• Getting Older

    From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to Jay Harris on Thu Sep 30 11:40:00 2021

    I'm at the age where I can still lift things off the floor, but I seem
    to have reached the age where bending down results in an involuntary groan.

    The late George Younce, of the former gospel group, The Cathedrals,
    was on one of the Bill Gaither Homecoming shows (it was just before
    George passed away). He was chatting with Bill on the stage (the
    audience loved it), and he said that his doctor asked him "Do you
    exercise??". He replied "What do you mean??". The doctor asked "Do
    you bend down and touch your toes??", and George replied "If God
    had wanted me to touch my toes, He would've put them on my knees". <G>


    ... Too old to cut the mustard; but can still stir the mayonnaise.
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