• Setting up MajorBBS under Windows XP

    From Richard Vonzel@1:282/1038 to All on Thu Mar 2 15:58:18 2023
    Hello everybody!

    I'm working of setting up a MajorBBS bbs under Windows XP in a VirtualBox. I'm having a heck of a time getting the IP setting correct. I'm using SWSVPKT packet driver for the protocol. I also can't seem to get port 23 to open up. Anyone have some ideas what I might do to get this running?


    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: >>The File Cabinet BBS<< filecabi.casacam.net (1:282/1038)
  • From Jas Hud@1:103/705 to Richard Vonzel on Thu Mar 2 18:22:14 2023
    To: Richard Vonzel
    Re: Setting up MajorBBS under Windows XP
    By: Richard Vonzel to All on Thu Mar 02 2023 03:58 pm

    Hello everybody!

    I'm working of setting up a MajorBBS bbs under Windows XP in a VirtualBox. I'm having a heck of a time getting the IP setting correct. I'm using SWSVPKT packet driver for the protocol. I also can't seem to get port 23 to open up. Anyone have some ideas what I might do to get this running?

    what have you tried? EXACTLY

    i did it before using swsvpkt and it was pretty simple stuff.
    maybe you entered in some incorrect settings.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Richard Vonzel@1:282/1038 to Jas Hud on Fri Mar 3 09:49:28 2023
    I'm working of setting up a MajorBBS bbs under Windows XP in a VirtualB I'm having a heck of a time getting the IP setting correct. I'm using SWSVPKT packet driver for the protocol. I also can't seem to get port 2 open up. Anyone have some ideas what I might do to get this running?

    what have you tried? EXACTLY

    i did it before using swsvpkt and it was pretty simple stuff.
    maybe you entered in some incorrect settings.

    So I'm running Windows XP inside a VirtualBox.
    MajorBBS wants to know the IP Address,Local Network Mask, Gateway IP Address, Primary domain name server, and secondary domain name server.
    The ipconfig /all reports an ip address of, gateway ip address as, prim domain name server is and the same for the secondary.

    The main ip address coming into the router is
    I have opened port 23 on the router and the firewall.
    I sill can't get it to accept any income telnet calls.

    Any help would be great!


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The File Cabinet BBS - filecabi.casacam.net:1025 (1:282/1038)
  • From Jas Hud@1:103/705 to Richard Vonzel on Fri Mar 3 16:52:16 2023
    To: Richard Vonzel
    Re: Re: Setting up MajorBBS under Windows XP
    By: Richard Vonzel to Jas Hud on Fri Mar 03 2023 09:49 am

    So I'm running Windows XP inside a VirtualBox.
    MajorBBS wants to know the IP Address,Local Network Mask, Gateway IP Address, Primary domain name server, and secondary domain name server.
    The ipconfig /all reports an ip address of, gateway ip address as, prim domain name server is and the same for the secondary.

    The main ip address coming into the router is
    I have opened port 23 on the router and the firewall.
    I sill can't get it to accept any income telnet calls.

    Any help would be great!

    check to make sure you did everything right. why do you have it at 192.168.0.*? that's kinda weird.

    really it's not hard and people that didn't know what they were doing got it working easy. i think you made an error or your virtual box isnt connectable. did you try running another service inside the vm and connecting in?

    i'd rather see screenshots than have someone type out what they think they have it setup as. tons of times i've seen people say one thing and do the other.

    get mbbs4ever and run it and see if you are connectable.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Vertrauen - [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net (1:103/705)
  • From Glenn Rossi@1:275/301 to Richard Vonzel on Fri Mar 3 19:04:40 2023
    On 3/3/2023 10:49, Richard Vonzel wrote:
    JH> > I'm working of setting up a MajorBBS bbs under Windows XP in a VirtualB
    JH> > I'm having a heck of a time getting the IP setting correct. I'm using
    JH> > SWSVPKT packet driver for the protocol. I also can't seem to get port 2
    JH> > open up. Anyone have some ideas what I might do to get this running?
    JH> >
    JH> what have you tried? EXACTLY
    JH> i did it before using swsvpkt and it was pretty simple stuff.
    JH> maybe you entered in some incorrect settings.

    So I'm running Windows XP inside a VirtualBox.
    MajorBBS wants to know the IP Address,Local Network Mask, Gateway IP Address, Primary domain name server, and secondary domain name server.
    The ipconfig /all reports an ip address of, gateway ip address as, prim domain name server is and the same for the secondary.

    The main ip address coming into the router is
    I have opened port 23 on the router and the firewall.
    I sill can't get it to accept any income telnet calls.

    Any help would be great!


