• Civic duty

    From Joe Mackey@1:123/140 to Daryl Stout on Mon Apr 22 06:54:20 2019
    Daryl wrote --

    There is a WV law that says employers have to give employees time
    off for both jury duty and voting. (I think something else as well).
    The employer has to give a solid, valid reason otherwise.
    The only exceptions are natural disasters or some some sort of
    other emergency where the employee is physically unable to be on the
    jury, vote, etc.

    I wonder how many states have a similar law??

    Voting is so easy in this state I don't accept any excuses for someone
    not voting (unless an accident, death or something before the polls close).
    WV has absentee voting for those out of their precinct on election day (travel, military, etc). There is early voting at the court house weeks before. The polls are open from like 0630-1900. There are provisional
    ballots for voters that are in question (moved and not updated their
    address, etc).
    In WV a valid ID is also required, which could be ones voter card,
    drivers license, etc. And I will have my card and license ready when my
    status is checked with those large books the people have. The few times
    those are never asked is when someone who knows me by name is working the
    table and even then its sometimes just a formality.
    I have missed one election since 1972. That was in the late '70s for
    a special school board of education* election a couple of days after I
    moved back here.
    (* I recall seeing a yard sign in front of a frat house that read:
    John Smith, Bored of education). LOL
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  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to Joe Mackey on Wed Apr 24 17:28:00 2019

    Voting is so easy in this state I don't accept any excuses for someone
    not voting (unless an accident, death or something before the polls close).

    Amazing they don't ask for 2 weeks notice of your death. :P

    WV has absentee voting for those out of their precinct on election day
    (travel, military, etc). There is early voting at the court house weeks JM>before. The polls are open from like 0630-1900. There are provisional JM>ballots for voters that are in question (moved and not updated their JM>address, etc).

    I've experienced that. My brothers voter registration expired, and he
    was put on INACTIVE status, since he hadn't voted in several elections.
    I try to vote in each one there is. But, they select folks for jury duty
    on your drivers license, voter card, or both. And, since most disability
    or government benefits are now "direct deposit only", and since you have
    to have a photo ID (and a Social Security Number) to open a bank
    account, they get you anyway.

    Or like from the ditty done by the Canadian Team of Bowser and Blue,
    on praising the colo-rectal surgeon...they note "Some may think the cardiologist is their best friend. But, the colorectal surgeon knows,
    he'll get you in the end!!" <G>. Search for Bowser And Blue Colorectal
    Surgeon Song on YouTube...it's a scream. One of the local ham radio
    operators is a retired gastrointerologist, and one night, at a local
    club meeting, they played that video, telling him "this is for you"!!

    In WV a valid ID is also required, which could be ones voter card,
    drivers license, etc. And I will have my card and license ready when my JM>status is checked with those large books the people have. The few times JM>those are never asked is when someone who knows me by name is working the JM>table and even then its sometimes just a formality.

    I used to have a passport, but I let it expire...because I have no
    plans to travel outside the continental U.S. anymore. Plus, it was in
    such bad shape, I'd have to get a new birth certificate, start from
    scratch on the application, pay $200 for it, and wait several weeks to
    get it.

    On my Drivers License, it notes "Not For Federal ID"...and it's the
    only photo ID I have. I do have an amateur radio license from the FCC,
    but I doubt they'd consider that, because it only shows I'm a licensed
    amateur radio operator...no photo with it.

    At amateur radio license exam sessions (I'm one of the local area administrators), we require a photo ID (drivers license, passport,
    military ID, state ID), OR 2 forms of non-photo ID (utility bill, bank statement, piece of mail addressed to them, library card, minors work
    permit, etc.).

    They also have to provide either their Social Security Number (SSN) or
    a Federal Registration Number (FRN). They get the FRN by submitted their
    SSN to the FCC (at their website) before the session, or on the NCVEC
    Form 605 at the exam session...the FCC will issue an FRN once the
    license is granted. One can't steal an ID with an FRN...they're usually
    looking for an SSN. That's why they redid the Medicare cards, where the
    SSN is no longer on them. Soon, the ham radio license exam sessions will REQUIRE the examinee have an FRN when they arrive...the SSN will no
    longer be accepted.

    They also have to answer whether or not they've been convicted of a
    felony in state or federal court. A "YES" answer is NOT an automatic disqualification...it depends on the circumstances surrounding the
    conviction. They have to provide that data to the FCC within 14 days of
    the exam, or the license grant is dismissed, even if they passed the
    exam. Sadly, I know of at least 5 instances where hams were all arrested because of sexual related crimes (I'll spare you the gory details).

