• 6/8 World Seafood Day - 4

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Fri Jun 7 18:42:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Dirty Dave's Grilled Fish Steaks
    Categories: Seafood, Marinades, Citrus
    Yield: 4 Servings

    2 lb Firm-fleshed fish such as
    - Marlin, Blackfish, Shark
    - or Swordfish; in steaks
    - about 1" (or more) thick

    1/4 c Olive oil
    2 tb Lemon juice
    1 tb Minced rosemary or dill

    MMMMM---------------------HORSERADISH BUTTER--------------------------
    1/4 c Butter
    2 tb Drained, prepared horse
    - radish
    1/8 ts (ea) cayenne & salt

    MMMMM--------------------HONEY-MUSTARD BUTTER-------------------------
    1/4 c Butter
    4 tb Dijon-style mustard
    1/2 ts Honey

    MMMMM------------------------LEMON BUTTER-----------------------------
    1/4 c Butter
    1/4 ts (to 1/2 ts) grated lemon
    - zest
    2 ts Lemon Juice
    1/8 ts (ea) cayenne & salt

    MMMMM------------------------HERB BUTTER-----------------------------
    1/4 c Butter
    3 tb Chopped, mixed tarragon,
    - parsley and chives
    1/4 ts Grated lemon zest
    2 ts Lemon juice
    1/8 ts (ea) cayenne & salt

    Make the marinade by whisking together the ingredients.
    Put the fish and marinade in a self-sealing plastic bag.
    Refrigerate for no more than 1/2 hour. Marinating too long
    will spoil the flavor and texture of fish.

    Drain the fish and pour the marinade into a small pan and
    heat at the side of the grill to brush on the fish while

    Oil the grill well or use a well-oiled, hinged, grilling
    basket. Fish cooks fairly quickly. Depending on thickness,
    it will need only between 4 and 15 minutes total and will
    probably have to be turned only once on the grill.

    Use a wide oiled spatula to turn it if done directly on the
    grill. The flesh near the center should almost flake and
    should be moist when tested with a fork. Baste with
    reserved marinade.

    Serve immediately with a flavoured butter as a garnish.

    And that's as good as I can do here in the Great
    American Outback 800 or so miles from the nearest
    seashore. The blackfish (tautog) is probably my
    favourite for this treatment. But, shark and swordfish
    are a lot more readily available.

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen


    ... Oysters probably think fish can fly.
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