• Cyberpope' back again

    From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to All on Mon Aug 16 12:51:08 2021
    Hey, All!

    I'm 99% sure I was in this echo 20 or so years ago, when I was that much younger than my "in my second half century" I'm now working through. . .

    Memories? I have a few that've survived various cerebral purges over the
    years. . .

    I'll reasd a bit in the echo sese how you guiys are conversing before dong
    more than just introducing myself to say hi. .

    I'm in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada -- just an hour drive's
    north of Seattle, WA.

    Yup, it's wet here. . normally -- in a record setting drought right now, with
    a major heatwave :( I herasr this is going around other parts, too. . I can empathise. . .

    I'm sort of restasrting my prevouis early(begun about age 23, after becoming half paralyzed from a burst aneurysm(you heard right -- only 2% survive
    those, & I'm one of them -- surprised lots of medical pros!)) retirement.

    I work PT, 4 hours/week -- I set my days & hours, usually 2 on Mondays & Thursdays, while eating breakfast & installing coffee1 & 2.

    Rediscovering BBSes & Fidonet (memory: né Fight-o-Net-remember?) (n+e-agut,
    for ei as in vein)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Wed Aug 18 06:06:22 2021
    Hi Cyberpope --

    I'm 99% sure I was in this echo 20 or so years ago,

    Welcome back.

    when I was that much younger

    Weren't we all? :)

    Memories? I have a few that've survived various cerebral purges over the years. . .

    My memory is so good, I remember stuff that never happened. :)

    I'll reasd a bit in the echo sese how you guiys are conversing before dong more than just introducing myself to say hi. .

    It's pretty quiet around here. A lot of lurkers (come out, come out, wherever you are) and a few posters.
    We've lost people since your day. Some have just dropped out, some disappeared, some have died, and a few are probably in a witness protection program.
    Bill White retired as mod years ago with Jim White (no relation) taking
    over who retired and turned over the mace and orb to me.
    Earlier this year Nancy Backus died. You may remember her.
    I had the pleasure of meeting Jim and Nancy in Rochester, NY a couple of years ago.
    Daryl Stout is in and out and he had the pleasure of meeting me a couple
    of years ago as well on my grand tour around the US.
    Ed Vance is still around, met him a couple of times.

    I'm in Metro Vancouver

    I'm in Huntington, WV, on the Ohio River were Ohio, Kentucky and WV meet.

    a major heatwave :(

    We had some warm weather a few weeks ago, in the low triple digits.
    Usually our summers are only in the 90s and often humid enough to drown a fish.
    Our winters aren't that bad but this last February we had a big cold wave with below freezing temps for a couple of weeks, with lots of ice and snow
    that lasted much too long. Rather Arctic like, which is unusual for us. We usually run in the 20s to 40s.
    It snows here from time to time but three inches is enough to shut down
    the town. :)

    half paralyzed from a burst aneurysm(you heard right


    I work PT, 4 hours/week

    I retired five years ago but the company can't do without me and back to almost full time.
    I am in private security and mostly its sitting around looking
    important. But for the most part I'm inside, warm (or cool) and dry.
    I am planning on re-retiring in January.

    Rediscovering BBSes & Fidonet (memory: nÿ Fight-o-Net-remember?) (

    Not really, I have been in Memories since the early '90s and we have
    always been a peaceful bunch. Too old to fight mostly. :)
    Joe Mackey, Mod
    Huntington, WV
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to JOE MACKEY on Wed Aug 18 12:51:00 2021

    when I was that much younger

    Weren't we all? :)

    My late father said he was 19 for many years...and I believed him!! When I passed him "I smelled a rat". My late wife remarked "There's something rotten in Denmark, and it isn't the codfish". As a result, the joke got to be "You're 19, and your son is 42?? There must be something in the water". <G>

    My memory is so good, I remember stuff that never happened. :)

    Now, that takes talent...probably why you're the moderator. <g,d,r>

    It's pretty quiet around here. A lot of lurkers (come out, come out, wherever you are) and a few posters.

    We have quality, if not quantity. :)

    We've lost people since your day. Some have just dropped out, some disappeared, some have died, and a few are probably in a witness protection program.

    That reminds me of a T-shirt that noted "Witness Protection Program: You Don't Know Me". <G>

    Bill White retired as mod years ago with Jim White (no relation)
    taking over who retired and turned over the mace and orb to me.

    I've rarely seen you have to lower the boom on someone. But, at times,
    I need to practice my groveling. <G>

    Earlier this year Nancy Backus died. You may remember her.

    I miss her to this day...she was such an important part of BBSing. She
    and my late wife (who I miss dearly), were fierce competitors in the word games.

    I had the pleasure of meeting Jim and Nancy in Rochester, NY a couple
    of years ago.

    The one thing I'll remember her for (besides her messages) is her sense
    of humor. When I had the QWK Tagline "I took an IQ test, and the results
    were negative"...she replied "That explains a lot <g,d,r>". She told me
    that "I hope you knew I was joking", and I said "It gave me a much needed laugh".

    Daryl Stout is in and out and he had the pleasure of meeting me a
    couple of years ago as well on my grand tour around the US.

    Except that you got lost in the local area, and got delayed in getting
    to the local Golden Corral to graze.

    Oops, I wasn't supposed to mention that. <g,d,r>

    Ed Vance is still around, met him a couple of times.

    Never met Ed, although he's an amateur radio operator like myself.

    I'm in Huntington, WV, on the Ohio River were Ohio, Kentucky and WV meet.

    There is a tornado threat in the Delmarva region today (August 18), and
    they had numerous tornadoes in the Carolinas yesterday...all from the
    remnants of Tropical Storm Fred.

    We had some warm weather a few weeks ago, in the low triple digits. Usually our summers are only in the 90s and often humid enough to drown
    a fish.

    It gets so warm here, that the fish get fried and broiled. After a few
    days of thunderstorms, it'll be back to 100 again.

    It snows here from time to time but three inches is enough to shut
    down the town. :)

    Centrak Arkansas hadn't had much of a winter in a few years...but two
    back to back winter storms had 2 feet of snow on the ground in Little Rock. Around here, one snowflake, one sleet pellet, and one freezing raindrop,
    causes massive panic. A Grocery Store Warning is issued by the TV station meterologists, and if you don't get to the store fast, you won't find:

    1) A slice of bread, never mind a full loaf.
    2) A glass of milk, never mind a gallon container.
    3) A mug of beer, never mind a keg.
    4) A sheet of toilet paper, never mind a 12 pack.

    I am in private security and mostly its sitting around looking important. But for the most part I'm inside, warm (or cool) and dry.

    It takes talent to look important...as does being a moderator. <g,d,r>

    I am planning on re-retiring in January.

    You know you just jinxed yourself. As they note "the best way to get
    praise is to die". However, some places would sue The Good Lord for
    "wrongful death"...meaning they have to find 5 people to do the work
    that you did yourself.

    Not really, I have been in Memories since the early '90s and we have always been a peaceful bunch. Too old to fight mostly. :)

    What was the old cigarette motto about "Better Fight Than Switch"?? Was
    that Winston ("it tastes good like a cigarette should") or something else??

    So many products of long ago are long gone. I've seen that so much in
    the stores. Betty Crocker used to have a product called Mug-O-Lunch...
    where you poured hot water into a cup, and it made lunch...sort of like
    the Rama Noodles deal now.

    However, the Rama Noodles don't have a lot of fiber with them, and I
    heard where this guys' 2 daughters got "bound up" in their colon. They
    were having abdominal pain, so he took them to the Emergency Room. One
    of his friends, who worked in the ER, told him "I hate to tell you this,
    but your daughters are full of [crap]". :P I guess they had to use enemas
    to break the dam, as it were. Or like a trucker I heard say once...

    Enemy or enema -- either way, you're in trouble.

    So, before this thread gets any crappier, I'm going to end the message,
    and go back to groveling mode. <G>


    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to JOE MACKEY on Thu Aug 19 09:52:00 2021

    I still feel like I did when I was 18.
    Of course I was in pretty lousy shape then.

    Round's a shape. <G>

    Now, that takes talent...probably why you're the moderator. <g,d,r>

    That, along with a bit of graft.

    And, let's not forget corruption <cough!><cough!> <g,d,r>

    For a long time I simply used the blank avatar for my social media photo. I called it my "witness protection photo".

    Well, my photo in my Train Conductors outfit has been out there for so
    long, I'm sure it has been tagged by now.

    That is seldom needed here. Only rarely when discussion wanders too close to the no-no's.

    I've seen other echoes where the Moderator sends a message to an offender, with the words "NETMAIL COMING!!". <G>

    Uh, yeah, some things are best left in the past. :)

    Don't feel bad. I need blind ham radio operators to direct me out of
    hamfest parking lots and hospital parking decks. <G>

    We got some much welcome and needed rain from Fred. Good long slow soakers.

    Storms are heading my way now, so I'm doing quick BBS work, before I have
    to shut down. There was a potential for storms overnight, and I didn't want
    a renegade lightning strike to fry things.

    Like the Farside cartoon I've mentioned before.
    Two panels.
    First panel: "typical day on the highway" with cars going along.
    Second panel: "First snowflake of the season" with one lonely
    snowflake falling and cars driving off the road, into each other, etc.
    That's this area.

    Same here. They wait until the last minute to evacuate downtown,
    including the state government offices.

    It takes talent to look important...as does being a moderator. <g,d,r>

    Something I'm good at. :)

    I would say so. <G>

    they have to find 5 people to do the work that you did yourself.

    At least that many.

    Oh, you require more?? <G>

    What was the old cigarette motto about "Better Fight Than Switch"??


    I had wanted to say Tareyton, but I could not remember it.

    Too much of a good thing is never good.

    I'm only one step away from being rich. All I need is money. <G>


    ... Polaroids: What Eskimos get from sitting on ice too long.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to JOE MACKEY on Sun Sep 19 11:27:36 2021
    when I was that much younger

    Weren't we all? :)

    Not Bob Dylan ("I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now") &
    Keith Richards is always "notwithstanding" on these topics. . . :D

    My memory is so good, I remember stuff that never happened. :)

    I'm not too much there yet; working on it, though, so I can write two
    versions of my memoirs; one actual(for posterity) & one "enhanced"(for entertainment value)

    It's pretty quiet around here. A lot of lurkers (come out, come out, wherever you are) and a few posters.
    We've lost people since your day. Some have just dropped out, some disappeared, some have died, and a few are probably in a witness
    Bill White retired as mod years ago with Jim White (no relation)
    over who retired and turned over the mace and orb to me.
    Earlier this year Nancy Backus died. You may remember her.
    I had the pleasure of meeting Jim and Nancy in Rochester, NY a couple
    years ago.
    Daryl Stout is in and out and he had the pleasure of meeting me a
    of years ago as well on my grand tour around the US.
    Ed Vance is still around, met him a couple of times.

    I certainly remember Nancy Backus, & Daryl Stout (been conversing with him
    in my old echo: "FUNNY "), who updated me on her 'status'; may she RIP -
    she was a good lady. . .

    The other names (White & Vance) are tickling neurons in here somewhere, but I've lost so much of my ability to pull up files from the old sub-basement
    of rusted old cabinets. Sucks because I CAN remember pullng up anything
    with abnsolute ease & no delay. . .

    Diottoi memntal acuity; it'd be better if Ui'd forgotten that I could
    multiplty 3-digit numbers yogetther in my head! But nooo.. . . I'm up to 2- digit again, but I'm so damn slo o o o o o w. . .

    The price to pay to get older, I guess.

    I like to say, "Well, getting old, but it sutre beats he alternative" ^
    without fail a woman will say, "I'd rather stay young" & I reply, "That's
    not the alternative, Ma'am."

    I'm a bad person, I think, because I refuse to use euphemisms to talk about death.

    & I mock those who do. . .

    "he passed on. . ." (me: "I didn't know he played football!")
    "He's in a better place." (me: "Tahiti? Why didn't the bastard take me?")

    I keep going until they finally say he DIED.

    Most of my menmories are of times I'l never be able to relive, involving hitchhiking, travel, & buxom young lovelies(I was young, too, so all appropriate)

    My doctor recently said I had to cut my sex life in half; I asked, "Which
    half? the talking about it or the thinking about it?"

    I had already stoped talking about it because appasrently that's no longer
    a thing these days. . . oh well. . .

    I'm in Metro Vancouver

    I'm in Huntington, WV, on the Ohio River were Ohio, Kentucky and WV

    So you're a Yankee? & your radio stations begin with W, not K?

    I've not traveled too much in the USA, as that would've been illegal,
    probably, & I liked to fly low. . .

    We had some warm weather a few weeks ago, in the low triple digits. Usually our summers are only in the 90s and often humid enough to drown
    Our winters aren't that bad but this last February we had a big cold
    with below freezing temps for a couple of weeks, with lots of ice and
    that lasted much too long. Rather Arctic like, which is unusual for us.
    usually run in the 20s to 40s.
    It snows here from time to time but three inches is enough to shut
    the town. :)

    We're pretty mild where I am =- I call us the tropics of Canada. . . :)

    Daryl used to bug me about how cold winter mujst be for me, being in
    Canada, until I pointed out it'd breen 3 years in a row he had more snow
    than me while he was in Jacksonville! ^ rthe other year Florida froze so
    badly it killed my favourtite fruit & juice crop (plain white grapefruit)

    I finally found a brand of red grapefruit juice that wasn't sweetened
    beyond the ability to recognize grapefruit as the main juice.

    half paralyzed from a burst aneurysm(you heard right


    No biggie now -- 98% who've had one burst were brought in DOA. I was
    brought in complaining &8 asking questions, thank God in Heaven.

    I work PT, 4 hours/week

    I retired five years ago but the company can't do without me and back
    almost full time.
    I am in private security and mostly its sitting around looking
    important. But for the most part I'm inside, warm (or cool) and dry.
    I am planning on re-retiring in January.

    Consulting is fun. I'm essentially retired/self-employed; I can count my 4 hours as an ongoing contract, IMO. I work whenever I want there, & do
    whatever side hustles I can find, like medical/etc. studies, surveys, paid lobbying, & whatever I can drean up or find. . .

    Got a ravenous 12yo son, & a slightly less ravenous self, wife, & adult daughter, to take care of!

    Rediscovering BBSes & Fidonet (memory: nÿ Fight-o-Net-remember?) (

    Not really, I have been in Memories since the early '90s and we have always been a peaceful bunch. Too old to fight mostly. :)

    Yeah, there were other echoes esigned only for fighting; I was a member of
    one on occasion, usally because they kept changing their name & re-
    appearing in area lists, & looked interesting & stable, until I foolishly stated an opinion. .

    I could hold my own, though. I tend to reply in kind; if you're deccent & frienmdly, then so am I; if you're a spiteful troll, then I don't feel any
    need to hold back. . . (I know, I know, "Don't feed the trolls"; most of
    them I don't, but occasionally I engage on topics that matter to me, to
    ensure the facts are out there for those looking for them)

    I'm not in MEMORIES looking to fight; just casual chat weith friendly
    strangers old enough to "get it"

    My fave Yahoo chat group of all time was one called, simply, "Thirty
    Something" -- it kept the youngsters out, but we had some mature enough 20- somethings, & that was good.

    Eventually it turned into strictly a cybersex meat/meet market, & I passed.
    . .

