Hello August.
<On 21Nov2020 22:13 August Abolins (2:333/808.7) wrote a message to Wilfred van Velzen regarding just 16 messages.. >
Most future postings in this echo by me will be from TgBBS.
Before the Telegram messages started, I had just 16 messages in this area...
I was poised with plenty of material to stir up convo.
Now, there is no point. It's not as fun. The phone made it easy
to snap a picture and add a relevant story.
But I digress, and egress on this side. :/
What was the story with this "Telegram" stuff anyway? I thought that was supposed to be a "link" into<>from FidoNet.
Best regards,
... Sigmund's wife wore Freudian slips.
--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)