• Notifications?

    From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to All on Sun Feb 23 22:08:06 2020
    Hello All.

    I have MakeNL/2 working quite well with one minor exception. It doesn't seem to send notifications on receipt of a Net segment. I have 3 verbs set:


    What am I missing here?

    Best regards,

    ... Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Mark Lewis@1:3634/12 to Marc Lewis on Mon Feb 24 09:48:48 2020
    Re: Notifications?
    By: Marc Lewis to All on Sun Feb 23 2020 22:08:07

    Marc> I have MakeNL/2 working quite well with one minor exception.
    Marc> It doesn't seem to send notifications on receipt of a Net
    Marc> segment. I have 3 verbs set:


    What am I missing here?

    is that the only thing you have set for them? i'm using the following here in my region control file...

    netaddress 1:18/0
    submit 1:229/426 INTL NOKILLSENT
    notify errors INTL CRASH NOKILLSENT
    notify receipt INTL NOKILLSENT
    notify self INTL NOKILLSENT
    messages /sbbs/ftn/netmail

    the NOKILLSENT attribute is due to a local patch so that my mailer doesn't delete the segment file which is sent directly from my makenl master directory... i forget if i offered the patch but i think it did... i'm not sure if it has been applied to the main source or not, though... i think it has since i don't find my patch file and my script is not attempting to apply it after updating the code...

    i always use INTL to make sure that the proper 3D/4D address information and control lines are used... i forget if makenl can do 5D (zone:net/node[.point]@domain) yet...

    i also place the destination host's address on the net lines...

    Net 116 wwwwwwww.txt 1:116/0
    Net 123 xxxxxxxx.txt 1:123/0
    Net 135 yyyyyyyy.txt 1:135/0
    Net 3634 zzzzzzzz.txt 1:3634/0

    granted, makenl defaults to sending the notice to the /0 but i do it this way anyway...

    not sure if this will help you or not, though... i'm using self-built linux version and haven't updated in a year or three...

    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Mark Lewis on Mon Feb 24 13:28:28 2020
    Hello mark.

    <On 24Feb2020 09:43 mark lewis (1:3634/12) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding Notifications? >

    Marc> I have MakeNL/2 working quite well with one minor exception.
    Marc> It doesn't seem to send notifications on receipt of a Net
    Marc> segment. I have 3 verbs set:


    What am I missing here?

    is that the only thing you have set for them? i'm using the
    following here in my region control file...

    netaddress 1:18/0
    submit 1:229/426 INTL NOKILLSENT
    notify errors INTL CRASH NOKILLSENT
    notify receipt INTL NOKILLSENT
    notify self INTL NOKILLSENT
    messages /sbbs/ftn/netmail

    the NOKILLSENT attribute is due to a local patch so that my mailer
    doesn't delete the segment file which is sent directly from my
    makenl master directory... i forget if i offered the patch but i
    think it did... i'm not sure if it has been applied to the main
    source or not, though... i think it has since i don't find my patch
    file and my script is not attempting to apply it after updating the code...

    i always use INTL to make sure that the proper 3D/4D address
    information and control lines are used... i forget if makenl can do
    (zone:net/node[.point]@domain) yet...

    i also place the destination host's address on the net lines...

    Net 116 wwwwwwww.txt 1:116/0
    Net 123 xxxxxxxx.txt 1:123/0
    Net 135 yyyyyyyy.txt 1:135/0
    Net 3634 zzzzzzzz.txt 1:3634/0

    granted, makenl defaults to sending the notice to the /0 but i do
    it this way anyway...

    not sure if this will help you or not, though... i'm using
    self-built linux version and haven't updated in a year or three...

    I believe that this will solve the problem. I saw mention of "flavor" in the documentation but no example. I'm sure that's what was meant.

    Many thanks!

