• 10/10 Porridge Day - 3

    From Dave Drum@1:396/45 to All on Wed Oct 9 14:28:24 2024
    October 10: World Porridge Day

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Seared Chilean Sea Bass w/Spicy Corn Porridge
    Categories: Seafood, Vegetables, Fruits, Chilies, Herbs
    Yield: 1 Serving

    2 tb Butter
    1/2 c Dark brown sugar
    1/3 c Heavy cream
    1/2 ts Vanilla extract

    MMMMM-----------------------PICKLED APPLES----------------------------
    1/2 c Sugar
    1 c White vinegar
    1 1/2 c Water
    3 Granny Smith apples; peeled,
    - in small dice
    1/4 c Cilantro; chopped

    4 Ears corn; niblets only
    1 ts Red chile flakes
    3 tb Creme friache
    2 tb Olive oil
    1 tb Butter
    3 Sprigs thyme

    1/2 ts Cumin
    1/2 ts Coriander
    1/2 ts Allspice
    Salt & pepper
    6 oz Chilean sea bass; skinned
    3 tb Olive oil
    1 tb Feta; crumbled, garnish

    FOR BUTTERSCOTCH: In a heavy bottomed sauce pan, melt
    butter over low heat, add sugar and stir with a wooden
    spoon until the sugar dissolves. Keep stiring until the
    mixture thickens and begins to resemble molten lava,
    about 3-5 min. when mixture begins to take on a nice
    caramel color and smells of caramel add the heavy cream.
    Lower heat and whisk. Bring to a boil and cook about 10
    min at a mild simmer. Remove from heat and transfer to a
    eat proof bowl. Once the sauce cools a bit, add vanilla
    and salt to taste. Cool to room temperature and reserve.

    FOR PICKLED APPLES: In a sauce pan, bring the sugar,
    vinegar, and water to a boil. Remove from heat and cool
    slightly. Pour over apples and allow to pickle for a
    minimum of 25 minutes or up to 1 hour. Drain apples,
    toss with cilantro, black pepper to taste, and 2 TB of
    olive oil. Reserve.

    FOR CORN: In a medium sauce pan heat olive oil over
    medium heat. Add thyme and stir for about 45 seconds to
    release flavor, remove. Add chile flakes, then add corn,
    let sit for the first 2 min then stir. Cook until corn
    is tender, about 5 min. Remove from heat and add creme
    fraiche, adjust seasoning with salt.

    FOR BASS: Heat a non stick sauté pan over medium heat,
    add olive oil. Season fish on both sides with the spices
    and season with salt and pepper. Sear fish on one side
    for about 2 minutes or until golden. Flip over and sear
    on the other side, add the butter and baste the fish
    with the melted butter until cooked.

    TO PLATE: Place a dollop of butterscotch on plate, add
    corn in the center and lay fish next to it. Top fish
    with pickled apples and sprinkle with feta. Serve.

    By Gusto Bellmedia

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.gustotv.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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