From Denzuko@1:124/5017 to Allfix on Sun Feb 9 02:40:30 2020

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: XM Core (1:124/5017)
  • From Vince Coen@2:250/1 to Denzuko on Tue Feb 11 07:03:08 2020
    System name Air Applewood BBS
    Sysop Vince Coen (vbcoen@gmail.com)
    Location Hatfield, Hertfordshire, U.K.
    Remark Air Applewood BBS Linux System
    Network aka 2:250/1@fidonet
    Internet http://applewood.linkpc.net

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet applewood.linkpc.net 76000000 CM,XA,IBN,IFC,ITN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 21 - OS2 - AdeptXBBS BBS file network ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFREQV10.ZIP 3 Kb. 2] MakeFreq v1.0. MakeFreq is a utility for
    AdeptXBBS to create fast and easy a Public.ok
    file from the File_Areas file. This utility -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 3 KBytes.

    Area 79 - SDS - Maximus BBS and Related Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAXFREQ2.ZIP 21 Kb. MAXFREQ v2.0. Offline file System for
    Maximus. Takes and deals with requests
    from your callers, for files listed as
    offline. Does everything but get the
    backup disk! Searches for disk number,
    shows area where file should be copied,
    process the file (can run vircheck.bat)
    as it is added, runs FB on the area,
    sends caller a "file is online" message
    AND takes file offline again in n days. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 21 KBytes.

    Area 125 - Dos & other - Bulletin Board Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA-FREQ.ZIP 16 Kb. File Requester Mpl for Mystic BBS 1.07.3 Request
    GENERATOR v0.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 53 KBytes.

    Area 127 - Dos etc - BBS Front End Mailers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-FREQ.ZIP 8 Kb. TFreq 0.888 for Tmail. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 8 KBytes.

    Area 165 - GFD.FTN: OS2 BBS Mailers ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFREQ317.ZIP 601 Kb. mfreq is a suite of tools for FTS style file req
    file index generator, filelist generator and a S
    Version: mfreq 3.17
    Group: Applications/FTN
    License: EUPL
    URL: https://github.com/ftnapps/mfreq
    Author: Markus Reschke 2:240/1661@FidoNe
    This archiv contains OS/2 32Bit EMX binaries. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 601 KBytes.

    Found 6 files matching your search request.

    With regards; Vince Coen.

    ... Witch! Witch! They'll burn ya! Hag, stardate unknown.

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK (2:250/1)
  • From Gert Andersen@2:230/152 to Denzuko on Tue Feb 11 08:00:06 2020
    System name The Kofo System II BBS
    Sysop Gert Andersen (sysop@kofo.org)
    Location Broendby, Cph. Denmark
    Remark MBSE BBS at fido2.kofobbs.net
    Network aka 2:230/152@fidonet
    Internet http://fido2.kofobbs.net

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet fido2.kofobbs.net 256000 ICM,XX,IBN -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 94 - GFD [FTN]: Mailer ad tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFREQ317.ZIP 601 Kb. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 601 KBytes.

    Found 1 file matching your search request.

    With regards; Gert Andersen.

    ... "Keyboard? How quaint!" - Scotty

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The Kofo System II BBS (2:230/152)
  • From Takallfix At 3:640/1321@3:640/1321 to Denzuko on Wed Feb 12 00:42:12 2020
    Greetings, Here are the results of your recent search for files
    posted by takAllFix for Wildcat Winserver systems.

    BBS Name : The File Bank BBS!
    Sysop : Terry Roati
    Fidonet : 3:640/1321
    Telnet : tfb-bbs.org
    Web : https://tfb-bbs.org
    Location : Cairns, Australia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Search For : FREQ - 1160 Found - Only the first 20 Reported.

    Area [3] The File Bank BBS! Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 FREQHELP.TXT 3k TFB File requesting using E-Mail.

