• Ukraine National Anthem

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to ALL on Tue Feb 22 21:20:10 2022
    Hello Everybody,

    Ukraine has not yet perished ...

    Ukraine is not yet dead, nor its glory and freedom,
    Luck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians.
    Our enemies will die, as the dew does in the sunshine,
    and we, too, brothers, we'll live happily in our land.

    We’ll not spare either our souls or bodies to get freedom
    and we’ll prove that we brothers are of Kozak kin.

    Our Nuts, Your Mouth

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ghil Zvidgzul@2:5030/1081.117 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Feb 22 16:07:40 2022
    Hello, Lee!

    Hello Everybody,

    Ukraine has not yet perished ...

    I was mistaken. There will be war.
    Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.

    --- - ⢮ 﫨. , ?
    * Origin: ࠢ쨭 ᯨ⮬ ᮢ (2:5030/1081.117)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ghil Zvidgzul on Wed Feb 23 11:09:32 2022
    Hello Ghil,

    Ukraine has not yet perished ...

    I was mistaken. There will be war.
    Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.

    Many have been mistaken. It is sad. So very sad so many will die.
    On all sides. Not just soldiers, but also civilians. All needlessly.
    Sent to their deaths by a man who has clearly lost his marbles.

    There is no justice in this world.

    For those who want justice, all that can be done is pray.

    May God have mercy on all our souls.


    Big Or Small We Lay Them All

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ghil Zvidgzul on Thu Feb 24 08:51:56 2022
    Hi, Ghil Zvidgzul!
    I read your message from 23.02.2022 00:07

    LL>> Ukraine has not yet perished ...
    GZ> I was mistaken. There will be war.
    GZ> Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of
    GZ> Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.

    For a while we see only limited air strikes. And it is not necessary to
    repeat an official Ukraine lie that Ukraine forces are fluffy, and they
    has not been shelling Dombass region controlled be Lugansk and Donetsk breakaway republics.

    How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?

    Bye, Ghil!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Bjrn Felten@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 09:31:10 2022
    How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?

    I don't think that Ukraine has to worry. Putin is just testing the west. After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and loyalty to him.

    Then, when he failed to repeat the manipulation of the US election system in 2020, he probably was surprised to see how all the GOP people still followed the clown, and did everything they could to sabotage every attempt from the new government to repair the damages done, and thought that now is the right time to make a move.

    Putin embraces the views of Aleksandr Dugin. If you don't want to read any of his books, there's actually a very good article about him on Wikipedia that explains a lot:


    "In principle, Eurasia and our space, the heartland Russia, remain the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution. The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us. This common civilizational impulse will be the basis of a political and strategic union."

    -- The Basics of Geopolitics (1997)

    To sum it up, as long as NATO and EU stand strong (and China don't interfere), Putin is not going anywhere. He'll still rule a second rate country, far beyond USA, EU and China.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Bj÷rn Felten on Thu Feb 24 10:24:58 2022

    How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?

    I don't think that Ukraine has to worry. Putin is just testing the
    west. After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and loyalty to him.

    I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be business as usual.

    What pains me is that a single person has power to do such a thing, move an army with tens of thousands of troops, maybe more. Russia does not have the economy to support any long term military engagement the way the USA has.

    But more so, I am saddened that a country still does this, at the outskirts of Europe, where since the onset of the EU in the late 1940-ies it has been demonstrated that countries can peacefully co-exist and prosper ... even arch-enemies such as France and Germany which are now the greatest of friends.

    I have listened to my dad who in 1940 was among the last 600 to defend Dunkirk against evil. The description of battle scenes, the brutality of fighting, the bloodshed ... the tears in his eyes ... 70 years after he experienced it.

    I just cannot understand why people would want to cause harm to someone else over the silly claims and propagande which are taking us back to the darkest days of hard-core communism when I was a teenager.

    Never put that much power into the hands of a single person ... history is obvious about that ... yet another proof.

    I'm also disturbed by the lack of action/support by the west, an historical lack of support .... In 1953 Russian troops caused bloodshed in East Germany in its attempt to "liberate" East-Germans from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.

    In 1956 Russian troops caused bloodshed in Hungary in its attempt to "liberate" Hungarians from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.

    In 1968 Russian troops marched into CzechoSlovakia in its attempt to "liberate" Czechs and Slovaks from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.

    In 1981 in Poland there was Jaruzelski, no Russian troops but Russian support was overwhelming and again the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer. Lucky for the Poles, there was a Polish catholic Pope and that made a huge difference ... plus Lech Walesa.

    Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will have a beer ... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because "it would de-stabilize the situation".

    I'm saddened ...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Ghil Zvidgzul@2:5030/1081.117 to Ward Dossche on Thu Feb 24 04:50:08 2022
    Hello, Ward!

    I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be
    business as usual.

    It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until Putin will die.

    --- - ⢮ 﫨. , ?
    * Origin: ࠢ쨭 ᯨ⮬ ᮢ (2:5030/1081.117)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Ghil Zvidgzul on Thu Feb 24 11:54:58 2022

    I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current GZ>WD> Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be
    business as usual.

    It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until Putin
    will die.

    You probably are right, but I'm just so saddened by the fact that this is 2022 and it can still happen ...

    With "business as usual" I meant that when military movements will conclude, everybody who is shocked now will stand in line again to trade with Putin.


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 12:37:04 2022
    Hello Alexander,

    Ukraine has not yet perished ...
    I was mistaken. There will be war.
    Putin backs separatists claim to the whole Donbas region of
    Ukraine including those areas controlled by Ukraine.

    For a while we see only limited air strikes. And it is not necessary to repeat an official Ukraine lie ...

    "Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia." ~Vladimir Putin

    Politicians of all stripes often utter statements of nonsense.
    And there are those who honestly believe such nonsense as fact.

    Ukraine wants peace.
    Europe wants peace.
    The world says it doesn't want to fight,
    and Russia says it doesn't want to attack.
    Someone is lying.

    How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?

    This is Putin's war. He owns it. Lock, stock, and barrel.
    He has ordered a full-scaled invasion of Ukraine. An unprovoked
    attack on an entire people. His actions have already been
    condemned by many world leaders, and there will be more who
    condemn his actions. The entire world will judge him, and
    he has only himself to blame.


    Black lives matter!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 12:37:16 2022
    Hello Alexander,


    How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?

    I am hopeful a path to peace can be found. War is never the solution
    for solving problems. Leaders of both Russia and Ukraine can to better.


    I think they bought a Jeep

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Bjrn Felten on Thu Feb 24 12:37:22 2022
    Hello Björn,

    How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?

    I don't think that Ukraine has to worry.

    Ukraine, and the world, has plenty to worry.

    Putin is just testing the west.

    Unlike Trump, Putin is not a stable genius.

    After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and loyalty to him.

    Winning the lottery twice in a row would have made him God Almighty.
    And everybody would be praising his name. Not just Trump and his merry
    band of MAGA followers.

    Then, when he failed to repeat the manipulation of the US election system in
    2020, he probably was surprised to see how all the GOP people still followed the clown, and did everything they could to sabotage every attempt
    from the new government to repair the damages done, and thought that now is
    the right time to make a move.

    HAL-9000 cheated at chess in the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey".
    Stanley Kubrick was a chessmaster and knew what he was doing in
    the script. Vladimir Putin is no chessmaster, and even sucks at
    playing the game. But he is a cheater ...

    Putin embraces the views of Aleksandr Dugin. If you don't want to read any of his books, there's actually a very good article about him on Wikipedia that explains a lot:


    That may explain at least part of his own political philosophy,
    but does not change the reality. Putin's move is economic. Russia
    is so dependent on oil and gas revenue that if it loses its oil
    and gas business from either Belarus or Ukraine it is sunk as an
    economically viable country. Just do the math.

    "In principle, Eurasia and our space, the heartland Russia, remain the staging area of a new anti-bourgeois, anti-American revolution. The new Eurasian empire will be constructed on the fundamental principle of the common enemy: the rejection of Atlanticism, strategic control of the USA, and the refusal to allow liberal values to dominate us. This common civilizational impulse will be the basis of a political and strategic union."

    Karl Marx was also a philosopher. Not much of an economist, but
    a good philosopher. Does that mean that political leaders should
    base their decisions on a man who died penniless and never held
    office a day in his life?

    What explains Putin's thinking cannot be pinned down to the
    writings of one political commentator/author. It is his mental
    state that explains more. Much more.

    -- The Basics of Geopolitics (1997)

    To sum it up, as long as NATO and EU stand strong (and China don't interfere), Putin is not going anywhere. He'll still rule a second rate country, far beyond USA, EU and China.

    A giant gas station. But what happens when nobody wants to buy any
    more oil and gas from him? The population of Russia has declined by
    ten million people in the past decade. Mostly young women, of child
    bearing age. Gonna be a long winter in Moscow (and elsewhere).


    Always in beta

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Thu Feb 24 15:21:28 2022
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 24.02.2022 14:37

    ak>> How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?
    LL> This is Putin's war. He owns it. Lock, stock, and barrel.
    LL> He has ordered a full-scaled invasion of Ukraine. An unprovoked
    LL> attack on an entire people. His actions have already been
    LL> condemned by many world leaders, and there will be more who
    LL> condemn his actions. The entire world will judge him, and
    LL> he has only himself to blame.

    The things the US does in Syria are not different. The US just feel that
    it can do it and it does it. It wants to defend some people in Syria and
    this reason is enough for being in Syria and is a good example for Russia.

    I repeat, that if in Mexico some anti American forces came to power and
    they ask Russia to accept them into the military block with Russia and
    Belarus the reaction of the US will be similar and even 100 time quicker
    and stronger.

    In any case the situation doesn't demand the third world war with nukes.
    The West can sting Putin in many non military ways.

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Lee Lofaso on Thu Feb 24 16:48:04 2022

    It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until
    Putin will die.

    His own people will deal with him in their own way.
    Once those body bags return with dead Russian soldiers.

    A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Thu Feb 24 16:54:40 2022

    The things the US does in Syria are not different. The US just feel that
    it can do it and it does it. It wants to defend some people in Syria and this reason is enough for being in Syria and is a good example for

    I understand what you're saying and several here have been vocal when countries like Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded, including myself.

    But don't you think the comparison is a bit warped?

    I repeat, that if in Mexico some anti American forces came to power and they ask Russia to accept them into the military block with Russia and Belarus the reaction of the US will be similar and even 100 time quicker and stronger.

    Here again the comparison is far fetched, but we have the Cuban example.

    In any case the situation doesn't demand the third world war with nukes. The West can sting Putin in many non military ways.

    Yes, someone could launch a formal policy complaint against him...what's his nodenumber?


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ghil Zvidgzul on Thu Feb 24 16:40:46 2022
    Hello Ghil,

    I think that is totally ... correct ... once he can oust the current
    Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be
    business as usual.

    It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until Putin will die.

    His own people will deal with him in their own way.
    Once those body bags return with dead Russian soldiers.


    Education not deportation!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Fri Feb 25 09:01:42 2022
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 24.02.2022 18:54

    ak>> The things the US does in Syria are not different. The US just
    ak>> feel that it can do it and it does it. It wants to defend some
    ak>> people in Syria and this reason is enough for being in Syria and
    ak>> is a good example for Russia.

    WD> I understand what you're saying and several here have been vocal
    WD> when countries like Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded, including
    WD> myself.

    Every successful unlawful military operation has a long negative
    consequences for the world. The simplest argument -- if they can do it
    why I can't do it, with mt bunch of nukes under belt? Or take the recent military operation of Azerbaijan against the Karabakh, a breakaway
    republic with Armenian population. This republic was recaptured, but the operation has sent a strong signal to the Ukrainian military that the situation in Dombass can be also solved by force. It is easy to note
    that the aggravation of the situation in Dombass has begun right after Azerbijan's operation.

    WD> But don't you think the comparison is a bit warped?

    It is not the same, of course, but the pretext is similar -- the Syrian authority conducts military operations against the rebels and the USA
    likes the rebels and want to defend them from military strikes. Note,
    that in this case there is absolutely no any danger to the USA from the
    Syrian regime.

    ak>> I repeat, that if in Mexico some anti American forces came to
    ak>> power and they ask Russia to accept them into the military block
    ak>> with Russia and Belarus the reaction of the US will be similar and
    ak>> even 100 time quicker and stronger.

    WD> Here again the comparison is far fetched, but we have the Cuban
    WD> example.

    And we saw the crazy American reaction and the world was on the brink of
    the nuclear war. But, thinking in the NATO way, we could say that Cuba
    had a right to be part of any block. But it has never had it. Similar?

    ak>> In any case the situation doesn't demand the third world war with
    ak>> nukes. The West can sting Putin in many non military ways.

    WD> Yes, someone could launch a formal policy complaint against him...
    WD> what's his nodenumber?

    Well it is life, that not always a strong hooligan can be restrained.
    The world lives like it for thousands of years. And besides, it is sure
    that Russian tries to avoid the most bloody scenario. When NATO bombed Yugoslavia they didn't shame to make massive bomb strikes against most populated cities.

    However it is a crazy situation. First of all nobody knows what does
    Putin want and what he is going to do with big cities etc.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Fri Feb 25 10:25:38 2022
    Hello Ward,

    It's not so simple, ukrainians will live under occupation until
    Putin will die.

    His own people will deal with him in their own way.
    Once those body bags return with dead Russian soldiers.

    A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.

    His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.


    Not my president!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Fri Feb 25 15:52:06 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Friday February 25 2022 09:01, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    strikes. Note, that in this case there is absolutely no any danger to
    the USA from the Syrian regime.

    You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in Lebanon and Iraq.
    And from US point of view syrian rebels are at least not supplying Hizbollah with weapons.

    It's a shame that only few people in Russia actually know anything about Syria and it's politics.

    And we saw the crazy American reaction and the world was on the brink
    of the nuclear war. But, thinking in the NATO way, we could say that
    Cuba had a right to be part of any block. But it has never had it. Similar?

    Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was with nuclear weapons.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Fri Feb 25 15:08:56 2022
    Hello Ward,

    How knows -- may be peace in that region became closer?

    I don't think that Ukraine has to worry. Putin is just testing the
    west. After he successfully put a clown on the POTUS chair in 2016 he
    enjoyed watching the US distancing itself from all it's allies, with a
    gullible POTUS that over and over again showed his admiration of, and
    loyalty to him.

    I think that is totally ... correct ...

    I am sure Vladimir Putin thought he could get away with not only
    taking another chunk out of Ukraine but also taking the whole thing -
    at little or no cost to his own selfish interests.

    And now he is learning that Joe Biden is no Donald Trump. And that
    NATO is no pushover. And also the fact that the president of Ukraine
    is standing up to him, without blinking, as well as a Ukrainian
    military putting the hurt on an invading army that is fighting an
    old man's war.

    once he can oust the current Ukrainian president and get a puppet on the throne, it will be business as usual.

    This is not WWII. And there will be no Vichy government in Ukraine.
    Much to Putin's chagrin.

    What pains me is that a single person has power to do such a thing, move an
    army with tens of thousands of troops, maybe more.

    It pains young people in Russia even more, as tens of thousands
    were arrested in Moscow following initial reports of Russia invading
    Ukraine. Most people in Russia are shocked at what is happening, and
    find it difficult that their president would do such a thing, as
    it was an unprovoked and unjustified attack on one of its neighbors.

    Russia does not have the economy to support any long term military engagement the way the USA has.

