• LIVE_AUDIO Expiration WARNing #1

    From Elistmaint@2:25/21 to Marc Lewis on Wed Feb 1 23:30:00 2023
    To: Marc Lewis, 1:396/45

    WARNing 1 of 1: This Echo is expiring, please Update.

    TAGname: LIVE_AUDIO Group: FIDO

    TITLe: Sound reinforcement tools and techniques echo and mailing list.

    Language: ENGLISH

    Tools and techniques related to audio for worship services;
    theatrical productions; meeting & conferences and concerts.
    All aspects of live audio discussed. Rules will be posted periodically

    RULEs: {Verified}

    Rules Content:

    The FidoNet LIVE_AUDIO Echo Rules

    Here are some of the guidelines we post mainly for folks from the
    Fidonet side, which often makes conferences publicly available to
    almost anyone who walks in the door. Please keep them in mind as

    Internet (listserv) users: Please do not post to the list using HTML.
    Send only PLAIN TEXT MESSAGES. No file attachment or graphics, which
    will be discarded to begin with. If you don't know how to post in
    PLAIN TEXT, ask the list administrator for a guide on how to make
    your e-mail client do so.

    Use your real name. If not sure, check birth certificate or other
    legal documents. If your real name does not appear in the From:
    field then it should be plainly visible in the body of the post.
    Posters using the listserv should be mindful of this.

    If you choose to post stating an affiliation with a business,
    remember you represent them publicly with your posts to this list.
    Let you conscience be your guide.

    NO off topic posts, including chain letters, pyramid schemes, test
    posts, etcetera. "Where are you from" might be relevant so as to
    find somebody who can pay a visit to a poster's facility to help
    him/her solve a problem.

    Home recording, home theater and car audio are NOT topical to this
    echo (forum.) We're sure you already knew that however.

    Personal attacks will *not* be tolerated. Check your flame thrower
    at the door. Conduct yourself as a reasoning thinking adult human
    being at all times in the list and echo. Again repeating violators
    are subject to ending up in the NO_POST file.

    Because of the nature of sound reinforcement there are times when a
    poster may suggest a technique or practice which could endanger
    others or himself. After all, we're dealing with construction
    techniques and electricity quite often. When a poster recommends
    such practices, debunk the recommendation but don't get personal.

    If discussing building and/or electrical codes do attempt to cite
    actual regulations. Remember that these vary according to locale.

    Don't argue with the moderators over moderation messages/rulings within
    the echo... Take it to NetMail. If you're a BBS user and you don't know
    what that is, get help from your SysOp.

    Last and most important - enjoy yourselves!

    Marc Lewis - Moderator

    All the best,

    Recompiled 26SEP20 13:26

    MODerator: Marc Lewis, 1:396/45

    VOLume: 5/month [not verified]

    ORIGIN: 1:396/45

    RESTrictions: /REAL

    DISTribution: Backbone

    GATEway: 1:396/3 GIGO Fido to Internet gatewa

    From: Marc Lewis, 1:396/45

    Updated on: 2022/03/25 and valid till 2023/01/31


    Produced by Elist v5.4.018

    -=:{ End of Report }:=-

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8 (Linux-armv7l)
    * Origin: Elist Maintainer at 2:25/21 (2:25/21)