas of the SC
    Lowcountry. There will tend to be a transition of the heavier
    rainfall rates up across these areas where these stronger bands
    advance inland, and there will also be a substantial concern for
    cell-training given the slow overall movement of the storm.

    Rainfall rates within the stronger convective bands will likely
    reach well into the 2 to 3 inch/hour range with some locally
    higher rates possible where some stronger mesocyclone activity
    sets up given the favorable low-level shear/updraft helicity near
    the GA/SC coast. Additional rainfall totals going through midnight
    are expected to locally reach 3 to 6 inches with isolated heavier
    amounts possible.

    Therefore, over this next 6 hour period, additional areas of
    life-threatening flash flooding are likely with potentially
    catastrophic impacts on a localized basis where the heavier rains


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8VvYt-DHD3SxO3xJjpl2FlGj9BpoVy3ZI5uLY5pCoUv43D1JGl_aKIxodgqf9ytEXogR= QQ4-mXKvxnzqtrKKDIl-k3o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33478028 33167941 32857940 32408022 31648096=20
    30988114 30108138 30248223 30818237 31598316=20
    32498313 33308179=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 02:12:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060212

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0815
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1011 PM EDT Mon Aug 05 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Upper Midwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 060210Z - 060810Z

    SUMMARY...A strong MCS will be crossing through portions of the
    Upper Midwest overnight and will be capable of producing heavy to
    locally excessive rainfall. Given relatively moist antecedent
    conditions, some scattered instances of flash flooding will be

    DISCUSSION...The mid-evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    strong cold-topped MCS advancing east-southeast across portions of
    southeast MN through western WI. This activity is in association
    with a strong shortwave trough crossing the Upper Midwest with
    much of the convection elevated in nature and embedded along a
    strong instability gradient. This instability gradient is
    well-aligned with a northwest to southeast oriented front ahead of
    a low pressure center.

    MUCAPE values are as high as 2000 to 3000 J/kg in close proximity
    to the front, and there is a convergent southwest low-level jet of
    30 to 40 kts that is supporting strong warm air advection with
    enhanced moisture and instability transport ahead of the
    approaching shortwave energy.

    Over the next several hours, the MCS should remain well-organized
    as it drops east-southeast across central and southern WI. There
    is some potential for this to lose sufficient latitude for areas
    of northeast IA and northern IL to get into at least the southern
    flank of the MCS where the nose of stronger low-level jet energy
    will be focused along with greater instability.

    Given the level of forcing and strongly favorable thermodynamics,
    the rainfall rates with the stronger storms should approach 1.5 to
    2 inches/hour. The MCS is forward propagating which will tend to
    mitigate the rainfall totals a bit and lessen the flash flood
    threat, however, there may be sufficient levels of short-term
    training for some rainfall totals to reach 2 to 4 inches.

    These rainfall totals are generally consistent with the 12Z/18Z
    HREF guidance, but some of the HREF members have been notably too
    far to the north with the axis of heavier QPF. Accounting for the
    latest radar and satellite trends, the axis of heaviest rains
    should generally cross through central and southern WI. Given
    these heavier rains and relatively moist antecedent conditions,
    some scattered areas of flash flooding will be possible heading
    into the overnight hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6Xy1Phzf0oAGkics_WA3u_NjYByMyTtZvesibPASCzD23GFh8hpfxTUS6LpS93mB0VYD= FIYRE6yslEvoiacKC3wIEfs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44849099 44758960 44258794 43478736 42418736=20
    42028812 42108932 42359101 42869246 43269285=20
    43949200 44569188=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 05:23:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060523

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0816
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    122 AM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southeastern GA...southern SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 060520Z - 061120Z

    Summary...Tropical downpours with 1-3"/hr rainfall rates to
    continue, resulting in additional 6-hourly totals of 4-8" due to
    slowing storm motion. Numerous to widespread instances of flash
    flooding are likely (with locally catastrophic impacts expected).

    Discussion...Tropical Storm Debby continues to slow to a crawl
    near the coast of GA early this morning, bringing torrential
    rainfall to portions of the Southeast (mainly concentrated to the
    north and east of the storms center). Over the past 6 hours alone,
    portions of southeastern GA and southern SC have picked up 3-5" of
    rain, and even higher totals of rainfall are anticipated over the
    next 6 hours. These impressive short-term totals are the result of
    extremely efficient tropical downpours, ranging from 1-3"/hr
    across a rather broad (100+ mile) stretch of coastline. As the
    forward speed of the storm continues to slow (as ridging builds
    from the North Atlantic with the departure of a shortwave trough
    to the east), these 1-3"/hr rainfall rates will continue over many
    of the same localities, fueled by near record levels of
    tropospheric moisture (precipitable water values of 2.5-2.8
    inches, rivaling the all-time records per CHS sounding

    Hi-res guidance suggests that flooding impacts will worsen rather
    significantly through the morning hours for a good portion of
    southeast GA and southern SC, including the metropolitan areas of
    Savannah and Charleston. The 00z HREF probability-matched mean QPF
    suggests localized totals of 5-10" through 12z, which corresponds
    with 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 5" exceedance of 50-80%.
    Considering that the 100-yr ARI (average recurrence interval)
    threshold is near 7", these exceedance probabilities reach as high
    as 50% (centered near Beaufort), suggesting historically
    significant amounts of rainfall (which will likely translate to
    locally catastrophic flash flooding). Individual runs of the HRRR
    since 00z also depict similar QPF, though some runs limit
    localized totals to 3-6" (which is similar to the driest members
    of the HREF). This "best case scenario" would still easily exceed
    6-hr Flash Flood Guidance of ~3.0", so numerous to widespread
    instances of flash flooding are likely (and locally catastrophic
    flooding impacts are also expected).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6OwLbRj7rQpcPjxy3HNXs9zpbG0ahMtgaKNl4exayUF6sz_P3BOklJRanERFROPqlMfM= _Y8ZJk80WgAlsB0D6wRCRhM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33548089 33478011 33287948 32837903 32088016=20
    31688095 31988130 32288199 32868202 33298160=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 11:22:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061122

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0817
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    721 AM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal Plain of Georgia, South Carolina,
    southeast North Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 061120Z - 061700Z

    Summary...Tropical Storm Debby will continue to crawl near the
    Georgia coast this morning. Rain bands pivoting onshore will
    contain rainfall rates that may briefly reach 4"/hr, leading to
    6-hr rainfall of 3-5" with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding
    is likely, some of which maybe significant to locally catastrophic.

    Discussion...Tropical Storm Debby continues to lift slowly
    northeast along the Georgia coast this morning as noted in
    satellite and radar imagery. The slow motion and persistent
    onshore cyclonic flow around T.S. Debby has resulted in heavy
    rainfall and flash flooding overnight, especially across portions
    of the Lowcountry where 24-hr rainfall of 6-10" has been
    widespread in the vicinity of I-95 between Savannah and
    Charleston. Although the heaviest rain bands have lifted a bit
    north of Savannah this morning according to the regional radar
    mosaic, regenerating rain showers moving onshore are likely even
    outside of the heaviest bands. This is in response to an extremely
    saturated column measured by special 06Z U/A soundings from KCHS
    and KJAX which had PWs above 2.6", daily records at both sites,
    created by deep column saturation through 200mb and weak lapse
    rates. Additionally, warm cloud depths were measured around 16,000
    ft, while an impressive theta-e ridge axis noted via the SPC RAP
    analysis surged onshore. Within this airmass, warm advection on
    850mb winds of 35-45 kts (AOA the mean 0-6km wind to enhance lift)
    will continue to cause redeveloping tropical downpours offshore to
    pivot onto the coast.

    There are some subtle differences in placement of the heaviest
    rainfall the next several hours on the recent CAMs, most notably
    in the NAMNest which pivots the heaviest rain into the Pee Dee.
    Although the HREF EAS probabilities suggest the greatest risk will
    continue to focus in the vicinity of Charleston and Berkeley
    counties, the most recent runs of the HRRR have also trended a bit
    farther northeast, so there is potential that despite modest rain,
    so far, north of Winyah Bay, the flash flood risk may ramp up this
    morning in those areas. Still, the highest potential for
    additional flash flooding appears to be focused near Charleston
    where HREF neighborhood probabilities for more than 5"/6hrs are as
    high as 40-50% as spiral bands with rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr (15
    min HRRR accumulations up to 1" suggesting brief 4"/hr rates)
    continue to move onshore. Unfortunately, with the slow motion of
    Debby, this is also where the heaviest rain has already occurred
    leading to saturated soils and ongoing flash flooding. Anywhere
    within the discussion area could experience flash flooding this
    morning, but the greatest risk of significant to locally
    catastrophic impacts appears to be in the vicinity of the
    Charleston metro where both HREF and REFS 6-hr PMM reach 7+" over
    extremely vulnerable areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8AR-USkffOUnMOq7lIF4sfjB068PIEN9uzcUwSflzf8utgaZ6-N-XStL_beYi9DPMKhA= IONk-RIX4V_hGRZp2TqT474$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34567935 34437827 34277776 33927775 33847789=20
    33367879 32927928 32627978 32108048 31788112=20
    31998167 32268214 32918226 33728163 34368054=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 15:51:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061551

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0818
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1151 AM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Great Lakes through central Pennsylvania

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061550Z - 062100Z

    Summary...Expanding coverage of showers and thunderstorms
    downstream of a shortwave will emerge from the Great Lakes into
    the western Mid-Atlantic States. Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr will
    become common, which through repeating rounds could produce 2-3"
    of rain with potentially locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible imagery this afternoon shows a
    large area of cloud cover exiting from the Great Lakes associated
    with a large area of showers and thunderstorms. This convection is
    developing in response to a shortwave noted in WV imagery and
    present in the RAP analysis moving across Lake Huron. At the
    surface, a stationary front is analyzed by WPC from near Albany,
    NY to near Lima, OH, and the interaction of the shortwave with
    this boundary is helping to drive rapid Cu development within
    clearings and along differential heating boundaries. Additionally,
    a jet streak moving across southeast Canada is strengthening to
    place favorable RRQ diffluence aloft, to further enhance ascent
    into robust thermodynamics characterized by PWs of 1.5-1.8 inches,
    and a ribbon of MLCAPE approaching 1500 J/kg south of the front. Radar-estimated rainfall rates within ongoing convection have
    already reached 1.5-2 inches per hour.

    As the shortwave continues to advect east, it will interact with
    even more impressive thermodynamics thanks to continued
    destabilization south of the stationary front. SBCAPE may exceed
    2000 J/kg this afternoon from far eastern OH into central PA, with
    a very intense cape gradient likely to develop due to the front
    and pronounced cloud cover. This should result in an expansion and intensification of convection as shown by most of the available
    high-res CAMs, and the HREF neighborhood probabilities for 1"/hr
    (2"/hr) rates increase to 60-70% (30-40%). Storm motions will
    likely remain quick on 0-6km mean winds of around 30 kts, but
    aligned Corfidi vectors suggests training or repeated rounds of
    cells containing these intense rates in some areas. The presence
    of the sharp instability gradient and impressive convergence of
    moisture transport vectors additionally supports storms that will
    train primarily along the vicinity of the front, and where the
    most pronounced training occurs the HREF neighborhood
    probabilities suggest some areas could receive in excess of 3" of

    This region has been active recently, and AHPS 7-day rainfall
    anomalies are in general 150-300% of normal, leading to elevated
    0-10cm RSM from NASA SPoRT and FFG compromised to as low as
    1-1.5"/3hrs. The HREF 3-hr FFG exceedance probabilities peak above
    50% this afternoon, further indicating the potential for instances
    of flash flooding despite the fast motion of individual cells.
    This additionally indicates the probability of repeating rounds of
    storms through the afternoon which could cause flash flooding


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Pd0FPhKKF5Bx3BFerKgLjsBjNeaVnBvCzz0KmntoSSZPkkiVKYh2YZOtX950YIuToHn= cMDIGLcXQkPNu9PQRJ80ns0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42587898 42447736 42207636 41647591 40827643=20
    40337772 40377885 40437912 40648015 41078119=20
    41598147 42078120 42448014=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 16:46:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061645

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0819
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1245 PM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Carolinas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 061644Z - 062200Z

    Summary...Spiral rain bands moving onshore around Tropical Storm
    Debby will continue to train onshore the eastern Carolinas through
    the evening. Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr at times will result in
    3-5" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is likely.

    Discussion...Tropical Storm Debby is centered near Savannah, GA
    this afternoon and is continuing to crawl east-northeast at 6mph
    towards the Atlantic. The regional radar mosaic indicates that
    showers and thunderstorms downstream to the northeast of the
    center of Debby have expanded in coverage, with multiple intense
    rain bands spinning onshore. Beneath these rain bands,
    radar-estimated rain rates have been around 2"/hr, supported by
    near record PWs and efficient warm-rain processes, and this has
    resulted in 6-hr MRMS rainfall of 2-4" in parts of eastern South
    Carolina where these bands have trained most significantly leading
    to additional flash flooding.

    As the afternoon progresses, T.S. Debby is progged to continue to
    just drift E/NE into the Atlantic between Savannah and Charleston.
    This will result in persistence of spiral bands shifting NW onto
    the coast, with a slow expansion of heavy rain to the northeast as
    far as the Crystal Coast and southern Outer Banks. While rainfall
    may be intermittent due to the slow northward advection of bands,
    mean 0-6km flow from the S/SE and anti-parallel propagation
    vectors indicate that where bands progress, training will occur to
    lengthen the duration of the heavy rain rates. Both the HREF and
    REFS feature 30-40% neighborhood probabilities for 2"/hr, and the
    HRRR 15-min accumulations indicate that short-duration rates of
    3"+/hr are possible. Although there is some uncertainty as to
    exactly where these bands will train most impressively, HREF EAS
    probabilities are focused across the Lowcountry, Pee Dee, and
    southern Cape Fear regions, which are also where neighborhood
    probabilities for 5+"/6hrs peak above 30%.

    Any of these training bands could lead to instances of flash
    flooding as repeated torrential rates of 2-3"/hr move across the
    same areas. This will be most problematic should any of these
    intense rates move across urban areas, atop fully saturated soils,
    or over locations already inundated with flooding. If this occurs,
    flash flooding could become significant to locally catastrophic,
    but otherwise should be scattered into the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7WHNLOnGj905XyEfrbvBaSkf3GzQUdzkM4MfZihzokUVP9Wp7UYzp6iSLYjD0k6_v63E= 2VjFUN9tp9DRQKX4FyUIxBE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35827663 35777563 35377551 34957580 34497645=20
    34197723 33697796 33227880 32767964 32508000=20
    32538044 32758076 32998101 33468108 34028038=20
    34607938 35187826 35617736=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 18:42:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061841

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0820
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    241 PM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...Mid-Atlantic States from central MD through
    southern CT including the I-95 corridor

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 061840Z - 070030Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand across the
    Mid-Atlantic states this afternoon and evening. Rainfall rates
    will steadily increase to 2+"/hr, which through training could
    produce 2-4" of rain with locally higher amounts above 5".
    Instances of flash flooding are likely.

    Discussion...The GOES-E day-cloud phase distinction RGB this
    afternoon shows expanding Cu/TCu with increasing glaciation
    indiciating of strengthening updrafts and thunderstorms. Within
    this area, the Lightningcast probabilities have increased to more
    widespread 50-70%, further indicative of the strengthening
    environment, and likely the precursor to widespread thunderstorms
    through the aftn. This convection is blossoming within an
    extremely robust thermodynamic environment characterized by PWs
    measured by GPS around 2 inches, colocated with MLCAPE that has
    climbed steadily to 1500-2000 J/kg. A complicated surface pattern
    is enhancing the convective risk as well, with a wave of low
    pressure analyzed along a stationary front draped from PA into
    southern CT, and multiple surface troughs (sea breeze boundary
    north of the Chesapeake Bay, outflow boundary over Long Island)
    causing enhanced convergence for ascent. Recent radar-estimated
    rain rates within this fresh convection has locally already
    exceeded 1.5"/hr.

    The recent HRRR runs have really under-initialized the ongoing
    convective coverage, and while the 17Z run is a bit better, the
    ARW/ARW2 appear to be a much better indicator of the future. These
    models suggest convection will become widsepread and focused along
    the front, which is where convergence of the best moisture
    transport vectors occurs within the gradient of highest
    instability. This will be in addition to development along the
    residual surface troughs, and this should result in activity
    rapidly blossoming to become widespread during the next few hours.
    Rainfall rates within the intense thermodynamics have a high
    probability (>70%) on both the HREF and REFS to exceed 2"/hr, with
    brief more intense rates to 3"/hr possible, especially where any
    organization into clusters can occur through 0-6km bulk shear of
    25-35 kts. Individual cells will remain progressive to the east as
    propagation vectors suggest storm motions of 15-25 kts, however,
    these are aligned to the mean 0-6km winds and the front,
    indicating a high potential for training cells.

    Additionally, there is potential for some backbuilding cells along
    the surface troughs where they interact with locally higher
    PWs/instability. This may be most likely near the northern
    Chesapeake Bay, or in the vicinity of the Tri-State area of
    NY/CT/NJ. Confidence is modest in this evolution, but mesoscale
    ingredients support this, and is reflected by locally higher HREF
    and REFS neighborhood probabilities for 3"/6hr and 5"/6hr reaching
    70-80% (10-20%). This indicates that many areas could receive 2-4"
    of rain with locally higher amounts above 5" possible.

    The flash flood potential will be most significant over urban
    areas, especially where any backbuilding can occur to lengthen the
    duration of heavy rain. However, AHPS 7-day rainfall in much of
    the region has exceeded 150% of normal which is reflected by 3-hr
    FFG as low as 1.5"/3hrs in some areas. Flash flooding is possible
    trough training anywhere this evening, but is most likely along
    the I-95 corridor where isolated significant flash flooding is


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6QpBpbNJbIaf1AJhIvV2gg2xhUkECAiHmfNbh7t6O9LAM-RUfn6N3qtUGSGmhXF15c9J= Rxn-pqZ15lfx6_TrZe691eQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41507233 41207136 40857160 40537224 40047351=20
    39917366 39307560 39197679 39437738 39947769=20
    40507763 40987695 41367564 41497416=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 18:57:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061856

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0821
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    256 PM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...Four Corners, in particular Southwest CO...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061855Z - 070000Z

    SUMMARY...Slow, perhaps stationary thunderstorms capable of
    1-1.5"/hr and localized 2"+ totals in proximity to complex terrain
    suggest localized flash flooding is becoming increasingly possible
    this afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E LL (7.3um) WV suite depicts an exiting
    shortwave/MCV across the central High Plains drifting east; while
    connected back through a shear axis across S CO/Four corners
    toward the Lower Colorado River Valley. To the north, westerly
    mid to upper-level flow has increased to 20-30kts supporting some
    weak divergence, while return drier easterly jet exists across
    central NM making a deep layer anticyclonic rotor centered
    along/just east of the Four Corners itself. Normally, this is not
    a favorable environment per se, but enhanced deeper layer moisture
    is trapped nearly coincident with this shear axis. Total PWats of
    near 1" in higher terrain is running about 90-95% of normal.=20
    Additionally, modest lapse rates has even supported increased
    SBCAPEs over 1000 J/kg in the region to support stronger updrafts
    than average.=20

    As such, current GOES Visible loop shows numerous TCu becoming CBs
    with peak mountain circulation mainly across the Sangre de Cristo,
    eastern San Juans as well as the Chuska Range along the N AZ/NM
    line. Given the parameters mentioned above, weak outflow to
    further enhance low level inflow profiles to allow for a few
    updraft/downdraft cycles, rates of 1-1.5"/hr will become possible
    over the next few hours. Cell motions given proximity to the deep
    layer ridge axis, will be very slow stationary with some small
    movement on/near mountain peaks given weak outflow. Downdraft
    CAPE is lower than average, suggesting this to be more limited
    than normal as well. This suggests spots of 1-2" in 1-2hrs is
    possible resulting in localized flash flooding risk especially in
    steep terrain.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7m5ZN4z_SvXwgl7aJqD1TgDQOB_ZOnE77FgLpKH3HEVBmTF8pSy6xW2M8trYRM6tIa5_= UxHGUJ6xR890Cq2T7ZmTnp0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40100727 39980609 39650515 38660474 37370455=20
    36090517 35800636 35970726 35830790 35280782=20
    35070827 35080888 35220928 35350944 36401055=20
    36871067 36931011 37290975 37771013 38180978=20
    39060984 39580963 39970851=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 20:12:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 062012

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0822
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    411 PM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...Northern Ohio...Western & Central PA...Adj N WV/W

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 062010Z - 070200Z

    SUMMARY...Repeating convective lines with training elements along
    upstream edges pose likely scattered incidents of flash flooding
    through the evening into early overnight period, especially in
    areas of recent heavy rainfall in W PA.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a very strong 130kt 250mb jet
    across southeastern Canada/Interior Northeast with a broad
    entrance region across Lake Erie into the Western PA/SW NY, while
    warming near the base being indicative of broadening diffluent
    edge of the upstream jet streak over the Upper Midwest. This is
    supporting very strong dynamic ascent along/downstream of the
    trough. The associated shortwave/vorticity center has passed east
    of the mid-level trough and is starting to accelerate/shear into
    the confluent flow downstream, but still strong enough to support
    DPVA but also flattening the steering flow more parallel to the
    orientation of multiple convective lines.=20=20

    At the surface the main low remains back west over NE IND/NW OH
    with broad southwesterly surface to mid-level 15-20kt LLJ
    intersecting the frontal zone just south of Lake Erie. The front
    steepened by Lake Breeze cooling is increasing moisture flux
    convergence along the front. This southwesterly flow can even be
    seen in cu streamers as far east as the outflow boundary
    convection across W PA. Given the upstream energy approaching,
    potential back-building is possible along the line as far back as
    NE IND. Given the flux, 1.75" total PWats are increasing toward
    the 2" range generally aligned/slightly offset north of the
    instability axis (across N OH into Southwest/South-central PA).=20
    MLCAPE of 1500-2000 J/kg will support strong updrafts and vertical
    moisture loading for fairly efficient rainfall production.=20
    However, forward cell motions are likely to limit any given spot
    of 2"/hr totals and will likely have required repeating/training
    to reach those values given 20-30kts of forward speed. As such,
    scattered spots of training cells will be capable of 2-3" totals
    locally. This will be at the edge of exceeding FFG values
    (1.5-2"/hr & 2.5-3"/3hrs) across northern Ohio, but are more
    probable of eclipsing the values over more complex terrain of W PA
    (<1.5"/hr & 1-2"/3hr), which are also likely slightly lower given
    first batch of heavy rainfall already pulling through the area.=20
    As such, flash flooding is considered likely mainly in the eastern
    portion of the area of concern, but a few across N OH are possible
    as well.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6I1ashi8Jb72DjX0MjFMzw6u4U56FtGeL5tavm42gcJ0MtE5ReNrNnsJju4S5D_Up79T= EoXqqo69xofCCgfyioODVTw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41987960 41947890 41827766 41597702 41057678=20
    40267736 39757811 39617977 39728092 39958212=20
    40188319 40638456 41198500 41478461 41498338=20
    41558219 41958068=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 21:48:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 062148

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0823
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    547 PM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal Plains of the Carolinas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 062145Z - 070345Z

    SUMMARY...T.S. Debby. Broad areas of light to moderate rain
    falling over already flooded areas. A few scattered training
    bands with potential of 2"/hr rates and localized 2-4" totals

    DISCUSSION...Surface low of T.S. Debby appears to be near Tybee
    Island, GA at the mouth of the Savannah River. GOES-Visible and
    RAP analysis denote a broad area of generally stable with relative
    vertical lapse rates in an southwest of the center generally
    aligned with CIRA LPW suite of highest values and totals near
    2.5-2.75". However, a mid-level 700-500mb dry slot is detected
    along the southeast and eastern quadrants lifting northward across
    the Gulf Stream. GOES-E Visible delineates this very well with an
    active convective band along 78.5W where DPVA from vorticity
    center is rotating around the southern edge of the larger cyclone.
    This has provided some backed low level winds and higher theta-E
    air to overlap with some modestly steeper lapse rates to build
    sufficient unstable along the band. This will continue to
    expand/extend northward toward the Grand Strand and into the SW
    coast of North Carolina. Hi-Res CAMs high-light a more consist
    convective signal with at the convergent edges of this dry slot
    with HREF probability of 50-70% of 3" in the next 6hr across this
    area. Shallow tropical showers should be efficient with rates of
    2"/hr, but deeper layer steering here becomes a bit more divergent
    that training may be a bit more difficult... but still additional
    2-4" totals will likely continue flash flooding/rapid inundation
    flooding in that sector of the cyclone.

    Similarly downstream, a more peripheral convergent band along the
    eastern edge of the dry slot does have a greater unidirectional
    steering as the downstream 700-500mb flow bends north then
    northeast into the sharpening deformation zone (into the northern
    stream as the cyclone opens aloft). Though the low level
    convergence is expected to weaken with time, especially after 01z,
    and the band erodes a bit. Still very hard overshooting tops and
    cooling EIR temps across E NC, suggest increased vigor and
    therefore moisture loading for 2-3"/hr rates. Similar spot totals
    of 2-4" are more probable given the timing of convergence is
    coming to an end.=20

    Elsewhere across the upper coastal plain of far SE GA, SC and E
    NC; there is a sharpening of the deformation zone/effective
    TROWAL, especially across central SC where low level WAA is
    strongest with higher winds and proximity to the Gulf Stream.=20
    Instability is near zero given the moist adiabatic lapse rates,
    but convergence or weak isentropic ascent will allow for efficient
    if light to moderate shield precipitation. With prolonged rates
    of .5"/hr; spots of 2"+ would further swell flooding rivers and
    slower rise flooding will likely continue through the evening into
    early overnight period. Given the orientation of the vorticity center/elongation of the deeper circulation, this WAA could even
    extend/expand along the NW and western portions of the circulation
    into SE GA.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-wVFr7nvWZXJa___3zlDTJH0WSTtRocQr1KtGSLtIscbBLSd5n3ewYztVx2bZRVqNDT5= XnnQaQyzoJBRQQW5fpGXY-w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36497600 36197570 35647535 35247543 35007569=20
    34857611 34527652 34467707 34187754 33757790=20
    33757862 33327905 33077921 32478017 32438079=20
    32548138 32768184 33178192 33838158 34947991=20
    36067767 36467668=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 6 23:28:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 062328

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0824
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    728 PM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Arizona...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 062330Z - 070430Z

    SUMMARY...Strengthening scattered thunderstorms with increasing
    rainfall efficiency and potential for downstream collisions
    suggest widely scattered localized flash flooding may be possible

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a compact TUTT cell
    retrograding slowly across the US/Mexico border around 109W,
    providing favorable DPVA aloft with a favorable northeasterly 3H
    jet streak (30kts) across central AZ supporting favorable outflow
    to any developing thunderstorms. Deep layer moisture and higher
    theta-E air mass continues to pool over the low Deserts and as
    banked up against the higher terrain of E Pinal and Cochise
    counties reaching total values up to 1.25" (while having deeper
    and much higher Tds into the 60s over W Pima/Yuma county, reaching
    as much as 1.75"). Additionally, with Tds into the 60s as far
    east as 110W, there are favorable MLCAPEs values of up to 1500
    J/kg that have become generally uncapped over the last few hours.=20
    As such, scattered CBs have developed in the vicinity of I-8
    between Marana and into Santa Cruz county. Moisture convergence
    into the cells is sufficient to support 1-1.5"/hr rates (higher
    instantaneous rates). Further expansion and intensification is
    expected based on Hi-Res CAMs, including the UA WRF. This leads
    to the potential for merging cells or outflow boundary collisions
    that would broaden overall updraft width/slab ascent. Given much
    of this would fall over hydrophobic (either urban or hard-pan
    desert), rapid runoff may result in localized flash flooding
    conditions across the area of concern. However, cells will slowly
    diminish with loss of heating after dark, with remaining cells
    forming on those colliding old outflow boundaries.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4UoWWWO2AzbjqDSnTwChf8czZ8itmTpMwZFNELeD7HPB52Ru2pN59bHs6SwtYr8cpoQs= m9yhE50EWMqDmTpM9ONRtt4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33211060 32901040 32211012 31540995 31221014=20
    31191103 31621240 31991337 32251368 32681347=20
    33041211 33191125=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 7 00:21:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 070021

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0825
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    820 PM EDT Tue Aug 06 2024

    Areas affected...Southern PA...Northern MD...NJ...Southern NY,
    NYC, Long Island...CT...RI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 070020Z - 070600Z

    SUMMARY...Precursory Rainfall Event ongoing. Training
    thunderstorms will maintain risk of spot of an additional 2-4"
    totals. Any overlap with areas already having 1-3"+ will likely
    continue localized considerable flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-WV suite shows a highly dynamic environment
    across the Mid-Atlantic with anticyclonic upper-level jet from
    outflow of T.S Debby arching across VA into MD before becoming
    more diffluent across S NJ. The strong turning and convergence
    aloft has resulted in strong subsidence across N VA into S MD.=20
    While north baroclinic leaf shows acceleration of cirrus into
    130kt jet across southeast Canada, placing the northern
    Mid-Atlantic and Southern Northeast into a highly favorable ascent
    pattern. MCVs from last evening's complexes over the Midwest have
    slipped east of the upper-level trough and are becoming
    increasingly sheared into confluent flow, but still provide strong
    stream-wise vorticity and DPVA across the lower Hudson Valley to
    maintain strong pressure falls, wind flow and FGEN forcing through
    the area. As such a stationary front lays within the Long Island
    Sound connecting to a low near Teeterboro before connecting up
    with the trailing MCV low coming out of western PA northeast of
    PIT. An outflow boundary/squall line exists across SE PA but
    becomes flat along the Mason-Dixon line due to limiting
    propagation factors/suppression aloft in central MD.

    While much of the area has seen some thunderstorms including some
    intense spots of 3-5" across Yonkers to New Rochelle and north of
    Trenton, NJ; instability continues to be advected through the
    northern Chesapeake into the Delaware Valley with MLCAPE still
    over 1500 J/kg. Deep layer moisture supports 2-2.25" total Pwats;
    so thunderstorms should have ample energy, however, instability
    may be just weak enough in the high shear environment to limit
    vertical depth. Still, ample low level moisture flux has
    maintained rates of 1.5-2"/hr. Given training of outflow
    boundary, spots of 2-4" may occur across S PA into central NJ
    though with solid remaining WAA downstream intersecting with the
    front in the LI Sound, over-running and weak embedded convective
    elements training may support similar 2-3" totals across areas of
    S CT, the sound or N LI. Given much of the area is urban, high
    run-off is expected resulting in continued areas of flash flooding
    through the early overnight period...some may even be considerable
    in nature.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!49wnnaTcbbZWL5xSMDqu34cyQGPH90qhM4GLYLWilvGup9I-fD5Tveswn3vC8AfrRFX1= ORJJaOVOg-nwXIatGDTUs2E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41837262 41757152 41127155 40607293 40377363=20
    39747438 39487507 39317640 39377838 39867899=20
    40437849 40667761 40847562 41297440 41647343=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 7 16:00:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 071600

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0826
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1159 AM EDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal Plains of North Carolina and northern
    South Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 071558Z - 072100Z

    Summary...Spiral rain bands around Tropical Storm Debby will
    periodically pivot onshore through the evening. Rainfall rates
    within these bands will likely reach 2-3"/hr at times, resulting
    in corridors of 2-4" of rain through training. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...Tropical Storm Debby is clearly evident on GOES-E
    visible imagery this morning drifting slowly off of the South
    Carolina coast. Although significant dry air has worked in towards
    the center of Debby, GOES-E WV imagery shows a channel of
    extremely moist air noted as well by CIRA experimental sfc-850mb
    PW above the 99th percentile. Within this plume of higher
    moisture, which has PWs measured by recent NUCAPS satellite
    soundings of around 2.5 inches, bands of rainfall have intensified
    and are streaming N/NW around Debby. Although they have generally
    struggled to advect onshore due to modest instability noted via
    the SPC RAP analysis of 500-1000 J/kg, a steady increase in the
    last 3 hours of this MLCAPE is allowing for more widespread
    coverage of stronger reflectivity to spread onshore. Recent
    radar-estimated rain rates from KMHX WSR-88D have reached as high
    as 1.5"/hr, leading to a few pockets of 1-2" of rain in the last 3
    hours according to MRMS.

    Confidence in the evolution the next several hours is somewhat
    uncertain due to how poorly organized Debby looks right now, but
    the CAMs do indicate that convection should continue to stream
    onshore within the pivoting bands, and eventually expand onshore.
    This is supported not only by the CAMs simulated reflectivity, but
    also by the ingredients as PWs rise to nearly 2.75" this aftn in
    conjunction with increasing destabilization. The placement of any
    given band is challenging to identify even at short time scales,
    but intense rain rates of 2"/hr (HREF neighborhood probabilities
    30-40%) or more (HRRR 15-min accumulations as much as 0.75")
    within any of these bands could cause flash flood instances,
    especially within any more pronounced training where 2-4" of rain
    is likely. The potential for flash flooding will be most likely
    across urban areas or where soils are fully saturated (NASA SPoRT
    0-10cm RSM above 98%) from recent heavy rains associated with

    Additionally, although confidence is a bit lower, a more
    consolidated region of heavy rainfall may develop just west of the
    broad center of Debby along a surface trough and where an
    instability gradient is progged to sharpen. If this occurs, more
    continuous moderate to heavy rain rates could train N to S,
    potentially across the Pee Dee or Lowcounty where rainfall has
    already been significant. If this occurs, it could enhance the
    flash flood threat across this area as well, separate from the
    spiral bands pivoting onshore to the north.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7xeeE6HMIrK7BX5NUOs-TbjRIZXXiZhEveQPf29CRUBbtQ01CtgbyVtSXBMYSWn2ZBIl= 5fTpHGA90MJQyWKXJOuoT74$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36177600 36007558 35577537 35127557 34447677=20
    33857795 33687866 33417905 33237933 32917982=20
    32958011 33298031 33708034 34088011 34377969=20
    34687914 35237840 35637753 36027673=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 7 17:08:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 071708

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0827
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    107 PM EDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of WV eastward through DE and southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 071706Z - 072300Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand across portions of
    the Mid-Atlantic through this evening. Rainfall rates of 1-2+"/hr
    rates are likely, which through slow storm motion could produce
    2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts around 5" possible. This
    could cause instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon shows rapid
    expansion of reflectivity associated with developing showers and
    thunderstorms from WV into northern VA and across eastern MD/DE.
    These storms are firing along a west-to-east oriented stationary
    front analyzed from WV to southern NJ, providing low-level
    convergence for ascent. This boundary is additionally being acted
    upon by a weak impulse noted in WV imagery moving across southern
    PA and from upper diffluence in the RRQ of a jet streak arcing
    into New England. Thermodynamics across the region are favorable
    for heavy rain with PWs measured by GPS of 1.7-1.9 inches, close
    to the KLWX 12Z U/A sounding which measured 1.83 inches, right at
    the 90th percentile according to the SPC sounding climatology,
    overlapped with pocket of MLCAPE exceeding 1000 J/kg.

    During the next few hours, convection should become increasingly
    widespread and intense as SBCAPE climbs towards 2000 J/kg and PWs
    surge above 2 inches as tropical moisture begins to stream
    northward from T.S. Debby to the south. With the synoptic forcing
    mechanisms remaining into this impressive thermodynamic
    environment, there is strong support for widespread coverage of
    showers and thunderstorms which is reflected by CAMs simulated
    reflectivity. There may be two areas of higher coverage, one over
    eastern MD into DE, and a second across the terrain of WV and
    western MD, but convective development is possible anywhere within
    the discussion region. Storms that develop have a high chance
    (60-80%) of 1"/hr rates, and may at times reach 2-3"/hr as
    suggested both by HREF neighborhood probabilities and the HRRR
    15-min rainfall accumulation product. Mean 0-6km winds will remain
    light through the aftn, just 5-10 kts, and feature a variety of
    motions due to varying winds and weak shear. This could result in
    storm interactions to briefly enhance rain rates even further,
    while also leading to total rainfall of 2-3" with locally higher
    amounts nearing 5" as shown by HREF 5"/6hr neighborhood
    probabilities reaching 20-30% in eastern MD, lower elsewhere.

    7-day rainfall across the region according to AHPS has been
    100-300% of normal across much of MD, but the areas expected to
    receive the most rainfall today have also been drier during this
    period. This is reflected by generally below normal 0-40cm soil
    moisture according to NASA SPoRT, and FFG that is as much as
    3"/3hrs outside of terrain or urban influences. HREF exceedance
    probabilities peak only around 20%, but the slow motion of any
    intense rain rates could still cause instances of rapid runoff
    leading to flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_C90JtQRJIv4JV7NluuTUgpF2J8Llam-2FgB0xUFrb5cV5z96HNuQhLaa-JfBTG-tMu8= 6smlnoTv1y_WCms4ilnCzYg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39997553 39977542 39617435 39327404 39067414=20
    38487455 38157527 37917583 37717633 37567678=20
    37467730 37367754 37677817 38097885 38327961=20
    38328026 38298074 38608104 39118094 39657988=20
    39737926 39627877 39677760 39867669=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 7 19:29:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 071929

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0828
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    328 PM EDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Areas affected...Mongollon Rim & Southeast Arizona...Southwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 071930Z - 080130Z

    SUMMARY...Monsoonal thunderstorms capable of 1-1.5"/hr rates with
    mergers for spots of 2"+ resulting in scattered incidents of
    localized flash flooding this evening.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E/W WV suite depicts an elongated retrograded
    mid-level trough along the Mexico/Arizona border with the
    stronger/more compact wave well defined in debris mid-level
    alto-stratus. A secondary wave exists in proximity to the SE
    AZ/SW NM corner but is more the tail end of the elongation and mid
    to upper level shear axis. Still, associated 20-30kt 3H jet
    across central NM results in weak exit/diffluence ascent dynamics
    across the central Mogollon Rim back toward the Mogollon Mnts in E
    AZ. CIRA LPW denotes banked enhanced moisture along the Rim into
    SW NM with values in the .7" range, though animation suggests
    recent ingested passes may have been over-estimated by a few
    tenths, but qualitatively this pattern is favorable for moisture
    flux into developing thunderstorms. Additionally, analyzing the
    700-500 and 500-300mb layers, also places the gradient across S
    Pinal/Graham into SW NM generally coincident with high cirrus arc
    noted in GOES-E Vis. Values of 1.75" in the near Sun Valley and
    values of 1.5" total into SE AZ, shows increased potential for
    rainfall efficiency today.

    While upslope is a tad weaker than recent days at 10-15kts in
    850-700mb, the enhanced moisture combined with high insolation
    across the Eastern Rim into the Black Range in NM has provided an
    ample unstable environment as SBCAPEs of 2000 to 3000 J/kg have
    been analyzed. Currently visible imagery shows destabilization
    with some vertical and anvil growth showing greater than normal
    rates of expansion indicative of said instability. With the
    enhanced moisture and isallobaric response. Rates of 1-1.5"/hr
    are more likely this afternoon particularly after 21z as HREF
    probability lights up over 35-50% for 1"/hr across the central to
    eastern Rim as well as nearer the core of deeper moisture in
    Cochise to E Pima county. Clusters are expected to form and so
    some mergers are possible resulting in localized spots of 2"+.=20
    HREF even hints as 20-25% chance of 3" through 06z, though this
    will become more prevalent toward 00z-01z.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9_shsV5W8o4X8L9ClfIu6Ly-1upbZRlX9ziqiTq7nCNn1rjE3GjZWLTJrmf3gzXO-Zk1= smAsPq7sifBYMs-s4IsoIS4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35921320 35391191 34741096 34170923 33830787=20
    32550791 31370817 31220917 31291119 31681219=20
    32291246 32791170 33431139 33881198 34191273=20
    34521320 34921349 35481352=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 7 20:41:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 072041

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0829
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    440 PM EDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern South Carolina...Southeastern North

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 072045Z - 080245Z

    SUMMARY...T.S. Debby. Increasing convective activity and rainfall
    efficiency with rates of 2-3"/hr and totals of 3-6" through 03z.=20
    Flash flooding will be likely.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E presentation of T.S. Debby is a fairly
    symmetric if ragged donut with expanding thunderstorm activity
    along the northern hemisphere of the circulation. The center is
    nearing the central SC coast with slow north-northwestward
    wobbles. However, it is the very strong mid-level vorticity
    center that is providing strong downstream DPVA as it rotates
    along the eastern side of the surface center. This has backed sfc
    to boundary layer flow off the southern NC coast line which is
    providing very strong deep layer moisture flux convergence along
    the band. Additionally, filtered insolation though that ragged
    canopy across portions of eastern SC into NC provided sufficient
    surface heating in combination with the warmer/higher theta-E air
    off the Gulf Stream. As such, both areas have seen increased
    1000-1500 J/kg of MLCAPE which given the saturated/moist adiabatic
    lapse rates is more than sufficient for these stronger convective
    elements. Strong updrafts and numerous overshooting tops can be
    seen across much of the northern hemisphere of the storm and with
    convergent 35-40kts of low level flow into a weak deformation zone
    axis that sharpens the change in wind direction from SSE to NNE,
    provides that broader convergence to tap that unstable
    environment. 10.3um EIR shows tops cooling below -65C, indicating
    the stronger updraft strength.

    Moisture through depth as also pooled along the eastern quadrant
    of the circulation with 2.5-2.75" total PWat with sfc-850mb
    accounting for 1.25-1.33" per CIRA LPW. As such, rain rates will
    become much more intense, as noted in TLX RADAR estimates. Hourly
    values of 2-3" are likely to be common through the next 2-4 hours.
    Isentropic/WAA ascent around the northwest quadrant should be
    expected as well, though the rainfall magnitude will be a bit
    less, it will still be at or around 2"/hr and pose equal risk for
    rapid inundation flooding. However, as the insolation instability
    is exhausted, the focus and coverage should limit itself back into
    the northeast quadrant along the coastal plain near the
    'renewable' source of the Gulf Stream for heat and frictional
    convergence will remain.=20

    Uncertainty remains in northward propagation of the convergent
    band. There are hints of propagation vectors backing into the
    stronger onshore flow for back-building which would help to
    deflect the band westward relative the coastline as the vorticity
    center rounds the northern side of the circulation; however, there
    are hi-res CAMs that also suggest a more northward (to the coast)
    propagation of the band will be expected just due to stronger
    easterly surface to boundary flow responding to heat
    release/pressure falls near the E SC coast from the convection
    itself. Or the band equalizes and the worst case scenario of 7-9"
    totals occur in proximity to the SC/NC border. Overall,
    trends/guidance supports the broadening of the overall total swath
    across E SC into SE NC with broader areal coverage of 3-6" though
    03z. Either way, flash flooding, potentially significant is
    considered likely through the evening into the early overnight
    hours across the MPD area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6xQDmOA9Z3Rc3M2cukLn-MAAjgCqSTmHpauK42qLKJfjT4k6APpAMZl8xx56UKM_3bQ3= yWCpeBNE0Tb1SXs7METnNNE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35257850 34997735 34537712 34237761 33797788=20
    33817839 33647880 33247910 33007928 32587986=20
    32518047 32828072 33698068 34777997=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 7 22:52:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 072252

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0830
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    652 PM EDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Areas affected...Western MD...Northwest VA...Much of WV...Eastern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 072250Z - 080430Z

    SUMMARY...Moist unstable air pooled along a frontal zone through
    rugged terrain continues to support scattered to widely scattered
    highly efficient, slow moving thunderstorms capable of producing
    1.5-2"/hr and an isolated spot up to 3" through early overnight
    period may be possible, resulting in localized possible flash

    DISCUSSION...22z surface analysis denotes a weak surface low in
    western KY a stationary front extending across central WV into
    Maryland. Stronger thunderstorms are starting to expand in
    coverage/cooling in tops across central WV. Tds in the low 70s
    and total PWats are nearing 2.0" which is well above average,
    leading edge of moisture associated with Debby has been starting
    to filter in through depth especially closer to the front where
    some sort of north to south oriented boundary, perhaps outflow,
    perhaps Bay Breeze assisted but nonetheless starting to flux into
    the upslope portions of NW VA into E VA. Concurrently, visible
    imagery shows weakening cu fields but confluent streets could be
    seen into the deeper frontal boundary reaching these well above
    average values. While insolation is reducing, the affects of
    heating remain with solid instability remaining to support the
    ongoing convection and potentially newer development given
    stronger approaching low level forcing.=20=20

    As such, a few cells are starting to become clusters with
    overshooting tops cycling with occasional tops to -60C mainly
    across the western high slopes of western WV. While weak
    convergence has supported initial development, colliding outflow
    boundaries will help to maintain/expand as the cell seek out the
    remaining unstable air. CAPEs of 2000-25000 J/kg will fade to
    1500 J/kg after night fall, but with strengthening flux, similar
    intense efficient rainfall producing thunderstorms will produce
    1.5-2"/hr totals and given those occasional mergers/collisions
    could support a highly focused 3" total for the next few hours.=20
    Given complex terrain, naturally lower FFG values of 1.5-2"/hr and
    2-2.5"/3hrs, even into E KY there will remain a possibility of
    widely scattered incidents of flash flooding tonight.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9XnGMDLsqizGgtYv8tMv3F-o6BGkFDZXn4hvSh9kire7vYWXGoT5tgb6kYq9n-n07xgy= JoRko3B3LIVqjTEUiDiTlqU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39627978 39597779 38997760 38527851 38208092=20
    37938143 37188284 37338377 37948372 38608262=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 00:54:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080053

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0831
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    853 PM EDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Areas affected...Mogollon Rim...San Francisco Plateau...Southern
    Arizona...Far Southwest New Mexico...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 080100Z - 080600Z

    SUMMARY...A few more hours of widely scattered intense monsoonal
    thunderstorms. Cells further south in S AZ will h

    DISCUSSION... RAP analysis backed up by 00z RAOB from TUS and FGZ
    show solid moisture in the lower levels and fairly steep lapse
    rates to support the conditionally unstable air mass with
    1500-2000 J/kg of CAPE and very limited CINH (5-15 J/kg). Outflow
    convergence from initial convection has been sufficient to break
    the cap with increasing numbers of CBs over the last hour or so
    across (and upstream) of the area of concnern, per GOES-E Visible
    and 10.3um EIR. Rapid expansion of the anvils/tops shows once the
    cell start, inflow/updrafts rapidly load the cloud layer and with
    ample local moisture upsloped from the deserts will continue to
    support 1-1.5"/hr rates at least for a few more hours before the
    CINH strenghtens and outflow collisions are not strong enough to
    break through (generally after 04-05z). An isolated spot or two
    of 2" may still be possible through 06z. Given greater deeper
    layer moisture to the south and further congestus noted even out
    through western Pima county...the greatest rates and coverage for
    possible flash flooding will remain the greatest as they very
    slowly propagate westward.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_hDwncyjNY3SXYf4wqLm3_rbwlkHxBcY7pgjDX75c07S-7amMBKTlbufkvvYHbhsePkS= mYEw82xuiBCB4uhpbUjd7Es$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36951171 36701041 35310997 34390917 33070907=20
    32250803 31240833 31181062 31441213 31961343=20
    32461366 32691315 32761224 33291179 33901219=20
    34391290 34411300 35901352 36871295=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 02:57:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080256

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0832
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1055 PM EDT Wed Aug 07 2024

    Areas affected...Northern and Eastern SC...Central and Southern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 080255Z - 080855Z

    SUMMARY...T.S. Debby will gradually move onshore over the next
    several hours across eastern SC. Locally well-organized bands of
    showers and thunderstorms will continue to produce areas of
    extremely heavy rainfall overnight which will maintain a
    significant concern for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...T.S. Debby is in the process of turning back to the north-northwest and will be gradually moving onshore over the next
    several hours across eastern SC as the system comes under the
    influence of an upper-level trough dropping southeast across the
    TN Valley while the subtropical ridge builds westward across the
    western Atlantic Ocean. This should promote Debby attaining a
    steady increase in latitude with time, and this will also allow
    for multiple convective bands especially around Debby's northern
    semicircle to continue to cyclonically wrap north and
    northwestward into the interior of the southern Mid-Atlantic
    region overnight.

    GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows the strongest convection right
    now wrapping cyclonically across southern NC and into northeast SC
    where some very heavy rainfall rates of 1 to 3 inches/hour are
    occurring. Strengthening low-level moisture flux convergence
    coinciding with plenty of instability transport in off the
    Atlantic Ocean is favoring the increase in convection around the
    north side of Debby's circulation, and the expectation is for
    multiple bands of strong convection to continue to develop and
    organize going into the overnight hours which will be impacting
    large areas of eastern and northern SC up through southern and
    central NC.

    Rainfall rates will continue to be as high as 1 to 3 inches/hour,
    and additional storm totals going through 09Z (5AM EDT) tonight
    may reach 3 to 6 inches, and especially given a very favorable
    environment for cell-training. Additional flash flooding is
    likely, some of which may be considerable to severe. This will
    include especially concerns for significant urban flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8yl5wXQbSOal2KyxGhKhsPlZHW_FmHEMpgGXHBRUNub0eq13ZQHPR1VJ5bf_YfHNTCGr= PGKjS_9eYTBkNnpfFvzEHbU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36087804 35877694 35357645 34637641 34367731=20
    33767794 33667864 33047904 32667956 32408016=20
    32858079 33918122 34858094 35598016 35957924=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 09:02:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080902

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0833
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    500 AM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Northern SC...Central and Southern NC...Southwest
    to South-Central VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 080900Z - 081500Z

    SUMMARY...T.S. Debby will continue to weaken this morning as it
    advances further inland across the coastal plain of the Southeast,
    but will continue to promote extremely heavy rainfall. Numerous to
    widespread areas of flash flooding are expected to continue in
    association with Debby, with considerable to locally catastrophic

    DISCUSSION...The early morning GOES-E IR satellite imagery in
    conjunction with radar and surface observations shows T.S. Debby
    moving northwest and inland across the SC coastal plain. Cold
    convective tops are noted across the northern semicircle of the
    storm with multiple bands of strong convection continuing to
    produce extremely heavy rainfall rates that are occasionally on
    the order of 1 to 3 inches/hour.

    Much of this is occurring over central to southeast NC and is
    aligned with a corridor of strong moisture flux convergence with
    the aid of a southeast low-level jet of 50+ kts. Coinciding with
    this is also the transport of increasing buoyancy in the boundary
    layer with MLCAPE values across southeast NC of 1000 to 1500 J/kg.
    There is also a fair amount of low-level shear which has been
    fostering these organized convective bands with embedded
    mesocyclone activity which is further enhancing the rainfall
    efficiency and related rates.

    Debby is increasingly coming under the influence of shortwave
    energy dropping down across the TN Valley and the upper-level flow
    is becoming increasingly divergent across the southern
    Mid-Atlantic region which should help favor the poleward advance
    of heavy rainfall with Debby going through the morning hours. This
    will allow for the heavy rains and embedded stronger convective
    elements over central NC to begin overspreading southwest to
    south-central VA by later this morning.

    Rainfall rates will remain maximized in the stronger convective
    bands around the northeast quadrant of Debby's circulation, and
    there will continue to be significant concerns for cell-training
    that will favor enhanced rainfall amounts. Given the rain rates of
    1 to 3 inches/hour, and the concentrated corridors of
    cell-training, some additional rainfall amounts by late this
    morning may reach 3 to 6 inches, with isolated heavier totals not
    out of the question.

    Therefore, numerous to widespread areas of flash flooding are
    expected to continue this morning in association with Debby, with
    considerable to locally catastrophic impacts where the heaviest
    rains occur. This will include a significant urban flash flood
    threat from Greensboro to the Raleigh-Durham area, with areas near
    and to the north of Wilmington also at risk.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8x1WWiwMEP3PvyPmY3lGYxD2q1V32hmZxV9PirKGyhEXuMH8ZyclE1v40KrevQsJfclj= _5Qc0_uU-k2tBjilynT3tlE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37757991 37587868 36797769 35777694 34497664=20
    33727731 33567830 34087933 33838017 33748078=20
    34008139 34718177 36038163 37178084=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 15:08:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081508

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0834
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1107 AM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...northern SC into NC and southern VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 081505Z - 082105Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of heavy rain will maintain flash flooding from
    portions of northern SC into much of NC and portions of southern
    VA through the afternoon hours. Rainfall rates of 1-3 in/hr are
    expected along with potential for 6 hour rainfall totals of 3-6
    inches in a couple of locations.

    DISCUSSION...1445Z radar imagery showed the heaviest rainfall
    intensities associated with T.S. Debby located over northwestern
    SC into west-central NC and across the coastal Plain of NC. Recent
    observations have shown hourly rainfall mostly in the 1-2 inch
    range but the potential for higher rates (3+ in/hr) exists. Water
    vapor imagery from GOES East showed dry air continued to wrap
    around the southeastern side of Debby across the Coastal Plain of
    SC into southern NC, partially connected to an upper level
    shortwave located over GA. An axis of deformation was observed
    from Upstate SC into west-central NC along with an
    anticyclonically curved upper level jet and outflow arcing from
    eastern KY into PA.

    Debby is forecast by NHC to follow a general northward motion this
    afternoon but remaining slow between 5-10 kt. This motion combined
    with the placement of the upper trough to its west should maintain
    a slow moving deformation axis from portions of northern SC into
    west-central NC with continued rain rates between 1-2 in/hr and
    additional 2-4 inch totals through 21Z. Meanwhile to the east,
    better access to MLCAPE of 500-1500 J/kg (per RAP forecasts) will
    support the potential for higher rainfall intensities where 40-50
    kt of 850 mb flow pushing onshore will align with the mean
    steering flow, allowing for training segments within fairly narrow
    convective bands. It is here that rainfall rates could locally
    exceed 3 in/hr, although 1-3 in/hr should be more common. Spotty
    potential for additional 3-6 inch totals will exist through 21Z
    with areas of heavy rain spreading into southern VA during the
    afternoon. Overlap with areas already experiencing flooding and/or
    urban areas will likely generate considerable flash flooding in a
    few locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9R-Cm_jquE73lOHkj-zC2kgwuLdG-8ch5K6S6RZUlN7pJSLMJ4bU2wA6CKjVp19i_QHC= ns6N41a_YUH5NCCAcoMQFXg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37657953 37227769 35837648 34737624 34237707=20
    33967756 33837807 34127823 34467826 34777849=20
    35007872 35137908 35207945 35227979 34868025=20
    34418052 34098067 33868092 33758123 33858158=20
    34288197 35278215 36728114=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 16:56:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081656

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0835
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1256 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...central NM into central CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 081654Z - 082254Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving thunderstorms are expected to become
    scattered across the Rocky Mountains of central CO into NM through
    the afternoon resulting in flash flooding. Rainfall of 1-2 inches
    in 30-60 minutes are expected in the stronger cells.

    DISCUSSION...Visible satellite imagery at 1630Z showed clear to
    scattered cloud cover across the Rocky Mountains of CO into NM
    with dense cloud cover east of the divide where low level upslope
    flow was present in the wake of a cloud front. A relatively narrow
    band of clouds extended along a shear axis from north-central AZ
    into northeastern NM with recent cumulus development noted across
    the southern San Juan Mountains. Water vapor imagery showed an
    elongated upper level ridge over the region extending from
    southern NV into western TX, coincident with weak 0-6 km AGL flow
    of ~5 kt or less. Precipitable water values from GJT to ABQ to the
    High Plains of CO (sourced from 12Z RAOBs and GPS data) were near
    to weakly above average for early August per SPC climatological

    Expectations are for continued daytime heating to promote
    thunderstorm development, initially along the higher terrain with
    convective initiation within the next 1-2 hours. MLCAPE via the
    RAP is forecast to rise into the 500-1500 J/kg through 23Z which
    should support high rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches in 30-60
    minutes due to the slow cell movement expected. While precipitable
    water values are not very anomalous, they are still respectable
    given this region is in the climatological max of moisture for the
    year. After initial development, subsequent storm motions will be
    somewhat chaotic and dependent on outflow boundary interactions.
    The greatest focus for thunderstorm coverage is expected in
    northern NM where upslope flow into the region will be maximized
    in both strength (15-20 kt at 850 mb) and direction nearly
    perpendicular to the terrain. At least localized flash flood
    potential will exist farther north into CO as well with storms
    moving a bit faster toward the east. There is some concern for
    flash flooding to the lee of the terrain in CO as storms to move
    off of the higher terrain into the High Plains where upslope flow
    and instability will be present, though instability will be
    dependent on breaks in cloud cover.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8-mKJuNnNmKBL4DO-gELKoRXp5GSjX63ean0UrGgArxLfnQpnHJR3LhM_zJoSicqqfPl= hsWhVDOlnEbSrSZpM_-F7C0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39990558 39180439 37480424 37070396 36940383=20
    36530373 35900412 35360490 34510546 34450628=20
    34430641 35350782 36430797 37100776 38040755=20
    39430702 39810651=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 18:37:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081837

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0836
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    236 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...southern NV into southern UT and northern AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 081835Z - 090035Z

    SUMMARY...Isolated to scattered areas of flash flooding will be
    possible through 00Z across southern NV into southern UT and
    northern AZ. Slow cell movement, especially across southern UT,
    will promote rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches in 30-60 minutes and
    possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...1915Z GOES West water vapor and visible satellite
    imagery showed convective initiation underway across the Wasatch
    Mountains in southern UT along with scattered cloud cover across
    northern portions of AZ across the Colorado Plateau. The region
    was located beneath an elongated upper level ridge that extended
    WNW to ESE from southern NV into NM with an embedded weak shear
    axis accounting for the cloud cover in northern AZ. 12Z area RAOBs
    showed precipitable water values were above average for early
    August with standardized anomalies of +1 to +2. In addition, a
    remnant MCV was noted to be tracking west across northeastern AZ,
    which may act as a focus for convection later this afternoon.

    Immediate concerns for flash flooding exist across portions of
    southern UT where clear skies and weak steering flow (0-6 km AGL
    mean winds of ~5 kt or less) are expected to allow for increasing
    CAPE and subsequent storm development with slow cell motions.
    Given the environment, rainfall of 1 to 2 inches in 30-60 minutes
    will be possible. Farther south, areas of cloud cover will limit
    or delay heating but breaks between the clouds are likely to allow
    for thunderstorm development within the next 1-2 hours. An
    approaching MCV may also act as a focus for thunderstorm
    development as it meets with an increasingly unstable environment.
    Similar to UT, mean cell motions in northern AZ are also expected
    to be slow which could support localized to scattered areas of
    flash flooding, although areas of cloud cover bring into question
    the coverage of thunderstorms that will occur later this afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4YWuaBVz8fsNZ9NStDlz564QKvRz4AKRdZI0-CfRtTUu7AryW8jC1voAZqopX1GVPqHx= eJbOAXKc-3AYKocYZEtMu0A$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38861173 38411092 36851073 35241063 34381003=20
    33871062 34401328 34991473 35991580 36591589=20
    37561465 37851391 38701255=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 19:44:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 081944

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0837
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    343 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Southeastern Arizona...Southwest New Mexico...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 081945Z - 090130Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving monsoonal thunderstorms capable of localized
    1-2" totals pose possible flash flooding risk through this

    DISCUSSION...CIRA LPW denotes returning moisture through the
    mid-level upslope through Sonora state, though 700-500mb layer
    shows increased values lifting due north toward the AZ/NM border
    up to .5-.6" along the trailing boundary of the shortwave across
    SE AZ. Combined with the lower levels, total PWATs are reaching
    toward 1.5 across the AZ/NM line steadily increasing with lower
    elevations (increasing moisture depth) into the low deserts of
    south-central AZ with values near 1.75". Aloft the eastern
    portion of the MPD area of concern is at the exit of a 25-30kt 3H
    jet, weak diffluence, particularly over SE AZ supports modest but
    sufficient outflow divergence to maintain activity more than one
    up/down cycle.=20

    While flow is weak at 5-10kts in the upslope, full sun and solid
    lapse rates support 1000-1500 J/kg of MLCAPE for solid updraft
    strength. Local isallobaric influences from those updrafts should
    support sufficient inflow for moisture loading, flux convergence
    to support rates of 1-1.25"/hr as the thunderstorms mature peaking
    around 21-22z per Hi-Res CAMs and derived HREF probabilities. A
    spot or two of 2" totals is possible but the intensity of the
    rainfall over hard ground conditions may result in localized flash
    flooding conditions through early overnight period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9mdGC_REdsud5rUJU820nMvelGz0qPC-GY-HMQBPDQ4VnMIMzFbarVdtiUv6SBq8-i5F= qVaMxBirfWL3GZIsCl-p_GI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34850804 34640739 32560698 31730695 31620796=20
    31190826 31161006 31231099 31691241 32691216=20
    33661116 34150996=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 20:38:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082038

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0838
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    437 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Slopes & Foothills of Central and
    Southern Appalachians...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 082035Z - 090230Z

    SUMMARY...Strong moisture flux/upslope with broad areal average of
    .5-1"/hr rates with occasional embedded 1.25-1.75"/hr particularly
    from NC north to E WV will induce rapid run off and potentially
    significant flash flooding conditions through the evening.=20

    DISCUSSION...The center of T.S. Debby is close to crossing the SC
    state line into NC just east of Charlotte. Regional RADAR mosaic
    depicts a broadening downstream southeasterly onshore flow regime
    with numerous bands, increasing to as far north as the Chesapeake
    Bay area (a subsequent discussion will cover this area); while
    increasing deformation zone stratiform region continues to expand
    along and east of the spine of the Appalachians from Upstate SC to
    southwestern VA. Low level flow is starting to become more
    parallel to the terrain across the Carolinas given
    placement/orientation of the low to mid-level cyclone shifting
    north through central NC. The reduction of upslope component is
    starting to take effect as showers are reducing in
    intensity/coverage...though a few more hours (22-00z from south to
    north) of .5-1"/hr rates will continue to compound ongoing
    flooding conditions in the Carolinas before shifting northward.

    Across SW VA into central VA, the angle of sfc to 850mb flow is
    easterly with 30-35kts but is likely to veer slightly with time as
    the center of the low shears/shifts northward after 00z. Total
    Pwats through the layer are 2.25" are near 3.0 standard deviations
    from the mean and combined with strength of flux convergence with
    fairly good orthogonality to the ridge lines, should support
    enhanced rainfall rates of .75- 1.25"/hr. Broad totals of 2-3" in
    3-6hrs are likely to induce flash flooding conditions is much of
    the slopes of the terrain given most areas are below 2"/3hr and
    3"/6hr. Stronger banded convection across the Piedmont will have
    potential to lift into the terrain but will be highly localized
    but given weaker instability/vertical depth, short-term rates up
    to 2"/hr are possible and raise localized spots up to 4-5". This
    enhanced total in shorter duration will provide the greatest risk
    for considerable to significant flash flooding conditions, but
    will be more scattered in nature along though most probable in VA
    though 03z.=20=20=20=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_ho6d29TDYmQlxJSMbBbVaLBYODg8izy1L9TIe4pUga8BHQ2g8tkOF1GFds2cFUPHnFJ= _TfSIjAs6kcpd3mPzAnmkjQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39617854 39517758 38537806 37967848 37087924=20
    36247994 35678050 35158106 34788172 35028213=20
    35998189 36678149 37578036 38607951=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 20:43:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082043

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0838...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    442 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Corrected for Flash Flooding LIKELY in Concerning Line

    Areas affected...Eastern Slopes & Foothills of Central and
    Southern Appalachians...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 082035Z - 090230Z

    SUMMARY...Strong moisture flux/upslope with broad areal average of
    .5-1"/hr rates with occasional embedded 1.25-1.75"/hr particularly
    from NC north to E WV will induce rapid run off and potentially
    significant flash flooding conditions through the evening.=20

    DISCUSSION...The center of T.S. Debby is close to crossing the SC
    state line into NC just east of Charlotte. Regional RADAR mosaic
    depicts a broadening downstream southeasterly onshore flow regime
    with numerous bands, increasing to as far north as the Chesapeake
    Bay area (a subsequent discussion will cover this area); while
    increasing deformation zone stratiform region continues to expand
    along and east of the spine of the Appalachians from Upstate SC to
    southwestern VA. Low level flow is starting to become more
    parallel to the terrain across the Carolinas given
    placement/orientation of the low to mid-level cyclone shifting
    north through central NC. The reduction of upslope component is
    starting to take effect as showers are reducing in
    intensity/coverage...though a few more hours (22-00z from south to
    north) of .5-1"/hr rates will continue to compound ongoing
    flooding conditions in the Carolinas before shifting northward.

    Across SW VA into central VA, the angle of sfc to 850mb flow is
    easterly with 30-35kts but is likely to veer slightly with time as
    the center of the low shears/shifts northward after 00z. Total
    Pwats through the layer are 2.25" are near 3.0 standard deviations
    from the mean and combined with strength of flux convergence with
    fairly good orthogonality to the ridge lines, should support
    enhanced rainfall rates of .75- 1.25"/hr. Broad totals of 2-3" in
    3-6hrs are likely to induce flash flooding conditions is much of
    the slopes of the terrain given most areas are below 2"/3hr and
    3"/6hr. Stronger banded convection across the Piedmont will have
    potential to lift into the terrain but will be highly localized
    but given weaker instability/vertical depth, short-term rates up
    to 2"/hr are possible and raise localized spots up to 4-5". This
    enhanced total in shorter duration will provide the greatest risk
    for considerable to significant flash flooding conditions, but
    will be more scattered in nature along though most probable in VA
    though 03z.=20=20=20=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_-tPlYeLL7gxYq2zrt_Gp43zau0pZm3QAKQj4x8wOs4Jy5WXQE6c4JpqQVhZMOd2I0gI= Z9pbW9wg2JVTc7jyivpuEv8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39617854 39517758 38537806 37967848 37087924=20
    36247994 35678050 35158106 34788172 35028213=20
    35998189 36678149 37608032 38527950=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 21:15:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082115

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0839
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    514 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Southern VA...Eastern NC...Far Eastern SC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 082110Z - 090230Z

    SUMMARY...Narrow training bands with intense rain-rates but
    duration/training will be critical for inducing flash flooding.=20
    Training may allow for scattered streaks of 3"+ totals in 1-2
    hours and likely induce localized flash flooding particularly if
    intersecting with urban or already flooded areas.

    DISCUSSION...T.S Debby is being downgraded to a Depression with
    the 21z advisory. However, extremely moist and conditionally
    unstable environment still exists along the northeast quadrant of
    the deeper circulation. CIRA LPW and Blended TPW values (2.5")
    remain at 3-4 standard anomaly from climotology still with strong
    but broad south to southeasterly flow with 40-45kts of 850mb
    slowly converging particularly across central VA. Stronger core
    of mid-level vorticity is rounding the eastern side of the deeper
    cyclone over the next few hours providing increased DPVA for
    localized backing and increased banding convergence to develop
    this narrow bands. Additionally, as the axis rotates through the
    back-building nature will slowly increase to support slightly
    increased duration of potential training, though the narrow nature
    of the updrafts may also reduce some localized residency at any
    given location as the bands slowly propagate with an eastern
    component across the Piedmont of VA and Coastal Plains of NC
    toward the Grand Strand of E SC. Though nearer the vorticity
    center across central NC, cell motions will be clearly different,
    but still have some short-term training potential given downshear
    convergence affects. Either way, rates of 2-3"/hr are likely with
    some even more intense if cells can tap greater vertical depth
    with enhanced CAPE values of 1500 J/kg (noted further east as
    well). Still, probability of less than 1 hour training is likely
    to result in streets of 2-3" totals with perhaps a narrow spot of
    4" across the areas of concern.=20

    NASA SPoRT 0-40cm LIS product denotes a strong differentiation
    along the NC/VA border for areas of 70-90% saturation versus
    30-40% in central VA. As such, incidents of training across NC
    are likely to induce flash flooding conditions (again) but more focused/localized. Further north in VA, this is a bit less
    likely, but given 1 hr FFG are still in the range with 2.5-3"
    rates, it is still very possible almost likely to induce similar
    localized flash flooding conditions.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_vIhG_iRPugmoMWL-VXURMVK67E80Ya3NVaiKACJw_-SAZ34QL-KZZJ4lmUGgMEvs3NI= PEOewFXZvBuX0nE-F6jvIN8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37927735 37537663 36377631 34747644 34537717=20
    33897775 33717843 33317894 33407952 34587930=20
    34797923 35447946 35818018 36467993 36887941=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 21:44:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082144

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0840
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    544 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast to Central Ohio...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 082145Z - 090330Z

    SUMMARY...Very slow/Stationary cells with capability of 1.75"/hr
    rates with 2-3" focused totals inducing a few incidents of flash
    flooding into the early overnight.

    DISCUSSION...An atypical environmental setup exists across Ohio
    with the potential for scattered thunderstorms to initiate over
    the next few hours. A old surface boundary is analyzed from east
    of Cleveland toward a weak surface wave near Zanesville before
    dropping into northeast KY. CIRA LPW denotes a narrow band of
    enhanced moisture in the Sfc-850mb layer with values of .75-.8"
    and with weak convergence through that depth as well with
    northwesterly flow across much of the Tilled Plains intersecting
    with weak downsloping flow/influence from Tropical Cyclone Debby.
    Aloft, a downstream strong confluence zone into the polar jet and
    return anticyclonic outflow from Debby across NY provides solid
    divergence aloft to support broad scale ascent. Filtered
    insolation through cirrus has heated the low levels to the mid to
    upper 80s supporting a band of 1000-1500 J/kg of MLCAPE generally
    coincident with the moisture/convergence.=20

    GOES-Visible and RADAR note a few of the congested Cu are starting
    to build into deeper cores across the area of concern. Given the
    parameters in place, solid flux convergence should support rates
    of 1.75"/hr. Deep layer steering is in a col between the cyclone
    to the southeast and the Deeper closed low over the upper Great
    Lakes, generally about 0-5kts. Inflow and outflow appear to be
    less obstructed than a normal very slow moving updraft to allow
    for increased duration/updraft cycles to allow for 1-2 hours of
    longevity before producing weak outflow. This outflow is probable
    to induce newer development on the periphery and eventually
    colliding outflows may support broader updraft/slab ascent for
    broader downdrafts and rates up to 2". A such, 2-3" focus totals
    result in possibility of inducing localized flash flooding
    conditions. This is more likely across northeast Ohio where FFG
    values are naturally a tad lower and there is increased potential
    for intersecting hydrophobic urban conditions resulting in
    increased run-off.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6_wfu9BRy0cyZZYIvk7vovjVLK6Yk8gvOmUgJIEilWvvKiuawKYFMvjJigMUCuk1rBYq= cgThD7v2ca5XYgprPs6qidI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41898100 41608086 40758132 39798197 39388257=20
    39438312 39848325 40508299 41448216 41538207=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 22:32:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082232

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0841
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    631 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Mid-Atlantic...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 082230Z - 090400Z

    SUMMARY...Back-building efficient tropical showers. Banded
    streaks of enhanced rainfall and flash flooding likely to continue
    through early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR depicts a tightening mid-level
    deformation/FGEN zone highlighted by the more dense stratiform
    shield extending from the Blue Ridge across central MD toward the
    Delaware River Valley. CIRA LPW and 850-700mb RH analysis
    suggests the core of the warm conveyor belt is directed from the
    Outer Banks directly up the Chesapeake Bay. It is at this
    intersection that the strongest deep layer moisture convergence is
    analyzed and 22z surface streamlines veer slightly through the
    Delmarva peninsula to enhanced surface moisture convergence. This
    has resulted in prolonged training event across N DE with 5"+
    rainfall has already fallen; the wave and deformation zone is
    lifting slowly into SE PA, but given strong intersection
    convergence with the deformation zone broader ascent and a
    favorable back-building environment still will remain with very
    slow northward progress over the next few hours. Combine this
    with frictional convergence affects and additional convective
    bands may start to develop across N MD and maintain across W MD/E
    WV as well.

    A wedge of weak to modest instability (500-1000+ J/kg) is forecast
    to maintain given advection off the warmer eastern Atlantic
    through the evening. The core of 2.25-2.5" TPW in the warm
    conveyor belt will continue to be advected on 40-50kts of 850mb
    flow, so efficient flux convergence will continue to support
    shallow tropical warm core convection capable of 2-3"/hr rates.=20
    As such, narrow streets of 3-5" remain possible. The MPD area
    also aligns with lowered FFG due to recent Predecessor Rainfall
    Event (PRE) in the last couple of days. Hourly FFG values less
    than 1.5" stretch much of the area of concern with 3-6hr FFG not
    much higher at 2.5-3" with exception of Northern VA/southern MD
    and S NJ. As such, focused bands of flash flooding are likely
    though given the bands will be relatively narrow and widely


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8hze3iTgVctDEgdNsL1j8l0phR5JYbUzRzxIDvcAt98RB3d-Uw-TCLVmL1gKSDB1deDr= JaduaS-6y_4Qlswd4QauAkg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41017499 40557445 40097447 39687503 39127562=20
    39167615 39157652 38927697 38907734 39077806=20
    39397878 39967877 40577734 40887583=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 8 23:02:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082302

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0842
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    701 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Northern New Mexico...Central & Southern
    Colorado...Far Southeast Utah...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 082300Z - 090400Z

    SUMMARY...Strong slow moving thunderstorms (particularly near the
    surface front) continue to be capable of 1-1.5"/hr rates and
    localized spots of 2"+.

    DISCUSSION...Surface analysis shows the cold front continues to
    press southward across the southern High Plains, though wind shift
    is well in advance of the cold front, across E NM, temperatures
    remain in the upper 80s/90s across the Cap Rock into central NM.=20
    Stronger deep layer moisture exists along/just south of the CO/NM
    border with up to 1" total PWAT in the higher terrain becoming
    1.25"+ in proximity to the frontal zone. Remaining modest
    unstable air west of the front and strong convergece to support
    ascent with some cooler, moist inflow from the base should provide
    some enhanced rainfall production for the next few hours and with
    similar redevelopment locations as the front slowly presses west
    against the mean flow/convergence may allow for repeating to
    support spots of 2" in proximity to the foothills and may induce
    localized flash flooding, especially if overlapping with burn
    scars. Stronger divergence and some modest right entrance ascent
    remains strong along the CO/WY border, enough to support low to
    mid-level westerly moist flow out of UT into central CO to modify
    the area, should support these more scattered cells across central

    Southward, a mature cluster has moved off the S Sangre de Cristo,
    but also new development in proxity to the front will expand
    westward through north-central NM. Here, slightly higher moisture
    and stronger cells may support a spot of 1-1.5"/hr rates and a
    spot of 2"+ totals. Flash flooding will remain possible for cells
    closer to steeper terrain in central NM but there remain lower
    FFGs across NE NM where recent rains have increased soil
    saturation near 45-50% per NASA SPoRT LIS product and 1.5"/hr and
    2.5"/3hr may be in reach and so flash flooding remains possible
    through early overnight period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9j8OvxbAzZnN0VNFzCDQNWFwlIgDOAznyLw4c9k4UPsNapOSQiAg7MwzmWdmm9GJzRuC= aPDtqBa8o4s1VPizVRja0VQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40390527 39790468 38830502 37950512 37030412=20
    36450349 35710318 34790387 34280662 34760746=20
    35940827 36470886 37200963 37990942 38310880=20
    38610790 38980703 39930666 40310611=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 00:25:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090025

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0843
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    824 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Much of AZ...Southwest UT... Southeast NV...Adj
    Southeast CA...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 090030Z - 090600Z

    SUMMARY...Maturing clusters will continue to seek out remaining
    unstable air. Increasing cell mergers/outflow collisions will
    support enhanced short-term rain rates resulting in widely
    scattered 1-2" totals through early overnight continuing to pose
    possible localized flash flooding conditions.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible and Regional RADAR mosaic depict a few
    maturing clusters of thunderstorms across the Southwest this
    evening, including one sinking south out of UT into SE NV/NW AZ,
    along the Mogollon Rim, as well as across Southeast AZ. GOES-E WV
    suite depict a pair of shortwaves along the western edge of the
    decaying ridge over the Four Corners region, although active
    convection and modest mid-level moisture is supporting MCV upscale
    development along the axis from NW AZ to the SE AZ wave.
    Strengthening upper-level jet from Northern California through the
    Central Rockies has broadened favorable upper-level outflow
    channels with some anticyclonic arching noted in the debris clouds
    in E UT, NE AZ, etc; also supporting this strengthening mid-level
    voriticity axis. The favorable mid-level ascent pattern is
    resulting in the clusters cooling rapidly (especially across
    cetnral and southeast AZ) with tops below -65C increasing in

    CIRA LPW continues to show elevated moisture in the 700-500mb
    layer across much of AZ into far S UT, with a ribbon extending
    eastward across N NM/S CO into the Plains, but animation shows the
    core of the moisture advection is across the Mongollon Rim where
    7H Tds are over 8C per RAP, and given 60s Tds in the upslope out
    of the low deserts of SW AZ, anomalous values of Total PWat
    continue to be in the 1.25 to 1.5" range in the inflow region to
    the aforementioned clusters. This axis of enhanced moisture also
    aligns with the SE to NW axis of enhanced CAPE that ranges from
    2500 J/kg in the SE to 500-1000 J/kg toward the NV/AZ/UT border.

    Forward propagation of the maturing clusters is providing the
    ample flux to support increasing 1-1.5"/hr rates and given the
    600-400mb steering flow is near zero, updrafts will be fairly
    vertical to all for localized totals of 1-2" in 1-1.5hrs,
    potentially inducing scattered incidents of flash flooding into
    the early overnight period. New development will occur along
    colliding outflow boundaries and broader updrafts may become a bit
    more common given slab ascent. All considered scattered incidents
    of flash flooding will be possible through the early overnight
    period, with greater potential across S AZ.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9HJ4nzy3nIySTGWZhIWccgaw2qXVPqezHRuyhRmMzm-3CYdddR8kDN6sH3yf8VjAhdXM= SP27kBdyTL8MmDpT69kUPPk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38301464 38191374 37951343 37621269 36991179=20
    36581148 35191143 34411120 33600979 33290931=20
    32770911 32250913 31560910 31240942 31191057=20
    31421180 32011330 33091293 33511391 34401479=20
    35031536 35601552 35821480 36541439 37461485=20
    37681481 38091486=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 02:02:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090202

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0844
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1002 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern SC...Southeast NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090200Z - 090800Z

    SUMMARY...Additional areas of flash flooding will be likely
    heading into the overnight hours from locally redeveloping and
    potentially training bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms.