    The Russian economy has taken a beating since sanctions were
    imposed after its invasion and illegal annexation of the southern
    part of Ukraine known as Crimea. More sanctions have now been
    imposed as a result of its continued invasion of Ukraine ...

    But more so, I am saddened that a country still does this,

    This is an old man's war. The vast majority of Russians do not
    support war. Not this war, not any war. The Russian people have
    suffered much as a result of war. Far more than than others.
    Yes, the Russian people do remember Napoleon Bonaparte. Yes,
    the Russian people do remember Adolf Hitler. And yes, the Russian
    people will definitely remember Vladimir Putin.

    at the outskirts of Europe, where since the onset of the EU in the late 1940-ies it has been demonstrated that countries can peacefully co-exist and prosper ... even arch-enemies such as France and Germany which are now the greatest of friends.

    Mikhail Gorbachev understood this. And I am sure Vladimir Putin
    also understands this. Difference is, Gorbachev wanted peace.
    Putin does not.

    This is the fifth war Putin has started. For no other reason
    than it being his wish. He has no love even for his own people.

    I have listened to my dad who in 1940 was among the last 600 to defend Dunkirk against evil. The description of battle scenes, the brutality of fighting, the bloodshed ... the tears in his eyes ... 70 years after he experienced it.

    Putin was once employed as a low-level clerk in the KGB. He lost
    his job due to Gorbachev's dissolution of the USSR. And now he wants
    to become Gorbachev's replacement - which he feels was stolen from
    him by Boris Yeltsen.

    I just cannot understand why people would want to cause harm to someone else
    over the silly claims and propagande which are taking us back to the darkest days of hard-core communism when I was a teenager.

    Putin is not well. He is a mental case. And there is no cure.

    Never put that much power into the hands of a single person ... history is obvious about that ... yet another proof.

    The best form of government is a benevolent dictator. However, Putin
    is more like Angelina Jolie ...

    I'm also disturbed by the lack of action/support by the west,

    Putin's threat, and current invasion, to invade Ukraine has not
    weakened the resolve of the USA or the Western alliance. NATO remains
    strong and united. Sanctions have been imposed, with more coming.
    Rather than falling apart, NATO is considering adding new members -
    such as Finland and Sweden. The US is sending more troops to NATO
    countries, and will continue to do so. Any Russian attack on any
    of its members will result in an Article V. And you know what
    that means ...

    an historical lack of support ....

    This is not WWII. And Joe Biden is no Neville Chamberlain.
    Nor is he a Donald Trump, who lavishly praised Putin in Helsinki
    as "a tough cookie".

    In 1953 Russian troops caused bloodshed in East Germany in its attempt to "liberate" East-Germans from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.

    How did the USSR's blockade of Berlin go? Well, we all know how
    that turned out. So do the people who lived there at the time.

    Germany never recognized the eastern part of Germany as being a
    separate independent state. Ukraine never recognized the two areas
    Putin claims are separate independent states.

    So what is your point? The US recognizes Germany as one united
    state. Not two separate entities. The US recognizes Ukraine as one
    united stated. Not two (or three or four) separate states.

    In 1956 Russian troops caused bloodshed in Hungary in its attempt to "liberate" Hungarians from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.

    Which explains why Hungary (and many other European countries)
    have joined NATO (now at thirty, and growing).

    In 1968 Russian troops marched into CzechoSlovakia in its attempt to "liberate" Czechs and Slovaks from the West and the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer.

    Both the Czech Republic and Slovakia have since joined NATO.

    In 1981 in Poland there was Jaruzelski, no Russian troops but Russian support was overwhelming and again the West just stood by, watched, condemned and had a beer. Lucky for the Poles, there was a Polish catholic Pope and that made a huge difference ... plus Lech Walesa.

    Poland is also a member of NATO. And likely a target in Putin's
    crosshairs. What do you think will happen when, and if, Putin crosses
    that line?

    All of NATO's major players are on the same page.

    Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will have a beer

    The only one who is drinking is Vladimir Putin. And I do not believe
    he is drinking beer. More like horse piss, given the reaction of most
    Russians (those who have learned of his invasion of Ukraine).

    ... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because "it would de-stabilize the situation".

    Time to rock Putin's world.

    I'm saddened ...

    I am deeply saddened. Saddened that some people in this country
    are aiding and abetting and giving comfort to the enemy. Russian
    apologists on our airwaves. Mostly on FoxNews. Tucker Carlson,
    eat your heart out.


    The people! Unite! Will never be defeated!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Feb 25 20:24:06 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 25.02.2022 15:52

    ak>> strikes. Note, that in this case there is absolutely no any
    ak>> danger to the USA from the Syrian regime.
    DP> You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in
    DP> Lebanon and Iraq. And from US point of view syrian rebels are
    DP> at least not supplying Hizbollah with weapons. It's a shame
    DP> that only few people in Russia actually know anything about
    DP> Syria and it's politics.

    Do you think that the USA is a part of Israel? ;-)

    ak>> And we saw the crazy American reaction and the world was on
    ak>> the brink of the nuclear war. But, thinking in the NATO
    ak>> way, we could say that Cuba had a right to be part of any
    ak>> block. But it has never had it. Similar?
    DP> Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was
    DP> with nuclear weapons.

    It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something missed?

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Fri Feb 25 18:31:40 2022

    It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something missed?

    Neither you nor I have been privy to the debate during such meetings. Therefore I don't know and neither do you.


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Fri Feb 25 22:11:04 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Friday February 25 2022 20:24, you wrote to me:

    You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in
    Lebanon and Iraq. And from US point of view syrian rebels are
    at least not supplying Hizbollah with weapons. It's a shame
    that only few people in Russia actually know anything about
    Syria and it's politics.

    Do you think that the USA is a part of Israel? ;-)

    Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another story).

    And USA didn't bomb Syria to stop Assad, they came to stop ISIS. And they did it.
    While Russia was saving Assad's ass from opposition.

    Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was
    with nuclear weapons.

    It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases
    in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something

    NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream.
    It's Russia who was keeping military base in Ukraine and used it to invade Crimea.

    The Ukraine was trying to joing NATO because it knew that Russia will invade at some point.
    And Russia just did it.

    So joning NATO is the only way for any small country to stop Putin. And no one should trust any high level Russian officials - they are just spreading desinformation and lies.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Lee Lofaso on Fri Feb 25 20:37:12 2022
    //Hello Lee,//

    on *25.02.22* at *9:25:39* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
    to *Ward Dossche* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.

    A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
    His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.

    Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...


    --- WinPoint 400.3
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Sat Feb 26 03:54:56 2022
    Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will have a beer ... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because "it would de-stabilize the situation".

    Well, I think there's a lot of action going on right now, but you are correct, the complacency is despicable.

    The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)

    Oh yes, I know that Swift cannot act on it's own, it needs the European Council (more Belgian connections...) to issue a directive about cutting Russia off from Swift services. It worked on Iran in March 2012, and it would most likely have an immediate impact on Putin and his oligarchy thieving friends.

    But it will also (like with the Iranian affair) mean a huge reduction in fossil fuel consumption in Europe. Yikes, less air pollution? Nah.... We can't have that.

    It also will mean that banks and financial institutions world wide will get reduced profits and even credit losses. That means less bribes to the lawmakers, that keep those profits high -- on the ordinary people's expense. We surely can't have that either.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Björn Felten on Sat Feb 26 09:32:40 2022
    The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)

    You're sure it hasn't been cut yet, because it is necerssary to do it.

    In any case something along that line was mentioned here on the TV-news... hoz do we check?

    Oh yes, I know that Swift cannot act on it's own, it needs the
    European Council (more Belgian connections...) to issue a directive about cutting Russia off from Swift services.

    C'mon Ursula ...

    But it will also (like with the Iranian affair) mean a huge reduction
    in fossil fuel consumption in Europe. Yikes, less air pollution? Nah....
    We can't have that.

    I can put on an extra sweater ...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Björn Felten on Sat Feb 26 09:51:58 2022
    Hello Bjrn,

    Again now the west is watching, is condmning and later today will
    have a
    beer ... the cry for help has gone unanswered the past weeks because
    would de-stabilize the situation".

    Well, I think there's a lot of action going on right now, but you are correct, the complacency is despicable.

    The US President, NATO, and leaders around the world are far from
    complacent in regards to what is happening right now. Sanctions have
    been imposed, the entire world has condemned Putin's actions, and
    more and more troops are being called up and being positioned in
    NATO countries. And that's just the beginning.

    The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about Swift,
    with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)

    It's a communications platform, not a financial payment system.

    Oh yes, I know that Swift cannot act on it's own, it needs the European Council (more Belgian connections...) to issue a directive about cutting Russia off from Swift services.

    Russia has workarounds in case swift is used as part of sanctions.
    And using swift against Russia would also encourage others (such as
    other countries and terrorists) to use China instead.

    It worked on Iran in March 2012,

    Using swift as part of sanctions on Iran due to its nuclear weapons
    program (which Iran claims is for peaceful purposes).

    and it would most likely have an immediate impact on Putin and his oligarchy
    thieving friends.

    Only a small impact, as Russia has other means.

    But it will also (like with the Iranian affair) mean a huge reduction in fossil fuel consumption in Europe. Yikes, less air pollution? Nah.... We can't have that.

    All sanctions have some impact on countries outside of Russia.

    It also will mean that banks and financial institutions world wide will get
    reduced profits and even credit losses. That means less bribes to the lawmakers, that keep those profits high -- on the ordinary people's expense. We surely can't have that either.

    Keeping swift in reserve is what the US and Europe are doing now.
    Sanctions take time, and are not felt immediately. The best Putin
    & Co. can do for themselves (and for Russia) is to end his insane
    and brutal war on Ukraine. The sooner the better.


    Erections, That's Our Game

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to Bj÷rn Felten on Sat Feb 26 09:58:30 2022
    Hello Bjrn!

    26 Feb 22 03:54, Bjrn Felten wrote to Ward Dossche:

    The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking
    about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)

    CHIPS and SPFS stand ready to take over the market space SWIFT might be feeing up...


    ... 9:58AM up 51 days, 20:53, 5 users, load averages: 0.47, 0.36, 0.34

    --- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
    * Origin: And still they come and go (2:240/12)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to Bj÷rn Felten on Sat Feb 26 10:05:06 2022
    Hello Bjrn!

    26 Feb 22 03:54, Bjrn Felten wrote to Ward Dossche:

    The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking
    about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)

    CIPS and SPFS stand ready to take over the market space SWIFT might be freeing up...


    ... 10:05AM up 51 days, 21 hrs, 5 users, load averages: 0.51, 0.45, 0.37

    --- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
    * Origin: A love pays love for lying (2:240/12)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Sat Feb 26 17:06:52 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 25.02.2022 22:11

    DP>>> You are wrong - Syria did a lot of bad things to USA, in Lebanon
    DP>>> and Iraq. And from US point of view syrian rebels are at least
    DP>>> not supplying Hizbollah with weapons. It's a shame that only few
    DP>>> people in Russia actually know anything about Syria and it's
    DP>>> politics.

    ak>> Do you think that the USA is a part of Israel?

    DP> Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent
    DP> quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another
    DP> story).

    To Syria? ;)
    As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more -- Hizbollah or
    the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a torture helps
    it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo, Cuba. The only
    military base that has ever been there, BTW.

    DP> And USA didn't bomb Syria to stop Assad, they came to stop ISIS.
    DP> And they did it. While Russia was saving Assad's ass from
    DP> opposition.

    DP>>> Cuba was a part of Soviet block since 1961. The problem was with
    DP>>> nuclear weapons.

    ak>> It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and
    ak>> bases in Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I
    ak>> something missed?

    DP> NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
    DP> Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was

    Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When the USSR
    gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is funny from
    your side to talk on behalf of NATO. How do you know? Who tells the
    truth on this planet? ;)

    DP> keeping military base in Ukraine and used it to invade Crimea.

    The events in the former USSR look like a long divorce scandal. But,
    IMHO, it is foolish to not allow "the children" to choose the side where
    to go. The people of Crimea and Donbass were always prorussain, and it
    is not a secret.

    DP> The Ukraine was trying to joing NATO because it knew that Russia
    DP> will invade at some point. And Russia just did it.

    DP> So joning NATO is the only way for any small country to stop Putin.
    DP> And no one should trust any high level Russian officials - they are
    DP> just spreading desinformation and lies.

    Those Ukrainian nationalists who had made the cope in Kiev in 2014 are
    idiots and fools. They decided to privatize the whole Ukraine for
    themselves, they divided the Ukrainians, they has tried to humiliate the Russian part of population as a big hooligan humiliates a weak person.
    But I repeat again, it was a gross mistake. First, remember, if you are
    going to humiliate somebody you should choose a weak, defenceless
    person. Russian people in Ukraine do not fit at this role at all.
    Second, don't began fight with a strong person who can hit back. You can easily have a bloody nose. Fight only with week people, and it would be happiness and victory. ;=)

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sat Feb 26 17:13:48 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Saturday February 26 2022 17:06, you wrote to me:

    Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria
    sent quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's
    another story).

    To Syria? ;)

    To Iraq, typo. But then they've returned to Syria with ISIS, so I was also correct in some way.

    As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more -- Hizbollah

    Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3 others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking :)
    And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades in prisons like one in Tandmour.

    or the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a torture
    helps it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo, Cuba. The only

    Those who used it in Guantanamo were punished and you can't compare Guantanamo even to ordinary russian police station, where torture is just a "new normality". In our prisons torture used like in Nazi camps, check famous Gulagu.net videos.
    No one in Guantanamo was putting mop in prisoners asses till death. Such thing have something with russian culture's addiction to forced male to male anal sex.

    military base that has ever been there, BTW.

    We had military base there and lied that it was a "traning center #12".

    NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
    Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was

    Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When the

    Who told you that?

    USSR gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is funny

    No, it's a fake. No one found even a single agreement between NATO and SU about that.

    from your side to talk on behalf of NATO. How do you know? Who tells
    the truth on this planet? ;)

    You now everyone can see that is the only real force to protect your country from Russia. Before 2014 NATO was lossing budget and people, quite fast.
    Now it's going to be strong again. Putin wanted it like this?

    keeping military base in Ukraine and used it to invade Crimea.

    The events in the former USSR look like a long divorce scandal. But,
    IMHO, it is foolish to not allow "the children" to choose the side
    where to go. The people of Crimea and Donbass were always prorussain,
    and it is not a secret.

    Is it ok for you to use military force against your friends because you think that you know better how to divide your friend's countries?
    Well, this leeds to new cold war. And you know that Russia can't win it.

    We are already loosing: no access to Airbus, TSMC, etc.. What for??

    Those Ukrainian nationalists who had made the cope in Kiev in 2014 are
    idiots and fools. They decided to privatize the whole Ukraine for

    "Idiots and fools"? Sounds like you are very smart? :)

    themselves, they divided the Ukrainians, they has tried to humiliate
    the Russian part of population as a big hooligan humiliates a weak

    No one was going to "privatize" Ukraine. I have many friends there, russians, who don't agree with you completely.
    Have you been in Kiev since 2014? I did, btw.

    back. You can easily have a bloody nose. Fight only with week people,
    and it would be happiness and victory. ;=)

    And now we are discussion how we'll live without SWIFT.. Long queues in Moscow to get euro/dollars from ATMs (impossible at the moment), prices increasing daily, a lot of EU countries stopped issuing visas..

