• Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p

    From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to WILFRED VAN VELZEN on Thu May 16 08:47:00 2024
    Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
    not post in echomail areas?

    Possible, yes, but:

    1. wouldn't change the configuration hundreds of existing Synchronet installs

    That's not an argument to make improvements in new versions!

    I am not really sure that the default is what you think it is anyway.

    When you install Synchronet, IIRC, only Dovenet comes preinstalled with defaults. It is up to the sysop to add those FTN echoes and, if they set them to where the default new user level has access, they get access.

    I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their
    own systems.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Have a (cute) electrician check your shorts.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Gamgee@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Thu May 16 11:48:00 2024
    Dumas Walker wrote to WILFRED VAN VELZEN <=-

    Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
    not post in echomail areas?

    Possible, yes, but:

    1. wouldn't change the configuration hundreds of existing Synchronet installs

    That's not an argument to make improvements in new versions!

    I am not really sure that the default is what you think it is

    When you install Synchronet, IIRC, only Dovenet comes
    preinstalled with defaults. It is up to the sysop to add those
    FTN echoes and, if they set them to where the default new user
    level has access, they get access.

    I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that
    on their own systems.

    100% agree on all of this.

    This should be the last message in this thread, as there's nothing
    further needing to be said. Nothing needs to be changed.

    ... So easy, a child could do it. Child sold separately.
    --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Dumas Walker on Thu May 16 21:02:16 2024
    Hi Dumas,

    On 2024-05-16 08:47:00, you wrote to me:

    When you install Synchronet, IIRC, only Dovenet comes preinstalled
    with defaults. It is up to the sysop to add those FTN echoes and, if
    they set them to where the default new user level has access, they get access.

    I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.

    I don't know either, I was just asking if it would be possible...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu May 16 13:07:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to MRO on Thu May 16 2024 11:42 am

    Hi MRO,

    On 2024-05-15 17:12:43, you wrote to me:

    Venus, Innana and so on...
    Sailor Moon is targeted as somewhat of modern representation of
    mythology) if you suspect something or know anything write about it!
    6. Daughters of those from groups above!

    inform inform inform!

    Can it be made the default in new synchronet installs, new users can
    not post in echomail areas?

    That's something that sysops should decide.

    Of course! I'm not asking to remove their choice, only to change the default

    there's no way to know when someone's going to be posting crazy shit.

    Indeed, so it's better to restrict what they can do until they are "verified

    also this guy wasn't overly harmful or damaging to the network.

    There have been multiple posts in different echomail areas, by "different" u

    it's up to the sysop to police their own bbs. you can't do it all for them.

    Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops options, mers (or bots).

    Bye, Wilfred.

    I disagree with changing the default. It's very easy to jiggle the new user settings to do that.

    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to All on Thu May 16 13:09:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: kk4qbn to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu May 16 2024 06:57 am

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip planted without them knowing it
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to MRO on Thu May 16 2024 11:42:12

    There have been multiple posts in different echomail areas, by "differe users, from different systems, for weeks now, all with the same content find it annoying.

    when I come up on that message, just like any other spam on my system, I pus y annoy many people.

    Yup. It would be ugly.

    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Carol Shenkenberger on Thu May 16 22:47:56 2024
    Hi Carol,

    On 2024-05-16 13:07:00, you wrote to me:

    Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops
    mers (or bots).

    (Your quoter is broken...)

    I disagree with changing the default. It's very easy to jiggle the
    new user settings to do that.

    Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Nightfox@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu May 16 14:46:42 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to Carol Shenkenberger on Thu May 16 2024 10:47 pm

    I disagree with changing the default. It's very easy to jiggle the new
    user settings to do that.

    Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...

    There are many things that could be overlooked by new sysops. It's just one of those things that's good to learn when setting up and running a BBS. I think a reason for it not being on by default is that a BBS initially doesn't have networked messagebases set up by default, and since you basically have to set those up manually (opting in), enabling message validation probably doesn't need to be enabled until the sysop adds networked message areas and wants message validation.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu May 16 17:35:26 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to Dumas Walker on Thu May 16 2024 09:02 pm

    Hi Dumas,

    On 2024-05-16 08:47:00, you wrote to me:

    When you install Synchronet, IIRC, only Dovenet comes preinstalled
    with defaults. It is up to the sysop to add those FTN echoes and, if they set them to where the default new user level has access, they get access.

    I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.

    I don't know either, I was just asking if it would be possible...

    anything's possible. they could also rip out all the functions that allow synchronet to accept calls, msgs, etc and really make it secure.

    or people can just use a twitfilter.
    our bbs forefathers were smarter than you think.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to MRO on Fri May 17 10:05:00 2024
    Are they spammers bots or real people? i thought they were real people. having people blocked by default from posting is something that should be a sysop decision, not a default bbs setting.

    I think this is a real person. Early on, Pengo was responding back to
    replies. Their real name (at least what they use at logon) is Lesley.

    Their IP address block is which resolves to corbina.ru.
    After they logged on here and found they could only post their drivel on a local area, they've not been back. Since I blocked the above IPA range,
    that could also be why.

    The latest messages I saw were from a board that joined after a lot of this info was shared here by another sysop, so they were probably not aware of
    the "Pengo" problem.

