• the good old daze

    From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to All on Mon Apr 12 22:34:26 2021
    I only have one thing to say:

    & it's my tech support company motto:

    DOS IST GUT!!!

    I loved it, & could get it to do pretty much anything the latest version of Windows could do. . .

    Too lazy to re-hook up my IBM 486 PS/2 with DOS 6.22 & 100K+ humour(puns
    jokes, stories, etc) text files

    & no room in my work area now; in my old bachelor place, I had it in front of me on my 6' wide table, & a Pentium running the latest Windows & unlimited internet on the other side, so I could work both at once.

    I was dialing into dozens of BBSes all over North America up uintil the BBS world died with Y2K when everyone bought new Pentiums, c/w WinModems & an internet CD(AO-Hell, Compu-Slurp) & everyoe just disappeared off the BBS
    scene *sigh* This one's still up & running, but no regular callers any more *sigh*

    I had a good deal with my telco on my DOS dialup line, $30/month for
    unlimited long distance in N.America -- I ran up over 6,000 minute/month including chatting by voice with my e-GFs. . .

    My itemized phone bill had tobe mailed in a flat envelope (10+ pages of calls listed under "included with plan $0.00")

    Ahh, DOS, I miss thee, surely. . .

    I fear it's gone forever. One day I'll need to run underr Linux Ubutu's CLI
    to bring back the feel of being in command of the details again. . . (i.e.
    the exact opopsite of what Windows wants you to be doing)

    Anyone else miss DOS? Tell me your stories. :)

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to George Pope on Tue Apr 13 07:47:00 2021
    George Pope wrote to All <=-

    Ahh, DOS, I miss thee, surely. . .

    Nope. Don't miss it at all. But I don't dislike it. It worked well for
    its time. I still play with it some times on my Tandy computers.

    I currently have the Tandy 1400LT on the desk and I'm playing with Turbo Pascal, remembering my college days.

    ... Should we tell the children when we move?
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Ron Lauzon on Wed Jun 9 15:17:18 2021
    George Pope wrote to All <=-

    Ahh, DOS, I miss thee, surely. . .

    Nope. Don't miss it at all. But I don't dislike it. It worked well for its time. I still play with it some times on my Tandy computers.

    I currently have the Tandy 1400LT on the desk and I'm playing with Turbo Pascal, remembering my college days.

    Tandy dd more than run Tandy's Command Language? (their form of DOS -- it's
    how I learned batch file programming before ever seeing a PC)

    My IBM 486 needs someone to help me set it up with the nice 21" CRT I got for it. It has SCSI hard drives, so I'm not limited to IBM's MCA drives (running $1,000/Gb & up); I had a nice 2Gb SCSI drive, but it got lost in the last
    move. . . along with my PC 8088 with twin 160Kb SS/SD floppy drives & a 16oz mouse & 4lb keyboard! & a built in 110baud modem, & an exteernal "high speed BBS modem" of 300baud, that I actually used to go onto the internet once!
    (just to say I did, really!)

    I'd forgotten too much BASIC to really have fun with it -- I had great fun
    with my 'Commode-Odor' Vic=20 in the day, programming little games & apps, to save onto my cassette drive. .

    I had a dozen notebooks filed with tinily hand-printed programs, both from Compute! magazine & my own creations!

    I had the full 4 Kb RAM, plus had found an app to steal another 388 ytes from the cassette buffer so I cold make really BIG programs! *LOL* (mostly
    spaghetti code, but it was a fun little hobby uintil the day Iu gt
    frustrated in not being able to do the math to create a high-res drawing program (I'd never learned graphing & other algebraic functions so I was winging it, trying to interpret arrow key movements as a single pixel instead of an 8X8 block of pixels (i.e. a 'space')

    Now I don't know anything marketable in programming any more, but I can
    usually still improve an old computer to do more than it was intended to do.
    . .

    I'm till the Cyberpope & my motto is: DOS IST GUT!!!

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to George Pope on Thu Jun 10 08:10:00 2021
    George Pope wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    Tandy dd more than run Tandy's Command Language? (their form of DOS -- it's how I learned batch file programming before ever seeing a PC)

    I've never heard of a Tandy Command Language.

    I know that their TRSDOS/LDOS systems had a batch file system similar to MS-DOS' .BAT files. Then there's the Model II line with Xenix with the more Unix-like batch files.

    I had a dozen notebooks filed with tinily hand-printed programs, both
    from Compute! magazine & my own creations!

