• several books from the late Clive Cussler

    From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Daryl Stout on Sun Sep 19 08:44:00 2021
    Hello Daryl Stout!

    ** On Saturday 18.09.21 - 22:06, Daryl Stout wrote to JOE MACKEY:

    I have several books from the late Clive Cussler (my
    late Mom loved his books, and we went to several of
    their society conventions before she died just over 2
    years ago)...and I also have a large amount of vinyl LP
    records. Unfortunately, I don't have the means to ship
    them (financially or otherwise), and am afraid to put an
    ad out...as some scumbag might show up and kill me, then
    ransack the place.

    Maybe catalog all the titles that you have, call some bookshops
    in the area and ask if they're interested, and then arrange a
    meetup with a handful of titles at a time.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Time moves in one direction, memory in another. -WG- (2:221/1.58)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to August Abolins on Sun Sep 19 10:00:00 2021

    Maybe catalog all the titles that you have, call some bookshops
    in the area and ask if they're interested, and then arrange a
    meetup with a handful of titles at a time.

    Ever since COVID-19, many places are very picky at what they get.
    I guess they figure germs are all over the stuff. Yet, I've had both
    Pfizer COVID-19 shots, and I've never had COVID-19. My problem now
    is dealing with atrial flutter.


    ... If you have a rotary phone, please press 1 now.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Daryl Stout on Sun Sep 19 18:02:00 2021
    Hello Daryl!

    ** On Sunday 19.09.21 - 10:00, you wrote to me:

    Maybe catalog all the titles that you have, call some
    bookshops in the area and ask if they're interested, and
    then arrange a meetup with a handful of titles at a time.

    Ever since COVID-19, many places are very picky at what
    they get. I guess they figure germs are all over the
    stuff. Yet, I've had both Pfizer COVID-19 shots, and
    I've never had COVID-19.

    I think the nonsense of libraries quarantining books for 10
    days has waned. So, the germs on books is probably not the
    real excuse some people would have - unless people in your area
    still think otherwise (or shall I call it, otherdumb). ;)

    Hown many Cusslers do you have?

    My problem now is dealing with
    atrial flutter.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Time moves in one direction, memory in another. -WG- (2:221/1.58)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to George Pope on Sun Sep 19 18:45:00 2021
    Hello George Pope!

    ** On Sunday 19.09.21 - 12:54, George Pope wrote to JOE MACKEY:

    In Canada blacks are treated well, but our first nations, not so much. :(

    I guess you haven't noticed this:



    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Time moves in one direction, memory in another. -WG- (2:221/1.58)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to August Abolins on Sun Sep 19 21:07:00 2021

    I think the nonsense of libraries quarantining books for 10
    days has waned. So, the germs on books is probably not the
    real excuse some people would have - unless people in your area
    still think otherwise (or shall I call it, otherdumb). ;)

    Well, I still can't do ham radio license exams at one of the
    branches. While the local college requires masks on campus, at
    least we can still conduct exams. But, the size of the room limits
    us to 15 examinees.

    Hown many Cusslers do you have?

    I would say at least 2 dozen...I'd have to go out to the living
    room to look. And, I have far more LP albums.

    My problem now is dealing with
    atrial flutter.


    The medication (and getting rid of any chocolate, tea, or caffeine)
    has apparently stabilized the blood pressure and heart rate. Some days,
    it seems a tad low (one day, BP was 113/78, and the heart rate was 49),
    but they said if I were to have another atrial fibrillation or atrial
    flutter attack, it wouldn't spike so high. However, my migraine headaches
    have returned...and sitting here with this QWK packet is really aggravating things.


    ... Why does the Psychic Hotline have to ask for your name??
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Daryl Stout on Mon Sep 20 21:00:00 2021
    Hello Daryl!

    ** On Sunday 19.09.21 - 21:07, you wrote to me:

    I think the nonsense of libraries quarantining books for
    10 days has waned. [...]

    Well, I still can't do ham radio license exams at one of
    the branches. While the local college requires masks on
    campus, at least we can still conduct exams. But, the
    size of the room limits us to 15 examinees.

    Would the turn out for a ham license be that large? I can't
    imagine the hobby to be so popular among new people.

    Perhaps those people would enjoy a How To BBS workshop.

    Hown many Cusslers do you have?

    I would say at least 2 dozen...I'd have to go out to the
    living room to look. And, I have far more LP albums.

