• 7/13 Nat French Fry Day 2

    From Dave Drum@1:18/200 to All on Fri Jul 12 16:53:30 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Classic French Fries w/Chilli Salt
    Categories: Potatoes, Chilies, Herbs
    Yield: 2 Servings

    1/2 c Catsup
    1 ts Ground cumin
    1 ts Balsamic vinegar or red
    - or white vinegar
    2 ts Salt
    2 ts Chilli spice mix
    3 lg Russet potatoes; peeled,
    - wiped dry, in generous
    - 1/4" thick batons
    Oil (For deep frying)

    Combine catsup, cumin and vinegar in small bowl. Combine
    salt and chilli spice in another small bowl. (Can be
    prepared 1 day ahead. Cover separately and let stand at
    room temperature.)

    Arrange potatoes in parallel rows on kitchen towel. Roll
    towel up, enclosing potatoes, and let stand at least 30
    minutes and up to 1 hour to dry potatoes.

    Pour oil into heavy large saucepan to depth of 3 inches.
    Attach deep-fry thermomether and heat oil over med-high
    heat to 325ºF/160ºC. add 1/4 of potatoes to oil and fry
    until just tender and barely colored, about 3 minutes.
    Using slotted spoon, transfer potatoes to wire rack set
    over paper towels and allow to drain. Reheat oil to
    325ºF/160ºC. if necessary. Repeat frying with remaining
    potatoes in 3 more batches. Cool completely. (Can be
    prepared up to 3 hours ahead.. Let potatoes stand at
    room temperature, let oil cool.)

    Reheat oil to 400ºF/205ºC (???-UDD). Fry potatoes in 3
    batches until deep golden brown and beginning to blister,
    about 2 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer potatoes
    to basket lined with several layers of paper towels.
    Sprinkle with chilli salt and serve with cumin catsup.

    Bon Appétit | January 1993

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... I'm against daylight saving because it fades my curtains.
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    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)