    If they don't have the ID, the SSN, the FRN, the exam fee, or if they
    don't answer "the felony question", they aren't allowed to take the

    I have missed one election since 1972. That was in the late '70s for
    a special school board of education* election a couple of days after I JM>moved back here.

    Almost perfect attendance...but close only counts in horseshoes and
    hand grenades. :P

    (* I recall seeing a yard sign in front of a frat house that read:
    John Smith, Bored of education). LOL

    He probably was. <G>


    þ OLX 1.53 þ 8000 bolts to make a car; only 1 nut to scatter them.
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  • From Joe Mackey@1:123/140 to Daryl Stout on Thu Apr 25 06:09:12 2019
    Daryl wrote --

    not voting (unless an accident, death or something before the polls

    Amazing they don't ask for 2 weeks notice of your death. :P

    That's only at work. :)

    Or like from the ditty done by the Canadian Team of Bowser and Blue,
    on praising the colo-rectal surgeon...they note "Some may think the cardiologist is their best friend. But, the colorectal surgeon knows,
    he'll get you in the end!!"

    An occasional member of the Thursday morning tri-parish coffee group is
    a retired shrink, originally from NYC and has that accent that I like.
    (I always joke Southerners don't have an accent, its everyone else who
    talks funny).
    Anyway, one day we were the only two to show up so spent a lot of time talking. I felt like I was on the couch. We would be "tawking" about something and he would ask "And how did that make you feel?" and the like.
    He told about a clip on You Tube from a Saturday Nite Live show (back
    when it was actually funny) a lot of his friends like with Bob Newhart
    when he played a psychologist on tv, called "Stop it".
    A woman complains about some problem and he keeps telling her "stop
    it". Whatever she complained about he just kept telling her to stop
    whatever it was she was having problems with.
    Just search Bob Newhart+stop it.

    I used to have a passport, but I let it expire

    I've never had one.
    The only times I traveled abroad was at government expense. And in my
    sailor suit I didn't need no stinkin' passport. :)
    The only time otherwise as being on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls
    and at the time no passport was needed.

    On my Drivers License, it notes "Not For Federal ID"...and it's the
    only photo ID I have.

    Mine says the same.

    They also have to provide either their Social Security Number (SSN)
    or a Federal Registration Number (FRN).

    At one time my SS card said "Not for ID purposes" or the like. I lost
    the original years ago and had to get a dupe and that is now gone. Seems
    SSN is wanted for everything now.
    When I file my taxes on line I am asked for that and auto-magically everything on my W2 pops up.
    But my Medicare card does have it, only with a -A extension.

    They also have to answer whether or not they've been convicted of a
    felony in state or federal court.

    I was asked that one time and I joked, No, not convicted. :)
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
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  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to Joe Mackey on Thu Apr 25 22:11:00 2019

    Amazing they don't ask for 2 weeks notice of your death. :P

    That's only at work. :)

    My bosses would've probably sued God for wrongful death, had I died on
    the job. But, I saved them the trouble by resigning. :P

    An occasional member of the Thursday morning tri-parish coffee group is
    a retired shrink, originally from NYC and has that accent that I like.
    (I always joke Southerners don't have an accent, its everyone else who JM>talks funny).

    Yeah, down south, to keep things clean, we warsh and wrench. <G>

    Anyway, one day we were the only two to show up so spent a lot of time
    talking. I felt like I was on the couch. We would be "tawking" about JM>something and he would ask "And how did that make you feel?" and the like.

    Did he ask for his fee first?? :P

    A woman complains about some problem and he keeps telling her "stop
    it". Whatever she complained about he just kept telling her to stop JM>whatever it was she was having problems with.

    At a square dance that I was at years ago, after a promenade back
    home, the caller said "When you get back home, just say STOP IT!!" <G>

    Just search Bob Newhart+stop it.

    We have "The Bob Newhart Net on the Kentucky D-Star Net on ham radio.
    Net Control is Larry, NN4H -- then the 2 checkins are his brother
    Darrell, AC4YD, then me (Daryl, WX4QZ).

    The only times I traveled abroad was at government expense. And in my
    sailor suit I didn't need no stinkin' passport. :)

    Thank you for your service. :)

    The only time otherwise as being on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls
    and at the time no passport was needed.

    That's the only time I've been to Canada.

    Mine says the same.

    I had wondered about that...I guess that's for the new flying rules.
    But, I hate to fly...I'd rather stay on the ground.

    At one time my SS card said "Not for ID purposes" or the like. I lost
    the original years ago and had to get a dupe and that is now gone. Seems JM>SSN is wanted for everything now.