    While they have hit synchronet systems a lot, they've also hit other boards which also makes me think it is not a bot (or it is very sophisticated).

    * SLMR 2.1a * Energize! said Picard....and this pink bunny appeared...
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to MSGRETIRED on Fri May 17 10:09:00 2024
    No I dont think we are that stupid. I will admit I had a spam user get access to my fidonet areas. I have since locked it all down. Maybe in your infinite wisdom, you could recommend a way to validate users so they can have access to
    Fidonet Message bases??

    Back in time, I had a couple of users log on, act normal enough to get
    access and then start spamming. "Pengo" logged on here as a regular user
    and, had they not used the "Pengo" alias, I might not have caught on until after they started spamming.

    Luckily, new users only have access to a few bases and, since they used the "Pengo" alias, they are in the twitlist so no posts they might have been
    able to make could go out through sbbsecho.

    * SLMR 2.1a * I can keep a secret, it's the people I tell who can't.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri May 17 16:36:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to Carol Shenkenberger on Thu May 16 2024 10:47 pm

    Hi Carol,

    On 2024-05-16 13:07:00, you wrote to me:

    Of course. And as I said above, I'm not asking to limit the sysops
    mers (or bots).

    (Your quoter is broken...)

    I disagree with changing the default. It's very easy to jiggle the
    new user settings to do that.

    Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    I like my quoter fine as it is. I like the default as it is as less troulbe for DM. I don't want to start with a new sysop ecplaining how to change all the levels 'over and over'.

    It you have some odd happenings where you are, it's a local issue, to be worked out locally,


    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Fri May 17 15:43:18 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Fri May 17 2024 10:05 am

    Are they spammers bots or real people? i thought they were real people. having people blocked by default from posting is something that should be a sysop decision, not a default bbs setting.

    I think this is a real person. Early on, Pengo was responding back to replies. Their real name (at least what they use at logon) is Lesley.

    Their IP address block is which resolves to corbina.ru.
    After they logged on here and found they could only post their drivel on a local area, they've not been back. Since I blocked the above IPA range, that could also be why.

    The latest messages I saw were from a board that joined after a lot of this info was shared here by another sysop, so they were probably not aware of the "Pengo" problem.

    While they have hit synchronet systems a lot, they've also hit other boards which also makes me think it is not a bot (or it is very sophisticated).

    i havent seen it so i have something right in my twitfilter or in my ip filter. i blocked pengo back in feb.
    i see shitty necroposting to the pengo pedo post post on thurs may 02 on vert.

    is it this marry4 guy?
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Fri May 17 15:46:08 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to MSGRETIRED on Fri May 17 2024 10:09 am

    No I dont think we are that stupid. I will admit I had a spam user get access to my fidonet areas. I have since locked it all down. Maybe in your infinite wisdom, you could recommend a way to validate users so they can have access to
    Fidonet Message bases??

    Back in time, I had a couple of users log on, act normal enough to get access and then start spamming. "Pengo" logged on here as a regular user and, had they not used the "Pengo" alias, I might not have caught on until after they started spamming.

    Luckily, new users only have access to a few bases and, since they used the "Pengo" alias, they are in the twitlist so no posts they might have been able to make could go out through sbbsecho.

    Well that bbs in norway where pengo was posting from, that sysop and all the other people are all the same guy.

    He even lied and said he blocked that person and when i was logged in there i saw that person login and they were in the msg areas.

    We got another case of crazy sysop syndrome.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Fri May 17 16:27:26 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to WILFRED VAN VELZEN on Thu May 16 2024 08:47 am

    I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.

    We could change the default settings for new users to include the 'N' restriction, which would (by defualt, in new SBBS installs) prevent new users from posting messages on networks.
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #35:
    FTP = File Transfer Protocol
    Norco, CA WX: 68.9øF, 66.0% humidity, 8 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Nopants@1:103/705 to Gamgee on Fri May 17 17:43:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Fri May 17 2024 08:49 am

    Easy to say; impossible to put into actual practice.

    Wait, isn't this how we solve problems today? Just sayin...

    þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dan Clough@1:135/115 to Nopants on Fri May 17 21:14:00 2024
    Nopants wrote to Gamgee <=-

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Fri May 17 2024 08:49 am

    Easy to say; impossible to put into actual practice.

    Wait, isn't this how we solve problems today? Just sayin...

    Not really sure what you mean by that...

    Unless you're hinting that that's what politicians routinely do - propose
    a "solution" to something that can't actually be done. Yup.

    ... Gone crazy, be back later, please leave message.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:135/115)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri May 17 16:57:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to MRO on Fri May 17 2024 09:27 am

    Hi MRO,

    On 2024-05-16 17:33:55, you wrote to me:

    do you not know how to twitfilter?

    Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a temporar

    Bye, Wilfred.

    So, because some idiot is changing names on your site, you want a worldwide change of SBBS installs? Wanna explain it better?


    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to Gamgee on Fri May 17 17:08:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Fri May 17 2024 07:49 am

    Correct. Message distribution systems are way too fast for the simplistic approach he uses.

