• Re: Mincemeat Pies #2

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to Ben Collver on Sat Apr 20 10:58:00 2024
    And a very good (archaic) recipe fro Mrs. Beeton for mincemeat ---

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Excellent Mincemeat
    Categories: Fruits, Citrus, Beef
    Yield: 1 recipe

    3 lg Lemons
    3 lg Apples
    1 lb Stoned raisins
    1 lb Currants
    1 lb Suet
    2 lb Moist sugar
    1 oz Sliced, candied citron
    1 oz Sliced, candid orange-peel
    1 oz Sliced, candidlemon-peel
    1 Teacupful of brandy *
    2 tb Orange marmalade.

    * The British/UK archaic "teacup" measure is 150 mL or
    5 fl/oz. - UDD

    Grate the rinds of the lemons; squeeze out the juice,
    strain it, and boil the remainder of the lemons until
    tender enough to pulp or chop very finely. Then add to
    this pulp the apples, which should be baked, and their
    skins and cores removed; put in the remaining
    ingredients one by one, and, as they are added, mix
    everything very thoroughly together. Put the mincemeat
    into a stone jar with a closely-fitting lid, and in a
    fortnight it will be ready for use.

    This should be made the first or second week in December.

    From: Isabella Beeton, Beeton's Book of Household
    : Management, 1861

    RECIPE FROM: https://rachels-kitchen.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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