• Ruby Tandoh's Black Olive And Almond Biscuits

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Sat May 11 14:19:10 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Ruby Tandoh's Black Olive And Almond Biscuits
    Categories: Biscuits
    Yield: 20 Biscuits

    50 g Toasted flaked almonds; +2
    125 g Plain flour
    25 g Parmesan; finely grated
    75 g Unsalted butter; cold, cubed
    100 g Black kalamata olives;
    -drained and patted dry

    As far as after-dinner snacks go, you could do worse than these
    elegant, simple biscuits. Because the olives are blitzed to a paste,
    they leave the biscuits a charcoal grey colour a smart backdrop to
    the flakes of toasted almond. These really are very easy to make:
    Keep a close eye on them while they're in the oven: such thin
    biscuits burn easily. If you must serve them with something, make it
    a soft, mild goats' cheese, but they're delicious just as they are.

    Put 50 g flaked almonds into the bowl of a food processor with the
    flour and a pinch of salt. Pulse several times until the almonds are
    finely chopped. Tip in the parmesan and pulse again until the cheese
    and almonds are evenly distributed throughout the flour. Add the
    butter to the mixture and pulse until the whole thing resembles
    course breadcrumbs. At this point stop whizzing and tip the almond
    mixture into a large mixing bowl. Set aside.

    Throw the olives into the food processor and blitz to a rough paste.
    Add the olive paste to the flour and almond mixture and, working
    quickly with a bread knife, mix the two together until fully
    incorporated. The almond mixture will have black olive flecks running
    through it. Get your hands in and bring the mixture together,
    squeezing gently as you go to form a firm but pliable dough. Add a
    drop or two of water if your dough doesn't want to come together.

    Wrap the dough in parchment or clingfilm. Chill it for 30 minutes.

    Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200°C/400°F/gas mark 6. Line a large
    baking tray with baking parchment.

    Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Then cut out shapes
    you can use any shape cutter, but I use a 6 to 7 cm round cutter and
    arrange on the prepared baking tray. If there isn't enough space for
    all of the biscuits, you may have to bake them in two batches: just
    keep the remaining biscuits chilled in the meantime.

    Press a few pieces of the flaked almond from the remaining 2 tb into
    the top of each biscuit, then bake in the preheated oven for 12
    minutes. These are delicious as a savoury snack, and especially good
    with a glass of wine.

    Recipe by Ruby Tandoh

    Recipe FROM: <gemini://gmi.noulin.net/cooking/72.gmi>

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