    Reality, msg arrives to 1:275/1000. It may be already overseas to Terri Roati, 2 other USA sites and Vince in the UK in far less than a minute, if echomail. Some of them may have it in distrubution before I can see it myself.


    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Carol Shenkenberger on Fri May 17 22:43:16 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri May 17 2024 04:57 pm


    Bye, Wilfred.

    So, because some idiot is changing names on your site, you want a worldwide change of SBBS installs? Wanna explain it better?

    i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now posting junk?
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Digital Man on Sat May 18 12:07:26 2024
    Hi Digital,

    On 2024-05-17 16:29:57, you wrote to me:

    Maybe it's easy, but it's overlooked by new sysops...

    Or new sysops intentionally have it set that way.

    Could be but less likely.

    Or maybe the nut-job poster actually uses a real email address and validates their account that way and then posts their garbage.

    Anything is possible.

    I would just assume "new sysops" are fault for every posting by this

    If you mean "wouldn't", I agree. ;-)

    Still I think inexpercience of new sysops plays a role in this. So I'm not blaming them for this happening. Changing the default setting is for helping them to prevent such things happening...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 18 12:30:20 2024
    Hi Carol,

    On 2024-05-17 16:57:00, you wrote to me:

    do you not know how to twitfilter?

    Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a

    Your quoter just cuts of longer sentences in the middle of word... :-(

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Sat May 18 05:14:38 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to Digital Man on Sat May 18 2024 12:07 pm

    I would just assume "new sysops" are fault for every posting by this nut.

    If you mean "wouldn't", I agree. ;-)

    Yup, that's what I meant to write. :-)
    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #79:
    SyncEdit = A defunct 3rd party full-screen editor written for Synchronet
    Norco, CA WX: 56.4øF, 90.0% humidity, 1 mph WNW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Accession@3:712/1321 to Wilfred van Velzen on Sat May 18 07:20:44 2024
    On Sat, 18 May 2024 17:30:20 +0200, you wrote:

    Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a

    Your quoter just cuts of longer sentences in the middle of word... :-(

    All of her editor's (if she still uses SlyEdit) issues have long since been fixed. She just hasn't upgraded it for many years.


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:115.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderb
    # Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
    # Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Sat May 18 15:14:48 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to Digital Man on Sat May 18 2024 12:07 pm

    Still I think inexpercience of new sysops plays a role in this. So I'm

    blaming them for this happening. Changing the default setting is for helping them to prevent such things happening...

    What makes you think they wouldn't look at this setting and toggle it off. Perhaps their feeds should talk to them when they join up and warn them to police their systems.

    And like i said, with synchronet you could use the ARS system to not allow the posts until x amount of calls.

    anyways, i keep asking but nobody really is answering my question. is this going on now and who's doing it? can someone post some screenshots?

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to MRO on Sat May 18 13:27:00 2024
    i havent seen it so i have something right in my twitfilter or in my ip filter
    i blocked pengo back in feb.
    i see shitty necroposting to the pengo pedo post post on thurs may 02 on vert.

    Yep. ;)

    is it this marry4 guy?

    Shitty or pengo? I don't think either of them are mary4 but could be wrong.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Computers make very fast, very efficient mistakes.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to MRO on Sat May 18 13:28:00 2024
    Well that bbs in norway where pengo was posting from, that sysop and all the other people are all the same guy.

    He even lied and said he blocked that person and when i was logged in there i saw that person login and they were in the msg areas.

    We got another case of crazy sysop syndrome.

    The crazy I posted about back when it came up is supposedly in Sweden.
    Maybe something about the long, dark, cold Winter days does something to
    their brains.

    * SLMR 2.1a * My wife made me join a bridge club...I jump next week.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to MRO on Sat May 18 14:01:00 2024
    i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now posting junk?

    If you have him added to your twitlist, then you are like me and not seeing

    The OP doesn't run synchronet, I don't think, so they probably don't have Pengo/etc. in their twitlist (and maybe don't have one).

    * SLMR 2.1a * Ethernet: A device to catch the Ether Bunny.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to DIGITAL MAN on Sat May 18 13:51:00 2024
    I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.

    We could change the default settings for new users to include the 'N' restriction, which would (by defualt, in new SBBS installs) prevent new users from posting messages on networks.

    That sounds harmless enough.

    * SLMR 2.1a * SYSOP (sih' sawp) n. The guy laughing at your typing.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Sun May 19 14:18:50 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sat May 18 2024 01:27 pm

    i havent seen it so i have something right in my twitfilter or in my ip filter
    i blocked pengo back in feb.
    i see shitty necroposting to the pengo pedo post post on thurs may 02 on vert.

    Yep. ;)

    is it this marry4 guy?

    Shitty or pengo? I don't think either of them are mary4 but could be wrong.

    i talked about this before when this was all happening.
    there's a norwegian bbs. the sysop and the person posting are the same
    person, i'm pretty sure.

    anyways, if people learned to twitlist properly this stuff wouldn't be annoying people.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Sun May 19 14:20:22 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sat May 18 2024 02:01 pm

    i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now posting junk?

    If you have him added to your twitlist, then you are like me and not seeing it.