    DISCUSSION...Very moist and unstable air remains pooled up across
    far eastern SC and into southeast NC as convergent low-level flow
    remains in place around the southeast flank of T.D. Debby which
    continues to lift north-northwest across south-central NC. MLCAPE
    values are locally as high as 1500 to 2000 J/kg and especially
    across southeast NC.

    A persistent axis of moisture convergence is expected to remain in
    place over the next several hours across far eastern SC while
    actually tending to reload/strengthen somewhat across southeast
    NC. This should favor concerns for locally redeveloping and
    expanding bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms. Already radar
    imagery shows one fairly organized band over eastern SC situated
    west and north of Summerville, with a separate, but intensifying
    band aligning itself from the immediate offshore waters
    north-northeastward into southeast NC just to the west and
    southwest of Wilmington.

    The latest HREF guidance favors some additional rainfall amounts
    overnight of 2 to 4 inches with isolated heavier amounts. Given
    these additional rains, saturated soil conditions, and high
    streamflows from recent Debby-related rainfall, there will likely
    be additional areas of flash flooding overnight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7mn9ITIBlr3KDBd26_tTKXAcYzrsBDgiDAY5L1sjavykK0qJXyHf8BxTzSUOvIbFwxMy= -8QH7e7shftDzMwvM5QyKOI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35237722 34787717 34077765 33607862 32887945=20
    32578022 32668097 32948116 33228097 33468033=20
    33757937 34287873 35217790=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 03:20:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090320

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0845
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1120 PM EDT Thu Aug 08 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Slopes of the Central Appalachians
    including the Blue Ridge and Piedmont of the Mid-Atlantic

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090320Z - 090920Z

    SUMMARY...T.D. Debby will continue to lift north-northeastward
    overnight while accelerating across the Mid-Atlantic states.
    Additional concentrated areas of heavy rainfall across the eastern
    slopes of the central Appalachians/Blue Ridge and portions of the
    Piedmont will continue to maintain a significant threat of flash
    flooding overnight.

    DISCUSSION...The latest satellite and radar imagery in conjunction
    with surface observations show T.D. Debby continuing to accelerate north-northeastward across the interior of the Mid-Atlantic states
    as the storm rounds the western edge of the subtropical ridge off
    the East Coast. There is not much in the way of convection or
    heavy rainfall around Debby's center, but there continues to be
    relatively well-defined cyclonic bands of heavy rainfall including
    some deeper convective elements wrapping west and northwest into
    the eastern slopes of the Appalachians including the Blue Ridge
    and portions of the Piedmont from southwest VA northeastward
    across eastern WV, western MD and south-central PA.

    Debby is in the gradual process of merging with a frontal zone
    draped across the interior of the Mid-Atlantic states and is
    beginning the process of undergoing extratropical transition.
    Increasingly strong upper-level jet support/divergence aloft
    coupled with frontogenetical forcing and enhanced moisture
    transport north of Debby's surface track will continue to favor a
    corridor of extremely heavy rainfall overnight. A southeast
    low-level jet of 40 to 50 kts is bringing a significant surge of
    tropical moisture into the eastern slopes of the higher terrain
    and is also favoring rather strong instability transport up across
    the Mid-Atlantic coastal plain and into the Piedmont.

    MUCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg are focused across these areas,
    and there is also a north/south axis of rather strong low-level
    shear with surface to 3-km shear values of 30 to 50 kts extending
    from southern VA northward into south-central PA. This will be
    raising the potential overnight for some locally organized bands
    of training convection with some embedded mesocyclone activity
    that will result in extremely heavy rainfall rates. The deep
    tropical environment with favorable shear and instability, coupled
    with strong orographics will favor rainfall rates locally of 2 to
    3 inches/hour, and some additional rainfall totals of 3 to 6
    inches with isolated heavier amounts. The eastern slopes of the Appalachians/Blue Ridge involving eastern WV and western VA are
    expected to see the heaviest overall totals and this is consistent
    with the latest 00Z HREF guidance.

    Given the extremely heavy rainfall rates and storm totals, a
    significant risk of flash flooding will exist which will include
    considerable to isolated catastrophic impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7kssix9fwGESBZa-92c1D1cH5ZGQnQ9bp13rhdYYq0Hd5wGVpRDVW8VmCpX-TQngCg9C= EO2htgxLCcAQBt7WZuuQSTQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40837787 40617709 40107679 39457692 38057746=20
    37187783 36847833 36867952 37308012 38068030=20
    39827952 40537872=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 07:50:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090750

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0846
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    350 AM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern SC...Southeast NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090750Z - 091300Z

    SUMMARY...Extremely heavy rains from locally training showers and
    thunderstorms will continue through the early morning hours across
    portions of eastern SC and coastal areas of southeast NC. Ongoing
    flash flooding will continue, and this includes severe to locally
    catastrophic impacts for portions of Berkeley County, SC in

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows very cold-topped
    convection persisting across portions of eastern SC and into
    adjacent areas of far southeast NC as a very moist/unstable
    airmass continues to work in tandem with a very convergent
    southwest low-level jet around the far southeast periphery of T.D.
    Debby to promote a broken band of persistent convection with
    considerable instances of backbuilding and cell-training.

    MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2000 J/kg are noted along the coast of
    eastern SC and into southeast NC with a corridor of focused
    moisture convergence. The low-level jet over the next few hours
    should remain rather persistent in the 30 to 40 kt range, and
    especially over southeast NC which should support a general
    continuation of the convective threat going through the early
    morning hours.

    PWs are locally over 2.25 inches based on the latest NESDIS
    Blended TPW data, and this coupled with the level of instability
    and persistent moisture convergence should continue to favor
    rainfall rates of locally 1.5 to 2.5 inches/hour. Some additional
    storm totals over the next few hours may reach 3 to 4 inches, with
    isolated heavier amounts not out of the question.

    Given the extremely sensitive conditions on the ground with
    ongoing flash flooding/flood inundation, the additional rains will
    only exacerbate the situation in the short-term. This will include
    additional severe to locally catastrophic impacts, and especially
    over Berkeley County, SC where there is an active Flash Flood
    Emergency for the town of Moncks Corner.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7exCmL9wrT8xXEbgiABySks-Mmm-ftOc1Hvv7TvVVaxBUoLOMhD_hPdLknurZ3xs0Cfm= xAwco4Wkayhh_trwjWoBksg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35587724 35587680 35287664 34757679 34507727=20
    34347753 33917791 33637878 32887945 32767998=20
    32778041 32888073 33118081 33388037 33757939=20
    34077894 34897785=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 09:18:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090918

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0847
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    516 AM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...Central Appalachians...Northern
    Mid-Atlantic...New York

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 090915Z - 091515Z

    SUMMARY...Post-T.C. Debby continues to rapidly lift north through
    the Mid-Atlantic states, but continues to bring heavy rains along
    with significant and locally life-threatening flash flooding

    DISCUSSION...The early morning radar imagery, surface observations
    and satellite data shows the now Post-T.C./extratropical low
    center of Debby rapidly lifting north-northeast across far western
    VA, with the center of circulation notably elongated in a south to
    north fashion. Very heavy rains though continue to overspread
    portions of the central Appalachians and adjacent areas of the
    Blue Ridge and Piedmont of the Mid-Atlantic. This includes an area
    from from eastern WV and northwest VA up across western MD and
    much of central and western PA.

    Debby has merged with a frontal zone and strong warm air advection
    coupled with enhanced moisture transport across the Mid-Atlantic
    states continues to surge toward areas of the Northeast. A
    southerly low-level jet of 50 kts is in place around the east side
    of Debby's circulation and there continues to be the poleward
    surge of instability with the latest RAP analysis showing as much
    as 1000 to 1500 J/kg of MLCAPE over portions of the Piedmont and
    coastal plain of the Mid-Atlantic. Coinciding with this continues
    to be a belt of stronger low-level shear/helicity which is
    facilitating some organized/semi-linear bands of stronger
    convection with some mesocyclone activity. Some of these bands are
    showing up in radar across northern VA and separately across parts
    of south-central PA.

    Very high PWs, and the thermodynamic and kinematic environment,
    will continue to favor rainfall rates as high as 2 to 3
    inches/hour with the stronger and more organized convective cells
    this morning as these bands lift off to the north. Meanwhile,
    strengthening frontogenesis and jet-enhanced forcing along with
    the moisture transport will favor widespread heavy rain
    overspreading areas from western and central PA through southern
    and central NY going through the morning hours.

    Additional rainfall totals along and ahead of the track of
    Post-T.C. Debby will reach as high as 3 to 6 inches by late this
    morning. The additional rains are expected to continue fostering
    numerous to widespread areas of flash flooding, with concerns for
    significant and life-threatening impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9KBNwq7F4pKZBFwaomR_gpHxaXD48Z4kn9WrhIJD5Lx_HJHccYZxv8CKDPQlEG6Lx3kz= Db1XV4HdPruDa4WZt6XujWA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43637496 43327419 42707386 41967384 41187427=20
    40067539 38407615 37807689 38007808 38557854=20
    39247880 39767931 40817945 41477907 42207853=20
    42937765 43597617=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 15:30:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 091529

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0848
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1129 AM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...PA, northwestern NJ into Upstate NY and far
    nortwestern VT

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 091526Z - 092100Z

    SUMMARY...Post-T.C. Debby will maintain areas of flash flooding
    from northern PA into NY, northwestern NJ and possibly far
    northwestern VT. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr (locally higher) and
    additional totals of 3-5 inches are expected through 21Z. Some
    flash flooding could be significant, especially with overlap of
    urban locations and/or sensitive terrain.

    DISCUSSION...Post-T.C. Debby was located over north-central PA as
    of 15Z, moving quickly to the NE at just over 30 kt. An area of
    heavy rain was associated with Debby's circulation center,
    straddling the central NY/PA border, containing MRMS and gauge
    derived rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr. MLCAPE was limited to below
    500 J/kg via the 15Z SPC mesoanalysis over central PA into central
    NY but precipitable water values of 2.1 to 2.3 inches and strong
    upper level divergence/diffluence were compensating for the lack
    of instability. Farther east from east-central PA into the Hudson
    Valley of NY, higher MLCAPE of 500-1000 J/kg was aiding in high
    rain rates within south to north axes of training
    showers/thunderstorms despite slightly weaker forcing aloft.

    The surface low of Post-T.C. Debby is forecast to continue a swift northeastward movement toward the Tug Hill Plateau through 21Z. A
    stripe of heavy/training rain will likely follow just west of the
    path of the surface low where an axis of 2-4, locally up to 5
    inches of rain is expected through 21Z with embedded rainfall
    rates of 1-2 in/hr (locally higher). Farther east, areas of
    training will be more transient but still noteworthy with embedded
    rates of 1-2 in/hr and localized additional totals of 2-4 inches
    through 21Z. Some of these areas of training could impact
    sensitive terrain within the Catskills and Adirondacks or overlap
    with urban areas, resulting in significant impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7UIfSY46Fy-cott7IJ1kteNki2GSzwI75hcw8G4vQGXi_dMlL4aUB3CduWla__tStG0x= qIHUJpZaOoQr5HsXBvHtCIw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45207443 45197332 44487323 43517364 42417392=20
    41867407 40777476 40307620 40417722 40977777=20
    41357851 42147864 42657840 43437769 43697685=20
    44457637 45127514=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 15:39:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 091539

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0849
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1138 AM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...eastern SC/NC border into eastern NC and far
    southeastern VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 091535Z - 092135Z

    SUMMARY...Training of heavy rain from SSW to NNE is expected to
    generate renewed flash flood concerns through mid-afternoon for
    eastern NC, potentially extending northward into southeastern VA.
    While the coverage of higher intensity rain may be limited,
    rainfall rates between 1-3 in/hr are likely.

    DISCUSSION...Radar imagery over the past 1-2 hours has shown
    semi-organized lines of showers and thunderstorms located over
    eastern NC and just offshore, associated with confluent flow in
    the 925-850 mb layer. Winds in this layer have weakened compared
    to last night but remained southerly in the 20-30 kt range over
    the Outer Banks and Pamlico Sound, weakening and veering with
    western extent. Precipitable water values ranged between 2.2-2.4
    inches and MLCAPE was limited to the Coastal Plain, as high as
    1500 J/kg along the coast, but lower to the west.

    Although Post-T.C. Debby is forecast to quickly track northward
    today from western PA, the flow regime across eastern NC will
    remain similar well into the afternoon per recent RAP forecasts.
    This will favor the occasional generation of a narrow axis or two
    of heavy rain with training, given a similar orientation of the
    low level confluence to the deeper layer steering flow. Cloud
    cover will likely maintain limited CAPE values for inland portions
    of eastern NC, which should focus shower/thunderstorm activity
    over the eastern 1/4 of NC, perhaps extending northward into
    southeastern VA.

    Given recent rainfall over the past 2-3 days over the region, as
    high as 10+ inches over the southern coast of NC, soils are fairly
    saturated and have limited infiltration capacity. Training bands
    with 1-3 in/hr rainfall rates are expected through the afternoon
    which would likely result in renewed areas of flash flooding.
    Precise location of these bands is uncertain, but a good portion
    of eastern NC into southeastern VA will remain in a favorable
    setup for these narrow bands of training well into the afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7aa6J-XBQnozeET5TWyKCgMSJnI7b2xSRsqGrrckIu8W0HN7ZTFYmv-zPtcAw_fWXndS= ecYOJlBnNbZCh4qTiksTTQY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37717595 37547532 36597547 35027540 33817703=20
    33647847 34147916 35347834=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 19:23:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 091923

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0850
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    322 PM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...northern AZ into UT and central CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 091921Z - 100120Z

    SUMMARY...Isolated to scattered areas of flash flooding will be
    possible across portions of UT, northern AZ into central CO
    through this evening. Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches in 30-60
    minutes are likely to occur in the stronger thunderstorms that

    DISCUSSION...GOES West visible imagery across the western U.S. at
    19Z showed the early development of diurnal monsoon convection
    across northern AZ into the Wasatch of UT and eastward into CO.
    Earlier cloud cover has been eroding, allowing better solar
    insolation and CAPE production. Precipitable water values are
    similar to or slightly higher than yesterday at this time,
    corresponding to standardized anomalies of +1 to +2. Water vapor
    imagery showed AZ positioned within a break in the ridge, with the
    main belt of westerlies located over the northern Great Basin.
    Winds on the 12Z FGZ sounding were generally 10 kt or less from
    250 mb to the surface, resulting in 850-200 mb layer mean flow of
    just 3 kt. Deeper layer mean flow increases into central UT to
    near 10 kt and 15+ kt in central CO.

    Due to the anomalous moisture in place and expectation for
    increasing instability through 00Z (MLCAPE was less than 500 J/kg
    area-wide via the 18Z SPC mesoanalysis), thunderstorms will become
    more numerous through the remainder of the afternoon into the
    evening hours. While 700 mb winds are weak, there is some
    confluent flow noted over southern UT into CO which help to focus
    thunderstorms as convective initiation progresses. Outflow
    boundary influences will come into play later in the day, driving
    storm behavior but some brief training will be possible from UT
    into western CO where mean westerly winds could support higher
    rates where cell alignment sets up in accord with the mean wind.
    Slow moving and training storms over the region will pose a risk
    for high rainfall rates of 1-2 inches within 30-60 minutes,
    whether due to slow movement or brief training. Isolated to
    scattered areas of flash flooding will be possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!62oCx3NiAXpj0wQ8a9vf0m2hiwmuwO4Kxl-OAE67G0MrtoHbdqWZILk9hnaRLO7XeW6K= JadlkMHiUifsU24_Bk7ZRlY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40260794 40190673 40140602 40140568 39880538=20
    39550544 39300586 39080614 38870624 38650645=20
    38190693 37580740 37370792 37280840 37040916=20
    36611009 35541114 35231154 35011194 35051265=20
    35321341 35641376 36081396 36691398 37211381=20
    37661364 38261318 38491298 38731265 39041226=20
    39181206 39531172 39781100 39901055 40070976=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 20:59:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 092059
    FFGMPD MEZ000-MAZ000-NHZ000-VTZ000-CTZ000-NYZ000-NJZ000-PAZ000-DEZ000-MDZ000-10030=

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0851
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    458 PM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern New England...Northern & Eastern NY Incl. NYC...Eastern PA...NJ...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 092100Z - 100300Z

    SUMMARY...Post-Tropical Cyclone Debby lifting out of the Northeast
    with north-south line of broken thunderstorms capable of quick
    1-3" and localized flash flooding risk.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite shows a more classic extra-tropical
    cyclone signature with a well shaped comma-head and excellent
    anti-cyclonically curved outflow into the baroclinic shield across
    southeast Canada into the 110kt right entrance of the jet. A
    traditional north-south convergence axis exists across E NY into
    the Delaware Valley with a few newer convective cells as far south
    as N Delaware, this aligns more with the deep layer warm conveyor
    belt and highly anomalous moisture feed with 2-2.25" total PWats
    generally parallel to the 50-60kt 850mb LLJ. The cold front is
    well defined across central NY into central PA and W MD, but minus
    a bit of remaining boundary layer moisture and some solar
    insolation, activity is likely to be widely scattered, and fast
    moving to be much more than a nucense to ongoing flooding
    conditions in that area.=20

    Strong moisture flux convergence/isentropical ascent into the
    deformation zone/comma head remains across a risk for training of
    1.75-2.25"/hr rates across far northern NY for about an additional
    hour or two, the quick 2-4" total by 00z will likely induce flash
    flooding across St. Lawrance and Franklin, and perhaps clip
    northern Clinton county.=20

    Along the warm conveyor belt, the pre-frontal convergence
    zone/trof intersects the LLJ obliquely, to result in a fractured
    line of thunderstorms across the Hudson Valley; but this broad
    southerly flow will be intersecting the mid to upper-slopes of the
    Greens, Whites and eventually Blue Ranges of the northern
    Appalachians providing moisture convergence for precursory
    .25-.5"/hr rates. However, the deeper thunderstorms will support
    sub-hourly rates of 1.5" with spots of 2"/hr totals as they
    quickly progress east, with cells to the north moving faster but
    intersecting with those slopes that have be pre-soaked providing
    opportunity for rapid rises within sloped terrain likely leading
    to flash flooding though likely to be shorter in overall duration
    resulting in broken WSW to ENE streaks of 1-3".

    Further south the line into the Delaware River Valley, NJ and
    perhaps northern Delaware, mid-level steering flow will be weaker
    than further north at 20-30kts with a bit more southwest to
    northeast orientation as the next polar jet streak over the Great
    Lakes approaches the area and curves cyclonically through the
    lower Great Lakes. Slightly higher moisture will maintain similar
    strong moisture flux convergence in the low levels to support
    similar 2"/hr rates, but with slower forward progress and some
    potential for training, the further south cells have greater
    potential for higher rainfall totals in the 2-4" range
    particularly into southern NJ. Higher infiltration in sandier
    soils may limit some flash flooding potential but there remain
    some portions of the I-95 corridor from Wilmington, Philly to
    Trenton in proximity for urban flooding, though that should be in
    the nearer term before cells press into the Pine Barrens.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4TUmOWGikTBElFo0gjLtPV1LU_9hOdlA1vImcPF2Pg1-KlKdHgVfD6dgp7TPmPtk7_3F= drHkG3R8E_wiUe67P5QP_DU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45747050 45176993 44507006 43827081 42527175=20
    41237272 40417355 39357445 38787528 39097594=20
    39957562 41327489 42637428 43417411 43687462=20
    43657532 44247587 44877543 45187391 45447142=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 9 22:37:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 092237

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0852
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    636 PM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...Northern NM...Southeast CO...Western OK/TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 092230Z - 100400Z

    SUMMARY...Confluent steering flow provides an opportunity for
    training thunderstorms and repeating cells across the High Plains
    and Southern Rockies with localized flash flooding possible.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite denotes southern ridge reestablishing
    itself further east across West Texas and Southeast NM with broad
    warming noted across this area in all 3 WV channels. The return
    moisture through many layers is starting to generally align across
    the northwest to north-central portion of the ridge as noted by
    the CIRA LPW suite. Both the 850-700 and 700-500mb depict a
    enhanced ribbon from the central AZ/NM border lifting northeast
    then flattening across N NM, with the 850-700mb maximized from the
    Sangre de Cristo across into the Upper Red River Valley with
    .5-.75" estimated, while 500-700mb is maximized from AZ to
    north-central NM at .4 to .6", both showing 90th and some spots of
    95th percentile values. A shortwave at the the right entrance to
    the strengthening polar jet across the Central Plains exists
    across SE CO, with trailing trough back toward the Four Corners.=20
    As the energy elongated vertically exiting the Southern Colorado
    Rockies, further surface to 850mb cyclogenesis is expected. Winds
    in the TX panhandle are starting to veer in response after this
    morning's convective debris has eroded. As such, sfc-850mb CIRA
    LPW shows some increasing moisture back into the Panhandles with
    .5 to .85" noted along and south of the stationary front. All in
    all, this is supporting a well above average moisture plume
    through depth into the elongated mid-level trough.=20

    Insolation across NM, has resulted in a broad field of cu with
    streets lifting north into the boundary and already becoming
    active convection across the higher terrain of NW and central NM.
    Instability of 500-1500 MLCAPE will provide ample vertical ascent
    and moisture loading through depth to provide increasing rainfall
    efficiency through the afternoon into the evening.=20

    Current activity across NE NM/SE CO is starting to organize into
    clusters and appears to have solid potential to scale up into a
    complex over the next few hours. Deep layer flow will align to
    the frontal zone and trail behind the wake of this morning's
    convection enhanced by the differential heating boundary from the
    stratus across SW KS and the NE Panhandle region. Rates of
    1.25-1.5" may rise to locally 1.75" through the late evening (with
    .75-1.25" across the mountains where moisture depth is a tad
    lower, but still well above normal). As noted in the CIRA LPW
    analysis, this is the confluent steering and upstream inflow may
    support back-building but will allow for training/repeating
    particularly east of the terrain. As such, spots of 2-3" in 2-4
    hours are probable across northeast NM/SE CO into NW Panhandles.=20
    Lowered FFG values of 1-2"/hr and 1.5-3"/3hrs are well within
    range of short-term rainfall totals, so flash flooding is
    considered possible into the early overnight period.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-p3u_Hbkc8e5UdqI6bGcJFOn67ln6nk9cGSyG8js9d8zvFGii8HqiSWh8kzo9tzhl7AB= DiLNev6LGOfUXR8yd4IBRxQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38030379 37820256 36940208 36050085 35100108=20
    34840222 35210385 34960521 33960601 34000781=20
    35050864 36410841 36940643 37300517=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 10 03:22:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100322

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0853
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1121 PM EDT Fri Aug 09 2024

    Areas affected...Upstate SC...Western and Central NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 100320Z - 100730Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving areas of showers and thunderstorms will be
    capable of producing heavy rainfall rates over the next few hours.
    Given the wet and locally saturated soil conditions, these rains
    will likely result in isolated to widely scattered instances of
    flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The late evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery in
    conjunction with dual-pol radar shows scattered areas of
    slow-moving showers and thunderstorms across portions of central
    and western NC and down into northwest SC. The activity is focused
    along a very slow-moving frontal boundary as a wave of low
    pressure lifts northeast along it. The airmass pooled along the
    boundary is moist and unstable with MLCAPE values of 1000 to 1500
    J/kg and there is a corridor of weak upper-level jet dynamics
    overhead which is yielding some weak deeper layer ascent. Some
    modest moisture convergence is situated along the boundary as well.

    Over the next few hours, some additional areas of slow-moving
    shower and thunderstorm activity can be expected before a
    sufficient level of boundary layer CINH takes over and helps to
    weaken the convective activity. PWs remain locally near 1.75
    inches and this will help drive heavy rainfall rates that may
    reach 1 to 2 inches/hour in the meantime.

    The slow cell-motions will favor some localized storm totals going
    through 06Z (2AM EDT) of 2 to 4 inches, and given the wet and
    locally saturated soil conditions from recent heavy rainfall,
    there will likely be some additional isolated to widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7OGlp_oHGGV5Pg7Fb6OsrYRe3c3LaD17oJvA60GGwOALo3zLSK6wk_KWqYzW2xaw43-n= j0XffTtxag2nubTgJV8kth4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36557925 36407871 35677890 35018097 34448181=20
    34358262 34808290 35308225 35798159 36328039=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 10 04:04:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100404

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0854
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1203 AM EDT Sat Aug 10 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast NM into the TX/OK Panhandles

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 100403Z - 100903Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms will continue to eject
    east out across portions of the southern High Plains over the next
    few hours. Additional scattered instances of flash flooding will
    be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The late evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows
    clusters of cold-topped convection with heavy rainfall rates
    ejecting east across northeast NM and into adjacent areas of the
    TX/OK Panhandle region. The convection is situated near an area of
    low pressure and in close proximity to the a frontal zone. The
    greater convective organization is over northeast NM where MLCAPE
    values of 1000 to 1500 J/kg are noted. A low-level moisture
    convergence max is also noted across this region based on the
    latest objective analysis from the RAP.

    There may be enough convective organization over the next couple
    of hours to support a small scale MCS evolution that will
    gradually eject east out into the TX Panhandle while additional
    and somewhat less organized convection impacts areas a bit farther
    north into the OK Panhandle. Some weak shortwave energy ejecting
    east across northern NM and into the TX Panhandle overnight will
    tend to regionally help facilitate some degree of convective
    sustenance going into the overnight hours.

    Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour are expected to continue at
    least in the short-term and some localized 2 to 4 inch totals may
    occur where any cell-training occurs. Thus, some additional
    scattered instances of flash flooding will be possible over the
    next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_HFVrn3kytwE90dk3zEQyUaVmRNj29Q2YBmjmeGTF8w_6PHiSsiDXg5xFNu7MyqaGfj3= CMPpUYMiBiFOhlh1NDHlS84$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36950103 36939977 36309955 35600024 35180157=20
    34800378 35180512 35680538 35980513 36150460=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 10 16:39:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 101639

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0855
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1238 PM EDT Sat Aug 10 2024

    Areas affected...far eastern GA into central and eastern SC/NC as
    well as southeastern VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 101636Z - 102235Z

    SUMMARY...Efficient rainfall production from scattered afternoon
    thunderstorms could result in isolated to scattered areas of flash
    flooding atop saturated soils. Rainfall rates are expected to vary
    between 1-3 in/hr.

    DISCUSSION...GOES East visible imagery from 1615Z showed a
    building cumulus field along a sea breeze boundary along the SC/NE
    coast as well as near/east of a slow moving front analyzed SW to
    NE through the central Carolinas. 12Z soundings from CHS and MHX
    showed a very moist environment with precipitable water values of
    2.1 to 2.3 inches along with wet bulb zero heights as high as 14.7
    kft. 850-300 mb mean layer winds varied from near 5 kt in SC to
    10-15+ kt in NC, faster with northern extent. While there was some
    dry air centered near 500 mb in both soundings, with this dry
    layer noted on layered PW imagery, the environment will still be
    capable of producing rainfall of 1 to 3 inches in an hour or less
    time, especially as convective coverage increases later today.

    Isolated thunderstorms are expected to develop within the next 60
    minutes as surface temperatures reach their convective temperature
    and convergence helps to initially focus activity along the
    front/sea breeze boundaries. Coverage should increase throughout
    the afternoon near and east of the slow moving synoptic front with
    cell mergers and outflow interactions likely. A lack of shear loft
    should limit cell organization but brief training will be possible
    due to the weak steering flow and similarly oriented 850 mb wind
    vectors in many locations of the eastern Carolinas.

    5-day rainfall across the region has exceeded 10 inches in some
    locations which has left soils saturated in most places. While
    additional rainfall may only reach into the 2-4 inch range and
    remain localized to scattered across the region, there will be
    enhanced sensitivity to flash flooding as thunderstorm coverage


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    LAT...LON 37037658 37007611 36767584 36097564 34997641=20
    34277703 33677787 33157874 32417975 32208068=20
    32438155 33568240 34638071 35267928 36687723=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 10 21:41:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 102141

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0856
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    540 PM EDT Sat Aug 10 2024

    Areas affected...Western and central AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 102139Z - 110300Z

    SUMMARY...Ample moisture and weak steering flow will continue to
    support slow-moving storms, capable of producing heavy rainfall
    rates and localized runoff concerns across the region through the
    remainder of the afternoon into the early evening.

    DISCUSSION...Latest mesoanalysis shows PWs 1.5-2 inches (~2
    standard deviations above normal) centered over southwestern
    Arizona, with PWs of 1-1.5 inches covering northwestern Arizona.=20
    This moisture along with increasing instability (MLCAPEs ~500-1500
    J/kg) has contributed to increasing shower and thunderstorm
    coverage over the past few hours, with rainfall rate estimates
    reaching ~1.5 in/hr in some of the stronger storms. Storms that
    have developed have shown slow south-to-north movement --
    supported by weak steering flow along the western periphery of the
    subtropical ridge. The environment is expected to remain
    favorable to additional development through the remainder of the
    afternoon into the evening, bolstered by a weak shortwave
    extending north of an upper low centered over the Baja Peninsula
    along with deeper moisture spreading north trough western Arizona.
    Slow-moving storms along with the potential repeating development
    may lead to localized flash flooding.


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    LAT...LON 37011309 36781213 35661140 35041193 34311226=20
    33511229 32941172 31891041 31381108 31891338=20
    32421429 33611456 34701427 35421406 36671394=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 10 22:49:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 102248

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0857
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    648 PM EDT Sat Aug 10 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Carolinas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 102245Z - 110245Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving storms, capable of producing rainfall rates
    of 1-2 inches/hr are expected to continue into the early evening.

    DISCUSSION...Supported by a deep moisture pool (PWs ~2-2.25
    inches), ample instability (MLCAPEs 3000-3500 J.kg), and weak
    steering flow, slow-moving storms producing locally heavy rainfall
    rates continue to move along a stalled frontal boundary centered
    over the region. MRMS estimates show rainfall rates reaching
    above 1.5 in/hr in some of the stronger storms. These storms
    continue to lack significant organization and the loss of daytime
    heating is expected to support a downward trend in coverage over
    the next few hours. However, some storms may persist into the
    evening hours, with the potential for locally heavy amounts. The
    18Z HREF shows notable probabilities for additional accumulations
    of 1-2 inches over the next few hours, with the highest
    probabilities (greater than 70 percent) centered over northeastern
    North Carolina. Due to the recent very heavy rainfall associated
    with Tropical Cyclone Debby, any additional heavy rainfall is
    likely to translate immediately into runoff, raising additional
    flash flooding concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6ZEFP0p6ehO-dZ9nMC70bbPuzJyinCQ-igeof6IyppNMUuyI2lx9_nT0z8StHz47-jcD= HGSY0vqAa8P7lZgZihKcKlU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36637699 36547594 36097592 34717734 33937885=20
    33557988 33338071 33478186 33978198 34518090=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 11 03:02:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 110302

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0858
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1101 PM EDT Sat Aug 10 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Southwest U.S.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 110300Z - 110800Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms will continue to persist
    for a few more hours across portions of the Southwest U.S. Some
    additional pockets of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows
    scattered to broken coverage of showers and thunderstorms
    continuing across areas of especially western and northern AZ and
    into areas of south-central to southeast UT and southwest CO.
    Despite increasing low-level CINH with the loss of daytime heating
    and convective overturning, SBCAPE values remain as high as 2000
    to 2500+ J/kg across areas of western AZ and locally across
    south-central to southeast UT.

    Multiple colliding outflow boundaries coupled with the remaining
    instability and localized orographics should continue to favor the
    ongoing convection lingering for another few hours before
    gradually weakening. PWs across the region are rather high given
    the depth of monsoonal moisture pooled around the western
    periphery of the subtropical ridge near the Four Corners region,
    and are locally on the order of 1 to 2 standard deviations above

    Some very cold-topped convective cells continue to evolve, and the
    rainfall rates with these remaining stronger storms may still
    reach 1 to 2 inches/hour. Slow cell-motions and interaction with
    the terrain locally may yield some additional totals that reach 2
    to 2.5 inches. Some additional instances of flash flooding will be
    possible, and especially over any of the sensitive slot canyons
    and localized burn scar locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5O1d4VynKlXhR435mbZWTS_e7jpUYAkdZMPMiulb-a2OtQ1g7ileLF-uK-VY_ejMa_7c= LdMVKjU3Q37WV4VpoGHp1SE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38180783 37120736 35660961 34461061 33461199=20
    33081396 33681506 34901512 36021459 37211307=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 11 07:56:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 110756

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0859
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    356 AM EDT Sun Aug 11 2024

    Areas affected...Oklahoma

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 110755Z - 111355Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms will be increasing in coverage
    going through the early to mid-morning hours. Some isolated to
    widely scattered instances of flash flooding will be possible
    where any backbuilding and training of cells occur.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows showers and thunderstorms developing and
    expanding in coverage across areas of central and western OK. The
    convection which is elevated north of a quasi-stationary front
    near the Red River is being facilitated by the strengthening and
    gradual veering of a southerly low-level jet out ahead of
    low-amplitude shortwave energy ejecting across the central Rockies
    and out into the High Plains.

    MUCAPE values across the region are locally as high as 1000 to
    1500 J/kg with the strongest nose of the low-level jet focused
    across the TX Panhandle where VWP data shows southerly 850 mb flow
    of 40+ kts. This energy though will continue to shift east across
    western and central OK over the next several hours going through
    12Z (7AM CDT) and should promote an additional uptick in the
    coverage and local organization of heavier showers and

    PWs across the region are forecast to increase early this morning
    to locally near 2 inches over central OK with the aid of the
    strengthening moisture transport into the region, and this coupled
    with the instability and relatively strong shear overhead should
    favor some rainfall rates of 1.5 to 2 inches/hour with the
    stronger and more organized cells.

    As the warm air advection regime strengthens and the low-level jet
    veers and becomes a bit better aligned with the deeper layer
    steering flow this morning, there will be some growing concerns
    for backbuilding and training convective cells. The 00Z HREF
    guidance suggests the greatest potential for this will be over
    central OK and especially toward the 12Z (7AM CDT) time frame and

    Some localized rainfall amounts by mid-morning may reach 3 to 5
    inches which is consistent with the consensus of the HREF
    solutions. The antecedent conditions are very dry across western
    and central OK, and so these rains will initially be going into
    moistening the soil conditions, but with locally persistent heavy
    rainfall rates over time, eventually there may be some isolated to
    widely scattered instances of flash flooding. The urban corridors
    will be most susceptible to these potential impacts which will
    include the Oklahoma City metropolitan area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-HzUA22yaYJwAtkEpuREOqMIb5qZxchtiDsWmh8oX2TjiaYJI2PDYi1OPe-rt8R8KCsz= -aPAgVLHCqkIoy-GDk6WytU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36809742 36609606 36199511 35589472 34939524=20
    34579645 34749848 35279960 35999990 36459965=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 11 16:26:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 111626

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0861
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1225 PM EDT Sun Aug 11 2024

    Areas affected...eastern GA into SC and the coastal Plain of NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 111625Z - 112225Z

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorms over the Coastal Plain of NC/SC into
    eastern GA are likely to result in scattered areas of flash
    flooding. Rainfall rates of 1 to 1.5 inches in 15 minutes can be

    DISCUSSION...Visible imagery at 16Z showed expanding cumulus along
    the sea breeze extending from near CHS to the Outer Banks along
    with the early onset of diurnal thunderstorms. The airmass across
    the region remained very moist with 1.9 to 2.2 inch precipitable
    water values noted on the CHS and MHX 12Z soundings. 850-300 mb
    mean layer winds were near 5 kt at CHS and closer to 15 kt at MHX
    from the WSW and while there was a greater degree of dry mid-level
    air noted in sounding data compared to yesterday, very moist low
    levels with surface dewpoints in the upper 70s to about 80 F will
    be supportive of intense rainfall rates.

    Thunderstorms will likely increase in coverage along the sea
    breeze boundary through 18Z with additional development occurring
    inland, closer to a slow moving front analyzed NE to SW across the
    Southeast into the remainder of the afternoon. A lack of wind
    shear aloft should limit cell organization, but cell mergers and
    outflow interactions will result in brief upticks in cell
    intensity. Greater thunderstorm coverage may occur across NC due
    to increased lift along the base of an eastward moving upper level
    trough currently located over the Upper Ohio Valley.

    Rainfall rates of 1 to 3 in/hr are expected, but with 1 to 1.5
    inch totals in 15 minutes driving a flash flood threat atop soils
    that are saturated from recent heavy rain. 7-day rainfall totals
    across the Coastal Plain are in excess of 10 inches from southern
    NC through much of SC. High short term rainfall rates along with
    storm totals of 2 to 4 inches, locally higher, are expected to
    support scattered areas of flash flooding through the afternoon
    and early evening.


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    LAT...LON 36487584 35837537 34897564 33757759 32637931=20
    31848069 32188159 33278237 34158179 34867985=20
    35667797 36417675=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 11 22:36:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 112236

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0863
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    635 PM EDT Sun Aug 11 2024

    Areas affected...SC and eastern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 112235Z - 120235Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving storms, with additional heavy rainfall and
    flash flooding possible into the early evening.

    DISCUSSION...The setup remains similar to yesterday, with
    slow-moving storms continuing to drift along a stalled, wavy
    frontal boundary, fueled by deep moisture that remains in place
    across the region. Replenished by southwesterly low level inflow,
    PWs remain above 2 inches across the eastern Carolinas, while
    MLCAPEs are around 2000-3000 J/kg. Slow storm movement, along
    with training and merging cells is supporting instantaneous
    rainfall rates of over 2 in/hr in some locations. Near-term
    guidance shows moisture and instability should remain favorable
    for pockets of heavy rainfall into the early evening, while
    steering flow remains relatively weak. Similar to yesterday, the
    synoptic forcing is weak and areal storm coverage is expected to
    decrease with the loss of daytime heating. However, the RAP does
    indicate some subtle upper jet forcing, which may help some storms
    continue beyond sunset. While widespread additional heavy amounts
    are not expected, neighborhood probabilities from the 18Z HREF
    indicate a good chance for localized accumulations of 1-2 inches
    within the highlighted area over the next few hours, with the
    highest probabilities centered over southeastern North Carolina
    and northeastern South Carolina. Given the saturated soils,
    expect any additional heavy amounts to produce runoff concerns.=20=20=20


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    LAT...LON 35987680 35877577 34857704 34157846 33147965=20
    32338049 32468125 33608072 34138253 34668289=20
    34998211 34768015 35567826=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 00:30:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120030

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0864
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    823 PM EDT Sun Aug 11 2024

    Areas affected...Southern UT, northern AZ, and western CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 120021Z - 120600Z

    SUMMARY...Widespread shower and thunderstorm coverage is expected
    to continue into the evening. Repeating storms are expected to
    produce heavy accumulations and flash flooding, especially across
    portions of southern Utah.

    DISCUSSION...Increasing southerly flow ahead of a low-to-mid
    level, slowly advancing shortwave trough continues to draw monsoon
    moisture from the Southwest into southern Utah. The latest
    mesoanalysis shows PWs of 1-1.25 inches now covering much of
    southern Utah. With sufficient instability in place as well
    MLCAPEs 500-1000 J/kg), this moisture is being drawn into a region
    of enhanced lift supported in part by right-entrance region upper
    jet forcing, producing widespread storm coverage. MRMS estimates
    indicate instaneous rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr in some of the
    stronger storms. Radar trends show storms begining train from the
    Nevada-Utah border near the Snake Range across southern Utah.=20
    Individual storms are expected to remain fairly progressive,
    supported 10-20 kt 0-6km AGL winds. While the leading storms
    continue to spread across western Colorado over the next few
    hours, several of the hi-res guidance members present a good
    signal for training/back-building storms to continue across
    portions of southern Utah, resulting in heavy accumulations and
    likely flash flooding. For the 6-hour period ending at 06Z,
    neighborhood probabilities from the 18Z HREF indicate that
    accumulations of 3 inches or more likely around the Pavant Range
    and the Tushar Mountains in southern Utah. For areas away from
    this region where lighter accumulations are expected, flash
    flooding will still remain a concern as rates of 1-2 in/hr can be
    expected within some of the stronger storms.

    Further to south, weak steering flow will continue to support
    slow-moving storms, with additional heavy rainfall and flash
    flooding across portions northern Arizona. HREF guidance
    indicates that additional accumulations of 0.5 inch or more are
    likely from the Grand Canyon Country northward.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!45Rs7i64Qyn-ux8nfaVhDpiJ1S3YsXdYHy7a6aRp8FqoVTXicBaz7Ev9P1958qf0khAk= -al6UQNINNDnVnIWB0HgJnA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39811162 39361065 39121009 39480909 39430744=20
    38980653 38050714 37680843 37380913 36791086=20
    36281183 35411211 35121279 35251300 35861361=20
    36721406 38321442 39231375 39761291=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 03:26:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120326

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0865
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1124 PM EDT Sun Aug 11 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast KS into Northwest and West-Central MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 120325Z - 120925Z

    SUMMARY...Developing and expanding areas of locally training
    showers and thunderstorms overnight will pose a threat for
    isolated instances of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...A shortwave trough digging southeastward across the
    northern Plains will be approaching the Lower MO Valley overnight
    and will be gradually interacting with a quasi-stationary front
    for developing and expanding areas of showers and thunderstorms.
    Modest south-southwest flow overrunning the boundary ahead of the
    shortwave energy will facilitate largely an elevated axis of
    convection, and already the latest radar imagery shows a band of
    locally heavy showers and thunderstorms impacting the western and
    southern suburbs of the Kansas City metropolitan area.

    MUCAPE parameters are rather modest right now across northeast KS
    and into west-central MO with values near 500 J/kg, but as some
    nocturnal enhancement/strengthening of the low-level flow occurs
    over the front, there should be the transport of somewhat greater
    instability. This greater instability along with stronger
    isentropic ascent and arrival of upstream shortwave forcing should
    promote a further expansion of convection over the next several
    hours which will include some cell-training concerns.

    The PWs are on the order of 1.75+ inches and will be conducive in
    supporting heavy rainfall rates with the stronger storms that may
    reach as high as 1.5 to 2 inches/hour. There is some meaningful
    spread in the 00Z HREF guidance with where the heaviest rainfall
    potential will set up, but the HREF consensus generally suggests
    areas of northwest to west-central MO will be at greatest risk
    with some 3 to 4+ inch rainfall amounts possible by late tonight.

    The antecedent conditions are generally quite dry across the
    region and so any flash flood threat is expected to be isolated in
    nature with the more urbanized locations at greatest risk for


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    LAT...LON 40599469 40429384 39689289 38969243 38349283=20
    38319376 38579456 38869507 39299558 39699580=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 04:31:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120431

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0866
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1230 AM EDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Areas affected...North-Central to Northeast OK...Southeast KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 120430Z - 121030Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered instances of flash flooding will become likely
    overnight from developing and expanding areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms that will be capable of training over the same area.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery along with
    dual-pol radar shows an area of convection developing and
    expanding in coverage across areas of northern OK which should
    grow gradually upscale overnight and downstream into areas of
    northeast OK and parts of southeast KS. The activity is being
    facilitated by low-amplitude shortwave energy advancing east
    across the central Plains which is interacting with the nose of a
    gradually strengthening southerly low-level jet.

    This low-level jet energy is also overrunning a wavy stationary
    front situated over portions of the Red River Valley. The increase
    in warm air advection/isentropic ascent along with strengthening
    moisture and instability transport should yield a notable
    expansion in convection over the next several hours. In fact, the
    low-level jet is forecast by the latest RAP guidance to reach 40
    to 50 kts in the 06Z to 09Z time frame and the resulting moisture
    convergence coupled with MUCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg should
    yield rainfall rates that reach 1.5 to 2.5 inches/hour.

    There has been significant disagreement among several of the
    recent hires model solutions on the evolution of the convective
    threat overnight, but the best low-level speed convergence,
    moisture transport, and overlap of instability and isentropic
    ascent would favor the heaviest rainfall potential generally over
    northeast OK and late tonight and toward dawn.

    Cell-training and some backbuilding of convection will become a
    notable concern in time as the convection becomes aligned with the
    deeper layer westerly flow. A veering of the low-level jet
    overnight will further facilitate this. Given the set-up, some
    rainfall amounts by dawn may reach 3 to 6 inches. This will likely
    result in areas of flash flooding, and the urban corridors
    inclusive of Tulsa and Bartlesville in particular may be at risk
    for locally significant impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4vPP8lD3QGK56ARXzR0u7kxPyEs-tc9f16a3xczxe965wolDzJjSN3frUUhggtASfsaU= 6A7uY6TRew_SgemF7O6XiWk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37529642 37209528 36579450 35769419 35179446=20
    35029509 35219583 35939684 36539789 37059798=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 09:31:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120931

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0867
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    530 AM EDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southern IA...Central and Northern MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 120930Z - 121530Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms will be capable of locally
    training over the same area and may result in a few instances of
    flash flooding going through the mid-morning hours.

    DISCUSSION...A shortwave trough digging southeastward across the
    Midwest this morning will maintain a regional threat of heavy
    showers and thunderstorms. The energy aloft and associated jet
    dynamics will continue to interact with a broader warm air
    advection pattern out ahead of it as southwest flow overruns a
    frontal boundary that extends across the middle MS Valley. MUCAPE
    values along and just north of the boundary have risen to as much
    as 500 to 1000 J/kg, and with isentropic ascent established, there
    should continue to be a focus for bands of elevated convection.

    Given PWs of 1.75+ inches and the modest uptick in instability,
    some of the rainfall rates will continue to be capable of reaching
    1 to 2 inches/hour. The latest RAP guidance depicts some
    increasing shear parameters over the next few hours and this will
    tend to yield some relatively stronger and more organized updrafts
    that will promote some of these heavier rainfall rates.

    The 00Z/06Z HREF guidance suggests a sufficient level of
    orientation of the convection to the deeper layer mean steering
    flow such that some localized training of these bands of
    convection may occur going through the mid-morning hours. This may
    allow for some rainfall totals to reach 3 to 4 inches with
    isolated heavier amounts. The antecedent conditions again are
    generally on the dry side, but there may be enough short-term
    rainfall to support a few instances of flash flooding and
    especially if any of the heavier rains can impact some of the more
    urbanized locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4r6A4U_hXFnvjAyf-AwEVBpUSiQTfwZCpEHbEVG3ST7wa2ygn-xumLu1ePXs5GnKAjJX= ogNX3dWzX54qXqvrCv88JXA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41139464 41039320 40679224 40179159 39439127=20
    38809146 38689215 38699308 39129430 39919510=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 09:46:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120946

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0868
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    545 AM EDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast to East-Central OK...Southeast KS...Far
    Southwest MO...Northwest AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 120945Z - 121545Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered instances of flash flooding will be likely
    going through the morning hours from areas of training showers and thunderstorms. This will include a threat for locally significant
    urban flash flooding impacts.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a strong
    cold-topped MCS with multiple overshooting tops impacting
    northeast OK. Much of convection is generally oriented in a
    northwest to southeast fashion with some areas of cell-training
    occurring. The activity early this morning continues to be
    organizing in response to low-amplitude shortwave energy
    interacting with a strengthening southwest low-level jet of 40 to
    50 kts which is overrunning a warm front to south. This is
    promoting a strong corridor of moisture and instability transport
    up across central to the northeast OK which is generally aligned
    orthogonal to the southwest flank of the larger scale convective

    MUCAPE values across central to northeast OK are currently on the
    order of 1000 to 2000 J/kg and this coupled with strong isentropic
    ascent and moisture convergence will favor convective sustenance
    well through the morning hours with a continuation of strong
    cell-training concerns given the orientation of the convection
    with the deeper layer steering flow. Supporting this will be a
    northwest to southeast axis of relatively strong effective bulk
    shear reaching 30 to 40+ kts and this will continue to support
    corridors of very well-organized and strong elevated convective

    Given the combination of favorable kinematics and thermodynamics
    within a very moist regime with PWs near 2 inches, the rainfall
    rates at least through early this morning should be capable of
    reaching 2 to 3 inches/hour with the stronger cells. Some
    weakening of the low-level jet is expected by later this morning
    which will then allow for the convection to begin weakening and
    losing its organization.

    However, given the cell-training concerns going through the
    mid-morning hours, some additional rainfall amounts of 3 to 6
    inches will be possible with the heaviest rains likely to be
    focused over areas of northeast to east-central OK. At least
    scattered instances of flash flooding are likely, and there may be
    some locally significant urban flash flooding concerns. Some
    convection should eventually impact areas of northwest AR later
    this morning, and portions of southeast KS and far southwest MO
    will also see at least some locally heavy showers and
    thunderstorms, but the dominant threat area for flash flooding
    will be over areas of northeast to east-central OK.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8G9DTWis9uvFn-21vLan92zQja5njy_4OlpFF7AlyNFXgS4VVohNfiDlW4gPawpqqNiE= JuXE-xJf5CFj3Rv08bJddk0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37729594 37519470 36739390 35619347 34589387=20
    34399513 34969592 36189650 37149658=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 16:41:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121641

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0869
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1241 PM EDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Areas affected...Much of Utah...East-central Nevada...Southwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121640Z - 122240Z

    SUMMARY...Stronger than normal FGEN and moisture flux with deeper
    steering capable of repeating thunderstorms poses potential for
    scattered flash flooding incident(s) this afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E Visible imagery has seen a narrow banded
    feature of weak convective elements across central UT with
    favorable orientation for training, while not currently an issue,
    it denotes potential this early in the morning for the environment
    given dynamic set-up and orientation. GOES-E WV shows classic-T
    shape of mid to upper-level flow regime noting a old elongated but
    still strong shortwave feature across the Lower Colorado River
    Valley with some northerly stretching coming into SW UT; favorable anti-cyclonically arched feature across south-central to northeast
    UT shows the southern stream return flow of the monsoon, while a
    second polar band of enhanced cirrus
    denoting broad scale ascent in the favorable ridged entrance to
    the broad jet across Northeast NV before becoming more flat across
    western WY, where an exiting stronger mid-level shortwave is
    analyzed. As such, there is ample broad scale ascent across the
    UT at this time, stretching into peak early morning period.

    CIRA LPW denotes favorable channels of 850-700mb flow up the
    Colorado River Valley into W UT, while 700-500mb layer notes a
    similar slug in that regime, but also what appears to be a
    cyclonically curled moisture pocket across eastern NV. Enhanced
    700mb Tds of 5-8C are analyzed across N Lincoln and White Pine
    county. RAP surface analysis aided the detection of a surface
    effective dry line across south-central NV north toward the
    UT/ID/NV corner where mid to upper 50s (isolated low 60s) Td
    rapidly decreases into the 30s and even mid 20s through central
    NV. FGEN/theta-E gradient alignment is very strong for the
    Intermountain west. As such total depth TPW is well over .75"
    across much of the area with 1" through the lower valleys across
    the NV/UT border and into the Salt Flats of NW UT.=20

    Currently, instability continues to build with the increasing
    insolation across the eastern NV enhanced moisture field with
    1000-1500 J/kg still generally capped, though an isolated cell has
    begun the deeper convective process. This activity is expected to
    grow in coverage given the favorable DPVA across the central UT
    terrain but also back across E NV into NW UT with the stronger
    FGEN/UL Jet ascent pattern. Modest 20-25kts of moisture flux
    through the Colorado Valley into cloud bases around 800-700mb,
    should allow for rates of 1-1.5"/hr. Deep layer steering from SW
    to NNE (slowly converging on the eastern side due steering ridge)
    will increase potential for repeating. As such a spot or two up
    to 2-2.5" is possible through 22z, though a greater coverage of
    1-2" spots are probable resulting in scattered incidents of flash
    flooding through early evening.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_pwGgTRdiZWCVUrJQW-KOCzgUhQAdojbiZY6BSJVw3jCWBBZ6U_pHL11NeH2GWaYBp_0= IfHoO2_A4eu_3T_MhJ6LGCQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41961078 41750986 41150927 39870916 39200998=20
    38571073 37751121 37101171 37051259 37081340=20
    37701354 38091394 37801472 37901529 38371564=20
    39251518 40661370 41781193=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 17:25:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121725

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0870
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    124 PM EDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Areas affected...Carolina Coastal Plains & Extreme E GA Coast.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121730Z - 122330Z

    SUMMARY...Lingering frontal zone and Sea Breeze convection over
    saturated ground conditions continue to pose scattered but likely
    flash flooding conditions in cells capable of 2-2.5"/hr and spots
    of 4"+ possible.

    DISCUSSION...17z surface analysis denotes pesky stationary front
    from Cape Hatteras along the SE NC coast toward a surface wave
    along the SC/NC state line just ashore; the front continues west
    along I20 before becoming less discernible west of Athens, GA.=20
    Enhanced moisture still over mid-70s Tds exist along both sides of
    the boundary which using CIRA LPW extends through 700mb, before a
    dry slot can be analyzed across south-central GA bleeding into S
    Low Country of SC...however, pooling of moisture through 500mb
    near the front brings total PWat Values over 2-2.25". Of note,
    early cu along the GA/SC note, that the surface moisture into the
    low 80s and confluent flow will likely sharpen the sea breeze as
    it develops in the next few hours. Unsurprisingly, CAPE over 2500
    J/kg exists in proximity of the front through central SC before
    increasing to over 3500 J/kg along the SC/NC coast.

    GOES-E WV shows polar closed low is dipping southward into the
    Mid-Atlantic, and the polar jet is splitting a bit under this
    influence. So oblique right entrance ascent is going to a
    favorable factor for some cell organization nearer the front but
    further east. Currently RADAR and GOES-E Visible note the initial
    developing cells in E NC, which are likely to continue to deepen
    and expand in coverage. Cells very near the coast may become a
    bit more locked to the coast given strengthening sea-breeze which
    seems to be a solid consensus within the Hi-Res CAMs providing
    increased confidence in activity. HREF probabilities of 2"/hr
    are fairly high with some isolated 10-15% values for 3"/hr across
    much of E NC decreasing in coverage along the front and down the
    SC coast. High 60-70% probability in neighborhood 3"/6hr and even
    a 30% of 5" is enough for probable flash flooding potential.
    However, given the grounds still remain well above average in
    saturation from the prolonged rainfall over the last week,
    incidents of flash flooding are considered likely, especially in E
    NC; with decreasing coverage potential into central SC and even
    further across central and southern coastal SC where cells are
    likely to be more pulse in nature given mixing of mid-level dry
    air (though will have intense rainfall production in that short


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7fORlGEdMkOpMJUAOb2a29KeUnbPk97FVZS38YGM-Jcpimv1brk8abt2yRkUEsr1CiXR= U3QcQTbK3RmErnGJmY_Sk1M$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35817753 35737659 35727588 35227560 34897602=20
    34577636 34567697 34247757 33707804 33617881=20
    32937930 32508002 32138049 31748109 32178140=20
    32868113 33228167 33548197 34018173 34568060=20
    34967971 35617818=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 17:26:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121726

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0870
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    126 PM EDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Areas affected...Carolina Coastal Plains & Extreme E GA Coast.

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121730Z - 122330Z

    SUMMARY...Lingering frontal zone and Sea Breeze convection over
    saturated ground conditions continue to pose scattered but likely
    flash flooding conditions in cells capable of 2-2.5"/hr and spots
    of 4"+ possible.

    DISCUSSION...17z surface analysis denotes pesky stationary front
    from Cape Hatteras along the SE NC coast toward a surface wave
    along the SC/NC state line just ashore; the front continues west
    along I20 before becoming less discernible west of Athens, GA.=20
    Enhanced moisture still over mid-70s Tds exist along both sides of
    the boundary which using CIRA LPW extends through 700mb, before a
    dry slot can be analyzed across south-central GA bleeding into S
    Low Country of SC...however, pooling of moisture through 500mb
    near the front brings total PWat Values over 2-2.25". Of note,
    early cu along the GA/SC note, that the surface moisture into the
    low 80s and confluent flow will likely sharpen the sea breeze as
    it develops in the next few hours. Unsurprisingly, CAPE over 2500
    J/kg exists in proximity of the front through central SC before
    increasing to over 3500 J/kg along the SC/NC coast.

    GOES-E WV shows polar closed low is dipping southward into the
    Mid-Atlantic, and the polar jet is splitting a bit under this
    influence. So oblique right entrance ascent is going to a
    favorable factor for some cell organization nearer the front but
    further east. Currently RADAR and GOES-E Visible note the initial
    developing cells in E NC, which are likely to continue to deepen
    and expand in coverage. Cells very near the coast may become a
    bit more locked to the coast given strengthening sea-breeze which
    seems to be a solid consensus within the Hi-Res CAMs providing
    increased confidence in activity. HREF probabilities of 2"/hr
    are fairly high with some isolated 10-15% values for 3"/hr across
    much of E NC decreasing in coverage along the front and down the
    SC coast. High 60-70% probability in neighborhood 3"/6hr and even
    a 30% of 5" is enough for probable flash flooding potential.
    However, given the grounds still remain well above average in
    saturation from the prolonged rainfall over the last week,
    incidents of flash flooding are considered likely, especially in E
    NC; with decreasing coverage potential into central SC and even
    further across central and southern coastal SC where cells are
    likely to be more pulse in nature given mixing of mid-level dry
    air (though will have intense rainfall production in that short


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_SQi3dxFS6Dc39gPKHV4SBtyx2zZpbb4LCT19qZKF0mJh7GEM2KKaXxE4SOGL-KzH4oj= 5hOnnkiDioBSs1dKb6jESQg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35757753 35737659 35727588 35227560 34897602=20
    34577636 34567697 34247757 33707804 33617881=20
    32937930 32508002 32138049 31748109 32178140=20
    32868113 33228167 33548197 34018173 34568060=20
    34967971 35617818=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 12 21:44:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 122144

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0871
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    543 PM EDT Mon Aug 12 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 122142Z - 130330Z

    SUMMARY...Shower and storm coverage is forecast to increase
    through the remainder of the afternoon into the evening.=20
    Slow-moving storms, with heavy rainfall rates, may raise localized
    flash flooding concerns.

    DISCUSSION...Latest mesoanalysis shows PWs have been gradually
    increasing across eastern Colorado over the past few hours,
    reaching an inch as far west as the I-25 corridor, with MLCAPEs
    climbing as well to between 500-1500 J/kg across much of the
    region. This increasing moisture and instability along with
    modest synoptic scale ascent afforded by a weak mid level
    shortwave and upper jet forcing is supporting increasing showers
    and storm development. Local radar shows storms developing near
    the surface front and moving slowly east out into the High Plains.
    MRMS estimates show rainfall rates now reaching 1-2 in/hr within
    some of the stronger storms. Shower and storm coverage is
    expected to increase through the remainder of the afternoon into
    the evening as the low-to-mid level flow from the southeast
    strengthens, supporting increasing moisture across the region.=20
    This increase in low level flow is also expected to support slow
    storm motions, with potential back-building as storms develop.=20
    Over the next 6 hrs, HREF guidance is signaling the greatest
    threat for heavy rains and potential flash flooding will center
    near Elbert, Lincoln, Kit Carson, and Cheyenne counties. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities for accumulations of 2 inches or more
    are 50 percent or greater for portions of those counties, with
    high probabilities for exceeding 3-hr FFGs as well. Elsewhere,
    probabilities are lower, however the threat for localized runoff
    concerns cannot be ruled out, especially across vulnerable areas
    including burn scar and urbanized areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7JXMAjawZg47sjaEdT2I8cFlb3SeHvvGSAuYs2kywkrrzsqym7fBKF-0Bly5bpGo14yH= T134Acqe8hSyddryef6evWI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40680432 39920316 38940206 38220209 37410285=20
    37610398 38590526 39250570 40630537=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 04:26:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 130426

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0872
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1225 AM EDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southeast WY...Northeast CO...Far Southwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 130424Z - 130824Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and locally backbuilding areas of heavy
    showers and thunderstorms are expected to continue across portions
    of far southeast WY, northeast CO and far southwest NE over the
    next few hours. Areas of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The late evening GOES-E IR satellite imagery in
    conjunction with local dual-pol radar shows an area of rather
    persistent and locally backbuilding shower and thunderstorm
    activity over parts of far southeast WY and northeast CO to the
    east of the Front Range with a focus on northern Weld County, CO
    where some notably cold cloud tops are situated.

    Ejecting shortwave energy from the central Rockies and interaction
    with convergent and moist/unstable low-level flow east of the
    Front Range along a frontal boundary is facilitating the
    persistence of the convection late this evening. Convergence is
    locally being enhanced also by proximity of a wave of low pressure
    along the front over northeast CO to the east of the Boulder

    MUCAPE values are on the order of 1000 to 1500 J/kg and there
    should still be sufficient levels of instability and forcing near
    the front for convection to persist for a few more hours. The
    convection may also tend to locally redevelop or advance farther
    east into some of the open High Plains of northeast CO. Portions
    of far southwest NE may also see some of this convection persist
    in the short-term.

    PWs across the region are quite high and are running over 2
    standard deviations above normal. This will favor high rainfall
    rates with the convection which may reach 2 inches/hour with the
    stronger storms that persist over the next few hours. The 00Z HREF
    guidance maintains some locally elevated probabilities of seeing
    the 3-hour FFG exceeded over the next few hours, with some
    additional rainfall amounts of as much as 3 to 4 inches with
    isolated heavier amounts.

    These rains may result in some areas of flash flooding in the
    short-term as a result before the activity begins to weaken.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5HGitBF31tHLkx8RkpRk_5tKKk03VFqtyqOjV7eTwzG6VRjL5eOqwudnotXcxSbnfPd7= Bf-Qanaa-woAgvfdNvnnNnI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41500402 41430310 40650236 39860318 39430432=20
    39650515 40380521 40810539 41200503=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 06:01:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 130601

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0873
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    200 AM EDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Areas affected...Much of Central and Western KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 130600Z - 131200Z

    SUMMARY...Organizing clusters of showers and thunderstorms
    overnight will produce heavy rainfall totals across much of
    central and western KS. Some isolated to widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows organizing clusters
    of strong convection growing upscale across western KS as
    shortwave energy ejects east out of eastern CO and interacts with
    an unstable and very moist/convergent southerly low-level jet of
    30 to 40 kts.

    The latest RAP analysis shows MUCAPE values of 2000 to 3000 J/kg
    aligned generally west to east across southern KS and in close
    proximity to a stationary front draped along the KS/OK border.
    Strong warm air advection and resulting isentropic ascent ahead of
    the eastward-advancing shortwave energy will combine with the
    transport of elevated instability over the front to foster a
    well-organized axis of convection heading through the overnight

    The convection should gradually advance down across central KS in
    the 06Z to 12Z time frame and be capable of producing rainfall
    rates of 1.5 to 2 inches/hour. The PWs are locally over 1.75
    inches, and these values are 1.5 to 2 standard deviations above
    normal which will help yield more efficient rainfall processes for
    heavier rainfall rates.

    Some occasional instances of cell-training and cell-mergers may
    occur overnight, and the 00Z HREF guidance suggests that some
    rainfall totals may reach as high as 3 to 5 inches as a result.
    NASA SPoRT and USGS streamflow data reflect dry antecedent
    conditions across the region, but the 00Z HREF does show some 40
    to 70 percent probabilities of seeing the 3-hour FFG values
    exceeded across portions of central KS.

    Therefore, some isolated to widely scattered instances of flash
    flooding will be possible overnight as these clusters of strong
    convection and heavy rainfall moves off to the east.


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    LAT...LON 39549782 39219612 38599543 37689573 37489710=20
    37539890 37610018 38000125 38630162 39220108=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 11:23:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131123

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0874
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    722 AM EDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast KS...Southwest MO...Northeast
    OK...Northwest AR...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131130Z - 131700Z

    SUMMARY...Decaying MCS with a few more hours of WAA training along
    the northern side of strengthening bow echo allowing for 2-4"
    totals and possible flash flooding. Very intense short-term rates
    with 1-2" in 15-30 minutes with the bow may be a flooding concern
    in prone or urban settings.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic depicts a well defined
    MCV/parent shortwave that has become well displaced in the
    decaying shield precipitation WNW of the strengthening effective
    triple point/new MCV near Marion/Chase county, KS. A impressive
    bowing segment is surging ESE into SE KS, with a broadening
    upstream edge across south-central KS within the MCS anti-cyclonic
    rotor. While strong moisture flux convergence will quickly turn
    with very short-duration resulting in 1-2" of rainfall in 15-30
    minutes likely only resulting in flooding in traditionally prone
    or urban settings.=20

    Of greater potential for flash flooding are within the bookends of
    the MCS; the upwind southern anti-cyclonic rotor is starting to
    have broadening convective elements being more exposed to the
    southwesterly LLJ and expanding moisture convergence orthogonal to
    the mean motions as the MCS enters a bit more NW to SE motions in
    the 500-1000 thickness pattern (directing toward SW MO/NE OK). VWP
    shows increasingly unidirectional inflow still at 25-35kts from
    925-700mb advecting an axis of enhanced conditionally unstable air
    with MUCAPE of 1500-2000 J/kg across north-central OK. This may
    result in an area of enhanced 2-3" totals into the southern Flint
    Hills and perhaps northern Osage county.

    The other location remains with the stronger WAA along/ahead of
    the MCV on the cyclonic rotor; here, strengthened flow and
    directional convergence results in the greatest moisture flux to
    the system and should support 2-2.5"/hr rates particularly near
    the transferred MCV. However, recent trends show a shortening of
    the downstream convergence and convective development. There may
    be two factors involved, the first: utilizing EAX VWP, downstream
    winds are weaker at less than 10kts with even some lesser than
    desirable southerly component. The second is related to a reduced
    instability pool downstream into MO. RAP analysis suggests values
    of 500-1000 J/kg exist, but strengthening CINH fields in
    combination with weakening isentropic ascent on the effective warm
    front may reduce the length of the WAA wing and therefore
    training/repeating potential as the wave passes. Still, the risk
    of 2-4" totals in 2-3hrs will continue to pose a flash flooding
    risk as the MCS slowly decays through the remainder of the


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    LAT...LON 38809660 38669435 37999226 36829149 36139183=20
    35689270 35689382 35919492 36459618 37199736=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 15:39:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131539

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0875
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1138 AM EDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Areas affected...Utah...Western & Central Colorado...Southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131540Z - 132130Z

    SUMMARY...Enhanced thunderstorm activity with rates up to 1.5"/hr
    and widely scattered totals up to 2" with potential
    training/repeating cells across hard ground conditions may pose
    widely scattered flash flooding incidents this afternoon into

    DISCUSSION...Favorable synoptic set-up for increased convective
    activity this afternoon. A shortwave along the southeast side of
    polar trough over the Northwest, is moving quickly through the
    Upper Snake River into Southeast ID, though the deeper westerly
    trough axis can be tracked through central UT attm. A compact
    shortwave in the southern stream is rotating northward along the
    central NM/AZ border along the western periphery of the synoptic
    ridge, providing a downstream dPVA environment of increased
    activity/wedge deformation zone across SE UT into central CO in
    combination with the northern stream trough. This synoptic ascent
    has resulted in scattered weak convection but increased cloud
    coverage across E UT, W CO, but breaks in the clouds are trying to
    bring up insolation for overall deeper anomalous moisture fields
    across the Four Corners states.=20

    CIRA LPW shows the surge of enhanced moisture along the AZ/NM line
    within the 700-6500 layer, lifting into the aforementioned
    deformation zone, while 850-700mb layer shows enhanced moisture
    trapped into the valleys of E UT/NW AZ, denoting the anomalous
    nature (resulting in PW values of 1-1.25 in SE UT). Even post
    mid-level trof, sfc to 700mb moisture continues to stream
    northward out of the low deserts into the Colorado River Valley
    and western UT low valleys. Like yesterday, Tds in the upper 50s
    and low 60s exist along/ahead of the range, though an effective
    dry line is starting to press east through eastern NV, though
    ELY/ENV remain in the 50s, 05U and even LSV have dropped into the
    20s and 40s respectively. So increased clearer insolation over
    deeper moisture along/ahead of surface density/convergence
    boundary should help to activate stronger thunderstorms again
    along and west of the central UT mountain ranges, especially as
    the boundary is expected to advance westward in the wake of the
    upper-level trough passage.

    So rates of 1-1.5"/hr (stronger further west in W UT) are becoming
    increasingly probable with stronger convective cells over the next
    few hours, starting to peak in the 20-21z time frame. Cloud cover
    over along and just east of the mid-level trough may diminishing
    overall coverage in E UT for a short-term, but given stronger
    forcing/deeper moisture, should become similarly intense with
    time. Deep layer flow is fairly unidirectional across the area of
    concern from the southwest to west and may support some repeating
    cells to occur, more likely east of the UT/CO line given longer
    duration in the deeper moisture/forcing axis. This may allow for
    localized spots of 1-2" totals through 21z and may result in
    widely scattered incidents of flash flooding this afternoon.=20=20
    Flash flooding conditions will be greater in proximity to burn
    scars in the region or intersecting slot canyons.


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    LAT...LON 41981142 41980844 41860690 40850537 39670459=20
    38580496 37570587 37090690 37080842 37070966=20
    37031096 37071305 37411385 38561399 40781398=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 17:15:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131715

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0876
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    115 PM EDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Areas affected...Northern & Eastern Arizona...Western & Central
    New Mexico...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131715Z - 132300Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving mountain/monsoon thunderstorms will be
    capable of 1-2" totals and widely scattered but localized
    incidents of flash flooding. Greatest risk of flash flooding will
    be in proximity to recent burn scars.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a compact shortwave just east
    of the central AZ/NM border with anti-cyclonic arched outflow band
    denoted by transverse banded cirrus across the Four Corners into
    central CO. This wave resides along the western edge of the
    synoptic ridge over Texas and with an approaching strong mid-level
    jet crossing central CA; sub-tropical moisture off the Sea of
    Cortez and the northeastern Pacific is also being combined and
    funneled northward through the 700-500mb depth, with a slug of
    enhanced LPW values at the four-corners of AZ/NM, Sonora and
    Chihuahua; as well as in an increasingly confluent region over NW
    NM downstream of the shortwave. Surface to 800mb moisture out of
    the lower deserts has been decreasing in magnitude but there
    remains ample values into the .5-.65" range banked up through the
    Mogollon Rim into the southeast AZ ranges. This moisture is
    spilling onto the San Francisco Plateau with mid to upper 50s Tds
    as far north as SE UT/SW CO. As such, deep layer values of
    1-1.25" cover much of AZ into the lower valleys of NW NM and the
    Rio Grande Valley.=20

    Full sun has been increasing instability along the edges of the
    enhanced clouds across NW NM, but even filtered sun onto this
    increased moisture in the low levels is supporting increasing
    SBCAPE into the 1000-1500 J/kg through much of the area (minus
    those cloudy areas...about 500 J/kg, but increasing). Upslope
    flow out of the low deserts is responding to exiting northern
    stream shortwave/height-falls further north and increasing low
    level convergence (particularly along the Rim and into the shorter
    mountain ranges of NE AZ, so deepening convection is likely to
    expand in coverage over the next few hours. Given updraft
    strength and moisture flux into the lower profiles, rates of
    1-1.25"/hr are going to be increasingly probable particularly
    after 20-22z. Slow and confluent steering channels from the
    southwest will be 10-15kts and decreasing to southerly at 5-10kt
    across NM, allowing for increased residency for widely scattered
    spots of 1.5-2" totals. This may induce localized (given likely
    narrowness to the up/downdrafts) flash flooding conditions.=20

    Southwesterly steering, while generally confluent convergence
    around the Sacramento mountains with likely backing easterly
    inflow from the southern High Plains in response to development
    will put increased potential for stronger storms and possible backbuilding/redevelopment on the ridge upstream the recent Salt,
    Blue2 and South Fork burn scars. This may result in slightly
    higher risk than normal for flash flooding across these sensitive areas.=20=20=20


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    LAT...LON 36940732 36920438 36080398 34700522 32600539=20
    31590632 31800717 31620805 31160829 31211033=20
    31421150 31971181 32441160 33301110 34441192=20
    35721319 36871354 36911241 36910935=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 21:53:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 132153

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0877
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    553 PM EDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Areas affected...Intermountain West

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 132152Z - 140229Z

    Summary...Scattered convection continues across the Intermountain
    West. Maintenance of storms within a region of comparatively
    higher buoyancy and PWATs will continue the threat of isolated to
    scattered flash flooding through this evening.

    Discussion...Radar and satellite mosaic across the Intermountain
    West continue to track scattered thunderstorms along the western
    flank of an elongated monsoon moisture plume. Over the last
    several hours, several Flash Flood Warnings and reports of flash
    flooding have occurred as these cells periodically trained with
    maximum estimated rainfall rates of 1-1.5"/hr.

    The efficient, training nature of these cells likely remain tied
    to several factors, including 1-1.1" PWATS (above the 90th
    percentile for the region), 1000-3000 J/kg of MUCAPE, and
    unidirectional wind profiles organized with sufficient speed shear
    to support some organization and longevity of individual cells.
    Accordingly, these storms with 1-1.5"/hr rainfall rates are
    expected to continue through the next several hours as this
    favorable environment interacts with several shortwave
    perturbations and strengthening left exit forcing from a
    jet-streak approaching from the west.

    Thus, the risk of isolated to scattered flash flooding will
    continue for the next several hours before loss of daytime heating
    results in a decline in convective coverage and intensity. As
    usual, slot canyons and burn scars remain particularly sensitive
    to rainfall impacts.


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    LAT...LON 43621246 43610971 39650860 36810975 36481203=20
    37241260 39781229 42231292=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 13 23:17:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 132317

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0878
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    716 PM EDT Tue Aug 13 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the High Plains

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 132315Z - 140515Z

    Summary...Cells initiating along the Front Range are intensifying
    as they move eastward into a very buoyant airmass. The threat of
    scattered flash flooding going into the evening as these storms
    grow upscale and realize rainfall rates of 2-2.5"/hr at times.

    Discussion...Trends in radar mosaic and IR imagery along the Front
    Range suggest storms are rapidly intensifying and expanding as
    they translate eastward into a very buoyant and unstable airmass
    associated with a warn front east of the terrain. While this
    activity was fairly progressive with estimated east-northeast
    motions of 20-30 kts, rainfall rates of 1.5-1.8"/hr earlier lead
    to a fairly quick response in CREST Unit Streamflows of 100-400
    cfs/smi across eastern Colorado.

    Over the next several hours, upscale growth of these cells into an
    MCS with efficient hourly rates upwards of 2-2.5"/hr is expected
    as they encounter 2500-3500 J/kg of MLCAPE, 1.8-1.9" PWATS (above
    the 90th percentile compared to regional sounding sites), and
    increasing 925-850 hPa inflow with a strong upslope component.
    This scenario is captured well in the 18z HREF suite, which
    depicts a fairly progressive but efficient MCS that tracks
    eastward across Northeast Colorado into Kansas and Nebraska over
    the next several hours. As it does, 40 km neighborhood
    probabilities show an increasing threat of 3-6 HR FFG exceedence
    across portions of the High Plains by 3Z tonight (60 and 50%,
    respectively), which could support scattered instances of flash
    flooding tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!93pSbLIgROo6F_BW_ad9jqWahdzzf5_qBW43Ov4gm8cK4mSHsWliOsLsEJdvj-82uS_F= Xap1Nt8sAQ4k5l2TBLNUu_8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41860292 41240036 39709993 38930118 38630284=20
    39160450 40190497 41400463=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 14 06:52:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 140652

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0879
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    250 AM EDT Wed Aug 14 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest to South-Central MO...North-Central to
    Northeast AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 140650Z - 141250Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of showers and thunderstorms will be developing
    and expanding in coverage over the next several hours across
    portions of southwest to south-central MO. Eventually this
    activity will also impact north-central to northeast AR.
    Significant cell-training concerns along with extremely heavy
    rainfall rates are expected to drive a strong threat for flash
    flooding going into Wednesday morning.

    DISCUSSION...A look at the overnight GOES-E Proxy Visible
    satellite imagery shows an increasingly agitated axis of CU/TCU
    across areas of far eastern KS on down through southern MO as weak
    warm air advection/isentropic ascent coupled with proximity of a
    strong elevated instability gradient sets the stage for convection
    to initiate.

    MUCAPE values are on the order of 2000 to 3000 J/kg across areas
    of far eastern KS and southwest MO right now, with a well-defined
    northwest to southeast oriented instability gradient that is
    aligned northeast of a quasi-stationary front. Over the next few
    hours there will be a gradual increase in low-level southwest flow
    over this boundary which should strengthen the isentropic ascent
    further and combine with the favorable thermodynamic environment
    for expanding clusters of heavy showers and thunderstorms. This
    will be facilitated by the eastward advance of shortwave
    energy/MCV activity along the KS/NE border which should help
    gradually increase the southwest flow around its southeast flank
    across eastern KS and into western MO.

    The mean steering flow over southwest to south-central MO is
    roughly about 20 kts from the west-northwest and is favorably
    parallel to the elevated instability gradient and frontal
    orientation for what should be a significant concern for
    cell-training later in the night and into Wednesday morning as
    convection develops and expands in coverage.

    PWs across the region are deeply tropical in nature with 00Z RAOB
    data and recent NESDIS Blended TPW data showing values up around
    2.0 to 2.2 inches. CIRA-ALPW and RAOB data show strong
    concentrations of moisture deep through the column and this
    coupled with the instability profiles should yield convection this
    morning that will be capable of being very efficient and capable
    of extremely heavy rainfall rates that reach 2 to 3 inches/hour
    with the stronger storms.

    The 00Z HREF guidance shows quite a bit of spread with the
    placement of the heaviest rainfall and the amounts this morning,
    but suggests some extreme rainfall potential with the 00Z
    NAM-conest and 00Z ARW quite aggressive with their QPF. For now,
    given the set-up, the expectation is that some localized swaths of
    3 to 6+ inches of rain will be possible going through the 12Z to
    13Z (7AM to 8AM CDT) time frame.

    Flash flooding will become likely as a result, and locally
    significant impacts cannot be ruled out going into Wednesday


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    LAT...LON 38799388 38699310 38019185 37169063 36318999=20
    35639005 35519077 35809176 36269250 37029358=20
    37959433 38519433=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 14 08:31:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 140831

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0880
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    430 AM EDT Wed Aug 14 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NE...Southwest IA...Northwest and Central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 140830Z - 141430Z

    SUMMARY...Expanding areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms with
    some cell-training concerns will likely result in some areas of
    flash flooding heading through the mid morning hours.

