• Re: Binkd DOS Packet Driver

    From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Thierry Olmedo on Thu Apr 9 09:17:08 2020

    *** Answering a msg posted in area BAD_MSGS.

    Hi Thierry,

    On 1980-01-04 01:41:56, you wrote to All:

    @FMAIL BAD: Message too old

    I can't help you with your problem, but you should update your date time, so your messages don't end up in mine and others BAD area...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Thierry Olmedo@4:900/106 to Wilfred van Velzen on Thu Apr 9 14:09:26 2020

    Hello Wilfred!

    09 Apr 20 09:17, you wrote to me:

    *** Answering a msg posted in area BAD_MSGS.
    Hi Thierry,
    On 1980-01-04 01:41:56, you wrote to All:
    @FMAIL BAD: Message too old
    I can't help you with your problem, but you should update your date
    time, so your messages don't end up in mine and others BAD area...
    Bye, Wilfred.

    Thanks for the fast reply , yes , i see that , the time was wrong , i am fine/tuning the system and just after several years i can get bak to being connected to Fidonet , for now BINKD/DOS DOS 6.22 and BINKD/Win16 Windows 3.11 works very well, its remains to make ir works on several system more than it had working \ Amiga 4000 /.



    --- FMail/386 1.60.GPL
    * Origin: @c:\fido\ascii\taglines.txt (4:900/106)
  • From Thierry Olmedo@4:900/106 to All on Sat Apr 11 20:35:56 2020
    Hello everybody!

    I have a question , im use Binkd DOS bases on version 0.9.5a/DOS, it took me a long long time to configure the IBM TCP/DOS since the configuration is tricked ( it did no solve internet names and Binkd/DOS can only be used on that network
    ) , my question if it whas ever tought to do it using a packet driver , right now i'm using a PC 386 DX40mhz, DOS 6.22, 8MB RAM, NE2000 compatible Network Card ( I also use a Binkd Win/16 with Windows 3.11 )

    programs i use

    Binkd/DOS - Fmail 1.6GPL - Golded/DOS

    best regards!


    --- FMail/386 1.60.GPL
    * Origin: @c:\fido\ascii\taglines.txt (4:900/106)
  • From Michael Dukelsky@2:5020/1042 to Thierry Olmedo on Sat Apr 11 22:07:26 2020
    Hello Thierry,

    Saturday April 11 2020, Thierry Olmedo wrote to All:

    I have a question , im use Binkd DOS bases on version 0.9.5a/DOS, it
    took me a long long time to configure the IBM TCP/DOS since the configuration is tricked ( it did no solve internet names and
    Binkd/DOS can only be used on that network ) , my question if it whas
    ever tought to do it using a packet driver , right now i'm using a PC
    386 DX40mhz, DOS 6.22, 8MB RAM, NE2000 compatible Network Card ( I
    also use a Binkd Win/16 with Windows 3.11 )

    I heard they had already issued Windows 95 but I'm not sure. Have you heard anything about it?


    ... node (at) f1042 (dot) ru
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: Moscow, Russia (2:5020/1042)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/360 to Michael Dukelsky on Sat Apr 11 22:23:16 2020
    * Originally from Michael Dukelsky to Thierry Olmedo :

    Hello Thierry,

    Saturday April 11 2020, Thierry Olmedo wrote to All:

    I have a question , im use Binkd DOS bases on version 0.9.5a/
    DOS, it
    took me a long long time to configure the IBM TCP/DOS since the configuration is tricked ( it did no solve internet names and Binkd/DOS can only be used on that network ) , my question if
    it whas
    ever tought to do it using a packet driver , right now i'm
    using a PC
    386 DX40mhz, DOS 6.22, 8MB RAM, NE2000 compatible Network Card
    ( I TO> also use a Binkd Win/16 with Windows 3.11 )

    I heard they had already issued Windows 95 but I'm not sure. Have
    you heard anything about it?

    The Year 2020 bug seems pretty bad.