    But good times while it lasted as a casual chitchat place. . . & that's all
    I seek in here. . . :)

    Not a lot of initiators in here, eh?

    Enjoy your day(Sunday) & week ahead. . . Stay safe

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Sun Sep 19 21:14:00 2021

    I certainly remember Nancy Backus, & Daryl Stout (been conversing with
    him in my old echo: "FUNNY "), who updated me on her 'status'; may she
    RIP - she was a good lady. . .

    The things I'll always remember about Nancy was she was an active member
    of so many echoes, accessing the BBS's on a DOS based system, and replying
    via QWK Mail. One of my taglines was "I took an IQ test, and the results
    were negative". She replied "That explains a lot <g,d,r>". <G>

    A few days later, she said to me "I hope you realized that I was joking",
    and I said "I got a big laugh out of it". Sadly, I never got to meet her,
    but Joe sent me a picture of Nancy Backus and Jim White awhile back.

    She never said an unkind word, and was always so helpful. The world needs more people like her.

    The other names (White & Vance) are tickling neurons in here somewhere, but I've lost so much of my ability to pull up files from the old sub-basement of rusted old cabinets. Sucks because I CAN remember
    pullng up anything with abnsolute ease & no delay. . .

    My long term memory is great...but the short term memory is ............. now, what were we talking about?? <G>

    I like to say, "Well, getting old, but it sure beats he alternative" ^

    The late Bobby Bowden, former coach of the Florida State University (FSU) Seminoles football team, quipped "After retirement, there's only one big
    thing left". Pancreatic cancer took his life recently, and I've know so many (including my Dad and his sister, plus a fellow ham radio operator, and a
    great Christian pianist (Anthony Berger)), who fell victim to this scourge.

    Bobby and his wife, Ann, were married well over 60 years (maybe over 70 years), and they were strong Christians. Well, when he'd go to give talks to church groups, and organizations like the Fellowship Of Christian Athletes (FCA), they'd usually break into the FSU Seminole war chant/fight song. At
    one event, they asked him "is there anything you can do, if you get into a disagreement with your wife??". He paused, grinned, and said "You know?? There's not much I can do". That was immediately followed by some tittering, and then the entire congregation busted out in raucous laughter. He never swore...the "strongest word" he'd ever say was "Dadgummit!!".

    I'm a bad person, I think, because I refuse to use euphemisms to talk about death.

    & I mock those who do. . .

    "he passed on. . ." (me: "I didn't know he played football!")

    The football coach asked the prospective quarterback if he could pass
    the football...and the kid replied "Only if I can swallow it". <G>

    "He's in a better place." (me: "Tahiti? Why didn't the bastard take

    He probably was too cheap. :P

    I keep going until they finally say he DIED.

    I remember with the Associated Press (AP) Style Book, that we used in journalism in high school and college 40 years ago, they noted that the
    term "funeral service is redundant".

    Most of my menmories are of times I'l never be able to relive,
    involving hitchhiking, travel, & buxom young lovelies(I was young, too,
    so all appropriate).

    We thought we knew so much when we were young. Now, we find out we didn't know much at all. The kids today are even worse, sadly. After my late Mom retired from teaching school, at times, we'd run into her students while grocery shopping, and they'd confess "Mrs. Stout, you were right".

    My doctor recently said I had to cut my sex life in half; I asked,
    "Which half? the talking about it or the thinking about it?"

    I just cringed here in the chair...I've been reading your messages too
    long. :P

    I had already stoped talking about it because appasrently that's no
    longer a thing these days. . . oh well. . .

    Tagline: "Sex Is A Misdemeanor. The more ya miss, da meaner ya get". :P

    So you're a Yankee? & your radio stations begin with W, not K?

    I think when they set that up, it was stations east of the Mississippi
    River began with a W, and otherwise, they began with a K. I don't think
    there has ever been a W station in K land, and vice versa.

    I've not traveled too much in the USA, as that would've been illegal, probably, & I liked to fly low. . .

    When I was traveling to and from the National Square Dance Convention
    from 1986 to 2002, that was my yearly vacation. I went to Huntsville,
    Alabama several years ago (before COVID-19) for a big ham radio event.
    However, it was cheaper to ride the bus, than to fly or drive. Yet, the
    bus ride nearly killed me. I went from Little Rock to Memphis to Nashville, then changed buses in Nashville to go to Huntsville. I had family in the Nashville area, so I got to spend some time with them on the return trip;
    not to mention grazing at an area White Castle restaurant. :)

    But, the seats were so cramped up, that my legs turned to water, and
    when I stood up (I was the last person off the bus), my pants fell down.
    Had I not been wearing Depends, it would've been "full moon rising"
    (never mind the song "Bad Moon Rising"...I think Credence Clearwater
    Revival did that one). I haven't been outside of central Arkansas since.

    Daryl used to bug me about how cold winter must be for me, being in Canada, until I pointed out it'd breen 3 years in a row he had more
    snow than me while he was in Jacksonville! The other year Florida
    froze so badly it killed my favorite fruit & juice crop (plain white grapefruit)

    I never was one for grapefruit, and I recently heard if you're on
    certain heart or blood pressure medicines, you have to avoid it. I was
    in Miami, Florida on January 19, 1977, when it snowed there for the first
    time in history. It didn't stick in Miami, but just north of there, in
    the community of Carol City, they got 3 inches. That year, nearly the
    entire state's citrus crop was wiped out, and the price of orange,
    grapefruit, and other juices, went through the roof.

    This past February, Arkansas had 2 back to back snowstorms, and there
    was 2 feet of snow on the ground at Little Rock. Nothing moved for several days...thankfully, I never lost power, or had a problem with burst pipes.
    My primary health clinic had a pipe burst for the extreme cold, and it
    flooded the place; they were closed for a month to make repairs.

    No biggie now -- 98% who've had one burst were brought in DOA. I was brought in complaining & asking questions, thank God in Heaven.

    Got a ravenous 12yo son, & a slightly less ravenous self, wife, & adult daughter, to take care of!

    You've got your hands full.

    Yeah, there were other echoes designed only for fighting; I was a member of one on occasion, usally because they kept changing their name & re- appearing in area lists, & looked interesting & stable, until I
    foolishly stated an opinion. .

    I avoid the flame echoes like the plague. I like what Christian comedian
    Mark Lowery noted..."I never knew much about politics, but that never
    stopped me from offering an opinion". <G>

    I'm not in MEMORIES looking to fight; just casual chat with friendly strangers old enough to "get it"

    That's what we are here.

    Eventually it turned into strictly a cybersex meat/meet market, & I passed. . .

    I would've done likewise.

    But good times while it lasted as a casual chitchat place. . . & that's all I seek in here. . . :)

    That's what you'll find.


    ... I avoid things that make me fat: scales, mirrors, photos.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Tue Sep 21 06:33:50 2021
    Cyberpope wrote --

    My memory is so good, I remember stuff that never happened. :)

    I'm not too much there yet; working on it, though, so I can write two versions of my memoirs; one actual(for posterity) & one "enhanced"(for entertainment value)

    Since the age of 18 I have kept a daily journal of my life. (I would say diary, but that sounds a little girlish). Save for three periods of my life every day is recorded. If I should write my memoirs it would be rather
    easy, just look up the event as it
    (Two periods are missing wwhile I was in the Navy. One six month period
    was never written since too busy with booth camp, etc. The other is a
    period towards the end of my Naval career that was lost. Plus the entire year 2000 when I went from handwritten

    may she RIP - she was a good lady. . .

    Yes she was.

    Diottoi memntal acuity; it'd be better if Ui'd forgotten that I could multiplty 3-digit numbers yogetther in my head! But nooo.. . . I'm up to 2- digit again, but I'm so damn slo o o o o o w. . .

    One summer I was part time cashier at a local amusement park. Admission
    at the time was 25 cents. (They made up for that on costs of rides, concessions, etc).
    Occasionally a group of people would come in and I would count heads
    then pretend to add them up in my head. They were amazed I could sound an odd number with the right amount so quickly. They didn't know there was a cheat sheet taped to the register and
    "Forty seven people in your group? That'll be (slight pause)$11.75"

    I'm a bad person, I think, because I refuse to use euphemisms to talk about death.

    He's dead, Jim.

    Most of my menmories are of times I'l never be able to relive,

    You and me both.
    I do enjoy re-reading my old journals and reading just line the whole
    event is replayed in my mind as if it happened minutes before.
    And a whole lot of things I had completely forgotten about.
    Good and bad in both of these cases.

    I had already stoped talking about it because appasrently that's no longer a thing these days. . . oh well. . .

    Sometimes I'll read something that was done or said and think "Can't say
    or do that these days".

    So you're a Yankee?

    Sir, I take that as a personal insult and request your appearance
    tomorrow at sunrise on a field of honour. :)

    & your radio stations begin with W, not K?

    W is east of the Mississippi (except KDKA in Pittsburgh and maybe one or
    two others) and K is west of the Mississippi.
    Matters not if north or South.

    We're pretty mild where I am =- I call us the tropics of Canada. . . :)

    I recall a line from the Goon Show (BBC radio) that was talking about Cornwall and referred to as "The Riviera of England". :)

    until I foolishly stated an opinion. .

    Opinions are no longer allowed, unless they agree with current group

    (I know, I know, "Don't feed the trolls"; most of
    them I don't, but occasionally I engage on topics that matter to me, to ensure the facts are out there for those looking for them)

    I sometimes enjoy tweaking the nose of some self righteous people who is
    you disagree you are a bad person.
    And I will often question people, sometimes for more information or if
    they are a pompous you know what, to get a reaction.
    "Follow the science!"
    You mean the same science that says men can be women and women men when
    the mood strikes them?
    The same science that says men can have babies, etc?

    I'm not in MEMORIES looking to fight; just casual chat weith friendly strangers old enough to "get it"

    Most of us are too old to do any serious fighting, esp when its near nap time. :)

    But good times while it lasted as a casual chitchat place. . . & that's all I seek in here. . . :)

    Seek and you shall find. That's the way it is here.
    I've been a mod for years and have never had to step in on a
    conversation. But then we are a much smaller group than in years past.
    I think the worse I've had to do is write something "that's a bit too
    close to current events. (And I may need to give myself a warning re: the lines above about science...)

    Enjoy your day(Sunday) & week ahead. . . Stay safe

    And also with you.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Tue Sep 21 17:52:00 2021

    Since the age of 18 I have kept a daily journal of my life. (I would say diary, but that sounds a little girlish). Save for three periods
    of my life every day is recorded. If I should write my memoirs it
    would be rather easy, just look up the event as it

    I did a similar thing in junior high school drama class...it was called
    "a sensitivity notebook". Sometimes, those diaries run so long, it's as if
    they become diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain...never mind the content is rather crappy. :P

    Yes she was.

    There'll never be another one like Nancy Backus <wipes away tear>.

    One summer I was part time cashier at a local amusement park.
    Admission at the time was 25 cents. (They made up for that on costs of rides, concessions, etc).

    I can imagine so. I remember going to the fair, and going by these games
    of chance. You keep hearing "Winner!! Winner!! Winner!! Don't they ever lose??!!"...and there isn't a soul up there.

    Occasionally a group of people would come in and I would count heads then pretend to add them up in my head. They were amazed I could sound
    an odd number with the right amount so quickly. They didn't know there was a cheat sheet taped to the register and
    "Forty seven people in your group? That'll be (slight pause)$11.75"

    Nowadays, restaurants are charging the 20% gratuity BEFORE you get your food, and I've seen people turn around and walk out of the restaurant. Or,
    they give them a business card, with printing on both sides. On one side, it protests their "tip policy"...but on the other, it gives 3 tips:

    1) Plant your corn early.
    2) Keep your powder dry.
    3) Always have clean underwear on.

    Sometimes I'll read something that was done or said and think "Can't
    say or do that these days".

    We're not as young as we used to be.

    So you're a Yankee?

    Sir, I take that as a personal insult and request your appearance tomorrow at sunrise on a field of honour. :)

    That reminds me of the Tex Avery cartoon, where the wolf is the new "schoolteacher". He has them paint up an American Flag, and notes "That's
    right pretty"...then says "Wait a minute!! You forgot the stars!!". At
    that point, one of the "Droopy Dogs" hits him on the head with a bat, and
    there are the stars!! To which, the wolf growls "There's a d@mn Yankee in
    this crowd". <G>

    W is east of the Mississippi (except KDKA in Pittsburgh and maybe
    one or two others) and K is west of the Mississippi.
    Matters not if north or South.

    I think KDKA was the first commercial radio station.

    Opinions are no longer allowed, unless they agree with current group think.

    And, the moderators opinions. <g,d,r>

    The same science that says men can have babies, etc?

    Or these people who think pregnancy is a side effect from having sex??
    What do you think the ACT was designed for??!! Hello??!! :P

    Most of us are too old to do any serious fighting, esp when its near
    nap time. :)

    <YAWN!> <making loud obnoxious noise as I do it> <G>

    Seek and you shall find. That's the way it is here.

    Well, I've looked for money here, and I haven't found any. <BG> Besides,
    I'm only one step away from being rich...all I need is money.

    I've been a mod for years and have never had to step in on a conversation. But then we are a much smaller group than in years past.
    I think the worse I've had to do is write something "that's a bit too close to current events. (And I may need to give myself a warning re:
    the lines above about science...)

    I could say something right now, but discretion is the better part of
    valor. <G>


    ... All those updates, and still imperfect!!!
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to JOE MACKEY on Wed Sep 22 19:42:48 2021
    Since the age of 18 I have kept a daily journal of my life. (I would
    diary, but that sounds a little girlish). Save for three periods of my
    every day is recorded. If I should write my memoirs it would be rather easy, just look up the event as it

    I envy you. I wish I had a record, at timies, like when I'm trying to
    recall the order of events 20+ years ago, or particulars of the occasion. .

    I don't have the stick-to-itiveness or initiative to start a journal. . .

    I'm prettyu good at filling in blanks. . . probably they're pretty much
    exctly whjat happened, but if not, oh well. . .most who could contradict me
    are long gone. . .

    (Two periods are missing wwhile I was in the Navy. One six month
    was never written since too busy with booth camp, etc. The other is a period towards the end of my Naval career that was lost. Plus the

    I don't think you're supposed to even allude to those kinds of missions! ;)

    year 2000 when I went from handwritten

    to digital & then the HDD crasjhed? (lost so much good stuff on dead hard drives over the years *sigh*); now I'm better at noting the signs & taking action (just by getting a bigger external & doing a data(not sectors) dump, usually)

    I'm liking these 512Gb USBs my wife found on Amazon. . . :)

    One summer I was part time cashier at a local amusement park.
    at the time was 25 cents. (They made up for that on costs of rides, concessions, etc).
    Occasionally a group of people would come in and I would count heads
    then pretend to add them up in my head. They were amazed I could sound
    odd number with the right amount so quickly. They didn't know there was
    cheat sheet taped to the register and
    "Forty seven people in your group? That'll be (slight pause)$11.75"

    Good one!

    I worked at an A*W Drive-In & had to do things the hard way.