    DISCUSSION...The late-night GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a
    strong cold-topped MCS continuing to advance east across the
    central Plains with the axis of heaviest rainfall currently moving
    across areas of eastern NE and far southwest IA. This MCS
    continues to traverse the north side of a strong elevated
    instability gradient and has a well-defined MCV associated with it
    which is expected to continue to advance east this morning across
    eastern NE.

    Strong warm air advection around the southeast side of the MCS and
    its related mid-level vort energy is expected to foster an
    expansion of heavy shower and thunderstorm activity downstream
    across areas of southeast NE, southwest IA and areas of northwest
    to central MO over the next few hours. This will be aided by a
    southwest low-level jet of 40+ kts which will yield strengthening
    isentropic ascent along with a focused corridor of stronger
    moisture and instability transport. MUCAPE values are as high as
    2000 to 3000 J/kg along the NE/KS border and this instability will
    favor the evolution of multiple elevated convective bands that
    will tend to be generally aligned nearly parallel to the deeper
    layer steering flow. Consequently, there will be concerns for

    PWs are quite high and generally in the 1.75 to 2.0 inch range,
    and this coupled with the available instability and improving
    shear parameters early this morning should favor rainfall rates of
    as much as 1.5 to 2.5 inches/hour with the stronger storms.

    The cell-training concerns may foster some rainfall totals by mid
    morning that reach 3 to 5 inches, and the 00Z HREF guidance
    suggests that the main focus for the heaviest rains should tend to
    be over areas of southwest IA down through northwest and central
    MO. Given this and the recent moistening of the antecedent
    conditions from recent rainfall, some areas of flash flooding will
    be likely to occur.


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    LAT...LON 41989624 41559436 40469289 38279162 38439232=20
    38789332 38979428 40039529 41369674=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 14 12:52:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141252

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0881
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    851 AM EDT Wed Aug 14 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest/North-central MO to
    North-central/Northeast AR...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 141250Z - 141830Z

    SUMMARY...A pair of mature warm advection induced MCSs are likely
    to continue and merge over the next few hours. Reducing
    convergence should help to reduce coverage and intensity of
    rainfall but a swath of 2-4" due to training may still pose
    possible localized flash flooding through early afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um shows a slowly decaying MCC with
    increasingly more isolated overshooting tops to -80C across NE to
    north-central MO with impressive outflow feathering of cirrus
    along nearly all quadrants of the complex indicative of the
    continued solid outflow and maintenance of the complex as it rolls southeastward along the 500-1000 thickness gradient. Downstream,
    a more linear warm advection complex remains across south-central
    MO into north-central and northeast AR. Very cold tops with the
    upstream edge continuing to develop/cool maintains solid potential
    for heavy rainfall rates and training for flash flooding. While
    diurnal weakening of the MCSs is to be expected due to slacking
    LLJ, current VWP trends are maintaining at 25-30kts of 850mb flow
    perpendicular to the frontal zone still supporting solid
    insentropic ascent and moisture convergence.=20

    Veering with height even by 700mb shows steering remains NNW to
    SSE becoming more due south into AR, at the northeast edge of the
    synoptic ridge over TX/OK. This helps to concentrate enhanced
    moisture up to 2.25" while also supporting a steering flow mainly
    parallel to the ascent/convergence axis. MUCAPE remains
    sufficient at 1500-2000 J/kg along the western edge of the
    complexes. So rainfall efficiency will remain solid in the
    2-2.5"/hr range.=20

    The upstream MCC had generated a stronger cold pool and stronger
    mid-level 'dry-slot' jet that is mixing some increased momentum
    air downward to advance southward propagation a bit faster. WAA
    along/ahead of the wave will help to fill in convective line
    through central MO, but the upstream convective line will surge
    southward effectively collecting the training axis across
    south-central MO as long as the LLJ winds do not diminish too much
    too quickly. As such, an axis of 2-4" totals can be expected
    across central to south-central MO and likely intersect areas
    already experiencing flash flooding conditions as noted by MRMS
    Flash with 200-600 cfs/smi. As such, flash flooding is likely to
    continue across that area.

    Further south into northern AR, environmental parameters diverge a
    bit with deeper layer flow/steering becomes a bit more divergent
    through depth; moisture axis shifts eastward , while LLJ further
    veers to more westerly supporting a more westward propagation
    vector which also aligns with the instability axis further west.=20
    This adds to a bit more uncertainty in placement and potential for
    higher rainfall totals...but still intensity of rainfall over 2"
    and spots of 3"+ still have solid potential for localized flash
    flooding conditions through early afternoon as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8eK22Dw1P36hxIRs5araYyNcsDllJ4tRfu1oxVp0VtCb-G98QTFHqS-EpB4hQGMMPxwD= BT07AxXU_tUecqK92y_BMxc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40109349 39639225 38749149 36599130 35779028=20
    34959032 34669137 35029232 35909296 36689309=20
    37649339 38439381 38849424 39309465 39629478=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 14 14:50:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141450

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0882
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1049 AM EDT Wed Aug 14 2024

    Areas affected...North Dakota...Ext Northern South Dakota...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 141450Z - 142045Z

    SUMMARY...Strong dynamics/moisture flux into confluence zone
    should support heavy rain rates and localized totals of 3-5" are
    possible resulting in possible flash flooding through late

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts the leading
    shortwave/height-falls of broad large scale Pacific Northwest
    trough is starting to press eastward across the Northern High
    Plains, with NNW to SSE ridge axis across northern NDAK back
    through the Lower Missouri River Valley where embedded
    MCV/southern stream shortwaves are moving through with the most
    potent crossing out of NEB into SW MN at this time. The polar
    stream shortwave appears to be negatively tilted across WY with a
    favorable south to north right entrance 60kt jet entrance across E
    ND at this time. The combination of strong dPVA and divergence
    aloft is spurring deepening sfc to 850 mb low along/north of the
    Black Hills, while backing low level flow and effective warm
    conveyor belt into eastern SD and to central ND. 20-30kts of
    850mb LLJ continues to flux increasing moisture aloft with values
    of 1.5 total PWat, increasing to 1.75" over the next few hours.=20

    The orientation of the pattern is also strengthening
    FGEN/confluence along and downstream of the 850mb through central
    ND as westerly flow impinges and strengthening convergence, flux
    of the amplified moisture will overcome more limited
    instability/lapse rates (1000-1250 J/kg MUCAPE) to generate
    stronger thunderstorms with enhanced rainfall over the next
    3-6hrs. Already a few clusters have developed along and west of
    the boundary in SW ND and along the boundary exiting Perkins, SD
    into Grant county, ND. Given strength of height-falls/dPVA, cells
    will move northward along the boundary with reducing forward
    propagation vectors the further north going along the deformation
    zone. This should allow for back-building and favorable
    training/merging profile for 3-4 hrs. Rates of 1.5"/hr
    occasionally reaching 2"/hr, seem probable to induce a spot or two
    of 3-5" totals along the line likely resulting in localized flash
    flooding into early evening, confidence is enhanced by 3"/6hr
    probability from the 06z HREF of 45-50% with a spot of 20% of 5".=20
    While 12z HREF is still coming in, the 12z components still
    continue to further support this potential if a shade further
    north than the 06z signal.=20

    Downstream across E ND, NE SD; warm advection in the q-axis
    suggests moderate rainfall with perhaps an embedded convective
    element may increase rainfall totals to be at or just below lower
    FFG values in the area. As such, the area is incorporated into
    this MPD, as there is a non-zero potential (therefore lower
    confidence) of FFG exceedance resulting in a possible incident of
    low-end flash flooding as well.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-__xSnXpaExAxrrUtSYgM7U88c2Q5Ajza5khWoRb3KHINaEBYz2Lh2EKAKlLLT2wr-TL= tQNn5a1NQG5oFj75W849LM4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49140116 48939935 47689882 46339696 45579656=20
    45229704 45319817 45769944 45590123 46220261=20
    46630387 48010383 48770276=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 14 14:55:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141455

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0882...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1054 AM EDT Wed Aug 14 2024

    Corrected for Concerning tag to Flash Flooding Likely

    Areas affected...North Dakota...Ext Northern South Dakota...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 141450Z - 142045Z

    SUMMARY...Strong dynamics/moisture flux into confluence zone
    should support heavy rain rates and localized totals of 3-5" are
    possible resulting in possible flash flooding through late

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts the leading
    shortwave/height-falls of broad large scale Pacific Northwest
    trough is starting to press eastward across the Northern High
    Plains, with NNW to SSE ridge axis across northern NDAK back
    through the Lower Missouri River Valley where embedded
    MCV/southern stream shortwaves are moving through with the most
    potent crossing out of NEB into SW MN at this time. The polar
    stream shortwave appears to be negatively tilted across WY with a
    favorable south to north right entrance 60kt jet entrance across E
    ND at this time. The combination of strong dPVA and divergence
    aloft is spurring deepening sfc to 850 mb low along/north of the
    Black Hills, while backing low level flow and effective warm
    conveyor belt into eastern SD and to central ND. 20-30kts of
    850mb LLJ continues to flux increasing moisture aloft with values
    of 1.5 total PWat, increasing to 1.75" over the next few hours.=20

    The orientation of the pattern is also strengthening
    FGEN/confluence along and downstream of the 850mb through central
    ND as westerly flow impinges and strengthening convergence, flux
    of the amplified moisture will overcome more limited
    instability/lapse rates (1000-1250 J/kg MUCAPE) to generate
    stronger thunderstorms with enhanced rainfall over the next
    3-6hrs. Already a few clusters have developed along and west of
    the boundary in SW ND and along the boundary exiting Perkins, SD
    into Grant county, ND. Given strength of height-falls/dPVA, cells
    will move northward along the boundary with reducing forward
    propagation vectors the further north going along the deformation
    zone. This should allow for back-building and favorable
    training/merging profile for 3-4 hrs. Rates of 1.5"/hr
    occasionally reaching 2"/hr, seem probable to induce a spot or two
    of 3-5" totals along the line likely resulting in localized flash
    flooding into early evening, confidence is enhanced by 3"/6hr
    probability from the 06z HREF of 45-50% with a spot of 20% of 5".=20
    While 12z HREF is still coming in, the 12z components still
    continue to further support this potential if a shade further
    north than the 06z signal.=20

    Downstream across E ND, NE SD; warm advection in the q-axis
    suggests moderate rainfall with perhaps an embedded convective
    element may increase rainfall totals to be at or just below lower
    FFG values in the area. As such, the area is incorporated into
    this MPD, as there is a non-zero potential (therefore lower
    confidence) of FFG exceedance resulting in a possible incident of
    low-end flash flooding as well.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7BqD8Mkervi7r8tcQ1OscYWdnedQKjTB8AXThAVELSuhw7hyNxS6aNXKUeCyeq8ryhNz= -5arESqyZ3E8qKMOnot-y9c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49140116 48939935 47689882 46339696 45579656=20
    45229704 45319817 45769944 45590123 46220261=20
    46630387 48010383 48770276=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 16 00:47:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160047

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0883
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    847 PM EDT Thu Aug 15 2024

    Areas affected...Southern MO..OH River Valley

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160046Z - 160646Z

    Summary...Convective clusters are developing across portions of
    southern Missouri and the Ohio River Valley. Periodic cell
    training with rainfall rates of 2-2.5"/hr could lead to a few
    instances of flash flooding tonight as additional storms form.=20

    Discussion...Satellite and radar mosiac across the northern
    fringes of the Ozarks and Ohio River Valley highlight expanding
    thunderstorm coverage on the periphery of a shortwave to the north
    in the Missouri Valley. Recently, a thunderstorm cluster was
    exhibiting signs of reduced forward motion and cell training over
    southern Illinois, leading to elevated CREST Streamflows of
    100-200 cfs/smi.

    Throughout the afternoon, a lack of robust forcing has kept the
    area dry. The recent uptick in thunderstorm coverage can likely be
    attributed to the approach of the shortwave working in tandem with
    several weak convergence zones. Owing to strong surface heating
    and moisture advection today, mesoanalysis estimates show 3000
    J/kg MLCAPE, negligible CIN, and 2-2.1" PWATs in the vicinity of
    these cells to foster new development with rainfall rates upwards
    of 2-2.5"/hr. As new updrafts form along a west-east axis over the
    next several hours, 20-25 kts of westerly effective shear parallel
    to the convection is expected to support periods of training

    There is some disagreement within the 18z CAM suite as to where
    the main axis of training sets up tonight, which will likely
    depend on cold pool evolution as additional storms form. Even with
    lingering uncertainty regarding the placement of the heaviest
    rainfall, there is a general consensus for 2-4" rainfall totals
    through 6z tonight in the highlighted area, leading to a 25-30%
    chance of 6 HR QPF exceeding the 10 year ARI. While southern
    Illinois and western Kentucky have been quite dry, portions of
    south-central Missouri are comparatively more saturated (relative
    soil moisture around 60-65%) and may be more susceptible to runoff


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9_0WDaWpPjvYVFqSldVu4PMYl_f7pk1ii93NdvT5RuA9fvk3zqK2v1IvX9GUzljGiH4W= SO2qxYXwXSNY3V0psJYzNFc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38458970 38158776 36838748 36328885 36399153=20
    36909338 37889353 38339243=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 16 06:57:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160657

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0884
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    256 AM EDT Fri Aug 16 2024

    Areas affected...southern Missouri, northern Arkansas,
    northwestern Tennessee, western Kentucky

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 160655Z - 161255Z

    Summary...A maturing MCS is continuing across southern Missouri,
    and localized rain rates of 1-2 inches/hr are persisting. These
    trends should continue for at least the next 3-5 hours, with flash
    flooding likely especially in areas near/east of Springfield.

    Discussion...Over the past couple hours, a relatively focused axis
    of heavy rainfall has materialized from near Springfield eastward
    to Mountain Grove and areas just north of West Plains, where an
    estimated 2-4 inch rainfall totals have occurred over the past 3
    hours or so. The backbuiding was being supported by 1) confluent
    southwesterly 850mb flow across the region, 2) convergence along
    the western edge of a maturing cold pool near Springfield, and 3)
    ascent associated with a mid-leve shortwave trough over central
    Missouri. The upstream airmass feeding into this axis of rainfall
    is characterized by areas of 1500-2000 J/kg MLCAPE and 1.7+ inch
    PW values - supportive of continued intense updrafts. The ongoing
    regime should continue to pose locally significant flash flood
    potential in the short term (especially near and east of

    Over the next 3-6 hours, models suggest that 850mb flow will
    gradually veer to westerly and become less confluent but remain in
    the 25kt range. This flow regime is likely to continue supporting
    deep updraft development especially along the western and southern
    flanks of ongoing convection. Areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates are
    likely to continue in this regime, resulting in scattered
    instances of flash flooding. Locally significant impacts are
    possible - especially if backbuilding near Springfield continues
    to spread heavy rain across areas that have already experienced
    2-4 inch rainfall totals (and are exhibiting moderate to high MRMS
    Flash responses). Latest indications are that deeper updrafts may
    begin to materialize closer to the Missouri/Arkansas border with


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-AvOnNbCwlPFm94qiHwMsWzD6EgwFA-x1y0Pqd7ssj2zWqvfnAdlVUolqxlTlJag7_Iy= 17X_YDThXSul8_OtTMvd7Zc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38049168 37588900 37148791 36238829 35709002=20
    36199377 36929429 37979352=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 16 19:43:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161943

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0886
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    343 PM EDT Fri Aug 16 2024

    Areas affected...South Florida Coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 161942Z - 170000Z

    Summary...Very slow moving cells have erupted across South
    Florida. Storm motions of 5-kts or less combined with 2-3"/hr
    rainfall rates may lead to isolated instances of urban flash
    flooding this afternoon.

    Discussion...Radar and visible satellite imagery across South
    Florida depict expanding thunderstorm coverage in the vicinity of
    a modified front southwest of the Florida Peninsula. The most
    robust thunderstorms were located south of Naples, FL, containing
    radar estimated rainfall rates of 2.75-3"/hr while exhibiting a
    localized backbuilding signature.

    The weak frontal boundary, frictional convergence, and outflows
    from current storms will continue to drive additional
    thunderstorms in the area over the next several hours.
    Mesoanalysis and earlier sounding data out of MFL suggest an
    anomalously moist airmass is in place across the region--even for
    South Florida--with estimated PWATS of 2.2-2.3" available for the
    convection to tap into (which is above the 90th percentile or
    MFL). When combined with 1000-2000 J/kg of MLCAPE (with no CIN)
    and storm motions of less than 5 kts, the environment appears
    quite supportive of localized very heavy rainfall amounts this
    afternoon where cells proliferate.

    Accordingly, the 12z CAMs are quite wet across the Southwest
    Florida coastline, with a consistent signal for 3-4" totals
    (locally 5-6") advertised through 0z. This is expected to drive a
    threat of some flash flooding through the afternoon, focused over
    urbanized areas with poor drainage.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6FKyMzh-WkselEZwcvufnFt2oFU5eUB_7v2I9I11KKAlSeu-dul4XqirSpvoCXZ-12wr= bCz7kQOPiD1afUAeZnbHAjU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 26298170 25888118 25578076 25418057 25148048=20
    25008073 25108111 25718160 26078196=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 16 22:11:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 162211

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0887
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    610 PM EDT Fri Aug 16 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast Minnesota...Wisconsin...Upper Peninsula
    of Michigan

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 162210Z - 170238Z

    Summary...Widespread thunderstorms continue across the Upper
    Midwest beneath a vertically stacked low-pressure center. Cell
    mergers along outflows and multiple lake breeze boundaries will
    increase the chance of rainfall rates exceeding 2"/hr.

    Discussion...Trends in IR imagery suggest convection across
    north-central Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula is intensifying
    amid multiple cell mergers and lake breeze boundary collisions.
    Thus far, these thunderstorms with 5-10 kt storm motions and
    1.5-1.8"/hr rainfall rates have resulted in scattered 1-3 HR
    QPE/FFG exceedences and isolated reports of flash flooding across
    Wisconsin this afternoon.

    A buoyant and moist airmass beneath the upper-low will continue to
    support this activity through the afternoon, with 1500 J/kg of
    MLCAPE, negligible CIN, and 1.5" PWATS (around the 90th percentile
    for GRB) noted by recent mesoanalysis estimates. As additional
    slow moving cells develop and merge with the multiple boundaries
    at play, 18Z HREF neighborhood probabilities suggest an increasing
    chance of rainfall rates exceeding 2"/hr within the most intense
    cells through the next several hours, which could breach the
    1-2"/hr FFGs across the area. This will maintain the threat of
    isolated flash flooding through the 1-2Z timeframe before
    convection wanes with loss of heating.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_DypNWC_OjXIaRLIRK8_r2DItwAT3o9saNdQyO-aKMxiRprpaCQMUdhWepV7T2Ev91Cz= 57bPejU41b2sEqYLvtQeeoc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48359117 48259039 47378963 47498756 46528677=20
    44918728 43728760 43598819 44548918 45609100=20
    46519234 47649250 48179187=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 17 01:17:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170117

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0888
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    917 PM EDT Fri Aug 16 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast KS into the Ozarks

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 170116Z - 170600Z

    Summary...Cells are redeveloping and intensifying on the northern
    flank of an outflow boundary across the Ozarks. Storm motions
    aligned with the boundary will support instances of repeating and
    localized flash flooding.

    Discussion...Trends in IR imagery over the last 30 minutes show
    storms rapidly redeveloping and intensifying north of an outflow
    boundary analyzed in the Ozarks. Redevelopment is overlapping
    where localized heavy rainfall occurred earlier today in southeast
    Kansas and far northwest Arkansas associated with two confined
    areas of training storms.

    This recent wave of organized activity is likely in part due to
    strengthening vertical shear profiles and mid-level lapse rates
    nosing into the region, with increasing low-level inflow also
    noted in the 925-850 mb levels. Recent mesoanalysis estimates
    continue to depict a very buoyant and moist airmass available to
    support robust deep convection, including 5000 J/kg of MUCAPE and
    1.8-1.9" PWATS in the vicinity of the boundary. Deep shear vectors
    around 45 kts are oriented parallel to the boundary, which
    supports a threat of cell training and repeating in spite of
    generally more progressive storm motions compared to earlier.

    Thus, the concern is for these increasingly organized cells to
    train and repeat across the highlighted area. Earlier CAM guidance
    completely missed earlier convection which does limit confidence
    somewhat in how the next several hours evolve. However, the last
    four runs of the HRRR have handled the activity better, and
    suggest rainfall amounts of 2-3" and isolated flash flooding is
    possible through 6z where cell residence times are maximized.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_OpJA22iQT7LaP1zi8DhWexX2MEQoLnrhUtLNt9LLShhFIhjF2b2WhyBqKE97abuAqZL= g57r3O24CkI1748GX9e8Hy4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38179615 37209403 36159160 35269220 35709481=20
    36989685 37909711=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 17 05:56:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170556

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0889
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    155 AM EDT Sat Aug 17 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern Kansas, northeastern Oklahoma,
    western/central Arkansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 170554Z - 171154Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues as backbuilding
    convection continues to increase in coverage across southeastern
    Kansas and northeastern Oklahoma. This risk should continue
    through at least 12Z.

    Discussion...A lead convective complex has matured while
    forward-propagating southeastward across portions of western and
    central Arkansas. These storms are in a moist/unstable
    environment, with 1.8+ inch PW values supporting spots of 1-1.5
    inch/hr rain rates despite the brevity of heavier rainfall. These
    rates are overspreading areas of FFG thresholds in the 3 inch/hr
    range, suggesting that any flash flood potential will be quite
    spotty/isolated and tied to sensitive/low-lying areas.=20

    Farther upstream, elevated convection has managed to redevelop
    along an axis extending from near Chanute, KS south-southeastward
    to near Talequah, OK. These storms were focused on the nose of
    20-25 knot 850mb flow while also orienting parallel to
    northwesterly flow aloft. The orientation of this convection
    (along with ~2 inch PW values and near ~7C/km mid-level lapse
    rates) is a bit more favorable for training and spots of 1-2
    inch/hr rain rates. Furthermore, this rainfall will occur over
    wetter ground conditions from prior rainfall from the
    aforementioned MCS earlier in the evening, and lower FFG
    thresholds (generally in the 1-2 inch/hr range) are noted. The
    overall pattern is a bit more favorable for flash flooding through
    the night especially near axes of training.

    Models suggest that the 850mb convergence axis will likely persist
    across southeastern Kansas through western Arkansas even as
    low-level flow veers through the early morning. Spots of 1-2
    inch/hr rain rates are expected to continue through 12Z. Isolated
    3-4 inch rainfall totals are possible in this regime.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-0-n2agKArqkRrOYySQBUUWyWItR7NaxGaPiphLVY0il9PLgWiNj5nU8n11bAr2hsji6= ixhRwUAcCe0E4bINURD3spc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38309689 37989506 36359297 34899223 33559323=20
    33919488 36619659=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 17 14:04:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171404

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0891
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1004 AM EDT Sat Aug 17 2024

    Areas affected...southeast Nevada, northwest Arizona, southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 171403Z - 171900Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand across the eastern
    Great Basin and into the Four Corners through the morning.
    Rainfall rates are expected to increase to 0.5-1"/hr, leading to
    hourly rainfall accumulations of up to 0.75". Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The GOES-E WV imagery this morning shows a potent
    shortwave lifting across far southern NV, accompanied by expanding
    reflectivity associated with deepening showers and thunderstorms.
    The environment into which this shortwave is lifting is becoming
    increasingly favorable for heavy rainfall as reflected by 3-hr
    MUCAPE change from the SPC RAP reaching +200 J/kg combined with a
    slow surge of PWs of 1-1.3" lifting into the northern High Deserts
    of NV and far SW UT. Further evidence of the amplifying
    environment is rising lightning-cast probabilities coincident with
    increasing glaciation noted in the GOES-E day cloud phase RGB, and
    it is likely that the next few hours will feature a rapid
    expansion and intensification of reflectivity across the region.

    As the shortwave continues to pivot northward, it will combine
    with increasing bulk shear and enhanced diffluence within the RRQ
    of a strengthening jet streak arcing into the Intermountain West.
    Together this will drive strong deep layer ascent, which will work
    across robust thermodynamics as daytime destabilization occurs in
    conjunction with a persistent surge of low level moisture from the
    south, and 850-700mb moisture flux anomalies are progged to reach
    nearly +5 sigma according to the SREF. This will not only cause
    expanding convective coverage, but intensification of moist
    updrafts leading to rainfall rates which have a 10-20% chance of
    exceeding 1"/hr according to the HREF. Mean 850-300mb winds will
    remain progressive through the afternoon at 20-30 kts or more,
    reducing the residence time of any individual cell, but hourly
    rainfall of 0.5-0.75 inches is still likely in some areas as noted
    by the HRRR 15-min rainfall product and UA WRF hourly rain
    accumulations. Additionally, Corfidi vectors aligned to the mean
    0-6km wind suggest repeating or training rounds of storms is
    likely, which could produce 1-2" of rain with locally more than 3"
    possible (HREF neighborhood probabilities for 3"/6hrs 10-15%).

    Despite the fast motion, these intense rainfall rates, combined
    with any training, could quickly overwhelm soils across the area.
    Recent rain has increased the 0-10cm soil moisture percentiles to
    as high as 90% in some areas according to NASA SPoRT, increasing
    the vulnerability of what is already a sensitive region to heavy
    rain rates due to the many slot canyons, dry washes, and recent
    burn scars across the area. Any heavy rain rates moving across
    these areas could quickly result in rapid runoff and flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_pFiayEc6r5qwbYIyynYC-b7j2tcgTIE_g4M5CgqDulJEu90NCWZ5fsOBfyO2Az1XJYM= qnPMzpQpX5BS1djVuFhtusM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40291288 40121105 39141042 37781083 37081144=20
    36471263 36091461 36111579 36611625 37231615=20
    37991574 39151493 39931420=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 17 18:55:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171855

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0892
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    255 PM EDT Sat Aug 17 2024

    Areas affected...Much of Utah, far eastern Nevada, far northern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 171854Z - 180000Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will increase in coverage and
    intensity through the evening. Rainfall rates of 1"/hr will become
    increasingly common, leading to hourly rainfall accumulations of
    up to 0.75" and instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible satellite imagery late this
    morning shows expanding low and high cloud associated with a
    potent shortwave and accompanying convection moving across much of
    Utah. ENLTN lightning density continues to increase across the
    area, reflective of the strengthening environment which is now
    characterized by PWs of 1.2-1.5 inches as measured by GPS, well
    above the 90th percentile, and MLCAPE which has rapidly increased
    to above 1000 J/kg away from the clouds. Expanding and deepening
    thunderstorms are accompanying this overlap of ascent (aided by a
    strengthening jet streak to the north) and thermodynamics, with
    recent rainfall rate estimated from KICX reaching 1.5"/hr.

    The morning convection associated with the potent shortwave
    somewhat struggled to intensify, but as instability continues to
    climb through daytime heating and a surge of low-level flow to
    draw higher CAPE/PW northward, rain rates have become more
    impressive in the fresher updrafts. This is likely to continue as
    reflected by simulated reflectivity in the recent high-res CAMs,
    including the 15-min HRRR and UA WRF. The HREF neighborhood
    probabilities reach above 20% for 1"/hr rates this evening, and
    both the UA WRF and HRRR 15-min rainfall accumulations suggest
    1-hr rainfall could reach 0.75" in some areas. This is despite
    progressive storm motions which are likely to remain around 25-25
    kts, as aligned Corfidi vectors suggest an enhanced training risk.
    The ingredients suggest that storms will continue to develop to
    the south within the axis of more intense thermodynamics, and then
    lift north/northeast to produce multiple rounds of storms in some
    areas. The terrain of the Wasatch could also be a focus for
    convection, and it is likely several areas will receive 1-2" of
    rain, with a 10-20% chance of locally as much as 3" in some

    This region is exceptionally vulnerable to heavy rain rates due to
    the variety of sensitive terrain features. However, some of this
    region has experienced more than 300% of normal rainfall the past
    7 days which has led to 0-40cm soil moisture that is in some
    places above the 90th percentile and 1-hr FFG below 0.5 inches.
    This suggests that while heavy rain moving across any burn scars,
    slot canyons, or dry washes will have the greatest potential to
    produce flash flooding, any location that receives multiple rounds
    of these intense rain rates could experience impacts due to flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5_XqXu9T36hHr-Gzq2iuo62iqHYYuzjaOuPZ-LwXXnfgSPverOZ2azRtYoznWWeLz-b_= MVRRNi_zXtnmZhuyW9eiGAc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40931175 40501068 40081047 39091067 38011059=20
    37291092 36711160 36511213 36451222 36241301=20
    36371363 36761398 37261435 38251439 38951408=20
    40191366 40701275=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 00:01:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180001

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0893
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    800 PM EDT Sat Aug 17 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central Utah, northern Arizona

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 172359Z - 180329Z

    Summary...Considerable impact flash flooding will continue across
    south-central Utah and northern Arizona past 0z as additional
    cells with .75-1"/hr rainfall rates persist for a few more hours.

    Discussion...Throughout the afternoon, training showers and
    thunderstorms with 0.75-1"/hr rainfall rates have produced
    numerous instances of considerable impact flash flooding across
    south-central Utah and northern Arizona. In a region of generally
    high radar quality in southern Utah and northern Arizona, rainfall
    estimates of 1-1.25" are noted over the last six hours where the
    most intense cells have trained.

    Upstream of the current storms, trends in the Day Cloud Phase RGB
    and experimental LighningCast suggest additional development is
    underway in a cumulus field over north-central Arizona. In spite
    of some overturning by the convection, steep mid-level lapse rates
    and plentiful moisture transport into the region continue to
    support 1000-2000 J/kg of MUCAPE and 1.1-1.2" PWATs (above the
    90th percentile for FGZ and GJZ) near the storms per RAP and
    objective analysis estimates. Effective shear remains impressive
    as well, with 40-50 kts noted.

    Aided by strong upper diffluence and a weak shortwave near the
    Four Corners, periods of training convection should continue for a
    few more hours across the region before eventually diminishing
    with loss of daytime heating. Through 3Z, HREF neighborhood
    probabilities maintain a 20-35% chance of rainfall rates exceeding
    .5"/hr. In light of ongoing impacts, this will continue the flash
    flooding threat (some of which could be significant) for another
    few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_gm0W3J2UAd0fDNusdF9inAjteuBKRL-xxvtGVJer0dT_gTcqdvj6w9MfP3Uaeu0shTL= nALQV6H_xkvSAttNMe0tc_w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40381221 39821035 37180989 35461092 35151246=20
    35901369 37211399 39321350=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 01:02:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180102

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0894
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    901 PM EDT Sat Aug 17 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180100Z - 180400Z

    Summary...A localized but very efficient MCS has materialized over
    portions of eastern Virginia, which will maintain a threat of
    localized very heavy rainfall rates exceeding 2"/hr through 4Z.

    Discussion...Radar this evening depicts a localized MCS over
    eastern Virginia containing estimated rainfall rates upwards of
    2-3"/hr, with slow storm motions around 10 kts. Training of
    individual cells of in the MCS led to a quick QPE/FFG exceedence
    near Hanover, VA where a Flash Flood Warning was issued.

    This activity is anchored along an axis of high theta-e air, with
    recent objective analysis fields showing 1000 J/kg MLCAPE with
    negligible CIN and 1.7-1.8" PWATs in the inflow region of the
    complex. Within the uncapped airmass, an axis of weak but
    appreciable moisture convergence is also noted upwind of the MCS
    to force new updrafts in the complex. As new cells form, Corfidi
    upshear vectors around 10 kts within a diffluent thickness region
    suggest the complex will be quite slow to move. Over the next few
    hours, the 18z HREF maintains a focused but notable signal
    (25-35%) for rainfall rates exceeding 2"/hr through 4Z.
    Accordingly, the threat of localized flash flooding will continue
    through the next three hours should this complex persist.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_PH58iGt5cS-wZjB8LBbyLFeWlgbzJI5rroKlqlRqsdXJWQ5seKDiLEOP3sekguwthLM= WukN_LLCCpSuucCrRO0Dnds$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38297683 38227611 37617609 37287713 37727775=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 09:52:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180952

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0895
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    551 AM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...portions of New Jersey and southern New York

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180951Z - 181200Z

    Summary...A conditional flash flood threat exists for portions of
    the New York City metro area and adjacent portions of New Jersey
    through 12Z.

    Discussion...Through the night, occasional banded convective
    structures have materialized near the Philadelphia Metro area.=20
    These structures have been embedded in deep south-southwesterly
    flow aloft (resulting in 20-30 kt storm motions), but have
    oriented favorably for brief training and heavier rainfall rates
    approaching 1 inch/hr at times. Weak forcing has limited
    convective coverage, although 1000 J/kg SBCAPE (focused across
    southern/central NJ), 1.8+ inch PW values, and weak inhibition
    were all supporting deep, efficient updrafts with occasional
    heavier rain rates.

    While heavier rainfall has been isolated, some concern exists that
    heavier rainfall rates (around 1 inch/hr) could extend into more
    populated areas of northern New Jersey and southern New York state
    over the next 2-3 hours. The airmass across that area has been
    destabilizing through the night due to warm advection, although
    weak/limited forcing remains a limiting factor for a more
    widespread flash flood threat. This conditional risk will likely
    extend through 12Z/8am EST this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9FPpWR_c_rA5PNsHqcRLIBfWT-Q8kh7g_xnwfsZGxwsl8koxdZynj_jfx2RyZMlvOEXQ= Mjlz_9MvX0lYH8qmcsDOPp0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41777360 41287285 40317314 39907392 40027489=20
    40587492 41407443=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 10:15:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181015

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0896
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    615 AM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...portions of South Dakota

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 181010Z - 181510Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flood potential exists with a band of
    convection across southern/central South Dakota this morning.=20
    Areas of 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates are occurring and should
    continue through 14Z or so.

    Discussion...Over the past 1-2 hours, a nearly stationary band of
    convection has materialized on the nose of a strong (35 kt) 850mb
    jet. The cells were also embedded in northwesterly flow aloft
    that was oriented parallel to this axis of convergence.=20
    Additionally, cells were on the eastern edge of a steep lapse rate
    plume, with impressive 8-9C/km 700-500mb lapse rates noted per
    objective analyses. The orientation an intensity of the
    convection has fostered a relatively slow-moving axis of 1-1.5
    inch/hr rain rates to develop from just northwest of Pierre to
    just southeast of Burke (near the SD/NE state line).

    Models/observations suggest that this band of convection will move
    slowly with time. Convection should persist for a few hours,
    although eventually 850mb convergence will weaken some due to
    backing and weakening flow at that level. In the meantime, spots
    of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates will occasionally exceed FFG thresholds
    in that area (generally in the 1-2 inch/hr range - lowest with
    northwestward extent). Flash flooding is possible in this regime.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!89ZSt5BsHxwrk6OB-eE7fA2UKDLSotg8A4crKAtUjUL-cHGGcq2ukY2WX07N_BpCtl1G= _HJb9IQi8fvRcNuhIEw_RC0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 44990130 44920008 44369821 43339734 42779751=20
    42819938 43790110=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 16:24:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181623

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0897
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1223 PM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...Southern and Central UT, far Northern AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 181621Z - 182200Z

    Summary...Increasing coverage of showers and thunderstorms will
    spread across Utah through the afternoon. Rainfall rates may at
    times approach 1"/hr, leading to 1-hr rainfall accumulation of as
    much as 0.75" atop saturated soils and sensitive terrain features.
    Flash flooding is likely.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible imagery this morning shows an
    expansive deck of mid-level clouds extending across Arizona and
    arcing northward towards the AZ/UT border. This cloud cover is
    associated with a potent shortwave moving over Yavapai and
    Coconino counties. Downstream of this feature, clear sky
    conditions have permitted destabilization noted by SPC RAP 3-hr
    MLCAPE change of +200-300 J/kg, which has resulted in rapid Cu
    development across the Slot Canyon region of Utah. Within this
    deepening Cu, lightning-cast probabilities have recently featured
    an uptick above 75% and the GOES-E day-cloud phase distinction RGB
    suggests glaciation is rapidly occurring in response to these
    fresh updrafts. The most rapid growth is occurring along the
    differential heating boundary at the edge of the cloud shield, but
    the combination of PWs around 1.1 inches (above the 90th
    climatological percentile) and SBCAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg will
    support widespread convective growth into the afternoon.

    During the next several hours, convective activity should expand
    rapidly and intensify as ascent downstream of the shortwave
    lifting northward combines with the destabilizing column and at
    least modest RRQ diffluence from a jet streak to the north. At the
    same time, southerly low-level flow should continue to draw higher
    PWs northward, and the SREF 850-700mb moisture flux anomalies
    reach +3 to +4 sigma through the afternoon. The overlap of these
    impressive thermodynamics and substantial ascent will support
    widespread convection, and the CAMs are likely under-doing
    coverage, limiting the exceedance probabilities from the HREF.
    Despite that, HREF neighborhood probabilities still reach as high
    as 30-35% for 1"/hr rates, and the UA WRF (HRRR) indicates hourly
    rainfall accumulations of as much as 0.75" are possible.

    Storm motions will remain progressive as reflected by propagation
    vectors of 20-25 kts through the afternoon, but in the presence of
    20-25 kts of bulk shear and aligned 0-6km winds, this suggests
    clusters of storms will repeat across some areas today. This will
    occur across soils that are extremely saturated from heavy rain in
    the past 24-hrs, and NASA SPoRT 0-10cm soil moisture is above the
    95th percentile, increasing the vulnerability to rapid runoff in a
    region already sensitive due to terrain features like slot
    canyons, burn scars, and dry washes. It is likely that any
    repeating storms with these intense rain rates will result in
    instances of flash flooding across the vulnerable landscape
    through this afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6urHw9wNPgvkejALUQBed-1r41ZrExx8Mb5LnlxdavStGogsmvpYW2g1Wi08TqDgREKz= jBS2xxP6yq3Ma3cFK6pD3gY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40191190 39811103 39041096 37931078 37311106=20
    36921152 36741204 36701286 36661346 37121404=20
    37931400 39011372 39921287=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 19:24:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 181923

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0899
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    322 PM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...Western Connecticut

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 181922Z - 182252Z

    Summary...A localized cluster of cells continues to produce very
    impactful flash flooding over western Connecticut. Cells
    developing upstream will feed into this complex, which will
    continue the threat of significant flash flooding.

    Discussion...Radar continues to track a localized but very
    efficient cluster of cells which has persisted throughout the
    morning across western Connecticut. Nearly stationary cell motions
    and extreme rainfall rates exceeding 3"/hr at times has led to
    considerable to locally catastrophic impacts across the area, with
    radar estimates of 7-9" of rainfall noted as of writing.

    This focused area of extreme rainfall likely focused along a
    mesolow providing convergence for ascent and enhanced low-level
    inflow across the region. Upstream of the activity, SFC-850 ALPW
    and recent ASCAT surface winds also depict a well defined area of
    confluence embedded within a moist conveyor feeding into the
    convection. With continued heating, the first signs of cumulus
    streets and enhanced vertical development are noted upstream,
    which suggests the area is destabilizing. Thus, additional cells
    are expected to develop and feed into the area in the presence of
    the low level forcing.

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_64ZOoC-CWJf5xlmt6g1Qd-y9cjNLb4ALHPnoATthduLbaec4mHc0bAIGqarpu1OQdZo= AyaPrO2gkwiLsJiTzHd39c8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41897301 41627278 41197292 41067333 41327365=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 21:48:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 182148

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0900
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    547 PM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest Arizona...Utah...Southwest Wyoming

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 182146Z - 190259Z

    Summary...Periodic training of showers and thunderstorms with
    .75-1"/hr rainfall rates will continue this afternoon. Additional
    flash flooding is likely, with considerable impacts possible atop
    saturated soils and slot canyons.

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms continue to stream
    northeast across the Colorado River Basin on the periphery of a
    monsoon high. Over the last 30 minutes, cloud top temperatures
    with these cells have cooled rapidly over south-central Utah while
    GLM flash density increased.

    These intensifying storms firing along the periphery of a compact
    shortwave, where DCVA can overlap areas sufficiently destabilized.
    While instability over the region is a bit lower compared to
    yesterday, RAP and objective analysis estimates show MUCAPE spots
    of 1000-2000 J/kg with 1.1-1.2" PWATS (above the 90th percentile)
    available to drive additional cells with intense rainfall rates
    upwards 1"/hr. Vertical shear profiles are also a weaker compared
    to yesterday (25-30 kts) but still more than enough to support
    organized bands of storms while also allowing for slightly slower
    storm motions.

    Through 3z, the 18z HREF 40km neighborhood probabilities maintain
    a very high likelihood (60-70% chance) of rainfall amounts
    exceeding 1" where cell coverage and training are maximized this
    afternoon. This will likely lead to additional instances of
    scattered flash flooding, with considerable impacts possible atop
    areas saturated from previous rainfall and over vulnerable slot
    canyon areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9U66eLqrcVlxbJfGZwxOD0xni2T-RX1nu7S-vSNuK_m9zCbnCKsIIIRQnuovIbFfhAtO= ufFVobk1uTBQcE0dir5Xi30$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41561020 40230898 37461183 35621264 35631387=20
    37251401 39991312=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 22:46:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 182246

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0901
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    645 PM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...Northeast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 182244Z - 190444Z

    Summary...Widespread flash flooding continues this evening across
    the Northeast, which will continue through the evening. Additional
    considerable to locally catastrophic impacts cannot be ruled out,
    especially over areas impacted by ongoing/earlier rainfall.

    Discussion...Widespread thunderstorms are underway across the
    Northeast ahead of a slow moving cold front analyzed across
    central Pennsylvania and western New York. Over the last several
    hours, rainfall rates upwards of 2"/hr combined with cell training
    and repeating have have led to numerous reports of impactful flash
    flooding across the region.

    RAP proximity soundings in the vicinity of these cells highlight a
    very favorable environment to drive intense rainfall rates upwards
    of 2"/hr, including a nearly saturated profile with 1.8-1.9" PWAT,
    1000-1500 J/kg MLCAPE (in a "tall-skinny" profile), and warm cloud
    depths around 10,000 feet. While the mean-flow will support
    relatively quick cell motions of 25-30 kts, the parallel
    orientation to the synoptic forcing will favor training and
    repeating with slow eastward progression.

    As these storms continue over saturated soils and urban areas, the
    threat of significant flash flooding will continue through this
    evening, with 18Z HREF neighborhood probabilities showing a very
    high (70-80%) chance of 3 HR FFG exceedence through 3z. Additional
    considerable to locally catastrophic flash flooding impacts cannot
    be ruled out going forward, especially over areas hit hard from ongoing/previous rainfall, including western Connecticut which as
    seen 10+" of rainfall today.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_EhPy_aASAHx-YNSUl2WYxCoJkaGxa2nRT0PCVZ3GJhhAwOJbkvPeg5kQdzFaDXX5S29= zK6UDkOoZ7VFy_0H7x8OCno$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 43487512 42147421 41917279 41077255 40227406=20
    40467555 41577625 43357623=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 18 23:46:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 182346

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0902
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    746 PM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Northeast...Mid-Atlantic

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 182345Z - 190545Z

    Summary...Scattered cell clusters are developing across the
    Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Rainfall rates upwards of 2"/hr and
    slow eastward translation of these storms will drive a risk of isolated-scattered flash flooding.

    Discussion...Regional radar across the Northeast Mid-Atlantic
    shows expanding thunderstorm clusters along and ahead of a slow
    moving cold front. These cells are exhibiting periods of training
    and repeating with slow forward propagation, which led to
    scattered flash flood warnings across the region.

    Objective analysis estimates in the warm sector highlight a
    buoyant, uncapped airmass characterized by 1500 J/kg and 1.7-2.0"
    PWATs to foster rainfall rates upwards of 1.5-2"/hr. As
    highlighted in MPD 901, the orientation of the mean flow parallel
    to the synoptic forcing (DCVA) suggests cell clusters will be slow
    to forward propagate, with northeasterly Corfidi vectors on the
    order of 10-15 kts noted across the region.

    While cell coverage will remain more scattered compared to further
    north, the slow net cell motions will support a threat of 1-3" of
    rainfall per the HREF and isolated-scattered flash flooding
    through the next several hours. Areas which saw locally heavy
    rainfall earlier, and urban zones will be most susceptible to
    flash flooding impacts with this activity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-H1smCbSB8mLhCqMYJjJFbWsTLKmNEb5LP91zYrLJOtCr6Y1ADNO-KNO2cbNBuTg4joj= fXKz-q227wFfbN_DTuiSYg4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41307635 40457558 40027417 39107460 37207570=20
    35277688 34957816 35917907 38217785 40917741=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 19 01:20:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190120

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0903
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    919 PM EDT Sun Aug 18 2024

    Areas affected...Western Arkansas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 190119Z - 190559Z

    Summary...Scattered cell clusters are developing across the
    Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Rainfall rates upwards of 2"/hr and
    slow eastward translation of these storms will drive a risk of isolated-scattered flash flooding.

    Discussion...Regional radar across the Northeast Mid-Atlantic
    shows expanding thunderstorm clusters along and ahead of a slow
    moving cold front. These cells are exhibiting periods of training
    and repeating with slow forward propagation, which led to
    scattered flash flood warnings across the region.

    Objective analysis estimates in the warm sector highlight a
    buoyant, uncapped airmass characterized by 1500 J/kg and 1.7-2.0"
    PWATs to foster rainfall rates upwards of 1.5-2"/hr. As
    highlighted in MPD 901, the orientation of the mean flow parallel
    to the synoptic forcing (DCVA) suggests cell clusters will be slow
    to forward propagate, with northeasterly Corfidi vectors on the
    order of 10-15 kts noted across the region.

    While cell coverage will remain more scattered compared to further
    north, the slow net cell motions will support a threat of 1-3" of
    rainfall per the HREF and isolated-scattered flash flooding
    through the next several hours. Areas which saw locally heavy
    rainfall earlier, and urban zones will be most susceptible to
    flash flooding impacts with this activity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-ZGRekokc1jmO4cuD6fcEJPo7OtnZvQDx21SfEduCTQWsVYerT2kppk6eXBGIPPZaYNo= Rc0MNv3At3RnZXC5KnyZaAo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35429353 35299270 33419225 33179293 34149359=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 19 04:24:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190424

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0904
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1224 AM EDT Mon Aug 19 2024

    Areas affected...southern New York state/Long Island and eastern
    New Jersey

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 190423Z - 190823Z

    Summary...Ongoing, significant flash flood potential should
    continue for another 2-4 hours or so (through 08Z/4am EST).

    Discussion...Scattered to numerous thunderstorm activity has
    evolved into an elongated, WSW-ENE oriented band extending across
    much of Long Island currently. The storms are abundant heavy rain
    producers due to their favorable orientation for training
    (parallel to steering flow aloft) and location relative to
    moist/unstable low-level advection (1.8+ inch PW and 1000 J/kg
    MLCAPE). Areas of 1-3 inch/hr rain rates (both observed and
    estimated per MRMS) were contributing to a number of significant
    impacts especially in western and central Long Island, where
    numerous water rescues were reported.

    The overall regime is expected to continue for at least another
    2-4 hours. Upstream heavy rainfall across east-central New Jersey
    is expected to migrate eastward and provide additional rainfall
    across much of Long Island through 06-08Z. Western and central
    portions of Long Island are expected to experience the heaviest
    rainfall from this activity. Continued 1-3 inch/hr rain rates
    are expected at times, and localized 3-4 inch rainfall totals are
    possible. Significant impacts remain likely in this regime.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5F5W9rJgMVG9PJ9zTZIm7xYS_9w9g6fWnq0e2rI57xcySlhtvjAnOo7W0PjW5sn_D1sp= KkmqOv2WJPVZe49NwiFOwUg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41437170 40997121 40327224 39967366 39917472=20
    40427486 40987392 41347278=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 19 16:39:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191638

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0905
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1238 PM EDT Mon Aug 19 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Upstate New York, western New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191637Z - 192230Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will increase in coverage
    across Upstate New York and western New England this afternoon
    ahead of a cold front. Short term training of 1-2+"/hr rates will
    create corridors of 1-3" of rain with locally higher amounts. This
    could produce flash flooding.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible satellite imagery this afternoon
    shows clearing sky conditions across eastern Upstate NY into
    western New England. Within this clearing, SBCAPE is climbing
    steadily as reflected by the SPC RAP SBCAPE 3-hr change of +600
    J/kg, fueling rapid growth of Cu and TCu. Some of this TCu is
    starting to exhibit glaciation as noted in the GOES-E day cloud
    phase RGB, resulting in a steady expansion of lightning cast
    probabilities above 25%. The 12Z U/A soundings from KALB and KOKX
    both measured PWs above the 90th percentile according to the SPC
    sounding climatology, with elevated freezing levels supporting
    efficient warm-rain processes. Into these impressive
    thermodynamics, forcing for ascent is slowly intensifying through
    convergence ahead of the cold front, increasing upper diffluence,
    and height falls downstream of the parent longwave trough and
    accompanying shortwave impulse. A modest impulse lifting northward
    from the Mid-Atlantic is accompanied by a surge of moisture noted
    in the 700-500mb LPW fields, and this feature will additionally
    enhance moisture and ascent through the afternoon.

    The high-res CAMs are in good agreement that convection will
    steadily increase in both coverage and intensity along the cold
    front, but may be under-forecasting cell development well in
    advance of it. With the environment remaining strongly forced and thermodynamically favorable, any cell that develops will have the
    potential to produce rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr, while the HREF
    neighborhood probabilities and HRRR 15-min accumulations indicate
    short-term rates to 3"/hr are possible, especially across New
    England where bulk 0-6km shear of 20-25 kts will support some
    modest organization. Mean 0-6km winds around 15-20 kts indicate
    that cells will generally remain progressive, but these winds will
    be broadly parallel to the front and occur in conjunction with
    weakening Corfidi vectors, supporting at least short-term training
    of cells from SW to NE. Where training occurs, rainfall totals of
    1-3" are likely, with isolated amounts above 4" possible.

    7-day rainfall across most of this region has been limited as
    reflected by AHPS departures that are just 25-50% of normal
    (except across southern CT and extreme southeast Upstate NY which
    had flooding on Sunday). This is leaving near normal soil
    saturation and 3-hr FFG of 1.5-2" which has a 20-30% chance of
    exceedance. Still, with efficient rain rates and some possible
    training, especially in urban areas or atop the more vulnerable
    soils and terrain features, instances of flash flooding could


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_sPFw27F3uwuGL5yzNS6fURs_NueL8Fdt8SmIEru65NqkEhOJx2EyUOd-WgQ85hJqGkd= QVvceGKjHWv53Y8YLUggz44$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45477304 45417219 45127172 44617150 43927158=20
    43437172 42537233 41837282 41357321 41107367=20
    41117418 41247452 41877480 43217459 45067412=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 19 17:53:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191752

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0906
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    152 PM EDT Mon Aug 19 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Montana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191800Z - 200000Z

    Summary...Clusters of showers and thunderstorms will continue to
    develop through the afternoon across eastern Montana. Rainfall
    rates at times may reach 2"/hr which through training could result
    in 1-3" of rain. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic early this afternoon shows
    showers and thunderstorms expanding along a stationary front and
    wave of low pressure analyzed by WPC encroaching into eastern
    Montana. A shortwave/vorticity maxima is lifting out of NW WY into
    central MT at the same time, with the resultant local backing of
    low/mid level winds driving enhanced thermodynamic advection
    northwestward from the Great Plains. Recent PWs have surged to as
    high as 1.4 inches as measured by GPS, above the daily max for
    GGW, with a stretching of higher PWs noted in the 700-500mb and
    500-300mb LPW fields representative of a deformation axis aloft.
    MLCAPE as high as 1500-2000 J/kg is advecting from SD into this
    region to overlap with the elevated PWs to provide an extremely
    favorable environment for heavy rainfall, with recent
    radar-estimated rain rates within deep convection reaching
    2-2.5"/hr from KGGW WSR-88D.

    As the afternoon progresses, the shortwave lifting northward
    should continue to have a positive impact on the environment as
    low/mid level moisture and instability continue to surge NW on the
    locally backed flow. This will impinge into a sharp moisture
    gradient aligned N-S seen via moisture transport vectors, which
    will overlap with the deformation axis aloft. With the stationary
    front continuing to serve as a focus for convective initiation,
    this suggests storms will develop and lift continuously northward
    with only slow translation to the east. Mean 0-6km winds of 15-20
    kts will support progressive cells, but parallel flow and bulk
    shear of 25-35 kts will organize storms into clusters which will
    then repeatedly lift north across the same areas. Rain rates are
    progged by the HREF neighborhood probabilities to have a 20-25%
    chance of exceeding 2"/hr, and the HRRR 15-min rainfall
    accumulations indicate brief rates up to 3"/hr are possible. This
    could cause 0.5-1.5" of rain in less than 30 minutes, and where
    training occurs, locally as much as 3" of rain is possible.

    FFG across this region is low, at generally 1.5"/3hrs, and the
    HREF exceedance probabilities for this threshold reach as high as
    40% by this evening. While impacts related to flash flooding may
    remain isolated and confined to urban areas or more sensitive
    soils, anywhere training of these intense rain rates can occur
    could experience rapid runoff to produce instances of flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4LGAbhUYNwm2Rp-YVWRu3x9SwVSYjr8Mv158UezmzOzUpvjhkGWjc0IctnlNctLjCWev= Al5B047NGESG6OoGfpE9FO4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49050451 48800411 48010395 46880395 45820412=20
    45320447 45110489 45050557 45360609 45970649=20
    46930685 48490652 49030569=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 19 20:34:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192034

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0907
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    434 PM EDT Mon Aug 19 2024

    Areas affected...Front Range of Colorado and Southern
    Wyoming...Nebraska Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 192033Z - 200233Z

    Summary...The threat of isolated flash flooding will increase this
    afternoon as additional storms form over the Rockies and drift

    Discussion...Convective initiation is underway across the Central
    Rockies on the periphery of a monsoon high over the Southern
    Plains. A Flash Flood Warning was recently issued for a nearly
    stationary cell in Elbert County, CO which was anchored along the
    confluence of two mesoscale boundaries evident from KFTG.

    With persistent heating and post-frontal upslope flow feeding into
    the terrain, an uptick in storm coverage is expected over the next
    several hours. By 21z, the RAP suggests 1000-200 J/kg of MLCAPE
    and PWATS around 1.0-1.25" (around the 75th to 90th percentile for
    the region) will focus east of the terrain to support rainfall
    rates of 1.5-2"/hr within the most intense cells. Fairly strong
    effective shear profiles of 30-40 kts will support organized
    multicells and possibly supercells--which could locally enhance
    the flash flood risk owing to slow RM storm motions (10-15 kts).

    Over the next several hours, HREF neighborhood probabilities show
    an increasing chance of 1-3 HR FFG exceedence (25-45%), with the
    LPMM highlighting localized amounts of 1-2" through the 0-3Z time
    frame. Accordingly, the threat of isolated flash flooding will
    increase as 1-3 HR FFGs are in the 1-1.5" range across the region.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7wzwfTyfMbHSs1rUAb-KjE_reXUj0m-XpMuGT7V7mf88XXHk8-ze574iMIJ6Vnotq6Wr= 9Hl-oj1_leiCnmZRqoAO2hc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41610404 40760308 38440329 38350459 39710469=20
    40740529 41270515=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 19 22:31:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192231

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0908
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    630 PM EDT Mon Aug 19 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of the Northeast...New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 192229Z - 200329Z

    Summary...Periodic training thunderstorms containing 1.5-2"/hr
    rainfall rates will shift the threat of scattered flash flooding
    eastward across portions of the Northeast and New England.

    Discussion...Regional radar across New England continues to track
    linear segments of showers and thunderstorms ahead of a slow
    moving cold front analyzed over western New England. Over the last
    several hours, fairly slow eastward translation of these storms
    combined with estimated 1.5"/hr rainfall rates at times led to
    several reports of flash flooding, primarily focused over areas
    affected by the flooding yesterday.

    While persistent cloud cover is preventing more robust
    destabilization of the pre-frontal airmass, low-level moistening
    and some breaks in the clouds have allowed for 500-1000 J/kg
    within a favorable "tall-skinny" distribution to develop ahead of
    the line. With PWAT values locally exceeding the 90th percentile
    for the region and warm cloud depths of 11,000 feet, efficient
    cells with maximum rates of 1.5-2"/hr should continue this
    afternoon. A large component of the cloud-layer steering winds
    oriented parallel to the front will support periods of training,
    although the generally more progressive nature of the synoptic
    forcing should allow for a faster eastward translation of
    precipitation compared to yesterday.

    Through 3z, the 18z HREF LPMM depicts rainfall totals upwards of
    2-3", generally focused over portions of New Hampshire and
    Northwest Maine. However, HREF neighborhood probabilities of 1-3
    HR FFG exceedence on the order of 25-30% are noted across much of
    the MPD area through 3Z. This suggests additional instances of
    scattered flash flooding are possible going into the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9diNQqQ-o-QnDBT2TSIeR8e6XXGhlipHdnqJohMh6AH_R9yzG5k8AkfT41ATHTcX5mZ3= IjjjcjpAJN75QCtpzBIGSwI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 47646856 46926828 44827009 42437138 40847237=20
    40807319 41787314 43397227 45287138 45987080=20
    46607025 47056978=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 20 04:03:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 200403

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0909
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1202 AM EDT Tue Aug 20 2024

    Areas affected...portions of South Dakota

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 200400Z - 201000Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorm activity will continue to
    increase in coverage over the next 3-6 hours. A few instances of
    convective training are expected, which could result in areas of
    1-2 inch/hr rain rates. Flash flood potential exists through at
    least 10Z.

    Discussion...Latest radar mosaic imagery indicates a series of
    training supercells just north of Rapid City. These storms were
    on the eastern edge of very steep mid-level lapse rates (promoting
    intense updrafts) and were also beginning to interact favorably
    with a strong (30-35 kt) low-level jet across western SD.=20
    Additional cells were beginning to deepen across north-central
    South Dakota under the influence of weak mid-level shortwave
    troughing across the region. Models depict that a gradual, yet
    continued expansion in convective coverage should occur across the
    region through the next 3-5 hours or so.

    As this occurs, weak westerly flow aloft will allow for modest
    storm motions (around 10-20 knots). Furthermore, the orientation
    of any thunderstorm development could favor additional convective
    training and at least a few areas of 1.5-2 inch/hr rain rates at
    times. These rain rates will exceed local FFG thresholds
    (currently in the 1.5 inch/hr range), resulting in potential for
    excessive runoff and flash flooding. There is some potential for
    cells to congeal and grow upscale later tonight, although an
    isolated flash flood risk should continue in that regime
    especially where mergers/training can materialize.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4cs-IlS3TfxAHcVoe_9Cs2YTGgJZjTvO7QDCOJm2REV_Ql7fR-mcj7tM23dy1qXdUv-Y= jjRoOuBb28R7cweqOmuO7rs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46030236 45919945 44239859 43769895 43230027=20
    43030292 43380377 44510424 45640379=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 20 19:03:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201903

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0910
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    301 PM EDT Tue Aug 20 2024

    Areas affected...near the CO/NM border

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201858Z - 210058Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms with hourly rain totals to
    1.5" could lead to issues in burn scars and dry washes/arroyos
    within an area of modest flash flood guidance values over the next
    several hours.

    Discussion...Veggie band satellite imagery shows recent shower and
    thunderstorm development near the CO/NM border which per radar
    estimates has shown hourly rain totals occasionally over 1".=20=20
    Water vapor imagery shows a relative maximum in mid-level moisture
    in this area. Precipitable water values are ~0.75" per GPS data
    and recent RAP runs. ML CAPE of 500-1000 J/kg exists here, and
    CIN is decreasing. Effective bulk shear is ~25 kts which could
    lead to convective organization. Flash flood guidance values are
    modest here and don't appear to be difficult to reach, given the
    above ingredients.

    HREF guidance from 12z suggests that convection should continue to
    develop over the next several hours. The concern is that any
    convection could get tied to terrain and/or train from west to
    east (aligned with the 700 hPa and mean wind flow) within area
    terrain, which could cause problems where burn scars and/or dry
    washes or arroyos exist. Rebuilding CIN after sunset should lead
    to decline in convective activity.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-I_Y7Ur9ocyypQobpf_SCNglsCdrbj8Iwth1MQJsxOg4ckI6SMpP4mvN_IEmE6m6vC7l= tervE81hxC699CYtNY6BNO4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38310714 38190504 36930422 35760575 36450804=20
    37220868 38080855=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 20 22:46:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 202246

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0911
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    645 PM EDT Tue Aug 20 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southern and eastern AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 202244Z - 210444Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms across portions of eastern and
    southern AZ are expected to persist for the next several hours
    with some increase in coverage. Hourly rain totals to 2" are
    possible where cells merge or train.

    Discussion...The combination of a warm core ridge near the border
    of southeast NM and northwest TX and an upper low moving about 250
    miles south of southeast AZ is bringing mid-level moisture to
    portions of southeast AZ. When combined with decreasing CIN and
    daytime heating boosting ML CAPE up toward 1500 J/kg, showers and
    thunderstorms have developed across portions of eastern AZ.=20
    Precipitable water values are in the 1-1.3" range per GPS data.=20
    Effective bulk shear, particularly across southeast AZ, has been
    increasing with SPC mesoanalyses indicating 30 kt magnitude, which
    is sufficient organize convection.

    The expectation is for increasing convective coverage with time,
    particularly for portions of southern AZ, as inflow into the
    topography increases along with precipitable water values and MU
    CAPE into the evening hours. The mean flow is out of the
    southeast to south, which would allow activity in the mountains to
    drift into lower elevations and possibly carry activity across
    northwest Mexico into the area with time. The mesoscale guidance
    appears underdone on convective coverage so far and is not overly
    agreeable on location; believe the Canadian Regional has the best
    coverage though amounts appear too light. The available
    ingredients suggest that hourly rain totals to 2" are possible
    locally where cells merge, possibly train, or any random
    mesocyclones manage to develop. This would be problematic in any
    burn scars, arroyos/dry washes, or urban areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7d4LozsIx0tPIgvyZtJNxruq1O-JFzYLI4PHJulXNdyAE908dzQtMpgv783sACn9F8Zy= F7XTmvWrZrVYVh5uH4I3Jt8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35871099 35840924 33330913 31120916 31041073=20
    31541257 32251356 33851255=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 21 18:19:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211818

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0912
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    218 PM EDT Wed Aug 21 2024

    Areas affected...in and near portions of Arizona

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211816Z - 220016Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are expected to expand in
    coverage through the afternoon hours. Hourly rain totals to 2.5"
    are possible, which would be problematic in areas with burn scars,
    slot canyons, arroyos/dry washes, and urban areas.

    Discussion...The combination of an upper level trough moving
    across portions of the West, an upper low moving southwest of AZ,
    and an MCV across southern AZ have combined to produce an area of
    rain with embedded showers and thunderstorms over south-central
    AZ, which appear well captured by the 12z HREF guidance. A
    moisture plume around these systems extends across AZ into
    southeast UT. Precipitable water values are 1-1.5" in the
    mountains and 1.5-1.75" in the desert per GPS data. Temperatures
    at 700 hPa are around 3C cooler than this time yesterday providing
    less of a mid-level capping inversion and promoting an earlier
    convective start time and greater potential cell coverage.=20
    Effective bulk shear of ~30 kts helped to organize the convective
    band in southern AZ. CIN remains but is eroding at the present
    time. ML CAPE of 500-1500 J/kg lies across the region.

    Daytime heating is expected to add 1000-1500 J/kg of ML CAPE with
    time in more sunny areas, and 500+ J/kg in cloudier areas. Given
    the changes in the environment since this time yesterday, a
    greater flash flood risk appears to exist. Hourly rain totals to
    2.5" are possible where any random mesocyclones form, cells of
    various organization merge, or cells train within the deep layer
    south to south-southwesterly wind flow. This would be problematic
    in burn scars, slot canyons, urban areas, and dry washes/arroyos.=20
    Flash flooding is expected to be between isolated to widely


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_CxrkOEb6nCVLU99UdFrCsRO_lFZblnT_rYCIoAs6blDl-h-e5xY1nyWUuhQXM9K9q6j= KOGaL_uTVVIvr_NbTgGljLo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37860927 34450914 31250902 31051108 31941262=20
    33891385 36071425 37611272=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 21 19:30:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211930

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0913
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    329 PM EDT Wed Aug 21 2024

    Areas affected...southwestern CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211928Z - 220128Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms with hourly rain totals to 2"
    are possible where they get tried to terrain, cell mergers occur,
    or periods of training occur.

    Discussion...As earlier mid and high level clouds thin and move downstream/eastward, showers and thunderstorms are forming across
    southwest CO, within an area just south of a poleward migrating anticyclonically curved jet streak. Thunderstorm formation has
    shown similar timing and location to what was advertised by the
    12z HREF guidance. Precipitation water values are 0.75-0.9" per
    GPS data. The flow at 700 hPa and the mean layer wind are out of
    the west-southwest at 10-15 kts. Effective bulk shear is up to 40
    kts. CIN is eroding; ML CAPE 500-1000 J/kg exists in this area.

    The expectation is for an additional 500-1000 J/kg of ML CAPE to
    develop due to daytime heating and for CIN to more fully erode.=20 Thunderstorms should attempt to organize, and given the winds
    being fairly unidirectional with height out of the west-
    southwest, cell training within the terrain is possible.=20
    Mesocyclones are also possible given the degree of effective bulk
    shear across the region. As 700 hPa temperatures are 3C or so
    cooler than yesterday, there should be broader convective coverage
    and a higher risk of excessive rainfall than seen on Tuesday.=20
    Cell mergers between activity at various levels of organization is
    possible. The ingredients support hourly rain totals to 2", which
    would be most problematic in burns scars, any dry washes/arroyos,
    or in any urban areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-rfzAi04GHzthLC9XIeaVlLViDGwdEYi-V8NtRHqClt6Jokid20ioat2N7XHG91lAmDn= BYGSmkw2T-3zk5TJzwTCimQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39880649 39280508 37880419 37210477 37030676=20
    37370879 38420907 39410840=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 21 22:56:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 212256

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0914
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    656 PM EDT Wed Aug 21 2024

    Areas affected...in and near western SD and western NE

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 212254Z - 220454Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are expected to expand in
    coverage in and near western SD and western NE over the next
    several hours. Hourly rain totals to 2" with local amounts to 4"
    are possible, which could lead to isolated to widely scattered
    flash flooding.

    Discussion...A stationary front cuts across portions of NE, SD,
    and WY, with a trailing dew point gradient/possible dry line
    across southwest SD and southeast WY. Precipitable water values
    in this region are 0.75" in the High Plains and closer to 1.5"
    closer to the 100th meridian. Effective bulk shear is around 40
    kts, sufficient for mesocyclones which have been forming on recent
    radar imagery. The mean wind flow is out of the south-southwest
    at around 20 kts. Ahead of the forming thunderstorms lies a broad
    area of 500-4000 J/kg of ML CAPE, with highest values to the east.
    CIN is eroding per SPC mesoanalysis trends.

    As thunderstorms move into the increasingly moist air mass, the
    expectation is for them to broaden in scale and potentially form
    into an MCS over the next several hours which will forward
    propagate by 05z. Hourly rain totals to 2" and local amounts to
    4" are possible, which would be problematic in spots where weekly
    rainfall has been above average across portions of SD and near the
    eastern WY/CO border and within any urban areas.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6j7LNk_cIFb2d0C8U2Ajskojs53CgEA4rb4yVnGX_0sAbEqaBJNNyafaTMCAO-CQJjKc= qoroVzc6Ya5QRmZ2c6hghrM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45380169 44069995 42140033 40720166 40480388=20
    40570516 40710608 41770452 42880421 43750492=20
    44480516 45140430=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 21 23:47:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 212347

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0915
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    745 PM EDT Wed Aug 21 2024

    Areas affected...in and near Arizona

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 212345Z - 220545Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms with heavy rain continue to
    move across and in the vicinity of Arizona. Hourly rain totals to
    2.5" with local amounts of 4" remain possible over the next
    several hours.

    Discussion...An MCV is evident in veggie band imagery east of
    Wickenburg AZ. Surrounding the periphery of the circulation are
    showers and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall, with radar
    estimates up to 2.5" in an hour as of late. This has been caused
    by cell mergers and short bouts of cell training. Precipitable
    water values are anomalously high, 1-1.5" at elevation and
    1.5-1.75" across the desert floor. Effective bulk shear remains
    near 25 kts per SPC mesoanalyses. CIN is setting in, and MU CAPE
    across the region is 1000-2000 J/kg.

    The expectation is for a slow decrease in the magnitude and
    breadth of the heavy rainfall in and near AZ. Whether or not
    convection with heavy rainfall moves over portions of Las Vegas
    itself is a question mark as it lies very near the moisture
    gradient, but some new activity has developed near the CA/ NV/AZ
    border. With the MCV continuing to drift north-northwest, the
    mesoscale guidance suggests that the feature should be sufficient
    to overcome CIN to some degree and be able to tap the MU CAPE
    available. Hourly rain totals to 2.5" with local amounts to 4"
    remain possible where cells train, merge, or mesocyclones form,
    with issues expected to be closer to the MCV center with time.=20
    This degree of rainfall would be problematic in arroyos/dry
    washes, burn scars, slot canyons, and urban areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_GRVgux9smVozKiJetgQL-UUYcNjFz25HQR2IhuvcfepP2j1SUNT9ERgkLav04Le-UIb= qjfze7YRYYw8iOwbpzIVgFI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37711205 37430943 35510906 32250907 31190929=20
    31341181 32341377 34051590 35491553 36771435=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 05:49:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220549

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0916
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    148 AM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...far northeastern CO into southern NE and
    northwestern KS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220545Z - 221145Z

    Summary...A localized flash flood threat will continue across the
    High Plains of far northeastern CO into NE/KS through 12Z. Brief
    training from rainfall rates between 1-2 in/hr could result in
    localized additional 2-3 inch totals.

    Discussion...0520Z radar imagery showed an MCS tracking across
    western NE and far northeastern CO with a general motion toward
    the ESE. Reflectivity from MRMS identified a NE to SW oriented
    line of thunderstorms about 100 miles long extending from the NE
    Sandhills into far northeastern CO, with peak hourly rainfall
    between 1-2 inches since 03Z. 850 mb winds measured from KGLD VAD
    wind data showed 30-40 kt from the SSE, feeding moist and unstable
    air into the ongoing complex.

    A average motion toward the ESE at 20-25 kt is expected to
    continue over the next few hours, moving through an unstable
    environment represented by 1000-2000 J/kg MUCAPE. 850 mb winds are
    forecast by the RAP to weaken to below 30 kt by 12Z and weaken
    even lower with eastern extend through KS/NE. The weakening low
    level inflow into the MCS along with decreasing instability with
    eastern extent should allow the flash flood threat to wane by
    11Z-12Z. While a general forward progression should limit flash
    flood potential, brief training of cells will be possible where
    convective line orientation temporarily matches the deeper layer
    steering flow, allowing for 1-2 inches of rain in an hour and
    perhaps an additional 2-3 inches through 12Z. Localized flash
    flooding will be possible as a result.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_TvLEspoGC99WvwqqXvpq-r1oFWpwZA-J5LPDqRiCRoQwjzIUN8s35GGPzlgtp-Co3RI= lTd5e00KfvbgsC4g6QzEkIk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41240141 40980036 39839858 39209865 38989959=20
    39300129 39810248 40530287 41160239=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 07:54:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220754

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0917
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    353 AM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...northwestern AZ into southeastern NV and
    southwestern UT

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220752Z - 221330Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms are expected to continue to expand across
    northwestern AZ and southwestern UT through 13Z. Some expansion
    into southeastern NV may also occur along with rainfall rates of
    1-2 in/hr. At least a localized flash flood threat will result.

    Discussion...0730Z infrared satellite and lightning imagery showed
    that while convection was decreasing over north-central AZ, new
    development was occurring over western and northwestern AZ. New
    cells observed on radar imagery were relatively small with an
    average movement toward the northeast but occasional backbuilding
    and training has been observed. According to the 07Z SPC
    mesoanalysis, 500 to 1500 J/kg MLCAPE was observed over western
    and northwestern AZ into adjoining NV and UT, with a notable
    recent increase centered near the tri-state region of NV/UT/AZ
    (+400 to 600 J/kg over past 3 hours). Farther south, a long-lived
    MCV was observed on infrared satellite over far southern Yavapai
    County which was likely associated with enhanced southeasterly
    winds into northwestern AZ. Low level convergence co-located with
    an anomalous moisture feed (PWATs ~1 to 1.5 inches) emanating from
    the northern Gulf of California was helping to support the recent
    nocturnal development of storms.

    Recent University of Arizona WRF and select CAM guidance from 00Z
    seems to support the conceptual model for thunderstorms continuing
    for several more hours within the lingering instability plume to
    the northwest of the MCV. SW to NE training will be possible with
    these storms which will support hourly rainfall of 1-2 inches and
    possible flash flooding. As the MCV continues a motion toward the
    north to north-northeast, moisture and increasing instability are
    expected to build northward into southwestern UT. Nocturnal
    thunderstorm development is expected to expand into portions of
    southwestern UT through the remainder of the morning while
    continuing over portions of northwestern AZ and possibly building
    into southeastern NV. While coverage may remain somewhat low, at
    least a localized flash flood threat will persist across these
    regions through about 13Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8nRWFc0CAAEAjV8aLWUPRpHBVpxxu5Ok98GHmAOr3EksXihpQR4Vpaub2qQ3qzAjvd_P= XvGwfOBjV5HjrKFRyuSvzJ0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38441348 38321258 37801195 36631162 34991203=20
    34181291 34391384 35101470 35901526 36921520=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 09:52:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220952

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0918
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    551 AM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern GA into northeastern FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220950Z - 221500Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving showers/thunderstorms, capable of localized
    rainfall rates over 3 in/hr will likely continue for another few
    hours in the vicinity of the GA/FL border near the coast.
    Localized flash flooding will be possible, especially with any
    overlap of urban areas.

    DISCUSSION...0930Z radar imagery from KJAX showed a small region
    of slow moving showers and thunderstorms located between I-95 and
    the coast in Camden and Nassau counties (southern GA/northern FL).
    Local Wunderground.com reporting stations showed agreement with
    KJAX rainfall estimates showing hourly rainfall of 2 to 3 inches
    associated with cells observed on radar. This region was located
    just north of a stationary front with 0-1 km AGL flow from the
    east between 10-20 kt, advecting warm moist air in from the
    Atlantic. SPC mesoanalysis data from 09Z showed SBCAPE over 2000
    J/kg just offshore and a narrow axis of weaker but sufficient and
    uninhibited instability inland, straddling the GA/FL border. Area
    surface observations showed a convergence axis located near or
    just east of I-95, coincident with the ongoing slow moving showers/thunderstorms.

    There is little change to the overall setup expected over the next
    3 to 6 hours, although the onset of daytime heating after sunrise
    may disrupt the existing gradient/convergence axis in place.
    Nonetheless, some degree of frictional convergence with continued
    low level onshore flow within the instability axis is expected to
    continue a threat for slow moving showers and thunderstorms in the
    vicinity of the GA/FL border. There is some concern for the
    ongoing activity to build south toward the Jacksonville metro
    region which would have greater sensitivity to flash flood impacts
    due to the urban nature compared to surrounding, more rural area.
    Within the slow moving areas of heavy rain, hourly rainfall of 2-3
    inches is expected but values could surpass 3 inches in an hour in
    the more persistent activity with 6-hr rainfall totals possibly
    exceeding 6 inches in some locations. Flash flooding will be
    possible as a result.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!__A1yL7rYBfSFbtad1hReY1e8HMh0OVl6pACO9lUr5zi9vRKh_qxymTzo2zCSUdE42o0= hYvX-uScDijBIne17mL_pL0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31458177 31308115 30838124 29898118 29728169=20
    29918219 30348235 30918221=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 13:22:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221322

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0919
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    921 AM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...southern UT...northern AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 221320Z - 221920Z

    Summary...Localized short-term totals in excess of 2" are likely
    to lead to isolated to widely scattered instances of flash
    flooding. An instance or two of flash flooding may be significant,
    with particular concern for slot canyons, normally dry washes, and
    other sensitive low-lying areas).

    Discussion...The Southwestern U.S. remains wedged between an upper
    low/trough to the northwest (off the Northwest U.S. coast) and a
    upper high/ridge to the southeast (over TX), enhancing the
    seasonal monsoonal pattern with moisture streaming northward in
    the lower to mid levels (925-700 mb). Widely scattered convection
    is evident via GOES and MRMS imagery over portions of southern UT
    and northern AZ at this early morning hour, unusual for even this
    more rainy time of year. The mesoscale environment is
    characterized by pockets of 500-1000 J/kg of SB CAPE, a broad
    plume of precipitable water values ranging from 0.9 to 1.3 inches
    (between the 90th percentile and max moving average, per VEF and
    FGZ sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear of 20-30 kts.
    This parameter space should continue to support at least isolated
    convection through midday, despite somewhat limited CAPE and
    unfavorable diurnal timing, particularly because convection is
    already ongoing and shear is anomalously high (near the 90th
    percentile, owing to the unseasonable strength of the Northwest
    U.S. trough).