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The File Cabinet BBS - filecabi.casacam.net:1025 (1:282/1038)

    When you say you "opened port 23" on the router, what do you mean?
    Usually what you do is set up port forwarding so that someone outside
    your LAN tries to attach to your WAN address ( on a given
    port (23) and your router "port forwards" it to some port (23 perhaps)
    on an IP inside your LAN (

    This assumes that there is software on the machine with the LAN IP
    expecting connections on that port, and the Windows firewall has been
    told to allow this to happen.

    This also assumes that the router isn't laready using port 23 for its
    own telnet interface (unlikely these days, but possible).
    --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32
    * Origin: IPTIA 1:275/301 bbs2.ipingthereforeiam.com:2323 (1:275/301)
  • From Travis Mehrer@1:134/303 to Richard Vonzel on Fri Mar 3 17:34:50 2023
    I'm working of setting up a MajorBBS bbs under Windows XP in a
    VirtualBox. I'm having a heck of a time getting the IP setting correct. I'm using SWSVPKT packet driver for the protocol. I also can't seem to
    get port 23 to open up. Anyone have some ideas what I might do to get
    this running?

    Just a shot in the dark but... having played withk VirtualBox a fair bit lately I've noticed that it tends to default to NAT networking rather than bridged. Essentially putting your VM behind another router/firewall.

    Have you checked you're using bridged networking?

    Devices >> Network >> Network settings.

    Under attached to, change to bridged networking.

    ... A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. Asks: 'Can I join you?'

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: CaNerDUH BBS (1:134/303)
  • From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Travis Mehrer on Fri Mar 3 22:11:02 2023
    Re: Re: Setting up MajorBBS under Windows XP
    By: Travis Mehrer to Richard Vonzel on Fri Mar 03 2023 05:34 pm

    I'm working of setting up a MajorBBS bbs under Windows XP in a VirtualBox. I'm having a heck of a time getting the IP setting correct. I'm using SWSVPKT packet driver for the protocol. I also can't seem to get port 23 to open up. Anyone have some ideas what I might do to get this running?

    Just a shot in the dark but... having played withk VirtualBox a fair bit lat I've noticed that it tends to default to NAT networking rather than bridged. Essentially putting your VM behind another router/firewall.

    Have you checked you're using bridged networking?

    Devices >> Network >> Network settings.

    Under attached to, change to bridged networking.

    ... A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. Asks: 'Can I join you?

    LOL at the tag but most don't get it. I worked as a SQL programmer for 10 year.

    --- SBBSecho 2.11-Win32
    * Origin: SHENK'S EXPRESS (1:275/100)
  • From Michael Luko@1:266/512 to Richard Vonzel on Sat Mar 4 01:10:00 2023
    So I'm running Windows XP inside a VirtualBox.
    MajorBBS wants to know the IP Address,Local Network Mask, Gateway IP Address, Primary domain name server, and secondary domain name
    The ipconfig /all reports an ip address of, gateway ip
    address as, prim domain name server is and
    the same for the secondary.
    The main ip address coming into the router is
    I have opened port 23 on the router and the firewall.
    I sill can't get it to accept any income telnet calls.

    Not sure if you tried to set up port forwarding in the VM. Network
    advance settings. This will setup forwarding from your host machine to
    the Guest. I had to do this when transfered my bbs setup to VitrualBox.
    I notice the connection getting to my main system (host) but not
    reaching inside the VM (guest). I set the port forwarding and PCBoard
    accepted the connection within the VM.

    --- QScan/PCB v1.20a / 01-0462
    * Origin: Christian Fellowship | cfbbs.no-ip.com 856-933-7096 (1:266/512)
  • From Richard Vonzel@1:282/1038 to Travis Mehrer on Sat Mar 4 09:56:04 2023
    Hello Travis!

    03 Mar 23 17:34, you wrote to me:

    I'm working of setting up a MajorBBS bbs under Windows XP in a
    VirtualBox. I'm having a heck of a time getting the IP setting
    correct. I'm using SWSVPKT packet driver for the protocol. I also
    can't seem to get port 23 to open up. Anyone have some ideas what
    I might do to get this running?

    Just a shot in the dark but... having played withk VirtualBox a fair
    bit lately I've noticed that it tends to default to NAT networking
    rather than bridged. Essentially putting your VM behind another router/firewall.

    Have you checked you're using bridged networking?

    Devices >> Network >> Network settings.

    Under attached to, change to bridged networking.

    ... A SQL query walks into a bar and sees two tables. Asks: 'Can I
    join you?'

    I have VM setup bridged networking. I guess I am trying to figure out what IP address to use in the MajorBBS settings? Also when I do a port check on 23, it show's closed, and not sure why. I MysticNNS setup using port 1025, and that one shows open.


    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: >>The File Cabinet BBS<< filecabi.casacam.net (1:282/1038)