• Possible Habitable planet found

    From Charles Pierson@2:240/1120.976 to All on Mon Oct 26 22:47:04 2020
    Hello, All.

    Astronomers have been busy


    Best regards!
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    * Origin: Houston, TX (2:240/1120.976)
  • From Charles Pierson@1:229/426.67 to August Abolins on Tue Oct 27 13:45:10 2020
    Hello, August Abolins.
    On 10/27/20 8:35 PM you wrote:

    Interesting.. but TOI 700 is a red dwarf 101.4 light-years away.
    The best anyone can hope for is finding clues of other life forms
    on one of the "potential" planets in the system.

    Whether or not we can search for life, or a potential colonization destination there is kind of beside the point for me, at least directly.

    I mean of course that is of Interest, but from what I have been reading, it's the first time an Earth sized, or near Earth sized planet has been found in a habitable zone of another star system. So it goes a way to helping prove that the Earths situation isn't unique in being capable of generating life similar to life here.

    It will be years, if ever before we could have a mission capable of examining the planet to see if it had or has the necessary atmosphere. From what I've read, it would require a mission with that specific objective because of the distance.

    Other stars of course have been shown to have planets in their habitable zone, but this is the first found comparable to Earth in size.

    Considering the size of our galaxy, let alone the universe, it pretty remarkable that we've seen it at all.

    Best regards!
    Posted using Hotdoged on Android
    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: Houston, TX (1:229/426.67)