• Ward Dossche

    From Kees van Eeten@2:280/5003.4 to All on Mon Apr 6 18:43:12 2020
    Hello All!

    Ward is back at home and will be in quaratine for two weeks in an
    other part of the house, he lives in.

    Although he did not touch it, his Fidonode is back in operation.

    Ward has no intention, to look at the system on short term.
    Answers to netmail and echomail messages will likely be delayed.

    For those who have diverted their netmail routing to 2:280/5003 may
    laeve that diversion in place, until Ward announces, that he is back
    in business. But you are ofcourse free to do as you like.

    Nodelist production will continue at 2:280/5003.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20180707
    * Origin: As for me, all I know is that, I know nothing. (2:280/5003.4)