• FidoGazette Volume 18 Issue 5

    From Sean Dennis@1:18/200 to All on Mon Mar 7 18:25:14 2022
    The FidoGazette Volume 18 Number 5 7 March 2022
    | The alternative newsletter | THE FIDOGAZETTE |
    | for the Fidonet community! | |
    | _ | Compiled, edited, and published by |
    | / \ | Sean Dennis @ 1:18/200 |
    | /|oo \ | |
    | (_| /_) | Published weekly on Mondays |
    | _`@/_ \ _ | |
    | | | \ \\ | |
    | | (*) | \ )) | "Advertisements contain the only |
    | |__U__| / \// | truths be relied on in a newspaper." |
    | _//|| _\ / | -- Thomas Jefferson |
    | (_/(_|(____/ | |
    | (jm) | |
    | | |
    | For information, copyrights, article submissions, |
    | obtaining copies of the FidoGazette, please refer to the |
    | FidoGazette mast at the end of this newsletter. |

    Table of Contents
    1. EDITORIAL ................................................ 1
    Call For Content ......................................... 1
    A Shiny New Issue of the FidoGazette! .................... 1
    2. ARTICLES ................................................. 3
    History repeats itself again and again ................... 3
    Pioneer Introduces New Optical Disc Drive ................ 5
    3. COLUMNS .................................................. 7
    As I See It: Zone 2's Superstitions ...................... 7
    4. COORDINATORS' CORNER ..................................... 9
    FTSC Election ............................................ 9
    5. THOUGHT OF THE WEEK ...................................... 10
    6. FIDOGAZETTE BBS LIST ..................................... 11
    7. FIDONET SOFTWARE LIST .................................... 13
    8. FIDOGAZETTE INFORMATION .................................. 20
    FGAZ 18-05 Page 1 14 Mar 2022


    Call For Content

    I need your content for the FidoGazette!

    I am always looking for articles, reviews, technical content,
    what-have-you for the FidoGazette. I know a lot of you are thinking
    "I can't write anything" or "I have nothing interesting to say."

    You're wrong. Everyone has something to say but doesn't know how to
    say it.

    That's where I come in: I can help you write an article. Even if you
    feel your writing skills aren't the best, I can help you with content
    creation and proofreading if need be. If you're not sure where your
    content would fit into the FG, drop me a netmail and ask. I am
    willing to help. Even if you're not a big fan of me personally, I
    still want your content for the FG (except if it's a flame; those go
    into the trash).

    Grab the FidoGazette Submission infopack and give it a read. If you
    have an idea about a subject but aren't sure, ask me. I'd love to get
    you published in the FidoGazette.

    -- Sean


    A Shiny New Issue of the FidoGazette!

    Here's issue 5 of the FG this year. This is our largest issue yet at
    20 pages! There's a few new additions to the 'Gazette with this

    -- The FidoGazette BBS List is back! See the end of the list on how
    to submit your BBS listing to be included.

    -- I have started my own opinion column called "As I See It". This
    column expresses my opinions on all things Fidonet. Note that this
    column is my personal opinion and does not reflect the opinions of
    anyone or anything else.

    -- The FidoGazette is now available via the Web! You can get all of
    the back issues (starting with volume 18, issue 1) and the current
    issue at http(s)://outpostbbs.net/fgazette.html.

    -- I have fixed up some internal issues with the FG's layout to make
    the table of contents easier to understand.

    I've updated the 'Gazette's mast to reflect these changes.

    FGAZ 18-05 Page 2 14 Mar 2022

    I hope you enjoy this issue of the FidoGazette and as always, thank
    you for reading.

    -- Sean Dennis (1:18/200)
    FidoGazette Editor


    FGAZ 18-05 Page 3 14 Mar 2022


    History repeats itself again and again
    Ward Dossche - 2:292/854

    From a prosperous, modern, well organized European-style democracy and
    economy; an enemy without scruples has turned Ukraine into a
    Moon-landscape reminiscent at how Berlin looked at the very end of

    War crimes have been committed, the proof is obvious but that doesn't
    make much impression on the rogue-state which Russia now is.

    In spring 2019 I went to visit Oradour-sur-Glane in France, near
    Limoges. On June 10 1944, 4 days after D-Day in Normandy, a unit of
    the German SS entered the village and murdered hundreds of men, women
    and children.

    The destroyed village has been preserved as a monument.

    I could not wrap my mind around it that these German SS soldiers also
    had fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and pretty well were aware of
    the atrocity which they were committing without giving it a second
    thought. I urge everyone to try and go to Oradour at least once in
    their life ...

