• Nuevos archivos - Dock Sud BBS [06/2024]

    From Ragnarok@4:902/26 to all on Sat Jun 1 06:52:02 2024
    ______ _ _____ _ ____________ _____
    | _ \ | | / ___| | | | ___ \ ___ \/ ___|
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    | |/ / (_) | (__| < /\__/ / |_| | (_| | | |_/ / |_/ //\__/ /
    |___/ \___/ \___|_|\_\ \____/ \__,_|\__,_| \____/\____/ \____/
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    | \| |_ _ _____ _____ ___ / /_\ \_ __ ___| |__ ___ _____ ___
    | . ` | | | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \/ __| | _ | '__/ __| '_ \| \ \ / / _ \/ __|
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    \_| \_/\__,_|\___| \_/ \___/|___/ \_| |_/_| \___|_| |_|_| \_/ \___/|___/

    [teLNet/wWW/iRc/nNtp] bbs.docksud.com.ar [HQ ZudakaNet|AmigaNet]
    [ftn: 4:902/26 39:943/0 618:500/45 21:2/151 46:10/182] [qwk: DOCKSUD]
    --->>( Te atiende Todos los dias las 24HS, aunque llueva )>>-- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    Main Basurero de archivos Files: 87 ------------------------------------------------------------------
    MINDIFF.Z24 723 Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | 3 May 2024 (day 124).
    MINBINKD.Z24 1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | for Friday, May 3, 2024 (Day number 124).
    MINDIFF.Z31 714 Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | 10 May 2024 (day 131).
    MINBINKD.Z31 1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | for Friday, May 10, 2024 (Day number 131).
    MINDIFF.Z38 668 Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | 17 May 2024 (day 138).
    MINBINKD.Z38 1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | for Friday, May 17, 2024 (Day number 138).
    MINDIFF.Z45 588 Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | 24 May 2024 (day 145).
    MINBINKD.Z45 1.8K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | for Friday, May 24, 2024 (Day number 145).
    MINDIFF.Z52 589 Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | Micronet Information Network nodediff for
    | 31 May 2024 (day 152).
    MINBINKD.Z52 1.7K Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist
    | for (day 152).

    Fidonet Fidonet News Files: 215 ------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF19.ZIP 12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#19 for May. 06, 2024
    | FIDONEWS 06 May 2024 Vol 41 No 19
    | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    | *
    | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    | * Nodelist Stats
    | * How to Submit an Article
    | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWTF20.ZIP 12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#20 for May. 13, 2024
    | FIDONEWS 13 May 2024 Vol 41 No 20
    | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    | *
    | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    | * Nodelist Stats
    | * How to Submit an Article
    | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWTF21.ZIP 12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#21 for May. 20, 2024
    | FIDONEWS 20 May 2024 Vol 41 No 21
    | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    | *
    | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    | * Nodelist Stats
    | * How to Submit an Article
    | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability
    FNEWTF22.ZIP 12.6K The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#22 for May. 27, 2024
    | FIDONEWS 27 May 2024 Vol 41 No 22
    | The newsletter of the Fidonet Community.
    | *
    | * The Johan Billing JamNNTPd project
    | * Statistics from the Fidoweb
    | * Nodelist Stats
    | * How to Submit an Article
    | * Credits, Legal Infomation, Availability

    Micronet Micronet Nodelists (read only) Files: 47 ------------------------------------------------------------------
    MICRONET.Z24 8.1K Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | 3 May 2024 (day 124).
    MICRONET.Z31 8.1K Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | 10 May 2024 (day 131).
    MICRONET.Z38 8.1K Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | 17 May 2024 (day 138).
    MICRONET.Z45 8.1K Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | 24 May 2024 (day 145).
    MICRONET.Z52 8.1K Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | Micronet Information Network nodelist for
    | 31 May 2024 (day 152).

    Zudaka Zudaka Nodelist Files: 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------
    zudaka.z27 693 Zudaka Net Nodelist zudaka.z48 716 Zudaka Net Nodelist

    HobbyNet Nodelist Files: 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------
    HOBBYNET.124 8.4K HOBBYNET.124
    | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 124
    HOBBYNET.131 8.4K HOBBYNET.131
    | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 131
    HOBBYNET.138 8.5K HOBBYNET.138
    | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 138
    HOBBYNET.145 8.6K HOBBYNET.145
    | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 145
    HOBBYNET.152 8.6K HOBBYNET.152
    | HobbyNet Nodelist Day 152
    147K bytes in 26 files
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Dock Sud BBS - http://bbs.docksud.com.ar (4:902/26)