• Medical And More

    From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Mon Oct 18 07:00:00 2021

    need to use a CPAP when sleeping.

    I have such sinus issues (have had them for 45 years), that I cough and
    hack like a cat with a hairball every time after I eat, or lie down for
    a nap or overnight sleep. They have tried numerous things to treat it, to
    no avail. So, it's pointless for me to wear a mask.

    Umm, yeah, great bedside manner, Doc!

    Attorney: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have been on dead people??
    Doctor: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight. <G>

    So, yes, I thank God regularly that I am here to continue my life's mission, whatever it is(or they are). . .

    We're still here for a reason.


    ... When it comes to being SANE, I'm with the "IN" crowd.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Mon Oct 18 13:35:28 2021

    need to use a CPAP when sleeping.

    I have such sinus issues (have had them for 45 years), that I cough and hack like a cat with a hairball every time after I eat, or lie down for
    a nap or overnight sleep. They have tried numerous things to treat it, to
    no avail. So, it's pointless for me to wear a mask.

    The masks always never fit right, so now I use the nose pillows type (two soft rings that fit just inside my nostrills & aim the air flow directly in)

    Attorney: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have been on dead people?? Doctor: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight. <G>

    A: how can you be sure they're dead?
    D: Well, I removed the brain completely, so I guess it's possible the person is still out there practicing law somewhere. Hmmm, seems you do look familiar. . .

    So, yes, I thank God regularly that I am here to continue my life's mission, whatever it is(or they are). . .

    We're still here for a reason.

    Yup. Don't always know for sure, but we keep on going, expecting it to be revbealed when important (it's NTK only)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Tue Oct 19 16:45:00 2021

    The masks always never fit right, so now I use the nose pillows type
    (two soft rings that fit just inside my nostrills & aim the air flow directly in)

    Plus, you look like an astronaut, and you have an all day hickey on
    your face. :P

    Attorney: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have been on dead people?? Doctor: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight. <G>

    A: how can you be sure they're dead?
    D: Well, I removed the brain completely, so I guess it's possible the person is still out there practicing law somewhere. Hmmm, seems you do look familiar. . .

    <ZING!!> <G>

    Yup. Don't always know for sure, but we keep on going, expecting it to
    be revealed when important (it's NTK only)

    Well, I got good news and bad news today.

    I don't have glaucoma...the eye pressures were between 11 and 15, which
    is normal, and the visual acuity was 20/15, which is excellent.

    But, I need to have the right eye now done with Yag Laser Surgery. That
    is normally done after cataract surgery...the left eye was done shortly
    after the cataract surgery.

    It's impossible to drive at night, and I'm getting fog with the
    bright lights (headlights or brake lights), at night, and during
    the day. So, with the $300 co-pay required for it, as well as for
    the EGD and colonoscopy (which I'm overdue for), I've resolved that
    it's medically necessary for me to sell my car next week.

    I can get groceries and medications delivered...and I'll use Uber
    only once every 2 weeks to go to the Post Office Box...and to what
    few doctors appointments I have. For procedures where I have to be
    sedated, that's harder...as they won't let you use any form of
    public transportation...and all of my friends work during the day.

    But, it will suck being home except for 2 days a month, and then,
    only going to the Post Office Box to get mail.


    ... Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Wed Oct 20 09:52:50 2021
    The masks always never fit right, so now I use the nose pillows type (two soft rings that fit just inside my nostrills & aim the air flow directly in)

    Plus, you look like an astronaut, and you have an all day hickey on
    your face. :P

    With the full face mask? Mine made me look more like the guy from Silence of the Lambs, I think. . .

    I don't have glaucoma...the eye pressures were between 11 and 15, which
    is normal, and the visual acuity was 20/15, which is excellent.


    But, I need to have the right eye now done with Yag Laser Surgery. That
    is normally done after cataract surgery...the left eye was done shortly after the cataract surgery.