    Area [42] wcCode Games ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 CPSCDATA.ZIP 256k Consumer Product Safety Door Update #20 for March 1996.
    3 ESD10WC5.ZIP 107k Endangered Species Door v1.00 (32-bit verion for Wildca

    Area [44] Wildcat 5+ Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    4 ESD10WC5.ZIP 109k Endangered Species Door v1.00 (32-bit verion for Wildca

    Area [45] wsSoftware ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    5 WSSECURITYMANAGER-V1.0.ZIP 182k wsSecurityManager v1.0 wsSecMan is a password managemen

    Area [46] Wildcat 4 Files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    6 SCNFR010.ZIP 82k ScanFreq Scanner Frequency Database program .WCC form
    7 MBOX110.ZIP 21k WCX (v4.10) gives users individual mailboxes! This wcCO
    8 FREQWC.ZIP 2k A handy WCX (4.11) program which will allow you and/or
    9 MBOX103.ZIP 22k WCX (v4.10) gives users individual mailboxes! This wcCO
    10 ESD10WC5.ZIP 108k Endangered Species Door v1.00 (32-bit verion for Wildca
    11 FILEFREQ.ZIP 4k FILE FREQ V1.0 Wildcat WcCode FileRequest List Generat
    12 MBOX112.ZIP 29k WCX (v4.10) gives users individual mailboxes! This wcCO
    13 ST3_41A.ZIP 221k StormTape ]I[

    Area [59] FGAZETTE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    14 FGAZSUB.ZIP 4k FidoGazette Submission Guidelines and

    Area [61] FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    15 FNEWSO21.ZIP 12k FIDONEWS 21 May 2007 Vol 24 No 21 The newsletter

    Area [91] BFDS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    16 BATFAQ0C.ZIP 14k FidoNet Echo BATPOWER Frequently Asked Questions, r.00/
    17 BATFAQ12.ZIP 14k FidoNet Echo BATPOWER Frequently Asked Questions, r.01/
    18 BATFAQ1B.ZIP 14k FidoNet Echo BATPOWER Frequently Asked Questions, r.01/
    19 BATFAQ23.ZIP 14k FidoNet Echo BATPOWER Frequently Asked Questions, r.020
    20 BATFAQ79.ZIP 13k BATPOWER Frequently Asked Questions, r.97/9 in an ASCII
    21 BATFAQ8B.ZIP 13k BATPOWER Frequently Asked Questions, r.98/11 in an ASCI

    The File Bank BBS!
    telnet: tfb-bbs.org
    Total Calls : 21625
    Total Users : 37
    Total Messages : 197007
    Total Files : 224968 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    takAllFix for WinServer v8 by takSoftware
    takSoftware can be contacted at taksoftware.com, 1:116/110
    --- Report Created by takAllFix+ 8.01 (REGISTERED)
    This Registered Version limited to 20 matches
    * Origin: The File Bank BBS! https://tfb-bbs.org (3:640/1321) (3:640/1321)
  • From Gert Andersen@2:236/150.1 to Denzuko on Tue Feb 11 07:25:30 2020
    System name The KOFO BBS at telnet://kofobbs.dk
    Sysop Gert Andersen (sysop@kofo.org)
    Location Broendby, Cph., Denmark
    Remark ftp://ftp.kofobbs.dk all for the world by MBSE
    Network aka 2:236/150.1@fidonet
    Internet http://www.kofobbs.dk

    Conn. Phone number Maximum speed Fidonet Flags
    ----- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------
    Inet binkp.kofobbs.dk 4096000 XX,IBN,IFC,ITN,NNTP -------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area 234 - GFD [FTN]: Mailer ad tools ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MFREQ317.ZIP 601 Kb. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 601 KBytes.

    Area 589 - UTIL: Linux End User/System Utilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREQ-U.ZIP 504 Kb. FREQ-U, the universal file request
    processor. FREQ-U is a console application
    that is available for the Unix, Windows, and
    Mac operating systems. It has never been
    tested with a Mac. This is the Unix
    version. Written by Fred Riccio,
    MFREQ305.ZIP 132 Kb. mfreq is a suite of tools for FTS style
    file requesting. It consists of a file
    index generator, filelist generator
    and a SRIF compatible file request
    handler. Marcus 2:244/1661 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    2 files, 637 KBytes.

    Area 1351 - MYS: MysticBBS W32/NT/XP/DOS/OS/2/Linux ------------------------------------------------------------------------- GA-FREQ.ZIP 15 Kb. File Requester Mpl for Mystic BBS 1.07.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 15 KBytes.

    Area 1531 - R50: Multiplatform FidoNet software ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREQPRO.ZIP 198 Kb. ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 198 KBytes.

    Area 1656 - Maximus CBS System ------------------------------------------------------------------------- FREQUEST.ZIP 1 Kb. FREQUEST.ZIP [00] No description available -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1 file, 1 KBytes.

    Found 6 files matching your search request.

    With regards; Gert Andersen.

    ... "Luke... Luke... Use the MOUSE, Luke" - Obi Wan Gates

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: The KofoBBS MBSE - http://www.kofobbs.dk (2:236/150.1)