    Best regards,
    ... Brainstorm? No, but I had a braindrizzle once
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Mark Lewis@1:3634/12 to Marc Lewis on Mon Feb 24 17:28:42 2020
    Re: Re: Notifications?
    By: Marc Lewis to mark lewis on Mon Feb 24 2020 13:28:29

    MarcL> I believe that this will solve the problem.

    one can only hope ;)

    MarcL> I saw mention of "flavor" in the documentation but no example.
    MarcL> I'm sure that's what was meant.

    yeah, if there is no flavor specified, makenl generates the MSG with no special attributes so it would go normal to the destination link... normal would be related to your routing which may be crash, direct, or immediate possibly...

    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Mark Lewis on Thu Mar 5 20:01:10 2020
    Hello mark.

    <On 24Feb2020 17:23 mark lewis (1:3634/12) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding Re: Notifications? >

    By: Marc Lewis to mark lewis on Mon Feb 24 2020 13:28:29

    MarcL> I believe that this will solve the problem.

    one can only hope ;)

    MarcL> I saw mention of "flavor" in the documentation but no example.
    MarcL> I'm sure that's what was meant.

    yeah, if there is no flavor specified, makenl generates the MSG
    with no special attributes so it would go normal to the destination link... normal would be related to your routing which may be crash, direct, or immediate possibly...

    Okay, I've given it a shot with the additional verbs you suggested. Net result... Zip. Nothing. No receipts or notifications of any kind are generated. Perhaps this is an uncorrected bug in the OS/2 edition(?) At least with NLMake it would notify at least of receipt. Other problems with that program (which I believe was either a wide beta or a gamma) keep me from going back to it.

    Any other suggestions would be much appreciated.

    Best regards,

    ... DUCKLES' LAW: When you don't know what to do, walk fast and look worried. --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Mark Lewis@1:3634/12 to Marc Lewis on Fri Mar 6 09:07:44 2020
    Re: RE: Notifications?
    By: Marc Lewis to mark lewis on Thu Mar 05 2020 20:01:11

    MarcL>>> I saw mention of "flavor" in the documentation but no
    MarcL>>> example. I'm sure that's what was meant.

    yeah, if there is no flavor specified, makenl generates the
    MSG with no special attributes so it would go normal to the
    destination link... normal would be related to your routing
    which may be crash, direct, or immediate possibly...

    MarcL> Okay, I've given it a shot with the additional verbs you
    MarcL> suggested. Net result... Zip. Nothing. No receipts or
    MarcL> notifications of any kind are generated. Perhaps this is
    MarcL> an uncorrected bug in the OS/2 edition(?)

    i don't know... what version of makenl are you running? i've self-built 3.5.1 (Linux) here that i built on 2019 Jul 29...

    also, what does your log file say? does it indicate that it is generating the notifications? i forget if there's a log level setting that will show that, though...

    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Mark Lewis on Fri Mar 6 22:24:10 2020
    Hello mark.

    <On 06Mar2020 09:02 mark lewis (1:3634/12) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding RE: Notifications? >

    MarcL> Okay, I've given it a shot with the additional verbs you
    MarcL> suggested. Net result... Zip. Nothing. No receipts or
    MarcL> notifications of any kind are generated. Perhaps this is
    MarcL> an uncorrected bug in the OS/2 edition(?)

    i don't know... what version of makenl are you running? i've
    self-built 3.5.1 (Linux) here that i built on 2019 Jul 29...

    also, what does your log file say? does it indicate that it is
    generating the notifications? i forget if there's a log level
    setting that will show that, though...

    - 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] MakeNL 3.5.0 (OS/2 32-bit)
    compiled with Watcom C on May 4 2019 22:04:35
    + 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] MakeNL started
    ? 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] notify errors INTL CRASH NOKILLSENT -- Bad message flag -- 'NOKILLSENT'
    ? 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] notify receipt INTL CRASH NOKILLSENT -- Bad message flag -- 'NOKILLSENT'
    ? 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] notify self INTL NOKILLSENT -
    - Bad message flag -- 'NOKILLSENT'
    ? 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] submit 1:229/426 INTL CRASH NOKILLSENT --
    Bad message flag -- 'NOKILLSENT'
    ? 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] Error(s) in configuration file
    ? 05-Mar-2020 07:54:47 makenl[2585] MakeNL finished (rc=255) -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-CUT-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-

    That was fixed by removing the NOKILLSENT verb (obviously.)