    78 years later soldiers are again uselessly killing innocent
    civilians because they were ordered to do so. Soldiers are good at
    obeying orders, that's what they are paid for. Switching off the
    brain. Follow the order and do not question.

    It is 2022 ... a million and a half Ukrainian refugees, mostly women
    and children, the largest refugee crisis since WW2 the UN calls it
    and Europe is opening its mind and heart and its bank-account for
    these people in need fleeing from ... from "what" exactly ... A
    regime which has lost all sense for normalcy intent on annihilating a
    peaceful well organized European-style democracy and economy ...

    The refugees will be safe and taken care of, but can you imagine what
    the fate will be of the ones that remain behind in the homeland?

    Rape is a weapon for submission, it is recognized as a war-crime. But
    Russia has already committed war crimes the past week, which they
    know are as good as unable to become prosecuted, and they will not
    stop at this one. And Ukrainian women have already been raped by
    Russian troops, Russian propaganda will call it ... propaganda ...
    but Western human rights watchers still on-site paint the actual

    Hundreds of Russian soldiers have died and their families are without
    news, mothers having lost a child and unable to mourn it or bury it.
    It's all kept out of the media. And please do not call it "a war" or
    you risk 15 years of imprisonment ... It seems that during the darkest
    days of hard-core Russian Communism people had more rights than in ...
    FGAZ 18-05 Page 4 14 Mar 2022

    2022 ...

    Eventually Russia is going to do exactly as the Chinese did with Tibet
    where the native polution was overwhelmed by an influx of Han-Chinese
    and that way trying to destroy the age-old culture and traditions of
    the Tibetans.

    The same will happen in Ukraine, as a nation ... a people ... a
    civilisation will be wiped-out. The country will be rebuilt by ethnic
    Russians and hundreds of years of culture and civilisation will be
    destroyed by the fire on pyres reminiscent of May 10 1933 when works
    of Ernest Hemmingway, Bertold Brecht, Heinrich Mann, Ernst Glaeser,
    Erich Kaestner, Erich Maria Remarque and others were deemed corrupted
    and decadent presaging an era of state censorship and control of

    In the end the so-called de-Nazification by Putin will be carried-out
    by strictly Nazi methodologies and policies ...

    To stay mentally healthy, you look for rational explanations. But
    some things are inexplicable. Western culture in the decades since
    the Second World War has tried to explain everything, to be tolerant
    and always to understand the other. But sometimes the other is simply
    evil. Pure and simple. We had forgotten the existence of that evil.
    Now we see the outcome of that mistake.

    It is unbearable to see war as a simple product of an insane mind.
    There must be a plan behind it, it must mean something. Who sets up a
    catastrophe with their own hands, just because they can?

    There's an interesting book explaining how Hitler could continue his
    horrible policies against his own population ... "Hitler's willing
    executioners" ... Who will write its sequel "Putin's willing

    Putin has noticed that his number of followers has dwindled in the
    last two years, and does not know how to save his presidency in a
    country that is largely integrated into the Western world. So he does
    something so horrific that the whole world shuts itself off from him.
    Then locks the door from the inside. People are arrested for standing
    on the street with a blank sheet of paper in their hands, it is enough
    to hold it and get beaten. Perhaps Putin will soon reach for an
    Iranian or North Korean scenario. If the country is locked down,
    explicit protest is almost impossible. Then every discourse, like the
    minds of the people, will be divided into two versions, as in Soviet
    times. You stick to the official story if they can see and hear you.
    In addition, there is the story that is told within the family.

    We need separate what is happening in Putin's head and what is
    happening in Russia. Russia is not a collective brain. All polls, even
    those of loyalist sociologists, clearly show that the country is not

    Support for the war varies in a country where people aren't exactly
    open to a man with a microphone asking them what they think of Putin
    or the war.
    FGAZ 18-05 Page 5 14 Mar 2022

    Russia needs a change of leadership real bad but a revolution is not
    really possible anymore there. Putin's state has been preparing for
    such a scenario since 2011. They are ready to consolidate its power.

    Putin claims he is realigning a brother nation in Ukraine after being
    led astray by a "fascist" leadership. How long can that story last in

    It's the style of newspaper articles from the 1930s and 40s. In a
    sense, there is already a civil war raging in Russia and the
    riot-police are already there. Putin is trying to drag the people
    into a dark past and forcing them to think as if the ideas and
    circumstances of eighty years ago still hold true today.

    Half of all Russians know someone in or outside Ukraine who can paint
    the real picture for them. So it will be difficult to sell the idea
    of Ukraine as a Nazi state or historical slave state, as Putin is
    trying to do.

    Russians cannot continue to pretend that nothing is wrong and to
    avoid "war" as the subject. Not talking about it but making its
    presence inaudibly known is also a way to protest.