    I'd be at the car window, they'd rattle off burgers, sides, & drinks for 4,
    & then ask, "How much is that?"; we were trained to ask for time, then go
    ring it up first on the till. Thart took too much time & walking for my
    likes, so I told them, including the tax on taxable items (only apple
    turnovers pretty much); I'm sure they appreciated the quick info
    tuyrnaround, coz I made good tips, even from Canadians! (somehow nobody
    senior to me saw it, so I ended up serving an American-plated car, & the
    guy only wanted a $2 burger, paid with a $20 & told me to keep it!

    It al;ways amazed me & made me appreciative, to get tipped, as most only
    tip for the breasts & [teen female] butts.

    One regular became a friend for several years afyer I was there. <y first intro to him was asking him what he wanted, & he replied by saying I ain't
    got not t*ts. This was my first customer & this wasn't in the book. I just said, "No, sir, are you ready to give me your order?" (the girls had
    already told it to me: rare Teen burger & a coffee regular), but I needed
    to practice my new job, so I muscled through, with a goofy smile on my face
    as he extolled all the feminine qualities he preferred in a waitress, that
    I lacked! My coworkers cracked up when I told them (he's known to be a
    horny old joker)

    I was good at my job (all the jobs, as often I was the only one taking
    orders, cookinfg, & serving, being as teej lasbour is so hit & miss
    (brokenm fingernail on Monday -- off work for the week, at least! Don't ell anybodyt you won't be there, of course -- let that be a surprise as a rush comers in! *LOL*)

    I was 19, so I was the "old man" to these 15 & 16 year olds. . :)

    I gradually undid the 'training' my adult(35+) female coworker had given
    them, & got things working efficiently & by the book (that I was acing far quicker than was expected)

    Good times. . .

    Sure did love that one summer day a year when the classic car club rolled
    in with their beautiful cars from the days when style was a thing that
    mattered in Detroit(& Windsor, on our side of the 49th)!

    I'm a bad person, I think, because I refuse to use euphemisms to talk about death.

    He's dead, Jim.

    I loved ST:TOS. My mom collected EVERY episode's book version release, & I read the entire series in a couple weeks one summer(1978) when I was 11!

    Most of my menmories are of times I'l never be able to relive,

    You and me both.
    I do enjoy re-reading my old journals and reading just line the whole event is replayed in my mind as if it happened minutes before.
    And a whole lot of things I had completely forgotten about.
    Good and bad in both of these cases.

    I definitely envy you -- now I have yo strugle througgha brokemn indexing system to recall events as best as tyhey survived some purges (mostly adolescently tested chemical, one medical trauma)

    So you're a Yankee?

    Sir, I take that as a personal insult and request your appearance tomorrow at sunrise on a field of honour. :)

    My apology, I thoght West was south of Virginia itself. Or is this one of
    those vagaries of the civil war era & politics?

    & your radio stations begin with W, not K?

    W is east of the Mississippi (except KDKA in Pittsburgh and maybe one
    two others) and K is west of the Mississippi.
    Matters not if north or South.

    Sorry, I couldn't recall the stations near me, in Seattle, & thought maybe
    they were Wxxx's. & I've no idea which side of the M-D is Cincinatti (WKRP sitcom was anold favourite)

    until I foolishly stated an opinion. .

    Opinions are no longer allowed, unless they agree with current group think.

    Yeah, I've notiuced that, but I've always been a rebel, so I even went on Facebook, prior to our big national election this past Monday, & stated my opinions on all 5 parties running. My choice is NOT the groupthink's favourite, or even allowable one. . .

    I figure if I convinced eben ONE voter nott o vote for the incumbent, I'd
    have succeeded (in changing nothing; we just spent $600M on a pre-emptive
    early plague times election that changed absolutely nothing!)

    I sometimes enjoy tweaking the nose of some self righteous people who

    Oh, me, too -- it's especially fun when I can insult them in such a way
    they're the only one not aware that I did so!

    I find racists & other bigots to be quite unread & basically stupid.

    "Follow the science!"
    You mean the same science that says men can be women and women men
    the mood strikes them?
    The same science that says men can have babies, etc?

    This is science now?! Not the science I've read.

    The only objective fact in determining a person's rightful sex is the XY chromie that is in EVERY cell of your body.

    Gender, fair enough, is externally defined & applied per regular usage, &
    this has shifted vastly from plumb.

    I don't cware what people call themselves, or if they play dressup with
    clothes or surgety to be a different sex, in appearance; I'll call you he
    or she,. whatebver you prefer, but I'm well-read in my native language & I refuse to use a plural pronoun to refer to a singular human.

    I'll simply avoid using pronouns & only use his/her/its name!

    When in a modern group's meeting & asked my preferred pronouns, I say,
    "just 'you'; I'd rather you talk TO me, not ABOUT me!"

    Most of us are too old to do any serious fighting, esp when its near
    time. :)

    i hear ya -- same! I love a fair debate using actial facts & references, though. & even a lighthearted political or religious argument, because I
    know the secret: it doesn't matter! & my thoughts on politics online are generally 100% irrellevant, as I don't have a vote in any US electoral level/domain, as I'm 100% Canadian. But, like everyone, I have an opinion &
    a rectal orifice & I know how to use both.

    A political argument not involving only the principals involved in an
    election is as meaningful to real life as is a farting contest between the
    same two people!

    I want to see a political debate operate as we used to do debate
    originally, in grade school!

    But good times while it lasted as a casual chitchat place. . . &
    all I seek in here. . . :)

    Seek and you shall find. That's the way it is here.
    I've been a mod for years and have never had to step in on a
    conversation. But then we are a much smaller group than in years past.
    I think the worse I've had to do is write something "that's a bit too close to current events. (And I may need to give myself a warning re:
    lines above about science...)

    Enjoy your day(Sunday) & week ahead. . . Stay safe

    And also with you.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Thu Sep 23 04:43:00 2021

    I worked at an A*W Drive-In & had to do things the hard way.

    There aren't many of those left. There used to be on in Hot Springs, Arkansas, but it shut down awhile back. I believe there is still one
    in Ravenna, Ohio...as an area ham radio club (of which I'm a member
    from afar) has a gathering there every August. I'll mention it again
    later in the message.

    Now, I'm craving a root beer float. :P

    If you're wondering why I'm up at this hour, I was having leg
    cramps (not to mention nature called). So, I figured I'd take an
    Ibuprofen, and worked at the computer until I could feel it kicking

    cracked up when I told them (he's known to be a horny old joker)

    When I worked at Burger King for 5 years over 40 years ago (I had
    done every position, including in management for a time), my favorite
    one was cashier...and the managers trusted me. One time, there was a
    stretch of a lot of cash shortages, and the franchise owner thought
    there might be some embezzlement going on. So, he set up a polygraph
    test for the employees...but they had to sign a statement saying they
    weren't being forced to take it. Yet, if they refused, they were fired;
    sounds like coercion (sp?) to me.

    If they let me count the drawer at the start of the shift, and do
    every transaction, then I'd take responsibility for it. But, it never
    occured to me that one of the managers was possibly dipping into the
    till. Several cash shortages resulted, and I got put on a 2 week
    suspension without pay. Well, several days in, I showed up to get
    what paycheck I had, and the franchise owner asked where I had been.
    I replied "2 week suspension for cash shortages...your directive".
    He replied "Consider it cancelled -- I need you". That spoke volumes
    to me, as he thought so highly of my character.

    But, back to cashier, we'd get some "live ones"...who were "not
    the brightest light in the fixture", or "the sharpest knife in the

    1) One guy wanted a Whopper Junior with cheese, just ketchup only.
    I told him "I'll sell you a cheeseburger with ketchup only instead.
    It's the same thing, but cheaper". He was adamant..."No, I want
    the Whopper Junior with cheese just ketchup only". So, I said "As
    you wish". Burger King has 2 sizes of their burgers...the Whopper,
    and the smaller version. I still remember one of their original
    commercials and slogans from 50 years ago.

    2) We'd have folks who would order sexually oriented items, and
    I told them "the red light district is downtown". And, that had
    a double meaning...for all the stoplights, and where "the world's
    oldest profession" took place.

    3) We'd have folks who would order items from another restaurant.
    I'd say "this is Burger King". Then, I'd tell them that restaurant
    is located down the street.

    I was good at my job (all the jobs, as often I was the only one taking orders, cookinfg, & serving, being as teej lasbour is so hit & miss (brokenm fingernail on Monday -- off work for the week, at least! Don't ell anybodyt you won't be there, of course -- let that be a surprise as
    a rush comers in! *LOL*)

    Most folks nowadays want to work from 12 to 1, take an hour off for
    lunch, and get a full check. Never mind paying folks more to stay home,
    than to come to work...no wonder there's a labor shortage.

    This may be "a borderline no-no", but one Bible verse notes "if a man
    will not work, he shall not eat". Now, for those who have a physical
    disability that prevents them from working a regular job (especially at
    40 hours per week), that does not apply. It applies to the lazy, who are
    fully able to work, but choose not to.

    I was born and raised that "the man is the breadwinner, to provide
    for the family". But, one day, my body basically said "you're not going
    to do this anymore". And, they keep finding stuff wrong with me...most recently, atrial flutter. The medication, and cutting out caffeine with
    iced tea, candy, chocolate, etc., has stabilized the heart rate and the
    blood pressure...but it has aggravated the migraines.

    Sure did love that one summer day a year when the classic car club
    rolled in with their beautiful cars from the days when style was a
    thing that mattered in Detroit(& Windsor, on our side of the 49th)!

    That's what the ham radio club deal has in Ravenna, Ohio, at the A&W...
    a "cruise-in" with the classic cars. I couldn't remember what the promotion was...I alluded to the A&W at the top of this message.

    I loved ST:TOS. My mom collected EVERY episode's book version release,
    & I read the entire series in a couple weeks one summer(1978) when I
    was 11!

    There was even a pinball machine with that. However, my favorite pinball machines were Paragon, Space Invaders, Silverball Mania, The Black Knight, Xenon, Fire Power, and others I can't recall. The main brands were Bally, Williams, and Gottlieb (those are the only ones I can remember). No telling how many quarters I dropped in the college game room 40 years ago. I was
    never much for video games, though. I even played one called "Lost World Pinball" on the comnputer awhile back. I used to have Train Simulators on
    the computer...first Microsoft Train Simulator, then Auran Trainz. But, I
    would run them in "Silver Streak Mode"...just using it to "explore the
    route", and if I got bored, move it up to notch 8, and ram it into the
    dead-end bumper at the station. <G>

    My apology, I thoght West was south of Virginia itself. Or is this one
    of those vagaries of the civil war era & politics?

    The Mason-Dixon line is the difference between "You All" and "Youz Guys".

    Yeah, I've noticed that, but I've always been a rebel, so I even went
    on Facebook, prior to our big national election this past Monday, &
    stated my opinions on all 5 parties running. My choice is NOT the groupthink's favourite, or even allowable one. . .

    Former comedian Bill Cosby noted about rebels with "kids wearing their
    pants on backwards". Now, they wear them below their hips, showing their underwear -- and that's another kettle of fish <ick!>.

    I figure if I convinced even ONE voter not to vote for the incumbent,
    I'd have succeeded (in changing nothing; we just spent $600M on a pre-emptive early plague times election that changed absolutely

    Except enhanced the politicians pockets. For all the money that's spent
    with the local, state, congressional, and presidential elections...with
    ads for radio, TV, print, online, etc. -- as well as things like signs,
    bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc. -- we'd have enough to pay off the national debt.

    I don't care what people call themselves, or if they play dressup with clothes or surgery to be a different sex, in appearance; I'll call you
    he or she,. whatebver you prefer, but I'm well-read in my native
    language & I refuse to use a plural pronoun to refer to a singular

    I joke that "square dancers do it on the floor, in groups of eight, with
    no sex, in all positions". Now, to a non-square dancer, it sounds kinky.
    But, when you dance what's known as "Dance By Definition" (DBD) or at the Advanced or Challenge levels, you're not a male or female...but the end, center, point, etc. of a particular formation. I refer to this as "a quick
    and dirty sex change". <G>

    At a national singles dance in Nashville back in 1997, I was dancing to national female caller, Dee Dee Dougherty-Lottie. She could yodel the paint
    off the side of a barn, but her pants were so tight on her, that it looked
    like she was melted and poured into them...and I thought if she farted, she would blow her britches off!!

    Well, with one "tip", I basically "became a girl"...and with knowing
    both parts, I just kept going, but I turned my cap on my head, to backwards. She stopped the music, and said to me "I've got enough trouble without you giving me hell". Everyone roared in laughter. <G>

    "just 'you'; I'd rather you talk TO me, not ABOUT me!"

    Sounds opposite to the song done by Toby Keith. <G>

    everyone, I have an opinion & a rectal orifice & I know how to use

    And, sometimes, the opinion and RO both stink. :P

    A political argument not involving only the principals involved in an election is as meaningful to real life as is a farting contest between
    the same two people!

    Only if you choose between varieties of baked beans. <G> Believe it or not, a friend's dachshund prefers Bush's Baked Beans, but refuses the generic
    store brand. I guess it wasn't sweet enough for him, but I wouldn't want the dog dropping green haze methane bombs. :P

    I want to see a political debate operate as we used to do debate originally, in grade school!

    Debate is what you put on Defishhook -- hmmm...possible tagline?? <G>


    ... Lead me not into temptation -- I'll find my own way.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Sat Sep 25 08:25:10 2021
    Cyberpope wrote --

    Since the age of 18 I have kept a daily journal of my life.

    I envy you. I wish I had a record, at timies, like when I'm trying to
    recall the order of events 20+ years ago, or particulars of the occasion. .

    Its part of my daily routine now.
    On the rare occasion I can't make a daily entry, I have notes to recall events of importance and do that later.

    I'm liking these 512Gb USBs my wife found on Amazon. . . :)

    I use USB's for temporary storage usually. Its too easy to accidentally delete something.
    I do a monthly burning to CDs and move everything from that USB to the HD where I can get it from the trash should I mistakenly delete something.

    so I told them, including the tax on taxable items (only apple
    turnovers pretty much); I'm sure they appreciated the quick info tuyrnaround, coz I made good tips, even from Canadians!

    I've never worked for tips, but one year I worked as a bell ringer for
    the Salvation Army, and glad to get that job. (Long story).
    I did things like greet people, open doors for the store I was outside
    of, etc. and collected more than anyone else, simply by doing courteous little things like that. And no, I didn't work on a commission. :)

    Sure did love that one summer day a year when the classic car club rolled in with their beautiful cars from the days when style was a thing that mattered in Detroit(& Windsor, on our side of the 49th)!

    Those were the days.
    I love old cars, up till about 1970, when the government started
    "designing" cars (have to have this, not that, etc).
    Back in the day you could tell one car from another without looking at
    the badging like today.

    Sir, I take that as a personal insult and request your appearance
    tomorrow at sunrise on a field of honour. :)

    My apology, I thoght West was south of Virginia itself. Or is this one of those vagaries of the civil war era & politics?

    West (by golly) Virginia was part of Virginia until 1863. Richmond, the capitol, paid little attention to this part of the state and for years
    people wanted to break away and the Civil War provided that catalyst, since Richmond was otherwise busy. :)

    Yeah, I've notiuced that, but I've always been a rebel, so I even went on Facebook, prior to our big national election this past Monday, & stated my opinions on all 5 parties running.

    My comments on FB are basically things like "Happy birthday" or happy belated, or I agree, etc.
    I'm only on FB a few minutes a day, sometimes not for days. And the ones
    I'm friends with are people I know.

