• Green Peas Soop

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Wed Jun 5 12:56:20 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Green Peas Soop
    Categories: Soups
    Yield: 2 Quarts

    4 c Water
    1 lb Shelled peas, frozen or
    -fresh; (3 1/3 c) *
    1 sl Bread
    1 tb Salt
    1/2 ts Ground pepper
    2 Whole cloves
    1/4 ts Mace
    1 bn Wweet herbs tied with
    -cooking string (1 sprig ea
    -thyme, mint, oregano, and
    1/2 c Butter
    4 c Cabbage; sliced
    1 c Salad spinach
    1/2 c Parsley; chopped
    2 Spring onions; sliced (1/2
    1/4 c Marigold petals; (optional)
    Bread or rolls; to serve

    Combine water, peas, and bread in a large pot. Stir in spices. Add a
    bundle of herbs. Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for
    about 30 minutes until the peas are tender and nicely flavored.

    Remove the cooked peas from the stove. Take the herbs bundle out and
    discard. Puree the seasoned peas and liquid with an immersion blender
    or in a food processor or standing blender.

    In another large pot or lidded skillet, melt the butter. Add the
    cabbage, spinach, spring onion, and parsley and stir to combine. Add
    2 cups of water and cover. Cook for about 10 minutes. Add the pea
    mixture to the wilted vegetables and stir to combine.

    Serve in small bowls and garnish each bowl with marigold petals.
    Serve with bread or rolls for dipping.

    * Update:

    If you are using fresh peas, you might want to set some aside whole
    to add to the soup with the cabbage. This will give the final soup a
    mix of whole and pureed pea textures. If you are using a mix of
    frozen and fresh peas, you might want to cook the frozen in the first
    step and add the fresh in with the cabbage to replicate the old
    pea/new pea strategy in the original recipe.

    Recipe by Marissa Nicosia

    Recipe FROM:

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    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)