• FidoGazette Vol 14 no 12 Page: 3

    From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Fri Mar 20 20:25:30 2020


    The State of the World, State of All of Us
    By Janis Kracht, 1:261/38

    "Captain Trips" was a fictional character that Stephen King
    created in "The Stand" ... who could have thought that a
    pandemic would _actually_ take place in the U.S.A. and in
    the world today - but here we are, all of us, living now
    with the Novel Coronavirus....

    I know some of you have seen it's fury in your own families,
    up close and personal :(

    I hope all recover and are able to receive treatment and
    testing as needed.

    FIDOGAZETTE Vol 14 No 12 Page 3 March 18th, 2020


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