    The same science that says men can have babies, etc?

    This is science now?! Not the science I've read.


    The only objective fact in determining a person's rightful sex is the XY chromie that is in EVERY cell of your body.

    Until "science" is able to change one's chromosomes I still think of the person as whatever sex they were born, no matter much they think they are
    the opposite and play dress up.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to JOE MACKEY on Sun Oct 10 12:20:36 2021
    I've never worked for tips, but one year I worked as a bell ringer for
    the Salvation Army, and glad to get that job. (Long story).
    I did things like greet people, open doors for the store I was outside
    of, etc. and collected more than anyone else, simply by doing courteous little things like that. And no, I didn't work on a commission. :)

    I've worked ro the Sallies quite a bit -- every year for 16 years, then had to pull back. In the beginning I got paid (much needed, as I think you get) then 50/50, them one yearm ywife, after looking at our end of year finances said I could just straight volunteer if I wanted, as we were doing well, so my last few years were strictly volunteering.

    I enjoyed that better, actually. I got more thanmost by being courteous and friendly. I'd occasionally cajole (lightheartedly) someone into digging deeper. . . :D

    One lady, funny, shjowed up, poured a handful of change in &said, "I intended this for the Salvation Army anyway, but I heard the bells on my way wealing here & then I got thinking, the longer I heard them, maybe I could do better" then she added a $5 bill. I snmilded, thanked her, & gave the bells some extra hard jingling, & darned if she didn't laugh, & dig out a $20 from her purse & add that!

    Some guy pulled up in a Bufatti & I asked him to donate a portion of what he pays in gas a week every tiome he sees one of our kettles. He dropped $20 in, & hopefully went on to give the same several more times. . . :)

    Sure did love that one summer day a year when the classic car club rolled in with their beautiful cars from the days when style was a thing that mattered in Detroit(& Windsor, on our side of the 49th)!

    Those were the days.
    I love old cars, up till about 1970, when the government started "designing" cars (have to have this, not that, etc).
    Back in the day you could tell one car from another without looking at
    the badging like today.

    Sir, I take that as a personal insult and request your appearance
    tomorrow at sunrise on a field of honour. :)

    My apology, I thoght West was south of Virginia itself. Or is this one of those vagaries of the civil war era & politics?

    West (by golly) Virginia was part of Virginia until 1863. Richmond, the capitol, paid little attention to this part of the state and for years people wanted to break away and the Civil War provided that catalyst, since Richmond was otherwise busy. :)

    Yeah, I've notiuced that, but I've always been a rebel, so I even went on Facebook, prior to our big national election this past Monday, & stated my opinions on all 5 parties running.

    My comments on FB are basically things like "Happy birthday" or happy belated, or I agree, etc.
    I'm only on FB a few minutes a day, sometimes not for days. And the ones I'm friends with are people I know.

    The same science that says men can have babies, etc?

    This is science now?! Not the science I've read.


    The only objective fact in determining a person's rightful sex is the XY chromie that is in EVERY cell of your body.

    Until "science" is able to change one's chromosomes I still think of the person as whatever sex they were born, no matter much they think they are the opposite and play dress up.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Sun Oct 10 14:06:38 2021
    Now, I'm craving a root beer float. :P

    At my A&W, we didn't have separate ice crean for tge floats, we just poured in a half cup of unflavored milkshake mix (semi-liquid ice crean, essentially.)

    Now they have frozemn pre-cut oblong portions of hard ice cream. Umm, no. . it's suposed to be a ball so the root beer hits all sides of it, crteating a milky root beer-y foam that makes it so good!

    If you're wondering why I'm up at this hour, I was having leg
    cramps (not to mention nature called). So, I figured I'd take an
    Ibuprofen, and worked at the computer until I could feel it kicking

    I do t hat when my kidney stones act up & Nature hollers (she never merely calls any more *sigh*)

    When I worked at Burger King for 5 years over 40 years ago (I had
    done every position, including in management for a time), my favorite
    one was cashier...and the managers trusted me. One time, there was a
    stretch of a lot of cash shortages, and the franchise owner thought
    there might be some embezzlement going on. So, he set up a polygraph
    test for the employees...but they had to sign a statement saying they weren't being forced to take it. Yet, if they refused, they were fired; sounds like coercion (sp?) to me.

    It's along the linmes of all 3 siblings being locked in a room together until one admits to breaking the lamp. (typically it's a bully fest on forcing one to admit to it, to get all free)

    In my family, it was all 3 of us denying it to eaxchy other & demanding the guilty person fess up (even the guilty one was saying the same demands to all); listening to us talk would not identify the perp.

    My bosds would charge us the cost ofg overages & underages.

    I complained wshen he took $1 out of my tipos because I was over $1; he said, "if there's more in the drawer than we sold, you stole $1 from one of my custyomers, & I need it handy in case they ask for it back."

    I accepted that, knowing it was likely a $1 tip I forgot to separate out.

    Now this is illegal here in BC.

    If they let me count the drawer at the start of the shift, and do
    every transaction, then I'd take responsibility for it. But, it never occured to me that one of the managers was possibly dipping into the
    till. Several cash shortages resulted, and I got put on a 2 week
    suspension without pay. Well, several days in, I showed up to get
    what paycheck I had, and the franchise owner asked where I had been.
    I replied "2 week suspension for cash shortages...your directive".
    He replied "Consider it cancelled -- I need you". That spoke volumes
    to me, as he thought so highly of my character.

    Yup, I'm not takling flak for a shared money drawer. Because I love numbers/math & I make them do their job accurately, always. I set new standards & records for accuracy.

    I learned a lot from a retired bank teller (had done it 40 years) whom I worked with at the casino, in t he cash cage. We were the first one in many years to cash out 100% balanced (not even one 50c chip unaccounted for); darn tootin' I kept her teachings in mind ever after!

    Always establish accuracy in counting systems & adhere to them 100% every time, without slippage or failure of any kind.

    I like to know where every penny is, because even a lousy 1c is indicative of an error & one error could mean others.

    OCSD is an asset; I don't have it, soi I have to fake ity, just when working with money.

    I makle my bank teklers count out my cash with all heads facing one way.

    My ex-teller coworker said in the '50s if they had even one bill no aligned in their drawer, it was a $5 fine (lots of money for a front line worker in the '50s you mayt recall?)

    But, back to cashier, we'd get some "live ones"...who were "not
    the brightest light in the fixture", or "the sharpest knife in the

    I called those "entertainment" :D

    1) One guy wanted a Whopper Junior with cheese, just ketchup only.
    I told him "I'll sell you a cheeseburger with ketchup only instead.
    It's the same thing, but cheaper". He was adamant..."No, I want
    the Whopper Junior with cheese just ketchup only". So, I said "As
    you wish". Burger King has 2 sizes of their burgers...the Whopper,
    and the smaller version. I still remember one of their original
    commercials and slogans from 50 years ago.

    I did that, too -- save them money. If they asked for a competotor's item, I pointed out they were at the wrong place, but can I suggest some tghing similar rtghatr'll be even better? (e.g. a Teen Burger always kills a Whopper for real food taste & a thicker more flavorful meat patty(or 2 or 3)

    Most of these came back again, asking for whatever I gave them last time. I'd ask, "Want to try the double this time, if you're extra hungry from a busy day?"; I usualluy got my upsale. Because I knew when to ask, whbn to pushj, & when t o back off & not be annoying.

    I refused to reply to a request for a soda with, "Will. that be a large?" because that's stupid to assume most people want a large, or can be talked into a bigger one just because you ask it that way."; I find it borderline offensive when done to me (implying I'm stupid & gullible)

    I might ask, "Will that be a small or medium?" on non-super hot days, on which I'd include large as an option.

    When people complained we don't have ice (we keep our syrup & soda water cold enough) I explain this & say if they're unhappy with the temperature half way through, I'll replace it with a free one.

    2) We'd have folks who would order sexually oriented items, and
    I told them "the red light district is downtown". And, that had
    a double meaning...for all the stoplights, and where "the world's
    oldest profession" took place.

    I had one guy who kept trying to order the one waitress; I'd repeat his tinged requests to her cus she'd just laugh & rtespond in kind, which I'd relay.

    I think they eventually got married.

    3) We'd have folks who would order items from another restaurant.
    I'd say "this is Burger King". Then, I'd tell them that restaurant
    is located down the street.

    I knew the town well & could direct people anywhere, but I'd make them order some thing first! *LOL*

    I was good at my job (all the jobs, as often I was the only one taking orders, cookinfg, & serving, being as teej lasbour is so hit & miss (brokenm fingernail on Monday -- off work for the week, at least! Don't ell anybodyt you won't be there, of course -- let that be a surprise as a rush comers in! *LOL*)

    Most folks nowadays want to work from 12 to 1, take an hour off for
    lunch, and get a full check. Never mind paying folks more to stay home,
    than to come to work...no wonder there's a labor shortage.

    Yup, my buddy, a customer from the A&W, owned an excavation/backhome company, & had a half dozen machines plus flatbed ofor transporting to a job, told m e of the time the big city next door hireds him as outsourcing to help with a street /pipe job; giving him several sheets of the part of the job he was to do (excavate this wide this deep, at these locations on these streets. . .)

    He arrived at 7:00 (due at 8) & found nobody there. He lkmew he was early, so kicked bacxk waiting for 390 minutes, then decided the hell with it & started the job, as he was bored; he had it all done by 9 or 10. Still none of the city boys had arrived. They file in after noon somet ime anmd the gf orenman lit right into my buddy for doing what they had planned on stretching out for 3 weeks of union weage work, in one morning. Told him they'd blackball him from getting city contracts again. My buddy laughed, told them the direction in which to F (that direction being 'off')

    Our taxdollars at work, yup! *sigh*

    My biddy had plent of work; he had to shuffle jobs to do this one, as a favour to the city manager who requested him.

    Union or not, I don't care, but do the job you agreed to do at the agreed upon wage for the agreed upon hours(schedule).

    I do t his, normally for non-union comp[anies. One year the city workers were on stri8ke for many weeks, ending up with a 5% raise soplit overt he next 3 years. At the same time, I'd been at my job for 2 months & my boss offered me a 20% raise all at once (wasn't my last spontaneously offered raise either)

    I've never had to ask for a raise in my life because I give good value, & my bosses, not wanting me to be headhunted, offer me regular raises.

    This may be "a borderline no-no", but one Bible verse notes "if a man
    will not work, he shall not eat". Now, for those who have a physical disability that prevents them from working a regular job (especially at
    40 hours per week), that does not apply. It applies to the lazy, who are fully able to work, but choose not to.

    Yup it's not worded, "If you do not work, you shall not eat"; it means if you can, but refuse, then suffer the natural result. Nade perfect sense to the agrian culture he was addressing, as if you don't go out & pick some potatoes & wheat, you'll not have spuds & bread for dinner.

    I was born and raised that "the man is the breadwinner, to provide
    for the family". But, one day, my body basically said "you're not going
    to do this anymore". And, they keep finding stuff wrong with me...most recently, atrial flutter. The medication, and cutting out caffeine with
    iced tea, candy, chocolate, etc., has stabilized the heart rate and the blood pressure...but it has aggravated the migraines.

    That was my example, too, but in the above example Iu'd say the man & wife were partners -- he went out to work9or hunt), bringing home some meat & paying for the hometyhey lived in, & she prepared the spuds, bread, & cooked meat for them both & their kids.

    Mariage was never top-down -- it's a partnership of equals, with God above both.

    People have long misunderstood the teaching of Paul: Wives submit to your husbands. . . by ignoring the second half (& husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church); the original Greek uses "advice tone" for the first half, but the secoind is a hard commandment.

    Women, it is good that you vote on issues with your husband, & good when you grant him the tiebreaker vote when needed.

    Men, you MUST sacrifice your entire life (time, energy, even life itself, if required) for your wife.

    Big difference in meaning from how tradition only quotes that first half.

    There was even a pinball machine with that. However, my favorite pinball machines were Paragon, Space Invaders, Silverball Mania, The Black Knight, Xenon, Fire Power, and others I can't recall. The main brands were Bally, Williams, and Gottlieb (those are the only ones I can remember). No telling how many quarters I dropped in the college game room 40 years ago. I was never much for video games, though. I even played one called "Lost World Pinball" on the comnputer awhile back. I used to have Train Simulators on the computer...first Microsoft Train Simulator, then Auran Trainz. But, I would run them in "Silver Streak Mode"...just using it to "explore the route", and if I got bored, move it up to notch 8, and ram it into the dead-end bumper at the station. <G>

    I only played a few ingball machines, as they were alreay on the wane in my gfenerations. in my pre teens they had only pinball at our local arcade (above the bowling alley); then, about age 13 a New Thing appeared! I forget which game it was, likely space invaders.

    I got hooked on plaing lots of video games in my teens --0 I weas good at any where there's a pattern I coluld identify & crack. On thwe old Atari, I could play until bladder demandfed I stop , mamy games: Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Space Invaders, Defenders(?), & others,. My fave arcade one was Galaga -- I loved getting over 900,000 then intentionally dying so I don't flip the score back to zero, them put my initials in to say I was supreme commander on this game! Eventually others got good & I had to push closer to a million, & h ope I didn't go over, else I'd be stuck racking up another 999,000 before I could hit the head. . . or spend time accepting female adulation. . .

    I was at Disney in '83, I think it was, & in the Sisneyland Hortel they had the biggewsrt arcadre I'd ever seen. Minimum of 20 of any game, & over 40 Galagas!

    I waited in line for one, only to see all ten high scores were over 999,000. Little punk from Canada kept one low point ship alive so I could get closest to 1M points before dying & entering my initials.

    Oh, that was a red letter day for this little punk from a smaller town!

    Now I prefer word games, like crosswords & word scrambles(on my phone); just rediscovering BBSing, but only really playing LORD2, & occasional LORD. & trivia sometimes--I'm more about the messaging--always have been. nmot much local ghoing on, for he boards I call. . . but none but one are local to me anyway.. . .

    My apology, I thoght West was south of Virginia itself. Or is this one of those vagaries of the civil war era & politics?

    The Mason-Dixon line is the difference between "You All" and "Youz Guys".

    Yeah, I've noticed that, but I've always been a rebel, so I even went on Facebook, prior to our big national election this past Monday, & stated my opinions on all 5 parties running. My choice is NOT the groupthink's favourite, or even allowable one. . .

    Former comedian Bill Cosby noted about rebels with "kids wearing their pants on backwards". Now, they wear them below their hips, showing their underwear -- and that's another kettle of fish <ick!>.

    I figure if I convinced even ONE voter not to vote for the incumbent, I'd have succeeded (in changing nothing; we just spent $600M on a pre-emptive early plague times election that changed absolutely nothing!)

    Except enhanced the politicians pockets. For all the money that's spent with the local, state, congressional, and presidential elections...with
    ads for radio, TV, print, online, etc. -- as well as things like signs, bumper stickers, T-shirts, etc. -- we'd have enough to pay off the national debt.

    I don't care what people call themselves, or if they play dressup with clothes or surgery to be a different sex, in appearance; I'll call you he or she,. whatebver you prefer, but I'm well-read in my native language & I refuse to use a plural pronoun to refer to a singular human.