    The OP doesn't run synchronet, I don't think, so they probably don't have Pengo/etc. in their twitlist (and maybe don't have one).

    He should just tell his hub to filter this shit out.
    asking a specific bbs software to add a super restrictive feature that prevents people from outright posting is just stupid. furthermore the guy said they were using other non synchronet bbses to post.

    Filtering is not hard and you can get creative.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Sun May 19 14:21:40 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to DIGITAL MAN on Sat May 18 2024 01:51 pm

    I am not real sure what DM can do to force sysops not to do that on their own systems.

    We could change the default settings for new users to include the 'N' restriction, which would (by defualt, in new SBBS installs) prevent new users from posting messages on networks.

    That sounds harmless enough.

    I'm against it. It would just be another barrier and we have so few users as it is. Furthermore, if you make such a wide change, they will just figure another way around it.

    I noticed on vert's fidonet echos these posts aren't
    showing up. so either DM filtered properly or manually deleted the posts.

    You also notice on fidonet morons are replying to the posts when the original sender might be filtered on other systems. some are saying 'ignore this'.
    That just adds to noise.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to MRO on Sun May 19 13:48:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: MRO to Carol Shenkenberger on Fri May 17 2024 10:43 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Wilfred van Velzen on Fri May 17 2024 04:57 pm


    Bye, Wilfred.

    So, because some idiot is changing names on your site, you want a worldwi change of SBBS installs? Wanna explain it better?

    i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now

    I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?


    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to Accession on Sun May 19 13:52:00 2024
    Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Accession to Wilfred van Velzen on Sat May 18 2024 07:20 am

    On Sat, 18 May 2024 17:30:20 +0200, you wrote:

    Of course I do. But that is not fixing the problem. And it's just a

    Your quoter just cuts of longer sentences in the middle of word... :-(

    All of her editor's (if she still uses SlyEdit) issues have long since been


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.

    You've been claiming that for years. Give it up.

    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to MRO on Sun May 19 16:07:18 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Sun May 19 2024 02:21 pm

    I noticed on vert's fidonet echos these posts aren't
    showing up. so either DM filtered properly or manually deleted the posts.

    digital man (rob)

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #59:
    PET = Personal Electronic Transactor (Commodore computer)
    Norco, CA WX: 70.2øF, 55.0% humidity, 7 mph NW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sun May 19 17:32:58 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to MRO on Sun May 19 2024 01:48 pm

    i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around now

    I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?


    well wilfred says correctly that:

    "The last ones I received came in last Wednesday in de ECHO_ADDS and FIDONEWS area. On Tuesday they were posted in FIDONEWS and FNEWS_PUBLISH"

    I would ignore the dude or just create filters. Dovenet had a guy like this and they quashed him.

    Like I said before, replying to the posts with anything just creates more noise.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Accession@3:712/1321 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sun May 19 19:27:12 2024
    Hello Carol,

    On Sun, May 19 2024 22:52:00 +0000, you wrote:

    All of her editor's (if she still uses SlyEdit) issues have long since been

    You've been claiming that for years. Give it up.

    I gave up on trying to keep you aware of the editor's progress long ago, you're definitely right on that.

    But yes, I'll let others know (and defend the software that I use and support) that your choice *not* to upgrade is the reason behind the issues Wilfred pointed out.

    Have a great rest of your weekend! :D


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
    # Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
    # Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Carol Shenkenberger on Mon May 20 11:06:16 2024
    Hi Carol,

    On 2024-05-19 13:48:00, you wrote to MRO:

    i'm still not seeing any of this shit. is someone actually going around

    I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?

    No it originated on a Z1 system, and got everywhere...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to MRO on Mon May 20 09:08:00 2024
    furthermore the guy said they
    were using other non synchronet bbses to post.

    I have noticed, and mentioned, that also. IMHO, it happens most with synchronet BBSes because there are so many of them, but I have also seen
    him post from mystic and at least one other type bbs (forget which now).

    * SLMR 2.1a * He who laughs last...had to have it explained.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to WILFRED VAN VELZEN on Mon May 20 09:31:00 2024
    why dont you tell your hubs to filter these posts from fidonet?
    it would be more effective.

    It's better to fix it at the source. Besides it's highly frowned upon to filter

    No it isn't, except by those who get some sort of thrill in reading
    messages from "Lee Lofaso" talking about masturbating and how he consumes his own ejaculate.

    The rest of us are plenty fine with filtering out spam and the absurdly infantile.

    * SLMR 2.1a * !edis gnorw eht morf siht ta gnikool era uoY
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Dumas Walker@1:103/705 to WILFRED VAN VELZEN on Mon May 20 09:27:00 2024
    I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?

    No it originated on a Z1 system, and got everywhere...

    I have seen it from both zones. The originating IPA is in Russia.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Life would be much easier if I had the source code.
    þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 09:51:10 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 09:08 am

    furthermore the guy said they
    were using other non synchronet bbses to post.

    I have noticed, and mentioned, that also. IMHO, it happens most with synchronet BBSes because there are so many of them, but I have also seen
    him post from mystic and at least one other type bbs (forget which now).

    * SLMR 2.1a * He who laughs last...had to have it explained.