    --- Concord/2 1.06 (Reg.)
    * Origin: - rbb - telnet://rbb.homeip.net:32 - (2:221/360)
  • From Thierry Olmedo@4:900/106 to Michael Dukelsky on Sat Apr 11 18:51:58 2020
    Hello Michael!

    11 Apr 20 22:07, you wrote to me:

    using a PC 386 DX40mhz, DOS 6.22, 8MB RAM, NE2000 compatible
    Network Card ( I also use a Binkd Win/16 with Windows 3.11 )
    I heard they had already issued Windows 95 but I'm not sure. Have you heard anything about it?

    Yeah, it works flawlessly, i tried the version in a Windows 98SE:

    binkd11a99-msvc-binkd9x-static <

    (Last version i found), in Windows 95 i suppose it should work without problems.

    ==== Begin "binkd.log" ====

    11 Apr 18:17:54 [47657] BEGIN standalone, binkd/1.1a-99/Win9x -p -P 4:90/1 binkd.cfg
    11 Apr 18:17:54 [47657] creating a poll for 4:90/1@fidonet (`d' flavour)
    11 Apr 18:17:54 [47657] clientmgr started
    + 11 Apr 18:17:54 [56769] call to 4:90/1@fidonet
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] getaddrinfo failed: hostname nor servname provided, or not known (-1)
    11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] trying f1.n90.z4.binkp.net []...
    11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] connected
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] outgoing session with f1.n90.z4.binkp.net:24554 []
    - 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] OPT MB CRAM-MD5-a2a2052346e7c9dc856be291f63c5521
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] Remote requests MD mode
    - 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] SYS Momia BBS
    - 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] ZYZ Manuel Adorni
    - 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] LOC La Plata, Buenos Aires, ARG
    - 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] NDL ALL
    - 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] TIME 2020/04/11 18:44:26 -5:00
    - 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] VER Internet Rex 2.29 Win32 (binkp/1.1)
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] addr: 4:90/1@fidonet
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] addr: 4:4/0@fidonet
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] addr: 4:90/0@fidonet
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] addr: 4:902/0@fidonet
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] addr: 4:902/27@fidonet
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] addr: 4:902/100@fidonet
    ? 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] rerror: bad password
    + 11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] done (to 4:90/1@fidonet, failed, S/R: 0/0 (0/0 bytes))
    11 Apr 18:17:55 [56769] session closed, quitting...
    11 Apr 18:17:55 [47657] the queue is empty, quitting...
    ==== End "binkd.log" ====

    Try this place




    --- FMail/386 1.60.GPL
    * Origin: 386_40mhz-8MB_ram/DOS6.22/IBM_TCP-IP/Binkd-DOS/Fmail1.6/ (4:900/106)
  • From Troy Tuttle@1:229/101 to Thierry Olmedo on Mon Apr 13 10:01:44 2020
    I have a question , im use Binkd DOS bases on version 0.9.5a/DOS, it
    took me a long long time to configure the IBM TCP/DOS since the configuration is tricked ( it did no solve internet names and Binkd/DOS can only be used on that network ) , my question if it whas ever tought
    to do it using a packet driver , right now i'm using a PC 386 DX40mhz,
    DOS 6.22, 8MB RAM, NE2000 compatible Network Card ( I also use a Binkd Win/16 with Windows 3.11 )

    So I use a pure DOS setup as well (MSDOS 6.22, Desqview/QEMM, QuickBBS,
    FMAIL) and I ported binkd to using wattcp and DJGPP a few weeks back. So it's version based off version 1.1 and I've used it for awhile and seems stable. I used it with a packet driver and it's had no issues at all.

    I've never officially published a binary but the source is on my github account. I'm not sure where I would distribute such a binary aside from my BBS or I guess my github account.


    I suppose publishing it through the filebone is also an option.

    I've also starting porting the latest fmail back to DOS as well again via
    DJGPP so maybe in a bit I'll have a new version of that to publish.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/13 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: % disksh0p!bbs % bbs.diskshop.ca % SciNet ftn hq % (1:229/101)
  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Troy Tuttle on Mon Apr 13 11:51:04 2020
    Hello Troy,

    I suppose publishing it through the filebone is also an option.