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Sat Feb 26 17:44:52 2022
    The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking about
    Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)

    You're sure it hasn't been cut yet, because it is necerssary to do it.

    Difficult to be sure of anything those days, but as I understand it so far, Canada is a Yes, USA is a Yes if it's allies say yes. In the EU most seem to be a YES, except Germany, France and Italy (their banks have been to greedy and invested too much in Russia). Let's hope that the Biden administration can find a way to twist their arms...

    In any case something along that line was mentioned here on the
    TV-news... hoz do we check?

    Indeed. :(


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Sun Feb 27 11:30:08 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 26.02.2022 17:13

    DP>>> Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent
    DP>>> quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another
    DP>>> story).

    ak>> To Syria?
    DP> To Iraq, typo. But then they've returned to Syria with ISIS, so I
    DP> was also correct in some way.

    ak>> As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more --
    ak>> Hizbollah

    DP> Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
    DP> others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
    DP> And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades in
    DP> prisons like one in Tandmour.

    It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end, terrorists
    and rebels always will appear. It's life.

    ak>> or the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a
    ak>> torture helps it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo,
    ak>> Cuba. The only

    DP> Those who used it in Guantanamo were punished and you can't compare
    DP> Guantanamo even to ordinary russian police station, where torture
    DP> is just a "new normality". In our prisons torture used like in Nazi
    DP> camps, check famous Gulagu.net videos. No one in Guantanamo was
    DP> putting mop in prisoners asses till death. Such thing have
    DP> something with russian culture's addiction to forced male to male
    DP> anal sex.

    You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
    soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways. They
    treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.

    ak>> military base that has ever been there, BTW.

    DP> We had military base there and lied that it was a "traning center
    DP> #12".

    DP>>> NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
    DP>>> Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was

    ak>> Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When
    ak>> the

    DP> Who told you that?

    ak>> USSR gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is
    ak>> funny

    DP> No, it's a fake. No one found even a single agreement between NATO
    DP> and SU about that.

    You deceive yourself because you want it: https://en.news-front.info/2022/02/19/der-spiegel-official-document-confirms-that-nato-promised-not-to-expand-eastwards/



    ak>> The events in the former USSR look like a long divorce scandal.
    ak>> But, IMHO, it is foolish to not allow "the children" to choose the
    ak>> side where to go. The people of Crimea and Donbass were always
    ak>> prorussain, and it is not a secret.

    DP> Is it ok for you to use military force against your friends because
    DP> you think that you know better how to divide your friend's
    DP> countries? Well, this leeds to new cold war. And you know that
    DP> Russia can't win it.

    DP> We are already loosing: no access to Airbus, TSMC, etc.. What for??

    Well, when Zorg in the "Fifth element" smashed the glass his tirade
    sounded cool. ;-) I say it as person who can do nothing. I have to find something positive for myself. ;-)

    ak>> Those Ukrainian nationalists who had made the cope in Kiev in 2014
    ak>> are idiots and fools. They decided to privatize the whole Ukraine
    ak>> for

    DP> "Idiots and fools"? Sounds like you are very smart?

    These fucking idiots created most groundless foolish havoc that the
    world has not seen for ages.

    ak>> themselves, they divided the Ukrainians, they has tried to
    ak>> humiliate the Russian part of population as a big hooligan
    ak>> humiliates a weak

    DP> No one was going to "privatize" Ukraine. I have many friends there,
    DP> russians, who don't agree with you completely. Have you been in
    DP> Kiev since 2014? I did, btw.

    Nothing would happen if it were as you say.

    ak>> back. You can easily have a bloody nose. Fight only with week
    ak>> people, and it would be happiness and victory. ;=)

    DP> And now we are discussion how we'll live without SWIFT.. Long
    DP> queues in Moscow to get euro/dollars from ATMs (impossible at the
    DP> moment), prices increasing daily, a lot of EU countries stopped
    DP> issuing visas..

    There are different opinions about what can be called an interesting
    life. ;-)

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sun Feb 27 13:19:02 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Sunday February 27 2022 11:30, you wrote to me:

    Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
    others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much
    talking And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for
    decades in prisons like one in Tandmour.

    It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end,
    terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.

    Hizbollah appeared when peaceful solution came to Lebanon. The whole idea was kill peacekeepers, to continue the war.
    And Syria war like this from 60s, when they've started to physically eliminate opposition.

    You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
    soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways. They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common feature of
    the people who work in prisons. Not all course.

    I am way too old to remember that were also punished.
    And no one from FSB was punished for torturing russian political prisoners.

    And even yesterday police was torturing political protesters in Moscow, sounds like you don't care about that?

    You deceive yourself because you want it: https://en.news-front.info/2022/02/19/der-spiegel-official-document-co nfirms-that-nato-promised-not-to-expand-eastwards/

    https://meduza.io/feature/2022/02/25/odin-iz-argumentov-dlya-vtorzheniya-v-ukrainu-yakoby-dannoe-zapadom-obeschanie-ne-rasshiryat-nato-na-vostok-i-dazhe-nash lis-novye-dokumenty-kotorye-eto-podtverzhdayut

    It's a very old story, no documents exists about any "promises".
    Just talks.

    And as I said before - NATO is a good idea for any country, otherwise Russia will find some excuse to invade.

    We are already loosing: no access to Airbus, TSMC, etc.. What

    Well, when Zorg in the "Fifth element" smashed the glass his tirade sounded cool. ;-) I say it as person who can do nothing. I have to
    find something positive for myself. ;-)

    We all can do something, because we are free humans, not slaves.
    But even slaves were trying.

    "Idiots and fools"? Sounds like you are very smart?

    These fucking idiots created most groundless foolish havoc that the
    world has not seen for ages.

    It's nonsense. Putin started the war and you are blaming someone else.

    No one was going to "privatize" Ukraine. I have many friends
    there, russians, who don't agree with you completely. Have you
    been in Kiev since 2014? I did, btw.

    Nothing would happen if it were as you say.

    The only thing that matter is a crazy former KGB agent in Kremlin.

    And now we are discussion how we'll live without SWIFT.. Long
    queues in Moscow to get euro/dollars from ATMs (impossible at
    the moment), prices increasing daily, a lot of EU countries
    stopped issuing visas..

    There are different opinions about what can be called an interesting
    life. ;-)

    Beeing poor in Russia is not fun ;)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Sun Feb 27 20:33:04 2022
    Hello Ward,

    It's exactly Putin's rhetoric about deploying NATO rockets and bases in
    Ukraine. NATO has refused to discuss the issue, or I something missed?

    Neither you nor I have been privy to the debate during such meetings. Therefore I don't know and neither do you.

    Donald Trump knows.
    He knows everything.
    And is never wrong.

    Q: What do you call a paranoid megalomaniac bent on starting WWIII?

    Trump: Genius!


    No justice! No peace!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Tim Schattkowsky on Sun Feb 27 20:33:08 2022
    Hello Tim,

    A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
    His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.

    Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...

    Not in the world of Newspeak* ...




    * Newspeak was the official language of Oceania and had been devised
    to meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism.


    Silence is violence!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Gerrit Kuehn on Sun Feb 27 20:33:16 2022
    Hello Gerrit,

    The most powerful tool available is still not used. I'm talking
    about Swift, with a very tight Belgian connection, BTW. :)

    CIPS and SPFS stand ready to take over the market space SWIFT might be freeing up...

    Looks like a few more clients are headed their way ...


    I won't fan the flames of hate, ~Joe Biden

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Sun Feb 27 20:33:22 2022
    Hello Alexander,

    Hizbollah tortured and killed a lot of US citizens and Syria sent
    quite a lot of terrorists to Syria (and Lebanon, but it's another

    To Syria?
    To Iraq, typo. But then they've returned to Syria with ISIS, so I
    was also correct in some way.

    As for torture, let's not talk who tortures people more --

    Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
    others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
    And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades in
    prisons like one in Tandmour.

    It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end, terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.

    How does that make Putin any different, given his actions on Ukraine?

    or the US. The US a long ago approved the concept that if a
    torture helps it should be used. We have seen it in Guantanamo,
    Cuba. The only

    Those who used it in Guantanamo were punished and you can't compare
    Guantanamo even to ordinary russian police station, where torture
    is just a "new normality". In our prisons torture used like in Nazi
    camps, check famous Gulagu.net videos. No one in Guantanamo was
    putting mop in prisoners asses till death. Such thing have
    something with russian culture's addiction to forced male to male
    anal sex.

    You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
    soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways. They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.

    The soldiers who did that to Iraqi prisoners were courts martialed.
    Russians protesting Putin's actions are being put in jail. There is
    no telling what their jailers are doing to them.

    military base that has ever been there, BTW.

    We had military base there and lied that it was a "traning center

    NATO was never going to deploy any bases or nuclear weapons in
    Ukraine. It's only a Putin's crazy dream. It's Russia who was

    Also NATO has never been going to expand to the East, BTW. When

    Who told you that?

    USSR gave up the East Germany it was told like that. And it is

    No, it's a fake. No one found even a single agreement between NATO
    and SU about that.

    You deceive yourself because you want it:

    Mikhail Gorbachev says der Spiegel, and Putin, is full of beans -

    https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2014/11/06/did-nato-promise-not -to-enlarge-gorbachev-says-no/

    So who is deceiving who? The man who was there, or the man who is
    making stuff up?

    I think we all know the answer to that question.


    Be Stupid

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Lee Lofaso on Sun Feb 27 21:56:00 2022
    //Hello Lee,//

    on *27.02.22* at *19:33:09* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
    to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.

    Hello Tim,

    A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
    His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.

    Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...

    Not in the world of Newspeak* ...

    double plus true


    --- WinPoint 401.1
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Mon Feb 28 03:20:20 2022
    C'mon Ursula ...

    I think she delivered, listening to the latest press release. A really impressive package of sanctions issued by the EU Commission, IMHO.

    Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, a Belgian born German, president of the European Commission. Not bad for a woman in a man's world...


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Björn Felten on Mon Feb 28 03:29:42 2022
    I think she delivered, listening to the latest press release.

    I forgot:



    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Tim Schattkowsky on Mon Feb 28 04:29:52 2022
    Hello Tim,

    A good dictator doesn't give a shite about bodybags.
    His people do. And without stability in his country, he is toast.

    Think of 1984: It doesnt matter if the war in Eurasia even exists ...

    Not in the world of Newspeak* ...

    double plus true

    I loved Big Brother.


    Whose streets? / Our streets!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Björn Felten on Mon Feb 28 10:12:24 2022
    Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, a Belgian born German, president of the European Commission. Not bad for a woman in a man's world...

    What's understood in Scandinavian and Nordic countries, is that women are better suited to lead a country than men. They will not go to war over frivolities ... of course, there are exceptions too like that Brazilian corrupt chick...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Björn Felten on Mon Feb 28 10:15:28 2022
    Hello Bjrn,

    On Monday February 28 2022 03:20, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    C'mon Ursula ...

    I think she delivered, listening to the latest press release. A
    really impressive package of sanctions issued by the EU Commission,

    That Putin now mentions the N words indicates that the sanctions are going to hurt him. At least that he thinks so...

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Feb 28 17:42:20 2022
    //Hello Lee,//

    on *28.02.22* at *3:29:52* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
    to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.

    I loved Big Brother.

    Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it seems to be more correct every day.


    --- WinPoint 401.1
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Mon Feb 28 20:04:48 2022
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 27.02.2022 22:33

    DP>>> Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
    DP>>> others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
    DP>>> And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades
    DP>>> in prisons like one in Tandmour.

    ak>> It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end,
    ak>> terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.

    LL> How does that make Putin any different, given his actions on
    LL> Ukraine?

    Well, those rebels were Russians.

    ak>> You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
    ak>> soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways.
    ak>> They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common
    ak>> feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.

    LL> The soldiers who did that to Iraqi prisoners were courts martialed.

    I don't think that Russian torturers were given medals.

    LL> Russians protesting Putin's actions are being put in jail. There is
    LL> no telling what their jailers are doing to them.

    It is disgrace, no doubt. It means that the guard dogs should always
    serve their duty on chain and were not allowed to guard the street outside.


    LL> So who is deceiving who? The man who was there, or the man who is
    LL> making stuff up?
    LL> I think we all know the answer to that question.

    Do you think Gorbachev gave up the East Germany without any conditions?

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to Bj÷rn Felten on Mon Feb 28 18:19:34 2022
    Hello Bjrn!

    28 Feb 22 03:20, Bjrn Felten wrote to Ward Dossche:

    Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, a Belgian born German, president of
    the European Commission. Not bad for a woman in a man's world...

    Hard to believe I'd ever find she's doing something useful. I was so happy back then when we finally got rid of her father whose politics and their consequences were a huge burden both for Lower Saxony and Germany as a country for decades.


    ... 6:19PM up 54 days, 5:14, 5 users, load averages: 0.17, 0.38, 0.44

    --- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
    * Origin: Ideas of lust and dying (2:240/12)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Feb 28 20:41:10 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 27.02.2022 13:19

    DP>>> Hizbollah. It even killed soviet diplomat in 80s and captured 3
    DP>>> others, but USSR did nothing against them except for much talking
    DP>>> And take Syria - how many people were tortured there for decades
    DP>>> in prisons like one in Tandmour.

    ak>> It's easy - when all peaceful ways to solve the problem end,
    ak>> terrorists and rebels always will appear. It's life.

    DP> Hizbollah appeared when peaceful solution came to Lebanon. The
    DP> whole idea was kill peacekeepers, to continue the war. And Syria
    DP> war like this from 60s, when they've started to physically
    DP> eliminate opposition.

    It a false idea that peace had born Hizbollah. And such organizations
    have not and cannot be fluffy and peaceful.

    ak>> You are too young and you don't know the scandals when Americans
    ak>> soldiers humiliated Iraqi prisoners in the most dishonest ways.
    ak>> They treated them like animals. However, I believe is a common
    ak>> feature of the people who work in prisons. Not all course.

    DP> I am way too old to remember that were also punished. And no one
    DP> from FSB was punished for torturing russian political prisoners.

    The bigger punitive force the more chance to have sadists in its rows.
    To begin torturing very easy -- you just need to hate. Tortures done by
    the Ukranian neo-nazis also is well known fact. As the fact that they
    burned their opponents alive in Odessa in 2014.


    DP> And as I said before - NATO is a good idea for any country,
    DP> otherwise Russia will find some excuse to invade.

    They thought that they can do any impudent things under Russia's nose
    and run with it. I repeat, it was a gross mistake and every person
    before doing something unpleasant to somebody should always think of consequences.

    Ukraine crossed red lines in Donbass and got a heavy blow, and nobody
    could save it from Russia with its umbrella.
    Russia also got a heavy blow from the world after the recent invasion,
    but it was a calculated policy. Probably Putin wants to separate
    Russians from the world and lead it its own way. In other words he likes
    the western reaction. ;-)

    ak>> These fucking idiots created most groundless foolish havoc that
    ak>> the world has not seen for ages.

    DP> It's nonsense. Putin started the war and you are blaming someone
    DP> else.

    The events started in 2014 after the coup where ultra-natioalists were
    the main force. It trigged everything, the Crimea referendum and Donbass including.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Feb 28 21:12:18 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Monday February 28 2022 20:41, you wrote to me:

    Hizbollah appeared when peaceful solution came to Lebanon. The
    whole idea was kill peacekeepers, to continue the war. And Syria
    war like this from 60s, when they've started to physically
    eliminate opposition.