    My BBS is setup so new users won't even see Dove-net until I upgrade their account also the guest account has the same restrictions.
    They can post all the want on my local message base, I also put a that restriction on voting and uploading.

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Wilfred van Velzen on Mon May 20 13:34:20 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Wilfred van Velzen to Carol Shenkenberger on Mon May 20 2024 11:06 am

    I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?

    No it originated on a Z1 system, and got everywhere...

    you guys should have contacted him and told him to twit filter the names they were using.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 13:36:08 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 09:08 am

    furthermore the guy said they
    were using other non synchronet bbses to post.

    I have noticed, and mentioned, that also. IMHO, it happens most with synchronet BBSes because there are so many of them, but I have also seen
    him post from mystic and at least one other type bbs (forget which now).

    They should just filter on their systems and the person will get bored and go away. In all my years i never saw a person ask for a bbs software to be changed in his manner just because of one person. I think these fidonet guys are just
    fucking lazy.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Denn on Mon May 20 13:50:54 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 2024 09:51 am

    My BBS is setup so new users won't even see Dove-net until I upgrade their account also the guest account has the same restrictions.
    They can post all the want on my local message base, I also put a that restriction on voting and uploading.

    okay dude who got blocked from posting for spam. :D
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to MRO on Mon May 20 20:29:34 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 2024 09:51 am

    okay dude who got blocked from posting for spam. :D
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::

    I didn't post spam, WTF are you talking about?
    Some people here are just drama Queens.
    Not happy unless you stir up a hornets nest.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Denn on Mon May 20 22:26:12 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 08:29 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 2024 09:51 am

    okay dude who got blocked from posting for spam. :D
    I didn't post spam, WTF are you talking about?
    Some people here are just drama Queens.
    Not happy unless you stir up a hornets nest.

    see what i mean. didn't cross your mind why you got posting priv yanked.
    that didn't take long

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Accession@3:712/1321 to Carol Shenkenberger on Mon May 20 22:42:58 2024
    Hello Carol,

    On Mon, May 20 2024 23:32:00 -0500, you wrote:

    I gave up on trying to keep you aware of the editor's progress long ago, you

    This sentence was cut off, but this could just be you not quoting the next line.

    But yes, I'll let others know (and defend the software that I use and suppor

    The WORD at the end of this line was cut off, that's usually not user error.

    I Did upgrade. You've been TOLD that.

    Recent versions of SlyEdit (if that's what you're still using), as well as Deuce's FSEditor both add a NOTE kludge that gives version information and possibly even the release date. You don't seem to have that kludge in your messages. *shrug*

    Either way, you could take a look at SlyEdit.cfg and check this setting:

    ; If the reWrapQuoteLines option is set to true, quote lines will be re-wrapped ; so that they are complete but still look good when quoted. If this option is ; disabled, then quote lines will simply be trimmed to fit into the message. reWrapQuoteLines=true

    If it's currently set to false, that's why you're trimming the end of the lines (in case you want to correct that). If you don't have that option in the default config file, you haven't upgraded in quite some time.


    ... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway.
    --- slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux)
    # Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1)
    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
    # Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:712/1321)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to MRO on Mon May 20 22:48:58 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: MRO to Denn on Mon May 20 2024 10:26 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 08:29 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Dumas Walker on Mon May 20 2024 09:51 am

    okay dude who got blocked from posting for spam. :D
    I didn't post spam, WTF are you talking about?
    Some people here are just drama Queens.
    Not happy unless you stir up a hornets nest.

    see what i mean. didn't cross your mind why you got posting priv yanked. that didn't take long

    1st off, this has nothing to do with you, 2nd I never posted any spam, 3rd you're an idiot.
    Don't bother with a reply because you're going in the twitlist.

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to MRO on Tue May 21 11:00:00 2024
    Hi MRO,

    On 2024-05-20 13:34:20, you wrote to me:

    I've not seen any of it. Seems limited to Z2?

    No it originated on a Z1 system, and got everywhere...

    you guys should have contacted him and told him to twit filter the
    names they were using.

    "We guys" did ask him to change his setup, and he did...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Denn on Tue May 21 10:59:28 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 10:48 pm

    1st off, this has nothing to do with you,

    you're posting in a public forum. are you new to the internet?

    2nd I never posted any spam,

    that's the only thing that will get your posting privs shut off.
    your system was flooding with something.

    you're an idiot.

    I've never flooded a msg network. so who's the idiot.

    Don't bother with a reply because you're going in the twitlist.

    again, you are in a pubic forum. you keep saying shit like don't post anymore, the matter is closed, etc.

    you still don't know have a clue.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Mickey@1:103/705 to Denn on Tue May 21 19:31:24 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 22:48:58

    1st off, this has nothing to do with you, 2nd I never posted any spam, 3rd you're an idiot.
    Don't bother with a reply because you're going in the twitlist.

    Is it just me or are people slowly turning this forum into Facebook. Somebody cuts a quote short, or makes a spelling mistake and everyone gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says so you threaten to block, unfollow, or YIKES, even put them on a twitlist? Why do we bother?

