• Fricasseed Chicken Abruzzi Style

    From Ben Collver@1:124/5016 to All on Fri May 10 08:42:44 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Fricasséed Chicken Abruzzi-Style
    Categories: Chicken, Italian
    Yield: 4 Servings

    3 1/2 lb Chicken; cut into 8 pieces
    1 tb Extra-virgin olive oil
    4 cl Garlic; peeled, up to 5
    2 ts Rosemary leaves; very finely
    1/4 ts Chopped hot chilli pepper;
    -to taste
    4 oz Dry white wine
    24 Cherry tomatoes (1")
    12 sm Black olives in brine (such
    -as Italian Riviera or
    -French Niçoise olives)

    Wash all the chicken pieces in cold water and pat dry with kitchen

    Choose a frying/saute pan that can fit all the chicken pieces in one
    layer without crowding. Put in the oil, garlic and rosemary and turn
    on the heat to high. Add the chicken, skin side down. When the side
    has been well browned, turn the pieces and do the other side. Sprikle
    with salt, add the chilli pepper and, with a wooden spoon, turn over
    the contents of the pan three or four times.

    Add the wine and as it bubbles, scrape loose with the wooden spoon any
    browning residues sticking to the bottom of the pan.

    Put a lid on the pan and turn down the heat to low. Cook for about 35
    minutes, turning the chicken over from time to time. If you should
    find the juices in the pan running low, replenish as necessary with 2
    to 3 tb of water.

    When the chicken is very tender (the meat should come easily off the
    bone), add the tomatoes and the olives. Continue cooking just until
    the tomatoes' skin begins to crack. Transfer all the contents of the
    pan to a warm platter and serve at once.

    Recipe by Marcella Cucina by Marcella Hazan, 1997

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: End Of The Line BBS - endofthelinebbs.com (1:124/5016)