• Tuscan Basil, Parsley, And Anchovy Pesto

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sat May 25 09:48:48 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Tuscan Basil, Parsley, And Anchovy Pesto
    Categories: Italian, Pesto
    Yield: 1 Batch

    1 cl Garlic; chopped
    3 tb Pine nuts
    2 Anchovy fillets in oil;
    30 g Basil leaves
    30 g Flat leaf parsley leaves
    1 tb Red wine vinegar
    150 ml Extra virgin olive oil; plus
    -extra for preserving
    Sea salt and freshly ground
    -black pepper

    Put the garlic, pine nuts, and anchovies and a little salt in a
    pestle and mortar and pound until broken up.

    Add the basil and parsley leaves a few at a time, pounding and mixing
    to a rough paste.

    Stir in the vinegar, then gradually stir in the olive oil until the
    mixture is thick and well blended.

    Taste and season with salt and pepper.

    Store in a jar, with a layer of olive oil on top to exclude the air,
    in the refrigerator until needed. Level the surface each time you use
    it and re-cover the pesto with olive oil.


    Delicious with fish, chicken and meat dishes rather than with pasta .

    Keeps well in the refrigerator but doesn't freeze well.

    Can also use a food processor.

    Recipe by Flavours of Tuscany by Maxine Clark, 2006

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