    (The preceding thoughts were my personal opinion only, and not meant to threaten, harass, diminish, embarass, or cause anyone to run to their safe space)

    Mick Manning
    Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23

    ... The Blues had a Baby - They called it Rock & Roll
    ... Join BluesNET - It's not for everyone.

    þ Synchronet þ Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Mickey on Tue May 21 19:37:20 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Mickey to Denn on Tue May 21 2024 07:31 pm

    Is it just me or are people slowly turning this forum into Facebook. Somebody cuts a quote short, or makes a spelling mistake and everyone gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says so you threaten to block, unfollow, or YIKES, even put them on a twitlist?

    bbs people have always been grumpy pricks.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to Mickey on Tue May 21 20:27:42 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 22:48:58

    Is it just me or are people slowly turning this forum into Facebook. Somebody cuts a quote short, or makes a spelling mistake and everyone gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says so you threaten to block, unfollow, or YIKES, even put them on a twitlist? Why do we bother?

    (The preceding thoughts were my personal opinion only, and not meant to threaten, harass, diminish, embarass, or cause anyone to run to their safe space)

    In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
    Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
    I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
    The easy solution is to put him in my twitlist.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Denn on Tue May 21 22:07:14 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Mickey on Tue May 21 2024 08:27 pm

    In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
    Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
    I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
    The easy solution is to put him in my twitlist.

    You're just NOW talking about me like that because i pointed out how incompetent you were. That bewitched reference is lame as hell too.
    I used to watch that when i was a kid and i still barely remember it.

    I'm not a troll, i say what i mean. trolls just say things to get a reaction. Again, you are in a public forum. you can't accuse ANYBODY of being nosey.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From fusion@1:103/705 to Denn on Wed May 22 00:24:00 2024
    In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
    Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
    I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
    The easy solution is to put him in my twitlist.

    i used to think he was annoying as fuck

    stay longer and you'll realize he's you, but from the future.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    # Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to fusion on Wed May 22 02:36:10 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: fusion to Denn on Wed May 22 2024 12:24 am

    In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
    Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
    I don't feel like putting up with him any more.
    The easy solution is to put him in my twitlist.

    i used to think he was annoying as fuck

    stay longer and you'll realize he's you, but from the future.

    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From DaiTengu@1:103/705 to fusion on Wed May 22 08:18:28 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: fusion to Denn on Wed May 22 2024 12:24 am

    i used to think he was annoying as fuck

    stay longer and you'll realize he's you, but from the future.

    He is me. but from the past. I wonder if he'll ever outgrow it?


    ...Don`t force it, get a larger hammer.

    þ Synchronet þ War Ensemble BBS - The sport is war, total war - warensemble.com
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@1:103/705 to Denn on Wed May 22 06:33:00 2024
    Denn wrote to Mickey <=-

    In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
    Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on
    Bewitched, He's a troll.

    MRO/Jas Hud reminds me of the saying - "Why would I accept criticism
    from someone who I wouldn't accept advice from?"

    ... Change specifics to ambiguities
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed May 22 11:08:26 2024
    MRO/Jas Hud reminds me of the saying - "Why would I accept criticism
    from someone who I wouldn't accept advice from?"

    ... Change specifics to ambiguities
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    � Synchronet � .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.

    So are you saying jas hud and MRO are one in the same?
    I don't mind criticism, and I do take advise if it's good advise, I just grow weary of a guy that constantly gets into everybody's business whithout even knowing the facts, he's a troll that just likes to stir things up everywhere he can.
    That's ok I guess he has nothing better going for him in life.
    But after 10 years I choose not to interact with him.
    The twitlist comes in handy in cases like this.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Nightfox@1:103/705 to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed May 22 10:58:42 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Denn on Wed May 22 2024 06:33 am

    MRO/Jas Hud reminds me of the saying - "Why would I accept criticism from someone who I wouldn't accept advice from?"

    That's a really good point.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Nightfox@1:103/705 to Denn on Wed May 22 11:00:02 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed May 22 2024 11:08 am

    So are you saying jas hud and MRO are one in the same?

    Yes, they're the same person.

    I don't mind
    criticism, and I do take advise if it's good advise, I just grow weary of a guy that constantly gets into everybody's business whithout even knowing the facts, he's a troll that just likes to stir things up everywhere he can.

    That and he's the only one I've seen on here who repeatedly calls people autistic or other names, and so on..


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Mickey@1:103/705 to MRO on Wed May 22 18:44:06 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: MRO to Mickey on Tue May 21 2024 19:37:20

    gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says so you threaten to block, unfollow, or YIKES, even put them on a twitlist?

    bbs people have always been grumpy pricks.

    GET OFF MY LAWN! :-)

    Mick Manning
    Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23

    ... The Blues had a Baby - They called it Rock & Roll
    ... Join BluesNET - An Area for Active Musicians

    þ Synchronet þ Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Mickey@1:103/705 to Denn on Wed May 22 18:46:38 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Mickey on Tue May 21 2024 20:27:43

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to MRO on Mon May 20 2024 22:48:58

    Is it just me or are people slowly turning this forum into Facebook. Somebody cuts a quote short, or makes a spelling mistake and everyone gets their panties in a twist. You don't like something about what someone says (The preceding thoughts were my personal opinion only, and not meant to threaten, harass, diminish, embarass, or cause anyone to run to their safe space)

    In the 10 years I've been here MRO has been the
    Gladys Kravitz of BBS forums, you know the nosey neighbor on Bewitched, He's a troll.
    I don't feel like putting up with him any more.