    I joke that "square dancers do it on the floor, in groups of eight, with no sex, in all positions". Now, to a non-square dancer, it sounds kinky. But, when you dance what's known as "Dance By Definition" (DBD) or at the Advanced or Challenge levels, you're not a male or female...but the end, center, point, etc. of a particular formation. I refer to this as "a quick and dirty sex change". <G>

    At a national singles dance in Nashville back in 1997, I was dancing to national female caller, Dee Dee Dougherty-Lottie. She could yodel the paint off the side of a barn, but her pants were so tight on her, that it looked like she was melted and poured into them...and I thought if she farted, she would blow her britches off!!

    Well, with one "tip", I basically "became a girl"...and with knowing
    both parts, I just kept going, but I turned my cap on my head, to backwards. She stopped the music, and said to me "I've got enough trouble without you giving me hell". Everyone roared in laughter. <G>

    "just 'you'; I'd rather you talk TO me, not ABOUT me!"

    Sounds opposite to the song done by Toby Keith. <G>

    everyone, I have an opinion & a rectal orifice & I know how to use both.

    And, sometimes, the opinion and RO both stink. :P

    A political argument not involving only the principals involved in an election is as meaningful to real life as is a farting contest between the same two people!

    Only if you choose between varieties of baked beans. <G> Believe it or not, a friend's dachshund prefers Bush's Baked Beans, but refuses the generic
    store brand. I guess it wasn't sweet enough for him, but I wouldn't want the dog dropping green haze methane bombs. :P

    I want to see a political debate operate as we used to do debate originally, in grade school!

    Debate is what you put on Defishhook -- hmmm...possible tagline?? <G>


    ... Lead me not into temptation -- I'll find my own way.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Sun Oct 10 23:13:00 2021

    Now, I'm craving a root beer float. :P

    At my A&W, we didn't have separate ice cream for the floats, we just poured in a half cup of unflavored milkshake mix (semi-liquid ice
    crean, essentially.)

    It's rare I have dairy products anymore...either ice cream, cheese,
    milk, etc. I don't think I'm lactose intolerant (a lactose intolerant
    cow would be an oxymoron <G>), but I don't want to have diarrhea within
    a half hour of eating. Years ago, I was about to sit down for lunch,
    when a commercial for Pepto-Bismol came on, and the guy said "Do you
    mind if I talk to you about............diarrhea??". My appetite vanished
    in a hurry!! :P

    Now they have frozen pre-cut oblong portions of hard ice cream. Umm,
    no. . it's suposed to be a ball so the root beer hits all sides of it, creating a milky root beer-y foam that makes it so good!

    I've tried to stay away from the carbonated beverages. I've gone to
    basically "lemon Koolaid", and by getting off of carbonated beverages,
    I haven't had a kidney stone in a year and a half. However, while the
    green tea was a diuretic, it was causing my heart to race at 155, for
    all the caffeine. The medications they have me on now have stabilized that...but I surely don't want any more kidney stones.

    I had to go to the Emergency Room this morning, with sharp testicular
    pain. I thought "Well, it's either torsion of the testicle (a medical emergency), a kidney stone, epididymytis, or a urinary tract infection
    (the latter common as you get older). It turned out to be the latter two.
    I thought I was on Lasix, as in combination with the emergency room
    temperature in the 50s (it felt like it), my bladder shrunk, and I was
    "filling up the urinal every 10 minutes". They gave me a shot in each
    hip (I think they used barbed wire for the needles)...one was a pain medication, and the other, an antibiotic. They also gave me medications
    for both. They also did a groin ultrasound, to make sure it wasn't
    torsion of the testicles...which again, is a medical emergency.

    I do that when my kidney stones act up & Nature hollers (she never
    merely calls any more *sigh*)

    And, you can't leave the call of nature for the answering machine.

    It's along the lines of all 3 siblings being locked in a room together until one admits to breaking the lamp. (typically it's a bully fest on forcing one to admit to it, to get all free)

    Or in fighting, it's "he hit me first after I hit him back". <G>

    In my family, it was all 3 of us denying it to each other & demanding
    the guilty person fess up (even the guilty one was saying the same
    demands to all); listening to us talk would not identify the perp.

    See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil....have no fun?? :P

    My boss would charge us the cost of overages & underages.

    I think they did the same for us. But, I think there were some folks
    who were embezzling funds.

    I complained wshen he took $1 out of my tips because I was over $1; he said, "if there's more in the drawer than we sold, you stole $1 from
    one of my customers, & I need it handy in case they ask for it back."

    There has been more than once where the cashier gave me too much change
    back. To me, as Ben Franklin noted, "Honesty Is The Best Policy". At times, when I reflected my honesty, I was thanked for that. But, at other times,
    the employee said I was lying, so I said "I want to see the manager". I explained what was going on, but if the manager said the employee was
    right, I said "Have It Your Way" (whether it was Burger King or not <G>).
    They found out when they reconciled the cash drawer...but I didn't consider
    it as "stealing", as I tried to make it right.

    Yet, without a calculator, cash register, etc., the kids nowadays run
    out of fingers and toes in a hurry. I'll never be as good as my late
    father (he would've been 95 today, had he lived...he and my late Mom
    were born just 40 days apart...she was older)...however, I can still
    figure a lot of things in my head.

    Yup, I'm not takling flak for a shared money drawer. Because I love numbers/math & I make them do their job accurately, always. I set new standards & records for accuracy.

    They also had a deal if during a meal period, if the drawer had at least
    $200 in sales, and it was "perfect" (to the penny), the cashier got a free Whopper meal (sandwich, fries, and drink). At one time, I had 7 of those
    things built up...and that spoke volumes. I got promoted to head cashier.

    I learned a lot from a retired bank teller (had done it 40 years) whom
    I worked with at the casino, in t he cash cage. We were the first one
    in many years to cash out 100% balanced (not even one 50c chip
    unaccounted for); darn tootin' I kept her teachings in mind ever after!

    I think of the joke where the bank president comes into this branch, and
    is introduced to this one employee, who is counting and sorting the money (bills) faster than any electronic sorter. Amazed, the president asked the employee where he got his education. When he replied "Yale!!", the president gushed with pride. But, that went away when he asked the employees name:

    "Yackson". <BG>

    I may have told that before, but it's still funny.

    I like to know where every penny is, because even a lousy 1c is
    indicative of an error & one error could mean others.

    I keep hearing that they're going to quit making the pennies, and round everything up to the nearest .00 or .05 in coinage.

    I make my bank tellers count out my cash with all heads facing one

    I'll bet there are a lot of kids nowadays who have no idea who is on the particular bills.

    I did that, too -- save them money. If they asked for a competitor's
    item, I pointed out they were at the wrong place, but can I suggest
    some thing similar that'll be even better? (e.g. a Teen Burger
    always kills a Whopper for real food taste & a thicker more flavorful
    meat patty(or 2 or 3)

    I prefer the flame broiling, as the burgers aren't swimming in grease. However, they set my acid reflux off something fierce. Lately, I've gone
    to a central Arkansas franchise called "David's Burgers". Their two main courses are burgers and grilled chicken. If you eat in their dining room,
    and order a combo meal (single or double, with or without cheese), you get unlimited french fries.

    Most of these came back again, asking for whatever I gave them last
    time. I'd ask, "Want to try the double this time, if you're extra
    hungry from a busy day?"; I usually got my upsale. Because I knew when
    to ask, when to push, & when to back off & not be annoying.

    They also taught us "suggestive selling".

    I refused to reply to a request for a soda with, "Will that be a
    large?" because that's stupid to assume most people want a large, or
    can be talked into a bigger one just because you ask it that way."; I
    find it borderline offensive when done to me (implying I'm stupid & gullible).

    Be a smart aleck, and say you want a shot glass worth (as small as those
    are) <G>.

    I might ask, "Will that be a small or medium?" on non-super hot days,
    on which I'd include large as an option.

    There is a deal in the comedy echoes every so often called "The Fat Bible". The kicker is the last line:


    And God populated the earth with broccoli and cauliflower and spinach,
    green and yellow vegetable of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live
    long and healthy lives.

    And Satan created McDonald's. And McDonald's brought forth the 99-cent double-cheeseburger. And Satan said to Man, "You want fries with that?"

    And Man said, "Super size them." And Man gained pounds.

    And God created the healthful yogurt, that woman might keep her figure
    that man found so fair.

    And Satan brought forth chocolate. And woman gained pounds.

    And God said, "Try my crispy fresh salad."

    And Satan brought forth ice cream. And woman gained pounds.

    And God said, "I have sent your heart healthy vegetables and olive oil
    with which to cook them."

    And Satan brought forth chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own

    And Man gained pounds and his bad cholesterol went through the roof.

    And God brought forth running shoes and Man resolved to lose those extra pounds.

    And Satan brought forth cable TV with remote control, so Man would not
    have to toil to change channels between ESPN and ESPN2.

    And Man gained pounds.

    And God said, "You're running up the score, Devil."

    And God brought forth the potato, a vegetable naturally low in fat
    and brimming with nutrition.

    And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fat fried them. And he created sour cream dip also.

    And Man clutched his remote control and ate the potato chips swaddled in cholesterol.

    And Satan saw and said, "It is good."

    And Man went into cardiac arrest.

    And God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery.

    And Satan created HMOs


    When people complained we don't have ice (we keep our syrup & soda
    water cold enough) I explain this & say if they're unhappy with the temperature half way through, I'll replace it with a free one.

    There are some places that load the drink up with ice (you want some
    soda with your ice??)...sounds like at the concession stands, etc. Or,
    if you want light ice, or no ice, they charge you double.

    I had one guy who kept trying to order the one waitress; I'd repeat his tinged requests to her cus she'd just laugh & respond in kind, which
    I'd relay.

    There was another joke where this guy thought he was a rea stud muffin
    with the ladies (God's Gift To Women). So, he's with his friends around
    a table in a restaurant, and says to this very attractive female waitress,
    "I'd sure like to get into your pants" (meaning to have sex with her).

    Without missing a beat, grinning wryly, she asked "Why?? Did you [poop]
    in yours??", and walked away.

    He was as red as a tomato. <BG>

    I knew the town well & could direct people anywhere, but I'd make them order some thing first! *LOL*

    When they put the self serve drink stations in the dining rooms, some folks would order a cup of ice, then go fill it. So, the management started charging regular price for the drink, even if they wanted a cup of ice.

    I was good at my job (all the jobs, as often I was the only one taking orders, cooking, & serving, being as the labour is so hit & miss (broken fingernail on Monday -- off work for the week, at least! Don't tell anybody you won't be there, of course -- let that be a surprise as a rush comers in! *LOL*)

    That's about the work ethic nowadays (sigh!). Had my health not declined as it did over 17 years ago, I'd still be working.

    He arrived at 7:00 (due at 8) & found nobody there. He kmew he was
    early, so kicked back waiting for 30 minutes, then decided the hell
    with it & started the job, as he was bored; he had it all done by 9 or
    10. Still none of the city boys had arrived. They file in after noon sometime and the forenman lit right into my buddy for doing what
    they had planned on stretching out for 3 weeks of union weage work, in
    one morning. Told him they'd blackball him from getting city contracts again. My buddy laughed, told them the direction in which to F (that direction being 'off')

    Whenever I do a job, I want to do it right the first time, and make it
    like prepping for a colonoscopy...get it over worth. It's supposed to be "measure twice and cut once"...but most "measure once and cuss twice". :P

    Union or not, I don't care, but do the job you agreed to do at the
    agreed upon wage for the agreed upon hours(schedule).


    I do this, normally for non-union companies. One year the city
    workers were on strike for many weeks, ending up with a 5% raise
    split over the next 3 years. At the same time, I'd been at my job for
    2 months & my boss offered me a 20% raise all at once (wasn't my last spontaneously offered raise either).

    When your boss realizes you are a good worker, and if they're a good
    boss (although boss spelled backwards is double S.O.B. <G>), they will
    reward you for your efforts.

    Yup it's not worded, "If you do not work, you shall not eat"; it means
    if you can, but refuse, then suffer the natural result. Made perfect
    sense to the agrian culture he was addressing, as if you don't go out & pick some potatoes & wheat, you'll not have spuds & bread for dinner.

    As noted, if my health hadn't declined as it did over 17 years ago, I'd
    still be working. But, they keep finding stuff wrong with me.

    Mariage was never top-down -- it's a partnership of equals, with God
    above both.

    Both give 100%...ministering to each others needs. That makes for a happy marriage. Now, every couple is going to have disagreements from time to time, and at times, my wife and I "needed our space", but that was rare.

    The angriest I ever saw her was when our dachshund decided to reassert himself as "the dominant male"...and I nearly lost my life because of it.
    I likely have told you about that before, but as her Mom said "she was so
    d@mn protective of you, it was a sin!!". Yet, when I asked her what she would've done if the done had bitten my nose off, she growled "First, I would've taken care of you...then I would've killed me a dog. I will NOT
    let an animal rule me in my own house!!". And, that really set him off
    (he was locked in his carrier by now, but he really went ballistic). She
    looked at me and sweetly said "Excuse me, darling. I'll be right back!!".
    She had fire in her eyes...never mind "a menopausal woman".

    That reminds me of a sign I saw in this old timey restaurant once.
    It said "Menstrual Cramps. Menopause. Mental Illness. Ever notice how
    all of our problems begin with Men??" <G>. That goes in line with the
    one cardinal rule my wife had: "Leave The Toilet Seat Down!!". I grew
    up with a brother...I didn't know it took women forever and a day to
    get ready, etc.

    Big difference in meaning from how tradition only quotes that first

    Most folks nowadays are so selfish. But, if you really find a good
    soulmate, as the Proverb notes, "A virtuous woman is worth more than

    I only played a few pinball machines, as they were alreay on the wane
    in my gfenerations. in my pre teens they had only pinball at our local arcade (above the bowling alley); then, about age 13 a New Thing
    appeared! I forget which game it was, likely space invaders.

    I think it was one of the first "double wide" machines.

    Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Space Invaders, Defenders(?), &
    others,. My fave arcade one was Galaga -- I loved getting over 900,000 then intentionally dying so I don't flip the score back to zero, them
    put my initials in to say I was supreme commander on this game!

    There is a similar game to that on the BBS...but I forget offhand what
    it's called. I've known some pinball games where they get the score close
    to the max value, then intentionally TILT it. Although if you rolled it
    over, the clapper gave you 3 replays (for beating the high score).

    Eventually others got good & I had to push closer to a million, & hope
    I didn't go over, else I'd be stuck racking up another 999,000 before I could hit the head. . . or spend time accepting female adulation. . .


    I was at Disney in '83, I think it was, & in the Disneyland Hotel they
    had the biggest arcade I'd ever seen. Minimum of 20 of any game, &
    over 40 Galagas!


    I waited in line for one, only to see all ten high scores were over 999,000. Little punk from Canada kept one low point ship alive so I
    could get closest to 1M points before dying & entering my initials.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

    Now I prefer word games, like crosswords & word scrambles(on my phone); just rediscovering BBSing, but only really playing LORD2, & occasional LORD. & trivia sometimes--I'm more about the messaging--always have
    been. nmot much local ghoing on, for he boards I call. . . but none but one are local to me anyway.. . .

    I have greatly cut down on the games on the BBS...but the first thing I do
    is the QWK Mail...the original purpose of BBS's (messages).

