• 7/14 Nat Mac & Cheese - 2

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Sat Jul 13 14:59:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Mac & Cheese w/Tuna
    Categories: Pasta, Cheese, Seafood, Dairy
    Yield: 3 Servings

    7 1/4 oz Box macaroni & cheese
    2 tb Butter
    1/4 ts Salt
    1/2 c Milk
    5 oz Can tuna; drained

    Follow directions in cooking macaroni, drain. Add milk,
    butter, pepper, salt, and package of cheese. Heat over
    medium heat. Add tuna and stir. Heat until it comes to a
    boil and serve.

    From: http://www.cooks.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... "If I could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive." Sam
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