    So you're going to be Gladys' Abner? ABNER!!!

    Mick Manning
    Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23

    ... The Blues had a Baby - They called it Rock & Roll
    ... Join BluesNET - An Area for Active Musicians

    þ Synchronet þ Central Ontario Remote | centralontarioremote.net:23
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to Nightfox on Wed May 22 20:22:48 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to poindexter FORTRAN on Wed May 22 2024 11:08 am

    Yes, they're the same person.

    That and he's the only one I've seen on here who repeatedly calls people autistic or other names, and so on..


    Yep, ive seen many new sysops just wanting to rekindle their love of BBSing only to be treated like crap by a few then leaving never to be heard from here again, it's not just MRO there are a few that jump in with him.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Nightfox@1:103/705 to Denn on Thu May 23 09:59:52 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Nightfox on Wed May 22 2024 08:22 pm

    Yep, ive seen many new sysops just wanting to rekindle their love of BBSing only to be treated like crap by a few then leaving never to be heard from here again, it's not just MRO there are a few that jump in with him.

    If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the bad stuff and not let it bother you too much.


    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to Nightfox on Thu May 23 13:14:52 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Nightfox on Wed May 22 2024 08:22 pm

    If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the bad stuff and not let it bother you too much.


    That's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated.
    But you're right they should ignore the negative.

    ï¿­ Synchronet ï¿­ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Nightfox on Thu May 23 19:01:04 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Nightfox to Denn on Thu May 23 2024 09:59 am

    BBSing only to be treated like crap by a few then leaving never to be heard from here again, it's not just MRO there are a few that jump in with him.

    If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the bad stuff and not let it bother you too much.

    first he should learn how to properly run a bbs.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Ravne@1:103/705 to Denn on Fri May 24 10:17:28 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Nightfox on Thu May 23 2024 01:14 pm

    If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the bad
    stuff and not let it bother you too much.
    That's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated. But you're right they should ignore the negative.

    It's one thing to ignore negativity about technical abilities or reading comprehension. It's entirely another to have to ignore bigotry. I have no tolerance for intolerance. It's the year 2024, but we have a certain person throwing around slur words like it's 1985.

    We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other women helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way I'd be here now.
    þ Synchronet þ Raven of the Storm
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to Ravne on Fri May 24 12:21:28 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Ravne to Denn on Fri May 24 2024 10:17 am

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Nightfox on Thu May 23 2024 01:14 pm

    If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of the bad
    stuff and not let it bother you too much.
    That's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated. But you're right they should ignore the negative.

    It's one thing to ignore negativity about technical abilities or reading comprehension. It's entirely another to have to ignore bigotry. I have no tolerance for intolerance. It's the year 2024, but we have a certain person throwing around slur words like it's 1985.

    Having no tolerance for intolerance is still intolerance.

    Negativity is mostly by a few, there are many people promoting posativity here to, those here that are willing to help the new ones enjoy the hobby.
    Thats why I say just ignore the negativity.

    We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other women helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way I'd be here now.

    No one should be in a majority, you want to take one majority and replace it with another, in fact we should all be reaching for middle ground.
    I like Robs approach, when we ask noob questions he points us to the wiki page to encourage us to look for and find the answers to our problems.

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From fusion@1:103/705 to Ravne on Fri May 24 15:39:00 2024
    On 24 May 2024, Ravne said the following...

    We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other women helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way
    I'd be here now.

    i for one will suffer the hostility if it means i don't have to sit around singing kumbaya with some of the people that keep showing up

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    # Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@1:103/705 to Ravne on Sat May 25 07:51:00 2024
    Ravne wrote to Denn <=-

    We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white
    men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming the majority.

    The person I assume you're referring to is race and gender-agnostic.
    He's the same obnoxious, obscene troll regardless of gender, identity,
    ethnicity or choice of computer platform.

    ... A journey of a thousand sandwiches begins with a single cut.
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to Denn on Sat May 25 16:12:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Ravne on Fri May 24 2024 12:21 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Ravne to Denn on Fri May 24 2024 10:17 am

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Denn to Nightfox on Thu May 23 2024 01:14 pm

    If you really enjoy the hobby of BBSing, you have to ignore some of t bad
    stuff and not let it bother you too much.
    That's true, but some of these guy's just get frustrated. But you're right they should ignore the negative.

    It's one thing to ignore negativity about technical abilities or reading comprehension. It's entirely another to have to ignore bigotry. I have no tolerance for intolerance. It's the year 2024, but we have a certain pers throwing around slur words like it's 1985.

    Having no tolerance for intolerance is still intolerance.

    Negativity is mostly by a few, there are many people promoting posativity h
    Thats why I say just ignore the negativity.

    We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becomi the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other wom helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way I'd be here no

    No one should be in a majority, you want to take one majority and replace i
    I like Robs approach, when we ask noob questions he points us to the wiki p to encourage us to look for and find the answers to our problems.

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.