    Sometimes silence is a statement on its own.


    Pioneer Introduces New Optical Disc Drive
    By Sean Dennis 1:18/200

    From: https://tinyurl.com/ya24322v (tomshardware.com)

    Optical Discs Aren't Dead, as Pioneer's New Drive Doubles BD Write

    By Mark Tyson published 1 March 2022

    Return of the optical drive

    Physical media is back from the dead, or at least that's the opinion
    of Pioneer, which just launched a new optical disc drive (ODD) for
    desktop or media center PCs with a spare 5.25 inch bay. Yes, it's
    2022, but there are allegedly still ODD holdouts. For them, the
    [45]Pioneer BDR-213JBK doubles the maximum write speed on Blu-ray
    discs and covers the full gamut of reading and writing optical media
    including CDs, DVDs, and BDs, plus a multitude of sub-variants.

    Pioneer says it improved both recording quality, and this handsome and
    not at all over-the-hill device has a textured hairline finish and
    blue LED on its facade, alongside the classic silver embossed Pioneer
    logo. In case you don't know what you might use an ODD for in 2022,
    Pioneer has some helpful suggestions.

    "With the spread of telework these days, there are increasing
    opportunities to store large amounts of data such as work data and
    FGAZ 18-05 Page 6 14 Mar 2022

    online conference recordings at home," writes the iconic Japanese
    Hi-Fi and technology brand. "The demand for optical discs and optical
    drives is expected to increase," it adds, with some degree of wishful

    Highlights of the new drive include its up to 16x speed recording
    performance on BD-R discs (single-layer 25GB). If you are looking for
    greater capacity than speed, Pioneer says that the BDR-213JBK can
    record BD-R (2 layers, 50GB) at 14x speed, BD-R XL (3 layers, 100GB)
    at 8x speed, and BD-R XL (4 layers, 128GB capacity). For video
    playback purposes you might want to burn 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray discs,
    and these can be recorded at 6x speeds. Meanwhile for DVDs the top
    recording speed is 16x, and for CDs it maxes out at 48x.

    For audio CD recording, a feature called Pure Read 3 may be
    attractive. Pioneer says this allows the drive to adjust its reading
    method if it encounters difficulty due to a scratch or dirt on the ODD
    surface. Another interesting feature of the Pioneer BDR-213JBK is its
    high-speed recording capability using M-Discs, which are designed for
    long-term archival storage.

    And just in case you need some extra software, besides its own system
    utilities, Pioneer provides a host of CyberLink software that will
    help you to edit videos and burn discs. CyberLink? [46]Now that's a
    name I've not heard in a long time... a long time. [Checks calendar
    again. Yup, it's still 2022.]

    Pioneer has a lengthy and multi-layered table to let customers know
    precisely what ODD formats it supports the reading, playback and
    writing of. It seems to cover a very wide gamut of formats, but if you
    are doubtful whether some particular ODD you are interested in using
    is compatible, then please check out the top linked press release.

    Some non-format related specs include; the Serial ATA 3.0 interface,
    the possibility of horizontal or vertical orientation, the drive's 4MB
    buffer, its 148 x 42.3 x 181mm dimensions, and 740g weight.

    The Pioneer BDR-213JBK is already up for sale in Japan for the local
    equivalent of about $150, including sales tax. So if you're looking at
    your PC and thinking, "What this box really needs in 2022 is an
    optical drive," Pioneer has got you covered.

    45. https://jpn.pioneer/ja/pcperipherals/bdd/products/
    46. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=031vKBPk5eA


    FGAZ 18-05 Page 7 14 Mar 2022


    As I See It: Zone 2's Superstitions
    An opinion column by Sean Dennis (1:18/200)

    Welcome to a new opinion column in the FidoGazette! This is where I
    will express my personal opinions about all things Fidonet.

    (Please note that the opinions expressed here are of my own and are
    not representative of anyone or anything else.)

    So let's start off the column with the latest stupidity: I am being
    castigated by several sysops in Zone 2 for trying to "usurp power" in
    echoes simply by elisting them and posting echo rules. Now I know
    these European sysops operate on feelings rather than facts but let's
    start off with a few facts:

    -- I am told that I have a "bad reputation" because of all of the
    echoes I have elisted and moderate because Zone 2 feels that I am
    trying to "usurp power" from unknown persons.

    -- I am also told that in Zone 2, I am seen as a bad person by daring
    to post echo rules and try to enforce a modicum of civility.

    -- Echomail is not an official part of Fidonet. This is an
    oft-overlooked fact.