    While hi-res CAMs notoriously struggle with monsoonal convection,
    there is some HREF signal (from the 06z run) to support a flash
    flood risk in the near term. While the HRRR is consistently one of
    the weakest members of the ensemble, there is still a 10-20%
    chance for localized 2" exceedance, per 40-km neighborhood method
    via the 06z HREF. These values are quite significant across this
    hydrologically sensitive portion of the country, corresponding to
    20-30% chances of exceeding the 10-year average recurrence
    interval (ARI), and even a 10% chance of exeecind the 100-year ARI
    (maximized over portions of southwestern UT, where much of the
    rainfall so far this morning has already occured). Given this
    favorable enviornment and the local sensitivity, isolated to
    scattered instances of flash flooding are likely (and may be
    locally significant, particularly in the vicinity of slot canyons,
    normally dry washes, and other sensitive low-lying areas).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_ALZNAM_6PLw-8B1jsh8MuSR64eSidQqtonCDpGCgy-jfUoY-5EhOtEc417pxLhv3I9n= DU2R9e_fX4a3FKB4szCh3ug$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38531152 37410974 35441022 34611246 35131352=20
    35791393 37291388 38061317=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 19:02:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221902

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0920
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    302 PM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...northern Arizona, southern Utah

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221915Z - 230100Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will continue to expand across
    northern Arizona and lift northward through the afternoon.
    Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are likely, which could produce rainfall accumulations above 0.5"/15 minutes in some areas. Flash flooding
    is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon shows a
    rapid increase in convective coverage from the western Mogollon
    Rim across much of NW AZ and into far SW UT. This convection is
    building in response to destabilization noted by MLCAPE that has
    climbed around 600 J/kg the past 3 hours to as high as 2000 J/kg,
    combined with PWs of 1-1.3 inches. Into these impressive
    thermodynamics, forcing for ascent is increasing downstream of a
    longwave trough positioned over the Pacific Coast, as height
    falls, a strengthening jet streak aloft, and weak impulses
    embedded within the flow combine into the eastern Great Basin and
    Four Corners. Recent rainfall rates have been estimated as high as
    1-1.5"/hr within fresh convection, and although coverage so far
    has been modest, an expansion of lightning cast probabilities
    above 50% suggest coverage should rapidly expand in the next 1-2

    The high-res CAMs including the recent runs of the HRRR, ARW2, and
    UA WRF suggest convection will rapidly expand the next few hours
    across northern AZ and pivot slowly into southern UT. Storm
    organization is likely within this region as 0-6km bulk shear
    persists at 25-35 kts, producing clusters of multicells, and even
    isolated supercells, in the area. This could locally enhance rain
    rates, and while the HREF neighborhood probabilities for 1"/hr
    peak around 25%, the HRRR sub-hourly rainfall accumulations
    indicate rates could briefly approach 3"/hr, most likely in any
    organized clusters, producing 0.5 to 0.75 inches of rain in just
    15 minutes. These storms will tend to lift north/northeast on
    0-6km mean winds of around 20 kts, but Corfidi vectors fall to
    around 10 kts over AZ while remaining parallel to the mean wind,
    suggesting some backbuilding/training of cells.

    The intense rain rates will be most problematic across sensitive
    terrain features such as slot canyons, burn scars, and dry washes,
    which are prevalent in this area, but 0-40cm soil moisture as
    measured by NASA SPoRT is also above the 80th% in many areas
    suggesting vulnerable soils anywhere in the region. Where training
    occurs, locally as much as 2-3" of rain could occur, additionally
    enhancing the potential for flash flooding through the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4D6v_foAaayeOGgL1WbpLhnuLcS06AiIRZxwxXMyNCBTIl03GSl5XI2MvO1pLeUml4-X= 2KZta_Su3qMR0VzJUEUDLKQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38861098 38411039 37751069 37131083 36081102=20
    35541147 35301166 35021207 35021253 35051274=20
    35291349 35891435 36261464 37531438 38321334=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 20:14:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222014

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0921
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    413 PM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast through Central Arizona

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222013Z - 230200Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms will continue to
    expand and lift northward through the afternoon. Rainfall rates in
    excess of 1"/hr may produce 0.5 to 0.75 inches of rain in less
    than 1 hour, possibly resulting in instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The GOES-E WV imagery this afternoon indicates a weak
    shortwave lifting northward out of the Sonoran Desert and into
    southern Arizona. Downstream of this impulse, convection is
    blossoming in response to the accompanying ascent (aided by weak
    upper diffluence), and in the presence of impressive
    thermodynamics characterized by PWs of around 1.5 inches, above
    the 90th percentile for the date, and MLCAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg.

    As the shortwave pivots slowly northward, it will result in
    pinched SE flow to its east. This will drive locally enhanced
    convergence as 850-700mb winds merge into weak winds to the NW,
    while concurrently surging more robust thermodynamics northward.
    The overlap of this convergence into the higher PW/CAPE will
    likely cause an expansion of thunderstorms through the afternoon,
    especially when aided by the modest PVA and height falls. Rainfall
    rates within deepening convection have a 20-30% chance of
    exceeding 1"/hr according to HREF neighborhood probabilities,
    which could result in sub-hourly rainfall of 0.5-0.75 inches as
    reflected by UA WRF hourly, and HRRR 15-min, rainfall

    Concerning to the flash flood risk is the slow motion of these
    storms as well. Although 0-6km mean winds are likely to remain
    from the south at 15-20 kts, Corfidi vectors aligned to the mean
    winds are progged to collapse to just 5 kts, also originating from
    the south. This suggests that storms will regenerate within the
    greater thermodynamics over southern AZ and lift northward,
    resulting in weak net motion to lengthen the duration of these
    intense rain rates. Where storms repeat or train the longest, HREF
    neighborhood probabilities suggest 1 to as much as 3 inches of
    rain is possible.

    These storms will be moving across sensitive terrain features and
    antecedent moist soils noted by NASA SPoRT 0-10cm RSM that is
    90-98% in some areas. 1-hr FFG in these moist soils is only
    0.5-0.75 inches, which has a 20-30% chance of exceedance according
    to the HREF. This indicates at least an isolated flash flood risk
    anywhere across the region through the evening, but the potential
    will be slightly higher should any training occur across urban
    areas or more vulnerable terrain features.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-5Fss7y01ISHyRJITrhUw0hziORDRUjFrwW3TOY9Rlyo9F-9GSHwPweqMGDgDZ3O5eda= XdgBM854aNWv2Mv1Zd54IGY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35471093 35441010 34770948 33690937 32500931=20
    31790934 31390958 31241009 31241058 31621143=20
    32581165 33451173 34581236 34921245 35141219=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 22 23:55:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222355

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0922
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    754 PM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...High Plains of Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222353Z - 230530Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand and organize into
    clusters as they move into the High Plains this evening. Rainfall
    rates of 2"/hr or more are likely in deeper convection, resulting
    in axes of 2-3" of rain with locally higher amounts possible. This
    could result in instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this evening depicts
    increasing convective coverage which has blossomed over the higher
    terrain and is beginning to emerge into the lower elevations of
    the High Plains. This activity is developing in response to a
    modest shortwave lifting northeast around the periphery of a
    mid-level ridge of high pressure, which is interacting with a
    stationary front over northeast CO to produce ascent. The
    thermodynamic environment is becoming increasingly favorable for
    heavy rainfall, with PWs measured by GPS of 1-1.2 inches streaming northwestward from the Central Plains and identified in LPW
    products, combined with MLCAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg along a sharp E-W
    gradient from CO into KS. This is already supporting rainfall
    rates estimated by KFTG WSR-88D of 1-1.5"/hr in fast moving

    As the evening progresses, the high-res CAMs are in good agreement
    that thunderstorms will expand and grow upscale into clusters or
    potentially an MCS. This will occur in response to increased 0-6km
    bulk shear reaching 30-40 kts in tandem with the amplification of
    the LLJ towards 40 kts arcing NW into the KS/CO border. This LLJ
    will resupply favorable MUCAPE northward into the stationary
    front, providing plentiful thermodynamics for continued convection
    well into the early nighttime hours. Additionally, as the LLJ
    surges, a sharp theta-e gradient will develop where moisture
    transport vectors converge, providing additional focus for heavy
    rain development. The HREF neighborhood probabilities suggest
    thunderstorms will have at least a 20% chance of containing 2"/hr
    rainfall rates, with short duration rates of 3-4"/hr possible in
    the most organized convection as reflected by HRRR 15-min rainfall accumulations. Despite the general fast motion of cells as progged
    by 850-300mb mean winds of 15-25 kts, short term training along
    the front or the moisture gradient is possible, resulting in 2-3"
    of rain with locally higher amounts potentially approaching 5"
    (10-15% chance according to the HREF).

    Portions of NE Colorado and SW Nebraska been quite wet the past 7
    days as noted via AHPS rainfall departures that are 300% of
    normal, causing compromised 3-hr FFG as low as 1.5". Although
    storms should be generally fast moving, the intense rain rates and
    any short term training could exceed this FFG leading to rapid
    runoff. This could cause instances of flash flooding through early


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9wbuZx_IzaiLWp6vb5PMvluuoKv6d72j7nd75vTN0d52P3O22stY2qM1f5pwyBwZQXmA= _PQAV3wylwn6D73wPsiQU9g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41830172 41210131 40570084 39820038 39240017=20
    38710038 38130103 37830174 37870228 38270273=20
    38860317 39810393 41370371 41710263=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 23 01:04:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 230104

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0923
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    903 PM EDT Thu Aug 22 2024

    Areas affected...Northern Arizona and far Southern Utah

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 230103Z - 230630Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will continue for several more
    hours as they lift across northern Arizona and into Utah. Rainfall
    rates may at times exceed 1"/hr, leading to sub-hourly rainfall as
    much as 0.5-0.75" and isolated total rainfall up to 2". Flash
    flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible imagery this evening is still
    sufficient to reflect fresh Cu and TCu development across much of
    central and northern Arizona, with the day-cloud phase RGB
    indicating rapid growth to glaciation also occurring. This
    suggests that there is still plentiful instability for updraft
    intensification, which is supported by SPC RAP analysis MLCAPE of
    1000-1500 J/kg. This robust instability is collocated with
    anomalous moisture reflected by GPS measured PWs of 1-1.4 inches,
    around the 75th-90th percentile for the date for this area. A
    shortwave lifting northward towards the Mogollon Rim is
    interacting with a strengthening jet streak to the NW to produce
    robust deep layer ascent into the Four Corners.

    While is it likely convective overturning and rapid approach of
    nightfall will cause a slow wane of instability, the high-res CAMs
    indicate that several more hours of active convection is likely.
    This is in response to the deep layer ascent offsetting the
    relative loss of instability, especially in the presence of strong
    moisture flux noted by SREF 850-700mb anomalies reaching +4 sigma
    by 06Z. New storms that develop will likely move N/NE on 0-6km
    mean winds of 15-20 kts, but aligned Corfidi vectors and 20-30 kts
    of effective bulk shear suggest some organization and
    redevelopment into the greater thermodynamics could result in
    short-term training. Rain rates are progged by the HREF
    neighborhood probabilities to have a 15-25% chance of reaching
    1"/hr, which could result in sub-hourly rainfall of 0.5 to 0.75
    inches as depicted by the UA HRRR WRF and HRRR 15-min rainfall
    product. These rates could be more than sufficient to produce
    rapid runoff leading to instances of flash flooding, especially
    across any vulnerable terrain features like slot canyons, dry
    washes, or burn scars. However, the aforementioned short-duration
    training potential also suggests that locally 1-2" of rain could
    occur in some areas.

    Soils across the region have 0-10cm RSM that is measured above 95%
    by NASA SPoRT, suggesting that heavy rain will struggle to
    infiltrate into soils across most of the area. This indicates that
    rapid runoff leading to instances of flash flooding are possible
    anywhere that training of these impressive rain rates occurs until
    intensity dwindles later tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8ruXWNFNMYSp5KD4oHZN8qHuTYSp2Cc-Rs81l2IVfBGIoXtfb7lDsm9l0jtopeCUaKmZ= Oz-ISHXQ0EnA5o6R2RBf26s$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37641081 37550979 37440914 37280885 36940875=20
    36140890 35360912 34770937 34420966 34441000=20
    34901043 35461101 35831207 36161337 36451369=20
    37161356 37561334 37631191=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 23 23:04:46 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 232304

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0924
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    704 PM EDT Fri Aug 23 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Arizona, far western New Mexico, southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 232303Z - 240430Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will continue to develop and
    expand across the Four Corners through the evening. Rainfall rates
    in excess of 1"/hr are likely, which could result in isolated
    instances of flash flooding.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible satellite imagery this evening
    shows rapid growth of TCu and Cb with overshooting tops developing
    from southeast Arizona into far southern Utah. These strong
    updrafts are associated with expanding coverage of convection
    noted in the regional radar mosaic, while expansive probabilities
    of lightning-cast exceeding 50% cover much of the Four Corners
    indicating continued growth potential. The environment is ripe for
    impressive coverage and intensity of convection through PWs of
    1-1.3 inches overlapping MLCAPE of 1000-2000 J/kg. Forcing for
    ascent is being provided through this destabilization, a weak
    shortwave lifting northward and exiting the Sonoran Desert, and
    impressive 700-300mb diffluence arcing towards the Four Corners.
    This lift into the robust environment is producing radar-estimated
    rain rates that have briefly reached as high as 1.5-2"/hr.

    The CAMs indicate that thunderstorm coverage will continue to
    expand for a few more hours before nocturnal stabilization and
    convective overturning cause waning this evening. Until that
    occurs, convection could become widespread, especially in regions
    of enhanced bulk shear analyzed by the SPC RAP across southern
    Utah and southeast Arizona. Here, bulk shear of 30-40 kts could
    help organize thunderstorms into clusters, causing an uptick in
    rainfall rates which are otherwise progged by HREF neighborhood
    probabilities to have a 20-25% chance of reaching 1"/hr. These
    rates will likely result in pockets of 0.5-0.75 inches of rain in
    a short duration as reflected by HRRR subhourly fields, with
    progressive storm motions on 0-6km mean winds of 15-25 kts
    otherwise limiting more significant accumulations. The exception
    to this could be in southeast AZ or southern UT where storm
    organization could lengthen rainfall duration, or during storm
    initiation cross southeast AZ as Corfidi vectors are more
    collapsed to 5-10 kts suggesting slower motions in that region.
    Locally, this could result in 1-2" of rainfall in a few locations.

    1-hr FFG across most of eastern AZ and southern UT is below 1
    inch, and the HREF exceedance probabilities peak around 15-20%.
    However, NASA SPoRT 0-10cm RSM is elevated above 60% in much of
    the area, suggesting soils are even slightly more vulnerable.
    Instances of flash flooding will be most likely across sensitive
    terrain features like burn scars, dry washes, and canyons, but
    impacts are possible anywhere the most intense rates can linger
    through the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9-F66709GrHkaFm2HeIQuxScsay3B70ekEH2_f8HWdcjfZ3xnuLID6hkLEDoMC1D5xgS= 3EcKjbsAskUGyrLOI1_JvGw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38331066 38300948 38080901 37750870 36690844=20
    35310840 33600860 32240900 31720923 31440986=20
    31511064 31891123 32611159 33211162 33801145=20
    34631119 35171107 36051092 36801182 37191252=20
    37521268 38081187=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 24 09:18:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240918

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0925
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    518 AM EDT Sat Aug 24 2024

    Areas affected...western MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 240916Z - 241515Z

    Summary...Convective development over western MO is expected to
    lead to possible flash flooding later this morning. Training from
    NNW to SSE should allow for 1-2 in/hr rainfall rates and localized
    2 to 4+ inch totals.

    Discussion...Radar imagery at 09Z showed a small cluster of
    thunderstorms tracking east across northern KS. This activity has
    been steadily moving across the state for the past few hours but
    has increased in intensity over the past 1-2 hours as the low
    level jet has increased in magnitude, represented by 850 mb winds
    of 40-50 kt via recent area VAD wind plots over central KS. The
    cluster of thunderstorms was located north of a quasi-stationary
    front in place over southern KS and eastern OK, driven by low
    level warm advection and coincident with a weak mid-level impulse
    moving around the north side of a ridge centered over TX and OK.

    850-300 mb mean layer winds, used as a proxy for cell motions,
    were oriented from the WSW over northern KS. However, farther to
    the east in MO were oriented more from the NNW. Over the next few
    hours, 850 mb winds are forecast to weaken and veer through 12Z
    over eastern KS into MO. These low level winds will act to
    maintain low level moisture transport into eastern KS and western
    MO, increasing CAPE into western MO while eroding low level
    convective inhibition noted in point analysis soundings from the

    Thunderstorm development is expected to develop in the 11-13Z time
    frame via recent rapidly updating forecast sounding guidance, over
    western MO. Low level moisture feeding into the region from the
    west and anticipated northwesterly cell motions are expected to
    allow for training of cells. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr are
    likely to develop (40-70 percent probabilities for 1+ in/hr via
    the 00Z HREF) with 2 to 4+ inch totals possible through 15Z.
    Despite fairly dry antecedent conditions, 3-hr FFG values of 2.5
    to 4 inches could be exceeded in one or two locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8_fHgvcDsodlkZmI_mJbmhroeZMuEdteAc0hd0GLVOE8DSmV0qm-fYNPOhahAtHzR0z-= Al55zxFZBrxyNFtOUVynoLo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40519494 40169341 38749263 37429252 37089335=20
    37269395 37889435 38839465 39909515=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 24 20:55:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 242054

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0926
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    454 PM EDT Sat Aug 24 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest New Mexico...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 242055Z - 250200Z

    SUMMARY...Favorable orientation and above average moisture pose
    spots of 1-1.5" in short duration resulting in possible incidents
    of localized flash flooding over the next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...GOES W/E WV composite suite shows a narrowing
    corridor between a strengthening/digging northern stream over
    northern California into the Great Basin, and the western edge of
    the south-central upper-level ridge. This corridor is aligned
    across the AZ/NM border before angling into southern Colorado with
    increasing unidirectional flow though a sizable depth of the
    middle to upper troposphere. CIRA LPW denotes this very well with
    an enhanced moisture plume with extending out of the Sea of Cortez
    in most of the layers centered across SE AZ into northwest NM.=20
    Morning cloud cover highlighted the enhanced moisture, resulting
    in some heating discontinuity with the best moisture, as clearer
    skies heated much of the eastern periphery of the deeper moisture,
    instability grew, but not sizable with respect to monsoonal
    averages this season. Still, SBCAPEs of 500-1000 J/kg were noted
    over higher terrain of west central NM and slightly increased
    850-700mb confluent flow along/downstream of a remaining
    MCV/mid-level shortwave over SW AZ; has been sufficient to break
    out a fairly numerous cluster of thunderstorms across Catron,
    Cibola into S McKinley county.

    Modest low level moisture is seeing some mid-level influx from the
    westerly moisture plume but loading is likely limiting the
    potential for rates about .5"/hr. Proximity to cyclonically
    curved, right enhance jet ascent pattern, should allow for solid divergence/outflow for cells to mature across NW NM. However, the
    key over the next few hours will the stronger, but more dense
    clustering of updrafts within a favorable unidirectional flow
    allow for repeating rounds of .5" (increasing to .75"/hr as low
    level, inverted-V profile moistens) to allow for spotty 1-1.5"
    totals resulting in possible incidents of localized flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_QMdz7vB4R9EI_AnyuO7QnyOwTb0Ycw5Y8yYMa2s5AUMROzFuZLOiCe5gF616g9fr73g= M-hVAG3mF2yQqAv6biabjvk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36940806 36740650 35340664 33110707 32540774=20
    32810829 33810862 34730887 35510897 36250880=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Aug 25 21:03:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 252103

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0927
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    502 PM EDT Sun Aug 25 2024

    Areas affected...Four Corners...Eastern UT... Western
    CO...Southwest WY...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 252100Z - 260200Z

    SUMMARY...Narrow but potentially repeating lines of thunderstorms
    pose localized spots of 1-2" totals and possible flash flooding
    conditions in rugged terrain.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E EIR shows increasing coverage and cooling of
    thunderstorm tops across the Four Corners into E UT and SW CO,
    generally coincident with banded temperature features in the WV
    channels. Strong height-falls from 1.5-2 std. dev. closed low in
    the Great Basin is further tightened by sheared/elongated
    shortwave features along the northwest edge of the strong Southern
    Plains ridge. As such, fairly deep unidirectional flow exists
    across the area with above average (about 1.5 std. dev) of
    moisture through depth. Tds are in to the low 50s in the
    valleys/Canyonlands and but mid 40s Tds exist through 700mb along
    the UT/CO boarder and result in .75 to 1" total PWat values for thunderstorms.=20

    Steepening lapse rates aloft, support those enhanced CAPE values
    of 1000 to very spotty maxima of 2000 J/kg to support these
    stronger thunderstorms. Moisture flux at cloud base is 15-20kts
    generally confluent, so isallobaric influences may support
    enhanced directional convergence with the stronger cells. Some
    cells are nearing -60C showing consistent vigor. Favorable right
    jet entrance to the 90kt south to north jet across central UT will
    provide solid divergence and allow for maintenance or even slight
    upscale growth to clusters over the next few hours. However, that
    stronger flow is limiting cell residency but sub-hourly totals of
    .25-.5" in less than 30 minutes is still problematic for steeper
    terrain; but more likely flash flooding will require repeating
    cells. At this time, upstream flow is strong and the cold front
    appears to be crossing through the Wasatch/central spine of UT as
    Tds are starting to drop into the 30s west of the terrain. This
    sharpening with solid 15-20kts of 850-700mb LLJ inflow ahead of
    the cold front will allow for back-building environment through
    the evening. Limited difference between propagation vectors and
    mean cell motions will provide above average potential for
    repeating cells with capability of 1-2" totals in these narrow
    lines. As such, scattered incidents of flash flooding will
    remain possible through the evening hours. across the area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8_py1AwBrurmjxg7cDiyn7OI92L7XtNqA3FUMLpA0sQK2B9EQOswVPrsYz1_IMOSf74Q= NVIbxvAoENy5cWfusdmtvc8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42260875 42150782 41720709 40960651 39920659=20
    38900693 37890738 36000859 36140977 37331023=20
    37901071 38841044 39891061 40751072 41781015=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 26 14:51:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261450

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0928
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1050 AM EDT Mon Aug 26 2024

    Areas affected...Middle and Upper Texas Gulf Coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261450Z - 262050Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered slow moving storms within a moist airmass and
    surrounding a mid to upper low in the western Gulf of Mexico will
    continue to develop and expand through this afternoon along the
    Texas Gulf Coast. Localized areas of flash flooding are possible
    within rainfall rates of 1-3" per hour.

    DISCUSSION...An upper level low gradually progressing westward
    across the Gulf of Mexico seen in GOES-East WV-ML is nearing
    coastal portions of Texas this morning along with numerous
    slow-moving thunderstorms. GOES-East IR displays cooling cloud
    tops now occurring along a convergence axis along the TX coast,
    areas just inland in south-central TX, as well as continuing
    convection just offshore directly underneath the 500 mb low.

    Recent RAP analysis depicts PWs over 2" spanning much of the
    western Gulf Coast, with values over 2.1" centered between
    Matagorda and Galveston Bay (about +1 standard deviation above the climatological mean per the 00z GEFS). This region is where
    intense rainfall rates of 1-3" per hour and the potential for
    localized rainfall totals of 3-4" appear most likely given current
    radar trends. Advected instability along the northern periphery of
    the upper low directed into the upper Texas Coast will aid in
    maintaining updrafts within the moist environment through the
    afternoon. MLCAPE values over 2000 J/kg along the coast are
    forecast to expand gradually inland. Brief training of storms are
    possible due to weak surface flow and coastal convergence.
    Scattered heavy rain and thunderstorms are also forecast to move
    inland throughout south-central TX this afternoon as the mid to
    upper low continues to gradually progress westward

    Most 12z CAMs highlight localized to scattered rainfall totals of
    1-4" within the MPD through 21z, which would lead to isolated
    areas of flash flooding (particularly urbanized locations) given
    the 3-hourly FFG values of 3-4". Coverage of heavy rainfall is
    likely to be the most limiting factor regarding potential flooding
    impacts. However, 06z HREF neighborhood probabilities of 6-hr
    rainfall totals exceeding 3" are around 30-40% for much of the
    immediate coastal regions highlighted.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-bhdbecirZpnTH1UKGEi7AO9MOELu3KWg39f_MGsNuGT9tz1vEVSbFYOOkDla9DyXxDb= DLAxI04GClCxOoY7qxLBYxc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29979469 29979388 29809344 29359358 28739491=20
    28169585 27639671 27599721 27959759 28739775=20
    29339760 29689713 29839634 29909546=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 26 16:59:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261659

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0929
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1258 PM EDT Mon Aug 26 2024

    Areas affected...New England

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261656Z - 262256Z

    SUMMARY...Showers and thunderstorms rounding the western periphery
    of an upper level low may briefly contain rainfall rates around
    2"/hr and lead to localized flash flooding mostly in urbanized
    locations and sensitive topography.

    DISCUSSION...Recent satellite imagery from GOES-East depicts a
    well-defined upper low sitting off the New England coast and over
    the Gulf of Maine. Radar trends also show developing showers and
    thunderstorms rotating around this low and exhibiting
    south-southeast storm motions, while some storms remain somewhat
    tied to the interior elevated ranges (Greens, Whites, and
    Berkshires). PWs of 1.2-1.4" span much of New England per SPC's
    mesoanalysis web page, which is supported by the 12z sounding out
    of GYX. These moisture values are slightly above climatology, but
    not considered anomalous. Meanwhile, steep low to mid-level lapse
    rates (highest in southern New England) along with sufficient
    instability will be the driving factor in supporting continued and
    further development of convection through the afternoon hours that
    could produce intense rainfall rates.

    Recent 12z CAMs and HREF guidance depicts isolated maximum
    rainfall amounts of 1-3", which would approach 3-hr FFGs in the
    region if realized. Additionally, an instability gradient setup
    near RI will support a focus in convection later this afternoon
    (around 21z per the 15z HRRR). This region is reflected in HREF
    neighborhood probabilities in having the greatest potential for
    amounts over 3" (20-30%). Stronger northerly flow aloft compared
    to weak surface winds may support a period of training if updrafts
    can become strong enough during the 19-21z time frame. Given the
    urban regions in the area flash flooding is more likely here, but
    overall the threat across New England is for localized impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4r7G7Bq21nTt4-09rxmWJwe4uN__ahh5ZxB34D-zteAtg4CG-WS7BOoL2epjJuYN2fNH= tHyGaUQMMHZNF6YPvWFgLms$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45107054 44706961 44016951 43217018 42537026=20
    41896988 41497003 41277058 41177137 41287228=20
    41627288 42147313 42887314 43787288 44447234=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Aug 26 18:38:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261838

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0930
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    237 PM EDT Mon Aug 26 2024

    Areas affected...Central Minnesota...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 261840Z - 270030Z

    SUMMARY...Increasingly unstable deep moist air along the front
    ahead of approaching MCV/shortwave should support slow cell
    motions and potentially training/repeating environment over the
    late afternoon into evening with potential for localized 3-4"
    totals and possible incidents of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E and RADAR depict incipient thunderstorm
    development across western MN at the apex of the deep layer
    moisture return axis/deep layer stationary front across northern
    MN into Ontario along the NW coast of Lake Superior. Satellite
    suite also shows decayed but still compact MCV, upscaled shortwave
    over SE SD lifting north. At the surface a low has developed
    downstream of the approaching DPVA near KAQP with a cold front
    dropping south into another surface low in northeast NEB. Ample
    insolation and well above/near record low level moisture with Tds
    in the upper 70s and low 80s is supporting very unstable profiles,
    while moisture is pooled along an effective comma head/TROWAL in
    the sfc to 700mb layers per CIRA LPW extending downstream along
    the stationary front.=20=20

    Aloft, steering flow is weak between the exiting synoptic wave in
    Ontario and the approaching shortwave (with much stronger synoptic
    closed low well upstream into the northern High Plains. As such,
    flow is 15-20kts through depth but also fairly unidirectional with
    propagation vectors also parallel to backed slightly to reduce
    forward cell motions. The approaching shortwave is increasing
    effective bulk shear to support some organized structures and
    support low level moisture flux into individual storms, but
    overall cell motions will be slow with additional development
    propagating on maturing outflow boundaries. Given the strong
    updraft strength from CAPE over 3000 J/kg, but ingested localized
    moisture vertically converging in the low levels, efficient
    rainfall production is possible along with some of the severe
    parameters expected; and any rotating updrafts will further
    enhance flux. As such, rates of 2-2.5"/hr are possible. Slow
    motions, upstream redevelopment may allow for localized 3-4" spots
    given 1-2 hour residency.=20=20

    Initially, larger scale convergence has only been sufficient
    near/north of the surface low and confluent portion of the 850mb
    deformation zone/TROWAL across Otter Tail county. Eventually,
    with further backing/strengthening of low level winds, agitated cu
    field across the area of discussion will experience increased
    convective coverage toward the later evening, expanding potential
    for spots of 3-4" and localized flash flooding concerns especially
    across the southern reaches of the Red River Valley into the
    Minnesota River Valley where FFG values are a bit lower naturally
    (1.5-2"/hr & 2-2.5"/3hr) and are in reach of rainfall potential.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-FAReQDrBfXzzVqRYgvuoNik8lyZx7YMqgyPbr7pzNTA02zUFpCU6rc9b9nChi52c1Xe= spNOxu49vlIMACjbxArOexs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 47349405 47279305 46689270 45829315 45069363=20
    44489406 44209487 44769566 45169663 45689691=20
    46089679 46429658 46819600 47179506=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 27 06:05:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270605

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0933
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    205 AM EDT Tue Aug 27 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern WI into U.P. of MI

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 270604Z - 271015Z

    SUMMARY...An isolated flash flood threat will exist from northern
    WI into the U.P. of MI through 10Z. 1-2 in/hr rates and spotty 2-3
    inch totals will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...0545Z radar showed the leading edge of a forward
    propagating MCS moving into the west-central U.P. of MI and
    northeastern WI. Average motion over the past 3 hours has been ~40
    kt toward the east and rainfall rates with the leading line have
    generally been 1 in/hr or less. However, localized convective
    development in advance of the line across the western U.P. into
    northern WI has resulted in MRMS-derived rainfall rates between
    1-2 in/hr. Cloud top temperatures on GOES East infrared imagery
    have warmed sine 03Z some but are maintaining occasional bursts
    below -70 C with relatively weakly inhibited MLCAPE of 1500-2500
    J/kg via the 05Z SPC mesoanalysis remaining just ahead of the

    05Z surface observations showed a remnant lake breeze boundary
    over northern portions of the U.P. which appears to be acting as a
    focus for new development. Additional convective development was
    also noted just ahead of the main convective arc near the WI/MI
    border. While the MCS is expected to maintain an eastward motion
    with continued gradual weakening, the strongest updrafts may
    maintain near the northern bookend vortex with additional upstream
    development prior to the main convective line moving through. The
    result will be localized hourly rainfall of 1-2 inches and perhaps
    spotty 2-3 inch totals through 10Z. These values could result in
    localized flash flooding across the region if they fall over urban
    or otherwise sensitive locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7euAHihra2ROGiss77i3p4Uil2_nNDFEH0I0nxjn-Clo2STS7u2jrSTHmATDCUVs23ZR= rMx0_Di04xe1itAzCZiVQSY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 47738767 47048690 47018539 46838500 46218541=20
    45888612 45528734 45458848 46068878 46339002=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 27 17:40:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 271740

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0934
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    139 PM EDT Tue Aug 27 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Arizona, New Mexico, far southern
    Colorado, and far western Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 271738Z - 272338Z

    Summary...Increasing coverage of slow moving thunderstorms are
    expected to impact parts of the Southwest and Southern Rockies
    this afternoon. Rainfall rates may reach up to 0.75-1.0" per hour,
    with localized totals approaching 1.5-2" by tonight. Isolated
    instances of flash flooding are possible, especially in and around
    burn scars and highly susceptible terrain.

    Discussion...GOES-East satellite imagery shows developing cumulus
    over terrain of the Southern Rockies and Southwest, which is
    anticipated to build through the afternoon hours as daytime
    heating increases lapse rates and promotes scattered thunderstorm
    development. This area falls within an area of upper divergence as
    an upper low lingers off the coast of southern California and a
    larger-scale trough extends from the Northern Plains to the
    central Rockies.

    Meanwhile, Advected Layered Precipitable Water shows a stream of
    elevated upper level moisture content stretching from the southern
    AZ-NM border to northwest NM, while PWs of 1-1.4" stretch from
    southeast AZ to central/eastern NM per SPC's mesoanalysis. These
    PW values peak at +1.5 standard deviation above the climatological
    mean and above the 75th percentile across southwest NM per the 00z
    GEFS and should help storms contain hourly rainfall rates up to
    around 0.75-1.0" per hour, especially near convective initiation
    over the higher terrain. Instability in the area on the order of
    500-1000 J/kg of MUCAPE will help promote updraft maintenance,
    with a gradual advection westward that should lead to later focus
    near the southern AZ-NM border. However, weak southerly mean mid
    to-upper level winds should lead to chaotic outflow driven
    boundaries and storm motions driving storm movements.

    12z HREF neighborhood probabilities for at least 1" per hour are
    elevated (10-30%) with higher amounts over the Sacramento Mts.
    Sensitive terrain with burn scars and dry washes will create
    chances for localized flash flooding concerns due to the scattered


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Ce8YvvHOzsWQu5HZzYhu0i2rsvuc-mb0TYEkh3E-0l_5wYMEPqXbCIcczp-W5TkHHqZ= qyLmp2pHDmLMtgbqgtBKAJ4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37240575 37210438 36900354 36290352 35800438=20
    35080477 33880482 32140484 31490607 31200895=20
    31331104 32761129 33971049 35230873 36110750=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 27 22:48:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 272247

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0935
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    647 PM EDT Tue Aug 27 2024

    Areas affected...Northeastern Missouri, Southeast Iowa, and
    Western Illinois

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 272246Z - 280400Z

    SUMMARY... Slow moving storms producing rainfall rates to 3 inches
    per hour are growing upscale and interacting with one another.
    Prolonged rainfall may result in localized flash flooding as these
    hourly rates approach 1-hr FFGs.

    DISCUSSION... Despite recent very dry conditions in northeastern
    Missouri and adjacent counties in Iowa and Illinois, very slow
    moving storms have formed along a surface trough in an area with
    PWATs above 2 inches and in an instability maximum of 4,500 J/kg
    according to SPC Mesoanalysis. These ingredients all coming
    together support continued maintenance and evolution of these
    storms going into this evening.

    CAMs guidance is poor regarding how long these storms will
    persist, as most of the guidance is not handling the storms at
    all. Given the aforementioned very favorable ingredients in place,
    it seems plausible that the strongest storms capable of flash
    flooding will weaken after sunset due to diminishing instability
    and very little flow of any kind to advect additional moisture and
    instability into the storms.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Pkdn4J85ZBrpWrljso3YSMxr2IeE4pmdpq7xEmYuAMUE-DyTY7SlNkDkiJCejqvBN39= 5WrKm80T3uKS9aNFBX6hrCk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41039201 40829134 40279093 38819116 39649319=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Aug 27 23:38:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 272338

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0936
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    738 PM EDT Tue Aug 27 2024

    Areas affected...New Mexico & Southeastern Arizona

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 272337Z - 280537Z

    SUMMARY...Monsoonal moisture continues to stream northeastward out
    of the Gulf of California across portions of the Southwest. High
    moisture and instability are supporting numerous thunderstorms
    capable of flash flooding when interacting with urban areas and
    burn scars.

    DISCUSSION...Afternoon thunderstorms associated with the monsoon
    continue to form across much of New Mexico and southeastern
    Arizona. Any storms that form near urban areas such as
    Albuquerque, El Paso, and Tucson will be capable of flash
    flooding. Further any storms impacting burn scars such as those
    west of Albuquerque, near Ruidoso, NM, or elsewhere will also have
    a higher potential of producing locally hazardous flash flooding.

    PWATs to 1.4 inches and SBCAPE values to 3,500 J/kg were noted in
    SPC mesoanalysis in southwestern New Mexico, with broad values
    between 1-1.25 inches PWAT and SBCAPE values above 2,000 J/kg were
    observed over much of southern Arizona and New Mexico this
    afternoon. These remain plenty unstable and moist enough to
    support continued thunderstorm activity into the evening.

    Storm coverage and intensity should gradually wane with
    diminishing daylight this evening, though several CAMs keep
    activity near the AZ/NM border ongoing well into the overnight
    hours, albeit in a much weaker form.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_1WvvMX01AAXLgTr6-Cn7XevR04l_Qp5BVOQBB3v1EyD2uIeY2QTdq7Ge4RobeX6PXE8= acuLriypHLVA3YReZ8HXX_c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37410538 37340396 36600255 35630235 34460332=20
    34200347 32760405 31240543 31500645 31261067=20
    31581162 32811140 34461030 36340756=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 00:49:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280049

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0937
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    849 PM EDT Tue Aug 27 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern Kansas & Western Missouri

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 280048Z - 280500Z

    SUMMARY...Nearly stationary storms along a boundary draped near
    the Kansas/Missouri border are producing local rainfall rates to
    2.5 inches per hour. Flash flooding possible.

    DISCUSSION... Nearly stationary storms occurring over the western
    suburbs of Kansas City, including near Olathe are producing
    rainfall rates to 2.5 inches per hour. Radar-estimated storm total
    rainfall is already exceeding 4 inches in some areas. Despite
    recent dry weather, these high rainfall totals may cause localized
    flash flooding, especially in any urbanized areas. SPC
    Mesoanalysis shows PWATs to 2.1 inches over Kansas City and MUCAPE
    values to 3,000 J/kg across this region. This should be plenty of
    moisture and instability to sustain continued thunderstorm
    development over the next few hours. The storms have been very
    slowly backbuilding south and west with time, though new
    development north of Kansas City should result in heavy rainfall
    moving into St. Joseph over the next hour.

    CAMs guidance remains very poor as to how this convection is
    expected to evolve over the next several hours. The 23Z HRRR
    suggests the storms will backtrack to the northeast into Kansas
    City, though the recent evolution on radar does not support that
    solution as of yet. With new development occurring to the north of
    Kansas City...around and west of St. Joseph, expect the greatest
    flash flooding threat to evolve northward with time as well.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_ykn-f69nw5d_PLeOrqBwj8MQOD9eZm8uSy2sHK6tJ2SNklh2fwCcMyZxp1P95ayEsh1= SsmFmkmUlMwpkZgCHWAkCC4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40509582 40439457 40079436 38779396 38199432=20
    38199482 38739547 39139598 39529663 39969659=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 04:39:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 280438

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0938
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1238 AM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Areas affected...north-central IN/IL into adjacent portions of

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 280435Z - 280935Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered to numerous thunderstorms across the Midwest
    may result in localized flash flooding from rainfall rates between
    1 to 3 in/hr and spotty totals of 2-4 inches.

    DISCUSSION...04Z surface observations and radar imagery showed a
    southward propagating line of thunderstorms extending from eastern
    IL into northern IN. Additional thunderstorm activity was observed
    from eastern IA into northern IL, largely tracking toward the
    northeast. An elongated outflow boundary was analyzed south of the
    ongoing thunderstorms, extending from north-central IN into
    central IL/MO. The 00Z sounding from ILX was representative of the
    environment ahead of the cold front marking strong MLCAPE near
    3500 J/kg and a wet bulb zero height at 13.6 kft. Since then,
    nocturnal cooling and colder surface-based temperatures due to
    rain-induced outflow have resulted in stabilization with respect
    to near surface based parcels. However, steep 700-500 mb lapse
    rates of at least 7 C/km (7.7 C/km on the ILX sounding) and very
    moist low levels are continuing to support pockets of elevated
    CAPE with values of 1500-3000 J/kg and little to no inhibition.

    While the area has been fairly dry over the past 7-10 days,
    rainfall rates of 1-2 inches in 30 minutes have been observed
    within the ongoing convection. Individual cell movement will be
    from the SW ow W, on the north side of a strong mid-level ridge,
    but outflow and cell mergers will impact overall system movement
    in a more chaotic manner. Southward extent of thunderstorms will
    be mitigated by anomalously warm 700 mb temperatures near +12C
    located near the OH River, acting to cap the environment.

    Lingering instability will likely maintain some degree of strong
    convection for at least another few hours with potential for 2 to
    4 inches of rain in less than 2 hours. Overlap with urban areas or
    other locations with poor drainage may result in localized flash
    flooding. Trends will continue to be monitored overnight with any
    subsequent MPDs issued as needed.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6IEO8Q1pkI05o1SnD9uBgtvo1JoPE6SDZlaHiMdDs6fGh9nfPramZoUGtxBEZ10Aydig= 0MijE_Barx270DjTIPJnZh8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 42938785 42768730 42048731 41228659 41398551=20
    41338495 40738499 40238562 39488703 39188862=20
    39259049 39639150 40239207 40779223 41569177=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 17:37:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 281736

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0939
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    135 PM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern AZ...Much of Central and Western NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 281735Z - 282335Z

    SUMMARY...Monsoonal moisture entrenched across eastern AZ through
    much of central and western NM will foster pockets of heavy
    showers and thunderstorms later today. Some instances of flash
    flooding will be possible, and especially for the more sensitive
    burn scar locations and arroyos.

    DISCUSSION...The late-morning GOES-E visible satellite imagery
    shows multiple MCVs situated across southeast AZ through central
    NM which are embedded within a broader mid-level shortwave
    circulation that is seen drifting north-northeastward across the
    region. There is plenty of monsoonal moisture once again
    entrenched across the region as evidenced by the NESDIS Blended
    TPW and CIRA-ALPW data sets, with the moisture somewhat
    concentrated in the mid and upper-level parts of the vertical

    A rather substantial amount of morning cloud cover will temper the
    build-up of surface-based instability in the short-term, but
    gradually there will be a sufficient level of diurnal heating and
    increasing instability for a renewed round of convective
    initiation going into the afternoon hours. This will be further
    supported by the remnant MCV activity over the region along with
    multiple differential heating boundaries and orographics with
    localized upslope flow helping to focus convective development.

    The PWs across the region are on the order of 1.5+ standard
    deviations above normal, and with the build-up of instability over
    the next several hours, the areas of showers and thunderstorms
    that initiate will be capable of heavy rainfall rates that may
    reach 1 to 2 inches/hour.

    A look at the 12Z HREF guidance suggests at least localized
    rainfall totals of 2 to 3 inches with isolated heavier amounts by
    later this afternoon. Areas of southeast AZ and western NM are
    generally favored for the heavier rainfall amounts today, but
    areas farther east into portions of the Sangre De Cristo Mountains
    and the Sacramento Mountains will tend to have somewhat more
    favorable orographics and may have locally similar rainfall
    totals. Given proximity of multiple sensitive burn scar locations
    and the areal arroyos, there may be instances of flash flooding
    later today from these pockets of heavy showers and thunderstorms.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-e8oHsLGqeBR4QNnNehFodSZNTCoTFL2diOwtFrVv7YWvcUZfNO0iq2bIBPNiPb9j2RI= DEE2yCHtd2Vj4vF50W_TjrE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36990549 36460470 35190435 33910441 33390444=20
    32660446 31860490 31590700 31290837 31290955=20
    31311027 31661101 32431189 33591219 34511278=20
    35251266 35771209 35991086 36040974 36210888=20
    36590782 36920682=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 00:02:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290002

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0940
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    801 PM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Dakotas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 290000Z - 290600Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flood potential will continue through the
    early overnight hours. Areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates are
    possible especially where local cell mergers are most pronounced
    and supercells become mature.

    Discussion...Robust convective development has occurred within the
    past hour or two near the Bismarck, ND area. These storms are
    focused along a north/south axis/frontal structure extending from
    Minot, ND southward to Pierre, SD. Storm modes are a mix of cells
    and clusters, with one dominant supercell located about 30 N MBG.=20
    Kinematic profiles indicate slow eastward storm motions with any
    mature supercell, but faster northeastward motions associated with
    most other cells that do not have strong/robust rotation. This
    scenario is prompting occasional cell mergers and rain rates
    exceeding 1 inch/hr in a few areas and exceeding 2 inches/hr near
    the mature supercell north of MBG.

    Ongoing convective trends are expected to continue for several
    hours. The increase of low-level flow across the discussion area
    ahead of the surface front and eastward advection of steep
    mid-level lapse rates should continue to promote robust updrafts
    through the night, with occasional training of storms promoting
    1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates. The rain rates will be highest where
    mergers are occurring and supercellular structures result in
    slower forward storm motions. Convective redevelopment west of
    ongoing convection is also likely, and an overall increase in
    coverage is expected. FFG thresholds across the discussion area
    are in the 1-2 inch/hr range, and are highest across southern
    North Dakota. Given the aforementioned scenario, isolated flash
    flood potential is expected through 06Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9istwvdNPR3L9TFKMBFA4svT026Q_WRyMPfFxQqm-LaFHitI51Dy-JFnlZEaBsUpN-OQ= wGuAi720H0GALuykkA3IgTo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49000027 48979856 47699761 46149755 45029816=20
    44429982 44710110 46190143 48550150=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 00:32:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290032

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0941
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    832 PM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Arizona and New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 290029Z - 290429Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flood potential continues, although a
    gradual wane of convective coverage/intensity is expected through

    Discussion...Areas/spots of flash flooding remain possible
    currently. 00Z radar mosaic imagery depicts several areas of
    concentrated showers and thunderstorms in higher terrain north of
    Phoenix, AZ and across mainly rural areas of northwestern,
    central, and northeastern New Mexico. The convection was rotating
    around a weak upper low centered near the AZ/NM border. The
    combination of this low, orographic lift, and modest surface heating/instability continues to support a few areas of 0.5-1.0
    inch/hr rain rates. Meanwhile, locally sensitive areas/burn scars
    across the discussion area (especially in New Mexico) continue to
    pose flash flood potential given the aforementioned scenario.=20
    Near sensitive areas, only little rainfall is needed to cause
    issues with excessive runoff.

    Flash flood potential should continue through 04Z or so. Models
    depict a gradual decrease in instability/rainfall rates over time
    in concert with a loss of surface heating. Flash flood potential
    should begin to lessen - especially after sunset.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4n56Wtvn9z_Gpkg2hnTKAB_uYpJeSpN9-QKqw3ZR5vY12N-oap1hB2HgAGELtGJ_sx10= 8FJPIBgCjbScqaMMxM5xW3A$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36890376 35620330 33790405 32650559 32440719=20
    32571020 33271247 34721249 36001164 36830908=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 06:01:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 290601

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0942
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    201 AM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NDak...Northwest MN...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 290600Z - 291200Z

    SUMMARY...Training/Back-building elevated thunderstorms may rates
    of 1.5-2"/hr with streaks of 2-3" totals in 1-3 hours resulting in
    possible localized flash flooding through overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 10.3um depicts a broad cirrus canopy that
    continues to strink and warm through much of the shield, with a
    few remaining overshooting tops breaking through with the initial
    stronger supercells that are taking a more weakening linear
    appearance in the RADAR mosaic across SE NDak. These cells
    continue to be fairly potent but are on a slow downward trend as
    they move into a more stable mid-level environment along and east
    of the Red River Valley, where MUCAPE rapidly drops off. Still,
    strong flux in proximity to slowly lifting warm front across NE
    SDak, has been maintaining some solid rates up to 1.75"/hr,
    generally moving into naturally lower FFG values, so cannot rule
    out a remaining low end flash flooding concern through this area
    over the next few hours.

    However upstream, height-falls are starting to press eastward out
    of E MT as vorticity center rounds the base of the parent closed
    low and low to mid-level flow starts to veer more westerly and
    tighten flow. Associated jet streak is weakening and lifting into
    Canada with favorable diffluent pattern across central into
    northeastern NDak. Sfc to 925mb flow remains backed along the
    warm front across NE SDAK into SW MN with southeasterly flow,
    slowly veering with height and 850mb 50kts within the TROWAL
    across central NDAK provide strong moisture flux convergence along
    the western edge of the deep layer moisture plume. Total PWats up
    to 1.75" will increase on this 45-50kt 850-700mb flow while nose
    of unstable air lifts up into central NDak where MUCAPE of
    1750-2250 J/kg is analyzed in the RAP. As such, RADAR and GOES-E
    10.3um show increasing convective activity along the western edge
    of the TROWAL/sfc occluded front. Deep layer steering is strong
    but also begins to align southwest to northeast to allow for some
    potential for training/repeating while upstream convergence may
    allow for some backbuilding before the stronger westerly low to
    mid-level flow begins in earnest across central NDak by 09-10z.=20
    So while individual cell residency may be limited, rates of
    1.75"/hr are probable and southwest to northeast streaks of 2-3"
    totals become more likely over the next few hours mainly across
    central, north-central and northeast NDak, and perhaps into far
    NW MN by 12z. This is still on the low end of FFG exceedance, so
    widely scattered incidents of flash flooding are considered


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7V4pm44IA2_fBmUPfx99RGS6IZC8bxaTDpe97bk4hBQT6eoEH9o7ou3esMLDy9YKBtKm= 1GaJZbbm0jjdNX3VrO9wfLA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49039770 48989661 48519608 47819575 46749576=20
    46159627 46099757 46089892 46169988 46219998=20
    47050037 47940098 48430094 48940074 49000025=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 12:02:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291202

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0943
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    800 AM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern ND...Northwest MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291200Z - 291700Z

    SUMMARY...Additional areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms can
    be expected going through the morning hours across portions of
    eastern ND and northwest MN. Localized training of these storms
    may still pose some additional isolated flash flooding concerns.

    DISCUSSION...The early morning GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a well-organized axis of convection with locally very heavy rainfall
    impacting portions of eastern ND and northwest MN. The convection
    is embedded within a highly divergent flow pattern aloft downwind
    of a deep upper trough/closed low over the far northern High
    Plains and adjacent areas of south-central Canada.

    This coupled with strong warm air advection ahead of a frontal
    occlusion and with a well-defined axis/pool of moderate to strong
    elevated instability focusing along and north of a warm front
    lifting through the Upper Midwest has been helping to drive a
    persistence of the convection over the last few hours.

    A southwest low-level jet of 40 to 50 kts is still in place nosing
    up across the Red River Valley of the North which is yielding
    strong moisture transport/convergence and there is a corridor of
    MUCAPE values of 2000 to 3000 J/kg still noted over eastern ND and
    far western MN. These ingredients are likely to persist going
    through the morning hours, with perhaps some subtle decrease in
    the low-level jet. However, given the current orientation of the
    convection being parallel to the low-level jet and with enhanced moisture/instability transport, there will be concerns lingering
    this morning for persistent bands of convection that will be
    capable of locally training over the same area.

    A large number of the 00Z/06Z HREF members tend to suggest a rapid
    weakening of the activity by mid to late morning, but this is not
    the case with recent HRRR guidance which suggests a persistence,
    especially across northwest MN, of convection that may result in
    an additional 3 to 4 inches of rain locally. Satellite trends over
    the last 1 to 2 hours would support the HRRR guidance, and
    especially with the array of deep cold convective tops seen over
    the region.

    There may be some additional isolated flash flooding concerns this
    morning as this ongoing axis of convection over eastern ND through
    northwest MN persists.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_te0aaCsksZzz4qv4Ay2fjB-6MV16xUpPSBGmy-CXZPhvvJbjhG8iey35jBB8RzaW42-= xWjpX8WkunU_oejmd8QOJlE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48959479 48609374 48139396 47719475 47059699=20
    46689816 46999871 47949776 48819633=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 17:52:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291752

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0944
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    151 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...Central Appalachians into the Piedmont of the

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 291750Z - 292350Z

    SUMMARY...Developing and expanding areas of slow-moving showers
    and thunderstorms are expected going through the afternoon and
    early evening hours. Given slow cell-motions and heavy rainfall
    rates up to 2 inches/hour, scattered instances of flash flooding
    will be likely.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E GeoColor satellite imagery along
    with LightningCast data shows convective initiation taking place
    across the higher terrain of the central Appalachians as strong
    diurnal heating promotes increasing surface-based instability
    along with corresponding terrain-induced circulations for
    convective development. Away from the terrain across the Piedmont
    of the Mid-Atlantic, there is still some low-level CINH in place,
    but MLCAPE values here have risen to as high as 1500 J/kg, with
    satellite imagery showing plenty of strong solar insolation that
    will drive increasing instability over the next several hours.

    Scattered to broken areas of showers and thunderstorms will
    initially be focused over the higher terrain of the central
    Appalachians including the Blue Ridge from central PA down through
    western MD and into much of eastern WV and western VA. However,
    there will gradually be the development of convection farther east
    into portions of the Piedmont from south-central PA down through
    central VA by later this afternoon. This will be aided by
    proximity of a backdoor cold front that has been gradually
    settling south across the coastal plain but is becoming
    quasi-stationary near the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge.

    The airmass especially in the boundary layer is quite moist with
    the latest surface observations showing dewpoints in the low to
    mid-70s. However, the CIRA-ALPW data shows this moisture
    concentration extending well up into the 700/500 mb layer as well. Additionally, the CIRA-ALPW is showing evidence of some weak
    shortwave energy/MCV activity advancing east-southeast across
    southeast OH and heading for the central Appalachians.

    Between the improving thermodynamic environment, localized frontal
    convergence, upslope flow into at least the eastern slopes of the
    higher terrain including the Blue Ridge, and approaching upstream
    vort energy, convection will be on the increase in terms of
    coverage and intensity over the next several hours.

    Rainfall rates will be capable of reaching 2 inches/hour rather
    easily with the stronger storms, and with expectations of
    slow-moving cells and locally terrain-focused convection, some
    rainfall totals by early this evening may reach 2 to 4 inches with
    isolated heavier amounts. These rains will likely result in
    scattered instances of flash flooding which may eventually
    including impacts east of the Blue Ridge but along and west of the
    urbanized I-95 corridor from Baltimore, MD down through Washington
    D.C. on down to Richmond, VA.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9f145iJ-ktb_ZP99gLGOZ1opAJQErWXmkRmEWVjndPJaT27Z1-897buX1ApigoGzFjjs= aLdmdtTnM4EVOtBCNXtuXX4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41897810 41757712 40677679 39277680 37937723=20
    37197804 36917872 36797991 37268079 37928082=20
    38778002 39727942 41197886=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 18:46:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291845

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0945
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    244 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern NM...OK/TX Panhandles

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291843Z - 300043Z

    SUMMARY...Gradually developing areas of showers and thunderstorms
    going through the afternoon hours will pose a threat for at least
    isolated areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The midday GOES-E visible satellite imagery shows
    areas of convective initiation gradually taking place across areas
    of central and eastern NM, along with the OK/TX Panhandles. Strong
    diurnal heating has allowed for MLCAPE values to increase to as
    much as 1000 to 1500 J/kg and this coupled with proximity of a
    broader mid-level circulation and some remnant MCV activity over
    central and eastern NM should favor an additional increase in the
    coverage of convection over the next several hours which will
    include the Sangre De Cristo Mountains and the Sacramento

    Farther east closer to the TX/NM border, there is proximity of a
    stronger low-level trough and this coupled with the increase in
    moisture convergence/instability across this region should favor a
    further expansion of convection going through the late afternoon
    hours that will advance out into the OK/TX Panhandles.

    PWs are still locally on the order of 1 to 2 standard deviations
    above normal with the remaining entrenchment of monsoonal
    moisture, and this moisture coupled with the pooling of
    instability will support convection capable of producing rainfall
    rates of up to 1 to 2 inches/hour with the stronger storms that
    evolve going through the afternoon hours.

    Some of the storms closer to the higher terrain may tend to be
    locally more focused, and this will be capable of resulting in
    some rainfall totals reaching 2 to 3 inches. Locally similar
    totals will also be possible across portions of the TX Panhandle
    where locally slow cell-motions are expected. The 12Z HREF
    guidance is generally supportive of these rainfall totals.

    The overall flash flood threat should be rather isolated, but
    there will be concerns locally to the sensitive burn scar
    locations in particular across areas of central to northeast NM.
    Impacts that evolve over the OK/TX Panhandles should be highly
    isolated, but may tend to involve some urban sensitivities.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8O6wLy6NjNn-d6I5anhyOFdfT5nxqqMSrRt5GgcVNPzC7AO_j1kTpGnpV5jnFVL9xhQK= KA2JF3bXsjUoxqnx7SIn56I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37280289 36910183 35960140 33700193 32550285=20
    32140380 32230528 32880584 33890597 34500589=20
    35660592 36730540 37210448=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 19:57:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291957

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0946
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    357 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and far
    northern Iowa

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291956Z - 300156Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential is expected to increase over the
    next 4-6 hours as thunderstorms train/repeat over sensitive areas.
    Areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates can be expected in/near
    training/merging cells.

    Discussion...Rain rates have increased markedly over the past half
    hour or so along an axis from just west of Saint Cloud, MN to near
    Sioux City, IA. The storms causing these rain rates have
    increased in intensity relatively recently, with pronounced
    training noted via radar mosaic imagery especially across southwestern/south-central Minnesota. Despite appreciate storm
    motions due to seasonably strong flow aloft, training cells amid
    1.5-1.8 inch PW values and 3000+ J/kg MLCAPE were promoting
    strong, efficient updrafts with areas of 1-1.5 inch/hr rain rates.
    These rates were migrating northeastward toward areas of locally
    sensitive ground conditions (especially around Minneapolis), with
    0.75-1.5 inch/hr FFG thresholds noted from central Minnesota into
    western Wisconsin (and higher thresholds noted elsewhere).

    Over time, quickly expanding/intensifying convection should result
    in scattered forward-propagating linear segments. Occasional
    areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates are expected as storms move
    northeastward. Localized training/cell mergers should result in
    at least a few instances of FFG exceedance and heightened flash
    flood potential through 02Z this evening. In the Minneapolis/St.
    Paul metro area, this risk should maximize around the 21-2230Z
    (4-530p CDT) timeframe. Isolated to scattered instances of flash
    flooding are possible in this regime - especially from central
    Minnesota into western Wisconsin.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9m9QmhVEAH0iTLxfTp2h3h-0jzIkRiL-DMb-XDPVoJ30O3900n4IL8OLlqS9Gg5lEYcC= JR_PCvXgLj7WFTblUUaWZl0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 46249334 46199165 45599023 44759021 43829058=20
    43209163 42879420 42829611 43929576 44569576=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 23:41:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 292341

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0947
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    740 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington
    DC, Virginia, and West Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 292339Z - 300539Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues for several more hours
    (through 05Z).

    Discussion...As anticipated, scattered thunderstorms have
    developed across the discussion area, with multiple spots of 1-2.5
    inch/hr rain rates noted (highest across northern Virginia). Weak
    wind fields through the low to mid-levels has enabled slow and at
    times erratic cell movement along with several cell mergers. The
    mergers, along with strong instability (2000+ J/kg MLCAPE) and
    very high moisture content (~2 inch PW values) have fostered
    intense updrafts with efficient rain rates. A weak mid-level wave
    over the OH/WV border region is also aiding in ascent as
    relatively cool air aloft migrates slowly eastward across the

    The ongoing scenario is expected to continue for several more
    hours despite a gradual loss of heating/surface-based instability.
    Mature cold pools will continue to expand across the discussion
    area, while weak/negligible convective inhibition continues to
    promote new updrafts especially where convection/heavier rainfall
    has not occurred. Spots of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates are expected
    to continue in this regime. These rates should continue exceed
    local FFGs - especially in urbanized and low-lying areas.=20
    Furthermore, storm motions will continue to remain slow/erratic
    and driven by cold pool propagation - especially south of the Maryland/Pennsylvania state line where steering flow aloft is the


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7tccje97xss4uEB4b3KUpLlflC9cuAzdpJadem4Zd-K1lqrv6496umsYyTavCJ-Ynwur= 6wXTGiOBhBi2JXTPfT7Egr4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41987805 41887682 41417596 40207582 38827613=20
    37747690 36827832 36948077 37338147 38418144=20
    39698061 40457963=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 01:30:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300130

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0948
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    929 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...much of Wisconsin, portions of northeastern Iowa
    and southeastern Minnesota

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 300106Z - 300706Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms continue to produce 1-2 inch rainfall
    amounts across portions of the Upper Mississippi Valley. Isolated
    flash flood potential continues with this activity.

    Discussion...Recent radar mosaic imagery depicts a mature,
    forward-propagating convective complex extending from near Eau
    Claire to Mason City. A few cell mergers have been noted with the
    complex over the past couple hours, and local rain rates continue
    to approach 2 inches/hr in spots despite appreciable forward
    movement. The immediate downstream airmass remains sufficiently
    moist/unstable for strong convection (2000+ J/kg MLCAPE and 1.5
    inch PW values), and current trends suggest that spots of 1+
    inch/hr rain rates should continue to materialize for at least
    another 2-4 hours or so as the complex migrates eastward.

    The greatest concern for isolated flash flood potential exists as
    storms traverse central and eastern Wisconsin (generally from Eau
    Claire eastward to Green Bay). Although some uncertainty exists
    with respect to eastward extent of the complex, these areas
    currently have the lowest FFG thresholds (around 1-1.5 inch/hr)
    and the greatest chance for those thresholds being exceeded on an
    isolated basis. Destabilization is slow to occur across
    northeastern Wisconsin, and it appears that the northern portions
    of the complex may undergo weakening (and lessening flash flood
    potential) especially north of Wisconsin State Highway 29. Higher
    FFGs (~2-3 inch/hr) across southwestern Wisconsin suggests an even
    more isolated/spotty flash flood threat in these areas through 06Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-6pxxOuPDNmnuczRq9vF8kKf0HxEX8mf7fyFMMSbjx1AWbT5NzMErSoFi3UQQaV-X_tX= fbs6uO7CWdeAV2lsbdXeAxg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45719138 45688932 44898840 43308833 42608942=20
    42269136 42669271 43779286 44929248=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 02:56:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300256

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0949
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1055 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Virginia...Adj Northeast NC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 300255Z - 300800Z

    SUMMARY...Highly efficient, slow moving thunderstorms moving
    toward urban centers of southeast VA.=20

    DISCUSSION...Mature clusters of thunderstorms are starting to
    propagate along weak convectively generated cold pool toward the
    southeast. RADAR presentation depicts some modest back-sheared
    updrafts to allow for increased duration as the outflow provides
    increased convergence to overcome slowly growing overnight
    stabilization across SE VA. History of 3"+/hr rates should be
    reducing with weakening overall updraft strength and overall
    moisture flux; however, 1500-2000 J/kg of MUCAPE remains and with
    weak easterly flow directional convergent with the outflow is
    providing the deep layer convergence to support new development.=20
    Moisture at the lowest layer per CIRA LPW is over 1" with ample
    850-700mb for continued efficient rainfall production. Rates of
    2-2.5"/hr are still probable and with forward propagation of
    5-10kts on the cold pool, totals of 2-4" are still possible into
    the early hours of Friday. Larger urban centers will have higher
    probability of quick exceedance and possible flash flooding
    conditions from Richmond/Petersburg into the Newport News/Norfolk
    centers over the next few hours.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7qKDVpLmSaIgBALgxDPIdfOr12wq_6slPLshJNdgwNJOLltKUC5vvLbOVSWKzSU_2OFG= ffjaEG0APf8agUf3_pmikR8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38127680 37967629 37617553 36567577 36147630=20
    36067748 36167838 36397889 36757901 37267875=20
    37677825 37727813 38047734=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 15:14:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301514

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0950
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1113 AM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern LA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301513Z - 302013Z

    SUMMARY...A short-term threat for training showers and
    thunderstorms will continue along with the potential urban flash
    flooding. This will include the New Orleans metropolitan area and
    adjacent suburbs.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar imagery in conjunction with GOES-E
    IR satellite imagery shows a loosely organized band of training
    showers and thunderstorms impacting areas of eastern LA in a
    general south-southeast to north-northwest fashion. This includes
    portions of the New Orleans metropolitan area, along with areas
    adjacent to Lake Pontchartrain. The convection is embedded within
    a very moist, unstable and confluent low-level flow pattern across
    the northwest Gulf Coast region which is being influenced by an
    area of disturbed weather near the Upper TX coast.

    There is a rather well-defined instability gradient aligned with
    the convection over eastern LA with MLCAPE values locally as high
    as 1500+ J/kg. A corridor of relatively focused moisture
    convergence is noted here as well, and the combination of these
    ingredients along with rather divergent flow aloft is likely to
    maintain at least some loose organization of the ongoing
    convection going through the mid-afternoon hours.

    PWs are deeply tropical across the region with values of 2.25+
    inches in place. This coupled with the level of instability,
    including the profile from the 12Z LIX RAOB sounding suggests
    extremely efficient rainfall with very high rainfall rate

    The latest hires CAM guidance is not handling the ongoing activity
    well at all, with multiple HREF members mishandling the placement
    of the ongoing convective axis and the overall intensity of it.

    Based on the level of very cold convective tops, and radar trends
    which certainly suggests concerns for a persistence of training
    convective cells, there may be some additional rainfall totals
    going through mid-afternoon that reach 3 to 5 inches. This will be
    supported by some rainfall rates that reach 2 to 3 inches/hour
    with the stronger cells.

    Urban flash flooding, especially for the New Orleans metropolitan
    area and the adjacent suburbs, will continue to be the dominant
    concern over the next several hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8pbkQYLVIl1d1IMOq4Yha2FOb8ZRLAEZ__RQSfLG4OeOiVrCTi7LQSi14htieKW9n44y= QbtAyUpTe7N7S7-Hx9flAA0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30879030 30068948 29138932 29139002 29759032=20
    30119061 30689099=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 17:27:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301727

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0951
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    126 PM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Areas affected...Much of NM...West TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 301725Z - 302325Z

    SUMMARY...New rounds of locally heavy showers and thunderstorms
    are expected today which may once again result in at least
    isolated areas of flash flooding. Some of the burn scar locations
    over central and northern NM will be most susceptible to impacts.

    DISCUSSION...The late-morning GOES-E visible satellite imagery
    shows an elongated, but fairly well-defined low-level circulation
    situated down over far southern NM and parts of west TX which is
    also focused along a frontal zone that has settled south down
    across the region over the last 12 to 24 hours. Some vertical
    depth to this extends to the mid-levels as WV satellite imagery
    shows some southwest extension of this back into far northern

    A gradual increase in boundary layer instability over the next
    several hours combined with relatively focused low-level moisture convergence/forcing along the front should allow for areas of
    showers and thunderstorms to begin to redevelop and gradually
    expand in coverage. SBCAPE values have locally already risen to
    1000+ J/kg, and these values should increase to as much as 1500 to
    2000 J/kg by later this afternoon with a continuation of diurnal

    The heaviest rainfall threat based off the 12Z HREF guidance
    should generally be down over areas of southern NM east-northeast
    out into areas of west TX which will be in close proximity to the
    front. However, areas back across central and northern NM will
    have concerns for at least some low-level upslope flow that will
    still be relatively moist which combined with the daytime heating
    should provide a focus for new areas of more terrain-focused

    WV satellite imagery would suggest that the presence of the
    aforementioned mid-level troughing could provide at least some
    dynamical forcing regionally today which may also facilitate the
    development and expansion of convection. PWs locally are still 1
    to 1.5 standard deviations above normal over eastern NM and west
    TX, and the available moisture and instability may still favor
    some stronger convective elements producing rainfall rates of 1.5

    Some spotty 2 to 3+ inch rainfall amounts will be possible by
    later today. These rains will once again have the capability of
    producing at least isolated areas of flash flooding. This will
    include the more susceptible burn scar locations locally over
    parts of the southern Sangre De Cristo Mountains and the
    Sacramento Mountains, but also some of the open High Plains away
    from the terrain and especially across southeast NM and possibly
    west TX.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_E4L4siiX-X3kizE8eNIqOt2J3YgKsfQ5iuFSU3VWAr8QNnB8kEGVhMWaDLVCFj9ON7q= fZlaqu3MILqGnv42CkI274E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37030600 36940476 36440442 35470488 34660482=20
    34240438 34030373 34290214 34340060 33769992=20
    32639989 32070104 31810271 31870465 32120625=20
    32390821 33270907 34970894 35620829 36180720=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 19:01:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 301901

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0952
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    300 PM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest VA through Central/Eastern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 301900Z - 310100Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving showers and thunderstorms this afternoon and
    early this evening will result in additional concerns for flash
    flooding, which will included the more sensitive urban

    DISCUSSION...The mid-afternoon GOES-E IR satellite imagery has
    been showing the development and expansion of rather rapidly
    cooling convective tops across areas of southwest VA down through
    portions of central and eastern NC. The convection is focusing
    along a backdoor cold front where there is currently a substantial
    amount of instability in place. MLCAPE values along the boundary
    are on the order of 1500 to 2500+ J/kg and there is at least a
    modest corridor of surface moisture convergence along it helping
    to favor convective development and expansion.

    PWs across the region are on the order of 1.75 to 2 inches, and
    this coupled with the instability should help yield some
    impressive rainfall rates upwards of 2.0 to 2.5 inches/hour. Aside
    from the high rainfall rates, the steering motions are quite weak
    and favoring slow cell-motions which at least in the short-term
    may favor some rainfall totals of as much as 3 to 4 inches in just
    couple of hours. This is becoming increasingly supported by the
    latest HRRR runs which supports this threat continuing through the
    late afternoon and early evening hours.

    Given the high short-term rainfall rates/totals, areas of flash
    flooding will be likely and this will certainly including concerns
    for the more urbanized and sensitive urban corridors including
    areas from near Greensboro down through the Raleigh-Durham
    metropolitan area where there have already been heavy to excessive
    rains over the last hour.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6o6c48qEphUaR6wBO3vmqc-f3KpmpD30YUWzRNRpSJ2C-yfjP8rY4shVtZCsc4g1a_eH= rBGDAEYfoT11fs4-zpmJs5I$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37108041 36917985 36427918 36317780 36417686=20
    36237635 35927599 35117628 34667746 34907916=20
    35588030 36488088=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 20:15:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 302014

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0953
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    413 PM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Areas affected...much of MO/IL...adjacent portions of KS/OK/AR

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 302030Z - 310230Z

    Summary...Developing convection with 1-2"/hr rainfall rates may
    repeat/train locally to result in 3"+ isolated totals. Localized
    instances of flash flooding are possible.

    Discussion...A slow moving cold front is providing a focus for
    convective development late this afternoon over the Middle MS
    River Valley, as small showers are already resulting in
    isolated/localized downpours with rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr (per
    MRMS estimates). The mesoscale environment is characterized by a
    corridor of higher instability (SB CAPE 2500-4500 J/kg),
    anomalously high tropospheric moisture (PWATs of 1.6-2.0 inches,
    between the 90th percentile and max moving average, per SGF and
    ILX sounding climatology), and effective bulk shear of less than
    20 kts. Given a distinct lack of upper-level catalyst and
    associated shear to organize/sustain convection, any resulting
    flash flooding from 1-2"/hr rates will likely remain localized
    (and largely confined to where these rates are able to locally

    While the HRRR is among the driest of the hi-res CAMs, the 12z
    HREF has meaningful signal (30-60%) for localized 3"+ totals
    through 03z (per 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3"
    exceedance). These totals are most likely in the vicinity of the
    front itself, from northeast OK through MO/IL, though more common
    average totals will be closer to 1" (per Ensemble Agreement Scale,
    EAS post processing of the 12z HREF QPF, which indicates only
    modest spatial agreement in 1" exceedance, indicated by relatively
    low probabilities of 10-30%). Given the aforementioned lack of
    shear and resulting convective organization, this makes sense, as
    any individual downdraft should remain small and short-lived, so
    only isolated/localized instances of flash flooding are considered
    possible. Low-lying areas with poor drainage will be the most
    susceptible to flood impacts, particularly if 3"+ totals occur in
    a metropolitan area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7jszu9pFItQoPYXp20JMfAcbiCAdYtbzakGRzaxTnmOoOf8BYWz9GeGGBGPE36s2MtiH= dWgVfTngt-kCFUvLzorgioU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 40808887 40678846 40058836 38578869 37619040=20
    36839159 36379309 36149439 36229593 36979565=20
    38079424 39039265 39849127 40528994=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 06:28:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310628

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0954
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    227 AM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal Southeast Texas...Southwest Louisiana...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 310630Z - 311230Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving/back-building highly efficient bands of
    thunderstorms of 2.5"/hr rates and localized totals up to 5"+ pose
    possible flash flooding through remainder of overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 3.9um SWIR and surface observations depict an
    either narrowly closed or elongated surface trough southwest of
    Galveston hugging the coast with a tight northeast constricted
    flow field resulting in enhanced directional convergence enhanced
    by coastal frictional convergence from Galvestion Bay eastward
    toward Sabine Pass. RAP analysis and streamline flow in SWIR
    denote a core of confluent boundary layer flow of 15-20kts within
    a band directed toward Sabine Pass and far SW LA at this time;
    unsurprisingly, total PWats are maximized in the band over 2.5"
    resulting in very strong moisture flux convergence. Very
    warm/moist Gulf is nearing diurnal peak of low-level heat release
    likely to further destabilize the lower environment with 2000 J/kg
    of CAPE analyzed within a very saturated moisture profile. This
    will support very efficient tropical rainfall rates in the coming

    Aloft, GOES-WV shows a very symmetric TUTT cell centered along the
    SW LA coast in eastern Vermilion Parish with well defined outflow
    channel of 25-30kts supporting modest divergence in the region to
    support any thunderstorms, providing the upper-level support for
    convective longevity. So given strength of convergence and ample
    vertical development, rates of 2.5-3"/hr are probable as HREF
    2"/hr reach 60-70% and 3"/hr up to 30% between 09-12z. While
    convergence is currently strong along/northward into SE TX, inflow
    will support offshore/back-building propagation vectors that have
    a solid potential of limiting duration over land, resulting in
    greatest rainfall potential to be offshore once again this
    morning. However, given placement of the surface wave, there
    remains solid potential for 3-6" rainfall totals by 12z in
    Chambers/Jefferson TX counties and Cameron parish in LA. While
    the region has sandier soils, rates of 2.5-3"/hr for even 1-2
    hours may result in rapid inundation flooding but given
    uncertainty in placement over land, flash flooding is considered
    possible at this time.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5FmagwiAN8sho_aByFJQHOg3os9dqSpE5X5H73TeiUOWrZnz1Rqi8N-HLbKkKmRoPLcV= IzdjTQ56tsmRVcyGWEvwO14$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30359404 30319370 30189340 29689288 29699351=20
    29599407 29299468 29229493 29519495 29759494=20
    30029491 30269459=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 08:56:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 310856

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0955
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    455 AM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Louisiana...Coastal Mississippi...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 310855Z - 311430Z

    SUMMARY...Back-building/repeating efficient rain producing banded
    tropical showers may produce localized 2-4" totals near coastlines
    where convergence is maximized. Rates of 2-2.5"/hr may quickly
    induce possible rapid inundation flooding incident(s) through
    early morning.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite denotes a strong fairly symmetric
    TUTT cell over south-central LA slowly sliding eastward. An
    internal vorticity center extends southeastward along the SE LA
    coast providing some weak DPVA along the northern edge as it
    lifts. Combined with solid weakly confluent 15-20kt sfc to 850mb
    southeasterly flow favorably intersecting coastline favorably for
    frictional speed convergence allowing for low level forcing/ascent
    to connect to the weak mid-level ascent pattern. RAP/CIRA LPW
    moisture analysis, denotes the confluence band into SE LA and the
    MS coast is along the northeastern moisture gradient through depth
    with 2.25" over the area quickly diminishing to 2" by Mobile Bay
    and 1.5" by the Big Bend of Florida.

    Sufficiently unstable Gulf air of 2000 J/kg of MLCAPE in this
    narrow skinny profile and deep warm layer should allow for
    efficient rainfall production for cells that due develop. Deep
    layer steering would direct cells more northwest to
    north-northwest allow for narrow training/repeating convective
    elements, though more stable air over the land should weaken cells
    not reaching too far into central LA before weakening. As such,
    rates of 2-2.5"/hr are possible with narrow to moderately sized
    updrafts. As such, scattered pockets of 2-4" are possible through
    early morning in short-duration for possible rapid inundation
    flooding, especially near urban centers.

    One caveat to the flooding potential: Given 15-20kts of inflow,
    propagation vectors will be back toward the southeast at 5-10kts
    and may strengthen with time if initial cells remain fairly
    stationary due to cold pool generation. This would then likely
    see convergence axis move upstream, further offshore limiting


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    LAT...LON 30989068 30979014 30778921 30648861 30358847=20
    29638880 29088892 28848912 28868937 29059004=20
    28979069 29159113 29569101 29919094 30599109=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 16:01:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311601

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0956
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1201 PM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southeast Texas, southern Louisiana,
    coastal Mississippi, and coastal Alabama

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311559Z - 312159Z

    Summary...Isolated, yet slow-moving thunderstorms should continue
    to slowly drift onto land in the discussion area through the
    afternoon. 1-3 inch/hr rain rates should pose flash flood
    potential especially in sensitive and urbanized areas.

    Discussion...Deep convection continues to persist mainly over
    north-central Gulf of Mexico waters in response to confluent flow
    east of a tropical low just southeast of Houston, TX. While most
    of the deep convection (with heavier rain rates) have persisted
    offshore, latest radar/MRMS imagery indicates spots of heavier
    rain rates beginning to reach land areas near Port Arthur, TX and
    just southeast of Mobile, AL over the past hour. The combination
    of slow storm motions, 2-2.5 inch PW values, and ~1500 J/kg MLCAPE
    (highest offshore) was contributing to efficient rain rates with
    more persistent activity. A few spots of rain rates nearing 2
    inches/hr were noted, although most areas were experiencing much
    lighter rainfall as showers/isolated storms drift northward over

    The ongoing convective scenario should continue over the next 3-6
    hours. Slow movement of the tropical low will continue to promote
    confluent onshore flow especially across southeast Texas and
    Louisiana for much of the day today, allowing more deeper
    convection to gradually reach land areas. Isolated flash flood
    potential will exist - particularly with any heavier rainfall that
    can persist over land areas in this regime. Latest FFG data
    suggests extremely sensitive ground conditions in far southeast
    Texas (near Beaumont/Port Arthur) and adjacent areas of
    southwestern Louisiana, where 2-8 inches of rainfall has fallen in
    the past 24 hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9WWl_L9pSbykTtrQcpzKjxKsnpOTR3OhSbQUfAklF89PPqUJn8R1YqVI7iNxp4oN0uxG= -9bvPEFCwtZt0CtCyo4BgKY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30748776 30488725 30288735 30068761 29878829=20
    29248882 28958963 28969085 29439385 29959440=20
    30089388 30159305 30419230 30449151 30469019=20
    30578911 30738837=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 17:26:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 311726

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0957
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    125 PM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, western
    Maryland, far eastern Kentucky, and far western Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 311725Z - 312325Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms will increase in coverage and intensity
    over the next several hours. Increasing rain rates (via cell
    mergers and local training) will pose a flash flood risk across
    the discussion area through 23Z/7p EST.

    Discussion...Radar/satellite indicates an uptick in convective
    coverage along and just ahead of a surface wind shift along the
    OH/WV border into eastern Kentucky. A few additional areas of
    deepening convection were noted per satellite along higher terrain
    in eastern West Virginia. The storms were in a very moist airmass
    (~2 inch PW values) that was becoming increasingly unstable due to insolation/surface heating. Most of the storms were fairly
    progressive (around 20 knots), although the moist airmass was
    supporting spotty MRMS rain rate estimates of 1 inch/hr at times.