    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to poindexter FORTRAN on Sat May 25 19:04:56 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: poindexter FORTRAN to Ravne on Sat May 25 2024 07:51 am

    The person I assume you're referring to is race and gender-agnostic.
    He's the same obnoxious, obscene troll regardless of gender, identity,
    ethnicity or choice of computer platform.

    are you talking about me?
    You're just mad because i talked about how your bbs was a horrible feed.
    poor lux was getting msgs 1 per week if he was lucky.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 19:06:14 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 04:12 pm

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.


    what was the question about?
    the synchronet docs are actually pretty decent. All other bbs softwares have horrible documentation.

    even the old docs are useful.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From kk4qbn@1:103/705 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 19:04:32 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.

    The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google search has always directed me to the information I am looking for.
    Tim (kk4qbn)
    +o kk4qbn.synchro.net
    þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - kk4qbn.synchro.net - Chatsworth, GA USA
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Denn@1:103/705 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 20:53:06 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 04:12 pm

    No one should be in a majority, you want to take one majority and replace i
    I like Robs approach, when we ask noob questions he points us to the wiki p to encourage us to look for and find the answers to our problems.

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.

    One bad experience dosen't mean nobody will help out.
    If I know an answer I try to help.
    If I don't know I leave it to those that do know to answer.

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN@1:103/705 to kk4qbn on Sun May 26 07:44:00 2024
    kk4qbn wrote to Carol Shenkenberger <=-

    The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google
    search has always directed me to the information I am looking for. ---

    I've used the RobBot - post a question on DOVEnet and I'd get a
    response from Rob with the URL to the answer, usually the first
    response to my question.

    The wiki is amazingly helpful.

    ... What do you hope to find, anyway?
    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
    þ Synchronet þ .: realitycheckbbs.org :: scientia potentia est :.
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Nopants@1:103/705 to MRO on Sun May 26 16:51:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: MRO to Denn on Tue May 21 2024 11:07 pm

    incompetent you were. That bewitched reference is lame as hell too.
    I used to watch that when i was a kid and i still barely remember it.

    The nose twitch tho? Really?

    þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Nopants@1:103/705 to Nopants on Sun May 26 17:02:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Nopants to MRO on Sun May 26 2024 04:51 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: MRO to Denn on Tue May 21 2024 11:07 pm

    incompetent you were. That bewitched reference is lame as hell too.
    I used to watch that when i was a kid and i still barely remember it.

    The nose twitch tho? Really?

    Some context

    þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - crackintimebbs.ddns.net:2323
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to kk4qbn on Wed May 29 16:32:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: kk4qbn to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 2024 07:04 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless). I never asked again. No, I never found it either.

    The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google search ha

    It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.

    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Carol Shenkenberger on Wed May 29 14:56:16 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to kk4qbn on Wed May 29 2024 04:32 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: kk4qbn to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 2024 07:04 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for help finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless).
    I never asked again. No, I never found it either.

    The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google search ha

    It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.

    What is "it"?
    digital man (rob)

    Steven Wright quote #9:
    All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand.
    Norco, CA WX: 74.5øF, 52.0% humidity, 8 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From MRO@1:103/705 to Digital Man on Wed May 29 17:55:56 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Digital Man to Carol Shenkenberger on Wed May 29 2024 02:56 pm

    search ha

    It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.

    What is "it"?

    what the hell! use you mindreader skills.
    þ Synchronet þ ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:103/705 to Digital Man on Fri May 31 14:55:00 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Digital Man to Carol Shenkenberger on Wed May 29 2024 02:56 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to kk4qbn on Wed May 29 2024 04:32 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: kk4qbn to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 2024 07:04 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for h finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless) I never asked again. No, I never found it either.

    The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google sea ha

    It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.

    What is "it"?
    digital man (rob)

    Steven Wright quote #9:
    All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand.
    Norco, CA WX: 74.5øF, 52.0% humidity, 8 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    It was a query related to netmail.

    þ Synchronet þ SHENK'S EXPRESS, Virginia Beach, VA, shenks.synchro.net
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Digital Man@1:103/705 to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat Jun 1 16:48:14 2024
    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Digital Man on Fri May 31 2024 02:55 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Digital Man to Carol Shenkenberger on Wed May 29 2024 02:56 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to kk4qbn on Wed May 29 2024 04:32 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: kk4qbn to Carol Shenkenberger on Sat May 25 2024 07:04 pm

    Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p
    By: Carol Shenkenberger to Denn on Sat May 25 2024 16:12:00

    Sometimes the author gives bad pointers back. I asked once for h finding the right area on the wiki for something very specific, listing all the pages I had tried, and what part I was missing.

    Link came bach with the root page of the wiki (obviously useless) I never asked again. No, I never found it either.

    The terms "Synchronet Wiki whatever issue" used in a simple google sea ha

    It remains not well documented. Not many need it so it doesn't matter anymore.

    What is "it"?

    It was a query related to netmail.

    So, netmail is not well documented? Can you be more specific?
    digital man (rob)

    Rush quote #8:
    One likes to believe in the freedom of music...
    Norco, CA WX: 73.8øF, 56.0% humidity, 7 mph NW wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)