    It's impossible to drive at night, and I'm getting fog with the
    bright lights (headlights or brake lights), at night, and during
    the day. So, with the $300 co-pay required for it, as well as for
    the EGD and colonoscopy (which I'm overdue for), I've resolved that
    it's medically necessary for me to sell my car next week.

    That's a responsible choice, for sure. Too many would push it out of stubbornness then cause an accident one night.

    I can get groceries and medications delivered...and I'll use Uber
    only once every 2 weeks to go to the Post Office Box...and to what
    few doctors appointments I have. For procedures where I have to be
    sedated, that's harder...as they won't let you use any form of
    public transportation...and all of my friends work during the day.

    Do you have a local volunteerism or seniors' organisation where you could request for a volunteer driver?

    But, it will suck being home except for 2 days a month, and then,
    only going to the Post Office Box to get mail.

    Yup; Luckily you have internet & ham to stay connected to the human race in a covid-safe way!

    I wush you well, my friend. & safety & success with the eye surgery (is it cataract-prevention in the second eye?)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Wed Oct 20 19:02:00 2021

    That's a responsible choice, for sure. Too many would push it out of stubbornness then cause an accident one night.

    I saw a commercial from the Arkansas State Police, about the danger and illegality of texting and driving. This girl was doing such, and she was
    killed in a head-on collision. On her tombstone was the letters "smh", for "shaking my head".

    If I have to call or text, I pull off the road, and put the car in PARK. Then, I'm doing it safely, and the cops can't touch me.

    I had originally considered a hands free option with the car, but now, I
    just decline the call if it comes in (especially if I don't recognize who
    it is). For those I recognize, I will find a spot to pull off the road,
    to finish the conversation, or I ask them if I can call them back in a
    few minutes.

    Do you have a local volunteerism or seniors' organisation where you
    could request for a volunteer driver?

    Not to my knowledge.

    Yup; Luckily you have internet & ham to stay connected to the human
    race in a covid-safe way!

    And the BBS.

    I wush you well, my friend. & safety & success with the eye surgery
    (is it cataract-prevention in the second eye?)

    I didn't have any complication after the first Yag Laser Surgery, which
    is common after cataract surgery. But, they noted that "as with any
    procedures, there are risks of complications".

    A friend has offered financial help, where I could delay the sale of
    the car. But, in the meantime, the deal gets worse, so what night driving
    I do will be extremely limited and local. At least when I go out, it's on
    a Saturday evening...and this weekend, most of the traffic will be more
    toward the midtown section, with a college football game, and I'll be in
    the southwest part of the city.

    Obviously, if I get reduced sight in the eye (I pray that doesn't happen), that I will have no choice, but to quit driving.

    At least without a car, there won't be any more payments for repairs, gasoline, flat tires, dead batteries, catalytic converter theft, insurance, etc.


    ... Ah'm Legorn of Borg. Prepare, Ah Say, Prepare to be assimilated, son.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Fri Oct 22 12:14:08 2021
    If I have to call or text, I pull off the road, and put the car in PARK. Then, I'm doing it safely, and the cops can't touch me.

    Depends om how aggressive their latetst funds grabbing campaign is -- they mioght cite you for distracting other drivers.

    I had originally considered a hands free option with the car, but now, I just decline the call if it comes in (especially if I don't recognize who
    it is). For those I recognize, I will find a spot to pull off the road,
    to finish the conversation, or I ask them if I can call them back in a
    few minutes.

    I don't get the hands-free is okay thing; you're still distracted! (not your eyes, maybe, but your attention is certainly not 100% on the road)

    Do you have a local volunteerism or seniors' organisation where you could request for a volunteer driver?

    Not to my knowledge.

    Start one? You can even join nextdoor.com & put out a request. (No harm in asking)

    At least without a car, there won't be any more payments for repairs, gasoline, flat tires, dead batteries, catalytic converter theft, insurance, etc.

    There you go -- focus on the positives. . . :)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)