• Re: Todays Bible Vers 1/2

    From Jon Justvig@2:250/5 to Daryl Stout on Thu Oct 17 23:26:18 2019
    On 02 Jun 2019, Daryl Stout said the following...

    First, sorry for the long reply below.

    No need to be sorry.

    Second, all of the sins committed by the believer on Jesus Christ
    (past, present, and future), were paid for by Christ's shed Blood on
    The Old Rugged Cross of Calvary. If even one sin was NOT paid for,
    Christ would still be in the grave, and all of us would be wasting our time. As the Apostle Paul noted in 1 Corinthians 15, "If Christ is not risen from the dead, our preaching is in vain...your faith is in vain...those who have died in Christ have perished...and we are the most miserable of all creatures. But, Christ IS risen from the dead, and is
    the First Fruits of them that sleep" (a word for Christian death). Later in that same chapter (verses 51-55), Paul talks about "a mystery"...something that has never been revealed before. In this case, it's The Rapture Of The Church.

    Romans 8:1 notes "There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit". And, John 3:16-18 notes "For God so loved the world, that he gave His Only
    Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in (on) Him, should not perish
    (die in their sin), but have eternal life. For God sent His Son in the world not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believes on The Son is NOT CONDEMNED. But, he who does
    not believe on The Son is CONDEMNED ALREADY; because he has not believed on The Name of The Only Begotten Son of God".

    Now, once we got saved, we were made alive spiritually, but we did NOT lose our sin nature...never mind we still wake up with body odor, bad breath, and the call of nature...as well as the rest of ills in this

    Usually we clean our soul when we do right.

    Concerning the Scripture above, for the believer on Jesus, The
    Judgment Seat Of Christ, which will take place immediately after the Rapture Of The Church, examines the WORKS of the believers...and NOT the believers themselves (it is NOT a judgment for sin). If the latter was true, then Heaven would be empty.

    As for "things done in the body", were these done for our glory (to
    be seen of men)?? If so, that's all the reward we get. Or, were they
    done for The Glory of The Lord??

    Things like the Fifth Commandment of "Honoring your father and your mother, so your days may be long upon the Earth" has special meaning for me. As you know, my Mom is dying in the nursing home, and for so long, I've felt like all that I've done for her (paperwork, phone calls,
    faxes, etc.) has been for nothing.

    My dad would have been 82 this year... it's been awhile since I seen my mom.

    Scripture notes that with taking care of ones parents (the roles are reversed), one will be "recompensed at the resurrection of the just". However, to me, The Lord deserves ANY of the crowns, rewards, and glory, far more than I do. But, with all I've done for her, it's not that I had an obligation to do so, but it was "the right thing to do".

    A more thorough explanation on The Bema Judgment Seat Of Christ (which is for BELIEVERS ON JESUS ONLY)....from Pentecost until the Rapture, is noted below. Even if a believer has all of their works burned up there, they will still be in Heaven. They may have a less honorable place in Heaven and Christ's Kingdom than others, but they will still be in Heaven...because they did "The One Thing God requires".

    Also, note that those who die in their sins, without doing "the one thing God requires" will instead be at The Great White Throne Judgment. They will have "no mediator or defense attorney", and because they
    didn't let Jesus pay for their sins, they will pay for them forever, in The Lake Of Fire...and with Satan, his demonic hordes, the Antichrist
    (The Beast), and The False Prophet, "will be tormented day and night, forever and ever".

    The Lord is coming soon.

    Jonathan Justvig

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