    It a false idea that peace had born Hizbollah. And such organizations
    have not and cannot be fluffy and peaceful.

    Yes, Iran wanted to destroy Israel and created Hizbollah. It started it's operations by killing peacekeepers - 241 US soldiers and 58 French soldiers which came to contry to stop civil war. And Hizbollah used suicide bombers for that.
    Please check their photo with suicide bombers on parade: https://images.csmonitor.com/csm/2012/03/HEZLIST-ORIGINS.JPG?alias=standard_900x600nc

    Our brothers in arms! We are fighting together in Syria.

    The bigger punitive force the more chance to have sadists in its rows.
    To begin torturing very easy -- you just need to hate. Tortures done
    by the Ukranian neo-nazis also is well known fact. As the fact that
    they burned their opponents alive in Odessa in 2014.

    No, it was an accidental event. Nothing like sending killers to Europe, the common thing for our country during last years.

    And as I said before - NATO is a good idea for any country,
    otherwise Russia will find some excuse to invade.

    They thought that they can do any impudent things under Russia's nose
    and run with it. I repeat, it was a gross mistake and every person
    before doing something unpleasant to somebody should always think of consequences.

    Our nose is running - more than 1 million Russians died from COVID and no one cares.
    But sending your army to Ukraine which just wanted to be protected - is another story.

    Ukraine crossed red lines in Donbass and got a heavy blow, and nobody could save it from Russia with its umbrella.

    So we've sent there troops in 2014 and kraine crossed red lines?! For real?!

    Russia also got a heavy blow from the world after the recent invasion,
    but it was a calculated policy. Probably Putin wants to separate
    Russians from the world and lead it its own way. In other words he
    likes the western reaction. ;-)

    So he likes that Russians will suffer? It's like some BSDM game between our people and president?
    Is there any 'stop' words for it?

    It's nonsense. Putin started the war and you are blaming someone

    The events started in 2014 after the coup where ultra-natioalists were
    the main force. It trigged everything, the Crimea referendum and
    Donbass including.

    There was a coup in Burma last yeah and we are actually never blamed them for that. Our officials visited Burma after the coup and were shaking hands with new rules. And innocent people are being killed right now there.
    So the whole story about "coup" is just a Putin's lie.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Feb 28 21:44:44 2022
    Hello Dmitry!

    28 Feb 22 20:11, Dmitry Protasoff wrote to alexander koryagin:

    Do you think Gorbachev gave up the East Germany without any

    If we have a document with conditions - why it's not pblic and why Gorbachev is silent about it?

    Gorbachev already statet years ago that there were no such conditions for the German reunification (and all the conditions they agreed on have been fulfiled). The topic came up later, but never reached the state of formal approval. In hindsight, this probably should have been done.


    ... 9:44PM up 54 days, 8:39, 5 users, load averages: 0.22, 0.45, 0.48

    --- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
    * Origin: We're telling tales of communication (2:240/12)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Gerrit Kuehn on Tue Mar 1 00:42:30 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, Gerrit!

    Monday February 28 2022 21:44, you wrote to me:

    Gorbachev already statet years ago that there were no such conditions
    for the German reunification (and all the conditions they agreed on
    have been fulfiled). The topic came up later, but never reached the
    state of formal approval. In hindsight, this probably should have been done.

    Soviet Union was collapsing, we had civil war in some regions, no money to feed our people, just finished war in Afghanistan and almost no one here cared about some unified Germany and DDR.
    My aunt visited DDR in ~88 (if I remember correctly) and told us - "those Germans live better than we do! what a shame!".

    The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most of the people wanted reunification was a very weird idea for average Russian who wanted to buy more toilet paper and VCR (to watch US movies).

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Tim Schattkowsky on Tue Mar 1 01:47:50 2022
    Hello Tim,

    I loved Big Brother.

    Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it seems to be
    more correct every day.

    From beginning to end. The last four words of Orwell's novel
    are chilling - "He loved Big Brother." Those who have read the
    novel would know that all too well.


    Black lives matter!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 1 01:48:00 2022
    Hello Dmitry,


    Do you think Gorbachev gave up the East Germany without any

    If we have a document with conditions - why it's not pblic and why Gorbachev
    is silent about it?

    There is video -

    "Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" ~Ronald Reagan in Berlin

    Gorbachev complied, without saying a word (in English or in Russian).


    Whose streets? / Our streets!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 1 03:51:56 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, Lee!

    Tuesday March 01 2022 01:48, you wrote to me:

    Gorbachev complied, without saying a word (in English or in Russian).

    Gorbachev was busy with problems in his own country, no one in USSR cared much about Berlin wall in 1989.
    I am from Kuzbass region where in 1989 coal miners started protests, with political slogans.
    Coal was exported to Japan, with payments in hard currency, it was very important for SU.

    Coal miners started those protests because we had soap shortage and they were unable to wash enough after the work.

    If you don't have enough soap for coal miners - how you are supposed to supply troops in DDR? The whole country was collapsing, DDR problem was something very alien to average russian citizen.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Tim Schattkowsky@2:240/1120.29 to Lee Lofaso on Tue Mar 1 02:00:58 2022
    //Hello Lee,//

    on *01.03.22* at *0:47:50* You wrote in Area *FIDONEWS*
    to *Tim Schattkowsky* about *"Ukraine National Anthem"*.

    Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it seems to
    be more correct every day.

    From beginning to end. The last four words of Orwell's novel are chilling - "He loved Big Brother." Those who have read the novel would know that all too well.

    A song comes to my mind: history repeats itself ...

    As people forget the book, the things we went through in the past, we again have to argue over bullsthit that already found its judgement a long time ago ...

    Learned a new word recently: bothsiderism ... fits perfectly in today.


    --- WinPoint 401.1
    * Origin: Original WinPoint Origin! (2:240/1120.29)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 1 14:44:44 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 01.03.2022 00:42

    DP> The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most of the
    DP> people wanted reunification was a very weird idea for average
    DP> Russian who wanted to buy more toilet paper and VCR (to watch US
    DP> movies).

    But people of Crimea could not want reunification. Because they were
    Russians. ;-)

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 1 15:22:12 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Tuesday March 01 2022 14:44, you wrote to me:

    The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most of the
    people wanted reunification was a very weird idea for average
    Russian who wanted to buy more toilet paper and VCR (to watch US

    But people of Crimea could not want reunification. Because they were Russians. ;-)

    People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in 1991, no one forced them to do it.
    And DDR was not annexed by West Germany, no troops entered DDR and no one blocked Soviet forces there.

    The real story was that Russia used it's military base to take Crimea from Ukraine, although we had a pact with Ukraine signed in 1997 that we respect it's borders.

    Do you know that many Russian citizens are now trapped in Ukraine because our embassy just closed and never asked them to leave? The are mostly women and children, visiting their relatives. In Kiev, in Kharkov, where we are bombing residental areas.. We were liyng publicly while our embassy was burning papers and evacuating themselves.

    And now you are telling me that we care about Russians?
    We started a war even without formal declaration, like Germany did in 1941 to us by boming our cities at 5 am.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 1 17:10:02 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 01.03.2022 15:22

    DP>>> The whole idea to start a war to protect DDR where most
    DP>>> of the people wanted reunification was a very weird
    DP>>> idea for average Russian who wanted to buy more toilet
    DP>>> paper and VCR (to watch US movies).
    ak>> But people of Crimea could not want reunification. Because
    ak>> they were Russians.;-)
    DP> People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in
    DP> 1991, no one forced them to do it.

    They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine. This promise was
    dragged in the mire.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 1 17:39:28 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Tuesday March 01 2022 17:10, you wrote to me:

    People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in
    1991, no one forced them to do it.

    They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine. This promise was dragged in the mire.

    Putin promised prosperity to Russians many times. And failed.
    And now I don't even see how it's possible to end this conflict.
    And what to do with Ukraine.
    And do I really need to live in Russia? Some of my friends left already during last 4 days.

    Putin is destroying our future.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Dmitry Protasoff on Fri Mar 4 15:53:20 2022
    Hello Dmitry,

    People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet Union in
    1991, no one forced them to do it.

    They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine. This promise was
    dragged in the mire.

    Putin promised prosperity to Russians many times. And failed.
    And now I don't even see how it's possible to end this conflict.
    And what to do with Ukraine.
    And do I really need to live in Russia? Some of my friends left already during last 4 days.

    Putin is destroying our future.

    Russia has no future under Putin.
    Not everything can be blamed on Putin.
    But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.
    There are no winners in times of war.
    Old men sending young men to die.
    For no earthly reason other than their own selfish interests.
    What a tragedy for all, soldiers and civilians alike.
    Regardless of side they are on.

    It is rumored that Putin will declare martial law in Russia.
    Probably sooner, rather than later, if he has not done so already.

    Those who remain stuck in Russia will have to ride it out.
    And hope they survive.

    Good luck.


    Love trumps hate!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Mar 5 02:09:12 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, Lee!

    Friday March 04 2022 15:53, you wrote to me:

    Those who remain stuck in Russia will have to ride it out.
    And hope they survive.

    Even head of our state-owned air carrier Aeroflot flew from Russia :)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Mar 5 08:44:30 2022
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 04.03.2022 17:53

    DP>>>> People in Crimea voted for independence from Soviet
    DP>>>> Union in 1991, no one forced them to do it.
    ak>>> They were promised prosperity in bilingual Ukraine.
    ak>>> This promise was dragged in the mire.
    DP>> Putin promised prosperity to Russians many times. And
    DP>> failed. And now I don't even see how it's possible to end
    DP>> this conflict. And what to do with Ukraine.
    DP>> And do I really need to live in Russia? Some of my friends
    DP>> left already during last 4 days.
    DP>> Putin is destroying our future.

    LL> Russia has no future under Putin.
    LL> Not everything can be blamed on Putin.
    LL> But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.

    Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
    because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their defender and
    just person. ;)

    PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency
    accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very necessary
    in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore too high. ;-)

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Sat Mar 5 16:57:44 2022
    Hello Alexander,


    Putin is destroying our future.

    Russia has no future under Putin.
    Not everything can be blamed on Putin.
    But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.

    Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
    because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their defender and just person. ;)

    It is a natural desire wanting to trust the leader of one's country.
    Especially in times of crisis. But truths cannot be hidden forever.

    PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very necessary
    in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore too high. ;-)

    The economic ranking of Russia is 11th in the world, with a GDP
    of $1.528 trillion, and a population of 145 million, with a GDP per
    capita of $10,846.

    That is about the same size as South Korea.

    The effects of sanctions imposed on Russia will basically cut its
    ecnomony in half, leaving it about the same size as Taiwan.

    Only the very wealthy will be able to afford anything of value.
    Assuming such things can be found.


    Make 7-Up Yours

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 6 00:27:36 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Saturday March 05 2022 08:44, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:

    PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very
    necessary in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore too high. ;-)

    Euro and dollars are in high demand in Russia at the moment. Long queues in banks just to take them out of accounts.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Sun Mar 6 20:32:46 2022
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 05.03.2022 18:57

    DP>>>> Putin is destroying our future.
    LL>>> Russia has no future under Putin. Not everything can be blamed on
    LL>>> Putin. But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.

    ak>> Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
    ak>> because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their
    ak>> defender and just person.

    LL> It is a natural desire wanting to trust the leader of one's
    LL> country. Especially in times of crisis. But truths cannot be hidden
    LL> forever.

    It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains a
    good part of the truth. And the truth is that the Russian army,
    actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has been
    doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk, for
    instance. It has appeared that near Donetsk a huge Ukrainian army group
    was concentrated this winter for some reason. Although, according Minsk agreement such forces cannot be there.

    And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc in
    2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make the people Ukraine to fight with each other.

    ak>> PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency
    ak>> accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very
    ak>> necessary in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore
    ak>> too high.

    LL> The economic ranking of Russia is 11th in the world, with a GDP of
    LL> $1.528 trillion, and a population of 145 million, with a GDP per
    LL> capita of $10,846.

    LL> That is about the same size as South Korea.

    Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)

    LL> The effects of sanctions imposed on Russia will basically cut its
    LL> ecnomony in half, leaving it about the same size as Taiwan.

    LL> Only the very wealthy will be able to afford anything of value.
    LL> Assuming such things can be found.

    Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
    some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a very
    small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin. Ukrainians could do
    this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine,
    and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case Ukraine would not
    be destroyed, multiple lives would have been saved.

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to alexander koryagin on Sun Mar 6 10:04:26 2022
    And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc in
    2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make the people Ukraine to fight with each other.

    The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed separatists.

    Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)

    You call an invasion justice?

    There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there never will be.

    Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
    some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin. Ukrainians could do
    this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine,
    and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case Ukraine would not
    be destroyed, multiple lives would have been saved.

    A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine instead of sending an invasion for to kill civilians.

    It didn't happen like that but if you think you can explain it away then carry on.

    Russia not only wages war on Ukraine but on truth. Here in the west we know the truth but you may not.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 7 00:23:32 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Sunday March 06 2022 20:32, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:

    It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains a
    good part of the truth. And the truth is that the Russian army,
    actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has been
    doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk, for

    The same story. Russia sent forces to Ukraine in 2014 and managed to keep this conflict alive with only the one reason - to start current war with Ukraine.
    Putin announced that Ukraine should not exist. Clear as day.

    Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)

    They are not. I can see that every day while talking to dozens of Russians.

    Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
    some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a
    very small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin. Ukrainians

    No, they are fighting for their Motherland.

    could do this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case
    Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple lives would have been saved.

    Putin is just a crazy madman. You should never surrender to crazy madman.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Alan Ianson on Sun Mar 6 20:42:00 2022
    Hello Alan Ianson!

    ** On Sunday 06.03.22 - 10:04, Alan Ianson wrote to alexander koryagin:

    There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there never will be.

    Apparently it's rich in mineral resources.

    A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine
    instead of sending an invasion for to kill civilians.

    A logical, sensible leader might do that. Develop good
    business ties - and then prosper together.

    A former prez. to Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, recently stated
    that "Putin is a narcissist, psychopath, egomaniac and
    unhinged", all in one sentence. Trained as a psychologist, she
    is probably actually qualified to say that. She stated that he
    does not care for the well-being of other people.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: --> . <-- (2:221/1.58)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to August Abolins on Sun Mar 6 18:15:04 2022
    Apparently it's rich in mineral resources.

    Russia is also rich in natural resources. I don't think that is what Putin wants.

    A logical, sensible leader might do that. Develop good
    business ties - and then prosper together.

    Yes, that would be mutually beneficial. Putin is only concerned with his own benefit. I wonder if he has realized yet there is no benefit in his war.

    A former prez. to Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, recently stated
    that "Putin is a narcissist, psychopath, egomaniac and
    unhinged", all in one sentence. Trained as a psychologist, she
    is probably actually qualified to say that. She stated that he
    does not care for the well-being of other people.

    He certainly is unhinged. He has played the nuclear card. Now the west is also calculating..

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Alan Ianson on Mon Mar 7 16:55:16 2022
    Hi, Alan Ianson!
    I read your message from 06.03.2022 21:04

    ak>> And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc
    ak>> in 2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make
    ak>> the people Ukraine to fight with each other.

    AI> The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed
    AI> separatists.

    You are fooled. The Russian rebels appeared a good time _after_ the ultra-nationalists cope in Kiev when bilingual Ukraine had been
    violently demolished and its legal president had to run away to save his
    life. And quite logically a huge mass of people in east and south of
    Ukraine could not accept it. The reckless violence by nationalist
    trigged all pensive events in Ukraine.