    It seems so.

    When I file my taxes on line I am asked for that and auto-magically
    everything on my W2 pops up.

    But my Medicare card does have it, only with a -A extension.

    You should've gotten a NEW Medicare Card with a new number, without
    the SSN.

    I was asked that one time and I joked, No, not convicted. :)

    All righty, then. <G>


    þ OLX 1.53 þ A lawyer is someone who calls a 200 page document a brief
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  • From Joe Mackey@1:123/140 to Daryl Stout on Sun Apr 28 07:24:50 2019
    Daryl wrote --

    I felt like I was on the couch. We would be "tawking" about
    something and he would ask "And how did that make you feel?" and the like.

    Did he ask for his fee first?? :P

    I think he might have been gathering some sort of research for a case history. :)

    sailor suit I didn't need no stinkin' passport. :)

    Thank you for your service. :)

    Thanks, but I didn't do that much, being stateside.
    Oh wait, there was that time my ship went to New Orleans when VC
    gunboats were reported on the Mississippi. It also just happened to be
    during Mardi Gras. Strange how that happened. We spent several days
    there and never saw anything and left.

    But, I hate to fly...I'd rather stay on the ground.

    The last time I was on a commercial plane was around 1971, again at
    gummint expense. (Thank you again tax payers).

    But my Medicare card does have it, only with a -A extension.

    You should've gotten a NEW Medicare Card with a new number, without
    the SSN.

    Just checked and I have three cards. Two with the -A extension and
    look the same, the third one has a 10 number/letter combination, no SSN
    and looks completely different.
    I guess when I got the newer one I just stuck in my wallet and didn't
    take out the old ones. But keeping all three to be on the safe side. I
    don't want to left on the curb for having the wrong card. :)
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to Joe Mackey on Sun Apr 28 09:41:00 2019

    Did he ask for his fee first?? :P

    I think he might have been gathering some sort of research for a case
    history. :)

    That's like at a square dance festival several years ago. One of the
    national callers did this "cute figure of calls". One of the local
    callers, broke out a small book of spiral bound note paper, and began
    writing down what this caller just called. Those dancers nearby said
    "You're stealing his material"...and he replied "No, I'm gathering
    research". <G>

    Thank you for your service. :)

    Thanks, but I didn't do that much, being stateside.

    At least you're a veteran. :)

    Oh wait, there was that time my ship went to New Orleans when VC
    gunboats were reported on the Mississippi. It also just happened to be JM>during Mardi Gras. Strange how that happened. We spent several days JM>there and never saw anything and left.

    I wouldn't even think of going down there...especially during Mardi

    The last time I was on a commercial plane was around 1971, again at
    gummint expense. (Thank you again tax payers).

    And, that was before all the hijackings, etc. started.

    I guess when I got the newer one I just stuck in my wallet and didn't
    take out the old ones. But keeping all three to be on the safe side. I JM>don't want to left on the curb for having the wrong card. :)

    When I went to various clinics this past year, they asked me if I had
    gotten the NEW Medicare Card. I did, and they updated the records


    þ OLX 1.53 þ I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
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  • From Joe Mackey@1:123/140 to Daryl Stout on Mon Apr 29 05:59:00 2019
    Daryl wrote --

    The last time I was on a commercial plane was around 1971, again
    at gummint expense. (Thank you again tax payers).

    And, that was before all the hijackings, etc. started.

    There were the occasionally unexpected trips to "Cuber".

    ÿ OLX 1.53 ÿ I may be wrong, but I doubt it.
    --- SBBSecho 3.07-Win32
    * Origin: FIDONet: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
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  • From Nancy Backus@1:123/140 to Joe Mackey on Tue Apr 30 15:26:00 2019
    Quoting Joe Mackey to Daryl Stout on 04-25-19 06:05 <=-

    I used to have a passport, but I let it expire

    I've never had one.
    The only times I traveled abroad was at government expense. And in
    my sailor suit I didn't need no stinkin' passport. :)
    The only time otherwise as being on the Canadian side of Niagara
    Falls and at the time no passport was needed.

    Now you'd need at least the enhanced Drivers license to visit Canada...

    On my Drivers License, it notes "Not For Federal ID"...and it's the
    only photo ID I have.

    Mine says the same.

    I think as the licenses come up for renewal, they're being replaced with licenses that can serve as the Federal ID... The Enhanced License that
    I have does meet the standard for being a Federal ID...

    They also have to provide either their Social Security Number (SSN)
    or a Federal Registration Number (FRN).