    Here's what the relevant portion of the .CTL file looks like (after correction):


    FORcesubmit 1
    AllowUnPub 1
    MASTER D:\MAKENL2\MASTER ; where master files reside (default - current) UPDATE D:\MAKENL2\RECEIVE ; where to save received files 'till processing MAILfiles D:\MAKENL2\INBOUND ; where mail server places received files BADfiles D:\MAKENL2\FAIL ; optional "waste can" for files with fatal errors OUTPATH D:\MAKENL2\OUTBOUND
    NOTify errors INTL ; notify of errors (CRASH optional) and/or
    NOTify receipt INTL ; use either of these or both with different
    NOTify self INTL ; attributes.
    SUBMIT 1:229/426 INTL ; where you send updates, CRASH and/or HOLD optional NETADDRESS 1:19/0 ; your network address here
    MESSAGES C:\NETMAIL ; path name to mail server's network mail area


    See anything there that's not right? The only person that gets any kind of notification is me when it receives the updates for 396/ and 387/ that are generated locally by NLMake DOS (but those are simply dumped into the MakeNL RECEIVE directory by NLMake. None of the other Nodes that submit updates by NetMail receive anything at all; not even errors. I'm at a loss...

    Best regards,

    ... One thing worse than the idle rich, that's the idle poor.
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Mark Lewis@1:3634/12 to Marc Lewis on Sat Mar 7 08:03:28 2020
    Re: Re: Notifications?
    By: Marc Lewis to mark lewis on Fri Mar 06 2020 22:24:11

    MarcL> See anything there that's not right?

    i don't see anything wrong there... what do your Net lines look like in your Data section? mask your file names, please...

    Data Region,18,SE_US_&_Caribbean_(2020/054),AL_FL_GA_MS_NC_SC_TN_PR_DO,mark_lewis,-U npublished-,300,XA,CM,INA:sestar.synchro.net,IBN,PING
    Node 0 vvvvvvvv.txt ; node files must precede any network files Net 116 wwwwwwww.txt 1:116/0 ; net 116 segment definition
    Net 123 xxxxxxxx.txt 1:123/0 ; net 123 segment definition
    Net 135 yyyyyyyy.txt 1:135/0 ; net 135 segment definition
    Net 3634 zzzzzzzz.txt 1:3634/0 ; net 3634 segment definition

    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Mark Lewis on Sat Mar 7 13:19:34 2020
    Hello mark.

    <On 07Mar2020 07:58 mark lewis (1:3634/12) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding Re: Notifications? >

    MarcL> See anything there that's not right?

    i don't see anything wrong there... what do your Net lines look
    like in your Data section? mask your file names, please...

    Region,18,SE_US_&_Caribbean_(2020/054),AL_FL_GA_MS_NC_SC_TN_PR_DO,m ark_lewis,-Unpublished-,300,XA,CM,INA:sestar.synchro.net,IBN,PING
    Node 0 vvvvvvvv.txt ; node files must precede any
    network files Net 116 wwwwwwww.txt 1:116/0 ; net 116 segment definition Net 123 xxxxxxxx.txt 1:123/0 ; net 123 segment
    definition Net 135 yyyyyyyy.txt 1:135/0 ; net 135 segment
    definition Net 3634 zzzzzzzz.txt 1:3634/0 ; net 3634 segment

