• Re: Pennsylvania Dads

    From Tobias Ernst@2:240/5853.10 to All on Wed Mar 27 18:49:00 2024
    Hi there,

    my deepest sympathies.

    However, I think the issue is not with Pennsylvania alone. CPS and family courts on the whole world tend to get things wrong about half of the time, meaning you could just as well replace all those "experts" on child
    welfare with a monkey rolling a dice.

    I can sing a song about this and I live in a whole different country, am a very well-respected member of society, live a loving relationship with my first and only wife, and still CPS took one child away from me.

    The child in question is a daughter who reached "those years" of turning
    into a woman exactly when the Covid lockdowns kicked in and became
    depressed, requiring psychiatric inpatient treament. But there were no
    free treatment places for her. So the clinic called CPS and CPS decided to move her to a (non-therapeutic) government-run shelter-group for youths because "surely the parents must be the problem" and when we opposed
    saying this is not what she needs they involved the family court which in
    a quite fact-free decision took away our parental rights. Bummer. We were right, moving to the shelter group did not help, but while she was living there they influenced her so heavily that she then expressed the "wish" to stay away from us. And there's that. Another ruined life (the one of my daughter) by CPS intervention. We hope and pray she sobers up when she
    grows older and realizes one day we are still there to provide true love
    and better support than the governmant can ever provide.

    Your advise seems to be just about right, in retrospective if we would not have opposed the CPS nonsensical decision maybe they would not have rode
    the "the parents are the problem" horse so intensively. However, I am an attorney myself (though not practicing family law, now I know why ...) and
    I just cannot hold back when I see the state doing blatant injustice.

    Best regards,

    I'm a dad who had a child in Pennsylvania. Any warm-blooded Pennsylvania father who's been through divorce in Pennsylvania knows exactly where this story is going already..

    My wife at the time, was abusing our son. Not just her, but her mother and her grandmother also. They were slapping him in the face to punish him for things, and he was only 1 year old.

    I complained about it, and the wife kicked me out of our home and refused to let me see our son, and PA State Police wouldn't help.

    I fought for custody, and lost miserably, with visitation only permissible
    at the whim on the mother. She let me see him a few times, but then one day she got angry and ignored my calls for months, then changed her #, then moved.

    I couldn't locate her nor my child for the next 5 years, until one day I miraculously received a letter from CYFD about her abusing the child. I contacted CYFD, and they told me which school the child attends. I called
    the school and told the principal what was going on, and later that day the ex wife called me and let me see spend a day with the child.

    But then she must have instantly regretted it, because after the visit she changed the child's phone number and quit taking my calls, once again.

    I fought for custody again, and the court is just a sick joke. Now they
    won't let me see the child because they say "the child says he'll kill himself if he's forced to visit you."

    The moral of the story: Do not have children in Pennsylvania. If you have children and are thinking of moving to Pennsylvania, don't. If you are traveling through Pennsylvania with your children, hide them in the trunk until you reach the state line. And lastly, just stay the hell out of Pennsylvania. They're nothing but a bunch of sick, inbred, demented, child-stealing bastards, and they don't deserve a second of your time.

    And if you ever find yourself having to fight for custody in Pennsylvania (I'm speaking to men not women,) don't do it. Just devote all that time and energy praying for your child instead. You will thank me later.

    -+- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
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  • From Aaron Thomas@1:342/200 to Tobias Ernst on Wed Mar 27 14:00:32 2024
    However, I think the issue is not with Pennsylvania alone. CPS and
    family courts on the whole world tend to get things wrong about half
    of the time, meaning you could just as well replace all those
    "experts" on child welfare with a monkey rolling a dice.

    Tobias, thanks for your reply. You get it. I see it the same way. The family court system is extremely flawed. Maybe their logic made sense hundreds of years ago, but times have changed and now children need their fathers.

    with my first and only wife, and still CPS took one child away from me.

    I'm sorry that this happened to you and to your child. (And of course it affects the entire family.)

    The child in question is a daughter who reached "those years" of turning into a woman exactly when the Covid lockdowns kicked in and became

    This scenario has similarities to mine. My son is 16 and he has major depressive disorder. At the most recent court hearing, his grandmother told the judge "He has threatened to kill himself if he's forced to see his father," and the judge looked at me and said "With that being the case, do you still want to proceed with your petition for custody?"

    The judge seems to think that the child is in charge. With that logic, the child can get anything he wants by threatening to kill himself. Maybe he wants a helicopter and a million dollars, well, I guess we know how he can obtain those things too! :)

    intervention. We hope and pray she sobers up when she grows older and realizes one day we are still there to provide true love and better support than the governmant can ever provide.

    That's a good point! Maybe there's a political motivation behind all this. Maybe the courts want children to depend on the government, so that the government can exert more control over them throughout their lives.

    I hope that you get reunited with your daughter some day! Fathers are just as important as mothers, and maybe even more important than mothers during the teen years.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: JoesBBS.Com, Telnet:23 SSH:22 HTTP:80 (1:342/200)