    I would take them in a heartbeat (sans atrial flutter).

    Too bad AK, USA is bit too far from ON, CAN.

    The medication (and getting rid of any chocolate, tea,
    or caffeine) has apparently stabilized the blood
    pressure and heart rate. [...]

    Your body is finding an adjustment as you work to avoid the
    foods that trigger problems. Keep that up. Eventually, the
    headaches would go away if you honor the limits that your body
    can cope with right now.

    At one point I was getting what someone else told me they call
    silent headaches. It's when you suddenly see double-vision or
    strange white specks in front of your eyes or can't see quite
    right out of one eye.

    I was getting the double-vision version. The episodes would
    last a few seconds. I started documenting their occurences and
    noticed that they were reoccurring sooner between episodes and
    lasting longer each time. Unrelated to that, I simply started
    to eat low-carb, low cal, high fats, no processed foods of any
    kind, and no sugar, to reduce my nearly 200lbs of weight to
    something more suitable for my frame at 175lbs. During the
    course of that eating plan, the silent headaches disappeared.
    I only had one reoccurence when I briefly got lazy and decided
    to eat smoked sausages and picnic meats for a while (the kind
    that are pre-cooked and can be eaten right after opening). I
    didn't quite make the connection with those meats right away,
    but when the double-vision returned, I knew that was the only
    difference in my eating. I learned my lesson. I haven't had a
    silent headache episode for years now. Bonus.. a few other
    ailments disappeared after I changed my eating plan for the

    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Time moves in one direction, memory in another. -WG- (2:221/1.58)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to August Abolins on Tue Sep 21 00:57:00 2021

    Would the turn out for a ham license be that large? I can't
    imagine the hobby to be so popular among new people.

    It depends. The Question Pools for the 3 exams change every
    4 years, each one on a different cycle. The changes are for the
    changes in rules or technology. The exams cover Part 97 of the
    FCC rules, plus frequencies, modes, good amateur practice, RF
    safety, and electronic theory. It gets more complicated the
    higher license you go for.

    I've already got 5 folks signed up for the October 23 session.

    Perhaps those people would enjoy a How To BBS workshop.

    I did plug my BBS at a hamfest 2 years ago...it was the last
    big one before Covid-19 shut everything down.

    I would take them in a heartbeat (sans atrial flutter).

    Nice pun.

    Too bad AK, USA is bit too far from ON, CAN.

    Actually, AK is Alaska...AL is Alabama...AZ is Arizona,
    and AR is Arkansas. <G>

    Your body is finding an adjustment as you work to avoid the
    foods that trigger problems. Keep that up. Eventually, the
    headaches would go away if you honor the limits that your body
    can cope with right now.

    I spent too much time at the computer today, rebuilding the
    Windows 10 registry (which had gotten royally corrupted), and
    having to reinstall a ton of programs. My eyes are really giving
    me fits right now...but I'm trying to finish stuff before a line
    of strong thunderstorms with a strong cold front get here. There
    were several reports of tornadoes in Wisconsin Monday evening.

    At one point I was getting what someone else told me they call
    silent headaches. It's when you suddenly see double-vision or
    strange white specks in front of your eyes or can't see quite
    right out of one eye.

    I've had floaters for years, and I'm on the alert for signs of
    a detached retina. I used to get flashes of light in the eyes as


    ... My day is ruined when I put my left sock on my right foot.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to August Abolins on Tue Oct 12 09:55:34 2021
    Hello George Pope!

    ** On Sunday 19.09.21 - 12:54, George Pope wrote to JOE MACKEY:

    In Canada blacks are treated well, but our first nations, not so much. :(

    I guess you haven't noticed this:


    Sounds like a bandwagon jump, like how BLM has been up here of late. . .

    I've met many black executives -- easily as many, pro rata as whites.

    The problem with the USA's proactions by media & government, is they're aiming for 50:50, when blacks make up about 10% of the population (far less in Canada)

    What I have seen is that blacks who move up here from the USA tend to arrive with a big ol' chip on their shoulder, & that attitude can be off-putting to most, especially relating to moving forward at work.

    Promotions should be based on merit, not fear/extortion.

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Tue Oct 12 21:42:00 2021

    Promotions should be based on merit, not fear/extortion.

