• Kkaejuk (Sesame Seed Porridge)

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Tue Jul 9 08:58:32 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Kkaejuk (Sesame Seed Porridge)
    Categories: Korean
    Yield: 2 Servings

    1/3 c Toasted sesame seeds
    3 c Water
    1/3 c Glutinous rice flour
    1 ts Kosher salt
    1 tb Light brown sugar
    2 lg Egg yolks (optional)

    Juk means "porridge," and if you hang around Koreans, you're going to
    hear that word a lot. Thick and fortifying, with a satisfying nutty
    flavor, this version can be a quick breakfast for someone on the go
    or a snack for a student taking a study break.

    When I was young, my mom would wake me up every morning and ask if I
    wanted to go with her to the open-air market where she did her
    shopping. I wasn't interested in shopping so much as I wanted a snack
    of kkaejuk. In the corner of the market was a woman stirring a big
    steaming cauldron of it, with an adjacent bench for customers to sit
    on. She would ladle some of the golden porridge into a bowl and
    sprinkle some brown sugar on top. If you asked, she would place an
    egg yolk on top, which cost extra but was worth it. When I make
    kkaejuk now, I always remember the scene exactly: the woman, the
    bench, the market, my mom, and even the patterns in the porridge.

    Combine the sesame seeds and 1 cup of the water in a blender and
    blend for 1 minute. Add the remaining 2 cups water and the glutinous
    rice flour and blend for 30 seconds.

    Transfer the mixture to a small heavy pot, add the salt, and cook over
    medium heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, until the
    porridge thickens and bubbles and starts popping, 5 to 7 minutes.
    Then continue to cook, stirring, until thge porridge is smooth and
    has thinned a little bit, another 5 minutes.

    Transfer to serving bowls, sprinkle with the brown sugar, if using,
    and place an egg yolk on top of each bowl, if desired. Serve

    Recipe by Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking by Emily Kim, 2015

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