• spending a lot of time at the computer

    From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Daryl Stout on Mon Jan 6 23:31:00 2020
    Hello Daryl!

    ** 05.01.20 - 22:17, Daryl Stout wrote to WILL MILBERGER:

    After a severe concussion nearly 50 years ago, I get migraines
    nearly on a daily basis...especially after spending a lot of time at
    the computer.

    Try the "clear" blueblocker glasses when you have to spend time staring at
    a screen. Since I've started using mine from a couple months ago, my eyes are not as dry as they would normally get, and I have my normal sleep
    pattern back. I have read/heard that people who normally get migraines at the computer get great relief when wearing the glasses.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.42
    * Origin: /|ug's Point, Ont. CANADA (2:221/1.58)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to August Abolins on Tue Jan 7 00:38:00 2020
    Hello Daryl!

    Hi, August...

    After a severe concussion nearly 50 years ago, I get migraines
    nearly on a daily basis...especially after spending a lot of time at
    the computer.

    Try the "clear" blueblocker glasses when you have to spend time staring at AA>a screen. Since I've started using mine from a couple months ago, my eyes AA>are not as dry as they would normally get, and I have my normal sleep AA>pattern back. I have read/heard that people who normally get migraines at AA>the computer get great relief when wearing the glasses.

    Never heard of them. Can you provide more info on them??

    I've been doing work on preparing a print and e-Edition publication
    for the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation, plus updating 2
    websites. So, not only are my eyes tired, but my back is killing me from spending too much time at the computer.

    For the BBS, now I just logon to do my QWK Mail, and update the ham
    radio and weather related items. I don't play the doorgames anymore, but
    I do miss them.


    * OLX 1.53 * I have disposable income. I dispose of it awfully fast.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/360 to Daryl Stout on Fri Jan 10 06:12:32 2020
    On 1/7/2020 1:32 AM, between "Daryl Stout : AUGUST ABOLINS":

    After a severe concussion nearly 50 years ago, I get
    migraines nearly on a daily basis... especially after
    spending a lot of time at the computer.

    Try the "clear" blueblocker glasses when you have to spend
    time staring at a screen. Since I've started using mine
    from a couple months ago, my eyes are not as dry as they
    would normally get, and I have my normal sleep pattern
    back. I have read/heard that people who normally get
    migraines at the computer get great relief when wearing the

    Never heard of them. Can you provide more info on them??

    Hello Daryl,

    After reviewing different brands and user comments, I decided to get
    this one:


    Now I need another pair, because I am tired of trying to remember to
    bring them with me to work and back.

    I've been doing work on preparing a print and e-Edition
    publication for the Arkansas State Square Dance Federation,
    plus updating 2 websites. So, not only are my eyes tired,
    but my back is killing me from spending too much time at the

    Posture, posture, posture. Don't slouch. Hard to do when tired though.
    At least you have a decent "computer" or modern office chair?

    Migraines could also be triggered by certain foods. Try to avoid
    processed foods with added sodium, nitrates or sugar for starters.


    --- Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to August Abolins on Fri Jan 10 14:44:00 2020

    After reviewing different brands and user comments, I decided to get
    this one:


    Now I need another pair, because I am tired of trying to remember to AA>bring them with me to work and back.

    I've saved the file, and will check it later. Preparing for severe
    weather tonight.

    Posture, posture, posture. Don't slouch. Hard to do when tired though.
    At least you have a decent "computer" or modern office chair?

    A wheel on the swivel chair broke, and I had to throw it out. I've got
    a sturdy chair to sit in, but I have to move it between the BBS computer
    and a laptop computer.

    Migraines could also be triggered by certain foods. Try to avoid AA>processed foods with added sodium, nitrates or sugar for starters.

    Considering I'm a microwave man (or eating out), the processed foods
    are drowning in sodium. I think it's more a result of that severe
    concussion nearly 50 years ago, 2 indirect lightning strikes, and when i
    take a lot of pain pills.


    * OLX 1.53 * If cats could read they would paws after each claws.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Daryl Stout on Sun Jan 19 13:14:00 2020
    Hello Daryl!

    ** 10.01.20 - 14:38, Daryl Stout wrote to AUGUST ABOLINS:


    I've saved the file, and will check it later.

    There was a brief period when I stopped wearing them in the evenings, and
    I ended up with restless sleep and feeling very tired the following day.

    Then, I started to wear them consistently when I am working in front of
    the computer in the evenings and when I am watching tv. I reverted to
    better sleep immediately.

    Preparing for severe weather tonight.

    How did that go?