    -- I cannot find anywhere in Policy 4 where I have to give credence to
    Zone 2's silly superstitions about echomail (read EP1 for more).

    -- All of the echoes I control originate in Zone 1.

    -- I follow Zone 1's established procedures about elisting echoes.

    -- The reason I post echo rules and enforce them are because of the
    actions of these very same hypocritical and pious sysops.

    -- Policy 4 only means something to these sysops unless it is
    supposedly in their favor.

    -- None of these other Zone 2 sysops give a damn until someone in Zone
    1 takes action.

    So, in short, Zone 2 is having puppies about my following my own
    zone's established procedures when dealing with echoes.

    Several zone 2 sysops havecastrated themselves on the altar of public
    embarrassment while flailing their hands and bleating loudly to anyone
    who will listen.

    If you stop by WIN95, which I recently elisted, Wilfred van Veltzen
    (2:280/464)is making a grand ass out of himself in the echo insisting
    that I am not the moderator.
    FGAZ 18-05 Page 8 14 Mar 2022

    I honestly think that Wilfred and certain others are aching to
    rekindle the zone wars and trying to find any excuse to do so.
    Wilfred commented recently in FIDOGAZETTE that he thinks the zone wars
    are still going on. Sorry, Wilfred...you can cry, whine, act
    pedantic, use your best histrionics...but the fact won't change that
    your opinion does not matter about echoes that originate in Zone
    1...even if you've been participating in them for decades.

    Fidonet will finally move on once these people leave the network but
    until then, the rest of us are stuck changing these wizened old men's
    adult diapers.

    And there you have it as I see it.

    Constructive criticism and comments are welcomed. Letters to the
    editor are also welcomed. Netmail is welcomed also but I prefer the
    other methods first (I accept crashmail via BinkD). Leave your
    flamethrower and vulgarities at the door or I will just delete your

    -- Sean


    FGAZ 18-05 Page 9 14 Mar 2022


    FTSC Election
    Ward Dossche - 2:2/1000

    All RCs in all zones please be advized there is an election going on
    for FTSC Standing Members. Your participation is important.

    All RCs are entitled to vote. Each voter may cast one "yes" or one
    "no" vote for each candidate. Voters need not vote for all can-
    didates, a non vote will be regarded as "abstain" for that candidate.
    Candidates must receive more "yes" than "no" votes to be elected.

    The voting started Sunday, 27 February, 2022 and will conclude
    Sunday, 20 March 2022, 20:00 UTC.

    If you were listed as an RC in your zone's version of the world
    nodelist.028 for 2022 then you're good to go.

    These are the nominees.

    Candidate Node nr. Nmntd by Accepted
    Rob Swindell 1:103/705 ZCC(NC) Yes
    James Coyle 1:129/215 ZCC(NC) Yes
    Tim Schattkowsky 2:2/29 ZCC(NC) Yes

    Voters are requested to copy and paste the form below, mark a cross
    for each candidate in the "yes" or the "no" column for all candidates
    they wish to cast a vote for and post it in FTSC_PUBLIC addressed to
    "Election Coordinator with a subject of "Vote".

    Voters need not vote for all candidates.

    | Name | Node nr | Yes| No |
    | | | | |
    | Rob Swindell | 1:103/705 | | |
    | James Coyle | 1:129/215 | | |
    | Tim Schattkowsky | 2:2/29 | | |

    Ward Dossche


    FGAZ 18-05 Page 10 14 Mar 2022


    "Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing."

    -- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


    FGAZ 18-05 Page 11 14 Mar 2022


    The FidoGazette BBS List
    Maintained by Sean Dennis (1:18/200)

    Total systems listed: 9

    BBSes are listed in alphabetical order.


    BBS Name: Central Ontario Remote
    Sysop name: Mick Manning
    Fidonet AKA: 1:229/307
    BBS Software: Mystic
    Telnet address/Phone #: centralontarioremote.com:2323
    Website: http://centralontarioremote.com:8080
    Desc: Home of the musician's network, BluesNET.

    BBS Name: Imzadi Box
    Sysop name: Anna Christina Nass
    Fidonet AKA: 2:240/5824
    BBS Software: Synchronet
    Telnet address/Phone #: box.imzadi.de
    Website: http://box.imzadi.de/
    Desc: Small BBS with several games and message networks.
    FTN hub of WeedNet (Zone 420)

    BBS Name: Outpost BBS
    Sysop name: Sean Dennis (digimaus/KS4TD)
    Fidonet AKA: 1:18/200
    BBS Software: MBSE BBS
    Telnet: bbs.outpostbbs.net ports 23 or 10123
    Website: outpostbbs.net
    Desc: The home of Cheepware, The Micronet Information Network, the
    FidoGazette, and the Ham Distribution Network SDS.