    No wonder however. Those nationalists are fucking children of
    totalitarian regimes and they could not imagine a democratic way of
    reforms. They showed a kind of national fascism -- totalitarian
    suppression of opponents.

    ak>> Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it.
    AI> You call an invasion justice?

    Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right and democratic?
    Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?

    AI> There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there
    AI> never will be.

    You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with Russia
    and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons for the attack
    on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in 2014.

    ak>> Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras
    ak>> have some brains they would realized that their military
    ak>> resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain
    ak>> Putin. Ukrainians could do this war bloodless. They could allow
    ak>> Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do
    ak>> the rest. In this case Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple
    ak>> lives would have been saved.

    AI> A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine instead of
    AI> sending an invasion for to kill civilians.

    Even now Russian troops cannot stop shelling of Donetsk.

    AI> It didn't happen like that but if you think you can explain it away
    AI> then carry on.

    I just try to be objective. And don't follow Putin's propaganda. The
    main thing you should understand on the west that both partis of the
    conflict are guilty for it creation. But the start was the nationalistic
    cope in 2014.

    AI> Russia not only wages war on Ukraine but on truth. Here in the west
    AI> we know the truth but you may not.

    How do you know the truth if you have not even a single correspondent on
    the Russian side of the conflict? ;-)

    Bye, Alan!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Mon Mar 7 17:13:10 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 07.03.2022 00:23

    ak>> It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains
    ak>> a good part of the truth. And the truth is that the Russian army,
    ak>> actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has
    ak>> been doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk,
    ak>> for

    DP> The same story. Russia sent forces to Ukraine in 2014 and managed
    DP> to keep this conflict alive with only the one reason - to start
    DP> current war with Ukraine. Putin announced that Ukraine should not
    DP> exist. Clear as day.

    People in eastern and southern Ukraine were too close to Russia to allow
    them to be eliminated. I think elimination of a bilingual Ukraine was a foolish and criminal act. Lawlessness bore lawlessness, as a rule.

    ak>> Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it.

    DP> They are not. I can see that every day while talking to dozens of
    DP> Russians.

    I would speak in general, not by dozens.

    ak>> Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras
    ak>> have some brains they would realized that their military
    ak>> resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain
    ak>> Putin. Ukrainians

    DP> No, they are fighting for their Motherland.

    You don't understand. Let Russian troops enter where they want but fix
    the lawlessness of the act. It would a peaceful bloodless resistance.
    Russian troops would have nothing to do in Ukraine.

    ak>> could do this war bloodless. They could allow Russian troops enter
    ak>> in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do the rest. In this case
    ak>> Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple lives would have been
    ak>> saved.

    DP> Putin is just a crazy madman. You should never surrender to crazy
    DP> madman.

    I hope Zelensky understands it. However he tries to drag into the
    conflict NATO and the US in his appeals.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 7 10:56:20 2022
    The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed

    You are fooled.

    No, and I won't be fooled by you.

    The Russian rebels appeared a good time _after_ the
    ultra-nationalists cope in Kiev when bilingual Ukraine had been
    violently demolished and its legal president had to run away to save his life. And quite logically a huge mass of people in east and south of
    Ukraine could not accept it. The reckless violence by nationalist
    trigged all pensive events in Ukraine.

    There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.

    I could go on about that but I think you get the idea?

    No wonder however. Those nationalists are fucking children of
    totalitarian regimes and they could not imagine a democratic way of
    reforms. They showed a kind of national fascism -- totalitarian
    suppression of opponents.

    That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.

    You call an invasion justice?

    Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right and democratic?
    Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?

    No, as I said the situation in the east of the country is separatists. Russia backed separatists. Do you think Russia has any roll in solving Ukraine problems? No, Russia has played a roll in exacerbating them for it's own percieved gains.

    There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there
    never will be.

    You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with Russia
    and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons for the attack
    on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in 2014.

    Russian is a very common language in Ukraine. Many in all parts of Ukraine speak both languages.

    A man can speak war or peace in any language. It's best to speak a language your target audience can understand.

    Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras
    have some brains they would realized that their military
    resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain
    Putin. Ukrainians could do this war bloodless. They could allow
    Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do
    the rest. In this case Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple
    lives would have been saved.

    Ukrainians have not started a war, Russia did. Russia gave the citizens of Ukraine no choice. They has bombed both Russian and Ukrainian speakers indescriminately.

    Russia is not in Ukraine protecting Russian speakers, it is killing them along with Ukrainian speakers.

    A better solution is if Russia stayed out of Ukraine instead of
    sending an invasion for to kill civilians.

    Even now Russian troops cannot stop shelling of Donetsk.

    Of course they can, but Putin needs to save face somehow and I don't see a way for him to do that. So, the killing continues.

    I just try to be objective. And don't follow Putin's propaganda. The
    main thing you should understand on the west that both partis of the
    conflict are guilty for it creation. But the start was the nationalistic
    cope in 2014.

    Russia started and continues this war. That is not a hard fact to be objective about.

    How do you know the truth if you have not even a single correspondent on
    the Russian side of the conflict? ;-)

    I don't have a Russian correspondent sitting next to me here, but the last one I was reading says that millions of Russians think this war is a catastophy and are protesting the war at great risk to themselves.

    This is very much a Putin vs Ukraine war and not a Russia vs Ukraine war.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 16:53:38 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Monday March 07 2022 17:13, you wrote to me:

    The same story. Russia sent forces to Ukraine in 2014 and
    managed to keep this conflict alive with only the one reason -
    to start current war with Ukraine. Putin announced that Ukraine
    should not exist. Clear as day.

    People in eastern and southern Ukraine were too close to Russia to
    allow them to be eliminated. I think elimination of a bilingual

    "Eleminated" is just a wrong word, do you think that ossetians in Russia were "eliminated"?

    Ukraine was a foolish and criminal act. Lawlessness bore lawlessness,
    as a rule.

    Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every day. It's even more bilingual than Tatarstan in Russia.
    And our country decided not to evacuate Russians citizens from Ukraine, our state officials lied to them that there will be no war.
    And now they are trapped, they cannot escape via Poland, because they don't have visas.
    Our embassy just left without doing anything to help them.

    This is how our country treats our citizens! Who speaks Russian, btw.

    Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it.

    They are not. I can see that every day while talking to dozens
    of Russians.

    I would speak in general, not by dozens.

    Russians already leaving Russia in big numbers, although we don't have any war inside our territory.

    No, they are fighting for their Motherland.

    You don't understand. Let Russian troops enter where they want but fix
    the lawlessness of the act. It would a peaceful bloodless resistance.
    Russian troops would have nothing to do in Ukraine.

    Finns were ready to fight with USSR and now Finland is a very nice place to live. Otherwise it would be just another poor former Soviet republic.
    Ukraine is doing the same.

    And Puting lied many times, why do you think he won't incorporate Ukraine into Russia? Do you still trust him? :)

    Putin is just a crazy madman. You should never surrender to
    crazy madman.

    I hope Zelensky understands it. However he tries to drag into the
    conflict NATO and the US in his appeals.

    He wants to protect Ukraine, that's all.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Dmitry Protasoff on Tue Mar 8 15:40:26 2022

    And now they are trapped, they cannot escape via Poland, because they
    don't have visas.

    Incorrect ... Ukrainians fleeing into Poland, and as a consequence into the EU, need no passport nor visa. Some kind of identification comes in handy but even a membership of the Mickey Mouse club will do.

    So far 2 million Ukrainians have crossed the border and that would've been impossible had there been a visa-requirement ... Refugees receive immediate aid, immediate refugee-status and are dispersed over de EU to spread the burden on the locals. Tens of thousands of people have opened houses and are harbouring the refugees for free, giving them shelter, hygiene, food ...

    There was a rumour in Russia that Russian students in the west are kicked-off from universities. That is also incorrect, they are even supported in these trying times...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Ward Dossche on Tue Mar 8 18:40:16 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, Ward!

    Tuesday March 08 2022 15:40, you wrote to me:

    And now they are trapped, they cannot escape via Poland, because
    they don't have visas.

    Incorrect ... Ukrainians fleeing into Poland, and as a consequence
    into the EU, need no passport nor visa. Some kind of identification
    comes in handy but even a membership of the Mickey Mouse club will do.

    Ukranians, but not Russians with Russian passport and without Ukranian passport.
    We had many women with children visiting their relatives in Ukarine.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Alan Ianson on Tue Mar 8 20:19:16 2022
    Hi, Alan Ianson!
    I read your message from 07.03.2022 21:56

    AI>>> The main "fun" in Ukraine in 2014 are separatists. Russian backed
    AI>>> separatists.

    ak>> You are fooled.
    AI> No, and I won't be fooled by you.

    ak>> The Russian rebels appeared a good time _after_ the ultra-
    ak>> nationalists cope in Kiev when bilingual Ukraine had been
    ak>> violently demolished and its legal president had to run away to
    ak>> save his life. And quite logically a huge mass of people in east
    ak>> and south of Ukraine could not accept it. The reckless violence by
    ak>> nationalist trigged all pensive events in Ukraine.

    AI> There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine
    AI> did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted
    AI> to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.

    Can you apply this to the storming of the Capitol in the US by the
    Trumps' supporters? Suppose they would overthrown Biden, and imagine
    that the Biden's supporters would not have accepted the changing of
    power and would take arms?

    AI> I could go on about that but I think you get the idea?

    The talking is always better than wars.

    ak>> No wonder however. Those nationalists are fucking children of
    ak>> totalitarian regimes and they could not imagine a democratic way
    ak>> of reforms. They showed a kind of national fascism -- totalitarian
    ak>> suppression of opponents.

    AI> That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.

    You blindly don't want to note the totalitarian methods of the Ukrainian nationalistic regime towards Russian speaking population. All "love" to Ukraine that Russians now are being inoculated are based on threats,
    violence, bans and discrimination. To defend rights of Russians in
    Ukraine has been simply dangerous for the last 8 years.

    AI>>> You call an invasion justice?

    ak>> Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass
    ak>> with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right
    ak>> and democratic? Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?

    AI> No, as I said the situation in the east of the country is
    AI> separatists. Russia backed separatists. Do you think Russia has any
    AI> roll in solving Ukraine problems? No, Russia has played a roll in
    AI> exacerbating them for it's own percieved gains.

    Nobody wanted to separate from Ukraine when its authority conducted a
    wise, balanced, bilingual policy, very logical in such bilingual
    countries like Ukraine. But some nationalistic idiots crashed everything
    that was built after Ukraine became an independent state. Actually a few thousand extremists in Kiev made the cope in 2014.

    AI>>> There is nothing in Ukraine for Russia. There never was an there
    AI>>> never will be.

    ak>> You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with
    ak>> Russia and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons
    ak>> for the attack on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in
    ak>> 2014.

    AI> Russian is a very common language in Ukraine. Many in all parts of
    AI> Ukraine speak both languages.

    For the person is most important which language he speaking at home, in
    which language he thought. For up to 46% of Ukrainian this language is Russian, not even speaking about so called Russian speaking areas in the
    east and south. To demand from this people to refuse teaching their
    children in Russian, make Russian newspapers, radio, TV-channels is a totalitarian, nationalistic violent way. Actually on the verge of Nazi
    way, because in this situation there is no smell of democracy and
    freedom in Ukraine after 2014.

    AI> Ukrainians have not started a war, Russia did. Russia gave the
    AI> citizens of Ukraine no choice. They has bombed both Russian and
    AI> Ukrainian speakers indescriminately.

    This war began in 2014. But until now it was in Donbass area. I support helping to besieged people of Donbass, but I think that Putin's idea to
    clean all Ukraine from Nazi is crazy and unrealisable. Ukraine was
    always divided and it always be. The only positive thing for the war
    maybe will be that many Ukrainians now will feel by themselves what the
    people of Donbass has felt for the last 8 years.

    ak>> I just try to be objective. And don't follow Putin's propaganda.
    ak>> The main thing you should understand on the west that both parties
    ak>> of the conflict are guilty for it creation. But the start was the
    ak>> nationalistic cope in 2014.

    AI> Russia started and continues this war. That is not a hard fact to
    AI> be objective about.

    The war was started in 2014. And, the crazy Putin's operation in Ukraine
    is its unexpected and illogical continuation. Nobody expected it and
    believed that such a thing could happen. It happened after Putin had
    grabbed all the power in his hand and removed the strong people who
    could object him.

    ak>> How do you know the truth if you have not even a single
    ak>> correspondent on the Russian side of the conflict?

    AI> I don't have a Russian correspondent sitting next to me here, but
    AI> the last one I was reading says that millions of Russians think
    AI> this war is a catastophy and are protesting the war at great risk
    AI> to themselves.

    Russia is a big country.

    AI> This is very much a Putin vs Ukraine war and not a Russia vs
    AI> Ukraine war.

    But if you want to be objective you should not dissolve the reason of
    the situation in a Putin's figure only -- ugly face for many. The
    problem exists without Putin.

    Bye, Alan!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 19:37:06 2022
    Hello Alexander,

    Putin is destroying our future.
    Russia has no future under Putin. Not everything can be blamed on
    Putin. But he is a big part as to why Russia is suffering.

    Due to the good propaganda most Russians think that Russia suffers
    because of the EU and US. Most Russians like Putin as their
    defender and just person.

    It is a natural desire wanting to trust the leader of one's
    country. Especially in times of crisis. But truths cannot be hidden

    It is difficult to say. Propaganda becomes strong when it contains a
    good part of the truth.

    Propaganda has limitations. In the world today, everybody has their
    own means of obtaining the information they seek. As such, it is only
    a pipe dream of those who want to limit or control news media.

    And the truth is that the Russian army, actually, does in Ukraine the same things the Ukraine army has been doing for 8 years, and even now it is still shelling Donetsk, for instance.

    The truth is no longer what one side or another says it is. People
    are now able to find out, almost instantaneously, what is happening
    around the world.

    It has appeared that near Donetsk a huge Ukrainian army group
    was concentrated this winter for some reason. Although, according Minsk agreement such forces cannot be there.

    The Minsk Agreements are null and void given Putin's actions.
    That is not propaganda, but fact. Neither side fully complied
    with the terms, and were not likely to do so. But they were
    a basis that could have been used to build on.

    And the main fun is that all the blame for the creating the havoc in
    2014 is put on Russians only. Shame. It is not they who make the people Ukraine to fight with each other.

    Putin's actions in regards to Ukraine were unjustified and unprovoked.
    Lives have been lost, both Russian and Ukrainian. As a result, blood
    is on his hands. Does that mean Ukraine is totally innocent? Of course
    not. There were groups in Donbas region that were far-right extremist.
    But that was Ukraine's problem to deal with. And should not have been
    Russia's concern.

    PS: BTW they prohibit selling goods in Russia and blocked currency
    accounts of banks. It means that dollar and euro are not very
    necessary in Russia any more, and the exchange rate will not sore
    too high.

    The economic ranking of Russia is 11th in the world, with a GDP of
    $1.528 trillion, and a population of 145 million, with a GDP per
    capita of $10,846.

    That is about the same size as South Korea.

    Russians are ready to suffer for justice, if you don't know it. ;-)

    Revenge is a dish best served cold. ~Klingon proverb

    The effects of sanctions imposed on Russia will basically cut its
    ecnomony in half, leaving it about the same size as Taiwan.

