• Re: https://s00.yaplakal.com/pics/pics_origi

    From Kurt Weiske@1:218/700 to Brother Rabbit on Fri Sep 18 07:38:00 2020
    Brother Rabbit wrote to All <=-


    Starting to get a little frustrated with the Telegram integration.
    Fidonet's always been about communication, and one of the things I
    appreciate about it is the long-form capability of Fido echoes - most
    BBSes and offline readers support paragraphs and formatting, unlike
    Facebook or Twitter.

    Posting links to jpegs with no accompanying text loses something in
    the translation once it gets back to the BBSes it originates from.

    When I see a message in a Fido echo with no content save for an image
    URL, I'm reminded that just because something can be done, that it
    doesn't follow that it should be done.

    Or, maybe I'm just old-school.

    ... Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
    --- MultiMail/XT v0.52
    * Origin: http://realitycheckbbs.org | tomorrow's retro tech (1:218/700)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.58 to Richard Miles on Sun Sep 20 10:18:00 2020
    Hello Richard!

    ** On Sunday 20.09.20 - 16:12, Richard Miles wrote to Kurt Weiske:

    Starting to get a little frustrated with the Telegram
    integration. Fidonet's always been about communication,
    and one of the things I appreciate about it is the long-
    form capability of Fido echoes - most BBSes and offline
    readers support paragraphs and formatting, unlike
    Facebook or Twitter.

    The Telegram gate doesn't reduce communication. I think it has
    the potential to expand it and reach smartphone initiates.

    Paragraphing is possible. All you have to do in TgM is disable
    the SEND on CR LF in the settings.

    When I see a message in a Fido echo with no content save
    for an image URL, I'm reminded that just because
    something can be done, that it doesn't follow that it
    should be done.

    We can continue to remind each other to follow some FTN-
    etiquette: eg. top-quoting, the little indentation on a quoted

    Or, maybe I'm just old-school.

    Not at all. I think FTN way of doing things has evolved out of
    what's better for text communications.

    I do like like seeing some explanation at least. I don't
    mind clicking the link to go check it out if I know what
    it is. I'm used to doing that on my desktop with my
    telnet client and a browser already.

    On the TgM side, the image is rendered immediately. That could
    have the tendency of making new users lazy on the reply that
    just has an image.

    The formatting should be fine and quoting, while not as
    easily "pick and choose" as it is in a full screen
    editor, can still be done.

    I do miss the pick-n-choose paragraph quoting on the TgM side
    when using R)eply.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.46
    * Origin: (2:221/1.58)