    BBS Name: Palantir BBS
    Sysop name: Dan Clough (AKA Gamgee)
    Fidonet AKA: 1:123/115
    BBS Software: Synchronet
    Telnet address: palantirbbs.ddns.net
    Desc: Multiple echomail networks, old-school filebase and
    several CDROMs online. Lots of Doom/Quake/Duke stuff.
    Many local and BBSLink doors. New callers welcome!

    BBS Name: PiBBS
    Sysop name: Shaun Buzza
    Fidonet AKA: McDoob
    BBS Software: Mystic
    Telnet address/Phone #: pibbs.sytes.net:23
    Website: pibbs.sytes.net (not enabled)
    Desc: When you build a BBS on a Pi, you have a PiBBS!

    FGAZ 18-05 Page 12 14 Mar 2022

    BBS Name: Star Collision BBS
    Sysop name: Bjorn Wiberg
    Fidonet AKA: 2:201/137
    BBS Software: Mystic BBS
    Telnet address/Phone #: scbbs.nsupdate.info:50023
    Website: https://scbbs.nsupdate.info/
    Desc: Star Collision BBS was founded in 1993, closed in 1997, and
    re-opened in 2019. It will focus on echomail conferences and file
    echos for the time being, with more to come in the future.

    BBS Name: Roon's BBS
    Sysop name: Daniel Path
    Fidonet AKA: 2:371/52
    BBS Software: Maximus/2
    Telnet address/Phone #: bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 +36-1-4454412
    Website: http://bbs.roonsbbs.hu
    Desc: pure retro 90s bbs, original hardware and software :)

    BBS Name: The Rusty MailBox
    Sysop name: Alan Ianson
    Fidonet AKA: 1:153/757
    BBS Software: BBBS
    Telnet address/Phone #: trmb.ca:2030
    Website: trmb.ca
    Desc: An old school BBS. File and message areas including Fidonet,
    fsxNet, Metronet and Cybernet.

    BBS Name: The Thunderbolt BBS
    Sysop name: Daryl Stout
    Fidonet AKA: 1:2320/33
    BBS Software: Synchronet
    Telnet address/Phone #: tbolt.synchro.net
    Website: tbolt.synchro.net
    Desc: Arkansas' longest running Ham Radio/Weather BBS. Note that the
    BBS is offline during maintenance, or when thunderstorms are in
    the area. Over 350 doors, over 700 message areas, and over
    10,000 files. Free Usage, G/PG content. Christian Related
    material is online for those who want it.


    If you would like your BBS to be listed, just use the template below
    and send it to me in a message in the FIDOGAZETTE echo or via netmail.

    BBS Name:
    Sysop name:
    Fidonet AKA:
    BBS Software:
    Telnet address/Phone #:

    If you don't have a website, just leave that field blank. Please make
    your description less than 200 characters.

    FGAZ 18-05 Page 13 14 Mar 2022


    BBS Software List

    Updated 2022-02-13

    Maintained by Andrew Leary (1:320/219)
    Editors Emeritus: Robert Couture, Janis Kracht,
    Sean Dennis

    M=Mailer T=Tosser B=BBS D=Door C=Comm/Terminal
    P=Points E=Editor I=Internet U=Utility #=Info
    F=TIC/SRIF Processor

    *=Software is available and may be registerable,
    but no longer supported or updated.

    @=Website is operating but is no longer updated.

    ?=Software's updating/support status is unknown.

    O=Software is open source.

    This list contains BBS-related software that is available
    for registration (not necessarily supported), open source
    software and actively developed/supported software by its
    author. Software listed may be available for DOS, Linux,
    OS/2 (eComStation), Windows (16 or 32 bit) and OSX.

    .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
    |Software: Author |Type |URL, Contact, Ver, Notes Help Node|
    `- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'


    Argus |MI*? |http://www.ritlabs.com/en/products
    | | /argus/
    | | v3.210 on 2001-03-29

    BinkleyTerm XE |MO* |http://btxe.sourceforge.net
    | | 2.60XE Beta-XH7 on 2000-10-22

    BinkD |MI? |http://binkd.grumbler.org
    | | gul@gul.kiev.ua 2:463/68
    | | v.1.0.4
    | | v.1.1a-113 (alpha)
    | | ftp://cvs.happy.kiev.ua/pub/fidosoft
    | | /mailer/binkd/
    | |http://www.filegate.net/r50/aftnbinkd/

    D'Bridge |MTCPE|http://www.dbridgemailer.com
    |I | support@dbridgemailer.com 1:1/130
    Nick Andre | | v4.00 on 2022-02-12