    Only the very wealthy will be able to afford anything of value.
    Assuming such things can be found.

    Well, the sanctions are heavy no doubt. But if Ukrainian ultras have
    some brains they would realized that their military resistance is a very small part in the world efforts to restrain Putin.

    Putin is finished. His military advisors now realise it was a serious
    mistake or miscalculation to have attempted to invade Ukraine. The cost
    was way too high, and will continue to get higher as time goes on.
    Not only have the people of Ukraine united, but so has NATO. As well
    as the European Union. Indeed, the entire world has condemned Putin's
    action. Except maybe for China, which has refused to go along with

    Ukrainians could do this war bloodless.

    Russia attacked Ukraine, not the other way around. An unjustified
    and unprovoked attack on a democratically-elected sovereign state.

    They could allow Russian troops enter in Ukraine, and the world suctions would do the rest.

    "I do not want to beat you up. But if you do not give me what I want,
    I will." ~bully to intended victim

    In this case Ukraine would not be destroyed, multiple lives would have been

    In this case, the victim refused to give his lunch money to the bully,
    and the bully beat himself up, losing two top generals in the process.

    Seriously, the road to peace is never through war. We should all
    pray for peace, in our own way. Give peace a chance.


    Big Or Small We Lay Them All

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 19:37:12 2022
    Hello Alexander,


    Russia not only wages war on Ukraine but on truth. Here in the west
    we know the truth but you may not.

    How do you know the truth if you have not even a single correspondent on the
    Russian side of the conflict? ;-)

    The truth. Or course. But whose truth? That is the question. Is it
    the world according to Biden? The world according to Putin? The world
    according to Garp? Maybe it is the world according to Lee. Or even the
    world according to Alexander. The truth is whatever we make it out to
    be. Which might explain why Jesus remained silent when Pilate asked
    him that very question.

    ~by Elizabeth H. Connor

    With our President as leader,
    Lies the world’s destiny,
    Where in righteousness and freedom
    Will prevail equally.

    Holding forth the very brightest
    Aspirations for all,
    A universal peace and trust,
    In freedom’s bugle call.

    Highest ideals personified,
    The noblest of mankind,
    Where honor and democracy
    Together are combined.

    When might will be replaced by right,
    And peace shall dawn again,
    Our nation’s annals will reveal
    The glory of his reign.

    She wrote those words long before all of us were born. Have things
    changed at all since her time? Sometimes I wonder. Even without nukes,
    we are able to cause massive destruction and cause more deaths than
    ever thought possible.


    We! Reject! The president-nonelect!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 8 15:13:46 2022
    There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine
    did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted
    to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.

    Can you apply this to the storming of the Capitol in the US by the
    Trumps' supporters? Suppose they would overthrown Biden, and imagine
    that the Biden's supporters would not have accepted the changing of
    power and would take arms?

    No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big lie of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.

    I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.

    I believe one of those oath keepers was convicted on all charges today but I need to read more.

    The talking is always better than wars.


    That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.

    You blindly don't want to note the totalitarian methods of the Ukrainian nationalistic regime towards Russian speaking population. All "love" to Ukraine that Russians now are being inoculated are based on threats, violence, bans and discrimination. To defend rights of Russians in
    Ukraine has been simply dangerous for the last 8 years.

    No, I don't believe it happened this way.

    You call an invasion justice?

    Well you then probably call justice a 8-years siege of Donbass
    with 14 thousand killed? All this time everything was all right
    and democratic? Why you has been shut up then and is so loud now?

    I am not saying the death of anyone is good. I am saying that some in the Donbass region are separatists, a minority supported by Russia and that is why it has come to this.

    Nobody wanted to separate from Ukraine when its authority conducted a
    wise, balanced, bilingual policy, very logical in such bilingual
    countries like Ukraine. But some nationalistic idiots crashed everything
    that was built after Ukraine became an independent state. Actually a few thousand extremists in Kiev made the cope in 2014.

    If it was wise and balanced then why a popular uprising to oust the then leader?

    The uprising in 2014 was not about the Donbass region. The people of Ukraine did not want a Putin puppet in power as is the case in Belarus and so they ousted him. The people of Ukraine are free to choose their future and they have done so.

    The Russian federation can not force their will on Ukraine. They can try through military might but this will fail at great cost to Russia in international opinion and the loss of some soldiers sent in to fight and also in economic sanctions.

    The people of Ukraine will pay in blood, sweat and tears for a war they didn't start.

    There is nothing good here for Russia, Ukraine or the world.

    You forgot that eastern Ukraine has always had closest ties with
    Russia and is Russian speaking. And this was one of the reasons
    for the attack on the eastern regions of Ukraine after the cope in

    I did not forget that. That is not a bad thing. It's not something to start a war over.

    For the person is most important which language he speaking at home, in
    which language he thought. For up to 46% of Ukrainian this language is Russian, not even speaking about so called Russian speaking areas in the
    east and south. To demand from this people to refuse teaching their
    children in Russian, make Russian newspapers, radio, TV-channels is a totalitarian, nationalistic violent way. Actually on the verge of Nazi
    way, because in this situation there is no smell of democracy and
    freedom in Ukraine after 2014.

    Yes, Russians are not so different than Ukrainians.

    This war began in 2014.

    Don't be romantic. This war started Feb 24, 2022 although Russia took some time to build up the military force around Ukraine's border. This war is Russia's doing and not someone else.

    But until now it was in Donbass area. I support
    helping to besieged people of Donbass, but I think that Putin's idea to
    clean all Ukraine from Nazi is crazy and unrealisable. Ukraine was
    always divided and it always be. The only positive thing for the war
    maybe will be that many Ukrainians now will feel by themselves what the people of Donbass has felt for the last 8 years.

    It is crazy because there are no nazi's in Ukraine aside from the russian forces that now occupy and attack the peace loving nation of Ukraine.

    Russia started and continues this war. That is not a hard fact to
    be objective about.

    The war was started in 2014.


    And, the crazy Putin's operation in Ukraine is its unexpected and illogical continuation. Nobody expected it and believed that such a thing could
    happen. It happened after Putin had grabbed all the power in his hand and removed the strong people who could object him.

    Russia has become an oligarchy. The Oligarch's depend on each other. Is that the only power in Russia today?

    I don't have a Russian correspondent sitting next to me here, but
    the last one I was reading says that millions of Russians think
    this war is a catastophy and are protesting the war at great risk
    to themselves.

    Russia is a big country.

    So it is and it is clear that most of the people of Russia have nothing to gain from a war with Ukraine, and no desire to be there in a state of war.

    But if you want to be objective you should not dissolve the reason of
    the situation in a Putin's figure only -- ugly face for many. The
    problem exists without Putin.

    While the Russian federation is responsible for the invasion it was ordered by Putin for some crazy idea that does not benefit the peoople of Russia, or anyone else.

    The problem is the oligarchs. No one else in Russia seems to have a say in what is happening in Russia. They can't even say this is a war and they can't even say I disagree. So they sit back and watch, powerless to do or say anything.

    A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square at great personal cost to themselves.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 9 08:41:40 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 08.03.2022 16:53

    ak>> People in eastern and southern Ukraine were too close to
    ak>> Russia to allow them to be eliminated. I think elimination
    ak>> of a bilingual
    DP> "Eleminated" is just a wrong word, do you think that ossetians
    DP> in Russia were "eliminated"?

    Ossetians entered Russia voluntarily and learned Russian to be part of
    Russia, nobody threatened them or fined. As for Russian speaking in
    Ukraine they are much more numerous, and they have the right to be
    treated on equal footing with Ukrainians.

    ak>> Ukraine was a foolish and criminal act. Lawlessness bore
    ak>> lawlessness, as a rule.
    DP> Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every

    It is not true. New law about the state language strongly discriminates
    the Russian language. Actually, according the law (the final stage of
    which was planed in 2024) it will be almost impossible to issue Russian speaking newspapers, do Russian radio stations, Russian tv channels etc.

    (Russian resource)

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Alan Ianson on Wed Mar 9 09:49:42 2022
    Hi, Alan Ianson!
    I read your message from 09.03.2022 02:13

    AI>>> There was no coup, or cope as you call it. The people of Ukraine
    AI>>> did not want to go in the direction that Viktor Yanukovych wanted
    AI>>> to take the country and so they revolted and ousted him.
    ak>> Can you apply this to the storming of the Capitol in the US by the
    ak>> Trumps' supporters? Suppose they would overthrown Biden, and
    ak>> imagine that the Biden's supporters would not have accepted the
    ak>> changing of power and would take arms?

    AI> No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big lie
    AI> of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.

    Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold himself to
    Moscow, and it was a complete lie.

    AI> I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
    AI> attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
    AI> like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.

    Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on a
    great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to the
    Kiev's events in 2014.

    AI>>> That is what Russia is doing in a peaceful, sovereign nation.
    ak>> You blindly don't want to note the totalitarian methods of the
    ak>> Ukrainian nationalistic regime towards Russian speaking
    ak>> population. All "love" to Ukraine that Russians now are being
    ak>> inoculated are based on threats, violence, bans and
    ak>> discrimination. To defend rights of Russians in Ukraine has been
    ak>> simply dangerous for the last 8 years.
    AI> No, I don't believe it happened this way.

    Yeah, those who are against Russia cannot be bad guys. Or, maybe, this
    will be closer -- "those guys are bastards, but they are our bastards!" ;-)

    ak>> Nobody wanted to separate from Ukraine when its authority
    ak>> conducted a wise, balanced, bilingual policy, very logical in such
    ak>> bilingual countries like Ukraine. But some nationalistic idiots
    ak>> crashed everything that was built after Ukraine became an
    ak>> independent state. Actually a few thousand extremists in Kiev made
    ak>> the cope in 2014.

    AI> If it was wise and balanced then why a popular uprising to oust the
    AI> then leader?

    I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming. The
    difference was that western countries greatly threaten Yanukovich so
    that he would not cease the mutiny by the police force. The agreement
    for peace had been achieved, but the same evening somebody started
    shooting at the crowd and the police. Of course nationalists easily
    blamed Yanukovich, although it had no sense for him after the agreement concluded.
    In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of people.

    ak>> This war began in 2014.

    AI> Don't be romantic. This war started Feb 24, 2022 although Russia
    AI> took some time to build up the military force around Ukraine's
    AI> border. This war is Russia's doing and not someone else.

    Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian civil
    war that had started in 2014.

    ak>> But until now it was in Donbass area. I support helping to
    ak>> besieged people of Donbass, but I think that Putin's idea to clean
    ak>> all Ukraine from Nazi is crazy and unrealisable. Ukraine was
    ak>> always divided and it always be. The only positive thing for the
    ak>> war maybe will be that many Ukrainians now will feel by themselves
    ak>> what the people of Donbass has felt for the last 8 years.

    AI> It is crazy because there are no nazi's in Ukraine aside from the
    AI> russian forces that now occupy and attack the peace loving nation
    AI> of Ukraine.

    Uhu, this is from another planet, not Ukraine: http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2028456_4t6v1y1j.jpg http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2029194_lk19dzdx.jpg

    ak>> And, the crazy Putin's operation in Ukraine is its unexpected and
    ak>> illogical continuation. Nobody expected it and believed that such
    ak>> a thing could happen. It happened after Putin had grabbed all the
    ak>> power in his hand and removed the strong people who could object
    ak>> him.

    AI> Russia has become an oligarchy. The Oligarch's depend on each
    AI> other. Is that the only power in Russia today?

    It seems Putin has grabbed all the power and he surrounded himself with
    loyal military and police units. No oligarch can make him to change his

    AI> A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square at
    AI> great personal cost to themselves.

    Putin has created many laws and forces to suppress such acts. Modern electronics, spy technology has brought the world of Orwell into Russia quicker than it penetrates into other countries. :-\

    That's why any countries should NOT create such omnipresent spying
    structures! Because one day you will find that you cannot change your

    Bye, Alan!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 11:16:56 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday March 09 2022 08:41, you wrote to me:

    "Eleminated" is just a wrong word, do you think that ossetians
    in Russia were "eliminated"?

    Ossetians entered Russia voluntarily and learned Russian to be part of

    Ukraine left USSR after referendum, as free choice of people. No one forced them to become independed state with ukranian as offical language.

    Russia, nobody threatened them or fined. As for Russian speaking in

    They have to use Russian in schools and universities, otherwise they will be punished, even jailed.

    Ukraine they are much more numerous, and they have the right to be
    treated on equal footing with Ukrainians.

    Chechens in Chechnya have to use Russian in schools, but they are majority in Chechnya. And they never joined Russia voluntarily.

    Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every

    It is not true. New law about the state language strongly

    It's no true. I've been in Kiev some time ago and had no problem with my Russian.

    discriminates the Russian language. Actually, according the law (the
    final stage of which was planed in 2024) it will be almost impossible
    to issue Russian speaking newspapers, do Russian radio stations,
    Russian tv channels etc.

    (Russian resource)

    According to the news you just have to provide ukranian language copy. Ukranians were at war with Russia for 8 years, don't forget about that.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 11:17:18 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday March 09 2022 09:49, you wrote to Alan Ianson:

    No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big
    lie of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.

    Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold himself to
    Moscow, and it was a complete lie.

    How do you know about his relatons with Putin? Sources?
    We now all know that Putin thinks that Ukraine should not exist. And it was his idea for many years.

    I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
    attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
    like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.

    Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on a
    great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to the
    Kiev's events in 2014.

    It's not similar. Ukraine had free elections after Yanukovich, no one took power by force.
    USA had elections also, and Trump lost.

    No, I don't believe it happened this way.

    Yeah, those who are against Russia cannot be bad guys. Or, maybe, this
    will be closer -- "those guys are bastards, but they are our
    bastards!" ;-)

    I am against current Russian actions and I live in Russia. So what? :)

    I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming. The
    difference was that western countries greatly threaten Yanukovich so
    that he would not cease the mutiny by the police force. The agreement
    for peace had been achieved, but the same evening somebody started shooting at the crowd and the police. Of course nationalists easily
    blamed Yanukovich, although it had no sense for him after the
    agreement concluded. In short all "popular uprising" was done by a
    small group of people.

    You can't fully control people with weapons who are ready to kill.
    So probably no one asked Yanukovich for permission.

    Don't be romantic. This war started Feb 24, 2022 although Russia
    took some time to build up the military force around Ukraine's
    border. This war is Russia's doing and not someone else.

    Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian
    civil war that had started in 2014.

    War in 2014 was also started by Russia.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Lee Lofaso on Wed Mar 9 12:10:32 2022
    Hi, Lee Lofaso!
    I read your message from 08.03.2022 21:37

    LL> She wrote those words long before all of us were born. Have
    LL> things changed at all since her time? Sometimes I wonder. Even
    LL> without nukes, we are able to cause massive destruction and
    LL> cause more deaths than ever thought possible.

    But check it out the fact -- Russian troops captured the Zaporojskya
    Nuclear Station and this station is still provides Ukraine with
    electricity. Can be such things during a war?

    Bye, Lee!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 01:28:08 2022
    No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big lie
    of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.

    Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold himself to Moscow, and it was a complete lie.

    Donald Trump's lie was an obvious one. He said "Frankly, we did win this election" when he did not. He sounded like an autocrat. I don't ever recall a president of the US making such a ridiculous statement after losing an election.

    I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
    attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
    like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.

    Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on a
    great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to the
    Kiev's events in 2014.

