• 10/10 Porridge Day - 4

    From Dave Drum@1:396/45 to All on Wed Oct 9 14:28:26 2024
    October 10: World Porridge Day

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Dirty Porridge
    Categories: Poultry, Herbs, Vegetables, Grains
    Yield: 6 Servings

    MMMMM------------------CURED HEARTS & GIZZARDS-----------------------
    1 lb Chicken hearts and gizzards
    4 1/2 g Pink salt
    1 Sprig thyme
    3 cl Garlic; smashed, peeled
    1 Bay leaf
    2 oz Rendered duck fat

    MMMMM-------------------------MAGIC MILK------------------------------
    1 ga Milk
    Kappa carrageenan
    Sodium hexametaphosphate

    MMMMM--------------------CHICKEN LIVER MOUSSE-------------------------
    1 3/4 lb Butter; diced small
    100 g Fine chopped Spanish onion
    225 g Heavy cream
    3 g Pink salt
    6 g Salt
    2 1/2 lb Chicken livers; rinsed,
    - patted dry

    MMMMM------------------------RAMP BUTTER-----------------------------
    30 g Garlic confit puree
    1 lb Unsalted butter; tempered
    6 oz Ramp tops; blanched, pureed

    MMMMM------------------------PEARL BARLEY-----------------------------
    1/2 oz Butter
    10 g Minced shallot
    10 g Minced garlic
    225 g Pearl barley;soaked overnite
    - rinsed, drained
    1 1/2 qt Water

    MMMMM---------------------ASSEMBLY & SERVING--------------------------
    Sherry vinegar

    combine hearts, gizzards, pink salt, thyme, garlic, and
    bay leaf., remove air, seal, and cure overnight under
    refrigeration. Heat the water bath of an immersion
    circulator to 195ºF/90ºC. Remove hearts and gizzards
    from bag, rinse under cool water, and pat dry. In a
    separate bag, combine cured hearts and gizzards and
    duck fat. Remove air and seal. Cook sous vide 2 hours,
    until hearts and gizzards are tender but snappy; mince.

    FOR THE MAGIC MILK: Heat the water bath of an immersion
    circulator to 185ºF/85ºC. Prepare an ice bath. Scale
    milk and record weight. In a Vitamix blender, blend half
    the milk with 1/2% carageenan by recorded weight and
    1-1/2% hexametaphosphate. Transfer mixture to a vacuum bag
    with remaining milk. Remove air and seal bag. Cook sous
    vide 1 hour. Chill in ice bath.

    FOR THE CHICKEN LIVER MOUSSE: Heat the water bath of an
    immersion circulator to 155ºF/68ºC. Prepare an ice bath.
    In a pan over low heat, melt a little butter and sweat
    onion until translucent. Add cream, salts, and remaining
    butter. When butter has melted and mixture is warm,
    using a Vitamix blender and working in small batches,
    blend cream and livers until smooth and combined. Pass
    mixture through a chinois into a vacuum bag and remove
    all air. Cook sous vide 1 hour. Chill in ice bath. Scale
    mousse and record weight. To a Vitamix blender, add
    mousse and 25 percent Magic Milk by recorded weight;
    purée. Pass through a chinois and chill.

    FOR THE RAMP BUTTER: In a bowl, combine all ingredients.

    FOR THE PEARL BARLEY: In a medium sauce pot over medium
    heat, melt butter and sweat shallot and garlic until
    softened. Add 75 grams minced hearts and gizzards; heat
    through. Add barley, stirring to coat, followed by
    water. Cook on medium low heat, stirring constantly,
    until most of the water has evaporated and barley has
    the appearance of a loose risotto. Transfer to a sheet
    tray and let cool.

    TO ASSEMBLE AND SERVE In a sauce pot, add Pearl Barley
    and cover with water. Stirring constantly, bring mixture
    to a boil, adding water as necessary, until it achieves
    a risotto-like consistency. Stir in a little Chicken
    Liver Mousse and Ramp Butter. Season with Sherry vinegar
    and salt. The Porridge should be rich, pungent, and
    dirty. Transfer to a plate and serve immediately.

    Yield: 6 servings

    Chef Curtis Gamble

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.starchefs.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)