    FGAZ 18-05 Page 14 14 Mar 2022

    FIDO-Deluxe IP |MPUI |http://www.datenbahn.dd-dns.de/
    | | cdp/fp_deluxe/
    | | v2.4 on 2003-09-26

    FrontDoor, FD/APX: |MITPC|http://www.defsol.se
    Definite Solutions |E | sales@defsol.se
    | | FD v2.33ml, FD/APX v1.15

    InterMail |MCPE |http://www.Intermail.net 1:106/201
    Dale Barnes | | dalebarnes42@majik.net
    | | IM v2.60 on 2017-08-28

    Husky Project |MTPUI|http://husky.sourceforge.net/
    |EO? | v1.9 RC2 on 2010-04-20

    Taurus |MI |http://www.fidotel.com/public/forums/
    (based on Radius) |? | taurus/index.htm
    | | v5.0 on 2006-06-12
    | |

    T-Mail |MI |http://www.tmail.spb.ru (Russian only)
    |? | v2608 on 2001-12-12

    AfterShock |MTEI |https://play.google.com/store/apps/
    Asvcorp | | details?id=com.asvcorp.aftershock
    Anatoly Vdovichev | | rudi.timmer@gmx.com 2:292/140
    Rudi Timmermans | | v1.6.7 on 2017-11-19

    HotDogEd |E |https://play.google.com/store/apps/
    Sergey Pushkin | | details?id=com.pushkin.hotdoged
    | | v2.13.5 on 2017-03-13 2:5020/2141

    HotDogEd FidoNet |MTI |https://play.google.com/store/apps/
    Provider | | details?id=com.pushkin.hotdoged.fido
    Sergey Pushkin | | v2.13.5 on 2017-03-13 2:5020/2141

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Crashmail II |TO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net/
    | | crashmail.html

    FastEcho |T |http://www.softeq.de/old/Products
    | | /FastEcho/fastecho.html
    | | v1.46.1 on 2007-11-13
    | | Registration keys are free & available
    | | by request from the author

    Fidogate |TUI? |http://www.fidogate.org
    | | v4.4.10 on 2004-08-27
    | |

    FMail |TO |https://sourceforge.net/projects/fmail/
    | | v2.0.1.4 on 2017-04-21

    FGAZ 18-05 Page 15 14 Mar 2022

    InterEcho |T |http://www.Intermail.net 1:220/60
    Dale Barnes | | dalebarnes42@majik.net
    | | IE 1.20 on 2017-08-28

    JetMail: JetSys |TU |
    (ATARI ST only) | | v1.01 on 2000-01-01

    Squish |T* |http://www.filegate.net/maximus_bbs/
    | | v1.11R2 on 2009-01-01
    | | Source code available in Maximus BBS
    | | archive: http://maximus.sourceforge.net

    WWIVToss |T |http://www.weather-station.org/wwiv/
    | | v1.51 on 2015-05-23

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    BBBS |BICTM|http://www.bbbs.net 2:222/2
    | | b@bbbs.net
    | | v4.01 on 2007-01-28

    EleBBS |BO*? |http://www.elebbs.com
    | | v0.10.RC1 on 2002-06-09

    Enthral BBS |B |http://enthralbbs.com
    Linux/BSD/OSX | | v0.429/Alpha on 2010-10-14
    | | Fidonet filebone SCENEENT

    Ezycom BBS |BT* |http://www.ezycom-bbs.com 3:690/682
    | | v2.15g2 on 2009-11-16

    GT Power |B |http://www.gtpowerbbs.com/
    | | v19.00

    Hermes II Project |BT |http://www.hermesbbs.com/
    Macintosh-based | | malyn@strangegizmo.com
    | | v3.5.10b3

    Maximus BBS |BO* |http://www.filegate.net/maximus_bbs/
    | | v3.03
    | | Source code available at:
    | | http://maximus.sourceforge.net/

    MBSE BBS |BMTFI|https://sourceforge.net 1:1/119
    |PO | /projects/mbsebbs
    | | ajleary@sourceforge.net
    | | v1.0.7.24 on 2022-01-06

    Meltdown BBS |UIO |http://meltdown-bbs.sourceforge.net/
    | | v1.0b on 2004-04-26

    Mystic BBS |BMTCE|http://www.mysticbbs.com
    |I | v1.12 A46 on 2020-08-26
    FGAZ 18-05 Page 16 14 Mar 2022

    NiKom BBS (Amiga) |BO |http://www.nikom.org
    | | v2.3.1 on 2017-07-01

    RemoteAccess BBS |B? |http://www.rapro.com 1:1/120
    | | bfmorse@rapro.com
    | | v2.62.2SW on 2000-10-25