    We've had quite a snow storm in the last couple days. Normally, I would
    be at the shop open for business today for a few hours (Sunday, 12p-4p).
    But last night delivered a rather large pile of snow here (central
    Ontario). It's too much for my rather low-lying 4x4 to plow through to
    get out. So.. I have to do some manual digging first. :(

    Migraines could also be triggered by certain foods. Try to avoid
    processed foods with added sodium, nitrates or sugar for starters.

    Considering I'm a microwave man (or eating out), the processed foods
    are drowning in sodium. I think it's more a result of that severe
    concussion nearly 50 years ago, 2 indirect lightning strikes, and when i
    take a lot of pain pills.

    Incorporating a better/healthier way of eating can make a big difference.

    My story is a bit long to write here. But I primarily went to a plant-
    based easting plan. I don't need any drugs to mask pains anymore.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.42
    * Origin: /|ug's Point, Ont. CANADA (2:221/1.58)
  • From Joe Mackey@1:123/140 to August Abolins on Mon Jan 20 06:26:20 2020
    Aug wrote to Daryl --

    We've had quite a snow storm in the last couple days.

    Yesterday here in the mid Ohio Valley was cold and we even had flurries
    for a several minutes.
    But we managed to survive those, kept calm and carried on.

    It's too much for my rather low-lying 4x4 to plow through to
    get out. So.. I have to do some manual digging first. :(

    I have never understood 4x4's with low clearance. Or those monster
    trucks with a low clearance.
    Seems to me it would depend more on distance from the ground to the axle than the size of the vehicle. The higher the axle the higher the clearance.
    But then I'm not an engineer so have no idea what I'm talking about. :)

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fido Since 1991 | QWK by Web | BBS.FIDOSYSOP.ORG (1:123/140)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to August Abolins on Mon Jan 20 18:09:00 2020
    Hello Daryl!

    Hi, August...

    ** 10.01.20 - 14:38, Daryl Stout wrote to AUGUST ABOLINS:


    I've saved the file, and will check it later.

    There was a brief period when I stopped wearing them in the evenings, and AA>I ended up with restless sleep and feeling very tired the following day.

    Then, I started to wear them consistently when I am working in front of AA>the computer in the evenings and when I am watching tv. I reverted to AA>better sleep immediately.

    The long drive to a location in northeast Arkansas the other night
    really wore me out. I was going to go out today, as with the holiday,
    there wouldn't be as many folks out at lunch. But, I was so tired, that
    I just ate at home, and slept in.

    Preparing for severe weather tonight.

    How did that go?

    There were at least a half dozen tornadoes...one was radar indicated
    about 5 miles from me. These were what they call QLCS spinups. These
    develop and dissipate rather quickly within the squall line of severe thunderstorms. A family in west Arkansas left their mobile home for
    their storm shelter, and survived unharmed...unfortunately, their mobile
    home was destroyed by the EF-2 tornado.

    We've had quite a snow storm in the last couple days. Normally, I would AA>be at the shop open for business today for a few hours (Sunday, 12p-4p). AA>But last night delivered a rather large pile of snow here (central AA>Ontario). It's too much for my rather low-lying 4x4 to plow through to AA>get out. So.. I have to do some manual digging first. :(

    One doesn't have to shovel rain. <G> There hasn't been much winter
    weather in Arkansas the last 2 winters, and the snow lovers are furious.

    Incorporating a better/healthier way of eating can make a big difference.

    I have cut down in when I eat, and the amount that I eat. I just don't
    have a huge appetite anymore. I am classifed as obese, and really need
    to lose weight, but I think it always knows where I am.

    Along that line, the weight scales in the medical clinics, etc. offend
    me...I want them removed. <G>

    My story is a bit long to write here. But I primarily went to a plant- AA>based easting plan. I don't need any drugs to mask pains anymore.

    If the pain is a 2 or less, I'll tough it out. Above that, it's time
    to quit working on the computer, take an Ibuprofen (400 mg), and just
    go to bed.


    * OLX 1.53 * A computer's attention span is limited by its power cord.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to Joe Mackey on Mon Jan 20 17:54:00 2020

    Seems to me it would depend more on distance from the ground to the axle
    than the size of the vehicle. The higher the axle the higher the clearance.
    But then I'm not an engineer so have no idea what I'm talking about. :)

    I'm more concerned that my posterior will make the computer chair than
    to fall on the floor. :P

    But, if I had eyes in my butt, I guess I'd have hindsight. <G>


    * OLX 1.53 * A famous composers liquor cabinet: Beethoven's 5th.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - tbolt.synchro.net (1:19/33)