    It was on much less scale. The capitol was cleared after some hours of that turmoil and went back to work and finished what they were there to do later in the day.

    If it was wise and balanced then why a popular uprising to oust the
    then leader?

    I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming.

    It is very different. Those who stormed the capitol wanted a president who lost an election to continue in that role.

    The uprising in Ukraine was because the people wanted to oust their president.

    The difference was that western countries greatly threaten Yanukovich so
    that he would not cease the mutiny by the police force. The agreement
    for peace had been achieved, but the same evening somebody started
    shooting at the crowd and the police. Of course nationalists easily
    blamed Yanukovich, although it had no sense for him after the agreement concluded.

    The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction Yanukovich was going to take the country. So much so that that they rose up and ousted him.

    Something like that could happen in Russia too although I believe people in Russia are scared (for good reason) to stand up.

    In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of people.

    This uprising was big enough to oust Yanukovich. There was also a big uprising in Belarus not long ago around the election there. It did not succeed in any change.

    Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian civil
    war that had started in 2014.

    No, Russia invaded Ukraine. There is no other way to say it if you want to be honest. Are you aware of the damage that Russia has done in Ukraine to this point, and continues to do? There is damage all over Ukraine from missiles and toe to toe warfare. Large numbers of civilian casualties. Civilian infratucture (homes and apartments) is being targeted. Large numbers of Russian soldiers also. It is all needless.

    Uhu, this is from another planet, not Ukraine:

    Ah, no. The images you present don't prove anything and are not an accurate picture of Ukraine.

    http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2028456_4t6v1y1j.jpg http://pics.rsh.ru/img/IMGx2029194_lk19dzdx.jpg

    Neo nazis and white supremacists exist. They are among us.

    It seems Putin has grabbed all the power and he surrounded himself with
    loyal military and police units. No oligarch can make him to change his

    He has surrounded himself with yes men. He couldn't get good advice at this point if his life depended on it. That has probably been the case for decades.

    A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square at
    great personal cost to themselves.

    Putin has created many laws and forces to suppress such acts. Modern electronics, spy technology has brought the world of Orwell into Russia quicker than it penetrates into other countries. :-\

    So much so that you cannot believe what you see on TV in Russia today. It is all propaganda designed to make you believe what the state wants you to believe.

    That's why any countries should NOT create such omnipresent spying structures! Because one day you will find that you cannot change your country.

    Sometimes you have to find the truth when it is hidden.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 12:45:48 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday March 09 2022 12:10, you wrote to Lee Lofaso:

    She wrote those words long before all of us were born. Have
    things changed at all since her time? Sometimes I wonder. Even
    without nukes, we are able to cause massive destruction and
    cause more deaths than ever thought possible.

    But check it out the fact -- Russian troops captured the Zaporojskya Nuclear Station and this station is still provides Ukraine with electricity. Can be such things during a war?

    Sure! Soviet power stations were providing electricity under German occupation during WWII.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 9 13:47:36 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 09.03.2022 12:45

    LL>>> She wrote those words long before all of us were born.
    LL>>> Have things changed at all since her time? Sometimes I
    LL>>> wonder. Even without nukes, we are able to cause
    LL>>> massive destruction and cause more deaths than ever
    LL>>> thought possible.
    ak>> But check it out the fact -- Russian troops captured the
    ak>> Zaporojskya Nuclear Station and this station is still
    ak>> provides Ukraine with electricity. Can be such things
    ak>> during a war?
    DP> Sure! Soviet power stations were providing electricity under
    DP> German occupation during WWII.

    But check another fact -- when the Crimea separated the Ukrainian
    nationalists had cut off fresh water canal and electricity to the
    peninsular. All the people there became enemies. Do you know how many civilians has suffered because of this, children including? The answer
    is simple -- the nationality of this people was not correct, and they
    did not deserve human treating, even while officially they were called Ukrainian citizens.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 9 15:48:30 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday March 09 2022 13:47, you wrote to me:

    Sure! Soviet power stations were providing electricity under
    German occupation during WWII.

    But check another fact -- when the Crimea separated the Ukrainian nationalists had cut off fresh water canal and electricity to the peninsular. All the people there became enemies. Do you know how many civilians has suffered because of this, children including? The answer

    It wasn't exactly britgh idea but no one died because of that.
    When Putin was thinking about annexation of Crimea - it was his responsibility to think about consequences.

    But now we know he is very weak about long term planning.

    is simple -- the nationality of this people was not correct, and they
    did not deserve human treating, even while officially they were
    called Ukrainian citizens.

    "Human treating" means that they never deserved Russian invasion? And Putin lied again that "it wasn't Russian army".

    Now Russians are leaving Russia because they also think that "human treating" is not something that Putin is doing to them.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Dmitry Protasoff on Wed Mar 9 08:54:00 2022
    Hello Dmitry!

    ** On Wednesday 09.03.22 - 15:48, you wrote..

    It wasn't exactly britgh idea but no one died because of that.
    When Putin was thinking about annexation of Crimea - it was his responsibility to think about consequences.

    But now we know he is very weak about long term planning.

    I have to wonder if he's weak in other ways. Pictures of him
    show a puffed-up face. Prednisone? Perhaps he's dealing with an
    illness - and wants to make it into the history books doing
    something "grand" before times runs out.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.51
    * Origin: --> . <-- Oh look.. A point! (2:221/1.58)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to August Abolins on Wed Mar 9 18:49:06 2022
    Hello, August!

    Wednesday March 09 2022 08:54, you wrote to me:

    I have to wonder if he's weak in other ways. Pictures of him
    show a puffed-up face. Prednisone? Perhaps he's dealing with an
    illness - and wants to make it into the history books doing
    something "grand" before times runs out.

    Yeah, agree.
    I am not a psychiatrist, can't say exactly how his behavoir is called.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Lee Lofaso on Wed Mar 9 08:11:00 2022
    Lee Lofaso wrote to alexander koryagin <=-

    It has appeared that near Donetsk a huge Ukrainian army group
    was concentrated this winter for some reason. Although, according Minsk agreement such forces cannot be there.

    The Minsk Agreements are null and void given Putin's actions.
    That is not propaganda, but fact. Neither side fully complied
    with the terms, and were not likely to do so. But they were
    a basis that could have been used to build on.

    "Whataboutism" is alive and well.

    ... Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Alan Ianson on Thu Mar 10 08:12:56 2022
    Hi, Alan Ianson!
    I read your message from 09.03.2022 12:28

    AI>>> No, the storming of the capitol in the US was based on the big
    AI>>> lie of Donald Trump and a large swath of the republican party.

    ak>> Well, Ukrainian nationalists also lied that Yanukovich sold
    ak>> himself to Moscow, and it was a complete lie.

    AI> Donald Trump's lie was an obvious one. He said "Frankly, we did win
    AI> this election" when he did not. He sounded like an autocrat. I
    AI> don't ever recall a president of the US making such a ridiculous
    AI> statement after losing an election.

    AI>>> I don't think it had a very good chance of success. It was an
    AI>>> attack on democracy by the republican party supported by groups
    AI>>> like the oath keepers. It was not a popular uprising.

    ak>> Yes, it was on less scale, but you can imagine that it could be on
    ak>> a great scale. And in that case we will see something similar to
    ak>> the Kiev's events in 2014.

    AI> It was on much less scale. The capitol was cleared after some hours
    AI> of that turmoil and went back to work and finished what they were
    AI> there to do later in the day.

    Imagine that the events would go like in Kiev -- the protesters would
    make barricades around the Capitol, threw Molotov cocktail and rocks at
    the police, Russian envoy would come to the barricades to encourage the protesters with crackers and juice, as it did auntie Nuland in Kiev in
    2014? And Russia would demand to observe human rights of the protesters
    and refuse from violence? ;-)

    ak>> I say you, the mutiny was similar to the Capitol storming.

    AI> It is very different. Those who stormed the capitol wanted a
    AI> president who lost an election to continue in that role.

    But they claimed that unfair shuffling was during the elections and the elections are illegal and Biden.

    AI> The uprising in Ukraine was because the people wanted to oust their
    AI> president.

    It was the opinion of a few thousand people.

    ak>> The difference was that western countries greatly threaten
    ak>> Yanukovich so that he would not cease the mutiny by the police
    ak>> force. The agreement for peace had been achieved, but the same
    ak>> evening somebody started shooting at the crowd and the police. Of
    ak>> course nationalists easily blamed Yanukovich, although it had no
    ak>> sense for him after the agreement concluded.

    AI> The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction
    AI> Yanukovich was going to take the country. So much so that that they
    AI> rose up and ousted him.

    Thousands people of the USA also didn't want Biden and hate him. In
    short the situation is similar.

    AI> Something like that could happen in Russia too although I believe
    AI> people in Russia are scared (for good reason) to stand up.

    ak>> In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of
    ak>> people.

    AI> This uprising was big enough to oust Yanukovich. There was also a
    AI> big uprising in Belarus not long ago around the election there. It
    AI> did not succeed in any change.

    No it is not correct. Simply saying, Yanukovich was too liberal with protesters. No other president in the world could lead such a liberal
    policy towards such protests. Naturally, Lukashenko was not such a
    person. ;-) Yanukovich was the most democratic leader in post-soviet
    space after Gorbachev.

    ak>> Better to say that in 2022 Russia openly entered in the Ukrainian
    ak>> civil war that had started in 2014.

    AI> No, Russia invaded Ukraine. There is no other way to say it if you
    AI> want to be honest. Are you aware of the damage that Russia has done
    AI> in Ukraine to this point, and continues to do? There is damage all
    AI> over Ukraine from missiles and toe to toe warfare. Large numbers of
    AI> civilian casualties. Civilian infratucture (homes and apartments)
    AI> is being targeted. Large numbers of Russian soldiers also. It is
    AI> all needless.

    Nobody targets home and apartments on purpose -- I don't know how you
    can believe it. The number of victims comparable with Donbass victims.
    If you think that shellings of Donentsk has been stopped today you are mistaken.


    AI> He has surrounded himself with yes men. He couldn't get good advice
    AI> at this point if his life depended on it. That has probably been
    AI> the case for decades.

    I would call it a political HIV. The guard system that should defend
    organism started to eliminate both healthy and unhealthy organs and took
    the functionality of a crazy dictator.

    AI>>> A few brave souls do simply say "I disagree" in the town square
    AI>>> at great personal cost to themselves.

    ak>> Putin has created many laws and forces to suppress such acts.
    ak>> Modern electronics, spy technology has brought the world of Orwell
    ak>> into Russia quicker than it penetrates into other countries.

    AI> So much so that you cannot believe what you see on TV in Russia
    AI> today. It is all propaganda designed to make you believe what the
    AI> state wants you to believe.

    The matter is not in propaganda -- the matter is in impossibility of the protest. Orwell state prevents such events. The leader of a protest is arrested right when he left his home.

    Bye, Alan!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 10 08:35:48 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 09.03.2022 11:16

    DP>>> Ukraine us still bilingual. People use Russian kanguage every
    ak>> It is not true. New law about the state language strongly

    DP> It's no true. I've been in Kiev some time ago and had no problem
    DP> with my Russian.

    ak>> discriminates the Russian language. Actually, according the law
    ak>> (the final stage of which was planed in 2024) it will be almost
    ak>> impossible to issue Russian speaking newspapers, do Russian radio
    ak>> stations, Russian tv channels etc.

    ak>> (Russian resource)
    ak>> https://www.yaplakal.com/forum1/topic2379495.html

    DP> According to the news you just have to provide ukranian language
    DP> copy. Ukranians were at war with Russia for 8 years, don't forget
    DP> about that.

    In short if Yanukovich has been in power Ukraine would have been a
    prosperous peaceful country, and the nationalistic Maidan idiots would
    not have put the world and Ukraine on its ears. ;-) The reason for that
    was miserable. Probably they understand it now.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Alexander Koryagin on Thu Mar 10 00:03:26 2022
    alexander koryagin wrote to Alan Ianson <=-

    Imagine that the events would go like in Kiev -- the protesters would
    make barricades around the Capitol, threw Molotov cocktail and rocks at the police, Russian envoy would come to the barricades to encourage the protesters with crackers and juice, as it did auntie Nuland in Kiev in 2014? And Russia would demand to observe human rights of the protesters and refuse from violence? ;-)

    I'm glad to see your sense of humor is intact in spite of recent events. ;)

    But they claimed that unfair shuffling was during the elections and the elections are illegal and Biden.

    Yes, they were making claims before the election also. They continue making baseless claims.

    It was the opinion of a few thousand people.

    Only a few thousand Ukraianians managed to oust the leader?

    AI> The people of Ukraine did not want to go in the direction
    AI> Yanukovich was going to take the country. So much so that that they
    AI> rose up and ousted him.

    Thousands people of the USA also didn't want Biden and hate him. In
    short the situation is similar.

    Yes, that is so. Nevertheless he did win the election by a large majority and he is the President of the USA.

    ak>> In short all "popular uprising" was done by a small group of
    ak>> people.

    A popular uprising is not a small group of people.

    AI> This uprising was big enough to oust Yanukovich. There was also a
    AI> big uprising in Belarus not long ago around the election there. It
    AI> did not succeed in any change.

    No it is not correct. Simply saying, Yanukovich was too liberal with protesters. No other president in the world could lead such a liberal policy towards such protests. Naturally, Lukashenko was not such a
    person. ;-) Yanukovich was the most democratic leader in post-soviet
    space after Gorbachev.

    I don't know Yanukovich. Never watched or was interested in him. We can call him left or right as you please, that is not the issue. The people of Ukraine didn't want to go in the direction he wanted to take the country and that is why he was ousted.

    It has been many years now but I remember the crowds in the streets protesting his leadership and his downfall. It was a (very) popular uprising.

    Nobody targets home and apartments on purpose -- I don't know how you
    can believe it. The number of victims comparable with Donbass victims.
    If you think that shellings of Donentsk has been stopped today you are mistaken.

    As always the Ukraine military protects the people of Ukraine. Russia has been shelling Ukrainians including russian speaking Ukrainians all over Ukraine including the Donbass region.

    And yes, the Russian military has been targetting civilians and civilian infrastructure. On Feb 26 and apartment tower in Kyiv was hit by a missile and the carnage has increased since then. Today a childrens hospital in Mariupol was hit and probably destroyed. It's been a daily occurance since the war started.

    Perhaps if you were more upto date on current events we could debate these facts.

    The matter is not in propaganda -- the matter is in impossibility of
    the protest. Orwell state prevents such events. The leader of a protest
    is arrested right when he left his home.

    The protests do happen, so it is not impossible. Why arrest a protester, someone who disagrees with the war? They are not hurting anyone at all. They just say no to war.

    Ttyl :-),

    ... Bureaucrats cut red tape, lengthwise

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Thu Mar 10 12:32:00 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Thursday March 10 2022 08:35, you wrote to me:

    In short if Yanukovich has been in power Ukraine would have been a prosperous peaceful country, and the nationalistic Maidan idiots would

    Yanukovich was moving in Putin's direction, had all chances to become another authoritarian leader.
    In any case - it's Ukraine's problem.

    not have put the world and Ukraine on its ears. ;-) The reason for
    that was miserable. Probably they understand it now.

    It's a common tradition in Russia to blame everyone else for your own mistakes: USA, jews, nazis and so on.
    But in this case we've failed a lot - Putin lied for many months that they will be no war and now we are shelling Kharkiv.
    Who is gonna trust him now?