    DATA Region,19,TX_AR_OK_LA,Huntsville_AL,Marc_Lewis,1-256-895-4786,33600,CM,XA,V42 ,5,R19_Internet_Gate,AR_LA_OK_TX,UUCP,1-256-895-4786,33600,CM,XA,V34,V42b,GUU ,10,The_Byte_Museum,Wharton_TX,Matt_Bedynek,-Unpublished-,300,INA:ftn.bytemus ,25,Darkages_BBS,Wayne_OK,Randy_Henderson,-Unpublished-,300,CM,XA,INA:darkage Down,33,The_Thunderbolt_BBS,Little_Rock_AR,Daryl_Stout,-Unpublished-,300,XX,I Down,35,SmokyThing_BBS,San_Antonio_TX,Shannon_Kuchler,-Unpublished-,300,CM,XA ,36,LinuxNode,Lindale_TX,Chad_Adams,-Unpublished-,300,CM,MO,XA,INA:hub.linuxn ,37,The_ByteXChange_BBS,Lindale_TX,Chad_Adams,-Unpublished-,300,CM,XA,INA:bbs ,38,CIA_Amiga_BBS,Mayflower_AR,Tim_Grooms,-Unpublished-,300,CM,XA,INA:ciaamig ,39,Red_Mud_BBS,Oklahoma_City_OK,David_Snyder,-Unpublished-,300,CM,XA,INA:107 DOWN,40,RealityBytes_BBS,Corpus_Christi_TX,Howard_Beers,-Unpublished-,300,CM, ,50,Razor's_Domain_][,McAllen_TX,Kevin_Nunn,-Unpublished-,300,CM,INA:bbs.razo ,75,The_Black_Knights_BBS,Midland_TX,Mike_Soper,1-432-262-0545,9600,CM,XA,VFC Hold,9999,Region19_New_Test_Node,Anytown_US,New_Sysop,-Unpublished-,300,CM
    Net 106 xxxxxx 106/0 ; Houston TX
    Net 124 xxxxxxxx 124/0 ; Dallas TX
    Net 130 xxxxxxxx 130/0 ; Fort Worth TX
    Net 387 xxxxxx 387/0 ; San Antonio TX
    Net 396 xxxxxx 396/0 ; New Orleans LA

    Best regards,

    ... There's too much apathy in this world, but who cares?
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Mark Lewis@1:3634/12 to Marc Lewis on Sat Mar 7 14:40:02 2020
    Re: RE: Notifications?
    By: Marc Lewis to mark lewis on Sat Mar 07 2020 13:19:35

    Net 106 xxxxxx 106/0 ; Houston TX
    Net 124 xxxxxxxx 124/0 ; Dallas TX
    Net 130 xxxxxxxx 130/0 ; Fort Worth TX
    Net 387 xxxxxx 387/0 ; San Antonio TX
    Net 396 xxxxxx 396/0 ; New Orleans LA

    why don't the above have the zone specified for the response address? ;)

    Net 106 xxxxxx 1:106/0 ; Houston TX
    Net 124 xxxxxxxx 1:124/0 ; Dallas TX
    Net 130 xxxxxxxx 1:130/0 ; Fort Worth TX
    Net 387 xxxxxx 1:387/0 ; San Antonio TX
    Net 396 xxxxxx 1:396/0 ; New Orleans LA

    i don't know but that could be the fix for this problem... maybe...

    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Mark Lewis on Sat Mar 7 14:12:26 2020
    Hello mark.

    <On 07Mar2020 14:35 mark lewis (1:3634/12) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding RE: Notifications? >

    Net 106 xxxxxx 106/0 ; Houston TX
    Net 124 xxxxxxxx 124/0 ; Dallas TX
    Net 130 xxxxxxxx 130/0 ; Fort Worth TX
    Net 387 xxxxxx 387/0 ; San Antonio TX
    Net 396 xxxxxx 396/0 ; New Orleans LA

    why don't the above have the zone specified for the response
    address? ;)

    Net 106 xxxxxx 1:106/0 ; Houston TX
    Net 124 xxxxxxxx 1:124/0 ; Dallas TX
    Net 130 xxxxxxxx 1:130/0 ; Fort Worth TX
    Net 387 xxxxxx 1:387/0 ; San Antonio TX
    Net 396 xxxxxx 1:396/0 ; New Orleans LA

    i don't know but that could be the fix for this problem... maybe...

    Hmmmm.... Never considered that. That's the format that section was in when I "inherited" the RC posiiton quite a few years back. I'll edit the control file right now.


    Best regards,

    ... Oxymoron: Exact estimate
    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)