• Re: FTS-1027 Section 1.7 CRAM-MD5 Frame

    From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Jason Brady on Mon Apr 29 18:33:42 2024
    >> "BOBBY123" is NOT a password I would use or a type of password that I
    >> would encourage other Fidonet collegues to use. So I strongly advise
    >> gainst using it as an example in an FTSC documentation.

    What would you propose as a more suitable and appropriate password for the example? Or, continue to use the existing password, which is stated in the first line of section 1.7 "(Password here is tanstaaftanstaaf)"?

    He's an old pathetic techno-dick easily "triggered" and can F off. It doesn't matter what example you use. Who cares. Anyone looking to understand what
    is being discussed would get it.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)