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Alexander Koryagin on Thu Mar 10 10:59:24 2022

    No it is not correct. Simply saying, Yanukovich was too liberal with protesters. No other president in the world could lead such a liberal policy towards such protests. Naturally, Lukashenko was not such a
    person. ;-) Yanukovich was the most democratic leader in post-soviet
    space after Gorbachev.

    Democracy is the will of the people and accepting the fact that you can be voted out of office. He may have intended well, but that is not how democracy works.

    Democracy means there are checks and balances and the person who has the title can be overruled ...

    With Yanukovich such checks and balances were inexistant, there was no way for the people to interact via elections.

    There is a name for a system of a supreme unquestioned leadership which acts for the best of the people on private initiative ...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Tim Schattkowsky on Fri Mar 11 23:30:08 2022
    Hello Tim,

    Me too. It is scaringly precise in explaining the world, and it
    seems to
    be more correct every day.

    From beginning to end. The last four words of Orwell's novel are
    - "He loved Big Brother." Those who have read the novel would know
    all too well.

    A song comes to my mind: history repeats itself ...

    As people forget the book, the things we went through in the past, we again
    have to argue over bullsthit that already found its judgement a long time ago ...

    Learned a new word recently: bothsiderism ... fits perfectly in today.

    Learned something new from a book published on March 8, 2022 by
    Margaret Atwood entitled "Burning Questions" relating to Orwell's
    novel -

    begin quote

    I myself have written two works of “science fiction” or, if you prefer, “speculative fiction”: The Handmaid’s Tale and Oryx and Crake. Although lumped together by commentators who have spotted those things they have
    in common—they are not “novels” in the Jane Austen sense, and both are set in the future—they are in fact dissimilar. The Handmaid’s Tale is a classic dystopia, which takes at least part of its inspiration from
    George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four—particularly the epilogue. In a
    BBC piece I did in June 2003 on the occasion of Orwell’s centenary
    birthday, I said:

    Orwell has been accused of bitterness and pessimism—of leaving us with
    a vision of the future in which the individual has no chance, and where
    the brutal, totalitarian boot of the all-controlling Party will grind
    into the human face, for ever.

    But this view of Orwell is contradicted by the last chapter in the book,
    an essay on Newspeak—the doublethink language concocted by the regime.
    By expurgating all words that might be troublesome—“bad” is no longer permitted, but becomes “double-plus-ungood”—and by making other words mean the opposite of what they used to mean—the place where people get tortured is the Ministry of Love, the building where the past is
    destroyed is the Ministry of Information—the rulers of Airstrip One
    wish to make it literally impossible for people to think straight.

    end quote

    Atwood has always been a bit of a feminist, as anyone who has read
    her works (both fiction and non-fiction) would know. Upon reflection,
    she is right in her analysis of Orwell's "1984" given the epilogue,
    or essay on Newspeak. Had previously thought Orwell was poking fun
    of Basic English, knowing Germans had tried to come up with a Basic
    German for non-Germans to learn during the days of WWII.


    Nothing sucks like an Electrolux

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:03:50 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Thursday March 17 2022 08:54, you wrote to me:

    ६ ࠨ 楫 뫠 ᮧ ᨥ,
    筥, 襢᪮, 㭨᪮ ᨥ

    "Modern Ukraine was created by the communist Russia".

    Yes, but it's a fake. Putin is lying.

    where have you seen "Ukraine has no right to exist"? ;=) Why do you
    tell so obvious fake?

    " ⮬, ࠨ, , ⮩稢 ࠤ樨 ᢮ 㤠⢥, 稭 1991 諠 堭᪮ 쪨஢ 㦨 , ࢠ ਨ, ⠪ ࠨ᪨ ॠ"

    From the text from my link. Putin already annexed Crimea and create DNR/LNR, now he is trying to take more.

    And in Moscow region at least. 20 million people.

    No, only in Moscow. Not in Moscow region.

    I live Moscow region, 75 km from Moscow, and I can watch Euronews perfectly well.

    In my home city of Kemerovo it's not available. I just checked and it looks like that 3rd multiplex is still in test stage.
    So it's a bug, not a feature.

    And TV Rain + Echo of Moscow were banned in recent days, the only alternative public Media in Russia that were still able to operate.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:14:26 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Thursday March 17 2022 08:59, you wrote to me:

    About 50% of Russians want war. Do you need link about that?

    But you have to agree that reasons for a war are different and a war
    can be just?

    Do you think that destruction of Mariupol is ok? This is what you are trying to tell me?

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Fri Mar 18 00:16:46 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Thursday March 17 2022 09:03, you wrote to me:

    I have many friends in Ukraine and they have no problems with
    using Russian language. When you've visited Ukraine? Never?:)

    The Language law has be implemented to 2024. For a while many didn't
    feel it well.

    So you are just guessing that they won't be ok? At the moment they are hate our country because some of their relatives were killed :(
    So we killed them because we wanted to protect Russian language?!

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Oleg Nazaroff on Fri Mar 18 01:21:18 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, Oleg!

    Friday March 18 2022 01:00, you wrote to me:

    How would you explain, in Russian? Most in Russia are looking forward
    to the dollar exchange rate of 500 to the ruble to get rid of dollars, euros and other Western candy wrappers. Someone diversifies the

    All my friends are looking for relocation, because it's very difficult to live in country with zero predictable future.

    currency basket into yuan, gold and other metals, as well as into
    rupees and even dongs ;) no one wants to deal with the dollar. The

    I am ready to buy dollars any time. Do you have any? Official rate, cash.

    rate is artificially kept by the state, the real rate is now much
    lower. Well, why the hell did the currency rest, which cannot be
    spent? Chinese brothers damn it, they dont take it anymore!

    Prices on aliexpress now are calculated to rubbles with 170/1 rate from dollar.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 08:35:36 2022
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 17.03.2022 10:34

    ak>> If you are interested in the Ukraine events you should
    ak>> learn what Russia says also. Ah, sorry, I forgot -- you are
    ak>> prohibited to read Russian news. ;-) You live in a "free"
    ak>> country.
    WD> On the countrary. We got Putin's news broadcast/TV-speech too
    WD> and this must be the largest des-information effort in the
    WD> world's history. When a people has been lied-to the way that
    WD> Putin is lying to and des-informing his compatriots then the total
    WD> destruction and annihilation of Ukraine as it is happening now is
    WD> explained...

    Putins's speeches and news are different things. It is complete wrong to
    claim that all things that Russian media speaks are a lie. It is your head.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Fri Mar 18 08:38:20 2022
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 17.03.2022 10:39

    ak>> You have read poorly -- I wrote that in Canada people ARE
    ak>> NOT fined for speaking a wrong language. But in the today
    ak>> Ukraine this fucking situation is reality.
    WD> I won a law suit in front of the Belgian supreme court against
    WD> my employer because he addressed me in the wrong language ...
    WD> we solved that in a civil matter ...

    I believe the most important thing in such cases is their scale. If you discriminate one person you can ran with it, but, not millions of people.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 03:29:06 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Sunday March 20 2022 20:55, you wrote to me:

    Putin lied that he won't start a war. Lied for many months.
    And now you are blaming Ukranians?

    Don't tell me a fairy tale that the Ukrainians tell only the truth.

    I am telling you Putin is a lier.

    Who told you about chlorine? Russian TV?

    The false canister with chlorine was in Syria and many bit it, and

    Syria had and used chemical weapons, thats the truth. The same as did Iraq. They were both ruled, in fact, by very similar people - BAATH Party.

    Syria was bombed. Then reporters found all the actors of the story, "victims" including. Taking in account numerous accusations that
    Russia uses chemicals to kill such a scenario is very likely and

    Putin's assassins used Novichok agent against it's own citizens. That's so sad :(

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 03:32:50 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Sunday March 20 2022 11:29, you wrote to Alan Ianson:

    I said again -- it is completely wrong to say that Russian media under
    Putin control tells a lie only. I have already told you a Russian
    saying "Strength is in the truth". Putin's propaganda is based on many

    No, it was Ghandi who used Satyagraha (truth-force) as his main political idea:

    "Its root meaning is holding on to truth, hence truth-force. I have also called it love-force or soul-force. In the application of satyagraha, I discovered in the earliest stages that pursuit of truth did not admit of violence being inflicted on one's opponent but that he must be weaned from error by patience and compassion. For what appears to be truth to the one may appear to be error to the other. And patience means self-suffering. So the doctrine came to mean vindication of truth, not by infliction of suffering on the opponent, but on oneself"

    Russian film director Balabanov just took this slogan and used in Russian film "Brother" where, actually, everyone (!) is lying.
    Main protagonist did it form the beginning. Film became popular among young Russians and the slogan from the film started to spread across the country.

    But the whole idea was that "truth" was never there, it was full of lies and violence, and both "Brothers" from film were lying to each other.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Mon Mar 21 15:51:56 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Monday March 21 2022 15:29, you wrote to me:

    good reason. But surely it is obvious who triggered the
    events. And I said it many times.

    Or maybe it was tongue-tied Yanukovich who could not explain understandably why he had postponed the association Ukraine with EU?

    Ukraine had it's own problems, we had ours. Russia is a poor country, where median income was less than 500 euro.
    But Putin decided that it's better to cut some territory from Ukraine instead of doing any major reforms to help our economy.

    Without Putin this internal conflict had all chances to be resolved without major events outside of Kiev.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 22 13:41:20 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Tuesday March 22 2022 09:16, you wrote to me:

    It was not a lie, BTW. All investigation stories tells us that
    US made a mistake and it was officially recognized. Putin will
    never tell you he was wrong.

    It was a Lie, at the Goebbels' level. As for an investigation, yea,


    Check this arctile, it has al required information.

    BTW, Stalin was the same level liar as Goebbels, I don't see much difference. So you can call any lie as "Stalin's level lie".

    maybe in some time in Russia also will be some investigation. ;-)

    Russia is already under investigation by International Criminal Court.

    War in Virtnam started long before americans were involded and
    it wasn't a lie.

    The matter is not in the Vietnam war, but in the American invasion and
    its false, fabricated pretext.

    How it was fabricated? USA was sending aid to support South Vietnam.

    It was impossible to do so because they were and still are under
    direct control of Russia. They are just puppets. You do not talk
    to puppets.

    You are a strange person -- why Ukraine is not under EU control and

    Because Zlensky is not a EU citizen and has no direct supervisor in any EU's Secret Service.
    FSB was on the ground in DNR/LNR since the beginning of this conflict and had direct control over all local officials.
    Even names of FSB officers are well known.

    Yiu are strange person if you don't know that.

    It was obvious that Russia will invade. For Baiden, not for me.
    Putin was lying and Baiden ws not.

    It's very probably that Putin's plan was ready two month ago before,
    and Ukraine was perfectly aware of it. It was pretty much time to

    You are just guessing.

    The reality is that Putin cannot be trusted. Even by it's citizens.

    I said it many times -- Crimea had fallen on Putin's head by itself,

    No, it was a military operation, using Russian army.

    it just had no other choice. Only nationalists in Kiev could be blamed that a whole Crimea population had done what they done. Putin just
    sent some his green men for some help.

    He sent Russian forces to cut Crimea from Ukraine, that's the fact.
    Do you need videos to refresh your memories? :)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Tue Mar 22 13:53:56 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Tuesday March 22 2022 09:36, you wrote to me:

    Russian language was not a state language in Ukraine, please
    stop spreading fake information.

    I meant a language law called the law "On the principles of the State language policy" gave the status of regional language to Russian and

    But it's not a state language.

    other minority languages. It allowed the use of minority languages in courts, schools and other government institutions in areas of Ukraine

    And remember, not a single language in Russia has such status.

    It was very logical, and it was crazy for nationalists to cancel the mentioned law in the Russian speaking areas of Ukraine. It was as if Canadian Quebec would be restricted in using French.

    Quebec's status is in Canadian's Constitution, not the same story was with Ukranian constitution - it had nothing about some special status for Donbass.
    And do you think if Russian state will issue some bad law it's ok for Turkey to sent troops here?

    Fake news again, current law allows use of Russian language.

    You just don't know what you are speaking about:

    I know because I've been there (in Kiev) and talk to my friends from Ukraine every single day.

    In April 2019, the Ukrainian parliament voted a new law, the Law on Supporting the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as the State
    Language [uk; ar]. On 16 June 2019, the law entered into force. The
    law made the use of Ukrainian compulsory (totally or within certain quotas) in the work of some public authorities, in the electoral

    Yes, it means that you can use Russian language but have to provide the same level of service in Ukranian.
    As in Russia right now. The same law.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 23 11:58:16 2022
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday March 23 2022 10:04, you wrote to me:

    Russia is already under investigation by International Criminal

    For instance the US, spat at this court long ago.
    I have no time to search it in English, so that's a Russian resource
    and the Google translator can easily translate it.

    You don't understand: Russia also stopped cooperaton with ICC, but Ukraine is still not.
    And that's enough for ICC to start investigation and proceed with trials.

    How it was fabricated? USA was sending aid to support South

    They had made a false attack on a American ship and used it as a
    pretext to start the war.

    North Vietnam started attacks on US ship Maddox, the first attach was real, the second was not, Navy failed to provide correct report and president already decided to start the war.

    But it doesn't matter much - North Vietnam was sending military units and weapons to South Vietnam long before that.
    From 1957 till 1960 more than 1700 South Vietnamese were assasinated because they had some connection to the State.
    Viet Cong was operating in South since 1960 and with only one purpose - to lead a war against South and US.

    That's why this war started, not because of some ship shooting.
    Sure, US is not a nice guy, but this war had purpose and pretext.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 23 11:22:22 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday March 23 2022 10:06, you wrote to me:

    Yes, it means that you can use Russian language but have to
    provide the same level of service in Ukranian. As in Russia
    right now. The same law.

    Russia is not a bilingual country as Ukraine. It is not applicable to Russia.

    Some regions of Russia are bilingual (in some of them Russians are minority) but language laws in Russia are very strict.
    Russian is the only approved language for any official communications.

    Our "Gosuslugi" (E-Government) portal is only in Russian, and the only other language for offical State websites - is English.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wed Mar 23 11:36:08 2022
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday March 23 2022 10:23, you wrote to me:

    Mask's Starlink is illegal in Russia.

    Even with Russian internet VPN browsers help to get any information of
    the Internet.

    It's very easy to ban most of the VPNs, the process is already going on.

    objective, however, I can note that actions to block
    western media are followed the same same actions towards
    the Russia state media. An information war in a full scale.
    No, not a single website of Russian media is blocked in USA or
    Belgium. Plese check you sources before such incorrect posts.


    Those are private companies, they are not required to provide service to anyone.
    You can still access RT's IP addresses from abroad, so you can open their site, no DPI used in USA to block access to Russian resources.
    Anyone can open RuTube and watch any propaganda channel there. Or use Vk.com to read Russian propaganda.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Thu Mar 24 14:39:26 2022
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 23.03.2022 11:22

    DP>>> Yes, it means that you can use Russian language but
    DP>>> have to provide the same level of service in Ukranian.
    DP>>> As in Russia right now. The same law.
    ak>> Russia is not a bilingual country as Ukraine. It is not
    ak>> applicable to Russia.
    DP> Some regions of Russia are bilingual (in some of them Russians
    DP> are minority) but language laws in Russia are very strict.
    DP> Russian is the only approved language for any official
    DP> communications.

    Problems are differ from each other by their scale. Small problems
    nobody notice.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)