    Yet, I've been up since 4am, and I'm exhausted. Thunderstorms are likely
    here overnight, and I'm sure my NOAA Weather Radio alert will go off before
    the storms arrive, giving me a chance to shut things down for the night.


    ... "When you see a snake never mind where it came from." -W.G.Benham
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Daryl Stout on Mon Oct 11 21:54:00 2021
    Hello Daryl Stout!

    ** On Sunday 10.10.21 - 23:13, Daryl Stout wrote to George Pope:

    I had to go to the Emergency Room this morning, with
    sharp testicular pain. I thought "Well, it's either
    torsion of the testicle (a medical emergency), a kidney
    stone, epididymytis, or a urinary tract infection (the
    latter common as you get older). It turned out to be the
    latter two.

    Never heard of the torsion one.

    I keep hearing that they're going to quit making the
    pennies, and round everything up to the nearest .00 or
    .05 in coinage.

    We, in Canada, did away with the penny a long time ago. It's
    also quite astonishing that the USA still has $1 bills,
    original design, easy to counterfeit.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Creditors have better memories than debtors. (2:221/1.58)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Tue Oct 12 05:59:50 2021
    Cyberpope wrote --

    I enjoyed that better, actually. I got more thanmost by being courteous and friendly. I'd occasionally cajole (lightheartedly) someone into digging deeper. . . :D

    That was a lot of that job, public relations, how you deal with the
    public. If one stood there like a statue, unsmiling, unfriendly, people are going to pass you by. But do little things for them, smile, be polite and friendly, they do dig a little deeper
    It like in my current career in security.
    A lot of my job is simply PR. Most people obey the rules, those do don't
    I try to explain so they can understand why they can do and not do certain things, while being polite and friendly.
    Just keep ones emotions under check until that person is gone and then
    let it out of your system. Mostly problems deal with people who think they
    are special and the rules don't apply to them.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to AUGUST ABOLINS on Tue Oct 12 06:20:16 2021
    Aug wrote --

    We, in Canada, did away with the penny a long time ago. It's
    also quite astonishing that the USA still has $1 bills,
    original design, easy to counterfeit.

    They would cost more to counterfeit (plates, paper, ink, etc) than they
    are worth.
    Years ago the city passed an ordinance all bicycles had to be registered
    and have a plate that cost $1. But processing and paperwork, etc cost the
    city $2 for each one. I never got one, thus, in my mind, I was saving the
    city a dollar. :)
    The US once had a $1,000 bill, along with a $500 bill. Now the largest
    is a hundred. Anything larger than that is between banks only and unusable otherwise.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Tue Oct 12 21:24:00 2021

    The US once had a $1,000 bill, along with a $500 bill. Now the
    largest is a hundred. Anything larger than that is between banks only
    and unusable otherwise.

    I want to say those were on the original "Let's Make A Deal". Now, there's
    a MEMORY!! I think the current version is more of a zonk. :P


    ... I have a rock garden. Last week, 3 of them died.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Wed Oct 13 12:37:44 2021
    I think when they set that up, it was stations east of the Mississippi River began with a W, and otherwise, they began with a K. I don't think there has ever been a W station in K land, and vice versa.

    If Io'd beejn more waake & less dain bramaged, I'd'cve recalled that the station I usaed to listen to from Seattle was KISM & KISW, & could infer that east of Mississippi would be W...

    If I was in the USA, & starting a radio station, I think I'd deliberately set my call letters to be the opposite "K/W" from expected!

    But, the seats were so cramped up, that my legs turned to water, and
    when I stood up (I was the last person off the bus), my pants fell down.
    Had I not been wearing Depends, it would've been "full moon rising"
    (never mind the song "Bad Moon Rising"...I think Credence Clearwater
    Revival did that one). I haven't been outside of central Arkansas since.

    My last bus ruide, up north to see my sister, I sat on the right side, thinking I'd have my working right hand to keep from tipping over into the empty seat, but I just w9ound up having my sensitive to pain left shoulder pummelled against the window/wall. At one poin, when the bus stopped at an intersection, I rushed back to the teeny bathroom, as Nature was screaming "flash flood a- coming" at me. I made it in, closed/locked the door & then, as I was unzipiong, the bus started up & shook heck out of me until I realized sitting was my only option. I finished my urgency & struggled to get zipped up again, & standing long enough to unlatch the door & get iot open. I saw the seats diorctly across from the bathroom were empty(as predicted), so next intersection, I leapt across the aisle & hit them on my belly & grabbed on tight, & efventually got sitting. At the next break stop, I was finally able to get up & move to my seat, to grab my wallet & head out for a snack (but no coffee! *L*

    On the way back, I tok a seat on the right side & leaned against the wall/window & was quite comfortable all the way. Next time (oh, nm, no Greyhound in the west any more. . boo) I'll book the front right seat.

    I also have the option to ride in my wheelchair, but no waym, I'll be so uncomnfortable strapped in tight. . . & bathroom option (not that there really was one from me anyway!)

    Now it's as cheap to fly as to use Greyhound, so that's how I'll do my next big trip. (my biggest by bus was 51 hours from northern Ontario into BC)

    I never was one for grapefruit, and I recently heard if you're on
    certain heart or blood pressure medicines, you have to avoid it. I was

    My theory is, for that & other drugs with that warning, it's because the grapefruit helped your condition, so the meds looked ineffective when compared.

    entire state's citrus crop was wiped out, and the price of orange, grapefruit, and other juices, went through the roof.

    Yup, I recall that & mu grapefruits are toast uyntil new trees can grow to maturity & begin producing. . .

    Got a ravenous 12yo son, & a slightly less ravenous self, wife, & adult daughter, to take care of!

    You've got your hands full.

    You'd best not be calling my wife fat!

    I avoid the flame echoes like the plague. I like what Christian comedian Mark Lowery noted..."I never knew much about politics, but that never stopped me from offering an opinion". <G>

    Woerks for me. . . & "Opinions are like farts--everybody has them & only your own don't stink."

    But good times while it lasted as a casual chitchat place. . . & that's all I seek in here. . . :)

    That's what you'll find.

    I've never been 25% of a Fido echo before!

    Nor have I ever boosted membership 33.3% just by joining!

    Boirn in '67, I'm hardly as old as some of yas, but I feel older & per m,edical science I'm closer to 74 than 54, as those with a major disability age quicjer than those without. Plus I did some advanced living & lawarming when I was young, & spent mosdt of my years listening to my elders (my friends were typically 20+ years older than me; the problem with that now is I 'lose' these friends too regularly from death &/or disease. Lost two really close friends this past year. . .

    So I feel more of a kinship here than in the typical Fido echo (although now all have mellowed as it's just us old veterans of '90s' BBSing left_on Fido)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Wed Oct 13 14:10:50 2021
    It's rare I have dairy products anymore...either ice cream, cheese,
    milk, etc. I don't think I'm lactose intolerant (a lactose intolerant
    cow would be an oxymoron <G>), but I don't want to have diarrhea within
    a half hour of eating. Years ago, I was about to sit down for lunch,
    when a commercial for Pepto-Bismol came on, and the guy said "Do you
    mind if I talk to you about............diarrhea??". My appetite vanished
    in a hurry!! :P

    So your answer was "yes. Yes I do mind. . . Shut up!"

    Goofy now is Pepto Bismal trying to make diarrhea & indigestion sexy. . .

    I've tried to stay away from the carbonated beverages. I've gone to basically "lemon Koolaid", and by getting off of carbonated beverages,
    I haven't had a kidney stone in a year and a half. However, while the
    green tea was a diuretic, it was causing my heart to race at 155, for
    all the caffeine. The medications they have me on now have stabilized that...but I surely don't want any more kidney stones.

    I cut out soda for a couple years, but my kidney stones continuyed the same rate (2-3 big ones a year) so now I'll have the occasional Coke for a quick wake-me-up (I can down the Coke faster than a coffee)

    I had to go to the Emergency Room this morning, with sharp testicular pain. I thought "Well, it's either torsion of the testicle (a medical emergency), a kidney stone, epididymytis, or a urinary tract infection
    (the latter common as you get older). It turned out to be the latter two.
    I thought I was on Lasix, as in combination with the emergency room temperature in the 50s (it felt like it), my bladder shrunk, and I was "filling up the urinal every 10 minutes". They gave me a shot in each
    hip (I think they used barbed wire for the needles)...one was a pain medication, and the other, an antibiotic. They also gave me medications
    for both. They also did a groin ultrasound, to make sure it wasn't
    torsion of the testicles...which again, is a medical emergency.

    So what was it?

    I get all that, too, far too regularly for my druthers. . . (as in "I druther not")

    I do that when my kidney stones act up & Nature hollers (she never merely calls any more *sigh*)

    And, you can't leave the call of nature for the answering machine.


    As the saying goes, after 50, never pass a bathroom & never trust a fart!

    It's along the lines of all 3 siblings being locked in a room together until one admits to breaking the lamp. (typically it's a bully fest on forcing one to admit to it, to get all free)

    Or in fighting, it's "he hit me first after I hit him back". <G>

    I'm sure that's actually been said at least once!

    My boss would charge us the cost of overages & underages.

    I think they did the same for us. But, I think there were some folks
    who were embezzling funds.

    I saw a new waitress pocketing tips that weren't hers. I told my boss quietly. He waited an hour then fired her.

    There has been more than once where the cashier gave me too much change back. To me, as Ben Franklin noted, "Honesty Is The Best Policy". At times, when I reflected my honesty, I was thanked for that. But, at other times, the employee said I was lying, so I said "I want to see the manager". I explained what was going on, but if the manager said the employee was
    right, I said "Have It Your Way" (whether it was Burger King or not <G>). They found out when they reconciled the cash drawer...but I didn't consider it as "stealing", as I tried to make it right.

    I always correct it if I'm overpaid, not like the fellow who got $100 too much on his paucheque, ignotred it, then was $50 short the next week & complained.

    His boss said, "I see you didn't complain about the overpayment last pay?"

    "No, sir. One mistake I can overlook, but now they're making a habit of it."

    Yet, without a calculator, cash register, etc., the kids nowadays run
    out of fingers and toes in a hurry. I'll never be as good as my late
    father (he would've been 95 today, had he lived...he and my late Mom
    were born just 40 days apart...she was older)...however, I can still
    figure a lot of things in my head.

    Same. My grade 5 teaxcher gave us pop quizzes in which we had to cvalculate the change (amount & coins) on various transactions; yesm, I was always first & most accurate. No, that did not help me become more popular.

    They also had a deal if during a meal period, if the drawer had at least $200 in sales, and it was "perfect" (to the penny), the cashier got a free Whopper meal (sandwich, fries, and drink). At one time, I had 7 of those things built up...and that spoke volumes. I got promoted to head cashier.

    I klke that setup! As it should be -- rewards for doing right, & promoted when earned it, rather than winning the suck-up game. . .

    I think of the joke where the bank president comes into this branch, and is introduced to this one employee, who is counting and sorting the money (bills) faster than any electronic sorter. Amazed, the president asked the employee where he got his education. When he replied "Yale!!", the president gushed with pride. But, that went away when he asked the employees name:

    "Yackson". <BG>

    I heard "Yim Yohnson" but, yeah. . . good joke. . .

    I may have told that before, but it's still funny.

    You're right.

    I keep hearing that they're going to quit making the pennies, and round everything up to the nearest .00 or .05 in coinage.

    We already have in Canada. But it's rounded to the nearest 5c, not only upwards.

    New Zealand did it years ago!

    Pennies(old ones now) are stil llegal tendere, but stores don't give them out in change.

    I'll bet there are a lot of kids nowadays who have no idea who is on the particular bills.

    Doesn't matter, really; I evenknow a bunch of yours, from reading & frmo tv; a Benjamin is $100, Andrew Jackson, I think is $10? & no idea of the others any more. . .

    Canada's: Queen on $20, 3 famous female Canadians, together, on the $10, & Borden on the $100.

    I prefer the flame broiling, as the burgers aren't swimming in grease.

    You can order any patty at McD's or A&W to be degreased.

    However, they set my acid reflux off something fierce. Lately, I've gone
    to a central Arkansas franchise called "David's Burgers". Their two main courses are burgers and grilled chicken. If you eat in their dining room, and order a combo meal (single or double, with or without cheese), you get unlimited french fries.

    There's a restaurant chain called Cluck & Moo, or some such, in your country, that pays every employee $15 or more/hour, & has a menu & prices similar to McDonalds. . .

    Our minimum wage here in BC just climbed over $15 this past June 1st.

    We were lowest in Canasda until a bunch of us did a concerted campaign to push it up.

    Be a smart aleck, and say you want a shot glass worth (as small as those are) <G>.

    No such thing. Better at McDonalds where soda refills are free.

    There is a deal in the comedy echoes every so often called "The Fat Bible". The kicker is the last line:

    I love that one!

    When they put the self serve drink stations in the dining rooms, some folks would order a cup of ice, then go fill it. So, the management started charging regular price for the drink, even if they wanted a cup of ice.

    Here they were giving a different cup for water than for soda. You self filled water, too, from the fountain station, but now the self serve is gone, because of covid. . . :P

    That's about the work ethic nowadays (sigh!). Had my health not declined as it did over 17 years ago, I'd still be working.

    Same, but I'm still seeking new work, more in keepingh with my current situations.

    Whenever I do a job, I want to do it right the first time, and make it like prepping for a colonoscopy...get it over worth. It's supposed to be "measure twice and cut once"...but most "measure once and cuss twice". :P

    Senior buddy(RIP) of mine preferred "Measure thrice, cut once" just to be extra extra sure.

    When your boss realizes you are a good worker, and if they're a good
    boss (although boss spelled backwards is double S.O.B. <G>), they will reward you for your efforts.

    If you work directly for your boss & he's not a double-S OB. Corporate is far different.

    Trump, in his furst book tells a vstory of an emplyee who came into his office, asking for a raise. Trump asked him why he felt he deserrved one & the guy said, "I've been doingt his job for 40 years" & Trump fired ghimn, because if he only put in t ime for 40 years instead of improving things & setting new dstandards, them he stole 40 years if time from him(Trump)

    I respect that view.

    I never ask for raises, cuz my bosses all offer them to me perriodically for a job well done. I like it like that. Just like I liked finding out I was the highest paid person in Operations, even over those with 6 years experience.

    I keep it quiet of course. I'm not going to stir up trouble between coworekers, as that will only reduce our effectiveness at donig the job we agreed to do.

    It just helped me know my boss was an aware man & a fair one, too.

    I tell people, "If you think you're worth more than you're getting, go tell your boss y ou'll quiot unless he givers you that much. If he fires you, get another job, because obviously if you're worth the higher amount, someone will happily pay it to you."

    Easy for me to say, because I am worth more than I'm getting but I'll wait until my pay catches up, then I'll give even more at my job.

    Yup it's not worded, "If you do not work, you shall not eat"; it means if you can, but refuse, then suffer the natural result. Made perfect sense to the agrian culture he was addressing, as if you don't go out & pick some potatoes & wheat, you'll not have spuds & bread for dinner.

    As noted, if my health hadn't declined as it did over 17 years ago, I'd still be working. But, they keep finding stuff wrong with me.

    Mariage was never top-down -- it's a partnership of equals, with God above both.