    Renegade BBS |B |http://renegadebbs.info 1:129/305
    | | v1.25/DOS on 2021-05-16

    Spitfire BBS |B? |http://www.buffalocrk.com/
    | | mdwoltz@buffalocrk.com
    | | v3.7 on 2010-01-01

    Synchronet BBS |BMTIO|http://www.synchro.net 1:103/705
    | | v3.19b on 2022-01-02

    Telegard BBS |B* |
    | | v3.09g2-sp4/mL on 1999-12-19

    WildCat! Interactive |MTBEI|http://www.santronics.com
    Net Server, Platinum| | sales@santronics.com
    Xpress: Santronics | |
    Software, Inc. | | v8.0 AUP 454.12 on 2021-05-14

    WWIV BBS |B |http://www.wwivbbs.org
    | | v5.6.1 on 2021-04-23

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Allfix |FIUT |http://www.allfix.com/ 1:218/720
    Ken Johnson | | v6.1.0 on 2019-02-02

    NEF/pk |F |http://nefpk.8m.com/
    | | v2.45b2 on 2000-03-05

    TinyTIC |FO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net
    | | /tinytic.html

    VIReq |FO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net
    | | /vireq.html

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Cheepware |DU |http://outpostbbs.net/cheepware.html
    Sean Dennis | | sysop@outpostbbs.net 1:18/200
    | | Fidonet filebone CH-WARE

    DDS (Doorware |D@ |http://www.doorgames.org
    Distribution System)| | ruth@doorgames.org
    Ruth Argust | |

    FGAZ 18-05 Page 17 14 Mar 2022

    Jibben Software |D* |http://www.jibbensoftware.com/
    | | bbs-door-games.cfm
    | | scott@jibben.com
    | | 1995-99 Release dates

    John Dailey Software |DU |http://www.johndaileysoftware.com

    Shining Star |D* |http://www.shiningstar.net/bbsdoors/
    | | nannette@shiningstar.net
    | | Doors are registerable via website

    Sunrise Doors: |D |http://www.sunrisedoors.com
    Al Lawrence | | al@sunrisedoors.com
    | | Tel: (404) 256-9518

    T1ny's Software |DU |http://www.tinysbbs.com/files/tsoft/
    Shawn Highfield | | shighfield@gmail.com 1:229/452
    | | Fidonet filebone CH-WARE

    The Brainex System |D |http://www.brainex.com/brainex_system/
    | | stanley@brainex.com
    | | 1994-99 Releases

    Trade Wars |D* |http://www.eisonline.com/tradewars/
    | | jpritch@eisonline.com
    | | v3.09 (DOS-32) in 2002

    Vagabond Software |DU* |http://vbsoft.dhakota.org
    | | d@dhakota.org
    | | Last update: 2008-04-11

    WWIVEdit |DE |http://www.weather-station.org/wwiv/
    | | v3.0 on 2011-06-27

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+

    +- - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    APoint |PI |https://stargate.org.uk/apoint/
    | | v1.25 on 2001-12-12 (Win32)
    | | Needs the binkD Toolkit for Fido-over-IP
    | | which is available from the above URL.

    CrossPoint |P |http://www.crosspoint.de
    | | pm@crosspoint.de
    | | v3.12d on 1999-12-22 (DOS, Shareware)

    FreeXP |PO |http://www.freexp.de
    | | support@freexp.de
    | | v3.42 on 2020-09-25 (DOS)

    OpenXP |PIO |https://sourceforge.net/projects/openxp5/
    | |https://openxp.uk/
    | | dev@openxp.uk
    FGAZ 18-05 Page 18 14 Mar 2022

    | | v5.0.51 on 2021-12-26
    | | (Win32, Linux(64-Bit})

    WinPoint |PI |http://www.winpoint.org/
    | | Tim Schattkowsky 2:240/1120.29
    | | v398.2 on 2022-02-06 (Win32)

    +- - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    GoldEd+ |EO |http://golded-plus.sourceforge.net/
    | | v1.1.5 (Snapshot) on 2015-11-30
    | | NOTE: Unstable versions released often

    SqEd32 |E |http://www.sqed.de 2:2476/493
    | | v1.15 on 1999-12-15
    | | Website is in German and English

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+


    Ifmail |UIO |http://ifmail.sourceforge.net
    | | crosser@average.org

    Internet Rex |UI? |http://members.shaw.ca/InternetRex/
    | | telnet://xanadubbs.ca 1:342/806
    | | v2.29 on 2001-10-21

    JamNNTPd |UIO |http://ftnapps.sourceforge.net
    | | /jamnntpd.html
    | | 1:120/544