    Yup. Back in the day when we were poor kids and no access to a printer. My hand-printed programs disappeared decades ago. 8(

    ... The best defense against logic is stupidity.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Ron Lauzon on Sun Jun 13 10:19:32 2021
    George Pope wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    Tandy dd more than run Tandy's Command Language? (their form of DOS -
    it's how I learned batch file programming before ever seeing a PC)

    I've never heard of a Tandy Command Language.

    I know that their TRSDOS/LDOS systems had a batch file system similar to MS-DOS' .BAT files. Then there's the Model II line with Xenix with the
    Unix-like batch files.

    JCL (Job Control Language) -- 'twas essentially, an early DOS batch
    programming capability. I could use it to create a RAMDrive to do my playing around in, so I wasn't limited to a tiny(bytes) floppy disk. . .

    This was in 1991 -- someone gave me the computer as yhey new I was into such.
    I ended up setting up a menu so my home care person's child could use it for homework, after I got a 286(DOS 4.1, on a 30Mb HD) for $30. . .

    My next was a 386 with 40Mb HD, & DOS 5.0 -- IBM MVA Terue Blue, & I never looked back, stuck with true IBM computers intil Pentium era. . .

    I had a dozen notebooks filed with tinily hand-printed programs, both from Compute! magazine & my own creations!

    Yup. Back in the day when we were poor kids and no access to a printer.
    hand-printed programs disappeared decades ago.

    Minne, too. . I'd likely go crosseyd now trying to make sens of them -- I recasll a few things, which enabled me, when I was in DOS, to ask for input
    in my *.BAT programs (by generating a mini BASIC routine/program from within the batch file.)

    BASIC provided me some basis to leaen rreal programmiong, I had to learn that GOSUB was bad, & that CALL is the usual method now to run a subroutine. I
    never did complete my programming learning, besides some basic utilitarian Excel formulas. . .

    Now I stick to tweaking settings of any program/app I use, to make it do MY thing!

    In my computer classes, in '91 & '92, I had the entire class afrtaid to use
    any computer I'd been sitting at until the teacher cleared it as okay
    (usually formatted & restored from the Novell Network)

    My cmputers did things differently, including making unexpected sounds.

    My coup was in college a coule years later, hen I'd creayed & comiled (into *.COM) batch files that would do exactly the opposite what a user wanted.

    If they typed 123, insteasd iof running Lotus, it ran Wordperfect, & if they tytped WP, it ran Lotus, even if they changed directory into their intended program (e.g. C:\123 to run 123.EXE(they thought, but they ran my 123.COM
    whch runs before an *.EXE)

    Even my prof was stumped, & asked me to show him how, with promise of no repercussions.

    The entire class learned, on one lesson, that if I've claimed a computer,
    don't sit there! :D (of course that went from other classes on our off days, too)

    Prof got me, later -- I'd been interrupted while logged into the network, & hadn't logged out. Later, whenever I tried to access the network, I got a message saying "Please remember to log out after every use" & no network access.

    I found the prof, laughing, & he showed jme how he did it (there's a little program that runs as soon as you join the nework)

    So for the rest of the term, I watched for others to leave while logged in,
    but sadly, nobody did.

    Met a sweey girl in the network chat, one day, though. She staerted asking me computer questions & I answered them; eventually we figured out she thought
    she had addressed the prof!

    We dated a while. . . I learned that a Taiwan girl's first date includes the guy meeting her family! (they bought the meal, at a local Asian-only mall, so all good. . .)

    Buddy of mine had a copy of pre-DOS DOS, I was hoping to get, but he accidentally sat on it the day before coming out to meet me. . . :(

    I've used DOS 1.0, 2.1, 4.01, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.22
    Windows 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 98SE, 2000, ME(slow as molasses in January, in Alaska), Vista(pure evil!), XP(not bad), 7.0, 7.1., 8.0, 8.1, 10(only until Sep-2022, apparently)

    I've used Commodore Vic20, C64, 386, but not yet used an Amiga myself (just gone on several BBSes running it)

    I got my start in Radio Shack on weekends, or when playing hooky. . .
    whastever display they had up (Colecovision game system, a 286, or whatever,
    I explored--usually just a wee bit beyond what they expected/allowed) (I was That Guy -- rules were made because of me! *sigh*)

    I loved text adventure games, especially those by Infocom!

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Ron Lauzon on Mon Aug 16 12:42:34 2021
    George Pope wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    Tandy dd more than run Tandy's Command Language? (their form of DOS -- it's how I learned batch file programming before ever seeing a PC)

    I've never heard of a Tandy Command Language.

