Hot Carob Mix
Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to
All on Wed Oct 23 08:23:24 2024
MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06
Title: Hot Carob Mix
Categories: Beverages, Mixes
Yield: 10 Servings
3/4 c Water; hot
1/2 c Carob powder
1 c Milk powder (noninstant)
1/2 ts Cinnamon
1/2 c Honey
Whipped cream (optional)
Hot Carob Mix is a delicious noncaffeine option to hot cocoa. The mix
will hold for many weeks in the refrigerator, and is a treat on a
wintry cold day.
In a blender, combine hot water, carob powder, milk powder, cinnamon,
and honey. Run until smooth, turn off the blender, and scrape any
powder off the sides of blender into mix. Blend again. Cover and
store in the refrigerator. Use 3 tb mix per cup of hot carob. Heat 1
cup water or milk for each serving and blend with the mix. Top with
whipped cream if using water.
Recipe by Horn of the Moon Cookbook by Ginny Callan
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