    At one time my SS card said "Not for ID purposes" or the like. I
    lost the original years ago and had to get a dupe and that is now gone. Seems SSN is wanted for everything now.
    When I file my taxes on line I am asked for that and auto-magically everything on my W2 pops up.

    Yeah... it was never intended to be used for ID except for the SSA...
    but, ironically, I first got my SS number when I needed it for my
    college to use as my ID number for them.... :)

    But my Medicare card does have it, only with a -A extension.

    Those are being replaced now, by a number that has numbers and letters
    and has no relation to your SSN.... supposed to be more secure.... ;)

    They also have to answer whether or not they've been convicted of a
    felony in state or federal court.

    I was asked that one time and I joked, No, not convicted. :)

    Just a little risque there... ;)

    ttyl neb

    ... Anyone who loves food knows that all that matters is: Is it good?

    ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
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  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to Nancy Backus on Wed May 1 17:02:00 2019

    I think as the licenses come up for renewal, they're being replaced with NB>licenses that can serve as the Federal ID... The Enhanced License that
    I have does meet the standard for being a Federal ID...

    When I last renewed mine last fall (it was to expire this past March),
    the term was for 8 years instead of 4...but it notes on it "NOT FOR
    FEDERAL ID". I guess I have to go back in and pay another fee, to get it updated <sigh!>.

    I was asked that one time and I joked, No, not convicted. :)

    Just a little risque there... ;)

    Not sure if the court folks were impressed with the humor or not. :P


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  • From Nancy Backus@1:123/140 to Joe Mackey on Wed May 1 19:07:00 2019
    Quoting Joe Mackey to Daryl Stout on 04-28-19 07:20 <=-

    But my Medicare card does have it, only with a -A extension.
    You should've gotten a NEW Medicare Card with a new number, without
    the SSN.

    Just checked and I have three cards. Two with the -A extension and
    look the same, the third one has a 10 number/letter combination, no
    SSN and looks completely different.
    I guess when I got the newer one I just stuck in my wallet and
    didn't take out the old ones. But keeping all three to be on the safe side. I don't want to left on the curb for having the wrong card. :)

    The only one that counts now is the odd new one... it does connect to
    your original Medicare account, so you'd not be left on the curb... :)

    ttyl neb

    ... A cat is always on the wrong side of the door.

    ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
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  • From Joe Mackey@1:123/140 to Nancy Backus on Thu May 2 07:34:00 2019
    Nancy wrote --

    The only one that counts now is the odd new one... it does connect to
    your original Medicare account, so you'd not be left on the curb... :)


    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
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  • From Nancy Backus@1:123/140 to Daryl Stout on Thu May 2 20:48:00 2019
    Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 05-01-19 17:02 <=-

    I think as the licenses come up for renewal, they're being replaced with
    licenses that can serve as the Federal ID... The Enhanced License that
    I have does meet the standard for being a Federal ID...

    When I last renewed mine last fall (it was to expire this past
    March), the term was for 8 years instead of 4...but it notes on it "NOT FOR FEDERAL ID". I guess I have to go back in and pay another fee, to
    get it updated <sigh!>.

    That is a bit odd... did they give you a choice last fall...?

    I was asked that one time and I joked, No, not convicted. :)
    Just a little risque there... ;)

    Not sure if the court folks were impressed with the humor or not. :P

    Well, at least he wasn't thrown into jail for it... ;)

    ttyl neb

    ... Any family tree produces some lemons, nuts and bad apples.

    ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to Nancy Backus on Fri May 3 16:31:00 2019

    That is a bit odd... did they give you a choice last fall...?

    Nope...that's how government screws you coming and going.

    Not sure if the court folks were impressed with the humor or not. :P

    Well, at least he wasn't thrown into jail for it... ;)

    That's all we need...a convicted moderator. :P

    Oops...there goes my feed. <G>


    þ OLX 1.53 þ My finger got caught in my ZIPper - AARRRRRRJJJ!!
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  • From Nancy Backus@1:123/140 to Daryl Stout on Wed May 8 12:28:00 2019
    Quoting Daryl Stout to Nancy Backus on 05-03-19 16:31 <=-

    That is a bit odd... did they give you a choice last fall...?

    Nope...that's how government screws you coming and going.

    Well, you are in Arkansas... NY DMV either offers the option, or they
    just do the Federal ID type now....

    Not sure if the court folks were impressed with the humor or not. :P
    Well, at least he wasn't thrown into jail for it... ;)

    That's all we need...a convicted moderator. :P
    Oops...there goes my feed. <G>

    But he wasn't.... not even indicted... ;)

    ttyl neb

    ... A program is used to turn data into error messages.

    ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
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