    Forty years ago, when I worked at Burger King, many nights, I was the
    only white employee on the crew...and we had a ball. A fellow cashier,
    George Williams, called out an order, noting "Chicken. Make it all white meat!!" (which it was)...and we roared in laughter.

    I love their original chicken sandwich, and their chicken nuggets.

    Another black co-worker named Gerald (I forget his last name) was a card...we were always cutting up. Two of the black female managers,
    named Denise and Devaney, respectively...were always kidding me...mainly because I was "still a virgin" (Denise referred to me as "the little
    virgin boy"). <G>

    I talked to a black nurse at the local college fall campus picnic
    and BBQ earlier today. Just like with the pretty young black nurse
    I had on Sunday in the Emergency Room, I thanked them for their work.

    Then, I added that my late mother-in-law was black, and my father-in-law
    was white (I'm not sure if he's still alive or not)...so my late wife
    was a "mix" (born in Kingston, Jamaica). She looked strikingly like the
    late black Gospel singer Mahalia Jackson. That was my favorite picture
    of her, but she hated it, saying "I look like a bush with legs". <G>

    I added "We pee the same yellow, poop the same brown, and bleed the
    same red. What is the problem??"...and both said "Thank You!!". One of
    my wife's cousins was black, and she was one of the prettiest black
    ladies I've ever seen!!

    One of my fellow ham radio operators, who's also a Volunteer Examiner (accredited to give license exams like I am), is black...and he's a
    character in his own right. Today in amateur radio, there are just 3
    written exams...Technician, General, and Amateur Extra (the FCC dropped
    the Morse Code test 14 1/2 years ago).

    Anyway, this one guy came in, and passed all 3 exams in the same session. This black ham (who was overseeing the exam session, and I was there to assist, as we needed at least 3 "Extra Class hams" to grade the tests),
    asked the new ham what he did for a living. When told "I'm currently unemployed", the black ham growled "You have too much time on your hands!!". Everyone roared with laughter!! <G>


    ... Thunderclap: An extremely violent form of VD.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Wed Oct 13 15:21:12 2021
    Forty years ago, when I worked at Burger King, many nights, I was the
    only white employee on the crew...and we had a ball. A fellow cashier, George Williams, called out an order, noting "Chicken. Make it all white meat!!" (which it was)...and we roared in laughter.

    When people focus on their own business(or job) there's no issues & we can get along just fine.

    I love their original chicken sandwich, and their chicken nuggets.

    I love their nuggets, too (all dark meat, & a good price, even in Canada; even though they just went up $1, are still cheaper than McD's all white meat crap nuggets)

    Another black co-worker named Gerald (I forget his last name) was a card...we were always cutting up. Two of the black female managers,
    named Denise and Devaney, respectively...were always kidding me...mainly because I was "still a virgin" (Denise referred to me as "the little
    virgin boy"). <G>

    I'd've been cheeky & replied, "If that's a problem you can always fix it!"

    Not necessarily meaning it, but going for the laugh. . .

    I talked to a black nurse at the local college fall campus picnic
    and BBQ earlier today. Just like with the pretty young black nurse
    I had on Sunday in the Emergency Room, I thanked them for their work.

    Then, I added that my late mother-in-law was black, and my father-in-law was white (I'm not sure if he's still alive or not)...so my late wife
    was a "mix" (born in Kingston, Jamaica). She looked strikingly like the
    late black Gospel singer Mahalia Jackson. That was my favorite picture
    of her, but she hated it, saying "I look like a bush with legs". <G>

    I added "We pee the same yellow, poop the same brown, and bleed the
    same red. What is the problem??"...and both said "Thank You!!". One of
    my wife's cousins was black, and she was one of the prettiest black
    ladies I've ever seen!!

    I just don't se the big deal with skin colour -- I don't care what colour coats you wear, so why the skin? It's all just covering for the soul.

    You don't "have a soul"; you ARE a soul; what you HAVE is a body.

    ... Thunderclap: An extremely violent form of VD.

    Waiting for the news story of a terrible new STD nicjnamed Thunderclap!:(

    Still wouldn't affect or cause fear in me! & no, I don't use condoms if I don't want to, or if my partner doesn't want me to.

    I've always advised: If you're afraid/untrusting to contact without a conndom, you prolly shouldn't be contacting at all.

    There's a reason they can't legally call it safe sex any more & they say "safer" sex instead. Hmmph, if it ain't 100% safer, it ain't safe enough for me.

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)