• Jane Parker's Codling Tarte

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sun Jul 21 08:55:42 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Jane Parker's Codling Tart
    Categories: Tarts
    Yield: 2 Tarts

    2 c Codlings (unripe apples)
    Water; for boiling
    1 Pastry dough recipe
    Butter or cooking spray to
    -grease your tart pans
    2 tb Heavy cream
    1/4 ts Ground ginger
    1/4 ts Ground cinnamon
    1/4 c Sugar
    1 tb Rosewater

    A pint container of codlings yielded 1 cup of codling pulp after
    cooking, peeling, coring, and mashing.

    Use your preferred pastry. I used just shy of half of Mark Bittman's
    classic pie crust recipe to make two small tarts baked in 5" tart

    Put the codlings in a pot and cover them with water. Bring them to a
    boil and reduce to a simmer. Cook for about 12 minutes. The apples
    should be tender when poked with a fork.

    Pour off the water. Set the cooked codlings aside and allow them to
    cool. Remove the skin off with a peeler and your fingers. Quarter the
    codlings and remove the cores. Put them into a bowl. Mash the
    codlings into a a rough pulp using a potato masher and a fork. (Some
    larger pieces remained in my mixture and I did not mind them.)

    Prepare your pastry. Butter your tart pans and line them with pastry.

    Preheat your oven to 350°F.

    Add the cream, ginger, cinnamon, sugar, and rosewater to the codling
    pulp. Stir until combined.

    Fill the tart shells with the codling filling. Place them on a baking

    Bake for 30 minutes. The filling should be caramelized and set, but
    still jiggle slightly in the middle.

    Allow to cool for at least 10 minutes before serving.

    Recipe by Marissa Nicosia

    Recipe FROM:

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