    Luckygate |UO | ftp://happy.kiev.ua/pub/fidosoft/gate
    | | /lgate
    | | gul@gul.kiev.ua

    MakeNL |UO |http://makenl.sourceforge.net
    | | v3.5.0 on 2019-05-06

    RNtrack |U |http://sourceforge.net/projects
    | | /ftrack-as 2:5080/102
    | |stas_degteff@users.sourceforge.net
    | | v1.32 on 2011-04-29

    TransNet |UIO? |http://www-personal.umich.edu/~mressl/
    | | transnet/index.html
    | | transnet@ressl.com.ar
    | | v2.11 on 2007-09-13

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -+

    FGAZ 18-05 Page 19 14 Mar 2022

    Telnet/Dialup BBS |# |http://www.telnetbbsguide.com 1:275/89
    Guide | | Maintained by Dave Perrussel
    | | This is probably the most updated BBS
    | | list on the Internet for a general
    | | BBS list.

    Synchronet BBS List |# |http://www.synchro.net/sbbslist.html
    | | Maintained automatically
    | | This list is specifically for
    | | Synchronet-based BBS systems and is
    | | automatically updated nightly.

    The BBS Corner |# |http://www.bbscorner.com
    | | This website is more than just files,
    | | it's an encyclopedia of knowledge for
    | | BBS sysops and people who want to
    | | become sysops. This site is run by
    | | the same person who does the Telnet
    | | BBS Guide.

    +- - - - - - - - - - -+- - -+- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

    File Archives:

    http://sysopscorner.thebbs.org (site is no longer maintained)
    http://hobbes.nmsu.edu (OS/2 specific)
    http://www.filegate.net/ (FTP access via port 60721)

    Note: Most also provide FTP access (use ftp instead of http above)

    The BBS Software List is published weekly in the FidoGazette.

    If you have corrections, suggestions or additions to the information
    above, please contact Andrew Leary with your information via the
    FIDOGAZETTE echo or netmail at 1:320/219.


    FGAZ 18-05 Page 20 14 Mar 2022


    The FidoGazette is a weekly publication for the sysops and users of
    Fidonet. It is a compilation of individual articles contributed
    by their authors or their authorized agents. The contribution
    of articles to this compilation does not diminish the rights of
    the authors. The opinions expressed in these articles belong to
    those authors and not necessarily those of the FidoGazette or
    its editorial staff.

    This newsletter has no offical association with the Fidonet
    administration or the Fidonews and is edited and published by an
    independent editorial staff.

    Authors retain copyright on individual articles otherwise the
    FidoGazette is Copyright (C) 2022 by Sean Dennis. All international
    rights reserved. Duplication and/or distribution permitted for
    non-commercial purposes only. For use in other circumstances,
    please contact the original author of the article or the Editor.


    The FidoGazette is currently available via the FGAZETTE filebone
    and is published weekly in the FIDOGAZETTE echo. You may also
    download FidoGazette issues and the FidoGazettte Submission Guidelines
    from the Web at:


    FTP access is in the process of completion.


    Editor: Sean Dennis at 1:18/200 or sysop@outpostbbs.net (netmail is
    preferred; please include "FidoGazette" in the message's subject line
    with netmail or email to get past spam filters.)

    For submission information, please FREQ FGAZSUB from 1:18/200 or visit
    the above-mentioned webpage. If neither of those are workable for
    you, please send the editor a netmail and he will make sure you get
    what you need.

    Thank you for reading the FidoGazette!

    "Disagreement is actually necessary or we'd all have to get in fights
    or something to amuse ourselves and create the requisite chaos."
    -- Tom Jennings, founder of Fidonet



    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (1:18/200)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to Sean Dennis on Mon Mar 7 20:21:00 2022
    Sean Dennis wrote to All <=-

    The FidoGazette Volume 18 Number 5 7 March 2022


    Good issue, Sean! Thanks for your efforts.

    ... Do NOT look into laser with remaining eyeball.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Dan Clough on Tue Mar 8 15:50:26 2022

    The FidoGazette Volume 18 Number 5 7 March 2022


    Good issue, Sean! Thanks for your efforts.

    Weren't you going to write a text? So far I'm the lead-contributor, a feat no-one would've believed a month ago ...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to Ward Dossche on Tue Mar 8 11:32:00 2022
    Ward Dossche wrote to Dan Clough <=-

    Good issue, Sean! Thanks for your efforts.

    Weren't you going to write a text?

    I'm hoping to, if I can come up with a subject/issue to write about.

    So far I'm the lead-contributor, a feat no-one would've believed
    a month ago ...

    Haha, true enough!

    ... All the easy problems have been solved.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)