Echo Successfully Updated.
TAGname: WIN95 Group: FIDO
TITLe: General Windows Chat/Support
Language: ENGLISH
WIN95 is for the support and discussion about
the Microsoft Windows operating system in all
of its versions.
RULEs: {Verified}
MODerator: Sean Dennis, 1:18/200
Email: sysop{at}
VOLume: 10/month
ORIGIN: 1:18/200
RESTrictions: /REAL
DISTribution: Worldwide
GATEway: None allowed.
From: Sean Dennis, 1:18/200
Updated on: 2022/03/04 and valid till 2022/09/30
Produced by Elist v5.2.034
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* Origin: The Elist Maintainer (2:250/1)