    Through the afternoon, increasing convective coverage will allow
    for more instances of 1 inch/hr rain rates due to local cell
    mergers and training. Additionally, mid-level flow slackens
    significantly with southeastward extent, also suggesting slow
    storm motions and mergers - especially in West Virginia. Areas of
    2 inch/hr rain rates will eventually materialize. These rates
    should exceed FFG thresholds at times (generally in the 1 inch/hr
    range with locally lower values). These rates will result in an
    increasing flash flood risk across the discussion area, with
    potential maximizing in central/eastern West Virginia into
    south-central Pennsylvania.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_bfbM7PEX2DY9IrWXT6uNOb2uLg65cBunjNyFp4Md1HIOuppkhiVAUsn-F1dKHXtv6zh= cZO0OQVPUf9Ilgs9KmkLt4c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41307841 41207745 40087736 39227755 37967884=20
    37108083 37098220 37848357 38618254 40088079=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 22:34:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 312234

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0958
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    633 PM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Areas affected...much northern/central WV...southeastern
    OH...southwestern PA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 312300Z - 010500Z

    Summary...Isolated to widely scattered flash flooding possible
    with redevelopment of convection into the early overnight hours.

    Discussion...A decaying line of thunderstorms is gradually pushing
    east out of the Appalachians, situated near the Blue Ridge
    Mountains at the time of writing, having produced localized totals
    of up to 2-4" (and scattered instances of flash flooding) over the
    past 6 hours. In the wake of this line of storms, convection has
    already been redeveloping ahead of a slowly approaching cold
    front, as instability remains sufficient (SB/ML CAPE 500-1000
    J/kg) for convection (despite the marked increase in CIN and drop
    in CAPE). But the most impressive meteorological parameter remains
    total precipitable water, ranging from 1.7" to a staggering 2.0"
    (which is near record levels for both RNK and PIT, which are at a
    lower elevation than much of the highlighted region). This
    tremendous moisture, along with 20-30 kts of effective bulk shear
    and wet bulb freezing heights between 14-15k feet, will allow for
    continued highly efficient rainfall rates (locally 1-2"/hr).

    While 12z and 18z hi-res CAMs are all over the place with their
    depiction of QPF, more recent HRRR runs have come into better
    agreement in suggesting additional localized totals of 2-4" along
    and ahead of the cold front (through 05z). And while the HREF is
    not providing a consolidated signal for QPF, it is indicating the
    potential for these localized totals (per 40-km neighborhood
    probabilities from the 18z HREF suggesting 10-30% odds for 3"
    exceedance through 06z). Given the hydrologic sensitivity of the
    region (with 3-hr FFGs generally ranging from 1.5-2.5"), isolated
    to widely scattered instances of flash flooding are considered


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!41-8xvHOCCQp0U6oNnYMZXnEVWUHBtOxsKflV2_SrpTFhpUnQBJbL8hpKgwH6HEni7gw= _935Tmu57kU17CgLV9DqU3g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41047919 41007868 40627869 40127889 39777922=20
    39437948 38947997 38448090 38318172 38588272=20
    38938326 39248318 39568238 39858173 40258097=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 09:43:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 010943

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0959
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    542 AM EDT Sun Sep 01 2024

    Areas affected...Upper Texas Coast...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 010945Z - 011500Z

    SUMMARY...Training band of efficient warm cloud tropical showers
    to produce 2-3"/hr rates with potential for focused 3-5" totals
    resulting in possible rapid inundation flooding through early
    daybreak in proximity to Galveston Bay.

    DISCUSSION...Pesky stationary surface to 700mb low remains just
    offshore south-southwest to southwest of Galveston Bay. Core of
    low level moisture resides in all quadrants with exception of the
    southwest with Sfc to 850mb values over 1.1" continuing to near
    .75" through to 700mb, resulting in over 2.25-2.5" values through
    depth but loaded in the lowest layers, well below freezing levels
    to support efficient warm cloud tropical rainfall processes.=20
    Tropical profile with diurnal surface heat release off the ocean
    has added that surface temp to support 2000 J/kg of skinny CAPE
    profiles for convection. Low level flow is a tad weaker than
    yesterday at 5-10kts through depth but solid directional
    convergence will support low level moisture loading to support
    2-3"/hr rates. Local observations support that with 1" totals
    occurring in sites along Galveston Bay in less than 20-30 minutes.

    Given depth of unidirectional/confluent flow cell motions remain
    favorable for the northeast quadrant band to allow for training in
    proximity to Galveston Bay for a few more hours with favorable
    upstream inflow nearly equalizing in the near term to support
    training before converging offshore with time or through any
    eventual cold pool generation after a few hours. As such, spots
    of 3-5" are possible through 15z, which may result in rapid
    inundation flooding, especially if cells near urban areas like
    Galveston Island or west and north of the Bay itself. Still, with
    potential for back-building offshore, confidence does not remain
    high enough for extreme totals to designate a likely
    categorization potential and will remain possible at this time.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-ABUfKncMyUNplzLjDngoxcq2RILEsmbBvWCWsM-CwoPsrlHSur1LUYpqgH5TZGm3BQl= 5agNRhPAWLmo0B5R-bLnMTc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30169483 29989438 29659404 29569409 29229485=20
    29069513 29089535 29359544 29809540 30059521=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 21:36:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 012136

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0960
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    535 PM EDT Sun Sep 01 2024

    Areas affected...much of NC and adjacent portions of VA/TN/SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 012130Z - 020330Z

    Summary...Additional localized 1-2" of rainfall expected through
    the early overnight hours, with isolated 2-4" totals possible
    where storms repeat. Given prior rainfall (relatively wet
    antecedent conditions) and urban sensitivities, isolated to widely
    scattered instances of flash flooding are likely.

    Discussion...Scattered convection has been ongoing for several
    hours over north-central portions of NC and adjacent portions of
    VA, producing localized hourly accumulations as high as 1-2". This
    is occurring along and ahead of a pre-frontal trough, as the
    associated cold front remains well behind with slow progress
    towards the southwest (currerntly draped across across southeast
    OH and through central KY). While the front is not forecast to be
    even close to the region until dawn, the WSW-ENE orientation of
    the pre-frontal trough AND the abundance of convection well ahead
    of the front (clearly of the katafront variety, which speaks to
    how anomalously strong the cold front and associated upper-level
    trough are for early September). The mesoscale environment is
    currently characterized by ample tropical tropospheric moisture
    (precipitable water values of 2.0-2.3 inches, near or above record
    levels, per GSO sounding climatology), sufficient instability (ML
    CAPE 1000-2000 J/kg), and effective bulk wind shear of 20-25 kts
    (providing some individual storm longevity and organization

    Despite an overall favorable environment for at least localized
    instances of excessive rainfall, hi-res CAMs generally depict
    additional localized QPF of another 1-2" through 03z (generally
    corresponding to 10-20% odds for 6-hr FFG exceedance, per 40-km
    neighborhood method). That said, there is a small indication for
    heavier totals, per HREF probability matched mean (PMM) QPF
    depiction indicating potential for localized 3-4" amounts
    (corresponding to 20-30% odds for 3" exceedance, per 40-km=20
    neighborhood method). It is also worth nothing that the HRRR
    (which was generally one of the drier solutions in earlier runs)
    has come around to a solution closer to the HREF PMM QPF depiction
    with the latest 19z and 20z runs. Given that the environment and
    observational trends support this higher-end potential (along with
    relatively wet antecedent conditions), isolated to widely
    scattered instances of flash flooding are considered likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-dDIr_zGuQlrEpgjI0NHVN2T2W2Q-y2aVniRIVTULOGxqXmPW3HaCiXYmXkbXHkyOEW-= HlwvoPzAKbrZaYi1toE2yIw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37107767 36917625 36517575 35537547 35547678=20
    35427766 34827956 34598130 35318358 35758362=20
    36228221 36628111 36848022 37027916=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 13:08:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021308

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0961
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    907 AM EDT Mon Sep 02 2024

    Areas affected...west-central to western TX and far southeastern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021306Z - 021905Z

    Summary...Isolated to widely scattered flash flooding will be
    possible across portions of west-central into western TX and
    perhaps far southeastern NM through 19Z. Rainfall rates of 1-2
    in/hr and localized totals of 2-4 inches are expected.

    Discussion...Radar imagery from 1245Z showed scattered showers
    with embedded thunderstorms across central TX, increasing in
    coverage toward the west into southeastern NM. 12Z RAOBs and GPS
    data showed precipitable water values across the region were 1.5
    to 2+ inches (higher to east), or between the 90th percentile and
    the climatological max via SPC sounding climatology. The anomalous
    moisture will be tempered a bit by marginal instability, currently
    500-1000 J/kg of MLCAPE via the SPC mesoanalysis, and extensive
    cloud cover will likely limit significant increases in instability
    into the early afternoon.

    Broad easterly flow in the low levels between 15-25 kt will allow
    upslope lift to couple with the right entrance region of a 50-70
    kt upper level jet located over the northern TX Panhandle into the Ozarks...positioned just east of an upper level trough over
    eastern NM. Showers and embedded thunderstorms are likely to
    continue over the next several hours with bursts of higher
    intensities as daytime heating acts to increase instability at
    least modestly. Occasional instances of east-west training are
    anticipated throughout the morning into the early afternoon, with
    hourly rainfall peaking in the 1-2 inch range. Some spotty 2-4
    inch totals are expected through 19Z which may produce isolated
    spots of flash flooding, given pockets of lower flash flood
    guidance scattered across the region.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_LmYCM3brME1f-hFb2UHttiQxpSlUgX3Xw6iDi09bbJzXEmWY8cvlB-PDuolqMjDoDs6= vWIGhohpN_HcEWKKTB7OfFo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33560121 33549943 33049795 31379788 30339879=20
    30119984 30760057 31090141 31130333 31530378=20
    32110373 32870311 33230263=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 15:13:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021513

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0962
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1112 AM EDT Mon Sep 02 2024

    Areas affected...mid to upper TX coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021511Z - 022015Z

    Summary...Narrow training axes of heavy rain will be capable of 1
    to 2 inches of rain in 15 to 30 minutes along with a focused area
    of flash flooding along the middle to upper TX coast over the next
    3-6 hours. Additional totals over 4 inches will be possible on an
    isolated basis.

    Discussion...A narrow band of thunderstorms has set up across
    Galveston Island, resulting in 3-4 inch totals since midnight
    according to the Wunderground/Wundermap network. Observed rainfall
    rates have been very efficient near 1 inch in 15 minutes since 14Z
    while the convective band has remained nearly stationary. The
    environment as seen on the 14Z SPC mesoanalysis showed
    precipitable water values near 2.5 inches along with a gradient in
    MLCAPE along the middle and upper TX coast with 1500+ J/kg
    offshore and less than 1000 J/kg 30-50 miles inland. A zone from
    Galveston Island to just west/southwest of Galveston Bay appeared
    to be in a favorable setup with weak easterly convergence and
    confluence focusing in the vicinity of the coast and near a subtle
    surface trough analyzed along the coast.

    Little change is anticipated to the overall kinematic pattern
    through the early afternoon for the middle to upper TX coast as
    low level easterly winds of 15 to 25+ kt should remain. The region
    along and southwest of Galveston Bay is expected to support a
    localized weak but sufficient low level convergence/confluence max
    which will help support east to west areas of training. The warm
    Gulf waters and cloud cover just inland may help to maintain a
    gradient in CAPE for at least another few hours, with frictional
    convergence possibly aiding with ascent. 1-2 inches of rain in
    15-30 minutes and localized additional totals over 4 inches will
    be possible through 20Z along with localized flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!79gIIWnw4aWJDEhVAjnLLh9ooCHDXfaHgJAoOaQDUPlLFMHK3077xaoeJSUXOKd0O-Bt= UklB6UNEdwntS_c8m8Aw7Ao$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29679510 29479438 28969461 28559520 28579593=20
    29229622 29669569=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 18:33:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 021833

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0963
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    232 PM EDT Mon Sep 02 2024

    Areas affected...Coastal NC and adjacent Coastal SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 021830Z - 030030Z

    Summary...Localized rainfall accumulations of 3-5" (and locally
    even higher) are possible with efficient, training convection.
    Scattered instances of flash flooding are possible, particularly
    if these totals occur over sensitive areas and/or the higher (5"+
    totals are realized).

    Discussion...Convective coverage is gradually increasing this
    afternoon in the vicinity of the coastal Carolinas, where several fronts/boundaries are consolidating to allow for a short period of
    an elevated flash flood risk. This is due to the presence of two
    synoptic features that are consolidating, an approaching cold
    front and a coastal trough/low, superimposed on mesoscale forcing
    via the sea breeze circulation (evident via MRMS RALA imagery,
    progressing inland and likely helping to anchor/train convection
    along the coast an inland, as opposed to offshore). These factors
    discussed are most pronounced over coastal NC, as the cold front
    lags farther behind in SC. In this region, the mesoscale
    environment is characterized by ML CAPE of 500-1500 J/kg,
    precipitable water values of 2.1-2.3 inches (above the 90th
    percentile and near the max moving average, per MHX sounding
    climatology), and effective bulk shear of 25-35 kts. Perhaps most
    concerningly, the 850-300 mb mean wind is also parallel with the
    coast over NC (while it is pointed more offshore over SC).
    Additionally, it is also worth noting that the the influence of
    the right-entrance region of a 90+ kt jet streak off of the
    Northeast coast, which is yet another factor that may help to
    allow convection to proliferate and sustain itself.

    Given this analysis of the environment and the latest
    observational trends, the hi-res CAM output (12z HREF and
    subsequent HRRR runs) seems to provide decent guidance going
    forward. The HREF probability matched mean (PMM) QPF depicts
    localized 3-5"+ totals through 00z, quite similar to the latest
    HRRR (both 16z and 17z) depiction. This is notable as the HRRR had
    been drier with prior runs (as had the 06z HREF suite), so in
    addition to the observational trends being favorable, the guidance
    trends have also been favorable. The post processed 12z HREF
    indicates (with a 40-km neighborhood method) high chance for 3"
    exceedance (40-90%) and some chance for 5" exceedance (10-30%).
    When filtered through Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) thresholds, the
    probability for exceeding 6-hr FFGs ranges from 10-40%
    (corresponding most closely to a 10-year ARI, average recurrence
    interval, as probabilities for a 100-year ARI are capped at 5%).
    This speaks to the difficulty of flooding sandy soils, as this
    region can typically take quite a bit of water before excessive
    runoff occurs. As a result, scattered instances of flash flooding
    are considered possible (rather than likely), as flooding will
    largely be dependent on whether that higher-end totals can
    manifest (localized 5"+) OR whether convection is able to train
    over more sensitive, urbanized terrain along and near the coast.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4ygLcQG-vecildtBRb8gXkP44e3xZ6Zx5e9JNbfmHxMxfvZKbt-Bw-fP1BZDPTU1AIUy= -wr_bdhJ66CwOqqzQ-ioeEk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35847582 35627527 35057553 34477631 33747797=20
    33557891 33887925 34637828 35067755 35627649=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 01:18:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030118

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0965
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    917 PM EDT Mon Sep 02 2024

    Areas affected...portions of west-central and northwest TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 030105Z - 030705Z

    Summary...Localized hourly rainfall totals of up to 1-2" to
    continue overnight, occasionally repeating/training and resulting
    in additional localized totals of 3-5"+. Isolated to widely
    scattered intances of flash flooding are considered likely, and a
    significant instance or two of flash flooding are possible
    (especially given the sensitivity of hilly terrain).

    Discussion...Areas of stratiform rainfall with disorganized,
    embedded shower and thunderstorm activity continue across much of
    west-central and northwest TX (including much of TX Hill Country
    and Big Country), in the vicinity of a quasi-stationary surface
    front (and just downstream of a shortwave/closed-low over West TX
    and adjacent portions of Mexico). While much of the earlier
    activity over West TX has diminished (as the front has slowly
    shifted south and east with overturning and destabilization), at
    least widely scattered convection is expected to persist into the
    early overnight hours, likely shifting a bit more south and east
    into the TX Hill Country (towards higher instability, as less
    overturning has occurred to the southeast with ML CAPE of
    1000-1500 J/kg, limited to 100-500 J/kg currently farther north
    and west). With ample total tropospheric moisture content (1.8-2.2
    inch PWATs, between the 90th percentile and max moving average,
    per DRT sounding climatology) and continued easterly low-level
    flow/moisture transport overnight, the 20-30 kts of effective bulk
    shear should continue to organize individual and multi-cell
    clusters, producing localized hourly totals of up to 1-2" (per
    MRMS estimates throughout the afternoon).

    Hi-res CAMs (12z and 18z runs) are a bit of a mess when comparing
    individual model QPF depictions through 07z, as there is
    relatively large spatial spread in where 1"+ amounts occur (per
    the 18z HREF Ensemble Agreement Scale, EAS, which is maximized at
    only 20% for the 1" threshold to the northwest of San Antonio,
    smack dab in the middle of the TX Hill Country). Despite this poor
    spatial agreement for 1"+ amounts, those totals are quite common
    throughout the various members of the ensemble, as indicated by
    the 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 2" exceedance (indidacted
    to be as high as 50-70% in that same area). Even subsequent runs
    of the HRRR (since 18z) have been depicting these localized high
    totals, despite being one of the driest members of the ensemble,
    as a few runs depict isolated totals of 5"+ (and which the HREF
    40-km neighborhood probabilities for 5" exceedance even range from

    Given the current environment, observational trends, and the
    available model guidance, isolated to widely scattered instances
    of flash flooding are considered to be likely. This is largely
    because of the hydrologic sensitivity of the region, given that
    6-hr Flash Flood Guidance (FFG) generally ranges from 2.0-3.0".
    But 1-hr FFGs are often as low as 1.0-1.5" (or even less) over the
    hilly terrain (with particular concerns for low water crossings).
    Given the potential for localized totals of 3-5"+, some
    significant instances of flash flooding cannot be ruled out.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7JRVjwGI68xkzaShEh7Ck3YtJPm91rS87t7NHAbUon_SIFs5SwiELc4veprcAcFRduVE= Wo_Icse7DFxPA5qhLWEwsQY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32609932 32519817 31809754 30859759 30019799=20
    29259853 29109943 28990043 29500128 30450158=20
    31370159 32000127 32490036=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 04:47:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030447

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0966
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1246 AM EDT Tue Sep 03 2024

    Areas affected...Southern to Middle Texas Coastal Plain...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 030445Z - 031045Z

    SUMMARY...Strengthening onshore flow/convergence to develop
    thunderstorms within a very slow steering environment potentially
    resulting in repeating/training or even stationary cells. Very
    deep moist warm cloud environment will allow for highly efficient
    (2-3"/hr) rates and possible rapid inundation flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite denote a weak interaction of mid to
    upper-level vorticity centers across southern Texas though
    influence is breaking with a result that southern stream TUTT cell
    has become stationary over the northwest Gulf along Padre Island.=20
    A weak outflow channel (25-30kts) at 3H is noted across SE TX to
    support broader scale ascent and tighten the wave at the same
    time. As such, low level wind response has been increasing
    across the western Gulf with 15-20kts of sfc to boundary layer
    easterly flow along and south of the Upper to Middle Texas coast,
    though some veering along the western Gulf coast is starting to
    increase some directional convergence at the same time along the
    northeast quadrant of the surface to 700mb low that remains fairly
    stationary near the Kenedy county coast. CIRA LPW shows bulk of
    overall 2.5-2.7" total PWats are with 1.0-1.25" maximized through
    this convergence zone as well in proximity to Corpus Christi Bay.

    Mid 80s temps with 00z RAOB from CRP suggest very high, unstable
    environment as lapse rates while moist are moderately steep for
    such a moisture rich environment with CAPEs over 3500 J/kg; so
    very strong updrafts will support rapid flux of those high
    moisture values (2-2.25") below 600mb or the 15-16kFt for intense
    loading of the warm cloud to support 2-3"/hr rates with perhaps
    even an isolated 4"/hr rate possible...peaking near 09z. While
    low level shear will likely reduce duration of the updraft; solid
    onshore flow with the aforementioned speed/frictional convergence
    should help to redevelop/back-build cells resulting in moderate
    durations to support focused/localized totals of 3-5" along the
    coastal zone. HREF probability are 60% across the coastal zone
    from Kenedy to S Refugio county with maximum over 80% for 3" with
    probability of 5" over 50%; through 12z. While FFG values are so
    naturally high, proximity to urban centers are likely to induce
    rapid inundation flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8_I6vCxF0l4KVPY1L6Qc6XQlF42bELB5LSddhsPVzIWmNx50dyUQvtu0YfHNni4fF8BX= a2-XfZgG0tT4E7JTt8hjqlg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28399712 28389673 28139668 27799703 27539720=20
    27099733 26609725 26549738 26689767 26959790=20
    27269811 27639826 28129792=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 07:01:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 030700

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0967
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    300 AM EDT Tue Sep 03 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central to Central to Northwest Texas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 030700Z - 031300Z

    SUMMARY...Widely scattered flash flooding remains possible with
    shallow, slow moving showers crossing compromised soil conditions.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV suite depicts a closed low at the base of a
    WSW to ENE Westerlies trough axis over the northern portion of the
    West Texas Panhandle with the mean trough extending toward the
    southern Big Country where a strengthening MCV continues to lift north-northeast into Northwest Texas. Broad transverse banding
    along the northern semi-circle of the wave depicts solid
    outflow/divergence aloft to strengthen the wave supporting
    slantwise ascent across the Hill country thought the 700-500mb
    layer into the broad right entrance. This north-south axis
    through the Hill country and Triangle of central Texas is also the
    leading edge of the northern extension of the easterly wave
    crossing eastern Texas. Behind the wave, surface to 850mb flow is strengthening with a SW-NE axis of increased theta-E/unstable air
    that is defined well in the TPW/MUCAPE fields from RAP analysis.=20
    As this enhanced moisture/unstable air reaches the Hill country
    and the mid to upper-level divergent/slantwise ascent pattern;
    expect additional shallow topped showers to develop into west to
    east banded like features before slowing and turning northward
    into the mid-level trof from the exiting shortwave feature.=20=20

    While dynamic forcing/cell motions are favorable for
    convergence/slow motions across northern South-central TX into the
    Hill country, instability is fairly limited with gradient of
    MUCAPE of 500-1000 J/kg generally along and south of 32N. As
    such, convection is likely to remain scattered and shallow in
    nature. However, given the bulk of the high total moisture
    content is in the lowest layers (15kft), moisture loading and warm
    cloud processes will allow for efficient rainfall rates, but
    unless training occurs, hourly totals are probable to remain below

    However, rainfall throughout the area today has resulted in solid
    infiltration with NASA SPoRT 0-40cm relative soil moisture ratios
    increasing into the 70-80% range; and FFG values have crashed to
    below 1.5"/hr with broad areas of sub .5"/hr rates across the
    northern Hill country into the southern Big Country today. So
    while the entire area is not likely to experience scattered 1"
    totals through the next 6 hours, an isolated spot of 3-4" is
    possible; but it will not take much for above average run-off with
    these intense sub-hourly/instantaneous rain rates with warm cloud
    processes. As such, widely scattered to scattered focused areas
    of flash flooding will be expected through the late
    overnight/early morning hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7PTksmae3A08yZDZ2KHL_szOV_zDSQmBbS8EDY9KOUa5YC068mugv4twt548W-kak-vQ= r4o2V9Aeqv2dvb2tIWoimQk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33379809 33249739 32929687 32569688 31959761=20
    31219827 30999837 29659853 29039936 28940075=20
    30230147 31510146 32450093 33040034 33329944=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 12:28:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031228

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0968
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    827 AM EDT Tue Sep 03 2024

    Areas affected...much of Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 031226Z - 031826Z

    Summary...Areas of flash flooding are likely to continue through
    at least the early afternoon hours (18Z/1p CDT).

    Discussion...Much of Texas remains under the influence of broad
    mid/upper difluence associated with a mid-leel wave over the
    TransPecos. Additionally, low-level convergence continues in the
    vicinity of a surface front subjectively analyzed from near JCT
    eastward through central Louisiana near ESF. Across most of the
    discussion area, the combination of 2+ inch PW values,
    orographic/frontal confluence, weak inhibition, and at least 1000
    J/kg MUCAPE was contributing to deep convection. The strongest
    updrafts were located across the southern 1/3rd of Texas where
    instability was strongest. Meanwhile, weak steering flow was
    contributing to slow storm motions, and spots of 1-2.5 inch/hr
    rain rates were occasionally observed - highest near deeper
    convection across south Texas.

    The ongoing scenario should continue to support scattered
    instances of flash flooding throughout the day today. Further
    compounding potential runoff issues are antecedent rainfall, which
    has totaled 2-8 inches over the past 24 hours across broad parts
    of Texas Midland to Abilene and in more localized spots near Del
    Rio and along the Texas Coast. Areas of FFG exceedance are
    expected throughout the day as deep convection lingers and
    continues to result in spots of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates through
    at least the early afternoon. In the near term, the greatest
    concern for flash flood potential resides near Del Rio (where deep
    convection was resulting in near 3 inch/hr rates over FFGs between
    0.25-1.5 inch/hr) and across a large part of west-central Texas
    where lighter rainfall continues and FFGs are between 0-1 inch/hr.

    Slight risk areas are valid for much of the discussion area in the
    D1 Excessive Rainfall Outlook, and expansions of that risk to
    cover more of south Texas are anticipated at or before the 16Z
    Outlook Update.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9_klB4g__atqa8mhym6SDJT2Ma06Z0oJSa5a_NysDNT3nrBNjwVd8MBdcaalYr6lWFwy= DCMhCSShQf0MCvu1a2Ji9QE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33479778 33139704 32479689 31509744 30749750=20
    30089734 29389646 28849589 27909632 27439733=20
    27539951 28650052 29840109 31620133 33060056=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 18:14:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 031814

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0969
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    213 PM EDT Tue Sep 03 2024

    Areas affected...much of Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 031812Z - 040012Z

    Summary...Scattered instances of flash flooding should continue
    through at least 00Z/7pm CDT this evening.

    Discussion...Ascent supporting heavy rainfall continues to occur
    as a result of 1) a nearly stationary mid-level wave centered over
    west Texas, 2) a weak low-level trough extending from near Del Rio
    northward through west-central Texas near Abilene, 3) continued
    westward advection of moisture/instability (~1000 J/kg MLCAPE and
    2-2.6 inch PW values). The convergence/abundant moisture
    continues to focus deep convective structures generally from near
    Del Rio northward through Abilene, including areas near San Angelo
    that have experienced numerous impacts over the past 2-4 hours.=20
    Spots of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates have been noted per MRMS that have
    exceeded local FFG thresholds (near 0 in some spots) by a factor
    of 3-5+. Lastly, slow cell motions were also contributing to
    heavier rain rates at times.

    The slow evolution of the overall scenario will result in
    continued instances of flash flooding through at least 00Z/7pm CDT
    this evening. Models suggest that most convection will be
    diurnally driven, with continued spots of heavier rainfall
    expected through at least sunset/01Z tonight and only a very slow
    downtick in convective thereafter. Breaks in the clouds (and
    resultant insolation should also allow for a gradual increase in
    convective development across central Texas (near Austin/San
    Antonio and vicinity) as well. Local FFGs range from near 0-1
    inch in many areas (especially in the western half of the
    discussion area) and will be readily exceeded even with light
    rainfall through the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7tyUgN568nsL0NCRLJ4lrVzN35ZYRFPZIDnmGimmcsHoRn-4YeFPXzK0E2n0akuqgi5K= -hgbK9NOXpJXRWaSwDOzaSo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33729966 33629858 33369762 32849733 32049758=20
    31149790 30339761 29809756 29019782 27549827=20
    26909867 27639981 29600120 30710167 30820172=20
    32240178 32960189 33600136 33700066=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 23:58:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 032358

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0970
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    757 PM EDT Tue Sep 03 2024

    Areas affected...portions of central to southwestern TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 032356Z - 040540Z

    Summary...Localized to widely scattered areas of flash flooding
    are expected to continue over the next couple of hours across
    central to southwestern TX. However, lowering instability should
    allow for decreasing coverage and intensity of
    showers/thunderstorms in the 03-06Z time frame.

    Discussion...After a brief lull just prior to 21Z, thunderstorms
    have picked back up in coverage and intensity over portions of
    central and southwestern TX. Large scale lift ahead of a mid-upper
    level trough over western TX remained along with precipitable
    water values of roughly 2.0 to 2.3 inches and lingering MLCAPE of
    500-1500 J/kg (via 23Z SPC mesoanalysis data). The recent uptick
    appears to be tied to a minor increase in the mean low level
    easterly flow and increased directional convergence near and east
    of the Hill Country in the vicinity of 925 mb.

    Slow storm motions within this environment will continue to be
    capable of generating 1-3 in/hr rainfall rates, overlapping with
    saturated soils over portions of the region. However, as surface
    temperatures begin to cool with the loss of diurnal heating and
    some drying occurs in the 850-700 mb layer, MLCAPE is likely to
    lower significantly by 06Z. The 850-700 mb drying is expected to
    due to easterly winds in that layer overlapping with a relative
    lull in moisture observed in the 850-700 mb layer on layered PW
    imagery over the LA and upper TX coast. Flash flooding will remain
    likely over the next 2-3 hours over portions of central to
    southwestern TX given sensitive ground conditions, but rainfall
    coverage and intensity is expected to diminish in the 03-06Z time
    frame, lowering the flash flood threat.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5UpFwIXZpNqQOJmTytUL88iFwa_MEA7w4ulqRc2Z1-5ijbL_lDyQCHyS9jyBuPwYuYdR= 0Gz5veurfrYe7uz6xmbfex8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31339795 31109701 30649696 30279724 29389785=20
    28259850 27799962 28090031 28740065 29600064=20
    30330040 31049957=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 01:30:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040130

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0971
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    929 PM EDT Tue Sep 03 2024

    Areas affected...lower TX coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 040128Z - 040725Z

    Summary...An increase in showers/thunderstorms is expected to
    occur along the lower TX coast tonight. Slow movement and high
    rainfall rates will pose a threat for flash flooding.

    Discussion...Since 23Z, radar imagery from KCRP showed the
    occasional development and dissipation of isolated showers from
    near Corpus Christi Bay to Cameron County, TX. While
    satellite/radar imagery does not show much cause for concern right
    now (01Z), there is the potential for efficient rainfall
    production given the environment in place. The 00Z sounding from
    CRP was representative of the lower TX coast showinga
    saturated tropical airmass with a precipitable water of 2.6 inches
    along with an LFC-EL mean layer wind of 3 kt and wet bulb zero
    height of 16.2 kft. A weak surface low that was located just east
    of Padre Island during the day appears to have dissipated with no
    evidence of a closed surface circulation via 01Z observations. In
    its wake, 925-850 mb winds were from the east or northeast at 5-15
    kt (via KBRO and KCRP VAD wind data).

    Some increase in the 925-850 mb layer winds are expected tonight,
    with ~15 to 20 kt from the east throughout the lower TX coast
    developing over the next couple of hours according to the RAP.
    While surface dewpoints are rather high in the upper 70s to about
    80, some degree of nocturnal cooling and stabilization of the
    boundary layer is expected overnight. With Gulf sea surface
    temperatures in the mid-upper 80s, higher instability values will
    remain over the water compared to inland locations, setting up an
    effective boundary. In addition, some degree of frictional
    convergence may be enough to spark the development of scattered
    showers and thunderstorms prior to 06Z along the lower TX coast.
    Given the environment in place, cells would be disorganized but
    slow moving and efficient, capable of hourly rainfall in excess of
    3 inches. While these values could remain isolated if development
    does indeed occur, a flash flood threat focused across low lying
    and areas of poor drainage will materialize.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!53BjXALh1VmSayJGqAoKD5jZnpV3SN9asylMQ9LZBuK9-MpoJ5ICgSSUQxyrRnqPcWIo= 1mXtuG4EI06N35Dr4QrGajA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28169738 27939687 27049703 25819689 25739743=20
    25899777 26189851 26719840 27499805=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 06:28:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 040628

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0972
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    227 AM EDT Wed Sep 04 2024

    Areas affected...South Texas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 040630Z - 041230Z

    SUMMARY...Highly efficient rain producing, slow moving tropical
    showers, particularly along the Lower Texas Coast. Localized
    2-3"/hr rates may result in localized totals over 5" resulting in
    rapid inundation flooding.

    DISCUSSION...Pesky pattern remains across the Northwest Gulf and
    Deep South Texas again this morning; with core of mid-level
    shortwave remaining along/just offshore of the Texas coast with
    some peripheral interaction with base of the elongated northern
    stream trough that exists across central TX into OK/AR attm. VWP
    and RAP analysis suggest 850-700mb low remains in the lower Rio
    Grande Valley just southwest of Starr county in Mexico, which
    continues to support solid easterly to northeasterly confluent
    flow across the region advecting the anomalously high and deeply
    saturated profile with 2.5"+ Total PWats. The boundary layer
    heating from the western Gulf continues to provide enough thermal
    support for solid conditionally unstable air with MLCAPE values
    over 2000-2500 J/kg across S Padre Island, reducing to 1000-1500
    J/kg nearer the 850-700mb wave.

    Recent RAP analysis suggests deep layer moisture convergence is
    increasing along the 850-700 convergence axis from near LRD to
    north of PIL. This also is co-located with the col in deep layer
    steering flow supportive of very slow cell motions for showers
    that do develop. Given all the factors, flux may be weak but
    enhanced locally by isallobaric influences of developing
    convection so rainfall efficiency will by tied to those flux
    rates, but should be on the order to support 2-3"/hr; perhaps
    instantaneously higher which could overwhelm any soil
    condition/limiting infiltration resulting in rapid inundation

    Once again, hi-res CAMs are insistent on very high totals where
    frictional convergence is maximized along the coasts/bays from
    Corpus Christi southward. 00z HREF values of 3"/6hrs by 12z are
    even higher than prior days at over 90% while 5" probability is
    over 50% along much of the coastal length, with 30-50% of 3"/6hrs
    and 15-25% of 5" as far west as Zapata/Jim Hogg county. While this
    would normally aspire confidence, these magnitudes have been noted
    over the last few days and mainly manifested off-shore as
    propagation vectors were stronger than forecast as
    inflow/convergence was offshore. Howver, this evening's
    placement/orientation of the 850-700mb low is observationally
    further west, perhaps aiding greater convergence onshore and
    therefore enhancing the potential for flooding conditions. Recent
    RADAR and 10.3um EIR trends would support this increased coverage
    and potential. As such, scattered spots of 3-5" and rapid
    inundation flooding is considered possible, with greater coverage
    more likely from Corpus Christi Bay southward toward E Cameron


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7X-PHkczcUSlFQtBF55ols7XHwHVutIvbSquyDQF4j7FJSKCHvzvPJErFmokEqTYSJ1x= _RpUA4nl8Ue7KTRgtZreWb8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28449771 28389667 27769701 27079728 26159710=20
    25789732 25989821 26359913 26859946 27369963=20
    27649965 27909942 28209892 28359831=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 11:08:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041108

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0973
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    708 AM EDT Wed Sep 04 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041107Z - 041707Z

    Summary...A few rounds of locally heavy rainfall are expected in
    northeastern Florida near the Jacksonville Metro area. Isolated
    instances of flash flooding are possible through at least 17Z/1p
    EDT today.

    Discussion...Latest radar mosaic imagery depicts a band of
    convection extending from near Jacksonville, FL east-northeastward
    to open Gulf Stream waters near 31.3N, -79.6W. This band of
    convection was collocated with a surface front very near the
    region, with focused convergence, appreciable instability (1500
    J/kg MLCAPE), and high PW/moisture content (2.3 inch PW)
    supporting deep convection with appreciable rainfall rates.=20
    Steering flow aloft was weak, allowing cells to migrate slowly west/west-southwestward amid 20-kt easterly 850mb flow. This
    regime was promoting slow movement and training of cells into the
    Jacksonville Metro area, where MRMS and gauge estimates of 1-5
    inch rainfall totals have been noted in a few spots over the past
    12 hours.

    The ongoing regime is expected to continue most of the day today,
    with Gulf Stream convection migrating west-southwestward toward
    northeastern Florida. Given the rates and potential for
    persistence of rainfall/multiple rounds of cells, a few spots of
    3-5 inch rainfall totals cannot completely be ruled out through
    17Z. Some of this rainfall could occur over Jacksonville Metro
    and pose at least localized issues with excessive runoff/flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-c31IhV9IrhQr40TEbZ_AmDAxXLXArtFRco0eo05KKYVtfpuncNloTJRjJcW0PQnhjrv= acVsgsDbcTt02tQv3DEKsVs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30858155 30618094 30128066 29728067 29358096=20
    29338181 29678273 30348265 30708214=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 12:22:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041222

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0974
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    821 AM EDT Wed Sep 04 2024

    Areas affected...south Texas through the middle Texas coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041221Z - 041821Z

    Summary...Persistent onshore flow was contributing to scattered
    areas of heavy rainfall especially along coastal areas near Corpus
    Christi. Isolated instances of flash flooding are expected to
    continue through 18Z/1p CDT today.

    Discussion...Deep, slow-moving convection continues to drift
    onshore from northwestern Gulf of Mexico waters into the
    discussion area. The onshore flow regime is being maintained due
    to a weak surface low near Brownsville and east-southeasterly
    850mb flow on the northeastern side of that cyclone. That
    enhancement of low-level flow was maintaining strong buoyancy
    (1500 J/kg MLCAPE) along and just inland from Texas coastal areas,
    while low-level convergence was promoting continued updrafts amid
    a very moist airmass (2.5+ inch PW values). This regime was
    continuing to support local 1-3 inch/hr rain rates at times
    especially with more persistent convection as noted with
    convection near Port Aransas and just north of Brownsville.

    The ongoing scenario supporting flash flooding will evolve very
    slowly today. Spots of 1-3 inch/hr rain rates remain likely as
    convection slowly streams westward toward Texas coastal areas
    today. These heavier rain rates could also materialize as far
    north as the Galveston area as well. FFG thresholds vary
    spatially, and generally range from 1.5-3.5 inches/hr.=20
    Isolated/localized flash flood potential is expected to persist
    through at least 18Z today in this regime, with the most
    pronounced threat existing where 1) >1 hour of heavier rainfall
    persists and/or 2) in low-lying/sensitive areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!468aiuLXTy_-F9tmcIIXc4ktjgA22kn_kqYsRYJjYDv6Zx7F6oK33JpHHS51Ln7Kfcr7= AN2DZ6495vVRWRll8SBX1VQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29899443 29479412 28739523 28229646 27159711=20
    26169708 25819715 25769774 26399870 27419880=20
    28479787 29529608=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 17:54:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 041754

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0975
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    153 PM EDT Wed Sep 04 2024

    Areas affected...portions of the Gulf Coast from Texas to far
    northwest Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 041752Z - 042352Z

    Summary...A broad axis of scattered thunderstorm activity extended
    from near Victoria/Port Lavaca eastward to southern Louisiana and
    across adjacent coastal waters. The storms are in a favorable
    environment for areas of one to isolated 3 inch/hr rain rates at
    times. Flash flooding is possible on at least an isolated basis.

    Discussion...Broad low-level onshore flow continues to promote
    scattered shower/thunderstorm activity across the discussion area.
    Recent radar imagery suggests modest organization into banded
    structures especially near Port Lavaca, TX and across areas of
    southern Louisiana from Houma to near Lafayette. The storms are
    embedded in relatively weak easterly steering flow, with strong
    instability (1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE) and 2.5+ inch PW values
    supporting extremely efficient rain ratesy. Spots of 1+ inch rain
    rates have been observed throughout the morning, and a few areas
    of 2-3 inch/hr rain rates have been noted more recently across
    southern Louisiana. High (~3 inch/hr) FFGs are in place across
    most of the discussion area (outside of portions of the Texas
    coastline near Freeport and Corpus Christi). Isolated flash flood
    potential will exist with this activity in the near term given the
    above scenario, with particular concern across sensitive/urbanized

    Over time, the axis of convergence supporting convection will only
    slowly drift northward. Potential exists for multiple rounds of
    scattered shower/thunderstorm activity to affect the discussion
    area, with the greatest concentration of storms (and attendant
    flash flood risk) focused across Texas and Louisiana. Primarily
    diurnally driven storms are expected, with flash flood potential
    extending through/beyond 00Z/7pm CDT. Over time, more pronounced
    inland development is expected across central Louisiana due to a
    peak in surface-based instability in that area.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!88eecflOTN8QBzEODpW8pvOXKqp_E-Y5V01o_oSVHE-BNds-cDeGfWG0SpMYebn5N6Gj= u5NHkSEG2hYlaqAyf175ggc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31589311 31439221 30609096 30558993 30868891=20
    30978765 30768707 30398699 29948785 29698879=20
    29228908 28978981 29109103 29329199 29629314=20
    29399442 28409596 27569731 28219736 29009663=20
    30079488 31099379=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 23:49:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 042349

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0976
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    748 PM EDT Wed Sep 04 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 042345Z - 050545Z

    Summary...Localized flash flooding will be possible across
    northeastern FL through 06Z due to slow moving areas of heavy
    rain. Rainfall rates of 2 to 3+ in/hr will be possible, some of
    which could overlap with areas that received heavy rain over the
    past 12-24 hours.

    Discussion...2330Z infrared satellite and radar imagery have shown
    a recent increase in the coverage and intensity of showers and
    thunderstorms from the northeastern coast of FL into the nearby
    offshore waters north of 30N. Easterly to northeasterly low level
    winds have in place much of the day with stronger flow of 15 to 25
    kt in the 925-850 mb layer positioned just north of a stationary
    front that crossed the northern Peninsula at 23Z. Low level
    confluent flow and frictional convergence are interacting with a
    very moist airmass with precipitable water values of 2.2 to 2.5
    inches. Aloft, flow is widely diffluent across the Southeast with
    northern FL placed on the southern end of the better diffluence.
    Due to weak steering flow in place across the region, cell motions
    are likely to remain slow with instances of training.

    With the onset of nocturnal cooling and weak stabilization with
    respect to surface based parcels, the warm offshore waters are
    expected to maintain MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2000+ J/kg by 06Z
    while inland locations drop down into the 500-1500 J/kg range,
    falling off to less than 500 J/kg on the cool side of the
    stationary front. Coastal locations of northeastern FL to roughly
    50-75 miles inland are expected to remain in a favorable setup for
    slow moving showers and thunderstorms with high rainfall rates
    over the next few hours. Slow moving cells will be capable of
    producing 2 to 3+ in/hr rainfall rates, given the efficient
    airmass in place. Additional totals of 3 to 5+ inches will be
    possible on a localized basis through 06Z, with some overlap of
    recent heavy rain possible, increasing the flash flood threat, at
    least locally.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5qIlRFID66mT22Sw83oQ7E0T7ieDVHIiZeooVQtO1PGTpcdxeC9kSpwTDNsDHhMNWFoy= iM3u1pTjQ3s4drPGF8htD-s$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30748137 30288123 29708109 29458133 29008158=20
    29018206 29288230 29988232 30508194=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 5 12:00:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051200

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0977
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    759 AM EDT Thu Sep 05 2024

    Areas affected...southern Louisiana, far southeast Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 051157Z - 051757Z

    Summary...A gradual increase in flash flood potential should occur
    through the early afternoon.

    Discussion...A relatively focused band of convection extends along
    the south Louisiana coastline from south of Lake Charles to near
    Houma, with more scattered convection located just offshore over
    the far northern Gulf of Mexico. The convection was tied to a
    weak low centered just southeast of Galveston, with low-level
    confluence, 2.6+ inch PW values, abundant buoyancy (2000 J/kg
    MLCAPE - located mainly offshore), and weak steering flow aloft
    all supporting locally heavy rainfall with rates exceeding 2-3
    inch/hr at times. Over the past hour, most of the heavier rain
    rates were located south/southeast of Galveston and with slow
    northward-moving convection near Houma. Furthermore, storms near
    Houma are oriented a bit more favorably for training/repeating,
    potentially supporting extreme rain rates in that area.

    Over time, both models and observations suggest a gradual increase
    in convection over land areas. This increase will likely be tied
    to both northward trajectories of cells from the Gulf and inland
    development of stronger buoyancy - perhaps reaching the I-10/12
    corridor later this morning as insolation/heating increases. This
    should result in at least a few areas of excessive rainfall
    through the morning, with typical sensitive/low-lying and urban
    areas experiencing the greater flash flood threat through 18Z/1p
    CDT and probably beyond.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-L3XZzc8kgEzntbTZOijzkxN8flmIfz0Vqic8yOP3DFIs6gffqXj57KCX0xj2y7zkEvY= xjyycR5FnFEqUVbvuqfdpVU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30399080 30118938 29548893 29048909 28849033=20
    29279209 29129478 29229510 29939453 30369318=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 5 17:21:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051721

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0978
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    121 PM EDT Thu Sep 05 2024

    Areas affected...southern Louisiana, coastal areas of Mississippi

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 051720Z - 052320Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential continues especially across
    southern Louisiana, where scattered thunderstorms continue to
    migrate slowly northwestward ahead of a low over the Gulf of

    Discussion...Scattered to widespread convection has organized into
    a 1) dominant banded structure extending from near Baton Rouge east-southeastward through Slidell to the Chandeleur Islands east
    of New Orleans, and 2) scattered, but more widespread convection
    extending from a low centered south of Galveston eastward to the
    mouth of the Mississippi River. Many areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr rain
    rates have been observed beneath the heavier bands - all supported
    by slow movement and abundant moisture/buoyancy especially nearer
    the coastal areas.

    Much of the stronger/deeper convection has been focused in areas
    of closer access to stronger instability (1000+ J/kg MLCAPE).=20
    These areas are also closer to the warmer Gulf of Mexico, with
    warm SSTs aiding in maintenance of 76-80F dewpoints that are
    supporting that instability. These trends are likely to continue
    through the evening, with slow-moving convection continuing to
    drift northward across southern Louisiana (including areas near
    Lake Pontchartrain) and adjacent areas of coastal Mississippi.=20
    1-2.5 inch/hr rain rates and three-hourly rates exceeding 3 inches
    are both supportive of flash flooding - especially in typical sensitive/urbanized locales. Models suggest that convection will
    likely persist beyond 23Z/6p CST - especially near coastal areas
    where greater instability will persist. Scattered instances of
    flash flooding are expected, and significant impacts might occur
    especially if heavier rain rates can occur in populated areas
    in/near Baton Rouge and New Orleans.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-jMpNU3jUEg9bFn5QP_iuDE6x5jtB4cPJGypG-wWeBNSWluy9CxBQ8x1qCyTWTcPMRS_= 5fdKC-UG9DvtU4_gt6KiXlU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30999074 30918987 30768908 30578849 30238842=20
    29578870 29108901 28858956 29019121 29399260=20
    29619366 30249357 30459283 30579180 30789125=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 01:43:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 060143

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0980
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    943 PM EDT Thu Sep 05 2024

    Areas affected...south-central NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 060142Z - 060500Z

    Summary...A localized risk of flash flooding will linger for
    another few hours before a loss of instability allows convection
    to fade. Rainfall totals of an additional inch or two will be
    possible through 06Z.

    Discussion...Radar imagery and surface observations at 0115Z
    showed scattered thunderstorms over central NM, focused along the
    leading edge of a combined outflow/cold frontal boundary sweeping
    south and southwest across the state. Remaining instability via
    the 00Z ABQ sounding and SPC mesoanalysis page from 01Z indicated
    MLCAPE up to 500 J/kg with a pocket or two in excess of 500 J/kg
    along with precipitable water values between 0.8 and 0.9 inches.
    MRMS rainfall estimates continued to indicate high short term
    rainfall rates of 0.5 to 1 inch in 15-30 minutes with the
    strongest cores.

    Thunderstorms are expected to follow the path of the outflow
    boundary toward the south and west with continued but isolated
    high rainfall rates maintaining a limited flash flood threat
    across the region. However, if sufficient instability can survive
    as outflow reaches the Sacramento Mountains, a few sensitive burn
    scars could be impacted with a quick 0.5 to 1.5 inches of rain.
    Therefore, while the flash flood threat remains in the short term,
    it is expected to remain rather localized and should dissipate
    beyond ~04/05Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4EbS8H2skWwB_IS-mOmGXLufqPEe7ZPxLsmJ9BA-lvStUuHhL3VhZ_9FGJo-KbKV7aAz= 9rxn-_dBI7BG_Bx-aRloDog$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34610750 34350700 33970627 33830534 33500490=20
    32940488 32660530 32580608 32780706 33230755=20
    33610775 34280790=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 11:54:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061154

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0981
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    753 AM EDT Fri Sep 06 2024

    Areas affected...Central LA coastline

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061153Z - 061501Z

    Summary...Periods of 3-3.5"/hr rainfall rates along the eastern
    flank of a meso-low will drive a risk of additional flash flooding
    along the Central LA coastline through 15z.

    Discussion...Recent radar mosaic depicts an emerging mesoscale
    circulation near Vermilion Bay with a slow northeastward track,
    attached to a stationary front analyzed along the Gulf Coast. East
    of this low, periods of 3-3.5"/hr rainfall rates are noted within
    the warm sector of the front along the coastline.=20=20=20

    RAP forecasts suggest this boundary will slowly lift inland over
    the next several hours, ushering in 1000-2000 J/kg MUCAPE to
    maintain periods of very heavy rainfall close to the coastline in
    the presence of 1) 2.5-2.6" PWATS and 2) enhanced deep moisture
    convergence east of the low. The last 3-4 runs of the HRRR appear
    to have initialized the location of the and strength of the
    circulation better, and suggest very localized rainfall totals
    upwards of 4-6" are possible through 15z. Given 1-3 hour FFGs
    generally in the 2-3" range, additional flash flooding may result
    along the immediate coastline.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9nwMyQzBVaFy6B7r6jAThRSf-OLBKDWIlY8lYELHSz9m1oukE5I9pRPfZ8xTgpZX0Im1= BweKxi0G7jal7UKXRTK0MtA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29999151 29799048 29378997 29079019 29039093=20
    29359144 29529181 29849188=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 12:53:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061253

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0982
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    852 AM EDT Fri Sep 06 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central MS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 061252Z - 061700Z

    Summary...A nearly stationary band of shallow, efficient
    convection continues along the I-20 corridor in MS, which could
    lead to additional flash flooding this morning as it persists.

    Discussion...Radar mosaic highlights a very efficient band of
    showers and thunderstorms exhibiting training along the I-20
    corridor in MS. Estimated hourly rainfall rates with this activity
    have not been particularly intense (.5-1.25"/hr). However, the net
    stationary movement of this activity over the last hour led to a
    swath of elevated CREST streamflows (100-300 cfs/smi), with spots
    of 100% QPE-FFG exceedance noted.

    This activity is occurring along a mid-level deformation axis
    evident in the composite ALPW suite, with several weak
    circulations also noted along I-20 per recent radar. While
    instability was weak, completely saturated vertical profiles and
    very deep warm cloud layers (14-15,000 feet) will continue to
    support very efficient warm rain processes in the presence of the
    persistent and stationary forcing.

    None of the morning CAM suite is initializing this precipitation
    band well. However, the stationary nature of the forcing combined
    with the very moist environment should support the maintenance of
    this activity for at least the next several hours. Additional
    flash flooding is possible, especially over urban areas including
    Jackson, MS should the band translate eastward, and along I-20
    where a Flash Flood Warning is in effect.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_u-bmRpBQGysGPM9tWe0mMyjdxTOO4pOtWg2HNjp9r5n7zAtpWeloSjD5eYhocY1kLcP= bbhjedRkfXQsQH2BalagPNs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32708969 32528821 32038818 31828929 31959017=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 7 18:44:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 071844

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0984
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    243 PM EDT Sat Sep 07 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Arizona, inland southern California,
    and southern Nevada

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 071843Z - 080043Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms were beginning to develop near the
    Flagstaff, AZ area. Additional slow-moving storms are expected
    across the discussion area through the afternoon, with isolated
    spots of flash flooding possible.

    Discussion...Deep convection was beginning to materialize across
    higher terrain of central Arizona (near Flagstaff) over the last
    half hour or so. Additional areas of deep convection were noted
    over higher terrain across northern Baja California and the San
    Diego County mountains. The convection was located in an area of
    relatively favorable mid-level moisture profiles for convection.=20
    Abundant insolation has enabled areas of 1000-2000 J/kg SBCAPE
    amid 0.8-1.4 inch PW values - highest across the Lower Colorado
    River Valley.

    Over time, continued insolation and a weak mid-level wave centered
    over northwestern Arizona will lead to a continued expansion of
    convective coverage. Weak steering flow will allow for a slow
    (and at times erratic) drift of convection toward lower elevations
    over time. The overall environment supports areas of 0.5-1.5
    inch/hr rain rates especially as convection matures. These rates
    may cause isolated flash flooding especially in low-spots and near
    burn scars. This risk should be primarily diurnally driven, but
    will likely extend beyond the 01Z scheduled expiration time of
    this MPD.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8CgWzgx8HPYKftrhOZQVD5zmBiN27o30zgsoj1Xsg16JyC6yn0TcEM2XoxM7DzAN9tuY= gYKdz5MjTX0siJJjg7lud9k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36181329 36051245 35341118 34701048 34121019=20
    33791018 33391047 33321178 33621339 33681505=20
    33431570 32921590 32591598 32591666 33341696=20
    34251762 34681787 35671681 36171540=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 8 22:12:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 082212

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0985
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    610 PM EDT Sun Sep 08 2024

    Areas affected...Southern CA into Far Southern NV and Northwest AZ

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 082210Z - 090310Z

    SUMMARY...A threat for isolated to widely scattered instances of
    flash flooding will continue into the early evening hours from
    areas of locally heavy showers and thunderstorms.

    DISCUSSION...The mid-afternoon GOES-W visible satellite imagery
    shows scattered areas of showers and thunderstorms across portions
    of the higher terrain of southern CA and locally across some of
    the open desert areas of eastern CA and far southern NV. Some
    areas of showers and thunderstorms have also been seen developing
    over northwest AZ.

    The convection is generally associated with the strong diurnal
    heating cycle coupled with terrain-driven differential heating boundaries/circulations and the presence of at least a modest
    amount of moisture through the vertical column. SBCAPE values of
    1000 to 1500 J/kg are noted locally across areas of southern CA
    through southern NV. The better moisture is generally in the
    mid-levels of the column (500 to 700 mb layer) based off the
    latest CIRA-ALPW data, but this is still facilitating
    cold-convective tops and locally heavy rainfall rates based on the
    latest satellite trends.

    Ongoing areas of locally heavy showers and thunderstorms may tend
    to further expand in coverage over the next 2 to 3 hours before
    the activity then begins to wane as surface-based instability
    gradually becomes exhausted. The PWs are seasonably moist across
    the region, and coupled with the instability, this should favor
    convection over the next few hours that will still be capable of
    producing rainfall rates of 1 to 1.5 inches/hour.

    Some spotty storm total amounts of 2 to 3 inches will be possible
    where any cells become locally anchored over the high terrain, and
    some of these slow-moving cells have already occurred over the
    higher terrain of southern CA. These rainfall amounts may result
    in additional concerns for isolated to widely scattered instances
    of flash flooding going into the early evening hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!70WNzAzxHUt_pCRJIj9YSaKX45qOdTze0KcbEPBhWr7f9Tbeg08KcQZ4t3jkRjxQ-qGh= EWvoI2Fon1jGBkqG25bFz5g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36891476 36871327 36311233 35111156 34311185=20
    34331279 34741412 34631558 34311610 33941654=20
    33641657 33261652 32641639 32481684 32971706=20
    33501734 34001771 34291819 34691839 35141827=20
    35601775 35771712 36051649 36541575=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 07:32:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100732

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0986
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    331 AM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Areas affected...South TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 100730Z - 101330Z

    Summary...Rainfall associated with Tropical Storm Florence is
    expected to produce 2-3" totals (and locally higher) through
    morning. Isolated instances of flash flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Showers and rainbands on the northwest periphery of
    Tropical Storm Francine will increasingly impact portions of far
    South TX through early morning, as the cyclone slowly moves NNW
    (at ~5 mph) over the far west-central Gulf (offshore the Mexican
    state of Tamaulipas). While heavy rainfall has remained mostly
    offshore thus far, KBRO NEXRAD has provided good sampling for MRMS
    estimates, which indicate that hourly totals have peaked between
    1-2 inches. These better rates have tended to be rather fleeting,
    as hourly totals of 1" or less have been much more common (and
    particularly so once showers/bands move onshore). The mesoscale
    environment is currently characterized by relatively low CAPE
    (tight gradient of 500-1000 J/kg of ML CAPE), deep tropical
    tropospheric moisture (with precipitable water values of 2.2-2.8
    inches, which are near max/record levels, per BRO sounding
    climatology), and a maxima of both surface moisture convergence
    and deep layer moisture flux convergence near the southern tip of

    A persistence forecast (with respect to shower intensity and
    behavior) seems rather appropriate, given the short term
    observational trends, but the slow NNW motion of Francine should
    allow for increased shower activity into far southern TX. While
    00z HREF 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3" and 5" exceedance
    are surprisingly high (40-50% and 25-35%, respectively), these
    seem highly influenced by the 00z HRRR/FV3 and time-lagged ARW
    (which are about the only members even depicting 3"+ amounts). The
    subsequent HRRR runs (01z thru 03z) came in similarly hot
    (localized 3-6 inches), but then subsequently cooled (localized
    2-3 inches) with the most recent runs (04z thru 06z). These latest
    HRRR runs are in good agreement with the 00z HREF blended mean
    (average of the mean and PMM), and this closely matches the
    experimental 00z REFS blended mean depiction as well. While 2-3"
    totals over 6-hr should be fairly well tolerated by local soils
    (per the Flash Flood Guidance generally ranging from 2.5-3.0
    inches), localized 3"+ totals could result in isolated instances
    of flash flooding (with portions of Brownsville likely most
    vulnerable, particularly having had 2-3" over the past 24-hrs).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6x46LSX54zzJ5W9VSMvxgILrmRGesPZMr303aWERt4RruZjxkBtDUZrKcsPgGpZ_9-X4= oG9cVn0MNhO5ebkk8AYtRyE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27399730 27279637 25999692 25709782 26139841=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 07:39:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100739

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0986...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    339 AM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Corrected for Storm Name

    Areas affected...South TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 100730Z - 101330Z

    Summary...Rainfall associated with Tropical Storm Francine is
    expected to produce 2-3" totals (and locally higher) through
    morning. Isolated instances of flash flooding are possible.

    Discussion...Showers and rainbands on the northwest periphery of
    Tropical Storm Francine will increasingly impact portions of far
    South TX through early morning, as the cyclone slowly moves NNW
    (at ~5 mph) over the far west-central Gulf (offshore the Mexican
    state of Tamaulipas). While heavy rainfall has remained mostly
    offshore thus far, KBRO NEXRAD has provided good sampling for MRMS
    estimates, which indicate that hourly totals have peaked between
    1-2 inches. These better rates have tended to be rather fleeting,
    as hourly totals of 1" or less have been much more common (and
    particularly so once showers/bands move onshore). The mesoscale
    environment is currently characterized by relatively low CAPE
    (tight gradient of 500-1000 J/kg of ML CAPE), deep tropical
    tropospheric moisture (with precipitable water values of 2.2-2.8
    inches, which are near max/record levels, per BRO sounding
    climatology), and a maxima of both surface moisture convergence
    and deep layer moisture flux convergence near the southern tip of

    A persistence forecast (with respect to shower intensity and
    behavior) seems rather appropriate, given the short term
    observational trends, but the slow NNW motion of Francine should
    allow for increased shower activity into far southern TX. While
    00z HREF 40-km neighborhood probabilities for 3" and 5" exceedance
    are surprisingly high (40-50% and 25-35%, respectively), these
    seem highly influenced by the 00z HRRR/FV3 and time-lagged ARW
    (which are about the only members even depicting 3"+ amounts). The
    subsequent HRRR runs (01z thru 03z) came in similarly hot
    (localized 3-6 inches), but then subsequently cooled (localized
    2-3 inches) with the most recent runs (04z thru 06z). These latest
    HRRR runs are in good agreement with the 00z HREF blended mean
    (average of the mean and PMM), and this closely matches the
    experimental 00z REFS blended mean depiction as well. While 2-3"
    totals over 6-hr should be fairly well tolerated by local soils
    (per the Flash Flood Guidance generally ranging from 2.5-3.0
    inches), localized 3"+ totals could result in isolated instances
    of flash flooding (with portions of Brownsville likely most
    vulnerable, particularly having had 2-3" over the past 24-hrs).


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-3VdJlotxcqS2EzB3gTFbD71iKYaV8a8re-SBkR-Gq7ypEvXZ9sN1riH2OnJ2rbTClTW= Qdx0APNmfnvEkMSyzUhhyDs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27399730 27279637 25999692 25709782 26139841=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 13:37:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 101336

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0987
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    936 AM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Areas affected...TX and southwestern LA coast

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 101335Z - 101835Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flooding will be possible along TX
    coastal locations into far southwestern LA through 18Z. Rainfall
    rates of 1 to 2+ inches may allow for spotty 2-4" totals.

    Discussion...13Z radar imagery from KBRO showed the northwestern
    edge of higher reflectivity associated with the inner core of T.S.
    Francine located 80 miles southeast of South Padre Island, TX.
    There was a gap in rainfall northwest of Francine, between the
    inner core and a fairly persistent rain band impacting southern
    Kenedy into Willacy counties with MRMS-derived rainfall rates of 1
    to 2+ in/hr. MRMS rainfall estimates are believed to be reliable
    given matching values of MRMS to local gauge data in/near
    Brownsville earlier between 09-12Z.

    A combination of 12Z soundings, GPS and SPC mesoanalysis data
    showed precipitable water values along the LA and TX coasts to be
    between 2.1 and 2.8 inches, and MLCAPE of up to 250 J/kg, except
    along the far southern TX coast where MLCAPE is estimated to be
    between 500-1000 J/kg. However, available instability was limited
    to coastal locations, falling off rapidly with inland extent.
    While Francine is currently moving slowly toward the north, an
    expected turn toward the northeast along with an increase in
    forward speed through 18Z is forecast by the 09Z NHC advisory.
    This motion will likely allow outer rainbands to move ashore the
    middle and upper TX coasts into far southwestern LA by early
    afternoon but instability should remain limited for coastal
    locations through 18Z, except for the upper TX coast where values
    of 500-1000 J/kg are forecast by recent RAP guidance. Low level
    convergence will allow for brief training potential along the
    entire TX coastline with rainfall rates of 1 to locally 2+ inches
    per hour and localized 2-4 inch totals. Flash flooding will be
    possible but should remain very isolated with some locations not
    seeing much if any rainfall through 18Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Y5-kZLYwP3v9dMX9SHzUhpNllSG6OXHW3gIRAeoorBVYsTgqSsRQ47TWPn7NF9XNxYk= Md2lkReCmz3WN0B_8VziOXw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30119324 29879313 29599320 29459356 29199410=20
    28619510 28209607 27689669 27179687 25889691=20
    25899765 27069780 28219736 28879653 29709494=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 11 19:56:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 111956

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0989
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    355 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Areas affected...portions of Idaho and western Montana

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 111955Z - 120155Z

    Summary...Scattered thunderstorms continue to expand in coverage
    across the Intermountain West. Atmospheric profiles are
    supportive of localized areas of training/repeating and rainfall
    totals exceeding 1 inch. Localized flash flood potential is
    expected - especially near low-lying areas and burn scars.

    Discussion...Over the past 1-2 hours, convection has deepened
    along north-south-oriented axes 1) along the Oregon/Idaho border
    region near Boise and 2) along the Idaho/Montana border near
    SMN/Salmon, ID. These corridors of convection happen to be
    collocated with moist axes (peak PW values in the 0.7-0.9 inch
    range per SPC mesonanalyses) and are forced by ascent associated
    with a strong mid-level low centered over western Washington
    State. The storms are also oriented parallel to southerly
    mid-level steering flow that - while fostering appreciable storm
    motions of 20-30 knots - were enabling localized training of cells
    and rain rates in the 0.2 inch/hr range at times.

    While rain rates are relatively low currently, models suggest that
    the ongoing regime should result in a continued expansion of
    convective coverage northward into more of northern Idaho/western
    Montana through the afternoon. This expansion and continued cell
    training could result in a few spots of rain rates exceeding 0.5
    inch/hr at times. A number of burn scars are noted per the WRH
    Hazards Viewer that could enhanced localized runoff and cause
    flash flooding. The flash flood threat should continue to ramp up
    through the afternoon hours, and persist beyond 02Z or so.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-OZOrhYC2dRqTDnDl7-iFnSsXki38YLrb00HN7wfV_KcmeN2GWo4pvFhqxmJYaYNXnHN= _j9aKliNrjm8k7c4VDr2-co$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48941481 48781317 47951282 46761255 45591246=20
    44721285 43971401 43781586 44031730 44981705=20
    46441679 48111665 48861604=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 11 20:45:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 112045

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0990
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    445 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Areas affected...southern Louisiana, southern Mississippi,
    southern Alabama

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 112044Z - 120244Z

    Summary...Areas of heavy rainfall continue as Hurricane Francine
    approaches land near Morgan City, LA. Flash flooding remains
    likely across much of the Gulf Coast region. Particular concern
    exists across urbanized/sensitive areas in/near Baton Rouge and
    New Orleans.

    Discussion...As Francine approaches land, broad areas of banded
    convection extend near and east of its center across southern
    Louisiana, coastal areas of Mississippi/Alabama, and over
    north-central Gulf of Mexico waters. At this time, the heavier
    rainfall appears to be tied to 1) banding near the eye wall of
    Francine, where 2.5 inch/hr rain rates were recently estimated per
    MRMS south of Morgan City and 2) with more scattered convection
    over open waters where 1-2 inch/hr rates were noted. Each of
    these regimes are expected to spread inland in tandem with
    northeastward progress of Francine through 03Z. Strong warm
    advection on the eastern periphery of Francine will enable
    destabilization especially near coastal areas, where 1000-2000
    J/kg SBCAPE will become common. This destabilization and eyewall
    proximity should allow for heavier rainfall to overspread most of
    the discussion area, with particular concern for populated areas
    such as New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and northshore Lake
    Pontchartrain. 1+ inch/hr rain rates should expand in coverage
    through the afternoon/evening across already saturated ground
    conditions with poor drainage/storm surge. Three-hour FFG
    thresholds in the 2.5-3 inch range should be exceeded at times.=20
    Local areas of 2-4 inch rainfall totals (with spots of 5 inch
    totals) are expected through 03Z. Flash flooding remains likely,
    and significant impacts are possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Kleh1E9MRbjxJ0yMWUECAkOwmIfkd47x7LOzsRvI0Qx-r02qHrdK9Uq3phz6Qx8espU= 6u4zjew-cI1kyjsz1xMRN2E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31118915 30978779 30528744 30238748 30108816=20
    29688870 29098906 28898974 29299188 29419256=20
    29819261 30559218 31029094=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 00:28:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120028

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0991
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    828 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern Louisiana (including New Orleans
    metro and surrounding areas) and a small part of Mississippi

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 120028Z - 120300Z

    Summary...Increasing likelihood for significant flash flood
    impacts in New Orleans proper and surrounding areas of
    southeastern Louisiana.

    Discussion...Over the past 1-2 hours, intense convection has
    developed on the northeastern edge of the eye wall of Francine,
    which was centered near Houma. Rain rates have steadily increased
    into the 2-3.5 inch/hr range with this activity. Recent radar
    trends indicate that this area of convection will move over the
    New Orleans Metro and adjacent areas, where locally
    sensitive/urbanized areas exist in addition to potential storm
    surge/poor drainage. Given the ongoing scenario, an increased
    likelihood exists for significant, life-threatening impacts from
    flash flooding, as extreme rainfall totals fall along the path of
    the eye wall in a very short amount of time. These intense rain
    rates should also cross Lake Pontchartrain into portions St.
    Tammany Parish and surrounding areas through 0230Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-EoWd_UerD-D3FOBu2fZ5D4t2i4R8g88cULQLZPD55dIwChp7Iu9SAzhtRODY6krG49Z= 7GtMvTyG6IOthb_alwd-FVI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30699010 30678967 30568934 30328917 29908927=20
    29668970 29809051 29889097 30059107 30549081=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 03:03:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120303

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0992
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1102 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern LA...Central and Southern MS...Southwest
    AL...Far Western FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 120300Z - 120900Z

    SUMMARY...Extremely heavy rain associated with Tropical Storm
    Francine will continue to promote numerous to widespread areas of life-threatening flash flooding heading into the overnight hours,
    which may include considerable to locally catastrophic impacts.

    DISCUSSION...Tropical Storm Francine at 03Z (10pm CDT) is located
    35 miles west-northwest of New Orleans, LA and is moving northeast
    at 16 mph. While the storm is continuing to rapidly weaken as it
    moves farther inland, there continues to be some very strong
    convection around the northeast quadrant of the circulation
    including what is left of the storm's eyewall. Rainfall rates
    continue to be locally very high and on the order of 2 to 3
    inches/hour. Very strong moisture convergence and a nose of
    moderate instability with MLCAPE values of 1500 J/kg continues to
    focus around the eastern semicircle of the storm, and this will
    likely help to sustain the strong and organized character of the
    convection for the next 3 to 6 hours.

    However, by later in the night, the storm is expected to begin
    attaining some baroclinic features due to very strong shear, dry
    air entrainment and increasing interaction with a frontal zone.
    This should favor the rainfall shield of Francine becoming more
    asymmetric, with heavy rainfall situated increasingly poleward of
    the center of circulation into areas of southwest and central MS,
    and also within some strong banding features east of the center
    where there will still be strong moisture convergence and the
    transport of stronger instability from the Gulf of Mexico. Some of
    these stronger convective bands are expected to impact areas of
    southern MS, southwest AL and potentially the far western FL

    Rainfall rates immediately ahead of the storm track and within the
    stronger bands east of the center will likely still be capable of
    reaching 2 to 3 inches/hour overnight, and some additional storm
    totals associated with Francine going through 09Z (4AM CDT) are
    expected to reach 3 to 6 inches with isolated heavier amounts

    There has already been a Flash Flood Emergency issued for a
    portion of the I-10 corridor in southeast LA, and additional
    numerous to widespread areas of life-threatening flash flooding
    can be expected overnight along the path of Francine. This may
    include considerable to locally catastrophic impacts.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-dIjc5ed-xJmsmjSDfG4_21BBPCA0zs5h6HtqjxURAFDGdci27prJs2ZHKJ6joxNBsz4= IBzYLRAzuV4PCbGW7xweIFk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 32258918 31908815 31108726 30568706 30248742=20
    30238828 30098903 29858963 29889073 30519117=20
    31669066 32159003=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 09:01:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120901

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0993
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    500 AM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...Much of MS...Western AL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 120900Z - 121500Z

    SUMMARY...Moderate to heavy rain associated with weakening
    Tropical Storm Francine will continue to foster a threat for areas
    of flash flooding going through the morning hours.

    DISCUSSION...Tropical Storm Francine at 09Z (4AM CDT) is located
    60 miles north of New Orleans, LA and is moving northeast at 12
    mph. The storm continues to rapidly weaken as it moves farther
    inland, and the latest radar and satellite data suggests Francine
    is rather quickly acquiring extratropical characteristics as the
    storm merges with a frontal zone and an approaching upper-level
    trough to its west over the lower MS Valley.

    Francine currently has a distinct lack of convection near the
    center, with much of the heavy rainfall now north of the center
    over central MS, and also in several convective bands well east of
    the center involving southwest AL and the western FL Panhandle.
    The rainfall over much of central MS is being driven by strong
    warm air advection/isentropic ascent given interaction with the
    aforementioned frontal zone. A southerly low-level jet of 40 to 60
    kts is seen advancing north around the eastern quadrant of
    Francine's circulation, and this is a key player in driving
    enhanced low-level forcing and moisture transport.

    Much of the stronger instability is becoming detached from
    Francine's center of circulation, and this has been allowing for
    the rainfall rates to come down rather substantially over the last
    few hours. However, going through the morning hours, the level of frontogenetical forcing, moisture transport and interaction with
    the aforementioned upper-level trough should still yield areas of
    heavy rainfall with rates that may still occasionally reach 1 to
    1.5 inches/hour.

    The 00Z HREF guidance suggests additional rainfall amounts going
    through 15Z (10AM CDT) of 2 to 4 inches, with isolated heavier
    amounts. The antecedent conditions across especially areas of
    central and northern MS and western AL are quite dry, so these
    rains will initially be going into moistening the soil conditions.
    However, given the localized persistence of heavier rainfall rates
    and urban sensitivities, some runoff problems and areas of flash
    flooding will be possible this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-zV9rV-k0lE66h9UXvu-vdbBvhFeRBrublMB35lNpSV27EWX_X21H54Xc7VhAB3o9gHG= V5a4h8eoxF60SG1gsqR2uXE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34139023 34138949 33908861 33318800 32698774=20
    31998780 31548820 31308908 31459011 32119101=20
    33119123 33839095=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 09:26:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 120926

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0994
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    525 AM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...Southern AL...FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 120925Z - 121525Z

    SUMMARY...Strong bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms
    associated with weakening Tropical Storm Francine will impact
    areas of southern AL and especially the FL Panhandle this morning.
    High rainfall rates and localized training of storms will likely
    result in some areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows a couple of stronger bands of heavy
    showers and thunderstorms tending to become better organized and
    focused across portions of the western FL Panhandle and the
    offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. This convection is
    associated with increasingly convergent and very moist low-level
    southerly flow while coinciding with an axis of moderately strong
    instability gradually shifting north in connection with a warm
    front slowly lifting up across the central and eastern Gulf Coast

    MLCAPE values of 1000 to 2000 J/kg are situated very close to the
    western FL Panhandle, and this instability coupled with PWs of 2.2
    to 2.4+ inches will be supporting extremely heavy rainfall rates
    with the stronger and more organized convective cells that
    materialize going through the morning hours. Overall, the
    low-level flow should become even more convergent over the next
    several hours and this coupled with proximity of the
    aforementioned front should favor plenty of forcing for multiple
    bands of strong convection.

    Rainfall rates may reach 2 to 3 inches/hour, and the latest HREF
    guidance and HRRR solutions suggest the FL Panhandle should be the
    focus for the heaviest rainfall totals with locally as much as 3
    to 5 inches of rain possible by late morning. However, the
    environment will be conducive for some of these rainbands to train
    over the same location, and it's not out of the question that
    locally heavier rainfall totals of 6+ inches could materialize.
    Heavy rains should also nose northward into parts of southern AL,
    but with this region a bit more detached from the axis of greatest
    instability, the rainfall totals here are likely to be somewhat

    Some areas of flash flooding will be likely given the high
    rainfall rates and concerns for localized training of these bands
    of heavier showers and thunderstorms.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9qmvA81141dmE7fLq-_RVMERtMCkllXLrdgww93V_AHjcZY2A8BoHYdnskVlpfcMogCJ= Jn3OHIp9nKDoCm5eac5WYks$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31868716 31738601 31048516 30388476 29838478=20
    29768539 30138605 30218656 30208686 30298720=20
    30538741 31268757=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 14:58:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121458

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0995
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1057 AM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...northern MS into eastern AR and southwestern TN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121455Z - 122055Z

    SUMMARY...Bands of moderate to heavy rain associated with Tropical
    Depression Francine will impact northern MS into eastern AR and
    southwestern TN through 21Z. Rainfall rates peaking between 1 to 2
    in/hr are likely to result in a few areas of flash flooding,
    though dry antecedent conditions may limit the coverage of flash

    DISCUSSION...14Z surface observations indicated the center of T.D.
    Francine was near Jackson, MS, tracking NNE at 10 kt with a
    similar track/speed anticipated into the afternoon according to
    the latest NHC advisory. Satellite and radar imagery showed the
    bulk of heavy rain was located north and northwest of the storm
    system where low level convergence was supporting SW to NE
    oriented bands of heavy rain beneath the divergent right entrance
    region of an upper level outflow channel seen in satellite imagery
    over the MS Valley. Precipitable water values were estimated to be
    2.1 to 2.3 inches across north-central MS but MUCAPE was roughly
    100 J/kg or less (via 14Z SPC mesoanalysis data). Despite the lack
    of instability, however, rainfall rates have been peaking in the 1
    to 1.5 in/hr range over the past 1-3 hours within the banding
    northwest of Francine.

    Francine will continue to track to the north through the afternoon
    and while cloud cover is forecast to keep instability values below
    500 J/kg through at least the mid-afternoon, convergent moist/low
    level inflow will likely continue to support east-west or
    northeast-southwest oriented bands of heavy rain within the
    northern hemisphere of Francine's circulation. Within these bands,
    rainfall rates of 1 to 1.5 in/hr are likely but one cannot rule
    out isolated rates near 2 in/hr. These bands of heavy rain will
    impact northern MS into portions of eastern AR and southwestern
    TN, including the Memphis metropolitan area.

    While antecedent conditions are quite dry, areas of flash flooding
    are considered likely where banding of heavy rain sets up over
    urban or otherwise sensitive/low lying locations with additional
    rainfall totals of 2 to 4 inches expected through 21Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8qEOBJAu0oBJoSCFFMla9cvXRtlKmany3VQ8gnDmciXr0jqHn04EOg8wJBQNUI-TsXYo= EgtXjDxjhg05b4Ql3RYflAM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35989006 35788878 34298822 33378836 32698876=20
    32518984 32679070 33109132 33699156 34279172=20
    35019200 35839155=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 15:41:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121541

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0996
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1141 AM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 121538Z - 122000Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving and training axes of very heavy rain are
    expected to continue to impact the FL Panhandle over the next few
    hours with a gradual shift toward the east. Rainfall rates of 2-3
    in/hr with highly localized hourly rainfall over 3 inches are

    DISCUSSION...1515Z radar imagery showed a SW to NE oriented axis
    of heavy rain slowly tracking east toward Apalachicola, FL while a
    few cells to the east were observed to be slow moving and/or
    training in and north of Apalachee Bay. These bands have had a
    history of producing localized observed 4+ in/hr rainfall rates in
    Walton County earlier this morning but MRMS estimates have come
    down since then into the 2-3 in/hr range due to greater forward
    propagation toward the east. At 1515Z, The highest rainfall rates
    were estimated via MRMS to be just south of the coast and a
    quasi-stationary front where 15Z SPC mesoanalysis data showed
    MLCAPE of 1000 to 2000+ J/kg...versus 500 J/kg or less to the
    north of the front. These areas of heavy rain were co-located with
    low level convergent wind axes which were focused within the 0-1
    km AGL layer beneath diffluent flow in the upper levels.