    I know that their TRSDOS/LDOS systems had a batch file system similar to MS-DOS' .BAT files. Then there's the Model II line with Xenix with the more Unix-like batch files.

    TRS80 JCL (Job Control Language) -- yes, basically DOS batch files; playing with this led to me acing a DOS course I took the next year. . .

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to GEORGE POPE on Tue Aug 17 08:30:00 2021
    Quoting George Pope to Ron Lauzon <=-

    I know that their TRSDOS/LDOS systems had a batch file system similar to MS-DOS' .BAT files. Then there's the Model II line with Xenix with the more Unix-like batch files.

    TRS80 JCL (Job Control Language) -- yes, basically DOS batch files; playing with this led to me acing a DOS course I took the next year. .

    Shortly after the last time I posted to this thread, I was looking
    through my TRS-80 documentation and what did I find? "JCL by Chris" by Christopher Fara.

    It's on my list to explore. Now I just need to wait until I get the new
    power supply for my 4P.

    ... Taglines are irrelevant. You will be assimilated into the Blue Wave.
    ___ Blue Wave/386 v2.30
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to Ron Lauzon on Sun Sep 19 10:57:48 2021
    Shortly after the last time I posted to this thread, I was looking
    through my TRS-80 documentation and what did I find? "JCL by Chris" by Christopher Fara.

    It's on my list to explore. Now I just need to wait until I get the new power supply for my 4P.

    4P? Wuzzat?

    My True Blue al-IBM PS/4 is in the closet awaiting me to get the energy to
    plug it all in, including a beautiful 21" SVGA CRT!

    Microchannel architecture, so all the speed that MCA ever had, but on a
    compter that allows non-MCA HDs (those run $1K/Gb) & run SCSI without modifications to system setup data. . .

    Currently I'm lazily on a Pentium of some sort (3.5Ghz, IIRC), big enough
    RAM, LCD, & HDD; stuck on Win10 because the SOBs upgraded it without my permission, while I was asleep!

    I was just fine with Win8.1 forever! I prefer DOS, of course ("DOS IST
    GUT!" was my motto -- I can still trick out a DOS machine to run today's software & internet! :D Running out of people who'll pay me to do so (I was charging $75+/hour for my time at my peak)

    Good times. . . now I'm just an old geek puttering around trying ri relive BBSing & Fidonet! :D I check in on FB occasionally tro rtemind myself why
    I left. Still don't do much with Gtwitter except read friends' tweets &
    have successfully avoided creating an IG account.

    I play on Imgur on occasion, & get all my "pretty pictures"(art, honest) on Reddit's r/gonewild

    Social media really missed in getting mky interest. . .

    Trying to get all my new software going so I can be a point again, & I can
    read Usenet mail & resurrect the local group here in Vancouver BC, after we successfully UDP one loser who's been almost singlehandedly ruining it for
    over 25 years!

    & back to collecting jokes & puns as I once did. . . got millions of them saved!

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)
  • From Ron Lauzon@1:275/89 to George Pope on Sun Sep 19 19:56:00 2021
    George Pope wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-

    It's on my list to explore. Now I just need to wait until I get the new power supply for my 4P.

    4P? Wuzzat?

    Toward the end of the TRS-80 line, they made a "portable" (i.e. luggable) of the TRS-80 Model 4. It was right at the time that MS-DOS was taking over and the marketing dept. of Tandy didn't really advertise it much.

    ... A nudist has no reason to fear a pickpocket.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 (1:275/89)
  • From Grant Weasner@1:229/317 to George Pope on Sun Feb 12 23:52:48 2023
    On 13 Jun 2021, George Pope said the following...
    I've used DOS 1.0, 2.1, 4.01, 5.0, 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.22
    Windows 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, 98SE, 2000, ME(slow as molasses in January, in Alaska), Vista(pure evil!), XP(not bad), 7.0, 7.1., 8.0, 8.1, 10(only until Sep-2022, apparently)

    I've used Commodore Vic20, C64, 386, but not yet used an Amiga myself (just gone on several BBSes running it)

    I got my start in Radio Shack on weekends, or when playing hooky. . . whastever display they had up (Colecovision game system, a 286, or whatever, I explored--usually just a wee bit beyond what they expected/allowed) (I was That Guy -- rules were made because of me! *sigh*)

    Sounds like it was all a blast!

    George Pope, are you in the business of computing/IT?

    You've got an impressing list of experience.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A45 2020/02/18 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Bottomless Abyss BBS * bbs.bottomlessabyss.net (1:229/317)