Clean Python Install question
Doug Cooper@1:227/702 to
All on Thu Jun 11 23:49:08 2020
Hi there!
I hope all are healthy and well.
I have both Python 3 and 2 installed on my machine to support various BBS scripts but also for my college classes for web / software development. It
was by complete "no option" as my instructors had us install Node on our machines, and Node added Python 3 during it's auto install. While I have
both working fantastic independantly and have learned the -3 or -2 commands necesssary to call either version, I'm having continued issues with version 2.7.18 with a singular error:
"ImportError: cannot import name_remove_dead_weakref"
I've done tons of research on this error, however most are guys using linux, and I'm using Windows 10.
The only common fix seems to be that when I had uninstalled and reinstalled version 2.7.18 (long before I had version 3 on my machine and still had this error) that it was not a "clean install."
I was curious to know one of the following:
1. Has anyone discovered the solution to this error?
2. If not, can someone recommend the best way to UNINSTALL version 2.7.18 in such a way that it actually removes all traces of it having existed, so that
I can do a clean install?
Any input is much appreciated,
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Windows/32)
* Origin: The Underground [@] <-port (1:227/702)