    Recent runs of the RAP showed these convergence axes to be
    co-located with the ongoing areas of heavy rain on radar, although
    the most recent run of the RAP was slow and too weak with low
    level wind fields. VAD wind data from KTLH showed 0-1 km winds of
    20-30 kt, slightly weaker since 14Z. Nonetheless, a slow eastward
    movement to the convergence axis is anticipated with continued
    slow movement and training of heavy rain over the next 2-4 hours.
    Additional rainfall totals into the FL Panhandle may exceed 4 to 5
    inches through 20Z with areas of flash flooding considered likely,
    though probably remaining localized.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7T-tkjT_GuCv3IKqlM24QHh4bacSFNQpPrppG_-me27s823qbK3aKAPy-fsFjECF0Pnh= vlj9ar0mzeb-L8ObjnC387k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30728509 30598416 30338320 29948308 29358329=20
    29078378 29168466 29338540 29668554 30158549=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 18:04:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121804

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0997
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    203 PM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...Near Coastal Southeast GA & Northeast FL...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 121800Z - 122200Z

    SUMMARY...Short-term tropical warm cloud rates up to 3"/hr across
    may result in localized rapid inundation flooding concerns for the
    next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...Regional RADAR mosaic depicts an outer confluent band
    at the far eastern periphery/influence of Francine continues to
    transport well above normal low to mid-level higher moisture
    values with total TPW over 2.5" with the bulk in the sfc-850mb
    layer at over 1-1.1" from the Space Coast toward the mouth of the
    St. Johns River. Through this layer and slightly higher remain
    solid with 20-25kts being generally confluent enough to support
    deep layer convergence. The mass piling combined with some
    filtered insolation/heating has supported modest instability
    (750-1250 J/kg MLCAPE) that is likely to slowly diminish with
    time. Mid-level flow starts to slack in 700-500mb short-wave
    ridging across eastern Florida which is supportive of reducing
    forward cell motions, but in the near term there is some
    northeastward tracking of 5-10kts that is effectively
    counteracting the offshore inflow/propagation vectors;
    establishing near zero for the cells to allow for the highly
    efficient/fluxed moisture and deep warm cloud processes to support
    up to 3"/hr rates.=20=20

    As the warm conveyor belt convection/height-falls approach from
    the west, there will be a short-term enhancement in
    convergence/flux before reducing the on-shore flow increasing
    vertical shear and tilting limiting depth of stronger updrafts.=20
    The onshore flow and frictional convergence may still allow for
    further development into the late afternoon, but tilting and
    weakening instability to support updraft strength will limit most
    intense downdrafts to less than 1-1.5"/hr and likely lower
    duration of said showers. Still spots of 3-4" still remain
    possible and may induce localized rapid inundation flooding
    especially in urban centers for the next few hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7sTxKkEAPnJ_w2hiYjgfu0Rz0uYycAl5cIJd2wB5p9n1kuS-W0-PKBolGIwxHH1XfZ9R= HYOw4XMMl9i8lrVFKk4sJMc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31438165 31418138 31238125 30928134 30488133=20
    30148127 29608109 29688135 30028177 30408199=20
    30928210 31338193=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 18:58:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 121858

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0998
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    258 PM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...central to northern AL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 121855Z - 130055Z

    SUMMARY...A relatively focused/narrow axis or multiple axes of
    heavy rain are expected to set up from central to northern AL
    through 01Z. Rainfall rates of 1 to 2 in/hr are expected early on,
    increasing potentially to about 3 in/hr on an isolated basis
    toward 00Z. Flash flooding is considered likely with rainfall
    totals potentially in the 3-5 inch range by 01Z.

    DISCUSSION...18Z surface observations placed T.D. Francine around
    20 miles east of GWO tracking toward the north near 10 kt.
    Combining visible imagery with surface observations helped place a
    warm front which extended from eastern AL into western AL,
    southeastward into the FL Panhandle with mostly overcast skies to
    its northeast along with one or two bands of moderate to heavy
    rain. Broken cloud cover southwest of the warm front was allowing
    sufficient solar insolation to support a nose of MLCAPE between
    500 and 1000 J/kg over southwestern AL via the 18Z SPC
    mesoanalysis. Low level convergence near the warm front in the 0
    to 1 km AGL layer was fairly pronounced over west-central AL, with
    ESE winds between 40-50 kt at 925 over central AL and
    southwesterly winds of 20 kt in the warm sector at Mobile Bay (via
    area VAD wind plots). Meanwhile, precipitable water values were
    sampled across the region between 1.8 and 2.1 inches at 17Z via
    GPS data.

    The warm front is forecast to lift slowly northeastward through
    00Z as continued daytime heating likely supports the advancement
    of 1000+ J/kg MLCAPE northward into portions of central AL. While
    some lowering magnitudes are expected as Francine continues to
    track north, low level convergent flow will continue to support 1
    or more axes of heavy rain into the late afternoon and early
    evening over central to northern AL, oriented NNW to SSE, similar
    to the mean steering flow which will allow for periods of
    training. The environment supports rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr,
    but increasing instability through the afternoon and the approach
    of left-exit region divergence within a 70-80 kt upper level jet
    max forecast to strengthen and advance eastward from the lower
    Sabine River Valley 00Z should help to increase rainfall
    intensity. Increased forcing for ascent may allow training to
    support rainfall rates near 3 in/hr by early evening. Localized
    totals of 3 to 5 inches may occur through 01Z, potentially
    overlapping with urban centers, including the Birmingham
    metropolitan region. While not expected to be widespread across
    central to northern AL, a couple areas of flash flooding will be


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4fc5RrvpJY1Pj-Rsb_NL4RmSGIw4PkkDwSgE0L66pX5Gs9jJQF334tIOxJkoHpXQrp3s= vHtuK6k9veqiFKy1HgX8Gis$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34858765 34358654 33558619 32458610 32048655=20
    32008735 32608779 34268797=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 20:40:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 122040

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 0999
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    439 PM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...Western TN...Northeast AR...Far Southeast
    MO...Far Southwest KY...Ext. Northern MS...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 122045Z - 130245Z

    SUMMARY...Prolonged moderate rainfall (.25-.5") resulting in broad
    area of 1.5-2.5" over wet or currently saturating upper soils may
    result in a few instances of flooding through the evening into the
    early overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...Remote sensing loops from regional RADAR and GOES-E
    depict Post-Tropical T.C. Francine is continuing to wind down as
    it slowly lifts out of N MS. Surface and mid-level circulations
    appear to be further displacing from SW to NE but well defined
    TROWAL is noted across NW AL wrapping back and broadening across
    the Mid-Mississippi Valley. Broad isentropic ascent has been
    producing .1 to .25"/hr broadly across much of the area of
    concern, though a few cyclonically arched bands remain with the
    strongest coincident with the deeper confluence across NW AL into
    SW TN. Here flux is stronger with the higher winds and rates get
    between .33-.5"/hr. Stronger cells with more intense rates given
    available unstable air allowing for vertical development exist
    across AL, please refer to MPD 998 for further details.

    As the low lifts/elongates to the northeast, the longest duration
    of isentropic ascent will sharpen across NE AR/far W TN to allow
    for duration over the next 6hours to support spots of 2-2.5", some
    over saturated areas that have already seen a reduction in FFG
    values in the range of 2-2.5"/3-6hrs, as such, flash flooding is
    considered possible; though more than likely this will evolve into
    a longer flood/hydrological routing issue with greatest flood risk
    within typical areas prone to flooding, in particular near/within
    urban centers.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5ZksbAxf8X_grQvFkNk9japdaypaFGU5XfYZZ923iZ-WtfXXf0u6pfr2-zI9K7as8qhU= AWSxue7oOQ5O7uicgQLDwgM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37048995 36978913 36568811 36028769 35518750=20
    35068763 35048846 34858990 34599070 35149156=20
    35909159 36529107 36889063=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 00:49:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 130049

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1000
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    848 PM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Areas affected...Northwest to Southeast Alabama...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 130050Z - 130645Z

    SUMMARY...Regenerative thunderstorms along the front will continue
    to repeat/train northward across central to northwest Alabama.=20
    Focused banding to produce 2-4" streaks resulting in scattered
    possible flash flooding through overnight period.

    DISCUSSION...Post-tropical cyclone Francine continues a
    north-northwest track and is nearing the Mississippi Delta
    southwest of Memphis this hour. Stronger theta-E gradient
    analysis is helping to determine frontal structures to define a
    narrow warm sector across southwest Alabama; however, higher Tds
    are pooling along southeast AL/central FL panhandle, to slightly
    enhance instability fields along the effective warm/stationary
    front. This boundary extends from a triple point near KTUP and
    crosses through TCL to SEM and between GZH and K79J. Stronger
    return easterly component flow across the FL panhandle into SE AL
    is also advecting the higher Tds in the low levels resulting in
    the nose of deeper moisture across SE AL toward MGM. The dry slot
    through 700mb is out of the SSW and covers much of the warm sector
    of SW AL but helps to steepen lapse rates across central AL
    providing higher potential vigor. Proximity to the eastern
    gradient between the regimes along the front will likely continue
    to be the area of greatest convergence and rainfall potential
    given highest flux.=20

    Instability is solid at about 1000+ J/kg but given the strength of
    low level directional shear, some updrafts have been getting
    sheared before greatest depth is achieved and 10.3um EIR loop
    shows this with limited cold tops and orphaned cirrus canopies
    racing northeast. Still, the low level flux convergence given
    0.9-1" in the Sfc-850mb layer through the length of the effective
    warm front allows for efficient rainfall production with 1-1.5"/hr
    short-term rates while allowing more of a south to north cell
    motion given depth only is about to 850-750mb.

    The potential for redevelopment along the strong but stationary
    front will allow for repeating/training elements with streaks that
    may align to support localized 2-4" totals. As such, localized
    flash flooding will continue to be possible, given likely limited
    movement of the boundary and continued flux as the circulation
    moves northwest directionally parallel to the frontal orientation.
    This may further pull the effective cold front back west or allow
    for return wrap around moisture to over-top the convergence zone
    across NW AL as well, expanding the potential for an incident or
    two further up the effective warm frontal zone overnight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!40hw24sZaVbexQr5LEp1y4Ae-rlWlvyWMZUT6nRKTkBeUBN4DveBR_UkotyvTvJQ2O8j= TiA4cP9T3PjCMP80TEjd2KQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34938736 34548660 33698604 32968568 31548542=20
    31108614 31318684 31958737 32708775 33438796=20
    33908807 34418813 34838802=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 10:06:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131006

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1001
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    606 AM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Areas affected...Portions of Eastern AL...Western GA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131005Z - 131530Z

    SUMMARY...Broken areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms may
    support an isolated threat of flash flooding this morning.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E WV satellite imagery in conjunction
    with dual-pol radar shows a broken cluster of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms lifting northeastward up across portions of eastern
    AL which will likely spread into areas of western GA early this
    morning. The convection which is relatively warm-topped in nature
    is being driven by a modest shortwave ejecting across southeast AL
    while interacting with a generally north-northwest to
    south-southeast axis of moisture convergence and modest
    instability near a quasi-stationary front.

    Broad and moist, confluent low-level flow is noted across much of
    the central Gulf Coast region as Post-Tropical Cyclone Francine
    continues to move slowly across areas of eastern AR and bumps up
    against surface high pressure nosing well south into the interior
    of the Southeast. The instability axis is characterized by MUCAPE
    values of 500 to 1000 J/kg across central and southern AL over
    into portions of west-central GA.

    Quite a bit of mid to upper-level dry air is showing up in the WV
    satellite imagery along with CIRA-ALPW data in the 500/300 mb
    layer which is helping to limit/cap the vertical extent of
    convective development, but there is sufficient forcing and
    moisture noted below 500 mb to favor relatively efficient and
    warm-topped convection with rainfall rates of 1 to 2 inches/hour.

    The overnight HREF guidance and recent HRRR runs have a poor
    handling of the ongoing activity, but satellite trends suggest
    some increasing trends toward heavier rainfall rates with some
    cloud-top cooling. This suggests a corridor of stronger forcing
    which is also aligned with the aforementioned moisture convergence
    and instability axis.

    Some occasional backbuilding of the broken complex of convection
    will be possible this morning which may allow for sufficient
    persistence of heavier rainfall rates to support some spotty
    totals of 2 to 4+ inches. This may result in an isolated threat of
    flash flooding which would likely be primarily a threat to the
    more sensitive urban environments.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_QBjegaLTziiMH2D_YoMjb7-seh6uRuXI-LmBJEoxdCdoXfWctTdBja0pSOyG6o-7j3R= HQRZeHZt49W9zmUb1fwby_k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34008543 33428462 32908433 32278429 31988470=20
    32058531 32738566 33668607=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 17:54:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131754

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1002
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    153 PM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Areas affected...central/northern AL into southern TN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131753Z - 132350Z

    SUMMARY...Narrow training axes of heavy rain will support a
    localized flash flood threat across central to northern AL into
    far southern TN through 00Z. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr are

    DISCUSSION...17Z regional radar imagery showed a broken/narrow
    axis of showers/thunderstorms extending from southern TN into
    western AL, located along an elevated convergence axis, out ahead
    of a cold front associated with Post-Tropical Cyclone Francine.
    The convergence axis has been slowly moving east over the past few
    hours but rainfall intensity has been increasing following trends
    in instability. The 17Z SPC mesoanalysis indicated MLCAPE of 500
    to 1500+ (locally) extending from Middle TN into much of AL with
    little to no CIN. However, visible imagery showed stratus/overcast
    conditions across eastern to northeastern AL where low level
    convective inhibition is likely to keep convection at bay in the
    short term. The 12Z BMX sounding and recent GPS data across AL
    showed precipitable water values of 1.3 to 1.7 inches (...and
    higher across far southeastern AL), but with a notable dry layer
    aloft, extending as far down as just below 700 mb.

    Continued daytime heating, especially where current breaks in
    cloud cover exist, will support a continued expansion of
    instability across central to northern AL with greater coverage of
    1500+ J/kg anticipated by 21Z. Mean southerly steering flow will
    allow for training of heavy rain at times along the roughly
    north-south oriented convergence axis slowly moving east and other
    smaller scale axes of convergence to the east of the existing line
    over western AL. While a pronounced layer of dry air noted in the
    mid-upper levels may deter broader coverage of heavy rainfall
    development, at least localized areas of training with 1-2 in/hr
    rain rates will be possible. These rates may overlap with recent
    pockets of heavy rain which fell across the region over the past
    48 hours and/or sensitive urban areas to produce possible, but
    likely remaining localized, areas of flash flooding through 00Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_nmhOjId5iEf5LJTU_Dwru07mAtt6uFxUGUjRjtt3P15EukVwrWuS5AFsjVA-PRrbM3-= eVyjZZiwQibu4BvZQ77LbhY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35748802 35688766 35318702 33948656 32418612=20
    31818693 31758758 32048800 33418787 34628818=20
    35288837 35568829=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 18:15:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131815

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1003
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    215 PM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Alabama, central Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131813Z - 140013Z

    Summary...Showers/thunderstorms are moving slowly across the
    discussion area while producing areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates.=20
    These rates should persist across the region through most of the
    remaining daylight period, posing at least a localized flash flood

    Discussion...Scattered, slow-moving convection appears to be
    focused near/just south of the US 80 corridor from east of
    Montgomery though Columbus and Warner Robins. Observations and
    objective analyses suggest the presence of a weak, east-west
    oriented boundary separating somewhat drier/more stable air
    originating from the Piedmont from an unstable, tropical airmass
    partially resulting from the inland progression of Francine. The
    unstable, weakly capped airmass near the boundary and focused
    confluence was contributing to persistent updraft development in a
    region that has wet soils from 2-8 inch rainfall amounts over the
    past 3 days. FFGs are locally low in this region (generally in
    the 2 inch/3-hr range near Columbus and slightly higher with
    eastward extent). Ongoing rain rates of 1-2 inches/hr are
    occurring on a spotty basis, suggestive of an isolated flash flood
    threat in the short term.

    Models (particularly the HREF) suggest continued development of
    convection through the afternoon. It is likely that the axis of
    confluence will move little, resulting in a continued focus for
    slow-moving shower/thunderstorm activity and occasional rain rates
    exceeding 1 inch/hr at times. The persistence of rainfall could
    result in areas of 2-3 inch totals in the discussion area through
    00Z this evening. Given wet/sensitive ground conditions, isolated
    to scattered flash flood instances appear probable.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7QvZDlbzzka2Rg6cp8xrL2QkPkrXcbRS_fslKg-w5lj73WztJ3O1K_BZn6wMfKnsUXds= xH3LhDUPn7VpW5H7WuP3xVA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33138283 32888205 32078227 31748414 31778565=20
    32308571 32898551 33008459=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 18:57:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 131857

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1004
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    257 PM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Areas affected...FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 131856Z - 132230Z

    SUMMARY...A convective line segment moving across the FL Panhandle
    may continue to produce localized areas of flash flooding at it
    moves east through 22Z. High rainfall rates of ~1 inch in 15
    minutes and a quick 2-4 inches will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...KEVX radar imagery from 1830Z showed a small, forward
    propagating line of thunderstorms extending from Washington
    County, FL into the northern Gulf of Mexico. This line has been
    responsible for MRMS estimated rainfall of 2-4 inches from
    Choctawhatchee Bay to the I-10 corridor and observed rainfall
    rates near 1 inch in 15 minutes per the Wunderground/Wundermap
    rainfall network. The line is located along the leading edge of
    dry air seen on water vapor imagery pushing east across AL and the
    western FL Panhandle, embedded in 1000-1500 J/kg MLCAPE and
    precipitable water values of 2.1 to 2.4 inches per the 18Z SPC

    While recent radar trends have shown a tendency for the convective
    line to forward propagate just south of I-10, there has also been
    recent convective strengthening just offshore with line
    orientation matching the mean steering flow, supporting localized
    training. A continued eastward progression of convection is
    expected over the next 2-4 hours but brief instances of training
    are likely, especially to the south of a subtle west-east boundary
    observed on visible imagery extending westward from TLH.
    Antecedent rainfall near and north of Apalachicola has exceeded 6
    inches over the past 48 hours which will allow for reduced
    infiltration capacity of additional heavy rainfall. Given the high
    short term rain rates of 1-2 inches in 15 to 30 minutes, localized
    flash flooding will continue to be possible for the next 2-4 hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7gDSIgE0E_taRp2I7xWcgG7yRPt1LKG0-wuLo1UQc3cHGMxVZu7Qov6AKYu9spD-a2QC= 3jaAy0RP8dnhlmpBpuC6j5A$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30738525 30598439 30458386 30178378 29868392=20
    29598420 29268494 29668634 30238620 30418606=20
    30468593 30728566=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 23:56:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 132356

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1005
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    755 PM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Areas affected...portions of northeastern Mississippi, middle
    Tennessee, and Alabama

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 132354Z - 140554Z

    Summary...Flash flood potential will continue through the early
    overnight hours as bands of convection train/repeat across areas
    that have experienced 1-3 inch rainfall totals over the past 6

    Discussion...Radar mosaic imagery depicts a couple of focused
    bands of convective activity with extensive training/repeating -
    one across far northeastern Mississippi near Booneville/Corinth
    and another, more extensive band from near Selma to near Decatur.
    Within both of these axes, 1-3 inches of rain have fallen in the
    past 6 hours, and instances of flooding have been reported. The
    bands are collocated with persistent low-level confluence along
    the eastern periphery of Francine. Low-level advection and
    remaining boundary layer heat from earlier insolation has
    maintained an axis of ~1000 J/kg SBCAPE near the storms, which has
    enabled their persistence over the past several hours. 1.7-1.9
    inch PW values are also aiding in efficiency of rain rates beneath
    storms as well.

    The ongoing scenario is expected to change little, with continued
    areas of occasional 1 inch/hr rain rates to materialize over
    similar areas that received heavy rainfall earlier. Modest
    boundary layer cooling/stabilization could result in a few areas
    of weakening thunderstorm cores, although models suggest that
    persistent low-level convergence will maintain shower/thunderstorm
    activity through the early overnight hours - especially across
    Alabama. Flash flood potential will continue as another 1-3 inch
    rainfall totals could materialize across the discussion area
    through 06Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9NHzirRQKR55a6kxXOZqm5i2PbB9Wuqd_fHqQHc5baPR_pbu4Xv1T-jYvryLaxn2SrJm= CBxAhOKlzDQEuJoVq0urwHg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35798823 35558703 34858631 33828597 32698584=20
    32128624 32048704 32758811 34208850 35368871=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 05:53:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 140552

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1006
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    150 AM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Areas affected...Large areas of Northwest to South-Central AL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 140550Z - 141045Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and locally training bands of heavy showers
    and thunderstorms will continue to foster potential areas of flash
    flooding overnight.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a few
    broken linear bands of shower and thunderstorm activity continuing
    to impact areas of northwest through south-central AL with the
    convection well-aligned with the leading edge of a well-defined,
    but very slow-moving frontal occlusion. This is all in association
    with Post-Tropical Cyclone Francine which is still impacting the

    The latest RAP analysis shows a well-defined and fairly strong
    moisture convergence axis coinciding with modest instability in a north-northwest to south-southeast fashion across the region.
    MUCAPE values are in the order of 500 to 1000 J/kg and PWs across
    the region are quite moist with values of 1.7 to 1.9 inches based
    on the latest GPS-derived data.

    Some cyclonic pivoting of the convective bands are expected going
    through dawn as Francine's weakening circulation loses latitude in
    response to strong ridging to its north over the OH Valley. This
    will favor some of the persistent bands of convection pivoting and
    locally training over the same area. However, the convection
    should tend to be broken in nature.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger convective cores going through
    the remainder of the night will still be capable of reaching up to
    1 to 2 inches/hour. Given the linearly oriented and locally
    training bands of convection and slow cell-motions, some
    additional rainfall totals going through the remainder may reach
    as high as 2 to 4 inches. This is generally consistent with the
    00Z HREF guidance which suggests that areas of north-central to
    northwest AL will likely tend to have the heaviest concentrations
    of rain over the next several hours.

    Additional areas of flash flooding will be possible overnight and
    especially with increasingly wet antecedent soil conditions from
    rainfall over the last 24 to 36 hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9XzhneNubHjAvadrPt42rti9bh89lwQf-2OjcznSyT1woZgUAZlX9dQuZnJJrl_VlOzp= vR8nOqW0VuLwTmnRXSoN5pQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35228734 34558654 32618617 31458630 31208681=20
    31408727 31978757 33118779 34358818 35058812=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 10:01:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141001

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1007
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    600 AM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Areas affected...Western and Middle TN...Far Northeast
    MS...Northwest to Southeast AL...Southwest to Central GA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 141000Z - 141600Z

    SUMMARY...Locally slow-moving and occasionally training bands of
    heavy showers and thunderstorms is expected to maintain a threat
    for some areas of flash flooding going through the morning hours.

    DISCUSSION...Generally there has not been much change over the
    last several hours to setup and character of the heavy rainfall
    threat that continues to impact areas of the Mid-South. The latest
    GOES-E IR satellite imagery coupled with dual-pol radar continues
    to show some broken bands of showers and occasionally some
    thunderstorms across portions of western and middle TN down
    through much of northwest and central AL. Some weaker and more
    disorganized convection is seen over parts of southeast AL. This
    is all in association with what is left of Post-T.C. Francine.

    There continues to be an axis of persistent moisture convergence
    and modest instability oriented in a north-northwest to
    south-southeast fashion across the region, with MUCAPE values of
    500 to 1000 J/kg and PWs of 1.75 to 2.0 inches. A very gradual
    cyclonic pivoting of the convection has been occurring over the
    last few hours as the ill-defined center of Post-T.C. Francine and
    its frontal occlusion tends to lose latitude.

    Going through the morning hours, some additional focus for broken
    bands of convection should continue with some additional
    likelihood for some cell-training. This will be favored by a
    persistent fetch of at least modest moisture transport and
    instability around the eastern flank of the weakening frontal
    occlusion. Rainfall rates with the stronger convective cores may
    reach 1 to 1.5 inches/hour this morning and this is consistent
    with the 00Z/06Z HREF guidance. Recent HRRR runs suggest that
    there could be some potential for convection to develop and
    perhaps become locally a bit more concentrated farther down to the
    south and east across areas of southeast AL and into parts of
    southwest to central GA but there is more model spread overall
    with the details of this.

    Some additional spotty rainfall totals this morning of 2 to 4
    inches will be possible where any additional cell-training occurs,
    and given the wet antecedent conditions across most of the region,
    this may foster some additional runoff concerns and possible flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_SdRzetTihAXCvG3bbHUOleQGijEXGz4ZpiFl7orxei50Id8gwh2PrijWWwsaFiX2Bs4= fPtBygedJZZWOpUmOOYzQbI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36188789 35748724 34788633 33388506 32428274=20
    31608259 31058344 31118518 31668619 33158712=20
    34088787 34928893 35558908 36138869=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 16:14:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141614

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1008
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1213 PM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern MS into AL and southwestern GA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 141613Z - 142210Z

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorms are likely to develop across northeastern
    MS into AL and southwestern GA over the next 3-6 hours resulting
    in possible flash flooding. Slow moving cells will likely produce
    1-2 in/hr rainfall rates, which may overlap with areas that have
    saturated soils.

    DISCUSSION...1545Z radar imagery showed lingering rain showers
    that formed along and east of an elevated convergence axis
    centered near 925 mb that extended from the southern AL/GA border
    into northwestern AL. Instability has lowered over northern AL
    compared to earlier this morning which has allowed rainfall rates
    to decrease, but small pockets of 1+ in/hr remained via MRMS
    estimates from eastern AL into far southwestern GA. Visible
    imagery showed the delineation between overcast skies with ongoing
    showers in eastern AL and broken cloud cover to mostly clear skies
    with new cumulus/shower development to the west/south over
    central/southern AL into northeastern MS.

    Low level easterly winds are expected to shift the boundary over
    northern AL to the west through late afternoon while only slow
    movement is expected to the south. Continued daytime heating
    should allow weak MLCAPE values up to ~500 J/kg along the northern
    MS/AL border while higher values in excess of 1000 J/kg expand
    over central to southeastern AL given clearer skies as seen on
    visible satellite imagery. A low to mid-level circulation tied to
    former tropical cyclone Francine was located over northern MS,
    allowing for a weakness in the steering flow from northwestern MS
    into GA. Low level convergence is expected to redevelop a bit to
    the southwest of its current position through the afternoon,
    though RAP model forecasts are not as strong with the level of
    convergence compared to earlier this morning. However, given the
    high moisture environment and slow movement of cells atop
    saturated soils across portions of the region, a couple of areas
    of flash flooding may result. Expected rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr
    will likely become more numerous into the afternoon from the
    northern MS/AL border into central/southeastern AL and
    southwestern GA.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9VbfzKOBiobSPxkwtdTRtTHpEhMZ86dWWlGi3qV6Ufavn-zAdRWPC--6SsLFaAw5ZE2C= dascM6r2uLPCxWBtVYaCzHg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34998812 34768756 34318712 33128620 32228458=20
    31338442 31018547 31318652 32078766 32658837=20
    33188877 33858915 34588920 34888888=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 18:26:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 141826

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1009
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    225 PM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern coast of FL Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 141825Z - 150025Z

    SUMMARY...Thunderstorms will increase in coverage through the
    remainder of the afternoon across southern FL. The storms will be
    capable of high rainfall rates of 1-2 inches in 15 minutes and
    localized totals of 2-4 inches. While these high rates may overlap
    the urban southeastern corridor, coverage will not be widespread,
    but could still result in localized areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...18Z visible imagery across FL showed thunderstorms
    initiating along the sea breeze as well as across portions of the
    interior southern FL. The environment characterized by the 12Z MFL
    sounding contained 2.2 inches of precipitable water and high
    relative humidity throughout the column along with deeper layer
    mean flow of about 10 kt. Since then, some drier air was noted on
    water vapor imagery and LPW imagery in the 500-300 mb layer,
    advancing southeastward across the west coast of FL, likely to
    reach southeastern FL by 00Z. The 18Z SPC mesoanalysis showed
    roughly 3000 J/kg MLCAPE across southeastern FL with little to no
    CIN. In addition, flow in the upper levels was diffluent around an
    upstream ridge centered over TX and upper level troughing over the
    Southeast, which should broadly aid in ascent across the region.

    Expectations are for scattered thunderstorms to continue
    developing across southern FL over the next few hours, with a mean
    movement from west to east, following the deeper layer mean wind.
    A lack of stronger shear should keep cells disorganized and likely
    limit residence time over any given location to an hour or two at
    maximum. However, the very moist environment and relative slow
    movement of cells, combined with outflow and cell interactions,
    will result in highly efficient rainfall of 1 to 2 inches in 15
    minutes within the stronger cores. Localized rainfall of 2-4
    inches will be possible over portions of southeastern FL, from
    southern St. Lucie County down to southern Miami-Dade County.
    Depending on storm coverage late this afternoon and the arrival of
    drier air in the upper levels, increased outflow/forward
    propagation could materialize toward the 00Z time frame. While
    higher rainfall rates are expected to be hit or miss across the
    region, there could be some overlap with the largely impervious
    urban corridor, resulting in localized flash flooding through 01Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9REgkiXiqq5n620E472pilwVyYukvZEYbFOD2EORF3vD846bN-NDyYRuvUWy2vuBQvjx= MvS0zOrZ87dVMvHK1lm9CAg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27388028 27217998 26817976 26387977 25677988=20
    25348010 25268040 25338057 25508062 25938052=20
    26518046 27208044=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 22:20:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 142220

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1010
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    619 PM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Areas affected...portions of central and northern Alabama

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 142218Z - 150418Z

    Summary...Extremely sensitive ground conditions still support a
    continued flash flood risk through the night as scattered showers
    migrate northwestward.

    Discussion...Widespread convective overturning and cloud cover has
    resulted in very modest surface-based instability profiles across
    the discussion area (generally in the 500-1250 J/kg range).=20
    Despite the weak instability, high moisture content (around 1.9
    inch PW values) and sustained boundary layer convergence along a
    general axis extending from far northeast Mississippi through
    southeastern Alabama continues to support occasional
    shower/thunderstorm development oriented in training,
    northwestward-moving bands. These band were producing occasional
    rain rates between 0.5-1 inch/hr over ground conditions
    characterized by FFG thresholds of nearly 0. Even light rainfall
    can exacerbate and cause new instances of flash flooding in this
    scenario, which isn't surprising given the estimated 3-8 inch
    rainfall totals that have occurred in the past 48 hours.

    Models continue to depict scattered shower activity developing
    from southeast to northwest within this regime through the
    overnight hours despite a gradual loss of surface-based
    instability. Areas of 0.25-1 inch/hr rain rates remain possible
    with the more persistent activity. Given the continued rainfall
    threat, flash flooding remains possible.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4puAXVTxlrAlbF3dTRKXd7iOLe5yM2uHiJXCYqumYRX1vGjOrxWWF3H33Ad8r3NtOqBu= e7FjyiSTsj4LEF1i9RcTiX0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35338815 35138739 34748643 34258588 33538539=20
    32418517 32058627 32298752 33528815 34728889=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 05:07:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150507

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1012
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    106 AM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Northwest AL...Far Northeast MS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 150505Z - 151105Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected to impact
    areas of central to northwest AL and possibly far northeast MS
    going through dawn. Given the wet and locally saturated soil
    conditions, the additional rains going through dawn may result in
    some additional concerns for flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a couple
    of regional pockets of cooling convective cloud tops in
    association with a broken axis of showers and thunderstorms
    advancing southeast to northwest across areas of central to
    northwest AL. The convection continues to focus around a broad
    cyclonic circulation persisting over the Mid-South with an axis of
    persistent moisture convergence and modest instability in place.
    MUCAPE values are on the order of 250 to 500+ J/kg.

    Rainfall rates have been seen increasing a bit over the last 1 to
    2 hours with some of the convection that has been coming through
    the Birmingham metropolitan area, and similar increases in
    rainfall rates have been noted just west and south of Muscle
    Shoals. The rates have locally increased to around 1 inch/hour and
    there has been some additional cell-training concerns noted with
    both the satellite and radar trends.

    Notable differences exist in the 00Z HREF guidance with the
    placement of the additional heavy rainfall threat overnight, but
    the satellite and radar trends would suggest areas of central to
    northwest AL, and perhaps far northeast MS will likely be the
    primary corridor for the heaviest additional rainfall threat.
    Given some of the cloud-top cooling and cell-training concerns,
    additional rainfall totals going through dawn may reach as high as
    2 to 3+ inches.

    Given the wet and locally saturated soil conditions, these rains
    may result in some additional flash flooding concerns going
    through dawn.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5MFr9CK3DffhxUTU3BainBcnNayPXqeJxD7E1gfOGSAxFnUfmzvZt7pZQDC2dWr38MxS= J4o6_awscPY3fzoexuQKHwA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35118795 34528698 33628630 33158654 33168741=20
    34118836 34848859=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 07:32:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 150732

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1013
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    330 AM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Areas affected...Far Southeast AL...Portions of the FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 150730Z - 151230Z

    SUMMARY...Locally very slow-moving to occasionally stationary
    thunderstorms with extreme rainfall rates continue to impact
    portions of far southeast AL and the FL Panhandle. Additional
    flash flooding is expected going through dawn, with locally severe
    flash flooding impacts likely to continue in the near-term.

    DISCUSSION...The latest radar imagery shows areas of very
    slow-moving to occasionally stationary thunderstorms over far
    southeast AL and portions of the FL Panhandle. The convection
    continues to be focused along a low-level and nearly stationary
    axis of focused moisture convergence within a relatively unstable
    environment characterized by MUCAPE values of 500 to 1000 J/kg.
    Somewhat high instability parameters are noted closer to the
    Apalachicola area and the Gulf Coast where there is evidence of a
    weak wave of low pressure focused along a quasi-stationary front.
    Coinciding with this axis of instability is also still the
    proximity of stronger kinematics as strong mid to upper-level flow
    continues to overrun the region which is favoring some relatively
    elevated effective bulk shear parameters, and especially over the
    FL Panhandle.

    PWs are on the order of 1.8 to 2.0 inches and this coupled with
    the instability and shear magnitudes continues to favor an
    environment conducive for very slow-moving thunderstorms with
    extreme rainfall rates of 2 to 4 inches/hour. Marianna, FL (KMAI)
    has picked up 5.90 inches of rain in just the last two hours from
    05Z to 07Z from the cells moving very slowly westward across
    Jackson County.

    While the overall coverage of convection is limited, the cells
    that are developing in this regime are very slow-moving and
    occasionally stationary which is fostering extremely heavy
    rainfall totals. The latest HRRR guidance, the 00Z NAM-Conest/FV3
    LAM solutions from the HREF, and the 00Z NSSL MPAS solutions
    continue to support small-scale areas of strong thunderstorms that
    may yield an additional 3 to 6+ inches of rain going through dawn
    across parts of far southeast AL and the FL Panhandle.

    Areas of flash flooding are ongoing and additional small-scale
    areas of flash flooding are likely to develop which will include
    locally severe and life-threatening impacts where these heavier
    rainfall rates and totals materialize going through dawn.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8pc3YG3gWA-BfCkSWCaVc9S_EwGBteBDOqjkrpjzy3Y7uli5aWSs0S6lt-BmKcT45kDY= LkE_4fSx9rjvs_NYFHMX_NE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 31828565 31738517 31378497 30918488 30278463=20
    29958456 29678464 29628515 30018568 30838617=20
    31348625 31698603=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 16:04:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 151604

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1014
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1203 PM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Areas affected...north-central MS to southern MS/AL and western FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 151602Z - 152200Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of training are expected to develop from the
    central Gulf Coast into southwestern AL and central/eastern MS
    through 22Z. Rainfall rates of 1 to 3 in/hr are likely, which may
    result in localized areas of flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...At 1530Z, visible satellite imagery showed thick
    cloud cover over much of central to northern MS while skies over
    southern MS into the Mobile Bay region had only scattered clouds.
    A low located in the 925-850 mb layer was identified over
    south-central MS via area VAD wind plots with very slow movement
    over the past few hours. Low level ESE winds of 20-30 kt were
    present to the east of the low over eastern portions of MS into AL
    while wind speeds dropped off to the west along the AR/MS border
    down to Mobile Bay. A combination of speed and directional low
    level convergence was supporting a broken axis of mostly warm
    topped showers from northeastern MS down to the offshore waters of
    MS/AL with increasing development noted across the
    southern/clearer-sky regions. The environment was very moist with
    area 12Z soundings indicating precipitable water values of 1.6 to
    2.0 inches and wet bulb zero heights between 13-14 kft. SPC
    mesoanalysis data from 15Z showed that MLCAPE of 500 to 1500 J/kg
    was focused from the central MS/AL border, southward to the Gulf
    Coast from central LA to the FL Panhandle, with higher values
    toward the south.

    Daytime heating is expected to expand the coverage of 500 to 1500
    J/kg MLCAPE across the region but likely keeping the better
    instability focused over southern areas where greater solar
    insolation is expected. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will
    likely increase through the afternoon with cell movement following
    the general flow around the MS low. However, slow movement and
    training will be possible with cells that form along the low level
    convergence axis from north-central MS to the southern MS/AL
    border, where lower topped cells will have a motion roughly
    parallel to the axis of convergence.

    Stronger low level convergence is expected from central to
    northern MS where greater coverage of rain is expected but lower
    instability may cap rain rates below 2 in/hr. Farther south,
    rainfall rates may get as high as 3 in/hr due to the greater
    instability combined with potential for slow movement but coverage
    will likely be more isolated compared to up north. Portions of
    this region have been anomalously wet over the past several days,
    but other portions have missed out on the bulk of rainfall and are
    nearer to average. At least localized flash flooding will be
    possible through the afternoon.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9Rr85u_WY5NEi7Z2xYqOaH6FWEeE5pJGhjw9likVR8uDabJgGvCST6jJxSXG-xK9lVtm= U_KFBTniTQj21c3j3tg7yVE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34089005 34078912 33328834 31958748 30698644=20
    30098675 29918785 29998896 30388928 31508959=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 18:01:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 151801

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1015
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    201 PM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Areas affected...South Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 151800Z - 152300Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms will pose a
    localized threat of flash flooding for southern TX through the
    late evening. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr, but with localized
    maxima near 3 in/hr, will be possible along with totals of 3 to 5+

    DISCUSSION...Local radar imagery out of southern TX at 1730Z
    showed showers and thunderstorms extending from near Laredo to the
    US 281 corridor near Encino along with isolated development near
    the Laguna Madre. Cells appear to be forming on an elevated
    convergence axis tied to the 850-700 mb remnants of an old frontal
    boundary that extended westward through the Gulf of Mexico into
    southern TX, as seen on Layered PW Imagery from CIRA and in recent
    visible satellite imagery. 850-300 mb mean layer winds of only
    5-10 kt from the S or SW were supporting the slow cell movement.
    The environment contained PWATs of 2.0 to 2.5 inches (highest to
    south) along with 1000-2000 J/kg MLCAPE. Moisture contributions in
    the middle/upper levels were tied to former T.S. Ileana in the Sea
    of Cortez and low level southeasterly winds funneling moisture
    into the region from northeastern Mexico and the adjacent Gulf

    An elongated 700 mb low on the border of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon
    is expected to remain roughly in the same place over the next 6
    hours per recent runs of the RAP which will keep low level
    convergence focused across southern TX. In addition, a forecast
    for increasing easterly 850 mb winds by 00Z, reaching 10-15 kt
    between CRP and BRO, may support some slow moving cells near the
    coast depending on cell evolution with time given slow steering
    flow. Some southward propagation into the instability is also
    expected in the short term with instability likely diminishing
    from west to east over time. Slow cells movement will be capable
    of rainfall rates between 1-3 in/hr and localized areas of flash
    flooding that may end up being more of an urban flood threat due
    to relatively dry antecedent ground conditions, outside of
    isolated portions of far south TX.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_aIpGJAgzhzbkK9h-QgRQm3jhyRkctTUUBMEKlFvzA4CAIBMxd48qyfi-RULPSeWrilu= _li9Yqp40z9jS86evccmdhk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27879923 27419751 26959713 25959684 25649723=20
    25809821 26199917 26999959 27479973 27819956=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 19:39:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 151939

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1016
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    339 PM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern Arizona through central New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 151937Z - 160137Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms continue to produce 1-2 inch rainfall
    amounts across portions of the Upper Mississippi Valley. Isolated
    flash flood potential continues with this activity.

    Discussion...Recent radar mosaic imagery depicts a mature,
    forward-propagating convective complex extending from near Eau
    Claire to Mason City. A few cell mergers have been noted with the
    complex over the past couple hours, and local rain rates continue
    to approach 2 inches/hr in spots despite appreciable forward
    movement. The immediate downstream airmass remains sufficiently
    moist/unstable for strong convection (2000+ J/kg MLCAPE and 1.5
    inch PW values), and current trends suggest that spots of 1+
    inch/hr rain rates should continue to materialize for at least
    another 2-4 hours or so as the complex migrates eastward.

    The greatest concern for isolated flash flood potential exists as
    storms traverse central and eastern Wisconsin (generally from Eau
    Claire eastward to Green Bay). Although some uncertainty exists
    with respect to eastward extent of the complex, these areas
    currently have the lowest FFG thresholds (around 1-1.5 inch/hr)
    and the greatest chance for those thresholds being exceeded on an
    isolated basis. Destabilization is slow to occur across
    northeastern Wisconsin, and it appears that the northern portions
    of the complex may undergo weakening (and lessening flash flood
    potential) especially north of Wisconsin State Highway 29. Higher
    FFGs (~2-3 inch/hr) across southwestern Wisconsin suggests an even
    more isolated/spotty flash flood threat in these areas through 06Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6kQwItSY1pgkFwuhZxGDSWiXbPnen-E1y6j_rcEUgNkiCoXki9TOattczPOnYWLBinJJ= kM8c9UEvTU3UwfhF9AfqVL4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36620685 36310517 35330474 34370485 33480572=20
    32930692 31950803 31360853 31441153 33371128=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 21:40:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 152140

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1016
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    539 PM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern Arizona through central New Mexico

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 151937Z - 160137Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flood potential exists as scattered
    thunderstorm activity drifts northward across the discussion area
    this afternoon.

    Discussion...Abundant insolation has enabled a gradual deepening
    of scattered convection across much of eastern Arizona and central
    New Mexico. The storms are developing in areas of 500-1500 J/kg
    of SBCAPE and 0.8-1.4 inch PW values - highest across southern
    Arizona. While these PWs are a bit on the low side for widespread
    flash flood potential, weak flow aloft was enabling slow storm
    motions and potential for a quick 0.5-1 inch of rainfall on a
    localized basis. Furthermore, localized terrain enhancement was
    enabling an estimated 0.5 inch/hr rain rates near Ruidoso and
    additional areas of New Mexico where burn scars have potential to
    create excessive runoff conditions. On the whole, these rain
    rates were occurring on an isolated/spotty basis, suggestive of
    low coverage of flash flood potential in the near term.

    Models (particularly the HREF) suggest continued thunderstorm
    potential through the afternoon, with the greatest coverage and
    persistence over southeastern Arizona through 00-01Z this evening.
    Isolated flash flood potential is expected through that timeframe.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7h3976Sdvuu0fgDbvBoyCZOfhlJBmz0LRSlqUktrDTBHiIYsrFrniUkJQZ6qM6k1TsYf= PDrN7dWASJWPGw8nLKK0UTw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36620685 36310517 35330474 34370485 33480572=20
    32930692 31950803 31360853 31441153 33371128=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 23:14:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 152314

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1017
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    714 PM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Areas affected...Deep South Texas

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 152313Z - 160213Z

    Summary...Lingering, isolated flash flood potential should remain
    across Deep South Texas for at least another couple hours or so.

    Discussion...A mature convective complex near
    Brownsville/Harlingen was producing areas of 2-3 inch/hr rain
    rates (estimated per MRMS) over the past hour. Immediately
    upstream/northwest of this complex, a lull in convection has been
    noted likely due to widespread overturning and temporary low-level stabilization. Surface observations indicate very moist low-level
    conditions in the wake of convection across the discussion area
    (with upper 70s dewpoints), and 1000+ J/kg SBCAPE values remain in
    place across the area. Additional convection just south of the
    Rio Grande seems persistent and slow-moving. These cells could
    drift back northward into the discussion area. Meanwhile
    mid-level vorticity over the region could result in additional
    updrafts over the discussion area for the next few hours. Any
    additional rainfall would occur over locations of estimated 3-5
    inch rainfall totals since 19Z. Wet ground conditions/urbanized
    areas could be sensitive to additional rainfall, and renewed flash
    flooding in the wake of ongoing activity cannot be completely
    ruled out.

    This conditional flash flood risk could persist for another 2-3
    hours at least. Models continue to depict additional heavy
    rainfall potential through the overnight hours (beyond 02Z) that
    may 1) redevelop into populated areas of south Texas and 2)
    require a new MPD issuance.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4WmQSHMt_rVePhThNLcPPxk354Kw4btmBTEWpd9quLmeMvkZUJ32hcmH7HRRsEzcbnVK= JnZP-nNVc33feYVq7C_RF5Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27019930 26949846 26589733 26089691 25839712=20
    25879786 26209898 26599938=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 09:12:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160911

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1020
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    510 AM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...Central ND

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160910Z - 161510Z

    SUMMARY...Locally training showers and thunderstorms going through
    early to mid-morning may result in some isolated areas of flash

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows an axis of very
    cold topped convection impacting portions of central ND as strong
    thunderstorms developing within a well-defined warm air advection
    pattern lift gradually off to the northeast. The convection is
    aligned in close proximity to a frontal zone and a rather strong
    instability gradient with MUCAPE values of as much as 2000 J/kg
    noted across areas of central and southern ND.

    MRMS data has been showing some rainfall rates with the activity
    reach as high as 1.5 to 2.5 inches/hour and this is being aided by
    rather strong moisture transport associated with the nose of a 30+
    kt southerly low-level jet.

    Going through the early to mid-morning hours, there may be some
    additional concentration and alignment of convection that will
    promote some cell-training in close proximity to the front.
    Additionally, there is some weak vort energy/MCV activity arriving
    from weakening convection over western SD, and this energy may
    interact with the front and the low-level jet to further promote
    convective sustenance across areas of central ND this morning.

    Additional rainfall totals of 2 to 4 inches will be possible with
    isolated heavier amounts of 5 inches where any cell-training
    occurs this morning. The antecedent conditions across the region
    are quite dry, so any flash flooding concerns should be isolated
    in nature and mainly focused within the more urbanized locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5ExnbWMMSCx0NH9GksyPfSN-u18puv6VRSkxBJtm2vmY6NIoSR47K8CvdogMU2pZ11DH= W89bBpfck4hPN8GjpnHuhkY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 48859932 48609848 48069883 47389991 46650180=20
    47010252 47770206 48490084=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 09:02:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 160901

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1019
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    500 AM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast NC...Northeast SC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 160900Z - 161500Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy rainfall associated with Potential Tropical
    Cyclone Eight will be advancing inland this morning across
    southeast NC and northeast SC. A gradual increase in the threat
    for flash flooding can be expected as rainfall rates increase.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E Proxy Visible satellite imagery
    along with radar and aircraft data shows the low center of
    Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight centered approximately 95 miles
    east-southeast of Charleston, SC at 09Z (5AM EDT). The storm
    continues to advance slowly off to the northwest, and this will be
    allowing for heavy rainfall focused around the northern quadrant
    of the storm to begin cyclonically wrapping inland across the
    coastal plain of southeast NC and northeast SC this morning.

    The system still has a fair amount of baroclinicity associated
    with it for the time being given the proximity of multiple frontal
    features, but radar imagery shows pockets of very strong
    convection north of the low center with extremely heavy rainfall
    rates. This is also where there is much greater instability and
    the latest RAP analysis confirms MLCAPE values of as much as 1500
    J/kg near and to the northeast of the center where some of the
    colder convective tops are noted.

    Much more stable air is still noted along the immediate coastal
    plain of the Carolinas, and this will tend to keep rainfall rates
    a bit limited in the short-term across these areas as rains
    offshore gradually push inland. However, in time as stronger
    onshore flow arrives and the low center approaches by later this
    morning, there should be an influx of greater instability and
    stronger moisture convergence that will be conducive increasing
    rainfall rates.

    The 00Z HREF guidance supports rainfall rates in the 12Z to 15Z
    time frame reaching 1 to 2 inches/hour across especially the
    coastal areas of southeast NC around the Wilmington, NC vicinity.
    Some of these heavier rainfall rates may also spread into
    northeast SC near and to the north of Myrtle Beach.

    Expect rainfall amounts by 15Z (11AM EDT) to reach as high as 2 to
    4 inches with isolated amounts potentially up to around 5 inches.
    These rains will gradually increase the threat for flash flooding
    by later this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!40FZpfYkV7YPK3F_dlYet3_nSNIlmMJYCKZtZyvQCwopHGqy1Hg4OmM_0YQO7gYQML3n= txgXXoipYj_WAvV-I0Cmjek$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34667791 34667738 34437729 34177765 33837785=20
    33777842 33407907 33557953 33917961 34177945=20
    34357913 34487867=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 12:14:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161214

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1021
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    814 AM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast SD...Central NEB...North-central KS...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 161215Z - 161700Z

    SUMMARY...Persistent, stationary elevated thunderstorms continue
    to produce solid rain-rates that localized totals are nearing
    higher localized FFG values; suggesting flash flooding may become
    possible over the next few hours.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E WV depicts stronger northern stream shortwave
    and resultant MCS across the Northern Plains; a more subtle wave
    is lifting northeastward along its southern flank across the
    Nebraska Panhandle. This is enhancing low level flow across the
    central Plains with backed 850mb veering through 700mb at 45kts
    reducing to 20kts while also becoming confluent along and just
    east of 99W. CIRA LPW and RAP TPW, show greatest ascent pattern
    is just along the western gradient of the moisture axis with
    1.25-1.5" values noted along it from SE SD into the northern KS
    where deep layer (mainly directional) convergence is maximized.=20
    MUCAPE appears to be sufficient at 500-1000 J/kg with axis of
    greatest values along and west of the moisture axis, ideally
    supporting the stronger convective ascent. This appears to be
    exhausting as the updrafts/overshooting tops are becoming a bit
    less in coverage and noting a generally slow warming with the
    cirrus canopies associated with the two linear clusters from SE
    SDak into N NEB and again along the NEB/KS line to Lincoln county,

    The concern has been/continues to be the relative zero or very
    slight westward propagation of the lines allowing for localized
    enhanced rainfall totals. With deep layer steering more north;
    the inflow from the 850-700mb isentropic ascent/instability axis
    has been nearly equal/opposite to allow for the 1.5-2"/hr rates to
    overcome the regionally above normal FFG values (given the
    prolonged dry period across the region) which are about 3+"/3hrs.
    As such, localized observed totals (per backyard wx stations) are
    reaching 2-3" in spots, and MRMS Flash response are reaching
    300-400 cfs/smi suggesting enhanced flows may be reaching near
    levels typical of localized flash flooding concerns. Given
    overall trends are slowly downward, an additional hour or two will
    become more likely to exceed even these higher FFGs resulting in
    localized possible flash flooding conditions.


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    LAT...LON 44269842 44089772 42799758 40029761 38909767=20
    38569827 38689867 39079892 39909900 41439917=20
    42669922 43359916 43749895=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 14:43:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161443

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1022
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1042 AM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...Southeastern NC...Eastern SC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 161445Z - 162045Z

    SUMMARY...Potential T.C. Eight. Add'l 4-8" possible, likely
    resulting in expanding flash flooding area; localized considerable
    flash flooding is likely as well.

    DISCUSSION...Sizable rainfall totals over 6"+ have been reported
    since midnight across portions of far southeastern North Carolina
    this morning resulting in flash flooding conditions. 14z surface
    obs and remote sensing suite depict the surface center of PTC
    Eight is about 60-70 nmi southeast of Myrtle Beach, showing fairly
    solid frontal structure with a well defined cold front associated
    low-topped tropical shower line along the northeast and eastern
    quadrants before angling along the Gulf Stream back to Florida.=20
    Theta-E gradient also depict a sharpening warm front parallel to
    the SC/NC coast to around Cape Fear before extending more
    eastward, but has been showing a trend of north-northwestward
    translation over the last few hours. This is expanding the warm
    sector which is well defined with a axis of enhanced MLCAPE
    increasing to 1500-2000 J/kg with a fairly saturated narrow skinny
    profile, though there is a bit of mid-level dry air nosing in
    along the southwest side. Along/north of the boundary the
    effective cool conveyor belt is fully saturated through depth with
    total PWat values over 2" reaching 2.25"; so with a highly
    convergent low level profile an strong instability; deep
    convection is likely to further develop/maintain through the late
    morning into the afternoon hours with the capability of 2-3"/hr
    rates (perhaps locally higher in short-duration) as convergence
    waves move through the warm sector/TROWAL. Given proximity of the
    warm front to the coastline, slow northward expansion of these
    stronger highly efficient showers, but may be more inconsistent in
    timing with reduced low level moisture convergence relative to
    Brunswick/New Hanover counties. An additional 4-8" are possible
    through the next 6 hours and considerable flash flooding will
    likely become more common across these counties.=20

    Further ashore...a mesoscale low/wave could be seen within the
    coastal observations along the southern coast of Brunswick county
    as well as within KLTX RADAR and appears to be strongly convergent
    along the western edge of the low to mid-level TROWAL. Given
    orientation to the core vorticity center that has recently rotated
    under the eastern edge of the canopy (noted by reduced warm temps
    in the WV suite); the wave will likely slow and translate a bit
    south of due west. The remaining strong moisture flux convergence
    but stabilizing air, will maintain enhanced rain rates but will
    reduce into the 1-2"/hr range but likely have some training given
    the orientation of the TROWAL should be consistent to expand heavy
    rainfall footprint toward Dillon counties in SC and
    Robeson/Columbus counties in NC with very slow northward
    translation expected. Totals of 2-4" over the next 6hrs are
    possible and should expand flash flooding problems that way as
    well with time.=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5xwHMtQfPKsteE_vVreoz_AYW8LE883pkfAxZIQHbZvl7wPaB5u1hnY-UwZ7VlPEcRQ7= 5E5scPF4EkUykcP872PCBTU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35147832 35057741 34967685 34787644 34577652=20
    34617684 34547718 34427746 34217769 33977780=20
    33817802 33827837 33787887 33977988 34388018=20
    34818004 35027932=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 19:25:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161925

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1023
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    324 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...near the northern ND/MN border

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 161923Z - 170123Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are expected to expand in
    coverage and shift more towards a front as an upper-level cyclone
    moves by the area and CIN reduces. Hourly rain totals to 2.5"
    with local totals to 4" are possible.

    Discussion...A northeast-moving upper low in western ND along with
    surface heating to leading to reduced CIN across portions of ND
    near a stationary front, which was earlier reinforced with
    convective outflow. Precipitable water values of 1.5" lie near
    the boundary. Effective bulk shear of ~40 kts exists. ML CAPE of
    500-2000 J/kg exists, and is increasing. Temperatures at 700 hPa
    are 6-9C.=20

    The expectation is for some convective expansion with time, as ML
    CAPE increases beyond 2500 J/kg in the warm sector. When CIN
    reduces to zero, there is a question of whether the instability
    shifts northward to the convection or if new convection forms
    closer to the returning boundary. The MPD area takes both into
    account. Also, the degree of effective bulk shear argues for
    mesocyclones, which can be effective heavy rain producers. At
    some point, the activity will try to forward propagate, which
    veering 850 hPa winds strongly suggest, but the returning front
    should limit southward propagation, favoring a vector more to the
    east with time. While there is a signal for heavy rainfall in the
    recent mesoscale guidance, there is a bit of spread, so
    uncertainty is greater than normal. The ingredients suggest
    hourly totals to 2.5" and local totals up to 4". Since it's
    falling over areas that received similar rainfall over the past 24
    hours, depressing flash flood guidance values, flash flooding is
    considered possible, with the more significant impact in urban


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_uBfQpEdXGiRGST_uUDGypJbtbtzzKwms6f5tTCfeIJeaScGr-d8jj6V1XmcCu2oSYF_= 0EH4pq2L6K69kg1S6-Oq7bY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49929486 49489441 48689448 48109673 47879792=20
    47649882 47939969 48360027 49389767=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 19:55:08 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 161955

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1024
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    354 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...in and near southwest CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 161953Z - 170053Z

    Summary...Thunderstorms with heavy rainfall are expected to move
    into the area over the next several hours. Hourly rain totals up
    to 1.5" are possible, which would be problematic in steep terrain,
    arroyos/dry washes, burn scars, and slot canyons.

    Discussion...A deep upper-level trough across the West has led to
    the formation of a boundary moving through eastern AZ and along
    the UT/CO border at its leading edge which is spurring some shower
    and thunderstorm development. Clouds are eroding and those that
    exist are becoming more convective in appearance in recent GOES
    Veggie Band imagery. Precipitable water values are ~0.75",
    sufficiently moist considering the elevation, with ML CAPE values
    of 500-1500 J/kg, highest near the Four Corners. Effective bulk
    shear across the region is impressive, in the 40-50 kt range. CIN
    appears negligible.

    Guidance has a signal for heavy rainfall in the topography of
    southwest CO through 00z before fading thereafter, which could be
    due to the movement of the aforementioned boundary and related
    erosion of the instability pool near the Four Corners. In the
    meantime, convection with possible mesocyclones could lead to
    hourly rain totals to 1.5" where rain is most persistent due to
    either training, backbuilding, or cell mergers. This would be
    problematic is any steep terrain, arroyos/dry washes, burn scars,
    and slot canyons.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_VlaLZI1a52E-9Lby_akXp19B5AdovLCYDDj6cKXW8JWI9FwUeHmvz-cY416reH8u9TQ= afMVtRXBsIzhFWoCcUXXVzo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38480817 37940652 36860591 36560608 36480666=20
    36860872 37290937 37970923=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 20:49:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 162049

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1025
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    448 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...portions of northeast SC & eastern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 162047Z - 170247Z

    Summary...A deep layer cyclone will continue moving inland near
    the SC/NC border. Heavy rainfall within its comma head
    circulation and banding to its east will lead to flash flooding.

    Discussion...A deep layer cyclone, designated as Potential
    Tropical Cyclone Eight by NHC earlier, continues to move inland
    across far northeast SC. ML CAPE of 500-2000 J/kg is being
    imported into southeast NC on its eastern flank, which has been
    driving a narrow line of convection pushing slowly up the coastal
    plain of NC. Precipitable water values are 1.75-2.25" in this
    region. Effective bulk shear remains 30-35 kts.

    There are a few foci for heavy rainfall from this system -- the
    stratiform heavy rain shield to its west-northwest, the heavy rain
    band moving up the NC coast, and the coastal front moving towards
    the Fall Line on its northeast side. Within the stratiform rain
    shield, 1-2" an hour totals and additional totals to 3" remain
    possible over the next several hours as the system moves
    west-northwest. Within the primary heavy rain band, hourly totals
    up to 4" and local totals to 8" remain possible as it drifts
    northeast. Near the coastal front in eastern NC, hourly rain
    totals to 2.5" and local totals to 5" remain possible as it moves
    farther inland. The biggest concern is if a new heavy rain band
    forms closer to Southport-Oak Island-Bolivia-Carolina Beach while
    the cyclone moves inland as radar estimates of rain so far in that
    area are close to 18".=20

    In many areas of central and eastern NC, along with far northeast
    SC, soils are saturating if not saturated, causing 3 hourly flash
    flood guidance to be increasingly low and easier to achieve.=20
    Flash flooding is considered likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9AOZ3yU3haTnyz2q_qOSYWgEhkCdpWsntrNdokXsuoCwbJVB0f7BzlX4laLPswc6EGZS= w41OClstxl62XoA4iNIxsrg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36078040 35957828 35597658 35227581 35107569=20
    34587650 34287709 33827775 33417879 34038004=20
    34648089 35618162=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 00:30:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170030

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1026
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    829 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...portions of northeast ND & northwest MN

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 170027Z - 170627Z

    Summary...Isolated to widely scattered instances of flash flooding
    are expected to continue overnight. Hourly rain totals to 2.5"
    and additional local amounts to 5" are expected.

    Discussion...The three recent areas of convection across northern
    ND into northwest MN are beginning to bridge together as new
    convection forms at the present time. The western end moving east
    of Minot is associated with an upper level low/MCV moving
    northeast across ND. Farther east in northeast ND and northwest
    MN, additional thunderstorms are forming within a warm air
    advection pattern ahead of a related surface wave and near its
    warm front, which appears to be in the process of becoming
    stationary or perhaps nudging southward due to convective outflow.
    Precipitable water values are around 1.5" per GPS data.=20
    Effective bulk shear in the region is 25-35 kts, which is helping
    to organize the thunderstorms. MU CAPE is 1500-3000 J/kg. CIN is
    rebuilding across the region, which should keep most convection

    The upper low/MCV and its convective cluster marks the western
    fringe of the heavy rain threat and is forward propagating to the
    east. Mesoscale guidance still isn't agreeable on which side of
    the US/Canadian border -- if not right along it -- the rainfall
    maximum is expected over the next six hours, but radar
    reflectivity trends continue to support heavy rain on the U.S.
    side, or the southern side of the mesoscale guidance spread.=20
    Eastward propagation should continue. The Canadian Regional Model
    made a substantial southward shift in its 18z run, supporting the
    more southward placement. Given what's happened so far, hourly
    rain totals to 2.5" and additional local amounts to 5" are
    expected. This would be most problematic in areas that received
    heavy rainfall over the past 24 hours. Due to the isolated to
    widely scattered nature of the flash flooding/very heavy rainfall
    thus far and uncertainty in the model guidance, continue to use
    possible wording over likely.


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    LAT...LON 49509618 49459488 48669337 48089390 47919566=20
    47899642 47869755 47760140 48160139 48370122=20
    48729983 49129838 49389725=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 03:02:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170302

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1027
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1101 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Areas affected...Central and Eastern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 170300Z - 170900Z

    SUMMARY...The non-tropical low center along the SC/NC border
    continues to facilitate an influx of deep Atlantic tropical
    moisture into the southern Mid-Atlantic region. Additional areas
    of flash flooding are likely overnight across central and eastern
    NC, and this may include locally considerable impacts.

    DISCUSSION...Low pressure continues to gradually advance
    northwestward across the southern Mid-Atlantic which will continue
    to drive a significant amount of deep Atlantic tropical moisture
    inland. Strong moisture transport aided by an easterly low-level
    jet of 30 to 40+ kts will continue to combine with a nose of
    moderate instability for bands of strong convection with locally
    extreme rainfall rates. The latest RAP analysis shows MLCAPE
    values of 1000 to 1500 J/kg still nosing inland across parts of
    southeast NC just to the northeast of a frontal occlusion, and
    this should pivot gradually northward into adjacent areas of
    eastern NC overnight.

    Given the persistent level of low-level forcing and instability,
    some of these bands of convection should maintain a fair degree of
    organization over the next several hours. Given this and the pool
    of deep tropical moisture concentrated over especially eastern NC,
    some of the rainfall rates may still be capable of reaching 2 to
    3+ inches/hour.

    In fact, given the locally extreme rainfall rates and concerns for
    more training convective bands, additional rainfall amounts may
    reach 3 to 6 inches with isolated 8+ inch amounts just for the
    overnight period. The HRRR in particular suggests notable
    concentrations of heavy to extreme totals for portions of Jones,
    Craven, Beaufort, Pamlico and Carteret Counties, and this region
    will need to be closely monitored for considerable flash flooding

    Farther back to the west across central NC, including the
    Raleigh-Durham metropolitan area, the instability drops off rather substantially and this will yield lower rainfall rates by
    comparison to areas farther east. However, there should still be
    sufficient levels of moisture convergence/forcing for heavy
    showers that may yield an additional 2 to 3+ inches of rain
    overnight. This will likely sustain the ongoing areas of flash
    flooding including persistent urban runoff concerns.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5Jf9v5O4N5z-_NP-_rdeKeR6AgA-JYbcEVPU_isUllSge-li31K5NgbaTyqfmN--JeN-= KyQ8SdlFN5ieu1YfROSlcfg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36477854 36257720 35837636 35397576 34867583=20
    34557655 34507730 34767796 34977890 35087986=20
    35798037 36387992=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 09:02:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 170902

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1028
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    500 AM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 170900Z - 171500Z

    SUMMARY...An area of low center over northern SC will maintain a
    threat of locally training bands of heavy showers and
    thunderstorms this morning over eastern NC. Some additional areas
    of flash flooding will be possible.

    DISCUSSION...The early morning GOES-E Proxy Visible satellite
    imagery along with surface observations shows low pressure over
    northern SC. This couple with surface high pressure over the
    Northeast continues to favor a persistent and moist, convergent
    low-level easterly Atlantic fetch across the southern Mid-Atlantic
    region. High PWs of 1.8 to 2.2 inches coupled with a nose of
    modest instability with MLCAPE values of 500 to 1000 J/kg
    continues to focus across eastern NC out ahead of a frontal
    occlusion. This is continuing to allow for the development of some
    broken bands of heavy shower and thunderstorm activity.

    The latest radar imagery shows the heaviest rains impacting
    portions of Carteret and Craven Counties where rainfall rates,
    especially in close proximity to Morehead City, have been locally
    as high as 2 to 3 inches/hour over the last couple of hours.

    Additional bands of heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected
    this morning to slowly lift north and northwestward across areas
    of eastern NC as the overall frontal occlusion pivots a bit
    farther north across the southern Mid-Atlantic region. Persistent
    easterly flow off the Atlantic and an influx of modest instability
    should favor high rainfall rates continuing with some of the
    broken convective bands that maintain some stronger organization.

    The latest hires model guidance generally favors areas of far
    eastern NC with the heaviest additional rainfall totals, with more
    modest amounts farther inland as the nose of instability wanes.
    Some localized additional totals of 3 to 6+ inches of rain cannot
    be ruled out this morning within any of the heavier training
    convective bands. This will certainly maintain an additional
    threat for areas of flash flooding.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5DReUK-ApGm8XuGkXCVbzdZsd6EQpj2K5Ko23cgVThT6dqAyvjXs_THH2Or21uhOYCWP= h46Bh770BBDc5bkcz5fztG4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36577753 36377606 35877552 35427538 35207552=20
    34977599 34727630 34827674 35327723 35767829=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 15:13:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 171513

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1029
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1112 AM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast VA...Northeast NC...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 171510Z - 172030Z

    SUMMARY...South to north training and efficient rainfall rates up
    to 2-3"/hr approaching urban centers of SE VA pose possible
    localized flash flooding/rapid inundation flooding through early

    DISCUSSION...Active convection this morning over the Pamlico River
    supported a tightening of the surface triple point as well as an
    associated boundary layer to 850mb low. While these two features
    have separated with the occluded low still remaining south toward
    the mouth of the Pamlico River; the elevated circulation has
    lifted northward over toward the Chowan/Albermarle Rivers
    continuing to lift north. The trailing tail has become highly
    convergent with easterly surface to 850mb both north of the warm
    front (near Roanoke Island) lifting north and veered southeasterly
    flow out of the warm sector over the central sound and Atlantic
    east of the Outer Banks. Tds in the mid to upper 70s with temps
    increasing to the mid-80s in the warm sector is supporting
    increasingly unstable air with MLCAPEs over 1500 J/kg fueling
    stronger updrafts within the strengthening deep layer convergence
    axis. Total PWats of 2-2.25" are more than sufficient (loaded
    with 1-1.2" in the lowest sfc-850mb per CIRA LPW) with the
    strength of flux to support 2-2.5"/hr perhaps occasionally ticking
    up to 3"+/hr for short-durations and highly localized.=20

    Deep layer steering will support a south to north training that
    may result in a few hours of training. This may result in 3-5"
    localized totals across far SE VA and NE NC; however, there is
    some uncertainty that propagation to the east due to the strength
    of inflow may reduce the training duration but also shift the
    focus along or just offshore, limiting the flash flooding/rapid
    inundation risk. While much of the area is sandy soils (FFG
    3-4"/3hrs) and supports higher infiltration, rates over 3"/hr or
    even proximity to urban centers have a higher probability of
    inducing flash flooding. Hi-Res CAMs are more persistent in
    allowing for more westerly cell motions expanding the flooding
    threat westward; however, nearly all do not resolve this low level
    wave lifting north acting like a barrier as well as reducing
    insolation with increased cirrus canopy and therefore unstable
    downstream air. The 12z ARW2 seems to handle this wave best of
    the overall solutions but trends appear west compared to
    observations. Bottom line, these variations due reduce overall
    confidence in precise placement but the rates/potential totals
    should result in localized flash flooding.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4-tE9V3JbwyxnL18d2N9b0WMH2zAyspkoH9Hc6iHHVIVzN2X3W6TPppy6me98rvUP4zJ= zD-j9FmiCdUhD-_CWG8qtwQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37847641 37717571 37347562 36797581 36067559=20
    35427534 35247557 35717611 36137646 36437669=20
    36857687 37347693 37667677=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 20:31:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 172031

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1030
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    431 PM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Areas affected...Piedmont to Southern Blue Ridge

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 172027Z - 180130Z

    SUMMARY...East to West training and efficient rainfall rates up to
    2-3"/hr in a band developing over an occluded front over the
    Piedmont of northern North Carolina will continue to develop and
    shift across portions of the southern Blue Ridge near the NC/VA
    border into this evening. Localized flash flooding/rapid
    inundation flooding in this narrow corridor is likely.

    DISCUSSION...Convection has reinvigorated in broad convergence
    along/north of an occluded front over the NC Piedmont this
    afternoon from around the Raleigh-Durham Triangle west through the
    southern Blue Ridge near the NC/VA border. Dewpoints in the low
    70s with sufficient instability (1000 J/kg MUCAPE) along the
    occluded front are fueling stronger updrafts and the influx of
    tropical moisture is allowing redevelopment. PW of 1.6 to 1.8" are
    1.5 sigma from normal support 2-2.5"/hr rain rates that may
    locally peak at 3"/hr as seen from KFCX over Stokes Co NC,
    particularly in areas of upslope with the steep eastern side of
    the Blue Ridge (near and south of Fancy Gap) in the area of

    Slow motion to the occluded low/front will support west to east
    training over the next few hours. This may result in 3-5"
    localized totals over the NC Piedmont and especially along the
    Blue Ridge. Given that around an inch of rain fall in advance of
    this activity over the past day, FFG is generally around 1.5"/hr.
    Recent HRRR runs have picked up on this activity and features
    splotches around 2" through 02Z. However, given the sufficient
    instability, slow motion, and heavy rates observed, flash flooding
    is considered likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4iXPljgjvgcyR0FGICswSwmsRvLrVzERXNg7vvedUxHvCrMPZI7HFFuuxvlxEs1xhvrn= P_RSa6bp75Iq4qYJuvQbN00$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36938152 36838049 36647977 36337900 36057852=20
    35827844 35757878 36218049 36398181=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 18 09:06:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 180906

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1032
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    505 AM EDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Areas affected...Central MT

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 180905Z - 181505Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy rainfall is expected to become more concentrated
    going through dawn and the early morning hours across portions of
    central MT. Generally this setup will favor an areal flood threat,
    but around any burn scar locations, there will be a more enhanced
    runoff concern with potential for localized flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...A deepening upper-level trough and associated area of
    low pressure lifting up across the northern High Plains will be
    driving a rather impressive heavy rainfall event beginning early
    this morning across central MT. Facilitating this will be the
    evolution of a well-defined TROWAL working in tandem with an
    increasingly focused area of deep layer frontogenesis along with a
    strong mid-level deformation zone. This should yield enhanced
    forcing to help concentrate the heavy rainfall threat in time
    which will also include an increase in rainfall rates.

    Gradually the heavy rainfall axis should tend to become oriented
    in a general south-southwest to north-northeast fashion around the
    northwest flank of the deepening 500/700 mb mid-level low center
    and where frontogenetical forcing will be the strongest. However,
    there is already a fair amount of instability attempting to wrap
    westward around the north side of the deepening low, and there
    will likely be a corridor of elevated convective elements that
    will help drive locally heavier rainfall rates early this morning.

    The 00Z HREF guidance and recent runs of the HRRR suggest as much
    as 2 to 4+ inches of rain may fall through the early morning hours
    (15Z/9AM MDT), with some occasional rainfall rates that may reach
    upwards of 0.75" to 1"/hour with some of the stronger convective
    elements that materialize.

    These rains are expected to gradually drive an areal flood threat,
    which may also include a threat for localized flash flooding
    around any burn scars that receive some of these heavier rainfall


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-947VJ_LSEJIjrePRyZbbUk6grEIFxwzYOkTkMNeR1rw6NGCDbxj65jGw8U4-F2HNjW3= ZmFrWMNY7Gj3h8CUBy40ytk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49270843 48780760 47520767 46370826 45740926=20
    45751071 46221151 47041177 47821154 48601088=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 18:34:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191834

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1033
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    234 PM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191833Z - 200000Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms will expand across
    Southern Florida through the afternoon. Rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr
    are likely, which could result in 2-4" of rain with locally higher
    amounts. This may result in flash flooding, primarily within urban

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon depicts a
    slow increase in coverage of reflectivity across the southern and
    central portions of the Florida Peninsula. This coverage is
    increasing thanks to rapid destabilization characterized by 3-hr
    MLCAPE change as high as +1000 J/kg according to the SPC RAP
    analysis, in the presence of PWs around 2.1 inches, or about the
    90th percentile for the date. Into these impressive
    thermodynamics, ascent is occurring in the vicinity of a weakening
    surface boundary draped from near Cape Canaveral to Port
    Charlotte, with additional lift provided through a weak shortwave
    lifting eastward near the Everglades and a sharpening sea breeze
    boundary along the Gold Coast. Storms which have developed so far
    have been pulse thanks to weak shear, but have contained at least
    brief rainfall rates estimated by KAMX to be as high as 2.5"/hr.

    There is good agreement among the various high-res members that
    the coverage of convection will continue to expand the next few
    hours as instability maximizes and the different forcing
    mechanisms continue to impinge on the area. Although bulk shear
    will remain weak to limit much organization, widespread cell
    development, especially as the shortwave lifts northeast, should
    result in numerous outflow boundaries, suggesting disorganized
    clusters through storm mergers and boundary interactions. With the
    anomalous PWs in place, this should result in rainfall rates that
    have a 20-40% chance of exceeding 2"/hr according to the HREF,
    with short-duration rainfall rates potentially reaching 4"/hr as
    suggested by HRRR 15-min rainfall reaching 1" in some areas.

    Mean 850-300mb wind speeds are expected to remain weak at just
    5-10 kts, and Corfidi vectors collapse to 5 kts or less into the
    evening. This indicates slow and chaotic cell motions, especially
    during collisions/mergers, to lengthen residence times of these
    heavy rain rates. The most likely location for any persistent
    rainfall rates will be along the westward advancing sea breeze
    however, as anti-parallel mean flow to this boundary should result
    in regeneration of cells from west to east. This could create
    rainfall amounts of 2-4", with locally higher amounts possible
    across the urban Gold Coast. This will create a 40-60% chance of
    exceeding FFG according to the HREF, and if these intense rates
    linger across any urban areas this afternoon, instances of flash
    flooding could result.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!76iX0VNVa06d1Trrxj3E7GPWu4TM7_qLJln1pobkKeulQykaSrLTMQMZjeaeS3JM2_dl= cSpBPKRFnSG6RyM8_r_5fFg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27478032 27178010 26928001 26498001 26128003=20
    25768013 25438027 25308036 25408051 25768074=20
    26178092 26638083 26888062 27308073 27418058=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 22:29:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192229

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1034
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    628 PM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southern/central Minnesota and

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 192228Z - 200428Z

    Summary...Isolated/localized flash flood potential exists through
    the early afternoon as a complex of thunderstorms produce heavy
    rainfall across the discussion area.

    Discussion...Over the past 1-2 hours, progressive convection has
    increased in coverage and evolved into a more organized/focused
    area of cells and linear segments generally extending from near
    LaCrosse to Owatonna (along I-90/US 14). These storms were in a
    moist, unstable warm sector, with 1.5 inch PW values and ~2000
    J/kg MLCAPE values supporting robust updrafts and spots of 1
    inch/hr rain rates. The storms were embedded in fairly strong
    flow aloft (resulting in 40-kt storm motions), but were oriented
    favorably for training especially along the aforementioned I-90/US
    14 corridor. As cells continue to mature in this corridor (while
    migrating east-northeastward into Wisconsin), the expectation is
    that a few areas of rain rates approaching 2 inches/hr could
    materialize and cause isolated/localized flash flood issues
    through at least 03Z tonight.

    The complex will produce these rain rates atop areas of ground
    conditions that exhibit slightly more sensitivity with
    northeastward extent. Soils are more moist in central Wisconsin,
    and FFGs are slightly lower there (1.5 inch/hr thresholds)
    compared to the remainder of the discussion area (closer to 2
    inches/hr). The overall threat of flash flooding is a bit
    conditional on heavier rain rates materializing on sensitive
    soils. This threat should persist through the 03-04Z timeframe.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Sf-oiCjID2ImB73v7MUfwc0W7H1Uh93se50o9CyUswnxtmCO7CEJrCyCYYk-PBYJCSg= AMwPJST6PC2e-qCmb0C-lwY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 45619071 45328955 44448918 43868942 43489096=20
    43559310 43909375 45119316 45459238=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 23:03:28 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192303

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1035
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    703 PM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Areas affected...a small part of southwestern California

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 192302Z - 200502Z

    Summary...A few slow-moving thunderstorms have developed along
    coastal ranges north of Santa Barbara. Some of these downpours
    were falling on sensitive areas from burn scars, potentially
    promoting excessive runoff. At least a few hours of locally
    enhanced flash flood potential is expected.

    Discussion...Abundant sunshine/destabilization beneath a cold
    upper trough (centered near 34.8N, -121.3W) has fostered scattered
    thunderstorm development near San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara county
    coastal ranges this afternoon. These storms are very slow moving
    due to weak mid/upper flow beneath the trough. -17C temperatures
    at 500 hPa was promoting areas of 500-1000 J/kg SBCAPE in vicinity
    of the storms. Additionally, despite modest PW values (around 0.8
    inch), easterly low-level flow was promoting focused
    upslope/orogarphic lift against the coastal ranges to promote
    persistent updrafts and slow-moving downpours. Areas of 0.25-0.5
    inch/hr rain rates have been estimated per MRMS so far, with areas
    of rainfall occurring close to sensitive burn scars across the
    discussion area.