    Both give 100%...ministering to each others needs. That makes for a happy marriage. Now, every couple is going to have disagreements from time to time, and at times, my wife and I "needed our space", but that was rare.

    The angriest I ever saw her was when our dachshund decided to reassert himself as "the dominant male"...and I nearly lost my life because of it.
    I likely have told you about that before, but as her Mom said "she was so d@mn protective of you, it was a sin!!". Yet, when I asked her what she would've done if the done had bitten my nose off, she growled "First, I would've taken care of you...then I would've killed me a dog. I will NOT
    let an animal rule me in my own house!!". And, that really set him off
    (he was locked in his carrier by now, but he really went ballistic). She looked at me and sweetly said "Excuse me, darling. I'll be right back!!". She had fire in her eyes...never mind "a menopausal woman".

    That reminds me of a sign I saw in this old timey restaurant once.
    It said "Menstrual Cramps. Menopause. Mental Illness. Ever notice how
    all of our problems begin with Men??" <G>. That goes in line with the
    one cardinal rule my wife had: "Leave The Toilet Seat Down!!". I grew
    up with a brother...I didn't know it took women forever and a day to
    get ready, etc.

    Big difference in meaning from how tradition only quotes that first half.

    Most folks nowadays are so selfish. But, if you really find a good soulmate, as the Proverb notes, "A virtuous woman is worth more than rubies".

    I only played a few pinball machines, as they were alreay on the wane in my gfenerations. in my pre teens they had only pinball at our local arcade (above the bowling alley); then, about age 13 a New Thing appeared! I forget which game it was, likely space invaders.

    I think it was one of the first "double wide" machines.

    Asteroids, Donkey Kong, Pacman, Space Invaders, Defenders(?), & others,. My fave arcade one was Galaga -- I loved getting over 900,000 then intentionally dying so I don't flip the score back to zero, them put my initials in to say I was supreme commander on this game!

    There is a similar game to that on the BBS...but I forget offhand what it's called. I've known some pinball games where they get the score close
    to the max value, then intentionally TILT it. Although if you rolled it over, the clapper gave you 3 replays (for beating the high score).

    Eventually others got good & I had to push closer to a million, & hope I didn't go over, else I'd be stuck racking up another 999,000 before I could hit the head. . . or spend time accepting female adulation. . .


    I was at Disney in '83, I think it was, & in the Disneyland Hotel they had the biggest arcade I'd ever seen. Minimum of 20 of any game, & over 40 Galagas!


    I waited in line for one, only to see all ten high scores were over 999,000. Little punk from Canada kept one low point ship alive so I could get closest to 1M points before dying & entering my initials.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

    Now I prefer word games, like crosswords & word scrambles(on my phone); just rediscovering BBSing, but only really playing LORD2, & occasional LORD. & trivia sometimes--I'm more about the messaging--always have been. nmot much local ghoing on, for he boards I call. . . but none but one are local to me anyway.. . .

    I have greatly cut down on the games on the BBS...but the first thing I do is the QWK Mail...the original purpose of BBS's (messages).

    Yet, I've been up since 4am, and I'm exhausted. Thunderstorms are likely here overnight, and I'm sure my NOAA Weather Radio alert will go off before the storms arrive, giving me a chance to shut things down for the night.


    ... "When you see a snake never mind where it came from." -W.G.Benham
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to JOE MACKEY on Wed Oct 13 15:03:32 2021
    That was a lot of that job, public relations, how you deal with the public. If one stood there like a statue, unsmiling, unfriendly, people are going to pass you by. But do little things for them, smile, be polite and friendly, they do dig a little deeper
    It like in my current career in security.
    A lot of my job is simply PR. Most people obey the rules, those do don't I try to explain so they can understand why they can do and not do certain things, while being polite and friendly.
    Just keep ones emotions under check until that person is gone and then
    let it out of your system. Mostly problems deal with people who think they are special and the rules don't apply to them.

    Yup, if they're upset, the first thing I underrstand is it's not about me.

    While working front door at the federfal election in 2019, part of my job was security.

    Whatevert hey were PO'ed about was not my fault, nor theirs. It was in all our best interests to not escalate beyond their initial cursing/yelling strafe.

    My dad illustrated it like if two people are facing eaxch other & olne is demanding to go through. If the other responds in kind by shoving forwad, Guy Ione is going to get madder & possibly cghucj a punch, but if Guy Two steps to one side, then both ger to their destinations., Or the two can maintain positions, stubbornly until one has to go to the bathroom.

    Stubbornness &/or escalation don't win confrontations.

    If I had a real problem person (perhaps whacked out on crack & reason is not an option) then I'd contain & separate from the main group as best I could (I can herd pretty good from my powere wheelchair) to maintain the ability to vote for the others.

    I've never heard of any serious issues at our elections.

    With Salvation Army, there are the occasional grabs of the kettle(40 pound pole & all); we're to report asap, but not to engage or chase.

    One year we had 3 rhefts i one week. I think we ended up making more overall that year even with the 3 missing kettles, from public sympathy.

    So not worth escalating!

    I've yet to see a job that pays enough it's worth it to escalate.

    One guy I knew drove for Loomis (armored car company); if anyone demanded the money, he'd say, "sure, here you go," & toss thenm the keys for he back door.

    He's not taknig a bullet for $10/hour.

    Those Secret Servicemen are another breed -- willing to dive in front of a bullet for the president. Not me. You couldn't bribe me to cheat at my job & make it easy for you, but I'm not taking a bullet for anyone. My wife & kids notwithstanding, of course, as the world needs the kids more than old rickety me & they'd be flummoxed without her. . .

    But if I took a job & agreed to terms like diving in front of a bullet, I'd do it, because if I say it, I'll do it.

    Like in the military, I'd not give up secrets even under torture because that's my d*mned job, & a lot more than just me could die for me giving them up.

    I know they get good training on how to withstand torture or even escape. I knew a lady did training in San Diefgo of Seals/etc. in escaping POW situation no matter where they are & making it back to friendlies alive, including withstanding torture.

    Just one more reason I'm not in the military -- I cannot guarantee I could withstand torture without limit.

    I can hide info so I can't even reveal it if I'm forced to, but that takes much time & practice, not good for off-the-cuff stuff. . .

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Thu Oct 14 09:11:00 2021

    Now it's as cheap to fly as to use Greyhound, so that's how I'll do my next big trip. (my biggest by bus was 51 hours from northern Ontario
    into BC)

    I can't afford to travel outside of central Arkansas anymore...especially with 3 Emergency Room trips since late July.

    My theory is, for that & other drugs with that warning, it's because
    the grapefruit helped your condition, so the meds looked ineffective
    when compared.

    As noted, I never really cared for grapefruit, but I understand if you
    are on certain medications, you need to avoid that.

    You'd best not be calling my wife fat!

    That's like the heavy set woman (blonde? <G>) who was flying out to Fresno, and the airport ID for her destination was FAT -- she thought that was a derogatory remark.

    Or the one where the father and his son are in this elevator, and this
    rather obese woman (especially in the back side) entered the elevator. The
    boy remarked "Boy, Dad!! That woman has a big butt!!". His father chastized him, saying "Son, some people's health and conditions lead to them being
    heavy set, and they can't help it". Just then, the woman's pager goes off,
    and the boy screams "Look out, Dad!! She's backing up!!" <G>

    Woerks for me. . . & "Opinions are like farts--everybody has them &
    only your own don't stink."

    Or with my wife and I, when we both had flatulence (everyone does), it'd
    be "That was a full grown adult yipe, and it wasn't on disability!!" <BG>.
    Yet, our dachshund had us both beat with the methane bombs he'd drop...as
    he did one time when we were "romantically occupied" on the Futon. All the lovemaking went down the toilet, as I had to take the weiner widget out for
    a walk.

    Boirn in '67, I'm hardly as old as some of yas, but I feel older & per medical science I'm closer to 74 than 54, as those with a major
    disability age quicker than those without. Plus I did some advanced
    living & lawarming when I was young, & spent mosdt of my years
    listening to my elders (my friends were typically 20+ years older than
    me; the problem with that now is I 'lose' these friends too regularly
    from death &/or disease. Lost two really close friends this past year.
    . .

    I'm 7 years older than you...but compared to many others, you and I are
    still "puppies"...but at least we're weaned and potty trained. <G>

    So I feel more of a kinship here than in the typical Fido echo
    (although now all have mellowed as it's just us old veterans of '90s' BBSing left_on Fido)

    The kids today have no clue what they're missing.


    ... How do those dead bugs get into closed light fixtures?
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Thu Oct 14 09:38:00 2021

    when a commercial for Pepto-Bismol came on, and the guy said "Do you
    mind if I talk to you about............diarrhea??". My appetite vanished
    in a hurry!! :P

    So your answer was "yes. Yes I do mind. . . Shut up!"

    There is a show out there with "The Stool Squad", talking about every
    bowel issue imaginable.

    Goofy now is Pepto Bismal trying to make diarrhea & indigestion sexy. .

    "When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea..."

    Now, you'll have that resonating in your head all day. <G>

    I cut out soda for a couple years, but my kidney stones continuyed the same rate (2-3 big ones a year) so now I'll have the occasional Coke
    for a quick wake-me-up (I can down the Coke faster than a coffee)

    Arkansas and Tennessee have been called "the kidney stone belt", as more kidney stones have been reported in these 2 states than anywhere else. They think it's the limestone in the groundwater that's to blame.

    So what was it?

    Epididymitis, and a urinary tract infection.

    As the saying goes, after 50, never pass a bathroom & never trust a

    Farts are ghosts of the things we ate...and an audio test of our body's
    waste disposal system. :P

    I saw a new waitress pocketing tips that weren't hers. I told my boss quietly. He waited an hour then fired her.

    Good for him. I'll bet she denied it, and was arguing about it, demanding
    to know who snitched on her.

    We already have in Canada. But it's rounded to the nearest 5c, not
    only upwards.

    It's only a matter of time before it gets here.

    Pennies(old ones now) are stil llegal tendere, but stores don't give
    them out in change.

    Or "due to a coin shortage, we prefer you pay with a credit or debit card".

    No such thing. Better at McDonalds where soda refills are free.

    Years ago, when there was a beverage tax, all the restaurants stopped
    giving free refills, and deactivated the drink machines in the lobby.

    Senior buddy(RIP) of mine preferred "Measure thrice, cut once" just to
    be extra extra sure.

    Never hurts.


    ... Avoid that run down feeling. Stay on the sidewalk.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to JOE MACKEY on Fri Oct 15 08:18:00 2021
    Hello JOE MACKEY!

    ** On Tuesday 12.10.21 - 06:20, JOE MACKEY wrote to AUGUST ABOLINS:

    The US once had a $1,000 bill, along with a $500 bill.
    Now the largest is a hundred. Anything larger than that
    is between banks only and unusable otherwise.

    I was not aware that denominations above $100 bills were
    between banks only. But sometimes my wallet gets overly packed
    with so many 20s and 50s that I am tempted to go to a bank and
    get it reduced to 500s.

    But I found this:

    "As of January 1, 2021, the $1, $2, $25, $500 and $1,000 bills
    from every Bank of Canada series are no longer legal tender. "

    "Removing legal tender status from these bills means that they
    are no longer considered money. Essentially, you may no longer
    be able to spend them in a cash transaction. This does not mean
    that the notes are worthless. The Bank of Canada will continue
    to honour them at face value."


    --- OpenXP 5.0.50
    * Origin: Creditors have better memories than debtors. (2:221/1.58)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Fri Oct 15 13:34:30 2021
    I can't afford to travel outside of central Arkansas anymore...especially with 3 Emergency Room trips since late July.

    I can afford to travel anywhere in the Metro Vancouver region, as I have a bus pass good for all zones. One of my disability benefits -- I'd rather walk it all, to tell you the truth, but what can you do?

    I'm staying close to hime as covid is a nasty thing & too many people don't get it. I'm doubly vaxxed, but that's only deemed 95% protection. I can ease that 5% risk by staying home as much as possible.

    Or with my wife and I, when we both had flatulence (everyone does), it'd be "That was a full grown adult yipe, and it wasn't on disability!!" <BG>. Yet, our dachshund had us both beat with the methane bombs he'd drop...as
    he did one time when we were "romantically occupied" on the Futon. All the lovemaking went down the toilet, as I had to take the weiner widget out for a walk.

    Same in my house, but never hgad special time interrupted. . .ours is a chihuahua so even more of a weinie/widget. . . hey, Widget's a good name for a small dog!

    Ours is named Goijira (original Japanese name of Godzilla); a Japanese lady while walking asked my wife the name & cracked right up on being told!

    Boirn in '67, I'm hardly as old as some of yas, but I feel older & per medical science I'm closer to 74 than 54, as those with a major disability age quicker than those without. Plus I did some advanced living & lawarming when I was young, & spent mosdt of my years listening to my elders (my friends were typically 20+ years older than me; the problem with that now is I 'lose' these friends too regularly from death &/or disease. Lost two really close friends this past year. . .

    I'm 7 years older than you...but compared to many others, you and I are still "puppies"...but at least we're weaned and potty trained. <G>

    So you're 61 or 81?

    7 years up on my actual or subjective age?

    So I feel more of a kinship here than in the typical Fido echo (although now all have mellowed as it's just us old veterans of '90s' BBSing left_on Fido)

    The kids today have no clue what they're missing.

    They say the same about us, but we DO know, that's why we hide out in this old technology-based forum & reminisce about when we were that young, but we nderstood adults, esp'ly seniors, knew good stuff & had experience/wisdom for those wise enjmough to sit respectfully & listen.

    All my life, until recently, all my closest friends were 15-30 years older than me. Now expiration dates are doing a number on that stat. . . :'(

    I'm going to a graveside memorial for a good friend this Sunday.

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Fri Oct 15 20:25:00 2021

    I can afford to travel anywhere in the Metro Vancouver region, as I
    have a bus pass good for all zones. One of my disability benefits --
    I'd rather walk it all, to tell you the truth, but what can you do?

    Years ago, Central Arkansas Transit (CAT)...which is now known as Rock
    Region Metro (RRM), had a bus stop at the corner in front of my house.
    That route was discontinued years ago, and I'd have to walk a half mile
    to catch the bus. Masks are required, but you're worried about someone
    having COVID-19 on there...I'd rather take Uber.

    I may end up doing that soon...I think I'm developing glaucoma. I see
    my eye doctor on Tuesday. I hope they can give me medication to slow it, otherwise, I risk going blind, and that'd be a real disaster. I'd rather
    sell my car and keep my eyesight...because if you go blind, you can't
    drive anyway.

    I did a treadmill stress test this past Tuesday, but all of the close
    parking spaces at Arkansas Heart Hospital Clinic in Little Rock were
    filled up (including the handicapped spots). So, I had to park at the
    far end of the lot, and walk down this slight incline of a hill...like
    on the treadmill stress test. However, I can't take as big or fast
    steps anymore, due to the arthritis throughout my body...especially in
    my hips and legs. So, I had to stop it after 2 minutes. I did get a
    note today from the clinic that "the test was normal". It's like when
    they ask for a urine specimen, and you just emptied your bladder before
    they got there...you hope that what you can produce will be enough for
    what they need.

