• Olive Biscuit Cookies

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Wed Jul 24 10:28:10 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Olive Biscuit Cookies
    Categories: Cookies
    Yield: 1 Batch

    9 tb Unsalted butter (130 g);
    -room temperature
    3/4 c Powdered sugar (85 g);
    1 tb Extra-virgin olive oil
    1 1/4 c All-purpose flour (185 g)
    1/2 c Kalamata olives (55 g);
    -pitted and chopped
    2 pn Sea salt

    Preparation time: 60 minutes
    Cooking time: 10 minutes

    Either by hand, or with an electric mixer, beat the butter in a large
    bowl until light and billowy. Add the sugar, and stir until it is
    incorporated, then drizzle with the olive oil and stir until
    combined. Use a wooden spoon to stir in the flour by hand just until
    the dough is smooth. Add the olives and salt and stir just until they
    are evenly distributed throughout the dough. You'll end up with a
    sticky dough.

    Place the dough in the middle of a large piece of parchment paper.
    Cover it with a second piece of parchment paper and roll out the
    dough until it is 1/4" thick. Because the dough is sticky, you need
    to use this method, plus it is quite convenient. Refrigerate the
    dough for at least 45 minutes, or overnight.

    When you are ready to bake the cookies, preheat the oven to 350°F /
    180°C, with racks in the top and bottom third. Line 2 baking sheets
    with parchment paper and set aside while you stamp out cookies using
    whatever size of sharp edged cookie cutter you like. Sharp edges help
    cut through the olives. Bake until the edges of the cookies are
    golden, rotating the pans from top to bottom, front to back once
    after about 8 minutes. Bake for about 12 minutes total for tiny
    cookies, and a bit longer for larger cookies. Just keep a close eye
    on them, and the edges will tell you when they are done baking.

    Adapted from a Scourtins aux Olives de Nyons recipe shared by Susan
    Herrmann Loomis.

    This was a family recipe originally shared with her by Jean-Pierre
    Autrand of Les Vieux in Nyons, Provence.

    Recipe by Susan Herrman Loomis

    Recipe FROM: <gemini://gmi.noulin.net/cooking/4.gmi>

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