    Heavy rainfall/flash flood potential will exist in portions of the
    discussion area through/beyond 05Z per recent model guidance/CAMs.
    The persistence of this heavy rainfall regime is tied to expected
    slow movement of the mid/upper low over the area. Isolated areas
    of 1-1.5 inches are possible in this regime.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!52COZxdYxd4h-Qpe2pTYhqnVewRUkqt1LjyxEu_8pWBzcH7clVZTtACr5sCtsIqLn06g= vsNXx0ITaPhT_8ArmESHqMY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36232039 36071969 35431895 34861847 34621837=20
    34441887 34681960 35212047 36122109=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 20 19:44:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 201944

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1036
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    343 PM EDT Fri Sep 20 2024

    Areas affected...Southern CA...Far Southern NV....Far Northwest

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 201945Z - 210130Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, back-building cells with rates of 1"/hr may
    pose localized 1-1.5" totals and possible flash flooding

    DISCUSSION...GOES-W and Regional RADAR mosaic have started to
    depict increasing convective activity in both coverage and
    vertical depth with peak heating of the day. The highly
    anomalous, over 3.5 standard anomaly units from climatology, core
    of the closed low is bottoming out across SW California with
    vorticity center at the southern base; this is allowing for an elongation/stretching of the mid-level deformation zone to extend
    across SW to NE San Bernadino county with increased deep layer
    convergence. Given steepening lapse rates with cold air advection
    aloft, surface heating into the 80s is starting to support surface
    based CAPE values from 500-1000 J/kg to develop over the Southern
    California Deserts toward the Colorado River Valley near S Nevada.
    While deep layer moisture is a bit limited with only Tds in the
    upper 40s, low 50s and total PWat values in the .75 to 1" range.=20
    The convergence within the band and orographic ascent confluent
    across the San Bernadino/Little Bernadino/San Jacinto Ranges
    supports stronger vertical development and sufficient moisture
    flux to support .5-1"/hr rates.=20

    Limited cell motions given proximity to the closed low/deformation
    zone will allow for very slow/stationary motion with upstream redevelopment/backbuilding along the deformation band across NE
    CA. Propagation may also allow cells along the mountain ridges
    into the Cochella Valley with time. This may allow for spotty
    .75-1" totals with an isolated 1.5" total remains possible. Given
    naturally low FFG values less than these hourly rates and
    potential; an isolated flash flooding incident or two is
    considered possible across the area through the late
    afternoon/evening hours.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-GqRMhYZHk0M1T6xycX3xsEm8BRojKKapxGLzUDkw1h2W0EWZUrSFVO62--GscVb0taT= IqEaGraJfLMEU3T1ND87DHw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36051537 35651447 35091429 34421518 33621507=20
    33231522 33321587 32881615 32921657 33461673=20
    33991720 34191765 35011753 35581699 36001605=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 21 16:28:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 211628

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1037
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1227 PM EDT Sat Sep 21 2024

    Areas affected...High Plains of New Mexico into the Panhandles of
    Texas and Oklahoma

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 211630Z - 212230Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms will expand in coverage
    through the afternoon while intensifying to feature rainfall rates
    nearing 1"/hr. Although storms will generally be fast moving,
    repeating rounds could result in 1-3" of rainfall and instances of
    flash flooding.

    Discussion...The GOES-E WV imagery shows an anomalously deep upper
    low moving over northern AZ with impressive downstream lift and
    moisture advecting into the southern High Plains of NM. Within
    this moisture plume, an area of moderate stratiform rain has
    lifted towards the TX Panhandle, while in its wake secondary
    convective development is gradually occurring as reflected by
    increasing glaciation in deepening cells noted via the day-cloud
    phase RGB. Rainfall from the morning precipitation has been as
    much as 0.5 inches measured by local mesonets, wetting the soils
    ahead of what should be increasing convective activity as PWs
    surge to 1.25-1.5 inches, and SBCAPE rises to 1000-2000 J/kg.

    As thermodynamics intensify through the aftn, forcing for ascent
    is also likely to become more impressive. The potent closed low
    and associated trough to the west will gradually push east,
    driving intense downstream divergence coincident with increasing
    upper diffluence over the southern High Plains. At the same time, unidirectional low-level southerly flow will begin to
    isentropically ascend the southward advancing cold front, and the
    overlap of these forcing mechanisms into the elevated
    PW/instability will result in widespread convective development as
    suggested by high-res simulated reflectivity. The HREF
    neighborhood probabilities indicate that rainfall rates have a
    20-40% chance of exceeding 1"/hr in the deeper convection, with
    some storm organization through 40-50 kts of bulk shear helping to
    enhance and lengthen the duration of these rain rates in some
    areas. Although 0-6km mean winds will remain around 30 kts,
    suggesting progressive cell motions, aligned Corfidi vectors
    indicate a strong likelihood for repeating cells which could
    produce 1-3" of rainfall in some areas.

    7-day rainfall for portions of northeast NM into the Panhandles of
    TX and OK has been as much as 400% of normal, leading to locally
    saturated 0-40cm soil moisture above the 95th percentile. While
    the progressive nature of these heavy rain rates should somewhat
    limit the flash flood potential this afternoon, any training or
    repeated rounds could cause impacts, especially atop the most
    saturated soils or across urban areas, sensitive terrain features,
    and burn scars.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5HkMDdsS2VTEbUgjFSqJPkVJAUTuD8un0vtvI72lMBBT0bDHOEtUlvwXSqyzoKryFZNR= XxBMTu1dJgswVlcXXG1QI3M$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37220299 37090182 36810118 36080098 35610122=20
    34730197 33830305 33340409 33480503 34320544=20
    35280538 35370537 36400491 36940409=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 21 22:57:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 212257

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1038
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    656 PM EDT Sat Sep 21 2024

    Areas affected...southern CO into northern NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 212253Z - 220400Z

    Summary...Localized flash flooding will be possible across
    portions of northern NM into southern CO through 04Z due to the
    potential for multiple rounds of thunderstorms with brief
    training. Rainfall rates of 0.5 to 1 inch in 30-60 minutes will be
    possible along with localized totals of 1-2 inches.

    Discussion...GOES East water vapor imagery showed a closed low
    over northeastern AZ at 2230Z, tracking toward the ENE. Several
    rounds of showers and thunderstorms have developed out ahead of
    the closed low within a diffluent and divergent flow pattern
    aloft. SPC mesoanalysis data from 22Z showed MLCAPE ranged between
    500-1000 J/kg across northern NM but was less than 500 J/kg over
    southern CO. At the surface, an easterly/upslope component to the
    flow was present to the north of a cold front and outflow boundary
    where anomalous precipitable water values remained but were
    beginning to be pushed east ahead of the closed low.

    While instability values are likely near their max given the time
    of day, multiple rounds of thunderstorms will remain possible from
    northeastern NM into southern CO as the closed low continues east,
    each round carrying the potential for short term training with
    possible rainfall rates as high as 0.5 to 1 inch in 30-60 minutes.
    The multiple rounds could contribute to an additional 1-2 inches
    of rain by 04Z, though these higher totals are likely to remain
    highly localized. These storms will pose a localized flash flood
    threat to the region, mainly in/near the Sangre De Cristo
    Mountains and westward into adjacent terrain of north-central NM
    and mainly across sensitive burn scar locations.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-gAXF5fLBb9W6u_wUBwsLCkN6rVzUtX12lETvp8OelxZ2uaMZJ4CNuCzgzjF4RATMt0e= OF4_keESzFsHO3WG5kzWMkE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38590488 38460454 37300452 36820409 36310360=20
    35520376 35140487 35120532 35290573 35540591=20
    35790606 35900638 36050671 36320683 36600683=20
    36950663 37170628 37410576 37650552 37840541=20
    38120542 38500520=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 21 23:59:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 212359

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1039
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    758 PM EDT Sat Sep 21 2024

    Areas affected...TX Panhandle into adjacent eastern NM/western OK

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 212357Z - 220555Z

    SUMMARY... Repeating and training of cells are expected to pose a
    threat for flash flooding from the TX Panhandle into adjacent
    eastern NM/western OK through 06Z. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr and
    totals of 2-4 inches are expected.

    DISCUSSION...2330Z radar imagery showed a small cluster of
    thunderstorms advancing through the western TX Panhandle, with
    more widely scattered coverage extending westward into eastern NM.
    These cells were forming out ahead of a potent mid-level trough
    over the Four Corners region, which was advancing toward the ENE,
    with favorable shear for organized cells in place over the High
    Plains. While most cells were moving toward the NE at 25-35 kt,
    some deviant rightward motion of organized cells has been observed
    and instances of training have supported MRMS-derived rainfall
    rates of about 1-2 in/hr. Surface observations showed an effective
    cold front (outflow boundary enhancement) extended southwestward
    through northwestern OK into the TX Panhandle, and then
    west-northwestward into NM. A pool of 1000 to 2000+ J/kg MLCAPE
    was estimated via the 23Z SPC mesoanalysis from just south of AMA
    into eastern NM along with anomalous precipitable water values
    that ranged from 1.3 to 1.7 inches.

    A strengthening low level jet is forecast with 25 to 35+ kt
    through 06Z at 850 mb, which will act to overrun the southward
    sinking effective cold front. Moisture pooling and elevated
    instability of up to 1500 J/kg is forecast by the RAP to focus
    over the TX Panhandle north of the boundary, with weaker values of
    up to 500 into western OK. After the initial round of
    thunderstorms advances east from the western TX Panhandle,
    subsequent rounds are anticipated as the low level jet ramps up
    overnight, leading to instances of repeating and training due to
    the similar boundary orientation and anticipated storm motions.
    Rainfall rates should generally fall in the 1-2 in/hr range and
    total rainfall of 2-4 inches through 06Z may lead to some areas of
    flash flooding, though dry antecedent conditions may limit flash
    flooding to urban areas or otherwise flashy locations across the


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6NGCwGcGTbj2wvEqWSZJpXOoLKxLgDO4P_yTFrGAwbOdOowl_mW55bGtHCsHmZOqWnFv= k6aBut3MHp198D0QWxYZ5n8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36240090 36210007 35829981 35149991 34370074=20
    33860247 33950309 34330322 34830311 35300282=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 22 01:55:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220155

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1040
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    954 PM EDT Sat Sep 21 2024

    Areas affected...Mid-MO Valley into southern IA/northern MO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220153Z - 220700Z

    SUMMARY...Brief training of 1 to 3 in/hr rainfall rates may
    support localized flash flooding across portions of the MO River
    Valley into southern IA/northern MO through 07Z.

    DISCUSSION...0145Z radar imagery showed an expanding line segment
    of strong to severe convection extending from southeastern NE into
    far northwestern MO and southwestern IA. Additional convection was
    noted to be racing eastward across eastern KS. These storms were
    located just ahead of a wavy cold front and ahead of a low to
    mid-level vorticity max in northeastern KS, observed on KTWX radar
    imagery, advancing toward the northeast. A small ribbon of
    instability was in place ahead of the cold front with 1000 to
    2000+ J/kg MLCAPE and PWATs between 1.8 and 2.0 inches via the 01Z
    SPC mesoanalysis.

    Through 08Z, the cold front and instability are forecast to
    continue advancing south and east while forcing ahead of the
    northeastern KS vorticity max aids in lift with additional
    thunderstorms likely to fill in across the MO/IA border. There
    will be an overall progressive movement to individual cells and
    instability should trend downward with time, but
    repeating/training will also occur at times allowing for 1 to 2,
    perhaps as high as 3 in/hr rainfall rates to occur. These high
    rates could lead to short term rainfall totals of 3-4 inches in an
    isolated location or two. While dry antecedent conditions will
    likely limit the coverage of flash flooding, one cannot rule out
    urban or otherwise sensitive terrain being impacted by rapid rises
    of water.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!93FWATqQzFdWT9c8YIwZ994SCFEOmZI1RvdayzzEiJ-JIq9vE1CK5hz72nA-1xMR_MHr= IzeMbvkk34SZTtBLTOV4aEQ$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41909358 41729253 41389184 40989149 40369132=20
    40119156 40029204 39969270 39849386 39709523=20
    39889618 40659533 41539467=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 22 03:19:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 220319

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1041
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1119 PM EDT Sat Sep 21 2024

    Areas affected...central/eastern Pennsylvania, north/northeastern
    Maryland, northern Delaware

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 220318Z - 220718Z

    Summary...A cluster of deep convection over central Pennsylvania
    was producing spots of rainfall rates approaching 2 inches/hr.=20
    Isolated flash flood potential will exist with this activity as
    storms migrate toward the southeastern Pennsylvania/northeastern
    Maryland border region through 06-07Z.

    Discussion...A vigorous shortwave trough over Pennsylvania has
    helped to force a relatively fast-moving convective complex that
    currently extends from near Williamsport to State College. Ahead
    of this complex, cells have developed within a warm/moist axis
    characterized by ~1000 J/kg MLCAPE and 1-1.5 inch PW values -
    highest near Chesapeake Bay. The cells ahead of the linear
    complex were moving considerably slower (around 5-10 mph),
    allowing for several cell mergers and prolonged rainfall, with
    rates approaching 1.5-2 inches/hr at times generally from
    Williamsport to Harrisburg.

    Both models/observations and objective analyses indicate potential
    for the southward-moving convective complex to continue for a few
    hours, potentially reaching the MD/PA border region through 0530Z
    and the I-95 corridor thereafter. The combination of cells and
    linear convective structures suggests potential for at least an
    isolated flash flood risk to persist with this activity during
    that timeframe - especially near cell mergers and slower-moving
    storms. FFG thresholds in much of the region are in the 2.5
    inch/hr range, suggesting that the best risk of excessive runoff
    should remain 1) isolated and 2) tied to low/sensitive spots and
    urbanized land surfaces.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9Xo6ruPuoxEk81-UYHxO7tn3Yi-GDj-WGsNLgtLkQi0v8_f_7qEfprDMsBsINvLctM_A= IoYZsPUsH7yZaKHseLQu9Lg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 41157682 40537581 39897560 39197581 38917653=20
    39237727 40497798=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 22 17:02:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221702

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1042
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    101 PM EDT Sun Sep 22 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest to Central East OK...Southeast TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221700Z - 222200Z

    SUMMARY...Slow moving, back-building cells with rates of 1"/hr may
    pose localized 1-1.5" totals and possible flash flooding

    DISCUSSION...GOES-W and Regional RADAR mosaic have started to
    depict increasing convective activity in both coverage and
    vertical depth with peak heating of the day. The highly
    anomalous, over 3.5 standard anomaly units from climatology, core
    of the closed low is bottoming out across SW California with
    vorticity center at the southern base; this is allowing for an elongation/stretching of the mid-level deformation zone to extend
    across SW to NE San Bernadino county with increased deep layer
    convergence. Given steepening lapse rates with cold air advection
    aloft, surface heating into the 80s is starting to support surface
    based CAPE values from 500-1000 J/kg to develop over the Southern
    California Deserts toward the Colorado River Valley near S Nevada.
    While deep layer moisture is a bit limited with only Tds in the
    upper 40s, low 50s and total PWat values in the .75 to 1" range.=20
    The convergence within the band and orographic ascent confluent
    across the San Bernadino/Little Bernadino/San Jacinto Ranges
    supports stronger vertical development and sufficient moisture
    flux to support .5-1"/hr rates.=20

    Limited cell motions given proximity to the closed low/deformation
    zone will allow for very slow/stationary motion with upstream redevelopment/backbuilding along the deformation band across NE
    CA. Propagation may also allow cells along the mountain ridges
    into the Cochella Valley with time. This may allow for spotty
    .75-1" totals with an isolated 1.5" total remains possible. Given
    naturally low FFG values less than these hourly rates and
    potential; an isolated flash flooding incident or two is
    considered possible across the area through the late
    afternoon/evening hours.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7Raf4jFpWLwzZnXM89GEBYYsNLqlif8rCj3u1a-UXyChH7ZjaLJXKLZBzBqkBK8BeHzR= 62Ek7z1HNOtP0vFSlRmWc1g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36109607 36069525 35799487 35339499 34969571=20
    34729672 34459805 34099985 33890132 34520180=20
    35150101 35629991 35919906 36089804 36069700=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 22 17:35:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 221735

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1042...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    134 PM EDT Sun Sep 22 2024

    Corrected for Resend of Text

    Areas affected...Southwest to Central East OK...Southeast TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 221700Z - 222200Z

    SUMMARY...Potential for elevated training cells with rates slowly
    increasing as cells approach surface front and deep moisture flux
    inflow. Isolated rates up to 2"/hr and totals of 2-3" may result
    in localized flash flooding particularly near urban or hard/baked
    ground conditions.

    DISCUSSION...16z surface analysis depicts a stationary front from
    TQH at the the southward sagging cold front across the MOKSAROK
    across to SRE to OUN to FSI and a low near FDR before becoming a
    bit less defined across NW Texas into deeper low level status.=20=20
    This stratus is banked in west of the surface low, but also within
    the best isentropic ascent from return Gulf moisture along the low
    level jet. Upper-level jet is sliding east and as such, the
    mid-levels quickly veering across 850-700mb resulting in
    convergent flow aloft of the Eastern Cap Rock into SW OK. Modest
    500-1000 J/kg of MUCAPE and the FGEN forcing has been breaking out
    convection for the last few hours with increasing coverage across
    TX. Total moisture values through this eastward angling moisture
    plume are fairly solid at at 1.5-2 standard anomaly units above
    average between 1.5-1.75", but slowly climbing with the addition
    of the return Gulf moisture and increasing confluence into the
    mid-levels. As such, rainfall rates are slowly increasing from
    1-1.5"/hr into an increasingly favorable steering flow allowing
    for training elements over the next few hours.=20=20

    Recent drought conditions resulting in very high FFG values are
    likely still too high for these rates (with exception of central
    Cap Rock where values are more approachable); however, as the
    cells move eastward, the proximity to the surface front reduces
    and bases are lowering and trying to root more toward the surface.
    This is allowing for increased moisture flux into the updrafts
    with Tds in the upper 60s. As a result, rainfall rates are
    starting to increase to around 2"/hr with some occasional as well
    a approaching increased urbanization. While 1hr FFG values are
    still above 2.5"; the prolonged drought may have further hardened
    the upper ground surface making infiltration even more difficult
    and so may be over-estimating FFG. While, not likely to be large
    scale or significant in magnitude, isolated flash flooding is
    considered possible over the early afternoon hours across the repeating/training corridor particularly near urban centers.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9KdGmtOuz_OUcNklFbAeRysQRnJruYvZldQnH5pIp_Va_0wwL938X9qDU9K_60ot16TT= KcomUwZnyz2iHxDU5lHJp8E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36109607 36069525 35799487 35339499 34969571=20
    34729672 34459805 34099985 33890132 34520180=20
    35150101 35629991 35919906 36089804 36069700=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 22 21:09:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 222109

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1043
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    509 PM EDT Sun Sep 22 2024

    Areas affected...Big Bend into northwestern TX

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 222107Z - 230215Z

    Summary...Increasing flash flood potential will setup across
    portions of Big Bend into the Permian Basin and northwestern TX
    through 02Z. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr, but locally in excess of
    2 in/hr, are expected to lead to a couple of 3-4" totals.

    Discussion...Surface observations from 21Z and visible satellite
    imagery helped place a cold front across western TX, with an
    attached surface low just south of a MAF to BPG line. Convective
    development was increasing along the portion of the front
    extending northeast of the surface low, while development near the
    weaker cold frontal segment to the southwest of the low was
    isolated. 20Z SPC mesoanalysis data showed plenty of instability
    in place south of the front with 1000 to near 3000 J/kg MLCAPE
    (highest near Rio Grande) along with 1.4 to 1.8 inches of
    precipitable water.

    Lift across the region was occurring ahead of an advancing
    positively tilted upper trough axis extending from the central
    High Plains into the Desert Southwest and the right entrance
    region of an associated 70-90 kt jet max near 250 mb. Short term
    model forecasts show the front continuing to advance gradually off
    toward the southeast over the next 3-6 hours into weak
    southeasterly low level winds. Surface convergence and forcing
    aloft, coupled with the available instability, should be enough to
    support increasing convective coverage throughout the remainder of
    the afternoon and through the evening, especially between I-10 and
    I-20 where mean steering flow will be roughly parallel to the
    front, allowing for repeating and merging of cells along with
    rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr (locally in excess of 2 in/hr

    Farther south, coverage of convection may remain more isolated,
    especially in the vicinity of Big Bend N.P. where forcing is
    weaker and some pockets of weak inhibition likely remain. However,
    speed shear profiles will support some organized, possibly slower
    moving, cells. The potential for merging cells will also exist
    farther south, but this is conditional on higher coverage
    occurring closer to Big Bend. Despite dry antecedent conditions
    over roughly the past 3 weeks, at least isolated flash flood
    potential will exist across northwestern TX into the Big Bend
    region where a couple of 3-4" totals may occur.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9K-bFj-sylLBsR7j0mHcwfwqYt-TxrY4hDEg3KDcOpAwlKjqaEpDV1S1gdB0L66Rw3qF= sj0PYfsq-x4Osm22-C8W9_Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33729859 32849831 32029859 31079965 30550040=20
    29920157 29560234 29280254 29000277 28820309=20
    28780346 28930371 29060390 29380406 29620412=20
    29790420 30210429 30510423 30620403 30470357=20
    30580305 31150249 31880211 32710136 33320000=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 23 21:04:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 232104

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1044
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    504 PM EDT Mon Sep 23 2024

    Areas affected...eastern KY/TN into the central/southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 232103Z - 240215Z

    Summary...Isolated flash flooding will be possible across portions
    of eastern KY/TN into the central/southern Appalachians. Rainfall
    rates of 1-2 in/hr will be possible where brief training of cells

    Discussion...2045Z visible satellite and regional radar imagery
    showed scattered thunderstorms ongoing from portions of central
    KY/northern TN into the central/southern Appalachians. A recent
    increase in the coverage of storms appears to be driven by daytime
    heating and increased ascent ahead of an elongated vorticity
    maximum observed on water vapor imagery from western TN into
    northern MS. SPC mesoanalysis data from 20Z showed 1000-2000 J/kg
    MLCAPE and weakly anomalous precipitable water values of 1.5 to
    1.9 inches across the region. The ongoing cells were moving with
    the deeper layer mean wind of 15-25 kt in a general eastward

    There is some concern that as the vorticity max over TN/MS
    continues to advance toward the northeast, increased forcing ahead
    of this feature will act on instability already in place to
    support greater coverage of cells heading through the remainder of
    the evening, increasing the potential for areas of brief training
    that could support locally higher rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr.
    While this threat is expected to remain low, areas of low FFG
    exist ever portions of eastern KY/TN into the Appalachians with 1
    to 2 inches in an hour.

    Outside of terrain, no significant boundaries were analyzed that
    are expected to have an impact on cell placement and the
    expectation moving forward is that cells will continue to remain
    somewhat disorganized and multicellular in nature, although
    increasing shear from the west may support some more organized
    cells. However, beyond ~02Z, the expectation is that diminishing
    instability with the loss of daytime heating will contribute to a
    reduction in storm coverage and a lowering of the flash flood


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7xwZHjpOHFc8VP5Yl0hUJw2muici3tJZiNP8J4-9UyVi6AgGbQ_cNsgG5-SHlxkyU7lX= vjSUgTQ-gi3TDz2CxvFgOxo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37758313 37678264 37428100 37278083 36548088=20
    36148161 35238255 35358389 35848446 36568457=20
    37018485 37318493 37658490 37738455 37748401=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 23 23:14:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 232314

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1045
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    714 PM EDT Mon Sep 23 2024

    Areas affected...southeastern MO/northeastern AR into Mid-MS

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 232312Z - 240510Z

    SUMMARY... The potential for SW to NE training of heavy rain will
    increase overnight from the eastern AR/MO border region into the
    and across the MS River. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr are expected
    with totals of 2 to 4 possible on a localized basis.

    DISCUSSION...Fading visible satellite imagery at 23Z and regional
    radar imagery showed a recent increase in the intensity of
    thunderstorms over northern AR into MO, especially with a small
    line segment located between STL and UNO. Additionally, a
    northeastward tracking mesolow was observed in northern AR,
    co-located with a small area of showers to its north. The regional
    uptick in convection was occurring ahead of an upper level
    vorticity max over western MO seen on water vapor imagery,
    tracking ENE. At the surface, a low was located about 75 miles
    southwest of STL with a stationary front extending eastward into
    southern KY and cold front extending southward from the low into
    west-central AR. Earlier clearing on visible imagery ahead of the
    cold front from northeastern AR into southeastern MO had allowed
    for greater coverage of 500-1500 J/kg MLCAPE located in the warm
    sector over southeastern MO via SPC mesoanalysis data. Moisture
    via area GPS observations and mesoanalysis data revealed values of
    1.5 to 1.8 inches throughout the Mid-MS Valley.

    As the upstream vorticity max/trough axis continue to move east
    overnight, thunderstorm coverage is expected to expand across
    southeastern MO/northeastern AR into southern IL, especially for
    locations near/north of the stationary front. Some modest increase
    in 850 mb flow is expected beyond 00Z ahead of the trough with
    greater coverage of 20-25 kt southwesterlies forecast through 04Z
    by the latest RAP which should lead to greater isentropic ascent
    from the MO/IL border into southern IL and western portions of KY.
    Due to unidirectional southwesterly flow ahead of the cold front,
    instances of southwest to northeast training will be favored as
    the general precipitation axis advances toward the east, ahead of
    the upstream upper vort/trough axis. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr
    and localized maxima of 2 to 4 inches will be possible


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5_6Emwuq6zhHW2iJFCI5PUcMQIN5Ahy_RM0Yxe-KA6KEFeOwR83_2faIU-LwAaPQ8-kD= VCb6uhEFlOVr3vBHJbBDhFs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39338855 38468784 36748875 36378912 35798979=20
    35479042 35419117 35679184 36149221 37119221=20
    38239099 38998989=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 24 03:26:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 240326

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1046
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1125 PM EDT Mon Sep 23 2024

    Areas affected...southern Illinois, southern Indiana, northern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 240324Z - 240924Z

    Summary...A cluster of thunderstorms was intensifying over
    southwestern Illinois and will move eastward across the discussion
    area over the next 6 hours. Isolated instances of flash flooding
    are possible with this activity.

    Discussion...Recent radar/satellite imagery depicts expanding
    convective coverage along an axis extending from near Mount
    Vernon, IL southwestward through Cape Girardeau, MO. These storms
    were loosely organized, with a number of cell mergers across
    south-central Illinois and a limited amount of training closer to
    Cape Girardeau. The storms were being forced by 1) a strong
    mid-level wave just east of St. Louis and 2) sufficient
    moisture/instability (~1000 J/kg MLCAPE and 1.7 inch PW values)
    for strong updrafts and efficient rainfall. Recent MRMS imagery
    depicts a gradual increase in coverage of 1-1.5 inch/hr rainfall
    rates that were beginning to approach one-hour FFG thresholds
    across southern Illinois.

    Models/objective guidance suggests that these trends will continue
    with eastward extent toward southern Indiana and northern Kentucky
    over the next 3-6 hours. Storms should reach southwestern Indiana
    and vicinity around 0530Z. The loosely organized nature of the
    storms (with occasional development but downstream and southwest
    of the majority of ongoing convection) should continue to allow
    for occasional cell mergers/training and spots of 1-2 inch/hr rain
    rates at times. These rates should fall on ground conditions
    characterized by 1.5-2.5 inch/hr FFG thresholds, and the spotty
    nature of the heavier rain rates suggest isolated flash flood
    potential especially in low spots and urbanized areas.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7d4CwpoNKF4sSwzivgNOsflGcyeNSMtGWdfkhlUDVtLadz85CxGbafKDiS0J-KTDzgwx= sfXLj6xAmeVVf8P1EkM96RE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39438581 39148495 38508490 37678540 37188737=20
    37198911 37748959 38648932 39208835=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 24 17:38:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241738

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1047
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    138 PM EDT Tue Sep 24 2024

    Areas affected...Southern to South-central Appalachians...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 241735Z - 242300Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered cells ahead of main convective lines may
    pre-soak rugged areas with spot of 1-2.5" resulting in scattered
    possible flash flooding.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E visible imagery shows a fairly clear skies
    over the Appalachians across S WV/SW VA into E TN/W NC and far
    upstate SC. Temperatures have risen to upper 70s/low 80s with
    well above average low level moisture having filtered through the
    range with Tds in the mid to upper 60s. As such, the area has
    become fairly unstable with 1250-1750 J/kg of MLCAPE. Solid
    25-40kts of southwesterly 850-700mb flow has been advecting
    increasing moisture through the lowest levels to further moisten
    the lower column with total moisture reaching 1.5" even into the
    higher slopes with some suggestion of 1.7" starting to reach
    eastern TN through the Cumberland Plateau.

    While main northern stream trough remains well west over the
    Midwest digging into the Tri-Rivers area of W KY, a subtle
    southern stream wave can be seen sliding through E TN moving
    generally parallel to the slopes. This forcing combined with
    low-level convergence from approaching pre-frontal convective line
    out of KY, is starting to spark increasing TCu and incipient CBs
    across the clearer skies downstream. More mature cells along the
    pre-frontal trough as well as very near the shortwave lifting
    north will likely continue to enhance with cells capable of
    1.25-1.75"/hr rates. While cell motions will likely limit overall
    totals to about 30-60 minutes, it is the pre-cursory cells that
    given solid instability and updraft strength may be capable of a
    similar 1-2"/hr total prior to the main forcing lines that may
    result in spots of 1.5-2.5" totals over a 3 hour period as they
    repeat or at time merge with the cells in the effective warm
    sector ahead of the line.=20

    Hydrologically, the rugged area has naturally lower FFG values at
    1-1.5"/hr and 1-2"/3hr which suggest either slower moving
    pre-cursory cells or the stronger forced lines will have a solid
    potential of being exceeded. The scattered and transitory nature
    is likely to result in localized scattered incidents of flash
    flooding given 1.5-2.5" totals through 00z.=20=20=20=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5mft5fm8mf2N5imOwIwoq5Gk1GRjjKCLt02m9aPzM6Dg8tRMdIhlW0tN497hvPe5bHVu= yFmsBq5Z_jd0_DRdQbAikl8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38798028 38517956 37897963 37337997 36208103=20
    35368190 34978242 34898304 35248336 35868325=20
    36378346 36968305 37638230 38528109=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 24 19:05:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 241905

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1048
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    305 PM EDT Tue Sep 24 2024

    Areas affected...Middle Tennessee, Central/Eastern Kentucky, into
    southern Ohio

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 241904Z - 250104Z

    SUMMARY...Scattered thunderstorm clusters ahead of cold front may
    bring 1.5-2.5" resulting in isolated flash flooding into this

    DISCUSSION...Regional NEXRAD and GOES-E IR imagery shows a few
    thunderstorm clusters have developed over middle TN and central KY
    which is ahead of a cold front. Recent rainfall estimates of
    1.5"/hr are seen south of Cincinnati and north of Nashville.
    Sufficient moisture of 1.6 to 1.7" PW and instability with MLCAPE
    1500-2000 J/kg are allowing this heavy development. SWly low level
    flow, which is parallel to the advancing cold front, is 25-30kt
    which will keep a repeating thunderstorm threat into the evening
    and slow eastward progression despite relatively quick storm
    motions in 45kt mean layer steering flow.

    There are more flash-flood susceptible areas in the outlook
    including south central KY where 2-3" fell overnight, urban areas
    such as the ones mentioned above, and over northern KY where 3hr
    FFG is around 1". This scattered activity will continue to produce
    1-2" in a couple hours with localized amounts of 3" possible into
    the evening. Should these higher totals fall on the more
    susceptible areas, flash flooding is possible. Overall the flash
    flooding is more of an isolated threat.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7-7T1clRwaLuLTAgutQiZls3BhimUncxZuRrWD4Eul7s6j04z3xwrqHGfZ9f_liFCHYr= 2kJezEn-YshYLYYoDedV2t8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39678323 39028216 37978207 36338398 34478767=20
    34628872 35478823 36498724 37468652 38028600=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 24 22:30:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 242230

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1049
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    629 PM EDT Tue Sep 24 2024

    Areas affected...Southwestern Virginia and West-Central North
    Carolina into Upstate South Carolina

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 242227Z - 250415Z

    SUMMARY...Increasing coverage of thunderstorms focusing over a
    stationary front near the NC/VA border brings the risk for quick 2
    to 4" rainfall and scattered flash flooding into this overnight.

    DISCUSSION...Thunderstorms, some of which are supercells, will
    continue to develop in a warm sector in southwest VA and western
    NC and further develop as they cross a stationary front/cold air
    damming wedge and into south-central VA and central NC. Recent
    rainfall estimates of 2.5"/hr are near Martinsburg, VA which is
    just beyond the stationary front. High moisture (PW 1.8 to 2.0")
    and instability (MLCAPE 1500 to 2500 J/kg) are allowing this heavy
    development in the warm sector which convergence and a sharp
    downward gradient over the front slowing activity that crosses it.
    SWly low level flow is 15 to 20 kt which will keep
    moisture/instability advection over the front and allow further

    Confidence has increased in the flash flood potential along the
    front with recent HRRRs/18Z NAMnest all featuring QPF of 2 to 4"=20
    before midnight along the west-central NC/VA border and into
    south-central VA. Stability well into the cold sector behind the
    front should continue to limit the progression of activity to a
    couple counties into south-central VA with ongoing activity
    expected west of the Blue Ridge to the Alleghenies of VA. Further
    development is likely down the eastern side of the Appalachians
    tonight, so the outlook area include western NC into Upstate SC
    given earlier heavy activity there today. Previous flooding in the Raleigh-Durham Triangle makes them vulnerable and the presence of
    the front through there should allow for further flooding
    concerns. All to say flash flooding is likely through this evening
    near the frontal zone and better characterized as possible farther
    south over western NC into SC.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!58JoNc9J0GamLjSQ9HPixWWiI7gwoL3lfkh7uxN0BFzsdi5frmirA49hLkdj4eEPzpkv= ru_mMk4mSxJFr8W4jAkNMNI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37777959 37167911 36807809 36187811 35817869=20
    35247959 35448056 35428136 34988224 35398278=20
    35998190 36638133 37048113 37418058 37728013=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 24 23:13:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 242313

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1050
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    713 PM EDT Tue Sep 24 2024

    Areas affected...South-Central Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 242311Z - 250500Z

    SUMMARY...Threat for further thunderstorm development overnight
    ahead of cold front may bring additional 2 to 3" resulting in
    isolated flash flooding overnight.

    DISCUSSION...Scattered supercells have developed east of the
    pre-frontal convection over east-central KY and middle TN in the
    broad warm sector west of the crest of the south-central
    Appalachians. Recent rainfall estimates from KJKL are up to
    1.5"/hr over far eastern KY. Sufficient moisture of 1.5 to 1.6" PW
    and instability with MLCAPE 1000 to 1500 J/kg will continue to
    allow redevelopment of activity this heavy. There are further
    threats for flash flooding as the main pre-frontal convection
    comes through later this evening along with topographical lift
    from the western slopes of the south-central Apps. Deviant motion
    has been noted from left-moving super cells, so cell mergers and
    local upwind propagation will continue to be where the greatest
    flash flood threat is into the overnight.

    This area has rather low FFG, generally 1 to 1.5"/hr and around
    2"/3hr. So overlap from ongoing activity and the next round
    further raises the potential for flash flooding. Recent HRRR runs
    have indicated generally 1 to 2" from both rounds, which helps
    point to an isolated flash flood threat overnight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!75eMTg0spooPsLUE1keXbR57wZa4sbuEhmAqL5dpbjCc5h6NXe_vGZILIcYyjPGOlC0A= hulzEaW9c_W3MoErGIBVbQs$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38268090 37298082 36138197 35498348 36318409=20
    37188367 38208261=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 04:31:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 250431

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1051
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1230 AM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...much of North Carolina, upstate South Carolina,
    and a small part of southern/southeastern Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 250429Z - 251029Z

    Summary...Continued rounds of thunderstorms are expected to
    repeat/train across the discussion area through 08-09Z/4-5am
    Eastern. Rain rates exceeding 2 inches/hour at times are expected
    to result in at least localized flash flood concerns.

    Discussion...Over the last 2-3 hours, thunderstorms have focused
    along an axis extending from far northwestern South Carolina (near
    Spartanburg) east-northeastward through Raleigh/Durham and on to
    Roanoke Rapids. These storms were oriented parallel to
    west-southwesterly steering flow aloft, allowing for spots of
    localized training along the aforementioned axis. Additionally,
    enhanced low-level flow (around 25 knots across the Piedmont) were
    aiding in persistent low-level convergence along the axis while
    also maintaining 1000-1500 J/kg MLCAPE and 1.5-2 inch PW values
    within the pre-convective environment. These factors are
    continuing to support areas of 1-2 inch/hr rain rates at times
    that were threatening local FFG thresholds across the region
    (generally in the 1.5-2 inch/hr range - lowest in western and
    central North Carolina). This regime is expected to persist, with
    at least isolated flash flood potential materializing across the
    discussion area. A few spots of 4 inch rainfall totals are
    possible through 10Z. Some concern exists that the Raleigh/Durham
    area could experience heavier rain rates and urbanized flash flood
    potential overnight. Additional concerns exist across areas that
    have received 1-3 inch rainfall totals over the past 6 hours,
    where wet soils are likely to contribute to a greater risk for
    excessive runoff (especially in south-central/southeastern
    Virginia and central North Carolina).

    Moisture/instability profiles support redevelopment north of the
    primary convective axis (across northwestern North
    Carolina/southwestern Virginia) as well. Thunderstorms are
    expected to be a bit less focused in these areas (with lower
    potential for training/repeating). Isolated instances of flash
    flooding are still possible in this regime, however, especially
    where 1.5 inch/hr rain rates can materialize over sensitive/low


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6QnbCKMXB2agTymKG-p9ro26LkVSQzd30BsDpzjNOZm1Sti2TuAqiYdZpbsfAwni5hl6= 2BY95B542irfj5fwy1xyN_4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37467723 36997655 36377659 35677725 35247924=20
    34898198 35158287 35648240 36178142 36877979=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 06:57:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 250657

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1052
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    257 AM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...eastern Kentucky, western Virginia, and
    northeastern Tennessee

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 250656Z - 251256Z

    Summary...Scattered showers and isolated thunderstorms continue to
    migrate northeastward across the southern/central Appalachians,
    where wet soils have left ground conditions vulnerable to
    excessive runoff. Isolated instances of flash flooding are
    possible through early morning (12Z/8am Eastern).

    Discussion...Ascent/difluence aloft associated with longwave
    troughing across the central U.S. continues to support persistent,
    but scattered thunderstorm activity across the discussion area.=20
    The convection continues to persist in a marginally unstable
    environment (~500 J/kg MLCAPE) although with sufficient moisture
    (1.5 inch PW) for heavier rainfall to materialize in a few of the
    cells. Modest low-level forcing/focus was allowing for convective
    bands to migrate northeastward amid appreciable steering flow
    (around 35 knots), with localized backbuilding/training and
    favorable orientation of the bands (to flow aloft) allowing for
    prolonged rainfall and spots of 1 inch/hr rain rates at times.=20
    FFG thresholds in the region were generally around an inch or
    less, and convection was occasionally exceeding those thresholds,
    suggesting isolated/sporadic flash flood potential in the short

    Models/observations suggest that the overall scenario supporting
    isolated flash flood potential should remain in place through the
    early morning hours (12Z or so). Scattered convection should
    continue to initially deepen across eastern Tennessee and migrate
    northeastward atop areas of wet soils and hilly terrain, with
    occasional and sporadic instances of flash flood guidance
    exceedance. Convective coverage and limited instability are
    mitigating factors for a larger-scale flash flood threat, though a
    few instances of flash flooding cannot be ruled out.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-uF8xM0IG71y07af3nQfOkcj8xQs7O_2wSe3nTHk46YTvQc1HUwseHxC6rDOJV4blgu9= UJitnDYvRC28jG316xvgKbk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37738248 37278166 37368085 37448034 37078013=20
    36528032 36108159 35858306 35648356 35728397=20
    36218439 36928407 37558355=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 15:02:04 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251501

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1053
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1101 AM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 251500Z - 252100Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding will be possible this afternoon as the
    Predecessor Rain Event (PRE) begins from northeast Alabama through
    the Southern Appalachians

    DISCUSSION...The well-advertised PRE has begin to take shape
    across portions of the Southeast this morning. Storms have
    developed in a cluster across eastern Alabama with another one
    over eastern Tennessee. FFGs in the area are high...generally
    around 2.5 inches in 1 hour for Alabama and Georgia, but they are
    much lower in eastern Tennessee around Knoxville.

    An upper level low across far western Tennessee is drawing
    increasing moisture northwestward across Georgia into this zone
    where the storms are forming. Upper level jet stream winds are
    expected to approach 100 kts, which will increase the upper level
    divergence over the storms in the right entrance region, thus
    further enhancing the lift.

    Through mid-afternoon, CAMs guidance suggests additional line
    segments of storms will develop generally aligned SSW to NNE
    across the area. Embedded cells within the lines, as now, will
    track NNE, roughly parallel to the lines. The result will be some
    areas seeing multiple rounds of training thunderstorms, each
    capable of producing rainfall rates to 2.5 inches per hour...with
    those heaviest rates more likely once the storms move more into
    Georgia later this afternoon. Further, since the storms will be
    moving roughly parallel to the lines, the lines' forward speed to
    the east will be slow, allowing for multiple cells repeating over
    the same areas. Even now with pockets of 2 inch per hour rates
    associated with the strongest storms, the training nature of the
    storms will result in multiple rounds over potentially flood-prone
    and urban areas. Thus, even where FFG values are higher, the
    repeating nature of the storms will locally lower values as
    repeated storms move overhead.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8fuzp5UF4MyLM5i4ice_SruJT_LUmPhvtYGUW8MjuAu0_gBz4F9ucTfRSImAXt0lc3gk= Rw4cLLKMvpdj6fkAj_k4YFo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36768370 36298236 34918356 33728479 32768559=20
    33518664 34718567 35388522=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 17:01:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251701

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1054
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    101 PM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...North Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 251700Z - 252100Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving and training thunderstorms associated with
    the developing predecessor rain event (PRE) are likely to cause an
    urban flash flooding threat as they approach Atlanta.

    DISCUSSION...A line of slow-moving and training thunderstorms has
    developed west of Atlanta this afternoon. The storms are making
    their way into the metro area. The storms have a history of
    producing rainfall rates up to 2.5 inches per hour across far
    northwestern Georgia.

    As the storms move into Atlanta within the next hour, potential
    for training as well as locally heavy rain with any stronger storm
    cores will likely cause flash flooding in the streams and creeks
    around the city that are most prone to flooding due to heavy rain.

    Beyond the initial round of heavy rain, backbuilding storms as
    well as new development south of town will likely result in a
    long-duration rain event where steady light to moderate rain may
    continue across the city through the afternoon.

    East of town the flash flooding threat through the afternoon will
    be significantly lower, as higher FFGs in the rural areas should
    mean much more rainfall will be needed before significant flash
    flooding occurs. However, given the increasing moisture out ahead
    of Helene, slow moving storms, and most importantly, training of
    the storms...even outside of town flash flooding will be possible
    through the afternoon.

    The much greater threat for flooding area-wide is expected to be
    later tonight as stronger easterly flow associated with the
    approach of Helene slows any eastward-moving storms significantly.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9mpvhlMUu9Aq2Zs1wxis2Q0CchZDvwR4RY3t5Gr396QjSW1VhmnT7NPnPbLBc8QIusML= 7SPiSIbuQaJ_DPWHBfdYcM0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35198318 34768295 34408294 33868312 33198372=20
    33098440 33098481 33028522 33848462 34728366=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 18:00:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251800

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1055
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    200 PM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Alabama into Western Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 251759Z - 252359Z

    SUMMARY...Slow-moving bands of heavy thunderstorms in a plume of
    tropical moisture ahead of Helene will continue to produce areas
    of 2.5" hourly rainfall and the potential for 4" rest of the

    DISCUSSION...Clusters of slow-moving heavy thunderstorm bands
    oriented SSW to NNE over southern/eastern AL will continue to
    converge and shift north over the next hour or so, then likely
    drift east into western Georgia rest of the afternoon. Hourly
    rainfall of 2.5"/hr has been estimated from both KMXX and KEOX
    over Butler Co AL. While 1hr FFG exceeds 3" there, lower FFG near
    2"/hr is in the Montgomery metro area as points east where an inch
    of rain fell overnight.

    This activity is on leading edge of the core of Helene-sourced
    moisture with PW of 2" just now entering southeast AL. A tongue of
    2.25" PW will shift up the AL/GA border by 00Z on 15 to 20kt
    southerly flow, further increasing the risk for extreme rainfall
    trough tonight.

    Guidance has generally underdone the coverage of activity though
    recent HRRRs are decent. Through 00Z, areas of 2-4" are likely.
    However, this area has been in drought, so FFG will only be
    exceeded in the most extreme rates and potentially in more
    sensitive urban areas like Montgomery, so flash flooding through
    the afternoon is considered possible.

    This event alone is the drought breaker for much of southeast AL,
    but unfortunately this area will continue to receive extreme
    rainfall at times now through the passage of Helene Thursday
    night. Further updates on this situation can be expected this
    evening and Helene in general at hurricanes dot gov.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4_E-pL511Oj2rc_woMysisJ7HgYCBVuJG5hJFlHVjDgcdZxF6aBRhbZ9eawPpWCoesqE= 6PidKCjNULmwP9J4_jcF71Q$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33218473 33008406 32188449 31058522 31028696=20
    32408663 33038619=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 18:42:06 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 251842

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1056
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    241 PM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...Western Slopes of South-Central Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 251841Z - 260041Z

    SUMMARY...Localized flash flooding into this evening as the
    Predecessor Rain Event (PRE) expands north west of the
    south-central Appalachian crest.

    DISCUSSION...Two north-south corridors of locally heavy rain have
    developed west of the crest of the Appalachians over eastern
    KY/southern OH and over far southeast VA into central WV.
    Localized rates of 1.25"/hr have been estimated recently south and
    east of KJKL. This heavy rain is currently moving out of an area
    in far southwest VA that received 3"+ over the past day.

    An upper level low centered over the western tip of Kentucky is
    drawing Gulf moisture on southwesterly low level flow around 10kt
    which is why activity has been on the west side of the Appalachian
    Crest thus far. Instability is somewhat limited with MLCAPE around
    500 J/kg. However broad scale lift east of the developing low will
    continue to overcome the lower instability.=20

    Through the rest of the afternoon expect embedded cells of heavier
    rain to continue lifting north with localized areas exceeding
    1"/hr rainfall with potential for 2-3" in some pockets through
    00Z. FFG is low in places, around 1"/3hrs where the heaviest rain
    fell in far southwest VA and generally 1.5"/3hr elsewhere. Given
    the lack of prolonged higher rates, flash flooding is considered
    possible with an isolated coverage.

    An intense moisture plume from Helene will shift up the southern
    Appalachians overnight which will shift the heavy rainfall focus
    to the eastern side of the southern Appalachian crest, so please
    stay tuned for further heavy rainfall updates.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8dGFpl2olqaoar73bLvnYKwMMCeOBWHRFcefpBU8_lLPWZ6DJPd4_DWNlcNbm4tz5Yu1= TH_odiAFPPN8uu0VhTiNifA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39208194 38218211 37998167 38898050 38788002=20
    38148034 37398116 36268191 36458364 37808331=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 20:15:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 252015

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1057
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    414 PM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...North Georgia and the Southern Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 252013Z - 260200Z

    SUMMARY...Training thunderstorms will continue to lift over the
    Atlanta Metro area rest of this afternoon and over the eastern
    side of the southern Appalachians through tonight. Flash flooding
    is likely, particularly in Appalachian terrain, through this
    evening before becoming considerable to catastrophic overnight.

    DISCUSSION...Convergence of the tropical plume of moisture ahead
    of Helene and a cold front over southern Alabama has allowed a
    particularly heavy line of slow-moving and training thunderstorms
    to develop over southeast AL into western GA. This northward shift
    in moisture is driven by an upper low centered over far western
    KY. Recent rainfall estimates of 2 to 3" per hour are from KFFC
    and KMXX over eastern AL/western GA. The heaviest rain thus far
    has stayed south of the Atlanta metro and outflow is seen on KFFC
    which indicates the main threat for now to be avoiding that
    particular area.

    However, the tropical moisture plume with PW of 2 to 2.25" will
    shift up the AL/GA border rest of the afternoon, pushing moisture
    and instability back over the Atlanta metro and then up the
    eastern side of the southern Appalachians through this evening.
    Terrain enhanced rainfall there will quickly fill in a gap of
    rainfall over the past day that in western NC (surrounding
    Asheville). Rates of 2"/hr is likely by this evening which would
    exceed the FFG of 1.5-2"/hr. Flash flooding is likely through 02Z.
    The 18Z HRRR depiction of 2-4" in terrain over western NC and
    northeast GA is reasonable, but around 1" additional seems low for north-central GA and the Atlanta metro with a few additional
    inches possible.

    The much greater threat for flooding area-wide is expected to be
    later tonight as even stronger southeasterly flow associated with
    the approach of Helene pushes ever greater moisture into the same
    eastern slopes of the southern Appalachians with potentially
    catastrophic flash flooding overnight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9G545def8ARs157X46OEZ-10V0iw4FQu_LPb0uvj5WgbYbegSDjzE2wychwhfZbHECPL= y9Z-3OHKQcLxwU6yRDCLhco$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36478281 36268158 34908229 33878304 33158365=20
    33158508 33548517 34468443 35388418=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 25 22:47:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 252247

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1058
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    646 PM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...Florida Panhandle into Central Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 252245Z - 260445Z

    SUMMARY...Particularly heavy rain is expected in southwest Georgia
    into the Florida Panhandle this evening due to convergence of
    pre-frontal activity from the west and the outermost banding of
    Helene from the south. Flash flooding is likely despite dry
    preconditions due to extreme rainfall rates of 3" per hour.

    DISCUSSION...Heavy and locally excessive pre-frontal activity over
    southeast AL and west-central GA is shifting east on outflow while
    the outermost bands of Helene have been tracking north over the FL
    Peninsula. Convergence of these two areas is progged this evening
    over southwest Georgia into the FL Big Bend/eastern Panhandle.
    This outer band is on the leading edge of particularly high
    moisture, lining up with the 2.2" PW contour from recent RAP
    analysis with PW climbing to 2.4" farther down the Peninsula which
    is 2.5 sigma over normal. Sufficient instability is present with
    MLCAPE of 1000 to 1500 J/kg.

    Recent HRRR runs have been under realizing rainfall rates which
    are estimated from KTLH and KVAX over Thomas County, GA. However,
    the timing in recent HRRRs has been decent with the main
    convergence over southwest GA occurring between 00Z and 02Z. There
    is a risk for 2 to 5" rainfall through the rest of the evening
    which is only a little above the high 3hr FFG of 4 to 5" due to a
    lack of rain in this part of GA yet. However, these extreme rates
    from slow moving and merging cells warrants likely wording for
    this discussion.

    A trough extending southwest from western GA extends over the FL
    Panhandle and should provide a focus for some additional heavy
    rain, so the discussion area is extended west about halfway
    through the Panhandle. As of now the area west of Apalachee Bay
    which received heavy rain earlier today appears to be south of the
    main heavy rain risk area, but given this coast is in the main
    Helene moisture plume there is at least a localized excessive
    rainfall risk there.

    Further banding from Helene approaches this area overnight, so
    expect further MPDs tonight and through the passage of Helene
    Thursday night.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7gQy-L5rRb2YDCuFlBs4dXTBE357slN-AZ2GzHbhs4ufqAFgFZIzioZAvrmI1xNjA8Vy= _3ooxOdSwPTpoIKVBXAXnTY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33338324 32558294 30998309 30018392 29348506=20
    30198636 30938639 31758554 32598502 33278448=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 00:11:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260011

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1059
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    810 PM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Virginia into West Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260009Z - 260600Z

    SUMMARY...Localized flash flooding into the overnight as moisture
    ahead of Helene streams over a stationary front and into the
    eastern slopes of the Appalachians.

    DISCUSSION...The northern end of the moisture plume in advance of
    Helene is lifting across NC and will cross a persistent front over southern/southwestern VA rest of the evening. Scattered
    thunderstorms have broken out along this frontal zone and to the
    west there remains terrain enhanced rainfall along the eastern
    slopes of the Appalachians. There were two main areas of heavy
    rain in this region over the past day, farther east over the NC/VA
    border last night, and earlier today west of the stationary front.
    The main focus for heavy rain into the overnight is generally
    progged to be between these two areas, but this is where the Blue
    Ridge is, so a bit of a broader swath as been drawn for possible
    flash flooding.

    Instability is sufficient with MLCAPE of 1000 to 2000 J/kg and
    moisture influx has been noted with low level southerly flow will
    increase from 15 to 30 kt through midnight which will reinforce PW
    around 1.7". Deep layer mean flow is around 30kt which should keep
    activity east of the Blue Ridge progressive, but localized
    rainfall over 1"/hr may cause some flooding issues. Terrain
    enhanced rates of 1"/hr will also cause concern...flash flooding
    is considered possible into the overnight.=20

    Further activity in the southern Mid-Atlantic is likely into
    Thursday, so please be on the look out for updated heavy rainfall


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!56Cb5WgNNgRrZQDnZzC0kwz7gCJUpY4QCWynC2pdhntabD3FeXxXi4cnQGuGebI-IJKF= kBCxNkSZVKrwnVQ0tS7Xl8E$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38287993 37917941 37677879 37207740 36577758=20
    36257848 36118091 36658225 37368181 37738106=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 02:49:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260249

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1060
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1049 PM EDT Wed Sep 25 2024

    Areas affected...Piedmont of GA and SC into the southern

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 260248Z - 260600Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of training are expected to continue over the next
    few hours from the Piedmont of GA and SC into the southern
    Appalachians. Peak rainfall rates in excess of 2 in/hr are
    expected with potential for considerable impacts.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar imagery over the Southeast showed an
    advancing area of heavy rain moving north through south-central GA
    along with a persistent axis of training heavy rain across the
    southeast facing slopes of the southern Appalachians/Blue Ridge
    Mountains. An axis of south to north training has been observed
    from just south of I-40 near Lake Lure in western NC northward
    toward the VA/NC border near Damascus. Observed peak rainfall
    rates have occasionally reached between 2-3 in/hr with rainfall
    totals for the day of 4 to 6 inches in the vicinity of I-40
    between Asheville and Marion.

    Low level southeasterly winds of 20-30 kt in the 925-850 mb layer
    are expected to maintain a plume of robust moisture transport into
    the terrain over the next few hours, with 500-1000 J/kg MLCAPE
    located just upstream across the Piedmont and adjacent foothills
    of the mountains. An axis of low level convergence and areas of
    training are expected to continue across western NC, and though
    some lower rainfall rates are likely at times, the persistent
    nature of training will continue a likely threat of flash flooding
    with locally significant/considerable flash flood impacts
    possible. Farther south into GA, the northward advancement of
    heavier rain will be moving into portions of the state which
    picked up 2 to 3 inches of rain since Wednesday afternoon with an
    additional inch or two possible by 06Z.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9uRkReJ5am0F6lbjtuStoZddiEjBCfZhdS_JySntPthWdIf3NEWU_zgWgKKSDX_vt3n9= RL_sllcvfYezbrWt4Jh7v3s$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36658178 36408143 36068111 35308187 34808214=20
    34318256 33568286 33438358 33588397 33778433=20
    34318452 34918431 35448364 36028295 36358267=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 05:52:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260552

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1061
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    152 AM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...eastern WV into central VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 260548Z - 261030Z

    SUMMARY...A few areas of training will maintain a flash flood over
    the next 3-4 hours, but decreasing instability is expected to
    diminish the threat by 10Z. Peak rainfall rates of 1 to 1.5 in/hr
    are expected.

    DISCUSSION...Scattered showers and thunderstorms remained as of
    0530Z across central/western VA into eastern WV. MRMS-derived
    rainfall rates over the past 2 hours have been peaking in the 1 to
    1.5 in/hr range, mainly near areas of mesoscale rotation. Cells
    were being driven along the leading edge of moisture
    transport/warm air advection along an anomalous moisture plume
    extending well northward of Hurricane Helene located in the
    southern Gulf of Mexico. Low level upslope flow was also a factor
    with 20-30 kt of 925-850 mb oriented from the SSE, focused into
    the Blue Ridge and Appalachians Mountains, located beneath
    diffluent flow aloft to the east of an upper low positioned over
    the Lower OH Valley.

    A few factors are expected to influence flash flood potential over
    the next few hours. While a few pockets of south to north training
    and repeating are ongoing from eastern WV into western and central
    VA, instability has been...and will continue to fall...through the
    remainder of the night. A low level anticyclone off of the central
    Mid-Atlantic coast is forecast to shift eastward which should
    allow for veering of the low level flow in VA, with winds becoming
    oriented more parallel to the axis of terrain. While precipitable
    water values will remain high (1.5 to 2.5 standard deviations
    above the mean) and highly localized instances of higher rain
    rates may remain by 10Z, the overall threat is expected to
    diminish later this morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_2MzV1xwHkH74tyNhg-PRtf5AHCekb-1piLPcB9LunPN8SIIowq52t5W8RXcl3h8N5FG= AGIUlQs6EECw3Ti_eoZE5Zc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39317873 38997788 38317828 37597878 37447924=20
    37437971 37478029 37738058 38018053 38398036=20
    38797995 39177930=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 08:07:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260807

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1063
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    406 AM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...Apalachicola region of FL Panhandle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 260805Z - 261405Z

    SUMMARY...As bands of heavy rain located north of Hurricane Helene
    approach the eastern FL Panhandle, renewed areas of flash flooding
    are expected toward 12Z. An additional 2-4 inches is expected
    through 14Z.

    DISCUSSION...Hurricane Helene was located about 375 miles SSW of
    Apalachicola, FL according to the 06Z position by NHC, moving
    north around 8 kt, though an increase in forward speed is expected
    late this morning. While this position is still well south of the
    FL Panhandle, 0745Z radar imagery showed axes and spiral bands of
    heavy rain located in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, grazing the
    western FL Peninsula and Gulf/Franklin counties of the Panhandle.
    GOES East water vapor and infrared satellite imagery showed
    healthy outflow in the northern semicircle of Helene's circulation
    and enhanced divergence aloft was present along the FL Panhandle
    due to the presence of a potent upper level jet max centered over
    the upper TN/OH Valleys.

    An increasing frequency of bands of heavy rain are expected to
    impact the FL Panhandle over the next 3-6 hours as Helene
    continues to advance north. While rain bands oriented generally
    west to east should push north without too much in the way of
    training concerns, rain bands that are aligned more with the mean
    steering flow from SSE to NNW will be favored for training. Even
    short term training could still allow for a quick 1-2 inches of
    rain in as little as 15-30 minutes due to the tropical environment
    in place. It is expected that steady rain will continue throughout
    the remainder of the morning, but with bursts of heavy rain
    occurring at times and with an increased frequency through 14Z
    along with an additional 2-4 inches.

    Given multi-sensor MRMS estimates of 5 to 10 inches of rain over
    the past 24 hours from near Apalachicola to Lake Talquin, soil
    saturation will more easily support runoff from additional heavy
    rain. Since instability of 500 to 1000+ J/kg is forecast to remain
    along and offshore of the coast, higher rainfall rates may be
    limited to coastal sections of the east-central Peninsula, but
    longer duration/lower intensity rainfall could still have flood
    impacts farther north.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-uwol5Mp4pDUbDRleBlBuMxXeJNIQI5JtTkfRh_K1Dxz8zgZPVJCvYHKNRwPdm0KYkO7= wfWPNkuiQ1hSdoFhn3ZNCz8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30508455 30298420 29738424 29508479 29468531=20
    29588552 29758563 30098552 30318536 30458492=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 06:52:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 260652

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1062
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    252 AM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...central/northern GA into the southern to central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 260651Z - 261045Z

    SUMMARY...Areas of heavy rain with south to north training to
    build northward through GA into the southern and central
    Appalachians through the morning. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr will
    be likely, but isolated 2+ in/hr cannot be ruled out.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar imagery across the Southeast at 0630Z
    showed a "Y" shaped appearance in reflectivity with a branch of
    heavier rainfall extending northeastward from the FL Panhandle
    into central GA, co-located with a remnant outflow/effective
    frontal boundary. A second axis of higher reflectivity extended
    northwestward across the GA coast into central GA and a broken
    axis of higher reflectivity values was located from central GA
    into western NC. These axes of higher reflectivity/heavier
    rainfall aligned fairly well with the leading edge of low level
    (0-3 km AGL) moisture flux where a plume of 2+ inch precipitable
    water values was building northward across GA via southeasterly
    low level winds of 20-30 kt. Mesoscale areas of rotation were
    embedded within the precipitation shield, associated with enhanced
    convergence and higher reflectivity along with with south to north
    training following the deeper layer steering flow.

    Short term RAP forecasts showed an axis of low level moisture flux
    convergence focusing from central GA into the southern
    Appalachians through 11Z along with gradually strengthening
    925-850 mb winds as Hurricane Helene continues to advance north
    from the southern Gulf of Mexico, increasing the low level height
    gradient across the Southeast. Flow is expected to be especially
    focused along the northern GA/SA border with RAP forecasts of 40
    kt by 12Z. The increased low level flow into and perpendicular to
    the axis of terrain, coupled with lift within the right entrance
    region of a 110-120 kt jet max aloft, should allow for
    steady/periods of heavy rain with rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr. The
    flash flood threat will also exist farther north toward the
    upslope regions of the central Appalachians into western NC and
    southwestern VA where heavy rain has already fallen over the past
    1-2 days, although reduced instability/moisture with northern
    extent may temper rainfall rates compared to those farther south.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_mf8Di26G500TgTbBXssuA17EmMKPTbty_iVZuLEhVaiDzKYKRNhX8wlFaPb9Hk6zscb= hHKQLgLumB83leSZcQ8gS-g$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36958081 36798069 36308087 35898114 35198192=20
    34738225 34178229 32608194 32398331 32648457=20
    33238469 34088456 34588434 35168392 35948323=20
    36168293 36418229 36588189 36758143 36938111=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 10:17:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261017

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1064
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    616 AM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...eastern GA, Upstate SC into the southern/central

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261015Z - 261445Z

    SUMMARY...Flash flooding, with locally significant impacts
    possible, should be expected for portions of the southern
    Appalachians this morning. Training of heavy rain is also likely
    to produce areas of flash flooding for other portions of the
    Southeast through 14Z.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar imagery at 10Z showed an axis of heavy
    rainfall with embedded mesoscale circulations extending from
    east-central GA along I-16 (Laurens and Treutlen counties)
    northward into far Upstate SC and western NC, along the southeast
    facing slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains. MRMS-estimates
    indicated rainfall rates of 1 to 1.5, locally up to 2 in/hr over
    the past 1-2 hours within this axis. In addition, 24 hour
    estimates from MRMS showed 4 to 8 inch rainfall totals from Oconee
    County in far Upstate SC into McDowell County in western NC. The
    axis of heavy rain has been co-located with an area of strong low
    level moisture flux convergence centered from eastern and northern
    GA into western NC where 09Z SPC mesoanalysis data showed ~500
    J/kg MUCAPE but with higher values of instability closer to the
    Southeast coast (1000+ J/kg). Precipitable water values ranged
    from 1.7 to 2.3 inches across the region (higher toward the
    southeast), with an area of strong upper level divergence located
    within the right entrance region of a nearly stationary upper
    level jet max located east of a closed low positioned over the
    Lower OH Valley.

    Short term forecasts from the RAP show very little movement to the
    axis of low level moisture flux convergence over GA/SC/NC over the
    next 2-4 hours. Given little change in the forcing mechanisms in
    place, heavy rain potential looks to continue over the next couple
    of hours across many of the same locations already seeing heavy
    rain. The biggest change is a forecast minor reduction in the
    available instability, already somewhat low, over inland
    locations. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr may reduce in magnitude but
    areas of heavy rain are likely to continue, overlapping with areas
    that have already seen heavy rainfall and are experiencing ongoing
    flash flooding. Additional rainfall totals of 2-4 inches are
    expected through 14 to 15Z with locally significant flash flooding
    possible across portions of the Blue Ridge from Upstate SC into
    western NC.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!85b-l1nzVvzOaXO0nT4KP2poRkJtHunD9gwP6wv_R-Zu4PYQCikfO6a2V6j0tGHNYWO7= xpJ46Pxy9Vy68CmprEwQ8DA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36628109 36318087 35428126 34578160 33488154=20
    32718152 31958196 31978300 33478369 34918367=20
    36068281 36588194=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 13:53:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261353

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1065
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    952 AM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...Central Florida Panhandle into central Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261351Z - 261900Z

    Summary...Repeating rounds of heavy rainfall featuring rates of
    1-3"/hr will expand across the FL Panhandle and into the Southeast
    today. Where the most pronounced training occurs, rainfall of 2-3"
    is likely, with locally more than 5" possible across the central
    FL Panhandle. Flash flooding is likely.

    Discussion...The GOES-E WV imagery this morning clearly indicates
    the impressive tropical moisture plume being channeled northward
    from Hurricane Helene which is positioned in the southern Gulf of
    Mexico. Downstream, deep moisture characterized by PWs measured by
    GPS and regional 12Z soundings of 2-2.5" is funneling northward as
    it gets squeezed east of a pronounced upper low positioned over
    IL/IN. This impressive moisture will continue to be acted upon by
    robust deep layer ascent through downstream mid-level divergence
    between Helene and the upper low which will overlap with a
    persistent jet streak centered over TN leaving favorable RRQ
    diffluence from FL through western NC. A stationary front is
    analyzed across the region resulting in locally enhanced
    convergence and isentropic ascent as well. Despite abundant cloud
    cover which will somewhat minimize the instability potential, the
    impressive synoptic ascent into the deep moisture will continue to
    support heavy rainfall through the afternoon.

    The high-res CAMs are in pretty good agreement the next several
    hours that heavy rain will focus along the stationary front and expand/intensify downstream of Helene into the FL Panhandle. This
    will likely result in dual maxima for rainfall through the aftn.

    Along the front, 850mb winds surging to 30-45 kts will feature
    increasing isentropic ascent and converge into the boundary
    itself. This is reflected by increasing moisture transport vector
    convergence, and Corfidi vectors that become increasingly parallel
    to the mean flow and the front. This suggests persistent training
    of rainfall rates which the HREF probabilities indicate have a
    30-50% chance of exceeding 1"/hr. This could result in 2-3" of
    rainfall and instances of flash flooding through the afternoon.

    More significant flash flooding potential will gradually develop
    across the central FL Panhandle, especially in the vicinity of the
    Forgotten Coast. Here, 850mnb winds increasing to above 50 kts
    will exceed the mean 0-6km wind, suggesting more broad enhancement
    to the ascent. This will occur coincidentally with Corfidi vectors
    becoming increasingly anti-parallel to the mean flow, suggesting
    an enhanced backbuilding threat and training of rainfall rates
    which the HRRR suggests could exceed 3"/hr (0.75-1"/15 mins). This
    could produce locally as much as 5" of rain as reflected by 6-hr
    HREF neighborhood probabilities, and this will occur atop soils
    saturated from 24-hr rainfall that has been 4-8" in this region.
    Any of the most intense rain rates will likely result in flash
    flooding, with locally significant flash flooding possible in
    urban areas or where training occurs atop the most primed soils.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_zS2hmBoXZHeDf15hSPZ9bNwtzm-EInFPQlDT-PwK0MRn3sC83xP7iCTDuwR1zOnv3RX= xO6aKB0FY2dn9f_RT6iz7wM$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 33508431 33398358 32008269 30938294 29978357=20
    29798392 29498454 29378498 29518558 30218618=20
    31338605 32308558 33028496 33258477=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 14:50:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261450

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1066
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1049 AM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261449Z - 262030Z

    Summary...Widespread heavy rain downstream of Hurricane Helene
    will continue today into the Southern Appalachians. Rainfall rates
    of 1-2"/hr are likely, which through repeating rounds could
    produce 2-3" of rain with local maxima of 5". This will enhance
    flash flooding, with significant impacts becoming likely across
    the Southern Blue Ridge.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this morning shows an
    expansive area of heavy rain across much of the Southeast and into
    the Southern Appalachians. This is associated with a pronounced
    moisture plume noted in the GOES-E WV imagery extending downstream
    from Hurricane Helene in the Gulf of Mexico. PWs within this
    moisture plume have been measured as high as 1.75 to 2.0 inches on
    the 12Z U/A observed soundings from KRAX and KFFC. Instability is
    somewhat limited, only around 100-250 J/kg of MLCAPE, but deep
    layer ascent is impressive. Mid-level divergence between Helene
    and a pronounced upper low over IN is combining with a nearly
    stationary poleward arcing jet streak over TN to leave favorable
    RRQ over the region, while low-level SE flow continues to upslope
    into the terrain. In this environment, rainfall rates have already
    been measured via MRMS as high as 1.25", and these will likely
    continue through the aftn.

    During the next several hours, persistent moderate to heavy rain
    with rates 0.5-1"/hr will lift northward across the area, with
    embedded convective cells producing locally enhanced rain rates to
    2"/hr as reflected by HRRR 15-min rainfall exceeding 0.5". 850mb
    inflow will remain out of the S/SE through the aftn while
    gradually intensifying to above 30 kts, resulting in moisture flux
    that is progged by the SREF to exceed +3 sigma later today. This
    impressive moisture advection combining with nearly unchanging
    robust ascent will result in continuous rainfall into areas that
    have already received 4-8+" of rain the past 24-hours. The HREF
    neighborhood probabilities indicate a 50-70% (10-20%) chance of
    more than 3" (5") of rain the next 6 hours, with the highest
    probabilities across Upstate SC and into far western NC along the
    Blue Ridge. Elsewhere in northeast GA, eastern TN, and southwest
    VA, 1-3" of additional rainfall is likely through the aftn.

    This rainfall occurring atop saturated soils, sensitive terrain,
    and ongoing flash flooding, will almost certainly enhance impacts
    across the region. FFG has been extremely compromised to as low as
    0.25"/3hrs for which the HREF exceedance probabilities reach above
    70%. This lends high confidence to flash flooding and impacts as
    rain continues across the region. However, across the Blue Ridge,
    current streamflow anomalies are as much as 400-600% of normal, so
    any additional rainfall could quickly result in significant and life-threatening flash flood impacts.

    Additional rainfall this evening will almost certainly necessitate
    future MPD issuances across this region with widespread
    significant flash flooding, and possibly locally catastrophic
    impacts, developing as the rain persists and becomes even more
    intense into tonight.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7VIaHIFGs9tb7z-yxhkxhUzgWCRF-29HSujbYUuEdnx4WuiB8dZAQFJz21TUzaVNkwNO= UzZp62A0V08YOLw-JYixReA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37668066 37518005 37058039 35718133 35008180=20
    33918230 33768241 33478258 33238297 33248347=20
    33558382 34008415 34418448 35568425 36848340=20
    37388243 37648158=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 15:06:54 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261506

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1067
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1106 AM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...South Carolina and Eastern Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261505Z - 262105Z

    SUMMARY...Extremely heavy rainfall in heavy banding will persist
    into the afternoon over eastern Georgia and central South Carolina
    including Columbia. Widespread flash flooding with locally
    significant impacts is likely through the mid-afternoon.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar imagery at 15Z showed an axis of heavy
    rainfall extending north-south over southern to central SC. This
    band is redeveloping on the south end and shifting north, nearly
    along its axis causing hourly rates of 2.5"/hr. This particular
    band is tracking into Columbia which is rather flood prone. The
    axis of heavy rain has been co-located with an area of strong low
    level moisture flux convergence in a plume of 2.2 to 2.5" PW which
    is the core of moisture streaming ahead of Helene on southerly
    35kt low level flow. Instability is rather limited decreasing from
    1500 J/kg near the SC coast to less than 500 J/kg near Columbia,
    but this is overcome from strong dynamics where the mean layer
    southerly flow is 40kt and oriented with the activity, causing

    Recent HRRR runs are under doing this band and feature more
    scattered convective modes through the mid-afternoon. However, the
    channeling of this flow between the upper low that remains over
    western TN and the ridge east of FL will maintain redeveloping
    advection and banding ahead of Helene. Given little change in the
    forcing mechanisms in place, heavy rain potential will continue
    into the mid-afternoon across many of the same locations already
    seeing heavy rain. While FFG was rather elevated over these areas,
    it is quickly dropping as heavy rain spreads in. The extreme rates
    warrants likely wording for the flash flood risk.

    There should be some break in heavy rain here later this afternoon
    before banding from Helene returns this evening as the system
    passes to the west.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9fBehw2pX7PEGQstADx09gJFOvfS4Qj-UaJx0xcfY3AQGxWXiv4sAJ7E03NeNYZnxxIo= fU3iR6DYtSSLRq3nBO_Z9dk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35078146 34428010 33737988 32777985 32068065=20
    31248119 31618254 32388283 32908317 33288314=20
    33428275 33828248 34488209 35048177=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 18:54:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 261853

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1068
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    253 PM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...Central FL Panhandle into central GA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 261852Z - 270000Z

    Summary...Nearly continuous rainfall with rates of 1-3"/hr will
    persist into this evening ahead of Hurricane Helene. Training of
    these rates will result in widespread additional rainfall of 2-3"
    by this evening, with local maxima around 5" possible. This will
    expand and enhance ongoing flash flooding, with significant
    impacts likely in the central FL Panhandle.

    Discussion...The GOES-E visible imagery this afternoon shows a
    well defined and intensifying Hurricane Helene across the Gulf of
    Mexico blifting north towards the Florida Panhandle. Downstream of
    Helene, impressive moisture advection is persisting on
    strengthening SE flow around the hurricane, driving PWs to as high
    as 2.5" as measured by GPS, which is above the daily record for
    the central FL Panhandle and into southern GA. This exceptionally
    moist air is pivoting northward into an area of intense deep layer
    ascent driven via strong mid-level divergence overlapping the
    diffluent RRQ of a northward arcing jet streak. Additionally, a
    cold front draped from northern GA into the Gulf of Mexico is
    helping to produce focused moisture convergence along which heavy
    rain rates will train. 24-hr MRMS rainfall across this region has
    been generally 4-8" with locally as much as 12", and ongoing
    rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr are producing MRMS FLASH unit streamflow
    responses as high as 300-500 cfs/smi. Flash flooding is currently

    During the next several hours, moisture north of Helene will
    continue to surge northward and impinge into a region of focused
    ascent from the central FL Panhandle to as far north as Atlanta,
    GA. This will likely result in both an expansion and
    intensification of rainfall, with rates potentially peaking around
    3"/hr in stronger convection, although will more commonly be
    1-2"/hr. The strengthening 850mb inflow will not only enhance
    moisture transport, resulting in stronger moisture convergence
    onshore and into the front, but also cause Corfidi vectors to
    become anti-parallel to the flow near the Gulf Coast, merging
    towards parallel along the front. This suggests increased
    backbuilding and training of echoes within spiraling and
    convergent convective clusters, and the HREF neighborhood
    probabilities indicate a 30-60% chance for 3" from the Forgotten
    Coast of FL northward along the front into central GA, while the
    WoFS confines the highest probabilities to the FL Panhandle where
    locally 4-5" is possible.

    This rain will be occurring atop soils that are fully saturated
    from heavy 24-hr rainfall,. This is reflected by NASA SPoRT 0-10cm
    RSM that is above 85%, and resultant 3-hr FFG as low as 0.75-1.5".
    This will likely be exceeded in many areas, and where the heaviest
    rates train across the most vulnerable soils, especially in the
    vicinity of Apalachicola, resultant impacts will become
    significant even before Helene's landfall later this evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!_7khhClvHcPtlBSpgtOfIakkpGRxqIeRTsrNUjQnq9y-bUW8tULnGe2DZ7IL5tEjAiGA= -rrTUb2Xp09nXL4SOToL8Us$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34078422 33438374 32898324 32088278 31858354=20
    31248398 30698390 30068403 29838433 29528491=20
    29678553 30278618 31508624 33388549 34058495=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 20:36:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 262036

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1069
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    435 PM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...North Georgia, Western Carolinas into Virginia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 262034Z - 270230Z

    Summary...Swaths of heavy rain rates ahead of Helene will continue
    through this evening over portions of north Georgia and the
    western Carolinas into Southwest Virginia, including mainly the
    eastern side of the Southern Appalachians. Rainfall rates of
    1-2"/hr will continue, which through repeating rounds could
    produce 2-3" of rain and local maxima of 5" through 02Z. This will
    enhance flash flooding, with significant impacts

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic late this afternoon shows
    continued swaths of heavy rain over north Georgia and western SC
    with continued enhancements of rainfall over the eastern slopes of
    the Southern Appalachians. This is associated with a pronounced
    moisture plume streaming north from Hurricane Helene which is now
    west of Tampa Bay. PWs within this moisture plume have been are
    2.25 to 2.5" with southeasterly flow of 20 to 35kt over central
    GA/SC expected to shift over the southern Appalachians over the
    next couple hours. Instability remains limited, 200 to 500 J/kg of
    MUCAPE, but deep layer ascent is impressive. Mid-level divergence
    between Helene and a pronounced upper low remaining over far
    western TN is combining with a nearly stationary poleward arcing
    jet streak from AL to KY with favorable right entrance dynamics
    over the region. In this environment, recent rainfall rates are
    estimated from KGSP and KFFC as up to 1.5"/hr which can be
    expected to continue through the evening. There is a notable gap
    in reflectivity over southeast GA and north FL Peninsula between
    bands, which should provide relief over the next few hours for
    southern portions of this outlook area.

    The impressive moisture advection combining with nearly unchanging
    robust ascent will result in continuous rainfall into areas that
    have already received 4 to 10" in the past 24 hours. This rainfall
    occurring atop saturated soils, sensitive terrain, and ongoing
    flash flooding with further enhanced impacts across the region
    which is still prior to the actual intense rainfall from Helene
    herself. This additional rainfall should quickly result in further life-threatening flash flooding.

