Echo successfully Added.
TITLe: Mystic BBS Software Support
Official Fidonet support echo for Mystic BBS Software.
Mystic is a very versatile BBS software based from and includes most, if
not all features from Renegade, Obvlivion/2, and Iniquity plus MUCH Recent
updates feature a built in tosser and mailer, and more. Current
development features Windows, Linux, OSX, an Raspberry Pi versions!
RULEs: {Not Found}
MODerator: Paul Hayton, 3:770/100
Email: avon{at}
COMODerator1: James Coyle, 1:129/215
VOLume: 10/month
ORIGIN: Fidonet
DISTribution: All Zones
GATEway: Fidonet < > alt.bbs.mystic
From: Paul Hayton, 3:770/100
Email: avon{at}
Updated on: 2018/05/16 and valid till 2018/11/30
-=:{ End of Report }:=-
--- MBSE BBS v1.0.7.13 (GNU/Linux-x86_64)
* Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)