• VATICAN Echolist Update

    From Elist V4.3.c Maintbot@1:393/68 to Marc Lewis on Mon Mar 25 02:05:12 2019
    Echo Successfully Updated.


    TITLe: News direct from the Vatican Information Service (VIS).

    DESCription: The VATICAN INFORMATION SERVICE (V.I.S.) is a Holy See
    information system instituted within the framework of the Holy See Press
    Office which furnishes information on the pastoral and magisterial
    activity of the Holy Father and the Holy See. Begun in 1991 V.I.S. is
    available Monday through Friday except for the month of August. V.I.S.
    deals primarily with the acts and nominations of the Holy Father;
    syntheses of his homilies and speeches, presentations and communications
    relative to documents written by the Holy Father or departments of the
    Apostolic See, Holy See activities (congregations, councils, synods,
    etc.); and communiques and positions taken by the Holy See normally made
    public through the Press Office. During the month of August when VIS is
    closed other pertinent articles will be posted to the Echo. This echo is
    read-only in nature. Posts to the echo are *strongly* discouraged. Repeat
    violators may be subject to link cuts. Rules will be posted periodically
    by the Moderator.

    RULEs: VATICAN.RUL {Verified}

    MODerator: Marc Lewis
    Email: marc.lewis{at}net396.fidonet.org

    VOLume: 80/month

    ORIGin: 1:396/45

    RESTrictions: /ACC

    DISTribution: Backbone

    From: Marc Lewis, 1:396/45

    Updated on: 3/25/2019

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)
  • From Elist V4.3.c Maintbot@1:393/68 to Marc Lewis on Wed May 1 11:35:08 2019
    Rules file VATICAN.RUL has been Purged.

    Echo has been Flagged for Deletion.


    TITLe: News direct from the Vatican Information Service (VIS).

    DESCription: The VATICAN INFORMATION SERVICE (V.I.S.) is a Holy See
    information system instituted within the framework of the Holy See Press
    Office which furnishes information on the pastoral and magisterial
    activity of the Holy Father and the Holy See. Begun in 1991 V.I.S. is
    available Monday through Friday except for the month of August. V.I.S.
    deals primarily with the acts and nominations of the Holy Father;
    syntheses of his homilies and speeches, presentations and communications
    relative to documents written by the Holy Father or departments of the
    Apostolic See, Holy See activities (congregations, councils, synods,
    etc.); and communiques and positions taken by the Holy See normally made
    public through the Press Office. During the month of August when VIS is
    closed other pertinent articles will be posted to the Echo. This echo is
    read-only in nature. Posts to the echo are *strongly* discouraged. Repeat
    violators may be subject to link cuts. Rules will be posted periodically
    by the Moderator.

    RULEs: VATICAN.RUL {Not Found}

    MODerator: Marc Lewis
    Email: marc.lewis{at}net396.fidonet.org

    VOLume: 80/month

    ORIGin: 1:396/45

    RESTrictions: /ACC

    DISTribution: Backbone

    From: Marc Lewis, 1:396/45

    Updated on: 5/1/2019

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: FIDONet - The Positronium Repository (1:393/68)