    Locally catastrophic rainfall impacts are expected overnight as
    the core of Helene approaches, so please pay attention to further
    discussions and see the latest info on Helene at hurricanes dot


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4xwbFyCSaIjD0lOy9jJCTMDNq9YO2viUOiTuIBxURGuk_Fhpm3Sj8GErapO0FTqetHEF= PrhSeHGWTzeYUwxBWij4zk0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36978187 36798079 35098067 33848074 32548124=20
    33028323 33988422 34478481 35358494 35808371=20
    36188283 36578241=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 26 23:08:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 262308

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1070
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    707 PM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...Florida Big Bend well up into Georgia

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 262305Z - 270500Z

    Summary...Hurricane Helene will make landfall late this evening
    along the Florida Big Bend with inner bands progressing up Georgia
    and converging on a stationary front over eastern AL. The eyewall
    will impact the Big Bend area 02 to 05Z which will include heavy
    rainfall that will exacerbate the extreme impacts from wind and
    storm surge there.

    GOES-E IR imagery and regional NEXRAD here at 23Z depict a well
    defined eye on Helene with a central dense overcast extending into
    Apalachee Bay. Outer bands extend north through the Atlanta metro
    with a sharp cutoff on the west side on the stationary front that
    is just into AL. Extreme moisture advection persists ahead of
    Helene on ever strengthening cyclonic flow with 2.5"+ PW in the
    inner core of the storm. This exceptionally moist air continues to
    pivot northward into an area of intense deep layer ascent driven
    via strong mid-level divergence overlapping the diffluent right
    entrance portion of a northward arcing jet streak over northern

    Continuous rainfall with rates around 1"/hr will persist ahead of
    Helene with embedded areas of 2"/hr in the heaviest bands through
    midnight. Training of these rates will result in widespread
    additional rainfall of 2-3" by midnight. A corridor of 3 to 6"
    along and west of the eyewall, which includes Tallahassee, is
    forecast through 05Z by the 20Z HRRR which seems reasonable given
    the increasing forward speed of the hurricane. The area southwest
    of Tallahassee which has seen 6-10" over the past 24hrs is progged
    to be just west this eyewall maxima through 04Z.

    Expect flooding concerns to continue in the Atlanta metro this
    evening with the additional couple inches. However, the greater
    threat for Atlanta is early Friday morning as the remnant eye
    passes to the east. Further details on rainfall from that will
    come from overnight products.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Fc9ClftjhxX5P-7NSu5XVb-QG-6u58Ed4VSc4s42YzqbugDcCEmasYtyB5Pdq8iHhty= FNWtpcABnvYSl_JOUc5Za6w$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 34218470 33868416 32948314 31568276 30448259=20
    29618275 29158322 29818392 29518483 29658539=20
    30228586 30348596 31698596 32868571=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 02:34:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270234

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1071
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1034 PM EDT Thu Sep 26 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern GA into the western Carolinas and
    southwestern VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 270230Z - 270830Z

    Summary...Additional 1-3 inch rainfall totals, with localized 3-5
    inches into the Blue Ridge Mountains, are expected through 08Z
    across GA/SC/NC. Flash flooding is ongoing and will only worsen
    and expand with time.

    Discussion...Regional radar imagery from 0215Z showed widespread
    rain across much of the southeastern U.S. but with gaps over
    portions of SC in advance of an outer rain band from Helene
    tracking across the southeastern SC/GA border. A combination of
    MRMS and gauge reports showed peak rainfall rates ranging between
    0.5 to 1.5 in/hr across the upslope favored terrain of the
    southern Appalachians, specifically the Blue Ridge Mountains.

    Instability remains low in the vicinity of the terrain, less than
    250 J/kg (via 02Z SPC mesoanalysis data), increasing to over 1000
    J/kg near the SC/GA coast. However, strong forcing, including
    30-40 kt of southeasterly 925-850 mb winds (via KGSP and TCLT VAD
    wind data) was favorably oriented into the mountains, beneath
    divergent and diffluent flow aloft to the east of a closed low
    over southeastern MO and in advance of Hurricane Helene.

    No major changes to the current setup are expected through 08Z
    with the core of Helene perhaps just getting into the southern
    portions of the MPD threat area around 08Z. However, some increase
    in instability across inland is anticipated as Helene tracks
    northward overnight and an increase in the 925-850 mb wind into
    the 50-70 kt range overspreads the region. Rainfall rates of 0.5
    to 1.5 in/hr at times will continue with an additional 1-3 inches
    for many areas from northeastern GA into central and western SC/NC
    with locally 3 to 5 inch additional totals for the terrain.

    These rains will continue to make for an extremely dangerous
    situation later tonight as the core of Helene's rainfall arrives
    later this morning, for which another MPD will be issued.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8507ghn4_OfQ0msZxABfsw7hon-pAhQj4dJCRsRRojdNrckPRvz-ZJgfoZjuT2HuVaWq= zTeXznXhxMAZ7LnLrC83l1s$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36968025 36658015 36228066 34778055 33538070=20
    32718117 32598203 32798287 33448393 34458474=20
    35228414 36048240 36758121=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 05:26:36 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270526

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1072
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    125 AM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Areas affected...northern FL into GA and far eastern AL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 270522Z - 270845Z

    Summary...Heavy rain from Helene's inner core to track NNE across
    GA through 08Z with an additional 3-5 inches through 09Z. Farther
    west, an axis of heavy rain is likely to develop 06-08Z. Rainfall
    rates of 1-2 in/hr will be common but localized rates near 3 in/hr
    will be found with Helene's eyewall.

    Discussion...Hurricane Helene was located just north of the FL/GA
    border, about 10 miles west of VLD, moving toward the NNE with an
    average 3-hr speed of ~28 kt calculated via hourly NHC position
    updates through 05Z. Radar imagery showed the heaviest rain
    located in the northern eyewall, while rain was considerably
    lighter in the southern semicircle of Helene's inner core. A
    second band of heavy rain was located northwest of the eyewall,
    pivoting over ABY to just east of TLH with training from NNE to
    SSW supporting increasing rainfall rates over the past hour. While
    accurate ground truth is difficult to assess along the path of a
    landfalling hurricane, MRMS-derived hourly rainfall has been
    between 1-3 inches over the past 3 hours to the north of Helene
    while waves of higher rainfall intensity have overspread central
    to northwestern GA with rainfall rates occasionally peaking above
    1 in/hr.

    Helene is expected to maintain a similar forward speed and track
    through 08Z with the core of the heaviest rain, associated with
    Helene's eyewall, tracking NNE across east-central GA. Rainfall
    rates of 1-3 in/hr are likely but with 15-minute rates of 0.5 to 1
    inch, leading to the rapid accumulation of water on the surface.
    This will especially be true as this path will take some of
    Helene's highest rainfall rates across a stripe of 5-8 inches
    which is estimated to have fallen in a stripe from near Dublin, GA
    to just west of Augusta over the past 24 hours.

    Farther west, low level convergence along an axis near or just
    east of the AL/GA border is expected to enhance rainfall intensity
    in the 07-09Z time frame. It is here where easterly winds of 30-50
    kt in the 925-850 mb layer will meet and converge with northerly
    to NNW winds over eastern AL. Mean steering flow oriented similar
    to the expected axis of convergence will allow for rainfall rates
    of 1-2 in/hr to develop later this morning, along with areas of
    flash flooding where these higher rates overlap with heavy rain
    which has fallen over the past 24-48 hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-dMr0O-UIluqAyzpaY-o-LBoOGwkGEzXvhFtHGLzx9FBfZHrYr_um9N-tU_9d-CsWFaZ= jHhucZ022GapPFymvOYJtJY$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35428610 35328552 34728498 34258438 34158318=20
    33508200 32108176 31148206 30428267 30208366=20
    30498471 31228523 33048573 34658633=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 08:47:40 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270847

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1073...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    447 AM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Corrected for typo in summary section

    Areas affected...northeastern GA into western SC/NC and
    southwestern VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 270830Z - 271430Z

    SUMMARY...Severe to catastrophic flash flooding will be likely for
    portions of western SC/NC this morning. Additional rainfall totals
    of 4 to 7 inches, at least locally through 14Z, will pose a threat
    to life with potential for landslides due to saturated soils and
    swollen rivers/creeks.

    DISCUSSION...Hurricane Helene was located over eastern GA at 08Z,
    just north of Eastman, tracking rapidly toward the NNE between
    25-30 kt over the past 6 hours. Water vapor imagery showed Helene
    interacting with a closed upper level low over northeastern AR,
    which is expected to cause the hurricane to turn toward the
    northwest later this morning. Recent trends in infrared satellite
    imagery showed some cloud top warming with Helene, indicative of
    weakening, but Helene remained a large and powerful tropical
    system with a symmetric appearance in colder cloud tops.

    925-850 mb winds were strongest to the east of Helene, with VAD
    wind data at KCLX showing 80-90 kt, with area VAD winds showing
    50-70 kt from the western NC/SC border into northeastern GA.
    Gradual weakening of these winds is expected over the next 3-6
    hours and the quick northward motion will at least limit the
    duration of extreme moist ascent into the terrain but a
    significant duration of high rainfall rates is still anticipated
    into portions of the Blue Ridge. As Helene continues its northward
    track, expect rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr to expand northward with
    potential for some terrain locations to see 2-4 hours of rainfall
    rates near/above 1 in/hr.

    Estimated rainfall totals (via multi-sensor MRMS output) showed 6
    to 12+ inches of rain have fallen over the past 48 hours from
    northeastern GA into western SC/NC along the southeast facing
    slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Areas of flash flooding are
    already ongoing and widespread across the region and an additional
    4 to 7 inches (locally) through 14Z is expected to produce severe
    to catastrophic levels of flash flooding with potential for
    landslides and threats to life and property. Experimental WoFS
    data from 07Z showed the probability of exceeding 5 inches through
    13Z to be 70+ percent in eastern Yancey County and 40+ percent in
    southern Haywood County (both in western NC) where upslope
    enhancement is expected to be maximized due to terrain influences.
    This is a high confidence forecast and there is strong model
    support for the location of heaviest rainfall over the next 6


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!-99ZlzKPoaY5oreX2caTIot_Hou5qjA2r3pym3ovkclWo7KpD6tZRnoLlqWy6L6D9NrN= xVrOfCbZGYn5ZXsTvqcKFB4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36918091 36708038 35898033 34948050 34238069=20
    32818146 32448197 32538252 32798296 33168308=20
    33918302 34638360 35238396 35928289 36668161=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 09:32:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270932

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1074
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    531 AM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Areas affected...northwestern GA into northeastern AL and Middle

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 270930Z - 271530Z

    SUMMARY...A pivoting axis of heavy rain is expected to focus a
    threat for flash flooding from northwestern GA into northeastern
    AL and Middle TN this morning. Rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr,
    highest to the south and east, are likely with additional rainfall
    of 2-4 inches through 15Z.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar imagery at 09Z showed Tropical Storm
    Helene's inner core tracking northward toward the central SC/GA
    border. Bands of heavy rain also extended west of the center of
    circulation into portions of western GA, northeastern AL and
    Middle TN. MRMS and gauge data showed rainfall rates of 0.5 to 1.0
    in/hr for most areas west of Helene, but localized rain rates of
    1-2 in/hr were estimated via MRMS to the northeast of CSG where
    locally higher instability (up to 500 J/kg) was present via 09Z
    SPC mesoanalysis data. However, instability values into TN were
    quite low at or below 250 J/kg. The bands of heavy rain from
    western GA into the tri-state region of GA/AL/TN appeared to be
    associated with a low level axis of convergence, centered in the
    925-850 mb layer between strong easterly winds to the north of
    Helene and northwesterly winds in eastern AL.

    Despite the lack of greater instability, strong low level
    convergence was present within a very moist airmass characterized
    by precipitable water values of 2 inches in Middle TN, increasing
    to over 2.5 inches in west-central GA. In addition, water vapor
    imagery revealed a diffluent flow pattern aloft across the region.
    RAP forecasts show the low level convergence axis slowly pivoting
    cyclonically about a point near the tri-state region (GA/AL/TN)
    through 15Z with southeasterly steering flow aligned with the
    convergence axis at times, which will allow for repeating and
    training areas of heavy rain. Due to the limited instability in
    place, rainfall rates may struggle to climb above 1 in/hr across
    northwestern locations, but a semi-longer duration heavy rainfall
    event is expected to produce 2 to 4 inches of rain in a 6 hour
    period from portions of Middle TN into northeastern AL and
    northwestern GA. Flash flooding is considered likely, especially
    in northwestern GA where some areas of flash flooding are ongoing
    due to recent heavy rain from Helene.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7AYmDCoLBC9MuXMcaVEpzMGmk5cgMJautne6I2glSen1g0lOTdHbzVKLrFnQ4YhMkl7y= ZfoQhJA-U90jAr7Ic9iKQlI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36528620 36188562 35438513 34358387 33988352=20
    33438330 32758353 32688457 33558577 34798679=20
    36038742 36488722=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 08:34:42 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 270834

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1073
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    434 AM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Areas affected...northeastern GA into western SC/NC and
    southwestern VA

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 270830Z - 271430Z

    SUMMARY...Severe to catastrophic flash flooding will be likely for
    portions of western SC/TN this morning. Additional rainfall totals
    of 4 to 7 inches, at least locally through 14Z, will pose a threat
    to life with potential for landslides due to saturated soils and
    swollen rivers/creeks.

    DISCUSSION...Hurricane Helene was located over eastern GA at 08Z,
    just north of Eastman, tracking rapidly toward the NNE between
    25-30 kt over the past 6 hours. Water vapor imagery showed Helene
    interacting with a closed upper level low over northeastern AR,
    which is expected to cause the hurricane to turn toward the
    northwest later this morning. Recent trends in infrared satellite
    imagery showed some cloud top warming with Helene, indicative of
    weakening, but Helene remained a large and powerful tropical
    system with a symmetric appearance in colder cloud tops.

    925-850 mb winds were strongest to the east of Helene, with VAD
    wind data at KCLX showing 80-90 kt, with area VAD winds showing
    50-70 kt from the western NC/SC border into northeastern GA.
    Gradual weakening of these winds is expected over the next 3-6
    hours and the quick northward motion will at least limit the
    duration of extreme moist ascent into the terrain but a
    significant duration of high rainfall rates is still anticipated
    into portions of the Blue Ridge. As Helene continues its northward
    track, expect rainfall rates of 1-2 in/hr to expand northward with
    potential for some terrain locations to see 2-4 hours of rainfall
    rates near/above 1 in/hr.

    Estimated rainfall totals (via multi-sensor MRMS output) showed 6
    to 12+ inches of rain have fallen over the past 48 hours from
    northeastern GA into western SC/NC along the southeast facing
    slopes of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Areas of flash flooding are
    already ongoing and widespread across the region and an additional
    4 to 7 inches (locally) through 14Z is expected to produce severe
    to catastrophic levels of flash flooding with potential for
    landslides and threats to life and property. Experimental WoFS
    data from 07Z showed the probability of exceeding 5 inches through
    13Z to be 70+ percent in eastern Yancey County and 40+ percent in
    southern Haywood County (both in western NC) where upslope
    enhancement is expected to be maximized due to terrain influences.
    This is a high confidence forecast and there is strong model
    support for the location of heaviest rainfall over the next 6


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6BXGboausFe1dFHEiggLoycQfFYguQddmc1l6ql4tPcwOUxq0f4KHkNLNTZrwJ9HZ-Kg= OZrLR79MqaNqyDooGeKqodo$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36918091 36708038 35898033 34948050 34238069=20
    32818146 32448197 32538252 32798296 33168308=20
    33918302 34638360 35238396 35928289 36668161=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 10:06:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 271006

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1075
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    605 AM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Areas affected...coastal/eastern SC into central/southern NC

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 271004Z - 271600Z

    SUMMARY...Possible training and repeating of heavy rain associated
    with Tropical Storm Helene could produce localized flash flooding
    from central to coastal SC into central/southern NC through 16Z.
    The potential for 1-3 in/hr rainfall rates will exist.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar imagery at 0950Z showed an outer rain
    band to the east of T.S. Helene focusing from the offshore waters
    of SC across the Charleston metro into central SC. Numerous cells
    were observed to be repeating across the region with brief
    training supporting MRMS-derived rainfall rates occasionally over
    1 in/hr. These cells were located with a very moist environment
    (2.3 to 2.6 inch precipitable water values) and MLCAPE of 500-1500
    J/kg via the 09Z SPC mesoanalysis.

    As Helene continues a northward to an eventual northwestward
    motion this morning, bands of heavy rain on the east side of
    Helene are expected to advance northward up the coast into the Pee
    Dee region and eventually central to southern NC. A general
    progressive motion is expected to these cells, but periods of
    stalling will be possible with the rainfall axis which could
    support locally higher rainfall rates, with 2-3 in/hr not out of
    the question. Some overlap of these rain bands with an axis of 2-5
    inches which impacted locations between CHS and MYR toward FLO.
    Additional rainfall totals of 2-4 inches will be possible through


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8x45YJlt0BreI5eIeMsUFdDZTZJZFP1Q8DnSl9-9XX9ACV5zepE0nuWTD07znH416Jdk= ft-ka-X-eARSPPMyxZlhbyE$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 35667896 35087808 34027782 33397861 32557929=20
    32387970 32918039 34138092 35428010=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 13:13:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 271313

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1076
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    913 AM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Areas affected...Upstate SC, western NC, far northeastern TN,
    southwest VA, and southern WV

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 271310Z - 271810Z

    SUMMARY...Life-threatening flash flooding and the likelihood of
    catastrophic impacts to continue across much of the southern
    Appalachians through at least early this afternoon with an
    additional 2-4" of rain.

    DISCUSSION...The center of Tropical Storm Helene is racing
    northward and entering Upstate SC as of 1245Z. Along with it
    resides an area of 2-3" per hour rainfall rates (via MRMS) in what
    is the leftovers of a northern eyewall over western NC. Peak
    3-hourly rainfall observations from NWS/AWOS/ARL sites also
    confirm these amounts. This torrential rainfall is occurring over
    a region that has experienced widespread rainfall amounts of 5-12"
    over the last 24 hours, making for a particularly dangerous and life-threatening situation as ground conditions are already
    oversaturated and FFGs remain extremely low. Flash flooding is
    ongoing and will likely continue/worsen over at least the next few
    hours across western NC.

    A large area of 60-80 kt southeasterly 850mb winds per the 11z RAP
    on the eastern periphery of Helene are leading to an extremely
    favorable upslope enhancement across western NC orthogonal to the
    Blue Ridge/southern Appalachians, along with record-breaking PWs
    (per the NAEFS ESAT) in the 2-2.5" range surging northward. This
    along with nearby MUCAPE values of 500 J/kg advecting northeast
    and wet bulb zero heights above 14k feet (near the daily record
    for GSO per SPC's sounding climo) will allow for warm rain

    The only positive news is that Helene continues to race north at
    30 mph (per NHC) and lead to a quick exit of this extreme
    rainfall, with intense rates ending across Upstate SC first by 14Z
    and western NC by around 16Z. However, this region will also take
    the brunt of the tropical moisture surge and the highest
    additional totals. Heavy rain will slide northward as it exits the
    western Carolinas and impact regions of southwest VA and southern
    WV with rainfall rates of 1-2" per the 06z HREF through 19-20Z.
    This region also remains mostly saturated after 1-3" of rain over
    the past 24 hours.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6ecx4mCqBJ8EKCSwJa6MWjyHZvbUGxePGOkFskfSW7xeiBJZ65S7AMiTPU4I3Bz9-hEq= Nh3RMBfd1a3mcT0f0UD9Fhw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37928066 37767976 37107967 35968032 35158118=20
    34928231 35008318 35328353 36048310 36828245=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 18:04:16 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 271804

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1078
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    203 PM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Areas affected...Lower Ohio Valley into the Appalachians of

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 271802Z - 272300Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms developing around Tropical
    Storm Helene will train to the NW through the afternoon. Rainfall
    rates as high as 1.5"/hr are likely, which through this training
    could produce 1-3" of rain. Additional flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon shows an
    expansive area of rainfall from the MS VLY eastward into the
    coastal Mid-Atlantic states. This precipitation shield is
    associated with the interaction of Tropical Storm Helene and an
    upper low centered near western TN. Drier air noted in WV imagery
    being ingested into Helene is impinging into an axis of higher
    boundary layer theta-e air over NC, driving local ascent to help
    to reinvigorate convection within this moist plume. PWs measured
    by GPS are generally 1.9 to 2.4 inches, nearing daily records,
    with U/A soundings featuring deep moist-adiabatic lapse rates to
    support efficient warm-rain processes. Instability is severely
    limited west of the Appalachians as noted via the SPC RAP
    analysis, but a ribbon of MLCAPE approaching 1000 J/kg over NC is
    slowly advecting westward on impressive 850mb SE inflow of 40-50

    The evolution the next few hours is somewhat uncertain across this
    region due to CAM disagreement, but the models appear to be
    under-analyzing the current convective regeneration along the
    theta-e gradient across NC. This suggests that the overlap of
    ascent and thermodynamics is still robust, and sufficient to drive
    new convection to the NW through the aftn. The pronounced 850mb
    inflow should help advect the higher instability NW as well, which
    will support an expansion of rain rates which the HREF
    neighborhood probabilities suggest have a 20-40% chance of
    exceeding 1"hr at times. Mean storm motions will remain
    progressive on 0-6km winds of around 40 kts, but the accompanying
    850mb wind evolution will also result in collapsing and veering
    Corfidi vectors to become more anti-parallel to the flow
    indicating an increased potential for backbuilding and training.
    While the CAMs disagree on the greatest risk area for heavy
    rainfall this aftn, there is a 90% chance for 1"+ and 10-30%
    chance for 3+" of rain in both the HREF and REFS ensembles where
    the most pronounced training occurs.

    Much of this area has seen heavy rainfall the past 24-hrs reaching
    1-2" in the lower OH VLY and as much as 4-6" in SW VA. This
    suggests that the most vulnerable soils will remain in the terrain
    of the Appalachians of WV/VA and far eastern KY, but even into the
    OH VLY 3-hr FFG has fallen to around 1.5", and HREF FFG
    probabilities indicate a 20-50% chance of exceeding these values.
    While the greatest risk for flash flood impacts will be in the
    Appalachians atop the most saturated soils, any training could
    cause flash flooding into the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4omrvPxFtolww6G2BzTDPQAYMxMUGNsW76EE3xIbu6Wu_zyaBoWT_l1x4nLoC3RZAmDM= TUoM0yEMkXX8UP1QWgWlX4c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39508400 39448269 39058161 38338063 37347964=20
    36577943 36027944 35767998 35838043 36218101=20
    36748170 37198252 37818367 38168437 38278454=20
    38588491 39098472=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 27 21:31:18 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 272131

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1079
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    530 PM EDT Fri Sep 27 2024

    Areas affected...Southeast VA, eastern MD, far southern DE

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 272130Z - 280201Z

    Summary...Clusters of showers and thunderstorms with 2-3"/hr rain
    rates continue to lift northward this evening. Through training,
    these rates could produce 2-3" of rain with locally higher
    amounts. Flash flooding is possible.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic early this evening shows a
    cluster of thunderstorms lifting northward out of far northeast
    North Carolina towards Richmond and as far north as the Middle
    Peninsula of VA. These thunderstorms are lifting northward on mean
    0-6km winds of around 40 kts, so remain progressive, but are
    containing MRMS measured hourly rainfall accumulations of 2-2.5
    inches. These impressive rain rates are being fueled by an axis of
    tropical moisture characterized by PWs of 2-2.4 inches, above the
    daily maximum for the region according to the SPC sounding
    climatology, funneling northward around the periphery of what is
    now Post-T.C. Helene over Kentucky. An axis of SBCAPE exceeding
    500 J/kg is collocated with this PW plume, providing rich
    thermodynamics to support continued convection as ascent persists
    through 850mb wind convergence, modest upper jet diffluence, and a
    weak shortwave impulse rotating within the flow. This heavy rain
    has already resulted CREST unit streamflow responses above 500
    cfs/smi, leading to multiple active FFWs.

    The high-res CAMs differ in their evolution the next few hours,
    but the latest NAMNest appears to be handling the current
    convective activity the best, followed by the recent run of the
    HRRR which has caught onto to the eastward shift. These runs
    suggest convection will persist as it heads north, but will begin
    to encounter weaker instability into MD/DE. Some of this will be
    offset by thermodynamic advection as low level 850mb inflow pushes
    higher PW and instability to the north, but in general this should
    result in a slow wane of the intensity of this convection. This is
    reflected as well both by HRRR 15-min rainfall accumulations and
    HREF neighborhood probabilities for 1-hr rainfall exceeding 1"
    peaking around 20%. However, as propagation vectors veer to become
    more aligned into the more rich thermodynamics, this could result
    in short-term backbuilding and training to lengthen the duration
    of these rain rates leading to corridors of rainfall that could
    reach 2-3" in some areas.

    As long as the intense rain rates persist, they will pose a risk
    for flash flooding. However, much of eastern MD and DE has been
    dry recently, leading to elevated FFG that only has a 5-10% chance
    of being exceeded. This suggests the greatest risk for any impacts
    will be across SE VA, or where any training can move across an
    urban area through the evening.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!58W3cin_F4YkP2J__5_J-CiJOa7wa4Omsm_-6tOtquI9E3w5FH3fx4cjnChviSZyme61= z-NO63IO2h5zNFfqtn0m3WA$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38937572 38847530 38727506 38427502 38047501=20
    37617524 37267557 36987568 36677580 36407595=20
    36147616 36107656 36277695 36557747 37127763=20
    37707746 38437693 38827659 38927623=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 28 15:21:38 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 281521

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1080
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1120 AM EDT Sat Sep 28 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest Florida

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 281520Z - 281930Z

    SUMMARY...Training convection tracking northeast into the west
    coast of Florida is producing rates to 2.5 inches per hour. Flash
    flooding is possible, especially in urban areas.

    DISCUSSION... The remnant trailing front behind Helene is nearly
    stationary across central Florida this morning. Localized
    convergence zones have developed within the broader frontal
    boundary that have been forcing storms that have a history of
    producing rainfall rates to 2.5 inches per hour. While each
    individual cell is moving along at around 20 mph, the
    redevelopment of convection is resulting in multiple cells moving
    across urban and flood-prone areas. PWAT values to 2.5 inches are
    draped across the Ft. Myers area, with a distinct moisture
    boundary over the Tampa area. SBCAPE values are over 2,500 J/kg
    with MUCAPE over 3,000 J/kg already.

    These very high values of both moisture and instability will
    support additional thunderstorm development into the afternoon
    across the Florida Gulf Coast. HiRes guidance has been variable on
    how long the storms will last, but given the ample moisture and
    instability both in place and will continue to be advected in from
    the Gulf, it appears probable that the storms capable of heavy
    rainfall rates will continue in this region. Given some of the
    CAMs guidance that are struggling to depict the activity going on
    right now are the drier solutions, have opted to favor the wetter
    guidance such as the 12Z HRRR and ARW for the near-term forecast.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8NOzAGnQK_Ymn8rhoRarwBOyVyP5WpUO6cob4aHz_1UFaJzjVQ8Tq1Szu9-dyOnVR7_1= 6YVqY_81uO_PJibE70iu5_c$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 28258185 27958140 27528123 26688140 26358172=20
    26398198 26508229 27558281 27808287 28108287=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 29 17:44:24 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 291744

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1081
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    143 PM EDT Sun Sep 29 2024

    Areas affected...Central Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 291743Z - 292300Z

    Summary...Clusters of showers and thunderstorms will develop and
    lift northward through the afternoon. Rainfall rates of 1-2"/hr
    within these cells could repeat to produce 1-3" of rainfall. This
    occurring atop pre-saturated soils may result in instances of
    flash flooding.

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this afternoon shows
    widespread light showers across the Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic,
    with embedded convective elements beginning to blossom across
    VA/WV. This convective activity is deepening in response to a
    ribbon of 500-1000 J/kg of SBCAPE which has expanded across the
    area south of a wedge front and north of a stationary front. PWs
    of 1.5-1.7 inches, or above the 90th percentile according to the
    SPC sounding climatology, are contributing to intensifying
    thermodynamics to support this convective activity. Forcing for
    ascent is additionally intensifying downstream of an upper low
    over KY, with SE 850mb winds of 10-15 kts lifting isentropically
    and orographically to combine with upper divergence and

    As the aftn progresses, the high-res CAMs are in good agreement
    that convective coverage will expand in response to the increasing
    ascent within the favorable thermodynamics. Although coverage will
    likely remain scattered, aligned Corfidi vectors and mean 0-6km
    winds suggests repeating rounds of convection are likely in many
    areas. These thunderstorms will likely intensify through the aftn
    as well to produce rainfall rates for which both the HREF and REFS
    neighborhood probabilities indicate have a 40-50% of exceeding
    1"/hr, and 15-min HRRR fields indicate an isolated potential for
    2"/hr rates. Despite the progressive and scattered nature of these
    cells, multiple rounds lifting N/NW into the area could produce
    rainfall amounts of 1-3" in some areas.

    This region has been saturated recently, noted by 7-day rainfall
    departures from AHPS that area in most areas 300-600% of normal.
    This has led to fully saturated soils and compromised FFG that is
    as low as 0.75-1.5" in 3 hours. The HREF FFG exceedance
    probabilities peak as high as 70% by this evening, highest in the
    vicinity of Shenandoah NP and into the Allegheny Mountains.
    However, flash flooding will be possible anywhere the most intense
    rates repeat atop the saturated soils or across vulnerable terrain.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5tyMelmmVF7n88FDockXczyN7XEko1ADrfkvKXVVWSxA1IUbf-vVuPhKDK20snOiGBUR= 9tFNj56tN_Y3DUjIjjnURn8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39688000 39577916 39057841 38017819 36697888=20
    36398001 36428122 36648186 37068204 37588244=20
    37798310 38078343 38628344 39078263 39468140=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 29 22:51:32 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 292251

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1082
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    651 PM EDT Sun Sep 29 2024

    Areas affected...Central Appalachians

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 292250Z - 300400Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms are expected to increase in
    coverage and intensity during the next few hours. Rainfall rates
    within thunderstorms could reach 1-2"/hr, resulting in axes of
    1-3" of rain with locally higher amounts. Flash flooding is

    Discussion...The regional radar mosaic this evening indicates that
    convective coverage is finally beginning to expand and intensify
    across parts of Virginia. This is occurring in response to a slow
    rise in favorable thermodynamics noted by the SPC RAP analysis of
    SBCAPE reaching above 500 J/kg, coincident with PWs that are above
    the 90th climatological percentile at 1.6-1.8 inches. Into this
    overlapping moisture/instability, ascent is intensifying through
    height falls and divergence downstream of an upper low positioned
    over KY, topped by modest LFQ upper diffluence, and in the
    presence of 15 kts of 850mb inflow out of the SE. Not only is this
    inflow advecting the more robust thermodynamics northward into
    VA/WV, it is also increasing ascent through convergence along the
    nose of these higher wind speeds and through both isentropic and
    orographic response to this wind trajectory. Rainfall rates within
    the stronger convection have produced MRMS measured 1-hr rainfall
    over 1 inch in southern VA.

    Although the guidance has been a tad aggressive with convective
    intensity this aftn, likely due to a slower increase in favorable
    instability, the recent radar returns suggest this evolution is
    beginning. The convection over southern VA should continue to
    expand and then push N/NW on 0-6km winds that will gradually back
    from SW to S at 15-20 kts through the evening. This evolution is
    supported by most available high-res models, and despite the
    generally progressive motion of cells, repeating rounds are likely
    as storms regenerate into the stronger thermodynamics and pivot
    northward. The HREF neighborhood probabilities for 1"/hr (2"/hr)
    rain rates peak this evening above 60% (20%), greatest in the
    higher terrain where orographic lift will enhance the rainfall
    intensity. Where storms can regenerate and repeat, these rain
    rates could result in 1-3" of rain, with locally higher amounts
    possible as progged by 10-15% HREF/REFS neighborhood probabilities
    for 5"/6hrs.

    This area has been saturated with heavy rainfall that has been 3
    to as much as 8 inches according to AHPS 7-day rainfall. This has
    led to compromised FFG and 0-10cm RSM from NASA SPoRT that is
    generally above 70%. Any heavy rain rates moving atop these
    sensitive soils could quickly become runoff leading to instances
    of flash flooding, but this appears most likely in the vulnerable
    terrain from the Blue Ridge through the Allegheny Mountains.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8Z26pDTsDC_CfmR6kII5vahQlRmluBqy0MaMUOFnwP0CYQBTTt4t8mZ2TGYj8lEUYn2B= BqWuIl_emAL9eJatlXBqRjU$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 39497924 39307868 38947824 38087791 37337793=20
    36797818 36617867 36577921 36697990 37368065=20
    37578109 38098128 39198033=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 30 04:14:34 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 300414

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1083
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1213 AM EDT Mon Sep 30 2024

    Areas affected...east-central VA/NC border into central VA and far
    eastern WV

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 300412Z - 301010Z

    Summary...Heavy rain showers are expected to maintain a flash
    flood threat for portions of VA into WV over at least the next 3-6
    hours. Rainfall rates of 1 to 2+ in/hr are expected, overlapping
    with wet antecedent grounds.

    Discussion...Regional radar imagery at 0345Z showed an axis of
    showers extending from the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains
    in central VA, southeastward to the east-central VA/NC border
    between I-85 and I-95. These showers were warm-topped, only -5 to
    -15C on "clean channel" infrared imagery with collision and
    coalescence processes dominating and have been rather efficient
    despite the fact that the bulk of the available instability is
    weak and limited to the 0-6 km AGL layer (via 00Z RNK/IAD and RAP
    analysis soundings). MLCAPE was only a few hundred J/kg but
    precipitable water values were estimated via 03Z SPC mesoanalysis
    data to be 1.6 to 1.9 inches. It appears low level convergence
    (925-850 mb) was playing a role in the location of these showers
    with some degree of isentropic/orographic ascent aiding in lift.

    Short term forecasts of instability from the RAP indicate only
    gradual weakening and low level convergence of southeasterly winds
    to slowly shift north over the next 3-6 hours. Rainfall rates have
    been observed locally over 2 in/hr and similar potential will
    exist overnight with slow moving and repeating showers likely to
    continue, though some weakening should be expected where
    instability is lower or decreases with time.

    Much of the area still contains lower flash flood guidance due to
    wet antecedent conditions due to rainfall over the past week.
    Therefore, while perhaps not widespread in coverage, at least a
    localized flash flood threat will be likely to continue into the
    night with rainfall rates of 1 to 2+ in/hr at times. Additional
    storm totals may exceed 3 inches on an isolated basis.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!7HhKlGoGFEHs219g6UzHep1ggd8hE1jfE2QHhsckvMD8v7RBCZ8qXVJORjQlUqtAZbw8= AYb6HvN_FyW-RLQDqXT4DI4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 38757826 38247779 37147703 36477710 36337764=20
    36437820 37157878 37297994 37728022 38337988=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 5 09:07:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 050907

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1089
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    507 AM EDT Sat Oct 05 2024

    Areas affected...Deep South Texas...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 050910Z - 051500Z

    SUMMARY...Persistent highly saturated, unstable onshore flow may
    support periods of scattered efficient showers/thunderstorms
    capable of 2-2.5"/hr rates and localized 3"+ totals. Given
    recently wetted grounds, additional intense rainfall may result in
    possible flash flooding this morning.

    DISCUSSION...Large scale cyclonic gyre centered in southern Gulf
    of Mexico/Western Bay of Campeche has seen a persistent convective
    flare up throughout the evening. The broader easterly to
    northeasterly flow has been persistent through the overnight
    period and brought some transistory but intense tropical
    showers/thunderstorms across Deep South Texas. The solid 15-20kts
    of onshore surface to boundary layer flow has been transporting
    .95-1.1" precipitable water in that layer per CIRA LPW. RAP
    analysis shows small surface heating over 80F over high 70s Tds
    and fairly saturated deep moisture profile to support unstable air
    with SBCAPEs of 1500-2500 J/kg to support stronger updraft
    strength and further vertical moisture flux to support efficient
    rainfall production. Rates of 2-2.5"/hr will remain probable
    throughout the morning, much as as they have for the last 6 hours
    or so. Spots of up to 1.5-3" have been observed between Bayview
    and Harlingen matching RADAR estimates, so values higher to the
    northeast over Laguna Madre and S Kenedy county nearing 4-5" seem

    The area has been fairly dry and FFG values suggest that this
    rainfall was able to be infiltrated fairly well, but now upper
    soil profiles from this 1-3" total will have reduced FFG values
    which are in the 2-3"/hr, 2.5-4"/3hr should be lowered. Over the
    next six hours, the environment will remain very similar and
    GOES-E 3.9um SWIR shows upstream shallow convective roll-clouds
    moving through the northeasterly flow in the NE Gulf that start to
    grow vertically near the coast given enhanced frictional speed
    convergence. As such, similar transient thunderstorms with
    2-2.5"/hr rates capable of 3-5" localized totals may continue
    through the later morning hours, especially as low level flow may
    increase under influence of the stregthening convective
    cluster/surface reflection east of Tampico, MX. Winds may back a
    bit more out of the NE, enhancing convective potential across E
    Willacy and Cameron counties. HREF probability of exceeding 3" by
    15z are 40-60% with 5" values near 25%. So with each passing
    convective cell, the potential for localized flash flooding
    increases slightly as longer term totals reach/exceed 5",
    especially near urban locales.=20=20=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!8hmTe7dJX7P45WsANlAz34Z0BUNVW0ohsrw7BXkxUm3ffxcgfVf9AbnldJupXx0P4hGD= ljLRRPxn6fZPq0eg9n7HfMk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 26789776 26749731 26409718 25979710 25819736=20
    25989777 26059827 26259843 26619820=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 5 19:50:58 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 051950

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1090
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    350 PM EDT Sat Oct 05 2024

    Areas affected...portions of southern FL & the Keys

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 051949Z - 060149Z

    Summary...Showers and thunderstorms with heavy rainfall are
    showing minimal movement across southern FL. Hourly rain totals
    to 3" with local totals to 6" possible over the next several hours.

    Discussion...Showers and thunderstorms are forming near sea breeze
    boundaries and in the proximity to a warm front draped across
    southern FL. Precipitable water values are 2.25-2.5". Low level
    inflow as well as the mean 850-400 hPa flow is weak, which is
    leading to minimal movement to activity across the southern tip of
    the peninsula and southwest FL. Other activity lurks near the
    Middle and Upper Keys. ML CAPE is approaching 2000 J/kg which is
    being aided by afternoon insolation.

    The concern is that with minimal cell movement that amounts which
    were seen south of Florida City and west of Key Largo could
    materialize across southwest FL and the Keys through the remainder
    of the afternoon into the early evening, with radar estimates near
    6". Areas of the West Coast in particular have been especially
    wet this year with large, in places 20"+, annual surpluses.=20
    Rainfall over the past week has continued this theme between Cape
    Coral and Naples. Hourly rain totals to 3" with local totals to
    6" remain possible into this evening, which could lead to flash
    flooding of urban areas and important thoroughfares, such as US 1,
    US 41, and I-75.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6wdggIxSWYv3WcBR5q0w5nDqxxgfUIsmbL4f_hRw6b-Am8lGnS7fQmlk98a0wghrMSF0= uW4BKvJe9iD1atTC6dfHMr8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 26888208 26508120 25408019 25008035 24708113=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Oct 6 14:40:50 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 061440

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1091
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1039 AM EDT Sun Oct 06 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Florida Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 061439Z - 062030Z

    Summary...Slow moving showers and thunderstorms with high rainfall
    rates of 2 to 3 inches per hour are showing minimal movement
    across portions of South Florida. Localized rainfall totals up to
    5 inches are possible through 430 pm, and this will likely result
    in some instances of flooding.

    Discussion...Numerous showers and thunderstorms are forming near
    sea breeze boundaries and in the general proximity of a stationary
    front situated across southern Florida late this morning, and also
    ahead of a mid-level vortmax that is slowly approaching the
    southwest coast of Florida. Anomalous precipitable water values
    on the order of 2.3 to 2.6 inches are in place, per recent SPC
    mesoanalysis. Another concern is the very slow cell movements
    that have been observed by regional Doppler radar imagery over the
    past several hours, and this will likely remain the case going
    into the afternoon hours, with weak low level inflow and mean
    850-300 hPa flow. In addition, mixed layer CAPE is on the order
    of 1500-2000 J/kg, which is being aided by midday solar insolation.

    The latest CAM guidance suite depicts an increase in slow moving
    convection across the southern half of the Florida Peninsula
    through the mid-late afternoon hours, with localized rainfall
    totals on the order of 4 to 6 inches possible. Areas of the West
    Coast have picked up a few inches of rain over the past 24 hours,
    and this also holds true for areas near and to the south of Miami,
    and this will be an aggravating factor for flooding potential
    today. Hourly rain totals to 3 inches are possible, which will
    likely lead to some instances of flash flooding for urban and poor
    drainage areas.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!4DwTbjyxM4wmD9Fetm4TQTSU7ZNS27xGAeZ5caSE9IDroOxcn-Jbfodt26kOvWnlfg2l= eSHVU7Mf1JUsviG94L0gvk0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27728071 27568016 26987993 26117990 25518007=20
    25088030 24818064 25048121 25608163 26128211=20
    26528230 26938256 27188265 27228266 27428259=20
    27428213 27308167 27388128=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Oct 7 03:14:00 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 070313

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1092
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1113 PM EDT Sun Oct 06 2024

    Areas affected...Southern Peninsular Florida and the Upper Keys...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 070315Z - 070900Z

    SUMMARY...Approaching surface frontal wave with bands of warm
    advective tropical showers/thunderstorms capable of 2-2.5"/hr
    rates and spots of 3-5" totals along the coasts may pose localized
    urban rapid inundation flooding through overnight hours.

    DISCUSSION...GOES-E 3.9um SWIR depicts a few boundary layer swirls
    of Cu and TCu across the eastern Gulf of Mexico (main one near
    25.8N 85.5W) with the frontal/convergence boundary extending
    eastward to just offshore of S Sarasota county before paralleling
    the SW Coast through the central Keys. VWP and RADAR mosaic
    suggests a 925-850mb wave in proximity of Naples, pressing
    eastward. This is spurring an increase in low level southwesterly
    flow and warm advection from the Florida Channel and enhancing
    convergence with new deepening convection through the central Keys
    starting to arch northeastward. Relative maxima in low level
    instability and available moisture along/ahead of this band are
    running about 2000-2500 J/kg SBCAPE and 1.05-1.25" per CIRA LPW
    values. This will allow for solid low level moisture loading for
    intense tropical rain showers and be capable of an easy 2-3"/hr
    rain rate, but translation/duration will be critical to pose
    flooding problems.

    As the aforementioned wave crosses southern FL, WAA and
    southwesterly flow is expected to lift north and replace the band.
    Deeper layer (700-500mb) flow appears to suggest weak ridging to
    delay or allow the wave to pivot across the Everglades while the
    band lifts north. This will bring stronger cells along/through
    areas of Miami-Dade with those high rates through the next few
    hours. There is potential the band will slow and increase
    duration near the pivoting wave over the urban corridor and
    present increasing duration of heavier rainfall totals with 3-5".=20
    HREF probability of 40-80% of 3" and 30-50% of 5" remains across
    the southern tip and up the east coast to Palm Beach county.=20=20
    Given a secondary boundary/theta-e gradient is also connected to
    a prior wave/WAA exists resulting in localized frictional
    convergence across Broward county lifting north potentially adding
    to/expanding the risk area of potential 3-5" totals by 09z. Given
    proximity to urban/flat and some already saturated areas, rapid
    inundation flooding may occur locally with these cells through the
    overnight period and is considered possible.

    Along the SW FL coast...
    The potential for excessive rainfall/higher totals, is diminished
    slightly compared to the SE FL coast as cells are more likely to
    reside along/just offshore through the overnight period. However,
    there remains solid convergence along the southeast angled frontal
    zone to support similar cells from Manatee to Lee/Charlotte county
    and with limited cell motions, so though the cells are likely to
    remain just offshore, there remains some potential for 2-2.5"/hr
    rates but could result in slightly higher overall totals if they
    sneak ashore.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9_7cGQdvrEw7ej5aqDEy8Z5IxL-XzFWS6mFU4daM6-UoumjKkf6Lm_uXSparPF6aTtcP= 87H0kDMJREFSlW_QoFuAcN4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27228016 26577992 25867999 25218020 24738081=20
    24798129 25718143 25828178 26208193 26538231=20
    26988253 27178260 27198225 26408162 26028113=20
    26028075 26568050 27178040=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Oct 7 17:38:14 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 071738

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1093
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    137 PM EDT Mon Oct 07 2024

    Areas affected...southern FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 071735Z - 072300Z

    Summary...Slow moving and training thunderstorms will pose a flash
    flood risk for southern FL through 22Z. Due to the environment,
    rainfall rates will easily have the potential for 2-3 in/hr, and
    may even exceed 3 in/hr on a localized basis.

    Discussion...While the exact placement is a little uncertain, 17Z
    surface observations showed a quasi-stationary front extending
    southwestward into Palm Beach County, through the northern
    Everglades before curving westward into the eastern Gulf near
    Naples. Local 88D radar and visible satellite imagery showed
    multiple mesoscale lows near and south of the front, while
    infrared imagery showed two areas of colder cloud tops, one west
    of the Lee Island Coast and the other west of the Lower Keys, that
    have been progressing eastward over the past few hours. Out ahead
    of these two relatively larger scale areas of lift were a couple
    of slow moving cells that have recently developed over northern
    Broward and southern Palm Beach counties. The environment near and
    south of the front consisted of 500-2000 J/kg MLCAPE (highest to
    southwest) and precipitable water values of approximately 2.3 to
    2.5 inches via 12Z sounding and 17Z SPC mesoanalysis data.

    Using the 850-300 mb layer as a proxy for storm motions, mean cell
    movement will be from the SW to WSW at 10-20 kt. Similarly
    oriented 850 mb winds of about the same magnitude will promote
    slow moving and training of cells over the southwestern and
    southeastern coasts into the Keys. Near the coast of St. Lucie and
    Martin counties, low level winds were from the east just north of
    a low located just above the surface (925-850 mb) where 850-300 mb
    mean winds were weakest across the region at 5-10 kt. Therefore,
    the northern Treasure Coast will have the potential for slow
    moving to stationary cell movement near the coast given sufficient
    instability in place.

    Much of southern FL will see an increase in thunderstorm coverage
    over the next couple of hours with potential for 2 to 3+ in/hr as
    forcing increases from the west, beneath a diffluent flow pattern
    in the upper levels. Flash flooding will be possible through 23Z,
    but is expected to remain localized and focused across urban


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6St79PkaIYKxNPJYGEZgQtXgyMVzLF8UKjelGPZQcmv-8MCktKYgp0fK5LPEITxZGZkv= Zjt_qZH2tQSIIIiTj-GFRZ0$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27298033 27227985 26377972 25308004 24628070=20
    24468159 24568189 24818201 25328171 26018214=20
    26448225 26728193 26458152 26378109 26398077=20
    26608041 27028044=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Oct 7 23:16:48 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 072316

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1094
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    716 PM EDT Mon Oct 07 2024

    Areas affected...southern FL into the Keys

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 072314Z - 080500Z

    Summary...There is potential for a training axis of heavy rain to
    begin to impact portions of the southern FL Peninsula into the FL
    Keys by 03-06Z. Rainfall rates of 2 to 3+ in/hr will be possible,
    which may lead to flash flooding over impervious surfaces.

    Discussion...23Z surface observations, radar imagery and fading
    visible satellite imagery showed a quasi-stationary front
    extending east to west across the southern FL Peninsula with an
    apparent low on the front or at least the front aloft, located
    north of Grand Bahama Island. A secondary smaller low was noted
    just east of the Martin/Palm Beach County border, possibly
    connected to the front at the surface or just aloft.

    Low level easterly flow just north of the smaller low near the
    east coast of FL was helping to support locally heavy rain near
    and just east/offshore of Port Saint Lucie where a small bubble of
    500 J/kg MLCAPE was estimated via the 22Z SPC mesoanalysis. The
    coastal circulation may translate southward in the short term as
    the larger low to the north of Grand Bahama is forecast by short
    term RAP guidance to strengthen and become better organized
    tonight. This strengthening should result in increased northerly
    flow over the southern FL Peninsula, pushing the front southward
    toward the Middle and Upper Keys by 06Z. Farther southward
    progress of the front will likely be limited by southwesterly flow
    to the east of yet another surface low analyzed in the eastern
    Gulf near 26.4N 84.4W.

    The front is expected to act as a focus for the development of
    heavy rain where MLCAPE is forecast to be 1000+ J/kg along and
    south of the boundary, dropping off to less than 100 J/kg to the
    north. Mean steering flow should be roughly parallel to the
    boundary allowing for the repeating and training of cells, with
    rainfall rates possibly reaching 2 to 3+ in/hr within the tropical
    environment. These rates could overlap with localized urban
    centers and related impervious surfaces of the Middle/Upper Keys
    leading to localized flash flooding.

    Regarding the HRRR, while it has been fairly consistent with the
    idea of an axis of heavy rain developing in the vicinity of
    Florida Bay, the HRRR has struggled with placement of heavy rain
    from earlier today and has had differences in its forecast
    placement of the surface front and associated low pressure centers
    leading to lower confidence in its output. While the idea of
    recent HRRR cycles seems reasonable, some of its runs with 6 hr
    QPF maxima of 7 to 10 inches appears overdone.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!81lBakZcqkxyAMrt_INC1yfVMaUzPP5fc9MXMIQFQ-iTJJAHBu6jBnIu54Iq8EFzB4-n= yJu8lK0_FM9l0Uikwv_NxUI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27508019 27488009 27367996 27277992 27017985=20
    26607975 25927983 25387993 24768044 24468117=20
    24508196 25668170 25798099 26208030 26878038=20
    27248040 27418036=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Oct 8 05:54:52 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 080554

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1095
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    154 AM EDT Tue Oct 08 2024

    Areas affected...Florida Keys & Far Southern Florida Peninsula...

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 080555Z - 081145Z

    SUMMARY...Favorable environment for training thunderstorms in
    vicinity of Florida Keys. While hard to hit, solid potential for
    2-3"/hr rates and spots of 4-6" totals. If intersecting,
    accompanying rapid inundation flooding is considered possible
    through morning.

    DISCUSSION...Surface and remote sensing suite depicts a developing
    surface low to the NW of Grand Bahama westerly winds pressing the
    front off southern Florida, before the front orients flat east to
    west across the Florida Bay before angling northwest along the
    coast to a shearing out and retrograding low near 25.6N 83.6W.=20
    VWP from BYX and AMX depict this stretching axis across the
    southern peninsula with unidirectional deep layer flow supporting
    a WSW to ENE training axis across the area of concern.
    GOES-E SWIR and RAP winds suggest broader but confluent warm
    advective low level flow regime along the spine of the Keys into
    Florida Bay with ample deep layer moisture AoA 2.5" with ample low
    level profile to support narrow skinny profile with solid unstable
    air given values of 2000-2500 J/kg. As such the strong low level
    convergence is supporting bands of developing CBs from upstream of
    Dry Tortugas through the area before strongest convergence resides
    just southwest of the base of the frontal zone where some sfc
    southwesterly flow is at or about 15-20kts supports stronger
    moisture flux convergence.=20=20

    The placement of features: isallobaric response to the growing
    complex in the eastern Florida Straits, retrograding low will
    support continual convergence upstream redevelopment and training
    profile to allow for thunderstorms to track through the Keys into
    far southern Florida for the next few hours. Given ample moisture
    flux, rates of 2-3"/hr are possible per Hi-Res CAMs. Solid
    probability from 00z HREF suggest 3-5" suggest the training cells
    have sufficient proximity to land that any intersection may result
    in localized totals in short enough duration to allow for rapid inundation/urban style flooding.=20


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9KEv30E6oKWRUEGlbTyMneIR31mCoNLL99BX_pk2BEo6xgwVKx7J-M4I1KiHtNR3L3tZ= HQo-fHdrInhoUVRv8wYDH7o$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 25648022 25508014 25288021 25128032 24688089=20
    24518151 24528188 24708171 24938110 25078109=20
    25318121 25508099 25538062=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 9 07:13:22 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090713

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1096...Corrected
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    311 AM EDT Wed Oct 09 2024

    Corrected for Summary statement

    Areas affected...Southwest Florida....

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 090700Z - 091230Z

    SUMMARY...Potential for coastal training rotating thunderstorms
    capable of 2.5"/hr rates and spots of 2-5" possible through

    DISCUSSION...06z surface analysis along with BYX VWP and RADAR
    animation shows winds have veered to more southerly and starting
    to increase WAA, lifting the stalled boundary across southeast
    Gulf/Florida Bay northward. Upper 70s to lower 80s temp/dewpoints
    along the Florida Straits and the strengthening speed convergence
    with this warm air advection is allowing for increased instability
    advection northward expanding 2500+ J/kg SBCAPE values northward
    along the coastal boundary.

    SPC MCD and bulk shear values suggest main mode of shallow
    rotating thunderstorms along this band. While mean steering flow
    and approaching isallobaric influence would press cell motions
    further west, rotation and right movement is generally
    counteracting this influence and supporting a generally north or north-northeast cell motion for these thunderstorms allowing for a
    solid potential for training development given upstream moisture
    convergence in proximity of the lifting boundary and coastal
    frictional convergence may allow for this.

    While updrafts are narrow, the rotational flow increases speed and
    directional moisture flux into the updrafts allowing for intense
    low level moisture loading and therefore intense rainfall
    production. Overall moisture of 2.25-2.5", though clearly loaded
    in the sfc to 700mb layer will support efficient production with
    hourly rates of 2-3"/hr though inner cores will likely drive the
    majority of that rain in sub-hourly time frames (15-30 minutes)
    further increasing the potential for rapid inundation flooding
    across the flat/urban ground conditions. This is further
    compounding potential issues given recent moderate to heavy
    rainfall. NASA SPoRT 0-40cm soil moisture is well above normal at
    70-80% capacity and generally above 95th percentile for the time

    Much of the Hi-Res guidance suite does not place this warm
    advective training band ashore, but most have assimilated this
    band much further west than current trends would suggestion, with
    recent HRRR solutions slowly adjusting to RADAR with the 05z run
    getting closest, so far. So, while the band still may align
    along/just offshore with the most intense cores/training axis, the
    risk for this training band crossing the urban coastal zones has
    increased enough to suggest spots of 2-5", resulting in possible
    localized inundation flooding through early morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!616dJne68gZ0FK_N9zgLgg56Pwl21KkvT_oB9F_yiRk3kKVe4nDWG2nubPu104knwJLI= a-9Y3lAxgViYxvDHe-_P0fk$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27488254 27148203 26648165 26078099 25338037=20
    25178105 25848176 26328196 26478225 27108255=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 9 07:00:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 090700

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1096
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    259 AM EDT Wed Oct 09 2024

    Areas affected...Southwest Florida....

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 090700Z - 091230Z

    SUMMARY...Potential for coastal training rotating thunderstorms
    capable of 2.5"/hr rates and spots of

    DISCUSSION...06z surface analysis along with BYX VWP and RADAR
    animation shows winds have veered to more southerly, increasing
    starting to increase WAA, lifting the stalled boundary across
    southeast Gulf/Florida Bay northward. Upper 70s to lower 80s
    temp/dewpoints along the Florida Straits and the strengthening
    speed convergence with this warm air advection is allowing for
    increased instability advection northward expanding 2500+ J/kg
    SBCAPE values northward along the coastal boundary.

    SPC MCD and bulk shear values suggest main mode of shallow
    rotating thunderstorms along this band. While mean steering flow
    and approaching isallobaric influence would press cell motions
    further west, rotation and right movement is generally
    counteracting this influence and supporting a generally north or north-northeast cell motion for these thunderstorms allowing for a
    solid potential for training development given upstream moisture
    convergence in proximity of the lifting boundary and coastal
    frictional convergence may allow for this.

    While updrafts are narrow, the rotational flow increases speed and
    directional moisture flux into the updrafts allowing for intense
    low level moisture loading and therefore intense rainfall
    production. Overall moisture of 2.25-2.5", though clearly loaded
    in the sfc to 700mb layer will support efficient production with
    hourly rates of 2-3"/hr though inner cores will likely drive the
    majority of that rain in sub-hourly time frames (15-30 minutes)
    further increasing the potential for rapid inundation flooding
    across the flat/urban ground conditions. This is further
    compounding potential issues given recent moderate to heavy
    rainfall. NASA SPoRT 0-40cm soil moisture is well above normal at
    70-80% capacity and generally above 95th percentile for the time

    Much of the Hi-Res guidance suite does not place this warm
    advective training band ashore, but most have assimilated this
    band much further west than current trends would suggestion, with
    recent HRRR solutions slowly adjusting to RADAR with the 05z run
    getting closest, so far. So, while the band still may align
    along/just offshore with the most intense cores/training axis, the
    risk for this training band crossing the urban coastal zones has
    increased enough to suggest spots of 2-5", resulting in possible
    localized inundation flooding through early morning.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6ZhrXxQKLYOmd2Z2CcDQiyjY58k2Hra9IlNEoDNtq_WFl7MXVFPgqDvBYjqez6LiMERH= qUtWo8XjlKpl9BGDj5QMMIc$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 27488254 27148203 26648165 26078099 25338037=20
    25178105 25848176 26328196 26478225 27108255=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Oct 9 23:31:10 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 092331

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1100
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    730 PM EDT Wed Oct 09 2024

    Areas affected...north-central FL Peninsula

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 092328Z - 100445Z

    SUMMARY...An axis of extreme rainfall, stretching from the Tampa
    metropolitan region northeastward into the north-central FL
    Peninsula, is expected to result in major to locally catastrophic
    flash flooding with considerable threats to life and property.
    6-hr rainfall totals of at least 5-8 inches with hourly rainfall
    in the 2-3 in/hr range are expected.

    DISCUSSION...The 23Z update from NHC placed the center of
    Hurricane Milton 35 miles WSW of Sarasota, FL. Local radar imagery
    at 23Z from KTBW showed the heaviest rain located within what is
    effectively the northern eyewall which has pushed ashore and arced
    from Manatee into southern Hillsborough and much of Pinellas
    counties with MRMS and gauge data showing 1-2 in/hr rainfall
    rates. Portions of St. Petersburg to Bradenton have already picked
    up 5-8 inches of rain since midnight and flash flooding is
    ongoing. Farther east, an outer rain band had largely moved
    offshore of the eastern Peninsula but was arcing northwestward
    ashore just north of Cape Canaveral with 4-8 inches already
    reported across Brevard County.

    An axis of strong low level convergence tied to the northern
    eyewall, extending northeast from the center of Milton to Volusia
    County (just north of the forecast track of Milton) will support a
    prolonged period of high rainfall rates, 1-2 in/hr but locally in
    the 2 to 3+ in/hr range, with the axis training from WSW to ENE
    and slowly lifting north with time. Some locations could
    experience rainfall rates in excess of 1 in/hr for 2-4 hours,
    causing rapid rises of water above the surface as water will not
    have sufficient time to drain, especially across the mostly
    impervious surfaces of the St. Petersburg into the Tampa metro and
    possibly nearing Orlando later tonight. Additional rainfall of at
    least 5-8 inches is expected from St. Petersburg, northeastward
    into the central Peninsula where the WoFS has consistently painted
    high probabilities of exceeding 5 inches of rainfall. The 22Z WoFS
    cycle indicated 50 to 90 percent probabilities of 5+ inches and
    90th percentile (reasonable worse case scenario) values of 7-10
    inches. Major to locally catastrophic flash flooding is expected
    as a result of these high rainfall rates.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6gKF48B965Xqj-Jzk3hFPNzyaeldajk6aK1Bj6zQ7DDIysUYY_DgBDtRhDbDLz8puFHb= LiIRC4UVxA39mwYPAM3Wb8k$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 29888111 29688103 28598054 28528063 28238143=20
    27798205 27438295 27898313 28898262 29318212=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Oct 10 04:34:44 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 100434

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1101
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1231 AM EDT Thu Oct 10 2024

    Areas affected...portions of North-Central FL

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 100445Z - 101045Z

    Summary...Locally catastrophic flash flooding likely to continue
    as Hurricane Milton moves across the Florida Peninsula with
    2-3"/hr rainfall rates and 3-8" additional totals.

    Discussion...Hurricane Milton is progressing across the central FL
    Peninsula at this hour, undergoing extratropical transition in the
    process with heavy rainfall confined to the northern half of the
    circulation. Convection associated with Milton remains intense,
    largely due to this extratropical transition process (and the
    associated strong upper-level divergence from the right entrance
    region of a 140+ kt jet streak off the Northeast coast). GOES-East
    infrared imagery indicates cloud top temperatures of -85deg C or
    colder, along with multiple lightning strikes via the GLM
    instrument. This corresponds to estimated cloud top heights of
    40-50k feet (via KTBW/MRMS echo top data), and this continues to
    support significant tropical rainfall rates of 2-3"/hr (with
    precipitable water values at record breaking levels of 2.4-2.7

    Hi-res models are in good agreement in keeping the remnant of the
    northern eyewall of Milton convectively active until its emergence
    over the Atlantic in the next 4-6 hours. This will bring the 50
    mile wide swath of 2-3"/hr rainfall rates from the
    Lakeland/Orlando metro areas northeastward into more rural
    portions of the peninsula between Orlando and Jacksonville, as
    well as into coastal cities such as Daytona Beach, Palm Coast, and
    St. Augustine. This will result in an additional 1-3" of rainfall
    in the vicinity of Lakeland/Orlando (where 6-12" of rainfall has
    already fallen over the past 12 hours), and an additional 3-8"
    over adjacent portions of the northeastern peninsula and coastal
    cities (where 2-4" has already fallen over the past 12 hours).
    Flash flooding (some locally catastrophic) will continue in the
    hard-hit areas of Lakeland/Orlando, while flash flooding is likely
    to continue and expand to those areas towards the northeast (which
    may also experience locally significant to catastrophic flash


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!62KuibCvgzzgD5po1BTLbB2g4j0IWIy2wowkA6k0YwjMv_2VqqCqDR6bYKIVNnn4tUjs= D56zLGZoxgxjmcl9lQ6EQ54$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 30088126 29498102 28748065 28448090 28128151=20
    27938209 28378240 29238219 29618188 29978159=20 =20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 19 05:12:12 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 190512

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1103
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    110 AM EDT Sat Oct 19 2024

    Areas affected...Central to Northeast NM...South-Central CO

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 190510Z - 191110Z

    SUMMARY...A localized threat for flash flooding will develop going
    through the overnight hours as greater concentrations of heavy
    shower and thunderstorm activity occurs. The burn scar locations
    will be most susceptible to runoff concerns.

    DISCUSSION...A deep upper-level trough and associated closed low
    over the Southwest U.S. will be moving very slowly down to the
    southeast overnight. This will favor downstream areas of central
    and eastern NM seeing an uptick deep layer ascent as divergence
    aloft overspreads the region. Coinciding with this will be the
    persistence of an increasingly moist southeast low-level jet of 30
    to 40 kts which will be advancing up across eastern NM. The
    overall PW environment currently is rather modest with PWs near
    0.75 inches, but the latest CIRA-ALPW data shows a notable fetch
    of moisture in the SFC-850 mb layer advancing gradually north and
    west across the TX High Plains which eventually will become more
    entrenched over eastern NM later tonight and Saturday morning.

    MUCAPE values are on the order of 500 to 1000+ J/kg across
    portions of central and eastern NM currently, and this coupled
    with the deeper layer ascent and moisture transport from the TX
    High Plains and Rio Grande Valley should favor a gradual increase
    in the coverage of heavy showers and thunderstorms. This will be
    mainly focused in a southwest to northeast fashion from central to
    northeast NM and to some extent over parts of south-central CO.

    The latest hires CAM guidance suggests more increase in the
    coverage and intensity of convection over the next few hours, and
    radar imagery in conjunction with GOES-E IR satellite imagery
    shows several clusters of fairly well-organized cold-topped
    convection already evolving across the region.

    Rainfall rates with the stronger pockets of convection overnight
    may reach as high as 1 to 1.25 inches/hour, and given some
    potential for localized cell-training, some rainfall totals may
    reach as high as 2 to 3 inches. This will especially be the case
    over the orographically favored Sangre De Cristo Mountains.

    A localized threat for some flash flooding will exist with the
    burn scar locations generally the most susceptible to seeing
    runoff problems. In particular, the Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon burn
    scar area in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains will be at risk for


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9t6GemCbgfS6ZnVadRJDe0JuwfzOxNQVOKUxeZhIUAIeb7IGRiJo8QoHkiXDmKZj6TiI= nmO8CfIe_bhki7gm0xhwv-4$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37580437 37210381 36580373 35620403 34870454=20
    34670502 34780561 35050594 35720606 36220606=20
    36670589 37090559 37430507=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 19 18:09:26 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191809

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1104
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    208 PM EDT Sat Oct 19 2024

    Areas affected...central to east-central NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding possible

    Valid 191806Z - 192330Z

    SUMMARY...Localized flash flooding will be possible across
    central/east-central NM through 23Z. Rainfall rates of 0.5 to 1.5
    in/hr and 15 minute rates locally over 0.5 inches are expected
    within repeating/training regions of thunderstorms.

    DISCUSSION...18Z water vapor imagery showed a well-defined closed
    low over AZ, with only slow movement observed over the past 6
    hours. Upper level flow to the east of the closed low was fairly
    diffluent over NM with possible added lift occurring within the
    left-exit region of a weakly defined jet streak located on the
    south to southeast side of the closed low. MRMS-reflectivity has
    shown the recent development of a SSE to NNW oriented axis of
    stronger echoes over Lincoln into Torrance County, located on the
    western edge of an axis of 500-1000+ J/kg MLCAPE as depicted on
    the 17Z SPC mesoanalysis.

    Throughout the afternoon, greater insolation with breaks in cloud
    cover and continued southeasterly low level moisture transport
    will help to support an expanding coverage of 500 to 1500 J/kg
    MLCAPE over central to eastern NM as depicted by recent runs of
    the RAP, with the greatest instability over southeastern portions
    of the state. The increased instability and low level convergence
    on the eastern side of the closed low will likely contribute to
    increasing thunderstorm coverage through 23Z. The greatest concern
    for flash flood potential will exist along and just east of the
    southern Sangre de Cristo and Sacramento Mountains. While forecast
    LFC-EL mean flow of 30-50 kt from the south will keep individual
    cells moving, deep-layered southerly flow will allow for repeating
    and short-term training of cells at times, supporting localized
    hourly rainfall of 0.5 to 1.5 inches and 15-minute rates over 0.5

    The southeast facing slopes of the southern Sangre de Cristo
    Mountains have received 2 to 3+ inches of rain, much of that over
    the past 12 hours, increasing soil moisture. While other areas of
    NM have seen less than an inch over the past 24 hours, localized
    potential for flash flooding will exist where higher intensity
    rainfall repeats over the same location, especially with any
    overlap of sensitive burn scar locations or flashy creeks/streams.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9cCkAtwuCgz9kCxaZfuzdpFSkckHH3TQgvmNlepUS0VF0gtzIFd_wB4vXseyR8NcLsKS= QkQ2A0NVUAQkTjLiMAK2Rzw$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36610437 36170409 35520412 33920435 32820478=20
    32500555 32500611 33100636 34680642 35800697=20
    36290701 36530678 36560631 36470601 36350589=20
    36230577 36160549 36200542 36300520 36420509=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 19 19:38:56 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 191938

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1105
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    338 PM EDT Sat Oct 19 2024

    Areas affected...Olympic Peninsula into the northern Cascades

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall

    Valid 191936Z - 200400Z

    Summary...An ongoing atmospheric river is expected to produce an
    additional 2-4 inches over the upslope regions of the Olympic
    Peninsula and northern Cascades through 04Z. Hourly rainfall rates
    in excess of 0.5 inches will be possible for several hours (mainly
    the Olympics) with 36 hour rainfall totals of 4-8 inches.

    Discussion...GOES West water vapor imagery showed an elongated
    fetch of mid-upper level moisture streaming northeastward, ahead
    of a shortwave trough, located near 44N 150W, into the West Coast
    from southern Vancouver Island into northwestern WA. Layered PW
    imagery showed this atmospheric river contained high moisture
    content throughout the vertical column and Blended TPW data
    indicated the moisture values within the plume were 150 to 200+
    percent of normal. Moisture flux anomalies have weakened since 00Z
    when the moisture axis was directed into southern Vancouver
    Island, which has received over 10 inches of rain (preliminarily)
    according to information from the NWS Weather and Hazards Data
    Viewer, but high rainfall rates remained within the axis of
    strongest moisture transport where peak precipitable water values
    were near 1.5 inches along the coast. Recent observations across
    the western Olympic Peninsula showed hourly rainfall between 0.3
    and 0.5 inches, but with localized hourly totals in excess of 0.5
    inches across western Clallam and Jefferson counties.

    19Z visible satellite imagery and surface observations depicted a
    cold front extending southwestward from north-central Vancouver
    Island into the eastern Pacific. The cold front is forecast to
    continue slowly moving toward the south and east over the next 6-9
    hours, with continued hourly rainfall over 0.5 inches across the
    western Olympic Peninsula through at least 00Z.

    2 to 4+ inches of rain has been reported across the upslope
    regions of the Olympics and northern Cascades over the past 24
    hours. Additional rainfall totals of 2 to 4 inches are expected
    though about 04Z, with rainfall intensity lowering between 00-03Z
    as the moisture axis sinks south with the cold front and weakens.
    This weakening will be in advance of the upstream shortwave near
    150W, which is expected to re-align the offshore moisture axis in
    a more south to north orientation, ahead of a forecast surface low
    which is expected to approach northwestern WA after 12Z Sunday.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!85k5u--1SAM-u15faPCmct_U3BsrStafCNJPaWJ8UepJ04RcD7a4qLUgxITtBYwN5A4j= zXsKUI6TPSjZHIW9TpBgvWg$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 49002159 48952134 48882120 48782109 48642104=20
    48452102 48252108 48062115 47922120 47782128=20
    47632142 47542158 47572178 47732192 47962197=20
    48122204 48212222 48272240 48322257 48312279=20
    48302297 48172322 47942328 47772331 47522329=20
    47442332 47272340 47142381 47142429 47852471=20
    48312470 48432438 48622323 48992208=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Oct 19 23:29:30 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 192329

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1106
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    728 PM EDT Sat Oct 19 2024

    Areas affected...eastern NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 192327Z - 200515Z

    SUMMARY...A south to north axis of heavy rain is likely to
    generate widely scattered to scattered flash flooding across
    eastern NM into the early overnight hours. Training/repeating
    cells are expected to produce 1 to 1.5+ in/hr rainfall rates
    leading to additional 2-4 inch totals through 05Z.

    DISCUSSION...Regional radar and GOES East visible imagery at 23Z
    showed a broken axis of thunderstorms extending from southwestern
    Chaves County, north-northeastward into southeastern Colfax
    County, containing several areas of overshooting tops. These
    storms were located within an instability axis containing 500 to
    1500+ J/kg MLCAPE and anomalous precipitable water values of 0.7
    to 1.1 inches via 23Z SPC mesoanalysis data. Accounting for
    sufficient wind shear aloft, some cells were organized containing
    mesocyclones and large hail, with trends in MRMS-derived rainfall
    increasing over the past 1-2 hours, currently showing a few areas
    with hourly rainfall in excess of 1 inch. Water vapor imagery
    showed a potent closed upper level low over AZ which has begun to
    slowly fill and was slowly retrograding toward the west, but
    individual vorticity maxima have been revolving about the low
    center with areas of upper level divergence and diffluence east of
    the low center over much of NM. VAD wind data at KFDX and KMAF
    showed 850 mb winds have been increasing as well over the past
    couple of hours, currently near 30 kt from the southeast.

    An axis of low level convergence near a quasi-stationary front
    located at the leading edge of an increasing low level jet is
    expected to maintain a roughly south to north axis of
    thunderstorms across eastern NM through at least 05Z. RAP
    forecasts indicate the magnitude of the 850 mb winds increasing
    over southeastern NM into the 40-50 kt range, with the leading
    edge possibly serving as a focal point for the highest rainfall
    rates. While instability is forecast to wane into the overnight
    with the loss of surface heating, likely contributing to lowering
    rainfall rates later in the night, RAP forecasts indicate at least
    500-1000 J/kg MLCAPE will remain over the east-central to
    southeastern portion of the state through 06Z. Mean steering flow,
    roughly parallel to the axis of low level convergence is expected
    to support repeating rounds and short term training of
    thunderstorms, allowing for 1 to 1.5+ in/hr rainfall rates in
    addition to 2-4 inches of rain along a south to north axis over
    eastern NM.

    It is thought that the heaviest rain will remain east of the
    sensitive burn scars located over the southern Sangre de Cristo
    and Sacramento Mountains through 05Z, however, additional, more
    isolated cells to the west of the main axis of thunderstorms may
    support an isolated flash flood threat within weaker pockets of
    instability, forced by strong dynamic lift east of the AZ closed

    Areas of flash flooding are considered likely over eastern NM,
    though may remain widely scattered in nature. Storms may propagate
    more to the east of current HRRR guidance but the flash flood
    threat will decrease with eastern extent due to higher FFG values
    toward the TX border.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!9qvvrTzyEGHdVp6hoAIxULY2qbMqxx00Djeh1r7RZ3DBWHKMFBy495k6-sQGTkvpkUjc= 56O9wrhA-QGVwRBVO-QlXhI$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36720430 36450338 35750305 33090349 32160431=20
    32120546 32470583 33510612 34530606 35660576=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Oct 20 04:12:02 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 200411

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1107
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1210 AM EDT Sun Oct 20 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 200410Z - 201010Z

    SUMMARY...Heavy showers and thunderstorms are expected to continue
    to impact portions of eastern NM overnight. Additional areas of
    flash flooding are likely.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a very
    divergent flow regime aloft over eastern NM with an expansive
    canopy of persistent cold convective tops associated with an
    elongated band of heavy showers and thunderstorms. All of this is
    occurring downstream of a rather strong upper-level low that is
    nearly stationary over central AZ.

    MLCAPE values over eastern AZ remain on the order of 500 to 1000
    J/kg out ahead of a quasi-stationary front, but the front is
    helping to focus a strong north/south axis moisture convergence
    which is being facilitated by a southeast low-level jet of 40 to
    50 kts that is persisting across the southern High Plains.

    This enhanced moisture convergence/transport working in tandem
    with the available instability and deep layer ascent downwind of
    the upper low has resulted in some very well-organized convection
    including a few occasional supercell structures this evening that
    have been resulting in locally extreme rainfall rates.

    In fact, Roswell, NM (KROW) picked up 0.73" of rain in just a
    7-minute period between 0148Z and 0155Z. The persistence of this
    extreme rainfall rate led to Roswell seeing 2.70" of rain in one
    hour from 0151Z to 0251Z. This has led to locally catastrophic
    flash flooding impacts, with a Flash Flood Emergency for the city
    of Roswell.

    The instability trends over eastern NM are somewhat negative with
    3-hour differentials in the MLCAPE of -200 to -400 J/kg. This
    suggests that the rainfall rates will likely tend to come down a
    bit in the hours ahead, however, the persistence of deep layer ascent/upper-level jet forcing and the low-level jet yielding
    enhanced moisture flux convergence should tend to compensate and
    help keep rainfall rates still capable of reaching 1.5" to
    2.0"/hour with the stronger cells.

    Some gradual eastward advance of the overall convective rainfall
    axis is expected overnight, but some additional rainfall amounts
    of 3 to 4 inches will be possible locally where any of these cells
    continue to train or backbuild over the same area. As a result,
    additional areas of flash flooding will be likely.


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!6Erj1W2ZbGyiBF-FSnt-SrG-9xoMutAVM4HNJIbSKgsAMN7kdXXu-NmMmIk8dTvWHuXU= eb0UGL4mjNc6pCwboFNLaog$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 36490328 36060290 35190289 34000322 33170377=20
    32780425 32640496 33090539 33520542 34670525=20
    35840496 36450415=20

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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Oct 21 00:59:20 2024
    AWUS01 KWNH 210059

    Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1108
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    858 PM EDT Sun Oct 20 2024

    Areas affected...Eastern NM

    Concerning...Heavy rainfall...Flash flooding likely

    Valid 210057Z - 210657Z

    SUMMARY...Localized training of showers and thunderstorms will
    likely result in some additional areas of flash flooding heading
    into the overnight hours. This will especially be the case given
    the wet antecedent conditions across the region.

    DISCUSSION...The latest GOES-E IR satellite imagery shows a closed
    upper low near the Four Corners region gradually beginning to
    shift off to the northeast. Divergent flow aloft ahead of the
    upper low associated with DPVA will be combining with a moderately
    unstable airmass over areas of eastern NM for locally broken
    coverage of heavy showers and thunderstorms heading into the
    overnight hours.

    MLCAPE values of 1500 to 2000 J/kg are in place which combined
    with a belt of 30 to 40 kts of effective bulk shear should yield a
    threat for locally organized bands of multicell convection and
    potentially a few supercells that will be capable of producing
    heavy rainfall rates. The PWs over eastern NM are quite moist and
    running 2 to 2.5 standard deviations above normal.

    The more organized pockets of convection may produce rainfall
    rates of 1.5 to 2.0 inches/hour, and given the environment that is
    conducive for some cell-training, there may be some rainfall
    totals going through 06Z that reach as high as 2 to 4 inches. This
    is generally consistent with the 18Z HREF guidance and reflects
    the expectation that there may be some additional uptick in the
    coverage of convection over the next few hours.

    Given the wet antecedent conditions over the region from recent
    heavy rainfall, some additional areas of flash flooding are likely
    heading into the overnight hours. This will also include a concern
    for burn scar impacts over portions of the Sangre De Cristo


    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov__;!!= DZ3fjg!5MJ2sADZY9EmaYcnp_5h7RATo0dNis5ipsVUN-_hPtKQoCM-ueCzRVzqpwrrd3U7P-dk= RO0El7kihgwyWI15CMVS_z8$ for graphic product...



    LAT...LON 37130455 37070359 36570311 35120310 33850331=20
    33330382 33240440 33600493 34060511 34960540=20
    35330598 35790629 36280607 36890540=20

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