    Yes, that is an option. I would appreciate that.

    I've also starting porting the latest fmail back to DOS as well again
    via DJGPP so maybe in a bit I'll have a new version of that to

    I can think of a node who may be able to and would like to use this. The node I
    am thinking of is having trouble with his HMB and SuperBBS. His problem is the limitations of HMB.

    In any case I'm sure fmail for DOS would be a good thing to have. I'm not sure which FDN would be a good place to look to. Janis Kracht at 1:261/38 could direct you to a suitable FDN I am sure.

    Ttyl :-),

    --- GoldED+/LNX
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Deon George@3:633/509 to Troy Tuttle on Tue Apr 14 10:24:44 2020
    Re: Re: Binkd DOS Packet Driver
    By: Troy Tuttle to Thierry Olmedo on Mon Apr 13 2020 10:01 am

    I've never officially published a binary but the source is on my github account. I'm not sure where I would distribute such a binary aside from my BBS or I guess my github account.

    Hey this looks interesting... I might even have a play.

    Can you put a "binary" package on github - under the releases (I dont know how you do that, but I've seen some projects do it - hpt is an example.)

    ... I never knew a girl who was ruined by a good book.
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Linux
    * Origin: I'm playing with ANSI+videotex - wanna play too? (3:633/509)
  • From Max Vasilyev@2:5057/77 to Troy Tuttle on Tue Apr 14 20:40:36 2020
    Hello Troy!

    13 Apr 20 10:01, you wrote to Thierry Olmedo:

    I ported binkd to using wattcp and DJGPP a few
    weeks back. So it's version based off version 1.1 and I've used it for awhile and seems stable. I used it with a packet driver and it's had
    no issues at all.
    Could you share an instruction how to compile it (needed libriries, compiler version, etc...) and how to make DOS environment for testing (drivers, autoexec/config)?

    WBR, Max. piwamoto!писем-нет
    --- скучаю по FleetStreet'у :-(((
    * Origin: Personal Reality (2:5057/77)
  • From Troy Tuttle@1:229/101 to Troy Tuttle on Tue Apr 21 22:45:08 2020
    Ok so I followed the Makefile convention and created a new Makefile for DJGPP much like the others so that part is the same.

    WATT32 needs to be placed in a directory with the same parent as binkd. I
    build it myself and there are instructions on how to do so here http://watt-32.net/

    etc, etc,

    I used the DJGPP 7.2.0 build from here https://github.com/andrewwutw/build-djgpp/releases

    As for a DOS environment I used MS-DOS on real hardware but I suspect a VM would be fine. As for setting up a packet driver that is far too much to be explained here since it depends on network card. There is enough information abound on the internet about setting that up accordingly.

    One caveat at the moment is the Makefile has directives to build for pentium architectures and you might need to change it to suit your needs.

    If I can help in any other way, ask away.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/04/13 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: % disksh0p!bbs % bbs.diskshop.ca % SciNet ftn hq % (1:229/101)
  • From Viktor Cizek@2:421/79 to Thierry Olmedo on Thu Apr 23 08:57:46 2020
    Hello Thierry!

    11 Apr 20 20:35, Thierry Olmedo napsal pro All:

    I have a question , im use Binkd DOS bases on version 0.9.5a/DOS, it
    took me a long long time to configure the IBM TCP/DOS since the configuration is tricked ( it did no solve internet names and
    Binkd/DOS can only be used on that network ) , my question if it whas
    ever tought to do it using a packet driver , right now i'm using a PC
    386 DX40mhz, DOS 6.22, 8MB RAM, NE2000 compatible Network Card ( I
    also use a Binkd Win/16 with Windows 3.11 )

    I am using binkd in DOS for experimental and self-education purposes. I created
    a binkd port with WATTCP32, compiled by DJGPP. DOS packet drivers are for 3Com 3C905 or 3C509 network adapters.

    e-mail: viktor@m19.cz

    --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20130111
    * Origin: M19 - fido.m19.cz, +420-549211494 (2:421/79)