    I'm staying close to home as covid is a nasty thing & too many people don't get it. I'm doubly vaxxed, but that's only deemed 95%
    protection. I can ease that 5% risk by staying home as much as

    I've had both Pfizer shots (got them this past April), but I wonder if
    it contributed to my atrial flutter/atrial fibrillation issues...although
    all the caffiene with diet green tea citrus was likely a factor as well.
    I'm now drinking Koolaid...but not the "Jim Jones Guyana Variety". <G>

    Same in my house, but never hgad special time interrupted. . .ours is a chihuahua so even more of a weinie/widget. . . hey, Widget's a good
    name for a small dog!

    The dachshund and the chihuahua are two of the most likely dogs to bite
    folks they don't like. Dachshunds are hard to housebreak, and are rather stubborn (they want to do things their way). But, they are extremely loyal
    to their owners.

    Ours is named Goijira (original Japanese name of Godzilla); a Japanese lady while walking asked my wife the name & cracked right up on being told!

    The two we had (one at a time, were):

    1) Harvey's Fritz Kreisler...named after the classical musical violinist,
    and Harvey was my late wife's maiden name. His given name was Fritz. Sadly,
    we had to put him down in August, 2005, as he had become diabetic (quite
    common in older dogs), resistance to the insulin, and he had gone blind
    from glaucoma and cataracts. But, he had a working nose, and a full set
    of teeth until the day he died. I cried like a baby for 15 minutes that
    day, but we knew it was the only humane thing to do. He's probably waiting
    for me at the Rainbow Bridge, ready for a belly rub. <G>

    2) Stout's Slinky Sausage...dachshunds are also called sausage dogs, and
    Stout is my surname. His given name was Slinky. I re-homed him the day my
    wife died 14 1/2 years ago.

    So you're 61 or 81?

    I'll be 62 in March, 2022.

    They say the same about us, but we DO know, that's why we hide out in
    this old technology-based forum & reminisce about when we were that
    young, but we nderstood adults, esp'ly seniors, knew good stuff & had experience/wisdom for those wise enjmough to sit respectfully & listen.

    It's like when life was slower and simpler...and you could leave your
    doors unlocked at night. Plus, a man's handshake was as good as a written contract...his word was his bond...not anymore.

    All my life, until recently, all my closest friends were 15-30 years
    older than me. Now expiration dates are doing a number on that stat. .
    . :'(

    As the late Red Skelton quipped, "The first thing I do in the morning, is look at the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I make coffee
    for myself". <G>

    I'm going to a graveside memorial for a good friend this Sunday.

    My condolences to you, sir.


    ... Man swallows frog. Doctors fear he might croak.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Fri Oct 15 21:04:00 2021

    Epididymitis, and a urinary tract infection.

    Both ouch! Fixed you up with some antibiotics? How're you now?

    I'm still having issues. When the doctor did the procedure (under local anesthesia), he didn't tell me I'd have to deal with this later on in life.

    He said "If I had walked in with a hot dog in one hand, and a book that
    said "Vasectomy 101" in the other, you probably would've wanted to
    reschedule". :P That's like the 2 other memes on prostate checks for men.

    1) The man is sitting on the exam table, with a C-Clamp tightly around his waist, holding his butt cheeks together. The doctor notes on the clipboard "Patient is rather reluctant to have his prostate checked". When I showed
    that to my former urologist (he's retired now, due to age), I thought he
    would pee all over himself, as he was laughing so hard!! <G>

    2) The old feeble man is sitting on the exam table, when the urologist
    walks in, and his index finger is swollen exponentially. The doctor says
    "I'm sorry I'm late for your prostate check. I slammed my finger in the
    car door this morning". I think I'd want to reschedule. :P

    I say the latter all the time & "a cry for help from a turd in trouble"

    Basically. There is actually a group on Facebook called "The Tushy
    Movement", dealing with all sorts of bowel and buttocks issues. You would
    be surprised at how many folks, male and female, young and old, have to
    deal with that. Years ago, people would talk about their bowels and bladder, and wouldn't say a word about sex. Now, it's the other way around. :P

    Didn't mattter; my boss knew I was trustworthy & loyal. Once a
    customer asked for an application. I gave her one, as she was spouting
    off like a wounded ditch pig of a slag. I brought it back to my boss
    & he asked me what i thought of her; I said I wouldn't want to work
    beside her. He tore up her form without even reading any of it.

    Reminds me of the meme where this cupcake comes to apply for a job...she wants to be a "Hostess". <G>

    Now it's covid -- some stores sau up front, on a sign, "No cash

    There is a little "hole in the wall restaurant" in southwest Little Rock, about a mile from my house, that has been in business for over 50 years.
    They still take CASH ONLY...no checks, credit, or debit cards.

    Starbucks at the hospital had that up, so I had no coffee to fuel my
    wheel up the stree to the main road, a half mile up, so I took a bus & poopeed right into their competitor (cheapere, better qyality, & their internet always was free 23/7, even when Starbucks charged $25/30
    minutes! & shut it off at closing); I can sit outside any Blenz at 3am
    & connect to the 'net.

    Have you seen the video with ventriloquist Jeff Dunham, where Peanut got
    an overdose at Starbucks??



    ... The Weather Is Here...Wish You Were Beautiful.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Sat Oct 16 09:31:40 2021
    Cyberpope wrote --

    ... Avoid that run down feeling. Stay on the sidewalk.

    If you don't like my driving, keep off the sidewalks!

    Saw a funny bumper sticker the other day: Frankly, my driving scares me
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Sat Oct 16 14:07:00 2021

    If you don't like my driving, keep off the sidewalks!

    Saw a funny bumper sticker the other day: Frankly, my driving scares
    me too!

    Now, THAT is funny!! :D


    ... There are many internet scams; send me $20 to learn how.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Sun Oct 17 14:05:24 2021
    Years ago, Central Arkansas Transit (CAT)...which is now known as Rock Region Metro (RRM), had a bus stop at the corner in front of my house.
    That route was discontinued years ago, and I'd have to walk a half mile
    to catch the bus. Masks are required, but you're worried about someone having COVID-19 on there...I'd rather take Uber.

    I have bus stops on both sides of me -- all suitable for safe wheelchair pickups. Theyt were getting older & the next ones in the other directino were niot wheelcjhair accessible,so I wrote in to the city & to Transit & within a week they'd fixed & upgraded 4 blocks worth of stops!

    Helps that I've built relationships(business, not romantic) in both institutions.

    I may end up doing that soon...I think I'm developing glaucoma. I see
    my eye doctor on Tuesday. I hope they can give me medication to slow it, otherwise, I risk going blind, and that'd be a real disaster. I'd rather sell my car and keep my eyesight...because if you go blind, you can't
    drive anyway.

    Bet thing(being helpful, & healthy) for glaucoma is cannabis; in Canada you'd not walk even a full block to buy some legally, & smoke it as soon as you exit the shop/pharmacy.

    Because we see it as a medicine slash recreational relaxant & we trust adults with it same as we do for alcohol(which has far more deaths & health problems associated with it); it was medical-only here in BC(but police were basically told not to bother with arresting personal users) prior to last year's national legalisation.

    I spent a bit of time on the lioxcal decrininalisation campaign a few years back & was delighted to have a 97yo man come sign the petition because ghe doesn't want any of his grandkids to be stuck with a criminal record over one bad choice, which potentially affects employability for life.

    I did a treadmill stress test this past Tuesday, but all of the close parking spaces at Arkansas Heart Hospital Clinic in Little Rock were
    filled up (including the handicapped spots). So, I had to park at the
    far end of the lot, and walk down this slight incline of a hill...like
    on the treadmill stress test. However, I can't take as big or fast
    steps anymore, due to the arthritis throughout my body...especially in
    my hips and legs. So, I had to stop it after 2 minutes. I did get a
    note today from the clinic that "the test was normal". It's like when
    they ask for a urine specimen, and you just emptied your bladder before
    they got there...you hope that what you can produce will be enough for
    what they need.

    I'd've thought youd be failed on the stress test for being so out of brearth after that lnog waklj to get to it, but I guess it benchmarks based on your heart & lungs' arrival status. Conmgrats on the pass! I try to time my last pee before a lab visit so I'll have at least 30ml(1oz, 2tbsp) available in case they need it.

    I've had both Pfizer shots (got them this past April), but I wonder if
    it contributed to my atrial flutter/atrial fibrillation issues...although all the caffiene with diet green tea citrus was likely a factor as well.
    I'm now drinking Koolaid...but not the "Jim Jones Guyana Variety". <G>

    I had Pfizer, too. Yeah, caffeine isn't a heart's best friend. As I've just finished a double-strength mug in triple speed. Trying to stay awake til bedtime. . .

    The dachshund and the chihuahua are two of the most likely dogs to bite folks they don't like. Dachshunds are hard to housebreak, and are rather stubborn (they want to do things their way). But, they are extremely loyal to their owners.

    This chihuahua is an unofficioal rescue, gfrom an abusive situation (Exhibit one: he was 2yo & had been in a diaper since the beginning, so had never been outside to play, & go to the barthroom normally, &to just check the local p- mail.

    He caughton after one lesson (after his meal, taken outside & when he had to go, he happily went in some grass, & from then on, he let us know when he needed to go out.)

    He's gone from 5olbs(underweight) to his proper ~8lbs with us on healthyier food, & after having his rotted, in-pain, teeth removed, so eating isn't so difficult; plus treating his allergies & skin infections. . .

    When we first got him anyti9me he saw or heard me, he's growl (0theory is he was abused by a tall male); I accepted this as nothing to do with me personally & just patiently loved him; within a few months he started going bananas/happy any time he knew I was entering the room.

    He's a mama's boy, but if I call him, he leaves her immediately.

    I'm only one-handed(functionally), so the usual methods of teaching a dog basic commands don't exist for me, but he's so eager to please daddy, that I'm still able to teach him stuff. He sits instantly on command (95% of the time, the other 5% we need to repeat it again, & more firmly)

    It's like when life was slower and simpler...and you could leave your doors unlocked at night. Plus, a man's handshake was as good as a written contract...his word was his bond...not anymore.

    It sto;; is. My word is my bond, period, even if Iu accidentally said it or agreed to something, I consiuder myself obliged until I've succeeded in it.

    As the late Red Skelton quipped, "The first thing I do in the morning, is look at the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I make coffee
    for myself". <G>

    I like that one! I'm still too young to try using it, though. . . *LOL*

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Daryl Stout on Sun Oct 17 15:43:16 2021
    Epididymitis, and a urinary tract infection.

    Both ouch! Fixed you up with some antibiotics? How're you now?

    I'm still having issues. When the doctor did the procedure (under local anesthesia), he didn't tell me I'd have to deal with this later on in life.

    I got he same "enjoy this medical annoyance forever."

    Mine is wearing compression wear on my left leg & foot, due to irreperable massive swelling(edema) in both. &, more rercently, the need to use a CPAP when sleeping.

    He said "If I had walked in with a hot dog in one hand, and a book that said "Vasectomy 101" in the other, you probably would've wanted to reschedule". :P That's like the 2 other memes on prostate checks for men.

    Yup, that's why we make doctors take 8+ years of university then a year or two of residency dealing with ER (usually) situations.

    The nurses union is tryingt o claim t hey deserve ttop be paid the same as dctors bnecause they iknow as much & do as much.

    Umm, how many nurses have 9 years of student loans to pay off? How many pay rent(or lease) on a medical office? & pay for a nurse, to boot!

    I like nurses (in my job, I get more done quicker by going to the nurses instead of the doctor directly)

    Doctors are expertts in anatomy & medical diagnostics & treatment of it. Nurses' key job is patient care(i.e. focused on the patients, rather than focused ona disease)

    When I came out of my 60-hour coma, after my aneurysm. The neurologist greeted me, after being paged, & explained I had had an aneurysm bursdt, & what that is, & thart he'd done a lifesaving surgery called a 'clipping' & explained that, too.

    Then he adds, "I don't usually7 operate on those; usuyally I just do an autopsy."

    Umm, yeah, great bedside manner, Doc!

    A nurse later explained thatr neuroloigists spend 90% of their work time working direectly on unattached brains, so ;ack in many basic social skills.

    Oh well, I was happy to find out that even though only 2% survive this,. I was in that 2%!

    Most of those survivers were out in public, or with a loved one, when they collapsed, so someone called 911 immediately. I was alone(physically), at home, yet here I am, still comlaining(I'm cutting back) & breathing.

    So, yes, I thank God regularly that I am here to continue my life's mission, whatever it is(or they are). . .

    Beats working, as I always say, sometimes. (while working *LOL*)

    1) The man is sitting on the exam table, with a C-Clamp tightly around his waist, holding his butt cheeks together. The doctor notes on the clipboard "Patient is rather reluctant to have his prostate checked". When I showed that to my former urologist (he's retired now, due to age), I thought he would pee all over himself, as he was laughing so hard!! <G>

    2) The old feeble man is sitting on the exam table, when the urologist
    walks in, and his index finger is swollen exponentially. The doctor says "I'm sorry I'm late for your prostate check. I slammed my finger in the
    car door this morning". I think I'd want to reschedule. :P

    I say the latter all the time & "a cry for help from a turd in trouble"

    Basically. There is actually a group on Facebook called "The Tushy Movement", dealing with all sorts of bowel and buttocks issues. You would
    be surprised at how many folks, male and female, young and old, have to
    deal with that. Years ago, people would talk about their bowels and bladder, and wouldn't say a word about sex. Now, it's the other way around. :P

    Didn't mattter; my boss knew I was trustworthy & loyal. Once a customer asked for an application. I gave her one, as she was spouting off like a wounded ditch pig of a slag. I brought it back to my boss
    & he asked me what i thought of her; I said I wouldn't want to work beside her. He tore up her form without even reading any of it.

    Reminds me of the meme where this cupcake comes to apply for a job...she wants to be a "Hostess". <G>

    Now it's covid -- some stores sau up front, on a sign, "No cash accepted."

    There is a little "hole in the wall restaurant" in southwest Little Rock, about a mile from my house, that has been in business for over 50 years. They still take CASH ONLY...no checks, credit, or debit cards.

    Starbucks at the hospital had that up, so I had no coffee to fuel my wheel up the stree to the main road, a half mile up, so I took a bus & poopeed right into their competitor (cheapere, better qyality, & their internet always was free 23/7, even when Starbucks charged $25/30 minutes! & shut it off at closing); I can sit outside any Blenz at 3am & connect to the 'net.

    Have you seen the video with ventriloquist Jeff Dunham, where Peanut got an overdose at Starbucks??



    ... The Weather Is Here...Wish You Were Beautiful.
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    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to JOE MACKEY on Sun Oct 17 16:43:38 2021
    Cyberpope wrote --

    ... Avoid that run down feeling. Stay on the sidewalk.

    If you don't like my driving, keep off the sidewalks!

    Saw a funny bumper sticker the other day: Frankly, my driving scares me too!

    "Warning: Driver no longer gives a ****!"

    & a little sartcasm making an apt point:

    "Sorry for driving so close in front of you."

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to August Abolins on Sun Oct 17 16:53:04 2021
    Wow. Amazing story.

    Thank you; not a story so much as an excerpt from my overall life story.

    So, yes, I thank God regularly that I am here to continue my life's mission, whatever it is(or they are). . .

    Good to have you here too!

    Right back atya, I'd hate to be the only one in here!

    Like on the TRMB! :'(

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)