• Green Chiles Seasoned With Soybean Paste

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Thu Jul 4 09:29:22 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Green Chiles Seasoned With Soybean Paste
    Categories: Korean
    Yield: 4 Servings

    3 tb Fermented soybean paste
    1 cl Garlic; minced
    1 Scallion; chopped
    1 tb Honey
    1 ts Toasted sesame seeds
    4 Long green chiles; up to 5
    10 Green Korean chiles
    -(cheong-gochu); stemmed and
    -cut into 1/2" slices

    Whenever my grandmother made fermented soybean paste, she buried a
    bunch of green chili peppers in the paste in her earthenware crock.
    After a few months of fermentation, she dug the peppers out and
    served them as a side dish. They were pickled and super-salty,
    delicious in small quantities with rice. It was one of my favorite
    things to eat, but hardly practical for the modern cook.

    That's why I was overjoyed to discover this interpretation on a
    recent trip to Los Angeles. Someone there must have been inspired by
    that traditional pickle to create this dish, which takes only minutes
    to make and is fresher tasting and much less salty than the original,
    but still spicy, garlicky, nutty, and a little sweet from the honey,
    just like my grandmother's peppers. That recipe was made with long
    green chili peppers, which are more widely available here than Korean
    chili peppers. After a few experiments in my kitchen, I figured out
    how to make it myself.

    Combine the soybean paste, garlic, scallion, honey, and sesame seeds
    in a small bowl and mix well. Add the peppers and mix well. Serve
    immediately, so the peppers are still crispy and refreshing.

    Recipe by Maangchi's Real Korean Cooking by Emily Kim, 2015

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    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)